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912555 No. 912555 ID: 395c02

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No. 912624 ID: c0641d

Food first. But I suppose you'll have to explore a bit to find food.

Kind of interesting that this is being rebooted. Not sure how I feel about the abridged intro, though. Was it just to simplify, or did a change to the underlining plot necessitate the cut? Lemme check...

Also, what was the last thing you remember doing before getting knocked out?
No. 912642 ID: 094652

Ever play minecraft?
Use your Neumono Strength to bite the bark from the trees.
Get Lumber, Get Twine, Get Rock, Create Basic Axe, then chop a coconut.
No. 912674 ID: 719d94

What time is it? If it's early in the day, explore a bit so you can figure out where you are, what you need, and what your options are for getting it. If it's later in the day, then getting shelter as soon as possible is going to be a higher priority. Either way, food can probably wait until tomorrow, it hasn't been that long since you ate, right?
No. 912749 ID: 83bf07

Water. Water first, temporary shelter, food, proper shelter.
No. 912855 ID: 2007b6

Food first, you'll die without it.
Given that you don't seem to have any tools or materials, constructing a shelter will be a lot of work for not much reward, so that can wait for last. Exploration might result in stumbling across pre-existing shelter or other useful things.
No. 913597 ID: 91ee5f

Food first.
No. 913600 ID: fd2d31

Gotta find drinkable water first.
Or juicy and safe to eat fruits or coconuts.
Food and shelter priority depends on the upcoming weather situation.
No. 913601 ID: a9af05

Find some food.
No. 915356 ID: 395c02
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Food. Food is important. Water is also important, but raw meat contains enough water to sustain me for a time.


I would be lying if I said the thought of eating raw meat excited me. I grew up in a city, eating proper food. I...

No, it'll be okay. Focus on one thing at a time. I will have time to panic after I'm situated.

Priority one: Food. Also water.
Priority two: Exploration, partly because it helps with priority one. That's pretty convenient.
Priority three: Shelter. A home is no good if I'm dying of hunger inside it.


Priority one and a half: Finding a way to cook the food.

>I just hope Koror hasn't lost their personality...
If I let myself get too emotional, my empathy might get much more noticeable by any hostile neumono or... let's not even think about the other possibilities.

Anyway, I don't fancy my chances catching fish, so it's to the forest with me.
No. 915357 ID: 395c02
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... You know, if I ignore the whole 'will probably die of exposure' thing, I'd admit to feeling a tiny bit excited.

City life was safe, but it was the same actions taken every day without end. This is new. This is different.

It's one thing to play a simulator. But to actually be here, breathing this crisp albeit salty air...

This would be amazing if I wasn't about to die.

It's always something.
No. 915359 ID: 395c02
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After several minutes of being as quiet as I can, I spot my chance to escape the tyranny of hunger.

But. Uh. Can I actually do this? If I go in without a plan, I might find myself enjoying the vacation of being that thing's meal.

(It's not worth the price of admission.)

What do I do? Fashion a weapon...? Build some kind of trap? Something else entirely?

Think, Koror. Think...
No. 915363 ID: c7d850

If you can convince it that fighting you isn't worth a meal then you can steal its kill. Pounce and go for a bite to its neck.
No. 915364 ID: 8f6858

Fighting anything here without a weapon seems like a bad idea.
No. 915365 ID: de6d84

Any loose vines, sticks, and rocks around to tie together a club, if you're able to?
No. 915366 ID: b1b4f3

Find the biggest rock you can throw to hit that thing from this bush. Throw it at its head. If you hit it, run up and finish the job, with the rock or your teeth.
No. 915376 ID: 080aaf

Dig a pitfall trap. Hands-free killing!
No. 915378 ID: a9af05


>Finish the job, with the rock or your teeth.
Or his claws by ripping the things throat out.
No. 915389 ID: 91ee5f

Get yourself a weapon of some kind.
No. 915395 ID: 0c3c2c

Wait for it to eat its fill, then loot the corpse for meat. Think like a scavenger. There aren't any other Neumono around to back you up so your only advantage is your wits and any weapons you can make from rocks and sticks.

