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1014571 No. 1014571 ID: e51896

This quest where you gotta help a Pizza deliver guy deliver a pizza in 30 updates, or less… Or sabotage his efforts!


Message from PEA: This quest is mainly created to help kick me outta my long hiatus and gain the motivation to get back into making my main quest Enclosed Curtains again. With that in mind, this quest will very stupid, so plz don’t take this quest seriously. Just enjoy the journey and don’t worry about the destination. The art style might change as I want to also use the quest to practice my art skills and experiment with new art styles and find out what I’m most comfortable with. I will try to update once every few days but once a week the latest will try to be the requirement. I have a rough work schedule, so plz bear with me.

The quest will be cut into 3 sections, a prologue, the 30 update countdown, and then an epilogue. Right now, we’ll be going through the prologue before we start the countdown. Sometime before we begin the countdown, I will explain the rules. But as of now, the prologue will just introduce characters and this world, and getting yourselves prepared for the pizza guy’s next delivery.

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No. 1014572 ID: e51896
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ANTEATER: 30 Updates. 30 looooong fuckin’ updates. That’s all it takes, and yet you got here in 50 updates… you do realize I’m not paying for these now, right?
ANTEATER: Seriously, if I knew you were this INCOMPETANT, and IRRESPONSIBLE, I would have just walked… Not run, or drive mind you, but WALKED to pick up my pizza and back.
ANTEATER: And that goes without sayin’ how out of fuckin’ shape I am too!
ANTEATER: But noooooooo… I had to use common sense and call your sorry ass over here to deliver our pizza so I can tend to my daughter’s needs to keep her happy on her birthday.
ANTEATER: But just listen to that…

The Anteater points behind him towards the other room in his apartment with his thumb.

ANTEATER: Because of your lollygagging, I now have to deal with a crying starving daughter and her friends throwing things in a tantrum because our meal did not arrive when it was supposed to.

The sounds of screaming laughter, and bangs from what sounds like a videogame can be heard from the other room.

ANTEATER: This was supposed to be a simple and memorable birthday for my daughter, the daughter I can only see on weekends before she has to go back to my bitchy ex-wife.
ANTEATER: And now I have to deal with the consequences of your incompetence.
ANTEATER: And don’t think I won’t be calling your boss about this. Irresponsible DEADBEATS like you don’t deserve to keep their job.
ANTEATER: You’ve single handedly ruined an innocent girl’s birthday. Fuck you. Now get outta my sight!

No. 1014573 ID: e51896
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No. 1014574 ID: e51896
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*click click*
No. 1014575 ID: e51896
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Hey, so who the fuck is this delivery guy anyway?

Also, unrelated to this quest but… what is your favorite pizza topping?

No. 1014578 ID: 8483cf

It's happenniiiiiiing

This dude's name is Jeff Le Booshki


Always protect your pepperonis
No. 1014579 ID: e7c7d3

Craigly Dangson

No. 1014580 ID: ce39da

Rodney sounds right. Also: Bacon.
No. 1014583 ID: afe7de

His name is Geraldo, son of Heraldo, daughter of Mycaldo, heir to the Geraldan throne. But people call him Jerry.

Fav topping: EXTRA CHEEZE
No. 1014587 ID: d63ea8

Ricardo maybe?

Also extra cheddar cheese.
No. 1014589 ID: c92a02

Why, it's former child star Al "Smoky Goldtooth" Paisano!
Live cicadas, why do you ask?
No. 1014592 ID: 629f2e

I'm down with Jerry.

Fave topping is bacon.
No. 1014593 ID: 73aaab


No. 1014594 ID: 3e7c34

His name is Travis Geraldo Horowitz. But for some reason his friends call him Jeff, something about a mixup with name tags and it just stuck.

As for his favorite pizza topping it’s hard to go wrong with meat. Any will do really. Bacon, Sausage, Pepperoni, Ham. But god help you if anchovies are found on that pie! Fuck anchovies to the N-th dimension and beyond.
No. 1014597 ID: 6f9ed3


Fave pizza topping is Three Hams, even though you can never remember which varieties of ham are used.
No. 1014598 ID: f23762

They know you by the nickname of Spicy Pepperoni dude because of one pizza delivery that you had to bring to an open pool party.

As for my favorite topping, it would be broccoli.
No. 1014599 ID: f23762

Also, let's speedrun the shit out of this quest.

No. 1014781 ID: e51896
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Great job, a few of you guessed his name right. I’m impressed!

This dude’s name is Geraldo Le Booshki, but most people just call him Jerry. He is at the age of 26 and has been working at a draining dead end job as a pizza delivery man at his uncle Ricardo’s restaurant :pizzid: in the heart of Crust City for about a year now.

Jerry hates his job so much. He is overworked by his uncle rushing and pushing him while berating him for not being a “team player”. He also has to deal with an annoying smug coworker that makes him feel inferior, and Crust City is a pretty crazy and dangerous place to be delivering pizza in. The torment is enough for Jerry to despise pizza altogether… well, okay, that’s not entirely true, he actually loves the taste of pizza, and :pizzid: is actually the best tasting pizza he’s ever had as much as he hates to admit, but his experience working at :pizzid: had made him grow to despise pizza out of principal and swear off eating pizza altogether.

Why doesn’t he quit? Well, it’s because there are no other jobs out there willing to pay enough to move out of his uncle’s home and make a living, especially with his crippling student loans to worry about.

When he was a little younger, he took acting classes at Crust City’s art college in hopes to become a movie star and relive his acting career when he was a forgotten child actor (most known for his role as Smoky Goldtooth in a terrible movie… that is, if anyone remembers that movie… what was it called again? Even Jerry forgot.) He has wasted the last four years chasing that dead dream looking for jobs in acting since college and his father Heraldo finally got fed up. So in an attempt to get Jerry to find a “real job” and stop being “lazy”, Heraldo kicked Jerry out, and forced him to move to live with his uncle Ricardo in order to work for his famous :pizzid: restaurant.

As Jerry is about to head out, he hears the anteater through the door yelling “HEY, WHO WANTS FREE PIZZA?! followed by the sounds of cheers. Probably said that loud enough to make sure Jerry heard as insult to injury, especially since he put so much emphasis on the word free pizza. Jerry just sighs, shrugs, and leaves the apartment building.

As he drives back on his moped to the :pizzid: restaurant, he begins brainstorming an excuse for his uncle as to why he was so late with this pizza delivery. But what could he use as an excuse?

It was rush hour? No, that doesn’t begin until another few updates…

Construction or police road blocks? But what if his uncle decides to check after work or call someone to confirm his excuse?

Whatever excuse he needs to come up with, he knows it has to be really really good, because he’s been late with pizza deliveries more often than he should in the past, and usually it’s due to unbelievable reasons, so he has to think of more tame fictional excuses that sound more believable than what actually happened during his pizza routes.
No. 1014783 ID: e51896
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And just his luck, he made it back to :pizzid: in just one update. Why couldn’t he get that luck when delivering that pizza earlier? Jerry curses his luck and plot convenience...

He parks the moped and after he removes his helmet and faces the :pizzid: building, and groans as he sees who’s at the entrance.

It’s his smug coworker GERBERA, dancing in the popular :pizzid: mascot “THE ZA” costume. Why are they here already? Wasn’t they supposed to have some kind of long important interview with uncle Ricardo about something? Jerry was hoping he would be able to get back before that interview ended.

Gerbera is :pizzid:’s newest hire who started 6 months ago after the previous worker and Jerry’s best friend ANTONIO DEVARARA got involved in a FATAL PROBLEM. Jerry really doesn’t like talking to Gerbera, as Gerbera is always talking about themself, how great their life is, their accomplishments, able to handle anything life throws at them, and often makes Jerry’s uncle Ricardo proud of them. Jerry sometimes feels that Gerbera is actively trying to make him feel inferior.

Jerry notices that Gerbera is dancing a little more enthusiastic than normal. He wonders what that is about, but then again, he also wonders how Gerbera is able to dance at all in such a ridiculous humiliating stuffy hot suit with hecklers throwing stuff at them from time to time. He also has a bad feeling if he asks Gerbera about why their so happy today

Regardless, that’s none of his business. He needs to figure out this SITUATION on how he can enter the :pizzid: building to see his uncle without Gerbera noticing and causing a PROBLEM and wasting an UPDATE.

-In this quest during the countdown section, in almost all updates Jerry will encounter a SITUATION.
-During that SITUATION, suggestors can either vote to HELP Jerry out of the SITUATION, and suggest how he can get out of the situation, or suggestors can vote to SABOTAGE the situation, and suggest how he’ll be SABOTAGED.
-Even if you cast your vote to HELP Jerry, you are allowed also suggest an idea to SABOTAGE, just in case your HELP vote did not win (though it will not be counted as a SABOTAGE vote).
- likewise, even if you cast your vote to SABOTAGE Jerry, you can also suggest an idea on how to HELP Jerry in case your SABOTAGE vote did not win (though it will not be counted as a HELP vote).
-You cannot suggest an idea on how to kill Jerry unless otherwise stated
-after enough time have passed, I will tally up the votes and add those numbers to two 3-sided dices, one dice for HELPING Jerry, and another for SABOTAGING Jerry. The dice with the highest number, wins.
- for example, if HELP gets 5 votes, and SABOTAGE gets 3, I will roll a D3 + 5votes for Help, and roll a D3 + 3votes for SABOTAGE, and the highest number will determine if Jerry gets out of a SITUATION, or if the SITUATION becomes a PROBLEM, and will pick suggestors’ ideas as to how Jerry will get out of the SITUATION, or how he ends up in a PROBLEM
- When SABOTAGE ins, the SITUATION becomes a PROBLEM. When this occurs, Jerry will have to waste one update trying to get out of the PROBLEM.
- Sometimes, another SITUATION can occur while Jerry is having a PROBLEM, in which another vote will occur where he can escape the PROBLEM and continue on his way to his destination, or have another UPDATE wasted.

With that out of the way, please vote whether or not you want to HELP Jerry find a way to enter the :pizzid: building without Gerbera noticing him, or SABOTAGE Jerry’s efforts and have Gerbera spot him. Also, suggest how Jerry gets past and/or gets spotted by Gerbera. Be as creative as you can!

ALSO, you should probably start thinking of a very good excuse to Jerry’s uncle. Just sayin’

>why do you ask (about fav toppings)?
No. 1014784 ID: 8483cf

Gerb must be avoided at all costs. Gerb will take away valuable seconds that can be used to get $$TIPZ$$

Clearly Jerry must parkour from the scooter to the top of the adjacent building, then enter via rooftop.

No. 1014785 ID: c92a02

Wait for the sun to go down so that her shift ends and she goes home. You're timed in updates, not minutes.
No. 1014786 ID: afe7de

I was originally gonna vote to sabotage but this is literally too good to pass up. I vote the next pizza delivery takes multiple days to deliver but since it’s under 30 updates it still counts even if the pizza is moldy by the end lmao
No. 1014787 ID: f23762

Why try to avoid your coworker, say hell to him but also say that you are in a hurry but would gladly hang with him after your shift is over. If he is adamant about wasting your time and is really persistent on it then just do the three-step process, step one tell him I warned you, step two remove his glasses, and finally step three curb stomp his smug smile. The enjoyment of the three-step process is left up to your discretion.
No. 1014790 ID: 629f2e

We're not on an order yes, so let's SABOTAGE Jerry's efforts.

Gerbara notices him, but due to sunlight reflecting off his shades she doesn't realize it's Jerry. So, treating him like any other customer, she gives the customary greeting of a hug and telling him to taste their pizza while he's being pressed into the pizza costume (Naturally, the pizza costume is made of the same ingredients their normal meals are, why wouldn't it be?).
No. 1014803 ID: d63ea8

>Student loans.
Oof, that's rough buddy.

I'm tempted to both HELP and SABOTAGE in this situation.

I imagine Jerry has cultivated a bit of a grim, standoffish aura, working a deadend job that gets you constantly yelled at. So cranking that up to eleven would exude big "don't talk to me" energy.

Unfortunately Gerebara can't see that due to the aforementioned sun, and Jerry can't get away since the door to the :pizzid: building has one of those really annoying handles that makes it really hard to tell if it's a PUSH or a PULL door. (It's probably a fire/safety hazard.)
No. 1014805 ID: 76fa74

Avoid her, we do not need this crap today.
No. 1014808 ID: ce39da

Just walk by without reacting to anything he says; pretend not to notice him. Refusing to be engaged isn't hard.
No. 1014832 ID: 34dfce

Sabotaging this shit.

Nothing happens with Gerbera, however; as Jerry is about to walk inside two black sedans whip around the corner, people in suits lean out the windows with submachine guns, with the one in front screaming
"Luigi Capatolli sends his regards! Rattle 'em boys!"
Following that, the men open up, absolutely devastating the frontage of the store. Both Jerry and Gerb hit the deck and get covered in glass and debris, but the men were trying to send a message, not (deliberately) kill people, so they weren't shot directly at.
No. 1014896 ID: e51896

rolled 2, 6 = 8

Just a small one, I think instead of rolling a 3 sided dice, I'll roll six sided dice. Afterwards, I'll add in the number of votes from HELP and SABOTAGE. I figure it might make things more interesting. If it doesn't work well, and if there are complaints, I'll rework it.


Message from PEA: OKAY, so I counted six votes for HELP and four votes for SABOTAGE.

Once the six sided dices are rolled, I will add the votes to the results. the first dice will be HELP, the second dice will be SABOTAGE

No. 1014897 ID: e51896

Message from PEA: And SABOTAGE WINS this time with 8 HELP POINTS < 10 SABOTAGE POINTS. The votes are locked in and you can no longer vote, BUT you can still suggest ideas on what will happen. If you previously suggested an idea for how Jerry gets HELP, you can still suggest an idea for how Jerry gets SABOTAGED with how Gerbera spots Jerry, and I'll pick one with the most votes, and/or whichever is most interesting and zany

I'll try to get the update done this weekend

No. 1014908 ID: f23762

Since peace is not an option and we will be wasting time with this person then I propose to propose to him. That or suplex him in order to establish the pecking order, after all, you are a field agent while he is a mear mascot wearer and he should show you respect.
No. 1014921 ID: 8483cf

The parkour maneuver fails, and Jerry lands atop Gerb. The awkwardness leads to a long-winded story about Gerb's chiropractor.
No. 1015200 ID: e51896
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>wait for the sun to go down, when Gerbera’s shift ends

Jerry would love to just use an UPDATE to wait it out, but that would mean that his shift would end too, and then he’ll probably get into bigger trouble with his uncle for missing future pizza delivery calls, and then it would risk the quest ending too early, and we wouldn’t want that to happen… do we?

>Completely ignore Gerbera

Jerry keeps his head towards the goal, trying not to make eye contact with Gerbera and choosing to not respond to anything that they say.

Jerry puts his hand on the door handle, and attempts to push it open… but it won’t budge as he forgot it was a door he had to pull instead of push. The stress must have caused him to forget, as he was hoping that pushing would get him in the building faster.

Meanwhile, Gerbera hears the sound of Jerry’s poor attempt at opening doors and turns to see who it is. Jerry’s sunglasses is casting a large glare from the bright sun covering his face, and causing Gerbera to not notice who it is, but they assume it’s a customer.

GERBERA: Hey there!

Ah nuts, Gerbera spotted Jerry. He attempts to push the door open again in a panic, but his nerves is making him forget again that it’s a door he has to pull. He fumbles to open the door until finally pulling it open slightly, when suddenly, his body suddenly feels a lot more tighter and constricted.
No. 1015201 ID: e51896
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Oh no! Gerbera has gone for the offensive and has put Jerry into a submissive holding bear hug! Jerry can’t breathe and thinks he felt something crack... and feels a little bit slimy from the cheese of the costume.

GERBERA: Welcome to :pizzid: ! thank you so much for coming!

Jerry attempts to explain to Gerbera he isn’t a customer, but all that can come out of his lungs are coughs and barely a wheeze of a whisper

GERBERA: I’m THE ZA! World famous :pizzid: mascot, and we love it when you come to eat my species!

Gerbera finally let’s go of Jerry

GERBERA: Please try our new BBQ Blob pizza! Made with, cheese, bacon, sausage, onions and a lot of spicy BBQ sauce!

Jerry not taking in Gerbera’s words adjusts his sunglasses, crooked from the hug, and catches his breath.

with the glare vanishing from Jerry fixing his sunglasses, Gerbera lets out a playful gasp

[b]GERBERA: Wait, you’re not a customer, your Jerry! Hah hah hah!
No. 1015202 ID: e51896
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As he mumbles and grumbles, Jerry is about to grab the door again, but Gerbera grabs Jerry’s arm with his leafy arms

GERBERA: Hey, guess what, some amazing news just happened to me!

Jerry sighs and shrugs as he reluctantly asks what happened.

GERBERA: Go on... guess!

Jerry, defeated decides to play along, and asks if their so-called admirer SNOWPEA the bumblebee is finally dating them.

GERBERA: Nooooooo, but it might happen soon after she hears the good news!

Jerry asks if Gerbera found a new job somewhere far, far away from CRUST CITY, with a bit of hope in his voice.

GERBERA: Nuh uh, but you’re cloooooooose!

Jerry, figuring he’s satisfied Gerbera’s guessing game long enough, and proving Gerbera’s superiority over him, finally admits he gives up, and asks what the news is, hoping Gerbera can finally get to the point and he can go into the building

Gerbera steps closer to Jerry, and whispers.

GERBERA: Now keep this on the down low, but I was just recently promoted to deliver pizza starting tomorrow! Isn’t that great!

Jerry responds with a slow clap, as he rolls his eyes behind the shades.

GERBERA: Thanks Jerry! Man, oh man, I’m so excited about this. I worked so very hard to attempt to climb my way up the corporate ladder, and the boss has finally acknowledged my efforts!
GERBERA: Though… I wonder… if I’m going to be delivering pizzas now, then… who is going to wear THE ZA costume and attract customers… hmmmmmmm…

Jerry has a sinking feeling as to what that statement could pertain. But snaps out of it as he has a more important thing to deal with, thinking of an excuse to tell his uncle. Sadly, he wasn’t able to talk to his uncle this update, but he believes that the PROBLEM with Gerbera wasting his time can be easily dealt with by the next update, and can enter the building by then.

How does Jerry leave Gerbera? (please note this is not a sabotage, or help, just explain how he tactically ends the conversation and gets out of this PROBLEM, be creative)

ALSO, what excuse does he have for his uncle for being so late with his latest delivery? Please think of an excuse for Jerry to tell his uncle, and explain what actually happened during his delivery if his excuse is a lie

No. 1015203 ID: afe7de

He points behind Gerbera and says that there's a real customer there (it turns out there totally is!) and you open the door, escaping inside.

As for excuses, well he can't explain that he was actually isekaid into another world of plush characters and got to participate in a sort of election that he won and used his powers of winning to get back only to deliver the pizza late. He bemoans how they only ate candy and paper meat but the paper meat was kind of like tofu and full of protein so he couldn't complain.

So instead he just says that a guy asked him out on a date and he lost track of time because you like wish fulfulment lies.
No. 1015204 ID: 8483cf

How to gracefully get away from Gerb: Point at random passers-by in the street and suggest Gerb rank all of them, from 1 to 5, for five minutes for suitable successors so Gerb can choose a WORTHY SUCCESSOR.

As for the excuse, tell a half-truth: the customers were difficult, and they wanted to take extra time to complain about how terrible their lives were.
No. 1015209 ID: 629f2e

Escape Gerbara by letting out a puff of cigarette smoke at their glasses. When they takes them off to wipe them down, silently slip into the restaurant. Perfect getaway.

You don't think your boss will buy that you got wrongly profiled as a murder suspect, and that you had to investigate and defend yourself in court because nobody else was foolish enough to stand trial against Prosecutor Purr Feckt and her perfect trial record. Thankfully you got off on mistrial, because apparently the best prosecutor in the country doesn't understand discovery law, and how the defense needs to be aware of what evidence and witnesses will be present at a hearing.

Shift the blame. You were given the wrong address, because the customer had apparently moved recently and gave you the home he used to live at. If anything, you should be lauded for wrangling the new address out of his previous neighbors and getting them their pizza.
No. 1015212 ID: 02905d

Just wish your associate good luck on their first day. It’s a shit job but someone has to do it nice thing they are working so hard for everyone.

Tell uncle the half truth, the customer was being rude and you had to put up with it for longer than you would have wanted to but sadly had to take one for the team.
No. 1015516 ID: f23762

I actually changed my opinion on this person, he is a little ray of sunshine and that smile must be protected. Threaten him with kindness and tell him that you are in a hurry to earn some cash but you would like to talk to him after work hovers are over.
No. 1016093 ID: e51896
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Saying Jerry has had his fill of Gerbera is an understatement, just spending one update talking with them makes him feel bloated, and he thinks another update with the smug flower will make him burst. So, Jerry chooses to use the ol’ “Made Ya Look!” tactic.

He tells Gerbera that seeing as they will be working as a delivery flower tomorrow, a WORTHY SUCCESSOR must be found to take their place to act as “THE ZA” Immediately.

GERBERA: Ohhhhhhh, Great idea! But how do I decide?

As Jerry puts his hand on the door, pushing it but forgetting to pull it again, he suggests that Gerbera for the next five minutes rank all the random passer-bys they find from 1 to 5 as suitable successors, then from there decide who is most worthy enough to become “THE ZA”.

Jerry then suggests they should start with the customer that is walking towards them, pointing behind Gerbera without looking as he eyes the door.

Turns out, there really was a customer heading towards them! It seems to be a sentient blob made of custard of some sort slithering it’s way over.

GERBERA: OH! Welcome to :pizzid:! thank you so much for coming!
GERBERA: I’m THE ZA! World famous :pizzid: mascot, and we love it when you come to eat my species!
GERBERA: Say, can I get your name, sir?
GERBERA: Mer, got it. And what will your order be?
MER: Deep dish pizza… lots of sauce… to bathe in…
GERBERA: Oooooh! Custard pizza! we’ll get your order ready in 30 updates…
MER: *Happy slurpy sounds*
GERBERA: Hey, wait a minute, I just realized, haha! Get this!
GERBERA: You’re a custard, and your name is Mer, and you’re ordering from us. I guess you could say that you’re a… CUSTARDM-

Figuring out he needs to pull the door, Jerry quickly enters the building and slams the door shut to save himself from cringing over the stupidest pun ever.
No. 1016094 ID: e51896
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The steamy aroma of tasty pizza wafts through Jerry’s nose upon entering, reminding him his hatred of pizza despite wanting to grab a slice. Jerry’s eyes then trail over to uncle Ricardo leaning his arm on the receptionist counter, quickly drumming his fingers rhythmically as he gives Jerry the familiar tired look of disappointment.

RICARDO: WellJerry,you’elate.That’stheseventhtimeinarow!Andfrankly,I’vehadenoughofit.

Ricardo tends to speak really fast, saying everything he needs to say after only one breath. It’s quite hard to keep up with what he says with how fast he speaks, but Jerry has gotten used to it. He thinks Ricardo said something about how the customer called to complain about Jerry being late, and it’s the seventh time in a row he’s late.

Wanting to get his uncle’s complaints over with, Jerry quickly thinks up an excuse. He can’t tell Ricardo what actually happened during his delivery as it was unbelievable.

I mean, seriously, who is going to believe that Jerry was arrested by the “great” P.I. ZZANDER for attempted murder by trying to “forcefully” deliver a pizza to someone who has severe food allergy to the toppings (all because the address Jerry was given was wrong), then had to sit in trial and defend himself against Prosecutor PURR FECKT the cat since no defense attorney in their right mind would fight against her perfect record, and then as punishment after being found guilty became imprisoned in another quest full of plushies called STUFFIES and had to win a weird popularity election which he needed to win if he wanted to gain a magic power to escape by teaching the STUFFIES how to make a COOKIE PIZZA?

Instead, he explains to his uncle that the customer was being rude, and he had to take one for the team by putting up with him talking about his terrible life.

Message from PEA: Character design and concept for PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR ZZANDER was created by CrossTheLine! Thanks so much, dude.
His wiki page: https://questden.org/wiki/CrossTheLine
His quest Last Trace: https://questden.org/wiki/Last_Trace
Go on, take a read!

This quest is going to have characters that I asked my friends to make. I will credit them whenever they show up, and at the end of the quest. Thanks again, all of you!

No. 1016095 ID: e51896
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Uncle Ricardo just slowly facepalms and rubs his fingers upon his temple, with a frustrated sigh.

RICARDO: Thatstilldoesn’texplainwhyyouwerelatedeliveringthecutomer’spizza!
RICARDO: Thecustomercalledtocomplainaboutit!

Oh right, that may explain why Jerry was late getting back to the restaurant, but he was still late with the customer’s order, and wasn’t paid for the delivery because of it. Jerry attempts to explain again by telling his uncle that the address was wrong as it was the customer’s old address, but should at least be given credit for finding out where the new address was at from the current residence there.

Ricardo looks at the address from the computer and groans.

RICARDO: Letmeguess…youreadtheaddressupside-down,
RICARDO: AndwenttotheOLIUOIUOLEE,1addressinsteadof1337Onion,170…didn’tyou?

Jerry is confused by what Ricardo just said... Did He really looked at the address he was given by his uncle upside-down before he started this delivery? He pulls out the notebook paper he was given earlier from his HAMMERSPACIAL DIMENSION and reads that indeed, the address he was given was 1337 Onion, 170… not OLI UOIUO LEE, 1… whoops. Why in the world is there even a street called OLI UOIUO LEE on the GPS in the first place?! what kind of word is UOIUO anyways?!?!?

Jerry tries to apologize for this honest mistake, but Ricardo disappointment lingers.

RICARDO: Youknow,partofhavingresponsibilitymeanshavingcommonsense.
RICARDO: Forinstance,whywouldIwritetheaddressonanotebookpaperthatisupside-down?
RICARDO: Yougottauseyourhead…Well,itdoesn’tmatteranyway.

As Ricardo complains about Jerry’s lack of common sense and responsibilities, one thing Jerry notices is that Ricardo isn’t as angry as he usually is when he screws up a delivery, and it gives him some bad vibes as to what this could mean. Something must be up, so he decides to ask why he isn’t as angry about this.

RICARDO: Well,it’sbecauseIthoughtofasimplesolutiontofinallygetyoutolearnresponsibility.
RICARDO: Listen,normallyIwouldhavefiredyourassbynow,
RICARDO: Butbecauseyou’remybrother’sson,yourfatherwouldbedeeplyupsetwithmeifIdidthat.
RICARDO: SoIthoughtofanalternative:IwillinsteadbeswitchingyourpositiontomascotdutystartingTOMORROW
RICARDO: Youwillbeinchargeofwearing“THEZA”Costumeandattractcustomersinfrontofthebuilding
RICARDO: Meanwhile,Gerberawillbeswitchingwithyoutoworkindelivery!
RICARDO: Thatlittleflowerhasproventhemselfwiththeirdedicationtoearnthatposition
RICARDO: andIfindnoreasonwhyIshouldletyoucontinueholdingdeliveryresponsibilityifyoucan’tmakedeliveriesontime.

OH FUCK! From what Jerry understood, he’s getting demoted to Gerbera’s job to wear a heavy hot costume all day and dance in the hot sun?! He cannot let that happen. Not only wearing “THE ZA” mascot costume will leave him tired and burnt out, but it’s also going to be humiliating. He remembers that Gerbera would often get taunted and litter thrown at them by delinquents. And since there is a giant hole in the costume where one would put their face through, everyone will know that he is wearing the humiliating costume without any way to hide his identity.

Jerry tries to beg and plea to not let this happen as he cannot let his reputation as "THE COOL GUY" diminish. He explains that he’s given it his all out there, but PROBLEMS keep messing him up

RICARDO: GettingdistractedbyyourstonerbuddiesisNOTaproblem.That’sjustalackoffocus…
RICARDO: You'realwaysmakingexcusesthattheybecomemeaningless...

Jerry is offended, he doesn’t get distracted by his stoner friends, he’s merely just spending a small amount of time with them to relive stress during the hectic work he does.

Ricardo thinks for a bit, and after seeing Jerry still genuinely begging him not to demote him, he gives a nod.

RICARDO: Hmm…maybethisiswhatyouneededtogetyourassingear…
RICARDO: Learningtheconsequencesfornotbeingateamplayer…
RICARDO: Alright,TellyouwhatJerry,beforeyourshiftends,ifyoucanshowmethatyoucandeliveryournextpizzasuccessfully
RICARDO: I’llallowyoutocontinuedeliveringpizzas.
RICARDO: ButthiswillbeyourLASTchance…

Jerry breathes a sigh of relief; it seems like Ricardo will give him one more chance to deliver a pizza successfully if he wants to avoid wearing “THE ZA” coustume. Ricardo is hoping that after Jerry learned the consequences of failure, he’ll be more dedicated to get the job done, and show actual responsibility to his job.

RICARDO: Thoughhonestly,Idon’tseewhyyou’recomplaining,didn’tyouwanttobeanactor?
RICARDO: Playingasamascotformewouldbegoodpracticeforthatcareerpathandgetyournameoutthere,
Ricardo: wouldn’tit?

Frustrated, Jerry argues that dancing around in a mascot costume is NOT acting, that’s just making a fool out of oneself and will no way help his dream in becoming an actor.

RICARDO: Idon’tseethedifference…
No. 1016096 ID: e51896
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Before the argument can continue, the phone rings… most likely a customer wanting to have a pizza delivered to them.

This is it! Jerry’s chance to prove himself he is capable at his job.

[i][b]THE PHONE IS RINGING, someone should probably go answer that… but first, can you guys suggesting do me a favor and please explain who is calling on the other end with a little bit of CHARACTER CREATION?

Please give a description of who the customer is by filling out the following:

(OPTIONALLY, you can also draw a picture of what the character looks like!)

Also, please explain the LOCATION of where they are calling from. It could be anywhere you want as long as it is within Crust City. Just do not suggest the location is close by or far away (like saying it is right next door to the :pizzid: restaurant, or in outer space or something. Can’t have the quest end too early, and keep this fair.
No. 1016097 ID: afe7de

Species: He’s a hand
Gender: Hand
Personality: Angry
Appearance: The man is a right hand that likes to sit on the right armrest of a chair, he has a cyborg BODY for the rest of him but that’s not important as every shot he’s in should just be of his hand.
Occupation: Handym- I mean accountant. He CRUNCHES some NUMBERS


He lives in the most obvious place a hand would live, the OBSERVATORY. It’s where he works with the other LIMBS, each with their own robo suit. It’s a pizza for all of them, his BROTHERS and SISTERS. They all work there.

Also i imagine he sounds like the claw from inspector gadget
No. 1016098 ID: 01e0c8

NAME: Rachael
GENDER: Female
OCCUPATION: college student

The location is at a college dorm.

She was dared by her friends to recieve the pizza from the pizza delivery man... NAKED! Can she do it, or will her nerves prevent that?
No. 1016100 ID: c0a638

NAME: Pomidori Qiveli
SPECIES: Pizzamtsvane
GENDER: Man's man
DESCRIPTION OF APPEARANCE: Loooooong yellow tube with red polka dots, with white facepaint.
OCCUPATION: Physics professor at clown college.
Location: The inner keep of Castle Clownliostro where they're hosting the graduation ceremony for this year's clownlumni.
No. 1016106 ID: 629f2e


Honestly, this is about what I was thinking so tossing support on this. Cute shy bunny girl experimenting with exhibitionism on a dare.
No. 1016109 ID: 094652

Name: Fuschia Fishwish Angles
Species: Musicat
Gender: Female
Personality: Flitty
Description: An AI housed in a hardlight-projector. Her favorite appearance is a catgirl made of glowing hardlights that purr when touched.
Occupation: Data analyst
Is buying pizza for a friend. Won't say who or why.
No. 1016146 ID: 8483cf

Bnyny... Bnunny.. Byunny...

No. 1016242 ID: afe7de

Adjusting my vote to bnnuyyy!!! because bnnuuy
No. 1016254 ID: a90ed6

This for closet pervert bun!
No. 1016405 ID: 2de4fd

slut p.unny
No. 1016411 ID: e51896
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Meanwhile, about 5 minutes earlier, which for some reason is also one update later as well (wrap your head around that, eggheads), a GIRL’S NIGHT OUT WITH A PUMPKIN PARTY is in full swing (during the day). It’s a celebration of getting through another year of college and welcoming the beginning of summer break within a dorm room!

3 young women and a pumpkin are spinning one of the empty beer bottles on the floor as they are gathered in a circle around it, sitting in anticipation for where the beer bottle will stop and point at. Shortly after it revolves a few times, a geeky bnuuy nervously gasps as it stops to point at her.

???: AW SHIT, looks like the new girl Rachael is the victim this turn!
RACHAEL: Uh, umm… I… errr… I… I suppose I am…
???: Hey, Charisse! Don’t be so intense with how you talk to my friend. it’s her first time at one of these get togethers… Rachael, are you alright?

Rachael looks at her friend speaking out to her, a squirrel name Kaia, and she gains a bit of comfort from seeing the concern on her face.

RACHAEL: F… fine. I’ll be fine… I MEAN, I AM fine! IAMFINE!!!

Kaia puts her hand on Rachael’s shoulder, lowering her tenseness

KAIA: Heeeey, it’s alright Rachael, you don’t have to play this game. If you want, we can exit this party and go somewhere else to celebrate, like a movie, bowling, or just chill back at our dorm room and show off yo-

Kaia catches herself and stops before she reveals something she wasn’t supposed to, which Charisse the kangaroo tilts her head at.

CHARISSE: Reveal… what exactly?
KAIA: errrrrr… her collection of… comic books! She likes to read them with me.
CHARISSE: Pffft… Who still reads comic books these days?

Charisse raises an eyebrow at this, and is thoughtful for a brief moment before Kaia speaks up.

KAIA: HEY! I happen to like reading comic books too!
PUMPKIN: Do mangas count as comics? Cause I’m guilty of that too.
CHARISSE: Awww, Jackie, you as well?
KAIA: The pumpkin has spoken!

Rachael takes a deep breath, and calms herself

RACHAEL: Sorry, I’m alright… it was my decision to join this game with you all, and I… I’ll stick to it to the bitter end!
CHARISSE: …Forget it, just… lets just spin the bottle again and see who’s turn it’s going to be to question the victim.

No. 1016412 ID: e51896
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The bottle spins again. Rachael crosses her fingers hoping it will land on her best friend Kaia since she trusts her to not make her say or do anything too humiliating.

Unfortunately, it lands on Charisse the kangaroo.

JACKIE: *sigh* I wanted it to be my turn…
KAIA: Now Charisse, remember to go easy on Rachael, we’re trying to build her confidence up, remember?
CHARISSE:: Yeah, yeah… Okay, Rachael, TRUTH, OR DARE?

Rachael takes a moment to think of her options.

Rachael was a Junior in Crust City’s art college MARINATION UNIVERSITY, about to become a senior this upcoming semester. She is majoring in animation, as cartoons are her passion.
She is however a nervous introvert who often has trouble expressing herself, but has recently decided that she wants to come out of her shell before her college years are over and form connections with new friends, and not waste the last year of college hiding away in her dorm. Her best friend and dorm-mate, Kaia, agreed to help by bringing Rachael to meet her group of friends to help the bnuuy become more confident in herself, and make new friends at one of their end of the semester parties.

She figures that since these girls don’t know her well, they might not know well enough to ask her for specific secrets they picked up on that she’d be forced to reveal. So she makes her decision.

RACHAEL: Umm… okay, TRUTH!
CHARISSE: OKAY! I’m super curious to know… What is it you like to show off to your friend Kaia?

EXCEPT THAT! Rachael tenses up over the question, which immediately follows by a retort from Kaia.

KAIA: Hey… we just established it was her comic book collection, remember?
CHARISSE: Come on, cut the bullcrap. It’s super obvious by your hesitation earlier, and Rachael correcting herself that you’re both hiding something… so tell me what it is!?
JACKIE: Probably something lewd…
KAIA: Huh? What was that, Jackie?
JACKIE: … Probably some veggie food…
CHARISSE: Hey, what’s so embarrassing about veggies?
JACKIE: As a pumpkin from the plant species, I find certain vegetables to be very alluring if you know what I mean…
JACKIE: If you want to know more, try asking when the bottle chooses me!

Defeated, Kaia looks over at Rachael.

KAIA: Sorry Rachael…

Jackie raises her arm for attention

JACKIE: you know… She could still choose the dare option if she can’t handle the truth…
CHARISSE: WHAT?! Come oooooon, Jackie. Why you gotta bring that up! She has a dark secret just waiting to be unveiled! We gotta know what it is!
JACKIE: Truths are boring tho…
KAIA: *Ahem* Charisse, you’re overdoing it. Remember, we’re trying to go easy on Rachael and build her confidence.
CHARISSE: overdoing it? Fine, fine…

No. 1016413 ID: e51896
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Rachael at all costs cannot let anybody know about her creepy obsession with CRUST CITY’S very own famous movie actor and successful farmer of all pizza toppings: STEPHAN STUFFLE. She has a hidden room in her dorm that displays a large shrine and statue of the hunk, as well as a huge collection of his movies, and a collection of one of each topping he grows from his farm all which she keeps in a freezer and locked in a safe to keep from expiring for as long as possible. If these potential new friends knew of her shrine, and her obsession, she thinks it is highly likely that they will see her as an insane creep. So, without another second wasted, she gives her new answer.

CHARISSE: Ugh… fiiiine. But there will be consequences. For your dare, you have to order a pizza, and then afterwards, receive the pizza from the deliver man… COMPLETELY NAKED!
Jackie: Oh… wow!

Rachael is shocked from the sound of that dare. Is Charisse crazy?! She can’t do something like that, it’s way too perverted and completely out of her character…
But then again… can she? Thinking further, she considers the alternative and how she must not let anyone know about her shrine at all costs. and just thinking of the thrill of the dare does make her heart beat faster, which feels kinda… amazing? WHAT? no! Rachael tries to discard such thoughts. She’s no exhibitionist!

Kaia glares at Charisse.

KAIA: WHAT!? Charisse, I’ve had enough. I’ve asked you twice to go easy on Rachael and you’re just making things worse for her!
CHARISSE: But I did make it easier, that truth option is now looking like an easier choice, doesn’t it? Now she’s sure to have more confidence in choosing that instead of my outrageous dare!
KAIA: YOU’RE MISSING THE POINT! Ugh… Rachael, I’m sorry so about this, let’s just go back home.
CHARISSE: Awwww, you told me how much you were looking forward to this party half the previous semester, Kaia. And now you’re leaving? Laaaaaaaaame.
KAIA: …Sorry, but my best friend Rachael comes first
CHARISSE: I mean, I don’t know what the big deal is, we’ve done a lot more embarrassing truths or dares in previous parties, like streaking through the dorm halls, eating weird stuff
CHARISSE: Or revealing search histories.
CHARISSE: Plus, whether it is a dare or a truth, it’s not like we’re going to take pictures or tell anyone, that’s like… breaking the code of conduct of GIRLS NIGHT OUT!
CHARISSE:Oh yeah! WITH A PUMPKIN… sorry about that.
JACKIE: Hey, not taking sides here, But, what if the pizza deliverer takes pictures? What if they start spreading rumors about Rachael?
CHARISSE: Then we obviously threaten to get them fired by calling their boss! and if that don’t work, we beat the shit outta them and destroy their phone! Us kangaroos have a pretty nasty deadly kick after all!
CHARISSE: But still, the dare is pretty risky… which is why I’d recommend going with the truth option!

Kaia gets up from the floor and grabs Rachael’s arm

KAIA: No. We’re out. We’ll talk and plan another GIRLS NIGHT OUT WITH A PUMPKIN sometime tomorrow, but right now, I need to care for my friend’s feelings. Laters…

Rachael pulls her arm away from Kaia, surprising her.

RACHAEL: It’s… it’s fine Kaia.
KAIA: What? Rachael, are you sure? You don’t have to put up with Charisse’s bullshit.
RACHAEL: But… ummm… I know I’m scared b-but, I don’t want to ruin this party that you were looking forward to on my account by leaving with me.
RACHAEL: And… well, I also asked to come to this party to build confidence… so…
KAIA: …Are you absolutely sure about this?
RACHAEL: I mean, umm… uh… you’ve been through some more e-embarrassing truths or dares than me, right?
KAIA: I, uh… I guess that’s true, but…
RACHAEL: Then d-despite my fears… I’m staying

Rachael couldn’t believe what came out of her mouth. Was she really doing this to build confidence? Or was it because she didn’t want to disappoint her best friend by having her miss this party with her? Or maybe it’s… something else? Nononono, it’s definitely the first two.

CHARISSE: Alright then, so tell us… what are you and Kaia hiding?
RACHAEL: I… uhhh… ummm… I n-never said anything about choosing Truth.
Jackie: whoa!… lewd…
KAIA: Wha- what the!? Rachael… Y…you don’t have to do this…
RACHAEL: It’ll… It’ll be fine… I think. After all, you all did say you’d protect me if anything happens…
KAIA: I… I mean, that’s true… but…
CHARISSE: shoot, and I wanted to see what that secret was too Okaaaay, fine. Rachael has made her choice, so she’s doing the dare… I was craving a pizza anyway

Charisse pulls out her purse, and takes out a coupon for :pizzid: Pizzeria, then tosses it to Rachael.

CHARISSE: Go ahead and give them a ring, Rachael… you can pick the toppings, and I’ll pay after you tell me the price. It’s only fair…
No. 1016414 ID: e51896
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Rachael catches the business card and pulls out her cell. She pauses a little bit as she takes another deep breath, She really is going to go through with this… a small part of her is loudly telling her she could just leave… but no, she made her decision to get out more and gain confidence, make connections and new bonds, and have fun before she wastes away the rest of her college years. And this is the most courageous thing she can think of to keep her secret while doing this. And exposing herself might be the best way to gain confidence… right? it does sound exciting… Wait, no. Stop thinking that.

KAIA: Remember, you can skip out any time while you wait for pizza. We won’t judge… right ladies?

Jackie gives a thumbs up with her leafy hand while Charisse just shrugs

Rachael nods. With that bit of assurance, she gains the willpower to dial the number.


Back at the present time in :pizzid: Pizzeria, Jerry grabs the ringing phone before Ricardo can answer.

RICARDO: ShowinginitiativeIsee…Ilikethat.gladyou'rebeingmoreseriousaboutthis.

That wasn’t it. Jerry wasn’t meaning to show initiative, he just would rather not have the customer try to understand what his uncle is saying on the phone with his fast talking and waste everyone’s time, get a better idea where the customer will be at so he can prepare himself for the upcoming journey, and not read the address wrong again.

Jerry thanks the customer for calling over the phone and asks for their name, location, and phone number. A soft spoken, and shaky female voice is on the other line

RACHAEL: H-Hi… I’m Rae…

Rachael suddenly catches herself. Best not give her real name, especially with what she is about to do

Rachael: I mean, I’m Ramona! I’m located… I’m located at the dorms of MARINATION UNIVERSITY… room number 721

Jerry writes down her info and pauses briefly as he recognizes that college name. That’s the same college he went to for acting classes. Would be nice to see how it changed over the years. He then asks Ramona for her order.

Suddenly, Rachael freezes up. She was so caught up with thinking about the dare that she forgot to think about what pizza she wants.

Jerry is slightly annoyed that the customer was not ready for the order, but silently awaits regardless.

KAIA: I knew it… Come on, let’s go home to calm your nerves.
RACHAEL: *gasps*

Rachael covers the phone with her paw to not let the pizza delivery man hear.

RACHAEL: nonononono, it’s just that, I just can’t decide what to order!
RACHAEL: This was just so sudden...
CHARISSE: Then just get a cheese pizza, you doof!
RACHAEL: But… but not many people order something as quick and simple and inexpensive as cheese... what if the delivery person gets suspicious of that order and figures out what is going to happen?
CHARISSE: Come on… you’re overthinking it…
JACKIE: order peppers! Hot peppers!
KAIA: Hey! This is RACHAEL’S order, she gets to choose the toppings
KAIA: It’s alright Rachael, just think about what toppings you like most. Remember, Charisse is paying.
CHARISSE: just… don’t go overboard, got it?
KAIA: Charisse, you promised me you were going to make Rachael feel comfortable, so suck it up!
CHARISSE: Fine, fine. I’m a kangaroo of my word. I'll shut up and go grab the bathrobe from my room...

No. 1016415 ID: e51896
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PAPER DOLL TIME, PIZZA EDITION! Please draw and customize what kind of pizza Rachael will order on the pizza peel! Add whatever you want and write a description of the kind of toppings and stuff it has on and/or in the pizza! Do not worry if it makes no sense or if the toppings are absurd, Rachael is a pretty nervous bnuuy and could potentially just order the first ridiculous things that come to mind without thinking, or you can just add regular toppings.

Don’t feel like drawing the pizza? Don't have time to draw a pizza? you could also just write down what kind of pizza and toppings Rachael wants.

Be creative and have fun coming up with a pizza!

No. 1016417 ID: 3292e2
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Here you go no need to thank me, just doing my job
No. 1016423 ID: 629f2e
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RACHAEL: C-Can I get a bone-in pizza w-w-with- um- p-pepperoni, and pineapple, and stuffed bone, stuffed pepperonis, and a fruit punch center?
JERRY: A number four, got it.

No. 1016424 ID: 6c227a
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None pizza with left beef
No. 1016426 ID: 0838d6

I hate this but I also think that this kind of pizza would make for comedy gold in terms of delivery.
No. 1016437 ID: e7c7d3
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The supreme supreme
No. 1016445 ID: dfbac0
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No. 1016446 ID: 8483cf
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No. 1016468 ID: bfdaf0
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Apple Calzone with cherry topping.
No. 1017370 ID: e51896
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Kaia and her friends are right, she can take time to think about whatever toppings she wants, she shouldn’t overthink things, and she should totally order some hot pepp… nevermind.

However, whenever Rachael has to make an important phonecall, she has to write a script to read off what she wants to say so she doesn’t mess up her words, get stuck pausing thinking about what she wants to say carefully, or avoid accidentally offending anyone. Since this was a spur of the moment, she is left with her own mind to rely on.

‘It’s okay’ she thinks to herself, ‘just pick a topping you really like even if it is too suspicious that you’re ordering something quick and simple for a dare, but then just add in a topping that nobody would order to throw the employee off their suspicions. No one on the other line will suspect you’ll be taking the pizza naked with this order!’ With that, Rachael has made her decision: a pepperoni, chicken (without bones), and pineapple pizza, cheese stuffed crust, and with fruit punch as a drink! Perfect! She repeats the line she is going to say in her head a few times, and then begins speaking

RACHAEL: C-Can I get a bone-in pizza w-w-with- um- p-pepperoni, and pineapple, and stuffed bone, stuffed pepperonis, and a fruit punch center?

W… WAIT! That wasn’t what she meant to say! AHHHHH! Why does everything she wants to say out loud sounds so much worse than how it sounds in her head!?

However, the person on the other line without missing a beat confirms the order as a number 4 and asks if there’s anything else she wants.

Rachael is in shock! IT’S REAL?! Not only did they accept the order, but it was apparently an order on the menu?! As number 4 no less!? Rachael in utter confusion and without wanting to admit her mistake quickly thanks the employee, to which he responds saying something along the lines of please allowing two updates to prepare the pizza before timing the updates, we still gotta prologue to finish after all.

Rachael quickly thanks the employee profusely, hangs up, and turns to face her friends with a nervous smile on her face. Charisse raises an eyebrow, but shrugs.

CHARISSE: I guess Rachael has an acquired taste. Well, whateves. I’m not going to eat it. You girls can share it without me... with the pumpkin.
KAIA: Um… that’s okay, Rachael, I’ll eat it with you… I’m sure it’ll taste… delicious.
KAIA: Don’t knock it till you try it as they say.
JACKIE: Awwwww, no hot peppers…
KAIA: Hey, it’s Rachael’s orders!
JACKIE: Ah well, a naked Rachael will be hot enough to quench my thirst.
KAIA: Wait… you meant hot peppers as in…
KAIA: Forget it, I don’t wanna know!
KAIA: Well, in any case, just remember you don’t have to do this, Rachael, we can go home whenever you want...
CHARISSE: Orrrrrrr you can switch to telling us the truth!

Rachael shakes her head

RACHAEL: I’m f…fine.
CHARISSE: well… okay then.

Charisse throws Rachael a bathrobe

CHARISSE: Go and get undressed whenever you’re ready. You can use my bathroom.
JACKIE: Or undress here!

Kaia glares daggers at Jackie

JACKIE: Hey, just suggesting it as an option

RACHAEL: Bathroom is fine, thanks!

Rachael runs over to the bathroom, robe dragging along the floor by her hand, and slams the door shut, locking it.

MESSAGE FROM PEA: Congrats, your customer, and pizza order choices has been locked in. We’ll check in on these dorks every now on then as the B plot. But the main focus will be on Jerry’s journey to deliver that pizza(?) Also, I guess this quest is now potentially NSFW? If that’s the case, there’s your warning right there, this quest is now potentially NSFW.
No. 1017371 ID: e51896
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Jerry hangs up the phone after receiving the order, and goes over the notes he’s written. Of course, Jerry finds the pizza that was ordered really disgusting and cursed, but he also knows by now that there are many species out there with vastly different kinds of tastes. That is why :pizzid: has a huge diverse range of pizzas that humans may find unappetizing, but other species find delicious, like a doggie treat pizza for example.

In fact, sometimes whenever there is a weird pizza that gets ordered, Jerry likes to play a guessing game where he tries to figure out what kind of species ordered what kind of weird pizza.

And judging by the order he received, he can without a doubt with confidence believe that the person who ordered this pizza was……… a human! Has to be, his species eats weird shit all the time, like haggis!
Jerry wonders if it is speciesist to play such games.

Satisfied with this answer, Jerry informs his uncle about the new order. After explaining what kind of pizza it is, Ricardo starts laughing

RICARDO: Ahahahahahahahaha!*sigh*tobeyoungagain...

Ricardo cheerful expression then quickly becomes more serious
RICARDO: Justremember,Geraldo,toALWAYStreatthecustomerwiththeutmostRESPECT,NOMATTERWHAT.Yougotthat?

That’s odd. What was with that laugh? And isn’t the rule about treating the customers with respect something that goes without saying? It’s common knowledge after all. Why would Jerry need to be reminded of this? He tries to ask his uncle about what he’s getting at.

RICARDO: Don’tworryaboutit…you’llsee…

Ricardo just smirks and laughs again leaving Jerry in the dark.

RICARDO: Well,don’tjuststandthere,gogetprepared!I’llcookthepizza.

Right, Jerry can’t just stand there, he’s gotta get ready for this pizza order and protect his job position. This is his last chance to prove himself after all. He pulls out his smart phone and puts in the coordinates of the location for the MARINATION UNIVERSITY DORMITORIES so he can get a better idea of what the journey will entail and decide how he would like to prepare…

…Aww shit,

Well the good news is: the ETA to the dormitories will be around 15-20 updates assuming there won’t be any PROBLEMS… but the bad news is that all the possible routes to get there during the middle of his journey are each dangerous in their own rite and there will most likely be SITUATIONS and PROBLEMS.

To make things easier on himself, Jerry divides his journey to three SECTIONS. He feels the par time for each SECTION will be 10 UPDATES each, which means if he doesn’t make it to a CHECKPOINT before the par time, he’ll have to RUSH in the next SECTION!
The first SECTION involves him going through the street :pizzid: is located at: SAUCE STREET. It unfortunately will be rush hour during that time, so no doubt he will be facing some traffic, and some other SITUATIONS

Once he passes the first section, he’ll need to park his moped at the first CHECKPOINT located at the PARKING LOT, as that is the closest parking spot to the dormitories he can legally park. There, he’ll have to decide on which road to take to make it to his destination for the second SECTION.

Reaching the end of whatever road he takes will lead him to the FINAL CHECKPOINT, where he can evaluate things and prepare to look for ROOM 721 at the dormitories and make it to his destination during the FINAL SECTION.
No. 1017373 ID: e51896
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With that in mind, Jerry starts thinking about the streets he can choose to take for the SECOND SECTION, each with their own set of SITUATIONS and PROBLEMS, and ASSHOLES

The first possible street he can take is BROCCOLI STREET. The ASSHOLE who resides there is none other than CRUST CITY’S very own ELF SUPERHERO, THE BOID! And while he does fight crime to keep the city safe, he has also proclaimed himself to be PIZZA'S #1 ADVERSARY. If there is anyone who hates pizza more than Jerry, it’s this ASSHOLE. And while Jerry can respect his hatred, THE BOID tends to give Jerry PROBLEMS and has managed to destroy his pizza in the past.

THE BOID used to be a customer over at :pizzid:, but one day, after taking a bite from one of :pizzid:’s pizza, some very hot cheese accidentally slid off the pizza and fell on his chin, burning him. From then on, he believed that all pizzas are trying to retaliate against citizens, and decided to don some footy pajamas, wear a towel as a cape, and put on a beak from a cheap Halloween store, and announced that he will not rest until :pizzid:’s so-called controversy for world domination is exposed and taken down, saving the world from random pizza attacks once and for all. Jerry wonders why THE MAYOR would allow vigilantes like him on the street, especially crazy ones that try to destroy his pizza. But he guesses since THE BOID also fights crimes better than the police, the mayor simply ignores him.

Going down this street, Jerry will have to deal with THE BOID annoying him, and try to protect the customer’s pizza from being destroyed by him.
No. 1017374 ID: e51896
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The next possible street Jerry can take is THREE HAMS ROAD

THREE HAMS ROAD is home to CRUST CITY’S Burger joint: BURGERVANIA, rival to :pizzid:. The ASSHOLE and extremely popular rollerblading waitress mascot known as W2K works there. Jerry is unsure if she is a robot animatronic, or someone in a mascot suit, and is scared to ask or find out.

W2K actually used to be Jerry’s girlfriend ever since he was in college. He would skip classes just to hang out with her at BURGERVANIA. She would always be into thrilling and scary experiences with Jerry such as chasing each other around, watching scary movies, going into haunted houses, roller coasters. As long as it got the blood pumping, she was all for it. If there was one thing she loved more, it would be her job at BURGERVANIA. She is mad about burgers and loves serving them.

When their relationship ended a year ago, that was when Jerry saw W2K’s psychotic side. Ricardo specifically told him not to ever see W2K again as she is a part of :pizzid:’s rival restaurant, BURGERVANIA when Jerry was starting out. So when Jerry broke up with her, she really did not take that lightly, especially after finding out it was because Jerry was working for :pizzid:, her greatest competitor. From that point on, whenever Jerry passed by with a pizza to deliver, she would threaten and try to kill Jerry with her chainsaw, turn him into a square burger, and feed him to her cat. Jerry finds it stupid how he can’t just report her due to her popularity, and because her father is the chief of police and good friends with THE MAYOR.

If Jerry takes this street, he’ll have to deal with a crazy ex-girlfriend chasing and hunting him down like in some kind of slasher film.

Message from PEA: Character design and concept for W2K was created by Absurdity DeVoid https://questden.org/wiki/Boris_Calija
No. 1017375 ID: e51896
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Next possible street is EXTRA CHEEZE STREET, where the BACON APARTMENTS are located at, and home to the ASSHOLES known as the :pizzid: FANATICS!

One day, before Jerry worked for :pizzid:, THE MAYOR held the annual PALATE OF CRUST CITY event, where people can buy and trade tickets to eat and try out different food from different restaurants. Ricardo entered this event to serve his :pizzid:, and it was a massive hit… so much so that it caused mobs to form around his booth and the event had to be cancelled since nobody was able to get through. To this day, whenever Jerry would pass by this street, just about everyone will try to chase him down to steal his pizza!

EUGENE, the green pizza rat also lives in the BACON APARTMENTS, and no one loves :pizzid: pizza more than him. But everybody calls him Gene. Jerry will most likely see him even if he doesn’t go down EXTRA CHEEZE STREET as a minor ASSHOLE. But if Jerry takes this street, Eugene will definitely be leading the mob to try to steal Jerry’s pizza as a major ASSHOLE.

If Jerry goes down this path, He’ll risk the customer’s pizza getting stolen, and will have to waste updates trying to get it back before most of it gets eaten.

Message from PEA: Character concept for Eugene was created by EDMANGO https://questden.org/wiki/EDMANGO
No. 1017376 ID: e51896
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Next possible street is MUSHROOM AVENUE, where the church of the MELTING IRIS is at, lead by the priest CASEY THE PILLOW.

Let’s be honest, it’s a cult full of creepy ASSHOLES. Jerry is not exactly sure what they worship or their motives, and was confused about it even when he did some research. One thing is for sure is that he wants nothing to do with them. The MELTING IRIS had recently been recognized as a religion by THE MAYOR and has started getting some funding from the city somehow.

Jerry had been in some weird SITUATIONS on this road. Early around the time when he started his job at :pizzid: and went down this road, a creepy looking kobold would always persist him to take a survey each and every day. It wasn’t until one particular bad day when he was almost late on a delivery that he decided to cave in and answer the questions at random without really paying attention so that maybe he wouldn’t be stopped to take a survey ever again.
After the survey was done, the kobold looked at the results, and gave Jerry a look of unease shock and wouldn’t say another word.

But despite that confusion, Jerry wasn’t bothered anymore for about a week until he noticed people in the street were staring at him whenever he passed by and whisper to each other. The last straw was when one day there was nobody on the streets for some reason, yet Jerry felt like he was being watched intensely. When he looked over at a manhole across the street, he was pretty sure he saw one of the cultist, the microphone person, glaring at him, and holding a net. This was followed by what he thinks was the sounds of footsteps which always felt like was getting closer and faster to him, causing him to run out of MUSHROOM AVENUE. Jerry was pretty sure that if he stayed longer, someone would have kidnapped him, He doesn’t want to go back down this road… but who knows, it’s been some months since he last visited, maybe they forgot all about him?

If he decides to go down Mushroom Avenue, he’ll have to try not to be potentially kidnapped by a weird cult.
No. 1017377 ID: e51896
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The last possible road Jerry can choose to take is SUPREME ROAD. Nothing really special about it, except that the MAYOR lives here. Though it is doubtful Jerry will see him since he works at CITY HALL, and CITY HALL is nowhere near SUPREME ROAD.

There isn’t any ASSHOLES here as far as Jerry knows, but it is still full of SITUATIONS and PROBLEMS to get out of. Really, if he takes this road, it’ll be like going through the first section, and won’t have to worry about the risks an ASSHOLE from the other roads would cause… but he has a feeling it might take a little longer to make it to his destination if he chooses that road, and there will be more PROBLEMS than usual to get out of.
No. 1017378 ID: e51896
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Luckily, Jerry has PALS that can help him out. Specifically, two that stand out is HARMON the cat, and VINCENT the human. Both usually are hiding out at the FIRST CHECKPOINT at the parking spot.

Harmon is pretty chill, and has a rad bike. He keeps a baggie full of weed and will definitely help Jerry as long as he promises him “a slice of that sweet ‘za”

Vincent, Harmon’s best friend, is a quiet dude who also keeps weed as well, but unlike Harmon who uses it for recreational purposes, he uses it for medicinal purposes, as it helps him eat the pizza. Unfortunately, the weed leaves him a more neurotic instead of less.

If Jerry wants their help, he’ll have to spend at least one update to convince them, with a chance of failing to recruit them but having the chance to try again for another update. Fortunately, Jerry is guaranteed to have them helping him if he can pay them with a slice of pizza!

Message from PEA: Character design and concept for Harmon was created by Doors https://questden.org/wiki/A_Game_Of_Words

Character design and concept for Vincent was created by Tippler https://questden.org/wiki/Tippler[/i]
No. 1017379 ID: e51896
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Now that Jerry knows what he’ll be up against, it is time to look into the :pizzid:'s POCKET INTERDIMENSIONAL CLOSET and pick out some items that will help him on his journey! He thinks he has room for 5 items to take with him in his HAMMERSPACIAL DIMENSION.

Plz post item ideas you want Jerry to bring with him on his quest along with a description on what they do. Be as creative as you want, but try not to go too OP with whatever crazy items we have here. For example, no “teleporter that can take you wherever you want”, because people can use that with the intent of getting to the destination in one update ending the quest early.

If an item is overpowered, but cool enough, I will nerf it to try to make things fair.

You’re not limited to just one item either, if you have multiple item ideas, post them.

You can also come up with items that could potentially SABOTAGE Jerry instead of HELPING him.

Some item examples could be a pizza decoy, a slice of pizza to give to someone to help you, skateboard, whatever you want!

After a while, I will put together a poll of the items you all suggested, and have you all select five items you want Jerry to bring

No. 1017395 ID: 0838d6

I'll come up with more later, but here's one:

The necklace of chaotic probability
The die will occasionally roll inside of it's case, the lower the roll, the more likely BAD things will happen, the higher the roll, the more likely GOOD things will happen, unfortunately the dice hates whoever has it and will try to roll WORSE more often then not.

My idea is that he carries it with him in case someone he really hates comes along so he can give them a "present" and get them off his back with both good AND bad luck. It's a double edged sword you see.
No. 1017417 ID: 076735

I think Three Hams road is the safest option for the pizza itself.
No. 1017422 ID: 3292e2

No. 1017427 ID: 629f2e

All of these streets seem interesting in different ways, so if you don't mind I'm just going to rank my interest in them instead of listing my fave of the bunch.

1: THREE HAMS ROAD (I want Jerry to have to deal with his ex)
2: EXTRA CHEEZE STREET (An entire town of crazies after his pizza also sounds pretty neat though, lots of possibility there)
3: SUPREME ROAD (This seems like it has the potential to intersect with any and all of the previous choices, and could basically be like playing on hard mode)
4: BROCCOLI STREET (I hate The Boid, but if we engage with him then maybe just maybe he will die a horrible death)
5: MUSHROOM AVENUE (Nothing wrong with this option, just seems like it has the most predictable obstacles, which dampens the chaos some)

Now let's talk tools of the trade. If Henry Stickmin has taught us anything, it's that it isn't the tools themselves but how you use them. As such, I'm going to try for an even split of cool useful stuff to mundane seemingly useless stuff.

I'm also going to suggest way too much. Deal with it.

Green Spotted Mushroom - Grants whoever eats it an extra life. Takes a frame rule (one update) to respawn.

Screwdriver - With a changeable tip. Phillips head AND Flat head all in one.

Stale pepperoni - About two handfuls of pepperoni that have fallen off of pizzas mid-delivery.

Airbag - Car not attached.

Poodle Doll - A living stuffed toy he picked up in an alternate world of living plushes. Indeterminate size, nobody is really sure if it'll be the size of a normal toy, your size, giant, etc. His name is Mary.

Air Tank - A tank filled with about 30 minutes worth of air.

Scuba Gear - Doesn't include an air tank, so this is all unfortunately useless.

Leaning Tower of Pizza Boxes - About 9 Feet tall. Only stays up via suspension of disbelief.

The "I Don't Care"-inator! - A ray gun that inflicts a temporary lack of interest in whoever it hits. You have not been hit by this, you were hit by life. Only has three charges.

Lawyer Badge - Proves that you are legally fit to stand as an attorney. Purchased from the dollar store.

Trousers - Always keep a spare pair! You may never need them, but consider yourself lucky if you don't. Comes with a belt.

Painting Supplies -A canvas, easel, paints, brushes, the whole she-bang. Except for green, you've been out of green for a while. You have yellow and blue, but it's not the same...

Repulsion Gel -Two buckets full of one of Aperture Labs' signature goos. A blue gel that will make any surface it hits gain bouncy properties. Aperture Science is not responsible for any limbs broken while using this.

Baseball Bat - Hey batter batter! Great for reflecting projectiles, baseballs especially.

The Hottest Hot Sauce in the WORLD!!! - Guaranteed to melt your tongue or your money back! (May actually just be a jar filled with acid.)

Halloween Pail Filled with Candy - You got it all. Chocolate, peanut butter, gummy candies, sour stuff, raisins, etc.

The Arsene Amulet - A mystical artifact that allows the wielder to steal someone else's Epithet, a mystical word attached to their soul which grants special powers. Epithet users aren't exactly common around here, but you can always take a chance that anybody seeming to have super powers may just have an epithet specifically.

A Lot of Sheep - You can't seem to count how many are in here without falling asleep...

Polaroid Camera - Somebody put a way-too-bright bulb in the flash, and now it's effectively a tool for blinding people alongside it's more common use of taking photos.

Purr Feckt's Purse - You didn't steal this, you just haven't had the chance to return it to her yet after she left it at the courthouse. Contains her wallet, important evidence for another trial (hopefully one in the far future, you'd hate to have to deal with her today if she comes to get this), feminine products, keys (how did she get home without her car or house keys?), and a pair of handcuffs. You'd guess she has them because she's a prosecutor, but the fuzzy pink design screams "Personal Use".

Opacitator - "You'll walk through walls! - Gadget Gabe (2009)"

Cupcake - Sweet!

Dances of Unfortunate Travel - A book of ritualistic dances that provide completely unreliable transportation to you and others. The five factors it considers are Direction, Distance, Transportation Method (teleportation, flight, sudden compulsion to walk, conga line, plot hole, etc.) the number of targets affected, and which specific targets to cast it on. Theoretically different moves can control all of the methods, but you're only good enough to choose two at a time to control. All other factors are effectively random, your dance methods setting their values. Takes about 1/4th an update of uninterrupted dancing to activate.

Gerbera's Phone Number - Desperate times may call for the most desperate of measures.

Hot Air Balloon - Hot air not included.

Egg - Hatches after around 9000 steps. Not very helpful when you're driving. Whatever hatches is guaranteed to see you as its father and love you, as long as you treat it well.

Electronic Mail - An envelope containing nothing but pure electricity. You have no idea how it works either.

Rice - Good for drying out your phone.

A Stop Sign - It's time to stop!

Chewing Gum - Pizza flavored. This is considered a number 14 on your menu.

Special Monocle - Has a number of properties such as X-Ray vision and true sight. Only has a limited number of charges however, and may cause meta slowdown by forcing the artist to animate the x-ray effect.

Duct Tape - Arguably the most overpowered item on this list.

A Secret Santa Gift - You can't seem to remember what it is yet for some weird meta reason, but you're pretty sure you'll remember soon enough.
No. 1017439 ID: c92a02

Pizza bomb - A high explosive that looks, smells and weighs identical to your normal delivery box. You throw (probably) this and not the actual pizza at someone to distract them with an explosive surprise.
No. 1017452 ID: e60c38

Pizza Cutter Ver 3.6.0: a very sharp electric pizza cutter that cuts through tough surfaces. Turn it on, and it spins like a buzzsaw. Not recommended to be used for cutting pizza, as it will cut through the pizza stone. Can be used as a weapon
No. 1017463 ID: de8087

We're going to need bribing material, so yes, have a slice of pizza from a week or so ago, perfectly preserved in your handy DINNERWARE time capsule. It's even still hot!
No. 1017466 ID: 3292e2

Decoy pizza - It is a cardboard pizza that you put over your ordinary pizza.

Customer complaint manager - It is just a gun with rubber bullets.

Civilian disguise - Self Explanatory you even get the briefcase for the pizza.
No. 1017485 ID: 289c99

Weed pizza. A pizza with weed toppings. This will be for our friends Vincent and Harmon to get them to help us.

Sunstone Jerry took this with him from the plush world. Can be used to heat up the pizza if it gets too cold, or heat up other things. (Doesnt have to be sunstone, can be a portalble electric microwave oven or stove to heat things)
No. 1017487 ID: 094652

Pizzachu - A rare pizza-eating rodent made of sapient stained glass. You can feed it stale crumbs, causing it to perform all kinds of tricks. Its main purpose is to act as a blinder against muggers.

[Censored] Ferret - In exchange for sugar-glazed pizza bites, this fuzzy contortionist will turn itself into a grappling hook with an increased chance to succeed and dodge.

The County's Smallest Cowty - A cow the size of your hand, capable of re-absorbing mass from an alternate dimension when it is fed soda. Can be used as a roadblock or a stampede.

Stale Leftovers - Your supply of expired foodstuffs from the Pizzaria. You can feed these to your animal companions in exchange for their help. Be warned - feeding a companion too many times during the quest will cause them to become ravenous, demanding more food until they become a hazard to the delivery itself.
No. 1017532 ID: 8483cf

Extra cheeze street, and if not that, then Three Hams!


Blue Shell: Throw it and it hits the person at the front of the line! Any line!

Netflix Password: The corporate account! For use only when bored.

Ice Dream: An ice sculpture in the shape of an ice cream cone. Throw it on any street to turn that road into the BOULEVARD OF BROKEN DREAMS.
No. 1017569 ID: 2b911e

Message from PEA: Just a heads up, the suggestions for item ideas will be locked in this SATURDAY NIGHT. Afterwards, I will run a poll for which 5 items you would want to take from the list of items suggested. I will also merge some of the items together if some seem pretty similar to each other to make things easier.

Also wanted to say you're all coming up with a lot of amazing suggestions for items! Thanks everyone!

No. 1017570 ID: 0838d6

I have more pizza related ideas

Tasty Cardboard Pizza - It's a pizza made of 100% organic cardboard, not that it matters. Strangely enough the first bite ALWAYS tastes and FEELS like pizza, but contains no nutritional value. Every bite after that tastes like cardboard, but this would prove useful if you're fighting off a swarm of pizza lovers

Illegal Powdered Donut- a mini powdered donut you've been saving. The sugar content is actually illegal in 17 different countries and consuming it will, for the briefest of moments, give you prescience, but after about [1 Update] you will suffer from an extreme crash of euphoria and a sugar coma, you've been holding into this for a special day, or for when you have a buddy to watch over you.

Pizza Ball - It's a ball textured like a Pizza, it bounces like a normal dodgeball, smells like a pizza, but has no nutritional value and deflates when bitten. You've used this as a weapon as it's technically not one and every time you say it's catchphrase "ITS TIME TO DELIVER A PIZZA-BALL" it returns to your hand by the next update.
No. 1017571 ID: 0838d6

A Lyluk brand SLUSHEE - A slushee of dubious origin that when drunk improves some of your stats for a few updates.
No. 1017787 ID: e51896

Message from PEA: Aaaaaaaand that's it. write ins for item suggestions are now closed. Thank you all so much for the amazing item ideas. I will be setting up a poll for you guys to vote for what items to take soon.
No. 1017840 ID: e51896
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Message from PEA: Plz Vote for your favorite 5 items here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeYTG0_I_VuBLUiQvuPabT9lwYw1oLHINg21QBJ61WSIZHUBg/viewform?usp=sf_link

You can vote for more than 5 since the list is overwhelmingly big, but try to keep it close to 5 if you can. Think of your favorite items, and then choose your most favorites out of what you like.

Thoughts of which route to take during the second section bounce around in Jerry’s head. He’s leaning towards THREE HAMS ROAD or EXTRA CHEEZE STREET currently, but he realizes he is getting ahead of himself and decides not to dwell too much on thinking about this right now. He’ll make his decision once he reaches the first CHECKPOINT.

Instead, Jerry wants to focus mainly on what items to take with him. So, he opens the :pizzid: POCKET INTERDIMENSIONAL CLOSET, and is instantly greeted by an emptiness of dark space with items floating around inside… a large number of items! Too many items!! Jerry is immediately overwhelmed by how many items are inside, almost making it difficult for him to choose.

The :pizzid: POCKET INTERDIMENSIONAL CLOSET is a closet that contains a pocket dimension :pizzid: uses to store items of various sizes in to help with cooking a pizza such as ingredients sent to them by STEPHAN STUFFLE or cooking tools, and items to prepare for pizza deliveries.

Jerry can fit 5 more items from the closet into his HAMMERSPACIAL DIMENSION, a pocket dimension where he keeps his items (basically his INVENTORY).

Overall, he can fit 10 items, but has already used up 5 of those spaces for:

- Wallet (contains his bank card, drivers license, insurance card, 30 ₵A$H)
- Smart Phone
- Notebook Paper with Ramona's (Rachael's) name, location, phone number, order, and price.
- Keys to the :pizzid: moped
- Lighter

Jerry also has CIGARETTES, but he keeps those in his pants pocket.

You're probably wondering why Jerry doesn't just put Rachael's pizza in his hammer space... Well to that I say, it will all be explained in the next update. Don't worry. It's fiiiiine
Here is the items Jerry can take:

The Necklace of Chaotic Probability
The die will occasionally roll inside of its case, the lower the roll, the more likely BAD things will happen, the higher the roll, the more likely GOOD things will happen, unfortunately the dice hates whoever has it and will try to roll WORSE more often than not. (During SITUATIONS, if Jerry carries this, it will subtract 3 HELP points from the votes, but if he manages to give it to an ASSHOLE, or someone bothering him, it will subtract 3 SABOTAGE points from the vote as long as the ASSHOLE currently bothering him is holding it. if HELP wins in a SITUATION, it'll be guaranteed that if Jerry faces a PROBLEM in the next SITUATION, it won't result in another SITUATION happening when Jerry tries to get out of the PROBLEM.)

Teal Spotted Mushroom
Grants whoever eats it an extra life. Takes a frame rule (one update) to respawn... but will cause HALLUCINATIONS to occur.

With a changeable tip. Phillips head AND Flat head all in one.

Stale pepperoni
About two handfuls of pepperoni that have fallen off of pizzas mid-delivery.

Car not attached.

Poodle Doll
A living stuffed toy he picked up in an alternate world of living plushes. Indeterminate size, nobody is really sure if it'll be the size of a normal toy, your size, giant, etc. His name is Mary. He was Jerry’s campaign manager during his political campaign.

Air Tank
A tank filled with about 30 minutes worth of air.

Scuba Gear
Doesn't include an air tank, so this is all unfortunately useless.

Leaning Tower of Pizza Boxes
About 9 Feet tall. Only stays up via suspension of disbelief.

The "I Don't Care"-inator!
A ray gun that inflicts a temporary lack of interest in whoever it hits. You have not been hit by this, you were hit by life. Only has one charge left.

Lawyer Badge
Proves whoever has it is legally fit to stand as an attorney. Purchased from the dollar store. Made of cardboard

Always keep a spare pair! Jerry may never need them, but consider himself lucky if he doesn't. Comes with a belt.

Painting Supplies
A canvas, easel, paints, brushes, the whole she-bang. Except for green, Jerry has been out of green for a while. He have yellow and blue, but it's not the same...

Repulsion Pizza Sauce
Two buckets full of Ricardo's experimental repulsion pizza sauces that he tried to invent to keep stray particles like dust off the Pizza, but that experiment didn't work out well as it prevented toppings or cheese from staying on the pizza. Also inedible because it's REPULSIVE. It will make any surface it hits gain bouncy properties. :pizzid: is not responsible for any limbs broken while using this.

Baseball Bat
Hey batter batter! Great for reflecting projectiles, baseballs especially.

The Hottest Hot Sauce in the WORLD!!!
Guaranteed to melt your tongue or your money back! (May actually just be a jar filled with acid.)

Halloween Pail Filled with Candy
You got it all. Chocolate, peanut butter, gummy candies, sour stuff, raisins, etc. (May or may not be EXPIRED)

A Lot of Sheep
You can't seem to count how many are in here without falling asleep...

Polaroid Camera
Somebody put a way-too-bright bulb in the flash, and now it's effectively a tool for blinding people alongside it's more common use of taking photos. All the photos are to bright to see tho.

Purr Feckt's Purse
Jerry didn't steal this, he just haven't had the chance to return it to her yet after she left it at the courthouse. He’s serious! Contains her wallet, important evidence for another trial (hopefully one in the far future, you'd hate to have to deal with her today if she comes to get this), feminine products, keys (how did she get home without her car or house keys?), and a pair of handcuffs. You'd guess she has them because she's a prosecutor, but the fuzzy pink design screams "Personal Use".

Sweet! (But it’s pizza flavored)

Dances of Unfortunate Travel
A book of ritualistic dances that provide completely unreliable transportation to you and others. The five factors it considers are Direction, Distance, Transportation Method (teleportation, flight, sudden compulsion to walk, conga line, plot hole, etc.) the number of targets affected, and which specific targets to cast it on. Theoretically different moves can control all of the methods, but you're only good enough to choose two at a time to control. All other factors are effectively random, your dance methods setting their values. Takes about 1/4th an update of uninterrupted dancing to activate.

Gerbera's Phone Number
Desperate times may call for the most desperate of measures. Jerry really doesn't want to take this with him, and hopes his subconscious doesn't accidentally have him grab it (in other words, you suggesters).

Hot Air Balloon
Hot air not included.

Hatches after around 9000 steps. Not very helpful when you're driving. Whatever hatches is guaranteed to see you as its father and love you, as long as you treat it well.

Electronic Mail
An envelope containing nothing but pure electricity. You have no idea how it works either.

Good for drying out your phone.

A Stop Sign
It's time to stop!

Chewing Gum
Pizza flavored. This is considered a number 14 on the :pizzid: menu.

Special Monocle
Has a number of properties such as X-Ray vision and true sight. Only has a limited number of charges however, and may cause meta slowdown by forcing the artist to animate the x-ray effect. Jerry thinks this might be more fitting for a tailor than a pizza delivery guy for some reason.

Duct Tape
Arguably the most overpowered item on this list. Can fix EVERYTHING!

A Secret Santa Gift
You can't seem to remember what it is yet for some weird meta reason, but you're pretty sure you'll remember soon enough. (WARNING, may or may not be useful or might not be available at all depending on what happens in the SECRET SANTA 2021 thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/136526.html )

Pizza bomb
A high explosive that looks, smells and weighs identical to your normal delivery box. You throw (probably) this and not the actual pizza at someone to distract them with an explosive cheesy saucy surprise.

Pizza Cutter Ver 3.6.0
A very sharp electric pizza cutter that cuts through tough surfaces. Turn it on, and it spins like a buzzsaw. Not recommended to be used for cutting pizza, as it will cut through the pizza stone. Can be used as a weapon.

A slice of pizza from a week or so ago in a DINNERWARE TIME CAPSULE
Can be used to bribe your way out of a SITUATION or PROBLEM. Can also be used to give to HARMON or VINCENT to guarantee their help, especially if it is WEED PIZZA (That said, when you use this item, please specify what topping you want to have on it such as PEPPERONI, BACON, WEED, etc.) the DINNERWARE TIME CAPSULE kept it WARM (but not HOT)

Tasty Decoy Cardboard Pizza
It is a cardboard pizza that you put over your ordinary pizza. It's made of 100% organic cardboard, not that it matters. Strangely enough the first bite ALWAYS tastes and FEELS like pizza, but contains no nutritional value. Every bite after that tastes like cardboard, but this would prove useful if you're fighting off a swarm of pizza lovers

Jerry stole this from the plush world. Can be used to heat up the pizza if it gets too cold (in the event someone opens the pizza box and lets out some of the heat), or heat up other things.

A rare pizza-eating rodent made of sapient stained glass. You can feed it stale crumbs, causing it to perform all kinds of tricks. Its main purpose is to act as a blinder against muggers.

[Censored] Ferret
In exchange for sugar-glazed pizza bites, this fuzzy contortionist will turn itself into a grappling hook with an increased chance to succeed and dodge.

The County's Smallest Cowty
A cow the size of your hand, capable of re-absorbing mass from an alternate dimension when it is fed soda. Can be used as a roadblock or a stampede.

Stale Leftovers
Your supply of expired foodstuffs from the Pizzaria. You can feed these to your animal companions in exchange for their help. Be warned - feeding a companion too many times during the quest will cause them to become ravenous, demanding more food until they become a hazard to the delivery itself. Can also be used to distract people bothering Jerry.

Ultramarine Shell
Throw it and it hits the person at the front of the line! Any line!

WebMovie Account Password
The corporate account used for streaming movies! For use only when bored.

Ice Dream
An ice sculpture in the shape of an ice cream cone. Throw it on any street to turn that road into the BOULEVARD OF BROKEN DREAMS.

Illegal Powdered Donut
a mini powdered donut you've been saving. The sugar content is actually illegal in 17 different countries and consuming it will, for the briefest of moments, give you prescience, but after about [1 Update] you will suffer from an extreme crash of euphoria and a sugar coma, you've been holding into this for a special day, or for when you have a buddy to watch over you.

Pizza Ball
It's a ball textured like a Pizza, it bounces like a normal dodgeball, smells like a pizza, but has no nutritional value and deflates when bitten. Jerry used this as a weapon as it's technically not one and every time he’d say it's catchphrase "ITS TIME TO DELIVER A PIZZA-BALL" it returns to his hand by the next update.

A Lyluk brand SLUSHEE
A slushee of dubious origin that when drunk improves some of your stats for a few updates. Pizza flavored. (Gives Jerry +2 points for HELP in a SITUATION.) WARNING: HAS A 20% CHANCE TO EITHER MAKE JERRY SHITTY, OR TURN HIM INTO A LYLUK. (not recommended for Hippos.) [/b]

Again, Please vote using the poll linked here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeYTG0_I_VuBLUiQvuPabT9lwYw1oLHINg21QBJ61WSIZHUBg/viewform?usp=sf_link
As far as what to suggest here on Questden… hmm… I dunno, Maybe you can try to convince others to pick a certain item, or maybe you can write how Jerry is feeling or what he is thinking currently.

No. 1017843 ID: 629f2e

I would like to make a suggestion to all suggestors to avoid repetition. Pick the pizza in tupperware if you were going to pick the cardboard pizza.

They're pretty similar, and I can see people voting for both. That wouldn't really be a problem at all, but for the sake of variety I'm gonna push for everyone to pick one and abandon the other.

No specific reason for the leftover pizza over cardboard, other than it feels more helpful to me. Please feel free to disagree and tell me why I'm wrong and fat in your own suggestions.

Other than that pick whatever y'all like best, too many good options I won't even start to try and influence you otherwise.
No. 1017859 ID: afe7de

I think you're wrong because the cardboard pizza was my suggestion and I am biased.

But I have submitted my choices.
No. 1018441 ID: 8483cf

I voted!
No. 1020157 ID: e51896
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Indecision plagues Jerry’s mind as his eyes explores through the items in front of him, he really doesn’t want his pizza delivery position to be taken from him and get stuck in a mascot costume all day every day, so he’s taking longer than usual and being extra considerate of each and every item in front of him.

He looks over at the stuffie plush doll of MI MARY the Fur-kin poodle that he put away along with the SUNSTONE and PURR FECKT’S PURSE from his previous delivery after opening this closet earlier and reminisces about what happened during the previous delivery.

Mary was his campaign manager after Purr Feckt and P.I. Zzander sent him to some kind of plush world. The two met during the second day of Jerry’s struggling political campaign and the poodle was insistent in wanting to help Jerry since he disagreed with one party, and got fired from another for not going with their corrupt cheating. Jerry was the only one he had because otherwise, he would have had to return alone to his old dying town jobless. He may have been a pushover that has no chance to survive in politics, but with his analytical knowledge of probability of certain items’ effectiveness, and Jerry’s knowledge of making the very pizzas he hated, they were able to determine where and when to strike certain hotspots to win audience over with their addicting cookie pizzas in the shadows while the other political parties were busy SABOTAGING each other with slander, cheating, spying, and even murdering at one point. though none of that compares to the first day he was there when he could have sworn he saw an audience member caught on fire… but then maybe he was seeing things as when he looked again, they were gone

By the time the other political parties realized how much of a threat Jerry’s addicting cookie pizza was, it was already too late and Jerry won with a huge upset win with the audience. Apparently, everyone was sick of all the lies, corruption, and unrealistic promises the other political parties were doing that they decided to stick to Jerry’s simple promise of bringing dessert pizzas to the town of FLUFFSENUFFS if he won.

When it came time for Jerry to use his newly gained power to leave after winning, Mary rushed in crying after him through the portal back to his world at the last moment as he had nowhere else to go, and became a lifeless doll upon stepping into Crust City…

Jerry assumes that maybe since he was turned into doll to fit into the plush world, Mary in turn became lifeless to fit with his world. It really is a shame. If he was still alive, he would probably be able to analyze the effectiveness of each item in the closet for his journey. Instead, all Mary can do is drift around quietly in the empty space of the closet, alone with all the other items as his eyes slowly opens and his arms flail around trying to swim towards Jerry… wait, what?

Mary: Bosssssss!

To Jerry’s surprise, Mary swims out of the closet, and tumbles onto the floor. He’s alive???

Mary: BORK! Owww… Boss… I’m so glad to see you… Wha- what happened, boss?
Mary: Umm… let’s see… The last thing I remembered, you won the election, got that magic power, people were expecting you to use it to make more cookie pizzas…
Mary: but instead you threw some kind of secret :pizzid: cook book on the floor, opened a portal, gave a rude hand gestor and yelled something along the lines of ‘later suckers’ and took the portal out
Mary: and then I ran in after you crying as the portal was shrinking, blinded by all the tears in my eyes, calling out to you not to leave me…
Mary: and then… and then… bosssss

Mary can’t finish his sentence as he has tears dripping from his eyes, almost about to break down crying in relief to see Jerry again. Jerry sighs in annoyance and tells him he must have fainted after going through the portal in fear and from so much emotion, and tells him to snap outta it and stop acting like a lost puppy, because he’s been found or something like that.

Mary: haaaaah… same ol’ Jerry. I’m so relieved I didn’t lose you forever…
Mary:… You… look different… like, you’re not made of the same kind of things that Cloth-kins are made of… In fact, everything looks different here, so much materials I’ve never seen before!
Mary: What is this place? It’s… colorful!

