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File 168868838802.png - (55.40KB , 288x239 , NosocomephobiaQuest.png )
1067229 No. 1067229 ID: 753464

Help a cat overcome her fear of hospitals

Among other fears...
Expand all images
No. 1067230 ID: 753464
File 168868915938.png - (102.50KB , 400x527 , Nosocomephobia1.png )

Well congratulations; you did it! you managed to go through your teenage years without ever stepping into a hospital.

As a child the mere sight of a waiting room in a cartoon was enough to make you gag; luckily and unluckily your mom was a nurse; meaning she could take care of you when you got sick; but also her uniform was always a reminder of that- place.

But you've outgrown all that; you're an adult! a responsible adult needs to go to examinations by themselves.

There's nothing wrong with postponing an appointment once, or twice; or thrice- but, well they told you if you postpone again it will be cancelled- so today you armed yourself with valor and stepped right up; you are in the waiting room nice and early; so far things are going good, very good! it's not like the last time they had to call the fire dept to unstuck you from that wooden post.

This room is rather boring; but boring is good; there's.. a sitcom of some kind playing on the tv; and plenty of space- you don't feel one bit overwhelmed.
No. 1067231 ID: 753464
File 168868917521.png - (180.42KB , 421x354 , NosocomephobiaFORM.png )

After several minutes of staring blankly at the nearly-muted tv, trying to make out what they are saying without closed captions; you are scolded by the lady at the desk; you haven't filled up your form yet; what's the point of being here early if you don't have that ready?- let's see i have my adress there... fill this up; great! you just need the name, age and reason of visit
No. 1067236 ID: 15a025

Name: Nocla
Age: 24
Reason for visit: Shots.
No. 1067242 ID: 462d8c

Ah, I see you went to Saint Ives. Did you encounter a man with many wives?

Name: Sandrah
Age: 22
Reason of visit: broken leg
No. 1067250 ID: bb78f2

Name: Birdie "Stone Cold" Oppenheimer
Age: 20
Sex: Nonbinary
Reason of Visit: Brain Flower Affliction
No. 1067257 ID: 11f77a

Name: Erin
Age: 22
Reason of Visit: sleep paralysis
No. 1067266 ID: 753464
File 168869975102.png - (190.83KB , 421x354 , NosocomephobiaFORMfilled.png )


Aced! that wasn't hard at all; i hope they can read my handwritting..

Why i hate pens that smudge like this; now my hands are covered in ink; i dont feel like cleaning it on my sweater; this is my favorite outfit


So, what now do i give this to the doctor; or keep it or maybe we can go home now! that wasn't so ba-

No. 1067267 ID: 753464
File 168869981038.png - (81.75KB , 400x506 , Nosocomephobia2.png )

Receptionist: Why are you not going in? do i have to cancel your appointment? you are just keeping EVERYONE waiting; just take the only door.

She raises her voice; you feel the other people in the room looking at you.
No. 1067268 ID: f36708

Name: Rina Birdwright
Age: 21
reason of visit: infection
No. 1067281 ID: f36708

It's either go in or have people stare at you more as you freak out. You know which is worse (for now)
No. 1067286 ID: 462d8c

Well someone is being a bit of a bitch. Head through the door
No. 1067288 ID: e51896

"s-s-sorry! so sorry "

go through the door
No. 1067290 ID: 753464
File 168870500623.png - (125.89KB , 474x660 , Nosocomephobia3.png )

"s-s-sorry! so sorry "

You lower your head, and hide your face; confrontation is not your forte; the receptionist is right; this is a busy place after all.

Even thought you walk in shame towards the door you feel the relief of not having to face the stares; as you walk in you are already feeling your breathing steadying.

"Nocla, come in; take a seat; your mom told me you were coming in today"

It's Rosa; a familiar face, she often hangs out with your mom; you saw her alot in your house growing up; but you had never exchanged more than a greeting.

Still; being someone both you and your mother know personally is soothing; she seems relaxed, a little too laid back even

Her diploma is hanging on the wall; there is a bookshelf with various books on psychiatry; she's holding what appears to be a pen

One of those pens that smudge alot.. how are they called? Bicapens?

"Erin; i want you to feel safe in here; we can go as slow, or as fast as you'd like; i can even call you Birdie, thats how you go by right?, did you know that's how they used to call your mom?"


It feels weird to be callen by that by Rosa but the effort is appreciated

"Now; it says here you are here because sleep paralysis; how often do you wake up at night? do you take naps during the day? do you have dreams often?"
She clicks the pen; Rosa doesn't seem to have anything close to write in; she clicks the pen again, is she going to write this down or not? is this how doctors work?
No. 1067293 ID: e51896

you're too stressed to nap during the day. that question is easy to answer at least

the other two, not so much. you have dreams frequently, at least you THINK you do if the sleep paralysis demon is anything to go by? if those aren't dreams, then maybe you wake often and see the sleep paralysis demon? you don't know how to explain that.
No. 1067294 ID: e5709d

In your particular case, your hearing amplifies by about thirteen times while paralyzed. Sounds like you're watching a movie with the volume set to metal concert when you hear the clock ticking. You noticed that you regain movement the instant your hearing returns to normal.

You're also really horny when you wake up, and the need diminishes to nothing at about thirty seconds before you can start fapping. Which sucks.

And for whatever reason, you sort of see black bars in your vision if you try to move your head while you see a red bar in the top-left corner of your vision if you intentionally arouse yourself during the horny portion.
No. 1067299 ID: bb78f2

I have nightmares of a fight between me and my sister Booker in a grocery store. I stomp her ass and cover her in ketchup, flour, and milk throughout the store and then the guilt and adrenaline wakes me up, unable to move.

It's either that or I'm stalked in a dark and scary dungeon by a menacing crow man.