Failing that, wait for it to finish eating, take off your shirt and hold it behind your back, then jump out while screaming and flapping your shirt. The creature should be alarmed and distressed and will likely flee, leaving the corpse to you.
No. 915413 ID: 83bf07

Examine your surroundings. Is there any loose branches or trunks? You can fashion yourself a jabbing stick or a club depending on weight. You do need to back away right now though. Because any sudden movements to get these items will probably startle the predator.
No. 919527 ID: 395c02
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My claws...

I have a natural advantage there, being redgrass and all, but I'm not even remotely trained for combat. I need a weapon.

I look all around me, doing my damnedest not to make a sound.
No. 919528 ID: 395c02
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Ah, here we go.

My heart's racing. If I let anxiety best me, I'll make a bunch of dumb mistakes, become a glowing beacon of empathy, and also die.

I would like to avoid all three, but that last one in particular.

Well. Now or never. Here goes.
No. 919529 ID: 395c02
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With everything I have, I strike at the beast...!


A surprised yelp emits from it.

I raise my hand for another strike, not intending to give it a chance
No. 919530 ID: 395c02
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No. 919531 ID: 395c02
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No. 919532 ID: 395c02
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No. 919533 ID: 465a14

Stop that unless you want to lose the other arm too.
No. 919534 ID: 10c408

Well shit. Did it abscond with your arm or is it preparing to attack again?
No. 919535 ID: 8f6858

You are going to want to get away from that thing.
No. 919536 ID: de6d84

You can still avoid that last thing! At least keep pressure over the wound right now.
No. 919545 ID: b1b4f3

>barely any reaction to getting smashed in the face with a large rock
>rips off an arm in one bite
Ohhhh okay we're dealing with superfauna here. This must be one of those hellhole islands. Access to meat is looking unlikely, and so you're going to have to learn the prey species' habits to survive.

Well, keep pressure on the wound and skedaddle. The beast has a kill AND your arm to eat so it probably won't chase you down?
No. 919547 ID: 06fdc0

Oh. Oh dear. That might have been a bad idea, Koror.
No. 919549 ID: 91ee5f

It took your arm! Get your revenge by stealing the animal corpse it was eating and running away with it! It’s your food now!

Don’t forget to pick up your hat!

Well, it’s not like he’s entirely at fault here, seeing as we’re responsible for telling him to attack that thing in the first place.
No. 919551 ID: 465a14

>Ohhhh okay we're dealing with superfauna here. This must be one of those hellhole islands. Access to meat is looking unlikely, and so you're going to have to learn the prey species' habits to survive.
All of Astreneus is one of those hellholes, and neumono are obligate carnivores. Look at the teeth. They're not going to puke from having a vegetable with dinner but they aren't going to sustain themselves without animal protein either.
No. 919553 ID: b1b4f3

Normally you can actually kill beasts though. That thing wasn't even that big, and it demonstrated durability and strength on par with genetically engineered bio-weapons.
No. 919556 ID: 465a14

Or it just doesn't have its brain in its head, like neumono do. As for being as strong as a "genetically engineered bio-weapon", please. Go look at a tiger's swipe or a gator bite and tell me it's implausible to rip off a scrawny neumono's arm.
No. 919562 ID: b1b4f3

It's pretty hard to rip off a limb. Usually what happens is the rest of the body follows along with it.
No. 919564 ID: 080aaf

Oh don't be such a baby, arms grow back.
Track it down. Get another surprise attack. Use a bigger rock.
No. 919565 ID: 0c3c2c

.....Koror you're a Neumono. Why did you think hitting it with a rock would work? Almost everything on Astreneus is bigger, meaner and toothier than Neumono. The mythical Wendigo is literally a Neumono that evolved to eat Neumono.

Either way, it left the corpse, so there's still food! Now, just make your shirt into a tourniquet, then eat what's left of the corpse.
No. 919566 ID: e7848c

Use that adrenaline to take that thing's meal it left and SCRAM. You're going to need the calories soon.
No. 919618 ID: 2fe26a

First things first.

Retrieve hat.
No. 919625 ID: a9af05

Do this.
No. 919695 ID: 864e49

First pick up hat.
Second throw hat down in disgust.
No. 919697 ID: 4c908d

Lie down.

Don't cry.