Jerry explains that this is the world he came from, and they’re in Crust City.

Mary: Wow… This is going to take getting used to, boss.
Mary: But… I don’t think I want to return to my world
Mary: I was kind of a lonely nobody back there, hoping to make a living after leaving my dying town, but I just couldn’t handle it.
Mary: nowhere to go, nobody to return to…
Mary: Well, there is my sister, buuuuuuut…
Mary: She’s an alcoholic bitch who emotionally abused me.
Mary: Less said about her, the better.
Mary: Fluff her!

Jerry explains that’s probably for the best as he doesn’t seem to have that magic power that got him back home upon returning anymore, and that he’d probably have to ask Purr Feckt to get the coordinates back to his universe if he wanted to return which will be more of a headache than it’s worth.

Mary: That’s okay, boss! I found my purpose here, being your assistant!

Jerry tells him to stop being cheesy and he didn’t agree to this arrangement, but he can tag along and help analyze situations and items he guesses… as long as he puts on the trousers in the closet. He explains to Mary that he has fluffy hair in a weird spot, and although his plush species has nothing there that it’s covering, it’s still fuckin’ weird as shit and wants him to put some damn pants on so he can stop looking at them.

Mary: You’re looking at my crotch?

Jerry angrily tells him to stop twisting his words, his society has a mandatory clothing rule for most species, and he should put some damn pants on, and wait outside the front door for him

Mary: Yes boss! Right away! Though, I don’t see what’s so weird about having hair there. Nobody had a problem with that before…

Mary takes the pants and skips off. Jerry frustratingly calls out to him to put them on before heading out.

-He has a knack for figuring out the probability of certain outcomes for each item. At the end of each update during a SITUATION, he will analyze all of Jerry’s items and inform Jerry how many POINTS will be added to the HELP or SABOTAGE dice rolls.

-He has a powerful BITE that is worse than his bark… though it’ll take a lot for him to join in a fight or get aggressive because he’s a good boi.

-Has really good hearing and smelling

-Even though Jerry’s HAMMERSPACIAL DIMENSION and the INTERDIMENSIONAL CLOSET does not accept living things, Mary being a STUFFIE (a living plush doll) tricks them into thinking he’s an item for some reason, and can be put inside if Jerry has a free space.

-Mary doesn’t have much of anything to store items with, but he carries his clipboard wherever he goes, and can use his trousers to fit some small things in his pockets.

-Jerry will need to convince Purr Feckt to give him the coordinates to Mary’s world if he wants to send him back home… though he doesn’t seem to want to go back currently.

Message from PEA: Character design and concept for Mi Mary was created by Himitsu https://questden.org/wiki/Himitsu
Concept for Stuffies and the plush world by EDMANGO’s and Tippler’s quest Plush Quest https://questden.org/wiki/Plushquest

No. 1020158 ID: e51896
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With Mary out of the way, and feeling a bit more confident Jerry decides to pick up the following items:


Jerry is quite satisfied with his decision and shuts the closet.

Message from PEA: there was 3 votes for two items (the purse and the decoy pizza) and a 8-way tie for the rest of the items with two votes, so I decided to throw you all a bone and make one of the items (the poodle plus) an unlocked secret character instead of an item (and gave him pants, you’re welcome), and chose one item from each suggester who got an item with 2 votes.
No. 1020159 ID: e51896
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Next, Jerry heads over to the kitchen to do a quality check on the pizza that his uncle just cooked… or so he tells his uncle. In reality, he’s taking the time to summon a spirit of an old friend from the pizza for help. As soon as Jerry grabs the pizza out of the oven and places it in the box, steam floats upwards towards the ceiling and takes the form of a creature’s spirit.

This is ANTONIO DEVARARA, the weird-pink-cyclopes-elephant-ghost-whatever-thing. He was the delivery guy that Gerbera replaced and was worked to the bone by uncle Ricardo. One day after he finished a very difficult delivery, he got a heart attack after not receiving a tip to pay off the 10 ₵A$H he owed his friend Jerry, and was punished by some otherworldly beings for not paying off his debts before dying. He was ordered to make up for the ₵A$H he owes Jerry by becoming his GAURDIAN SPIRIT as the SPIRIT OF LEFTOVER PIZZA before he can leave for the afterlife. Since then, Antonio unenthusiastically helps Jerry out of any SITUATION he finds himself in with the hope that one day, he’ll fulfill enough good deeds to make up for the debt he owes Jerry and be allowed into the afterlife. he regrets not buying life insurance.

Antonio upon being summoned tiredly stares at Jerry

Antonio: Let me guess… another pizza delivery? Right after that previous BS delivery

Jerry nods

Antonio: Fine, whatever… lets me fulfill more good deeds I owe you anyways… But just once, couldn’t you, like, summon me for normal tasks?
Antonio: like cooking you a meal?
Antonio: finding the tv remote?
Antonio: hell, even clean the :pizzid: public restroom?
Antonio: instead of dealing with this stupid city’s shit?
Antonio: or how about just summon me for a movie night or something worth my while for once?

Jerry reminds Antonio that he can only summon Antonio from the steam of a pizza, and he’d rather not waste several updates cooking a pizza just to fulfill something that can finish himself in a few updates.

Antonio: Right, right… *sigh* I just wish I knew how many good deeds are worth 10 ₵A$H so I can get the fuck out of this miserable world.

Jerry explains he doesn’t know, but theorizes that maybe because it took so long to pay off the 10 ₵A$H, it has been accruing interest?

Antonio: *sigh* Fucking hell, that better not be the case.
Antonio: That previous delivery was bullshit and should have been worth 100 ₵A$H at the very least.
Antonio: You know what, forget it.
Antonio: Complaining about it isn’t going to solve it.
Antonio: I guess I’ll help.
Antonio: What choice do I have?
Antonio: Just make sure the problem you have me solve is worth a lot of good deeds.


- He has spiritual powers that is powered by pizza, and can perform pizza related magic

- his help will add 7 points to the HELP dice rolls, no matter the circumstances.

- Won’t guarantee that it’ll get rid of major ASSHOLES Jerry will find in the second section of the pizza delivery, but will still add 7 points the HELP dice rolls

-BE WARNED! Opening the pizza box to summon him will cause the pizza’s temperature to lower. The Pizza’s temperature will go from hot, to warm, to cold, to freezing. Jerry can maintain temperature for one turn by giving Antonio STALE LEFTOVERS to power him up.

- There are ways to heat up the pizza if its temperature drops

- the lower the temperature is, the lower the customer’s satisfaction will be and will affect how well Jerry’s performance will be in Jerry’s uncle’s eyes.

Message from PEA: Character design and concept for Antonio Devarara was created by Absurdity DeVoid https://questden.org/wiki/Boris_Calija[/i]
No. 1020161 ID: e51896
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Jerry and Antonio’s discussion is cut short as Jerry’s sleeve is being tugged by some leaves. Jerry slams the pizza box shut, which causes Antonio to sink rapidly into the pizza box, with the lid of the box slamming against his head on his way in.

Antonio: ow…

Jerry glares over to where the leaves are coming from, and finds that they are predictably attached to Gerbera.

Gerbera: Hi Jerry, Hi!
Gerbera: Talking to your imaginary friend again?

Jerry forgot that he’s the only one who can see and hear Antonio unless he uses his pizza power to let him be temporarily seen in a physical form. He can’t believe that smug flower caught him talking to himself in their eyes again.
Gerbera: Pretty cool Jerry, I got an imaginary friend too, one that is physical and that you can see! a little toy of myself! Hahahaha!

Great, now not only Gerbera is patronizing Jerry by showing off an imaginary friend that not only actually has a physical form, is not only better than Jerry’s supposed imaginary friend, but it LOOKS LIKE THEM TOO! Of course, their imaginary friend would be one that looks like themself! Seriously, who would make a toy based off of Gerbera? Jerry wonders why can’t Gerbera go one day not trying to prove they’re better than Jerry in every way?

Antonio: I’m not imaginary, you idiot…

Jerry tells Gerbera to get to the point and asks why they’re here, shouldn’t they be dancing, or dealing with that custardme… Custard named Mer, or be finding a successor to be their replacement to advertise :pizzid: as “The ZA”?

Gerbera: OH! Don’t worry about all that!
Gerbera: Mer got their deep-dish pizza and is bathing in it!
Gerbera: also unrelated, Ricardo said they’re adding a new custard deep-dish pizza on the menu
Gerbera: Also Ricardo told me he already found a replacement for me for when I become the delivery person!
Gerbera: So I had to cancel that dancing competition I set up for the 5 interested customers

Wait, Gerbera actually found some people willing to humiliate themselves in a pizza costume?!

Gerbera: And guess what!
Gerbera: Ricardo said you’re my replacement!
Gerbera: That’s wonderful!
Gerbera: You took acting classes in college, so you should be a pro at this, my bud!
Gerbera: I’m so happy for you, you’re going to have a lot of fun, I’m sure.

Okay, now Gerbera is just making fun of him at this point, Jerry thinks to himself. How dare they compare his sophisticated acting skills he learned from college to dancing like a buffoon in a pizza costume. Jerry says if that’s all Gerbera wanted to say, that they should get back to work.

Gerbera: But I’m on lunch break, my bud!
Gerbera: Well, okay, technically I am at lunch break
Gerbera: But I’m a flower. I just photosynthesize, so it’s more of a break really!
Gerbera: So I figured because I don’t need to eat…
Gerbera: and since I’m going to be a pizza delivery flower…
Gerbera: I figured I should get some hands-on experience by going with you on your delivery route!
Gerbera: what do you say, bud? May I come with you, please? I could really use the training!

Aw, hell no! Jerry really doesn’t like the idea of training someone who is about to replace him, especially not GERBERA OF ALL PEOPLE! What if their smugness makes them try to take all the glory for Jerry’s hard work for themselves when the delivery is over?

But then again, what if Gerbera goes on this pizza delivery journey with Jerry and after seeing the PROBLEMS Jerry encounters first hand, they decide to quit and go back to dancing in the costume?

Jerry decides to list the pros and cons of Gerbera joining the PIZZA PARTY:

- they will be able to HELP Jerry out of SITUATION
- they might find out their not cut out for this if they go through enough PROBLEMS, possibly giving Jerry a higher chance to keep his job in delivering pizza.

- It’ll be harder to recruit Harmon the cat, and Vincent in the second section if Gerbera is in the PIZZA PARTY as Jerry has told them how terrible Gerbera is
- Gerbera will probably take all the credit for delivering the pizza, making them look better than Jerry in Ricardo’s eyes

Jerry is currently split on the decision to let Gerbera join or not. What do you all think, should Gerbera join, or not?
IMPORTANT PLZ READ: If you want to vote to have them join, please come up with a PRO for having them in the PIZZA PARTY likewise, if you don’t want Gerbera to join, please come up with a CON. YOUR VOTE WILL NOT BE COUNTED IF YOU DON’T LIST A PRO OR A CON. ALSO, IT CANNOT BE THE SAME LISTED HERE, OR WHAT SOMEBODY ELSE CAME UP WITH IN THE SUGGESTIONS.

No. 1020163 ID: 629f2e

Holy shit yes. Absolutely bring Gerbera, they don't know what they're fucking getting into. They don't know what hell awaits them in every delivery.

PRO: Gerbera can vouch for Jerry on whatever bullshit encumbers them when they get back to Ricardo, making it look even more amazing if Jerry succeeds the delivery
No. 1020172 ID: 0838d6

YES, Pro: Gerb can finally understand that JERRY is actually CURSED when making deliveries, it's not really his fault that the universe conspires against him.

or alt Pro: Jerry will probably hate Gerbera no matter what, but maybe they can learn to empathize with each other and he can get Gerb to understand that Jerry just isn't into his enthusiasm and finds it pedantic or insulting
No. 1020177 ID: b5fe3e

Fuck yes we're bringing flower boy.
No. 1020178 ID: 8b82ee

So Mary doesn't want to go back to his own world, well ask if he would like to go to the blender instead? That isn't right, Jerry is stuck with him so a more fitting place would be the microwave. As for Gerbera, I would advise against him coming along. He still has optimism and a smile on his face it would be monstrous to steal that from him, also he might get a cut of your pay for doing this, or worse you might owe him a favor for doing this.
No. 1020182 ID: 076735

NOPE. He's liable to both sabotage you AND take credit for success!
No. 1020186 ID: 8483cf

FLOWER POWER! Bring them!

PRO: Gerb has potential for many plant-based puns, my bud. That and their massive ego is so dense it can curve bullets, or any other projectile for that matter.
No. 1020298 ID: f25cae

Pro: you can use Gerbera as a human shield. Flower shield in this case
No. 1020580 ID: e51896
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Jerry tries desperately to think of a lot of cons not to bring Gerbera. But for some reason, even though he can think of a couple more reasons why he shouldn’t bring the flower, his thoughts are betraying him, urging him to take Gerbera along with multiple pros loudly proclaiming good reasons for Gerbera help. Jerry relents, but takes solace in knowing that one of the pros being that he can use Gerbera as a shield if it comes to it.

He sighs and tells Gerbera to install the sidecar on the scooter outside, and wait for him.

Gerbera: This is gonna be fun! We can tell stories, take in the sights of CRUST CITY!
Gerbera: And bring joy to our customer’s face!
Gerbera: Thanks sooooooo much Jerry. I’ll be waiting outside!
Gerbera: Don’t take too long talking to your imaginary friend, bud!

As Gerbera runs out, Jerry calls out to Gerbera to take some items from the closet, but it’s too late, Gerbera is already rushing out of the kitchen and out the building. Jerry sighs again and already regrets his decision.

Jerry has reluctantly let Gerbera has joined the PIZZA PARTY

- They are annoying and smug

- Will come up with some ideas now and then (though take their advice with a grain of salt)(advice will not add extra points to HELP or SABOTAGE Jerry)

- may or may not help Jerry depending on the circumstances

- They’ll be a witness to whatever happens to Jerry during the pizza delivery

- It will be harder to recruit Harmon and Vincent with Gerbera in the PIZZA PARTY

Has the following items


- GERBERA DOLL: Just a toy of themself that they got from the secret santa event. Has a pullstring that talks about how great they are, and even sings!

- RADIO: Gerbera uses this mainly to dance in they’re costume.

- THE ZA COSTUME: Dress up as :pizzid:’s mascot!

- MACE: Got it from working a second job as a royal guard in another quest. Good for bonking, hitting home runs, and may cause clothing damage for some reason. Gerbera would rather only use it if their life is in danger and will otherwise take a really good reason to attack someone with it to protect the pizza.

- A picture of SNOWPEA: It depicts a female bee. Gerbera takes this wherever they go, feeling that a little bit of her is with them cheering them on.


-Wallet (contains their bank card, drivers license, insurance card, 50 ₵A$H, their business card)

- keys to their home

- smart phone

Jerry hears Antonio's voice from inside the pizza box

Antonio: are they gone yet?
Antonio: Just so you know, my powers will only work as long as only you hold the pizza box, or the pizza. It will not work if anybody else holds it, even if you’re nearby.

Jerry says Antonio doesn’t have to come up with an excuse to not to let Gerbera hold the pizza box. He completely understands.

Jerry leaves the building with the pizza, and finds Gerbera has already set up the sidecar on the scooter, and seems to be playing with some kind of plush toy… wait a minute… IT’S MI MARY!

Gerbera: Wow! This toy is probably the most interactive I’ve ever seen!
Mary: Uhhh, please put me down… I’m supposed to be waiting for Jerry.
Mary: errr… that is, if you want? Sorry for being bossy.
Gerbera: Whoa! She’s programed to know certain people?! what a technologically advanced toy this is!
Gerbera: This one must belong to Jerry. I didn’t even know he was into toys.
Mary: Umm… oh my…
Mary: N… not to rudely call you out for your mistakes, I understand you didn’t mean to…
Mary: but I actually identify as male… but I understand if you want to call me female Mr. giant flower
Gerbera: and I’m not male… nor female!
Mary: s… sorry. I should also point out I’m not a toy,
Mary: I’m actually a stuffed animal, a fur-kin…
Gerbera: Stuffed animal, toy… same thing!
Mary: And umm… wait, did you say that I belong to Jerry?
Mary: Wow…
Mary: Imagine that…
Mary: NO WAIT! He is my boss! And I need to wait for him!
Gerbera: Ah, don’t worry about that, he is my bud! and he should be on his way. I’ll return you to him when he gets here.
Gerbera: A friend of Jerry is a friend of mine!
Mary: Oh, you’re friends… umm… okay… I guess I can wait here with you then…
Gerbera: Ha ha ha! This toy is so fluffy and adorable, I just want to hug and cuddle it!
Mary: H-h-h-hugs! Cuddles?! Uhhh, wait, hold on! W… we just met!
Mary: Shouldn’t we, like, umm… get to know each other or something?!
Mary: At least go on a date before we do something so lewd?
Gerbera: Uh… wait, what?

Jerry doesn’t know why he let this go on for this long, so he walks up to Gerbera and Mary, and gives a cough to get their attention

Gerbera: Hi, Jerry! Hi! You dropped your doll!
Mary: Boss! Thank goodness.
Mary: Is everyone in your world giants… now that I realize it, you’re giant too…
Mary: I had to wait for somebody to open the door to leave since I had trouble pulling the door, I was too small

Jerry gives Gerbera a quick rundown about who and what Mary is, and where he came from.

Gerbera: OH! So sorry, Mary. I thought you were a toy…
Gerbera: All object people who are plushies in our world are about our size, and I confused you for a toy considering how small you were.
Mary: s… so mean…
Mary: but it makes me wonder why I didn’t retain my size after coming here…
Mary: or did I shrink upon coming here?
Mary: or did Jerry grow?

Jerry theorizes that maybe traveling between his world and Mary’s world, the universes makes them take a form that is most suitable for the environment they’re in. He also is relieved that the trousers from the closet Mary is wearing is a one size fits all, able to adjust to Mary's small size

Mary: oh… so confusing.
Mary: So what are we doing, boss? You told me to wait outside, but didn’t tell me what we’re doing.
Gerbera: We’re delivering a pizza from our :pizzid: restaurant to a customer!
Mary: OH! One of those giant cookie pizzas? I’ll help with the best of my abilities!

Jerry says it’s not exactly the kind of pizza he’s thinking of, but to not worry too much about it. He puts on his helmet, starts up the moped and drives off.
No. 1020582 ID: e51896
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The drive so far is pretty normal. There is some traffic, but that’s to be expected for the start of RUSH HOUR. Jerry is sure the traffic will pick up even more later.

Mary is amazed by Jerry’s moped as he has never seen, let alone ridden on one before. Jerry can tell that Mary is at a loss for words on the new sights he is seeing that isn’t in his world. His world isn’t as technologically advanced as Jerry’s, and doesn’t even have the same high quality materials that Jerry’s world has. he can see Mary’s spark of wonder in his eyes. Before too long, curiosity overtakes Mary and he begins asking a lot of questions about Jerry’s world. Thankfully Gerbera was there to explain things to Mary and how things work so Jerry can focus on driving the moped.

The drive brings them to EXTRA CHEDDAR PARK… or it would have… if it weren’t for an annoying WILD MOTHER GOOSE with her offspring crossing the road! Some jerk in a car is also pretty close behind Jerry, so he can’t move the moped out and make a detour.

Gerbera: PAPERLINGS? Those are cute little geese! What’s a paperling?
Mary: Oh, sorry… they’re so wildlike, they reminded me of paperlings…
Mary: they’re from my world and are made of paper, shaped kind of like us fur-kin, but much wilder…
Gerbera: OH! You mean like Origami? I can make something like that, one that flies!

Jerry explains to Gerbera that paper airplanes are not animals.

Gerbera: they’re still considered origami!

The mother goose hisses as it walks by.

Gerbera: awwe, look at the cute little baby geese!
Gerbera: Lets wait for them to cross!
Mary: huh? I thought we were going to hunt them!
Gerbera: Noooooo! Don’t hurt the little guys!

Jerry rolls his eyes at this and decides to just wait for them to pass.

No. 1020583 ID: e51896
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No. 1020585 ID: e51896
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WTF!?! Well It’s been 30 minutes (but thankfully not 30 updates), and they’re still passing by… just how many eggs did this mother goose lay?

Gerbera is still watching the geese with fondness while Mary had fallen asleep. Jerry had enough and decides to get everyone’s attention. He explains that it seems like they are in a SITUATION, and they’ll need to find a way out of this situation before it becomes a PROBLEM

Gerbera: I propose we wait. They’re only baby geese, let’s be polite and wait for all of them to pass!
Gerbera: So cute!
Mary: I don’t know, we’ve been waiting for a long time already, it feels like there is no end in sight.
Mary: And they do look delicious…
Gerbera: What?! Come on…

Jerry looks towards where the baby geese is coming from, and confirms that the line is just not ending. It’s decided that they’ll need to find a way to get past the geese, while considering the car behind them is too close to turn around and make a detour.

Mary asks to be let off the moped and Gerbera drops him gently onto the street. He then takes out his clipboard, looks through Jerry’s items, and does some calculations and measurements with his arms and hands. He was going to look through Gerbera’s items, but they refused stating he didn’t want to take part in disturbing the geese.

Mary: hmm…
Mary: Okay!
Mary: looking through our items, I think I got a calculation on how effective each item will be if you decide to use one to help us through.
Mary: otherwise, you can save them for something else. I’m sure the items we have could be used against something much worse than the geese here honestly

Gerbera: Nope. Not gonna have a part in this! I’d rather you leave them alone and be patient[/b]

YOU ARE NOW IN YOUR FIRST OFFICIAL SITUATION. Lets go over how this works one more time as a refresher:

- During that SITUATION, suggesters can either vote to HELP Jerry out of the SITUATION, and suggest how he can get out of the situation, or suggesters can vote to SABOTAGE the situation, and suggest how he’ll be SABOTAGED.

- Even if you cast your vote to HELP Jerry, you are allowed to also suggest an idea to SABOTAGE, just in case your HELP vote did not win (though it will not be counted as a SABOTAGE vote).

- likewise, even if you cast your vote to SABOTAGE Jerry, you can also suggest an idea on how to HELP Jerry in case your SABOTAGE vote did not win (though it will not be counted as a HELP vote).

- You cannot suggest an idea on how to kill Jerry unless otherwise stated

-after enough time have passed, I will tally up the votes and add those numbers to two 6-sided dices, one dice for HELPING Jerry, and another for SABOTAGING Jerry. The dice with the highest number + votes, wins.

- for example, if HELP gets 5 votes, and SABOTAGE gets 3, I will roll a D6 + 5votes for Help, and roll a D6 + 3votes for SABOTAGE, and the highest number will determine if Jerry gets out of a SITUATION, or if the SITUATION becomes a PROBLEM, and will pick suggesters’ ideas as to how Jerry will get out of the SITUATION, or how he ends up in a PROBLEM

- When SABOTAGE wins, the SITUATION becomes a PROBLEM. When this occurs, Jerry will have to waste one update trying to get out of the PROBLEM.

- Sometimes, another SITUATION can occur while Jerry is having a PROBLEM, in which another vote will occur where he can escape the PROBLEM and continue on his way to his destination, or have another UPDATE wasted.

-NEW RULE: Using and item will add more than one point to a help or sabotage. Someone like Mary will let you know the number of points each item will give for HELP and SABOTAGE by using it a certain way

-NEW RULE: If you have an idea of how to use an item different from what Mary thought up, you will still get extra points for using an item, though you won’t know how many points. Be creative.

- NEW RULE: Antonio the spirit of leftover pizza can help by opening the :pizzid: pizza box to summon him for a guarantee of 7 points to the HELP score, but it will lower the temperature of the pizza going from HOT to WARM to COLD to FREEZING. It is possible to maintain heat by giving Antonio leftovers


- HELP JERRY (come up with an idea how if you vote this. You can also write up a SABOTAGE idea in case HELP loses)

- SABOTAGE JERRY (Come up with an idea how if you vote this. You can also write up a HELP idea in case SABOTAGE loses)

-Use an Item:

Gerbera: sorry, I support the geese. I’m not letting you use my items
(it might take convincing to get Gerbera to cooperate.)

Mary: hmmm… well it might clear a path, maybe scare the geese away, or blow them out of the way… but we’d be pretty close to the explosion and it’ll likely ruin the Moped, and ruin the vehicle of the person behind us, making them pretty mad.

Mary: We can probably distract the oncoming baby geese by dropping a bunch of leftovers on the floor… Theres not a lot to distract them for long though
Mary: you might also want to save the leftovers for negotiations.
Antonio: you could probably save the leftovers for me and for later if you want my help and maintain the heat of the pizza


Mary: I think maybe there is some perfume that the geese won’t like the smell of and will repel them… but… what if there is something the geese actually get attracted to? I don’t know your species real well, or your perfumes, so I’m just guessing off of my own knowledge about PAPERLING…
Mary: I also have a bad feeling about using her purse… Something tells me something real good might happen if we return it to her without using it beforehand.


Mary:If you eat this, You might be able to use its prescience to know exactly when to drive forward quickly through a gap in the line without harming anyone…
Mary: Just remember you’ll crash into a sugar coma in the next UPDATE


5. Tasty Decoy Cardboard Pizza
Mary: This should be able to distract the geese long enough for you to pass. Though maybe it will be better to use it to trick someone who is more of a threat to your life or pizza?

Mary: I don’t really know how the items in your pocket will help currently. (wallet, smart phone, notebook paper, moped keys, lighter) Sorry.

-Get Antonio’s help (7 HELP POINTS) (Lower Pizza Temperature if you don’t give him STALE LEFTOVERS)

Antonio: Really? You’re considering to use my help… on some geese? I guess I could do that, but don’t you think I’m more suited for more harder serious SITUATIONS?

Message from PEA: Finally, the countdown begins. I hope you'll all have fun with this. Be creative!

I just want to say, do NOT worry about failing to deliver the pizza. No matter what happens, I aim to make the ending and epilogue as satisfying as it can be so you won't have to worry about failure. This quest is more about the journey than the destination.

No. 1020586 ID: ad5441

I think we've established that metaverse rules flip the middle finger to OSHA regulations.

Have Gerbera and Mary block the ducklings to clear a path. Drive through the area. Slowly.
No. 1020590 ID: 629f2e

I'm going to suggest an early SABOTAGE with an idea on how to HELP going wrong.

Draw a stop sign on Mary's clipboard and have him stand in front of the geese like a crossing guard, breaking up their march. He succeeds!... but there are still a lot of little geese coming up to the sidewalk, and with the unexpected break making them crash and fall over each other... Well, let's just say that a line quickly becomes a pile, which becomes a TIDAL WAVE of little geese that sweeps up Jerry and the others.
No. 1020595 ID: 8b82ee

Use the decoy pizza as a makeshift ramp to jump over the obstacle. Or we can go with plan B which involves eating the pizza.
No. 1020596 ID: afe7de

I think it’d be cute for Mary to make a stop sign, for you to cross, and then the next update be you are being chased by a tidal wave of ducks

So help, but the next updates challenge is harder
No. 1020691 ID: 8483cf

Now, look. I could suggest something smart, or clever, or something likely to work.

But Mary acting as a crossing guard with goslings is just too cute to pass up. So let's use the clipboard (not an item) and a PIZZID had to imitate a crossing guard and clear the way for Jerry. (HELP)
No. 1020692 ID: 3dcdc5

Sabotage- When that construction worker said DUCK, he wasn’t talking about the ones crossing the road.
No. 1020785 ID: e51896

rolled 6, 3, 5 = 14

Message from PEA: OKAY, so I counted FOUR votes for HELP and TWO votes for SABOTAGE.

Once the six sided dices are rolled, I will add the votes to the results. the first dice will be HELP, the second dice will be SABOTAGE, the third dice will help me decide what I want to eat for dinner tonight and has nothing to do with this quest. please ignore that one.
No. 1020786 ID: e51896

Message from PEA: And HELP WINS this time with 10 HELP POINTS > 5 SABOTAGE POINTS. The votes are locked in and you can no longer vote, BUT you can still suggest ideas on what will happen. If you previously suggested an idea for how Jerry gets SABOTAGED, you can still suggest an idea for how Jerry gets HELPED getting passed the army of goslings

I'll try to get the update done this weekend

No. 1021243 ID: e51896
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Jerry regrets not taking the stop sign from the closet earlier, but he shrugs that thought off and comes up with a compromise by ordering Gerbera to draw a quick doodle of a stop sign, and having both of his PIZZA PARTY members block the Gosling traffic with the picture.

Gerbera: Awwwwww, but then the little geese won’t be able to catch up with their mother!

Jerry is frustrated, but comes up with a rebuttal that with that many goslings, and because of mandates the mayor has placed on the city to not harm the geese, CRUST CITY will be overrun with goose overpopulation due to them not having predators keeping their numbers in check and ruining natural selection or something like that. Besides, the mother goose isn’t going to miss like, what? A thousand goslings out of ten thousand?

Mary: Yeah, and we got a job to do too.
Mary: One with a strict deadline!
Mary: It’s a shame we can’t grab one to eat though…
Mary: Thinking logically, how is a goose able to have that many offspring? That does not make sense… this world is weird… like… super weird!
Gerbera: Huh?
Mary: AHG! Ah! Nothing… sorry, sorry… just culture shock, eh heh heh…

Jerry explains to Gerbera that being a pizza delivery flower will mean coming up with tough decisions like this from time to time, and requires sacrifice.

Gerbera: I don’t know… I really have a feeling we should wait…
Gerbera: But… *sigh* fiiiiiine, we’ll block the way.
Gerbera: Please forgive me little goslings

Gerbera is handed Mary’s clipboard and Gerbera uses it to draw a quick doodle of a stop sign. The two then exit the moped, and walks towards where the sidewalk and street meets as the goslings cross. Gerbera unenthusiastically picks up Mary high enough for the goslings to see with an eye roll while Mary holds up the doodle of the stop sign. The incoming Goslings stop in their tracks.

Gosling #5275: Chirp? (Uhhh… what are these weirdos doing?)
Gosling #3053: Chirp? (And what are they holding?)
Gosling #6031: Chirp, (No idea, it looks like some kind of large shape with symbols inside of it)
Gosling #1034: CHIRP!? (WHAT DOES IT MEAN!?!)
Gosling #5275: Chirp. (Don’t these dumbasses know that wild animals like us have no concept of reading?)
Gosling #6031: Hiss! (Oh Honking hell, they didn’t figure out our war plans to take over the pond against the ducks, have they?!)
Gosling #6031: Chirp… (I knew having all us gosling follow general Honky Tongue all at once was a bad idea…)
Gosling #6031: Chirp… (we should have waited until we had more generals to follow…)
Gosling #5275: Chirp. (Relax, the citizens of this city are all idiots. Besides, our ally the mayor has issued the citizens not to hunt geese. We should be fine.)
Gosling #3053: Chirp? (I don’t know, that drawing they’re holding is giving me bad vibes… is it a warning? A threat? Directions on how to win the war against the ducks?)
Gosling #3053: Chirp. (I really think we should try to figure this out before we continue…. Just in case.)

And so, goslings have stopped in their tracks not because the picture told them to, but because it caused a debate among the gosling. It doesn’t matter either way as Jerry is able to slowly move his moped past the Goslings. Once Jerry makes it across, Gerbera, and Mary hop back into the side car, dropping the picture on the way. Jerry’s PIZZA PARTY and the vehicle behind him continue on their way, getting themselves out of that SITUATION.
No. 1021244 ID: e51896
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Meanwhile, the goslings are still debating over the dropped picture, causing the incoming goslings to climb onto each other forming a pile. If they do not figure out this puzzle soon and are not careful, the GOSLING PILE could become a GOSLING TIDAL WAVE in a few updates! Or maybe not… guess we’ll find out later.
No. 1021246 ID: e51896
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As Jerry drives through EXTRA CHEDDAR PARK, he can here Mary cheering up the frustrated Gerbera.

Mary: Don’t worry about it, Gerbera,
Mary: if those goslings were smart enough to understand that sign meant stop,
Mary: they should be smart enough to understand where they are supposed to go to catch up with their mother.
Gerbera: I suppose. Sorry, it’s just that, they were so cute!

Mary looks over at the park they are driving past.

Mary: Yeah. And besides, I don’t see any dangerous predators in this pa-

Mary stops in the middle of his conversation as his mouth goes agape and eyes widen.

Gerbera: Uh…. Hey Mary, hey! are You okay?

Mary in response pounces upon Jerry’s head, causing him to swerve a little, but managing to keep control. Jerry demands to know what is Mary’s deal as Mary takes a better look at the park, tail wagging furiously.

Mary: B-b-b-b-boss…
Mary: …
Mary: Please tell me I’m not seeing things…
Mary: But…
Mary: Are those trees over there…
Mary: excuse the language…

Jerry can hear Mary panting intensely, and thinks he can feel him… trembling? He confirms that all trees if not most are indeed made of wood and asks Mary to calm the fuck down. He hopes Mary isn’t planning on marking his territory on one of those trees. That’d be disgusting.

Mary: Y-y-you don’t understand, boss!
Mary: I know you haven’t been in my world long…
Mary: But in my world, wood is a rare valuable resource that can only be found through mining!
Mary: I came from a mining town that used to be rich with wood before most of it was depleted, causing our town to pretty much struggle to survive.
Mary: And you’re telling me wood… LITERALLY GROWS ON TREES HERE!?!
Gerbera: YEP! And not only that, but we have different kinds of wood here too!
Gerbera: Cedar, Birch, Hickory, Larch, Maple, Spruce, Willow, Pine, Rubber,

Jerry stops Gerbera, explaining he thinks Mary got the point already.

Mary: WHOA! Y-you’re that abundant with wood here that you have different types of wood?!
Gerbera: *shrugs* Pretty much, I mean, hardware stores sell them each and every day by the hundreds and at various sizes. Contractors use them to build stuff like homes.
Gerbera: No biggie really.
Mary: I… I think I’m going to faint…

Jerry hands Mary over to Gerbera as they calm Mary down. Jerry He thinks he can practically see the beads in his eyes (Mary’s plush world’s form of currency)

Gerbera: soooo… if trees aren’t made of wood from your world, what are they made of?
Mary: Plastic! That includes other plants like bushes.
Gerbera: awwwww, and I thought it would be gold…
Gerbera: but wait, isn’t everything being plastic like, bad for the environment?
Mary: How so?
Gerbera: well, it’s just that…

Jerry coughs, and tells Gerbera not to cause existential dread to the poor poodle regarding plastic’s effects on the environment.

Mary: You have no idea how big of a deal this is…
Mary: Imagine if I can just take a bunch of wood from your hardware store, and take a bunch of seeds from different kinds of trees…
Mary: I can sell the wood, make enough to buy farmland, maybe hire some guards and other farmers to help if I have any leftover, and own a wooden tree farm to sell more wood to the world!
Mary: This explains so much actually.
Mary: Because of your world’s abundance of wood,
Mary: You all have endless supply of magic to develop such an advanced civilization
Mary: I’m So jealous!
Gerbera: Eh? Magic?
Mary: uh… yeah? I mean… everyone knows magic comes from wood? We use them for shaman spells, and healing and stuff.
Gerbera: What?
Gerbera: There’s no magic in trees…
Gerbera: Magic is fake here!
Gerbera: All the things we built, it’s all thanks to technology!

Mary’s tail stops wagging and the passion in his eyes is lost. But only after that brief moment, he picks himself back up again, tail wagging again, and eye full of spark, albeit not as intense

Mary: Well… that’s okay.
Mary: Even if this world’s wood doesn’t have magic
Mary: They should still be pretty valuable to make materials out of without its magic at least.
Mary: Might even help with the magical wood supplies by getting people to only use mined wood only for magic, and tree wood only for building stuff to better supply shamans.
Mary: But… maybe because it has no magic, maybe we shouldn’t call it wood…
Gerbera: In our world, we have a material that looks like our valuable gold that tricks many miners.
Gerbera: They nickname it “fool’s gold”.
Gerbera: Hope that inspires you!
Mary: Okay, it’s decided! I’ll call it “fool’s wood” then!
Gerbera: *snicker*

Jerry informs Mary maybe that name isn’t such a good idea

Mary: Huh? Why?

Jerry remembers the biology of Plush don’t apply here, and decides to drop the topic.

Mary: Boss, at some point, I would like to bring a bunch of wood back to my world.

Mary grasps his hands together like he’s praying, begging for Jerry’s help

Mary: Can you please help a stuffie like me with this favor?
Mary: I feel like I may have finally found a purpose back at home if I do this.
Mary: I mean, working with you have given me purpose on its own right...
Mary: But to be able to potentially make a difference and bring our world into the ‘wooden age’ and
Mary: To finally feel important…
Mary: be important…
Mary: Oooooohhh… Sorry… I’m getting sentimental again… *sniffle*
Mary: Just... May you help me with this… Please boss? Jerry?
Mary: sorry for begging.

Jerry explains that in order to do that, he’ll have to talk to Purr Feckt as she was part of the trial that sent him to Mary’s world in the first place, and convincing her might not be easy considering he has a criminal record on him now.

Mary: Hmm… I’m sure we can convince her in some way. Maybe if we return her purse?

Jerry thinks that might work, but will have to think hard about how to approach convincing her… if he crosses her path that is

MARY HAS GIVEN YOU A SIDEQUEST: Convince Purr Feckt to kick Mary out of this quest and bring him back into his own quest where he belongs! (with wood! And tree seeds!)
No. 1021247 ID: e51896
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The conversation ends as Jerry comes to a stoplight. Annoying, but not enough to cause a SITUATION. They spend the time explaining to Mary why they stopped, informing him about traffic safety. Eventually, the topic changes to discussion on the customer

Gerbera: Hey! I forgot to ask, who are we delivering this pizza to?

Jerry explains the customer, and what the order was, and where it is.

Gerbera: Ohhhh, so it’s that kind of order
Gerbera: Lucky for you.
Gerbera: but I’m a flower, so it might not interest me as much

Jerry is confused by that just as he was when his uncle was vague about what this order is all about. He was about to ask when suddenly he hears a familiar dreadful voice yelling out to him,


No. 1021248 ID: e51896
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Jerry turns his head and see’s… Eugene the green pizza rat, leaning against the streetlight pole, yelling in the distance. This jerk has constantly bullied Jerry for his pizza whenever he is out delivering, and has even stolen his pizza in the past from time to time. As quickly as Jerry’s brain registered Eugene was there, he immediately turns his head back towards the streetlight pretending he isn’t there

Eugene: HEY GUY!
Gerbera: Certainly, my good sir!
Gerbera: We can help you over at the :pizzid: Pizzeria over down the street.
Gerbera: What would you like.

Jerry whispers to Gerbera to shut up and stop giving Eugene attention, to pretend he isn’t there. Gerbera looks at Jerry with confusion.

Eugene grins a toothy smile.

Eugene: UNLIKE THAT POSER OVER THERE! *points at Jerry*

No. 1021251 ID: e51896
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Eugene cracks his knuckles as he starts striding over to Jerry


[b]Gerbera: We don’t have chicken fingers as a side dish, sorry sir.

Jerry tells Gerbera to stop being stupid and tells them about Eugene being a thief
Gerbera: Ohhhh…
Gerbera: …
Mary: D… don’t worry Gerbera, I-I managed to assess the situation, and might have some solutions if we decide to use an item to escape. I’ll try to keep calm while I give my analysis
Mary: s-so scary…

Jerry curses at the stoplight not changing, and decides to get a rundown on what Mary has to get them out of this situation. Gerbera has agreed to also allow Jerry to use their items.



>- HELP JERRY (come up with an idea how if you vote this. You can also write up a SABOTAGE idea in case HELP loses. One vote for HELP adds one point to HELP)

>- SABOTAGE JERRY (Come up with an idea how if you vote this. You can also write up a HELP idea in case SABOTAGE loses. One vote for SABOTAGE adds one point to SABOTAGE)

Gerbera: I can take care of the thief with my items if you want!

Mary: We can probably light the bomb, and give it to him like it’s a regular pizza… we just have to hope he doesn’t see the lit fuse, or he might throw it back at us… maybe his hair will obstruct his view? This might make him angrier at us if we come across him again though…

Mary: We might be able to get away with him taking our stale pizza
Mary: But he might come after us if he realizes it’s stale.
Mary: But I have a feeling he doesn’t care
Antonio: You’ll won’t have the ability to keep the pizza temperature stable if you summon me without this.


Mary: I theorize that because he is wearing a coat in this weather, he cares more about his fashion than his comfort
Mary: Maybe there is some makeup he’d be interested in here to trade our freedom with?
Mary: Although… I really really hope we DON’T rummage through Purr Feckt’s purse
Mary: considering we could use this to potentially help get the coordinates back to my world


Mary: If you eat this, You could probably predict his moves before he lands them if he attacks you or tries to grab the pizza
Mary: If you are alright with having a sugar coma next UPDATE that is.


Mary: We should be able to get away pretty easily by tricking him the cardboard pizza is the pizza we’re delivering.
Mary: He might be angrier and more determined if we come across him again and he realizes it wasn’t pizza


6. JERRY’S/GERBERA’S WALLET (30 ₵A$H from Jerry, 50 ₵A$H from Gerbera)
Mary: Do you think he’ll take a bribe to let us go by giving him some ₵A$H?

Mary: I don’t think this will help
Gerbera: Sure it will! it has a pull-string that will let him listen to me sing!
Mary: I think it’ll annoy him…

Sabotage: 6

Mary: Maybe we’ll be lucky and find a song he’ll really like, and get distracted dancing to it? But what if it’s a song he hates?
Help: 3 Sabotage: 3 (depends on what genre of music you guess Eugene likes)

Mary: Maybe we can pretend it’s a giant pizza and give it to him? He might find out though.
Gerbera: But then Jerry won’t have a job dressing up as THE ZA! We gotta think about Jerry’s career after all!

Jerry glares at Gerbera

10. MACE
Mary: We can probably threaten him to leave us alone with this
Gerbera: I don’t want to hurt anyone unless he tries to kill us… I might need a strong poker face to make sure he doesn’t catch on I’m not actually going to hurt him.
Gerbera: But if I have to attack, I’m only going for minor damages… probably can’t say the same for his clothes unfortunately. He might get angrier instead of shamed though


>-GET ANTONIO’S HELP (7 HELP POINTS) (Lower Pizza Temperature if you don’t give him STALE LEFTOVERS) (Pizza Temperature is: HOT

Antonio: Ugh, this guy again. He’s been an issue to me when I was still alive as well.
Antonio: I can scare him off if you open the pizza box if you want. Just consider we’re still pretty early on in the pizza delivery.

No. 1021254 ID: 8b82ee

MACE TO THE FACE! Give that fucker a reason to have red eyes!
No. 1021259 ID: 629f2e

Swing that Mace as he nears for critical clothing damage and then drive away in a hurry. Go for the pants and or shoes, the jacket would probably just piss him off, but those might slow him down. If this HELPS, we drive through with him shouting up a storm behind us.

If it fails, and this winds up a SABOTAGE (My preference, don't wanna make things too easy for us :p), I think our plan's greatest flaw was the failure to consider our escape route. We still have a red light, and cars start driving through forcing us to wait. Right here. With the guy we just pissed off.

Whoops. Guess we either need to make a detour now, make some risky driving maneuvers, or fight with Eugene to either the death or, if we're going by Chinz rules, to the nudity.
No. 1021260 ID: ce39da

Jerry backs up the moped to get some space, being the only one in his lane, only for Eugene to step out in front of us! ... Then the light turns green.

Let's see how Eugene likes the "no f*cks given, no sh*t taken" version of Jerry. If he likes pizza so much, maybe he should spend a hot minute as street-pizza!

P.I. Zzander was there to witness that hit-and-run.
No. 1021261 ID: e23dcb

You politely ask Eugene to move two steps to the left, and then turn your moped to run him over comically, it works every time!

> sabotage
You go to do that but he holds out his hand and, oh no! The bikes out of power, Eugene then reveals he timed it all perfectly! Knowing you would run out of power today and couldn’t give him another “tattoo” which he then lifts his shirt to reveal tire marks from the like 3 other times you’ve tricked him this way.

You then have to explain about your nemesis
No. 1021273 ID: 094652

Help Vote: Eugene immediately scarfs down the pizza bomb, fuse and all, preventing it from exploding. However, the toxic chemicals of the bomb seep through, causing him to vomit for hours and (temporarily) swear off pizza.

Sabotage Idea: Eugene immediately gives the pizza bomb to his starving little sister, who loses three teeth and an eighth of her jaw from the explosion. Eugene swears vengeance and Jerry's party suffers lowered overall affinity for accidentally mutilating a little girl.
No. 1021359 ID: f2d49e

I actually agree with this! I vote to help with a pizza bomb. If it fails and is sabotage, then the bomb fills him with explosive energy and he is CHEESED OFF.
No. 1021424 ID: c1ff5e

Help: Run him over sounds hilarious! Flatten the rat.
No. 1021425 ID: c92a02

Sabotage: Just run him over with your bike. It will be very easy to explain this to the police officer watching you as self defense.
if help: stale pizza.
No. 1021450 ID: e51896

rolled 1, 3 = 4

Message from PEA: This time around, there are SIX votes for HELP and TWO votes for SABOTAGE.

Once the six sided dices are rolled, I will add the votes to the results. the first dice will be HELP, the second dice will be SABOTAGE.
No. 1021451 ID: e51896

Message from PEA: HELP WINS with 7 HELP POINTS > 5 SABOTAGE POINTS. The votes are locked in and you can no longer vote, BUT you can still suggest ideas on what will happen. If you previously suggested an idea for how Jerry gets SABOTAGED, you can still suggest an idea for how Jerry gets HELPED dealing with Eugene

I'll try to get the update done this weekend. Also next update, I will announce when dice rolls are.

No. 1021454 ID: 629f2e

Y'know, if we run Eugene over and leave him a pancake on the ground, he'll probably get swept up by the growing tidal wave of goslings and compound that eventual problem.
No. 1021987 ID: e51896
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Meanwhile, the goslings’ examination and debate over the drawing the PIZZA PARTY dropped is still in full swing while the incoming goslings continue to grow GOSLING PILE! Hopefully they can get this resolved before two or three of updates pass, or some kind of SITUATION may occur… Or maybe it’ll be fine, who knows?

Also, a mysterious convertible passes by at a fast speed towards Jerry’s direction, distracting the goslings a little bit, only acknowledging the vehicle with a simple glance before continuing their heated debate over the mysterious drawing.
No. 1021988 ID: e51896
File 164369766756.png - (70.06KB , 1280x720 , 043.png )

Jerry weighs his options, but not for too long. He has dealt with Eugene enough times to know how he thinks. Though he is a very determined rat, he has a one-track mind when it comes to getting what he wants. So as Eugene gets closer to the moped, Jerry grabs pizza box laying behind him which was buckled securely in place, holds it out over the moped’s handles, and asks Eugene to move, like, a little to the left, in front of the moped as he can’t hand his pizza over with the side car being in the way. Eugene complies and moves to the spot where Jerry suggested him to be.

Eugene: hee hee hee hee… Thanks guy!
Eugene: After all our scuffles and monotonous chases in the past
Eugene: You finally learned your place as an employee…
Eugene: That is, being the customer’s bitch!
Mary: You’re no customer! You’re just a dirty scoundrel!
Gerbera: Hey Jerry, hey! What are you doing?! That isn’t his!
Eugene: I’ll admit I’m a bit disappointed you gave up that easily.
Eugene: Would have been nice to have some fun to make this more rewarding…
Eugene: But only a bit, I’m just glad to finally get my hands on some sweet sweet za without any headaches!
Eugene: I’ll be taking that, thanks!

Eugene eagerly reaches for the pizza Jerry is handing over, practically drooling over the smell of the pizza. But just as he grabs it…
No. 1021989 ID: e51896
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SQUISH! Eugene was distracted with his evil speech for so long, the light turned green and Jerry hits the acceleration at full force, pulling the pizza way from Eugene and running him over in the process!
No. 1021990 ID: e51896
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The weight of the Moped has now rendered Eugene as flat as a pancake as Jerry drives off in the distance.

Eugene: Ow… I really should have saw that one coming…
Eugene: Where did they said they’re heading again?
Eugene: hee hee… No problem, I’ll just take a shortcut to EXTRA CHEEZE STREET, assess where that guy is heading…
Eugene: And determine whether I should invite my friends at the BACON APARTMENTS to his welcome party if he comes to my territory…
Eugene: Or ambush him at the MARINATION UNIVERSITY…
Eugene: But maybe after an update or two… Ow… maybe three…

No. 1021991 ID: e51896
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With that SITUATION out of the way, the PIZZA PARTY continues their quest to deliver the pizza. The street enlarges as there are now two lanes for Jerry to drive on towards his destination, plenty of space. All they need to do is continue down this road, cross a bridge (which is known for being heavy with traffic due to it being rush hour right now) and then continue down the next road until they reach their FIRST CHECKPOINT at the CAR OVEN, a multistory car park building where Jerry needs to park his moped to recharge its power, and then walk/run the rest of the way to MARINATION UNIVERSITY since there is no parking at the university. It seems like smooth sailing from here!

Gerbera: Wow…
Gerbera: That SITUATION was intense!
Gerbera: So bud, you go through SITUATIONS like that EVERY pizza delivery?

At last! It looks like Gerbera is understanding the heavy weight a pizza delivery guy has to carry during each run. Jerry nods, telling Gerbera this isn’t even the worst they’d go through during a delivery.

Gerbera is lost in thought.

Gerbera: Wow… that is…
Gerbera: Intense…

Jerry smirks, it is starting to look like Gerbera is having second thoughts on his new job, and Jerry can potentially continue being a pizza deliverer for just a bit longer if Gerbera refuses the position!

Gerbera: Intensely thrilling!
Gerbera: Jerry! That was fun!
Gerbera: I loved the way you tricked that rat!
Gerbera: He was all like: ‘MAKE ME A PIZZA’
Gerbera: And you were like: ‘OKAY!’
Gerbera: And then you flattened him into a pizza!
Gerbera: And although I’m still a bit disappointed we had to keep the goslings away from their mother
Gerbera: I am still impressed by that solution you came up with, that was smart!
Gerbera: And you do stuff like that every day! That’s RAD!
Gerbera: I so cannot wait to go on these thrilling adventures like you did when I start delivering pizzas!

DAMN IT! It actually looks like Gerbera is enjoying this and is more interested in the job than before! What a weirdo!
It seems like if Jerry wants to get Gerbera disinterested in the job, he might have to face some PROBLEMS during a SITUATION to really scare Gerbera away… but does he really want to do that? He still needs to impress his uncle with this pizza delivery to save his position after all.

His thought process is cut short by the sound of a loud vehicle speeding towards behind them followed by a loud yell

???: SHIP, HO!

Jerry looks over and sees a convertible catching up to them in the other lane. Within the convertible is a male parrot in a pirate crew outfit driving the vehicle, a female opossum in a pirate captain uniform standing off her car seat as she points her sword at Jerry, and sees what he thinks is another opossum in the back seat looking very irritated. Jerry has never seen these people before in his life.

Opossum Captain: Er… I mean sail…
Opossum Captain: That they have at the bottom of their ship for some reason… Uhh… how does that work?
Opossum Captain: Ah, yeah, thanks!
Irritated Opossum: Ugh… Sis, this is so embarrassingly stupid!
Irritated Opossum: I swear, Pam, ever since your boyfriend gotten you into playing pretend, your screws have been loosening more and more every single day.

Dan sinks in his chair, trying to make himself invisible.

Dan: you know, It’s bad enough you took my ambient ocean sound CD to play ocean sounds on your radio…
Dan: but this is too far…
Dan: Why the fuck did I ask you to pick me up from college?!
Dan: And on the last day too?!

No. 1021992 ID: e51896
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Gerbera: WOW! LARPERS?!
Gerbera: SO COOL!
Gerbera: I wanna larp too!
Gerbera: Jerry and I already have helmets, so we can be knights riding on the S.S. :pizzid:
Gerbera: on a quest to deliver the blessed pizza to the beautiful princess!
Gerbera: Mary will be our guard dog!
Mary: *Sad worried whine*

Jerry groans and tries to pick up speed to get away from the stupidness before it spreads further. However, the moped can only go so fast, and the convertible is able to easily catch up with them where it is now driving parallel to his moped. Pam yells out to them.

Dan: UGH!
Dan: Uhh, psssst! hey, Pizza dude?
Dan: Sorry about these two
Dan: I’ll understand if you’ll want to take some drastic measures to get them back into reality. I won’t hold anything against you.
Dan: They’re really nice people once you get to know them any other time… honest.
Dan: *sigh* Not interested in this. Going to scroll through my phone until you two idiots stop making a fool out of yourselves

Dan just rolls his eyes and ignores everything they are doing while watching random videos on his phone



>- HELP JERRY (come up with an idea how if you vote this. You can also write up a SABOTAGE idea in case HELP loses. One vote for HELP adds one point to HELP)

>- SABOTAGE JERRY (Come up with an idea how if you vote this. You can also write up a HELP idea in case SABOTAGE loses. One vote for SABOTAGE adds one point to SABOTAGE)


Gerbera: Come on, let us take down these pirates, my fellow knights! Some of my items will lead us to victory!

Jerry has a feeling Gerbera just wants to LARP and won’t be very helpful

Mary: You say pirates have a concept of what bombs might be because they have cannons? I don’t think we can trick them into thinking it is a pizza, but maybe we can just use it as a regular bomb to destroy their car?
Mary: they might just throw it back most likely…


Mary: we can pretend this is our treasure…
Mary: But they most likely not see it as valuable as the customer’s pizza


Mary: We can probably give them this purse to have them leave us alone…
Mary: it does have some valuable stuff
Mary: But… please don’t… Purr Feckt might get mad and us and I might lose my chance to find my way back home.
Mary: *sad whine*


Mary: This might be perfect to predict and dodge their attacks
Mary: maybe know when to steer away from them if they try to jump onto our ship… er… bike.
Mary: but, umm… you’ll crash into a sugar coma


Mary: This could work as treasure. Just hope they don’t eat it while they’re driving or on our ship… err… moped

6. JERRY’S/GERBERA’S WALLET (30 ₵A$H from Jerry, 50 ₵A$H from Gerbera)
Mary: Do you think they’ll take a bribe to let us go by giving them some ₵A$H?
HELP: (depends on how much you give them)

Gerbera: He be my pet parrot. Watch! *pulls string*
Gerbera plush: LOVE ME SNOWPEA!!!!!!!!
Gerbera: HEY! She belongs to me!

Jerry thought only pirates have parrots, not knights
Sabotage: 6

Gerbera: We need epic music!
Mary: Won’t that just make things more intense?

Sabotage: 5

Gerbera: Actually, forget being the hunting dog, you can be our traveling jester as ‘THE ZA!”
Mary: I… I can’t fit in that!
Gerbera: Don’t worry, it’s one size fits all!

Mary is concerned
SABOTAGE: 4, Mary cuteness: 199 (would have been 200. But Mary wouldn’t be smiling as won’t be happy wearing this)

10. MACE
Gerbera: My mace against their sword!
Jerry thinks Gerbera is just going to waste time pretending to attack each other. But he might be wrong.


11. Picture of Snowpea
Mary: You can probably guilt trip them into saying you got a lovely girlfriend who would miss you terribly.
Gerbera: But I haven’t won her heart yet! I can’t lie and pretend like that!
Mary: Uh… but aren’t you already pretending by Larping? Not that it matters, might not work anyway since bandits are cruel…


>-GET ANTONIO’S HELP (7 HELP POINTS) (Lower Pizza Temperature if you don’t give him STALE LEFTOVERS) (Pizza Temperature is: HOT )

Antonio: Pirates… Really? Well, if they are using their imaginations, tell them they are on a haunted ghost ship
Antonio: and I’ll scare them off

*NEW* Sub Options
Message from PEA: a new category has been created, sub option! These are free actions that you can do along with your given options! Depending on the sub option, they could give you extra HELP points, or SABOTAGE points, or no points at all, along with giving you surprises like new SIDEQUESTS, new ITEMS, LORE, whatever! Just testing it out by giving you one simple option for now.

>- ask Dan about your customer!
Jerry remembers Dan saying his sister picked him up from college. If he’s from MARINATION UNIVERSITY, maybe he knows the customer and might give Jerry tips on making her happier and improving customer satisfaction? Jerry will be distracted doing this though, but might be worth it to impress his uncle in the long run.
SABOTAGE: 2, Unlocks potential sidequest

Message from PEA: This is actually a user submitted SITUATION that was part of the item poll. It's not exactly as they suggested, but I think it turned out really well. Pizza Pirates! yeah!

Oh, and I think I'll roll the dice Wednesday night, or on Thursday. Depends on how things go. Get your votes in by then.

No. 1021993 ID: afe7de

So I'm voting sabotage, but not in a way that loses our pizza, in a funny way.

MARY will protect the ZA, he's the only one doing that

Jerry will be distracted and ask about his client

and Gerbera will pull out the doll, getting into the roleplaying.

Jerry just got so obsessed with making this perfect and isn't taking the pirate seriously so she probably gets upset and tries to take mary and the pizza hostage, thus making us see what a BAD SITUATION is.
No. 1021994 ID: 629f2e

Okay, so SABOTAGE first off. We deserve to have something go wrong.

Let's take that SIDEQUEST and ask about our customer. It'll make our interactions with her more interesting when he finally arrive. It's fun, do it plz.

As for HOW to sabotage, why not let Gerbera engage in a pirate duel with her mace. With her experience in Chinzebeth's army, Gerbera easily wins! Though she was only intending to do minor damage, a sudden change in speed causes a swing to go wide and clonk Pam out by mistake.

...And her car keeps going. In fact it rams straight into yours, and is only accelerating. Now you're being sped into a traffic jam, and need to find a way to break or get past it safely if you don't wanna crash.
No. 1021995 ID: c92a02

Sabotage: Get into a swordfight. Jerry is currently unarmed, however, the right handle of his motorbike will make a suitable dagger.
No. 1021997 ID: 8483cf

Sabotage! Use the PICTURE OF SNOWPEA which will be drawn in HI-DEFINITION to enable Gerbara to LARP to their heart's content.

Meanwhile Jerry is so blinded by how HI DEFINITION the picture is, he can't see through the glare.
No. 1022000 ID: 094652

Help Vote: Jerry just offers the pizza in complete submission. Having sucked the fun out of their merry pirating ways, the captain decides to head back home for a merry night of stale puffs and [insert lewd here].

Sabotage Idea: In their haste to seize the pizze, their car swerves to the side and hits the anthropomorphic personification of a water corporation, causing massive spills of sewage-infested water to spray everything around them. The only thing worse than getting the pizza hit with raw toilet water is getting sued for destroying valuable mineral water product.
No. 1022159 ID: a67e5e

Sabotage vote: Pam jumps onto the sidecar and Gerbera sword and mace fights against Pam, Chinzebeth quest style. Gerbera causes clothing damage on her with the mace which causes her to get angry and more aggressive.

Help idea: Same thing, but she retreats in shame instead of getting angry
No. 1022241 ID: e51896

rolled 5, 2 = 7

Message from PEA: ONE vote for HELP and FIVE votes for SABOTAGE.

Once the six sided dices are rolled, I will add the votes to the results. the first dice will be HELP, the second dice will be SABOTAGE.

No. 1022246 ID: e51896

Message from PEA: SABOTAGE WINS with 9 HELP POINTS < 13 SABOTAGE POINTS. Since the option to use the mace for a swordfight got the most votes, and you guys will be talking to Dan, I added 3 votes for HELP, and 6 points for SABOTAGE since Gerbera will be using the mace, and Jerry will be distracted talking to Dan from the sub option.

Votes are locked in and you can no longer vote, BUT you can still suggest ideas on what will happen. If you previously suggested an idea for how Jerry gets HELPED, you can still suggest an idea for how Jerry gets SABOTAGED dealing with the LARPERS pirates.

I'll try to get the update done this weekend or Monday, but I might be late this time around, as Romance Festival is coming up and I'll be focusing some of my time on that. Thanks for your patience.

No. 1022250 ID: 8b82ee

Ok, my idea for SABOTAGE is that he runs out of fuel and has to push the bike while the pirates are still pursuing him.
No. 1023414 ID: e51896
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This is no time to be waiting around to weigh his options, so with the first idea that comes to mind, Jerry orders Mary to protect the pizza while Gerbera guards the side of the bike so that no REAL PIRATES LARPERS pillage the moped

Mary: I’ll do my best, boss!
Gerbera: AWWW YEAH! This’ll be fun!

Gerbera pulls out their mace and gives Pam a playful glare, and adopts a medieval accent.

Gerbera: Stayeth backeth ye pirates!

Gerbera takes out the Gerbera plush doll and pulls the pull string before placing it on their shoulder like a parrot.

Gerbera plush: *hiccup*

Gerbera is on guard, ready to block any attacks from the side of the moped. Meanwhile, Mary hops over to the pizza box with the intention of protecting it with his entire body… unfortunately, the moped is going so fast, that Mary is trying to hold on to the pizza box which is buckled onto the moped for dear life, trying not to fall off the moped.


No. 1023415 ID: e51896
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…Honestly Jerry doesn’t know why he did not expect this. Mary isn’t the same size he used to be in the plush world, so he is a lot weaker than he normally is… that isn’t to say he was already strong to begin with back in his world, the guy is a pushover. He sighs and slightly steps on the break in order to slow down for Mary’s sake. At the very least if he can’t go fast, he could try to get some information about the customer from Dan. He did say he was from college, and if Jerry is lucky, maybe he is from MARINATION UNIVERISTY and knows Ramona?

Jerry slows down to get to Dan’s level, distracting him from anything that is going on, and whistles to Dan to grab his attention.

Dan gets startled by the whistling and directs his attention towards Jerry.
Dan: Yeah? What?
Dan: This better be important
Dan: Because now is really not a very good time to talk… obviously.

Jerry just shrugs and explains that he’s been in so many SITUATIONS, that he’s learned to multitask.

Dan just leans his arm on the car door, resting his head on his hand without taking his eyes off Jerry, but he moves his phone in front of his face as well so he can sill mess with his phone while speaking with Jerry. It’s clear to see he isn’t all that invested.

Dan: My sympathies or whateves.
Dan: So get to the point, what do you want?

Jerry asks Dan if he is from MARINATION UNIVERSITY by chance and if he has heard of some bnuuy named ‘Ramona’.

Dan: Yes to the first question, no to the second.
Dan: The only bnuuy I know of is a nervous wallflower named Rachael.
Dan: I don’t know, maybe I misremembered her name or something and her name is really Ramona? Or maybe you heard her name wrong?
Dan: Eh… Doesn’t matter to me, I mean, she usually keeps to herself, never really talking or doing anything with the other students, so she never stood out to me to really remember her name.

Well, it’s not a really good lead, but it’s a lead nonetheless. Jerry asks if there is anything Dan remembers about the customer, such as likes or dislikes or hobbies she might have.

Dan: What? You’re trying to woo her or something?
Dan: Shouldn’t you be doing that like… during off hours?

Jerry quickly explains that he’s only asking because his job position is on the line, and he wants to make the delivery as perfect as he can for the customer so that he can impress his uncle enough to keep his delivery guy position.

Gerbera: Huh? What’s wrong with the mascot job?

Jerry tells Gerbera to forget about it and focus on his work.

Dan: Wow, pity about your job
Dan: Well, like I said, she doesn’t really stand out
Dan: In fact, I kind of already forgot she existed until you brought her up.
Dan: hmmm… But there is one thing I remember about her.
Dan: That Bnuuy LOVES bananas!
Dan: Seriously, I usually always see her bringing some to chow down on before class starts.
Dan: And she goes to town on them, slobbering them up.
Dan: There was even this one time she got like, a bundle of bananas
Dan: and instead of like, plucking one banana off the bundle and eating them one at a time
Dan: She instead peels each and every one of them, and puts them in her mouth all at once.

Jerry asks if she’s also interested in carrots

Dan: Wow, are you speciesist?
Dan: Just because that one legendary bnuuy comedian eats carrots all the time doesn’t mean all Bnuuys are obsessed with carrots
Dan: Bnuuys are actually obsessed with Bananas!

Jerry is about to point at the irony and hypocrisy of what Dan just said, but decides it’s not worth the effort.

Dan: Lemme guess, she ordered a pizza with banana toppings, didn’t she?

Jerry shakes his head in disagreement and explains what Ramona/Rachael actually ordered. Dan raises an eyebrow in response

Dan: Huh…
Dan: I didn’t think she was That kind of person.
Dan: No wait she’s a shy wallflower of a bnuuy, it’s not that unbelievable
Dan: NONONO! I meant the shy wallflower part, not the bnuuy part!
Dan: Dammit!
Dan: What I’m saying is, it’s usually the quiet shy ones that are into doing risky stuff like that, isn’t it?

This again? Jerry still doesn’t know what people are talking about concerning the significance of this order. He’s about to ask what Dan means when Pam Interrupts

Pam: Just gotta roll for dexterity first, hold on, just need to roll over a ten to see if I’ll make it

No. 1023416 ID: e51896
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Pam rolls some dice and gets a 13 as Blake steers the car over to the moped’s side car. The crazy opossum then actually went and jumped from Blake’s convertible, and onto the moped’s sidecar. However, Gerbera was able to block Pam from going any further. Jerry is dumbfounded on how dedicated this larper is to her role as a pirate.

Gerbera: I am the knighteth gerbera,
Gerbera: Formereth championeth of the queeneth frometh anothereth universeth
Gerbera: and championeth of homeruneths
Gerbera: thou shalleth noteth taketh anothereth stepeth forwardeth!
Gerbera: psst, hey, you can’t tell I’m a flower because I’m wearing a steel armored helmet
Pam: Ah, right, sorry. I forgot, thanks EN GARDE, YE SHARK BAIT!

Jerry tries to explain to Gerbera that just because Gerbera puts “eth” at the end of every word doesn’t mean it will make it medieval, it just makes him annoying, but he goes ignored as Gerbera and Pam proceeds to trade blows, parrying each other’s attacks.
No. 1023417 ID: e51896
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Back with the goslings… yep, they’re still stuck figuring out what this picture could mean, and the pile continues to grow. The pile is slowly starting to wobble just a tiny bit. Something should probably be done about that, shouldn’t it?
No. 1023418 ID: e51896
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The moped hits a bump on the road, causing Gerbera to accidentally swing their mace wide and critically hit Pam, making her lose her balance and fall

Gerbera: ACK! I’m sorryeth I’m sorryeth I’m sorryeth!
No. 1023419 ID: e51896
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Enemy turn

Blake drives his vehicle behind where Pam is falling towards to catch her, but she crashes right through the front view window, ramming right into Blake

No. 1023420 ID: e51896
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After Pam shoves right into Blake, he accidentally pushes the pedal to the metal, and loses grip on the steering wheel, losing control. The LARPERS I mean REAL PIRATES’ vehicle rams into the mope and pushes the PIZZA PARTY forward at high speed

Gerbera: YAHHHHHHHHHeth!

This isn’t good. If Jerry’s moped is totaled, he will have to run the rest of the way to the FIRST CHECKPOINT, which will cause more chances to be in a SITUATION and waste more UPDATES.

Jerry is currently at UPDATE 4 and remembers that the PAR TIME to make it to the FIRST CHECKPOINT is 10. He estimates he might be in two more SITUATIONS on the way to the FIRST CHECKPOINT if he manages to gets out of this PROBLEM with the moped intact.
But if his moped breaks, he estimates he might run into 4 more SITUATIONS on his way to the FIRST CHECKPOINT if he can’t drive, which is REALLY cutting it close to his par time, especially if one of those SITUATIONS becomes a PROBLEM.

No. 1023422 ID: e51896
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Player Turn

Jerry can make declarations and give orders for free in addition to any character acting

Select a single character to act and explain what they do


WHOOPS! Wrong quest!

Jerry has failed to get out of the SITUATION and it has turned into a PROBLEM, wasting an UPDATE.
Normally, he would be able to get out of the problem by the next update, but it looks like Jerry is now in another SITUATION which could delay the PROBLEM further if he’s SABOTAGED

ALSO READ THE SABOTAGE OPTION for something important!


>- HELP JERRY (optional: come up with an idea how if you vote this. You can also write up a SABOTAGE idea in case HELP loses. One vote for HELP adds one point to HELP)

>- SABOTAGE JERRY (optional: Come up with an idea how if you vote this. You can also write up a HELP idea in case SABOTAGE loses. One vote for SABOTAGE adds one point to SABOTAGE)
IMPORTANT: If you choose to have Jerry crash into something, be advised that there is a chance that his moped will break, and the percentage for his moped being undrivable after being damaged will be decided depending on the durability of what he crashes into (example: hitting another car or building would be a 50% chance, hitting a sturdy box in the middle of the road someone dropped would be a 25% chance.
Also, you don't have to have the moped crash into anything and have a different thing happen if you want a sabotage but don't want to destroy the vehicle.



Mary: Maybe you can throw the pizza bomb in their vehicle, it might explode, freeing us from their car’s grip?
Mary: The pirates seem to be too distracted…
Mary: Though we might hurt poor Dan…
Mary: And theres a chance the bomb’s explosion might be big enough to damage our moped too, though I think we’ll be safe if we throw it far enough away from us, right?


Mary: Hmm… not sure, maybe throw the leftovers at their steering wheel so they can turn away from us?
Mary: But that seems unlikely and a waste of time…


Mary: I think I might be able to remove the handle off the purse and use it as a rope to lasso Pam's leg and pull her off of Blake so he can take control again.
Mary: too bad I’m not strong enough… ahhh well…
Gerbera: I CAN DO IT!
Mary: …darn… Just remember Purrfeckt will be angry with us and I might have a harder time getting home… And you might miss with how fast we’re going


Mary: Might be helpful to get you over to the other vehicle
Mary: might be bad if you fail and pass out next update…
Mary: and it’s still dangerous to climb onto the other vehicle.


Mary: I’m not sure how this will help… maybe use it as a makeshift ramp to jump away?
Mary: But that might be too flimsy, wouldn’t it?


Gerbera: My parrot can flyeth over and steereth the wheel!

Jerry tells Gerbera this is not the time for games

Gerbera: What I meant was I can throw the doll at their steering wheel and hopefully it’ll steer away from us…
Mary: You’ll need good aim... and I don’t think something that light is going to be able to turn the wheel


Mary: Maybe if you play loud music, people will hear us, look behind, and get out of our way!
Mary: Stall until those pirate LARPERS get back in control of their vehicle.
Mary: though that is assuming there’s no traffic jam


Mary: You say the costume is made with sticky cheese?
Mary: with that amount of cheese, We can probably put it in front of the vehicles to slow us down
Gerbera: NOOOO! I Don’t Wanteth to killeth THE ZA!
Mary: though if the stop is too sudden, we most likely might go flying out of the vehicle…


Gerbera: I can tryeth to geteth intoeth theireth vehicleeth and poketh holes into their tires to sloweth their careth
Gerbera: Just remembereth to picketh me up aftereth to protecteth me frometh the pirates okay? I don’t wanteth to be lefteth behindeth

Jerry smirks as he finds this as an opportunity to abandon Gerbera, plus if he did pick Gerbera up, it might cause the LARPERS to attack and make Jerry waste another UPDATE

(If you choose to pick him up)

(If you choose to leave Gerbera behind)

10. Picture of Snowpea
Mary: I’m not sure how this will help us
Gerbera: It giveths me comforteth at least


>-GET ANTONIO’S HELP (7 HELP POINTS) (Lower Pizza Temperature if you don’t give him STALE LEFTOVERS) (Pizza Temperature is: HOT )

Antonio: *sigh* I can take care of this easily, summon melted cheese on the road to slow everyone down. Didn’t think it’d get this bad early on though… but this does look like something I can help with to help repay my debt a fair bit hopefully.

>Sub Options


[i]Message from PEA: Sorry this update took so long. I had company visiting last weekend to focus on, and I had to work on Romance Fest. Not only that, but I kept getting ideas for visual gags that I wanted to make, so what initially was going to be 3-5 posts turned into 8 posts. Whoops.
I’m not sure if I’ll be able to update next weekend as I need to get something done on Sunday, but I will do what I can.

Because of that, I think I’ll roll the dice on TUESDAY instead of WEDNESDAY, but that depends on how things go. I’ll try not to go overboard next time.

No. 1023423 ID: afe7de

I'm on team help! -
HELP - use the radio to alert the people in front while you try to wrangle things back to normal.

But if we do end up sabotaging...
SABOTAGE - Don't worry, no one's in front of you because EGAD! There's construction work, AND OH NO a ramp fell in front of you, and what's that? A baby on an iron gurder, wait no that baby's just a short foreman in a... baby outfit... weird.

And now you're midair in a brand new and terrifying situation!
No. 1023424 ID: c92a02

Sabotage: head-on collision with a rival pizza courier going the other way.
No. 1023426 ID: 8b82ee

I vote for help, lets's get Antonio to use his pizza powers. But if the dice rolls end on fail, at that point the piece of cloth that Gerbera managed to cut off with his weapon lends on the open pizza.
No. 1023444 ID: 629f2e

I vote SABOTAGE: Jerry jumps off the moped and lands in the car. Unable to move the idiots out of the way to reach the break, he settles for turning their wheel. With a hard pivot, Jerry's able to free the moped for Gerbera to bring to a stop. Gerbera then reveals that they apparently don't have a fucking driver's license, and that they have no idea how to control this thing. They grab Mary and the pizza and bail just before it crashes.

...But if we end up HELPING: Same as above, except instead of bailing due to inability to operate a motorized vehicle, Mary thinks fast and tells Gerbera to use their mace as an emergency break, dragging it across the ground until they come to a stop.
No. 1023510 ID: 8483cf

I vote HELP! Let's play the inspiring PIZZID POLKA so loudly that Jerry instinctively maneuvers the moped in perfect 2/4 time signature, putting him in a trance like state of hyperawareness and rhythmic driving precision.

If we end up sabotaging, the radio instead plays the theme of PIZZA OF THE CARIBBEAN and the pirates become inspired and board our vessel.
No. 1023532 ID: b627e6

Help vote: use the radio to alert people

Sabotage idea: Jerry drives into a traffic light pole
No. 1023712 ID: e51896

rolled 6, 6 = 12

Message from PEA: AH SHOOT! I forgot to add in the unlocked sidequest prompt from Jerry's discussion with Dan! I'm not going to ask to edit it, so I'll leave the sidequest here instead:

UNLOCKED SIDEQUEST: Find some bananas for Ramona/Rachael to give her for free to improve customer satisfaction!
-You might be able to buy them at a shop, but might take an update. Quality of bananas will be HIGH if you buy them from the shop.
-There might be a chance you'll come across some during your journey without having to use an update to buy some, but it might add some SABOTAGE points when the opportunity arrives, quality of bananas will vary if you take this route in finding bananas

Message from PEA: With that out of the way, FOUR votes for HELP and TWO votes for SABOTAGE.
But Since majority of the HELP votes was to use the radio, there will be 5 points added for HELP and 3 points added for SABOTAGE.
This leads the points so far to NINE HELP points and FIVE SABOTAGE points

Once the six sided dices are rolled, I will add the votes to the results. the first dice will be HELP, the second dice will be SABOTAGE.

No. 1023713 ID: e51896


Votes are locked in and you can no longer vote, BUT you can still suggest ideas on what will happen. If you previously suggested an idea for how Jerry gets SABOTAGED, you can still suggest an idea for how Jerry gets HELPED dealing with getting the out of control vehicles.

I'm going to be busy on SUNDAY, but I'll try my best to get an update as soon as possible. Probably by next weekend instead of this weekend, but I'll do my best to get it done this weekend.

No. 1024705 ID: e51896
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As the vehicles travel at full speed towards uncertainty, Jerry tries desperately to regain control of the moped, but to no avail. He looks up from the handlebar when he discovers in shock and horror that they are about to ram right into the rear of the red car in front of them. Jerry is certain that crashing is imminent and braces for impact with the only thoughts left being how he’s going to explain this one to Uncle Ricardo.

Gerbera: Don’t worry! I GOT this!

Gerbera pulls out his RADIO from their HAMMERSPACIAL DIMENSION, with the intention of playing loud music to alert the vehicle in front of them. You’re probably wondering, HEY! use the horn to alert the drivers you idiots! but in CRUST CITY, people honk their horns all the time for the stupidest reason, so it’s kind of meaningless and been tuned out by most city folk. For example, people honk one millisecond after the light turns green.

Message from PEA: Plz don’t do this example irl, people will hate you

However, instead of tuning the radio to a music station to play loud music, Gerbera decides to plug their GERBERA DOLL into the radio instead, pulls the pullstring, and it begins singing the most annoying song about their unrequited love Snowpea.

Unbelievably, it worked! Though not in the way that was expected. Instead of being alerted to get out of the way, The old man inside the vehicle in front of them just wanted to get away from the terrible music so that he doesn’t have to be tortured by the wrath of Gerbera Doll’s song, unaware that he was going to get rear-ended. Ah well, whatever works.

There’s still the issue of getting back control over the moped tho, all the radio did was delay the inevitable. Jerry believes that perhaps this plan might not have been thought up all the way through. However, as Jerry was thinking this, Dan looks up from his phone at the chaos unfolding, and his eyebrows start to furrow in anger.

Dan: Seriously?
Dan: We’re going to crash and the best you idiots could come up with to solve this SITUATION was to play music!?
Dan: Are you guys’ serious right now?

Dan takes one look at Pam, and sees that her shirt under her pirate coat had been torn to threads from Gerbera’s attack earlier revealing her exposed breasts which causes Dan to recoil in disgust and look away.


No. 1024706 ID: e51896
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Dan unbuckles himself from the seatbelt, and begins climbing the pole that holds the sail which Blake and Pam had installed onto the back of Blake’s car. It’s impressive how much strength he has to not be flung off from how fast the car is going.

Pam: Though that isn’t really fair, bro. Come on!

Dan takes out a kitchen knife from his HAMMERSPACIAL DIMENSION and begins cutting the tape that holds the sail onto the pole


Blake struggles but cannot move as Pam is sitting right on top of him after she fell back into the car from Gerbera’s attack. This gives Dan enough time to finish cutting the last of the duct tape holding the sail in place.
No. 1024707 ID: e51896
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WOOSH! As soon as Dan finishes cutting the sail free from the pole, the car hits a bump causing an updraft somehow, and blows the sail away. However, Dan forgets to let go of the sail and is flown off with the sail as it flies off like a kite free of its strings with Dan holding onto it for dear life.

Gerbera: OH NO! DAN!
Gerbera: …
Gerbera: Well, it serves him right!
Gerbera: he was pretty much and ASSHOLE, wasn’t he?
Gerbera: looking down at us LARPERS, with a holier than thou superiority complex.
Gerbera: Like, come on, let us have our fun!
Gerbera: It’s not like we’re hurting anyone.
Mary: I mean, if you put it that way, yeah.
Mary: Not to mention he was speciesist against Bnuuys too.
Mary: Still a shame that happened,
Gerbera: ehhh, He had it coming.

Jerry was at first wondering if he was at fault for Dan getting blown off the car like that, but after hearing Gerbera’s and Mary’s points of view on the matter, his conscious is cleared. He’ll give Pam some credit though, even though she is a bit too obsessed with roleplaying, she is an excellent actor.
No. 1024708 ID: e51896
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Pam: …
Pam: pssst, hey, Blake, slow the car down, we have no sail!
Pam: Oh… right. Sorry. Lemme just…

Pam kicks Blake’s claw off the acceleration and then steps on the break, finally slowing down the car


Jerry regains control of the moped and drives away from the LARPERS, I mean, REAL PIRATES as Mary breathes a sigh of relief.
No. 1024709 ID: e51896
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Pam and Blake finally stops the car in the middle of the road as the moped drives further away into the distance towards a large city bridge.

Pam: well, I guess that’s the end of our game, huh Blake?
Pam: hee hee, yeah. That was fun. Too bad it ended that way, with us stranded.
Pam: Wanna start a new LARPING session again same time tomorrow? I’m open to anything you want to do.
Pam: Inspired by that cool flower, eh? I like that idea. Yeah! I’ll be the witch, and you’ll be the knight!

Pam gives Blake a kiss before continuing the conversation.

Pam: Well, I’m hungry. Let’s find someplace to eat, it is dinner time after all.
Pam: And chasing that :pizzid: moped really got me craving for something specific.
Pam: Can you guess?
Pam: That’s right! Up for some BURGERVANIA? The waitress there is kinda cute.
Pam: Alright! Let’s head on over then!
Pam: but before that I think it’s more important to address the elephant in the room:

Pam gives Blake a quick slap in the face out of embarrassment from her wardrobe malfunction, making him dizzy from the surprise slap.

No. 1024710 ID: e51896
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OH NO! The GOSLING PILE was not dealt with, and the tower got so high, it has finally tipped over causing a GOSLING TIDAL WAVE!

The tidal wave is now heading towards Jerry’s direction and will reach him by UPDATE 8. If he can get passed the next upcoming SITUATION and get some distance, it will reach him by UPDATE 9 instead. The only way to truly get away from the GOSLING TIDAL WAVE would be to reach the safety of the FIRST CHECKPOINT, which Jerry thinks he can reach after about two more potential SITUATIONS.
However, if Jerry gets caught in the GOSLING TIDAL WAVE, that will be another SITUATION he’ll have to find a way out of before he reaches the FIRST CHECKPOINT
No. 1024711 ID: e51896
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The drive takes the PIZZA PARTY to a large bridge known as the DOUGH BRIDGE. As expected, there is a lot of traffic here during rush hour, So the delivery has slowed down a little. Plenty of time to talk about shit.

Mary: So… umm… about that GERBERA DOLL…
Gerbera: Hm?
Mary: You’re absolutely sure it has never once been a living thing… right?
Mary: Seeing you pull that string and make it talk… I uh… have many mixed feelings about that.
Mary: It’s… uncanny.
Gerbera: What? OH! Nonono, I understand what you’re saying.
Gerbera: Oh I feel bad. To you, it must have been like you seeing a small figure made out of flesh… ugh, gross!
Gerbera: And watching me pull a string to make it talk… I can’t imagine what’s been going through your head…
Gerbera: I can assure you the cotton and fabric they’re made of comes from wild plants, and fur or wool from certain wild animals like those goslings you thought were origamis, or PAPERLING I guess you called them...
Gerbera: Mostly sheep wool I think? I know nothing on toy making plushies.
Mary: *Shudders* plants made of cotton?
Mary: I mean, this might be another thing that could change our world on how STUFFIES are made if I were to bring seeds of those plants into our world…
Mary: But… um, that feels like PLAYING GODDESS in some ways at that point. I’ll just sticking with introducing tree wood into our world… on the other hand…
Gerbera: S…sorry for disturbing you with the doll, Mary. It was very inconsiderate of me. I can keep it out of sight for you.
Mary: Nononono… no need to do that… I mean, yeah it is pretty disturbing to look at.
Mary: But I can’t help but feel a little intrigued and curious about it as well…
Mary: Like, study it and see how different it is from the materials it’s made from is in comparison to our own body…
Mary: I think at least one person I know from my small town might be really interested in that plushie…
Mary: One of them have been showing off an anatomy book and would probably like to research the doll.
Mary: I even had some interest in borrowing and reading that book, but due to… personal reasons… I had to leave town to offer my calculative probability skills for that election and better opportunities
Mary: To make something out of myself and prove to someone I’m not worthle- no, sorry, I’m not getting into that.
Gerbera: Hmm… on the topic of my items
Gerbera: That radio I used seemed to be getting pretty low on batteries.
Gerbera: Which is weird, I recently just changed those.
Gerbera: If I want to use my radio again, I’ll probably only be able to use it ONE MORE TIME before the batteries die.
Gerbera: Still weird the batteries was depleted that fast…

Jerry thinks the batteries may have depleted early because it didn’t want to listen to the GERBERA DOLL’S song and wanted to escape it by depleting its own power faster somehow.

Jerry was about to give his snarky opinion when the traffic comes to a complete stop to an unbelievable sight to behold.

There are a bunch of parked cars in front of Jerry blocking the way. And on top of all the parked cars are a bunch of people standing on top of their cars… dancing??? No wait, they’re doing AEROBIC EXERCISES?!? AT A TIME LIKE RUSH HOUR?! What the fuck is going on?!

From where Jerry sits, he can see a snail with a single giant sock for pants (SOCK SNAIL) to his left, a mongoose who looks like she is having a blast (JOYFUL MONGOOSE) and a kitchen grater person (GRATER HEAD) on his right, and in front of him there is a gray cat drenched in sweat (SWEATY KITTY). Jerry is sure there are several more cars with people atop of them in front of him than what he can currently see, but off in the distance, he can see a giant semi-truck about as wide as the bridge blocking everyone’s way with what appears to be a buff looking man leading the exercises with his large stereos blaring EDM music, and a giant monitor giving everyone a better look at him. Jerry thinks he also see’s something very shiny flying next to him which even with sunglasses is hurting his eyes a little, but he can’t really make it out.

Jerry considers turning the moped around and finding another way to his destination, but behind him are several more vehicles parked in place with people exiting their own vehicle and climbing atop them to join the exercise, trapping the PIZZA PARTY in a prison of cars. Looks like Jerry is gonna be here for a while.

Frustrated, Jerry tries to get the attention of THE SWEATY KITTY to try to understand what the fuck is going on here.