I awake then see a hallucinatory old man I call Vince Le'garde, walking away in immense disappointment, I'm terrified and hungry. My emotional support cat Cathara helps me through the paralysis, and then I get up and treat me and him to a slice of salami.
No. 1067303 ID: f36708

Often enough that I feel like it's warranted to come to this place.
Rarely take naps during the day. occasionally I guess.
I suppose I have dreams but I can only guess since I can't really remember most of them.
No. 1067316 ID: 753464
File 168875395290.png - (684.04KB , 800x791 , Nosocomephobia4.png )

"Often enough that I feel like it's warranted to come to this place; my record is four times; it's gotten better compared to when i was a child"

"I don't take any naps during the day; i keep thinking, and trying to remember what i dreamt; and fear of what it could be; and i think naps wouldn't do me any good"

"My dreams...i know i have them because i wake up tired; whenever an episode happens; i still see what i think is part of my dreams in the corner of my eye; i lay awake unable to move for hours at the time; i can hear the creakings of the house; but i can never hear anything outside of my vision range; is that normal? my mom has found me like this and woken me up at times; but i cannot see her until she's right infront of me; everything blurs in red..."

You place your hand on the table; smudging it in red, from the ink in your hands; you fail to notice this

As you speak you hear a crunching sound; it's rather obnoxious; the same creaking and crunching you hear when you stare at the ceiling during an episode.

"What does this mean? can you give me something to stop the nightmares?"
No. 1067317 ID: 753464
File 168875429628.png - (121.25KB , 400x600 , Nosocomephobia5.png )

Crunch... Crunch...

As you look up; the doctor is biting into the pen; which makes the sound; she seems to be biting it rather hard for it to be so loud

"Well Sandrah; the content of your dreams is not the problem here; there are antidepressants that can stop REM sleep; but they won't help with the paralysis itself; for that the best course of action is Benzodiazebenzodianzebenzodianze; you aren't allergic to that right?"


"Uhm.. name's not Sandrah"

Rosa continues crunching the pen; you notice it's spilling red ink into her white coat; and onto her arms; she doesn't seem to notice this; the right side of her face looks droopy
No. 1067318 ID: 8f9bc4

is there a chainsaw in reach
No. 1067319 ID: e5709d

...W-wait... Sclalan isn't a state in your nation. In fact, it's German for-
Oh crap RUN
Pull at your face and try to wake up! If that doesn't work, try to survive as long as you can!
No. 1067322 ID: 462d8c

Check to see if anything else is melting into red
No. 1067325 ID: 753464
File 168876162447.png - (346.60KB , 412x767 , ThecolorRed.png )

You check to see if there is anything melting into the red.

As you look into the pool of ink; the color seeps deep withing you; a tunnel vision effect werein red surrounds you.

Red is the color of blood, veins, gums, red and pink is the color of diseased skin; irritated, if there is red in you there is wrong in you
Red is a wrong color; people that die often die covered in Red; it is red and not black, the color of death.
No. 1067326 ID: 753464
File 168876165154.png - (59.67KB , 288x239 , Erytrophobia.png )

You pull at your face and try to wake up; you try to stop staring at the growing pool of ink that pours down the pen; but now you have it in you; it's in your face; when you pull at your hairs and face you brought the Red into your skin; now it's going to stay there until you wash it; there is wrong in your face; there is death in your face; you need to survive the Red; there is nothing more important than getting the red out of your face.

FEAR DEEPENED: Erytrophobia!
The fear of the color red
No. 1067327 ID: f36708

We feared going to the hospital so bad we had a bad dream about it? Damn that's frustrating.
No. 1067328 ID: d7bf1b

Your probably hallucinating, tell the doctor to please stop doing that as she is getting red ink on her table and herself and your getting scared.
No. 1067330 ID: e5709d

To be fearful of a mere color is both pathetic and dangerous. You cannot allow yourself to be chained to hatred of innocents.

Push through! Make the illusion bleed red! Enjoy the fanciful waves of your enemy's blood!
No. 1067331 ID: 753464
File 168877017040.png - (80.13KB , 400x344 , Nosocomephobia6.png )

You're right; the fear of a color is pathetic! you push through the image of the fear; and continue pushing- you push until your head hurts.


The only thing you manage to push is your hands and claws deeper into your face; as well as the color; atleast the pain alerts you and allows you to unfocus from the pool of Red.

The tunnel vision is gone; but Rosa is still there; was that another sleep paralysis episode? did you fell asleep while talking;? you still hear that horrible crunching sound; you prepare yourself-

"Can you please stop doing that.. you are scaring me"
You blurt out and look at her; turning your palm into a fist


It worked! no more noises; the pool of Red isn't as big as you thought it was; Rosa lays with her head pointed at a perfect 90 degree angle towards the ceiling; and laid back on her chair; her coat is lightly opened; you can even see the centre gore of her bra.

Upon closer inspection; most of the liquid doesn't come from the pen but from her mouth, the pen is nowhere to be seen; she seems to be drooling a mixture of saliva and a Red liquid; her hands are frozen at a position that looks like she's clawing at her neck; at times she twitches.
No. 1067333 ID: f36708

Don't look up. Ask if she's okay. If she doesn't respond perhaps consider leaving to get help or something. Something is definitely not right.
No. 1067340 ID: 273c18

Immediately go out and ask for help. The doctor is ill.
No. 1067342 ID: 753464
File 168877615261.png - (230.17KB , 600x800 , Nosocomephobia7.png )

You avoid looking up.

"Are.. are you alright?"


Rosa retches; as a cascade of velvet bubbles foam from her mouth; the retching happened as soon as you asked; you saw her ears flicker lightly, maybe she's still conscious in.. some form? but that's not the kind of response you'd trust.

Something is not right; you get up, and hug the chair.

"I'll go get help alright? just.. just don't move"


No response, no retching, no ear flickering; you give Rosa a last look before heading out onto the reception area.
No. 1067345 ID: f36708

Before we talk to anyone in reception we should atleast observe that there's nothing else wrong with the people there.
No. 1067350 ID: 753464
File 168877981258.png - (153.96KB , 400x506 , Nosocomephobia8.png )

D: "Maybe... i was too harsh on Nocla's kid; but she was really insistent i make sure she actually goes inside this time"

D: "Hmm.. well let's see here"

Picks up newspaper


Changes page

D: "Oh my.. interesting, hmm"

Changes page

D: "There it is, today's crossword! let's see; 14 words down"

1.- Process of converting esters into soaps and alcohols by the action of aqueous alkali

D: "Woah that one's hard; let's see if we can find any letters; ah there's one with the first letter; 7 letters Across"

14.- Last name, french philosopher, antropologist

D: "Hmmm.. i haven't read up on philosophy either; and it's bad luck to skip 2 words in a row"

THUD You actually kick the door open; it wasn't.. closed but in a panic; the thought crawled into you.