Then cry a lot.
No. 919738 ID: 9125e0

Don't lie down, as it will only be met with death. Retrieve your hat and take whatever that you can carry, make your way back to the beach and start building a camp, it doesn't have to be fancy. Just try to get what you can, and get out before that thing comes back for more.
No. 919740 ID: fd2d31

Stop the bleeding, maybe by sacrificing your shirt by ripping it to strips that can be used to apply pressure.

After that, go foraging for fruits & tubers, and locate a drinkable water source.

With that sorted, time to figure out a place to rest that is safe, afterwards weapon crafting so you can get payback on that sonofabitch thing that ripped off your arm.
No. 925729 ID: 395c02
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>Stop that unless you want to lose the other arm too.

>Did it abscond with your arm or is it preparing to attack again?
I'm gonna...

>You are going to want to get away from that thing.

>You can still avoid that last thing!
run away

No. 925730 ID: 395c02
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>Lie down. >abscond >Koror
>Don't cry. >get away >Neumono
>Don't lie down >cry >Koror
>eat Neumono. >kill >Neumono
>pressure >bite >Koror
>wound >rip >Neumono
>bad idea >arm >Koror
>bad >die >Neumono
No. 925731 ID: 395c02
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No. 925732 ID: 395c02
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"t-think he'll wake up?"

"of course! I'm the best nurse in town!"

"we're on an island..."

No. 925734 ID: 395c02
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"Hi! Hey! You're finally awake!"

No. 925735 ID: 395c02
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"You were out for awhile! But I found you! Now, it's very important that you do not panic, so please take in the serene and calming surroundings that are very real and not at all painted by my very talented bestest friend ever!"


This is not at all what I pictured Neumono Heaven looking like.

Or is this...?

Damn it. I should have been nicer to that brat-- I mean, fellow classmate in grade 4.

"How long was I out?"

"Heeehe! Maybe three days? But don't worry! I've been keeping you company!"

I find myself struggling to find comfort in the words of a gigantic plush doll.
No. 925738 ID: cbdfa8

Is it edible?
No. 925739 ID: b1b4f3

Check yourself out. Also tell the plush doll she's very cute, who did her stitching?
No. 925740 ID: 080aaf

Inspect tiny regenerating arm.
Now look up
No. 925741 ID: de6d84

Who's your "bestest friend ever?"

Get close to the doll and see how big it is.
No. 925742 ID: 8f6858

So, what seems to be piloting this giant plush doll?
No. 925748 ID: ad51b8

...look up
No. 925749 ID: a9af05

Telling me not to panic makes me want to panic!
No. 925750 ID: bcc41d

Hey now. You're still alive and someone else who can speak is also here, on this island, even if they've gone lala enough to fashion themselves a friend. In other good news, this means that there must be enough food and shelter to survive, which you really need, what with being down an arm and having discovered that the local wildlife be TOUGH, QUICK AND ANGRY.

Also, since you had a solid freak-out and haven't been eaten by local cannibal tribe Neumono yet, you're proooobably safe from that fate as well. Yey.

Are you hungry? Thirsty? Ask if they have food and water, if so. Ask for their name. Introduce yourself and explain your circumstances. You were on a cruise, got knocked out for some reason and now you're here. Thought you'd challenge a big mean predator you stumbled across, because, uh, you were hungry and have never really done this 'survival' thing before.

(Is this an alien? Do you sense any empathy?)
No. 925754 ID: 465a14

Well, considering how much your host seems to care for the doll and scenery, best not to let on that it doesn't seem realistic. Still best to let them know you're not panicked and aware you're around aliens. Mention the lack of empathy and ask what's up.
No. 925755 ID: e7848c

Close your eyes. Count backwards from 10. Take a deep breath. Open your eyes and take in your surroundings. Check self.
No. 925765 ID: 1ed92d

Politely ask if the giant green thing holding the plush doll is a hand or a leg.
No. 925775 ID: df5c09

...You can't even. You can't even so much you don't even got half a clue the way to even. Pull the covers over your head (and be rudely reminded that your right arm hasn't regrown yet when you try to grab 'em with it.) If you just listen and don't look then you can at least pretend things are some semblance of normal and sane while speaking to whoever and whatever this is.

Introduce yourself and ask your savior what their name is and what their friend's name is. While doing that, check if you can sense any other neumono around. If not then either there are none or you're in a jammer bubble. Ask how they came across and saved you, then recount how you came to be there.