Sweaty Kitty looks back at the PIZZA PARTY and slows her rhythmic movements a little, while heavily breathing

Sweaty Kitty: *pant pant* Just… gimme a moment
Sweaty Kitty: *pant pant* to finish this… set of exercises *pant pant*

No. 1024712 ID: e51896
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Sweaty Kitty finishes her sway-like movements before completely turning around to focus on Jerry

Sweaty Kitty: Okay… *pant pant* what’s up? I can’t talk long, gotta burn some calories

Jerry asks Sweaty Kitty why everyone is doing exercises during RUSH HOUR of all times. Shouldn’t people be heading home after a long day at work?!

Sweaty Kitty: Isn’t it wonderful? *pant pant*
Sweaty Kitty: MR. ARMSTRONG noticed a lot of people in the city *pant pant* hasn’t been able to find the time to get their daily exercises in *pant pant*
Sweaty Kitty: So he spoke with the mayor for permission to use the DOUGH BRIDGE to hold daily AEROBIC exercises*pant pant* during rush hour.

Sweaty Kitty: So that people can get their exercises in in order to unwind after *pant pant* a long stressful day of work![/b]

Jerry asks what that shining thing next to Mr. Armstrong is

Sweaty Kitty: *pant pant* Oh, that’s his girlfriend Rocio, a fairy that helps him with the technical stuff with her magic and acts as a *pant pant* cheerleader during our exercises…
Sweaty Kitty: Though she acts more like a drill sergeant than a cheerleader *pant pant* if you ask me…
Sweaty Kitty: Making sure we do our exercises right *pant pant* and calling us out in front of everyone if we make mistakes

Mary looks over at Gerbera in confusion

Mary: Hey wait, you told me magic was fake in this world and you guys rely more on technology!
Gerbera: Whoops. Well technically, yeah, magic doesn’t exist in our world.
Gerbera: But that doesn’t mean immigrants from other universes can bring magic here!
Gerbera: Ever since our world invented multiverse travel, people from other universes have been immigrating into our world to start a new life here.
Gerbera: Did you know that before this world invented multiverse travel, this world was only populated by humans and wild animals? Crazy right?
Gerbera: That means I’m an immigrant too by the way. It’s pretty much why you see cars with steering wheels on the left side in some vehicles and some on the right in others
Gerbera: Immigrants basically bring their vehicles from their world to ours
Gerbera: Anyway, same thing with magic. that fairy was probably an immigrant from another universe that may have brought “magic”, here.
Gerbera: Though there are plenty of people, like myself, who are skeptical about the whole magic thing.
Gerbera: And there are probably some logical explanations to prove what she does isn’t magic.
Gerbera: But… I’m too lazy to look into that…
Mary: I see.
Mary: Well, you are free to believe what you want.

Jerry asks sweaty kitty how long this is going to take

Sweaty Kitty: oh, well we just got started, so probably after a few UPDATES

Aww fuck. Jerry doesn’t want to wait that long, otherwise he might not be able to have enough UPDATE POINTS to chill with his friends VINCENT and HARMON at the FIRST CHECKPOINT for a while. And who knows what other Situations he might encounter before he makes it to the FIRST CHECKPOINT
No. 1024714 ID: e51896
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Suddenly, a loud high pitched voice booms through the stereo

Sweaty Kitty: Whoops, haha! *Pant pant* She caught me. Sorry, but I gotta focus on this.

Sweaty Kitty goes back to her exercises while Rocio turns her attention on the PIZZA PARTY.

Rocio: And as for you guys back there! GET YOUR BODIES MOVING ALREADY!
Rocio: Especially you, stringbean! Yes, you! human driving the :pizzid: moped!
Rocio: If you’re going to fatten people up with that pizza grease, AT LEAST have the courtesy to get :pizzid: to show some support to a healthier lifestyle and exercise with everyone here to set an example!

Jerry tries to yell that Gerbera is far skinnier than him, but his voice just doesn’t carry far enough for her to hear

Mr: Armstrong: ALRIGHT EVERYONE! We’re going to do some air punches now! We’ll start slow, but we’ll pick up speed as we go on! Leg placement is important! Ready! One! Two! Three! Four!

Gerbera: You know what! I can’t help it! They just exude so much energy! And that music is so catchy!
Gerbera: I’m going to join the fun!

Jerry tries to tell Gerbera to stop this nonsense, but they just ignore him. Well great, looks like Gerbera won’t be of any help again.

Message from PEA: Character design for Mr. Armstrong was created by Donut. Rocio the fairy’s character design was also created by Donut as a last-minute addition https://questden.org/wiki/Donut



>- HELP JERRY (optional: come up with an idea how if you vote this. You can also write up a SABOTAGE idea in case HELP loses. One vote for HELP adds one point to HELP)

>- SABOTAGE JERRY (optional: Come up with an idea how if you vote this. You can also write up a HELP idea in case SABOTAGE loses. One vote for SABOTAGE adds one point to SABOTAGE)


Gerbera: HEY! Check out these squats!
Jerry does not in fact check out these squats! Gerbera will not be letting Jerry use their items as they are too busy exercising.

Mary: You could probably use this to blast your way through the traffic pretty easily…
Mary: But what if the bridge isn’t as sturdy as we thought and it collapses from the explosion?
Mary: And even if it isn’t, you’ll get a lot of people hurt and angry at you


Mary: :Pizzid:’s pizza is so good it causes people to get addicted to them, right?
Mary: And your CARDBOARD PIZZA has plenty of pieces, and should distract people long enough to help us get far enough away when they realize it tastes like cardboard after the second bite…
Mary: Maybe if you offer the slices for free, and throw them in the distance somewhere, everyone will drive after it and we can get through?
Mary: But… will Armstrong be into it too, or would he see it as too fattening?
Mary: And what if you can’t throw it far enough?
(please specify where you throw the cardboard pizza if you choose this)


Mary: I think this is pretty much the same thing as the CARDBOARD PIZZA?
Mary: Except… really not as great.
Mary: There’s only one slice of pizza in the bag, with a bunch of toppings
Mary: and people would recognize it as stale
Mary: Maybe you can offer it to Mr. Armstrong and Rocio as a bribe to get out of the way?
Mary: Some of the toppings in the bag do seem healthy a little… I think? I wouldn’t know, I’m just a STUFFIE…


Message from PEA: Yeah, not a lot of items this time, I know, but I just couldn’t think of anything creative for them. So tell you what, from this point on if I don’t list a certain item, you guys can come up with what Jerry can do with the unlisted item can do and how much SABOTAGE and HELP points it can give. Just as long as they are below 7 POINTS. Be advised I might change the points for balance sake, but I trust you guys.
Otherwise, I’d like to see what HELP or SABOTAGE ideas you guys come up with for this SITUATION, especially if you choose to do it without items, lol.
Keep in mind you can’t use Gerbera’s items.

>-GET ANTONIO’S HELP (7 HELP POINTS) (Lower Pizza Temperature if you don’t give him STALE LEFTOVERS) (Pizza Temperature is: HOT )

Antonio: Yeah, I guess I can scare everyone away by giving everyone a jumpscare if I appeared suddenly in front of the camera and went “boo!” or something.
Antonio: Just make sure you get out of everyone’s way when they start running and driving away.
Antonio: should be able to scare off the body builder and lightbulb too.

Sub Options

>-Talk to somebody!
-Jerry can talk to Sweaty Kitty, Sock Snail, Grater Head, and/or Joyful Mongoose for hints on how to deal with a certain future SITUATION for more HELP/SABOTAGE POINTS in those events
-Or you might get a SIDEQUEST
-Or you might get LORE!
-Or you might get an ITEM (you may need to discard an item to make room if this happens depending on who you give it to)
-Feel free to come up with any topic you want to talk about to somebody. Jerry might get a certain result depending on the character and what you think they’d be interested in talking about. I will choose the topic most interesting, or whichever gets the most votes!
-Be advised: Talking to one person will give you 1 SABOTAGE point. So if you decide to talk to two people for example, you’ll be getting 2 SABOTAGE POINTS.
-If you want to talk to someone, please state HOW MANY PEOPLE YOU WANT TO TALK TO, as well as WHO you want to talk to. That will make things easier for voting.

>-Find a drink for SWEATY KITTY
-Sweaty Kitty is looking pretty parched. You don’t have any drinks besides the fruit punch in your pizza.
-If you give Sweaty Kitty a drink of the fruit punch, you’ll lower the temperature of the pizza from HOT to WARM upon opening the pizza box (unless you give the STALE LEFTOVERS to Antonio to maintain pizza heat), and there will be a chance that Ramona/Rachael will find out the pizza has been tampered with once the pizza is delivered, lowering CUSTOMER SATISFACTION.
-If your creative, or lucky enough, maybe you’ll find a way to quench her thirst with something other than the fruit punch?
-Reminder, all sub options can be ignored including this one.
-this won’t give you HELP or SABOTAGE points either way.

Message from PEA: I’ve been making a lot of updates with so many images which causes me to update slower. I can’t help it, I just have so many visual ideas I want to draw, lol! I think I’ll roll the dice TUESDAY night. Until then, I got some fanart to work on this weekend!

No. 1024717 ID: 629f2e

Just for fun, let's think of uses for all the items not listed here. I'm also just gonna write my own fake Mary dialogue, because that's even more fun.

None of this is canon unless Polt specifically says it is, I'm just goofing around.

Mary: Honestly, I genuinely can't think of a good use for any of this this time.
Mary: We can just put this down and look at other items-
Gerbera: Hey, do you think she has a water bottle in there we could give to Sweaty Kitty?
Mary: ...
Mary: W-Well... Aw fluff there is one.
Mary: Um, even if it's something this small, I don't want to risk making Purr Feckt angry. I need her help getting home.
HELP: N/A SABOTAGE: N/A (Does not contribute towards resolving SITUATION, only helps with quenching Sweaty Kitty's thirst)

Mary: A sugar rush may just help you keep up with their aerobics!
Gerbera: Yay! You should join us! Start punching the air. One! And two! And one!...
Mary: Instead of the air, maybe you could do something about Mr. Armstrong with the boost?
Mary: But um... He looks pretty strong though, and he has magic on his side...
Mary: Also, I don't think you should be violent with him just because we're in a hurry.
Mary: Even with a rush from this, I'm not totally sure you could overpower him. Outspeed maybe, but even then there's still his girlfriend.
Mary: Plus, since you'll crash after an UPDATE, if this becomes a PROBLEM then me and Gerbera will have to solve it ourselves.
Gerbera: And one! And two!

6. JERRY’S/GERBERA’S WALLET (30 ₵A$H from Jerry, 50 ₵A$H from Gerbera)
Mary: Hmm... If we bribed everyone to leave, then there wouldn't be any reason for the trainers to stay.
Mary: Still, we would have to split what we have across four different people.
Mary: Actually, maybe only three, if we could find something for Sweaty Kitty to drink.
Mary: Does... maybe... 20 ₵A$H each seem like enough for each person?
Gerbera: Hey, that's actually the base price of a large :pizzid: two-topping pizza.
Mary: ...I think that should do it then

HELP: 6 (Costs 20 ₵A$H per person, if you complete Sweaty Kitty's subtask you won't have to pay her)

Gerbera: We need epic music!
Mary: Won’t that just make things more intense?

Jerry mentions that they already had this exchange last update.

Gerbera: The higher the intensity, the better the workout!
Mary: ...Actually, if we player a faster track than Mr. Armstrong's, we might be able to tire everyone out faster.
Mary: If nobody can keep going, then maybe they'll leave!
Gerbera: Just remember that if you use the radio again, the batteries will die.
Mary: There's also a chance that this could backfire, and everyone will just get more into the workout.

Mary: ...I think using this would have to result in a lot of athletic people being angry at us for interrupting their workout.
Mary: Which... isn't good at all really.

Gerbera: You want me to get into costume? That would be hard to work out in I think.
Mary: Wait a minute, what if Gerbera put on her own performance as "THE ZA"?
Mary: If we stole the crowd's attention, do you think Mr. Armstrong would pack it up and leave?
Gerbera: I could do "THE P-ZA SHUFFLE", that one always gets people sprinting into the building!
Jerry mentions that those "customers" often rush inside to make someone call for an ambulance, interpreting the "dance" as Gerbera writhing in pure agony.
Mary: ...We really don't need more cars here right now.

10. MACE
Jerry suggests that Gerbera go up on stage and knock out Mr. Armstrong.
Gerbera: Um... Okay, I actually have a few problems with that.
Gerbera: Most of them being that I don't want to hurt someone unless I really have to.
Gerbera: Or if it's fun pretend like with those pirates before!
Mary: Even if Gerbera could land a blow on either of them, the other would likely pay it back.
Mary: Um... I don't like the thought, but how do you think you could do against the audience?
Gerbera: Hmmmm... Four people in a row. That would also be pretty tough. But less so.
Gerbera: Do you think if I knocked their clothes off that they would get back in their cars and leave?
Mary: That seems likely, people in this dimension really seem to care about clothing for some reason.
Mary: Still, if they realized what you were doing, they might all gang up on you.
Jerry gives the plan two thumbs up.

Mary: Do you have any contacts on your phone who could get us past this SITUATION?
Jerry tries and fails to think of somebody who doesn't annoy him. With a sigh, he mentions that P.I. ZZander definitely owes him after his last screw-up. He could use his police connections to get them an escort past the event.
Mary: That sounds great!
He quickly adds on that there is a high chance that if ZZander shows up himself, that they'd probably just be trading one SITUATION for another.
Mary: Oh... That's less good.

Mary: What about your contact list, Gerbera?
Gerbera: Ooh! What about Snowpea! She could fly us over, and then you would get to meet her!
Mary: That would be perfect! Does she live nearby?
Gerbera: No.
Mary: ...
Gerbera: Well she could be nearby anyways. It's not impossible.
If Snowpea happens to be near: HELP: 6
If Snowpea isn't anywhere close: SABOTAGE: 4



Oh yeah! I'm supposed to make an actual suggestion, aren't I?

Sorry Mary, but I'm going to say we steal that water bottle right out of Purr Feckt's purse to offer to Sweaty Kitty. Don't worry though, we can totally put it back afterwards! Just have Sweaty Kitty wring her hair off into it, and put it right back in. Perfect crime, we just need to wrap up any business we have with her before she has a drink.

Let's talk to three people, because I want to raise the odds of SABOTAGE victory: Sweaty Kitty for sure, then either Joyful Mongoose or Sock Snail. Sorry, I'm sure the other dude's a grate guy, but I like the others more. Better be sure to use an item to clear out a slot if they give us anything. (Pref if we talk to fewer than 3: SK > JM > SS)

I'm still on the SABOTAGE train, it retains my vote, so I say we blast that RADIO one last time to try and exhaust everyone... And have it backfire, only energizing them further. Everyone is so pumped, but also so... HUNGRY!

All eyes land on the pizza man, and the situation quickly escalates to a PROBLEM as a hungry mob blocks the path ahead.

If HELP wins out, then we put on some speedmetal that the others can't keep up with. Totally exhausted, the lesson ends early as Armstrong can't convince them to keep going
No. 1024740 ID: e51896


>None of this is canon unless Polt specifically says it is, I'm just goofing around.

Message from PEA: AWW YEAH! I love these so much! thanks a bunch! yeah they are definitely canon especially if any of those items are voted by multiple people to be used in those ways. I'll even make it canon there was a water bottle in Purr Feckt's Purse. I'll see it as that purse has whatever suggestors want in there (within reason of course) but the more you use the purse, the more likely Purr Feckt will find out you've been through her purse! That'll be a new rule for it that I'll address in the next update.

to other suggestors, don't let that discourage you from coming up with other ideas you can use the items for with your own thoughts of how many points the HELP and SABOTAGE votes will get. Your ideas will be canon too. In fact, if you can think of other uses for the items that I personally listed in my update with your own points, go ahead and list them.

and reminder, you don't HAVE to use those items, you can come up with your own HELP or SABOTAGE ideas without the use of items. Anything goes with how you deal with it, the limit is your imagination.

No. 1024917 ID: 8b82ee

Well, I've been thinking and at this point, the only way how I see for us to proceed is to simply split up. Jerry should get off the vehicle and continue on the foot, while Gerbera should try to drive back and if possible catch up with Jerry in front. I don't know if this is a help or hindrance suggestion but is the best suggestion that I have.
No. 1024919 ID: 8b82ee

This is my vote for help
No. 1024937 ID: 8483cf

I vote SABOTAGE. Can't help but follow orders from a tiny, loud glowy person.

I vote we give the water bottle to SWEATY KITTY because we are kind people who root through purses for good causes.

I also vote that we use GERBERA's SMARTPHONE to call Snowpea to fly us over. She's very strong and fit! The workout team would love her. Too bad she's too far away to help (and she has a habit of remaining invisible in quests until the last possible minute).

If HELP is selected, Snowpea's lifting of the ZA crew is so inspiring that Armstrong and Rocio cheer her on for her inspiring feat of fitness and clear a path for her.
No. 1024951 ID: afe7de

Vote sabotage, I like the Snowpea bit

Yeah, root through that purse and get some water, You're gonna return it and you can just be honest that you took a water bottle because of the SITUATION.

Give that to sweaty titty I uh mean kitty. When sabotaging you should have jerry say that lmao.

The sabotage is probably that they just stay and Jerry tries to get off and walk but gets accosted and can't go forward.

IF help, then I guess he just gets off and walks on foot, having Gerbera catch up, which will have the added bonus of causing the duck pile to be a situation for gerb and not you!
No. 1024988 ID: c92a02

Sabotage: Attempt to speedrun the workout using the burst of speed from your illegal powdered donut. Winners do drugs, kids!
No. 1024991 ID: 93ba79

I have a different split-up idea: Separate the sidecar and simply drive the moped between the parked cars.
No. 1024992 ID: 8b82ee

Hey that is a valid point, I support your idea
No. 1025238 ID: e51896

rolled 1, 4 = 5

[i]Message from PEA: okay, so there is one vote to talk to three of these weirdos doing aerobics which will be THE SWEATY KITTY, SOCK SNAIL, and JOYFUL MONGOOSE. since nobody voted against that, or voted to talk to anyone else or a greater or lesser amount of people, we'll be talking to these three people next update.

that said, if you want: please come up with a topic to talk about for any or all of those characters otherwise I will come up with my own topic. I'll choose which conversation is the most interesting to me, or whichever gets the most votes. Keep in mind no matter what topic you want to talk about, you are going to get something good out of each of the conversations. I'll make sure it's worth your while and not a waste of time. The topic you choose will sway what you'll get out of them tho.


That being said, TWO vote points for HELP and FOUR vote points for SABOTAGE.

You will be talking to THREE people, so you get THREE more points for SABOTAGE.

Most suggestors in SABOTAGE wanted to use GERBERA'S SMARTPHONE, so that will give you SIX points for help, and FOUR points for SABOTAGE (interestingly, this item is giving you more HELP points than SABOTAGE despite the people suggesting for it going for SABOTAGE. Daring aren't we?)

Overall so far, the HELP POINTS are 8, and SABOTAGE points are 11

Once the six sided dices are rolled, I will add the votes to the results. the first dice will be HELP, the second dice will be SABOTAGE.
No. 1025239 ID: e51896


Votes are locked in and you can no longer vote, BUT you can still suggest ideas on what will happen (though GERBERA'S SMARTPHONE HAS to be used).

If you previously suggested an idea for how Jerry gets HELPED, you can still suggest an idea for how Jerry gets SABOTAGED trying to get passed MR. ARMSTRONG'S SEMI TRUCK.

Also, as I said before, you will be talking to SWEATY KITTY, JOYFUL MONGOOSE, and SOCK SNAIL, so please come up with fun conversations if you can think of some for them. Otherwise, I'll come up with my own. No matter what the topic will be, you'll get something good outta them. I will choose the topics most interesting, or whichever gets the most votes.[/i]
No. 1025240 ID: 629f2e

Gerbera calls up Snowpea to try and get help, but ends up losing her phone (it gets knocked out of her hand by one of the other people working out, shattering when it hits the ground) at just the wrong time to create a misunderstanding. Gerbera says something about getting hot and sweaty with Sweaty Kitty, not realizing it sounds dirty until it's too late. Upon Jerry pointing it out, they become desperate to escape the crowd (as they pump up the music too loud to hold up a phone conversation), and use Jerry's phone to clear things up with Snowpea
No. 1025299 ID: 629f2e

Just realized I never posted any conversation suggestions, meant to come back and do that.

Sweaty Kitty already gave us the basic gist of Mr. Armstrong and his deal, so let's ask her a little about herself (after giving her some water) and request she do something small for us later, so that when this becomes a PROBLEM we have a favor stored up with her. (Rare situation of me suggesting something HELPful for us, don't get used to it)

The Joyful Mongoose seems really into the exercise, so I'm guessing she's either a fitness buff or just really into the trainer. Either way, I think it'd be funny if she got on Jerry's case for smoking, since it's terrible for his health. This could potentially contribute to the situation turning into a problem if she feels strongly enough about it (or just wants to look really good in front of her crush, which is obviously Rocio).

As for Sock Snail... I dunno, ask why he's here when he already carries around a huge shell every day. Shouldn't that count as exercise enough? Maybe he's secretly been a slug this whole time, and the shell is his version of weighted clothing. Once that comes off, he's super fucking fast.

The sock is not weighted clothing. He just gets embarrassed if you pull that off.
No. 1026137 ID: e51896
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As Gerbera climbs up on the Sweaty Kitty’s car to join her in aerobics, Jerry removes his helmet as he figures he’ll be here awhile, and summons PURR FECKT’S purse from his HAMMERSPACE, and proceeds to open it with the intention of getting a water bottle for the Sweaty Kitty. Mary looks at Jerry with great concern in his eyes.

Mary: Huh? W-wait, boss? What if Purr Feckt finds out? She’s going to be angry at us...
Mary: And then what if she refuses to tell me the coordinates back to my universe out of spite?
Mary:My home?

Jerry explains that he has a plan for keeping her from finding out, and that Mary should just chill. Mary however isn’t convinced.

Mary: But isn’t it said she is a perfectionist? Please reconsider.
Mary: We’re going to get in a lot of trouble

Jerry says that he’ll be very careful to keep everything as he found it. Besides, she might be very persnickety, but that doesn’t mean she’s going to notice one object is going to move one inch from where it originally was placed in the purse. On top of that, it’s her own damn fault for not investing in her own HAMMER SPACIAL DIMENSION, especially since she’s a LAWYER. Besides, they’re giving away the water bottle for a good cause, to save a poor cat from dehydration. She should at least understand that if she has a heart.

Mary sighs in disappointment

Mary: I suppose that’s true… it’s just that, it’s the principle of the thing, boss…
Mary: It just feels wrong we’re doing this out of someone else’s expense… even if it is for a good cause.

Jerry lets Mary know if he knew the type of person Purr Feckt is, he’d completely understand his actions.

Mary: Well… okay… If you say so…
Mary: I just try to see the good in people whenever I can, I mean she can’t be worse than my sis…
Mary: But I’ll believe in your judgment… Just, please don’t use the purse too much, okay?

Jerry just shrugs and says something along the lines of: ‘we’ll see’ which causes a sad little doggy whine from Mary in response.

Jerry then calls the Sweaty Kitty down from her vehicle, letting her know he has a water bottle if she wants a drink. The Sweaty Kitty stops her rhythmic movements immediately.

Sweaty Kitty: Whoa, REALLY?!
Sweaty Kitty: Oh thank goodness, *pant pant* I had forgotten mine back in my office.

The Sweaty Kitty jumps down from her car leaving Gerbera to exercise on their own, and surprises Jerry with a big ol’ sweaty hug

Sweaty Kitty: You’re such an ANGEL…
Sweaty Kitty: Thank you SOOOOOOOO MUCH! *pant pant*
Sweaty Kitty: You are a lifesaver!

The tight sweaty hug lasts awkwardly longer than it should and Jerry does not quite know how to respond to this. On one hand, the hug from a cute kitty woman does feel really nice, especially from the vibrations her loud purrs are giving…
on the other hand… EWWWW, HE’S GOT SOMEONE ELSE’S SWEAT ALL OVER HIM! He’s going to need a shower after work. Jerry isn’t sure if he should say something to stop this or not. But he looks at the bright side of this: at least it wasn’t Gerbera hugging him again.


CONGRATULATIONS! Because of the coziness from the hug, you have now been given 10 FREE HELP POINTS that you can use to have Jerry remember the comfort of the hug and make him feel inspired at any SITUATION.
-You can use ALL or SOME of your FREE HELP POINTS at any given SITUATION. Use them wisely.
- You can ONLY vote to use them or vote against using them if you’re voting to HELP Jerry. If you’re voting SABOTAGE, you cannot vote to use them, or vote against using them.
- I will only let you use the FREE HELP POINTS if at least two people vote for it (unless someone votes against it, in which case, it’ll need to be majority vote to use it). When you vote, please let me know if you want to use it and how many of the points you want to use

CONGRATULATIONS! Because of the grossness from getting a lot of another person’s sweat on him, you have now been given 10 FREE SABOTAGE POINTS that you can use to have Jerry remember the disgust from getting Sweaty Kitty’s sweat on him to make him feel grossed out at any SITUATION.
-You can use ALL or SOME of your FREE SABOTAGE POINTS at any given SITUATION. Use them wisely.
- You can ONLY vote to use them or vote against using them if you’re voting to SABOTAGE Jerry. If your voting HELP, you cannot vote to use them, or vote against using them.
- I will only let you use the FREE SABOTAGE POINTS if at least two people vote for it (unless someone votes against it, in which case, it’ll need to be a majority vote to use it). When you vote, please let me know if you want to use it and how many of the points you want to use

Because you used the purse, you have gained a 25% chance of getting found out that you have been rummaging through Purr Feckt’s purse if you decide to give it back to her, or if she sees you with it.

Message from PEA: I have decided to change how the purse is used, it will have anything you want in there (as long as it is light and small enough to fit in a purse) but every time Jerry uses it, I will raise the percentage of Purr Feckt finding out you’ve been using her purse if she spots Jerry having it or you decide to give it to her for whatever reason (like if you want to give it back to her to increase your chances greatly at helping Mi Mary get back home to his Plush universe). If you’re smart enough, you can find ways to decrease that percentage before you finally meet Purr Feckt.
No. 1026138 ID: e51896
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After the Sweaty Kitty gulps down the water from Purr Feckt’s water bottle in one go, Jerry asks for the empty water bottle back after being thanked by her. He then mentions something along the lines of needing to refill the water bottle so that Purr Feckt doesn’t find out when he returns it to her, to which one of the Sweaty Kitty’s eyebrows raises.

Sweaty Kitty: Wait, did you say… Purr Feckt?
Sweaty Kitty: Ugh… I hate that strict bitch. *pant pant*
Sweaty Kitty: Excuse the language…

Jerry asks the Sweaty Kitty what kind of issues she has with Purr Feckt, as he can share her sentiments, considering how she kicked him out of this world after being found guilty under false accusations until he miraculously found his way back.

Sweaty Kitty: Alright, so she was the lawyer for a client that tried to sue my small business into bankruptcy back then, see.
Sweaty Kitty: *pant pant* Something about how someone came into my office for my services *pant pant* and slipped on the floor in my office with no wet floor sign in sight after one of my exercises.
Sweaty Kitty: Which is weird *pant pant* because it wasn’t raining or anything. I bet the jerk was faking it!
Sweaty Kitty: And then little miss perfect lawyer *pant pant* came into my office the next day with the client and started aggressively verbally abusing me.
Sweaty Kitty: A lot of the claims against me *pant pant* did not make any sense, and should not have held water.
Sweaty Kitty: *pant pant*and yet, she made it sound so convincing that even *pant pant* I couldn’t help but admit defeat with the accusations she had against me and how they have a case against me.
Sweaty Kitty: *pant pant* Thankfully, we were able to settle out of court, because otherwise *Pant pant* I would have lost badly against her. Even if the accusations weren’t true
Sweaty Kitty: I heard she has a *pant pant* perfect record or something.
Sweaty Kitty: But come on. *pant pant* Winning every case even if the person is innocent is NOT perfection, dumb bitch…
Sweaty Kitty: Why are you even helping her anyways?

Jerry explains that he is delivering a pizza which tends to end him up in different SITUATIONS, and figures he might sooner or later come across Purr Feckt in a SITUATION given his criminal record, and he needs Purr Feckt’s help to get Mary back to his home world by receiving the coordinates there. He figures returning the purse should be able to help with either or maybe even both of those issues… if she doesn’t find out he’s been rummaging through her purse that is.

Sweaty Kitty’s eyes light up over this

Sweaty Kitty: OH! Well, allow *pant pant* me to help then!
Sweaty Kitty: Put that water bottle under my hair please!

Confused, Jerry does what she says, and without skipping a beat, she grasps her hair with both hands and wrings her sweat, all pouring out like a faucet, and filling it to the top. Jerry notices a bit of the blueness of her hair is vanishing and becoming brown… wait, does that mean she sweated so much her brown hair became blue from her sweat?! Jerry feels sick about everything Sweaty Kitty is doing. But nonetheless, he figures it’ll all be worth it to get back at Purr Feckt.

Sweaty Kitty: And there we go! Thanks again for the drink! Ha ha *pant pant* !
Sweaty Kitty: If only I would be able to see the look on her face when she drinks it…

Suddenly, a loud high pitched voice booms through the stereo again

Sweaty Kitty: Whoops! How embarrassing. She caught me twice. Sorry, I can’t get distracted much longer. Thank again for the drink!

Jerry puts the refilled water bottle back in the purse where he found it as Sweaty Kitty climbs back on her vehicle.

Because Jerry asked for help refilling the water bottle, the chances of Purr Feckt finding out her purse was used was decreased by 10, bringing the percentage down to 15%. You might be able to lower it more if you can refill it with cleaner water instead of SWEATY water.
No. 1026139 ID: e51896
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Jerry puts his mind back to what is important: figuring out a way out of this SITUATION. Thinking about the different options he has before him, he starts to think, didn’t Gerbera say something about Snowpea being a strong guard or something before moving to New Crust City? Thinking it through, Jerry makes the decision to ask Gerbera to call Snowpea

Gerbera: Really! Oh my! I was just making that suggestion without being serious to make myself sound like I was helping.
Gerbera: To be honest… I’m kinda too shy to talk to her

Jerry says it’s not like they're asking her out on a date or anything, they’re just getting her help to fly everyone across the bridge, and have her drive the moped to the parking building out of here afterwards.

Gerbera: umm… uhh! But exercises! We have to stay fit!
Mary: Please Gerbera? We have to deliver the pizza after all…
Gerbera: Um… Okay! For the customer!

Gerbera stops exercising and picks up their cell phone to dial Snowpea’s number. Unfortunately, it just goes to a voice message

Snowpea: Hello, I’m unavailable right now, but please leave your name, phone number if you’re not on my contact list, and reason for calling and I’ll get back to you shortly
Gerbera: Well shoot, she isn’t there, ah well, let’s forget about it

Jerry tells Gerbera to stop being a wuss and leave a message

Gerbera: Uhhhh, HI SNOWPEA! Guess what! I am going to be promoted to pizza courier! As if there was any doubt!
Gerbera: Anyway, Jerry, my partner, is delivering a pizza with me to show me the ropes, and he thinks you should come over to help us out!
Gerbera: But ah, not like I needed help or anything, I’m great…
Gerbera: In fact, you can take your time because I’m right now getting hot and sweaty with a new cute friendly kitty I met and-

Jerry interrupts Gerbera with a burst of laughter and asks them if they realized what they just said just now

Gerbera: Huh? What… OH! AH WAIT!
Mr. Armstrong: Alright everyone, time to do some uppercuts! Ready? 1-2-3-4!

No. 1026140 ID: e51896
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The Sweaty Kitty got way too into the exercises that she accidentally uppercuts Gerbera’s phone out of their leafy hand. It flys up in the air and drops hard on the concrete street, causing it to break. Gerbera just stares at the broken phone speechless.
Well great, there goes one of the few reasons why Jerry brought Gerbera in the first place, now they can’t take pics of anything bad happening to Jerry in case Jerry is late and something bad happens. Ah well, Jerry can theoretically use his own phone


Mary: Sorry Gerbera

No. 1026141 ID: e51896
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Meanwhile, the Gosling tidal wave is still on it’s way to Jerry and has inadvertently caught Eugene along for the ride, who finally just got up from getting run over!

Gosling #2647: Chirp! (sorry!)
Eugene: You know what? WHATEVER!, I’ll just ride this out until it brings me back to EXTRA CHEEZE STREET.

The GOSLING TIDAL WAVE will be at the bridge by UPDATE 8. So get your assess moving!
No. 1026142 ID: e51896
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Well, that didn’t work, but maybe Jerry can get some help from the Sweaty Kitty? He did help her out after all. Jerry asks a little bit about Sweaty Kitty and if she knows of any way she can help him with the pizza delivery.

Sweaty Kitty: Talkative, aren’t we? Well that’s alright *pant pant*, you did help me after all, but I can’t talk much, I really don’t want Rocio to call me out again, haha *pant pant*
Sweaty Kitty: So how about this instead, you seem like you could use a friend and need some attention, *pant pant* so let’s exchange phone numbers and we can talk later!
Sweaty Kitty: I’m actually a professional *pant pant* freelance negotiator and mediator
Sweaty Kitty: So if you find yourself in a SITUATION where you *pant pant* need to talk your way out of an argument
Sweaty Kitty: Or negotiate a deal with someone or *pant pant* convince someone to do something for you
Sweaty Kitty: *pant pant* I’m your kitty!
Sweaty Kitty: Oh, uh, I charge 10 ₵A$H *pant pant* outta pocket for each update my services is used by the way.
Sweaty Kitty: Unless I fail, in which case it’s free.
Sweaty Kitty: I’ll send someone *pant pant* to pick up your ₵A$H after I give my services.

Jerry and Sweaty Kitty exchange phone numbers and she goes right back to exercising. Jerry lets Mary know that he’s going to be traveling the rest of the way on foot while he’ll let Gerbera drive the moped to the parking building whenever he’s done with this. Who knows, maybe Jerry might even go so far ahead, Gerbera will lose him.

-Call her if you’re in an argument or need to negotiate a deal, and she’ll help you out for 10 ₵A$H which you’ll pay to someone she sends over to your location conveniently.
-You can also text her random things for whatever reason. It’ll mostly do nothing to HELP or SABOTAGE Jerry’s situation except give you fun conversations. Just write down some fun topics to write about, and see her responses!

Mary looks with concern at Gerbera still in a state of shock.

Mary: You think they’ll be okay on their own?

Jerry stares at Gerbera and just nods at Mary in assurance. He lets Mary ride on his back, picks up the pizza, and the two head off on their way towards the front. But not before they decide to speak to a couple of people on the way, maybe they’ll get some advice or help. The closest person nearby is the joyful mongoose. She’s atop the next car over to Sweaty Kitty after all. Jerry makes his way over to the Joyful Mongoose, and remarks how into the exercise she is.

Joyful Mongoose: What? Exercising? No way!
Joyful Mongoose: I’m just here to dance to the music!
Joyful Mongoose: This is the only time I can release my impulse to dance without having to wait several hours for the dance club to open!

Jerry looks again, and it becomes apparent that the Joyful Mongoose isn’t in fact exercising at all with the rest of the crowd, but actually dancing! Jerry lets Joyful Mongoose know she's doing it wrong.

Joyful Mongoose: Hey! What difference does it make!?
Joyful Mongoose: I’m moving my body! I’m burning calories!
Joyful Mongoose: More than what you can say for yourself!
Joyful Mongoose: You’re not even exercising. Heck! You’re smoking!
Joyful Mongoose: If you’re not here for your own health, then don’t be the pot calling the kettle black next time!
Joyful Mongoose: then why are you even here?!

Jerry explains that he didn’t know that there was going to be some kind of dumb aerobics class happening at the middle of the bridge during freakin’ rush hour of all times, and he needs to deliver a pizza, but they’re stuck.

Joyful Mongoose: Well, I guess that makes sense.
Joyful Mongoose: If you really need to get past, You could probably go under the truck up ahead
Joyful Mongoose: It may be far too wide to slip past, but it is also so tall, you should be able to duck under the truck and cross the rest of the way over the bridge.
Joyful Mongoose: But be careful not to be too disruptive like you are with me.
Joyful Mongoose: P.I. Zzander is watching right now!

Jerry’s eyes widen at that statement. Zzander is here? The guy who arrested him during the previous pizza delivery? Where? He looks among the crowd and doesn’t see him anywhere, and asks where he is after giving up looking around.

Joyful Mongoose: Oh, he’s working undercover in that blue car next to your Moped!

Jerry looks over at the blue car. Isn’t that the same blue car that has been following him since the gosling incident? How long have he been following him? And how sure can he be that it is Zzander since he can’t see through the window for whatever reason? He asks the mongoose how she can be so sure he’s undercover.

Joyful Mongoose: Well, it’s because he’s not in a police car.
Joyful Mongoose: Ergo, he’s in that blue car!
Joyful Mongoose: It’s logic really!
Joyful Mongoose: Oh! The music is picking up!
Joyful Mongoose: Can’t talk now! I’m having a blast!

I mean, Jerry GUESSES that makes sense, even if she completely missed the point of his question. But whatever, Jerry will just assume that the guy in the blue car near him is really P.I. Zzander, and that he’ll have to assume that he will be the next SITUATION to deal with after this one. Jerry starts wondering some troubling thoughts if he might have done anything illegal under Zzander’s watchful eye over him during the drive.

You now know that P.I. Zzander is most likely going to be your next SITUATION
- he’s probably also been watching you, and most likely still is. If you’ve done anything illegal, or about to, you better think of an excuse!

Next, Jerry moves over to the Sock Snail as he doesn’t know what a cheese grater might think about the pizza full of grated cheese he is holding… unless that is speciesist in which case, err… the excuse is snails are interesting and Jerry wants to see the snail. He asks the snail why he’s exercising here when he has to carry his huge shell everywhere every day. Sock Snail seems confused

Sock Snail: Huh? What? Shell? I don’t have a shell. I’m a slug!
Sock Snail: what are you talking about?

Jerry points out the shell that is clearly on the snail’s back and asks how he doesn’t realize he’s had such a heavy shell there in the first place. The snail looks behind and his eyes widened

Sock Snail: What the hell!? What is that?! How did that get there?! Get it off!

Jerry is about to comply and moves to remove the shell when suddenly it starts moving and a giant hermit crab pops out of the shell, shocking him, Mary, and the Sock Snail!

Hermit crab: AH FUCK! The jig is up!!

The hermit crab quickly makes a move towards the Snail’s neck and puts the poor snail’s neck between his pincers.

Hermit crab: Listen, slimey!
Sock Slug: AHHHH!
Hermit Crab: SUSH! Don’t be squealin’ to no cops about this!
Hermit Crab: Now listen! Not another word! Here’s the deal
Hermit Crab: until the heat dies down…
Hermit Crab: I will be hitchin’ a ride here on your back, and you will be acting natural as a snail
Hermit Crab: Simply just pretend I’m not here for a while, and nobody has to die, That simple… Capiche?!

Sock slug nods very quickly, and looks over at Jerry with sad eyes asking for help. The hermit crab notices where he is staring and his eyebrows furrow at Jerry the best way a hermit crab could.

Hermit Crab: AH FUCK! A witness!
Hermit Crab: Listen, slim!

Jerry sneezes

Hermit Crab: SUSH! Don’t be squealin’ to no cops about this!
Hermit Crab: Now listen! Not another word! Here’s the deal
Hermit Crab: until the heat dies down…
Hermit Crab: I can’t be holding this diamond seashell in my HAMMER SPACE
Hermit Crab: Simply just take this seashell that I totally didn’t steal from the MUSHEUM and definitely found on the beach, and Slimey here doesn’t have to die, You didn’t get it from me if anyone asks. That simple… Capiche?!

Sock slug nods very aggressively at Jerry, hoping he’ll agree to the hermit crab’s terms. Jerry just shrugs and takes it. He’s about to ask them another question, but the Hermit crab hides back into his shell on the Sock Slug’s back, and the Sock Slug just waves Jerry away. Ah well,

Mary: Shouldn’t we help him, boss?

Jerry just shrugs. Sock Slug has his SITUATIONS to deal with, and Jerry has his own. He just leaves them without a second thought.

Jerry also realizes he doesn’t have room in his hammerspace for a giant diamond seashell, so he’ll have to decide whether to keep it and throw one of his or Gerbera’s items away, or throw the seashell over the bridge back into the sea where it belongs. He obviously cannot fit it in his pants pocket.

- Sell it at a black market to make a LOT of ₵A$H (Jerry thinks there is one at both CHECKPOINTS. Though the second CHECKPOINT will most likely give more money for it) using it will decrease its value though
- You can return it to the MUSHEUM for something good to happen as long as you don’t use it until then (near the second checkpoint)!
- You can use it to hide in for stealth, or to protect yourself from attacks very easily (but it’s value will go down)
- Jerry isn’t giving it to P.I. Zzander, he’s an asshole who will take all the credit.

No. 1026143 ID: e51896
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Finally, Jerry and Mary reach the truck. And just like the Joyful Mongoose said, he should be able to duck right under. Jerry wonders how a giant truck that is able to cover three lanes could even get here. But whatever, this situation was actually pretty easy to take care of.
No. 1026144 ID: e51896
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Perhaps a little too easy.

Mr. Armstrong, after ordering his audience to do several squats and letting Rocio take over as he takes care of something, jumps down and pounds the ground with his fist upon landing in front of Jerry, causing a shockwave that makes Jerry and Mary trip and fall right on their asses.

Mary: Wahh! That landing was so strong, he caused cracks on the ground!
Mary: J… just how powerful is he!?
Mary: B-boss! He’s coming right towards us!

No. 1026145 ID: e51896
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Before Jerry could get up, Mr. Armstrong picks Jerry up by his shirt to bring him to his eye level.

Mr. Armstrong: Hello! Seeing as you’re new here I’d like to welcome you to my aerobics exercise,
Mr. Armstrong: Listen, I can’t have you disrupting my students like you have been doing.
Mr. Armstrong: It isn’t fair to them, you know? They all have had a long hard day at work
Mr. Armstrong: And it gives these poor people no time to burn calories after the end of a long work day
Mr. Armstrong: As such, I need to make sure everyone is healthy before I can let them pass.

Jerry explains to Mr. Armstrong he actually has a pizza to deliver that a customer is waiting for. Mr. Armstrong gives Jerry a look of disappointment in response.

Mr. Armstrong: *Sigh* That is a very unhealthy meal, you know?
Mr. Armstrong: way too greasy
Mr. Armstrong: I’m sure your customer will understand if you wait a couple more updates to exercise.

Jerry disagrees as he has to make sure this particular delivery is perfect. And besides, he is healthy enough, he doesn’t need to exercise. He gets enough of it running all over the city to deliver pizzas.

Mr. Armstrong: Really now? But you’re all skin and bone. I don’t think I see a single hint of a muscle on you… No offense.
Mr. Armstrong: If you really think you’re strong and healthy enough to deliver pizzas in this town, then how about you challenge and beat me in a physical activity?
Mr. Armstrong: Could be anything you want, jumping-jacks’ endurance competition, sit-ups or push-ups competition, Any physical activity you want
Mr. Armstrong: Just as long as you can prove to me you are strong enough to face the world!
Mr. Armstrong: Otherwise, I can’t in good faith let you leave and face the dangers without being able to protect yourself physically.

Mr. Armstrong sets Jerry down, and awaits Jerry’s response.

Jerry has failed to get out of the SITUATION and it has turned into a PROBLEM, wasting an UPDATE.
Normally, he would be able to get out of the problem by the next update, but it looks like Jerry is now in another SITUATION which could delay the PROBLEM further if he’s SABOTAGED


(optional: come up with an idea how if you vote this. You can also write up a SABOTAGE idea in case HELP loses. One vote for HELP adds one point to HELP)
(ALSO, you don’t have to challenge Mr. Armstrong to a competition and win to get past, it’s perfectly alright to think of another way that doesn’t involve a competition, such as fooling him in some way)

(optional: Come up with an idea how if you vote this. You can also write up a HELP idea in case SABOTAGE loses. One vote for SABOTAGE adds one point to SABOTAGE)


NOTE: Gerbera is too far away, and even if he wasn’t, they are still in shock over what they said to Snowpea, and their phone breaking

Mary: We can easily blast our way through the truck if we can somehow open it and throw it inside
Mary: Though Mr. Armstrong did damage part of this bridge with his powerful landing…
Mary: But I think as long as it is inside, we might be fine.

Mary: Well, it does have some veggies inside
Mary: Maybe if we eat healthy, we can prove we are healthy enough?
Mary: Or maybe we can feed him as payment to let us pass?
Mary: It is stale though, so you both might get too grossed out…

PURR FECKT’S PURSE (Chances Purr Feckt will find out Jerry used her purse currently: 15%)
Mary: Umm… We already used this, so we can just ignore it. Nothing in here will help us right now
-Mary isn’t telling the truth about that. Write down what you want inside and list their SABOTAGE and HELP points, and how it will help or sabotage you. Preferably keep this one with more help points plz.
-Keep in mind your percentage of Purr Feckt finding out you rummaged through her purse will increase

Mary: This is definitely something that can help us win a physical competition of your choice against him
Mary: You’re going to go into a SUGAR CRASH which will make you more likely to fail getting out of a SITUATION the next UPDATE,
Mary: But what that Joyful Mongoose said about P.I. Zzander watching us has me worried.
Mary: It is illegal after all…

Mary: Hmm… What if we give him a bite of our decoy pizza? Maybe he’ll think it’s so good he’ll let us pass?
Mary: OH! I know, we can ask to do a squats competition while holding weights, and disguise the cardboard pizza as a weight…
Mary: It’s too obvious though.

Mary: We can challenge him to seeing just how tough [i]he
Mary: Dare him that if he cannot break this seashell, he will have to let us pass
Mary: Otherwise, we’ll stay an exercise.
Mary: He is pretty strong though… he did cause cracks on the bridge after all
-Value of seashell will decrease if you use this

>-GET ANTONIO’S HELP (7 HELP POINTS) (Lower Pizza Temperature if you don’t give him STALE LEFTOVERS) (Pizza Temperature is: HOT )

Antonio: Look, it doesn’t matter how tough you are, when it comes to ghosts, you’ll always lose. We don’t even have a bodies to physically improve after all.…

Sub Options
>-Use all or some of your free HELP point(s) (you have 10) (can only vote for or against using if you’re voting HELP) (specify how many)
>-Use all or some your free SABOTAGE point(s) (you have 10) (can only vote for or against using if you’re voting SABOTAGE) (specify how many)[/i]

Message from PEA: I'd like to thank Himitsu for taking the time to proofread this wall-of-text of an update. You rock!
Also I'm experimenting and changing the artstyle of the backgrounds after seeing EDMANGO's fanart of sweaty kitty and felt inspired to try something new to make the characters pop out more. Thanks Ed!

No. 1026146 ID: c92a02

Sabotage: Attempt to convince Armstrong of the error of his ways by showing him the joys of a delicious grease-free decoy pizza.
No. 1026192 ID: 8483cf

I vote HELP! We should eat the illegal donut now so P.I. Zzander doesn't see us eat it later. If sabotage wins instead, Armstrong is able to keep up with Jerry with a generous amount of Rocio's magic fairy dust via INCREDIBLE CHEERLEADING. It's not illegal, but it does fill him with DRILL SERGEANT CHEERLEADER HYPE.

Take it the diamond seashell, but do NOT use the diamond seashell. Let's try and get it back to the Musheum. I propose getting rid of the pizza bomb, because bombs are bad mmkay

The physical challenge is... TONGUE TWISTERS! Whoever can say the most complicated sentence in the shortest amount of time is the winner. Tongue flexibility is important!

(The donut is so illegal because it gives people super talking speed, meaning donut'd politicians have an performance-enhancing edge in filibustering their opponents' public pizza policies)

Do NOT use the free help points or sabotage points.

No. 1026193 ID: 629f2e

In a shock to nobody, I vote SABOTAGE!

I agree with Tongue Twisters, but I disagree with using an item. If we are to take the seashell, it's simple what we need do.

...Just hold it.

Don't put it in hammerspace, just put it on top of the pizza box. If it's too heavy, put the decoy pizza on top and store the shell in hammerspace. You've probably had to deliver multiple pizzas at once before, you can hold two for a while.

If Sabo wins, Jerry easily whips up the best tongue twisters, easily defeating Mr. Armstrong. But cockiness never ends well for him, and Jerry ends up spinning a rather insulting one about either Mr. Armstrong or his fairy GF. Whoever he chooses, Rocio gets PISSED, and decides that the next exercise for everyone will be 100 punches to the back of Jerry's head. Or she fights him herself, lifting him up into the air with fairy dust. Jerry will have to find an escape while gravity isn't on his side.

If HELP wins, Jerry can dominate at the tongue twister challenge and be granted escape. Buuuut since P.I. Zzander is right there watching us, we'll probably be stuck here in a new situation for a bit longer.
No. 1026194 ID: 094652

Help: Jerry threatens to throw a pizza bomb at the crowd, immediately fattening them up and undoing Armstrong's hours of involuntary sweaty gym class! Armstrong's lack of wisdom causes him to mindlessly believe Jerry and he backs the heck off!

If it fails, the Pizza Bomb causes everyone to enhance knockers gain weight due to placebo effects, causing Armstrong to freak out and unleash his "non-descript oppressive regime" ancestry and force everyone into a cult of military muscles for 5,000 years! (three updates)
No. 1026209 ID: 8b82ee

Actually this time I will vote for sabotage, Jerry could use a good work exercise to get Jerry in shape, and hey this guy looks excited to have a new member. So let's sacrifice a little time for a heater lifestyle.
No. 1026212 ID: 0838d6


The physical challenge should be tongue twisters. You were in the underground tongue twister championships as the reigning champ. You don't like to talk about it because it's a dark, dark, part of your life. But you were the champ for a reason, no one could out tongue twist you, No One Alive Anyway. He's bound to mess up and it might take an update to do it, but you've got this. Swap the shell with the decoy pizza and stack it on your pizza. If he gets angry at you, use the decoy za to HELP, showing that it's not at all greasy, and thus is healthier!

If Sabotage wins though, maybe P.I. Zander is following you because of the illegal powdered donut and has been tracking it's owner in order to collect the fabled BAG OF ILLEGAL PASTIRES. He'll accidentally let it slip, but then cover it up with legalese. You'll certainly be in a pickle for sure! (and then the goslings will arrive in an update after, so things might get... feathery)
No. 1026407 ID: d7d53a

Help vote: use the donut for a tongue twister competition. Since Zzander is going to be our next situation, I think him coming across us under the influence of an illegal donut in a sugar crash would make for some fun times for his situation.

And yeah, switch an item for the seashell. Not sure which though.
No. 1026490 ID: e51896

FOUR vote points for HELP and THREE vote points for SABOTAGE.

there were two votes to use a POWDERED DONUT from the HELP TEAM, so you'll be using that for an extra SEVEN HELP points (I'm aware there was one vote against using that, but because it was from the SABOTAGE VOTING TEAM, I didn't count that. Sorry, but hey, you'll be having a SUGAR CRASH in the next UPDATE which will give you extra SABOTAGE points next time, so there's that.) Hoping everyone is alright with this, if there's any complaints after the calculations of the votes and diceroll, I will reevaluate things and consider a recount and re-roll, as I want people to have fun

overall so far, the HELP POINTS are 11, and SABOTAGE points are 3


Actually probably, no need to roll the dice, if SABOTAGE gets 6 points from the roll, they'd get 9 points, which wouldn't beat the 11 points HELP already has, so...

HELP wins for having too many points to be beaten by a dice roll

Votes are locked in and you can no longer vote, BUT you can still suggest ideas on what will happen (ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUT has to be used tho).

If you previously suggested an idea for how Jerry gets SABOTAGED, you can still suggest an idea for how Jerry gets HELP trying to get passed MR. ARMSTRONG'S SEMI TRUCK.

An like I said, if there are any complaints about how this was handled, I'll consider it greatly and consider doing a recount on the votes and a dice roll, specifically how I handled the votes using the powdered donut. I want people to have fun with this.
No. 1026492 ID: 629f2e

>I vote HELP! We should eat the illegal donut now so P.I. Zzander doesn't see us eat it later.

To everyone who wanted to eat the illegally sweet doughnut for this reason, I have some terrible news for you.

He's right there.

He's in the car, he's right there.

And you're right in front of everyone, with one of the trainers everybody is watching.

And it's a POWDERED Donut, which means no matter how hard you try, your face is going to be covered in evidence after you eat it.

All of this is to say: As the permanent saboteur of this quest I greatly appreciate your efforts to SABOTAGE our next situation before it can even start.
No. 1027010 ID: e51896
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Well, okay. So as far as the giant VALUABLE AND DURABLE DIAMOND SEASHELL goes, Jerry decides to replace the TASTY CARDBOARD DECOY PIZZA for the seashell inside his hammerspace. But instead of throwing the cardboard pizza away, he instead puts it on top of the pizza box.
Is this cheating? Who knows, and who cares?! If anything, we’re advocating AGAINST LITTERING by doing this, so this gets a pass. How thoughtful!
However, now that it is resting atop the pizza box, there could be a 20% chance that Jerry could drop it each update unless he puts it back in his hammerspace, or puts it inside the pizza box (which would lower the temperature of the pizza if he opens the pizza box without using the leftovers to use Antonio’s power to keep the temperature stable), soooo, yeah, be careful not to drop it, because then this promotion for fighting against littering will be a big fat lie, and we don’t want that.

Anyways, Jerry considers Mr. Armstrong’s proposal for a physical competition for a moment. Winning a physical competition would let Jerry pass without causing any issues with the strong guy or the participants…

but… comparing his physic with Mr. Armstrong… how would Jerry even stand a chance? What kind of competition involving physical movements could Jerry excel at against a buff manly man like Mr. Armstrong? what path should he take? It seems like all the possibilities are closed off to him…
Jerry remembers the Illegal powdered donut, and sighs. This donut would be a perfect solution for a SITUATION like this. However, he is hesitant in using it as he saved a LOT of ₵A$H at the black market that his friend Harmon works at to buy this thing. Not only that, these donuts are especially hard to come by. He’s still kicking himself over losing his previous ILLEGAL POWDRED DONUT somewhere after hiding it from a Zzander in a pizza box and losing it during a strange party 1-6 months ago.
He was actually really hoping to eat his current donut for recreational purposes with a buddy, but he just never found the opportunity to do so. He thinks he was once told that there are actually 7 different kinds of ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUTS, each giving a person a different kind of SUGAR RUSH, and each giving an intense feeling of EUPHORIA during a SUGAR COMA after the SUGAR RUSH, perfect for someone like him who works the demanding job of a pizza courier to relieve stress. He forgot what number this particular donut was… 6? 3? Not that Jerry cares enough to collect these things and keep track.

Eating this particular ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUT would give him a SUGAR RUSH so intense, that his perception of time in his subconscious would travel faster than his actual conscious, being able to travel through multiple timelines at once and giving Jerry insight of which choices he should make at the present time. Does that make sense? Nope! But that’s what it does to a person regardless!

Jerry takes the Illegal donut out of his hammerspace, but then considers one thing: there are actually a lot of witnesses right now about to see him eat an ILLEGAL donut, isn’t there? If people were to see him eat it, and realize the donut is Illegal, that could spell a PROBLEM for him, especially after knowing that Zzander has been watching him since the start of this pizza delivery…

But maybe perhaps it’d be okay if he was smart about it? His back is turned away from everyone after all, and most the participants is more focused on Rocio the bossy fairy who is giving orders atop the truck right now over focusing on Jerry and Mr. Armstrong. And perhaps Zzander is too far away to even notice the donut… And even if he did notice, how can he tell a regular ol’ powdered donut from an Illegal powdered donut from this distance anyways? In fact, it might be a good way to get rid of it by eating it now in case Zzander stops Jerry in the next situation.

With these facts in mind, Jerry is now convinced to eat the ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUT, even if he’ll feel remorse for not being able to eat it for fun at his own time later. He immediately slouches forward to hide himself eating it from everyone. As he quickly munches away, the donut unfortunately explodes into a mini sugary mess covering part of Jerry’s face and shirt with powder. Yeah, Jerry forgot these things are messy to eat, which could be a PROBLEM later if Zzander stops and asks him questions about it, but meh, he’ll cross that bridge after he crosses this bridge… literally!

Mr. Armstrong: Hey, something with that much sugar can’t be healthy for you!
Mr. Armstrong: Just what are you trying to prove here? This is all the more reason for you to take some UPDATES to burn those excess calories, you know?

Suddenly, Jerry's eyes widen, his blood and heart start pumping at a higher rate, and already he is starting to tremble everywhere in his entire body from the surplus of energy he received. And not only that, he can also feel his subconscious thoughts traveling faster than he can keep up, uncontrollably traveling to-and-fro in many different directions, with visions of many different vivid outcomes racing through his thoughts all at once… It doesn’t take long for him to realize that these are actually different TIMELINES that his subconscious is traveling through in intense speeds, and relaying back to him. It takes a little bit to keep up with what his subconscious is relaying to him, but Jerry thinks he’s able to grasp at the different outcomes.
The majority of these visions seem to be leading to bad timelines that would turn this SITUATION into another PROBLEM. But he does see some favorable outcomes, and most of those favorable outcomes are repeating a certain action for him to take.
No. 1027011 ID: e51896
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With confidence, Jerry challenges Mr. Armstrong to a TOUNGE TWISTER COMPETITION! I mean, yeah, that makes sense to Jerry now that he thinks about it! One would be moving their tongue constantly and intensely when tongue twisting, so that counts as physical movement, right? And the tongue is the strongest muscle in the body, right? Or is that a myth? Eh, whateves.
Plus, after spending so much time with his fast-talking uncle throughout the years, Jerry has learned the art of fast talking, and even entered some underground tongue twister competitions, even winning some of them as a champion. In fact, he has a tattoo to prove it… on his tongue somewhere!

Mr. Armstrong laughs at the suggestion Jerry made

Mr. Armstrong: You think just because you’re picking a competition that only relies on intense tongue movement that you found a loophole?
Mr. Armstrong: You’re wrong. In fact, I think you should know that when I say I train every muscle in my body, I really mean EVERY muscle, including tongue muscles!
Mr. Armstrong: For me, every Thursday is tongue day!
Rocio: *swoon*
Mr. Armstrong: I do tongue curls, tongue pull ups, tongue push-ups, tongue sit-ups,
Rocio: and he does a lot more exercises with that tongue of his than that with me, if you catch my drift… hee hee hee
Mr. Armstrong: *AHEM* So if you think I won’t be able to keep up, you’re in for a nasty surprise
Mr. Armstrong: I’ll accept your challenge… if you dare not to get cold feet, dude.

Jerry thinks Mr. Armsrong already revealed a nasty surprise. Did he just admitted he licks the floor? and how does one even do a “tongue sit up”? You know what, forget it! Jerry confirms he is sure about the competition quickly so he doesn’t have to think further on how Mr. Armstrong uses his tongue

Mr. Armstrong: Great! Haven’t had a competition in a while to flex in
Mr. Armstrong: Rocio, our microphones, please!
Rocio: Ooooh! YEAH! coming right up, beefkins! Just a simple matter of summoning them with my fairy magic!

Rocio uses her fairy magic to put on a light show, and after a puff of blinding smoke-like fairy dust blinding everyone… and then she just pulls out the two microphones from her HAMMERSPACIAL DIMENSION, one for Jerry, and one for Mr. Armstrong.

Rocio: LISTEN UP! Here are the rules: both of you come up with a tongue twister for their opponent to repeat, and then you must repeat the phrase given to you multiple times until you slow down a considerable amount, or slip over your words!
Rocio: Now get your phrases ready, boys!

Mr. Armstrong immediately comes up with his tongue twister for Jerry to repeat: “Carol carries barrels of apparels for Darryl”. Wow, that’s a toughie! Hopefully under the effects of the sugar rush to talk fast, and with his prescience guiding him when to slow down a little in some parts of the phrase, he should be able to pass.

Meanwhile, Jerry following his prescience, comes up with his own tongue twister: “Risa Meets with Lisa Eating greasy cheesy pizza… Jerry is highly disappointed with his prescience that the best it could come up with was something pizza related, and it doesn’t seem like it would be a challenge for Mr. Armstrong in comparison to the tongue twister Jerry got from him… but whatever works he guesses, this is what constitutes as a good timeline he guesses, so why question it?

Rocio: Alright, so now that you both got your words! it’s now time to get those tongues moving! Show him what your made of, Armstrong! READY GO!

And right off the bat, Mr. Armstrong starts repeating his phrase effortlessly while Jerry, following his prescience as his guide, repeats his own phrase as he pays close attention to his subconscious on where he should slightly slow down and what moments to breathe. His SUGAR RUSH is also allowing him to repeat his tongue twister with effortless speed. It’s no problem, but how long can he last? Can he last the entire update especially after giving Mr. Armstrong a seemingly easier phrase?

But wait, was it really that easy for Mr. Armstrong? Jerry notices that whenever Mr. Armstrong says the phrase “Greasy Cheesy Pizza” he has a face of disgust. Jerry smiles as he now understands why his prescience had him choose this phrase: Mr. Armstrong can’t STAND anything unhealthy. All Jerry has to do is keep up the pace, and wait until his opponent cracks under the pressure over the idea of an unhealthy greasy pizza!
No. 1027012 ID: e51896
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Mr. Armstrong: RisameetswithLisaeatinggreasycheesypizza
Mr. Armstrong: RisameetswithLisaeating greasy cheesy pizza
Mr. Armstrong: RisameetswithLisaeating greasy… cheesy… pizza
Mr. Armstrong: RisameetswithLisaeating GREASY… NO! I CAN’T ALLOW THIS!
Mr. Armstrong: My tongue feels tainted over promoting the idea of eating such unhealthy filth with a phrase like that!
Mr. Armstrong: Hell, I can even see some of my students in the front row smacking their lips for a pizza!
Mr. Armstrong: This is NOT what I wanted to instill in people’s mind in this aerobics exercise
Mr. Armstrong: I yield… you win… you monster!

Mr. Armstrong adopts the OTL pose in shame as Jerry, still trembling from the energy boost, raises his arms in victory

Mary: Boss! You did it!
Mary: That was a smart move! I didn’t account for thinking outside the box like that!
Rocio: Awwww, come ON!

The crowd boos Jerry after he kind of ruined their exercises by interrupting the session with a tongue twister competition, and defeating Mr. Armstrong like that… but hey, at least he can pass now, good for him!
No. 1027013 ID: e51896
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Mr. Armstrong: Well, a deal’s a deal!
Mr. Armstrong: You showed me that raw strength isn’t everything,
Mr. Armstrong: and sometimes, it really is mind over matter in some cases
Mr. Armstrong: But only SOME!

Message from PEA: Actually, it was because of illicit donuts, but don’t let Mr. Armstrong know that… shhhhh...

Mr. Armstrong: In any case, I deem myself unworthy to teach this class any further after this humiliating defeat.
Mr. Armstrong: So I’ll end the exercise for now to rethink things, and let you pass.
Rocio: Awwww, but I want order these people some moooooore! Come on!

Mr. Armstrong ducks under the truck, and lifts the entire ginormous truck with just his right arm.

Mary: WHOA, just how POWERFUL is he anyway?! Is he even mortal?!
Mr. Armstrong: I’ll be letting people pass after you cross the bridge. Farewell!
Mr. Armstrong: And keep training that brain of yours!
Mr. Armstrong: Though, I still highly recommend you work out now and then… I’d be happy to train you if you want to come to one of my aerobics classes and put some muscle under that skin!

Jerry says he’ll sleep on it

Mr. Armstrong: Hey, I don’t allow sleeping in my classes, ahahahahah!

Jerry didn’t laugh, and he runs through the bridge after Mary climbs on his shoulders, wondering if Mr. Armstrong lifting the damn truck was really necessary when he could just duck under… eh, maybe Armstrong is just flexing his dominant strength on Jerry to compensate for his loss.
No. 1027014 ID: e51896
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Meanwhile, the GOSLING TIDAL WAVE is still heading Jerry’s way! And Eugene is still stuck inside it as the gosling pile consumes everything in its path!

Eugene: Ugh, I’m sinking in!
Eugene: That does it, if you all are not going to stop and let me go…
Eugene: At least tell me which one of you is in charge here!
Gosling #4863: CHIRP! (ME!)
Gosling #6231: CHIRP! (No ME!)
Gosling #8205: Chirp! (Stop arguing, it’s really none of you, it’s actually that gosling over there who’s leader!)
Gosling #5149: CHIRP! (HEY, don’t point that wing at me, I’m not the leader, I have nothing to do with this!)
Gosling #5149: Chirp (So don’t bring his attention to me, I don’t wanna get hurt or take the blame!)
Gosling #5787: Chirp (To be honest, I really can’t tell us all apart… anyone could be leader!)
Gosling #7351: You idiots, this rat doesn’t understand what you’re all saying, he doesn’t speak our language!
Gosling #7351: Ah! I mean
Gosling #7351: Chirp! (Whoops!)
Eugene: WHAT?!

Since Jerry made some distance, the GOSLING TIDAL WAVE will arrive in UPDATE 9 instead of UPDATE 8! Hurry to the FIRST CHECKPOINT so Jerry can be safe!
No. 1027015 ID: e51896
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Mary looks behind as the crowd of cars gets further away
Mary: Hey wait, shouldn’t we get back to Gerbera and drive the rest of the way?

Jerry says that his prescience told him that ditching the moped was the best choice out of all the timelines. Though that wasn’t the truth, there were some perfectly good timelines that told him to get back on the moped with Gerbera, but he wanted to take a timeline that didn’t require him to ride the moped to get away from the flower for a while. He needs a break from them.

Mary raises and eyebrow, but nods.
Mary: well, okay…
Mary: but can you please slow down a little at least?!
Mary: I can barely hold on to you!

Jerry, still under the effects of a SUGAR RUSH still has enough energy to run swiftly through the streets of NEW CRUST CITY, and with his Prescience, he can now predict which turns to take, and where certain shortcuts he’s never knew existed before to take. He can feel it, he is so very close to the first checkpoint!

But then from behind him, sirens start blaring. Looking behind is the same blue car that’s been following him for a while. Oh no, is that P.I. Zzander?! How the fuck did he catch up with Jerry?!
But now that Jerry thinks about it, he noticed that he is slowing down and getting a little bit tired, and his pulse is slowing down, but he’s also starting to feel… elated? Oh no, is the donut beginning to lose it’s effects at a time like this?!
No. 1027016 ID: e51896
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P.i. Zzander rolls down his window, and pokes his head out with his megaphone in hand, and starts yelling into it.

Mary: What? Uhh *blush* I’m not a lady… but… do I make for a cute woman?
Mary: sh… should we stop? It is the honest thing to do
Mary: …
Mary: Oh no… but you still got that illegal sugar substance all over you!
Mary: What do we do?!

Crap! it really is P.I. Zzander. A detective who is always finding ways to accuse Jerry of crime through misunderstandings or otherwise. And whenever he suspects Jerry of wrongdoing, he always does a search of his belongings, confiscating anything he finds suspicious, and even searches through the pizza box for anything illegal, causing the pizza’s temperature to lower. Jerry is going to need to figure out how to deal with P.I. Zzander, especially under the SUGAR COMA debuff. He hopes he can hold out until he reaches the checkpoint.

- After thinking over it for a few updates, I decided I’m changing the rules on how items will work. Previously, I had items list the amount of SABOTAGE and HELP points, and would give you all points for both SABOTAGE and HELP whenever it’s chosen. But I realize for example that having an item with 5 HELP points and 2 SABOTAGE points would be the same as just listing it as 3 HELP POINTS. That said, I’ve decided to list each item as giving you one or the other.
HOWEVER, there will still be items that will give you HELP POINTS, and SABOTAGE points. For those examples, you will only be getting one or the other depending on what team wants that item. So, for example, if team HELP wants an item that has 6 HELP POINTS, and 5 SABOTAGE POINTS, I will only be giving you 6 HELP POINTS without giving you the 5 SABOTAGE POINTS… unless SABOTAGE also votes to use that item, in which case you’re getting both

- JERRY IS GOING TO BE CRASHING INTO A SUGAR COMA next update, as such his actions will be hindered, and therefore, you have been given 5 SABOTAGE POINTS this round! He will be in a state of being half-asleep, and may have part of his dreams intercept his perception of reality… whatever that means

- Because you managed to move Jerry forward, he has put some distance away from the GOSLING TIDAL WAVE and therefore, the Gosling Tidal wave will arrive and put Jerry in a SITUATION by UPDATE 9. Jerry will be safe from it once he reaches the FIRST CHECKPOINT

- Gerbera is currently on their way. If you do not get out of this SITUATION, they will catch up to help Jerry in UPDATE 8. However, if you manage to get Jerry out of this SITUATION, they’ll catch up with Jerry by UPDATE 9 unless you move further away.

- Just so you know: when Jerry reaches the CHECKPOINT, he will be allowed to take a break to spend some updates buying or selling items at a store and/or a black market, stopping at the bank, talk to his friends Harmon and Vincent and perhaps try to recruit them, and do other stuff that isn’t listed here. You’ll be allowed to do 3 actions per update during that time (like doing shopping, visit a bank, and talk to Harmon and Vincent in the same update)

-The TASTY DECOY CARDBOARD PIZZA is still on top of the Pizza Box, and as long as it remains there, it’ll have a 20% chance of falling off, thus making Jerry lose the item unless you decide to put in back into his HAMMERSPACIAL DIMENSION.

- You should have room to put one item in your HAMMERSPACIAL DIMENSION now that you used the ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUT… You can put your cardboard pizza in there… unless you want to stuff Mary in there for some reason, it registers him as an item!


(optional: come up with an idea how if you vote this. You can also write up a SABOTAGE idea in case HELP loses. One vote for HELP adds one point to HELP)

(optional: Come up with an idea how if you vote this. You can also write up a HELP idea in case SABOTAGE loses. One vote for SABOTAGE adds one point to SABOTAGE)


NOTE: Gerbera is too far away, so you can’t use his items!

Mary: We can probably use this to destroy his car…
Mary: But I think in the long run, it’s a very bad idea it’ll cause more harm than good, they might start treating you as a criminal for assault from here on out
Mary: And dealing with Purr Feckt isn’t going to be easy if this succeeds…
Mary: Just… if you use this, don’t drag me into this, I don’t want to be an accomplice, this will all be on you.
Mary: Maybe hide me in your HAMMERSPACE if you do this? As long as you let me out later.

Mary: Would feeding Zzander free leftovers help?
Mary: Umm… probably not. It’s stale and he most likely won’t like it

PURR FECKT’S PURSE (Chances Purr Feckt will find out Jerry used her purse currently: 15%)
Mary: Umm… It’s probably a really really bad idea to be showing this off to P.I. Zzander, whether we find something that’ll help us or not.
Mary: You said Zzander and Purr Feckt work together often, correct? Probably won’t be good to use it then.
Mary: And to add to my argument, do you really want Purr Feckt to see P.I. Zzander in a positive light once he finds out you’ve been using It and tattles on you to Purr Feckt?
Mary: If you do use this, please hide me in your HAMMERSPACE at least, I don’t want to be blamed and lose my chances at going home.
- Write down what you want inside and list their SABOTAGE or HELP points, and how it will help or sabotage you. Preferably keep this one with more help points than sabotage plz.
-Keep in mind your percentage of Purr Feckt finding out you rummaged through her purse will increase
-P.I. Zzander will most likely tell Purr Feckt Jerry is using her purse, skyrocketing that percentage.

Mary: What if we toss the cardboard pizza at his window, obscuring his view?
Mary: He might slow down, and give us a chance to get away and lose him
Mary: But it all depends if the cardboard manages to stay on or not

Mary: You said he has an inflated ego?
Mary: In that case, what if we give him the diamond and just let him take the credit for returning it?
Mary: Just as long as we do a good job at explaining how we got it so he doesn’t accuse us of stealing
Mary: Otherwise, he might think we have stolen it… unless they know that hermit crab had stolen it earlier beforehand…
Jerry really doesn’t want to do this as he wants to sell it at a black market, or return it to the Musheum himself, but understands it could be one way to escape the SITUATION, especially under the condition he’s going in.

Jerry’s wallet (30 ₵A$H from Jerry)
Mary: Maybe we can pay a bribe to let us go?
Mary: But I think it depends on how much ₵A$H we decide to give him
Mary: and we might have to use one of our 3 actions in one of our UPDATES at the CHECKPOINT to stop at the bank to withdraw some ₵A$H
HELP: 1-6, depending on how much you give him.

Mary: OH! We can call that Sweaty Kitty to help mediate our argument with P.I. Zzander, and come to an agreement to get us off the hook
Mary: just remember we have to pay the person she sends to us 10 ₵A$H for her services…
Mary: unless she fails to help, in which case it’s free!
Mary: you did get that cat’s name, right?
Whoops, Jerry forgot.

>-GET ANTONIO’S HELP (7 HELP POINTS) (Lowers Pizza Temperature unless you give him STALE LEFTOVERS to maintain the temperature) (Pizza Temperature is: HOT)

Antonio: even though I may admittedly seem annoyed with helping you out with my services to repay my debt…
Antonio: P.I. Zzander has always been a PROBLEM for me when I used to deliver Pizza, even arresting me a couple times
Antonio: and for all the times you come across him, I always love scaring that jerk whenever he tries to look inside the pizza box.
Antonio: So please let me handle this! Especially under your condition.

Sub Options
>-Text the Sweaty Kitty (this will do nothing to HELP or SABOTAGE the situation, but you will get some fun dialogue. Write down what Jerry should text her, and she’ll respond appropriately

>-Try to learn more about Purr Feckt from P.I. Zzander. He knows a lot about Purr Feckt, and could give you advice on how to deal with or negotiate with her later. HOWEVER, you can only do this if you decide to pull over and speak with him instead of trying to escape, and manage to succeed in HELPING Jerry get out of the SITUATION.

>-Use all or some of your free HELP point(s) (you have 10) (can only vote for or against using if you’re voting HELP) (specify how many points you want to use)

>-Use all or some your free SABOTAGE point(s) (you have 10) (can only vote for or against using if you’re voting SABOTAGE) (specify how many points you want to use)

>-Item management! Throw away, or put an item (like the cardboard pizza or Mary himself) inside the HAMMERSPACE

>- Have Mary lick the sugar off Jerry’s face and shirt! It might help you lose 1 SABOTAGE point lowering, but Mary will start feeling weird in the next update. Also, It’ll weird Jerry out!

Message from PEA: Voting this time around will end Thursday night, so get your votes in quick! I know this only gives you one day to vote, but stuff is going on that requires me to get some stuff done earlier. Sorry about that. Busy busy.
No. 1027019 ID: 8e293c

And lets get Antonio's help on this. Give him the leftovers to keep that pizza hot. Give him some screen time!. We'll need the points after all.
No. 1027021 ID: 8e293c

for sub options, lets try asking about purr feckt if we succeed,
No. 1027027 ID: 334144

Message from PEA: FORGOT TO MENTION! If you have Mary lick the sugar off Jerry, you will recieve 3 free extra SABOTAGE points from the experience to use whenever you want later since it'll weird jerry out
No. 1027044 ID: afe7de

Mary MOST DEFINITELY should lick the sugar off bc he's a plush and also needs to eat, when was the last time he ate? He's not gonna let go of some PREMIUM AMAZING SUGAR!

Also send Sweaty Kitty a selfie of you running from PiZzander going "whyyyyyyyyy does this guy suck so many eggs?"

But as for the actual choice:


Get that pizza spirit to help, give him the leftovers and maybe, just maybe, you'll reach your friends since Antonio will make it easier on you.

If Sabotage wins, then I think what happens is that Jerry misunderstands his precognition from the donut and turns into an alley, it sees the timeline where there wasn't a fence but now there is and PI Zzander can corner him, making the situation into a PROBLEM
No. 1027093 ID: 8483cf

- Send Sweaty Kitty a text saying “Just gave Armstrong a tongue lashing :pppppppppppp”
- Have Mary lick the sugar, lick iiiiiiiit
- We gotta reach the first checkpoint before we’re drowning in Ryan Goslings! I vote HELP, and to enlist the aid of ANTONIO and use the leftovers! Antonio really wants to pay this guy back, let’s indulge him.
- If SABOTAGE wins, Jerry is so grossed out by Mary licking him that he gets the HEEBIE JEEBIES, summoning ASK JEEBIES instead of ANTONIO. JEEBIES has been out of work for so long that he only gives bad mid-2000’s era advice.
No. 1027096 ID: 629f2e

My vote of SABOTAGE need not even be said at this point.

I'm going to strategically suggest that we use our bonus SABOTAGE points to even the score. Currently the buffs and debuffs look like this:

Sugar Coma: -5
Antonio (most voted option so far): +7 (Not listed, but assumed based on previous posts)
Mary licks: +1 (but also three bonus SABO points for later)

I'm going to suggest that we use the 3 SABO Points we get from Mary to level the playing field and leave VOTES as the only influence this round, and still leaving us with the 10 SABO bonus votes that Sweaty Kitty gave us earlier.


-Put the Decoy Pizza back in HAMMERSPACE. We really didn't need to remove it since we made room for the shell by eating the doughnut, there's space for it. And we're definitely getting Mary licks, so he's not going in there.

-I also support texting Sweaty Kitty about how much of an eggsucker P.I. Zzander is, selfie included. Maybe ask her what her name is to, pointing out that she never gave it during your whole interaction earlier. (My only suggestion for her name is that it has to keep the initials S.K.)

Even if we use Antonio, we should stop for Zzander and ask her about Purr Feckt. We need to give Gerbera a chance to catch up anyways. Granted, we can only do this if HELP wins, but if it does then take full advantage.

-Don't use the leftovers to summon Antonio, just open the box a bit. Pizza can be re-heated, but the leftovers are just gone if you use them. There's a lot you could probably do with them if you hold onto them for a bit longer. (Besides, even if Jerry doesn't know this, the quality of the pizza isn't what his clients are really focused on rn, moreso the handoff itself)

Alright, both ideas are gonna start the same but veer off into different directions, so here's the beginning:

You pull over and stop to talk to P.I. Zzander, summoning Antonio for assistance shaking off his charges. Zzander starts laying it all out: Running over a pedestrian, unsafe driving, assault on a group of innocent LARPers, Failing to share insurance info after a traffic accident, disrupting a public event, and suspicion of having consumed an illegal quantity of sugar.

You start fighting all the charges, while waiting for Antonio to do his thing. You didn't run over a pedestrian, you were about to be assaulted and fled the scene, only running him over because you could not reverse to safety fast enough. The unsafe driving was not your fault but the fault of the driver behind you literally driving into you. You participated in no assault nor did you witness any, as you kept your eyes on the road like a responsible driver. You know the LARPers and will totally be talking to them later about the incident when you aren't on the clock (this is a lie, but he can't prove it). You simply participated in the event in your own way, and it isn't your fault that you weren't permitted to simply leave like you'd planned to. And finally, you certainly haven't consumed anything illegal, and you find the very allegation offensive.

This will all be very difficult to get across in your current state, so have Mary back you up where you're too tired to respond appropriately. He's cute and lovable, even if he can't think up the same points as you he'll probably still be able to convince Zzander you're not up to any nefarious deeds.

That's when he drops the bomb on you: He has a drug test that he can use to check Jerry's blood sugar. Any illegal substances will be exposed.


Antonio decides to spook Zzander away using creepy ghost tricks. It works! Zzander runs to the car... and rushes back with a POLTERGEIST EXPULSION ARMAMENT, the latest in spirit removal technology, and takes a shot at Antonio. Not wanting to be blasted, your friend peaces out, vanishing back into the box. This unfortunately means that the blast goes past where Antonio was and hits Jerry,

The result? Jerry's spirit literally gets expelled from his body, leaving it as fair game for any other spirits interested in inhabiting it. Antonio thankfully isn't among those interested, he's already lived as a PIZZID delivery man once, and it sucked. Other wandering spirits are a lot more optimistic about life however.

Thus, the new PROBLEM presents itself: Jerry has to get back into his body before any spirits can possess it first. With some help from Antonio to make up for messing up the last SITUATION (free this time since Jerry won't have to summon him to this realm).


When Zzander goes to take blood from Jerry, Antonio jumpscares him, making Zzander accidentally stab himself with the needle by mistake. When the spirit leaves and Zzander tries to rectify the situation, Jerry points out that the kit clearly only has one needle, and that Zzander will need a new clean one before he can test Jerry. Sharing needles is super dangerous after all, something only done by junkies, AKA CRIMINALS!

This is frustrating to the P.I., but he tells Jerry that the prosecutor's office isn't far, and he'll be able to get a new test in just a few minutes. This gives an opening to ask about Purr Feckt, before Zzander finally hops back in his car and tells Jerry to wait where he is while he gets the new test.

...Jerry doesn't do that, instead hopping on the moped Gerbera rides in on moments after Zzander leaves and driving out of sight into whatever SITUATION awaits them next. Likely with Gerbera blubbering about Snowpea and needing to find their number and make a call to her to clear things up as soon as possible.
No. 1027097 ID: 094652

Sabotage Vote: Jerry throws the tasty decoy cardboard pizza, but it misses P.I. Zzander's windshield entirely and hits the tires, causing the car to skid out of control just as Jerry lapses into a sugar coma! P.I. Zzander searches all the belongings, going as far as to poke the pizza with a rusty used scalpel! Finally, he takes the seashell as 'evidence', which will now sit idly by in his cabinet until it is used as a bludgeon ten years later during a case that is worth a tenth of the soon-to-be-cracked pearl inside. Dumbass...

Help: The tasty decoy cardboard pizza hits the windshield, causing P.I. Zzander to punch the brakes. In his usual stupidity, P.I. Zzander spends the next two updates reading every line and scratch on the cardboard instead of doing his job.
No. 1027251 ID: e51896

rolled 5, 6 = 11


3 vote points
7 points for getting Antonio's help


2 vote points
5 points for sugar crash
-1 point for Mary kisses lickin'

overall so far, the HELP POINTS are 10, and SABOTAGE points are 6

Once the six sided dices are rolled, I will add the votes to the results. the first dice will be HELP, the second dice will be SABOTAGE.
No. 1027252 ID: e51896


Votes are locked in and you can no longer vote, BUT you can still suggest ideas on what will happen (though it HAS to involve Antonio)
No. 1027831 ID: e51896
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No question about it, Jerry is definitely slowing down now, all the energy he used all at once is finally taking its toll on him, and he feels the weight of fatigue pushing down on him. However, at the same time, he feels a wave of euphoria, as if nothing in the world could dampen his mood anymore. Because of this, he is able to ignore the stress of the situation at hand despite being at a disadvantage, and take a silly selfie of himself being chased by P.I. Zzander with his smartphone. Afterwards, he sends the silly picture to Sweaty Kitty to make light of the SITUATION… with some funny filters of course!

He sends only a couple texts asking Sweaty Kitty something like: ‘whyyyyyyyyy does this guy suck so many eggs?’ and ‘also, just gave Armstrong a tongue lashing 👅’

Finally reaching his limit, he trips over himself from the fatigue as Mary falls off of him, and then he lays on the sidewalk, cursing that he couldn’t enjoy this in a more opportune time, but basking in the sun and in a daze of ecstasy nonetheless.

P.I. Zzander: Oh fuck!! Oh shit!! A CRASH!
P.I. Zzander: Damn it! She wasn’t wearing a seatbelt either!
P.I. Zzander: Shit, now I gotta report this and
P.I. Zzander: …
P.I. Zzander: Waaaaait… What am I even talking about? Pizza delivery guys aren’t vehicles!
P.I. Zzander: *Whew* Thank whatever god or goddess is up there. no need to report it then…
P.I. Zzander: But I still got to address this crash, and the speeding…
P.I. Zzander: In the name of JUSTICE!

Mary pulls himself off the floor, and squirms a bit.

Mary: Oh no… does he mean a sugar crash, or a vehicle crash?
Mary: I… I have to do something about this and save boss!!

No. 1027832 ID: e51896
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Mary understands that if P.I. Zzander notices the illegal sugar powder littered all over his boss, Jerry could get ARRESTED, and then the quest would probably end up turning into one of those ‘escape the prison/facility/building’ quests that have been popular and done multiple times in the past instead of a ‘race against time’ type of quest… (not that there’s anything wrong with that, but we’ve seen plenty of those, and we probably don’t have 23 updates to tell it, y’know?)

So Mary, with the first thought that comes to mind, immediately rushes to Jerry, and Licks the sugar off of his face, and shirt… but gets carried away and licks him everywhere else… not because he liked to, but as a safety precaution… yep, tooooootally a safety precaution, isn’t it Mary?

Mary: *Slurp slurp Whoa… This is… SCRUMPTIOUS! This is like, too good!
Mary: How come the meals in my world don't taste this good… WHHHHYYYY?! *slurp slurp*

Nevermind. In tears of joy and remorse, Mary continues licking Jerry’s succulent body. Normally Jerry would be disturbed by this, but in his state of euphoria, he just lets it happen, but he’ll come to be disgusted by this in the future after his SUGAR COMA, making his interactions with Mary very awkward from here on out. Luckily, because sugar is a normal part of Mary’s species diet, it prevents him from getting a SUGAR RUSH… to an extent, he will still feel something out of it, and could kind of get a glimpse of the timelines like Jerry was seeing, but it isn’t as clear.