D: "Oh hey; that wasn't so bad right?"

You rush towards the desk; part of you fears you will find the receptionist; mouth clenched shut, staring directly into the ceiling; you saw her face mere minutes ago; and there was nothing wrong with her; you look directly at her to check... she seems to be reading the newspaper; and from a glimpse it appears there is nothing wrong with her.

D: "Uhh, may i help you?"

What do i even tell her? i point towards the door that i came from; i break down crying on her desk; she doesn't seem to understand.

D: "Listen that was uncalled for, i'm sorry for earlier; hey come on.. look at me, it's alright..."

She places a hand on your shoulder; well... that hoof thingie she has instead of hands.
No. 1067354 ID: e5709d

>That hoof thingie she has inste-
That's racist.

>What do
"The doctor is having some kind of heart attack I think she swallowed a piece of sharp plastic get more doctors!"
No. 1067355 ID: 273c18

Tell her the doctor's choking and probably swallowed part of a pen!
No. 1067356 ID: f36708

Take a breath. And then firmly and calmly tell her that you've either suffered a sudden VIOLENT schizophrenic episode or that the doctor has turned into a monster, And that you need her help to figure out which is true.
No. 1067370 ID: 8f9bc4

Yeah that was definitely a brain anyeurism. Once they take care of the doctor and/or identify the body, suggest to the receptionist that perhaps hospitals should be afraid of you.
No. 1067383 ID: 8f9bc4

also "saponification"
No. 1067385 ID: bb78f2

I think Rosa's having a stroke... or ingested cyanide.
Or I'm hallucinating from partial sleep paralysis even though I can move. Is Rosa alright from your point of view?
No. 1067387 ID: 753464
File 168879749226.png - (286.62KB , 800x1000 , Nosocomephobia9.png )


Of course! you did it,Daley, Daley thinks to herself; with a stroke of genius she takes out the newspaper again and writes down the answer- now.. where were we?

"Rosa is having some kind of heart attack I think she swallowed a piece of sharp plastic!"

The receptionist eyes widen; her lips tremble lightly, but then she shakes her head

D: "Hold on.. a heart attack is miles different than swallowing a piece of plastic- are you alright?" The receptionist raises her eyebrows

Let's try this again

"I think Rosa's having a brain aneurysm... or ingested cyanide- she's foaming at the mouth!"

The giraffe looks deeply concerned; but not scared

D: "Do i.. do i call your mom? she doesn't work today; but i'm sure she can pick you up.

Why isn't she taking you seriously?!


"I think i am suffering an episode"

You try taking a deep breath; but end up chocking on your saliva; after a coughing fit; during which the receptionist tapped your back repeatedly; you hear her speak up.

D: "Well- that's.. what you are here for; tell you what, i can walk you back to the office; we can see that everything is alright... and then i need to come back to my desk.. is that o- kay with you?"



A sound came from the door; it's not in your head; the receptionist turned to look as well.

The door has one of those devices that slowly, but automatically closes the door anytime it opens; you heard it after you entered; and after you left it; but this would be a third time- perhaps the kick fucked up the mechanism?



There's no answer; the receptionist stands up and looks at the people in the waiting area; and then at the door.

"Sir or Ma'am; you need to wait for your appointment; you can't go in there yet-"

No response

Daley reaches forward and opens the door; you stand back at a safe distance, if she can see what you just saw; you can confirm this is not an episode, if she can't well, your hands are already touching your neck and face-

"What.. what the hell is this?- EEEECH!"
No. 1067388 ID: e51896

Don't look in the room where Rosa is. Let Daley deal with whatever she just witnessed. For now, do some breathing exercises, and have a sit down, or a lay down if you need to.
No. 1067390 ID: 753464
File 168879866988.png - (373.52KB , 800x1000 , Nosocomephobia10.png )

With the screech you pull at your ears; you're pretty sure if they weren't attached by flesh they'd be torn off already.

The receptionist is in, and not you; she is dealing with your problem; you are not in the condition to deal with your own problem, and now she saw it, she saw what you brought into this world; you feel like you're going to throw up.

Visions of torment fill your psyche; you have sent a soul into an untimely demise- was it the resentment of how she treated you?

You sit down at her desk; it obscures the view from everything but the door; you lower your head and try breathing, tears befall your face as you close your eyes.

D: "I can't.. fucking believe this"

You hear the voice of the receptionist from beyond; she sounds, frustrated.

The door swings open lightly; as you see the giraffe holding onto a set of clothes; a coat, a familiar Red bra, and a half-chewed pen...

D: I fucking knew it, Rosa uses padded bras; like come on girl you button your coat all the way up; no one is going to notice, what a waste! and look at this coat; i don't think these stains come out easily no sire"


D: "But enough of that; well, where's Rosa?"


Looks like she only half-expects an answer; she keeps inspecting the clothes, and making snarky remarks about them; this is a different kind of wrong.
No. 1067391 ID: f36708

Don't react to the blood if she hasn't. It might not be real.
How am I supposed to know? Last I saw her she was spitting up stuff. Maybe she ran out after I left.
No. 1067394 ID: e51896

Dont look at or focus on her or the blood, just focus on breathing. No need to respond
No. 1067399 ID: caa8d9

With the red blood on the clothes, try not to get a fear of clothing
No. 1067403 ID: 273c18

Wait, what? The doctor is missing, and her clothes were left behind? So either she's walking around naked, or she vanished into thin air.

...ask the people waiting if they saw anyone enter or leave the door after you exited.

Also wait, she said the doctor buttons her coat? You saw it was unbuttoned. So she wasn't acting like herself. Ask if she normally chews on pens.

What blood? It should just be ink. There's no coat depicted in the image, either.
No. 1067421 ID: 34713f

Recall the symptoms!
> Chewing on a pen, implied to have swallowed it: Pica? Or perhaps just momentarily confused?
> She was bleeding from the mouth (may be caused by lacerations from the breaking pen).
> Drooping face + misremembered name; a stroke.
> Uncharacteristic shirt-opening; she was struggling to breathe; unknown if caused by the pen, but...
> Head tilted way up: Something long is likely lodged in her throat!

