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Psychic powers are more believable than something ignoring the square cube law.
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416 No. 416 ID: 5b76f8

104 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 1652 ID: 7d87d9

Cutebolds can't spell. They lack the intelligence to do so.
No. 1663 ID: c5ce35
File 125976763896.jpg - (119.92KB , 818x616 , 5165887.jpg )

Presenting, Lord Uberfluff.
No. 1862 ID: 7b8348

Your feelings of inadequacy drive you to create a persona that represents everything that you are not. You create a creature that is no longer human, because you can not have it associated with the imperfections that plague humanity. You make it ruthless to counteract your timid nature, strong to balance out your weakness, lean and cunning in your creation mirror your girth and stupidity. You make the ultimate creature to represent yourself and prove that you are a force to be reckoned with, it is perfect in almost every way save one: it was made by a worthless being of flesh and bone in order to make said being feel better. It only has power in your mind, it exists not in the physical world. You made a picture, a collection of pixels that in conjunction with an overinflated ego, serve to make you feel better. You know it does not work, you are painfully aware every day of your existence that you will never be your creation, you are aware that you are a weak creature in a vast universe. Even in the vastness of infinity one thing makes you unique, one thing connects you with the rest of us. Know this, you share something special with the rest of us, we all feel a deep dissatisfaction with what you have become and who you will be.
No. 1863 ID: 632862

No. 1864 ID: 697b23
File 126042904119.gif - (787.07KB , 480x360 , Clap.gif )

Well put.
No. 1865 ID: 2f90b3

No. 1866 ID: c5ce35

No. 1867 ID: 7711b8
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No. 1868 ID: 6550ad
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No. 1869 ID: 5b76f8
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No. 1870 ID: 7d87d9

What the hell you going on about?
No. 1871 ID: 7711b8
File 126046295738.jpg - (66.85KB , 425x369 , brainonsergals.jpg )

No. 1872 ID: 6550ad


And then SDF was a Timecube believer.
No. 1873 ID: 4aacd9

Are those worms in the layers of fat?
No. 1874 ID: 5d5878

I... what?
No. 1875 ID: 51d0f5

Looks like Translation Party.

No. 1876 ID: 5d5878

I didn't know that even existed. All this time I've been doing that manually.
No. 1877 ID: 964033
File 126048443675.jpg - (10.06KB , 219x219 , whut.jpg )

No. 1878 ID: 207732

John: How long is your clitoral hood?
No. 1879 ID: 4aacd9

Does this >>1862 make you angry? Does it make your blood boil, do you want to kill things?
No. 1880 ID: f4963f

This. Ears aren't where it counts, girl. Get out that measuring tape. <3
No. 1889 ID: c5ce35


John wants to kill things pretty much all the time anyway.
No. 1922 ID: b28b12
File 126099837837.png - (26.18KB , 350x350 , kuusinen.png )

Is that the truth John?
No. 1924 ID: c5ce35


You can't handle the John.
No. 1926 ID: 5b76f8
File 126107194125.png - (103.74KB , 1250x1250 , thetruthisoutwhatasurprise.png )

No. 1927 ID: 7d87d9

You said there would be quest John.

Where is the Quest?
No. 1928 ID: 1af206

So are there any communists you can, if only grudgingly, respect?
I don't expect you to like them, but something like "yeah, that guy is kinda OK for someone with a disgusting politically orientation."
No. 1929 ID: 51d0f5

No. 1931 ID: 5b76f8
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No. 1934 ID: 7d87d9

Why?! You got the EPIC ARMOR of HUGE BEAUTY
No. 1935 ID: 5d5878

Perhaps you are...

a communist.
No. 1936 ID: e45b52

A flaming Furry Communist. When set ablaze, you will be red.
No. 1939 ID: cf407a

guys guys John is not communist, in fact she is liberal Socialist.
No. 1941 ID: bc8ecd

Actually we are all secretly Communists we just don't know it yet.
No. 1960 ID: 7d87d9

How do you figure out who and who isn't a communist John?
No. 1964 ID: 488063

Why, by using the spell-like ability Detect Communist, of course.
No. 1966 ID: 5d5878

That makes no sense, communism is relative. The communist system is stupid anyway. I don't even know why they put it in.
No. 1968 ID: f4963f

Fuck you. I bet you just want to create daisy rings and talk about capatalism in a stern tone with the communists, don't you? Smite on Sight is the only way to play, and anyone who says differently is a commie hipster faggot.

John's doing it right. Man up, pussy.
No. 1969 ID: 3879b9

Well John, could you possible pose in your new armor for us?
I'd like to appreciate the fine craftsmanship and see if it's able to come close to your natural beauty.
No. 1981 ID: cf407a

I have this crazy idea, why not settle for a mixed economy? Open free markets with the currency artificially devalued by a benevolent oligarchical socialistic technocracy as much as possible to attract potential foreign investors?
No. 1982 ID: 5d5878

That is UNAMERICAN crazytalk. And by UNAMERICAN, I mean I can't understand a word of it. And AMERICA doesn't give two shits about things AMERICA can't understand.