Currently, in his state of euphoria, Jerry feels relaxed from the sensation of Mary’s tongue massage, but he’ll come to become disturbed by this moment when he remembers it after his SUGAR COMA. As such, you have now been given 3 FREE SABOTAGE POINTS
No. 1027833 ID: e51896
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As that happens, Jerry gets a text back from the Sweaty Kitty

Sweaty Kitty: Whoa! Is that P.I. Zzander?! LOL!
Sweaty Kitty: Hope he isn’t giving u too much trouble, he and Purr Feckt tend to be a bit too stern about things
Sweaty Kitty: Stay safe!
Sweaty Kitty: And yeah, and I saw what u and Mr. Armstrong was doing.
Sweaty Kitty: I wasn’t too happy that you were interrupting things, but your tongue twister was fun to watch.
Sweaty Kitty: Ur friend drove off looking for you, screaming ur name.
Sweaty Kitty: btw did they ketchup with you?
Sweaty Kitty: *catch up
Sweaty Kitty: anyway, cant talk now, Armstrong is letting us pass and I’m going to be driving soon
Sweaty Kitty: OH SHIT! GEESE CHIKS!!
Sweaty Kitty: *Chicks

Jerry has no idea what The Sweaty Kitty meant by that last statement. Did she find some sexy geese women? This he’s gotta see! He asks for pics.

Mary: Boss! Th…there isn’t time for that!
Mary: P.I. Zzander is heading this way!

No. 1027834 ID: e51896
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Jerry can see the detective jumping out of the car and heading his way over with a smirk. Jerry explains to Mary that this guy always tries to look for the smallest of reasons to do a search on him for illegal items and confiscate stuff, often opening the pizza box as part of the search and cooling it down, that’s just the best case scenario. Otherwise, he gets arrested by the triangular detective.

Mary: Ummm… okay, I can barely see it…
Mary: But I’m seeing multiple timelines at the moment from the powder I licked off, and I can almost visualize a good timeline where…
Mary: Some kind of pink ghost thing is helping you? What is that?!
Mary: Are… are we being… HAUNTED?!

Jerry is well aware that this thing Mary is referring to is his late best friend, Antonio Devarara, the weird-pink-cyclopes-elephant-ghost-whatever-thing. Yeah, Jerry can just sacrifice his leftovers to keep the level of pizza temperature stable and summon the ghost to scare off P.I. Zzander. Unfortunately this will mean that he won’t have the leftovers to give to his friend Harmon and Vincent to make deals easier, but it is what it is.

P.I. Zzander arrives and glares at Mary

P.I. Zzander: Do you know why I pulled you over?
Mary: *gulp* uhhh, Y… You were announcing earlier that I was driving… Too fast?
P.I. Zzander: …
P.I. Zzander: Awwww shoot, that’s right. Darn it, that trick only works if I didn’t announce your crime ahead of time…
P.I. Zzander: uhhh, I mean
P.I. Zzander: Uhhh… in that case… there were plenty of other misdemeanors you and your friends cause, and your silence on those spells guilt
Mary: Eeek! Uh, nonononono! I was just… put on the spot you see.

Zzander exhales a sigh as he stares at Mary’s hesitations

P.I. Zzander: Calm down, lady…
Mary: ummm… I’m male… but I don’t mind the label…

Zzander blushes and coughs upon that realization

P.I. Zzander: *ahem* Excuse me sir.
P.I. Zzander: Anyway, can you tell me the other reasons why I pulled you over?
P.I. Zzander: not that I’m fishing for reasons to save face… *ahem*

Mary thinks it over… oh goddess, the PIZZA PARTY has done some bad things during the delivery, haven’t they? He thinks over their crimes, and thinks about how he can talk his way out of the majority of them, but the Illegal Donut… would Zzander know about it?

Mary: Ummm…. We ran over that one rat… But to be honest, it was self-defense!

Jerry mentions how Gerbera standing in the vehicle was self-defense too against Pam, and destroying her clothes was an accident

Mary: Uhh, yeah… And as far as disturbing the peace goes with that aerobics exercise… ummm…
Mary: Mr. Armstrong was disturbing our customer’s and our peace by preventing us from delivering the pizza?

P.I. Zzander nods as he stares deeply at Jerry, studying him. Afterwards, he gives Mary a glare

P.I. Zzander: I knew it, you’re hiding one very serious crime, missssss… ter

Mary is trembling in fear. Did he notice the Illegal Powdered Donut after all? Or did he notice they took the seashell? Regardless, he tries to defend himself

Mary: N…n…no! That was all we did, and we had perfectly good reasons to do those things!
Mary: You don’t have proof we did anything else!
P.I. Zzander: How could you fail to admit the most OBVIOUS crime laying right there in front of my face!?

Oh Loom, this is it… Mary braces for the impact Zzander’s accusation

P.I. Zzander: You helped a criminal escape their prison!
Mary: huh?! Wha?
P.I. Zzander: After getting a close look at this individual, it’s no doubt that this is Geraldo Le Booshki, criminal of attempted murderer through pizza allergic related crimes
P.I. Zzander: which means you helped him escape from his prison dimension!
Mary: Uhhh, HEY, our world isn’t a prison! I mean, sure we’ve got dangerous PAPERLINGS, and beings know as FELT
Mary: But most people are peaceful there!
P.I. Zzander: heh, Don’t get me wrong, lil la… guy.
P.I. Zzander: Your world may be peaceful
P.I. Zzander: But our studies show you guys are primitive, with no magic or technology that allows you to travel across dimensions
P.I. Zzander: We just send prisoners we don’t want to universes that had not yet had means of dimensional travel so they can’t come back.
Mary: That's morally questionable…
P.I. Zzander: Hey, better than risking them doing serious crimes here again, overpopulation of prisons, or the death penalty.
P.I. Zzander: How did you help him escape anyway?!
Mary: umm rare powerful magic that only a select few are allowed to have, but that’s besides the point!
Mary: You sent terrible people to peaceful worlds to deal with?!

Jerry glares at Mary

Mary:… OH! And people who are falsely accused like Jerry?!
P.I. Zzander: Hey, look, I don’t make the laws, I just enforce them!
P.I. Zzander: Now you and Geraldo hold still while I confiscate and inspect your items!
P.I. Zzander: starting with the pizza box! I suspect you’re hiding something illicit again, aren’t you?

Mary is sweating now (not sweaty kitty’s level of sweat, but sweat nonetheless) but Jerry smirks at what Is about to unfold. As P.I. Zzander picks up the pizza box, Jerry pulls out his STALE LEFTOVERS, and a golden light shines from his irises behind his shades as the leftovers dissolve in his hands to nothingness. Excellent, now all Jerry has to do is wait for P.I. Zzander to open the box aaaaand
No. 1027835 ID: e51896
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Antonio: Hey, bud…

Antonio pops out of the pizza box as the steam of the pizza makes him visible to everyone in their line of sight
Antonio rubs the side of his face with his weird elephant hand in disappointment

Antonio: *siiiiigh* Figures I wouldn’t get to slowly progress the fear from 1-10 as he takes it up to 11 in an instant.
Antonio: Thought I would have fun with this for once.
Antonio: So boring. *sigh* Come on Zzander, we’ve done this many times before, how can you not expect me after all this time?
Antonio: *sigh* ah well, seeing him like this is still funny, if disappointing
Antonio: Listen, just leave Jerry alone
Antonio: or you’ll anger me, the spirit of pizza or whatever
Antonio: and suffer my curse or something…
Antonio: Yadda yadda, all that jazz.
P.I. Zzander: Y-Y-Y-Yes! I’ll let him off with a warning!
P.I. Zzander: Nothing in the law says we can’t arrest people who escape their prison dimension after all…

Antonio turns over to Jerry with an eye roll

Antonio: Yeah, sure. Anything else you want to add before I hide out within you or something, Jerry?

Jerry couldn’t quite catch any of what Antonio said as he is stuck in his sugar coma, but Mary speaks out

Mary: Please ask about Purr Feckt!
Mary: I need her help to get home.
Mary: And I want to know where she is and how to give a good first impression…
Mary: And get your advice to stay on her good side.
P.I. Zzander: Yes! Yes! I’ll do anything! Just please don’t hurt me!
P.I. Zzander: As a detective who works closely with Purr Feckts cases, I know plenty about her,
P.I. Zzander: She’s planning on visiting the MARINATION UNIVERSITY to see her sister Dea
P.I. Zzander: To congratulate her ending the school year
P.I. Zzander: should be there all day if I remember…
Mary: Which address?
P.I. Zzander: No idea!
P.I. Zzander: Also be on your best behavior when talking to her, use please and thank yous

Ugh, Jerry doesn’t like that idea, after what she did to him, he feels she doesn’t deserve his kindness.

P.I. Zzander: Also, she likes flowers, so you might want to give her one

Jerry imagines giving Gerbera away to Purr Feckt, but that thought process is cut off by Mary

Mary: HEY! Don’t even think about it, boss!
Antonio: Are we done yet?

Jerry gives Antonio a thumbs up.

Antonio: Right, then bug off, detective, and try to at least act more courageous next time.
Antonio: I was really disappointed by not seeing you squirm more.
P.I. Zzander: Ye… Yes sir!

Zzander closes the box before handing it back to Jerry, which causes Antonio to sink rapidly into the pizza box, with the lid of the box slamming against his head on his way in.

Antonio: Ow…

P.I. Zzander walks back to his car

P.I. Zzander: R… right. *ahem* Time for I, the GREAT P.I. ZZANDER to continue the investigation on the CASE OF THE MISSING VALUABLE AND DURABLE DIAMOND SEASHELL
Mary: umm… actual- UGH!

Jerry quickly grabs Mary and stores him into the HAMMER SPACE to shut him up. P.I. Zzander raises an eyebrow before shrugging and entering his car, driving away. Jerry then drops Mary back into his dimension as soon as the detective’s car is out of sight.


No. 1027836 ID: e51896
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Jerry is glad Mary and Antonio were able to take care of all that as he got to rest off his SUGAR COMA. He’s still feeling a bit woozy, but he’ll feel better by the next UPDATE

Speaking of which, it looks like the PIZZA PARTY has reached the FIRST CHECKPOINT, which is a parking building! Jerry doesn’t have his moped to park and recharge it, but Gerbera should be here by the end of UPDATE 9 to catch up with Jerry, unless Jerry decides to leave early.

At checkpoints, there are NO SITUATIONS, the only thing that will make the UPDATE counter go up by 1 is by doing three ACTIONS at the checkpoint. BE ADVISED: Jerry needs to charge up his moped at the parking garage while he is out doing the Pizza delivery, so he’ll have to put away 10 ₵A$H recharge it (unless Jerry decides to leave early in UPDATE 9, then it’s Gerbera’s problem and he’ll keep his 30 ₵A$H) Some ACTIONS let you do multiple things within that ACTION. Here are some things you can do:

>BANK (can do multiple things)
- Lets Jerry withdraw or deposit ₵A$H
-Gerbera can do this too, but the amount they’ll pull out can’t be controlled. They refuse to tell you how much they have.
-Jerry has 5000 ₵A$H in the bank (he’d have more, but he keeps having to spend them on new items for his deliveries.
-attempt to rob it (Jerry is not DESPERATE enough to do this)
-store an item (you'll be able to pick up any items stored here in another bank at the SECOND CHECKPOINT later)

>Go to the store!
- It’s recommended you stop at the BANK first to make a withdrawal.
- Jerry has 30 ₵A$H in pocket (which will be 20 ₵A$H once the MOPED gets here by the end of the UPDATE if Jerry doesn’t buy anything that decreases it to below 10. Otherwise Gerbera will pay for moped charging, and they won’t like that one bit. Gerbera has 50 ₵A$H, but they’re not here yet)
- They don’t allow you to buy stuff with your bank card for some reason. System must be broken probably. So go to the bank first.
-You can buy and sell LEGAL items here
- I have a couple of items listed, but I’m going to leave the rest to you guys to come up with items! Please state what item you want there to be, and I’ll in a future post list them before the next update for you all to vote on with a price for each depending on the item’s effectiveness.
- If Gerbera is here, they’ll buy and sell items here too, but you don’t have control over what they buy or sell. You can try to convince them to buy or sell certain things, or save ₵A$H tho.
- Jerry’s HAMMERSPACIAL DIMENSION has room for 2 MORE ITEMS (unless you put the CARDBOARD PIZZA back in the HAMMERSPACE, then it’s 1. Consider throwing or selling items
-Don’t worry, there will be another shop at the SECOND CHECKPOINT with similar items

- LUMBER AND TREE SEEDS = NAME YOUR PRICE! THE HIGHER, THE BETTER! (this will make Mary’s mood and friendship with Jerry SKYROCKET depending on how much Jerry buys, and will affect the ending depending on if you manage to find a way to get Mary back home. This won’t be in your inventory, Jerry will just have it shipped to the :pizzid: Pizzeria.)

- BANANAS = 1 ₵A$H (can use the banana peel to make someone trip!) (give this to the customer to finish the sidequest: find some bananas for Ramona/Rachael)

- IMPORTED SPRING WATER BOTTLE = 500 ₵A$H (Expensive because it’s imported from a rare hot summers, which is better than a hot springs! can be used to hydrate) (can replace the SWEATY WATER BOTTLE from the purse to decrease the percentage of Purr Feckt’s detection that Jerry used it by 5% bringing it down to 10%) (Expensive because it’s imported)

- Vinegar's hairpin = 10 ₵A$H (from the popular graphic novel, NOISE! It gives whoever wears it a weirdly comprehensive knowledge of chemistry)

- Conway's thong = 15 ₵A$H (Merch from the popular graphic novel, NOISE! It makes you feel way happier with yourself but also makes you wanna wear minimal clothing

- Polaroid Camera = 19 ₵A$H (Somebody put a way-too-bright bulb in the flash, and now it's effectively a tool for blinding people alongside it's more common use of taking photos. )

- Goofy String = 20 ₵A$H (It can be a belt, a rope, a bracelet, a bundle of rubber bands and more! Comes in COLORFUL and EVEN MORE COLORFUL styles. You can also eat it! It tastes like liquor flavored licorice! It comes in a can with 3 uses)

- Airbag = 60 ₵A$H (Car not attached.)

- A Lot of Sheep = 100 ₵A$H (You can't seem to count how many are in here without falling asleep…)

- Screwdriver = 8 ₵A$H (has a changeable tip. Phillips head AND Flat head all in one.)

Rice = 5 ₵A$H (Good for drying out your phone. (Sweaty Kitty would probably like this)
- Your item here (price depends on what your item might be)

Duct Tape = 100 ₵A$H(Arguably the most overpowered item on this list. Can fix EVERYTHING!)

DUCT TAPE GNNUY = 300 ₵A$H It's a gun with little bnnuy ears at the end. it shoots a retractable roll of duct tape that you can use to pull yourself, but requires duct tape to reload after a few uses or the adhesive will wear off. Acts like a grappling hook, or a tape gun with a child friendly shape so it's not censored in over 17 countries! Kids love it, parents hate it!

- PIZZA BOMB = (Seen as a weapon, can’t be sold here)

- PURR FECKT’S PURSE = select a value between 1-500 ₵A$H for the items Jerry will sell from inside the purse. (The more ₵A$H you want, the emptier the PURSE will be and the higher the percentage Purr Feckt will find out you used the purse increases, and the more you’ll stress Mary out)
Entire Purse is 1000 ₵A$H, (Mary will cry if you sell the entire purse, and you won’t use the purse to effect the percentage on how Purr Feckt will help Mary one way or another)



>Got to the BLACK MARKET
- It’s recommended you stop at the BANK first to make a withdrawal.
- Jerry has 30 ₵A$H in pocket (which will be 20 once the MOPED gets here by the end of the UPDATE if Jerry doesn’t buy anything that decreases it to below 10. Otherwise Gerbera will pay for moped charging, and they won’t like that one bit. Gerbera has 50 ₵A$H, but they’re not here)
- They don’t allow you to buy stuff with your bank card for some reason. They probably don’t want any investigators to track this place through someone’s bank history.
-you can buy and sell ILLEGAL items here
- I have some items listed, but I’m going to leave the rest to you for guys to come up with items! Please state what item you want there to be, and I’ll in a future post list them before the next update for you all to vote on with a price for each depending on the item’s effectiveness.
- If Gerbera is here, they’ll buy and sell items here too, but you don’t have control what they buy or sell. You can try to convince them to buy or sell certain things, or save ₵A$H
- Jerry’s HAMMERSPACIAL DIMENSION has room for 2 ITEMS (unless you put the CARDBOARD PIZZA back in the HAMMERSPACE, then it’s 1.
-Don’t worry, there will be another black market at the SECOND CHECKPOINT with similar items

- ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUT #2 = 1000 ₵A$H (The sugar content is actually illegal in 17 different countries and consuming it will, for the briefest of moments, make your perception of time move SLOW, but after about [1 Update] you will suffer from an extreme crash of euphoria and a sugar coma.

- ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUT #5 = 1000 ₵A$H (The sugar content is actually illegal in 17 different countries and consuming it will, for the briefest of moments, give you lightning reflexes! but after about [1 Update] you will suffer from an extreme crash of euphoria and a sugar coma.
- ANGERY RUBBER DUCKY = 1200 ₵A$H (Its squeaks taunt your target, making them angry enough to focus on attacking the person who is squeaking at them. Jerry thinks he can trick Gerbera into using it in a situation to make a getaway)

- WEED = 500 ₵A$H (technically not illegal anymore, but they still sell it to make it feel like the good ol’ days when it was illegal)

- MIND CONTROL DEVICE = 750,000 ₵A$H (this will let you mind control your target. And makes the rest of the quest too easy.)

- CLOTHING DESTRUCTION RAY GUN = 1500 ₵A$H (Destroys the clothing of an individual)

- POWER CAPSULE = 500,000 ₵A$H (lets Jerry use a SUPER POWER for 1 UPDATE. The power is decided by what the voters want it to be.)

- JOTUND’S MIGHT = 400,000 ₵A$H (makes you bigger and stronger, about almost as strong as Mr. Armstrong! can’t be reversed if used)

- FORTUNE TELLER HOTLINE = 2,000 ₵A$H (gives you the phone number of a cross-dimensional fortune teller, who can advise you on upcoming SITUATIONS and give HELP points to future updates. Can make specific requests of what part of their future to learn about. One reading per-person)(Black Market not responsible for possible curses)

- PIZZID drone prototype = 2,000 ₵A$H (This was an invention from Jerry’s uncle… but it didn’t work out well. Somehow iti ended up in the BLACK MARKET)

TEAL SPOTTED MUSHROOM = 10,000 ₵A$H (Grants whoever eats it an extra life. Takes a frame rule (one update) to respawn... but will cause HALLUCINATIONS to occur.)

ELECTRONIC MAIL = 400 ₵A$H (An envelope containing nothing but pure electricity. You have no idea how it works either.)

Special Monocle = 2,300 ₵A$H (Has a number of properties such as X-Ray vision and true sight. Only has a limited number of charges however, and may cause meta slowdown by forcing the artist to animate the x-ray effect. Jerry thinks this might be more fitting for a tailor than a pizza delivery guy for some reason.)

A Lyluk brand SLUSHEE = 2 ₵A$H (A slushee of dubious origin that when drunk improves some of your stats for a few updates. Pizza flavored. (Gives Jerry +2 points for HELP in a SITUATION.) WARNING: HAS A 20% CHANCE TO EITHER MAKE JERRY SHITTY, OR TURN HIM INTO A LYLUK. (not recommended for Hippos.))

THE HOTTEST HOT SAUCE IN THE WORLD!!! = 600 ₵A$H (Guaranteed to melt your tongue or your money back! (May actually just be a jar filled with acid.)

- Your item here (price depends on what your item might be)

-PIZZA BOMB = 5,000 ₵A$H
- WATER BOTTLE FULL OF THE SWEATY KITTY’S SWEAT = 1,000 ₵A$H (but the detection level will go up by 10% (total 25%)

-PURR FECKT’S PURSE = Besides the water bottle full of the Sweaty Kitty’s sweat, They find nothing of interest, but don’t tell Purr Feckt that… actually, do tell her, it’ll be funny.

-TASTY DECOY CARDBOARD PIZZA = They are not interested


>Read a newspaper
-Learn some lore, get hints, look at advertisements, get a sidequest, and other stuff.
- Something about a virus going, ads, and info on certain streets he’s heading to catches Jerry’s eyes.

>Chill with Vincent and/or Harmon
- They might give you some helpful advice, or maybe give you a side-quest.
- Harmon and/or Vincent can potentially become a PIZZA PARTY member. But it all depends on how your negotiations go with each of them, what you give them one of them, and who is with you. a dice roll will determine afterwards whether they will join you or not
- base percentage of one of them joining Jerry is 50% each
- depending on what Jerry tells them to recruit any of them could either increase, or decrease the percentage, choose your words wisely! Or don’t. Have fun with it!
- You’re chances to recruit them after spending another action to talk to them after each fail increases by 10%
- your chances to recruit them also improves by giving them a certain pizza with various results (you can only give one pizza related item to one of them)
(Pizza Bomb increases by 10% (it’s still tasty, but it’ll explode in their face. WORTH!)
(Tasty decoy cardboard pizza increases by 20% (the first bite is heavenly, but only the first bite))
(A piece of the customer’s pizza increases by 50% (will decrease customer satisfaction though))
-Vincent will automatically join you if you got WEED (you don’t have any, it was in the LEFTOVERS you used. Whoops! Find some in the BLACK MARKET maybe)
-you can only give one person one item
-Your chances to recruit them might increase or decrease depending on who you’re with
(Mary has no effect on the percentage)
(Gerbera decreases chance of recruiting one or both of them by 30%, they think Gerbera is UNCOOL)
-Current percentage of recruiting Harmon or Vincent is currently 20% each

>All purpose repair store
-fixes something you broke,

- Gerbera’s Smartphone (100 ₵A$H)

- Dent on Moped (50 ₵A$H)

>talk/text someone
- Can be anyone you want (The Sweaty Kitty, Mary, some random person on the streets, whatever)
- Up to 3 people can be talked to in this action.

>ITEM MANAGEMENT (this is a free action and won’t count towards an action, this includes throwing an item away, or putting an item in or out of your inventory)
-Your TASTY DECOY CARDBOARD PIZZA is still out, there weren't enough votes to put it in. item has a 20% chance of being dropped each update.

This will continue Jerry’s Pizza journey. If you choose this option, please state which path you want Jerry to take (more info of the paths starting here: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1014571.html#1017373 ) Keep in mind that if you leave early in UPDATE 9, Gerbera will catch up to you by the end of UPDATE 10 unless you fail to get out of the SITUATION

- BROCCOLI STREET (the major asshole Jerry will deal with here is the superhero known as THE BOID
- THREE HAMS ROAD (the major asshole Jerry will deal with here is W2K, Jerry’s ex girlfriend who works for BURGERVANIA
- EXTRA CHEEZE STREET (The major asshole Jerry will deal with here is EUGENE pizzid fanatic and theif.
- MUSHROOM AVENUE (The major asshole Jerry will deal with here is CASEY THE PILLOW and cult leader
- SUPREME ROAD (there are no major assholes here, you’ll just be dealing with regular ol’ situations as you have been, but at the cost of Jerry having to deal with more SITUATIONS.


Jerry’s Hammerspace (he can only fit 5 items)

PIZZA BOMB - A high explosive that looks, smells and weighs identical to your normal delivery box. You throw (probably) this and not the actual pizza at someone to distract them with an explosive cheesy saucy surprise.

PURR FECKT’S PURSE (15% chance Purr will notice Jerry used it) - Jerry didn't steal this, he just hasn’t had the chance to return it to her yet after she left it at the courthouse. He’s serious! Contains her wallet, important evidence for another trial (hopefully one in the far future, Jerry would hate to have to deal with her today if she comes to get this), feminine products, keys (how did she get home without her car or house keys?), a pair of handcuffs. Water bottle full of sweat, And pretty much anything else you want. Jerry would’ve guessed she has them because she's a prosecutor, but the fuzzy pink design screams "Personal Use". The more Jerry uses this, the higher the chance Purr Feckt will find out it’s been used. Currently at 15% chance she’ll find out.

VALUABLE AND DURABLE DIAMOND SEASHELL - Sell it at a black market to make a LOT of ₵A$H (Jerry thinks there is one at both CHECKPOINTS. Though the second CHECKPOINT will most likely give more money for it) using it will decrease its value though. Jerry can return it to the MUSHEUM for something good to happen as long as you don’t use it until then (near the second checkpoint)! Jerry can use it to hide in for stealth, or to protect himselfself from attacks very easily (but it’s value will go down) Jerry isn’t giving it to P.I. Zzander, he’s an asshole who will take all the credit. But he can probably give it to Purr feckt to help negotiate in helping Mary.

Jerry’s inventory out of the hammerspace

TASTY DECOY CARDBOARD PIZZA - It is a cardboard pizza that you put over your ordinary pizza. It's made of 100% organic cardboard, not that it matters. Strangely enough the first bite ALWAYS tastes and FEELS like pizza, but contains no nutritional value. Every bite after that tastes like cardboard, but this would prove useful if you're fighting off a swarm of pizza lovers. WARNING: 20% Jerry will drop it as it is on top of the customer’s pizza box.

WALLET - (contains his bank card, drivers license, insurance card, 30 ₵A$H) in pocket

JERRY’S SMART PHONE – Contains phone number to the :pizzid: pizzeria, his uncle’s, and the Sweaty Kitty’s. W2K and Gerbera are blocked. In pocket.

NOTEBOOK PAPER - has Ramona's (Rachael's) name, location, phone number, order, and price. In pocket

LIGHTER – lights things up. In pocket

CIGARETTES - take a smoke. In pocket

Gerbera’s Hammerspace (they can only fit 5 items)

GERBERA DOLL - Just a toy of themself that they got from the secret santa event. Has a pullstring that talks about how great they are, and even sings!

RADIO - Gerbera uses this mainly to dance in they’re costume. One more use before it is out of batteries

THE ZA COSTUME - Dress up as :pizzid:’s mascot!

MACE - Got it from working a second job as a royal guard in another quest. Good for bonking, hitting home runs, and may cause clothing damage for some reason. Gerbera would rather only use it if their life is in danger and will otherwise take a really good reason to attack someone with it to protect the pizza.

A picture of SNOWPEA - It depicts a female bee. Gerbera takes this wherever they go, feeling that a little bit of her is with them cheering them on.

Gerbera’s inventory out of the hammerspace

WALLET - (contains their bank card, drivers license, insurance card, 50 ₵A$H, their business card) in pocket

KEYS - to their home, in pocket

SMART PHONE (BROKEN) - contains Snow pea’s home number, Jerry’s Smartphone number, Snowpea’s Smartphone number, :pizzid: pizzeria, Snowpea’s work phone, Snowpea’s parents phone number. In pocket.

Mary's inventory

Clipboard and pen - self explanatory
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Rachael stands staring in front of the mirror with nothing but her robe, the only article of clothing protecting her dignity. She has a lot of thoughts running through her head, thinking about how she cannot believe she is actually going to go through with this dare and has been trying to process it for the past 8 updates now. Is she really doing this to protect her secret shrine to an obsession in Stephan Stuffle for a humiliating dare? Is that really a secret more important to keep than her modesty? What if the others think she’s an idiot for doing this? What if her body doesn’t look good enough? What if people think she’s a pervert, especially the pizza courier? and why is she trembling… with excitement of the thought of performing this dare?

Rachael gets startled from her thought process as there is a knock on the door.

Kaia: Rachael? Is everything okay?
Jackie: hmmmmmm…heehee
Kaia: Are you sure everything is alright Rachael? You can still back out if you want and nobody will judge you.
Rachael: F… Fine, I’m okay! I want to prove that I’m brave enough for this party
Charisse: Then come out already!

Rachael’s heart beats a little harder. Sure, it was normal to walk around with nothing but a bathrobe on, but with the idea that she’s wearing it only to discard it some updates after just makes her feel vulnerable… and yet it is giving her a kind of thrill she hadn’t felt before.

Rachael: N… Not yet!
Kaia: You don’t have to prove yourself, Rachael, you’re still good enough for this party if you don’t want to do something uncomfortable
Kaia: Look, I know we made the dare already, but I was talking with Charisse earlier for her approval, and we wanted to know if you wanted to alter the deal a little?
Charisse: Yeah, what if you wanted to instead of answering the door for pizza naked, giving you a break and letting you wear some articles of clothings?
Charisse: make things easier on you.
Jackie: what?! Come onnnnnnnn! She’s gotta at least tell her a little bit of her secret then
Kaia: Jackie, you know how shy Rachael is, don’t push things
Kaia: also, while you were in here for awhile, we continued the game and it resulted in you getting to pull a truth or dare on Charisse
Kaia: so, if you wanted, you can take revenge and give her a truth or dare right now.
Charisse: Bring it on! Do your worst, Rachael! I’ll show you how this game is played and do your dare or spill my secrets after your turn is done!
Kaia: Charisse, please don’t push her.

Rachael is lost in her thoughts again. Now she has options on how undressed she wants to be! That should calm her down a bit for the dare… but… this thrill she’s feeling… does she want to experience more of it by going completely nude?
And what kind of truth or dare should Charrise get from her? She did put her in a potentially humiliating position… but… is that really all bad?

Rachael looks at the pile of clothes and starts to think

Please decide what she will and will not wear from the following clothes listed. You can also just say “strip everything but” or just say “strip everything off”

Pink Shirt
Yellow bracelet
Blue Sweatpants
Pink striped bra
Pink striped Panties
Pink Shoes
Pink socks

>Also, please write what should Rachael dare Charisse to do, or what truth does Rachael want to learn about Charisse?

>we’ll be going back to Jerry immediately in the next update, so also please list some actions, and items you want the shop and black market to have at the FIRST CHECKPOINT.

MESSAGE FROM PEA: Whew, that is a LOT OF FREAKING STUFF TO DO! But don’t worry, to make things simpler, I made a checklist for you guys to suggest in:

-choose three actions Jerry can do
- (optional) come up with an item for the BLACK MARKET
- How undressed should Rachael be?
- What dare should Charrise do?
- Should you return the cardboard pizza in its hammerspace, or leave it out?
- (optional) item management, throw items away for more space!

Also a sidenote, I try not to be biased, but being the PLUSH QUEST fan that I am, I’m going to shamelessly ask to please consider buying lumber for Mary, thanky!

No. 1027867 ID: 864e49

Answer the door as you are dressed now, just robe and glasses.
No. 1027868 ID: 629f2e

Okay fuck that's a lot.

Let's start that checklist with the simpler options, and move onto the more involved ones later.

> Should you return the cardboard pizza in its hammerspace, or leave it out?

Put it away for now, and then take it back out if you need to make room. You probably will, don't be surprised when it's right back there sitting on the pizza box at the end of this break.

> How undressed should Rachael be?

Alright, this one is simple. Glasses only. Rachael is starting to feel excited, don't take this away from her. This could be a fundamental taste of exhibitionism that teaches her about herself and helps her grow more confident down the line. But leave her glasses on so that she can actually see. It'd be extra embarrassing if she couldn't even see the person seeing all of her. The Yellow bracelet and Pink socks would also be acceptable, since they don't really cover anything but she may feel better wearing them than not.

> What dare should Charisse do?

There are basically two main categories we can take here: Lewd for lewd, or Unpleasant. Lewd for lewd is "You dared me to do something inappropriate, so I'll dare you to do something similar", while unpleasant is basically a normal dare of something you generally wouldn't do without being forced.

If we want to go lewd, return the favor. Since Rachael has to strip for the pizza guy, dare Charisse to stay nude until the pizza arrives. She won't have to be seen nude by a stranger, but she gets an extended period of exposure among her friends. I'd say that such a dare is at the perfect level of explicitness for this quest, since like Pam before everything could just be censored with convenient camera angles.

On the unpleasant side, I'm just gonna defer to something I asked Tippler to draw in the past. Dare Charisse to take a great big bite of the pizza when it arrives, thus causing the fruit punch core to explode all over her. The biggest point against this specific dare is that there is a non-zero chance that this happens regardless of making it a dare. People get hungry, pizza arrives, dig right in, KA-BLAM!

If I have to vote for one over the other, I'll go for the nudity dare on the grounds that it evens the score between Charisse and Rachael. Plus it'll be funny to see how many ways Polt can conveniently censor Charisse in future interludes with the college party.

You could also pick truth, but damn. You'd better have a damn fine question if you want to ask it over any dare.

> Choose three actions Jerry can do

-Black Market
-Chill with Vincent and Harmon

Alright, let's go through these one at a time, shall we?

> Black Market

Sell the shell. It's literally worth a million ₵A$H, and it saves us from having to stop at the bank and deposit Jerry's life savings into junk we're going to use up on this one delivery. Plus, if we go to the bank, that's either an extra update at the checkpoint or cutting out one of these stops. Just sell the shell, it's not like YOU stole it. The museum will be fine without it. And if you REALLY need it back, you can either make the big bucks and buy it back next checkpoint, or plan a heist to get it back. These will take time, but I'd say you come out ahead will all the time your new items will get you.

Here's my pitch on how we spend our loads of money:

-SPECIAL MONOCLE: Have Jerry put it on under his shades. No need to waste an inventory slot when you can just equip it. Will give Jerry plenty more information to use against whatever SITUATIONS come up in the future.

-FORTUNE TELLER HOTLINE: Another contender in the "No space taken" club, since you'd presumably either write the number on your notepad or put it straight into your cellphone. Probably both, given the example you just witnesses with Gerbera losing Snowpea's number earlier.

-CLOTHING DESTRUCTION RAY GUN: Yes, this is a lewd option, but it's Polt's fault for adding it. I am but an innocent yet horny man. Plus, it can just be a good quick conversation ender. "Yes, very interesting, except L + ratio + you're naked". Gerbera will probably appreciate defeat via clothing damage, given their time with Chinzebeth.


-WEED: This is just to convince Vincent, speaking of which...

> Vincent and Harmon

Give Vincent Weed, instant on our side.

As for Harmon, offer the Cardboard pizza as tribute to try and win him over. Your odds will still be 2/5 due to Gerbera, but it's better than 1/5.

> Store

Well, let's start with the obvious.

-LUMBER AND TREE SEEDS: Since, in my hypothetical scenario, we're still waving around shell money, let's go high. 2000 ₵A$H worth of the stuff, all super HQ shit.

-VINEGAR'S HAIRPIN: Would look adorable on Mary!

-CONWAY'S THONG: Would look disturbing on Mary, but make him wear them anyways! They'll make him happier, and this poor poodle needs all the joy he can get.

-BANANAS: Customer satisfaction is important!

In summary:

Jerry's Hammerspace:
-Purr Feckt's Purse
-Pizza Bomb
-Clothing Destruction Gun
-Illegal Powdered Donut #2

Jerry's Person:
-Special Monocle (Equipped)
-Fortune Teller Hotline (Written on Notepad)

Mary's Person:
-Vinegar's Hairpin (Equipped)
-Conway's Thong (Equipped)
No. 1027872 ID: e5709d

First off, bank the seashell in a safe deposit box. Pay a fee to have it appraised and insured; even if it gets stolen, you'll be swimming in cash. Also, give the bank permission to automatically sell it if someone offers four times its market value. If anyone asks, just say your uncle is going through his third divorce and you're more capable of handling this shard of wealth than his raging ass right now.
Also, stuff Purr Feckt's purse in your safe deposit box. She'll think you were being responsible if you leave it somewhere private and protected.
Withdraw $510.

>Black Market
Hire Dyon (3 Months) - $20,000/month
Dyon is a slime girl with the unique ability to copy and paste superpowers. Sometimes. Dyon can copy a power if she maintains contact for approximately thirty seconds; most powers will be removed from her menu after three months. Her paste therapy takes one month on average (give or take two weeks) and has a success rate of 100% for D-class powers, 50% for C-class powers, 30% for B-class powers, 10% for A-Class powers, and 5% for S-class powers.
Dyon has permanently copied the [Electrokinesis], [Lesser Transmutation], and [Dreamstuff Pymary] abilities for herself and can use them at will.
Dyon is a horrible employee. She demands payment up front, is brash and abrasive, almost never follows orders, and will bail the moment she can interpret a technicality in her contract. But if you can take the time to earn her loyalty, she'll renew her contract for peanuts and may even increase her copying success rate.
Voretex - $250,000
Every vore fetishist wants one of these. This cyber-psionic augmentation creates a user-friendly portal to a pocket dimension in their orifice, which connects to a giant bio-module attuned to the user's DNA. Long story short, anything that gets eaten will fit. Banned in all civilized eating contests. Rumors of the ability to vacuum objects are considered silly.
A Kodama Doll Dressed Like a Shoujo Magical Girl - $5
You're not sure why this is at the black market - is that the shriek of an angry harpy in the distance? The vendor insists you buy now or never speak of this again.
Buy Electronic Mail, and ask if anyone on the next checkpoint would be willing to buy a rare seashell.

>Repair Gerbera's Phone
She'll owe you later.
No. 1027884 ID: 8b82ee

Out of all the questions that you asked I will only answer one of them. HOW NAKED SHOULD RACHAEL GET FOR THE PIZZA DELIVERY? I think that she should wear one piece of clouting when the pizza arrives and that one of the clouting should be a hot dog costume!
No. 1027891 ID: e51896

Message from PEA: I probably made a mistake by making that seashell way too valuable at that price making things too easy.
I'm not going to change it, it is a valuable item from a museum after all. But instead, keep in mind that if you're patient and return it in the museum, something good will happen. And there might be consequences for selling it at the black market. Gotta balance things out and give you all a fair warning

Also, there were a few things I'd like to fix in my posts (looking to edit these in later):

-you can store an item in the bank and pick it up at the second checkpoint in the next bank

-hottest hot sauce is worth 600 ₵A$H

-selling the waterbottle full of sweat will raise the percentage Purr Feckt will notice Jerry used the purse by 10%, making it 25%

No. 1027894 ID: 90f92c

Before we decide how much to spend, how much is Jerry's job worth?
No. 1027902 ID: 851aa0

Message from PEA: Hmm... For all intents and purposes, I'll say his job is worth enough to make decent living, (plus he's living with his uncle currently) though he is looking for an acting job.

Tbh, I dont want Jerry's income from his job to be all that important for this silly quest thats not meant to be taken too seriously

So theres no need to worry about that in this quest. Go nuts.

No. 1027906 ID: 0838d6

She should wear GLASSES, SOCKS/SHOES, BRACELET, and the ROBE.

Why? Glasses to see, Socks and shoes because she'll be walking on the ground, and knowing this quest get into a SITUATION. Bracelet because its an accessory, and the robe so she can do an EPIC REVEAL.

I'm also down for the above but no Robe, having her try to show CONFIDENCE whilst being a very bright red enf bnnuy.

For a SABOTAGE dare, we dare Charisse to go find the pizza guy and take a bite out of the pizza for an epic prank! He won't know what hit em! You'll be sure to bring him an extra tip for the trouble.

For a HELP dare I suggest we dare Charisse to not only strip naked for when the pizza guy comes, but to act as Rachael's bra (holding her boobs like she's royalty). It'll be 3x as embarrassing and we can have Charisse say it as a joke but Rachael be like, you know what, YES, DO THAT, and Charisse act real embarrassed in shock.

Feed Mary! Mary's a plush and eats paper and cardboard is just tough paper, the pizza was made for mary. Also give some to your friends to increase their odds that they help you! Just one slice though, claiming Mary needs the rest because he's been a good boi.

I'd rather use it now then drop it later and just lose it.


> 1. Go to the BLACK MARKET

On the one hand, I'm sad to see this go, on the other hand, Jerry himself found it gross and doesn't like it. Sweaty Kitty's a businesswoman, she'd probably be honored to know it costs so much, right?
- In fact, text her, ask how she feels about knowing that? She gave it to you for a prank and to help you out, but if she found out that she could sell her sweat it might be a lucrative business venture for her to pursue, she does sweat a lot after all. Imagine, sweaty kitty sweat stocking the shelves of stores and gamers lining up to buy it at top prices. A glorious day, at least thats what she thinks, Jerry is grossed out by the idea but loves money.
- Don't increase the sussy meter yet, I have a plan for that later!
It's tough to let this one go, you made it with your bare hands, but you need the CA$H and inventory space. Plus, if PIZZANDER investigates your inventory and found a bomb, what would he think?!?!? He'd call you a terrorist. AGAIN.
I don't want bad things to happen and I imagine there will be a reward for returning something worth MILLIONS to the museum. Also, how will you explain this on your taxes? You won't. Don't fall for this easy trap.

Honestly there's a lot of good stuff but instead of picking things because I've already put a lot on your plate.

I'll just say I support getting anything within a budget of [4000 CA$H] along with this one specific Item I want to get, but not for us.

Cell service that can cross dimensions, time is a bit wonky though, so some service exceptions may occur. But if you upgrade the service plan for an extra 2000 CA$H it CAN be reliable! Too bad you don't want to spend the extra cash. At least while you're here it works perfectly.
We're getting a little wristwatch phone for Mary so he can communicate with you if he goes back! Also so he can do stuff while he's still here in case it all goes tits up.

For the rest of my plans you need the [1030 CA$H] and I want a small buffer of a few cash, but likely that won't happen.
= TOTAL SPENT - (5000 CA$H)
[CURRENT FREE INVENTORY SLOTS = ??? (preferred 2)]

> 2. Head to the regular store
- 3 poplar tree saplings (approx 10 CA$H each)
Grows around 5-8 feet a year, used frequently for firewood, long and dense which would be perfect for Mary's purposes
- Lumberyard contact (approx 20 CA$H)
Frequently has pallets of wood, piles of sawdust, and firewood that will get disposed of due to imperfections in the city state guidelines. Perfect for Mary's purposes, allowing him to have agency in the type and amount of wood he gets as well as putting his campaigning skills to use as he plans his grand design and it isn't left up to you (requires a little bit of Jerry's help, but is well worth it as they could get in larger amounts!) (Mary will use their new wrist phone! And text Sweaty Kitty too, or anyone else, Mary has his own life!)
- 100 Evergreen Spruce tree seeds (approx 20 CA$H)
Grows around 2-3 feet a year, thicker and tougher, but has a lot of NEEDLES, which are incredibly important in plush society. Can grow 5 feet a year in good weather. This is a slower option than the Poplar saplings and allows for some variety.
- A few mixed bags of seeds (Approx 5 CA$H)
You got a discount on them, which contain sunflower seeds, vines, tomatoes, potatoes, and other various random seeds, you won't know what comes out of it. Good for testing soil density in the area and checking for nutrients.

You've got 2 empty spaces if you let Mary and your pals have the Pizza, (which you should, just have Mary go hang out with them while you do shopping, he deserves a food break!)
- Duct Tape Gnnuy (300 CA$H)
Did you read the description for duct tape?!?!? This is Duct tape but on steroids! And you can pop the tape out and use it normally! And it's Bnnuy shaped!!!
- Duct Tape (100 CA$H)
So you can load the gnnuy, ignore if it comes with ammo
- Rice (5 CA$H)
Get a big ol bag of rice and pour a bit out to fit in the next item
If it's 1 CA$H per banana, get 10 of em just so you can have a snack now with your buds (eating like 5 of them since Mary can eat it since it's SWEET, one for your two buds, one for you, and one for gerb). Store the remaining 5 in the rice bag and in your hammerspace. If you see sweaty kitty you can give her the rice and keep the bananas, so it's two quest items in one! (yeah there's a little less rice in the bag but times are hard, she'll understand)
You might think this is a waste, but it will reduce the sussy meter!
(Thank you for waiting to change the sussy value)

Now you've (likely) got a full inventory

Give Gerb 50 CA$H to help fix their phone, it's really not your fault that it happened, it's Sweaty Kitty's! And they likely have funds to pay the rest, honestly they should be happy you're going even this far and will likely think of you better than if you just paid for the whole thing since they know you're not altruistic but can tell that you feel a little bad about it.

Don't pay for the dented moped, a dent is a dent, Gerb can go to the repair store themselves so you dont have to waste an action.

Also, pay for Moped Charging

I'd really like for us to have some leftover CA$H, but I imagine whatever we buy at the black market will tap us out

> 3. Other Action
- Go hang with your friends or something, I'd suggest do the most suggested other action. Text Sweaty kitty, find out what's happening, give mary the wristwatch phone!


If we do not get 3 actions next update at the rest stop since we have to deal with gerb things, I want my action to be go to the bank to store the Rice/Bananas so you can withdraw them at rest stop 3. So that people from team black market can have cool shit in their inventories, this means not hanging with the friends and instead hoping Mary can be cool and help them out. But you also spent like [1060 CA$H] on Mary this update, so he can be cool for you.

Phew okay that was a lot.
No. 1027908 ID: 0838d6


And if you do go to the bank, withdraw around [500 CA$H] for expenses on the road
No. 1028106 ID: 8483cf

Jumping Jimminies I gotta pull out the word processor for this one


1. FIX: Gerbera’s Smartphone. We gotta call Snowpea to explain that HORRIBLE mis-phrasing ASAP! (Also ask to borrow a plunger to fix the DENT on the moped for free yourself. It’ll buff out.)
2. Go to the BLACK MARKET
3. Go to the STORE
4. Text Rocio

Somehow, Rocio has bossed your phone into receiving texts from her, despite not knowing her number. Maybe it’s magic? Regardless, she’s telling you that she expects to see you working hard at your next workout, and if you don’t try hard enough, she’ll know.

1. Sell the PIZZA BOMB to get cash. Bombs are bad mmkay
2. DO NOT SELL THE SHELL. It belongs in a museum!
3. I am ambivalent on the special monocle. I’m leaning toward not needing the x-ray effect; it’s a tailor’s tool!
5. Buy the ray gun, it’s our nuclear option if used correctly. All fear the lewds! Give it to Gerb, they’re trained to use it. Somehow.

1. Buy the Polaroid Camera. It’s a flashbang, and it’s useful for proving our innocence if P.I. Zzander wants to lock us up. Also it’ll definitely be fun at the very end of the delivery!
2. Buy Lumber and tree seeds for Mary. He deserves it.

Cardboard Pizza
Leave it on top of the box. Jerry’s a pizza guy, he’s got practice balancing.

Keep the glasses, yellow bracelet, and Pink Striped Panties. Wear a robe for now. If Rachael feels bold, she can lose the panties later in case she gets into a SITUATION. A pair of panties in hand is worth two in the bush!

Charisse has to go topless for the whole evening. It’s only fair!
No. 1028126 ID: 629f2e

Since NOT selling the shell is looking like the popular choice, I'll present an alternative shopping for it that wins. Keeping it simple this time, no explanations, just purchases.

Starting amount: 20 ₵A$H (After the Moped arrives)

-SELL THE PIZZA BOMB! (+5000) (Hammerspace: 2/5)
-CLOTHING DESTRUCTION RAY GUN (-1500) (Hammerspace: 3/5)
-ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUT #2 (-1000) (Hammerspace: 4/5)
-FORTUNE TELLER HOTLINE (-2,000) (Hammerspace: Unchanged, it's a phone number)

Total: 520 ₵A$H -- Hammerspace: 4/5 (+Cardboard Pizza on top of pizza)


-BANANAS - (-1) (Hammerspace: 5/5)
-VINEGAR'S HAIRPIN (-10) (Putting this on Mary immediately)
-CONWAY'S THONG (-15) (Putting this on Mary immediately)
-LUMBER AND TREE SEEDS (-55) (All the specifications Ed suggested sounds good to me)
-SCREWDRIVER (-8) (Get a shopping bag to carry what you can't hold)
-AIRBAG (-60) (Shopping bag)

Total: 371 ₵A$H -- Hammerspace: 5/5 (+2 items in Shopping Bags) (+Cardboard Pizza on top of pizza)


-Set aside some cash for Gerbera to get their phone fixed (-100) (If they don't have room for it after whatever purchases and/or deposits they make, deposit AIRBAG at the bank and keep this in hammerspace)
-Give Gerbera CLOTHING DESTRUCTION RAY GUN (Hammerspace: 4/5) (They're more used to CLOTHING DESTRUCTION COMBAT than we are)
-Deposit BANANAS (Hammerspace: 3/5)
-Move bagged items to Hammerspace (Hammerspace: 5/5)
-Withdraw 1000 ₵A$H from your account to prepare for issues that require ₵A$H to solve


Total: 1271 ₵A$H -- Hammerspace: 5/5 (+Cardboard Pizza on top of pizza)


-AIRBAG (Or CLOTHING DESTRUCTION RAY GUN if Gerbera won't take it)

No. 1028313 ID: 851736

State of undress: Strip it all, Show your courage (keep glasses on, you gotta see what you’re doing)

Dare: Go streaking out in the dorm or campus until the pizza arrives. Would be funny if Jerry finds a naked kangaroo as he is on his way to deliver the pizza sometime after the second checkpoint,

Action 1: Go to bank and store: SEASHELL, we’ll pick it up in the second checkpoint
Withdraw 2,125 for Gerbera to fix their phone

Action 2: go to black market

Sell the following:
Sweaty water bottle (make 1,000)
Pizza bomb (make 5,000)

8,155 total

Buy the following:

WEED (keep out of hammerspace, we’re giving it to Vincint)
CLOTHING DESTRUCTION RAY GUN (keep out of hammerspace, we’ll tell Gerbera to put their pic of snowpea out of their hammerspace, and into their wallet when they get here)
PIZZID drone prototype
Powdered donut 2

Total: 3,155

Action 3: Store

Buy the following:

Duct tape Gnuuy
Duct tape (store in the gunny)
Imported Spring water bottle
Conway’s Thong (for mary)
Vinegar’s Hairclip (for Mary)
Lumber and seeds: 2099

Total: 130

Afterwards, lets give gerbera our items and stuff, and give them 100 to fix their phone for the next update

Total: back to 30!

Hopefully I did the calculations and item management right, some things are kept out of inventory and stuff. In the next update, we can talk to Harmon and Vincent and do other things now that the shopping is done.
No. 1028368 ID: e51896

Message From PEA: Since I gave you all so many different options for actions Jerry can do, and so many items to pick from, I figure different people would want to do different things and go a certain direction based off their three actions, items, and budgets planned. So I decided to instead of going for the most popular actions, items, and amount of CASH to budget, I'm going to have you guys pick which suggesters' plan of actions you all want to go with.

IMPORTANT PLZ READ: When voting your favorite plan of actions, Please ONLY PICK TWO off the list. No more, no less. I will assume most would want to pick their own plan of actions from what they suggested, so by having you all pick two, we can get a better idea on which would be the most popular vote

I did my best to make things as accurate as possible with what the suggestors wanted in their ideas, and the calculations. If I made a mistake, plz let me know and I'll fix them up. Thank you!

No. 1028475 ID: e51896

Message from PEA: FIY, I'm going to be ending the polls tonight. Plz vote in the link provided in this post: >>1028368 if you have not already. Thank you!
No. 1028587 ID: e51896

Message From PEA: The polls are now CLOSED! here are the results:

For the PLAN OF ACTION, you are going with HIMITSU'S PLAN #2. check here for more deets: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1014571.html#1028126

Just want to add, don't worry if your items wasn't chosen, all items will appear again to buy at the SECOND CHECK POINT.


For how undressed Rachael should be, you are going with Glasses, yellow bracelet, and pink socks

And as for Charisse's dare: it's a three way tie:

Dare Charisse to stay nude until the pizza arrives (doesn't have to be seen by pizza guy if he arrives)

Dare Charisse to strip naked and act as Rachael's bra (holding her boobs) for pizza guy

Dare Charrise to streak out on campus until the pizza arrives (possibly encounter pizza guy for a SITUATION)

so I'm going to ask you all to please vote one more time to break the tiebreaker:



In the meantime, I think I have enough votes to start the next UPDATE while you guys break this tiebreaker. Thank you!

No. 1030250 ID: e51896
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During the time Charisse, Kaia, and Jackie were all talking to her, Rachael has been staring at the pile of her clothing laid out on the bathroom floor, pondering the offer to be able to keep some articles of clothing on. She had already made up her mind to go forward with the dare to prove how courageous she was to the other girls and a pumpkin to fit in, but she honestly appreciates everyone being supportive of her by cutting her some slack with this offer.

But after thinking it over, she decides this dare is something she has to do to actually enjoy her college years while she still can. In the end, she decides to keep the glasses on as she wouldn’t be able to see without them.
Then she puts her lucky bracelet back on, which was something she got from her father many years ago, and had always thought to have given her good luck throughout the years. With the bracelet, she thinks she needs all the luck she can get.
Finally, she puts her socks back on. There was some hesitation at that as she was wondering if wearing footwear would make her nudity stand out more, and if it would make people think she is actually showing off her body on purpose instead of rushing out of the shower thus allowing her to make an excuse for her nudity for the pizza deliverer stating she was rushing out of the shower. But in the end, she figures that she didn’t want her feet to get too cold and catch a cold herself. Yep, definitely that and not because she wanted to make her intentions of doing the dare obvious. NOPE, NOT AT ALL, HAHAHAHAHA! *gulp*

Kaia: Hey Rachael, are you okay? You’ve been silent for a while now… Do you need help?
Charisse: eh, give her some time, she’s like, probably thinking up a sinister truth or dare for me to perform.
Charisse: To which I say, hah! I’m not gonna back outta anything!
Jackie: Exciting!

Oh right! The dare. Rachael wasn’t really paying attention when they told her it was her turn to make a dare as she was thinking about her state of dress. But apparently, now she gets to have revenge on Charisse for having her do this EXHILARATING HUMILIATING DARE. Maybe if she gives Charisse a challenging dare that is humiliating enough, she might be able to get her to reveal a dark secret of her own, like some of her WEIRD DREAMS she was rumored to have in her past that she’s been secretive about...

Thinking over some possible dares, one idea could be having Charisse eat the pizza she ordered since Charisse expressed disgust over it… maybe even have her find the delivery person to take the pizza from and eat it? But then again, that seems like an easy enough dare in comparison to what she is about to do in her own dare, and she doesn’t want to SABOTAGE the pizza delivery person like that.

No, if she was going to have Charisse do a dare, it would have to be something that is at least just as challenging as her’s.
After figuring out a dare, Rachael finally walks out of the bathroom and has a little girl talk with a pumpkin with her friends. Kaia blushed a little after seeing Rachael in Charisse’s bathrobe, but shook her head a little to snap back into her serious demeanor. Jackie meanwhile doesn’t hide her feelings and just stares at Rachael while Charisse just gives Rachael a thumbs up.

Jackie: Wow! so cuuuuuute…
Charisse: Lookin’ good!
Kaia: Uh, I’m proud of your courage, Rachael.

Rachael smiles a bit from the compliments, and feels a bit more confident. But her focus shifts back to what dare she should order Charisse to do, one that could get her to reveal her rumored secret dreams. She takes a deep breath to calm her nerves, and begins her dare pitch.

Rachael: Th… Thanks!
Rachael: I’ve been thinking it over and well…
Rachael: I think if I want to make things even…
Rachael: Maybe I should… umm…
Rachael: Request a dare that is just as bad as mine?
Rachael: So I’ve been thinking I should… ummm… hhmmmm
Kaia: Take it slow, remember, it’s any dare you want
Charisse: Go all out! I can handle it!
Rachael: Well, I was thinking along the ideas that maybe she could…
Jackie: Use her hands as your bra when the pizza arrives!
Rachael: Maybe streak around the dorms or campus until the pizza gets here? Err… staying naked until the pizza arrives?
Charisse: Heard ya loud and clear! Streak naked until the pizza arrives and then afterwards hold your breasts like a bra for the pizza deliverer. Got it!
Charisse: (Whispering) Thankfully it wasn’t to eat that pizza
Rachael: Wait! I meant… uhh...

No. 1030251 ID: e51896
File 165086767867.png - (87.77KB , 1280x720 , 090(fix).png )

Whoops! Rachael only meant for Charisse to stay naked until the pizza arrives, but she had accidentally let her mouth move faster than her brain, asking for her to go streaking before saying her real dare, while Jackie had interrupted Rachael asking for Charisse to use her hands as Rachael’s bra in front of the pizza courier. Rachael was about to correct her, but was too shocked to say anything as she witnessed Charisse already stripping. First the shoes and socks, then off with the skirt, and the watermelon top. Rachael is speechless over what she was witnessing. She’s never really seen another woman strip like this in the same room as her.
Rachael is standing there dumbfounded while Jackie is gasping over what is unfolding. Kaia on the other hand is not amused.

Kaia: Aw, Come on Charisse! couldn’t you just back down on that dare?!
Charisse: Hey, I’m only doing what Rachael dared me to! All part of the game!
Kaia: Yeah, but to take it this far?! Besides, Rachael didn’t seem all that serious on that dare! Right Rachael?
Rachael: Ummm, well… That was my dare… but… I was hoping, err… she would back down and pick the truth?
Charisse: HA! Shoulda tried harder than that! See Kaia? Trust your friend more!

Charisse then proceeds to remove the earrings off her ears, along with the hair tie, letting her hair flop down from its ponytail state. Already Charisse was looking like a different person with how little she was wearing. She finally removes her necklace, dropping it to the ground.

Charisse: Yeah, I know the earrings, necklace, and hair tie was unnecessary to remove.
Charisse: But if I’m doing this dare, I’m going ALL OUT! The nakeder, the better!
Charisse: Just don’t touch my shit during my dare, alright?
Charisse: And now, for the moment you ladies, and pumpkin have been waiting for!

Charisse then slowly removes the panties, almost teasingly and lets it slide off her legs. Meanwhile Jackie’s eyes widen with mouth agape at the strip show while Kaia is facepalming in frustration. Rachael is getting too nervous and couldn’t bear to look at this go further, but couldn’t resist peeking a little through her fingers.
Rachael: Wa… WAIT! If you’re going to streak around campus, what if you get caught?!
Rachael: You’ll get suspended from college!
Charisse: Aww, don’t worry! I’ve been to plenty of parties with truth or dare games that had me go streaking around the dorms!
Charisse: I know all the paths and hiding places to take to not get spotted
Charisse: and if someone spots me, who’s gonna believe them? And I’ll just kick em’ if they dare to take pictures!
Charisse: and if any of the campus staff catches me, meh, who cares?
Charisse: I come from a very wealthy family, so they can just bribe the school to prevent my suspension and sweep this under the rug!
Jackie: Woooow, you’re so cool, Charisse
Jackie: You’re making my heart race!
Kaia: Look, just don’t say we were involved with this if you’re caught, alright, Charisse?
Charisse: Hey, that wasn’t part of the dare.

Charisse just winks and laughs as she undoes her bra, the last article of clothing, and lets it slip off her breasts, finally leaving her completely naked

Charisse: Relaaaax, I was kidding!
Charisse: So, how do I look? Wouldn’t you want a body like mine?
Jackie: AWESOME DARE! Thank you, Rachael!
Rachael: AH! Uh, you’re wel…welcome?
Rachael: You agreeing to the dare, Charisse… wasn’t really what I expected though…
Rachael: But… um, you do look… cute…
Kaia: *sigh* well if Rachael is alright with it…
Charisse: There ya go! Y’know, Kaia, I’m starting to think Rachael is more courageous than you, you’re too uptight, relax already, it’s not like you! hahaha!
Kaia: HEY! I’m just making sure Rachael is comfortable on her first girls’ night out!
Jackie: … with me,
Charisse: Yeah, suuuuure.

No. 1030252 ID: e51896
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Charisse then summons her smart phone from her HAMMERSPACIAL DIMENSION onto her hand, and gives the girls and a pumpkin a playful salute

Charisse: Well, I’m outtie on an adventure
Charisse: I’ll be livestreaming this on my ONLYFAUNUS account as proof so be sure to look me up on my computer over on the desk over there in a few minutes.
Kaia: You’re actually a member there?
Jackie: of course she is! I follow her on there, we can view her livestream on my account!
Charisse: awwww, thanks Jack!
Charisse: Laaaaaaters!

Charisse then starts recording on her phone, and proceeds to hop out of the apartment as kangaroos do. The remaining girls, and pumpkin run out to see Charisse off. Rachael, still in her robe, hides close behind Kaia hoping not to be seen in just the robe as Jackie loudly cheers Charisse on as she hops through the dorm halls. Kaia just sighs.

Kaia: Jackie, shhh! You don’t want to bring attention to us here, do you?!
Jackie: aww, I’m just adding some excitement and being supportive

Rachael stays silent as she sees Charisse disappear into the halls, lost in thought. She can’t believe how bold the kangaroo is to do something so risky like this without a hint of fear. In a way, Rachael is kind of jealous of how chill, yet spunky Charisse is, kind of wishing she can have a fuck-all attitude like her. She wants to have her courage, her confidence, her desire for fun. She realizes that maybe, she is even starting to RESPECT Charisse.

She snaps back out of her thoughts when Kaia grabs her arm

Kaia: Alright, let’s get back in the dorm room already before someone comes out.
Jackie: Right, right! We need to see her livestream and make sure she is flowing the dare.
Jackie: This is so fun!
Kaia: Yeah, good idea. Rachael, you don’t have to watch if you don’t want to.
Rachael: I…
Rachael: I think I’ll watch too
Kaia: Really? You’re sure, Rachael?
Rachael: I… kind of… I just… I think I want to see Charisse’s bravery in action. It’s umm… inspiring.
Jackie: Yay! Thatta girl!

Kaia is about to say something, but she just nods before they all gather behind the glow of the computer screen, and watch the Kangaroo already making some close calls during her streak as the chat room is cheering her on. Rachael is surprised by how supportive everyone in chat is, none of them demeaning the kangaroo’s actions.

Could this be where Charisse gets her bravery from? From all the support from others? From FRIENDS?
No. 1030253 ID: e51896
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Finally, the CAR OVEN Parking building. A place where Jerry can take a quick break and reassess things before continuing the pizza delivery. Normally he’d have to find a parking space, but that isn’t his SITUATION right now, that is up to Gerbera to deal with when they get here later with the moped.

Jerry already has a plan of action set, and the first thing he does is head into the BLACK MARKET hidden secretly somewhere in the CAR OVEN parking building. It was a secret place Antonio told him about to buy some ILLEGAL items to help with pizza deliveries, and thankfully, Jerry doesn’t have to reveal it to Gerbera since they’re not here yet. It’s also where Jerry met his good friend Harmon.

Jerry heads over to the elevator on the first floor of the building, and presses the button to send it to the top floor. Before the elevator door closes, Jerry gets off of the elevator, letting the elevator go up without him. Once the elevator is gone, he slides open the doors that would usually lead inside the elevator, and rushes to the back of the wall to push a secret door open, leading him to the BLACK MARKET that is usually hidden behind the elevator.

Within is a friendly shopkeeper that Jerry introduces to Mary as “Good Ol’ Grumpy”. First name ‘Good’, middle name ‘Ol’, last name ‘Grumpy’. He is a hooded figure whose entire body is completely hidden in the shadows of his hooded tattered cloak, with two glowing wispy eyes being the only things revealed.

Grumpy: …
Grumpy: *hissss*
Mary: It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Grumpy.
Grumpy: …
Grumpy: *Growls*
Mary: Ummm… My name is Mary, and w-
Grumpy: *wheeze*
Mary: BORK!
Mary: B… Boss?

Aw, Good Ol Grumpy with his excellent customer service. He has such a way with words. Mary seems to be trembling for some reason, and is a bit confused as to how Jerry is keeping his cool.

After Jerry greets Mr. Grumpy, he had interpreted through his grunts and wheezes, and occasional screams, vague arm flailing, and screeches that he has some new items today, such as a POWER CAPSULE that he got from some woman named Dr. Tina. Said something about how she had to offload some of her supplies quickly, so she could start hiding out, but Grumpy could only afford the one POWER CAPSULE. He’s not sure why she couldn’t just hide out in the city, but he’s sure she has her reason to stay in her own world. The capsule supposably gives someone super powers for a little while, but he’s not exactly sure what.

He also says one of the fortune tellers Is going to be dropping out of the FORTUNATE HOTLINE any UPDATE now, and Jerry should probably pay to have their contact information on his phone before she quits and moves on to greener pastures. Though even if she quits, he’ll still have the other two fortune tellers to contact.

There was also a Lyluk Brand SLUSHEE that he bought for himself, but he hated the flavor and decided to sell it, and that Jerry should buy it soon before it melts.

Lastly, he reminds Jerry he has some JOTUND MIGHT that a mysterious fairy dropped off a long time ago, but it might be reaching its expiration date soonish and should consider buying it while he has the chance… or maybe it isn’t? He’s not sure how these mutagens work.

Mary: (whispering) *Psst, Boss, are you sure this is, okay?
Mary: A lot of these items seem dubious, and illegal.

Jerry assures Mary that it isn’t the item that is illegal or dangerous, it’s actually how you use it. Mary still has concern on his face, but just nods.

After some back and forth, and intimidating screaming from Grumpy, Jerry has decided to:

- Sell the PIZZA BOMB for 5000 ₵A$H.
(Judging from Grumpy’s rapid wheezing, it sounds like he was really happy to get this one.)

- Buy the CLOTHING DESTRUCTION RAY GUN (Jerry plans on giving it to Gerbera since they seem to know a thing or two about clothing destruction. Though upon closer inspection, it looks more like a squirt gun with liquid inside than it does a ray gun… probably was a scam, as it is with some products in the BLACK MARKET, but Grumpy assures Jerry it will still destroy clothing. Guess Jerry will have to wait and see.)

- Buy the Illegal powdered donut #2 (Jerry is so happy to find another one of these. Maybe this time he’ll be able to save it for recreational use during the weekend or holiday instead of using it for pizza deliveries or losing it. But having something that can feel like time is going slow means a longer weekend, yeah! Mary is concerned by Jerry's enthusiastic reaction, worrying he might be becoming ADDICTED, but Jerry assures Mary it’s fiiiiiiine.)

- Purchase contact information from the FORTUNATE HOTLINE (Jerry isn’t really into fortune telling stuff, it’s kind of creepy, not to mention the chance it could just be a scam, but Grumpy’s gargled wheezes were very convincing. The contact information seems to be ripped from an illegal magazine or something judging by the tear marks, and has information about the three fortune tellers listed on the back:

First one is Temmie Butler from Cattenom, which is from another world. A girl who will give you a small amount of HELP points to get you out of a situation, and even give you some REAL GOOD advice for something REAL GREAT to happen in a future update as a bonus. no consequences in calling her. Small amount of help points because all her advice is vague. She'll just want a very small amount of money, 25 cents, whatever that is. She’ll pick up her payment when she visits Jerry in what she perceives to be her dream in a future UPDATE, whether he is prepared to meet her or not.

Second is Leshanna Iraphena the elf from Lyst which is from another world. She will use her precognition powers to give Jerry some advice to take a certain timeline out of a situation, but will want a lot of money out of Jerry, probably 1000 BUX, whatever that is. She will get her payment immediately from Jerry’s bank account after calling her. She's also said to be pretty mean according to reviews. She will give you a medium amount of HELP points.

Third is a carpet beater name Felafaf, a demigod from another world who can change the destined tarot card Jerry is in currently with a different one to get out of a SITUATION, giving him a huge amount of HELP points to escape, but it's a monkey paws deal as the next situation is going to be far worse and Jerry will be stuck with a disadvantage of having extra SABOTAGE points against him for the next update. Her service is free, she just loves having fun changing people's destiny and sometimes fucking with them.)

Before they leave, Mary gathers the courage to inquire about the PREPAID INTERDIMENSIONAL WRISTPHONE, and learns it would be a good way to contact Jerry if he manages to return home. Unfortunately, it isn’t part of their planned purchases this time, but Grumpy says he’ll send it over to the other BLACK MARKET at the SECOND CHECKPOINT for another chance to purchase later.

MESSAGE FROM PEA: Good Ol' Grumpy concept was by Detective Caillou https://questden.org/wiki/Detective_Caillou
Temmie Butler is created by Himitsu https://questden.org/wiki/Himitsu
Leshanna Iraphena is created by EDMANGO https://questden.org/wiki/EDMANGO
Felafaf is created by Absurdity Devoid https://questden.org/wiki/Boris_Calija

No. 1030254 ID: e51896
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After Jerry and Mary finish their business with Grumpy, Jerry calls his friend Harmon who also works for the BLACK MARKET to move the elevator out of the way so Jerry can escape.

Harmon: Ey’ you got it daddy-o!
Harmon: And yo, if you’re not busy, come chill with me and Vincent. Top floor!

Mary seems relieved after getting out of the BLACK MARKET, but their errands are not done . The moped isn’t back yet, so plenty of time for more ACTIONS as the UPDATE isn’t over yet.

Next stop is an all-purpose store called the MART ALECK. The place is pretty huge, and Mary is amazed by how much stuff the place has, running around the store looking at things like a curious little kid, analyzing and writing items down on his clipboard. Jerry had to keep a close eye on him so he wouldn’t get lost, but thankfully not for too long as he only had a few specific things to grab.

One of the stops lead them to the clothing section where Mary constantly eyes a couple of familiar brands of articles of clothing: VINEGAR’S HARPIN, and CONWAY’S THONG. Jerry recognizes them from a super popular graphic novel his old friend Antonio would read called NOISE. Jerry doesn’t keep up with it, but Antonio would often try to recommend he read it at one point, which Jerry highly considers since Antonio usually never really seemed passionate about anything. It MUST be good if Antonio of all people tried to convince Jerry to read it.

Mary: Boss, do you think I would look so cute in those?
Mary: Obviously I’m not going to buy them since I don’t have anything to pay with…
Mary: But I could only dream, can’t I?
Antonio: *Psst* Hey.
Antonio: Do me a favor, buy them for her.
Antonio: You’ll thank me later.

Yep, the usual stoic Antonio is still obsessed with the novels despite being dead. Jerry considers the prices and figures, ‘eh, why not?’

Mary: Huh? You’re… you’re letting me keep them?

Jerry demands Mary to stop his crying as people are giving weird looks and to just try the clothing on to see if it would fit. After a while, Mary comes out of the dressing room with his new clothes. The hairclip Jerry must admit looks cute on Mary, makes him look more feminine, but WHY COULDN’T THE THONG COVER HIS PUBES!?!?!?!

Mary: I kind of have an urge to study how matter works… and a desire to remove these clothing even though I just bought these? Weird, maybe if I lowered my pants a little I’ll feel better…

Jerry pleads with Mary not to do that.
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After selecting their items, Jerry heads to the registers, and drops his items off to a salamander cashier to buy. Thankfully he kept the conversation to a minimum, with the conversation not going any farther as simple questions such as “how was your day” or “nice weather today, huh?” It’s nice to keep things straight forward sometimes.

During their shopping, Jerry has decided to:

- Buy some BANANAS
(he remembers the customer likes bananas, so he’ll save it for her for later)

- Buy VINEGAR’S HAIRPIN (Mary feels like mixing chemicals together wearing this)

- Buy CONWAY’S THONG (Mary feels like wearing less than he already is now as he wears this… seems like this article of clothing is actively trying to fail its purpose in life)

- Buy a SCREWDRIVER (Jerry doesn’t have room in his hammerspacial dimension right now, but he’ll hold it in the shopping bag for now.)

- Buy an AIRBAG (For safety. Maybe he can use this to survive a CRASH after an ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUT SUGAR RUSH? Regardless, it’s also in the shopping bag for now)

- Buy some LUMBER AND TREE SEEDS (specifically, he bought them for Mary. They will be sent to the :pizzid: Pizzeria. He got the following for Mary to use if he makes it back to his world:

3 poplar tree saplings (Grows around 5-8 feet a year, used frequently for firewood, long and dense which would be perfect for Mary's purposes)

Lumberyard contact (Frequently has pallets of wood, piles of sawdust, and firewood that will get disposed of due to imperfections in the city state guidelines. Perfect for Mary's purposes, allowing him to have agency in the type and amount of wood he gets as well as putting his campaigning skills to use as he plans his grand design and it isn't left up to you (requires a little bit of Jerry's help, but is well worth it as they could get in larger amounts!) (will be easier if he at some point gets a PREPAID INTERDIMENSIONAL WRISTPHONE, but for now, Jerry will have to help out with this)

100 Evergreen Spruce tree seeds (Grows around 2-3 feet a year, thicker and tougher, but has a lot of NEEDLES, which are incredibly important in plush society. Can grow 5 feet a year in good weather. This is a slower option than the Poplar saplings and allows for some variety.)

A few mixed bags of seeds (Jerry got a discount on them, which contain sunflower seeds, vines, tomatoes, potatoes, and other various random seeds, Mary won't know what comes out of it. Good for testing soil density in the area and checking for nutrients. Also might introduce new types of food to the Stuffies of Mary’s world.)

Upon buying the seeds and lumber Mary starts bursting with tears of joy again.

Mary: Th… Thank you so much boss!!!
Mary: I… I can finally prove to everyone that I can make a difference!
Mary: That I’m worth something to people!

Jerry sighs. Maybe Mary’s sister’s mental abuse really damaged his self-confidence. But at least he is growing out of it, his PASSION is probably strong enough to one day overcome that.
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As Jerry exits the MART ALECK, Jerry sees Gerbera drive into the CAR OVEN Parking building. Shit, Jerry thought he’d be able to get his errands done before they showed up. Ah well. Might as well go pay to get the Moped charged. Luckily Gerbera was easy to find as they found a decent parking space in one of the lower floors, but he looks a bit upset after he spots Jerry.

Gerbera: Hey bud! Hey! There you are! That wasn’t really responsible of you!
Gerbera: Why couldn’t you wait for me? I could have used your help!
Gerbera: Your new kitty friend broke my phone and you ditched me immediately afterwards without helping me clear things up with Snowpea!
Gerbera: and not only that, I had to drive as fast as I could to get here before a swarm of those cute goslings tried to consume me!
Gerbera: I TOLD you we should have let those goslings pass by!

Jerry tells Gerbera that pizza delivery sometimes requires making sacrifices like that in order to make the delivery on time as he pays 10 ₵A$H in the recharging station in the parking spot to charge the moped, but Gerbera shakes his head in disagreement.

Mary: Sorry Gerbera, I tried to convince boss to take you along, but he was insistent on moving on as his prescience told him it was the safest path.
Gerbera: And yet, I got here no problem, with a quarter of an update to spare!

There goes Gerbera’s smugness again, talking about how great they are. Jerry decides to shut them up by giving them 100 ₵A$H so they can go to the ALL PURPOSE REPAIR STORE and leave Jerry alone for a while.

Gerbera: Hm… Thanks Jerry. I’m still a little upset, as I’m still worried about that mistake I made to Snowpea, and how you abandoned me like that…

To that, Jerry hands Gerbera over the CLOTHING DESTRUCTION RAY SQUIRT GUN, to which Gerbera’s face finally lights up

Gerbera: You’re saying this can destroy clothing?!
Gerbera: WOW! If that’s true, then this functions just like Snowpea’s other guns!
Gerbera: ALRIGHT! That settles it! Instead of using it, I’m going to save it in my HAMMERSPACIAL DIMENSION and give this to Snowpea as a gift as a confession of my love to her!

Jerry insists that it was actually meant for Gerbera to use to get out of a SITUATION later.

Gerbera: Hmmm… I really don’t want it to decrease in quality before I give it to Snowpea if I use it though…
Gerbera: but if you can think of a good enough reason to have me use it in a SITUATION, I’ll reconsider.
Gerbera: But I’m still giving it to Snowpea no matter what!

Jerry argues that it shouldn’t matter too much if Gerbera uses it. It’s not like they’re going to use it a whole lot of times during a Pizza delivery to make much of a difference.

Gerbera: You can never be too careful!

Gerbera takes the PICTURE OF SNOWPEA out of their HAMMERSPACE, and puts it in their wallet to replace it with the gun.

UNLOCKED SIDEQUEST: DON’T use the CLOTHING DESTRUCTION RAY GUN so Gerbera can give it to Snowpea in its highest quality
- Pretty easy sidequest, since Gerbera is reluctant to use it

Jerry thinks this sidequest doesn’t count as one.

But instead, here was a SIDEQUEST I forgot to put in after talking to P.I. Zzander. Sorry about that:

UNLOCKED SIDEQUEST: Give Purr Feckt some flowers to help with the NEGOTIATIONS for Mary.
- Judging by the flower design on the purse Jerry thinks she likes DAISIES or SUNFLOWERS
- Jerry hopes he can send Gerbera to her instead, but Gerbera is sure to refuse
- Probably best to get her flowers that are extra fresh in a later update instead of an earlier update, like at the store in the SECOND CHECKPOINT for example, though they might not have RARE FLOWERS that she’ll like.

No. 1030257 ID: e51896
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Last stop, the STUFFED BANK! Jerry and Mary split up from Gerbera as they head to the bank while Gerbera heads to the ALL PURPOSE REPAIR STORE to fix their phone.

The STUFFED BANK is also a storage that not only holds on to ₵A$H, but also stores ITEMS in their POCKET INTERDIMENSIONAL SAFES which can be transferred to other banks.

A Penguin Bankteller name Johnathan helps Jerry out as Jerry decides to do the following:

- Deposited the Bananas
- Moved his bagged items to his Hammerspace
- Withdrew 1000 ₵A$H

And with that last action done, UPDATE 9 is finished. Gerbera catches back up with Mary and Jerry and has rejoined the PIZZA PARTY, now with their fixed phone. They are still at the FIRST CHECKPOINT and Jerry decides to take the time to consider that he has about 20 UPDATES LEFT to deliver the pizza after this one. He estimates that the SECOND SECTION will have about 5-7 SITUATIONS to deal with (depending on how the MAJOR ASSHOLE in the street will mess with them) and the THIRD SECTION will have 5 SITUATION which will only give him room to make about 8-10 mistakes that puts him in a PROBLEM.

Jerry’s Phone also vibrates, indicating that he got a NEW TEXT MESSAGE


>With Gerbera here, they will do some actions on their own unless you recommend they do something else. They will automatically leave with Jerry if he decides to continue the pizza delivery.

>BANK (can do multiple things)
- Lets Jerry withdraw or deposit ₵A$H
- Gerbera can do this too on their own, but the amount they’ll pull out can’t be controlled. They refuse to tell you how much they have.
- Jerry has 4000 ₵A$H in the bank
-attempt to rob it (Jerry is not DESPERATE enough to do this)
- store an item (you'll be able to pick up any items stored here in another bank at the SECOND CHECKPOINT later)

>Go to the store!
- It’s recommended you stop at the BANK first to make a withdrawal.
- Jerry has 1271 ₵A$H in pocket, Gerbera has 50 ₵A$H
- They don’t allow you to buy stuff with your bank card for some reason. System must be broken probably. So go to the bank first.
-You can buy and sell LEGAL items here
- I have items listed, but I’m going to leave the rest to you guys to come up with items! Please state what item you want there to be, and I’ll in a future post list them before the next update for you all to vote on with a price for each depending on the item’s effectiveness.
- If Gerbera is here, they’ll buy and sell items here too, but you don’t have control over what they buy or sell. You can try to convince them to buy or sell certain things, or save ₵A$H tho.
- Jerry’s HAMMERSPACIAL DIMENSION is FULL. Consider throwing or selling items
-Don’t worry, there will be another shop at the SECOND CHECKPOINT with similar items


- LUMBER AND TREE SEEDS = NAME YOUR PRICE! THE HIGHER, THE BETTER! (this will make Mary’s mood and friendship with Jerry SKYROCKET depending on how much Jerry buys, and will affect the ending depending on if you manage to find a way to get Mary back home. This won’t be in your inventory, Jerry will just have it shipped to the Pizzeria.)

- BANANAS = 1 ₵A$H (can use the banana peel to make someone trip!) (give this to the customer to finish the sidequest: find some bananas for Ramona/Rachael)

- IMPORTED SPRING WATER BOTTLE = 500 ₵A$H (Expensive because it’s imported from a rare hot summers, which is better than a hot springs! can be used to hydrate) (can replace the SWEATY WATER BOTTLE from the purse to decrease the percentage of Purr Feckt’s detection that Jerry used it by 5% bringing it down to 10%) (Expensive because it’s imported)

- Vinegar's hairpin = YOU ALREADY GOT ONE

- Conway's thong = YOU ALREADY GOT ONE

- Polaroid Camera = 19 ₵A$H (Somebody put a way-too-bright bulb in the flash, and now it's effectively a tool for blinding people alongside it's more common use of taking photos. )

- Goofy String = 20 ₵A$H (It can be a belt, a rope, a bracelet, a bundle of rubber bands and more! Comes in COLORFUL and EVEN MORE COLORFUL styles. You can also eat it! It tastes like liquor flavored licorice! It comes in a can with 3 uses)


- A Lot of Sheep = 100 ₵A$H (You can't seem to count how many are in here without falling asleep…)

- Screwdriver = YOU ALREADY GOT ONE

Rice = 5 ₵A$H (Good for drying out your phone. (Sweaty Kitty would probably like this)

Duct Tape = 100 ₵A$H(Arguably the most overpowered item on this list. Can fix EVERYTHING!)

DUCT TAPE GNNUY = 300 ₵A$H It's a gun with little bnnuy ears at the end. it shoots a retractable roll of duct tape that you can use to pull yourself, but requires duct tape to reload after a few uses or the adhesive will wear off. Acts like a grappling hook, or a tape gun with a child friendly shape so it's not censored in over 17 countries! Kids love it, parents hate it!

- Your item here (price depends on what your item might be)


- PURR FECKT’S PURSE = select a value between 1-500 ₵A$H for the items Jerry will sell from inside the purse. (The more ₵A$H you want, the emptier the PURSE will be and the higher the percentage Purr Feckt will find out you used the purse increases, and the more you’ll stress Mary out)
Entire Purse is 1000 ₵A$H, (Mary will cry if you sell the entire purse, and you won’t use the purse to effect the percentage on how Purr Feckt will help Mary one way or another)



- Illegal Powdered Donut #2 = (can’t be sold here.)

- Screwdriver = 4 ₵A$H

- Airbag = 30 ₵A$H

- It’s recommended you stop at the BANK first to make a withdrawal.
- Jerry has 1271 ₵A$H in pocket, Gerbera has 50 ₵A$H
- They don’t allow you to buy stuff with your bank card for some reason. They probably don’t want any investigators to track this place through someone’s bank history.
-you can buy and sell ILLEGAL items here
- I have items listed, but I’m going to leave the rest to you for guys to come up with items! Please state what item you want there to be, and I’ll in a future post list them before the next update for you all to vote on with a price for each depending on the item’s effectiveness.
- If Gerbera is here, they’ll buy and sell items here too, but you don’t have control what they buy or sell. You can try to convince them to buy or sell certain things, or save ₵A$H
-Don’t worry, there will be another black market at the SECOND CHECKPOINT with similar items



- ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUT #5 = 1000 ₵A$H (The sugar content is actually illegal in 17 different countries and consuming it will, for the briefest of moments, give you lightning reflexes! but after about [1 Update] you will suffer from an extreme crash of euphoria and a sugar coma.
- ANGERY RUBBER DUCKY = 1200 ₵A$H (Its squeaks taunt your target, making them angry enough to focus on attacking the person who is squeaking at them. Jerry thinks he can trick Gerbera into using it in a situation to make a getaway)

- WEED = 500 ₵A$H (technically not illegal anymore, but they still sell it to make it feel like the good ol’ days when it was illegal)

- MIND CONTROL DEVICE = 750,000 ₵A$H (this will let you mind control your target. And makes the rest of the quest too easy.)


- POWER CAPSULE = 500,000 ₵A$H (lets Jerry use a SUPER POWER for 1 UPDATE. The power is decided by what the voters want it to be.)

- JOTUND’S MIGHT = 400,000 ₵A$H (makes you bigger and stronger, about almost as strong as Mr. Armstrong! can’t be reversed if used)


- PIZZID drone prototype = 2,000 ₵A$H (This was an invention from Jerry’s uncle… but it didn’t work out well. Somehow iti ended up in the BLACK MARKET)

TEAL SPOTTED MUSHROOM = 10,000 ₵A$H (Grants whoever eats it an extra life. Takes a frame rule (one update) to respawn... but will cause HALLUCINATIONS to occur.)

ELECTRONIC MAIL = 400 ₵A$H (An envelope containing nothing but pure electricity. You have no idea how it works either.)

SPECIAL MONOCLE = 2,300 ₵A$H (Has a number of properties such as X-Ray vision and true sight. Only has a limited number of charges however, and may cause meta slowdown by forcing the artist to animate the x-ray effect. Jerry thinks this might be more fitting for a tailor than a pizza delivery guy for some reason.)

A LYLUK BRAND SLUSHEE = 2 ₵A$H (A slushee of dubious origin that when drunk improves some of your stats for a few updates. Pizza flavored. (Gives Jerry +2 points for HELP in a SITUATION.) WARNING: HAS A 20% CHANCE TO EITHER MAKE JERRY SHITTY, OR TURN HIM INTO A LYLUK. (not recommended for Hippos.))

THE HOTTEST HOT SAUCE IN THE WORLD!!! = 600 ₵A$H (Guaranteed to melt your tongue or your money back! (May actually just be a jar filled with acid.))