... It hasn't been more than a minute, has it? This receptionist is clearly not reacting to this situation correctly, and is therefore unreliable. That she's simply ignoring Rosa's plight is more likely than her up and disappearing; check in there before assuming she left, and if she's still there, get in there and remove the blockage! Odds of surviving a stroke go way down if the pen she put in her mouth and swallowed in her lapse of lucidity stays lodged in there!
No. 1067422 ID: f36708

The receptionist was holding the chewed pen so it can't be that.
No. 1067423 ID: bb78f2

This hallucination stuff is frustrating. If our checkup is done, just ask for the paperwork that's left if there's any, schedule your next appointment, and pay if you Mom or Insurance hasn't already. I'm sure the doctor's fine and might have her own fits where she needs to streak.

She's an MD, that's like... practically having tenure, she's allowed to do what she wants. She was only wearing a bra under there, so we knew she's a bit weird herself. Maybe she has a condition that makes her sensitive to heat.
No. 1067435 ID: 15a025

You don't know, she was spitting out stuff before you panicked.
No. 1067438 ID: e5709d

You're prolly nightmaring, but on the off-chance that you're not (and since you have video games to finish anyway), evacuate the civilians and head for the hills ya bunkus!
No. 1067447 ID: 753464
File 168889052796.png - (170.47KB , 357x370 , Phagophobia.png )

You try to not look at the splotches of Red in the corner of your eye; wherever you turn there they are; but maybe if we do not focus on them, they will eventually go away

You recall the symptoms and formulate a plausible answer:

"Part of her face was droopy; also she called me Sandrah; i think... i don't know anyone with that name"
"She was chewing on a pen.. a whole lot; and i think she swallowed part of it"
"She was spitting out stuff even before i panicked, i think she bit her tongue at a point"
And finally

"Her head was tilted all the way up; at a 90 degree angle directly looking at the ceiling; i had a full view of her throat, her coat was now open"

On each pause the receptionist nodded; she places a hoof on her chin, as she thinks

D: So what you're saying is...

D: That you left Rosa alone; when she was having an emergency? that is.. very irresponsible

Daley rubs her temples; she sets the clothes aside

D: Rosa has epilepsy; and from what you tell me i think she had a seizure and started chocking until she became unconscious

You.. nod; you feel guilt in your conscience, but someone else agreeing and explaining things in a plausible manner feels soothing for a change

D: OK. that means she could have asphyxiated with her own vomit but she didn't; what you have to do is sit someone up; you need to make sure they don't choke

Daley motions her hooves and places them on her neck, while she explains the technique

You feel a lump in your throat; you want to cry, why?

D: "I am not scolding you, but you have to understand that it's a delicate subject"

You try to swallow this lump, yet it stays.

D: She couldn't have gotten very far; this is a hospital for heaven's sake, i think she took the best course of action to look for help; it's not like she took off her pants"

You are pretty sure your neck is nothing but a ballooned-up piece of flesh and lumps at this point, you are scared to check.

D: -Why are you looking at me like that?... hey... hey come on; you.. you're drooling on my shoes! oh heavens they're new!. Alright alright o-kay I will go look for her- but make sure no one enters the room; we can get in trouble.

Daley leaves the room; into the hallway.

Thought she left you still feel the lump; it is the same bump you get when you feel when you want to cry, but you can't; it's the same lump when you could have helped someone, but you didn't

What is this lump?

This lump is you; a helpless, useless mass of flesh; trapped between more flesh, edging into the abyss; or in this case the stomach

Have you ever wondered why some people have a visible lump on their throat?

As a child you once heard that the lump is your heart; when one feels sad the heart wants to escape through the mouth, perhaps it wants to find someplace happier to settle.

The heart is needed for alot of things; you've never known anyone who could live with their heart outside their body; generally letting your heart spill out is a bad idea, but also swallowing at this point would mean one thing only: swallowing your heart

You feel drool pooling inside your mouth; you feel your heart trying to escape, you cover your mouth; you try pushing back with your tongue to no avail.

You can eat, you can drink perfectly, what you can’t is Swallow ; it’s an entirely different thing; food? That goes to your stomach, air? To your lungs but anything else would go into your heart, what a way to go; to drown in your own fluids. You'd rather have saliva in your mouth than inside your heart.

FEAR DEEPENED: Phagophobia.
The fear of swallowing.
No. 1067448 ID: e95002

The receptionist is kind of an ass, getting help immediately is the right thing to do if you're untrained in first aid.
No. 1067449 ID: f36708

Frankly that receptionist is expecting too much of someone who is (potentially) having an episode of some sort. Did you even know HOW to do what she asked? Have you ever done it? She's not dead so you shouldn't worry about it.

What you SHOULD be worrying about while keeping people away from the door is whether or not you actually do have some sort of undiagnosed illness. I don't think people tend hallucinate the sorts of things you have.
No. 1067452 ID: 34713f

Girl, you're thinking nonsense right now. Your throat isn't your heart. There's nothing special about saliva that makes it bad to swallow. Breathe.

The receptionist's probably more flustered than you think she is, and she already knows now that she fucked up in chastising you on account of you apparently not being in a wholly lucid mindset yourself. She gave as good an apology as we're going to get while Rosa's still in danger. On our end, we can apologize by doing better next time. We can file away the fact that we're experiencing hallucinatory phobia attacks, and take that into account when dealing with future situations.

While we guard this door, maybe think about that - have you always been this quick to develop phobias? Or have the ones you experienced just now always been there? Do you experience visual hallucinations and irrational thought tangents in your day-to-day life?
No. 1067455 ID: 273c18

That was nonsense. What were you supposed to do instead? Fumble at her with zero medical training? You went to get help, that is the only thing you could have been expected to do.

Just guard the door. A lump of flesh can do that.
No. 1067456 ID: 753464
File 168892756497.png - (118.87KB , 344x486 , Swallowing.png )

Did you even know HOW to do what she asked? Have you ever done it?