So you know what that makes you, Mr. "I know big fancy faggot words and you don't"? One of them bleeding-heart tree-hugging commie pinko hippies.
No. 1986 ID: 7d87d9

SDF is Northern European... he hates Communists (or at least Russians) more than any of us could conceive!
No. 1988 ID: 0738f8
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What about the Chinese?
No. 1990 ID: 697b23

The problem with your system is finding the 'benevolent oligarchy.' Power corrupts, and even in a system with built-in checks and balances, those in power will seek newer and more creative ways to not only maintain their power but also to create new methods and venues in which to extend their authority.

Not to mention (actually to mention) the inherent mutual exclusivity of socialism with the idea of a free market. Socialism, by its very nature, eliminates the possibility of a free market. You can't have a 'partially' free market, and a market with any amount of government involvement is no longer a free market.

It's like saying 'well you only have a little bit of cancer, and it's limited to one organ. So you're still mostly cancer-free.' The very statement is as insulting as it is incorrect.
No. 1994 ID: c3c479
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I guess John gorged herself on candied cutebolds and became to fat to actually fit in the awesome armor.
It's a pity.
No. 1995 ID: cf407a

How did the Communist one state government of the people's republic of China pull it off?
No. 1996 ID: 632862

John, you are fat. WHY ARE YOU SO FAT
No. 1997 ID: 37456c

Everyone gains some weight during the holidays!
No. 1998 ID: 697b23

They didn't. They have a socialist market economy, which is a lot more decentralized than pure socialism, but still is not laissez-faire.
No. 1999 ID: cf407a

But the Chinese economy is more capitalist then America's.
No. 2000 ID: 37456c
File 126162719735.png - (94.96KB , 600x600 , 600px-Foreign_Holders_of_United_States_Treasury_Se.png )

That's because China practically OWNS America's economy.
No. 2003 ID: 51d0f5

Pretty sure he was just describing modern China.
No. 2004 ID: f4963f

The problem is that you're treating it like a binary switch when it's best viewed as a spectrum. If we take the definition of 'free market' to be 'an economic market without any government regulation', then I don't believe there's a single one in the world.
No. 2005 ID: 8ce2bf

So having cancer in one organ is the same as having it metastasize throughout your body? I would fucking love to be mostly cancer-free if I had cancer spread throughout my body, that is a terrible metaphor. Though to be fair there are only terrible metaphors for that because it's a terrible reasoning.
No. 2006 ID: 697b23

Well then that was a horrible description. How is a country that censors the Internet for their entire nation anything near 'benevolent'? What a joke.

Yup. You're both correct. Grand, isn't it?

You're a terrible metaphor. Actually you're just terrible at understanding metaphors.
No. 2010 ID: cf407a

Because its a country that is willing to execute one of their top drug regulators to improve the standards of their medicine and safety of their food products.

What do we do to drug and health regulators in the states who have turned out time and time again been convicted with the same acts? We give them more money.
No. 2011 ID: 697b23

Right. They did something good for their people. No government is able to mistreat its subjects 100% of the time or it'll be overthrown. I don't think anybody sees the Chinese government as a bunch of evil guys in a dark room making plots around a poorly-lit mahogany table.

My point was that they are interested more in maintaining their own power than the wellbeing of their citizenry, rather than being focused on the wellbeing of the population in order to assure continued support of their authority. Not that that isn't normal, as virtually all countries do it, but it is contradictory to the idea of a 'benevolent' government.
No. 2012 ID: 7d87d9

This thread has been hijacked by Communists.

Are you a bad enough Sergal to save this thread?
No. 2015 ID: 96dac0

Less than a quarter of foreign holdings isn't the entirety of the economy, bro. There's plenty of domestic holdings, and even disregarding them, it's less than a quarter. Compared to the American holdings in China, it's relatively insignificant. Where China is relatively dominant is in production of consumer goods, but that's a whole different can of worms.

I suppose I must be, since I'd make a horrible Sergal.
No. 2027 ID: cf407a

I can't seem to find any information on American holdings in China, either my Google-fu is weak or them Chicoms are sneaky-sneaky. However I do know the relationship between Americann holdings in China are a lot different then the relationship of Chinese holdings in America. For example, I do know The Chinese do not need to beg America Companies to invest into their domestic industries, its more of a extremely profitable business relationship between companies then petty politics and having no other alternative then to keep buying up US treasury bonds and facepalming HARD; I give you money, you make the products on time. Very simple. Win-win (Except for the factory workers.)If you're not willing to invest, there's ten to twenty other investors lining up behind you.

This is because China despite all of its flaws, corruption, and being one of the most polluted places on earth, does one thing right: As a nation it manages its finances and economy very well.