- PREPAID INTERDIMENSIONAL WRISTPHONE = 1000 ₵A$H (Cell service that can cross dimensions, time is a bit wonky though, so some service exceptions may occur. But if you upgrade the service plan for an extra 2000 CA$H it CAN be reliable! Too bad you don't want to spend the extra cash. At least while you're here it works perfectly. Can be for Mary so he can communicate with Jerry if he goes back! Also so he can do stuff while he's still here in case it all goes tits up.) (NEW)

- HIRE DYON (3 Months) = $20,000/month (Dyon is a slime girl with the unique ability to copy and paste superpowers. Sometimes. Dyon can copy a power if she maintains contact for approximately thirty seconds; most powers will be removed from her menu after three months. Her paste therapy takes one month on average (give or take two weeks) and has a success rate of 100% for D-class powers, 50% for C-class powers, 30% for B-class powers, 10% for A-Class powers, and 5% for S-class powers. Dyon has permanently copied the [Electrokinesis], [Lesser Transmutation], and [Dreamstuff Pymary] abilities for herself and can use them at will. Dyon is a horrible employee. She demands payment up front, is brash and abrasive, almost never follows orders, and will bail the moment she can interpret a technicality in her contract. But if you can take the time to earn her loyalty, she'll renew her contract for peanuts and may even increase her copying success rate.) (NEW)

- VORETEX = $250,000 (Every vore fetishist wants one of these. This cyber-psionic augmentation creates a user-friendly portal to a pocket dimension in their orifice, which connects to a giant bio-module attuned to the user's DNA. Long story short, anything that gets eaten will fit. Banned in all civilized eating contests. Rumors of the ability to vacuum objects are considered silly.) (NEW)

- A KODAMA DOLL DRESSED LIKE A MAGICAL GIRLl = $5 You're not sure why this is at the black market - is that the shriek of an angry harpy in the distance? Grumpy insists you buy now or never speak of this again. (NEW)

- Your item here (price depends on what your item might be)


- WATER BOTTLE FULL OF THE SWEATY KITTY’S SWEAT = 1,000 ₵A$H (but the detection level will go up by 10% (total 25%)

-PURR FECKT’S PURSE = Besides the water bottle full of the Sweaty Kitty’s sweat, They find nothing of interest, but don’t tell Purr Feckt that… actually, do tell her, it’ll be funny.

-TASTY DECOY CARDBOARD PIZZA = They are not interested



- SCREWDRIVER = They are not interested

- AIRBAG = They are not interested.

>Read a newspaper
-Learn some lore, get hints, look at advertisements, get a sidequest, and other stuff.
- Something about a virus going, ads, and info on certain streets he’s heading to catches Jerry’s eyes.

>Chill with Vincent and/or Harmon
- They might give you some helpful advice, or maybe give you a side-quest.
- Harmon and/or Vincent can potentially become a PIZZA PARTY member. But it all depends on how your negotiations go with each of them, what you give them one of them, and who is with you. a dice roll will determine afterwards whether they will join you or not
- base percentage of one of them joining Jerry is 50% each
- depending on what Jerry tells them to recruit any of them could either increase, or decrease the percentage, choose your words wisely! Or don’t. Have fun with it!
- You’re chances to recruit them after spending another action to talk to them after each fail increases by 10%
- you can spend multiple actions to try to recruit them in each UPDATE
- your chances to recruit them also improves by giving them a certain pizza with various results (you can only give one pizza related item to one of them)
(Tasty decoy cardboard pizza increases by 20% (the first bite is heavenly, but only the first bite))
(A piece of the customer’s pizza increases by 50% (will decrease customer satisfaction though))
-Vincent will automatically join you if you got WEED (you don’t have any, Find some in the BLACK MARKET maybe)
-you can only give one person one item per action
-Your chances to recruit them might increase or decrease depending on who you’re with
(Mary has no effect on the percentage)
(Gerbera decreases chance of recruiting one or both of them by 30%, they think Gerbera is UNCOOL)
-Current percentage of recruiting Harmon or Vincent is currently 20% each

>All purpose repair store
-fixes something you broke,


- Dent on Moped (50 ₵A$H)

>talk/text someone
- Can be anyone you want (The Sweaty Kitty, Mary, some random person on the streets, whatever)
- Up to 3 people can be talked to in this action.
- Looks like you got a text message… but from who? You can always wait until you’re back on the road to check too. (NEW)

>ITEM MANAGEMENT (this is a free action and won’t count towards an action, this includes throwing an item away, or putting an item in or out of your inventory)
-Your TASTY DECOY CARDBOARD PIZZA is still out, there weren't enough votes to put it in. item has a 20% chance of being dropped each update.

This will continue Jerry’s Pizza journey. If you choose this option, please state which path you want Jerry to take (more info of the paths starting here: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1014571.html#1017373 ) Keep in mind that if you leave early in UPDATE 9, Gerbera will catch up to you by the end of UPDATE 10 unless you fail to get out of the SITUATION

- BROCCOLI STREET (the major asshole Jerry will deal with here is the superhero known as THE BOID
- THREE HAMS ROAD (the major asshole Jerry will deal with here is W2K, Jerry’s ex girlfriend who works for BURGERVANIA
- EXTRA CHEEZE STREET (The major asshole Jerry will deal with here is EUGENE pizzid fanatic and theif.
- MUSHROOM AVENUE (The major asshole Jerry will deal with here is CASEY THE PILLOW and cult leader
- SUPREME ROAD (there are no major assholes here, you’ll just be dealing with regular ol’ situations as you have been, but at the cost of Jerry having to deal with more SITUATIONS.


Jerry ₵A$H


Gerbera ₵A$H


Jerry Bank



Gerbera bank


Jerry’s Hammerspace

PURR FECKT’S PURSE (15% chance Purr will notice Jerry used it) - Jerry didn't steal this, he just hasn’t had the chance to return it to her yet after she left it at the courthouse. He’s serious! Contains her wallet, important evidence for another trial (hopefully one in the far future, Jerry would hate to have to deal with her today if she comes to get this), feminine products, keys (how did she get home without her car or house keys?), a pair of handcuffs. Water bottle full of sweat, And pretty much anything else you want. Jerry would’ve guessed she has them because she's a prosecutor, but the fuzzy pink design screams "Personal Use". The more Jerry uses this, the higher the chance Purr Feckt will find out it’s been used. Currently at 15% chance she’ll find out.

VALUABLE AND DURABLE DIAMOND SEASHELL - Sell it at a black market to make a LOT of ₵A$H (Jerry thinks there is one at both CHECKPOINTS. Though the second CHECKPOINT will most likely give more money for it) using it will decrease its value though. Jerry can return it to the MUSHEUM for something good to happen as long as you don’t use it until then (near the second checkpoint)! Jerry can use it to hide in for stealth, or to protect himselfself from attacks very easily (but it’s value will go down) Jerry isn’t giving it to P.I. Zzander, he’s an asshole who will take all the credit. But he can probably give it to Purr feckt to help negotiate in helping Mary.

ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUT # 2 (NEW) - The sugar content is actually illegal in 17 different countries and consuming it will, for the briefest of moments, make your perception of time move SLOW, but after about [1 Update] you will suffer from an extreme crash of euphoria and a sugar coma.

SCREWDRIVER (NEW) - has a changeable tip. Phillips head AND Flat head all in one.

Airbag (NEW) – Car not attached.

Jerry’s Inventory Out of the Hammerspace

TASTY DECOY CARDBOARD PIZZA - It is a cardboard pizza that you put over your ordinary pizza. It's made of 100% organic cardboard, not that it matters. Strangely enough the first bite ALWAYS tastes and FEELS like pizza, but contains no nutritional value. Every bite after that tastes like cardboard, but this would prove useful if you're fighting off a swarm of pizza lovers. WARNING: 20% Jerry will drop it as it is on top of the customer’s pizza box.

WALLET - (contains his bank card, drivers license, insurance card, 1271 ₵A$H) in pocket

JERRY’S SMART PHONE – Contains phone number to the pizzeria, his uncle’s, and the Sweaty Kitty’s. W2K and Gerbera are blocked. In pocket.

NOTEBOOK PAPER - has Ramona's (Rachael's) name, location, phone number, order, and price. In pocket

LIGHTER – lights things up. In pocket

CIGARETTES - take a smoke. In pocket

Jerry’s Equipment

:pizzid: HAT

:pizzid: POLO





Gerbera’s Hammerspace

GERBERA DOLL - Just a toy of themself that they got from the secret santa event. Has a pullstring that talks about how great they are, and even sings!

RADIO - Gerbera uses this mainly to dance in they’re costume. One more use before it is out of batteries

THE ZA COSTUME - Dress up as :pizzid:’s mascot!

MACE - Got it from working a second job as a royal guard in another quest. Good for bonking, hitting home runs, and may cause clothing damage for some reason. Gerbera would rather only use it if their life is in danger and will otherwise take a really good reason to attack someone with it to protect the pizza.

CLOTHING DESTRUCTION RAY SQUIRT GUN - Destroys the clothing of an individual.

Gerbera’s Inventory Out of the Hammerspace

WALLET - (contains their bank card, drivers license, insurance card, 50 ₵A$H, their business card, A picture of SNOWPEA) in pocket

KEYS - to their home, in pocket

SMART PHONE - contains Snow pea’s home number, Jerry’s Smartphone number, Snowpea’s Smartphone number, :pizzid: pizzeria, Snowpea’s work phone, Snowpea’s parents phone number. In pocket.

Gerbera’s Equipment:

:pizzid: HAT

:pizzid: POLO



Mary's Inventory

CLIPBOARD AND PEN - self explanatory

Mary’s Equipment:

TROUSERS –Always keep a spare pair! You may never need them, but consider yourself lucky if you don't. Comes with a belt. One size fits all no matter what somehow!

VINEGAR’S HAIRCLIP - from the popular graphic novel, NOISE! It gives whoever wears it a weirdly comprehensive knowledge of chemistry. (Equipped)

CONWAY’S THONG - Merch from the popular graphic novel, NOISE! It makes you feel way happier with yourself but also makes you wanna wear minimal clothing (Equipped)

MESSAGE FROM PEA: thank you Crows for the idea to use a penguin. check out Crow's and Milquetoaster's quest here: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1026080.html
No. 1030258 ID: e5709d


I'd ask why we don't just store the pizza in the bank and then withdraw it later, but those stiffs might simply throw perishables in the trash, or the bank may be closed for whatever reason.

Go, go, go! Don't waste a single update further!
No. 1030264 ID: 8b82ee

Alright for the fortune teller hotline I think that we should call Temmie Butler, she seems like the most reliable one. While Leshanna Iraphena is too expensive and Felafaf is too inexpensive, never trust somebody who does anything for free. On the topic of buying or selling, I think that we should take what we have already bought and if we don't have enough room in our hammock space, then just give it to our trusty sidekick to hold on to it and not sell a single thing. We are going for efficiency and all the thing we have are probably the property of the pizza store. As for what I do suggest for the pizza dude to do is simply read a newspaper, other than that I think that we should hit the road as soon as possible.
No. 1030279 ID: e51896

Message from PEA: there were some concerns over how overwhelming the inventory management and actions were (20% of this update was from listing the inventory and actions to take). To fix that for future updates, I think what I want to try and do over the weekend is make a wiki page or pastebin page for items, side quests, extra points, and other stats to keep things less cluttered for everyone. I'll admit I went a bit overboard. What I want to do is prevent overwhelming people in the future updates. My apologies. That said, I'm thankful for the critique to make this quest better and hope you all continue to enjoy following the quest.
No. 1030423 ID: 629f2e

Alright! Let's do this:

> #1: Talk/Text

We just got a message. We should respond to whoever it is before anything else. Start with that. I'll describe four options for this since one of the ones I list may involve the person who is already texting us. Consider whoever is texting us as top priority in this list.

-Talk to Gerbera: Yeah yeah, they're annoying, but you really need to impose how much shit you get into on a daily basis, not to mention giving them the rundown on what you'll be dealing with on whatever street you're going to. They've been with you so far, really try to emphasize just how many updates each SITUATION you got into slowed you down. Your ultimate goal with this chat is to either get them to take things a little more seriously, or to at least respect that you have to make tough choices if you want to deliver the pizza on time. You're ahead of schedule for now, but the hard part has yet to come. There'll be many complications, and some of them you won't be able to escape. You WILL be slowed down by some bullshit. And all of this bullshit that Jerry has barely figured out how to navigate is going to become Gerbera's responsibility if they fail this one. And Gerbera won't have him to bail them out, whether they succeed or fail will come down to his decisions.

We've avoided all temptation to totally abandon Gerbera so far, and we aren't gonna go out of our way to leave them behind (tempting as it may be). But if they can't pull their weight and will slow down the delivery, then they'd better be carrying taxi fare because Jerry will not hesitate to dump them wherever if it means getting the job done.

(Secretly, Jerry is a nice enough guy that he probably would in spite of his distaste for the flower, but he at least needs Gerbera to try and stay focused on the mission.)

-Text Temmie Butler: You did just pay for the contact info of fortune tellers. Temmie seems like the best option to test with. Assuming all monetary values as ₵A$H for the moment, she's the cheapest of the bunch (not counting Felafaf, but you would argue that the SABOTAGE points are actually a higher fee than however much 25 cents comes out to). The others would be better to test when you have a specific SITUATION to request their help with, but for now you'll settle with a minor HELP bump to your next SITUATION, and some advice on how to get something REAL GREAT in the future. Leaving it all up to Polt what the fortune will be about, they're fun to come up with.

-Call Purr Feckt: More specifically, Purr Feckt calls YOU. Apparently Zzander mentioned that you were asking about her, and she decided to check in. Naturally, she has your phone number because your cell phone was evidence in the trial you were in, and she took full advantage to invade all your privacy. Like a bitch.

She isn't interested at all when you mention wanting to send Mary home, but suddenly becomes VERY engaged when you mention her purse. She demands that you drop by her office to return it, and is chuffed when you tell her to visit you instead since you're on the clock. Her retort that she can't drive over due to YOU having her car keys is shot down by the fact that she can take a cab, which is shot down because YOU have her wallet, to which Jerry deals the finishing blow that she can call the Crust City equivalent to an Uber as long as she remembers her credit card details. And of course she does! After all...

She has a perfect memory, doesn't she?

...For the sake of her pride she ends the conversation with some bullshit to make it feel like she won, despite ultimately agreeing to your terms of meeting you on your route.

-Text Rocio: She added her number to your phone during your battle with Mr. Armstrong. You ask if she was that naked fairy he had to deliver to their home apartment some weeks back (Moving Day reference). She firmly denies the accusation, pointing out that her spots are blue, not red. You point out that you never mentioned the spot color of the fairy you mentioned, and that she looks exactly like her regardless of that (Her glow was a bit dimmed after subtly trying to boost up her man, so Jerry could see her with his shades again).

When you're not talking to Gerbera, they're probably either texting Snowpea, or chatting with Mary and complimenting the pup on her new accessories.

> #2: Chill with Harmon and Vincent

You WERE invited to join them on the rooftop after all.

Hang out with your buds for a short bit and make sure you bring Mary, NOT Gerbera. Mary is adorable and endearing, Gerbera is annoying and endearing, but not endearing enough. Ask Gerbera to either get the dent in the moped fixed so it won't have to be drawn every update, or to go buy batteries for their radio at the store (or just sell the radio, however they want to balance their inventory).

Give Harmon the stupid Tasty Cardboard Pizza, if you don't then you're just going to drop it next update anyways. Try to recruit them both. You can raise the chances of success if you can convince them that Mary is COOL. Maybe one of them is a NOISE fan and will conclude that Mary is based due to the accessories? You might just get unlucky, but it's worth an attempt.

> #3: Leave

Get out of here and drive off into the next SITUATION awaiting you. Of the streets you can take, my vote is for THREE HAMS ROAD!

Jerry's asshole ex-girlfriend has a neat design, and seems like a fun threat to deal with. Who knows what SITUATIONS she may cause? My personal suggestion is to have her mistake Mary for Jerry's new girlfriend and get furious that she's been replaced.

ALSO! Her father is the chief of police. That could mesh pretty nicely with our current Purr Feckt sidequests. All the more reason to go with her.
No. 1030517 ID: afe7de

This but also Text Sweaty kitty, we already did our shopping so I dont have much to add.

The wristphone is happening next shopping tho, lets be nice to mary! Plus I'm sure mary can pay you back with... other services... Like magical objects and CANDY from the other dimension. You like powdered donuts right, well what about plush candy that's guaranteed to rot your teeth ! (with several years of sole use) (probably) (or maybe its healthy who knows)
No. 1030760 ID: e51896

rolled 59, 74 = 133

Votes are in: you are going to be

- Texting/talking to people

- Hangout and negotiate with Harmon and Vincent


I'm going to be rolling the dice to see how you succeed in recruiting Harmon and/or Vincent into the PIZZA PARTY. Here are calculations

base percentage
Harmon = 50%
Vincent = 50%

-30% each for having Gerbera on your team (sorry, they already know somehow that Gerbera is on your team even if you sent Gerbera to do stuff while you're talking to them. I'm not letting you off that easy)

Harmon = 20%
Vincent = 20%

+20% to Harmon for giving him the TASTY DECOY CARDBOARD PIZZA

Harmon = 40%
Vincent = 20%

+ 10% Harmon has not read NOISE, but he still thinks Mary is pretty groovy based off of how determined he is towards his goals.
+ 15$ for Vincent. He is disturbed by Mary exposing his pubes like that, but is a big fan of NOISE and Mary's NOISE clothing has gotten his respect.

Harmon = 50%
Vincent = 35%

First dice roll is Harmon, second dice roll is Vincent.
Harmon needs to roll a 50 or lower out of 100 while Vincent needs to roll a 35 or lower out of 100. Good luck!
No. 1030762 ID: e51896


unfortunately, you have failed to recruit either of them. Sorry about that. But don't worry, I still will have plans to have them show up now and then (through pictures from text messages and other moments) They will however be rooting for Jerry's success!

currently, you're heading to THREE HAMS ROAD where Jerry's ex GF W2K is at. There were two votes to go there, but nobody else voted to go anywhere else. If you have not voted yet, you can still vote for your destination!

here are your options starting from this post: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1014571.html#1017373
No. 1030840 ID: 8b82ee

Alright for the street I will choose MUSHROOM AVENUE. I don't know why but they seem the most unpredictable and the strangest. We don't know what we will be dealing with on that street.
No. 1034003 ID: e51896
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After much consideration, Jerry chooses to take the risk and go down THREE HAMS ROAD. He REALLY doesn’t want to deal with the spooky vampiric-robotic-roller skating-waitress-tv-pig-ex girlfriend-mascot, but he figures since she loves her job at BURGERVANIA so much, maybe she’ll be too focused on serving burgers to customers over serving Jerry’s head on a platter. It seems she is the person who is the least likely to come across him out of all the roads laid out after all.

But Jerry figures he has an entire update left to do a couple of actions before he hits the road again. His phone did notify him of getting a new message or two after all, and Harmon wanted to see Jerry before they head out as well.

And also, after seeing Gerbera distracted with their repaired phone, as they try to call and text someone, there’s also something that needed to be addressed with Gerbera’s attitude during this delivery run thus far. Jerry signals for Gerbera’s attention

Gerbera: Ugh, sorry, not now, my bud. Snowpea isn’t picking up or responding to my texts.
Gerbera: I really hope she isn’t ignoring me because of that call… I really need to clear that misunderstanding with her!

Jerry reminds Gerbera that Snowpea didn’t answer her phone even before they made that comment about the Sweaty Kitty either, and they should really just focus more on the job over worrying about trying to contact Snowpea, or get distracted by other things like they have been doing throughout the pizza run.

Gerbera: Huh? Distracted? But we’re ahead of schedule with the delivery, aren’t we? And I still made it here before UPDATE 10. What’s the problem?

Jerry tries to get Gerbera to realize how much those SITUATIONS they were in slowed them down, and while they were lucky so far, those SITUATIONS could have been worse and prolonged their delivery significantly more. He makes it clear that they need to take the job more seriously by focusing in order to make some tough choices to deliver the pizza on time.
He even reminds Gerbera about how it looked like they were more focused on fooling around over focusing on delivering the pizza, like LARPING and allowing Pam to get on the ship… err… moped instead of being more serious about guarding it, or how they decided to do aerobics instead of figuring out a way to get past that truck.

Gerbera: Sorry, I understand where you’re coming from and I will try to be more focused… but, uh,
Gerbera: I don’t know, are you sure it was just luck that got us this far ahead of schedule?
Gerbera: I was always raised and taught that we gotta stop and smell the flowers every now and then to keep level headed in a SITUATION…
Gerbera: To help try not to overwork, or worry ourselves too much with the PROBLEMS that comes our way so that we can deal with them easier.
Gerbera: I know we faced some SITUATIONS and PROBLEMS on our way here, but we still manage to find some fun out of those moments to get us through them.
Gerbera: Or, at least I did…

Right, it seems like Gerbera needs a lesson, and a reality check. Jerry tells Gerbera that while it’s true that when life gives you lemons, you gotta make lemonade, there are some moments where you might not have enough sugar to make lemonade for the amount of bullshit that goes on in the city. He also explains to Gerbera that they only got past the easy parts, but in regards to the road they are going to go through after the break, it’s going to be a much bigger deal, especially if they come across W2K.
Jerry NEEDS Gerbera to stop fooling around and focus on the issues at hand. If they somehow manage to become a delivery flower, there WILL be complications that they won’t escape from, some that even Jerry barely figures out how to get out of, and it will all fall on Gerbera to be responsible for them, especially if they don’t have him to bail them out of those PROBLEMS.

Gerbera takes a moment to consider what Jerry says, and then gives Jerry a look of concern.

Gerbera: Ummm… Jerry?
Gerbera: Do you…
Gerbera: Hm… how do I put this?
Gerbera: Are you okay?

Eh? What kind of question is Gerbera asking Jerry? Jerry wonders and asks what the fuck Gerbera is talking about.

Gerbera: Well… hmmm.
Gerbera: Do you… hate your job?

What kind of question is that? Of course Jerry hates it! Who loves their job? What a stupid question. But Jerry asks where Gerbera is going with this regardless.

Gerbera: I don’t know… it’s just that. Um… hmmm
Gerbera: Well, yeah, I agree that jobs can be very draining
Gerbera: And it does make people hate their jobs…
Gerbera: But one could at least seek solace in some of the more fun aspects, even if they’re small
Gerbera: Like, I enjoy seeing people laugh with joy seeing me dance and make believe that I’m THE ZA

Laughing with joy? Jerry thinks they’re actually laughing AT Gerbera.

Gerbera: And, well, it feels like you don’t just hate your job as people do, but it feels like you really loathe it.
Gerbera: But I think there are a lot of things that you aren’t seeing the positives in during this delivery and only cling onto the negatives.
Gerbera: Like yeah, we got stopped by goslings, but they were cute to watch!
Gerbera: And yeah, there was that aerobics exercise that stopped us but… you got to admit that music was funky, yeah?
Gerbera: I mean, it might just be me, but I think if you focused on the bright side of things in a SITUATION instead of worrying and focusing so much about delivering the pizza…
Gerbera: maybe you wouldn’t be so stressed out?

What is this? Did Gerbera pull a reversal on Jerry and give him a life lesson instead? But that life lesson is stupid! This is considering they hadn’t focused much on the pizza delivery and instead just wasted time on having fun after all. Not to mention some of those items Gerbera wouldn’t let him use could have come in handy in those SITUATIONS.
Jerry also can’t help but feel he’s been judged harshly by the flower. In response, he tells Gerbera about some of the moments where their help could have been useful on some of the SITUATIONS so far and wants them to at least be more aware a little more on what is going on.

Gerbera: Okay okay, fine. I get the point, my bud.
Gerbera: I’ll put more focus on the delivery.
Gerbera: But really, I think you should sometimes just try to loosen up and look on the bright side of things.
Gerbera: Those cool shades kind of makes it hard for you to see them after all
Gerbera: speaking metaphorically of course…

Well, at least Jerry got somewhere with Gerbera. He’s not quite sure he agrees fully with what Gerbera was trying to tell him, especially since Jerry’s own uncle had been accusing him of slacking off with Vincent and Harmon and telling him to be more focused, but there is some understanding with how the two are feeling between them now.

Gerbera: But umm…
Gerbera: One more thing
Gerbera: Advertising :pizzid: as THE ZA is a lot of fun.
Gerbera: I think you might really like it as a nice change of pace from delivery.
Gerbera: I mean, you did do some acting before…
Gerbera: And you did go to college for a job like that…

UGH never.

THE CONVERSATION HAS MADE GERBERA MORE FOCUSED ON DELIVERING THE PIZZA AND HE WILL NOW BE MORE WILLING TO USE SOME OF HIS ITEMS. But will Jerry take Gerbera’s advice to loosen up and have a little fun during the delivery in the face of a SITUATION and PROBLEM? Or will his focus remain solely on getting the pizza delivered perfectly?
No. 1034004 ID: e51896
File 165393204114.png - (117.19KB , 1280x720 , 098.png )

Jerry had enough of the conversation and just lets Gerbera talk with Mary for a moment about Mary’s new NOISE brand equipment (each sold separately, batteries not included). He did have a new text message to read, and only has time to talk to a couple more people afterwards.

It seems like the message came from ROCIO. Wait, how did she get Jerry’s number?!

Rocio: YOU
Rocio: The kindest guy and best bf in the world may have admitted defeat and declared you as being the victor…
Rocio: But I know what you did!
Rocio: You used an ITEM to help you win somehow!
Rocio: Didn’t you?!
Rocio: Yeah, I recognize that donut you used! Couldn’t win without using something to give you a handicap for victory, could you?!

How annoying. Jerry was considering just blocking her, but there were actually a couple of things that got him curious. He first asked how she would have possibly known the item he used was something that helped him without seeing it before.

Rocio: I was told about that item while selling some drinks to a cashier

That wasn’t what Rocio originally wrote. She actually wrote JOTUND’S MIGHT before she deleted the message and replaced it with DRINKS… Jerry realizes that Rocio most likely visited the BLACK MARKET to sell the illegal JOTUND’S MIGHT he saw there earlier. That meant she may have known about the secret ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUTS through Good Ol’ Grumpy. Jerry mentions that he saw what she deleted.

Rocio: Uhhh… so you did
Rocio: But it’s STILL some drinks! SPECIAL DRINKS
Rocio: Now shush!

Jerry also asks if Rocio was that naked fairy he delivered pizza to that one apartment some weeks back. He figures if he’s got some dirt on her, she would keep quiet about his illegal performance enhancement donut consumption that he totally isn’t addicted to. He explains that he recognized her silhouette through her brightness with his sunglasses as being the same as that customer’s when he was dealing with Armstrong.

Rocio: What?
Rocio: And what makes you think that?
Rocio: My spots on my wings are blue! Not red!

Jerry asks how he would have possibly known it was red as he never mentioned spot colors.

Rocio: UGH! Fine! You know my secrets, and I know yours
Rocio: But that’s beside the point!
Rocio: You’re still a lousy weak cheater!
Rocio: And I won’t accept that defeat!
Rocio: And I want to challenge you to prove you can’t succeed without cheating!
Rocio: During your delivery, I dare you to get through 5 separate UPDATES without using an ITEM.
Rocio: I don’t care whether you manage to succeed or fail without using an item, just as long as you don’t use one!
Rocio: If you can succeed in this challenge, THEN I might accept your victory!

Jerry says he doesn’t care and she can’t boss him around if he can just block Rocio

Rocio: COWARD!
Rocio: How about this!
Rocio: If you do this dare…
Rocio: I will give you something REALLY GOOD
Rocio: And trust me, I’m a fairy! I have magic that can give you something REALLY beneficial to you
Rocio: And fairies don’t lie! Lies are disgusting!

Jerry just responds that he’ll consider it if she just shuts up for a while, he’s got a pizza to deliver after all. There were a few more text messages that Rocio sent his way, but he decided not to read them for now.

UNLOCKED SIDEQUEST: Succeed in Rocio’s challenge to not use an item on 5 separate UPDATES during a SITUATION or PROBLEM
- Rocio promises something really good… but Jerry doesn’t know what it is, and if it’s even worth his time.
- It doesn’t have to be 5 times in a row, just 5 times in general.
- Rocio will think Jerry is a COWARDLY CHEATER if he doesn’t do this challenge… Not that Jerry gives a shit.

Message from PEA: read this short Lazy Fairy/30 UPDATES OR LESS NSFW crossover spinoff quest for more context: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/1028352.html

No. 1034005 ID: e51896
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Jerry has time to talk to one more person, so he next decides to text the Sweaty Kitty. He still wants pics of those sexy Geese women she was talking about.

Sweaty Kitty: Srry. can’t talk now
Sweaty Kitty: Swimming in geese, and Gene stole my phone
Sweaty Kitty: So I can’t answer you without my phone
Sweaty Kitty: Don’t wrry, I’ll get it back from him after an UPDATE or two.

Aw, shucks, Sweaty Kitty is unavailable. But hey, since she is unavailable, that just means this text didn’t count as part of the action and Jerry still has time to talk to one more person. He decides to give this Fortune Teller Hotline a call despite how creepy the idea of fortune telling is, maybe just for a laugh if it’s a scam. He decides to do what he assumes is the cheapest option first (at 25 cents) so that if it is a scam, he won’t lose too much ₵A$H… though he doesn’t know what the term CENTS is, he only has ₵A$H.
No. 1034007 ID: e51896
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Meanwhile in a far less colorful dimension, an elementary school student with a mysterious gift is having a tea party with her two Stuffy friends late at night.

Temmie: “How many lumps of sugar does Gerbera #3 like for their tea?”
Temmie: (Imitating Gerbera #3’s voice) “No lumps for me, thanks! I’m hardened enough to drink my coffee black!”
Temmie: “As you claim, but it must be remembered that we only serve tea here. Daddy doesn’t allow coffee.”
Temmie: “He says it will stunt my growth.”
Temmie: (Imitating Irah’s voice) “Heh, well in that case, if Gerbera is being such a picky eater…”
Temmie: (Imitating Irah’s Voice) “I will claim Gerbera’s lumps for myself!”
Temmie: “Irah has already been given 5 lumps for his tea.”
Temmie: “If I give more, Irah will just have a cup of sugar with tea as the supplement.”
Irah: “And? What? IS THAT A PROBLEM!?!”
Irah: “Besides, I was claimin’ the lumps of sugar for myself! What made you think I was askin’!?!”
Irah: “Sugar where I come from is an important nutritional part of a stuffy’s diet!”
Irah: “You as a fortune teller should have predicted that already, ESPECIALLY AS OUR HOST!”

Temmie leans in towards Irah and puts her finger against her mouth

Temmie: “Shhh, we don’t want daddy to find out we’re up past my bedtime.”
Temmie: “And perhaps that is the case as it stands for now… but consider this… if the spirits’ actions and guidance manage to align two universes…”
Temmie: “Construct a bridge with the tools of desire…”
Temmie: “And if the passion of The Pushover radiates strong enough and shines through with his return…”
Temmie: “An alteration may happen that coul,d in the years to come alter the masses’ way of life, for better and worse.”
Temmie: “Including the consumption of nourishment.”
Irah: “Hmph, You and your ambiguity. Why can’t you just make things clear for once?!”
Irah: “You only keep things vague because you can’t Actually see into the future and want to make your fortunes undistinguishable juuuuust enough to sound like some parts of your “fortunes” is right in case it turns out to be wrong!”

Temmie shuts her eyes and sighs at Irah’s accusation. She is about to say something when she is interrupted by her other imaginary friend.

Gerbera #3: “Hey! Be nice, she’s serving us free coffee after all!”
Irah: “Tea!
Gerbera #3: “And besides, her fortunes are actually real and useful! I have proof!”
Gerbera #3: “If her fortunes didn’t tell her to give other me the gift of other-other me, other-other me wouldn’t have been able to save other me with other-other me’s legendary singing!”

Temmie suddenly hears the sounds of the stairs creaking which prompts everyone to freeze up, worried that Irah’s loud voice may have alerted her father. But after hearing a nearby room’s door open and close, there is a sigh of relief.

Temmie: “Shhhh, don’t say the H-word. It’s a bad word. And I already warned you not to be so loud. It’s past my bedtime!”
Irah: “I’m a grownup, I say what I stuffin’ want…”
Gerbera #3: “Mmmm… I think I’ll take 2 lumps after all.”
Irah: “Ugh…”
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Temmie pours a couple spoonful of sugar into Gerbera #3’s cup of tea as Irah stares blankly at Temmie, silently judging her.

Temmie: “Very good, and with that, the tea party can commen-”
Temmie: “Ring ring…
Temmie: “Oh… speaking of fortunes.”
Temmie: “It appears my services are needed.”
Temmie: “Surprisingly much earlier than expected.”
Temmie: “As fate would have it, this party has been cut short.”
Temmie: “But you both can still drink while I answer this call.”

Temmie lays next to her Mobile Phone (and by mobile, we mean that the phone itself has wheels, so it is literally mobile) as she speaks to the man on the other end.

Temmie: “You have reached Temmie Butler of the-”
Irah: “Some fortune teller you are… you should have predicted they’d call at this time and schedule the tea party earlier!”
Gerbera #3: “You do realize she couldn’t because her dad was reading her a bedtime story, right?”
Irah: “*Sigh* When will she be old enough to not be read stories created by that one doctor?”
Gerbera #3: “Hey, you really should read a Doctor Shoes book one day, I bet you’ll like it!”

Temmie puts her hand over the phone and glares at the two dolls.

Temmie: “You got his name wrong.”
Temmie: “And Shhhhh I’m on the phone.”

She then gets back on track with her phone call.

Temmie: “I apologize about the interruption.”
Temmie: …
Temmie: “What? No you’re wrong, I wasn’t making silly voices just now.”
Temmie: “Anyway, as I was saying, you have reached Temmie Butler of the Fortunate Hotline!”
Temmie: “If it is my fortune you seek to aid you out of a situation...”
Temmie: “I am willing to guide you… for 25 cents!”
Temmie: “What kind of Fortune is required from me?”
Temmie: “Love? Wealth? Your Destiny?”
Temmie: “For an accurate fortune, please let me know about who you are, where you are, what you are doing, what time it is where you are, how you’re feeling, and any other important details you can think of.”

The man on the other end introduces himself as Jerry, former child actor turned pizza delivery man of :pizzid: Pizzeria trying to deliver a pizza in Crust City which is full of strange people trying to prevent him from doing that one simple goal.
He’s delivering a pizza to an art college full of artists and performers at the end of a school year, and he is with a living plush doll, and a sentient flower (who is the potentially former mascot of the pizzeria and may steal his delivery job). They’re over at a parking building during the late afternoon, and it’s his last chance to get this delivery done on time or else he’s put in mascot duty. He is stressed, annoyed, and in kind of a rush.
He tells Temmie that he isn’t quite in a situation just yet, but he thought he’d call early to see if he can get some help ahead of time to better prepare for the next inevitable situation.

Temmie: “How curious that you have called before you got into a situation…”
Temmie: “But I appreciate it as I didn’t have to wait long past my bedtime for a phone call and now get to go to sleep soon without making daddy angry.”

Jerry pauses at this statement. Is this Fortune teller a child?! Granted he probably could have known from her voice, but a lot of people from different species in his world all have unique voices that don’t at all sound human. Jerry wonders about the child labor laws, wondering if she is too young to work, but decides against questioning it and instead asks why she just doesn’t offer her fortune telling at earlier times and not risk jeopardizing her sleep schedule.

Temmie: “My schedule is packed.”
Temmie: “Daytime is when madam Temmie has to go to school, and play ‘Fortune Teller’ with the other kids during recess”
Temmie: “And then I'll be having a Playdate after school, and won't be available all afternoon since I'll be monitoring a Situation of my own.”
Temmie: “Evening is when Temmie has to eat dinner, do chores and homework, watch tv or spend time with her imaginary friends.”
Temmie: “So night time is the only moment when madam Temmie can talk to the spirits and wait for somebody to call for their fortunes to be read past Temmie’s bedtime.”

Jerry asks about weekends.

Temmie: “*yawn* I’m sorry Mr. Jerry, I’m getting tired and would like to read your fortune now.”
Temmie: “You and I might both get in trouble if we spend more time talking about anything but your fortune for much longer.”

Jerry apologizes, remarking she has a good point, and tells her to proceed with the fortune. Temmie clears her throat.

”To The Deliverer who knows where to go, but can’t yet distinguish the path forward, behold…”
“You may encounter The Alien wandering far from home. He will find comfort in the strangeness that would allow him to truly fit in…"
“While The Deliverer may tend to make haste to achieve his goal, speedy solutions can create more problems than they solve when ill-conceived. remember that should he come across The Alien,”
“Consider Patience with whatever way he chooses to approach that situation…”
"And to the spirits of possibility surrounding you: while I understand that simplicity can be a bit dull, this is the trade off for reliability."
"A straightforward solution will exist, allowing The Alien to be handled swiftly. If you choose to take it... Then we'll meet again very soon."

Temmie: “This is the Future as I have seen it.”

Jerry wonders what Temmie could mean by an alien. From his point of view, ever since his planet discovered multiverse travel, all these non-humans sentient beings from different universes could be considered aliens. She also said something about spirits… Is she referring to Antonio? But then again, she used spirits in the plural sense, and Antonio is just one spirit. The riddle confuses Jerry, but he figures maybe things will become clearer when the time comes.

Temmie: “As a bonus for letting me sleep early, let madam Temmie voice out one more fortune that can really benefit you.”
”At a much later point during another situation at the place where people’s capabilities are molded and dreams begin…”
"When you find yourself overwhelmed by opponents, your solace may be found in another. If a performer is needed, then the show must go on."
"Put aside your pride, and embrace the role you've rejected. Don't allow the numbers to dissuade you when your bias distorts them. Fight the odds, and break free by the force of your passion."
"While other solutions may exist, I promise that this path will lead you to a happier future, one that you'll have rightfully earned."

Jerry is unsure about this particular fortune. While he doesn’t quite understand it, he doesn’t like the sound of degrading himself in order to get something he wants, especially if it’s going to lower his coolness aspect he set himself out to be towards the public, and if this action would prevent him from delivering the pizza on time. But on the other hand, it makes him wonder how doing something that could make him look bad towards others could make his life better at all. At the very least, with it being just 25 cents, at least the confusion didn’t cost too much… or at least he thinks 25 cents isn’t a lot. He ponders all this until Temmie interrupts his train of thought.

Temmie: “We will inevitably meet during your delivery so I may collect 25 cents from you.”
Temmie: “Maybe sooner if the spirits allow it.”

What a coincidence, Jerry was just thinking about the price. He asks what 25 cents even is, as he never heard of “cents” being used in currency before, and they just use ₵A$H where he is from.

Temmie: “25 cents where I’m from is equivalent to the price for 100 grand!”
Temmie: “The same price as most candy bars really.”
Temmie: “Please have the 25 cents ready for my arrival.”
Temmie: “Good luck, Deliverer. *yawn* It is time for Madam Temmie to sleep for school tomorrow.”
Temmie: “Temmie has a feeling her service is really going to be needed for tomorrow, and she needs to be well rested for it.”
Temmie: “Therefore, I cannot accept any more fortunes for tonight.”
Temmie: “Night night, Mr. Jerry.”

100 grand?! But Jerry does not have 100,000 ₵A$H! And all this for a confusing riddle? What kind of scam was this?! Jerry is about to make a complaint, but hears the click of the phone being hung up on the other end. With a sigh, he supposes maybe he can get away with this if he just gives the fortune teller 5 ₵A$H, which is about the same amount for a candy bar or five, and tells her to buy candy at a nearby convenience store in his world. But then he wonders, what kind of dystopian economy does this Fortune Teller have where candy bars cost 100 grand!?!

He then wonders how this fortune teller is even going to meet with him to make the purchase if she doesn’t know where he is, and if as she said, she is going to sleep right now. Will she be sleepwalking? Jerry decides that maybe this whole fortune telling thing was a joke, but with how weird this town is, nothing would really surprise him at this point.

Jerry’s FORTUNE was read by TEMMIE BUTLER
- Temmie can no longer be contacted as it is her bedtime, but Iraphena and Felafaf still can be called for a fortune.
- This upcoming situation will give you 3 HELP points automatically for being patient with his actions.
- If you can figure out Temmie’s vague spirits riddle, Jerry will be guaranteed to get out of the next SITUATION (If you choose to follow her advice at least).
- You were also given a riddle that could help Jerry’s life immensely.
- Temmie will either arrive whenever you suggesters want in order to collect her 25 CENTS (or 5 ₵A$H) or she’ll have a 5% chance of meeting with Jerry, with an additional 5% to meet him added after each UPDATE (example: UPDATE 10 has a 5% chance. UPDATE 11 will raise it to 10% chance)

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There we go, that’s three successful conversations, not counting the one with the Sweaty Kitty because she’s unavailable. Jerry shoos Gerbera away by asking if there is some ACTION they want to do before they hit the road again. After Gerbera goes off to do whatever, Jerry then proceeds to meet up with his friends up on the roof of the building when another phone call interrupts him.
Awwww, come on, the prompt said THREE, not FOUR or FIVE people to talk to. But he guesses he should answer since it appears to be Purr Feckt on the caller ID, and he’d rather not get in trouble with her again. He thinks he’ll have the conversation while he’s walking up to the roof. But he wonders how people keep getting his phone number.

Purr Feckt: Three rings. That’s not very well-mannered of you.
Purr Feckt: It’s two rings, the minimum amount to properly answer a phone to a lady. Remember that next time Mr. Le Booshki.

Jerry rolls his eyes and thanks Purr Feckt for the advice, and asks how she even got his number.

Purr Feckt: As part of our investigation into your crime, because your phone was evidence in the trial, it was required to look through it for any evidence of wrong-doing relating to the crime.

Well shit, the bitch invaded Jerry’s privacy. Jerry’s anxiety rises as he realizes this could mean she looked through his web browser history of hot sexy geese in his area, or looked through his photo gallery of his embarrassing acting performances from his college years.

Purr Feckt: Listen, P.I. Zzander informed me about everything.
Purr Feckt: And with great reluctance, we have decided to pardon you from your crime.
Purr Feckt: But be warned, we will be keeping a close eye on you.
Purr Feckt: With that out of the way, P.I. Zzander also informed me that you wished to speak with me, yes or no?

Jerry tries to explain how his friend Mary wants to go home to that world Jerry was in, and wants to get the address to that universe when Purr Feckt interrupts him.

Purr Feckt: Mr. Le Booshki, that wasn’t an open-ended question, I only asked you a yes or no question.
Purr Feckt: It will serve you well next time to pay attention!

Ugh, Purr Feckt with her persnickety demands. Jerry just relents and says yes to the question.

Purr Feckt: Well unfortunately I am a very busy feline, and have no time for idle conversations that are meaningless to me.
Purr Feckt: I only called to inform you that if you wish to speak with me, you will have to make a proper appointment at my office.
Purr Feckt: Only then I will consider speaking with you the next UPDATE I’m available.
Purr Feckt: Which most likely won’t be until another… oh say… 60+ UPDATES currently.

Jerry is getting a bit frustrated and is considering just hanging up and just figuring out another way to get Mary home when Mary speaks up.

Mary: Psst. Jerry, tell Purr Feckt we have her purse!
Mary: Maybe she’ll be willing to listen to us then.

Good point! Jerry tells Purr Feckt that he found her purse during the trial, and was meaning to give it back to her, but couldn’t when they sent him to that prison universe.

Purr Feckt: Well, well. So that’s where it went.
Purr Feckt: Your honesty is much appreciated, Mr. Le Booshki. Looks like there’s hope in you becoming a proper gentleman after all.
Purr Feckt: If you may drop it off at my office at once, I might be more inclined to hear you out.
Purr Feckt: Otherwise, I’ll have to report you for theft if it is not at my office by the end of the day…

Jerry tells her that if her purse is important, she’ll need to visit him instead as he is on the clock. Besides, it’s only fair since she falsely got him found guilty after all. Purr Feckt sounds a bit more annoyed over the phone now.

Purr Feckt: How rude of you Mr. Le Booshki. If you must know, I can’t drive to you because YOU happen to have my car keys in my purse.
Purr Fectk: And the Jury is never wrong. You were indeed guilty.

Jerry tells her to just take a cab then.

Purr Feckt: Again, impossible. My wallet is also in my purse

Jerry responds that she should just take an Ooobur then, they accept credit or bank cards, and someone with a perfect memory like her should be able to remember her card number… unless maybe… she forgot?

There is a long pause before Purr Feckt responds again

Purr Feckt: Of course I have a perfect memory, Mr. Le Booshki!
Purr Feckt: In fact, as soon as I am done with my meeting with my sister Dea at MARINATION UNIVERSITY, I will personally come find you and take my purse back.
Purr Feckt: I will be right over at your location after about 10 UPDATES when my visit with Dea is over.
Purr Feckt: And then I will prove you wrong by showing just how perfect my memory is.
Purr Feckt: Just as I have proved your guilt during your trial.
Purr Feckt: Ta ta, Mr. Le Booshki!

Purr Feckt hangs up the phone as she sits waiting for her sister at the lobby of the MARINATION UNIVERSITY DORM, and then rummages through her notes app on her phone.

Purr Feckt: Let's see… Now where did I record my credit card number on this thing? Shit…

Purr Feckt will now come look for you sometime after UPDATE 20
- You can meet her earlier if you manage to make it to the MARINATION UNIVERSITY before UPDATE 20, which she will appreciate and be more willing to help Mary’s problem.

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Jerry finishes the phone call right when he reaches the roof of the parking building. He immediately spots Vincent staring off at the city, and Harmon waving him over.

Harmon: Eyyy, Vincent, dig that! It’s the Jear Bear!
Vincent turns around and looks over at Jerry, giving him a nod as he approaches

Harmon: Yo! I saw the fuzz chase ya down from up here, man.
Harmon: That was wild. Hope that square P.I. Zzander didn’t cause you too much trouble.

Jerry shrugs and says that it could have been worse, but his new friend Mary was able to get him out of that jam. Mary responds by waving at Harmon, to which Harmon gives his familiar big ol’ grin as he usually does. It’s always weirds Jerry out when he does that, as it’s pretty weird seeing a cat like him have unnaturally large human looking teeth like that which he can somehow fit in his mouth.

Harmon: Ah, she’s a cute chick, she is!
Harmon: so, you went Quail huntin’ and found yourself a new girlfriend finally. Nice!
Mary: uhmm… I’m actually a man…
Mary: But I don’t mind, I appreciate the compliment, hee hee…

Jerry is concerned as Mary only corrected Harmon as being male, but not correcting him as being his girlfriend, especially as Mary blushes like that

Harmon: Oh maaaan, what a drag of me to make that mistake. Sorry daddy-o.
Harmon: So what brings you to this galaxy, Jerry? Here to share some Za?

Jerry pulls out the DECOY CARDBOARD PIZZA, and hands it to Harmon, to which he starts salivating over. Jerry also informs him that it’s only good for one bite, and then afterwards, it’ll taste like cardboard.

Harmon: oh maaaan, that’s a bummer dude.
Harmon: why can’t you just let us have a slice of the customer’s pizza like you sometimes do?

Jerry tells him about how this particular pizza delivery needs to be perfect, or he is demoted from his pizza delivery job, remembering to omit the detail of him doing mascot duty as that would make him look bad towards Harmon and Vincent, so he’ll have to settle for the cardboard pizza.

Harmon: Hey, whatevs man. I’ll just take the biggest bite I ever took, and savor this one bite.
Harmon: And then modify the cardboard into a box to chill in, easy.

Harmon removes a slice from the cardboard pizza, and takes a large bite at the pizza with his giant teeth before shoving the rest of the entire pizza slice in his mouth. It’s a disgusting sight to witness, so Jerry turns his attention to Vincent who is smoking his weed as he leans on the ledge of the building.
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He knows that Vincent is a huge fan of the popular NOISE graphic novels, so decides to show off Mary's Hairclip and how cool it looks on him, being careful not to mention the thong. He hopes Vincent doesn’t notice the thong. He hopes Mary doesn’t mention the thong. He wishes the thong never existed.

Mary: Aww, shucks Jerry, you don’t have to help give me attention by showing off my new hairclip and thong.

Why oh why did Mary have to mention the thong???? Well it doesn’t seem to matter, because after giving a good look at Mary and his new attire, he gives Mary a thumbs up, to which Mary responds excitedly.

Mary: Th…thank you! I feel like I don’t deserve the recognition, but it feels nice all the same to be complimented!

Jerry thinks about how poor Mary could really use some attention if he’s actually getting choked up from a simple compliment over his clothing. Maybe if his silly tree farm idea works, he’ll finally get the recognition he seeks.

But now that he has buttered up Harmon with the pizza, and Vincent by showing him some sweet NOISE gear, it’s time to attempt to recruit the two friends. Jerry proposes the idea of helping him out with saving his job position, to which Harmon frowns.

Harmon: No can do, man.
Harmon: We saw you hangin’ with that weirdo after they stabled the iron.
Harmon: and while you’re cool and all, I can’t take that flower buggin’ us through the pizza delivery, ya dig?
Harmon: what about you, Vincent?

Vincent just gives a soft hum, and turns around to look out into the city again.

Harmon: Sorry man, no can do.
Harmon: But tell ya what, Vincent and I are gonna be bikin’ around town soon.
Harmon: Give us a call, and we’ll try to get to you after TWO-THREE UPDATES.
Harmon: Just as long as you think the SITUATION you’ll be in is serious enough. Would be a draaaag to come over only to find out you only called to deal with a flat tire or something. We want action, man!

Jerry asks why not just let him ride with them on one of the bikes they’ll be riding on so he can get to the destination quicker, to which Harmon laughs.

Harmon: Haaahahaha, good one Jerry, having you sit so close behind me on the bike like that would be weeeeeird
Harmon: I don’t swing that way, ya dig?

Jerry sighs, and says that is a very good point, and says his goodbyes to Harmon and Vincent

Harmon: Hey, nice chilling with ya. Shame you can’t stay longer.
Harmon: We might show up near the MARINATION UNIVERSITY after our ride if you want to talk to us again.
Harmon: Laaaaater man!

You can now call HARMON or VINCENT on your phone
- They’ll be more willing to help you if the SITUATION is large enough, and won’t want to help with something small.
- It will take the TWO-THREE updates for them to arrive.
- Hint: It might be best to use if you think that in TWO or THREE updates down the line you’ll be dealing with W2K.

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Jerry waves goodbye and meets up with Gerbera again. He asks the flower what he did with their last ACTION

Gerbera: Well, I considered what you said about taking this job more seriously, so I decided to get the dent on the MOPED fixed up with my remaining 50 ₵A$H
Gerbera: Because I am a GREAT employee!
Gerbera: Man, our boss will be so proud of me!
Mary: That’s great Gerbera! Now we won’t get in trouble!

UGH, Gerbera is trying to make themself look good in front of his uncle to ensure his place as a delivery flower. Not good! Why couldn’t they just buy something that will help with the delivery instead of fixing a moped which won’t be used for the rest of the delivery?

Gerbera: But that also means I have no ₵A$H in my wallet now, I might need to go to the bank later.
Gerbera: So sorry, my bud. I’m not going to be able to buy anything until the SECOND CHECKPOINT

The SECOND CHECKPOINT is now Jerry’s next destination, which is a bar known as “WALK-INTO-A”. He’s at UPDATE 10, and he thinks a good par time to reach it will be by UPDATE 20. And to make it there, the PIZZA PARTY will have to go through THREE HAMS ROAD. Here goes nothing.

But no more than a few steps out the door, Jerry is stopped by the sight of a weird looking bald human kid who’s mouth and neck is entirely covered by the collar of his shirt. He is in a daze as he stares up in the sky while he scratches his chin, pondering about something.

The kid has a shirt that says “Human” and has a green scaled reptilian tail. Nothing out of the ordinary about that, cross-breeding is definitely a thing that happens in this world somehow, which could rarely result in kangaroos with frog legs, Horses with bug-like compound eyes, Bnuuys with feathers instead of fur that could use their ears to fly around with, Alligators with Crocodile snouts. Though most of the time, they take after only their mother or father’s species, not both. This kid seems to be 85% human, and 15% lizard.

And yet, the sight of this kid is making Jerry VERY NERVOUS. Throughout the past year of delivering pizza, Jerry has been through a lot of weird SITUATIONS, and come across all sorts of WEIRDOS in the city that puts him into those said SITUATIONS, and somehow, he can sense the unpredictable WEIRDNESS scale on this kid going through the roof!

Gerbera: Uhhh, Jerry? is everything all right?
Mary: It’s just a kid, boss. We can just, umm… walk past him?
Mary: or if you’re really worried, we can just cross the street away from him.
Gerbera: Yeah, Mary’s right. In fact, maybe we should ask and see if he needs help? He looks lost, and I can’t seem to find anyone that looks to be his parents around here.
Gerbera: It might be dangerous for him here alone.

No… they’re wrong. This kid… From what Jerry can sense, is WEIRDNESS INCARNATE, and right now, with how WEIRD this city is, he’s in his ELEMENT! A VERY DANGEROUS INDIVIDUAL who can lock Jerry in a SITUATION from sheer will alone! Who knows what devious plot he could be brewing in that crooked mind of his? Jerry will have to plan his next action VERY VERY CAREFULLY.
Jerry starts to also think about the Fortune Teller’s fortune about being PATIENT with his actions… but… how CAN he be patient with a powerful figure such as this?! And what did she mean about spirits causing an event to happen?

Mary: Uhhh, boss?

- You have been given 3 HELP points that will be used in this SITUATION from Temmie’s fortune. Jerry will do his best to be patient with his actions.
- You are now limited to doing 3 SUB OPTIONS per update. They will happen if enough people vote for them. This will help limit the amount of work I do.
- There is a way to instantly get out of this situation. Can you figure it out? I sincerely hope you can. If not, don’t worry about it.


(optional: come up with an idea how if you vote this. You can also write up a SABOTAGE idea in case HELP loses. One vote for HELP adds one point to HELP)

(optional: Come up with an idea how if you vote this. You can also write up a HELP idea in case SABOTAGE loses. One vote for SABOTAGE adds one point to SABOTAGE)

Number of times you DIDN’T use an item for Rocio’s challenge: 0/5

Gerbera: Look, I said I’m going to be more serious with helping out but…
Gerbera: It’s just a kid. I don’t think this is something we should worry too much about.
Gerbera: But if you want me to use items, I’m not going to use anything that will harm him in any way, okay?

PURR FECKT’S PURSE (Chances Purr Feckt will find out Jerry used her purse currently: 15%)
Gerbera: Maybe there is something we can…
Mary: NOPE! Nothing to see in here except the chance to keep me from going home!
Mary: S…sorry, if you really need to, I won’t stop you from using it.
- Write down what you want inside and list their SABOTAGE or HELP points, and how it will help or sabotage you. Preferably keep this one with more help points than sabotage plz.
-Keep in mind your percentage of Purr Feckt finding out you rummaged through her purse will increase.

Mary: If you want, you can hide yourself and the pizza inside the shell.
Gerbera: As long as I get to go inside too!
Gerbera: And I’m not taking no for an answer!
Gerbera: It looks cozy inside!
Jerry feels having Gerbera inside the shell with him will make him too uncomfortable to sneak past the weird human and might trip over himself.

Mary: Are you sure you should be taking another one after eating the previous one so soon?
Mary: I mean, it will work since you’ll be able to quickly run from him as time moves slowly for you, but I’m worried you might start getting addicted to these…
Jerry also wants to save this donut on a day off, but if he needs to use it to escape this powerful being, he’ll do it.

Mary: Think he might want to trade it? It might be useful for whatever adventure he is on
Gerbera: I don’t think kids like playing with Screwdrivers, it’s not a toy
Mary: Well, he does seem a bit itchy scratching his chin. Maybe he can use the screwdriver as a back scratcher?
Jerry doesn’t think this will work at all

Mary: Maybe we can offer him the airbag as a pillow to let him rest a bit and help him figure out what he’s thinking about?
Gerbera: Huh? But aren’t Airbags unsafe for children?
Jerry explains to Gerbera that this only applies to cars… maybe?

Jerry’s wallet (1271 ₵A$H from Jerry)
Mary: What if we gave him some ₵A$H or toys or candy, then he’ll go away?
Jerry is not willing to pay more that 20 ₵A$H
HELP: 1-6, depending on how much you give him.

Mary: You think someone might help out?
Mary: The Sweaty Kitty is probably still busy getting out of her own SITUATION trying to get her phone back to negotiate with him…
Mary: But we still have the other two Fortune Tellers, maybe you can try calling them for help?
Mary: and I’m not sure if Purr Feckt, or Rocio will want to help us
Call Iraphena (costs the equivalent of 1000 BUX, whatever that means)

Call Felafaf (Free, but the next SITUATION will give you 9 SABOTAGE points due to a changed destiny)

Call Purr Feckt

Call Rocio

Gerbera Doll
Mary: We could hand that over to him as a gift, he is a kid after all.
Mary: Though… It’s pretty disturbing seeing a lifeless Stuffie being used for playtime…
Gerbera: I don’t really want to hand it over, but… If it’s for the pizza delivery, I guess I will.
Gerbera: At least he’ll think it’s a cool toy, because it’s me!
Jerry is worried that if he pulls that pullstring from the doll, it’ll make him upset and make the SITUATION worse, and will be forced to feel his wrath.

Mary: It still amazes me that music can be played from this thing. It’s like highly developed music box!
Mary: Maybe we can get him distracted by listening to the music?
Gerbera: I’ll run out of batteries on my radio though…
Jerry is worried the kid might throw a fit if they play a genre of music he despises.
Help:4 SABOTAGE: 4
Mary: What if one of us disguises ourself with this?
Gerbera: Good idea! Kids love funny mascot characters!
Gerbera: I can distract him long enough for Jerry to pass, and then meet up with you soon after
Mary: Yeah, but what if he starts following us for more of your performance?
Gerbera: ummm… hmmm… I haven’t thought of that.

>-GET ANTONIO’S HELP (7 HELP POINTS) (Lowers Pizza Temperature unless you give him STALE LEFTOVERS to maintain the temperature… which you no longer have) (Pizza Temperature is: HOT)

Antonio: If you’re talking about the riddle referring to the spirits, I have no fucking clue, leave me alone. I hate riddles
Antonio: I can just scare him off though.

Sub Options (you can only do three SUB OPTIONS actions)
>-Text the someone
- This will do nothing to HELP or SABOTAGE the situation, but you will get some fun dialogue. Write down what Jerry should text them, and they’ll respond appropriately. You can only text one person.

>- Summon Temmie
-She will arrive for her 25 CENTS (5 ₵A$H)
- Results will vary as to how she might contribute to the SITUATION, whether it be giving HELP or SABOTAGE points, no points at all, or something GOOD or BAD to happen.
-Currently 5% chance she’ll show up next UPDATE if you decide not to summon her.

>-Use all or some of your free HELP point(s)
- You have 10.
- Can only vote for or against using if you’re voting HELP.
- Specify how many points you want to use.

>-Use all or some your free SABOTAGE point(s)
- You have 10.
- Can only vote for or against using if you’re voting SABOTAGE.
- Specify how many points you want to use.

>-Call Vincent or Harmon
-They will arrive in TWO-THREE UPDATES giving you 5 HELP points, or 5 SABOTAGE points depending on if the SITUATION is serious or not.

>-Item management! Throw away, or put an item inside the HAMMERSPACE (Mary is an option)

MESSAGE FROM PEA: Guest stars from Himitsu’s quest Perpetuity featuring Temmie and Franklin! Plz read it. https://questden.org/wiki/Perpetuity
I’m going to try to keep the next UPDATE short, as there are some other projects I need to work on, and I’ve been going slower and slower with making these updates. I want to try to limit the amount of pages I do to get these updates out faster.
I will also soon be posting a page which contains your inventory and stats, sidequests, and other important information to help keep things organized soon. That said, I appreciate everyone’s patience.

No. 1034014 ID: afe7de

Go talk to the kid, ask him if he knows Temmie, Your curiosity is getting the better of you, and maybe Gerbera pokes you a bit too much so you just go do it, so you talk to him, maybe walk with him for a bit, and because you do, the gosling wave passes inches from you. Making you THINK you're in another situation, but it just harmlessly passes since you were with the wierd magnet and he has a weirdness anti-pulse going on like a reverse polarity magnet, he attracts the weird, but it cant get TOO close.

I'll leave the sub-suggests to others since we gotta wait for the absolutely amazing sweaty kitty before we can text her.
No. 1034024 ID: 8483cf

I vote to HELP. Not to HELP Jerry, but... the weird kid!

Ask him if he's lost. Temmie said that the most straightforward method might work best!

Sub Option: I vote to use 2 of our 10 HELP points to help the weird kid. He's in his element, but everyone needs some extra help now and then!
No. 1034029 ID: 8b82ee

Hmmm, this is a really tricky scenario and Jerry will have to be an adult in this situation. Ask the kid if he is lost, if he says yes point him to the nearest police station, if he says no continue on your journey and if he asks to join you tell him that child labor is illegal.
No. 1034030 ID: 8b82ee

Oh fuck I forgot the emphasize the whole thing about if my suggestion is HELP or SABOTAGE. Hmmm, my answer to that question is yes.
No. 1034080 ID: 629f2e

Who is this weirdo?


The kid makes a sudden movement, causing Jerry to panic and try to get the pizza away from him.

The sudden movement was... just the boy reaching to shake Gerbera's leaf hand, as apparently they were introducing themselves while Jerry wasn't paying attention.

One problem. Jerry's instincts led to him tossing the box through the window of the building they're standing in front of, much to the displeasure of its resident (An insurance saleswoman who ironically doesn't have any. Let's say that she's got a cell-phone for a head, and her expressions are all text emojis, e.g. :), :(, >:(, ^_^'). She's furious that you've tossed pizza of all things into her office. All the grease will ruin her touch screen!

Also, you just broke a window. Very bad.

With her bad mood, she seems liable to toss the pizza in her waste bin out of spite. Or worse: Leave a bad review on the :pizzid: webpage! How do you calm her down enough to get the pizza back and prevent a terrible review?

Also that kid is still here. He hasn't done anything YET but he still might. Jerry's got his eye on him.


I feel confident that I know what the instant win option is. Let's not do that, solving things yourself will be way more fun.

In fact, since this is a more relaxed SITUATION, I think it would be a perfect chance for Gerbera to take the lead, following some of your advice.

Gerbera talks to them a bit, asks some basic questions, and establishes that the kid isn't planning on taking their pizza or anything. That calms Jerry down, and they quickly realize that this isn't even a SITUATION. Despite how odd the boy is, there is literally just not any potential PROBLEM budding here.

The kid carries on his way, and Gerbera gets to feel rightly smug for a bit about handling herself well.

As for what to talk about, honestly Gerbera could just start to talk at them rather than asking questions, with the boy just nodding along and chipping in once in a while. It's a goofy and harmless situation, might as well enjoy it. He encourages her about Snowpea and tells her that people misunderstand him all the time, but that they're easily cleared up and nobody really holds it against you as long as you mean well.

Jerry could also ask about how much cents are worth, to which Franklin intensifies the misunderstanding by repeating something he heard from a friend. "Twenty-five cents is a big deal, you really have to think before spending that much."

This was a quote from his friend Roger, who was weighing whether to buy a pencil sharpener or a Snickers bar. This context is not provided.
No. 1034087 ID: e5709d

Uh, guys? Pizza? I know Temmie said patience but we're not going to get there by waiting.
No. 1034364 ID: 629f2e

Quick Sub-option add-on: Jerry should text Gene through SK's phone to tell him to just get burgers if he's hungry, as there's a really great restaurant on this street. He's trying to set Gene up to meet his psycho ex and make her his problem to distract her. If this backfires and they end up working together later, that's on Jerry.
No. 1035325 ID: e51896

rolled 1, 4, 3 = 8

Message from PEA: 3 HELP POINTS from being patient Temmie's fortune, 3 HELP votes (I'm assuming KOME is voting for help as he wants to get back on track on delivering pizza. If he states otherwise, I'll have to reroll.) 1 SABOTAGE vote, and one YES vote Which I have no clue how to interpret.

as for SUB OPTIONS, There wasn't enough points to use your extra HELP points as Donut suggested as we needed at least 2 people to vote to use the extra HELP points (as stated here https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1014571.html#1026137). But you will talk to Gene like Himitsu suggested

Once the six sided dices are rolled, I will add the points to the results. the first dice will be HELP, the second dice will be SABOTAGE... And uhhhh... the Third dice roll will be for YES I guess?
No. 1035328 ID: e51896

rolled 45 = 45

Message from PEA: HELP WINS with 7 HELP POINTS > 5 SABOTAGE POINTS > 4 YES points.

Votes are locked in and you can no longer vote or do SUB OPTIONS, BUT you can still suggest ideas on what will happen. If you previously suggested an idea for how Jerry gets SABOTAGED, you can still suggest an idea for how Jerry gets HELPED for

Also, I'm rolling the dice to see if TEMMIE will arrive for her 25 cents. She has a 5% chance, so anything 5 or lower from a 100 dice roll means she will show up.
No. 1035330 ID: e51896

Temmie will not arrive this time, but her chance of arriving the next UPDATE will be raised to 10% unless you summon her next update.
No. 1037726 ID: e51896
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Jerry wants nothing more than to run far away, before this powerful being unleashes his wrath upon him for his pizza. Hell, he’ll even drop that pizza right here and now if it means his life will be spared.
Jerry knows Temmie told him to have patience with this “alien”, but there’s no logic in that! Wouldn’t being patient make the pizza delivery late? Wouldn’t being patient give this kid the time he needs to successfully formulate his master plan to put Jerry in the worst PROBLEM imaginable?
Screw it! Listening to the fortune would mean he is gambling his life on a possible scam, and Jerry can’t wait around and risk putting his life in danger. He finally works up the courage to make a break for it when…

Gerbera: Hello human, hello! You seem confused, need any HELP?

No wait, this could work! Jerry figures that while Gerbera is distracting this kid, he can make a break for it to save his life!

Or at least he would. Something seems to be holding back the pizza delivery man from amscraying outta there. What could it be? Could he perhaps be feeling guilt from leaving the annoying flower behind again?
No, he is actually far too terrified to move as the kid slowly stops pondering and looks towards the PIZZA PARTY, staring straight right into their souls as he tilts his head, finger still placed firmly on his chin, as if trying to figure out a terrifying fate for the PIZZA PARTY. Before Jerry has the chance to do anything, the kid finally speaks out.
Weird Kid: Oh, ummm,
Weird Kid: I’m not supposed to talk to strangers…
Weird Kid: Especially not after my friend graduated early by speaking to one the other day…

Jerry didn’t quite catch what he said there. Something about graduation? In this economy? All graduation gets you these days is an overpriced piece of paper. Regardless, Jerry tells Gerbera that this kid made a VERY good point, and that they should just leave this to an authoritative figure, like a police officer.
In response, Gerbera gives a smug grin, and laughs at Jerry’s suggestion.

Gerbera: Ahhh, but you seem to forget, my bud…
Gerbera: I already told you… I AM an authoritative figure!
Gerbera: Me and Snowpea worked as high-ranking guards for a government in another universe before we moved here, remember?

Before Jerry can make a retort, Gerbera reaches into their wallet, and pulls out some ID as proof. WHAT THE FUCK!? Jerry could believe Snowpea herself being a guard, but he always figured that Gerbera made that guard business up just to gain clout points to level up his smugness! They actually were high ranking guards? How did such an easily distracted smug idiot manage that?! Jerry asks why Gerbera even left that position behind for a job at :pizzid: of all places.

Gerbera: Eh, our old home is currently at peace, so my services aren’t really needed there right now.
Gerbera: So Snowpea and I are taking this time of peace to sneak out and live a second life here since we already have a lot of other guards at ready in case something does go bad.
Gerbera: And I had nothing better to do, so I just decided to get a job at my favorite pizzeria.

Jerry is in so much disbelief that he has to process this. But he seemed to have forgotten about being terrified of the human kid and the current situation they’re in.

Weird kid: Oh, you’re like a police officer? Then it should be alright to talk to you, I think…
Franklin: My name is Franklin.
Gerbera: The name’s Gerbera. And this here is Jerry, and Mary
Mary: Hello!
Franklin: ...You can talk. I guess that's normal, some toys talk. But... don't they usually have pullstrings?
Franklin: Hmm... Maybe it's in the tail?
Mary: P…please don’t pull my tail!
Mary: I’m still a bit disturbed by the idea of a pullstring. Seeing Gerbera use it earlier… *shudder*
Mary: Lifeless plushies as toys are pretty disturbing too. I guess as long as they’ve never had life to begin with it’s fine… but…

No. 1037727 ID: e51896
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Gerbera: You don’t seem to be with your parents or guardians… Are you lost? This city can get pretty dangerous without supervision.
Franklin: Lost? Hmmm…

Franklin stares up into the sky idly as Jerry wonders how one could be so confused about whether they are lost or not. Gerbera doesn’t try to get his attention. Instead, they join Franklin, doing the exact same thing.

Gerbera: Oh wow! That cloud looks like sheep!
Franklin: ...Oh yeah! It does.
Franklin: That one looks like cotton candy I think. Actually, that's normal for clouds, isn't it... Maybe it just looks like a cloud?
Gerbera: Oooh, pretty! And that one looks like shrubs!

The two look at each other and both laugh. While speaking to Franklin could be very dangerous, as there’s no knowing when he might attack, Jerry thinks this is getting to be a ridiculous waste of time. But seeing this as an opportunity to escape, Jerry is about to leave when Franklin speaks up again.

Franklin: That was fun, thanks. I think it helped me remember.
Franklin: Yeah, I am lost… I dunno how I got here… but…
Franklin: At the same time, I think I am supposed to be here?
Franklin: I remember… I got a fortune yesterday telling me about something I was supposed to do when I am “Lost in a place where I belong” and that doing whatever I’m supposed to do is going to help me ”Find myself”
Franklin: Hmmm… What was the thing I was supposed to do though…?
Gerbera: Oh! Well, that one’s easy
Gerbera: Because you’re already found!
Gerbera: You’re standing right there in front of me!
Franklin: Ohhhhhh… That makes sense. Thanks.
Mary: Hmmm… I don’t know, guys… That seems a bit too straight forward to be a fortune…
Mary: Jerry’s was a lot more vague in comparison…

Wait fortunes? This can’t just be a coincidence. Jerry asks Franklin if the fortune teller wouldn’t have to be someone named Temmie, would it?

Franklin: How’d you know?
Franklin: I didn’t think she did fortune telling stuff outside of Cattenom…
Franklin: Hmmm… Though she did do that one Secret Santa thing with people from out of town...
Mary: Well that settles it! We just gotta call Temmie again, and she can probably send someone to help him!

Following Mary’s advice, Jerry tries calling Temmie… but she’s not answering. In fact, the call seems to be disconnected on her end… weeeeeird.

Mary: Oh, darn… Well, she did say she had to go to bed…
Gerbera: Hmmm… strange, when I looked up Cattenom on my phone, it didn't appear to be anywhere on the map…
Gerbera: Well, there is one street called “Cat Nom”, but that place just has cat food factories, and fishing lakes…
Gerbera: Did… you somehow end up here from another world?
Gerbera: How did you get here anyways?

No. 1037729 ID: e51896
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Franklin is looking to the sky again, and Jerry is feeling a little more impatient having to sit through waiting for him to remember… but thankfully, it didn’t last long again.

Franklin: Hmmm… Albert was coming over, so I told dad about it… and then…
Franklin: …
Franklin: …!
Franklin is suddenly shuddering, his shoulders raising to his ears as his arms wrap around his chest. Did something happen there that made him tremble in fear?

Gerbera: Uhhh… Franklin?
Mary: Are you okay?

Franklin suddenly stops all at once, looking perfectly neutral as thought the past few seconds hadn’t happened.

Franklin: …I don’t think anything happened. I’m just here.
Franklin: That’s all…

…Jerry squints through his shades at the boy, who has no response to the suspicion. Possibly just because he can’t tell it’s happening due to Jerry’s shades.

Franklin: …Oh right! I remembered the other bit!
Franklin: Temmie said I’d be able to find myself if I “go to the jungle where the animals play!”
Franklin: I’m not sure what that means… but I’m supposed to go there.

Well that wasn’t quite what they were trying to get Franklin to remember, but at least they got a hint of where he’s supposed to go. Jerry suggests it’s most likely the nearby jungle gym.

Gerbera: Oooooh! Clever.
Gerbera: Yeah, don’t worry about thinking about how you got here for now. We might be able to find answers at the jungle gym!
Franklin: …Oh, but that’s at the park back home. Do you know how to get there from here?
Gerbera: Other parks have them too actually. Hopefully it’s the closeby one that your fortune means.
Franklin: That would be convenient.
Franklin: Hmm… I wonder if I’m dreaming again…

Visiting other worlds through dream travel? That’s new. Jerry wonders if that is even a legal form of transportation from one universe to another.
No. 1037730 ID: e51896
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The PIZZA PARTY proceeds on their way to the park playground which is thankfully near THREE HAMS ROAD. Gerbera, Mary, and Franklin seem to be having different conversations, asking about how Franklin is doing in school, Mary talking about his plush world which got Franklin really intrigued about living toys, and Gerbera’s adventures as a guard.

Franklin: ...I dunno. People misunderstand me all the time. Usually they just want me to explain.
Franklin: Or they pretend I didn't say anything, which is fine too.
Franklin: ...Anyways, I don't know Snowpea, but she'll probably be fine. If people can make up after bad stuff that they did on purpose, then accidents should be even easier.
Gerbera: I guess you’re right…
Gerbera: Yeah. Okay.
Gerbera: I’ll just do my best to talk to her whenever I get the chance!
Gerbera: If only she’d answer her phone…
Gerbera: Thanks for the pep talk.
Franklin: ...Why would it matter if you were getting hot and sweaty with someone else though? I get sweaty around other kids plenty. Is it a flower thing?
Gerbera: Oh! Ummmm-

The PIZZA PARTY is suddenly stopped in their tracks by the shocked barking of Mary as the PIZZA PARTY witnesses a huge pile of Goslings passing by the crosswalk. How did they not notice this sooner? It looks like they’ve been crossing for a while now, but it seems like there is thankfully an end in sight. That’s good. Jerry didn’t want to wait another 30 minutes.


Jerry looks around to find out where that voice is coming from. It seemed to have been coming from the Gosling tidal wave that’s passing by. Jerry looks up and sees…

Sweaty Kitty: HI GUYS! Can’t talk at the moment!
Sweaty Kitty: Looks like I’m still stuck in a PROBLEM right now!
Sweaty Kitty: But don’t worry, I think I should be able to escape from it by the NEXT UPDATE
Sweaty Kitty: Just as soon as I wrestle my phone back from Eugene here!
Eugene: Hey! Let go! The phone is mine now!
Eugene: You’re getting your sweat all over it!
Sweaty Kitty: MY sweat, MY phone!
Sweaty Kitty: How’s about I drip some sweat on your paws to make that phone slip outta your gr…

Sweaty Kitty and Eugene fight over her phone as they ride off into the distance towards THREE HAMS ROAD.

The Sweaty Kitty will now be available to call on Jerry’s phone again for conversation, and HELP negotiate and mediate arguments!

Franklin: …That was a lot of birds.
Franklin: They were cute though.
Gerbera: I know, right?! See Jerry? He gets me!

Jerry comes to a sudden realization: if he didn’t stop for Franklin and had instead run away, that tidal wave probably would have swept him up as soon as he ran across the crosswalk, putting him in a PROBLEM like the Sweaty Kitty is facing.
As the gosling tidal wave passes by, Jerry can see the playground right across the street! All they need to do now is to find whatever Franklin is looking for, and they can be on their way.
No. 1037731 ID: e51896
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Immediately as the Pizza Party enters that playground, a beach ball rolls towards Franklin’s feet. He picks up the ball and hears another kid yelling out to him

???: Hey! Pass it over here!

The kid seems to be some kind of reptile wearing a scarf much like Franklin… or is it a turtleneck? Regardless, over his sweater, he wears a shirt or tank top that says “Lizard” on it, Which he obviously is, definitely not human like Franklin. The only odd thing about him is that he doesn’t have a tail like most lizards would. As the lizard kid runs up, Franklin nods and throws the ball towards him. The lizard kid unfortunately misses as it bonks his head and rolls away, but he doesn’t seem to care as he tilts his head in confusion as he gets a better look at Franklin

???: Uhhh, have we met before?
???: I can’t help but feel like I’m supposed to know you before, like long ago…
???: And there’s a tickle in the back of my mind as I’m staring at you…
Franklin: I dunno. My name is Franklin.
Franklin: This is actually my first time visiting this… world?
???: Oh! A new kid! Well my name is Kril Fann. But you can call me Kril!

Kril stares up to the sky, pondering much like Franklin did earlier.

Kril: Really, this conversation feels familiar for some reason…
Kril: Where are you from?
Franklin: Cattenom. …I don’t think it exists here though.
Franklin: But… I don’t think here exists there either. Now that I really think about it… This definitely just feels like another weird dream.[/b]

So Franklin probably DID travel here through dreaming… Kind of an unorthodox form of transportation, but hey, as long as his world has invented multidimensional travel, it should be fine.

Kril and Franklin seem to be getting along really well, as their engaging conversation continues with smiles and intrigue. It’s like looking at two close siblings having a conversation with each other really. It’s amazing how similar they look and act that Jerry almost forgot who Franklin was and who was Kril at one point.
Kril: Oh neat, so you’re a tourist!
Kril: As for me, my family moved here from another universe.
Kril: A lot of students were teasing me for not having a tail like the other lizards
Kril: And they thought it was unnatural for a lizard to have hair.
Kril: So, we moved to this world where there are so many different species, that it didn’t matter if we had tails or not.
Franklin: …Where I’m from, it’s weirder to have one than not. I haven’t met any other kids with tails before. I still don’t think it’s that weird though.
Franklin: I don’t wanna leave Cattenom behind though. All my friends are there and it’s a really nice place, outside of all the really bad things.
Franklin: …You really have to dig to find those. Maybe it’d seem better if we stopped looking for them?
Kril: Wow! You’re more easy-going than I am.
Kril: What brings you to NEW CRUST CITY?
Franklin: I dunno… I think I was supposed to find myself?
Franklin: I don’t know what that means though
Kril: Hmm… but I don’t see another you around here… just me!

The two stare at each other, tilting their heads in confusion as something inside their minds tries to click. After a while, Kril claps his hands together

Kril: I got it! Maybe it means we’re supposed to play hide and seek!
Kril: That game is all about finding!
Franklin: Ooooh, that sounds fun. I guess that means I’ll have to go seek if I’m going to look for myself!

Franklin looks over at the PIZZA PARTY

Franklin: Thanks for bringing me here.
Franklin: I think I’m going to go play with my new friend here until I wake up.
Gerbera: Are you sure you’ll be safe?
Mary: Yeah, You were pretty lost before we found you.
Kril: Don’t worry, my mom is here watching me, and she’ll watch over Franklin too.
Franklin: Plus, you can’t get hurt in a dream. I think? It hasn’t happened yet.
Franklin: …If I do get hurt, it’ll be a learning experience, so that’s a good trade I think.
Franklin: Anyway, thanks again… Bye!

Before Franklin runs off with his new friend, Jerry calls out to him. He’s GOT to know how much 25 cents is worth!

Franklin: A quarter? That’s a lot.
Franklin: 25 cents is a big deal, you could buy a lot of different things. You really have to think before spending THAT much.
Franklin: …Well goodbye!

Awwww shit! Jerry is going to have to figure out some way to make 25 cents… and quickly before Temmie arrives.

Gerbera: See, I told you it was just some kid and not a dangerous powerful person looking for your pizza.
Gerbera: Next I suppose you’ll tell me the lizard kid is weird.

Jerry has no idea what Gerbera means by that. It’s a perfectly normal human looking lizard!
Message from PEA: The bad news is, you guys weren’t able to interpret Temmie’s fortune to instantly get out of the situation, but the good news is you still got out of it regardless. Well done!

BTW, the answer was to summon Temmie with your sub-option and give her the payment you owed her, and she would have woken Franklin up earlier than he’s usually supposed to wake up in order to send him back home to the quest Perpetuity. But who knows, maybe Franklin spending his time here in New Crust City will benefit him in some way, like maybe his FEAR level will lower after spending time with his new friend? Character development? Whoooo knoooows, that’s up to Himitsu to decide! So don’t take my word for it!

Message from Himitsu: I will have Franklin lose 1 extra point of Fear. But only 1!

No. 1037732 ID: e51896
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The PIZZA PARTY parted ways from Franklin and his new friend to continue on their pizza route. Surprisingly, despite being patient, the UPDATE is passing with some pretty good process made, but they still have to rush to get this pizza delivered on time all the same. As they continue running down the road, the skies start to darken into a purplish cloudy and foggy hue, despite it being the late afternoon

Mary: Huh? Is it night time already?
Gerbera: Shouldn’t be… my phone says it’s only like, within the hour of 5pm.

Jerry explains to Mary that they are actually heading down THREE HAMS ROAD, which is home to :pizzid:’s number one competitor BURGERVANIA, a vampiric themed burger restaurant where the terrifying W2K the vampire works at. He also clarifies that It’s not exactly night, but the vampires who work at BURGERVANIA put some kind of magical curse on this road to make it perpetually night 24/7 to add to the aesthetic of their restaurant. Bad business for real estate agents to sell a home here really, but it’s quite a popular hangout spot for creatures of the night, like vampires.

Gerbera: Oh yeaaah, I remember now.
Gerbera: I heard the mayor allowed for this night fog to spread in this street as part of the construction for the vampire-run Burgervania restaurant.
Gerbera: It was part of an initiative to get more restaurants built across different parts of the city.

Jerry adds that it doesn’t help that W2K’s father, who is the chief of police, managed to persuade the MAYOR to do this for his daughter. Really, the police chief and the mayor are such good friends that W2K is able to get away with a lot of things.

Mary: Um… okay, but What’s a vampire?
Gerbera: Oh, well, they’re like you or me, but they’re actually IMMORTAL with crazy sharp teeth that they use to bite and suck your blood!
Gerbera: They can even shapeshift into wild bats for some reason.
Gerbera: But they hate garlic, religious symbols, stakes, lack of blood, and sunlight. Those are the only things that can hurt or even kill them… maybe more, but those are the most well-known methods.
Gerbera: Hence why they wanted this road to be constantly night time.
Gerbera: Oh! And if you’re bitten by one, you become one too!
Mary: EEK! *gulp* t-t-they sound scary!
Gerbera: I don’t know, I think they’re kinda cool.

Jerry calms Mary’s nerves by explaining that vampirism was thankfully a short-lived issue when multi-dimensional travel was invented and foreigners started moving into their world. When vampires entered among the foreigners, they did what vampires did best and infected people by sucking their blood at night. Luckily another group of foreigners came in with a vaccination for vampirism, and now people don’t have to worry about being cursed. Now they just have to worry about getting hickeys everywhere!
Though there are some people who actually WANT to become a vampire and choose not to get vaccinated for vampirism, like W2K did. Vampires are free to bite whatever people they want to survive without worrying about spreading their curse. Just as long as their targets give consent whether the person is vaccinated or not… with some exceptions of course… Like Burgervania’s case.

Mary: uhm… er… That’s worrisome
Mary: Why would Burgervania be allowed to bite people?!?
Mary: I d-don’t want to become a vampire!
Gerbera: Oh! I think it’s because restaurants have a legal right to defend their establishment against rival companies within 200 feet of the vicinity.
Gerbera: Otherwise, there wouldn’t be any competition against major restaurants like :pizzid: considering how tasty our pizza is!
Mary: B-b-boss! Please be careful around here!

Thankfully Jerry has been vaccinated and doesn’t have to worry about becoming a vampire, but now that he thinks about it, is Gerbera vaccinated? And what of Mary? Seeing as Mary is from a world that doesn’t have vampires, it’s safe to assume he is not vaccinated. Can stuffies even get infected by vampires? And would a vampire even want to suck cotton?

You (the suggestors) now know about Vampirism
- When facing against W2K or other vampires, Jerry has a 0% chance of becoming a vampire due to his vaccination if bitten.
- Gerbera has a 50% chance that they got vaccinated and won’t transform into a vampire if bitten.
- Mary has a 100% chance of becoming a vampire if he’s bitten due to not being vaccinated. Consider hiding him in your hammerspace if you come across a vampire if you want to guarantee his safety (with the cost of not knowing how many HELP or SABOTAGE points each item will award you)
- (unless maybe you WANT Mary to become a cool vampire???)

No. 1037734 ID: e51896
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As the PIZZA PARTY continues onward, Jerry nearly trips over from stopping himself after witnesses a figure rushing out of an alley and blocking their path. As the crew get their bearings, it seems the person who stopped them is none other than… Sweaty Kitty??? But something seems… off about her…

Sweaty Kitty(?): Hey, guy!
Sweaty Kitty(?): It’s ME!
Sweaty Kitty(?): Everyone’s favorite character!
Sweaty Kitty(?): …
Sweaty Kitty(?): You know…
Sweaty Kitty(?): That one cat who sweats a lot?
Sweaty Kitty(?): Yep! That’s me! That’s totally me!
Sweaty Kitty(?): In the flesh!
Sweaty Kitty(?): And in the sweat!
Sweaty Kitty(?): And definitely not someone else!
Sweaty Kitty(?): Especially not a green pizza rat!
Sweaty Kitty(?): Like Gene!
Sweaty Kitty(?): Ugh… these clothes are so sticky and wet
Sweaty Kitty(?): Err… Guess what! I managed to get out of that mob of goslings!
Sweaty Kitty(?): AND I even got away from that rad and handsome rat, Gene!
Sweaty Kitty(?): Isn’t that great?!
Sweaty Kitty(?): I think this calls for a reward!
Sweaty Kitty(?): How about we all share a hot steaming pizza in celebration of my escape?
Sweaty Kitty(?): Could totally use one after that harrowing experience to calm my nerves, what do ya say?
Sweaty Kitty(?): Heeheeheeheeheehee.
Gerbera: ???
Mary: !!!