You have seen it on tv, you have heard it from your mom; but you've never understood it; you never bothered to pay attention, you may not be a trained professional, her scolding might have been nonsense, but it is a "delicate subject" or so you are told.

When she explained it to you you were reminded of the countless times you half-payed attention to what you were supossed to be doing, imagine remembering an exam answer right after turning it in; but instead of an exam it's a body chocking in vomit, and the exam paper is also covered in light blue body liquids of unkown origin.

Phobias are ever present; they are part of daily life; isn't survival instinct another name for the fear of death?
They flare at times; at times they are debilitating; at times you even forget you have them; it is only when the thoughs of them reach deep into you that you can truly see the horrors behind the fears, realities that should be concealed from your eyes
You don't have hallucinations, your mom told you hallucinations are when you smell burnt toast; you haven't smelt burnt toast, not even when mom burns breakfast.
And you don't consider the things you see in your dreams hallucinations; you're not fully awake.

Why was she spitting? you spit when there is something in your mouth that you don't want inside; professional wrestlers have pills with blood inside that they bite when they're punched; it sells more tickets, you've also heard some even use them to try to blind their opponent.

Spitting is seriously gross...

Maybe your heart isn't in your throat but you defenitely feel something in there, you don't want to swallow this much; there is a point of no return in this, you feel like a snake when it's being held infront of a cup with the plastic cover; you envy snakes for they can expel fluids in a non gross manner, they don't need to regurgitate or drool; your venom pools into your hands.

?: "Lady that is seriously nasty, what the fuck"

You hear across the room.

Perhaps there is good in all this; you don't think anyone would like to come close to you; why rats don't get close to snakes, sheeps don't come close to wolves, people don't get close to rotting cadavers.

?: "Helloooo? I'm seriously bored; where did Daley go? my appointment already started, can you change the channel?, there's no buttons on this crappy crap tv"
No. 1067459 ID: f36708

She was probably spitting because she had pen ink in her mouth. I'd imagine it doesn't really taste that good.

Frankly if you MUST spit you could atleast do it into your shirt so it's not as obvious that your doing it.
No. 1067461 ID: 34713f

"I don't work here, I don't know how anything works, she just told me to stand here."

We're good at itemizing symptoms when we stop to breathe and think it through; let's try that on ourselves now.

> We suffer from sleep paralysis, often waking up multiple times a night.
> We experience visual hallucinations in the form of red splatters that aren't really there, often at the edge of our vision - it's possible this is a physical symptom related to the blood vessels in our eyes rather than a psychosomatic one.
> We have a significant number of crippling phobias that seem to fluctuate in intensity - not known if they stem from trauma or from general anxiety.
> We suffer from extreme social anxiety even when a phobia-driven panic attack hasn't been triggered.

There's definitely something wrong with our brain chemistry or physical health - a purely psychological issue born from trauma honestly wouldn't explain the blood-spots we're seeing wherever we look.
No. 1067464 ID: e51896

maybe the lump in your neck is your adams apple?
No. 1067467 ID: 753464
File 168893781908.png - (216.75KB , 442x632 , Nosocomephobia12.png )

Adam's apple... you're familiar with the term; but you're sure if you had commited the original sin, you would have even more problems in your hands, do you need any more proof of the innate evil that lies within Red?

"I don-"

A waterfall of venomous sludge falls from your mouth as you try to speak.

Sludge, saliva, venom, blood, ink, ichor; neither tastes good; you're pretty sure they all taste the same, atleast at first.

Frankly, you MUST spit; saliva going into your bloodstream sounds bad, but it going into your lungs doesn't sound very delectable either.

You smear the liquid in your hand into your sweater; you lift it up lightly to bite on it; you feel your mouth becoming dry once again, and your neckband becoming damp.

You are no longer drowning; the patient luckily seems to have been focused on the tv at the time.
"I don't work here, I don't know how anything works, she just told me to stand here"

The patient turns to look at you; a whirring sound comes from their mouth.

Wait...not their mouth; it appears this person has some kind of strange apparatus where their lower jaw should be; at first you thought it was an overtly big dental brace, but upon closer inspection what appears to be a metallic neck-brace is attached to it and a head-brace on their forehead; there is a spinning wheel that attaches the upper and lower parts of the mechanism, it's spinning and making a whirring sound; similar to an old dusty fan that was just turned on, however this noise is very faint.

?: "So? do you know who i am? i'm Basilio"

You don't know this Basilio, honestly it sounds like a made up name; he appears to be wearing a shirt with a stylyzed "BSLIS" printed on it.

B: "Daley knows me; the remote should be at her desk; go get it"
B: "Please, look i'll pay you if you want dude, you want a napkin or som-thing? just put on anything, anything else; i crapping hate this crap"

This Basilio seems to have an awful lot of Red; the hair, the shirt, the hooves.. are they painted? you can't see the other hoof; the right arm appears to be in a cast, he scratches the edge of the sofa with his free hoof; as he looks back at the tv, you don't want to touch his hoof, you don't want the hoof to touch things; Daley also has Red on her, but it's not this poignant.
No. 1067469 ID: e51896

to avoid getting Chirophobia, don't look at his hand and just focus on finding the remote in the desk. focus on the tv after you find the remote
No. 1067470 ID: f36708

What even is playing anyway?
Get him the remote but keep your eye on the doorway to make sure nobody sneaks past you.
No. 1067485 ID: e51896

forgot to mention, dont hand him the remote, just change the channel from where you're standing you you can stay a reasonable distance from his hoof.
No. 1067523 ID: 34713f

Since when were you religious? Does this have to do with some deep-seated trauma or something?

Relax. Whatever that lump is, it's not your heart. You're a nurse's daughter, and while that doesn't make you an expert, it does give you the rationale to know that your assessment of such can't be even remotely correct.

It's likely just post-nasal drip or a stress-induced inflammation. If you're sure it's not either of those things, then make a mental note of it - it's another symptom of whatever's wrong with your body.
No. 1067543 ID: 870de9
File 168902165718.png - (1.19MB , 1500x1174 , Nosocomephobia13.png )

Since when were you religious?
You can't remember; mom isn't even religious at all; you went to a public school,. you are not baptized; you have read most of the bible because you found one in a hotel room and took it home, the... you have no idea what goes on in a church other than gathering to read the bible; you think it's an inefficient method of studying it.
The crucifix in your neck was a gift from a teacher back in highschool, she was nice; she let you go home early if you cried; she got in trouble after gifting it to you, but you graduated a few months later, you're not sure if she kept her job.