How hungry are you? Three days without eating with your body trying to regen a arm probably has left you feeling famished. Likely very thirsty too. ...And you maybe in need of a bathroom as well. Politely ask for some water and food and directions to the toilet facilities for later on.
No. 925782 ID: 91ee5f

“There is a giant green hand moving you around! It’s very hard for me to not panic!”

“.....oh, no, now I’m talking to the doll like it’s alive! I must be going crazy, so now I’m panicking even more!”
No. 925784 ID: fd2d31

"ahh great, I'm not alone but the company is a nutcase"
No. 925809 ID: 27c0e0

Koror you are the worst at being a neumono.

Also where pigmys? >:[
No. 925824 ID: 055cbc

"I am very hungry, miss nurse"
No. 929542 ID: 395c02
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"Waving a giant doll in my face does little to convince me I should not in fact be panicking," I say.

"Doll? How insulting! I'm a person with feelings and ambitions, not some piece of eye-candy!"


"Don't think about getting fresh! My dear and wonderful friend is really good at protecting me for reasons I shouldn't tell you yet because of the whole panicking thing!"

"I promise you the thought hadn't crossed my mind."

"Oh. Well, good! Sorry about my snap judgement, you'd be surprised how often it's come up!"

"I really would."

a real neumono wouldn't make that mistake, you know...

"Take a moment to get your bearings but maybe don't do it too much just yet because you might be overwhelmed by the scenery! I'll be back in a bit!"

The puppet-- let me make sure I have enough quotes here.

The puppet """""walks""""" off, leaving me a moment of peace.

>Koror you are the worst at being a neumono.
At the moment I don't think I disagree with you. With myself.
No. 929543 ID: 395c02
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>Check yourself out.
My arm is... better? That was fast. Maybe there are some aspects of being a neumono I'm not so bad at. At the moment I find myself quite glad I belong to a species that can often shrug off dismemberment.

>Do you sense any empathy?
Faintly. Certainly not from that gigantic plush toy. There are other neumono on this island, without a doubt. That could be great news, or it could be...

Uh. Not quite where I was going with that. I mean, it's possible?

I think I'm slightly further from the source than when I was ashore, but they're still just in sensing range. Thankfully this means my own empathy should be easily drowned out by theirs, so long as I don't panic again.

...I could have died back there.


Not panicking may prove difficult.

That's a worrying thought. I always feels so off talking to those. How do the other races even get through the day without the ability to feel each other?

It must be lonely being trapped in their own heads like that.


Koror, you have plenty more important things to worry about right now.

Argh. I shouldn't be wasting my time lying here. I need to get back home.

If there are aliens, I hope they're pomi. pomi are kind of cute.

Shit, what if they're belenosians? I'd...
No. 929544 ID: 395c02
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No. 929546 ID: 395c02
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No. 929547 ID: 395c02
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"Well now look what you've done!"

"H-how is this my fault!?"

"You're the one not watching her giant pretty tail! How could it not be your fault!"

"You're the one who distracted me!"

"Well now he's going to panic!"

"Not if you use your charm and beauty to keep him calm!"

"I was just telling him— you do it!"

"That'll only make it worse!"

"Maybe he's into interspecies romance!"

"That only happens in sloppy romance stories written by hacks."

No. 929548 ID: 395c02
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I want off this wild ride.

I see two options: I could interrupt their squabbling with the time-honored tradition of saying whatever comes to me, or I could take advantage of their distraction to try and sneak away... somewhere.

Wait, just thought of a third option. I could let my brain process what's going on and scream until I pass out. I admit, this one's pretty tempting right now.
No. 929549 ID: a9af05

"I knew that neumono was just a child's toy!"

"Wait, why am I the size of a child's toy?! Did you shrink me?! Why did you shrink me?! AAAAAAAHHH!!!"
No. 929550 ID: 4bb10e

Keep up the face and just scowl at them.
No. 929553 ID: 80c195

Dat, ass.