Jerry can only respond with a “…” as this… “Sweaty Kitty” strides confidently towards Jerry’s pizza.

JERRY IS NOW IN A SITUATION! (What else is new?)


(optional: come up with an idea how if you vote this. You can also write up a SABOTAGE idea in case HELP loses. One vote for HELP adds one point to HELP)

(optional: Come up with an idea how if you vote this. You can also write up a HELP idea in case SABOTAGE loses. One vote for SABOTAGE adds one point to SABOTAGE)

(Number of times you DIDN’T use an item for Rocio’s challenge: 1/5 )

[b]Gerbera: Look! It’s the Sweaty Kitty!

Jerry sighs and informs Gerbera that’s just obviously Eugene.

Gerbera: What? She is???? In that case, I’ve got your back!
Sweaty Kitty(?): whhhhaaaaat? Noooooooo… I’m a sweaty cat! I’m too lame to be Gene!

Gerbera will allow you to use any item this time.

PURR FECKT’S PURSE (Chances Purr Feckt will find out Jerry used her purse currently: 15%)(contains a water bottle full of sweat)
Gerbera: We can trick Gene into drinking Sweaty Kitty’s sweat
Jerry thinks this might work, he can pretend he thinks Eugene is Sweaty Kitty, give him the water convincing him to drink it before the meal, and then he’ll be too sickened by the taste to not bother them.
Mary: I’m sure there’s a better idea that doesn’t involve rummaging through the purse again… right?
HELP (if using Sweaty Kitty’s water bottle): 6
- Write down what you want inside and list their SABOTAGE or HELP points, and how it will help or sabotage you. Preferably keep this one with more help points than sabotage plz.
-Keep in mind your percentage of Purr Feckt finding out you rummaged through her purse will increase.


Mary: What if we bribed him with this?
Gerbera: Yeah! , if he sells it at the black market, he won’t try to steal any of :pizzid: pizza ever again!
Gerbera: He would have more than enough money to buy pizza for the rest of his life!

Jerry REALLY hates the idea of delivering pizza to Eugene at the Bacon Apartments every day. Plus he thinks Eugene feels it’s more fun to steal pizza over buying it regardless of how rich he might become and might only accomplish having his seashell stolen instead.

Gerbera: Hey, we might be able to outrun him with this!
Mary: But what if we crash by the time we reach Burgervania and W2K catches us?


Mary: I’m… not quite sure how effective this will be…
Gerbera: He does have a few screws loose…


Mary: What if we charge at him with this?
Gerbera: It might pop though.
Mary: Hmm… good point. But the blast might startle him a bit and we can escape
Mary: Though it could surprise us too.


JERRY’S WALLET (1271 ₵A$H from Jerry)
Mary: We can try bribing him… though I think he wants the pizza more than money…
HELP: 2, no matter how much you give him

Mary: Maybe someone can help?
Mary: The Sweaty Kitty most likely got out of the gosling SITUATION to help us again and we can get her help negotiating with Eugene…
Mary: I also wonder if she’s okay.
Mary: The other two Fortune Tellers can also probably help, maybe you can try calling them for help?
Mary: I’m still not sure if Purr Feckt, or Rocio will want to help us

- Call the Sweaty Kitty
- Call Iraphena (costs the equivalent of 1000 BUX, whatever that means)
- Call Felafaf (Free, but the next SITUATION will give you 9 SABOTAGE points due to a changed destiny)
- Call Purr Feckt
- Call Rocio

Mary: I still don’t think this will help
Gerbera: I still think it will! It has a pull-string that will let him listen to me sing!
Mary: I still think it’ll annoy him…

Sabotage: 6

Mary: There might be a song he’ll get distracted dancing to… unless there’s a song he hates.
Gerbera: The batteries on this thing will most likely run out if we use it again.

Help: 3 Sabotage: 3

Mary: We can pretend this is a giant pizza to get him to go away.
Gerbera: I don’t know… I have a feeling Jerry might need that…

Jerry glares a Gerbera.

Gerbera: I don’t want to hurt anyone unless we get attacked…
Mary: I don’t think we need to attack him, we could probably just use it to destroy parts of his disguise and reveal he isn’t the Sweaty Kitty.
Gerbera: Oh! Good point!
Gerbera: Though I’ll have to be careful, I’ll have to be close range to attack him
Jerry isn’t sure why, but he thinks there might be consequences for this… yet won’t affect the PIZZA PARTY in any way regardless.


Mary: But wait! If you’re worried about attacking you at close range with the mace, what if we use the clothing destruction squirt gun instead!
Mary: We’d be able to melt his whole disguise right off and at a safe distance!
Gerbera: Oh yeah, good point. He’ll probably be too flustered to bother us for awhile
Mary: Flustered? Why?
Gerbera: Public nudity, it’s humiliating.
Mary: Oh, right… I still don’t understand that whole clothing mandatory rule though, it wasn’t an issue where I’m from…

Jerry tells Mary not to worry about it. Jerry also points out that while he might get too humiliated to fight, Eugene on the other hand loves disguising himself and there could be a possibility he’ll get pretty angry if his costumes is ruined instead.
Gerbera: Hmm… though I was hoping to give this gun as a gift for Snowpea unused… Though Maybe It’ll be for the best if I use it as a test run just to see if it works…
Jerry also thinks there might be even larger consequences for doing this despite not affecting the PIZZA PARTY at all, more than the mace. but he can’t quite figure out why.

>-GET ANTONIO’S HELP (7 HELP POINTS) (Lowers Pizza Temperature unless you give him STALE LEFTOVERS to maintain the temperature… which you no longer have) (Pizza Temperature is: HOT)

Antonio: This guy just doesn’t quit… I’ll HELP I guess…
Antonio: But this punk’s not really worth my time.

Sub Options (stuff you can do along with your regular options) (you can only do three SUB OPTIONS actions)
>-Text the someone
- This will do nothing to HELP or SABOTAGE the situation, but you will get some fun dialogue. Write down what Jerry should text them, and they’ll respond appropriately. You can only text one person.

>- Summon Temmie
-She will arrive for her 25 CENTS (5 ₵A$H)
- Results will vary as to how she might contribute to the SITUATION, whether it be giving HELP or SABOTAGE points, no points at all, or something GOOD or BAD to happen.
-Currently 10% chance she’ll show up next UPDATE if you decide not to summon her.

>-Use all or some of your free HELP point(s)
- You have 10.
- Can only vote for or against using it if you're voting HELP.
- Specify how many points you want to use.
- At least two people must vote for this

>-Use all or some your free SABOTAGE point(s)
- You have 10.
- Can only vote for or against using if you’re voting SABOTAGE.
- Specify how many points you want to use.
- At least two people must vote for this

>-Call Vincent or Harmon
-They will arrive in TWO-THREE UPDATES giving you 5 HELP points, or 5 SABOTAGE points depending on if the SITUATION is serious or not.

>-Item management! Throw away, or put an item inside the HAMMERSPACE (Mary is an option)

Message from PEA: Thanks again to Himitsu for designing Kril Fan. While it's not required for reading 30 updates or less, please highly consider reading his quest Perpetuity if you want some context on what was going on with Franklin... or just in general if you want to read a horror/suspenseful/mystery based quest https://questden.org/wiki/Perpetuity
No. 1037741 ID: 8255b7
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Alright we could go with boring options like the squirt gun, mace or illegal donuts but I have a better plan. Lets call Sweaty Kitty and tell her that somebody is impersonating her, after all identity theft is not a joke million of celebrites get modded into sex scens of video games. She is a lawyer and might actully go batshit leagal on his ass. But the worst thing about this imposter is that he is not even sweeting he is just throwing water over his head, that this might completely ruin her reputation, she might go from Sweaty Kitty to Wet Kitty!

No. 1037742 ID: 8255b7

Or right I should also tell what would happen if our protagonist failed or success. Ok success scenario the imposter is sacred, leaves you alone and starts to go poop poop in his pants. You failed scenario the imposter is still and joins your team while still insisting that he is Sweaty Kitty.
No. 1037756 ID: 629f2e

In a move that surprises nobody: SABOTAGE VOTE!

Now, that Eugene has shown up in SK's clothes implies that SK is currently not wearing those garments. I like the Sweaty Kitty, and will not suggest any options that would damage her attire.

I vote that we use the Airbag.

Let's use the airbag to send Eugene flying out of that disguise! He's coming at us for the pizza box rn, so it should be easy to make him run into it by running away with the pizza and having Gerbera stand between us while holding it.

If HELP Wins:

Total success! Eugene gets launched right out of the stolen garments, revealing the disguise without damaging them. As Gerbera pointed out, he'll likely be too flustered to keep up the chase after being disrobed, making it our victory.

Just make sure to have Mary get SK's clothes back before Eugene does. She'll probably want them.


Total failure! Gerbera messes up and points the airbag the wrong way, doing little to hinder Eugene and instead hitting themself. Similar effect, Gerbera gets launched out of uniform and becomes too flustered to help Jerry out of the budding PROBLEM, as Eugene chases after Jerry with intent to take the pizza by force. And unlike Jerry who has been on foot walking to shops and then the park, Eugene's been riding the goslings for a past few updates, so he's refreshed while Jerry is getting winded. Jerry will lose the chase and the pizza unless he comes up with something FAST!

Gerbera will become available again next update once they're back in uniform, but their items are off the table until then.


I'll suggest using 4 BONUS SABOTAGE points along with this. Need at least one person to support the idea for it to work.

Text Sweaty Kitty and let her know what's up and where to meet up so that you can hopefully return her stuff. Maybe confirm if she's in Eugene's outfit or her birthday suit to know how bad your clothing destruction options would be in the event of this SITUATION becoming a PROBLEM.

Text Purr Feckt and ask about identity theft laws and whether you can get Eugene locked up for taking on the persona of Sweaty Kitty. (Or since she's a cat, purrsona.) (Jerry needs to make that exact pun in the text. Purr Feckt is a cat, she has heard every cat pun in existence. She will hate it.)
No. 1037972 ID: 8483cf

Identity theft is no joke! Fortunately, Eugene isn’t very funny anyway.

I vote to SABOTAGE Jerry. Here’s why: It gives us a greater chance of running into Sweaty Kitty, who’s obviously looking to get her garments back. That, and Eugene desperately needs a win.

Remind “Sweaty Kitty” that Eugene is also a popular character, and that he’s appeared in a spin-off quest and gotten fanart. Does “sweaty kitty” know where we can get Eugene’s autograph?

Let’s use the SCREWDRIVER to get Eugene’s autograph on a receipt from the black market (did they give any?) How can a screwdriver give an autograph? Well, it looks like a pen, sort of, so it can be used to pretend to be a pen. Okay it looks nothing like a pen other than being cylindrical, but Eugene has hair over his eyes so he won’t notice.

If HELP wins:
Eugene signs the receipt and notices that it’s from the BLACK MARKET. He remembers that he owes a lot of money and can probably sell Serah’s SWEAT PANTS DRAWSTRING to pay back his debts, as long as no one realizes it’s actually Armstrong’s. He rushes off to make the monies.

If SABOTAGE wins: “Hey, that’s a screwdriver! Are you trying to screw me over? Screw you!”


I second Himitsu’s vote to use 4 BONUS SABOTAGE points.

Let’s text Sweaty Kitty, obviously, so we can let her know of this devious crime.
No. 1037987 ID: afe7de

> Eugene impersonating sweaty kitty
Damn, I agree with >>1037741 Identity theft is no joke

Call up sweaty kitty so that she can purrform some legal justice. But by the time you're done with her, Eugene was distracted with your companions, which means, oh no! He's still coming for the ZA, uhhhh quick, use the AIRBAG

I like the idea of him getting comedically blasted out of his clothes. Then you can grab sweaty kitty's soaked... damp, nice smelling clothes and uh, definitely give it back later! very soon later even!

I'm on team HELP with a request to throw an extra 2 points of help on there.

If Sabotage wins though uh, Maybe gerb loses clothes? NO, YOU'RE ON BURGERVANIA STREET, if you lose, then your ex sees and hears you and it becomes eugene+her vs your crew. That's probably the best worst outcome right? getting chased by a lady with a chainsaw?

Maybe make a last minute effort to toss like 10 bux at eugene and be like "BRO JUST GET A PIZZA YOURSELF, YOU CAN AFFORD IT"
No. 1037988 ID: afe7de

Also snap a pic and send it to sweaty kitty being like "this isn't you right?" just so there's photo evidence of the crime!!!!
No. 1038102 ID: e51896

rolled 3, 5 = 8

Message from PEA: First, I wanna say that sometimes people are not making it clear whether they choose a HELP or SABOTAGE vote. I'd like to ask a friendly reminder to please announce whether you would want to help or sabotage the PIZZA PARTY in your posts next time, otherwise I will assume what you want.

2 HELP votes, +5 for using airbag vs 2 SABOTAGE vote, + 4 EXTRA SABOTAGE POINTS +5 for using airbag.

Overall so far, the HELP POINTS are 7, and SABOTAGE points are 11

Once the six sided dices are rolled, I will add the votes to the results. the first dice will be HELP, the second dice will be SABOTAGE.
No. 1038104 ID: e51896

rolled 4 = 4

Message from PEA: And SABOTAGE WINS this time with 10 HELP POINTS < 16 SABOTAGE POINTS. The votes are locked in and you can no longer vote, BUT you can still suggest ideas on what will happen. If you previously suggested an idea for how Jerry gets HELP, you can still suggest an idea for how Jerry gets SABOTAGED and I'll pick one with the most votes, and/or whichever is most interesting and zany

Now I will roll the dice to see if TEMMIE will arrive for her 25 cents. She has a 10% chance, so anything 10 or lower from a 100 dice roll means she will show up.
No. 1038106 ID: e51896

Uh oh! the perp cameos just won't STOP! Temmie is coming for your money. Better get ready!

That said, if you want to suggest what happens when Temmie arrives, go right ahead!
No. 1038107 ID: 629f2e

Temmie is a ruthless businesswoman. After collecting Jerry's fee she sells her services to Eugene, giving him a random chance to add more SABOTAGE points to a future encounter if he interprets the fortune correctly.

Jerry may feel betrayed, but Temmie assures him on the way out that the odds are higher that Eugene misinterprets it, which will grant extra HELP points to the chosen situation.
No. 1038114 ID: 8483cf

Absolutely support. Not because Perpetuity cast cameos, but because Eugene needs a boost to his villain cred!
No. 1040291 ID: e51896
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Nope! This is stupid. This is absolutely stupid. Jerry tells Gerbera that he needs a moment, or two… maybe three to process the stupidity he is witnessing here and asks Gerbera to distract Eugene for a moment.

Gerbera: Huh? Okay, but um… What should I say to him?

Jerry shrugs, lazily letting gravity lower his arms (and pizza). He tells them he doesn’t care, and to just try to get him to admit he’s not Sweaty Kitty or something.

Gerbera: Right-o! so, Sweaty Kitty… IF THAT IS YOUR REAL NAME…
Gerbera: If you really are Sweaty Kitty,
Gerbera: Then you should be able to PURR like a cat wouldn’t you
Sweaty Kitty(?): I….. uhhhh…
Gerbera: Well, go ahead, prove it! let’s hear you purr!

Eugene starts eating in a lot of air before closing his mouth. A long gross rumbling vibrating sound emits from his throat

Gerbera: Hmmmmm…
Gerbera: Okay, yeah! That checks out.
Mary: Uhhhh… I… I think he just burped, Gerbera.
Gerbera: Did he? Oooooh, right, he did. Yuck!

Really, has the humor of this quest devolved to the point of cheap burp jokes? Not wanting to continue witnessing this disgusting display of stupidity any longer, Jerry picks up his phone and calls Purr Feckt. He would text her, but talking to her is much faster (spirits somewhat rejected!) Hopefully as a lawyer, she will do something about Eugene committing identity theft. She responds instantaneously.

Purr Feckt: I hope this is of the utmost importance, Mr. Le Booshki.
Purr Feckt: I already informed you that I am meeting with my dear sister Dea, which is of high importance, and I cannot be disturbed for something so trivial.
Purr Feckt: It will serve you well to listen when people are talking to you.

Wait, important? That doesn’t sound right. Jerry explains that P.I. Zzander told him that she’s actually meeting with her sister to congratulate her for graduating. Sounds more like a casual visit than any kind of important meeting.

Purr Feckt: …
Purr Feckt: Zzander, you tattler…
Purr Feckt: Thank you for informing me of Zzander sharing private… yet false information.
Purr Feckt: I will ensure he will be set straight over his inability to keep confidential information disclosed… even if it’s fake.
Purr Fectk: But that’s beside the point… Listen, Mr. Le Booshki…
Purr Feckt: Family matters are indeed very important.
Purr Feckt: And I would advise you to not be poking around in our business.
Purr Feckt: Especially when you are wasting a good portion of my time pointing out subjects unrelated to the reason you called me.
Purr Feckt: Now if you’re done wasting time, I suggest you promptly state your business… now.

Not wanting to argue with little miss perfect, Jerry tries to explain to her that Eugene, the green pizza ratte is disguising himself and impersonating as the Sweaty Kitty

Purr Feckt: …
Purr Feckt: And?
Purr Feckt: Who exactly do you mean by the Sweaty Kitty? You need to be specific, Mr. Le Booshki.
Purr Feckt: That description you’ve provided could fit any felines that precipitates, especially on a hot day like today.

Ugh, details, details... What is it with everything needing to be precise with this lady? Jerry proceeds to elaborate, letting her know it’s that one cat that has brown hair that looks blue because of the excess amount of sweat she emits, gray fur, some kind of negotiator or something, exercises a lot… Purr Feckt however still doesn’t sound enthusiastic.

Purr Feckt: Mr. Le Booshki, while that is certainly a more detailed description, I still require a name.
Purr Feckt: You should obviously be able to provide one since you know the exact person he’s impersonating.

Well damn. If only he knew SK’s real name, this would be a lot easier… But why should he? Sweaty Kitty mentioned being harassed by Purr Feckt over a wet floor. Jerry tells Purr Feckt she should know exactly who he is talking about, she and her client tried to sue her once before, and her “perfect” memory should be able to recognize her from that description.

There is a long pause before Purr Feckt makes a response, which Jerry thinks he can hear a bit of a fluster in her voice.
Purr Feckt: O-Of course, I remember her!
Purr Feckt: Just what exactly are you insinuating?
Purr Feckt: Please understand that even though I remember her appearance to every utmost detail, I still need a name for confirmation of identification.
Purr Feckt: And do keep in mind If Eugene is truly impersonating her, he would have also been calling himself by this Sweaty Kitty’s real name.
Purr Feckt: Otherwise, he’s just as well could be coincidentally dressed up like her without intentionally pretending to be her.
Purr Feckt: If we’re done here, I have to get back to brushing my dearest sister’s fur.

Brushing her sister? Jerry points out Brushing fur doesn’t sound as important as she’s been claiming to be.

Purr Feckt: Ah, *ahem* I said rushing my dearest sister out the door, I can’t have her late for our important meeting.
Purr Feckt: I will not remind you again to listen next time

Jerry is about to contradict Purrfeckt by pointing out her “Important” meeting should already be at Marination university, the place she’s CURRENTLY IN RIGHT NOW when she interrupts with a “Fare-thee-well” before hanging up the conversation.

Jerry realizes that this whole thing is going to be a waste of time without SK’s real name, so he decides to next call Sweaty Kitty… However, his phone rings immediately after and coincidentally, it seems to be that Sweaty Kitty herself of all people! Lucky! Jerry promptly answers the phone to get to the bottom of this SITUATION and hears the feline’s voice on the other end. It sounds slightly nervous.

Sweaty Kitty: Oh good, you picked up!
Sweaty Kitty: Look, this is important, but if you see somebody that looks like me…
Sweaty Kitty: but uhhh, wearing clothing SIMILAR to how mine looks…
Sweaty Kitty: It’s totally not me, okay? It’s Gene!
Sweaty Kitty: Just thought, I uh… let you know that so you don’t get confused and mistakenly pin whatever actions that imposter is doing on me.

Jerry tells her that’s kind of sort of completely obvious, as he can see Eugene standing in front of him a little bit after the intersection where the playground is, pouring water all over himself to look sweaty… but really, it’s just making him drenched.

Sweaty Kitty: Okay, okay, okay… I can’t quite explain why…
Sweaty Kitty: But I need you to do me a HUGE favor and uhhh…
Sweaty Kitty: How do I put this without sounding perverted… Ugh, there’s no other way to put it
Sweaty Kitty: Get that disguise off of Gene and take the disguise over to a large cardboard box, at the alley closest to you.

Jerry asks why not just knock Eugene out and throw him in that alley or something for her to deal with as he REALLY doesn’t want to see that dirty ratte underdressed.

Sweaty Kitty: uhhhh! Yeah! That actually works too.
Sweaty Kitty: Just somehow bring him or my…er… that disguise over to the box, and I’ll deal with him!
Sweaty Kitty: Errr… Not that I’m in there right now or anything, yeah…
Sweaty Kitty: Don’t worry! I’ll be sure to give you a REWARD if you can do this for me!

UNLOCKED SIDEQUEST: Get Eugene, or his disguise over to the Cardboard box in the Alley!
-Sweaty Kitty will give you a reward for it!

No. 1040292 ID: e51896
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Suddenly, Jerry is startled by the tugging of the bottom of his shirt. He looks down to find a creepy looking child staring back at him. Well great, is this child lost too? Jerry can’t be babysitting on the job, but he guesses he’ll have to deal with this. He tells Sweaty Kitty he will try to handle this situation for her and finishes his call with her…

Aww, shit. He forgot to ask SK her name. Ah whatever, Jerry asks what the kid wants.

Temmie: It appears that although the spirits did not want to send me to you just yet, FATE had other plans, leading our paths to intertwine with each other for this chance encounter.

What the hell is this kid talking about? Noticing Jerry’s expression of confusion, Temmie laughs as she curtseys and introduces herself.

Temmie: I am called Madam Temmie, Fortune Teller of the FORTUNATE HOTLINE
Temmie: And I have arrived to request payment for my services.

Oh shit! Jerry thought he’d have more time to figure out this payment issue, he can’t just not pay her, stealing from kids is just awful, but he’s not quite sure how to respond with not being able to pay 100 grand ₵A$H. Jerry starts nervously sweating as Gerbera notices the girl.

Gerbera: Oh! Hello! Are you lost? Don’t worry, the park is right over that way!
Mary: I remember, Franklin mentioned you! I think your friend is over there at the playground!
Mary: Since you seem to know where you’re going, maybe you can help him get home?

Temmie shakes her head and laughs again.

Temmie: Your worries are misplaced. While I am here in this dominion, I am also safe in the comfort of my own dominion.
Temmie: The same can be said for Franklin… for now.
Temmie: Do not concern yourself with him, he is where he needs to be.
Temmie: For which, I must thank the spirits for allowing him this moment of respite before he continues his trials instead of summoning me to bring him back home too soon.

Eugene starts flailing his arms rapidly in anger
Eugene: That best friend who sweats a lot?!
Eugene: What’s with this brat? Can’t you see we’re busy here?! Scram!

Temmie waves a finger at Eugene.

Temmie: Patience will serve you well, both now and later.
Temmie: I’m only be here to collect my 25 CENTS for reading THE DELIVERER’S fortune,
Temmie: And then I’ll leave you all, to travel on my own and see the sights of this city.
Eugene: Pfffft, tourists…

Jerry decides to face the music and is about to explain he does not have the 100 GRAND when Gerbera speaks out.

Gerbera: 25 cents??? WOW! That IS a good deal!
Gerbera: From most of the universes I visited, that’s like, the price of a gumball!
Mary: Really? 25 cents isn’t a big deal?
Mary: Where I’m from, BEADS, our currency where I’m from, is kind of hard to come by.
Gerbera: Jerry, you should give her like, more than 1 ₵A$H for candy, I’m sure she’ll appreciate the tip!

Did… Gerbera really just save Jerry’s hide there? All this time he could have asked Gerbera and saved himself all this anxiety. Regardless Jerry sighs with relief and pays her 10 ₵A$H, bringing his ₵A$H amount down to 1261. He then informs her that he thinks he saw a gas station near the playground she can get candy from.

Temmie: Hmm… yes, this should suffice.
Temmie: While it is not my country’s currency, there was actually no real way to bring it back with me.
Temmie: But it will help make my visit here more enjoyable and relaxing before tomorrow comes.
Temmie: I thank you for the tip, and wish you and your own spirits luck.
Temmie: Wherever you might find yourself.

No. 1040293 ID: e51896
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Temmie then stares at the pizza ratte, who has his arms crossed while impatiently tapping his foot.

Temmie: Could I interest you in a fortune as well? Only 25 cents!
Eugene: Hey, wait wait wait, so you’re telling me…
Eugene: That I can get a fortune read for less than 10 ₵A$H?!
Temmie: 25 cents actually, but that should be fine, yes.
Eugene: Well dam- errr… I mean Darn! Sign me up!

Jerry tries to protest, informing her about how much of a jerk Eugene is, but Temmie pays his complaints no mind.

Eugene: Hey! I’m not Eugene, idiot! I’m that Sweaty Kitty!
Temmie: He has a point. Why would Eugene’s character matter? This is clearly the Sweaty Kitty.

She giggles, clearly not buying her own claim. Jerry huffs in annoyance.

Temmie: Now now, Deliverer, a person’s background doesn’t change who does or doesn’t get their fortune.
Temmie: As long as I’m paid, I will offer anyone my fortune telling services, within reason.
Mary: Just let it go, boss.

Temmie walks up to Eugene and seemingly stares right into his soul. Eugene is a bit uncomfortable and steps back a bit as Temmie proceeds to tell him his fortune.
“To The Highwayman wearing the costume of The Sweaty, consider this advice if you desire an ill-gotten meal.”
“In the garden of creative minds, you will take the face of The Worrywart. Though the disguise will be transparent, at a distance it may be convincing.”
“Take what is rightfully theirs and make it wrongfully yours. If your timing is true, then the skyclad will change fate in your favor. Tails will become heads, what’s right will be wrong, and victory will change to defeat.”
“In the face of such chaos, perhaps the comic relief may defy the narrative and come out ahead? It is a possibility, and I shall give one final hint to make it so. If The Deliverer is kicked into action, he will lose his grip on the situation. That is when you must take hold of your goal”

Temmie: This is the Future as I have seen it.

Eugene scratches his head over the fortune
Eugene: Heyyyy, wait a minute…
Eugene: That’s not a fortune! That’s just a riddle!
Temmie: It isn’t meant to make sense now. Stay perceptive though, and you’ll understand its meaning when the time is right.
Eugene: BUT YOU… ehh forget it. Why am I complaining over something that’s just 10 measly ₵A$H?

Temmie whispers to Jerry as Eugene tries to process the confusing fortune

Temmie: The odds that he misinterprets it are high, as pizza is the only thing on his mind…
Temmie: It brings him comfort, echoing memories of his past, if for just a moment
Temmie: Whether my fortunes come to pass or not for either of you, treat every possible outcome with respect, good or bad. Use those moments to learn and grow.
Temmie: May our fates become intertwined again…

Jerry watches as Temmie walks off towards the playground to find the gas station. He wonders what kind of SITUATIONS Temmie and Franklin will need to overcome from where they’re from, but he remembers from earlier that Temmie told him not to concern himself with them. They’ve got their own quests, and Jerry has his.

The next time you encounter Eugene, there will be a chance for him to figure out his fortune, and raise your sabotage points by 3!
No. 1040294 ID: e51896
File 165991447237.png - (91.27KB , 1280x720 , 116.png )

Eugene slaps and rubs his hands together
Eugene: Now then, where were we…
Eugene: Seriously guys, tell me,
Eugene: I forgot!
Gerbera: Uhhh… I think You were going to reveal you were actually Eugene, and not the Sweaty kitty?
Eugene: Oh yeaaaah…
Eugene: No wait, I AM THE SWEATY KITTY!!! Quit trying to trick me!
Eugene: …
Eugene: Y’know what,
Eugene: That girl ruined our flow
Eugene: I’ll just skip right to the point where I try to grab that pizza!
Eugene: Sounds good with you guys?
Gerbera: No, but it makes sense.

Eugene with great determination runs after the PIZZA PARTY. Jerry with little time to think quickly summons the AIRBAG from his hammer space and tries to hand it over to Gerbera as his hands are too full to hold the airbag and the pizza at once. However, seeing Eugene in the Sweaty Kitty’s sweaty attire reminds Jerry of how he got her slimy sweat all over him from that hug earlier, thus distracting him from which way the airbag points as he hands it over to Gerbera. He whispers to Gerbera to activate it when Eugene gets close enough.

Gerbera: You got it! Now let's see… how do I activate this… maybe if I press this here it w-

No. 1040295 ID: e51896
File 165991454293.png - (64.41KB , 1280x720 , 117.png )

The Airbag activates right in Gerbera's dorky face, and they are for some reason, launched right out of their uniform, and into the sky. The Airbag POPPED and is no longer usable. Jerry did NOT want to see Gerbera in a state of undress today, or every other day and is disgusted. He decides to stick Gerbera’s uniform into his HAMMERSPACE until Gerbera comes back down from outer space… whenever that may be.

Gerbera: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…

No. 1040296 ID: e51896
File 165991456964.png - (71.19KB , 1280x720 , 118.png )

Eugene only stops momentarily to laugh maniacally at Gerbera’s misfortune, giving Jerry the chance to make a break for it across the street. It doesn’t take long for Eugene to finish his laughter before giving chase once again.

Jerry has failed to get out of the SITUATION and it has turned into a PROBLEM, wasting an UPDATE.
Normally, he would be able to get out of the problem by the next update, but since he’s being chased by Eugene, Jerry is now in another SITUATION which could delay the PROBLEM further if he’s SABOTAGED

(REMINDER: You have an opportunity to finish Sweaty Kitty's sidequest by somehow bringing Eugene, or the disguise he's wearing to a cardboard box at the nearby ally. If you wish, suggest how to do that in your suggestion if you wish)

(optional: come up with an idea how if you vote this. You can also write up a SABOTAGE idea in case HELP loses. One vote for HELP adds one point to HELP)

(optional: Come up with an idea how if you vote this. You can also write up a HELP idea in case SABOTAGE loses. One vote for SABOTAGE adds one point to SABOTAGE)

(Number of times you DIDN’T use an item for Rocio’s challenge: 1/5 )

(Gerbera is in outer space and their items can’t be used until they land)

PURR FECKT’S PURSE (Chances Purr Feckt will find out Jerry used her purse currently: 15%)(Purr Feckt detection raises by 25% if he rummages through it)(contains a water bottle full of sweat, Purr Feckt detection raises by 10% if Jerry uses it)
Jerry thinks having Mary pour some of that slimy sweat from the water bottle on the floor behind them could slip up Eugene.
Mary: Wait boss, Aren’t you going to use that to prank Purr Feckt? Plus he can just easily jump over the puddle
Mary: Not to mention that it might make Purr Feckt realize her purse had been rummaged through…

Oh yeah, good point. Jerry mentions instead probably just throwing whatever is in her purse at him to slow her down.

Mary: Nononono! Wait, I changed my mind! the water bottle plan is better after all!
Mary: As long as you put in clean water afterwards!

HELP (if using Sweaty Kitty’s water bottle): 5 SABOTATGE (if using Sweaty Kitty’s water bottle):2
- Write down what you want inside and list their SABOTAGE or HELP points, and how it will help or sabotage you. Preferably keep this one with more help points than sabotage plz.

Jerry thinks If they can round the corner in an alleyway or get somewhere else out of his sight temporarily, they might be able to hide in this, and Eugene will run past
Mary: I don’t know, he’s pretty fast to be catching up to us like this.
Mary: Plus, he might find it suspicious a giant shiny seashell is just out in the open.
Mary: or might even take the Seashell for himself


Mary: this might be one of our best bets to lose him…
Mary: I… just hope whatever trouble we run into next won’t be too bad during your crash
Mary: It was scary trying to figure things out on my own when you passed out like that, boss

Jerry thinks this will help tremendously, he also really wants to save it during his day off to experience the euphoria from eating it privately.

Mary: There really aren't many things you can unscrew here.
Mary: The only screws I can see are on those road signs. Do you think removing them could do anything?

Jerry suggests that taking some signs down could cause a traffic accident that he can use to lose Eugene. If they get really lucky, he might get run over again.

Mary: ...That's a crime though, isn't it? They're public property. You could get into trouble if you get caught.
Mary: Plus, how will you find enough time to unscrew them with Eugene right behind you?

Jerry simply points out that Mary looks big enough to handle a screwdriver.

Mary: I… yeah, you’re right boss
Mary: Though… it does seem scary to be doing this by myself without help
Mary: Especially with Eugene chasing us and potentially stopping me
Mary: But… I-I’ll do it, even though I’m scared!


Mary: Eugene is really good at disguising himself.
Jerry refutes that claim vehemently.
Mary: ...Well, he thinks he's good enough to rely on it at least. He might be really proud of his skill.
Mary: Maybe if you dress up like Gerbera and pretend to be them, he'll get insulted and try to out-do you?
Mary: Though, even if that might get him out of the Sweaty Kitty's clothes, we need Gerbera's too, don't we?

JERRY’S WALLET (1271 ₵A$H from Jerry)
Mary: Bribing might help, but I don’t know, it feels like he’s the type of person who loves stealing pizza over buying it himself
HELP: 2, no matter how much you give him

Mary: I wonder if The Sweaty Kitty can convince Eugene to stop what he’s doing…
Jerry thinks maybe Sweaty Kitty threatening Eugene with a lawsuit might help get Eugene out of the disguise, though she seemed a bit nervous for some reason and might flub things up.
Mary: True, though sadly I don’t think Purr Feckt is going to help since she’s probably a bit angry at us from wasting her time earlier.
Mary: Plus we still don’t know Sweaty Kitty’s name…
Mary: But maybe Rocio could encourage us to run faster? She has a way to get people to work harder with her words.

Jerry warns that Rocio might also encourage Eugene to run faster

Mary: Well, if all else fails, we have those other two fortune tellers…
Mary: Just be careful about the costs of their fotunes.

- Call the Sweaty Kitty
- Call Iraphena (costs the equivalent of 1000 BUX, whatever that means)
- Call Felafaf (Free, but the next SITUATION will give you 9 SABOTAGE points due to a changed destiny)
- Call Purr Feckt
- Call Rocio

>-GET ANTONIO’S HELP (7 HELP POINTS) (Lowers Pizza Temperature unless you give him STALE LEFTOVERS to maintain the temperature… which you no longer have) (Pizza Temperature is: HOT)

Antonio: *sigh* I can’t believe I was replaced by someone incompetent as that flower…
Antonio: I guess I’ll show you how it’s done

Sub Options (stuff you can do along with your regular options) (you can only do three SUB OPTIONS actions)
>-Text the someone
- This will do nothing to HELP or SABOTAGE the situation, but you will get some fun dialogue. Write down what Jerry should text them, and they’ll respond appropriately.

>-Use all or some of your free HELP point(s)
- You have 10.
- Can only vote for or against using it if you're voting HELP.
- Specify how many points you want to use.
- At least two people must vote for this

>-Use all or some your free SABOTAGE point(s)
- You have 6.
- Can only vote for or against using if you’re voting SABOTAGE.
- Specify how many points you want to use.
- At least two people must vote for this

>-Call Vincent or Harmon
-They will arrive in TWO-THREE UPDATES, RANDOMLY giving you 5 HELP points, or 5 SABOTAGE points depending on if the SITUATION is serious or not.

>-Item management! Throw away, or put an item inside the HAMMERSPACE (Mary is an option)

MESSAGE FROM PEA: 3 Perpetuity references in a row! This is the last one (unless something happens, this quest is weird enough to achieve the unexpected and pull another one somehow). Thanks again to Himitsu for helping write Temmie's dialogue!
No. 1040297 ID: 53d60e

Help vote: no items. Gerbera falls and lands on top of Eugene, knocking the rat out cold.

Take him to the ally where Sweaty Kitty is at afterwards to finish the sidequest.
No. 1040298 ID: 899c9f

How did you see Gerbera floating naked in space? You must not really need the glasses if you can see that well.
Sabotage: Throw stuff from the purse at Jerry. Including your glasses.
No. 1040300 ID: e5709d

Sabotage: Gerbera accidentally faceplants herself deep, deep into Eugene.
So deep, her body goes into fugue hydroponics mode and begins sucking the vital juices out of his body, enhancing her...

You should probably stop that.
Well, maybe.
No. 1040355 ID: aff302

Ok use the MACE and apply it directly to his kneecaps and after that apply it directly to his forehead multiple times untill the job is done. When using a MACE it is important to have a good stance a disrega of humans wellbeing and to put yourself into a blazing rage state of mind. I believe if you fallow all these easy steps you two can become the scariest MF on the street.
No. 1040361 ID: a2d88b

Help, no item. Lure Eugene into the alley, get behind the cardboad box and open the pizza box to distract Eugene, so he may trip on the box.
No. 1040373 ID: 0838d6

Help/No Item, Gerb almost falls on Eugene but fails, causing Eugene to hop back, laugh and claim he has good fortune before comically tripping on his "sweat" into an open box which you conveniently peek into to see a naked SK beating up Eugene in a comic cloud of fists and dust.

Wonder what cool present SK will give you, and then skee-daddle on out of there because you're a bit behind schedule!!!
No. 1040396 ID: 629f2e


Looks like we'll be continuing the no-items challenge. Alright then, I'll play along to help us complete the side-quest.


Dash for the alley Sweaty Kitty mentioned, and hide behind a dumpster. As Eugene is pacing through ready to find them, Gerbera plummets from the sky and lands right inside the box containing Sweaty Kitty. When Eugene hears multiple voices coming out of it, he runs up and yanks it open, revealing none of the people he was looking for, but instead two people who are both fairly upset with him.

Jerry takes the opportunity to sneak up behind Eugene and shove him inside, holding it shut until the sounds of violence within cease. When the box opens up next, Sweaty Kitty exits fully dressed and Gerbera waves a pleading leaf for their uniform, which Jerry happily provides.

They leave the box on the sidewalk to buy some time from having to deal with him again, as he'll have to wait for foot traffic to die down before he can fetch a new outfit out of a dumpster and plot his next attack.


Same setup as before, except you get a bit less lucky on where Gerbera lands. Instead of landing in the cardboard box SK is hiding in, they land straight onto you, leaving you in a daze. In that moment, Eugene is able to grab your pizza box and hop straight into the dumpster you were hiding by, rolling away in it with the pizza in hand! He won't eat it immediately, as the dumpster smell is messing up his appetite, but once he makes some distance and gets out nothing will be stopping him!

New PROBLEM: Find a way to catch up to Eugene and get the pizza back FAST, or else he's going to start enjoying it himself.

Bonus SITUATION to deal with: Sweaty Kitty and Gerbera both need clothes. Neither will help you until they're decent, so how do you resolve things? Do you take one over the other, find a solution to help them both, etc.?


-Text Rocio to let her know you're about to be 2 for 5 on her challenge already, and bring up the fact that she seems to be the only one who hasn't taken on a challenge here. Armstrong did tonguetwisters, you're doing an itemless SITUATION solving run, but she's just nagging. For someone who talks big about other people's victories, she sure likes sitting on her ass.

If she takes the bait, give her a fun dare! Something like: No magic for five updates, or getting to wherever she needs to be next without flying or riding on her BF's shoulders, and still making it on time. If she wins, you'll get her some Pizzid on the house. Later. When you aren't on a delivery.

-Text SK some heads up that you're approaching with Eugene on the pursuit.
No. 1040407 ID: 8483cf

I vote help! Sorry, Eugene, but we’ve gotta show Rocio who’s boss. No items.

The HELP situation is that Jerry runs as fast as he can to Sweaty Kitty’s Dark Damp Alley and just barely makes it to her box before Eugene catches up. Eugene, overconfident as he is after all an alley rat, begins monologuing about how smart he is. Jerry holds up the PIZZID box in surrender.

The PIZZID box has, conveniently, been designed to be seen from low earth orbit, and Gerb slams into Eugene.

If sabotage wins, Gerb crash lands into Sweaty Kitty’s box instead, sending them both sprawling into the alleyway, dazed and confused. Eugene is the only one not distracted by the two nudesters and seizes the pizza!

Bonus: Text Rocio and brag (if HELP wins) or berate her for laziness (if SABOTAGE wins).
No. 1040417 ID: da312c

Help (?) That's it! This is the straw that broke the camel that split the herd that dried the desert that ruined the whole biome.

Jerry sharply turns around, grabs Eugene by that shirt neck that's as soggy as the rat's brain,

And speaks:

"I've had enough of all of you showing up and making my life impossible every single time I go out to do a simple delivery!
It's always the same! I get an adress, I go out to the streets, everything is fine for about 2 updates, and then everything goes completely pear-shaped, and I get chased down by lunatics that want to steal my pizza, or have a gripe with me over a bad break-up, or want to kidnap me for getting the wrong answers on a survey, or who want to destroy all pizza forever just because they burned their mouth on a hot slice one time. Yeah, sure, that's good enough reason to ruin someone's livelihood.

You know who else hates pizza?
Me! I abhor pizza. Don't get me wrong, I like the taste of pizza as much as anyone. I used to eat it as much as anyone. But this job makes me so stressed, so utterly miserable, that I can't bring myself to grab a bite anymore.
Every day, I have to struggle to even understand the adress my fast-talking boss is telling me to go to, then I have to sneak around to avoid my flower co-worker from talking my ear off about how WoNDerFUl this job is, after which I drive off to work and you bozos pop up at ruin everything, with the customer flipping me off and refusing to pay, and me struggling yet again to understand how exactly my boss is telling me that I totally suck at my job.
Did you know that in my last delivery run, some pizza-headed detective freak acussed me of trying to poison a lactose-intolerant guy with a cheesy pizza and I got banished to an alien dimension I had to escape by the skin of my teeth? I now have a criminal record because I went to the wrong adress!

Not that you gave a damn to ask, but why don't I quit? Well, I can't! The only reason I got this job is because my uncle is the boss there, and every place I try to apply to blows me off, because to them a washed up delivery boy in his twenties is not worth a second glance.
Do you know how much I'd give to live like you do, hanging around with your friends and chasing after pizza deliveries? How I'd kill to be able to throw even 10 measly CASH on a kid fortune teller? You waste your waking hours skulking around the city, looking for me, and making my life a living hell. The least you could do is giving me the basic decency of offering to show my resume to your workplace, or your acquiantances, or to whatever spineless parents you have that put up with this shit you do every day.

My co-worker, the one you threw into the stratosphere because you seem to value a free meal more than people's lives, spends all day in a mascot suit, dancing for the customers and giving it their all to get a promotion to delivery boy, never complaining and never saying a single bad word about, but deep down, I think it's all an act just to annoy me. I KNOW it's all an act to annoy me, because who would ever enjoy this dead-end job with no health benefits minumum wage? Or even worse, the job of dancing around in a dirty, smelling, overheated mascot costume all day? Like I am going to be doing if I blow this last chance to make a succesful delivery? The one you are trying to blow right now?
You, Eugene, you don't have everything, but have more than what I would ever need to be happy. A group of friends who admire and follow you, a family that loves you and supports your life style, and the luxury of having lots of free time to pursue whatever hobbies you can think of.

And you waste them jacking off thinking about eating fucking pizza.

Get out of my sight, you are not even worth the moss and vomit you are covered in. Here, have this hat, it's got a pizza slice painted on, go ahead and eat it for all I care.

And next time you have 10 CASH laying around, please go and actually order from the menu.

Buy the best. Buy at freaking Piz-zid!"
No. 1041192 ID: e51896

rolled 4, 1 = 5

6 HELP votes, 3 SABOTAGE vote

Once the six sided dices are rolled, I will add the votes to the results. the first dice will be HELP, the second dice will be SABOTAGE.
No. 1041195 ID: e51896

Message from PEA: And HELP WINS this 10 HELP POINTS > 4 SABOTAGE POINTS. The votes are locked in and you can no longer vote, BUT you can still suggest ideas on what will happen. If you previously suggested an idea for how Jerry gets SABOTAGED, you can still suggest an idea for how Jerry gets HELPED if you haven't already and I'll pick one with the most votes, and/or whichever is most interesting and zany
No. 1042260 ID: e51896
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The chase is on! Jerry sprints around the area trying to lose Eugene. He looks for any kind of cover he can use, but he can’t seem to shake him off his trail! The dirty ratte is super determined to nab that pizza at all costs! Jerry had considered throwing stuff at him to slow him down, but that would mean losing some valuable items he could use later down the line, and taking stuff out of Purr Feckt’s purse is sure to make Mary upset.

He eventually gets an idea that MAYBE The Sweaty Kitty can help get him out of this situation by bringing Eugene to her. Then they can deal with him as a team or something, especially since he no longer has Gerbera helping him. Granted, Sweaty Kitty only wanted him knocked out, or his disguise delivered near to a box in the alley closest to him. But maybe she’ll still offer her assistance all the same if he can meet up with her. The only issue is that she specifically mentioned she’s not anywhere near the alley with a box, but she must be close by if she wants him in that specific location… right?

Jerry takes the chance and runs back over to the alley the Sweaty Kitty described to him, pulling out his phone to text her that he’s running over and could seriously use some help.

No. 1042261 ID: e51896
File 166187745973.png - (49.08KB , 1280x720 , 120.png )


Oh no! Jerry got so distracted texting Sweaty Kitty for help that it slowed him down, giving Eugene the ample opportunity to dive at him and topple Jerry down in the process right in front of a box of PURKY GENE’S CAT TRSWEATS. Eugene quickly nabs the pizza box right out of Jerry’s hands and laughs maniacally. Mary is flung from Jerry’s shoulder

Eugene: I DID IT!
Eugene: After all these updates…
Eugene: All the pain…
Eugene: All the terrible, horrible GOSLINGS…
Eugene: And nobody can stop me from enjoying the sweet savory taste of a :pizzid: pizza!

No. 1042262 ID: e51896
File 166187747786.png - (56.54KB , 1280x720 , 121.png )

Eugene: Buh?

No. 1042263 ID: e51896
File 166187748715.png - (46.47KB , 1280x720 , 122.png )

No. 1042264 ID: e51896
File 166187749543.png - (46.91KB , 1280x720 , 123.png )

No. 1042265 ID: e51896
File 166187750523.png - (51.40KB , 1280x720 , 124.png )

No. 1042266 ID: e51896
File 166187751468.png - (48.90KB , 1280x720 , 125.png )

No. 1042267 ID: e51896
File 166187752369.png - (69.04KB , 1280x720 , 126.png )

No. 1042268 ID: e51896
File 166187753195.png - (55.18KB , 1280x720 , 127.png )

*insert cartoon fighting sound effects here!*
No. 1042269 ID: e51896
File 166187754284.png - (71.66KB , 1280x720 , 128.png )

Sweaty Kitty: Finally got it back! What a relief!

Sweaty Kitty is quite proud of herself for coming out on top over that kerfuffle. Meanwhile, Eugene, Jerry, Mary, and Gerbera are unfortunately a bit too worn-out from that interaction. Getting herself situated, she looks over to the PIZZA PARTY!

Sweaty Kitty: OH! That’s right!
No. 1042270 ID: e51896
File 166187754929.png - (81.19KB , 1280x720 , 129.png )

Sweaty Kitty runs over and crouches down to where Jerry is sitting

Sweaty Kitty: You’re such an ANGEL, pizza dude! Thank you so much for rescuing me!
Sweaty Kitty: My HERO!

To Jerry’s surprise, the Sweaty Kitty gives Jerry a big ol’ sloppy kiss on the cheek… sloppy from the sweat tho, not saliva. It gives Jerry a jolt of ENERGY and picks him right back up from his exhausted state. Sweaty Kitty notices her sweat on Jerry’s cheek and blushes from embarrassment

Sweaty Kitty: Oh whoopsie! Looks like I got sweat allll over your cheek there!
Sweaty Kitty: lemme just…

Sweaty Kitty pulls out some deodorant from her HAMMERSPACIAL DIMENSION and rubs it all over Jerry’s cheek before he has a chance to respond. He’s a little disturbed that he’s got someone else’s deodorant which has probably already been used, but it changes to a bit of intrigue when he notices there are no longer any signs of sweat on his cheek. He raises an eyebrow at the Sweaty Kitty

Sweaty Kitty: Impressed? It’s my favorite ANTIPERSPIRANT DEODORANT: DEo-HYDRATED!
Sweaty Kitty: I go through DEODORANTS like CRAZY, like one a day!
Sweaty Kitty: But this brand works best for me! It’s really absorbent and can make you smell nice and fresh too!
Sweaty Kitty: Really, with this, I now only go through deodorants once a week instead!
Sweaty Kitty: I’ll let you keep this one, it’s only an extra that I had for after I finish my current one!

Jerry a little more relieved that it wasn’t used until now takes the DEo-HYDRATED, and thanks the Sweaty Kitty for the item as he puts it in his HAMMERSPACE

Sweaty Kitty: No, thank YOU! You’ve done me a HUGE favor there.
Sweaty Kitty: Aaaaanyway, I should probably go search for my car now…
Sweaty Kitty: That gosh-darned geese chick tsunami took it somewhere, and now I have to find out where it washed up to.
Sweaty Kitty: Later! And don’t forget to give me a call whenever you need my mediation or negotiation skills!

The Sweaty Kitty rushes out of the alley as Jerry picks himself back up to his feet. Mary follows suit, but Jerry had to nudge Gerbera awake… by kicking him.

Gerbera: WHA! Whoa! I’m up! I’m up!
Jerry passes Gerbera’s uniform back over to them, and tells him to get dressed immediately, they got a pizza to deliver.
Gerbera: Thanks, my bud!
Gerbera: Can’t be going out naked
Gerbera: Otherwise, nobody will know I work for :pizzid:

Jerry thinks Gerbera is missing the point, but decides not to say anything to avoid a headache. He then notices that Eugene is nowhere to be seen… along with that box of PURKY GENE’S CAT TRSWEATS. He asks Mary if he saw where he want

Mary: No idea
Mary: I look away for about a second, and then he’s just… gone… So sneaky…

Well, as long as Eugene isn’t here for now, Jerry thinks this SITUATION has been handled, though he can’t help but think he might run into the pizza ratte at least one more time during the pizza run.
- It is SUPER ABSORBANT, more than a towel… seriously, why the fuck is this even a deodorant and not marketed as a cleaning supply???
- Won’t just absorb water, so be creative with what it can absorb when suggesting to use it!
- also makes you and things less smelly!

No. 1042271 ID: e51896
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After Gerbera gets dressed, the PIZZA PARTY continue on their way with little to no issues! A bug did fly into Gerbera’s throat, but really it’s a minor issue that doesn’t need its whole UPDATE dedicated to a SITUATION.

However, this was only the calm before the storm. Jerry had reached the location he was dreading most since he took THREE HAMS ROAD: BURGERVANIA. It’s a restaurant shaped to look like some kind of evil gothic castle, fit for a vampire… like his EX GIRLFRIEND W2K…

The restaurant is right across the street from where Jerry is standing, which is good if he needs to get a head start to escape his ex… And thankfully, at the moment, She doesn’t seem to be out here to spot Jerry, but considering that there are some customers outside waiting for their burgers at their tables, that could change at any…
No. 1042272 ID: e51896
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W2K: ORDER #3100D
W2K: Two AB positive cheeseburgers, with two side orders of fries and two sodas!
Pam: Right over here! That’s ours, thanks!
Blake: *Squawk* That’s ours! That’s ours!
W2K: Teehee, there you are!

Oh gods and goddesses and the devils above and below THERE SHE IS SKATING RIGHT OUT THE DOOR! Jerry’s heart is already pounding from the trauma she puts him through, and the fear of what she will do to him next.

But he has to stay resolute all the same. He’s still safe even if he’s in a risky SITUATION. For one, she is across the street, so it’ll take time for her to catch up to him if she spots him. It also seems like she hasn’t noticed Jerry… yet. It looks like she is a bit too dedicated to providing excellent customer service…

…but wait, those customers happen to be… THOSE LARPERS!!! That’s troubling. If they spot Jerry, they might recognize and point him out, getting W2K’s attention too!

And that’s not to mention… her annoying pet cat KAZOO. He doesn't seem to be anywhere in sight, but that doesn’t mean he’s not here. Jerry can be sure that wherever W2K goes, her cat is sure to be somewhere nearby. And if he spots Jerry, he is going to keep meowing at him constantly and loudly until W2K notices and goes after Jerry.

There’s no doubt about it… this SITUATION has a LOT stacked against him


IMPORTANT: Because you chose THREE HAMS ROAD W2K is going to be your MAIN ANTAGONIST of 30 UPDATES OR LESS. Here is how it works:
- The next three SITUATIONS is going to have W2K heavily involved in one way or another
- HELP Jerry three separate times, and you’ll get away from W2K
- However, because you’re dealing with the MAIN ANTAGONIST, the consequences are going to be a bit higher
- The FIRST SABOTAGE with W2K will be a regular SABOTAGE,
- but a SECOND SABOTAGE with her will have a chance of nothing happening at all and just waste an UPDATE again, or a BAD THING happening (stolen/damaged item, stolen money, stolen/damaged equipment, or opening pizza box to lower the pizza temperature, all of which I will dice roll to determine what will happen)
- The THIRD SABOTAGE and above will have a chance of nothing happening at all and just waste an UPDATE again, a BAD THING happening, or a VERY BAD THING happening, which involves SCARRING one of the PIZZA PARTY members, or the pizza in some way (vampire bite turning someone into a really cool Vampire, damaged pizza, or other atrocities)
- Please keep in mind, if you happen to have a BAD THING or VERY BAD THING happen, do not fret, I will be sure to greatly compensate you in some way, as I don’t want you all feeling too scared to choose SABOTAGE. Ya gotta learn to roll with the punches, friends!


(optional: come up with an idea how if you vote this. You can also write up a SABOTAGE idea in case HELP loses. One vote for HELP adds one point to HELP)

(optional: Come up with an idea how if you vote this. You can also write up a HELP idea in case SABOTAGE loses. One vote for SABOTAGE adds one point to SABOTAGE)

(Number of times you DIDN’T use an item for Rocio’s challenge: 2/5 )

PURR FECKT’S PURSE (Chances Purr Feckt will find out Jerry used her purse currently: 15%)(Purr Feckt detection raises by 25% if he rummages through it)(contains a water bottle full of sweat, Purr Feckt detection raises by 10% if Jerry uses it)
Gerbera: Any pepper spray in there? We might be able to blind her with it if she spots us and gets too close…
Mary: Uhhh… um! She probably can’t get blinded if she’s protected by that cubed object on her head! So No need to rummage through the purse

Jerry thinks it’s possible. She’s able to bite people with it on after all. But he thinks he could slip her up with the water bottle too, especially with those roller skates she has on.
Mary: Keep in mind if you use these, it involves her spotting us in some way… It’s not going to help with being stealthy
HELP (if using Sweaty Kitty’s water bottle): 5 SABOTATGE (if using Sweaty Kitty’s water bottle):1
- Write down what you want inside and list their SABOTAGE or HELP points, and how it will help or sabotage you. Preferably keep this one with more help points than sabotage plz.

Gerbera: Oh! We can probably all hide inside this seashell as we pass by!
Gerbera: And if she looks this way, we’ll sit perfectly still and pretend we’re just a regular seashell!
Mary: Hmmm… maybe… we won’t be able to see where we’re going though without lookout…
Mary: In that case, I’ll climb to the top of it and be the lookout and signal you too whenever it is safe or not
Mary: Although… I think it’ll be a bit cramped in there with the two of you inside, right? You might trip…

Jerry does NOT want to be in a cramped space with Gerbera.

Gerbera: May we eat that donut please? I am craving some sweets right about now…
Mary: That might work…
Mary: If our perception of time move slow, we should be able to probably react better if she slowly turns her head this way, and perhaps we’ll move faster
Gerbera: I… was actually just thinking of eating it because I was hungry, but hey, if it helps us, that’s a win!
Mary: Though… it’s going to be VERY RISKY in the UPDATE after the next due to that crash

Jerry thinks that’s all the more reason NOT to use it so that he can save it for after work..

Jerry asks Gerbera if they think there are any SCREWS on the tables outside the BURGERVANIA.
Gerbera: I dunno, I feel like they'd use BOLTS for the tables and chairs, not SCREWS.
Jerry considers this for a moment, before pointing out the shade umbrellas over each table.
Gerbera: Oh, those? Yeah, I bet those are just locked in with SCREWS!
Gerbera: Otherwise anybody could just steal them.

Jerry asks Mary if they could cause a distraction by unscrewing them.
Mary: I'm willing to try! Anything to help Boss!
Mary: I think I can manage it. The poles look thicker than me, so hopefully none of the customers will notice me climbing them.
Mary: ...Though, if I do get caught, you will rescue me. Right?


Mary: Say… That Sweaty Kitty said this thing can absorb stuff and make things smell nicer, right?
Mary: What if we rub this on the pizza box? It might absorb the smell so W2K doesn’t smell us, right?

Jerry mentions it might not do anything to keep them hidden, but that should lower the chances of having her or the customers looking this way at least.
Mary: Hmmm… yeah. Good point…

Mary: Will the Sweaty Kitty be able to fix your issues W2K with her mediation skills?
Jerry Really doubts that their issues can be solved in just one UPDATE alone. Plus, W2K isn’t just trying to kill Jerry for breaking up with her, but also because of his employment at :pizzid:, BURGERVANIA’s #1 competitor. No amount of mediation will change that.
Mary: I think it’s worth a try, even if it takes more than one update… You might need more than 10 ₵A$H in that case
Gerbera: You could always call Rocio to encourage you to run faster! She’s so motivational!

Jerry thinks that her yelling will definitely catch W2K’s attention, and she is quick on her roller skates.
Gerbera: Yeah, but Rocio will be sure to make you run faster I think.
Mary: We can still call one of those two fortune tellers too, they might be able to tell us how to tackle the SITUATION.

Jerry also thinks calling Purr Feckt will be a waste of time as W2K is within her legal right to attack him to protect her business… damn that MAYOR…
- Call the Sweaty Kitty
- Call Iraphena (costs the equivalent of 1000 BUX, whatever that means)
- Call Felafaf (Free, but the next SITUATION will give you 9 SABOTAGE points due to a changed destiny)
- Call Purr Feckt
- Call Rocio

Jerry tells Gerbera he should run across the street, and get that doll singing as a distraction, it might also make the customers leave.
Gerbera: As long as you guys wait for me this time, okay? Though I don’t see why the customers would leave… The little guy has such a cute voice!
Mary: Please be careful, Gerbera! And don’t worry, we’ll wait for you, right Boss?

Jerry agrees, but he just knows that waiting will just mean more time for Jerry to get caught in some way…
Mary: We can technically do the same thing as the doll with this.
Jerry thinks the only difference is that the customers will stay if the music is boppin'
Gerbera: Hey, my doll’s singing can get you dancing too!
Gerbera: Plus, I think the radio is low on batteries too, might be the last time I can use it for awhile.

Help: 3 Sabotage: 5

Gerbera: Jerry, put this on! Use it as a disguise!
Jerry groans, why does this flower want him to put on this stupid costume so badly? He mentions that even if he puts it on, she’s still going to go after them based off of it being a costume being the :pizzid: mascot, and Gerbera wearing a :pizzid: uniform
Gerbera: In that case, I’ll remove my hat, and it’ll just look like I’m wearing a yellow polo.
Mary: And I think she’s more focused on customers right now than to deal with :pizzid: employees anyways… her issues might be just on you specifically, which is why you should be disguised, boss.

Jerry groans again. He REALLY doesn’t want to wear the stupid costume

Mary: ...Boss, why are we talking about the mace?
Mary: There's no real way we can use it without getting close to the restaurant, which you don't want to do.

Jerry shrugs, mentioning that it's always good to consider everything, even the tools which may seem irrelevant. Plenty of experiences he can cite of a seemingly random item doing the trick.
Mary: Well, that is good practice I guess. Alright, let's see...
Mary: ...Maybe we could hold it out while we run? If somebody nearby spots us then, we'd be able to react quickly.
Gerbera: My reactions are lightning quick! I'll definitely be able to swing before we're called out.
Gerbera: But, we'd still be really visible at a distance, wouldn't we?


Mary: W2K is the mascot for BURGERVANIA, right? Her image reflects the company.
Mary: So maybe if we melted her clothes, she wouldn't be able to chase us even if she knew we were here.
Mary: It would reflect badly on BURGERVANIA if she broke the mandatory clothing rule, wouldn't it?
Gerbera: I still want to give this to Snowpea unused, or at least barely used. I'm fine with maybe one squirt if you think it's a good idea.
Mary: Hmm... She would know we were in the area if we did that though.
Mary: ...And she would probably be really mad afterwards.

Jerry suggests aiming for the customers instead, hesitant to piss off his crazy ex.
Mary: That would make a scene. The distraction should be enough for us to get by.
Gerbera: Is that Pam over there? From earlier today? I guess she's done playing pirate.
Gerbera: She probably still has the clothes she was wearing earlier in her HAMMERSPACIAL DIMENSION, so spraying her wouldn't be too bad
Gerbera: Those umbrellas might block our shot though. It'll be tough to aim this right.

HELP: 6 SABOTAGE: 1 (Consequence: W2K will know that you're in the area, and will be ESPECIALLY angry, leveling up the next SABOTAGE to have a possibility to have a BAD THING happen)


>-GET ANTONIO’S HELP (7 HELP POINTS) (Lowers Pizza Temperature unless you give him STALE LEFTOVERS to maintain the temperature… which you no longer have) (Pizza Temperature is: HOT)

Antonio: You’re STILL having problems with her?
Antonio: You two need to settle your differences, seriously…
Antonio: *sigh* I’ll use my powers to help hide you if necessary…

Sub Options (stuff you can do along with your regular options) (you can only do three SUB OPTIONS actions)
>-Text the someone
- This will do nothing to HELP or SABOTAGE the situation, but you will get some fun dialogue. Write down what Jerry should text them, and they’ll respond appropriately.

>-Use all or some of your free HELP point(s)
- You have 10.
- Can only vote for or against using it if you're voting HELP.
- Specify how many points you want to use.
- At least two people must vote for this

>-Use all or some your free SABOTAGE point(s)
- You have 6.
- Can only vote for or against using if you’re voting SABOTAGE.
- Specify how many points you want to use.
- At least two people must vote for this

>-Call Vincent or Harmon
-They will arrive in TWO-THREE UPDATES, RANDOMLY giving you 5 HELP points, or 5 SABOTAGE points depending on if the SITUATION is serious or not.

>-Item management! Throw away, or put an item inside the HAMMERSPACE (Mary is an option)(You can hide him in there to protect him, but you won’t get an idea of the points each item will give you)
No. 1042273 ID: c7f601

So this will be the final showdown, a fight between the person who hates his job and the person who loves it too much, such duality. Anyways I vote for help also have to ask, what weaknesses do vampires in this world have? Before giving a suggestion on what to use.
No. 1042276 ID: cd5c4f

FUck it stay still maybe vampires can sense movement.
No. 1042338 ID: e51896

Message from PEA: For the record, even though you are facing the MAIN ANTAGONIST, this will not be the final SITUATION, you all still have plenty of situations to deal with after you face Jerry's ex girlfriend. You're just having a showdown with the main antagonist in the middle of the quest instead of near the ending. How weird is that?!

>what weaknesses do vampires in this world have? Before giving a suggestion on what to use.

I've explained what they are weak to here: >>1037732 But I'll post them here too: Stake through the heart, garlic, religious holy symbols or holy water (based off whatever religion people in this dumb world follows) and sunlight. All these can hurt, or even kill a vampire in 30 UPDATES OR LESS.
Lack of blood was listed too, but I should add that lack of blood just makes vampires here very lethargic, but it won't kill them.

Note that you don't have any of the items listed tho, but keep in mind that even if you did, it won't really effect much because you'd still need to HELP Jerry three separate times in order to get out of the W2K's situation. There are no wrong answers for this SITUATION like all the others, just be creative and come up with silly ideas when you think about how Jerry gets helped. Go crazy and have fun with it. Most of this quest is not meant to be taken seriously, lol! ;)

(Of course, you can also SABOTAGE him and suggest some silly things to happen to him too if you want!)

No. 1042339 ID: 629f2e

Okay, this one is going to be a doozy.

Let's get past the obvious right off the bat:


So we aren't going to be getting too much item use in the near future, since we're trying to win Rocio's challenge and all that. So if we're going to use any, we may as well get our money's worth.



Have Gerbera aim the CLOTHING DESTRUCTION SQUIRT GUN at neither W2K or the customers, but the umbrella above their table. Umbrellas are typically sloped so that water dribbles right down the edges of them, making it very predictable where the liquid will go. W2K has stepped out to serve customers, meaning she'll be approaching their table. With the right timing, you'll be able to hit her with an indirect shot from above! ...And maybe Pam and Blake too That's definitely looking like the type of umbrella sloped to protect the food from rain rather than those sitting at the table.

(Good example of hostile design. Homeless people would feel more comfortable sitting at them to get out of the rain if the umbrellas would keep them safe. Shame on BURGERVANIA for these design decisions!)

While Gerbera is doing this, have Mary standing below them with the deodorant. Even with the indirect angle of attack and perfect aim, some of the liquid will wind up on the street between you and BURGERVANIA. When it does, have Mary tap the end of the stream to suck up the entire line that goes straight from where you are to across the street. There will be no evidence of direction if all of this goes according to plan.

The only downsides are that A: We'd be targeting three people at once, requiring more ammo than just blasting one person would take. and B: It's a harder shot to aim, so the points probably skew more evenly towards HELP and SABOTAGE.


You soak W2K, Pam, and Blake in one clean shot, and from an indirect angle. And by cleaning up your mess with the Deodorant, you get the following benefits:

-W2K doesn't discover that the PIZZA PARTY is there. Since she doesn't have a clear shot to follow, the crew buy a few key seconds thanks to her confusion to hide from sight, and W2K can't establish a clear direction of origin for the liquid.

-Pam and Blake getting hit makes W2K less likely to get suspicious of rivalry sabotage, since she wasn't the sole victim of the attack. She may be more likely to chalk it up to some standard Crust City bullshit. A stork was carrying bottles of solvent that leaked in his bag onto the umbrella maybe. It's not impossible, every part of that story is perfectly believable in this city.

-Any unseen individuals who could have witnessed us will be distracted by the commotion in front of BURGERVANIA, making it especially easy to sneak past.

-W2K has to change into something more presentable, leaving her out of commission for a period of time. She'll likely be back on the scene if somebody calls us out to her of course, but she won't show up especially furious. At least no more so than usual, or not at us.

TL;DR: Use Sweaty Kitty's gift and clever aiming to negate the gun's consequences.


For the record, it was an amazing plan. Any failures are on Gerbera's end here, but give them a break they haven't handled a squirt gun since they were a kid!

It all comes down to that tricky aim. A perfect shot at that umbrella from this distance is asking a lot, so it's no surprise if they end up missing.

One of three outcomes take place. Maybe roll a d3 to decide which, or just pick the funniest:

-W2K takes a direct shot
-Gerbera hits the table, still hitting everyone but being much more obvious about where it's coming from
-The blast goes through the window and hits a customer eating inside

No matter which happens, the consequence is mostly the same. W2K knows you're here, and is VERY PISSED OFF.

...Well, maybe not as much in that last outcome. Let's say that if you hit the customer in the restaurant, then W2K knows where you are but you don't get the anger consequence. Instead Mary, standing right underneath Gerbera, gets dripped on and loses his pants. Mainly just so that we get to see that Conway thong, but I'm sure Jerry considers this a terrible consequence.

In the latter outcome W2K comes directly after you, but in the former two she sends customers your way by announcing a bounty on you over her restaurant's speakers. You're going to have to escape a hungry mob, coming after you for either your pizza or the BURGERVANIA deals that bringing you in will provide.

On a narrative level: This would be the second time in a row that Gerbera would be messing up a task you give them, which may mess with their confidence a bit. Or maybe they blame Jerry for having terrible plans or asking to much of them. There are some very interesting places you could take it.


Polt already mentioned that he forgot to have texting Rocio happen, so I'm just gonna copy my last comment on that nearly verbatim.

-Text Rocio to let her know you're already 2 for 5 on her challenge already, and bring up the fact that she seems to be the only one who hasn't taken on a challenge here. Armstrong did tonguetwisters, you're doing an itemless SITUATION solving run, but she's just nagging. For someone who talks big about other people's victories, she sure likes sitting on her ass.

If she takes the bait, give her a fun dare! Something like: No magic for five updates, or getting to wherever she needs to be next without flying or riding on her BF's shoulders, and still making it on time. If she wins, you'll get her some Pizzid on the house. Later. When you aren't on a delivery. If she loses, make her do something for you. Like a favor you can call in or something.

-Text Harmon. Let him know what you're up to, and mention you might need them in the near future. Not an official call for help yet, just a notice to expect one. And a chance to brag a little bit about your sick plan.
No. 1042340 ID: e5709d

Don't use items, don't sabotage your ex-girlfriend while she's having fun at work. In fact, that's kind of the point. If she completely goes psychotic and tries to chainsaw you while she's at work, that's a black mark on her record for truancy on the clock. She's so passionate about serving low-grade meat to high-caste jerks that she might not even see you.
But it all depends on being nonchalant and focused. If you're concerned, have Mary cover your face while you wait for the green light in your update.
No. 1042346 ID: c7f601

Thank you for the clarification, so first I am going to tell you what Jerry will not do. He will not try to sneak by this establishment, he will not try to play dead or any other cowardly tactic. Jerry will yell "hey bitch" as loud as he can and then he will give her the strongest, and the biggest, double whammy, gluten-free, with pickles slap across her face. After that, he can continue on his merry way.
No. 1042622 ID: 0838d6

HELP, Have mary cover your face, take off the hat like Gerb, make it look like you're just wearing a yellow polo.

No item use, just try to be as casual as possible and walk on by. This will inevitably fail as we have to encounter her at least 2 more times, however, it will at least give you a head start before she smells your blood because obveously she knows your smell more than the pizza. You COULD use the deodorant, but you should save that for when you inevitably go down some dark alleyway and need to hide.
No. 1042697 ID: 8483cf

I vote for no items, because Rocio needs to eat some humble (pizza) pie.

I vote to HELP Jerry!

Let’s be real, exes always know where you are at all times, and Jerry’s is no ex-ception. She immediately spots Jerry and makes a beeline straight for him…

But so do the LARPERS! Pam and Blake immediately jump up and seize their chance for another round of pie-racy. Unfortunately for them, they spill their food all over W2K.

W2K, who genuinely enjoys her job and outfit, turns her wrath on the customers, who are OBVIOUSLY in league with Jerry. How dare they ruin her work uniform!

If Sabotage wins, the Larpers still spill their food, but W2K’s pet Kazoo eats it up from where it was hiding under the table and powers up into KAZOOIE, which is basically the Kazoo but even MORE annoying. If they eat any more food, they’ll turn in to KAZOOEST!

No help or sabotage points.

Texto Rocio and tell her she's a lazy butt
No. 1042759 ID: e51896

rolled 1, 6 = 7

Message from PEA: Before I start, just wanted to say a few things!

I apologize the dice rolling took so long, but there were some things I needed to figure out regarding some posts such as distributing points fairly. Thanks for your patience!

First, again there are still suggesters who aren’t totally clear in their posts whether they are voting HELP or SABOTAGE. Earlier I said I would assume what they’re voting for, but because sometimes it delays the dice roll, I decided that unfortunately at this point on I will not be able to count your votes if you are not stating upfront what you’re voting for. that said, I apologize if you’re not happy your vote didn’t make it in. Simply saying HELP vote or SABOTAGE vote at the beginning of your post, writing your vote in ALL CAPS, or bolding your vote somewhere in your post will suffice. Just as long as I notice it easily in your post :)

Second, it looks like team SABOTAGE wants to use an item! Few things to note as far as the Rocio challenge is concerned, if one team wants to use an item, but the other team doesn’t, then the winning team will determine whether you get a Rocio challenge point or not.

So, in this case, if SABOTAGE wins this, you won’t get a Rocio challenge point because you’ll be using an item. But if HELP wins, you gain a Rocio Challenge point because you didn’t use an item.

Lastly, SABOTAGE decided to use TWO items instead of ONE! And using them in a way not listed in the prompts said you would.

So, I’d like state here that in cases where you use an item differently than the prompt told you, I will determine and change how many points you’ll get based off of creativity and how effective it’ll be, even if it’s two items.

I decided you’ll be getting 3 SABOTAGE points, taking into consideration how much points the two items already would give you, and how creative the way it is being used is. It is an indirect attack attempt, so I won’t level up the SABOTAGE to have bad things happen since you’re not directly attacking w2K for massive (clothing) damage.


Overall so far, the HELP POINTS are 4, and SABOTAGE points are 4. Wow, tied up!

Once the six sided dices are rolled, I will add the votes to the results. the first dice will be HELP, the second dice will be SABOTAGE.
No. 1042760 ID: e51896

SABOTAGE wins in a landslide with 5 points < 10 points

honestly, it would have still won if it was 4 HELP POINTS against 1 SABOTAGE POINTS if SABOTAGE didn't use an item.

Votes are closed, but you can still suggest HOW Jerry is SABOTAGED, as long as it involves the Deodorant, AND the clothing destruction ray gun!
No. 1046855 ID: e51896
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>If she completely goes psychotic and tries to chainsaw you while she's at work, that's a black mark on her record for truancy on the clock

If only that were the case. Unfortunately, in NEW CRUST CITY, some idiotic laws were passed by the MAYOR that allow workers the legal right to protect their corporations against any rival companies that try to promote their business within 200 feet of their vicinity. Since Jerry is delivering pizza through BURGERVANIA, w2K is within her legal right to attack the PIZZA PARTY so that they don’t drive customers away from BURGERVANIA to the :pizzid: Pizzeria. Not to mention, as Jerry’s ex, she will hold NOTHING back to turn Jerry into chopped meat with that chainsaw of hers.

Jerry is well aware from his previous brushes with death against w2K that even if he sneaks past, something will alert her to Jerry’s presence and catch him by surprise. It never fails. He figures it’s inevitable that he’s going to be forced to deal with w2K. So he’ll need to be the one to make the first strike, so that she can at least be stunned or distracted enough for Jerry to get away or plan his next moves better.

The PIZZA PARTY huddles together and comes up with a plan. Gerbera will make a surprise attack with that CLOTHING DESTRUCTION RAY SQUIRT GUN by spraying the top of the umbrella, above the table where the customers and w2K are at. The solvent will drip on them, and they’ll be too distracted worrying about their clothing melting away to deal with Jerry. Meanwhile, while Gerbera shoots, Mary will clean as much of the solvent off the floor as possible so that w2K doesn’t find even a trace of a trail leading to the PIZZA PARTY. Afterwards he can hide under the table.

Gerbera: Okaaaaay…
Mary: What’s wrong?
Gerbera: Well… I think it’s gonna take quite a bit of my ammo to make this effective against three people, at least half.
Gerbera: And I was kind of hoping to give this to Snowpea with very little use.
Mary: I’m sure she’ll understand, as long as you don’t break it. It can be refilled, right?
Gerbera: I suppose…

Jerry reminds Gerbera that he has to do this for the satisfaction of their customer.

Gerbera: OH! Right, right! Yeah, I’m sure we’ll be fine.
Mary: Hmm… but I am concerned… It is a long way over there.
Mary: That would mean I’d have to run to the table, and then run back…
Mary: And I did shrink down after traveling to your world…
Mary: Do you know of any way I can get there faster?
Mary: I’m worried I might get too tired to ke- YIPE!

Jerry picks up Mary, and throws him across the street and below the table when w2K had her head turned, figuring it’d just be easier to just have him clean the trail of solvent on the floor on his way back rather than run over there and back.

With Mary across the street, and Gerbera in position, Jerry figures he’ll take a small moment before the plan is set in motion to contact a couple of people, just to lower the anxiety of having to deal with w2K. He first texts Rocio, letting her know he so far has gotten through two SITUATIONS out of five without using any items

Rocio: What, two? That’s it?
Rocio: That’s nothing to write home about, you’re not even half-way there!
Rocio: In fact, I bet you’re planning on using an item to help you cheat through life again right now!
Rocio: Show a little more initiative and maybe I’ll listen, otherwise, don’t waste my time!

Jerry argues that he’s already done a tongue twister with Armstrong, and dealt with a bunch of other shit today, and finds it hypocritical that Rocio has been talking big about pushing others to their limits while all she does is sit on her lazy ass all day and bark orders at others.

Rocio: HEY! Don’t be accusing me of laziness when you don’t even realize what goes into my work!
Rocio: There’s a lot more going on you don’t realize!
Rocio: I’ll have you know that during Armstrong’s aerobics I’m not just sitting around doing nothing but watch people work out for my entertainment!
Rocio: With the amount of people we get, I have to be very diligent and attentive on who is falling behind, try to remember who needs improvements on what, and constantly yell at people to do better, which sometimes hurts my throat!
Rocio: why just the other day, I had to personally call out a tulip person who

And that’s all the time Jerry has left for Rocio. He doesn't have an entire update to listen or care about Rocio’s shit. So he next texts Harmon to let him know he’s near his ex, and might call him and Vincent for help later.

[b]Harmon: Ey, Bummer ya gotta deal with her!
Harmon: we’ll be having a gas biking on the blocks near the street you’re at then!
Harmon: Let us know when ya wigging out with any situation and we’ll come over in a couple UPDATES.

No. 1046856 ID: e51896
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Meanwhile, as Jerry is busy texting, Mary hides under the customers’ table after getting flown across the street. He awaits Gerbera finding the right moment to start shooting. Getting a closer look, Mary realizes that… WHOA! that long pointy mustache Blake has on his beak is REAL???
Mary:No, wait, I can’t get distracted. I have to wait for Gerbera’s signal

As Mary positions himself in a spot where he won’t accidentally get kicked by any swaying legs under the table, w2K places the tray of food on the table to the hungry customers

w2K: Thank you for choosing BURGERVANIA, where our burgers are as juicy as your BLOOD!
w2K: And just so you know, for this month only, we’re running a terrifyingly new promotion!
w2K: If you scan the QR codes from your meals, you can rack up points that you can save up for some PRIZES!
Pam: Sweet! I can’t wait to eat!
Blake: *SQUAWK* Burger! Burger!
Pam: You said it! nothing like chowing down on a burger after spending a few UPDATES trying to plunder some PIZZA from a delivery dude!

There’s a small moment where w2K’s smile starts twitching upon hearing that before she perks right back up immediately.
w2K: You’ll find that our burgers here are so scrumptious, that you’ll never want to think about boring old PIZZA ever again after taking one mouth watery bite!
w2K: And with our scary low prices, you’ll be craving to come back for seconds… or thirds! Or FOURTHS!
Pam: Hmm… maybe! I don’t think I can ever give up :pizzid: pizza though…
w2K: Is there anything else I can get you?
Pam: Oh! I’m such a scatterbrain, I forgot to ask for sauce. Sorry Blake! Can we get some sauce for our food please?
w2K: Two blood sauces, coming right-

No. 1046857 ID: e51896
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Gerbera found his opening and took the shot. Unfortunately, it splattered right onto the table where the tray of food is resting, causing a mess all over the place, with most of the solvents landing right on Pam and Blake
Gerbera: Aw, shoot. I never really had good aim, Snowpea was always a better shot than I was…
w2K: Oh me, oh my!

With quick reflexes, w2K was able to skate backwards and dodge the stream of goo flying all over the place. Mary rushes out from under the table, pushing the deodorant in front of him like a mop and absorbs the trail of solvent off the floor leading to Jerry, and Gerbera
[b]Mary: Please don’t look this way, please don’t look this way, please don’t look this way…
No. 1046858 ID: e51896
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As Mary scampers towards the PIZZA PARTY, he starts feeling something wet on his pants. Soon he starts feeling lighter around his waist, and a breeze on parts of his legs… Oh no! The PIZZA PARTY did not account for the solvent to rain onto Mary. Mary looks down at his one-size-fits-all trousers, watching them slowly melt away.

Mary: Huh? Ohhh, that’s not good, Boss isn’t going to be too happy about this…
Mary: At least the thong didn’t get eaten… whew!

No. 1046859 ID: e51896
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Blake and Pam aren't faring any better. In fact, they seem to be doing worse off, having gotten far more of the goo on their attire. Because of that, their clothes are being eaten away much faster!
Pam: EEP! Not again! I already had one of my uniforms ruined today!
Pam: If this keeps up, am I going to have to live as a nudist???
Blake: Slimy! Slimy! *SQUAWK!*
Pam: It’s groooosssss!
Pam: What kind of sauce IS THIS?! What kind of crazy hot spices are able to make clothes melt like this?? This can’t be safe!
Blake: *Crunch crunch*
Pam: Huh? Y… you’re… eating it?!

No. 1046860 ID: e51896
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Blake, with intense curiosity, had dipped one of his fries in the “sauce” and took a big bite out of it. Suddenly, is eyes widen as a huge waves of emotions rushes through him as he tries to process the sensation he had experienced

Pam: B…Blake… are you okay?
Blake: Oh gods… I’m going to… I’m going to cry!
Pam: Whoa, Blake? You… you actually spoke in full sentences?!
Pam: Just… just… Wh… what IS this sauce?

Pam cautiously takes a small lick of the “sauce” that landed on her burger. As soon as her tongue made contact, she gasps in disbelief before immediately taking huge bites out of the burger
Pam: Oooooh my Gooooooooooddeeeeeesssss.
Pam: I… I never felt this… this…
Pam: this much EUPHORIA!
Pam: I got goosebumps everywhere, it's so good! I feel like I might faint![/b]

After the stream of goo died down, w2K skates back over to her customers

w2K: On behalf of BURGERVANIA, we apologize for what happened, and will take responsibility for it. we’ll offer you a f-
Pam: w2K, just… WHAT IS THIS SAUCE?!

w2K tilts her head in confusion
w2K: Eh? You’re not upset about your wardrobe malfunction?
Pam: It’s a small price to pay! I’d even give away ALL my clothes if I could get more! What is it called!?

W2K is confused at first and suddenly smirks as her eyes light up and she realizes the opportunity that just landed on her lap. Finally, she has found something that can rival the addicting taste of :pizzid: pizza, maybe even surpassing it judging by her customer’s reaction. With a new path to fortune laid in front of her, she without skipping a beat reveals the name of the new sauce.

[b]w2K: It’s our new slime based sauce, STARK SAUCE!
w2K: It’s so strong, it will knock more than just your socks off!
Blake: Stark! Stark! *SQUAWK!*
Pam: Hm, kind of counterintuitive if the mess it leaves eats your clothes.
w2K: it’s a placeholder really *ahem*

w2K realizes that she’s going to need to take some of that sauce for research if she wishes to somehow reproduce more of the product. She tries to take some off the table when Pam speaks up.

Pam: Everything alright?
w2K: Don’t worry, I was just looking to clean up a bit since we accidentally spilled the sauce everywhere
Pam: Don’t worry, we got you covered, we’ll clean all of it right off, right Blake?
Blake: Tasty! Tasty!

The two proceed to lick all the “sauce” off the table as w2K starts pondering to herself

w2K: I NEED that sauce, but I can’t just take it off the customer’s table, they won’t let me.
w2K and the customer is always right….
w2K: Where DID it come from?
w2K: Hmm… It couldn’t have fallen from the sky, since the umbrella is in the way…
w2K: Which meeeeaaaaaans…
No. 1046861 ID: e51896
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w2K has spotted the PIZZA PARTY
No. 1046864 ID: e51896
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She picks up a radio, and proceeds to speak into it

w2K: Heeeeey! It’s w2K!
???: Need anything?
w2K: Would it be okay if I take my short break early today?
???: Jerry hunting?
w2K: Jerry hunting!
w2K: And for a limited time, we have a chance to win a secret ingredient that is guaranteed to get BURGERVANIA to surpass :pizzid: if we act now!
???: …
???: Okay, I got someone covering for you
???: Enjoy your “break”

No. 1046865 ID: e51896
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w2K immediately skates towards the PIZZA PARTY. Realizing the trouble he is in, Jerry takes a few steps backwards, only to trip on the curb of the sidewalk and fall on his rear.

w2K: Well, well, well…
w2K: If it isn’t my little Jear bear and his cute, juicy looking little friends!
Mary: Yipe! I don't wanna get bitten!
w2K: Not only had to break up with me, but try to SABOTAGE my work and take our customers away from me too!
Gerbera: So you were really Jerry's girlfriend?
w2K: Teehee, I’m flattered! I’m sure Jerry told you aaaalllll the wonderful thrilling times we had together!
w2K: All experiences to DIE for!
w2K: But not as much as when you'll die of shock over how low our prices are for chicken burgers!
Gerbera: Please let us through, we only just want to deliver a pizza to the customer!
w2K: Now, now! No need to be afraid! I'll let you pass if you pay the toll…
w2K: And that'll be one body of Jerry!
Mary: What! Th-That's unreasonable!
w2K: awwww, that's a shame, but don't worry, as we also just now have a limited time sale on our toll!
w2K: If you hand over that delicious sauce…

No. 1046866 ID: e51896
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w2K: I will cut the price of one Jerry IN HALF!

w2K proceeds to rev up her chainsaw while Jerry gulps.
Jerry has failed to get out of the SITUATION and it has turned into a PROBLEM, wasting an UPDATE.
Number of Helps left needed to get away from w2K: 0/3
Number of SABOTAGES Jerry is subjected to against w2K: 1. The next SABOTAGE will have a one in two chance of something BAD happening


(optional: come up with an idea how if you vote this. You can also write up a SABOTAGE idea in case HELP loses. One vote for HELP adds one point to HELP)

(optional: Come up with an idea how if you vote this. You can also write up a HELP idea in case SABOTAGE loses. One vote for SABOTAGE adds one point to SABOTAGE)

(Number of times you DIDN’T use an item for Rocio’s challenge: 2/5 )

PURR FECKT’S PURSE (Chances Purr Feckt will find out Jerry used her purse currently: 15%)(Purr Feckt detection raises by 25% if he rummages through it)(contains a water bottle full of sweat, Purr Feckt detection raises by 10% if Jerry uses it)
Gerbera: Huh? But her head is a monitor? I don’t know if she can put on makeup?
Jerry means throwing the makeup at the screen to cover her vision
Gerbera: oohhhhh! Good idea
Mary: Won’t Purr Feckt need those? She seems like the type of cat who cares a lot about her looks…

HELP (if using Sweaty Kitty’s water bottle): 5 SABOTATGE (if using Sweaty Kitty’s water bottle):1
- Write down what you want inside and list their SABOTAGE or HELP points, and how it will help or sabotage you. Preferably keep this one with more help points than sabotage plz.