And China MUST manage it very well, is going to face ALOT of problems in the near future, a life insurance and pension crash, water stress, too many old people and not enough young workers in the next 20 or so years, desertification and not to mention the need for enormous amounts of energy. However, its quite prepared to face these problems, its got the money to buy itself out of troubles. They just need to continue using it wisely (Hopefully).
No. 2064 ID: bd57bb

I miss john...
No. 2067 ID: f44349
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No. 2068 ID: 51d0f5

Does that mean there's 7394 directives more important than that?
No. 2069 ID: af3e6d

No. All directives from 1-7394 are the same, but phrased differently and occasionally just in a different accent.
No. 2075 ID: 6be05a
Audio The_Red_Army_Choir_-_National_Anthem_of_the_USSR.mp3 - (5.47MB , The Red Army Choir - National Anthem of the USSR.mp3 )

No. 2078 ID: db9957

I don't. :V
No. 2079 ID: 5f9e7a

She may be a bitch, But I'll rather have her than these filthy fucking commies!
No. 2085 ID: 6be05a

She's also very fluffy, don't you people forget how goddamn fluffy John is.
The overall fluffiness of tgchan is on a record low since her absence.
No. 2150 ID: 7e2f1b

I miss AfterQuest
No. 2151 ID: c89b56

Odds are that Goshen & Aphek are locked away in some dungeon where they're forced to live the rest of their lives as john's playthings.
No. 2154 ID: 6951c3

Marriage isn't nearly a bad as you're making it out to be, even for Sergals.
No. 2155 ID: fa7b85

Um... Goshen's a dustlover and as we saw before JOHN HATES DUSTBACKS. Like a PROPER Sergal.
No. 2159 ID: c89b56

It's much easier to torture and humiliate someone you hate.
No. 2160 ID: 220b12

Where does the hate part come from?
The insults they exchanged are like flirting for Sergals.

I guess Apheks place in that relationship would be either house-slave, again, or the wedding feast.
No. 2162 ID: 51d0f5

Goshen isn't exactly an abolitionist. His reaction to the slavery question was 'well, I got a free slave and I guess that's neat but I don't know anything about taking care of them.'
No. 2167 ID: fa7b85

So John can you make a list of things you hate in order of how much you hate them?
No. 2173 ID: 7e2f1b


Slavery =/= "Love"
No. 2191 ID: 986c9c

John! Show us the cutest face you can make, in the cutest pose you can, er... pose in. Please.
No. 2890 ID: 8e18cd

Dammit, John. Stop hiding in the snow.
No. 2892 ID: ce7e37
File 126535786943.png - (57.91KB , 700x500 , 12652473866.png )

John Is rotting away in some god-forsaken gulag.
No. 2893 ID: 8e18cd


That's not John. And that's not gulag. That's vyt's basement.
No. 2894 ID: 62489a
File 126535808548.png - (21.86KB , 350x350 , sergal R U SERIOUS.png )

That's not John, that doesn't even look anything like a sergal, and you are a bad person.
No. 2895 ID: ce7e37

yeah it was the only picture I had of a sergal being tortured. But the point still stands: don't fuck with the KGB.
No. 2896 ID: 62489a
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Unless you're Joan. Then it's OK.
No. 2897 ID: ce7e37

oh please, that Cheren chick can easily kick John's ass.
No. 2898 ID: 2446ed

Ends in slamfucking?
John should be, as a purebreed Northern Sergal, quite a bit bigger and stronger.
No. 2899 ID: fa7b85

So Vyts a pedophile?
No. 2900 ID: 2cbe3e


Cheren is way more badass than John. Truth.
No. 2901 ID: adf211


The Badass Quotient (BQ) of all actions increase in inverse proportion to the individual's natural advantages.
No. 2902 ID: 215e4f

How is having tiny ears a advantage?
No. 2903 ID: c05c83

It allows her to hide more effectively. That way she can continue being a coward.
No. 2904 ID: 215e4f

Indeed. John is by far the most cowardly sergal I ever had the misfortune to know.
No. 2907 ID: 632862

Can you actually use that thing?
No. 3088 ID: b0490b
File 126632292487.jpg - (34.69KB , 330x500 , russia.jpg )

Трусливый Сергал!

Выходи и бороться чемпион славного Советского Союза.
Вы не можете скрыть навсегда в мрачной пещере и обмороженные.
Я пожиратель крошечные уши и делать ушанка из кожи!
Я буду сидеть на вас и тянуть твой хвост, пока Вы не плачь Сталина!!

Показать себя, если у вас больше, чем большие пушистые Турция.
No. 3093 ID: c230a3

охуенный машинный перевод. если бы вы, долбоёбушки, только могли представить себе его шикарность.
No. 3094 ID: 5b76f8

Вы все сволочи. Получить выстрелил в пах.
No. 3117 ID: f84f64

Save us from the Russians, John! Inflate your ears to make yourself appear larger to predators and frighten them off!
No. 3130 ID: 9b444d
File 126664956212.jpg - (1.29MB , 4800x2700 , base_soviet_hd.jpg )

Save your breath. If she can't stop a few weedy little chi-coms, what makes you think she can stand up to Mother Russia's glorious might?
No. 3135 ID: f84f64


This: >>1080
No. 3137 ID: 655d51

Russia is simply SUPERIOR
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