Take a deep breath, realize that if they wanted to harm you, they would have done so while you were sleeping. You aren't in immediate danger. Then interject with the only fitting response to the situation you currently find yourself in:

No. 929555 ID: 080aaf

As fun as playing hide and seek with the giant could be, I suggest you use your words to calm this down.
"Ladies, please! You're both beautiful!"
Inquire about the shrinkening.
No. 929557 ID: 8f6858

Ah, finally, someone capable of giving big hugs. We probably need that right now.
No. 929558 ID: e20bdf

This crazy giant alien with a neumono fetish can provide you food and shelter in this hostile environment your soft ass isn't prepared to handle. Say hello to your new sugar-daddy/suggar-mom. And you better hope it's the second or you will have to put your regeneration abilities to the limit with all the unnatural stretching in your future.
No. 929559 ID: 8d23f0

T-pose, scream, and run directly at her to assert dominance.
No. 929560 ID: ad51b8

...ask if they have alcohol. Alcohol sounds like it would be helpful right about now.
No. 929561 ID: 86eb65

The proper response to this is to pull the blanket over your head and go back to bed.

You are safe from jungle monsters and have your arm back and this nice crazy lady is trying to help you.

Just pull the covers up.
No. 929562 ID: bcc41d

Entertain, for a brief second, interspecies romance under the assumption that your life IS actually a sloppy romance novel written by a hack and all your travails thus far have been leading up to this.

"You DO have some nice thighs..."

Anyway, spouting ill-adviced nonsense sounds like a go-to solution around these parts, so keep at it.

"Hey, what even are you? Did the humans play god again and uplift ANOTHER species?"
No. 929564 ID: 1ed92d

Throw a pillow at the huge green thing and ask it to stop talking to the fake Neumono. Point out that you have Empathy and the fake cloth doll doesn't.
No. 929565 ID: fd2d31

>The proper response to this is to pull the blanket over your head and go back to bed.
While loudly uttering "That's it, I'm DONE with all this bullshit that's happened ever since I crashed"
No. 929567 ID: b1b4f3

Wander off. Might as well see what's around here.
No. 929569 ID: ecd116

analyze this scene and what this means. first do you know or seen this alien species before?

also role of this alien might be nurse/caretaker of young or researcher of wildlife and/or other aliens.
assume alien have probably met or at least have seen neumono due to evidence of doll.
was it your regeneration or is the medical tech is advanced enough to regrow your arm plus how long were you unconscious in the meantime?

last but not least. what did you expected for neumono heaven or hell to be like? and why did you not want belenosians to find you?
No. 929573 ID: 4854ef

Just start screaming, you deserve a panic break in a semi-safe place.
No. 929577 ID: 7fb87a

go back to sleep. maybe its a dream and you'll actually wake up.
No. 929588 ID: 91ee5f

>My arm is...better? That was fast.
Or maybe you’ve been asleep longer than you thought? It’s possible that you’ve been asleep long enough for your arm to grow back. And since that’s most likely a pretty long time, you must be starving!

Explain to the giant lady that she is insulting your intelligence by insisting that doll is real when you know it’s not a real Neumono.

Then explain how you know it’s not real by explaining the whole Neumono empathy thing.

Next, politely ask for food.

And, yeah, I guess ask why she shrunk you? Since it shouldn’t be possible for someone her size to actually exist, the only logical conclusion is that she shrunk you somehow.
No. 929597 ID: e7848c

You're in a coma. Welcome to your twisted mind.
No. 929598 ID: 2cc14c

In the flattest, most bored tone possible,
"Shut up and tell me where my clothes are you alien perverts."
Because your clothes are missing.
No. 929624 ID: 575ec0

>"Maybe he's into interspecies romance!"

I... I think it wants to mate.
No. 929625 ID: fd2d31

Time to point out the logistical and physical problems of that.
No. 929688 ID: 719d94

Calling your own tail pretty is questionable but potentially okay... but generally if you do so by having a sock puppet do it for you then it's just pathetic.

Anyway, you're lost far from home, and a lot smaller than this woman, but you're not a child, so if she'd be kind enough to treat you like a fucking grownup that'd be much appreciated.
No. 929698 ID: 58b4f3

Demand to know why she shrunk you!
No. 930044 ID: 422cea

Make sure your penises are there. All three of them.
No. 930136 ID: 9a5a7a

I should hope we only have one, considering that is the standard number for Neumono. Otherwise we somehow grew two more. Kinky.
No. 936182 ID: f34248

accuse her of witchcraft
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