Mary: QUICK! Let's defend ourselves with the SEASHELL!
Gerbera: Oh yeah! It is pretty durable, might even give her whiplash if she attempts to swing the chainsaw at us!

Jerry wonders if it’s worth lowering the worth of the Seashell by using it as a worthy enough shield, or if there is a better way
HELP: 6 (But will decrease the value of the SEASHELL) SABOTAGE: 2

Gerbera: I can still go for a donut right now…
Mary: Yeah, and it might just give Jerry a chance to get his bearings if his perception of time is slower.
w2K: Oooooh! I just have to have one of those as a new menu item!
Gerbera: HEY, you’re not allowed to listen in on these sections of the update!

Mary: If she wants that donut, she might be determined to take it off of Jerry’s hands before he can eat it
Gerbera: and take off Jerry’s hands as well[/b]
Jerry shudders at the idea.

Jerry wonders if he can throw Mary at w2K and unscrew the bolts of her monitor. Mary his arms around himself trying to calm himself, and is looking a bit worried.
Mary: *whine* I-I don’t know, I can try if we absolutely have to but… she’s pretty scary!
Mary: What if she bites me? What if I drop the SCREWDRIVER?
Gerbera: Just remember we’re doing it for the customer!
Mary: isn’t there another way though?

Jerry wonders if it would truly be worth it, or if Mary’s anxiety will affect him in some way.

Mary: I have quite a bit of the goo on the deodorant that we can throw at a specific part of her uniform
Mary: the attack will be less obvious since it’s small and not being shot out of a gun, but will only serve to melt just a small piece of her clothing… we’d just have to figure out where exactly to throw it that might slow her down
Though, she might catch it for research purposes

HELP: base 3, (though it can raise significantly if you can figure out which part of her clothing to toss the goo at) SABOTAGE: 4 (if she catches it, she’ll be able to research it later, and use it as a very addicting sauce, making BURGERVANIA more of a threat against :pizzid: unless you get it back.

Mary: We might still have a chance to call Sweaty Kitty to help mediate the issues you too have
Jerry reminds Mary that it’d still take a few updates of calling Sweaty Kitty to resolve all their issues, and it won’t help much if w2K is determined to protect BURGERVANIA
Mary: Still, maybe consider it?
Gerbera: Maybe Rocio has something to say to w2K? Her boyfriend hates greasy food after all

Jerry thinks that she actually loves greasy food, considering he once delivered pizza to her, at least, he thinks he did.
Gerbera: hm, we can probably get Armstrong on the line then…
Mary: Don’t forget the two remaining fortune tellers too, they can guide us out of here.
Mary: Or maybe since Harmon and Vincent work at the BLACK MARKET, we can probably get her to call them to work out a deal for that sauce, while we use that distraction to get away!
Gerbera: No way! I’m not going to do anything that will hurt :pizzid:’s business!

While Jerry wouldn’t care about how well :pizzid: is doing, he really doesn’t want to get in trouble with his uncle. Jerry still thinks calling Purr Feckt will be a waste of time, it’s not like he can sue w2K or get her arrested for attempted murder as she protects BURGERVANIA
- Call the Sweaty Kitty
- Call Iraphena (costs the equivalent of 1000 BUX, whatever that means)
- Call Felafaf (Free, but the next SITUATION will give you 9 SABOTAGE points due to a changed destiny)
- Call Purr Feckt
- Call Rocio
-Call Harmon and Vincent
HELP: 7 (But w2K will gain access to that clothing destruction solvent and Jerry’s uncle will get upset with him) SABOTAGE: 3
Jerry wonders if they should throw a plush at w2K, she’ll get distracted by the cuteness and get the idea of marketing the plush as a free toy inside each kids meal
Mary: What? Noooooo! Boss, how could you think of something so cruel?!
Jerry explains he was referring to the GERBERA DOLL
Gerbera: What? Noooooo! My bud, how could you think of something so cruel?!
Jerry sighs. But he figures to himself that it might be a bad idea, the doll does sing an annoying song after all, and she might not want plush toys of an employee for :pizzid:
Jerry thinks that since the radio’s batteries is almost dead, they can probably put the radio at max volume, and make a getaway while covering their ears as w2K is distracted by the ringing in her ears
Gerbera: But what if it blows out the speakers? We won’t be able to have music to dance to as THE ZA.
Mary: And as a poodle plush fur-kin, my hearing is a lot more sensitive… I might not be able to help with the next update if my hearing is damaged…

Help: 6 (Mary won’t be able to help or give an estimate of how well each item is successful) Sabotage: 4

Jerry thinks they can throw this over her head, and while she’s blinded, they can make a getaway
Gerbera: Yeah, but… don’t you need that in case you start your new job as mascot?
Mary: And she might just easily destroy it with her chainsaw… not to mention the wind might make it drop down slower

Well, so much for trying to get rid of it

Gerbera: My bud, I may not be good at shooting, but I excel at melee combat!
Gerbera: Let me at them, my reaction time is quick, so I should be able to keep up with her!
Mary: But what about her chainsaw? It looks devastating!
Gerbera: It might be big, but that just means she’s limited in mobility as she needs both arms to control it!


Gerbera:Sorry I’m such a bad shot at this, I haven’t used a squirt gun since I was a sprout after all…
Gerbera: But maybe I’ll do better at closer range like this?
Mary: We could alternatively just give her the rest of the ammo, she might be so overwhelmed by the gift that we can make our escape!
Gerbera: What, and hurt :pizzid:’s business? No thanks! And I’m not sure this stuff is safe to eat, even if it tastes great

Jerry thinks it’s a great idea, but he is worried about how his uncle will react to bribing w2K with something that can really hurt his business
HELP: 7 (but you’ll make BURGERVANIA a huge threat to :pizzid: and make Jerry’s uncle furious) SABOTAGE: 2
>-GET ANTONIO’S HELP (7 HELP POINTS) (Lowers Pizza Temperature unless you give him STALE LEFTOVERS to maintain the temperature… which you no longer have) (Pizza Temperature is: HOT)

Antonio: Well, if she is going to potentially open the pizza box and lower the pizza's temperature, you might as open it yourself before that happens to have me help you…

Sub Options (stuff you can do along with your regular options) (you can only do three SUB OPTIONS actions)
>-Text the someone
- This will do nothing to HELP or SABOTAGE the situation, but you will get some fun dialogue. Write down what Jerry should text them, and they’ll respond appropriately.

>-Use all or some of your free HELP point(s)
- You have 10.
- Can only vote for or against using it if you're voting HELP.
- Specify how many points you want to use.
- At least two people must vote for this

>-Use all or some your free SABOTAGE point(s)
- You have 6.
- Can only vote for or against using if you’re voting SABOTAGE.
- Specify how many points you want to use.
- At least two people must vote for this

>-Call Vincent or Harmon
-They will arrive in TWO-THREE UPDATES, RANDOMLY giving you 5 HELP points, or 5 SABOTAGE points depending on if the SITUATION is serious or not.

>-Item management! Throw away, or put an item inside the HAMMERSPACE (Mary is an option)(You can hide him in there to protect him, but you won’t get an idea of the points each item will give you)

No. 1046870 ID: e5709d

Oh dang, her boss is as crazy as her!
Yeah, time to run. (HELP)

>Acid Solvent is hecka delicious
... You know what, let's just go with this.
Here's the plan: spray the rest of your ammo on the whole damn castle. The other customers' food in particular. Burgervania will get a temporary boost in sales from diehard Stark Sauce Sycophants - and then they'll demand more. Burgervania doesn't actually know where this stuff comes from or what you just used, meaning dozens of junkies who'll come in and wreck the place in anger, jacking the prices up but driving the profits so far down it'll exorcise these vamps for good.

You can buy more and use it in your pizzas later - but observe the long-term health effects of the solvent from Burgervania's customers first.
No. 1046874 ID: dc13c4

I vote for helping Jerry, have two ideas how to get out of this situation. Idea one simply order something from the menu, she can't hurt you if you are a customer. If that doesn't work then I suggest option 2, there is a way to get the chainsaw stuck and that is when it is cutting thick amount of threads. So in order for Jerry to save his life he will need to take of his jeans and use them on the chainsaw. Unfortunately at that point he won't be able to use them again, just hope he doesn't have some embarrassing undervers if you go down this path.
No. 1046880 ID: 0838d6

I vote HELP, use 2 Help points, and spray the delicious goo on the customers so that she as to deal with the fallout while you skeedaddle.

She's got jerry fever, but it'll switch her focus on Gerbera's gun so that they take some of the heat and truly understands exactly what Jerry has to go through. As of right now she doesen't know who did the thing, sure gerb might later act like "oh this would all have been avoidable" but you know that's not true and want gerb to understand how hard this job really is right? They think this is still just an easy peasy game, well put your life on the line you flower, deal with a chainsaw like jerry does.
No. 1046881 ID: 585c42

I want to HELP but I have no idea how...
No. 1046883 ID: 995422


Message from PEA: don't worry, your HELP vote will still be counted!

Reminder that there are no wrong answers on how he gets helped or sabotaged as only the votes and dice roll are the deciding factor, the how is the flavor (and effects the city around him in fun ways) so dont be afraid to go nuts with ideas, even if it's outlandish, it's a cartoony world after all.

You can even support someone's idea for it to happen more likely
No. 1046990 ID: 8483cf

Agreed, let's use two HELP points to assist in the spraying of less-than-innocent bystanders (if they're eating Burgers in CRUST CITY, they've made their choice).
No. 1046994 ID: 629f2e

Before anything else: Put Mary in your hammerspace pocket. Regardless of whether HELP or SABO wins, I want to know that best plush is safe and sound. Mary can share his space with any items he's holding, but if that won't fly then his items should be mostly small enough for you to hold onto for now.

Anywho, I vote Sabotage.

Screw Rocio's challenge too, I'd like to suggest using the Mace. Gerbera deserves another go, and they seem confident this time. Let them go wild on your ex!


The Pizza Party refuses to hand the sauce over. w2K swings at Jerry to finish him off, only for Gerbera to intercept with a swing of their mace! The first swing disarms her, the second disrobes a single article of clothing: Her hair bow! Without it, her hair gets into her eyes and obscures her vision. With an opening made, Jerry and Gerbera make a getaway. But with such a persistent pursuer, can they expect to put enough distance between them?


Gerbera is still able to intercept the first blow and disarm w2K, but the aimed shot at her hair bow is dodged! Since Gerbera aimed high for that swing, w2K is able to topple the off-balance Gerbera down to the ground.

Upset at her chainsaw being scuffed by this dumb flower, w2K goes in for a bite. Jerry, remembering their earlier conversation, realizes that Gerbera might become a vampire if that bite goes through. Considering the fact that flowers need sunlight, and vampires are burned by the sun, he concludes that it might be a death sentence for Gerb.

Owing his annoying co-worker one for intercepting the attack, Jerry shoves himself in the way. He gets bit, and w2K quickly begins sucking his blood as an alternative way of ending his life. He won't become a vampire thanks to the vaccine, but if he can't break away quickly he'll be grappling with serious blood loss shortly.
No. 1047089 ID: e51896

Message from PEA: 5 HELP Votes +2 extra HELP points, +4 for using the CLOTHING DESTRUCTION RAY SQUIRT GUN on the customers (it is being used in a way that wasn't listed in the description, but I still estimate it would give you +4 points) VS 1 SABOTAGE vote, +3 for using the MACE

Overall the HELP POINTS are 11, and SABOTAGE points are 4.

And since the base HELP points is 11, and SABOTAGE's is 4 meaning the most points SABOTAGE can get is 10 points even after the DICE is rolled, it's impossible for SABOTAGE to win this round, so HELP wins this time.

Votes are closed, but you can still suggest HOW Jerry is HELPED, as long as it involves using the CLOTHING DESTRUCTION RAY SQUIRT GUN

No. 1048565 ID: e51896
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w2K moves closer in on Jerry, the teeth of her chainsaw spinning at a fatal speed. Before he can do anything, Gerbera slips away. The flower aims their ray squirt gun towards BURGERVANIA!

Gerbera: Your customers want sauce?
w2K: Eeehhhhhhh?

w2K loses focus, as Gerbera sprays blindly at her customers while yelling their lungs out. They probably think they look so cool, like some kind of action hero from a movie… But really, it just looks like they’re throwing a tantrum. It’s embarrassing to watch. Jerry is getting secondhand embarrassment from being associated with them…
No. 1048566 ID: e51896
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…But probably not as much as the SITUATION the BURGERVANIA customers are about to experience…
No. 1048567 ID: e51896
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Gerbera has successfully hit the fries of an elephant customer and a half-gazelle-half-cow goth woman’s burger. They completely miss the human with cool hair and comfy sweater’s chicken nuggets though, accidently covering the customer in the acid instead.

The resulting hits leave a mess over all their outfits in the process.

Goth Cowzelle: EEK! AAAAAAHHHH!
Big Ol’ Elephant: Ack!
Chill Human: Whooooaaaaaaa! *gurgle*

Gerbera just keeps shooting, even after their ammo depletes completely,

Mary: psst *whispering* Uhh, Gerbera, you can stop now…

The CLOTHING DESTRUCTION RAY SQUIRT GUN has run out of Ammo. You can still keep the gun though, but it is empty. Maybe you can refill it later, or find something else to fill it with instead?
No. 1048568 ID: e51896
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After the spray of goo dies down, The three customers get their bearings and try to process what just happened in the aftermath.

Goth Cowzelle: What the hell is this! Gross gross gross!

As the goo drips down on her, The Goth Cowzelle gets a sinking feeling. She feels the fabric of her outfit dripping down alongside the goo, melting completely off her body. Realizing that, she quickly covers herself with her bag of BURGERVANIA food, and arm.

Goth Cowzelle: W-W-W-W-WHAT IS THIS!!! MY OUTFIT!
Goth Cowzelle: My best friend worked so hard to make it!
Goth Cowzelle: GET IT OFF!
Chill Human: Oh, I don’t know, I think it's actually makes for a pretty comfy outfit

The Goth Cowzelle looks over to where the voice is coming from and finds the Chill Human sitting relaxed at a nearby table with the slimy acid covering their entire body, as if wearing it like regular clothing.

Chill Human: It’s pretty warm, and I feel more free in my movement.
Goth Cowzelle: D- DON’T LOOK THIS WAY!
Goth Cowzelle: And it’s not comfy! IT’S GROSS!!

After licking every last inch of sauce off their table, Pam and Blake leave their seats and approach the Goth Cowzelle, attempting to calm her down.

Blake: *SQUAWK!* No panic! No panic!
Pam: Hey, Blakes right, there’s no need to panic!
Pam: It’s actually not gross at all! Try it!
Goth Cowzelle: T-Try the sauce? BLEH!
Pam: What? It’s only BURGERVANIA’S new secret condiment, STARK SAUCE!
Pam: Trust me! The taste is worth the loss of clothing!
Goth Cowzelle: Wha? Why would BURGERVANIA make a sauce like this?!
Goth Cowzelle: If they think I’m going to return after this…
Blake: Gimme! Gimme! *SQUAWK!*
Pam: Yeah, I mean, if you don’t want the sauce, we’ll gladly take it off your hands!
Goth Cowzelle: Get away from me, you dorks!

The Goth Gazelle runs away from the pair, trying to keep herself covered. Pam pulls her pirate hat from HAMMERSPACE and rests it on her head

Pam: YARRR! The Landlubber be making off with our treasure!
Pam: Uhhhh… Just so we’re clear, I mean booty as in that sauce she’s running off with, not her… actual bare booty…
Blake: *SQUAWK!* Stuck! Stuck!
Pam: Oooooh, yeah… our ship is stuck at sea…
Pam: In that case… let's just start a new LARPING campaign!
Blake: *SQUAWK*!

As Pam and Blake give chase after the Goth Cowzelle, the Big Ol’ Elephant looks at the sauce, Closely inspecting it, wondering if it really is as good as Pam and Blake say it is, before finally giving it a small lick. Immediately after it reaches his tongue, that Big Ol’ Elephant quickly gobbles up the rest of the sauce-covered fries.

Big Ol’ Elephant: WHOOOOOA! They weren’t kidding!
Big Ol’ Elephant: I was going to give this place two stars on my next food critique article…
Big Ol’ Elephant: But this sauce! OH, SO TASTY! Six stars outta five!
Big Ol’ Elephant: *Elephant trumpet noise*

No. 1048569 ID: e51896
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With w2K distracted by the situation at BURGERVANIA, the PIZZA PARTY takes the opportunity to escape. w2K looks back at them, then back at BURGERVANIA, then back at the PIZZA PARTY again before finally shutting off her chainsaw.

w2K: Ooooooohhhh, phooey! I’ll give them a head start…
w2K: After all, the chase is more fun than the kill anyways.
w2K: But they won’t be safe for long… they’re in BURGERVANIA’s domain after all, teeheehee!
w2K: I simply CAN’T miss out on this STARK SAUCE and Jerry combo offer!
w2K: Especially if one of the customers is a food critic! I can’t have customers read an amazing review on the STARK SAUCE and find out we don’t have it!

w2K quickly transforms into her bat form to get back to BURGERVAINIA quickly as the PIZZA PARTY make their escape!

w2K: Wait! Don’t run off Ms! You’ll miss your chance on a special offer for free BURGERVANIA themed apparel to wear if you let us clean that sauce off you!
Pam: ARRG! Not if we get the sauce off her first!
Goth Cowzelle: Why is everyone in this city a lunatic!?
w2K: OH! Uh, Elephant sir, we seem to have offered you too much sauce, may I request getting some back?
Big Ol’ Elephant: hmmm… trying to take food from the customer with the excuse you gave too much…
Big Ol’ Elephant: And it doesn’t seem like a lot of sauce, I’d argue it’s too little.
Big Ol’ Elephant: I don’t want to deduct a star from BURGERVANIA…
w2K: G-Good point, I was only asking! Enjoy your meal!
w2K: Human! Hi there! I can give you a special offer on some free BURGERVANIA brand clothing if you want to get cleaned up at our restrooms.
w2K: We’ll take the towel off your hands afterwards
Chill Human: Naaaah, I’m good
Chill Human: And uhh… Why are you taking a towel someone else cleaned themselves with?
w2K: Oh, uh, well…

No. 1048570 ID: e51896
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Good! That distraction managed to help Jerry get some distance away from w2K for the time being. However, Jerry sprinted a bit too fast and ended up needing to catch his breath. Thankfully, the memory of Sweaty Kitty’s hug got him determined enough to get him the extra push to make it to an alley to hide out in despite how tired he felt.

Jerry thinks he needs to make progress TWO MORE TIMES in a couple of future updates in order to leave THREE HAMS ROAD and get away from w2K, as he’ll be away from perpetual night the street is cursed by, and the sun will shield him from her.

For now, Jerry hopes he can catch his breath before he has to hit the road again. Hopefully no SITUATION will occur while he’s winded.

???: Meeoow! Mew!

Oh no…!
No. 1048571 ID: e51896
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It’s KAZOO! w2K’s small cat that she wants to feed Jerry to! Jerry tells Gerbera to step away from the cat immediately!

Gerbera: Huh? Why? It’s just a cute little thing! What’s the big deal?
Gerbera: I think it wants scratches behind its ears!
Mary: Oh gee! I’m almost the same size as him!

Jerry tells Gerbera that isn’t just any cat, that is w2K’s CAT! Kazoo! While Kazoo himself is relatively harmless, and actually very friendly and affectionate (especially towards Jerry for some reason), he is also VERY LOUD, and VERY ANNOYING. Once he starts meowing, he will not stop. And unfortunately, it is usually loud enough for w2K to be alerted to Jerry’s presence!

If only Jerry had some WEED CATNIP to feed the cat, then he’d be able to keep the cat calm long enough to be left alone, but alas… Jerry will have to think up a different crazy idea…
Jerry also believes that whether or not he gets away from Kazoo, he thinks it is going to be VERY LIKELY that w2K will show up in the next UPDATE. It’s like she can smell his blood or something. Jerry just hopes he can make some progress before she shows up, and not have to deal with her in this alley.
Kazoo is looking up at Jerry like he wants something, and Jerry thinks it’s only a matter of time before the cat begins its life story, A TRILLING TAIL of several MEW experiences it had.
Jerry is now in the SECOND PART of w2K’s SITUATION
Number of HELPS needed to get away from w2K: 1/3
Number of SABOTAGES Jerry is subjected to against w2K: 1. The next SABOTAGE will have a one in two chance of something BAD happening

Message from PEA: Even though this situation has KAZOO as the focus, this is still considered a w2K SITUATION, so whether you HELP or SABOTAGE Jerry will still affect the number of points needed to escape W2K, or how BAD things can get.


(optional: come up with an idea how if you vote this. You can also write up a SABOTAGE idea in case HELP loses. One vote for HELP adds one point to HELP)

(optional: Come up with an idea how if you vote this. You can also write up a HELP idea in case SABOTAGE loses. One vote for SABOTAGE adds one point to SABOTAGE)

(Number of times you DIDN’T use an item for Rocio’s challenge: 2/5 )

PURR FECKT’S PURSE (Chances Purr Feckt will find out Jerry used her purse currently: 15%)(Purr Feckt detection raises by 25% if he rummages through it)(contains a water bottle full of sweat, Purr Feckt detection raises by 10% if Jerry uses it)

Gerbera: Wait, Purr Feckt is a cat! Do you think she might have something Kazoo might like?
Gerbera: Like a stress ball of yarn. It's a pretty popular gift for felines, y'know.
Mary: ...Wait, so you have cats that are pets and cats that are people?
Gerbera: Yeah. Y'know, different dimensions have different species and stuff like that.
Mary: And some of them are similar enough to share a name...
Mary: Despite being different enough that one of them would be considered acceptable to keep as a pet?
Gerbera: Yes.

Jerry points out that you can technically keep sapient creatures as pets too. It's just kinkier.

Jerry also mentions that there’s the water bottle full of sweat they can use to splash on the cat to scare it off

Gerbera: I don’t know, that seems a little mean…
Mary: It might work, though it could react loudly.

HELP (if using Sweaty Kitty’s water bottle): 3 SABOTATGE (if using Sweaty Kitty’s water bottle):5
- Write down what you want inside and list their SABOTAGE or HELP points, and how it will help or sabotage you. Preferably keep this one with more help points than sabotage plz.


Mary: That seashell looks pretty heavy.
Mary: At least at my size…
Mary: Hmm… since Kazoo is small like I am, maybe we can simply put him inside the seashell with the hole facing downward?
Gerbera: I sure hope somebody comes rescue him later if we do that…

Jerry reminds everyone that the seashell is actually MUSHEUM property, or worth a lot of ₵A$H, and that they’d basically just be leaving it behind if they do this.

HELP: 6 (But you will no longer have the SEASHELL) SABOTAGE: 1


Gerbera: Can I eat it?

Jerry refuses outright as he wants it for himself.

Mary: But with your perception of time being slow, you might be able to use the time to catch your breath faster and give you energy.

Jerry doesn’t think it’s worth it, as he’d probably be hearing the cat not only constantly meowing, but constantly meowing SLOWLY! Not to mention, he’d have a SUGAR CRASH afterwards

HELP: 6 (but you’ll have a sugar crash next UPDATE) SABOTAGE: 1

Mary: Boss, I think it's really admirable of you to never overlook any option. However...
Mary: I really can't think of any good reason we would use this here.
Gerbera: That's okay, we have plenty of other options to consider!

Jerry scoffs, muttering something about the next generation giving up any time they don't have a square hole for their square peg.
He then points out that the liquid canister on Gerbera's squirt gun is attached with a screw.

Gerbera: Huh? Oh yeah, I didn't really notice that. But I'm out of ammo…

Jerry suggests that while there may not be enough to fire a shot, there may still be some left inside. Why not crack it open and serve it to Kazoo like a dish of milk?

Gerbera: The customers who tasted it did really seem to like it... And he can't meow and eat at the same time.
Mary: Let's just hope he isn't a messy eater. You wouldn't want any of that to splash on your shoes when we have so much running to do.



Gerbera: What if we massage it with this!
Gerbera: Make it smell nice?
Mary: I think that might just encourage it to follow us for more pets and make noises wherever we go.


Mary: Maybe we can call one of the cats we have on our phone to give us advice on how to deal with cats?

Jerry thinks it through, and remembers he has three cats he can contact: The Sweaty Kitty, Harmon, and… ugh, Purr Feckt. The Sweaty Kitty might be a good idea, but with how tired is, Jerry has a weird feeling he might word things wrong somehow. He also knows that Harmon is riding his bike right now and doesn’t want to bother him unless it is an emergency, even if he’s pretty chill about it. And he knows Purr Feckt won’t have the time of day for him.

Gerbera: We still have those fortune tellers, the first one seemed helpful. Maybe the other two will be too?
Mary: And I’m not sure how Rocio can help us… Maybe her scary stern voice can drive the cat away?

- Call the Sweaty Kitty

- Call Iraphena (costs the equivalent of 1000 BUX, whatever that means)

- Call Felafaf (Free, but the next SITUATION will give you 9 SABOTAGE points due to a changed destiny)

- Call Purr Feckt

- Call Rocio

-Call Harmon and Vincent

Gerbera: My doll’s singing can put it to sleep!

Jerry disagrees, all that will do is make even more noise and encourage the cat to meow louder.



Gerbera: Is there a radio station that can distract the cat?
Mary: Uhhh, maybe? But I think it will make more noise than anything.
Mary: But maybe it might drown out the cat’s meows to not alert w2K and she might think it’s someone else’s radio.
Mary: But then again, she might investigate the noise regardless and find us.

Help: 3 Sabotage: 5


Jerry wonders if the cat can use this as scratching material to keep it busy while they escape..

Gerbera: What? Why would we sacrifice THE ZA for this?
Mary: There’s a chance it might not bother trying to scratch it, boss.

Jerry really wants to get rid of this stupid thing.

Gerbera: Jerry!!!

Jerry tells them to relax. He may have suggested violence a few times, but he's well above animal cruelty.

Gerbera: What were you going to suggest then?

Jerry points out that if they bash the mace against the trash cans, the clamor might scare Kazoo off.

Mary: That might be loud enough for w2K to hear as well though.
Gerbera: Plus, Kazoo might shriek if we scare him, and that'd just bring w2K here quicker.
Mary: Although if it scares him off, she might go to where he is instead of where we are.



Gerbera: Sorry, my bud. Out of ammo…
Gerbera: Maybe we can pretend it has ammo and threaten it to scare it off

Jerry tells Gerbera that obviously, a pet cat wouldn’t know the concept of a gun to get threatened by it, but wonders if they can instead refill it with Sweaty Kitty’s water bottle, it might work more effectively spraying it rather than just splashing the water on it from the water bottle.

Mary: Ooooh, I hope Purr Feckt doesn’t find out we rummaged through her purse if we do that…


HELP (if refilling it with Sweaty Kitty’s water bottle): 5 SABOTATGE (if refilling it with Sweaty Kitty’s water bottle):4 ( Purr Feckt detection raises by 10% if Jerry uses it, brining it up to 25% detection rate if she retrieves and checks the purse)

>-GET ANTONIO’S HELP (7 HELP POINTS) (Lowers Pizza Temperature unless you give him STALE LEFTOVERS to maintain the temperature… which you no longer have) (Pizza Temperature is: HOT)

Antonio: It’s a scaredy cat, really. *sigh* I guess I can scare it off if you want…

Sub Options (stuff you can do along with your regular options) (you can only do three SUB OPTIONS actions)
>-Text the someone
- This will do nothing to HELP or SABOTAGE the situation, but you will get some fun dialogue. Write down what Jerry should text them, and they’ll respond appropriately.

>-Use all or some of your free HELP point(s)
- You have 8 (two was used in this UPDATE).
- Can only vote for or against using it if you're voting HELP.
- Specify how many points you want to use.
- At least two people must vote for this

>-Use all or some your free SABOTAGE point(s)
- You have 6.
- Can only vote for or against using if you’re voting SABOTAGE.
- Specify how many points you want to use.
- At least two people must vote for this

>-Call Vincent or Harmon
- They will arrive in TWO-THREE UPDATES, RANDOMLY giving you 5 HELP points, or 5 SABOTAGE points depending on if the SITUATION is serious or not.

>-Item management!
- Throw away, or put an item inside the HAMMERSPACE (Mary is an option)(You can hide him in there to protect him, but you won’t get an idea of the points each item will give you)
No. 1048578 ID: dc13c4

I vote for helping Jerry and my solution is to just pick up the cat and if you can, put it in hammerspace. I wonder will work like the pokemon with their balls, I was referring to pokeballs. I already have a suspicion that W2K will get us so might as well have a way to distract her when she does finds us. I mean at that point we can use Mary to play the role of an angry dog and chase the cat, that is thinking two steps in advance. Oh yeah I should suggest what will happen if Jerry fails this, well he gets scratched by the cat and then his head explodes or the cat seals his sunglasses.
No. 1048579 ID: e51896


message from PEA: it's a fun idea, but unfortunately, it was noted here: >>1020157 that only items can be put in the HAMMERSPACE (except Mary because for some reason, it thinks Mary is considered an item)

But you're HELP vote will still be counted and you can think of a different idea

No. 1048581 ID: dc13c4

I still suggest picking up the cat even if we can't put it in hammerspace.
No. 1048582 ID: e5709d

...How much did W2K spend on her anti-gravity permit?! That kind of wingspan-weight ratio cannot be cheap...

Sabotage: Jerry, on impulse, grabs Gerbera's head and stuffs it straight into the cat's mouth! The vampire cat bursts into flame upon coming into contact with living sapient plant matter! W2K is furious at the exorcism of her beloved fluffy kitten and unleashes the trick-weapon transformation of her chainsaw into a motorized chain-whip flail!
No. 1048614 ID: 72298e

HELP: steal the cat's wig and tell it to be quiet in order to get it back.

SABOTAGE: the cat is secretly a member of the pillow cult, and is stalling you so they can capture you.
No. 1048633 ID: 5499f4

I love this because it's so goofy, I vote HELP on this
No. 1048644 ID: 8483cf

HELP, this is just too good to pass up.

No need to use items this time around, and no need for help/sabo points.

Pick the cat up, then steal its wig.
No. 1048704 ID: 7f4984

HELP vote
It's super weird a pet cat would have hair like this. Definetly a wig. Remove it
No. 1048716 ID: 629f2e

Alright, let's do the thing. Keeping it short and sweet this time, since I like the audience's suggestions.



Jerry distracts Kazoo by stealing his wig and tossing it away, leading him to chase after it and spreading his noise somewhere else.


Jerry was never on his school's baseball team. He fumbles the throw badly, basically dropping the wig onto Mary. This sparks the innate rivalry between cats and dogs, causing Mary to get chased by Kazoo. Jerry and Gerbera have to chase after to rescue their pup, while w2K is in hot pursuit, angered at them messing with her kitty.
No. 1048735 ID: e51896
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rolled 2, 3 = 5

Message from PEA: It has been exactly one year since 30 UPDATES OR LESS began, and I want to thank the people that have been sticking through with this silly quest for this long.

Honestly, when I began this quest, I was hoping this would be partly a shitpost project and partly a way to practice doing speedy art to make quests faster for any future quests I may work on and find an art style that works best for that goal and just be something not to put much thought in with just a few panels per update. This quest was also created because there wasn't a lot of comedy based quests at the moment, so I wanted to make something a lot less serious

but then this spiraled into becoming something I got a bit too passionate about with me putting waaaaaay too much effort into, like adding backgrounds, shading, coloring, multiple characters in the panels, and even making around 5-10 panels with sometimes a lot of writing and things to keep track of when compared to other quests. After a year, we only just got around the halfway point with the UPDATE COUNTER being halfway there to 30. Really hoping it won't be another year to finish this quest, but hey, I'm not giving up until it's done!

Really, after working on 30 UPDATES OR LESS this long, I conclude that if I didn't put this much passion into it, I think I CAN run quicker updates if I were to not make it too complex whenever I start my next quest and ease up on putting too much details in the next quests I do (backgrounds, coloring and shading are big offenders, might just go grayscale and.or no shading next time, we'll see). When I did my segment for CATALYST'S quest intermission for example, (the wrestling one) I was able to crank out an update every other day instead of every other week, and that required less detail. I would like to create something like that again for my next quest.

That said, I'm still going to put my all into 30 UPDATES OR LESS until this quest is finished, then I'll put less effort int the illustrations to get my next quest's updates done faster... unless I get consumed by passion again, lol!


Oh yeaaah, the dice roll. This is what you all came for, not my rambling. Well, here we go.

5 HELP votes, 2 SABOTAGE vote

Once the six sided dices are rolled, I will add the votes to the results. the first dice will be HELP, the second dice will be SABOTAGE.
No. 1048736 ID: e51896


The votes are locked in and you can no longer vote, BUT you can still suggest ideas on what will happen. If you previously suggested an idea for how Jerry gets SABOTAGED, you can still suggest an idea for how Jerry gets HELPED dealing with Kazoo... or maybe suggest what might happen after you remove Kazoo's wig, lol

Again, thanks so much for sticking around this long. Let's keep this quest moving until the end!

(I will also be taking a vacation sometime in a couple weeks, so the updates might go a little faster this month too hopefully)
No. 1048737 ID: dc13c4

Alright since it is all about that wig I change my success idea. Jerry removes the wig but he finds out it isn't a wig but a parasitic being. So when it gets removed from the cat it gets attached to Jerry which then changes his complexion and hair to look more like the cat and in turns he gets a great way to hide his identity. In other words Jerry becomes a furry!
No. 1048738 ID: dc13c4

Also congratulations on lasting this long with this story, it shows just how much it means to you. Also I wish you the best on your vacation.
No. 1050402 ID: e51896
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Gerbera tilts his head in slight confusion upon hearing Jerry’s concerns about Kazoo alerting w2K.

Gerbera: I don’t know, bud, I think it just wants some attention.
Gerbera: And I think it’s only going to meow if it doesn’t get what it wants from us, that’s how most pet cats work, right?
Gerbera: I’m sure it’ll stay quiet if I comfort it with some head scratches, right?
Gerbera: Go ahead and catch your breath, bud, I’ll keep Kazoo quiet!

Gerbera squats down to Kazoo’s level and begins scratching his head, completely ignoring Jerry’s worryful protests. Kazoo pushes his head towards the leafy arm, emitting a calming yet somewhat loud purring sound, but thankfully not loud enough to grab the attention of anyone from several feet away.

Gerbera: Awwww, he’s so soft and cute!
Gerbera: If only you weren’t already somebody’s pet, I would take you home…
Gerbera: Are you sure you don’t want to give the little guy some pets, my bud?
Gerbera: It’ll relieve some stress, I’m sure.

Jerry says he’ll pass, and advises that Gerbera should stop while they still can.

Gerbera: Aww, you’re just being a worrywart… ah well, your loss
Gerbera: Mary, you want in on this?
Mary: Umm… I don’t know, boss did say that we should leave him alone…
Mary: But, he does seem relatively calm.
Mary: And soft…
Mary: that purr does sound pretty cute. I wonder how his purrs feels on my paws…
Gerbera: Don’t be shy Mary, I’m sure he’ll enjoy everyone giving him attention.
Mary: Well…

Mary cautiously steps over and reaches his hand on Kazoo’s back, carefully caressing it before becoming confident enough to pet him a little faster

Mary: Hey, he is quite a pretty docile cat, isn’t he?
Gerbera: heheh, Right? He’s cute!

Jerry can only facepalm at this display. He really can’t believe Gerbera got Mary involved in this too. These two are really playing with fire right now, and he believes it’s only a matter of time before Kazoo might get an urge to start meowing up a storm.
No. 1050403 ID: e51896
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Gerbera:... Are?

It seems like while Gerbera was raising his arm, he accidentally picked up Kazoo’s… Wig?! WHAT THE?! THAT WAS A WIG THIS WHOLE TIME?! Well maybe Jerry should have expected it was a wig instead of his natural hair since pet cats shouldn’t normally have hair, right? He guesses he's always just assumed it was hair since dimensional travel allows for many different species with weird quirks to travel and live in this world.
No. 1050404 ID: e51896
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Jerry is not given a second to process the most shocking plot twist of this quest before Kazoo starts bawling like an alarm! Jerry sternly orders Gerbera to not just sit there and to give him the wig back, but Gerbera is too much in shock to do anything

Gerbera: Wh-what? Um… Uh…
Gerbera: OH GEEZ! D-DON”T CRY!
Gerbera: Want more pets?! Um oh…
Gerbera: Sorry! So sorry!

No. 1050405 ID: e51896
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Ugh, must Jerry do everything himself? Thinking quickly, Jerry grabs Gerbera’s hat right off their head

Gerbera: Huh?! What the?!
No. 1050406 ID: e51896
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He then places the hat on Kazoo’s head, replacing the wig that used to take residence there. The cat slowly calms down as Jerry gives it some headpats, receiving some purrs in return… huh, guess Gerbera was right about him wanting pets… Maybe that could be useful for the next time he has to trek through THREE HAMS ROAD… if he dares.

Gerbera: Sorry bud… I should have listened…
Gerbera: Ugh, I need to get better if I’m going to make Ricardo proud.
Gerbera: I’m such a moron

Jerry nods, causing Gerbera to hang their head. Jerry feels a little bit of pride at being able to make the smug Gerbera actually feel humbled. Maybe they’ll finally see that pizza delivery is way out of their league and give up the notion of taking his job. Yes, no dancing in a mascot suit for Jerry!

Looking at how deflated Gerbera looks though, the sadness in their eyes, and the overall guilt in their demeanor, Jerry is starting to feel a bit of… pity?

But why? This flower has always made Jerry feel inferior with their smugness. His uncle Ricardo was always so proud of them, often asking Jerry why he can’t be more like Gerbera. Not to mention their recent claims that they are going to be taking Jerry’s job soon. Why is Jerry feeling this bit of sympathy for the flower? So many of his pals also see Gerbera as uncool, so it’s not going to look good on Jerry if he is feeling this bad for Gerbera.

It isn’t until Jerry see’s Mary give Gerbera some pats on the back that Jerry finally relents and tells Gerbera that, in all fairness, their idea of petting the cat DID keep it quiet for the most part. Until the whole wigging out thing… literally and figuratively…

Mary: Yeah, don’t beat yourself over it. Kazoo is pretty happy now, so I’m sure he forgives you
Kazoo: *purr*

Gerbera suddenly perks right back up

Gerbera: hah! Yeah! You’re right. I did, didn’t I?
Gerbera: Whew, I am a great pizza deliverer after all! Yeah!
Mary: Whoa! You picked back up pretty quick… Um… glad to see you’re feeling better!

And just like that, Gerbera is back to their old self again. Jerry wonders if Gerbera learned anything from this or not. Whatever, they still got a pizza to deliver, so it probably wouldn’t be good to have Gerbera feeling down like that.

Gerbera: Well, in any case, I should probably get my hat back, and return the wig to Kazoo here… uh… where’d he go?
No. 1050407 ID: e51896
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Jerry peeks around the corner, and finds that Kazoo is making off with the hat towards BURGERVANIA. Oh no, this isn’t good!

Gerbera: Yeah, I agree! Without my hat, I’m probably going to be in big trouble!
Gerbera: How will customers know I work for :pizzid:?

Jerry says that isn’t the point. With Kazoo heading towards BURGERVANIA, w2K is sure to get an idea of where Jerry was at, so they are going to have to move out now!

Gerbera: But… my hat?

Jerry says their pizzeria has plenty of hats to replace his missing one, and they should just shut up and move already!

Gerbera: Noted!

YOU’VE OBTAINED KAZOO’S WIG! But you’re out of inventory space.
-Feel free to discard an item to make room for the wig, or have someone in the PIZZA PARTY equip it on their head (Mary and Gerbera’s heads are free, but Jerry would have to switch the wig with his hat and discard it or give it to someone else if he wants to wear it

No. 1050408 ID: e51896
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After Jerry finishes catching his breath, The PIZZA PARTY continues on their way to escape THREE HAMS ROAD, running as fast as they can. Jerry is still a bit tired, but he can see the end of the street just right up ahead! Just one more block, and he’ll be able to escape this cursed perpetual night back into the protection of daylight! He looks back to make sure they aren’t being chased, and is pleased to not find w2K on their tails. Perhaps she is more focused on getting that weird slime that she thinks is sauce over coming after them? At this moment, he starts thinking that nothing can stop them now!


No. 1050409 ID: e51896
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BONK Jerry runs face first right into w2K’s… face. Kazoo, who was hitching a ride on w2K, managed to jump right off before the impact. Gerbera and Mary weren’t so lucky, and ran right into Jerry, sandwiching him between w2K’s bat form and Gerbera. The PIZZA PARTY falls right onto the ground
No. 1050410 ID: e51896
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w2K transforms back into her robotic vampiric waitress lumberjack roller skating mascot pig form and gives a glare towards the PIZZA PARTY

w2K: Not only did you have the balls to show up at BURGERVANIA’s property…
w2K: You also had to attack my customers…
w2K: Get their hopes up for a sauce that won’t likely exist due to them taking it all…
w2K: Not save any of that sauce for me…
w2K: Had me mistakenly let a food critic publish a false advertisement for said sauce!
Mary: *gulps* uh… well, technically, some of those parts wasn’t really our fau-
w2K: SHUT IT! I’m MAD!
w2K: But not as mad as how low our prices are for our Spicy Boned Blood Cell Nuggets!
Gerbera: Sorry! We just wanted to pass by without you hurting us,
Gerbera: So we HAD to distract you like that…
w2K: OH! You want to PASS, Certainly! I’ll help you pass… AWAY!

No. 1050411 ID: e51896
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Suddenly, w2K slumps over, as if she lost sensation in the upper part of her body. She doesn’t say anything as her eyes close.
Mary: Uhhh… wh-what’s happening?
Mary: I am not liking where this is going…
Gerbera: Maybe… she ran out of power?

Her televised face fades away, and the entire screen turns blue. Did she get so angry that she broke something in her programming? Is she even part of some kind of computer program to begin with?

It doesn’t take long for a message to display on the screen


Following that, a loading bar appears and starts filling up quickly. This cannot be good!

Jerry, Gerbera, and Mary try to pick themselves up and run, but they're still dizzy from the crash. It doesn’t help that the anxiety is high among the PIZZA PARTY. They can only sit in horror as the bar fills right up until a new message appears on the screen.


No. 1050412 ID: e51896
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w2K slowly rises from her slumped position, as a terrifying face appears on the screen. It’s angrier than any expression Jerry has ever seen from her before. It doesn’t even look piglike, it’s downright MONSTROUS.

w2K: wILL 2 Kill mode activated!
wILL 2 Kill: Oh Jear Bear
wILL 2 Kill: My sweet Jear Bear…
wILL 2 Kill: After all the times I chased you… it wasn’t just to hunt you down to feed my sweet little kitty…
wILL 2 Kill: I always had this feeling of enjoyment, and fun from the thrill of chasing you down.
wILL 2 Kill: The adrenaline from the fear you’d feel from getting chased by me always turned me on!
wILL 2 Kill: and I’ve always relished in the anticipation of finally getting to capture you whenever you showed up…
wILL 2 Kill: Just like when we dated, right? When we would watch scary movies together, go on roller coasters, visit haunted places.
wILL 2 Kill: I miss those days, ever since you broke up with me.
wILL 2 Kill: I missed the heart pounding experiences we shared together…
wILL 2 Kill: I missed YOU!

No. 1050413 ID: e51896
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wILL 2 Kill: But I can see that you’re too far gone, and no longer want anything to do with me. You’ve even taken the time to actually SABOTAGE me…
wILL 2 Kill: I had some small hope you’d quit :pizzid:, BURGERVANIA’S arch nemesis and return to me…
wILL 2 Kill: But you made it clear where your priorities stand after you attacked my customers and humiliated me, toying with my hope to take down :pizzid: with that sauce.
wILL 2 Kill: Burning my dreams to ashes

wILL 2 Kill takes a match from her HAMMERSPACE, and sets her chainsaw on fire as she says that.


Oh crap, with Gerbera as a plant, and Mary as a Stuffie, they are highly flammable, and they are freaking out big time!

wILL 2 Kill: So I had to activate this mode to rid myself of any remaining love I have of you which was holding my will and senses back from KILLING you.
wILL 2 Kill: It’s time to rev up the chainsaw…
No. 1050414 ID: e51896
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wILL 2 Kill: Because Kazoo is surely hungry for one Jerry Burger with lettuce, and a nice little rag to clean himself with after.

Jerry is now in the FINAL PART of w2K’s wILL 2 Kill’s SITUATION
Number of HELPS needed to get away from w2K: 2/3
Number of SABOTAGES Jerry is subjected to against wILL 2 Kill: 1. The next SABOTAGE will have a one in two chance of something BAD happening
IMPORTANT: MARY IS TERRIFIED OF FIRE, and will not be able to focus on how well each item will be effective or not. As such, you will not know how many HELP or SABOTAGE points each item will give you. This is the final wILL2Kill encounter. Good luck!
Jerry thinks this is the final situation of this delivery’s segment before he reaches the SECOND CHECKPOINT


(optional: come up with an idea how if you vote this. You can also write up a SABOTAGE idea in case HELP loses. One vote for HELP adds one point to HELP)

(optional: Come up with an idea how if you vote this. You can also write up a HELP idea in case SABOTAGE loses. One vote for SABOTAGE adds one point to SABOTAGE)

(Number of times you DIDN’T use an item for Rocio’s challenge: 2/5 )

PURR FECKT’S PURSE (Chances Purr Feckt will find out Jerry used her purse currently: 15%)(Purr Feckt detection raises by 25% if he rummages through it)(contains a water bottle full of sweat, Purr Feckt detection raises by 10% if Jerry uses it)

Jerry thinks he can use Sweaty Kitty’s sweat to extinguish the chainsaw, and hopefully short circuit it too, giving them the chance they need to escape… maybe even short circuit her tv monitor too?

Mary: Normally, I’m against using Purr Feckt’s purse, but right now, I agree! I REALLY don’t want to be set on fire!
Gerbera: Me neither!

HELP (if using Sweaty Kitty’s water bottle): ??? | SABOTATGE (if using Sweaty Kitty’s water bottle): ???
- Write down what you want inside and list their SABOTAGE or HELP points, and how it will help or sabotage you..


Mary: We can still defend ourselves with the seashell!
Gerbera: And as I said before, she might get whiplash after attempting to swing that chainsaw at us!

Jerry thinks that with the chainsaw on fire, it’s going to diminish the value of the seashell more than it would if it wasn’t on fire. Not to mention, it could heat up the diamond to the point where it’d get too hot to stay inside it.

HELP: ??? (It’ll lower the value of the seashell significantly) | SABOTAGE: ??? (It’ll lower the value of the seashell significantly)


Mary: Are you still tired Jerry? Maybe this can pick you up and help get us out of here if your perception of time is slower.
wILL 2 Kill: Showing off that donut again? We’re no longer accepting it. BURGERVANIA is only accepting your DEATHS as payment.
Gerbera: We already told you! Stop listening in on these sections of the update!

HELP: ??? (but you’ll have a sugar crash next UPDATE) | SABOTAGE: ???

Jerry still wonders about throwing Mary at w2K with the screwdriver to unscrew her monitor, but the last he checked, Mary was against the idea, being too scared to go near her. Now with her chainsaw on fire, it’s no doubt that Mary is going to be completely HORRIFIED of the idea. Jerry looks over at Mary and sees him shivering with fear as Jerry considers the screwdriver.

HELP: ??? | SABOTAGE: ???


Gerbera: Do… you think the deodorant will absorb the fire?

Jerry thinks it’s flammable, and will most likely send all of them to the burn ward

Gerbera: good point… but hmm… there’s something special about this particular deodorant that can absorb a lot of things… Maybe there’s a slight chance it can save us?

Jerry wonders what happens if they threw it at the chainsaw and cause a fiery explosion to burn wILL 2 Kill.


HELP: ??? | SABOTAGE: ???


Gerbera: She REALLY has some issues to work out… maybe Sweaty Kitty can save us by giving wILL 2 Kill some advice?

Jerry also thinks about those fortune tellers that might be able to get him some advice to get him out of this SITUATION. As of right now, wILL 2 Kill is much scarier than talking to fortune tellers, and would put his fate in their hands if it means saving his life

Mary: I know Purr Feckt doesn’t like you much but… you know how there is a law that allows wILL 2 Kill to assault you for invading BURGERVANIA’s property?
Mary: I’m not officially working for :pizzid:, and she’s threatening me so…
Mary: Maybe, just maybe, we can get some legal help on this?

Jerry hates the idea of getting Purr Feckt’s help, and she has usually been annoyed by him calling her… but perhaps for justice, she’ll pull through and get P.I. Zzander over here to arrest her?

Gerbera: There’s also Rocio, maybe she can… cheer us on?
Gerbera: maybe not…

Jerry also wonders what calling Vincent and Harmon would do. He’s not sure what kind of advice they would give him to get him out of this SITUATION.

- Call the Sweaty Kitty
HELP: ??? | SABOTAGE: ???

- Call Iraphena (costs the equivalent of 1000 BUX, whatever that means)

- Call Felafaf (Free, but the next SITUATION will give you 9 SABOTAGE points due to a changed destiny)

- Call Purr Feckt
HELP: ??? | SABOTAGE: ???

- Call Rocio
HELP: ??? | SABOTAGE: ???

-Call Harmon and Vincent
HELP: ??? | SABOTAGE: ???

Gerbera: Maybe if she hits this, she'll get confused and think she got me and Mary at the same time?
Gerbera: I don't want to let this get broken though, it was a really nice gift.

Jerry only points out that he doesn't have a substitution doll of himself to hide behind.
HELP: ??? | SABOTAGE: ???

Jerry Again brings up the idea of putting the radio at max volume, and make a getaway while covering their ears as wILL 2 Kill is distracted by the ringing in her ears
Gerbera: We still need the radio for THE ZA to dance to though
Mary: And my sensitive ears might not be able to take the noise…

Help: ??? | Sabotage:???

Jerry reminds Gerbera that w2K hates :Pizzid:, and suggests using the costume as a distraction.

Gerbera: "Without someone wearing it though, will she really choose to focus on it?"

He admits that Gerbera has a point, but suggests combining the costume with another item to resolve this issue. The wig or Jerry’s hat!

Gerbera: "A headwear?"

Jerry explains that they can stick the wig or his hat inside and puppet the suit with their arms to sell the appearance of someone inside of it.

Gerbera: "Huh... That might work!"
Mary: "But... If she cuts the costume, won't you lose your arms?"
Gerbera: "We'll have to pull out pretty quickly, but it's not impossible!"
Mary: "...Plus, you'd be close to the suit, and could end up getting cut or burned because of that."

This will be a high risk, but worth it to get rid of this costume… er, he means, make an escape… maybe?

HELP: ??? | SABOTAGE: ???

Gerbera: I-I don't want to hurt anyone, but this is an emergency!
Gerbera: I don't know how good she is with that chainsaw, but I'm a trained guard!

Jerry appreciates the enthusiasm to finally whack someone, but worries it may be misplaced at this moment. He doesn't think it'd be wise for his leafy companion to battle against a flaming weapon.

HELP: ??? | SABOTAGE: ???

Gerbera: Bud, it’s empty
Gerbera: Unless we can fill it up with something, like the Sweaty Kitty’s Sweat

Jerry wonders what if they pretend it’s HOLY WATER to scare the shit out of wILL 2 Kill

Mary: I’m not sure how Vampire weaknesses work, but if that’s what it takes…

Jerry also thinks they can PRETEND they’ve got water in there without putting anything inside, but maybe they’d have to be pretty good liars to convince her.

HELP: ??? | SABOTAGE: ???
(Purr Feckt Purse detection raises by 10% if Jerry refills gun with Sweaty Kitty’s sweat)

>-GET ANTONIO’S HELP (7 HELP POINTS) (Lowers Pizza Temperature unless you give him STALE LEFTOVERS to maintain the temperature… which you no longer have) (Pizza Temperature is: HOT)

Antonio: Well, it looks like she cut all lingering ties from you… you probably won’t have any reason to hold back in getting my help.

Sub Options (stuff you can do along with your regular options) (you can only do three SUB OPTIONS actions)
>-Text the someone
- This will do nothing to HELP or SABOTAGE the situation, but you will get some fun dialogue. Write down what Jerry should text them, and they’ll respond appropriately.

>-Use all or some of your free HELP point(s)
- You have 8.
- Can only vote for or against using it if you're voting HELP.
- Specify how many points you want to use.
- At least two people must vote for this

>-Use all or some your free SABOTAGE point(s)
- You have 6.
- Can only vote for or against using if you’re voting SABOTAGE.
- Specify how many points you want to use.
- At least two people must vote for this

>-Call Vincent or Harmon
-They will arrive in TWO-THREE UPDATES, RANDOMLY giving you 5 HELP points, or 5 SABOTAGE points depending on if the SITUATION is serious or not.

>-Item management! Throw away, or put an item inside the HAMMERSPACE (Mary is an option)(You can hide him in there to protect him, but you won’t get an idea of the points each item will give you)
No. 1050415 ID: 5499f4

Use 8 HELP points, no items. You know what you have to do Jerry, you have to... Apologize.

You've got to apologize for breaking up with her and for avoiding her because of your JOB that you HATE. You should have broken up with her by explaining why, and not using that as an excuse, but you couldn't, its hard to admit that you're JEALOUS that she enjoys her job. It's hard to admit that you still LIKE the HEART POUNDING CHASES, the song and dance, the teasing and violence, just like back then. Maybe even let it slip that you may be getting demoted or even losing your job soon.

You've been trying SO HARD to be even half as successful as she is but you're CURSED with SITUATIONS and BEING LATE, where things are just so out of your control. You want to blame the universe, you want to blame yourself, but maybe that's not it, maybe you like the situations, the puzzle solving, the meeting new people constantly in strange situations, the life of ADVENTURE.

Jerry doesen't even know what he's talking about anymore as gerb and Mary run off with the Pizza, maybe they heard part of it, maybe they didn't. But this causes W2K to not kill you because really she just misses you, and has a psychotic way of showing it. Certainly not healthy, but you're very similar, you both like adventure, hijinx, and frightening scenarios, and you've been gifted with them constantly lately.

All that but she says she already knew, and then something bad happens that someone else suggests lol
No. 1050420 ID: dc13c4

I agree with your idea but to a more finally to this move I suggest that Jerry destroyed his pizza was well. Maybe this whole day was a big wake up call to him, like fuck it they don't pay me enough for this shit. Best outcome she forgives you and stops you from destroying the pizza. Worst outcome after pizza gets destroyed so does Jerry's haircut
No. 1050538 ID: 629f2e

I vote SABOTAGE, not that it will matter if y'all are using 8 bonus HELP points, but it's the principle of the thing. (I don't want a very bad thing to happen to the party, so I'm actually glad you guys are doing that personally.)

(...Especially since it'll give free reign to play the bonus SABO points later :evilgrin:)

I'm not even going to spare the effort to write a SABOTAGE option this time, HELP will win. Let's see how that could go.

First of all: Mary. Mary is a stuffie, and as such he is very susceptible to fire. We need to take care to make sure he's safe. Since we don't have room in our inventories, I suggest stuffing him inside Purr Feckt's purse (add like 5-10% chance that she notices as a result of him unintentionally shifting things around while being inside).

Second, regarding the wig. Have Gerbera put it on for now since they have a free head space.

And third, the actual suggestion!

Have Gerbera take the pizza and the purse containing Mary, and get away. You're the one w2K wants, so she'll keep her attention on you. Have them drop the Gerbera doll as they go to ensure w2K gets confused and doesn't notice them (Gerbera agrees to temporarily part with it if you promise to bring it back to the checkpoint). (Technically, YOU aren't using an item to benefit the situation for YOURSELF, so suck it Rocio we're still counting this one.)

Then, with nobody else around but you and your ex, have an honest conversation with her to try and talk her out of killing you. You don't have to break down or start blubbering, just be honest and say some things you should have said before. If you really want to make it a big moment, maybe take off the shades. Meet her true face with your own.
No. 1050539 ID: 87e33c

If you do take off your shades make sure it's a camera angle where the audience can't see what's behind the shades like double d from ed edd n eddy
No. 1050564 ID: 8483cf

I vote HELP! And let’s use all 8 HELP points too.

Jerry is drawing aggro, so the pizza is actually the least of our concerns here. Give it to Gerb and get Mary outta there.

I doubt talking to w2k will help at first. w2K is refreshingly honest about what she wants: a nice, heart-pounding chase scene. Murder is on the table, sure, but she always loved the chase. Give her a nice long one and maybe she’ll have flashbacks to all the good times.

When she has her nostalgia, THEN we can break out the points in >>1050415.

Also w2K is totally wrong about Kazoo. Here’s an idea: get Kazoo to vouch for you and distract her with the PIZZID hat Kazoo is wearing. She’ll rage at the awesome PIZZID swag… that’s being worn by her pet! She can’t kill her pet! That might shock her enough to dial down the murder.exe.

And then give her a peek at those peepers! No one can resist the eyes of a star.
No. 1050644 ID: e51896

4 HELP votes + 8 extra HELP points, 1 SABOTAGE vote, giving us:

12 HELP points, 1 SABOTAGE point

since SABOTAGE can't beat HELP with it's potential highest possible roll against HELP's potential lowest roll, I think it's safe to say the HELP wins this round...

however, team HELP no longer has any extra HELP points to use for later SITUATIONS while SABOTAGE has 6 extra points. But hey, you all have plenty of updates left after the SECOND CHECKPOINT, which means more room for SABOTAGE ;)

the votes are locked in and you can no longer vote, BUT you can still suggest ideas on what will happen. If you previously suggested an idea for how Jerry gets SABOTAGED, you can still suggest an idea for how Jerry gets HELPED
No. 1053524 ID: e51896
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Jerry KNOWS he should run away from his psychotic chainsaw wielding ex girlfriend. It’s common sense, right? She DID threaten to turn him into cat supper when Jerry’s uncle forced him to break up with w2K for dumb :pizzid: business reasons, so him trying to talk w2K down, let alone, go back into a relationship with her would be extremely dangerous and unhealthy.

So… why is it that he is getting this urge to APOLOGIZE and REASON with her? He knows he was justified in breaking up with her. He knows he was justified in breaking up with her. She was a BURGERVANIA employee, and he wouldn’t be allowed a job at :pizzid: if he didn't. It wasn't anything personal, she’s the one acting like a psycho over it… It’s a perfectly valid excuse! Why has she always been so extreme after hearing his excuse?

He tries to put himself in w2K’s shoes to figure out how she can act this extreme to Jerry after spending so much time together in love…


After thinking of the word love, a feeling emerges from Jerry’s heart and mind, followed by the memory of the Sweaty Kitty hugging him. It’s comforting, it’s wholesome. It’s SWEATY It’s… lovely… a feeling Jerry doesn’t want to lose as soon as he feels it.

He thinks about how w2K must have felt when she lost Jerry. Jerry gave her an EXCUSE for why he couldn’t be with her, but he never even tried to fight it. Perhaps they could have thought of ways to stay together despite the SITUATION. Giving up on their relationship broke her heart to the point of becoming the way she is now. She lost that feeling Jerry felt from the Sweaty Kitty’s hug because of him.

Yep, no doubt about it. Jerry feels like, and is in fact, an ASSHOLE.

But, with the thought of Sweaty Kitty’s hug fueling Jerry’s resolve, he’s going to make things right, have a heart-to-heart talk with the psychotic killing ex, and APOLOGIZE.

How hard can that be…

No. 1053525 ID: e51896
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It’s decided. Jerry hands the pizza over to Gerbera and tells them to take Mary split up from him while he deals with w2K.

Gerbera: My bud, are… are you sure?

Jerry reminds Gerbera that they, and Mary are both very flammable, and he does not want them to suffer on his behalf as it is mostly him that she wants.

Gerbera: But Jerry…

Jerry tells Gerbera that what he is going to do with w2K will be personal, and would actually really feel more comfortable dealing with this one by himself.

Gerbera: I… understa-

The PIZZA PARTY are interrupted by wILL2Kill swinging her chainsaw down at them, prompting them to roll away in opposite directions.

wILL2Kill looks over at Gerbera and Mary, and then over at Jerry. Right now, the only things that Jerry can think of is to get w2K’s attention away from his PIZZA PARTY members, and to provide wILL2Kill with something she’s been wanting and missing: a long suspenseful chase. It might be enough to get their hearts racing like they did when they were dating. Perhaps the nostalgia will change her mood enough for her to hear Jerry out.

Jerry successfully manages to get wILL2Kill’s attention by saying something along the lines that he has gone through so many deadly SITUATIONS already throughout his time working for :pizzid:, that her threats doesn’t scare him, and to just TRY to make this his last SITUATION. As Jerry runs off with w2K close behind him, Gerbera and Mary look back in concern as they head off to WALK-INTO-A Bar.
No. 1053526 ID: e51896
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The chase is intense! Fleeing through the streets, dodging cars, jumping over sawhorses, slipping past anyone who gets in the way.. But no matter what, Jerry just kept running, and wILL2Kill just kept chasing. He hears the laughter of wILL2Kill right behind him from time to time, prompting him to run faster. The laughs were sinister, but he noticed from time to time that they sounded like the ones he remembered when they were together long ago.

The chase comes to a halt when Jerry makes a wrong turn and ends up in an alley with a DEAD END. Oh shit! w2K creeps closer to Jerry as he backs towards the wall

wILL2Kill: haaaah, just like oooolllld times, Jerry
wILL2Kill: shame it has to end here. While it’s been fun running around like the old days, I hold no more love towards you just as you have none for me!
wILL2Kill: And I can’t let ANYBODY associated with :pizzid: escape from death!
wILL2Kill: Even if I’ll miss trying to kill you after.

wILL2Kill raises her flaming chainsaw, ready to strike.
No. 1053527 ID: e51896
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As Jerry looks around for ANYTHING that might save him, he can only find Kazoo, who had been following wILL2Kill throughout the chase rubbing against his legs. Jerry picks him up, and points out that Kazoo likes him enough. He’s even wearing some kind of :pizzid: hat that he’s refused to remove so far. Her own pet, wearing something associated with :pizzid:! Would she be willing to kill her own pet for being associated with :pizzid: like that?!

wILL2Kill: HA! You think my kitty is going to stop me from slicing and dicing you like our special mouthwatering BURGERVANIA onions?
wILL2Kill: I have been detached from all emotions barring pure contempt towards you… and nothing, not even my precious Kazoo or my nostalgia is going to stop me,
wILL2Kill: even if I ha-

wILL2Kill’s face gets bluescreen’d with a message saying her wILL2Kill mode decreased by 25%, probably due to the chase, and Kazoo. Shoot, it’s not enough…

But maybe…
No. 1053528 ID: e51896
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…Jerry needs to not give up and keep pushing forward, despite the percentages’ odds. He needs to speak from the heart and apologize.

He removes his shades to see wILL2Kill eye to eye, and make it clear that he's being genuine. And if he’s not genuine enough (which he thinks he should be already), well he did take acting classes to make up for that.
No. 1053529 ID: e51896
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>If you do take off your shades make sure it's a camera angle where the audience can't see what's behind the shades like [REDACTED] from [REDACTED]

Why? Well if that’s what you want, that’s what you’ll get. But the camera man is not going to be too happy about trying to make sure Jerry’s eyes don't get into a panel. Be sure to thank them when you get the chance.

As soon as wILL2Kill’s face switches back from bluescreen to murder face, Jerry quickly shouts out an apology. She hesitates, granting time for him to explain.

He apologizes for breaking up with her the way he did, for not even trying to make things work. He guesses that the reason why he didn't was because he just HATED the cards he’s been dealt with. Not being able to land a job after so many years of college, having to be miserable in a job where nobody respects him, getting put into countless SITUATIONS that make his crappy job even less rewarding...

Seeing wILL2Kill having a job that genuinely makes her happy, with customers that even come to BURGERVANIA just to see her, he couldn't help but feel ENVIOUS that she has a job that makes her happy.

Ever since he broke up with w2K, he’s been trying and trying be get SOME enjoyment over losing w2K and SOME level of the success and happiness she has. But FATE just keeps putting him into too many SITUATIONS and PROBLEMS... It just feels too much to handle at times, making him want to blame everything and everyone. Even himself…

But maybe, that’s a lie. Maybe he’s coming to realize that those SITUATIONS that he is unlucky to find himself in might be what he actually likes. It puts him into little adventures where he meets new people, solves puzzles to find solutions to the various SITUATIONS, and just the weirdness of it all… It reminds him of the days when he and wILL2Kill used to be together and get into fun suspenseful outings… maybe that’s why he comes back to THREE HAMS ROAD from time to time. To relive those days, despite her trying to kill him.

At the end, Jerry apologizes for not being more honest. He felt like being a defeatist when he got stuck in :pizzid:, to the point where he felt like she didn’t deserve him, ending the relationship and making his SITUATION worse. He decides that whether she kills Jerry or not, he is planning on quitting :pizzid:. He'll probably just stagnate from there, as this job is what broke them up in the first place and kept him from going anywhere in his life. Even if he wasn’t quitting, he was going to get demoted anyway and lose his position as the delivery guy. So why even bother?
No. 1053530 ID: e51896
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Suddenly, wILL2Kill is squeezing the life out of Jerry! Jerry is struggling to breath, believing that his efforts were for nothing.

As he shuts his eyes to accept his fate, he hears…


wILL2Kill seemed to have switched back into w2K, and she is bawling her eyes out.

w2K: IT’S OKAY, just please… I…
w2K: I for… I forgive you.
w2K: I-I had no idea you were feeling this way this whole time…

w2K covers her face onto Jerry’s polo, but her squeeze is becoming lighter until eventually she lets go.

w2K: I’m sorry I tried to kill you… I just…
w2K: It just felt like you had no feelings for me anymore at that moment, so I just snapped.
w2K: In reality, I guess all those chases weren't really to try and kill you and feed you to my cat…
w2K: But… to try to win you back by trying to get you feeling scared, like we’d feel during our time together doing suspenseful activities.
w2K: And now… You're quitting your job, and I won’t be able to try to relive those days with you anymore…

Jerry doesn’t know what to say and can only look down at his feet.

w2K: Please, Jear Bear, don’t quit this pizza run, or your delivery job.
w2K: I don’t want you to keep giving up like you have been.
w2K: Just keep trying, okay? Even if it means there’s only a tiny chance to succeed.

After thinking a bit, and feeling the impact of w2K’s words, Jerry puts his shades back on and gives w2K a nod. He thanks her.

w2K: Please succeed in delivering that pizza, I know you can.
No. 1053531 ID: e51896
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Jerry is about to walk off before w2K calls out to him.

w2K: Wait… before you go…
w2K: I think I want you to know this number.

w2K’s screen switches channels to a large number that says 8 and 3. Jerry raises an eyebrow in confusion

w2K: It’s something my father wanted me to remember in case he forgot…
w2K: He said something about these numbers being used on the third, and fourth line, whatever that might mean…
w2K: I’m not sure what it’s for, but he sometimes brings up THE MAYOR whenever the topic of these numbers comes up.

Jerry isn’t too sure what it could mean, but he gets the feeling it has absolutely nothing to do with him and his current PIZZA RUN or QUEST. But at the same time, it feels like something somebody should remember for another time, and another place where things ended up differently. That thought confuses Jerry, so he concludes that this is nothing he himself should worry about. But he thanks w2K regardless

w2K: Do… you think we can get back together one day?

Jerry says he isn’t sure. There are still a lot of personal things the two of them need to work out, and well, she did legitimately try to kill him. As of right now, the relationship would be UNHEALTHY if they got back together now, but perhaps… They can start small and just see each other as friends for now.

w2K: It… it hurts… but I understand.
w2K: I’ll accept our friendship
w2K: I still have to destroy your pizza if you come by here again, BURGERVANIA’s policy…
w2K: But I promise I won’t kill you…
w2K: And maybe… we can see our chases to be more fun, like the times we were together?

Jerry says he thinks he’d like that, and will make sure she won’t capture him and destroy his pizza the next time they meet. w2K manages a small smile through the soaking tears and hiccups, and falls to her knees to get closer to the concerned Kazoo’s level.

w2K: Goodbye Jerry.
w2K: And please… follow your dream
w2K: I know you’ve tried for so long and hard to go back into acting, only to be turned down so many times…
w2K: And I know it’s disheartening and feels pointless after so many fails, but keep at it. Someone will hire you.
w2K: I’m not saying this so you can quit my competitor’s business or be together with me again. I’m saying this for your sake.
w2K: You deserve to be happy somewhere you put a lot of PASSION in, not in a job you feel is a dead end.

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Jerry respects w2K’s request and leaves her to her thoughts with Kazoo. After walking by her, he finds Mary waiting for him at the end of the alley. Huh… he didn’t go with Gerbera?

Mary: Boss… is everything alright?

Jerry gives a slow small nod.

Mary: …
Mary: Hey, let’s take a walk. We don’t need to rush, okay?
Mary: From what I saw on my way here, there’s no other SITUATIONS from here to the bar, so you can take your time if you need it.
Mary: Well… there was that mummy, but Gerbera just ripped off a piece of the wrappings off her to wipe some of their sweat off and just kept running

Jerry again nods, and puts Mary on his shoulder. Thankfully, there’s no other SITUATIONS to harass them on their walk to the bar. Seems like his bad luck finally decided to throw him a bone for once, allowing him some time to think.

...Or it could be that he wasn’t holding the pizza at that time to lure anyone near him. He sometimes wishes he could just put the pizza in his HAMMERSPACIAL DIMENSION. Unfortunately, that had risked some issues before, like the pizza cooling down a little faster for some reason, and other things. Maybe he should just let Gerbera hold the pizza for the rest of the run, so that people can target them instead of him? But then Gerbera might be seen as the one who delivered it to the customer and not him, taking credit as Jerry loses his job. Or Gerbera might just screw something up and ruin the pizza during a SITUATION…

But… is that a bad thing really? After what w2K said, maybe getting demoted won’t be as huge of an issue as he thinks it would be. It would actually give him more of an incentive to try harder and obtain his dreams instead of stagnating in a job he never liked. Even if the pizza delivery job allows him a place to stay, and the :pizzid: pizzeria makes his uncle a lot of money for Jerry to mooch off of, it wasn't what he wanted to do with his life.

And maybe people would love to see his comeback as an actor again, after his less than stellar performance as a child actor. People do love an underdog comeback story… Maybe it won’t matter if he fails this pizza delivery, even if he’ll be forced to wear a humiliating mascot costume until he manages to find an acting job that pays well… Maybe he can put on a mask to make that experience less embarrassing or something?

No, he shouldn't just give up and let Gerbera be in charge of the delivery. Giving up would just put him in a worse position, just like how giving up on getting his dream job got him stuck at :pizzid: to begin with. Plus, w2K told him not to give up this pizza delivery.

He decides he'll get back to job searching, and not use the excuses to give up before he finds something. After all, he has gotten through a lot of difficult and deadly SITUATIONS all for a lot of stupid pizzas without giving up, so why not keep that determination up for himself?

That, and it's probably best to get this delivery finished for the customer. They did pay for it. Yeah, at this point Jerry has no idea where he's going with his train of thought, but bottom line for him: No giving up on the pizza delivery, and no giving up on job hunting, no matter how pointless or disheartening it may seem.
No. 1053533 ID: e51896
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Gerbera: Jerry! My bud! You're okay!

And just like that, Jerry is snapped right out of his thoughts and realizes he made it to the WALK-INTO-A bar. Gerbera looks relieved to see him and Mary.

Gerbera: Is Mary with you?! Oh thank goodness. I was worried you got lost or captured by w2K after I realized you weren't with me.
Mary: Oh… sorry to worry you. I just… couldn't continue being a pushover coward by leaving boss by himself like that.
Mary: I thought he needed me, and I was so worried about him!
Mary: But, he handled it himself after all. I should not have had you worry like that, Gerbera.

Jerry says he actually appreciates Mary accompanying him on the walk back after going through that, and shouldn’t beat himself too much about it.

Gerbera: Yeah, as long as you're here with us, that’s all that matters.

Mary sighs in relief, and thanks the two as they enter the bar. The place is… surprisingly quiet. He'd think it'd be full of college students after their last day of the school year, but then he remembers the end of year performances, projects, and film festivals take part in as part of their climax. Shows of all the skills they accumulated throughout the school year, and more than enough to keep them occupied. He assumes it'll be busy later at night, when all that is over. Good news for his friend Jordan, the bartender, who just happens to be cleaning some glass cups at the counter. She tends to get anxious when it gets super busy. He hopes she's not thinking about the rush too much right now.

Jordan: Jerry! Out on another pizza run? You came at a good time.
Jordan: It's the calm before the storm, so I'm free right now.
Jordan: Need me to heat up your pizza again?
Jordan: or do you want to hear some gossip?

Jerry says he's fine on the pizza, and is just here for a breather. He will think about talking to her if he has the time.

Jordan: No problem. Feel free to talk if you do.
Mary: So… what should we do first, Boss?

As Mary asks that question, the ears of one of the customers sitting at the counter perks up, and slowly turns towards the PIZZA PARTY to see who is talking. She has a glare in her eyes before suddenly doing a double-take. Her expression quickly changes to bewilderment and what looks to be disbelief as she keeps staring at Jerry. It’s as if she is trying to process what she is seeing.

The woman seems to be some kind of WEREWOLF MONKEY… wait, that can’t be… There is no full moon tonight, nor are they in THREE HAMS ROAD’s CURSED NIGHT. Maybe she’s one of those rare hybrid species, one being half-canine, half-monkey. She looks real strong, with a torn up coat and… is that a priestess hat? It seems to be torn up as well, with some kind of symbol on it. There are a few broken bottles on the floor by her feet, and what looks to be a mouse-sized mouse standing next to her on the counter, looking a bit concerned about the monkey-wolf thing. She’s also wearing a priestess hat with the same emblem, but it doesn’t have any tears on it.

Now that Jerry thinks about it… the tough priestess monkey canine thing does seem really familiar, but he can’t quite put his finger on it. He wonders if he’ll remember who she might be if he talks to her. She does look like she has something IMPORTANT to say to Jerry. Call it a hunch

Besides that, the only other thing of interest is that it looks like Harmon and Vincent have entered the bar, perhaps finished with their bike ride, and are heading into the basement hiding under one of the tables. Jerry gives them a nod as the two nod back. Jerry thinks the two are going to the bar’s secret BLACK MARKET to help out down there.

With that, Jerry decides to think about what to do during this SECOND CHECKPOINT. He considers that he has 13 UPDATES left before it’s too late, and maybe about 5, or 7 SITUATIONS to get through. so he has PLENTY OF TIME before he has to hit the road again. Maybe enough time to grab a drink? Though, he might get INTOXICATED if he does that… in any case, there’s a lot of options, so he decides to think about what he might still need to do before he heads back on his Pizza run…


- SIDEQUEST: Convince Purr Feckt to kick Mary out of this quest and bring him back into his own quest where he belongs!
(Jerry already got Mary a bunch of wood and seeds (you can see what they are here >>1030255) , now all that's left is to try to convince Purr Feckt to bring Mary back… Though if you want, Jerry did find a PREPAID INTERDIMENSIONAL WRISTPHONE at the black market to give to Mary before he heads back.)

- SIDEQUEST: Find some bananas for Ramona/Rachael to give her for free to improve customer satisfaction!
(Jerry already has Bananas in the BANK, he just needs to pick them up mind the item management)

SIDEQUEST: Give Purr Feckt some flowers to help with the NEGOTIATIONS for Mary
(Jerry can get some at the store)

SIDEQUEST: DON’T use the CLOTHING DESTRUCTION RAY GUN so Gerbera can give it to Snowpea in its highest quality
(Jerry failed this quest, but it doesn’t matter too much. He can probably refill it though at the BLACK MARKET and have Gerbera give it to her later… or not. It’s not Jerry’s highest priority)

SIDEQUEST: Succeed in Rocio’s challenge to not use an item on 5 separate UPDATES during a SITUATION or PROBLEM
(you have 4/5 left!)

SIDEQUEST: Get Eugene, or his disguise over to the Cardboard box in the Alley!

REMINDER: you can return the VALUABLE AND DURABLE DIAMOND SEASHELL to the MUSHEUM for something great to happen… or sell it for a LOT of money at the BLACK MARKET to buy something super expensive there.

REMINDER: Purr Feckt will come look for you sometime after UPDATE 20, but will appreciate it if you see her sooner (she will not find you in the SECOND CHECKPOINT though, this is a safe area)

REMINDER: the chances that Purr Feckt will find out Jerry rummaged through her purse is currently 15%, but you can lower it more by switching the SWEATY WATER BOTTLE with regular water

IMPORTANT: Keep in mind you don’t have to finish ALL these sidequests. There are no completionist prizes in this quest, so don’t worry.


Jerry ₵A$H:

Gerbera ₵A$H:

Jerry Bank
- 4000
- Bananas

Gerbera bank


Jerry’s Hammerspace

- PURR FECKT’S PURSE (15% chance Purr will notice Jerry used it) - Jerry didn't steal this, he just hasn’t had the chance to return it to her yet after she left it at the courthouse. He’s serious! Contains her wallet, important evidence for another trial (hopefully one in the far future, Jerry would hate to have to deal with her today if she comes to get this), feminine products, keys (how did she get home without her car or house keys?), a pair of handcuffs. Water bottle full of sweat, And pretty much anything else you want. The more Jerry uses this, the higher the chance Purr Feckt will find out it’s been used. Currently at 15% chance she’ll find out.

- VALUABLE AND DURABLE DIAMOND SEASHELL - Sell it at a black market to make a LOT of ₵A$H (Jerry thinks there is one at both CHECKPOINTS. Though the second CHECKPOINT will most likely give more money for it) using it will decrease its value though. Jerry can return it to the MUSHEUM for something good to happen as long as you don’t use it until then (near the second checkpoint)! Jerry can use it to hide in for stealth, or to protect himselfself from attacks very easily (but it’s value will go down) Jerry isn’t giving it to P.I. Zzander, he’s an asshole who will take all the credit. But he can probably give it to Purr feckt to help negotiate in helping Mary.

- ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUT # 2 - The sugar content is actually illegal in 17 different countries and consuming it will, for the briefest of moments, make your perception of time move SLOW, but after about [1 Update] you will suffer from an extreme crash of euphoria and a sugar coma.

- SCREWDRIVER - has a changeable tip. Phillips head AND Flat head all in one.

- ANTIPERSPIRANT DEODORANT – It is SUPER ABSORBANT, more than a towel… seriously, why the fuck is this even a deodorant and not marketed as a cleaning supply??? It won’t just absorb water, so be creative with what it can absorb when suggesting to use it! Also makes you and things less smelly!

Jerry’s Inventory Out of the Hammerspace

- WALLET - (contains his bank card, drivers license, insurance card, 1261 ₵A$H) in pocket

- JERRY’S SMART PHONE – Contains phone number to the pizzeria, his uncle, Harmon, Vincint, Purr Feckt, Rocio, Iraphena (1000 Cash for her fortune telling services) and Felafaf (will tell your fortune for free, but at the cost of having 9 SABOTAGE points the next update) and the Sweaty Kitty’s. W2K and Gerbera are blocked. In pocket.

- NOTEBOOK PAPER - has Ramona's (Rachael's) name, location, phone number, order, and price. In pocket

- LIGHTER – lights things up. In pocket

- CIGARETTES - take a smoke. In pocket

Jerry’s Equipment

- :pizzid: HAT

- :pizzid: POLO





Gerbera’s Hammerspace

- GERBERA DOLL - Just a toy of themself that they got from the secret santa event. Has a pullstring that talks about how great they are, and even sings!

- RADIO - Gerbera uses this mainly to dance in they’re costume. One more use before it is out of batteries

- THE ZA COSTUME - Dress up as ’s mascot!

- MACE - Got it from working a second job as a royal guard in another quest. Good for bonking, hitting home runs, and may cause clothing damage for some reason. Gerbera would rather only use it if their life is in danger and will otherwise take a really good reason to attack someone with it to protect the pizza.

- CLOTHING DESTRUCTION RAY SQUIRT GUN - Destroys the clothing of an individual.

Gerbera’s Inventory Out of the Hammerspace

- WALLET - (contains their bank card, drivers license, insurance card, 50 ₵A$H, their business card, A picture of SNOWPEA) in pocket

- KEYS - to their home, in pocket

- SMART PHONE - contains Snow pea’s home number, Jerry’s Smartphone number, Snowpea’s Smartphone number, :pizzid: pizzeria, Snowpea’s work phone, Snowpea’s parents phone number. In pocket.

Gerbera’s Equipment:

:pizzid: HAT

:pizzid: POLO



Mary's Inventory

CLIPBOARD AND PEN - self explanatory

Mary’s Equipment:

VINEGAR’S HAIRCLIP - from the popular graphic novel, NOISE! It gives whoever wears it a weirdly comprehensive knowledge of chemistry. (Equipped)

CONWAY’S THONG - Merch from the popular graphic novel, NOISE! It makes you feel way happier with yourself but also makes you wanna wear minimal clothing (Equipped)



>With Gerbera here, they will do some actions on their own unless you recommend they do something else. They will automatically leave with Jerry if he decides to continue the pizza delivery.

(can do TWO things with this action)

Listen to Jordan’s gossip
- Seems like she’s got some interesting information about MARINATION UNIVERSITY… but what could it be?

Get a drink
- Jerry will become INTOXICATED, which means the author (ME!) will for 5 updates, vote 1 point into HELP or SABOTAGE, and even vote which item he wants.

Talk to the Canine Monkey and mouse
- Jerry will remember who this person is, and might learn something important out of them depending on how things go.

Heat up the pizza
-if your pizza got cold, Jordan will allow you to borrow her oven and heat it up. Jerry doesn’t need to warm up the pizza.
- You can give them back the VALUABLE AND DURABLE DIAMOND SEASHELL for something REALLY GREAT.

>BANK (can do multiple things)
- Lets Jerry withdraw or deposit ₵A$H
- Gerbera can do this too on their own, but the amount they’ll pull out can’t be controlled. They refuse to tell you how much they have.
- Jerry has 4000 ₵A$H in the bank and 1261 in pocket
-attempt to rob it (Jerry is not DESPERATE enough to do this)
- store an item (you'll be able to pick up any items stored here in another bank at the SECOND CHECKPOINT later)
- Jerry has BANANAS he can pick up here.

>Go to the store!
- It’s recommended you stop at the BANK first to make a withdrawal.
- Jerry has 1261 ₵A$H in pocket, Gerbera has 0 ₵A$H
- They don’t allow you to buy stuff with your bank card for some reason. System must be broken probably. So go to the bank first.
-You can buy and sell LEGAL items here
- If Gerbera is here, they’ll buy and sell items here too, but you don’t have control over what they buy or sell. You can try to convince them to buy or sell certain things, or save ₵A$H tho.
- Jerry’s HAMMERSPACIAL DIMENSION is FULL. Consider throwing or selling items here.


- LUMBER AND TREE SEEDS = NAME YOUR PRICE! THE HIGHER, THE BETTER! (this will make Mary’s mood and friendship with Jerry SKYROCKET depending on how much Jerry buys, and will affect the ending depending on if you manage to find a way to get Mary back home. This won’t be in your inventory, Jerry will just have it shipped to the Pizzeria.) (Jerry already enough to get Mary’s farm going if he returns to his world, but he could always buy more)

- BANANAS = 1 ₵A$H (can use the banana peel to make someone trip!) (give this to the customer to finish the sidequest: find some bananas for Ramona/Rachael) (You already have some in the BANK)

- IMPORTED SPRING WATER BOTTLE = 500 ₵A$H (Expensive because it’s imported from a rare hot summers, which is better than a hot springs! can be used to hydrate.) (can replace the SWEATY WATER BOTTLE from the purse to decrease the percentage of Purr Feckt’s detection that Jerry used it by 5% bringing it down to 10%) (Expensive because it’s imported)



- POLAROID CAMERA = 19 ₵A$H (Somebody put a way-too-bright bulb in the flash, and now it's effectively a tool for blinding people alongside it's more common use of taking photos.)