What even is playing?
Well; before you went in, it was some sort of sitcom.. you think? sitcom is where people talk in a room right? you don't watch much television other than the news your mom watches when you're both eating
Let's see.. it appears to be a different show, it's not the same guy from before; someone is being interviewed.

The closed captions are on; they weren't on when you went in; maybe Haley switched them on at a point.

You avoid looking at his hands; thought you look away you can still hear the scratching sounds; they drown the mechanical whirring coming from his apparatus
You go to the desk; there isn't much stuff in there, a computer locked behind a PASSWORD screen; a keyboard, a half-folded newspaper, a Red pen...

You avoid the pen; and go directly for the control, you turn back to turn at the tv, and point it at it.

You obtained: Remote control.

B: Look at this dude, everyone knows FM is the superior modulation; any dolt can get into tv nowadays it makes me sick.
No. 1067544 ID: 870de9
File 168902200730.png - (355.84KB , 1000x1041 , REMOTE.png )

The controller is rather large you find that the controller has no buttons.

Is this a new kind of controller? you think before you feel something on the other part of the remote.

Aha! it was backwards; it definitely has buttons

You blink.
It definitely has buttons.

B: Hurry up please; if i take any more shit-tier opinions on radio i'm going to throw up.
B: Any channel's fine, hell i'd take infomercials over this.
No. 1067546 ID: 81a252

Two options:
Point at tv, push downwards on don't, and can't. They must be volume and channel control, but we're not sure which.

Afterwards, maybe point the remote on yourself (dont point on the tv) and push the following in order:
or maybe
"PLEASE SWALLOW MY SPIT THANKS" if that dont work.
Maybe that will stop your constant drooling from your fear.
No. 1067547 ID: e5709d

Pretend you have dyslexia.
"What the- hey, is this a '6' or an 'F'? It's hard to see which."

But seriously please leave this place you are either going mad in nightmare land or hell is here and it is here for you.
No. 1067548 ID: f36708

Start with Her my is. If that doesn't work digest face chew. Then go back to standing guard.
No. 1067549 ID: f36708

I don't think she'll stop going mad if she leaves. In fact she's unironically safer here than she is outside (don't want her to get hit by a car).
No. 1067550 ID: 273c18

"Please swallow spit" seems fair.
Huh, that face, that's from the vision before when you were freaking out about the red ink.

>saliva is gross
Your body makes it in your mouth, it's designed to be swallowed. It's just thick water, really.
No. 1067565 ID: 870de9
File 168904050984.gif - (34.93KB , 456x192 , dontwhat.gif )

Why is he here? why is he on the button with your name? this button is of a different shape, and noticeably larger than the rest; you feel goosebumps just placing your fingers around that button; you don't want to press it; luckily there's alot of other buttons to press.
You point at tv, and push downwards on "Don't"

The screen goes black, it makes the sound old tvs make when they turn off; after a few seconds a message appears:

"Don't what?"

You try with "Can't"
Can't what?

Basilio continues scratching the armrest, his apparatus is making a whirring noise you can hear even from where you stand; the whirring noise grew as you pressed on the button, but you didn't notice until now
You press:
"HER" "MY" "IS"
"Who is her?"
You press:
"Digest whose face?"
"Chew whose face?"

You point the remote at yourself; and try pressing:

"Swallow whose spit?"

You try pressing:
"Please, SWALLOW, YOUR, SPIT, Thanks"

The idea of Swallowing saliva is repulsive; now... the idea of swallowing someone else's saliva? you feel your face growing cold, and your stomach churning, luckily nothing else happens.

"Please, SWALLOW, MY, SPIT, Thanks"


You swallowed; it felt gross, you felt gross; maybe even grosser than spitting on the ground; however with the amount swallowed you no longer feel it pooling in your mouth you still feel the lump in your throat, however you are now swallowing at a regular rate, a small victory.

Basilio gives you a dissapointed look, he rolls his eyes; the mechanical whirring becomes faster, it sounds like nails on a chalkboard, this sound is obnoxious, he begins tapping his foot, Basilio is obnoxious.
No. 1067568 ID: f36708

He has to live with that thing so I'd imagine his attitude has to do with that.
We don't know how to work this thing obviously. Best give it to him and be done with it.
No. 1067569 ID: 1c3fcf

I dont think we should give him the remote. That thing controls Birdie, and he might accidentally control us to do embarrassing things, or aphixiate birdie worse case scenerio.

Hes not complaining, so we probably got the channel changed for him. Keep the remote for now
No. 1067570 ID: 273c18

Well. You're obviously hallucinating, but you can at least boss your subconscious around.
"NEVER DON'T SWALLOW MY SPIT" could work in the long run?
"DON'T ASPHYXIATE" might cure your lump.

Show Bisilio the remote, ask what buttons he sees on it.
No. 1067571 ID: f36708

That's too unspecific.
It would need to be "please DON'T ASPHYXIATE MY NECK thanks". But good thinking.
No. 1067583 ID: e51896

I wouldn't show him the remote, he's clearly making poor Birdie uncomfortable with his hoof and fidgeting. we can show Daley when she gets back.
No. 1067585 ID: e51896

now that I think about it, i wonder if that remote caused Rosa to chew that pen, and caused her to ASPHYXIATE and spit ink
No. 1067587 ID: 273c18

...it is suspicious that most of the things that have been going wrong could have been caused by a remote like this, but we really need a second pair of eyes to vouch for the buttons before we can come to any conclusions.
No. 1067611 ID: 4940f5
File 168910418097.png - (200.90KB , 541x572 , Nosocomephobia14.png )

Maybe Daley would know better... but she's not here right now.

Why did she have this thing? why does she have something with your name? could she have hurt Rosa? if only there was someone else you trust that could vouch for you; well there's Basilio and that.. thing.

He has to live with that thing.
He is part of that thing, that thing is part of him; when he makes a noise that thing makes a noise, the noises it makes are obnoxious, they are irritating.
Maybe if you show him the remote he'll make the remote part of him, just like the machine on his face; you don't want this.