- GOOFY STRING = 20 ₵A$H (It can be a belt, a rope, a bracelet, a bundle of rubber bands and more! Comes in COLORFUL and EVEN MORE COLORFUL styles. You can also eat it! It tastes like liquor flavored licorice! It comes in a can with 3 uses)


- A LOT OF SHEEP = 100 ₵A$H (You can't seem to count how many are in here without falling asleep…)


- RICE = 5 ₵A$H (Good for drying out your phone. (Sweaty Kitty would probably like this)

- DUCT TAPE = 100 ₵A$H (Arguably the most overpowered item on this list. Can fix EVERYTHING!)

- DUCT TAPE GNNUY = 300 ₵A$H (It's a gun with little bnnuy ears at the end. it shoots a retractable roll of duct tape that you can use to pull yourself, but requires duct tape to reload after a few uses or the adhesive will wear off. Acts like a grappling hook, or a tape gun with a child friendly shape so it's not censored in over 17 countries! Kids love it, parents hate it! (can be merged with Duct tape)

- FLOWERS (NEW)= 20 ₵A$H (can be given to Purr Feckt to help convince her to help bring Mary home.)

- BATTERIES (NEW) = 10 ₵A$H (gives something POWER, like Gerbera’s RADIO

- PURR FECKT’S PURSE = select a value between 1-500 ₵A$H for the items Jerry will sell from inside the purse. (The more ₵A$H you want, the emptier the PURSE will be and the higher the percentage Purr Feckt will find out you used the purse increases, and the more you’ll stress Mary out)
Entire Purse is 1000 ₵A$H, (Mary will cry if you sell the entire purse, and you won’t use the purse to effect the percentage on how Purr Feckt will help Mary one way or another)


- ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUT #2 = (can’t be sold here.)


- ANTIPERSPIRANT DEODORANT = 1 ₵A$H (because it’s been used)

- It’s recommended you stop at the BANK first to make a withdrawal.
- Jerry has 1261 ₵A$H in pocket, Gerbera has 50 ₵A$H
- They don’t allow you to buy stuff with your bank card for some reason. They probably don’t want any investigators to track this place through someone’s bank history.
-you can buy and sell ILLEGAL items here
- I have items listed, but I’m going to leave the rest to you for guys to come up with items! Please state what item you want there to be, and I’ll in a future post list them before the next update for you all to vote on with a price for each depending on the item’s effectiveness.
- If Gerbera is here, they’ll buy and sell items here too, but you don’t have control what they buy or sell. You can try to convince them to buy or sell certain things, or save ₵A$H
- if you want to buy some of the REALLY EXPENSIVE items here, sell the SEASHELL.


- ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUT #1 (NEW) = 1000 ₵A$H (The sugar content is actually illegal in 17 different countries and consuming it will, for the briefest of moments, be really really tasty… That's it. It’s actually really the most attractive donut, and you can give it to someone to trade or negotiate for almost anything you want from them, materialistic or otherwise. But after about [1 Update] the person who eats it will suffer from an extreme crash of euphoria, a sugar coma.



- ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUT #6 (NEW) = 1000 ₵A$H (The sugar content is actually illegal in 17 different countries and consuming it will, for the briefest of moments, Make your eyes bug out, being able to have higher perception! but after about [1 Update] you will suffer from an extreme crash of euphoria, a sugar coma, and a desperate need to blink.

- ANGERY RUBBER DUCKY = 1200 ₵A$H (Its squeaks tauntS your target, making them angry enough to focus on attacking the person who is squeaking at them. Jerry thinks he can trick Gerbera into using it in a situation to make a getaway)

- WEED = 500 ₵A$H (technically not illegal anymore, but they still sell it to make it feel like the good ol’ days when it was illegal)

- MIND CONTROL DEVICE = 250,000 ₵A$H (Discounted and Nerfed (this will let you mind control your target. But it’s been patched since Jerry has been in the last CHECKPOINT, so it won’t make the quest too easy. Can only be used for 1 update and the price lowered.)



- POWER CAPSULE = 500,000 ₵A$H (lets Jerry use a SUPER POWER for 1 UPDATE. The power is decided by what the voters want it to be.)

- JOTUND’S MIGHT = 400,000 ₵A$H (makes you bigger and stronger, almost as strong as Mr. Armstrong! can’t be reversed if used)


- :pizzid: drone prototype = 2,000 ₵A$H (This was an invention from Jerry’s uncle… but it didn’t work out well. Somehow it ended up in the BLACK MARKET)

- TEAL SPOTTED MUSHROOM = 10,000 ₵A$H (Grants whoever eats it an extra life. Takes a frame rule (one update) to respawn... but will cause HALLUCINATIONS to occur.)

- ELECTRONIC MAIL = 400 ₵A$H (An envelope containing nothing but pure electricity. You have no idea how it works either.)

- SPECIAL MONOCLE = 2,300 ₵A$H (Has a number of properties such as X-Ray vision and true sight. Only has a limited number of charges however, and may cause meta slowdown by forcing the artist to animate the x-ray effect. Jerry thinks this might be more fitting for a tailor than a pizza delivery guy for some reason.)

A LYLUK BRAND SLUSHEE = 2 ₵A$H (A slushee of dubious origin that when drunk improves some of your stats for a few updates. Pizza flavored. (Gives Jerry +2 points for HELP in a SITUATION.) WARNING: HAS A 20% CHANCE TO EITHER MAKE JERRY SHITTY, OR TURN HIM INTO A LYLUK. (not recommended for Hippos.))

THE HOTTEST HOT SAUCE IN THE WORLD!!! = 600 ₵A$H (Guaranteed to melt your tongue or your money back! (May actually just be a jar filled with acid.))

- PREPAID INTERDIMENSIONAL WRISTPHONE (Equipment) = 1000 ₵A$H (Cell service that can cross dimensions, time is a bit wonky though, so some service exceptions may occur. But if you upgrade the service plan for an extra 2000 CA$H it CAN be reliable! Too bad you don't want to spend the extra cash. At least while you're here it works perfectly. Can be for Mary so he can communicate with Jerry if he goes back! Also so he can do stuff while he's still here in case it all goes tits up.)

- HIRE DYON (3 Months) = 20,000 ₵A$H/month (Dyon is a slime girl with the unique ability to copy and paste superpowers. Sometimes. Dyon can copy a power if she maintains contact for approximately thirty seconds; most powers will be removed from her menu after three months. Her paste therapy takes one month on average (give or take two weeks) and has a success rate of 100% for D-class powers, 50% for C-class powers, 30% for B-class powers, 10% for A-Class powers, and 5% for S-class powers. Dyon has permanently copied the [Electrokinesis], [Lesser Transmutation], and [Dreamstuff Pymary] abilities for herself and can use them at will. Dyon is a horrible employee. She demands payment up front, is brash and abrasive, almost never follows orders, and will bail the moment she can interpret a technicality in her contract. But if you can take the time to earn her loyalty, she'll renew her contract for peanuts and may even increase her copying success rate.) (NEW)

- VORETEX = 250,000 ₵A$H (Every vore fetishist wants one of these. This cyber-psionic augmentation creates a user-friendly portal to a pocket dimension in their orifice, which connects to a giant bio-module attuned to the user's DNA. Long story short, anything that gets eaten will fit. Banned in all civilized eating contests. Rumors of the ability to vacuum objects are considered silly.)

- A KODAMA DOLL DRESSED LIKE A MAGICAL GIRLl = 5 ₵A$H (You're not sure why this is at the black market - is that the shriek of an angry harpy in the distance? Grumpy insists you buy now or never speak of this again.)

- ONE-WAY DIMENSIONAL TRAVEL DEVICE = 1,000,000 ₵A$H (RESERVED). (Apparently it’s a device that can allow someone to travel to any dimension they want, provided they know the coordinates. However, it only has enough power for one use, so it’s a one-way trip. Looks like somebody is already going to buy it. So he can’t buy it.)


- WATER BOTTLE FULL OF THE SWEATY KITTY’S SWEAT = 1,000 ₵A$H (but the detection level will go up by 10% (total 25%)

-PURR FECKT’S PURSE = Besides the water bottle full of the Sweaty Kitty’s sweat, They find nothing of interest, but don’t tell Purr Feckt that… actually, do tell her, it’ll be funny.



- SCREWDRIVER = They are not interested.

- ANTIPERSPIRANT DEODORANT = They are not interested.

>Read a newspaper

-Learn some lore, get hints, look at advertisements, get a sidequest, and other stuff.
- Has something about a virus going around affecting people, ads, and info on certain streets he’s heading to catches Jerry’s eyes.

>Chill with Vincent and/or Harmon

- They might give you some helpful advice, or maybe give you a side-quest.
- Harmon and/or Vincent can potentially help you convince Good ol Grumpy to give you a DISCOUNT at the BLACK MARKET,. But it all depends on how your negotiations go with each of them, what you give them, and who is with you. a dice roll will determine afterwards whether they will join you or not
- base percentage of one of them helping is 50% each
- depending on what Jerry tells them to help decrease the price could either increase, or decrease the percentage, choose your words wisely! Or don’t. Have fun with it!
- You’re chances to get their help after spending another action to talk to them after each fail increases by 10%
- you can spend multiple actions to try to get their help in each UPDATE
- your chances to get their help also improves by giving them a certain pizza with various results (you can only give one pizza related item to one of them)
(A piece of the customer’s pizza increases by 50% (will decrease customer satisfaction though))
-Vincent will automatically help you if you got WEED (you don’t have any, Find some in the BLACK MARKET maybe)
-you can only give one person one item per action
-Your chances to get their help might increase or decrease depending on who you’re with.
(Mary has no effect on the percentage)
(Gerbera decreases chance of recruiting one or both of them by 30%, they think Gerbera is UNCOOL)
-Current percentage of getting Harmon or Vincent’s help at getting a discount is currently 20% each

>All purpose repair store
-fixes something you broke,

>talk/text someone
- Can be anyone you want
- Up to 3 people can be talked to in this action.

>ITEM MANAGEMENT (this is a free action and won’t count towards an action, this includes throwing an item away, or putting an item in or out of your inventory)

This will continue Jerry’s Pizza journey.
No. 1053534 ID: e51896
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But let's check in with these dorks real quick.

The GIRLS NIGHT OUT WITH A PUMPKIN is still going strong. Rachael, Kaia, and Jackie are currently watching Charrise put her reputation on the line as she streaks through the dorms through her ONLYFAUNUS stream
No. 1053535 ID: e51896
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Kaia: Don’t just stand there, that koala is coming right towards you, you IDIOT!
Rachael: Oh… oh gosh… uh… umm…
Rachael: *whispering* how is she that brave…?
Jackie: …

Rachael grabs one of Charisse’s pillows, biting into it to calm her anxiety and slow her beating heart from seeing Charisse’s escapades… Or maybe it’s excitement? She tries to comprehend what sort of feelings Charisse must be feeling right now. If it was Rachael, she would be really terrified and extremely anxious… But seeing Charisse like that? Seeing her actually have fun doing something so daring, even laughing as she hops around the dorm in the nude... to Rachael this is a new territory of emotions. Charisse’s attitude towards the state she’s in feels contradictory to Rachael, but yet… it feels… right?

Rachael: …nerve wracking… suspenseful…
Rachael: Exhilarating…
Jackie: ………

She remembers hearing somewhere that excitement, and anxiousness are pretty similar to each other, and that if she’d ever feel nervous to tell herself to not think of it as her being anxious, but instead, see it as being excited. Maybe it’s similar to this? Maybe Charisse is feeling the same sense of excitement that others feel from roller coasters, or horror movies… Maybe, the risk of streaking and exhibitionism is something that can give one that same suspense, and is so easily accessible to perform, provided one doesn’t get caught.

Kaia: Oh, thank the gods and goddesses that Koala didn’t notice…
Kaia: if he just turned his head, he could have seen her…
Rachael: W…whoa… umm…
Jackie: ………………………….

Rachael then remembers that she is soon going to have to be in a similar SITUATION as Charisse, and her heart starts racing again at the thought as she bites and squeezes the pillow harder against her chest. Her, the well-behaved quiet student who keeps to herself to not stand out, is going to do something so insane and leave her comfort zone of shallow water, and straight into the deep end. With it being UPDATE 17, her dare could happen at any moment. She’s scared, but could there be a small part of her that she’s been ignoring most her life that is looking forward to it?

Kaia: *siiigh* what a relief, he went into one of the dorm rooms without seeing her.
Kaia: I swear, that woman is going to ruin her life one day doing dangerous stunts like that…
Kaia: Wait… why is she heading down the stairs now?! She’s not thinking of going outside now… is she?!
Rachael: …
Jackie: .................................................................

No. 1053536 ID: e51896
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Kaia: Omph!

Rachael, surprised by the usually quiet Jackie’s outburst, is frightened enough that she leans away from them, knocking Kaia over with her.

Kaia: Ugh, Jackie, what was that all about? You scared the daylights out of us!
Jackie: I’m just so jealous that Rachael and Charisse has gotten the awesome dares, while I didn’t get any yet and have to instead sit here and wait
Kaia: ………
Kaia: Wat?
Jackie: Kaia, I don’t want to wait until the pizza arrives, or for Charisse to finish her dare. I know we gave Rachael the chance to dare Charisse before she did her dare as a way to comfort the new girl into our party
Jackie: but I’m stuck waiting
Kaia: Jackie, isn’t the point of truth or dare is to… NOT want to be truthed or dared?
Jackie: I have sophisticated tastes in what I want
Kaia: Sophisticated? That’s not-
Rachael: She’s… really doing it! Aah!

Kaia looks over at the stream and finds that Charisse has somehow already made it to the bottom floor, and is planning on heading out. Kaia, not wanting Charisse to go through with it, quickly picks up her phone to stall her.

Kaia: You know what, Yeah! Let's call Charisse right now and get her to truth or dare someone, QUICK!
No. 1053537 ID: e51896
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Charisse: Alright, chat… are you all ready for me to take this into the next level?
Charisse: This is going to be FUN as soon as I walk out that door
Charisse: And better yet, there’s a bunch of performances going on, so I can play this off as an art piece as an excuse!

Charisse’s phone starts ringing, stopping her in her tracks.

Charisse: Oh! Whoops, sorry, my pervs!
Charisse: Going outside is going to have to wait for juuuuuust a moment.
Charisse: I gotta take this call real quick.

Charisse looks at the caller ID and finds it to be Kaia, to which she smiles deviously

Charisse: Heh, well chat, what if I take this call right here in the middle of this empty hall towards the exit? Right in the open?

Charisse does just that, and is greeted to Kaia’s screams

Charisse: Now, now, if you scream like that, people might hear and give away my position, heeheeheehee!
Kaia: CHA- oh forget it!
Charisse: What's up anyways? Oh, did the pizza guy arrive finally?
Charisse: Oh shoot! I forgot that part of the dare where I have to use my hands to cover up Ra-
Kaia: Look, I only called because one of us wants to continue the truth or dare game and your turn is taking a little too long…
Charisse: Blame the pizza guy for not getting here sooner.
Kaia: It’s only UPDATE 17, they should be here soon, so you should NOT go outside and just… stick around the dorms so you don’t miss him and can get here to finish the dare..
Kaia: Anyways, we would like you to spin the bottle, or I guess at this point, roll the dice on your phone since you’re not here, to see who you’re going to truth or dare next
Charisse: What, and I’m not going to witness anyone doing my truth or dare request?
Kaia: Ugh, look, we’ll record videos for you to see when you get back… Just roll the dice.
Charisse: Sounds like a plan then.

Charisse then pulls up a very simplistic dice rolling app and sets it to a 1D3 dice. She wonders which girl or pumpkin the dice will choose, and what sort of truth or dare to have them do.

Who does the dice choose as the next victim? Kaia, who probably needs a dare as a way to punish her for being so uptight or find a revealing secret about her? Rachael, who she can probably make her current dare be a bit more fun, or finally find out what Rachael is hiding by choosing the truth, or Jackie, who WANTS to be dared?

And also, what should their truth or dare be?

MESSAGE FROM PEA: just like the first checkpoint, that was a lot to take in, so to simplify things, I organized what to do into a little checklist:

- choose three actions Jerry can do
- Who is getting truthed or dared next?
- Will the victim choose Truth, or Dare?
- What should the truth or dare be?
- (optional) item management, throw items away for more space!

Also, thanks to:
EDMANGO for letting me cameo Cannie from Catalyst https://questden.org/wiki/Catalyst
Tippler for letting me cameo Jordan from the You Died/Stare at Explosions series https://questden.org/wiki/You_Died
Himitsu for letting me cameo his character Marlee (his quests here: https://questden.org/wiki/Himitsu)

Also, I’m not accepting requests for new items this time becuz me tired.

No. 1053555 ID: dc13c4

I am for the idea to listen to Jordan’s gossip, that way we can at least know what we will be dealing with on our way to the delivery. As for if we succeed in the whole eavesdropping somebody from the bar tags along with us but only for one update, if we fail at it we start a huge bar fight.
No. 1053558 ID: 735290

Action 1: Bar. Talk to the monkey canine and gossip with Jordan.

Action 2: Musheum. Give them the seashell back.

Action 3: Bank. Pick up those bananas, withdraw 1000 or 2000, store an item or two, maybe the screwdriver and donut. Try to convince Gerbera to store the radio, it's almost out of batteries and/or the mace since she has a gun now.

Dare Kaia, she deserves it.
No. 1053678 ID: a9235c

To make things easier, I'll add this new rule: no hammerspace capacity limit during checkpoint, you can take as much as you want, but youll need to throw stuff out if your over limit when you head back on the road
No. 1053710 ID: 8483cf

First things first: this is is 99% likely to be the last checkpoint we get, so let’s make it count. Remember to withdraw the bananas before we leave this checkpoint!

Second things second: Truth or dare takes priority over all non-fun things. Definitely dare Kaia, it’s her turn to not be so uptight. The best way to loosen her up is to remove her ability to complain and shout Rachael’s embarrassing secrets. I vote we dare Kaia to put as many marshmallows in her mouth as she can- she’s a squirrel, she can handle it! Once that’s done, Jackie can take a picture of it and no one who sees it will ever be able to take Kaia seriously again.

ACTION 1: Let’s take a breather. That ex-boss fight was tough! Walk into the bar.
ACTION 1A: Take a drink. It’s a breather!
ACTION 1B: Talk to the Canine Monkey and mouse. They look tough (and not-tough). Maybe they’ve heard the rumor about MARINATION UNIVERSITY too?

Action 2: Absolutely, positively, go to the Musheum. Let’s get something REALLY GREAT! I bet it’s a full-body portrait of Snowpea that Gerb commissioned from the greatest artist in CRUST CITY.

Action 3: Go to the bank, make a withdrawal, and get some bananas! Also let Gerb gets some cash, poor plant is $BROKE$
No. 1053714 ID: 629f2e

Alright, this is gonna be a long one.

Action 1 - Musheum

Look we've carried that shell for long enough. Get RID of it! As fun as it would be to sell and get the best items from the Black Market, doing so would definitely have consequences. Let's do the right thing for now.

Action 2 - Bank

Make sure Gerbera comes with you, and discuss what you're going to take out and put in together.

-Store the Notebook paper. You have a phone dude. Just... take a picture of it. Or write the details in a note file, just stop using pocket space on this. Hold the Screwdriver in your pocket instead. Should fit easily if the tip is off.

-Store the Donut. You keep saying you'd rather use it off the clock, so commit! Put it away so you have room to hold another item.

-Obviously take out the bananas, this is what we've bought them for.

-Tell Gerbera to take out AT LEAST 300 CA$H if they want to refill their gun. Tell them where we're going in advance, so that they can withdraw appropriately. They might be interested in the :pizzid: DRONE PROTOTPYE or A LYLUK BRAND SLUSHEE

-Try to convince Gerbera to store the GERBERA DOLL and/or RADIO.

-Finally, take out 2500 CA$H. Why that much? Because:
A: You're going to want to buy that Wristwatch phone for Mary, don't act like you won't.
B: It leaves you with enough money on hand to get two decent items. I'd push for the SPECIAL MONOCLE, ELECTRONIC MAIL or THE HOTTEST HOT SAUCE IN THE WORLD!!!

Okay, that was a lot. Now OBVIOUSLY, this is set up for us to head to the BLACK MARKET, but hold your horses a bit. We don't have to do that now, y'know? I mean, there's a lot worth doing, we're probably gonna stay here for another update. With that in mind, let's hold off on shopping for now, and save that for next update. That'll make it easier to all vote together on what to buy.

Instead, let's chill for an update.

Action 3 - WALK-INTO-A Bar

Do NOT get intoxicated. This is the most important delivery you've had in some time, failing ANY SITUATION will look a million times worse if you're drunk. Also you can only do two things, and this is only the third most interesting. Do the math.

-Listen to Jordan's gossip. It'll give you some insight into what to expect at the university. Or at the very least it'll just be interesting. Also, get three waters for all of you. Gotta stay hydrated if you're gonna keep running around as you have. (...Can Mary even drink? And should you get him a dog dish instead of a glass?)

-Talk to the Canine Monkey and mouse. I'll specifically suggest having Mary interact with the mouse, since she might feel more comfortable with someone of a similar size (especially someone as soft as Mary).


That's all for Jerry and the Pizza Party. Sleepover Truth or Dare time.

It seems we're all in agreement about daring Kaia, but I'd like to put in a dare idea for Jackie as well. After all, she's the one who was bored and wanted to do stuff. It'd be a shame to just make her watch.

For the sake of having options, I'll offer a truth and a dare for both Kaia and Jackie.

Kaia Truth: "You're pretty defensive of Rachael. Do you love her~?" (Tease her a bit for her behavior and maybe convince her to cool down a bit.)

Kaia Dare: "Give Rachael a big ol' hug!" (Since Kaia seems a bit averse to the lewds, force her to get up close and personal with her under-dressed best friend)

Jackie Truth: "Who are the cutest members of our party? Rate us all by your own tastes, including yourself." (Honestly just want to see what she thinks).

Jackie Dare: "Swap clothes with Kaia!" (It would make for some humorous imagery, and that's more than enough of a reason.)
No. 1053812 ID: e5709d

... You know what? I vote you cash in the seashell now and store a million C$SH at the bank. Because seriously, WHY DO YOU NEED TO KEEP DELIVERING PIZZAS WHEN YOU HAVE AN OBJECT WORTH A VAST FORTUNE?!
Do not, under any circumstances, use the seashell or allow it to come to any harm. In fact, let the quest get derailed if you need to, because all you need to do is hire an investor and get a solid portfolio lined up. Pour a significant chunk into researching the acid solvent for public consumption, do some personal research yourself over time, and you've got your purpose in life and a high chance of reaching high-class status within the next twenty years.

Restock the clothing destruction ray squirt gun. Once you do, store it in the bank and have the material researched in the epilogue.

1) Buy Duct Tape, Flowers, Batteries, and A Lot of Sheep
2) Repair the Clothing Destruction Ray Squirt Gun (by restocking)
3) Deposit Clothing Destruction Ray Squirt Gun, retrieve all C$SH
No. 1086129 ID: 7c55ad
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Message from PEA: I’m finally back on the saddle. Sorry it took so long, I had a massive writer's block, and was just drained from doing this quest for a while and needed a break to work on other things for awhile (like drawing Donut’s Lucha Quest! Highly recommend reading it) But now I have the willpower to continue this quest. I thank you all for waiting, and especially thank Himitsu for helping me a lot with writing this update and what directions I should take to finish it. Since it’s been awhile, some things may have been forgotten, so I urge you guys to read the sidequests and reminders on the last panel to help you all get back on track. My goal is to get this quest done before the end of the year at the very most, so let’s do this!

Charisse rolls the dice on her dice roll app to determine who is going next, and what luck! It’s her!

Charisse: Ha! Bitchin’, check it, it’s my turn again, chat!

Next she rolls a 3-sided dice to find out who she will truth or dare, and it lands on…

Charisse: Hehe, I’m gonna pause the stream for a moment, chat. I’ll be right back!
Charisse: Hey Kaaaaia, looks like it’s my turn to dare you this time!
Kaia: Great… why’d it have to be her
Kaia: Alright, alright. Let’s get this over with.

Charisse thinks it over. The possibilities are endless.

She can get Kaia to spill the beans on what Rachael is hiding… but Rachael has been pretty cool, cooler than Kaia has been. So she decides to respect her secret for now. She could dare Kaia to give Rachael a big ol’ hug, considering how underdressed the bnuuy is, but she figures she has bullied the bnuuy enough as is.

Eventually, a mischievous grin crosses her lips, as the perfect plan brews.

Charisse: Alright, buckteeth, I got something for ya!
Charisse: Truth or dare? heh heh heh…

Kaia raises an eyebrow. A devious marsupial like her has got to have some kind of nasty dare for Kaia. That laugh sounds like it could be something really humiliating. She’s not going to fall for that.

Kaia: Alright alright, truth!
Charisse: Heh, got you right where I want you…
Charisse: SO! You've been pretty defensive of Rachael. I think it’s time to address the elephant in the room…
Charisse: Do you looooooooove her~?
Jackie: oooooooooooohhhh!
Kaia: Forget it! Dare, then! DARE!
Charisse: Hah! I knew it, you fell right into my trap!
Charisse: And my dare is for you to fit as many marshmallows into those big ol' cheeks of yours as you can, or hell, forget that, empty the entire bag into your mouth instead!
Kaia: Uh… what?
Kaia: I mean, it is demeaning I guess, but it's not as bad as the previous two dares.
Charisse: I'm not done yet!
Charisse: After you gobble those marshmallows in your cheeks…
Charisse: Have your pic taken immediately after, and make it your profile pic in all your social media accounts for an entire month!
Kaia: A…all of them?
Charisse: ALL OF THEM! With no context either!
Charisse: I’m not going to be there to see you do it, after all, so I gotta have proof, yo!
Jackie: Ahahah! Oh! She got you good!

Kaia gulps. If such an embarrassing photo like that is on her social media accounts, she won't be taken seriously anymore, and all the issues in life she complains about on Chirper won't hold as much water. But… she can't wrestle with that truth option, and she is too scared to know Rachael’s reaction to whatever answer she gives. So she yields.

Kaia: Okay, okay, I'll accept the dare, Just tell me where the marshmallows are!
Charrise: in the drawers at my study desk.
Kaia: Damn it, the bag isn’t even open! You really didn't eat a single one?
Charisse: I was saving those for s’mores for summer, but this dare is so worth the bag!
Charisse: Now stuff 'em' all in your big yapper! Everyone’s waiting!
Kaia: *groan* Just streak back to us, the pizza guy will be here any update…
Charisse: Yeah, yeah.

Charisse ends the call and starts up her stream again

Charisse: Sorry, pervs, no outdoor adventures, but don’t worry, I’ll get streak run on my schedule for you all to enjoy, and it’ll be much longer than 10-15 updates
Charisse: For now, let's think of another daring activity, any suggestions?
Charisse: …
Charisse: Ding dong ditch as many dorm rooms as I can on my way back? Oooh! That’s a good one!

Meanwhile, a faint “CHARISSE, NOOOO!” can be heard somewhere upstairs
No. 1086130 ID: 7c55ad
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Ugh, whatever, it’s Charisse’s own damn fault if she wants to make a fool out of herself. Kaia has bigger, stupider things to worry about. She opens the bag when she feels Rachael’s hand on her shoulder.

Rachael: Kaia, I uh…
Kaia: ACK! No, no. Don’t worry about it!

Kaia quickly opens the bag, and dumps its contents into her mouth. Her cheeks expands as the sugary treats drop in like an avalanche. There’s so much that she can barely contain them! Some are even sticking out of her mouth… and yet, she somehow managed to fit them all in!

Jackie: HAHA! that’s a riot!
Rachael: …sorry Kaia…
Jackie: Say cheese!

Kaia sees Jackie pull her phone up. Shoot! Kaia isn’t ready! She attempts to tell Jackie, but the marshmallows only muffle her voice. Before she can do anything else, Jackie snaps a picture. Kaia is so startled that she swallows ALL the marshmallows!

Kaia: *cough cough* Jackie! *cough* I wasn't ready yet!
Jackie: Oops! But hey! The picture turned out amazing! Ahahaha!

Kaia is almost too afraid to look, but she HAS to. If only to process the damage that could be caused by her picture. She immediately cringes at how she looks, with her eyes in shock, a gooey mess in her mouth, and puffed up cheeks.

Kaia: Okay, That is NOT going to be my profile pic! I want a do-over!
Jackie: But we can't, you ate all the marshmallows…
Jackie: You know, you could just take the truth option an-
Kaia: Just send me the pic already and I'll set it up!

Kaia gets sent the pic, and she proceeds to change each of her profile images, one by one. She gives a regretful sigh after setting up the last one, and ducks her head under her arms on the desk in shame.

Kaia: ugh… I don't even want to check any of my social media pages… I can't bare to see people's reaction…

She suddenly gets a call on her phone. Great, it's Charisse…

Jackie:looks like you're getting one, like it or not.
Charisse: HAHAHAHAH!
Charisse: Oh man! You look like you ate a giant pillow! HAHAHAHAHA!
Kaia: Yeah? Well, at least I'm not naked…
Charisse: …
Charisse: Good point. But I'm finding some fun in my SITUATION, you should too! Make a joke about your avatar pic! Make light of dumb things like that, girl. Come on! It’s not that bad!
Kaia: I guess… *sigh* yeah, I guess I should
Charisse: But you know… you refusing to pick truth implies you do have romantic feelings for Rachael, wouldn't you agree, Jackie?
Jackie: heeheeheehee

Kaia doesn't have to take this, she simply hangs up the phone.
No. 1086131 ID: 7c55ad
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Kaia: ugh, that damn roo…
Kaia: But at least she's enjoying herself
Rachael: K…Kaia?!
Kaia: EEP! uh! About that truth, uhh, I want to make it clear that uh, I value our relationship as lov- uh FRIENDS, no wait, umm, more than friends? No, I mean!
Rachael: um, uh, it's not that… I wanted to ask, have you seen anyone put my clothes anywhere?
Kaia: Oh, whew Uh, I mean, what? Your clothes? Didn't you leave them in the bathroom?
Rachael: They're not there!
Rachael: All I found in the bathroom was the stuff I was carrying in my pockets at the time, only my clothes were missing!
Kaia: Huh? Did Charisse take them as a prank!?
Jackie: I don't think so, we saw her between the time Rachael came out of the bathroom, and Charisse leaving to do her dare… she wouldn't of had time.
Kaia: That's true, and I didnt see you go in there this entire time… where could they have gone?
Jackie: uhh… was that door always open?

The girls, minus one girl, with a pumpkin are surprised to see their door left open. How long has that been the case? But Kaia specifically remembered closing and locking the door. The only other thing she can see is dirty wet footprints leading out the door.

Jackie: Did we just get robbed while we were watching the stream?
Kaia: I don't know, it looks like everything seems to be in order here…
Jackie: But… What about Rachael's clothes? What if those were stolen?
Kaia: That's… a possibility.
Rachael: But… w-why would anyone want to steal my clothes?
Rachael: At least they emptied my pockets before taking them, but…
Kaia: Don't worry, I'm sure Charisse has clothes you can borrow after the party.
Kaia: *Sigh* I better give her a call and let her know some sicko robber came in. They might still be streaking, errr… sneaking around the building… I wouldn’t want her to run into anyone dangerous…

No. 1086132 ID: 7c55ad
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THIS WAS A DANGEROUS MISTAKE!!!!! AHH! The monkey werewolf immediately grabbed him by the neck with lightning fast reflexes when Jerry approached, lifting him off the ground, and MAKING HIM drop his pizza box! This is a CHECKPOINT, there’s not supposed to be SITUATIONS in a CHECKPOINT! Aaaaaand Jordan the bartender isn’t here… Probably went into the back at the worst possible time. Bah!

Gruff Werewolf: Alright… Talk! What’s your fuckin’ deal? Huh?
Gruff Werewolf: Why’d ya come all this way here? You STALKIN’ me?
Gruff Werewolf: Say somethin’ or we’re gonna tussle right here, and now!
Mary: OH NO! BOSS!
Gerbera: Whoa! Bud! Why’d you approach the ruthless gang, THE PRIESTS?!

Oh fuck! Gangsters!? Admittedly, Jerry’s heard of THE PRIESTS before, but he’s never actually seen them. He didn’t think that they’d actually be wearing priestess attire, that’s stupid! And what the fuck does she mean by STALKING her?!

Jerry tries to get a word in to explain himself, but all he can muster is a cough, The little green mouse is frantically waving her arms in a panic

Little Mouse: C-CANNIE! W-what are you doing!?! Ooooh, Not good, not good!
Little Mouse:STORM’s going to be upset I let her drink…
Little Mouse: Ummm… uhhh… look at him! He’s just a pizza guy!
Little Mouse: Put him down… Please? You’re drunk!
Cannie: Marlee, When the angel BOSS evacuated me from my dying world to here, he said I’d be sent somewhere completely random out of a selection of countless universes to be sure I’d never return.
Cannie: And I’ve seen this twig back in my home world over a year ago.
Cannie: Only explanation he’s here is he’s an ANGEL, or workin’ for them, and was sent here to SPY on me, and ruin everythin’ I worked up for.
Cannie: Now Spill it, twig! What the fuck are ya up to?!

He remembers now, she was actually the very same one who mauled him during one of his rare interdimensional pizza deliveries and tried to eat a bunch of pizzas that he was delivering. Stalking her?! She’s the one stalking him! Unfortunately, Jerry still can’t speak, but Gerbera yells on his behalf.

Gerbera: Hey! Jerry would NEVER do something like that!
Gerbera: While expensive, :pizzid: does offer deliveries to other worlds! You may have come across him then!
Cannie: Ya expect me to believe that bullshit? Multiverse is endless! Odds of that happening gotta be below 1!
Cannie: Ya can’t expect me to believe I ended up in the exact same world this guy lives in randomly! S’ too much of a coincidence!
Cannie: Wimpy poodle doll mentioned BOSS’ name too, the same name of an important figure among the ANGELS!
Cannie: S’ all makin’ perfect sense! He and his cohorts are tryin’ to SABOTAGE me!
Mary: HEY! “Boss” Is just a highly respectable nickname I give Jerry!
Mary: LET HIM GO, OR I’ll…
Cannie: Or you’ll what!?

Antonio rises from the ground. Oh shit! Is the pizza box open?

Antonio: Hm… TRUST ISSUES.
Antonio: She seems pretty paranoid, doesn’t she? Wonder what she went through...
Antonio: Whatever. Not our problem… want me to make you slimy like pizza grease so you can slide out of her grasp? Hold one finger for yes, two for no.

Before Jerry can raise a hand, Jordan enters from the room in the back, and immediately rushes over to the SITUATION! Jerry has never seen the frog so angry!

Cannie: Can’t, Jordan!
Cannie: He’s someone from my world who threatens the only way I can-
Jordan: I DON’T want to hear it!
Jordan: He’s been my friend since he graduated from college! And he’s busting his ass around the city almost every day!
Jordan: He and his family are natives of this world! He lives HERE!
Jordan: Was even a child actor in our world! You can look that up!

Jerry wants to plead to Cannie NOT to look up those terrible performances he did, but can’t speak

Jordan: There is NO WAY he has the time of day to give you any sort of attention!
Cannie: But he-
Jordan: PUT HIM DOWN, or I’ll let Grumpy know you’re banned from his shop!

Cannie gives Jerry a harsher glare, like she’s going to MURDER him, and tightens her grip around his throat. Jerry shuts his eyes and accepts his fate… But instead of feeling pain, he instead feels it subsiding and leaving his body, as a pleasant tingly warmth envelopes through his entire body from where he is being choked…
No. 1086133 ID: 7c55ad
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…And then he is tossed to the ground like a ragdoll.
Mary: BOOOOOSSSSSS! Are you alright!?

As Mary runs over to Jerry’s side and hugs his arm, Jerry checks for damages done to him, and notices… there’s no pain in his neck! In fact, he also notices that the pain he got from the tight hugs he got today is gone too. He feels a lot better than he did for years! Well okay, there’s some pain from being tossed, but that pain is minor. Did Cannie do this? He looks over at her and sees her back turned on him, just downing a bottle. He assures his partners he actually feels better than ever.

Mary: Huh? Are you sure? She gripped you pretty hard…
Jordan: That woman, I swear… *sigh*
Jordan: You didn’t deserve that. Let me heat up your pizza. It’s the least I can do.

Jerry thanks Jordan as she takes the pizza to the back. Meanwhile, the small mouse Marlee scurries towards Mary

Marlee: Um… I apologize On behalf of our gang leader, she’s… a bit drunk and-
Mary: Drinking’s NEVER excusable! I’ve been abused by my sis because of alcohol!
Mary: And you’re defending her for that?! It was HER CHOICE to get drunk!

Whoa! Who knew Mary can release such ANGER in him! Jerry wonders just what poor little plush poodle went through, but at least he’s stepping up to it now.

Marlee: EEP! Y-you’re right! Sorry!
Marlee: it’s just that… a lot of bad things had happened to her and-
Cannie: Don’t waste your breath, Marlee… I know what you’re tryin’ to do.

Cannie finally speaks again, but her back is still turned on everyone as she faces the counter.

Cannie: S’ a waste of time, they’re not goin’ to help us… Forget it.
Marlee: But Cannie, they visited your world before! So they MUST have a way to h-
Cannie: Shut it… After what I did? I know they’re not gonna.
Cannie: And I still can’t fully trust them.
Marlee: But… You already tried EVERYTHING, you’ve been doing this for so long, that we might be running out of time!
Marlee: This might be the only chance we’ll ever get!
Marlee: …
Marlee: s...sorry, I’ll be quiet.
Cannie: … Damn it, Marlee…

Cannie gives a long sigh, and gives a single nod to her, but still refuses to turn around.

Cannie: Listen, pizza dorks…
Cannie: If I was dumb and innocent enough to believe in miracles, I’d of say s’ fuckin’ fate that s’ encounter happened…
Cannie: But I’ve lived and grown enough to stop believin’ in [HOPE].
Cannie: S’ why I’m skeptical to admit… you’re the only people who can get me back home to fulfill a PROMISE I made…
Mary: After how you treated my friend, Now you want OUR help using words like “only people who can”?
Mary: I’ve been through that manipulation before! Why should we!?
Marlee: But… She didn’t mean it like that! She’s telling the truth and, Uhh… ooooh…

Cannie doesn’t react at all, like she expected this answer. But Gerbera seems to be deep in thought as they stare at Cannie before finally speaking up.

Gerbera: What if she… Apologized?
Mary: Gerbera?
Gerbera: I mean… what she did to Jerry was horrible… and I’m upset from that too…
Gerbera: But I think that she’s going through personal stuff, hence the lashing out.
Gerbera: So maybe… I’m willing to give her the benefit of the doubt…
Gerbera: if she just apologized.
Gerbera: Right, Jerry?

Jerry just shrugs, really it’s not that big a deal enough for him to care either way considering what he goes through every day, like w2K’s situations in the past.

Cannie: Apologize? Why?
Cannie: I already HEALED him before I let him go, so that should make us even.
Mary: Hmph, I knew it… She’s just like her...
Gerbera: I mean, yeah, you healed him, but you still could have caused some trauma.
Cannie: What he went through is nothin’ compared to what I went through.
Gerbera: But trauma is trauma, no matter how small.

Cannie sits there quietly. Marlee climbs up the table, putting her hand on Cannie’s arm.

Marlee: Cannie… It’s okay…
Marlee: I know that it is really hard to trust others after what happened.
Marlee: But… You’re with people who support, respect, and risk their lives for you.
Marlee: Your gang, and me!
Marlee: And even, um… Storm!
Marlee: We’ve all endured so much during your time as a member, to the point where we accepted you as our LEADER.
Marlee: What will it take to, uh… have a tiny bit of faith? J…just this once?

No. 1086134 ID: 7c55ad
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MESSAGE FROM PEA: This post is mostly related to the quests CATALYST and QUEEN OF HELL (With EDMANGO’s permission). They contain spoilers for those quests and are more for readers who follow that story. It will also include a choice that could affect the story a little. They will not have much to do with the story of 30 UPDATES or LESS. It’s alright to skip if you’re only following Jerry’s quest.

Cannie slams her fist on the counter

Gerbera: yikes! Uh… I suppose that’s a start…
Cannie: Everythin’s shit!
Cannie: My world is goin’ to end.
Cannie: And I broke a PROMISE I’d take everyone I cared about with me out of there!
Cannie: My family is goin’ to fuckin’ DIE cause I left them behind!
Cannie: I… I just want to… NEED to get back! Rescue the only people I care about!
Cannie: And FINALLY live a normal life… FOR ONCE!

Cannie slams her now empty bottle of alcohol down on the floor.

Gerbera: Do… you want to rant and get it out of your system? Plead your argument?
Cannie: I’m from a world of people with superpowers, in a town with my momma who’s mayor, my blood sis from a city, and another sis we adopted after a tragedy.
Cannie: Was as peaceful as all things considered could be…
Cannie: Til the loomin’ threat of a DEMON WAR ruined everythin’
Gerbera: You mentioned this war before. What’s that about?
Cannie: Some stupid catastrophic war where demons and angels fight for power, while mortals are stuck in the crossfire with both aiming to kill or enslave them afterwards.
Cannie: Hasn’t happened yet when I left, but the threat alone was still damagin’
Cannie: It caused my adopted sis’ family to die, and had angels and demons turn friends against each other, like my two sisters…
Cannie: But that wasn’t the worst of it. Some demon attacked our town with kaijus
Cannie: It killed many, includin’ a good friend of mine…
Cannie: I couldn’t…
Cannie: I-I couldn’t heal her with my powers no matter how hard I tried.
Gerbera: Sorry to hear that…
Mary: The same power you pulled on Jerry, the one that hurts people?
Cannie: It’s tied to my anger, not pain. And I… FUCKIN’ couldn’t get angry enough despite everything.
Cannie: The destruction was so bad, Momma even gave up her mayor position to a jackal demon in shame.
Mary: Another demon?
Marlee: Cannie, please don’t.
Cannie: … Look, I’m not openin’ that can of worms, lest I start screamin’ bout her.
Gerbera: Fair, how did you all deal with it?
Cannie: Horribly, had to hide from the demon and angels after that. But a plan was thought up by our new “mayor”.
Cannie: Let the kaijus attack a nearby city…
Cannie: So angels would be too busy fightin’ kaiju, while her “champion” would kill the kaiju demon lord.
Cannie: But It would have destroyed so many city folks’ homes and livelihoods…
Cannie: Thankfully that plan fell through, but the person prevented it… just as bad.
Gerbera: How can someone who saved the city be just as bad?
Cannie: Was a CREEP who had a sick obsession with my adopted sis.
Cannie: Workin’ with angels to kill anyone who got between them.
Cannie: Even gaslit my blood sis to make her think she did horrible things to my adopted sis’ family in the past, to keep her under his thumb,
Cannie: After the kaiju demon lord died, ANGELS took my adopted sis and me away from our home.
Cannie: And to my surprise, we were told that we were goin’ to evacuate that world.
Cannie: Thanks to a small group from out of town who helped stop the potential kaiju attack with that CREEP.
Cannie: And thanks also to my blood sis who at the time, I thought had common sense enough to actually want to escape with everyone with the ANGELS help.
Cannie: We were FINALLY leaving that world.
Cannie: But the group revealed that the CREEP mind controlled our adopted sis after we were taken in.
Cannie: And that he was gaslightin’ my other sis.
Cannie: It caused my two sisters to make amends with each other…
Cannie: But it also made my blood sis stay in that world with our adopted sis, so she can pointlessly get revenge on that CREEP.
Cannie: It put me in a fit of blind rage, and I destroyed my sis's home.
Cannie: And after the rampage, my sisters long since fled back to our small town and the powerful angel BOSS appeared,
Cannie: He still allowed me to evacuate despite my sis’ betrayal.
Cannie: But he altered the deal to which I’d evacuate to a random world so nobody’d be able to track me, and that I couldn’t return.
Cannie: I was just fed up with everythin’, I had nothin’ left. So I just fucked off here.
Cannie: I survived off the streets since I arrived, with my streetsmarts.
Cannie: Pickpocketed, mugged others, got into fights with thugs, sold illicit things…
Mary: Crime was the only thing you could turn to? Seriously?
Cannie: Look, I was left with nothin’ after I was evacuated, s’ was the only thing I was good at to get by.
Cannie: Luckily, I came across a gang called THE PRIESTS OF EXTATEM.
Cannie: I held my own against them when they tried to mug me, and gained the respect of Storm, their leader, when they couldn’t defeat me.
Cannie: Even offered me to join their gang. I accepted and rose through the ranks with my strengths and powers, eventually becomin’ leader, with Storm as my mentor.
Cannie: I’m livin’ a better life with people who respect me, sure,
Cannie: But… I still feel empty, I can’t fill it no matter how free I am now…
Cannie: I… have guilt… I ABANDONED my family and the few people I still cared about
Cannie: And left them to die. I BROKE my PROMISE to save them!
Cannie: I have to make things right!
Cannie: I’ve been gatherin’ weapons, items, and puttin’ my gang through trainin’.
Cannie: All in preparation for us to get back to my world, and rescue my family.
Mary: You’re looking to get revenge?
Cannie: Fuck no. The people who wronged me are already throwin’ their lives away for a pointless war.
Cannie: I only want to get my family and friends out of there.
Cannie: But the only thing… The ONE DAMNED THING that is preventin’ me from savin’ them is not knowin’ the COORDINATES to get back home!
Cannie: I NEED to get back there and rescue them off that dyin’ rock.
Cannie: Then take them with me to another world besides this one so nobody tracks us.
Cannie: My Momma, my two sisters, my friends…
Cannie: I’m runnin’ out of time…
Cannie: Only I can help them

She puts her head on the table, covering her face with her arm

Cannie: And you… You all are the only ones who can help me…

No. 1086135 ID: 7c55ad
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The PIZZA PARTY huddles to discuss what to do about this

Gerbera: Soooo… thoughts?
Mary: I… think it’s a bad idea to let her back there.
Mary: Uncontrollable anger, turns people away, uses emotional abuse to get what she wants, hurts good people like Jerry…
Mary: Even if she isn’t like that, her attitude will hurt herself if not anyone else.
Gerbera: Yeah, but you can’t forget that her family is probably being manipulated.
Gerbera: And that someone else is looking to kidnap one of her sisters.
Gerbera: Everyone there is also in danger of getting killed in a war!
Mary: But what if her paranoia is making her over exaggerate?
Gerbera: Either way, her family needs rescuing…
Gerbera: I just get that feeling that she just really misses and needs her family
Gerbera: And her family misses and needs her…
Gerbera: And even if they don’t want to be saved, they could probably try to at least debate with her and convince her otherwise?
Gerbera: They are family after all, they should know how to take care of her.
Mary: Unlike me and my sis. Gerbera, People like her and my sister don’t change. I waited for my sister to be better, but all she did was make things miserable for everyone
Gerbera: But you gained confidence since we met. Maybe it’ll be different when you see your sister again? Stand up to her and get her the help she needs?
Mary: Maybe… There's just too much unknown here. I think you’re the tiebreaker, Boss.
Gerbera: Hmm… What do you think, My bud?

Jerry doesn’t really care either way, but he thinks if she leaves with the gang, NEW CRUST CITY would probably be free from the PRIESTS’ crime spree. He’s also worried she might get revenge on him during a future SITUATION if he doesn’t HELP. But on the other hand, with her world becoming dangerous, would they be sending her to her death if they let her go? That’s probably something that might weigh on him. But then again, she did take down an entire gang by herself…

Marlee: Umm… excuse me… sorry to eavesdrop.

The PIZZA PARTY is startled to find Marlee in the middle of their huddle circle

Marlee: I’m Marlee, I was requested by my cousin Storm to watch over Cannie.
Marlee: I wanted to say that while I’m really hoping you’ll help her…
Marlee: I’ll understand if you feel uncomfortable doing it.
Marlee: She’ll likely forget your encounter by tomorrow after she drinks enough here.
Marlee: But as somebody who’s job is to try to keep Cannie’s emotions under control…
Marlee: I can help her calm down if anyone over there tries to clear up any misunderstandings or get her help.
Marlee: But… ummm… I might not be the best at it… she’s scary…
Marlee: And… if you help Cannie, w…we will be sure to give you something real good.
Marlee: Uh, um… you don’t have to if you don’t want to.

Jerry thanks Marlee. But right now, they’re at an impasse, So he tells Cannie that he will let her know his answer next UPDATE. In response, Cannie doesn’t respond and instead calls Jordan over for another bottle of Tequila.

UNLOCKED SIDEQUEST: Decide whether Cannie should go back to her home world to save her family or not

- Giving your answer will not waste an action. You can still pick three actions after giving your answer
- Whatever your choice is, you can also tell her whatever you want her to hear concerning her situation. (She might become angry at you depending on what you say, but she might also consider some things even if she’s angry and doesn’t show it. Don’t worry, she won’t hurt you.)

- You will be rewarded with something.
- Cannie will head back to her home world and attempt to help her gang gain strength, and then try to save her family and some of her friends from that world.
- Gang activity from THE PRIESTS will calm down in NEW CRUST CITY
- Cannie will try not to be involved with the war, but will oppose ANYONE trying to stop her from saving her family and friends.
- Will she keep her emotions in check this time, or will she cause more problems once she's back?

- You won’t be rewarded.
- Cannie will never see her family again.
- She will probably become a problem to NEW CRUST CITY (but you won’t come across her in a SITUATION in this quest, don’t worry).
- Cannie will no longer be a part of the CATALYST storyline, not causing any SITUATIONS in that world, but will leave questions unanswered.
- Will she be able to emotionally move on from this?

…Maybe PEA will make a quest about her one day???

No. 1086136 ID: 7c55ad
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Well that happened. That’s gonna take an update to think about. For now, Jerry thinks he wants to talk to someone a bit happier. This is a comedic quest after all! He sits at the barstool in front of Jordan.

Jordan: Sorry about Cannie…
Jordan: She's been really stressed lately, causing her to drink and lose her temper.
Jordan: More so than usual each passing day… I'm worried about her, despite her outbursts and troublemaking…
Jordan: Let me know if she bothers you again and I’ll ban her from the… blackmarket...
Jordan: Here's your pizza back, heated right back up, and still fresh.
Gerbera: I understand why she would act this way… hope there’s some way we can help…
Mary: …if she wanted our help, She shouldn’t have treated Jerry that way.

Jerry thanks Jordan, and assures her that Cannie's assault towards him is far from the worst SITUATION he's been in. It’s par for the course.

Jordan: You poor thing… This job isn't healthy for you and I'm worried. You really need to get out of that profession and find something new.
Gerbera: like acting as THE ZA and danc-

Jerry shushes Gerbera harshly, and assures Jordan he's going to really step up on job searching.

Jordan: That's good. I wish you luck then. Want a drink before you hit the road?

Jerry says he’ll think about it, but asks if she might have heard anything about MARINATION UNIVERSITY he should be aware of.

Jordan: Hmmm… OH!
Jordan: Apparently, some of the college students who drink here mentioned TALENT AGENTS, all the way from BIRCHBARK looking for new talent fresh from the university.
Jordan: So a lot of the acting students are really going to be putting their all into it during their final shows in college, and are going to bring a lot of attention.
Jordan: Apparently, too many actors are facing controversy and getting canceled these days, so BIRCHBARK executives decided it’d be easier to search for new talent to replace them.
Jordan: Makes sense, since it’s unusually dead here today…
Jordan: But… ugh… I just KNOW it’s going to be super crowded later after the fest…

Aww, shoot. Looks like the university is going to be crowded today. Jerry hopes that he can get through the crowds of people in his rush. But at least now he knows the cause of it is the TALENT AGENTS. Perhaps something can be done with that?

Jordan: Also! I think I heard some kind of famous fighter is going to be there as well…
Jordan: I forget where she’s from though, probably somewhere far far away, but I think she’s coming to inspire and do Q&As with the aspiring students.

Huh? A fighter? But this is an art and acting college. Fighting isn’t acting, is it? Maybe this person is both a fighter and an actor? Hopefully, she doesn’t interrupt Jerry’s pizza quest like Armstrong did…

Jordan: Hmmm… well, I think that’s all I got as far as rumors go. Hope that helps.
Jordan: Do you need anything else?
Mary: Weren’t you hungry, Gerbera?
Gerbera: Nah, I’m good.
Gerbera: I was only hungry because I didn’t have contact with the sunlight, so I couldn’t photosynthesize.
Jordan: Well, if you ever need a drink before you hit the road, let me know!

No. 1086138 ID: 7c55ad
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Jerry thinks it’s time to drop some things, and pick up some things, so he thanks Jordan for the info and gets off his seat to do some things. Jordan also offers to watch the pizza until Jerry gets back and he takes her up on that offer.

After arriving at the MUSHEUM, and reaching the reception desk. He lets the receptionist know that they’d like to speak to the curator to return something that belongs to them. It's only a few minutes before the curator is summoned. It’s a large bull named Butch!

Butch: Hm, yes? I was told you got something for me?

Jerry says they recovered a lost artifact that was stolen by a hermit crab about 10 or 15 updates ago, and presents it to the bull.

Butch: My word! It’s back!
Butch: Thank you so much, my boy!
Butch: We were going to display it here. Yet, a hermit crab got wind of it, and replaced that diamond seashell with his own dirty broken seashell. Guess he was looking for a new home.
Butch: But now it’s back! I’ll let P.I.Zzander know of your accomplishments, I’m sure he’ll make you a hero, and give you recognition!

Jerry gives a hard no on that, saying that he’s had some issues with that jerk in the past, and would rather be anonymous on this matter.

Butch: ah, can’t blame you for that.
Butch: But I have to reward you somehow…
Butch: Hmmm… How about this, I could give you one million ₵A$H…

Jerry’s eyes widen at this proposal

Butch: Or I can give you this rare artifact…
Butch: The Illeg- err.. I mean TOTALLY LEGAL POWDERED DONUT #7
Butch: The ultimate powdered donut out of the seven, which is said to give a random ability from one of the powers of the other six donuts for one update upon taking a bite
Butch: And it also regenerates, so if you take a bite out of it, it will later regain its dough and powder!

No question, the answer is obvious! It's no contest what he wants most, and with a reward like that, he can be sure to be much happier for the rest of his life! Without a second thought…

Butch: You… Want the donut?
Butch: Uhhh, that’s a surprise, but okay.

Jerry asks why? The choice was super obvious.

Butch: Nevermind, nevermind.
Butch: Be warned, do NOT eat all of it, it is very dangerous to do so.
Butch: Not that you should eat it… it’s more for display as it holds historical significance.
Butch: Actually, don’t eat it at all. I’m not sure why I even brought that up.
Gerbera: Huh? How come you haven’t displayed it yet if it has historical value?
Butch: We’ve been trying to find a way to ask for permission to do so without getting in trouble, but couldn’t, considering it being pretty dubious.
Butch: And because of its dark history… you sure you want to know?
Gerbera: uhhh, I’ll let Jerry decide. I think I’ll get a headstart to the bank. Some things are better left unknown, as they say.
Mary: Me too. We’ll wait for you over there, boss.
Butch: Smart!

Gerbera heads off on his way with Mary, and Butch begins his explanation

Butch: I’m sure you know the seven powdered donuts… but are you aware of why they’re illegal in 17 different countries, and where the sugar came from?

Jerry shrugs, and thinks it's because of their different sugar rush powers, high sugar, and dangerous crashes and tells him to get to the point

Butch: Yes, that can contribute to why it’s illegal, but it goes further than that.
Butch: It is illegal in 17 different countries because it was made from 17 different countries.

Jerry wonders, so what? So the sugar is a combination of different sugars from those countries.

Butch: No, I mean LITERALLY made from 17 countries!
Butch: Forged from “THE SWEET, SWEET CATASTROPHE” in which a bakery from the other side of the world, and around the time interdimensional travel was invented, used MANA from another universe to create the worlds sweetest cakes.
Butch: misuse of mana caused a cataclysmic explosion turning the span of 17 countries to SUGAR!
Butch: That sugar on those donuts are 1/17 of 17 countries in a single donut
Butch: All the happiness of the people… All in those 7 donuts.

Jerry is taken aback by this, has he really been eating countries!? He asks where the donuts even came from.

Butch: Greedy people wanted to profit off of a tragedy, and decided to harvest that sugar since the sugar contains MANA, and put them on donuts.
Butch: Thankfully, the government over there managed to stop them, but 7 of those donuts somehow made it out into the wild.
Butch: We managed to possess the ultimate one as it seems to have the source of the mana that caused that explosion in it, hence why it replenishes the donut and gives different powers instead of one…
Butch: But if we can’t profit off of displaying it, and you’ve been honest enough to return our seashell, I think you’re responsible enough to keep it safe with you.

Jerry thinks Butch is a hypocrite…

But mostly, he can’t believe how fucked that is… Well, the mana would explain the weird powers it gives people. He tries to reason with himself that the countries have been destroyed long ago before his birth, and the tragedy probably subsided by now. This could be considered something good that came out of this tragedy if it manages to help someone in constant SITUATIONS like him…

Butch: I’m just glad those countries are slowly recovering.
Butch: In any case, thank you so much for your help. We can finally put this seashell on display.

He shakes Jerry’s hand and he moves on.

Jerry decides to switch the screwdriver with the new donut he has in his HAMMERSPACE, and holds onto the screwdriver for now

- The sugar content is actually illegal in 17 different countries and consuming it will, for the briefest of moments, give you a single power from one of the other 6 donuts depending on a 6 sided dice roll! but after about [1 Update] you will suffer from an extreme crash of euphoria and a sugar coma.
-This donut will regenerate
- powers include 1. Just being tasty, 2. Slow perception of time 3. prescience 4. bounce and swap places with anything in your line of sight at high speeds 5. lightning reflexes! Or 6. eyes bug out, being able to have higher perception
- Eating the whole thing will give you a HEART ATTACK, potentially ending the quest as Jerry gets sent to the hospital. It’s recommended you just take one bite from it. (or give it to someone you hate, but Jerry doesn’t want to kill anyone)

No. 1086139 ID: 7c55ad
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Finally the bank. Gerbera and Mary greet Jerry. Nothing interesting going on here, Jerry just decides to first withdraw 2500 ₵A$H, bringing his total he has in his wallet to 3761 ₵A$H, and his bank amount to 1500 ₵A$H. He figures he can probably use the money for that one interdimensional wrist watch later for him and Mary to communicate with, and something on the side

He next deposits his notebook (but not before taking a pic of his notes. Really should have done this sooner and is kicking himself for not doing that), and ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUT #2. While Jerry has a regenerative donut, it’s still good to have a backup stored in case he loses it, or he can share it with a friend! Or maybe give it to Mary later. His species survives off junk food after all. He next pockets his SCREWDRIVER to replace the notebook, giving him more room in his HAMMERSPACIAL DIMENSION.

Meanwhile, at Jerry’s suggestion, Gerbera decides to store their radio (they figure it’s low on batteries, so it’s best to save it for later). They aren't as sure about his advice to withdraw about 300 ₵A$H, until he starts to explain where they might be going, mentioning that Gerbera needs to refill the ammo for his gun, and the :pizzid: DRONE PROTOTPYE and THE LYLUK BRAND SLUSHEE.

Gerbera: Huh? BLACK MARKET has a :pizzid: DRONE PROTOTYPLE?!
Gerbera: How’d they get that?!
Gerbera: Okay, I gotta try and buy it, and then give it back to our boss RICARDO. That’s :pizzid:’s confidential property!

Gerbera withdraws like, 3000 ₵A$H instead of 300 ₵A$H.

Gerbera: Don’t worry, my previous guard job left me with plenty of money to spare.
Gerbera: I’ll still have to be careful with my budget, but taking back what is rightfully ours is more important!

And with that out of the way, UPDATE 18 is now finished. The last thing Jerry does is UNBLOCK w2K from his phone, as they’re friends now. He then thinks about his next options. One thing he should think about is whether to get the coordinates from his uncle Ricardo to help Cannie save her family from a world ending war that could be happening soon if it hasn’t already in her old world, or if it is better for her to stay here. Thankfully Deciding whether or not Cannie should go back to her world or not is a FREE ACTION and won’t waste an action. He also thinks about shopping since they withdrew ₵A$H.

OH WAIT! Jerry takes the bananas out of the bank too. Whew, he almost forgot!


- SIDEQUEST: Convince Purr Feckt to kick Mary out of this quest and bring him back into his own quest where he belongs!
(Jerry already got Mary a bunch of wood and seeds (you can see what they are here >>1030255) , now all that's left is to try to convince Purr Feckt to give Mary the coordinates back… Though if you want, Jerry did find a PREPAID INTERDIMENSIONAL WRISTPHONE at the black market to give to Mary before he heads back.)

- SIDEQUEST: Find some bananas for Ramona/Rachael to give her for free to improve customer satisfaction!

SIDEQUEST: Give Purr Feckt some flowers to help with the NEGOTIATIONS for Mary
(Jerry can get some at the store)

SIDEQUEST: DON’T use the CLOTHING DESTRUCTION RAY GUN so Gerbera can give it to Snowpea in its highest quality
(Jerry failed this quest, but it doesn’t matter too much. He can probably refill it though at the BLACK MARKET and have Gerbera give it to Snowpea later… or not. It’s not Jerry’s highest priority)

SIDEQUEST: Succeed in Rocio’s challenge to not use an item on 5 separate UPDATES during a SITUATION or PROBLEM
(you have 4/5 left!)

SIDEQUEST: Get Eugene, or his disguise over to the Cardboard box in the Alley!

NEW SIDEQUEST: Decide whether Cannie should go back to her home world to attempt saving her family or not

REMINDER: Purr Feckt will come look for you sometime after UPDATE 20, but will appreciate it if you see her sooner (she will not find you in the SECOND CHECKPOINT though, this is a safe area)

REMINDER: the chances that Purr Feckt will find out Jerry rummaged through her purse is currently 15%, but you can lower it more by switching the SWEATY WATER BOTTLE with regular water

REMINDER: Gerbera’s clothing destruction ray gun is out of ammo.

IMPORTANT: Keep in mind you don’t have to finish ALL these sidequests. There are no completionist prizes in this quest, so don’t worry.


Jerry ₵A$H:

Gerbera ₵A$H:

Jerry Bank
- 1500

Gerbera bank
- ???

Jerry’s Hammerspace

- PURR FECKT’S PURSE (15% chance Purr will notice Jerry used it) - Jerry didn't steal this, he just hasn’t had the chance to return it to her yet after she left it at the courthouse. He’s serious! Contains her wallet, important evidence for another trial (hopefully one in the far future, Jerry would hate to have to deal with her today if she comes to get this), feminine products, keys (how did she get home without her car or house keys?), a pair of handcuffs. Water bottle full of sweat, And pretty much anything else you want. The more Jerry uses this, the higher the chance Purr Feckt will find out it’s been used. Currently at 15% chance she’ll find out.

- ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUT #7 - The sugar content is actually illegal in 17 different countries and consuming it will, for the briefest of moments, give you a single power from one of the other 6 donuts depending on a 6 sided dice roll! but after about [1 Update] you will suffer from an extreme crash of euphoria and a sugar coma. This donut will regenerate. powers include 1. Just being tasty, 2. Slow perception of time 3. prescience 4. bounce and swap places with anything in your line of sight at high speeds 5. lightning reflexes! Or 6. eyes bug out, being able to have higher perception. Eating the whole thing will give you a HEART ATTACK, potentially ending the quest as Jerry gets sent to the hospital, so only take ONE bite.

- ANTIPERSPIRANT DEODORANT – It is SUPER ABSORBANT, more than a towel… seriously, why the fuck is this even a deodorant and not marketed as a cleaning supply??? It won’t just absorb water, so be creative with what it can absorb when suggesting to use it! Also makes you and things less smelly!

- BANANAS - Can use the banana peel to make someone trip! (give this to the customer to finish the sidequest: find some bananas for Ramona/Rachael)

Jerry’s Inventory Out of the Hammerspace

- WALLET - (contains his bank card, drivers license, insurance card, 3761 ₵A$H) in pocket

- JERRY’S SMART PHONE – Contains phone number to the pizzeria, his uncle, Harmon, Vincint, Purr Feckt, Rocio, Iraphena (1000 ₵A$H for her fortune telling services) and Felafaf (will tell your fortune for free, but at the cost of having 9 SABOTAGE points the next update) the Sweaty Kitty’s, and w2K. Gerbera are blocked. In pocket.

- SCREWDRIVER - has a changeable tip. Phillips head AND Flat head all in one.

- LIGHTER – lights things up. In pocket

- CIGARETTES - take a smoke. In pocket

Jerry’s Equipment

:pizzid: HAT

:pizzid: POLO





Gerbera’s Hammerspace

- GERBERA DOLL - Just a toy of themself that they got from the secret santa event. Has a pullstring that talks about how great they are, and even sings!

- THE ZA COSTUME - Dress up as ’s mascot!

- MACE - Got it from working a second job as a royal guard in another quest. Good for bonking, hitting home runs, and may cause clothing damage for some reason. Gerbera would rather only use it if their life is in danger and will otherwise take a really good reason to attack someone with it to protect the pizza.

- CLOTHING DESTRUCTION RAY SQUIRT GUN (0% ammo) - Destroys the clothing of an individual.

Gerbera’s Inventory Out of the Hammerspace

- WALLET - (contains their bank card, drivers license, insurance card, 3000 ₵A$H, their business card, A picture of SNOWPEA) in pocket

- KEYS - to their home, in pocket

- SMART PHONE - contains Snow pea’s home number, Jerry’s Smartphone number, Snowpea’s Smartphone number, :pizzid: pizzeria, Snowpea’s work phone, Snowpea’s parents phone number. In pocket.

Gerbera’s Equipment:

:pizzid: HAT

:pizzid: POLO



Mary's Inventory

CLIPBOARD AND PEN - self explanatory

Mary’s Equipment:

VINEGAR’S HAIRCLIP - from the popular graphic novel, NOISE! It gives whoever wears it a weirdly comprehensive knowledge of chemistry. (Equipped)

CONWAY’S THONG - Merch from the popular graphic novel, NOISE! It makes you feel way happier with yourself but also makes you wanna wear minimal clothing (Equipped)


>With Gerbera here, they will do some actions on their own unless you recommend they do something else. They will automatically leave with Jerry if he decides to continue the pizza delivery.

(can do TWO things with this action)

Listen to Jordan’s gossip
- Seems like she’s got some interesting information about MARINATION UNIVERSITY… but what could it be?
you already got gossip from her.

Get a drink
- Jerry will become INTOXICATED, which means the author (ME!) will for 5 updates, vote 1 point into HELP or SABOTAGE, and even vote which item he wants.

Talk to the Canine Monkey and mouse
- Jerry will remember who this person is, and might learn something important out of them depending on how things go.
You already know what their problem is

Heat up the pizza
-if your pizza got cold, Jordan will allow you to borrow her oven and heat it up.
Jerry doesn’t need to warm up the pizza right now.
- You can give them back the VALUABLE AND DURABLE DIAMOND SEASHELL for something REALLY GREAT.
You already returned the seashell and got a donut from it.

>BANK (can do multiple things)
- Lets Jerry withdraw or deposit ₵A$H
- Gerbera can do this too on their own, but the amount they’ll pull out can’t be controlled. They refuse to tell you how much they have.
- Jerry has 1500 ₵A$H in the bank and 3761 in pocket
- attempt to rob it (Jerry is not DESPERATE enough to do this)
- store an item (This is your last chance until after the break)
- Jerry has NOTEBOOK and ILLEGAL DONUT #2 he can pick up here. Gerb has their radio here, and who knows what else?

>Go to the store!
- It’s recommended you stop at the BANK first to make a withdrawal.
- Jerry has 3761 ₵A$H in pocket, Gerbera has 3000 ₵A$H
- They don’t allow you to buy stuff with your bank card for some reason. System must be broken probably. So go to the bank first.
-You can buy and sell LEGAL items here
- If Gerbera is here, they’ll buy and sell items here too, but you don’t have control over what they buy or sell. You can try to convince them to buy or sell certain things, or save ₵A$H tho.
- Jerry has room for 1 ITEM. Gerbera has room for 1 ITEM


- LUMBER AND TREE SEEDS = NAME YOUR PRICE! THE HIGHER, THE BETTER! (this will make Mary’s mood and friendship with Jerry SKYROCKET depending on how much Jerry buys, and will affect the ending depending on if you manage to find a way to get Mary back home. This won’t be in your inventory, Jerry will just have it shipped to the Pizzeria.) (Jerry already enough to get Mary’s farm going if he returns to his world, but he could always buy more)

- BANANAS = 1 ₵A$H (can use the banana peel to make someone trip!) (give this to the customer to finish the sidequest: find some bananas for Ramona/Rachael) (You already have some in the BANK)

- IMPORTED SPRING WATER BOTTLE = 500 ₵A$H (Expensive because it’s imported from a rare hot summers, which is better than a hot springs! can be used to hydrate.) (can replace the SWEATY WATER BOTTLE from the purse to decrease the percentage of Purr Feckt’s detection that Jerry used it by 5% bringing it down to 10%) (Expensive because it’s imported)



- POLAROID CAMERA = 19 ₵A$H (Somebody put a way-too-bright bulb in the flash, and now it's effectively a tool for blinding people alongside its more common use of taking photos.)

- GOOFY STRING = 20 ₵A$H (It can be a belt, a rope, a bracelet, a bundle of rubber bands and more! Comes in COLORFUL and EVEN MORE COLORFUL styles. You can also eat it! It tastes like liquor flavored licorice! It comes in a can with 3 uses)


- A LOT OF SHEEP = 100 ₵A$H (You can't seem to count how many are in here without falling asleep…)


- RICE = 5 ₵A$H (Good for drying out your phone. (Sweaty Kitty would probably like this)

- DUCT TAPE = 100 ₵A$H (Arguably the most overpowered item on this list. Can fix EVERYTHING!)

- DUCT TAPE GNNUY = 300 ₵A$H (It's a gun with little bnnuy ears at the end. It shoots a retractable roll of duct tape that you can use to pull yourself, but requires duct tape to reload after a few uses or the adhesive will wear off. Acts like a grappling hook, or a tape gun with a child friendly shape so it's not censored in over 17 countries! Kids love it, parents hate it! (can be merged with Duct tape)

- FLOWERS (NEW)= 20 ₵A$H (can be given to Purr Feckt to help convince her to help bring Mary home.)

- BATTERIES (NEW) = 10 ₵A$H (gives something POWER, like Gerbera’s RADIO


- PURR FECKT’S PURSE = select a value between 1-500 ₵A$H for the items Jerry will sell from inside the purse. (The more ₵A$H you want, the emptier the PURSE will be and the higher the percentage Purr Feckt will find out you used the purse increases, and the more you’ll stress Mary out)
Entire Purse is 1000 ₵A$H, (Mary will cry if you sell the entire purse, and you won’t use the purse to effect the percentage on how Purr Feckt will help Mary one way or another)

- ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUT #7 = (can’t be sold here.)

- ANTIPERSPIRANT DEODORANT = 1 ₵A$H (because it’s been used)

- BANANAS = .50 ₵A$H

- It’s recommended you stop at the BANK first to make a withdrawal.
- Jerry has 3761 ₵A$H in pocket, Gerbera has 3000 ₵A$H
- They don’t allow you to buy stuff with your bank card for some reason. They probably don’t want any investigators to track this place through someone’s bank history.
-you can buy and sell ILLEGAL items here
- I have items listed, but I’m going to leave the rest to you for guys to come up with items! Please state what item you want there to be, and I’ll in a future post list them before the next update for you all to vote on with a price for each depending on the item’s effectiveness.
- If Gerbera is here, they’ll buy and sell items here too, but you don’t have control over what they buy or sell. You can try to convince them to buy or sell certain things, or save ₵A$H
- Jerry has room for 1 ITEM. Gerbera has room for 1 ITEM
- if you want to buy some REALLY EXPENSIVE items here, sell the SEASHELL. you no longer have the seashell.


- ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUT #1 (NEW) = 1000 ₵A$H (The sugar content is actually illegal in 17 different countries and consuming it will, for the briefest of moments, be really really tasty… That's it. It’s actually really the most attractive donut, and you can give it to someone to trade or negotiate for almost anything you want from them, materialistic or otherwise. But after about [1 Update] the person who eats it will suffer from an extreme crash of euphoria, a sugar coma.



- ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUT #6 (NEW) = 1000 ₵A$H (The sugar content is actually illegal in 17 different countries and consuming it will, for the briefest of moments, Make your eyes bug out, being able to have higher perception! but after about [1 Update] you will suffer from an extreme crash of euphoria, a sugar coma, and a desperate need to blink).

- ANGERY RUBBER DUCKY = 1200 ₵A$H (Its squeaks taunts your target, making them angry enough to focus on attacking the person who is squeaking at them. Jerry thinks he can trick Gerbera into using it in a situation to make a getaway)

- WEED = 500 ₵A$H (technically not illegal anymore, but they still sell it to make it feel like the good ol’ days when it was illegal)

- MIND CONTROL DEVICE = 250,000 ₵A$H (Discounted and Nerfed (this will let you mind control your target. But it’s been patched since Jerry has been in the last CHECKPOINT, so it won’t make the quest too easy. Can only be used for 1 update and the price lowered.)



- POWER CAPSULE = 500,000 ₵A$H (lets Jerry use a SUPER POWER for 1 UPDATE. The power is decided by what the voters want it to be.)

- JOTUND’S MIGHT = 400,000 ₵A$H (makes you bigger and stronger, almost as strong as Mr. Armstrong! can’t be reversed if used)


- drone prototype = 2,000 ₵A$H (This was an invention from Jerry’s uncle… but it didn’t work out well. Somehow it ended up in the BLACK MARKET)

- TEAL SPOTTED MUSHROOM = 10,000 ₵A$H (Grants whoever eats it an extra life. Takes a frame rule (one update) to respawn... but will cause HALLUCINATIONS to occur.)

- ELECTRONIC MAIL = 400 ₵A$H (An envelope containing nothing but pure electricity. You have no idea how it works either.)

- SPECIAL MONOCLE = 2,300 ₵A$H (Has a number of properties such as X-Ray vision and true sight. Only has a limited number of charges however, and may cause meta slowdown by forcing the artist to animate the x-ray effect. Jerry thinks this might be more fitting for a tailor than a pizza delivery guy for some reason.)

A LYLUK BRAND SLUSHEE = 2 ₵A$H (A slushee of dubious origin that when drunk improves some of your stats for a few updates. Pizza flavored. (Gives Jerry +2 points for HELP in a SITUATION.) WARNING: HAS A 20% CHANCE TO EITHER MAKE JERRY SHITTY, OR TURN HIM INTO A LYLUK. (not recommended for Hippos.))

THE HOTTEST HOT SAUCE IN THE WORLD!!! = 600 ₵A$H (Guaranteed to melt your tongue or your money back! (May actually just be a jar filled with acid.))

- PREPAID INTERDIMENSIONAL WRIST PHONE (Equipment) = 1000 ₵A$H (Cell service that can cross dimensions, time is a bit wonky though, so some service exceptions may occur. But if you upgrade the service plan for an extra 2000 CA$H it CAN be reliable! Too bad you don't want to spend the extra ₵A$H. At least while you're here it works perfectly. Can be for Mary so he can communicate with Jerry if he goes back! Also so he can do stuff while he's still here in case it all goes tits up.)

- HIRE DYON (3 Months) = 20,000 ₵A$H/month (Dyon is a slime girl with the unique ability to copy and paste superpowers. Sometimes. Dyon can copy a power if she maintains contact for approximately thirty seconds; most powers will be removed from her menu after three months. Her paste therapy takes one month on average (give or take two weeks) and has a success rate of 100% for D-class powers, 50% for C-class powers, 30% for B-class powers, 10% for A-Class powers, and 5% for S-class powers. Dyon has permanently copied the [Electrokinesis], [Lesser Transmutation], and [Dreamstuff Pymary] abilities for herself and can use them at will. Dyon is a horrible employee. She demands payment up front, is brash and abrasive, almost never follows orders, and will bail the moment she can interpret a technicality in her contract. But if you can take the time to earn her loyalty, she'll renew her contract for peanuts and may even increase her copying success rate.) (NEW)

- VORETEX = 250,000 ₵A$H (Every vore fetishist wants one of these. This cyber-psionic augmentation creates a user-friendly portal to a pocket dimension in their orifice, which connects to a giant bio-module attuned to the user's DNA. Long story short, anything that gets eaten will fit. Banned in all civilized eating contests. Rumors of the ability to vacuum objects are considered silly.)

- A KODAMA DOLL DRESSED LIKE A MAGICAL GIRLl = 5 ₵A$H (You're not sure why this is at the black market - is that the shriek of an angry harpy in the distance? Grumpy insists you buy now or never speak of this again.)

- ONE-WAY DIMENSIONAL TRAVEL DEVICE = 1,000,000 ₵A$H (RESERVED). (Apparently it’s a device that can allow someone to travel to any dimension they want, provided they know the coordinates. However, it only has enough power for one use, so it’s a one-way trip. Looks like somebody is already going to buy it. So he can’t buy it.)


- WATER BOTTLE FULL OF THE SWEATY KITTY’S SWEAT = 1,000 ₵A$H (but the detection level will go up by 10% (total 25%)

-PURR FECKT’S PURSE = Besides the water bottle full of the Sweaty Kitty’s sweat, They find nothing of interest, but don’t tell Purr Feckt that… actually, do tell her, it’ll be funny.

- ILLEGAL POWDERED DONUT #7 = (Jerry is NOT selling this)

- ANTIPERSPIRANT DEODORANT = They are not interested.

-BANANAS = They are not interested

>Read a newspaper

-Learn some lore, get hints, look at advertisements, get a sidequest, and other stuff.
- Has something about a virus going around affecting people, ads, and info on the university that catches Jerry’s eyes.

>Chill with Vincent and/or Harmon

- They might give you some helpful advice, or maybe give you a side-quest.
- Harmon and/or Vincent can potentially help you convince Good ol Grumpy to give you a DISCOUNT at the BLACK MARKET,. But it all depends on how your negotiations go with each of them, what you give them, and who is with you. a dice roll will determine afterwards whether they will join you or not
- base percentage of one of them helping is 50% each
- depending on what Jerry tells them to help decrease the price could either increase, or decrease the percentage, choose your words wisely! Or don’t. Have fun with it!
- You’re chances to get their help after spending another action to talk to them after each fail increases by 10%
- you can spend multiple actions to try to get their help in each UPDATE
- your chances to get their help also improves by giving them a certain pizza with various results (you can only give one pizza related item to one of them)
(A piece of the customer’s pizza increases by 50% (will decrease customer satisfaction though))
-Vincent will automatically help you if you got WEED (you don’t have any, Find some in the BLACK MARKET maybe)
-you can only give one person one item per action
-Your chances to get their help might increase or decrease depending on who you’re with.
(Mary has no effect on the percentage)
(Gerbera decreases chance of recruiting one or both of them by 30%, they think Gerbera is UNCOOL)
-Current percentage of getting Harmon or Vincent’s help at getting a discount is currently 20% each

>All purpose repair store
-fixes something you broke,

>talk/text someone
- Can be anyone you want
- Up to 3 people can be talked to in this action.

>ITEM MANAGEMENT (this is a free action and won’t count towards an action, this includes throwing an item away, or putting an item in or out of your inventory)

This will continue Jerry’s Pizza journey.
No. 1086141 ID: eb0a9c

On one condition: She has to plug the power vacuum. Leave NCC a better place than she found it.
Trick the other gangs into an ambush that will warp them all into the Catalyst warzone, forcing them to band together or die out quickly.
Meanwhile, the successor gangs picked by Cannie should be sponsored by the council and under the thumb of the government for a limited time.
If she can't do this, then it means New Crust City needs her more than her old family does.

Hire Dyon for $650 today
Buy ammo for the clothing gun $300
Electronic Mail $400
Kodama doll $5
And the drone thing $3000
Try to haggle for a bulk purchase discount.

Read Newspaper

And talk to 3 people whatever
No. 1086150 ID: 2f41db

Jerry should:
Have a drink with Cannie.
While doing that give her the coordinates.
No strings.
If she questions that,
Say something badass like "i'm a pizza guy. We deliver."
Try to squeeze in a action hero hand shake like Carl and Arnie outta predator.
Leave saying something cool like
"bring em home cannie."
Wear yor pizza coat as a cape. Ho
E for dramatic breeze.

The jerry should:

Buy that weird doll and some redwood seeds for mary.
Tell him about how large they grow and how long it takes.

Try to convince gel that the rubber duck would be awesome for his doll to ride on.

The drone sounds neat too.

Then get ready to head out.
The pizza must flow!
No. 1086161 ID: 30f3c0

Give her the coordinates and your reservations about it.
No. 1086214 ID: 2b155e


I agree with this suggestion.
No. 1086225 ID: 5ebd37

Jerry just had a reconciliation with someone he wronged in the past, I think he should give Cannie the chance to do the same.

should buy the ID phone and the kodama doll
No. 1086240 ID: 0ce5cf

Let's start with Cannie, as that's a pretty big can of worms. Short answer: Jerry should give Cannie the coordinates.

Cannie isn't a great person, and I don't think she's really changed all that much. She's always been a bitch, and she still is here. Importantly however, she does want to do the right thing. Cannie makes a lot of bad choices, but she isn't straight up evil or anything. She just has a lousy temper and a power that seems tied to her anger. She doesn't deserve to be banished from her home forever because of that. If her family doesn't want to be with her, that's one thing, but that wasn't the story we were told. Her family didn't cast her away, they just wanted to stay for personal reasons. Even if they did fight, we don't know that they don't want her back.

Cannie may be a biased storyteller, but hers is the only account we have to consider at the moment. She admitted to enough of her own faults that I think we can accept it as true for the time being, if perhaps leaving out details others would find critical. With all of that in mind: Cannie deserves a chance to go home and protect her family. She left before, abandoning them to fight without her. Now she wants to make things right, and I think she deserves that chance.

Mary will be against it, he's made his thoughts on her clear. Make sure you talk to him about it before you give Cannie your answer.

Instead of having Jerry tell Cannie anything, I think it'd be better to let Mary talk to her before she goes. He's been on the other side of a familial relationship with someone like her, so I'm sure he has plenty of things he'd like to say to her. Not that he hasn't said a bit already, but I think it'd be right to let him have the last word on this.

With that settled: Jerry actions!

- Have a drink with Cannie: Stealing this from someone else's suggestion, but it's a fun idea. Let's get Jerry a bit tipsy, while giving Cannie a fitting send off. I would also like to suggest that Marlee gets a beer the same size as everyone else's, and that she's just swimming around in it, getting absolutely wasted by absorbing it through her skin.

I'd suggest something similar with Mary, but due to his experiences I don't think he'll be up for any alcohol. Maybe just some chocolate milk for him.

- Read a Newspaper: Nice and simple bit of time killing right here. I like the Crust City lore, and wanna see what we get from this.

- Leave: We've got a delivery to make, and time's a wastin' Speaking as the resident SABOTEUR, you're gonna want the extra time for when SITUATIONS become PROBLEMS.

Now, Gerbera clearly intends to head down to the black market. He wanted to pick up that Pizzid Drone Prototype after all. Instead of spending a whole action following him, let's just hand him some bills and ask him to pick up a couple things for us as well.

As for what to get:

- Special Monocle: My meta-sabotage on this quest is, naturally, slowing it down by giving Polt more to draw. Truly, I am a villain. On a more practical level however, this would be equipment, and therefore shouldn't take up any inventory space, which is good because we're sort of lacking at the moment. This does also create the possibility that Jerry will confuse what he sees upon reaching Rachael's dorm with leaving his monocle on, making it less likely he fucks up on the customer service.

...Does the monocle go over his sunglasses, or under them?

- Angery Rubber Ducky: Of course I'm gonna support this, this is a prime SABOTAGE tool in so many circumstances. If other people are down, then you can count me in too. Unlike the monocle, this will immediately cause an inventory problem for us, which I propose solving in one of two ways: If we're leaving this update, then just make Mary hold onto it until we pitch an item. If we're staying, then maybe we can convince Vincent to come help us by offering SK's Deodorant? The scent-blocking properties would help him hide the scent of his weed.
No. 1086790 ID: 75b262

For Cannie, this is a tough decision, but I vote to give her the coordinates. She’s not the greatest person, but she’s carrying a boatload of regrets and her ship’s full of holes. She’s gonna sink into despair at this rate, and she has no coping mechanisms to bail herself out of this. So before I drown in boat metaphors, let’s cast off any doubt: let’s give her the coordinates.

She’s not happy now, she’s got no happy future here, and the only resolution she sees is in going back. There’s death and destruction back home, but it’s still home. Godspeed, Cannie. Jerry should wish her not a good time, but a goodbye, and have a final drink with her to speed her along.

Now that that’s outta the way…


Hell yeah, donuts. Thank you, brave 17 countries, for your sacrifice. We’ll think of you every time we taste this delicious donut.


1. Drink with Cannie

2. Read the Newspaper to see if there are any fockses rooting around in the trash or blonde streakers in alleys

3. Leave

Tell Gerb to go to the black market and get:

The SPECIAL MONOCLE with Jerry’s cash. Polt, feel the meta pain of having to draw x-ray vision! I for one would love to see a monocle’d Jerry with the lens over the sunglasses. Classy!

KODAMA DOLL: Could be useful as a distraction for nerds


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