You don't want to give him the remote; you don't want to give someone who is irritating the power to harm you, he might irritate your skin and make it Red just like his hooves; perhaps that's how they became Red in the first place.

You press: "NEVER" "Don't" "SWALLOW" "MY" "SPIT"

You are already not-not swallowing your saliva; it's impossible to tell if that changed anything at this moment.
Basilio is still clearly irritated; he turns to look at the TV and then at you, you haven't done what he has asked; maybe if you did he'd stop that incessant noise.

You press: "Please" "Don't" "ASPHYXIATE" "MY" NECK" "Thanks"
The text box becomes smaller; now it no longer covers the screen, it's slowly backing up into the bottom, showing you a new image:

?: "Why... i would never"

The voice makes you clench your teeth; it sends a chill through your spine, the voice comes as calm but it's so loud you can feel your ears ringing afterwards; the face now stares at you without blinking, smiling.
No. 1067612 ID: f36708

Well looks like we have a name for the goat. "Pineal" The fear gland.
And it's telling us it would never choke us? Hopefully that's the truth.
If giving the remote to Basilio isn't an option then put it back where you found it and maybe go back into the office.
No. 1067613 ID: f36708

Wait no. Pineal was the sleep gland. Amygdala was the fear gland.
No. 1067652 ID: 273c18

A perceived-hostile pineal gland implies a state of waking nightmare. Or some other sleep disorder like narcolepsy. How do you know "Pineal"? What history do you have?

I can't figure out any more useful concepts to communicate through the remote. Just tell Basilo you tried, and you can't get the remote to work properly.
I don't trust Daley as a second pair of eyes considering how much blame she's heaping on Birdie and also the fact that it was on her desk to begin with. Is there anyone else in the waiting room that can look at it?
No. 1067688 ID: 4940f5
File 168918570981.gif - (331.28KB , 1000x1041 , nosocomephobia15.gif )

A waking nightmare, that is how you know that thing.

How do you know "Pineal"? What history do you have?

It's less of a history and more of a state; you're not sure if "Pineal" is his real name, but you decided to call it that from the closed captions, you didn't want to give it a name, you didn't want to acknowledge him.
Pineal is when you are left alone in a classroom, Pineal is when you can't recognize your own room, your own home, Pineal is when you can only move your eyes, but your muscles are completely frozen.

If you try to look back, you can't remember a point in time where you didn't knew Pineal; or don't want to remember, he was there in high school, he was there when you were a child, he was there at any point you try remembering, but only if you're actively thinking about him; perhaps you retroactively insert him into your memories, as such it's impossible to tell what was the first time; he invades older and older memories the more you try to think about it; there was a birthday werein after you blew the candles on your cake, you saw him smiling as everything went dark, there was a time you saw him staring at you through the bedroom window, there was a time, and there was a place for Pineal.

But when you forget about him; you truly forget, for the better, until you remember.

You can't seem to figure out any more useful concepts with the remote.
"I-i tried, i don't think it's working"

Is there someone else in the room? well yes you remember that time Daley scolded you; seeing more than a single pair of eyes judging you; however Basilio's... imposing presence; and haste to adress you made you focus on him first.

Maybe someone else can help you? someone that isn't Daley or Basilio you try to turn towards them; however your view is assaulted by a barrage of Red and the sounds of mechanical whirring.

Basilio stood up; he's now right before you; he seems furious.

B: "What the hell lady? that's the volume! now i get to hear the shittiest opinions ever OUT LOUD!"

Basilio grabs onto the remote and pulls, you don't want to let go.

It hurts.

Basilio keeps pulling, you grab onto it with your other hand; Basilio can only pull with his hoof, his disgusting Red hoof.

You feel something dislodging from your hand, it hurts, it feels like your skin is being pulled from your muscle.

B: "Let go! what are you doing?"


The control is surgically removed from your hands

You lost: Remote Control.
No. 1067689 ID: 4940f5
File 168918577924.gif - (5.19KB , 228x295 , nosocomephobia16.gif )

Click Click...


Basilio doesn't press the buttons, he harms them, he pins them down under his hoof; given the cast on his other arm; he places the remote on his body; his chest as he tries both pushing it and aiming at the tv.

?: "Can't what? Don't what? Chew who- Who is her-?"

B: What a load of crap; who designed this controller, come on!

Basilio tries resting the controller on the side of his apparatus, you can't look; you turn towards the doctor's office; Basilio casts a shadow; it seems like his grotesque figure wants to follow you.

Click Click...

Click Click...

The clicking is mechanical; now it melds into the whirring noise from the mechanism.

Click Clic..... splrrrch...

Something's wrong.

That last click was longer than the last, it almost seemed to drag on- a wet noise drags on.


The office door is splattered in a gray sludge, bits of gray matter, skull and hair are pinned down on the door.

Your ears are ringing, you can't hear anything other than wet, disgusting splatters; there is some of that sludge in your face.

Tears befall your face and they mix with the fluids; you feel short of air.
No. 1067691 ID: 273c18

No. 1067692 ID: f2cf5a

...I don't know what's happening in this quest anymore.
No. 1067693 ID: 5d07e8

Try to use a grounding technique. Hug yourself and tap your left side with your right hand and your right side with your left hand.
No. 1067694 ID: 8f9bc4

So... is he... done with the remote?
No. 1067697 ID: f36708

Welcome to schizophrenia quest! Hope you enjoy your dissociative episode.
Daley said she would come back. Just try to remain calm until then. Try to ground yourself. If you can't do that then cry into your sleeves.
No. 1067702 ID: c1af33

Does Daley have a computer? Focus on that. Maybe theres something that calms your fear of red on there, just like the remote did. Dont looks at Basilo until Daley gets back. Cant get fears if we dont look at scary stuff, especially his hooves
No. 1067712 ID: 4940f5
File 168920824299.gif - (474.67KB , 878x520 , Nosocomephobia17.gif )

Scream, what else could you do? Scream your lungs out, scream until the ringing overcomes the ringing, or..


Try grounding technique? how can that help?

You hug yourself, tapping the left side with your right hand, and you right side with your left hand.

Nothing happens.

It doesn't stop, nothing ever stops.

Your ears continue ringing, you drive your claws into your sides.

But you continue; what else can you do?


In time, the ringing seems to cease; you stop focusing on the pain and the loud noises and instead focus on yourself

You had read about this before: it's called:

"The butterfly hug, or butterfly technique"
No. 1067713 ID: 4940f5
File 168920826517.gif - (42.32KB , 878x520 , Nosocomephobia18.gif )

No wonder why it's called a butterfly hug; a caterpillar is vulnerable, it doesn't have any fangs, any stingers to defend itself; the only thing it can is hide from predators, be it with camouflage, be it with vibrant colors that signal danger.

But what happens when they need to lay down? they can't move while their body breaks down into sludge in order to become something more, something beautiful.

The caterpillar climbs a leaf, and wraps itself; the caterpillar taps the left side with it's right side, and the right side with the left side.

And then there is calm, the caterpillar is safe; it’s the safest moment of it’s life; the most boring maybe, but the safest, and most beautiful.
No. 1067714 ID: 4940f5
File 168920828338.gif - (22.13KB , 228x295 , Nosocomephobia19.gif )

The cocoon is a beautiful object, green; green is a color that lacks all the qualities of Red; it's the antipode of Red

Basilio is obnoxious, but green is calming; you continued hugging yourself; it soothes you, but it also soothes the world around you.

The green crawls and creeps; not like an insect looking for prey but like a plant, looking for somewhere to grow, to bloom.

The green climbs over Basilio's leg; covering his disgusting hooves.

The green covers Basilio's jaw, he is now quiet.

He cannot die if his fluids remain inside his body; the cocoon keeps everything inside; he can no longer be obnoxious.
No. 1067715 ID: 4940f5
File 168920830042.png - (7.70KB , 322x322 , Nosocomephobia20.png )

Basilio looks almost peaceful like that; stuck in anger, frustration; but ultimately calm.

However, the cocoon still creeps; it envelops the other people in the waiting room.

They didn't present an immediate danger, they didn't harm you; but now they lay motionless, peaceful, like a cocoon, there is a perpetual stillness in the room; it's alien, but... pretty.
No. 1067716 ID: 4940f5
File 168920831757.gif - (37.66KB , 228x295 , REMOTEGREEN.gif )

Is he done with the remote?

Well... the remote was stuck to Basilio when the cocoons enveloped him.

Meaning effectively, the remote is now part of Basilio.
No. 1067717 ID: 4940f5
File 168920835092.gif - (3.43KB , 300x300 , PASSWORD.gif )

Does Daley have a computer?

Yes! you saw her stuff a while back, she had: The remote, a folded newspaper, and the computer, however the computer seems to be stuck in a PASSWORD screen, it shows nothing more than the words: PASSWORD and a blinking underscore
No. 1067721 ID: 5461c7

Try "guest"
No. 1067723 ID: 4940f5
File 168921070582.png - (3.29KB , 300x300 , PASSWORDattempt.png )

You try "guest"


The screen goes back to the locked screen, however now it displays something more:

Hint: My favorite juice

You are not familiar with any juice called "B8"
No. 1067724 ID: dd3fe0

No. 1067734 ID: f36708

Is that a crossword? Check the newspaper.
No. 1067737 ID: 5461c7

try "password"
No. 1067752 ID: 273c18

How could B8 be a crossword hint? The crossword is different every day. Though I guess if she changes her password every day it could work.
Alternatively... B8 is a vitamin, sortof. Juicables high in B8 include cantaloupe and banana.
No. 1067767 ID: e51896

B8 might be a type of vitamin. what juices has B8 in them?

I'm thinking either tomato, carrot, or strawberry are the most likely answers, strawberry is my top pick.
No. 1067769 ID: e51896

there's also Cantaloupe and banana (tho banana juice is kinda uncommon I think)

I say start with the juices from that list are fruit first before going to veggies
No. 1067819 ID: f2320a

ah the vitamin b8 i would guess
No. 1067833 ID: 4975cf
File 168938284023.png - (336.36KB , 1000x1000 , stickycrossword.png )

You check the newspaper
It was half-folded; there is a non-chewed pen being used as a bookmark

The pen is.. of no color, it appears to be completely empty, not even dry ink remains, as such it's impossible for you to tell it's original color, maybe for the better.

As for the newspaper, it appears to be the local newspaper: Sclalan Times-

Ew gross! what's up with this newspaper? it's soggy; many letters are smudged; it has a fruity scent to it which you don't recognize, whatever it was seems to have mixed with the scent of the ink; touching the sticky paper feels funny.
The only part saved from the sticky substance is the crossword; the page was lifted by the pen; you can't find the source of the sticky liquid but it seems to have spilled onto the desk, it appears the newspaper was being used to dry it up.

The crossword has been mostly completed; you can't see the questions key, they have been smudged beyond recognition.
A word sticks out like a sore thumb, no matter what the question was you're pretty sure the answer is not "U (:3) R (ETHR) A"

It also appears Daley had been practicing a new signature, and doodling.

You try each and every single word on the crossword, including that one; none of them work.
No. 1067834 ID: 4975cf
File 168938285529.png - (799.38KB , 1070x1090 , nosocomephobia21.png )


Incorrect password, INCORRECT PASSWORD, INCORRECT PASSWORD; that buzzer resounds in your head, you begin listing various other fruits you know from the top of your head, and then jump to veggies, the blue of the screen is in a way inspiring; but your patience is running short, you have listed every single fruit you know from the top of your head, with or without B vitamins; does Daley only like obscure extinct juices? you turn your hands into a fist; your claws dig at your palms.

A gloomy, raspy voice resounds in your head, no.. behind your head; there is someone behind you, a lean figure standing at a comfortable distance from you; the figure is looking at the screen, your hands are still made into fists, resting onto the keyboard.

?:"You've been doing that for a while, are you alright?"
No. 1067839 ID: e51896

Take a break, do some breathing exercise. inhale, 1, 2, 3, exhale. do it as many times as you need to calm down. It's okay if you can't get it correct, you just need to relax a bit. After all, it's just a computer password, not even ours to even know the password to. nothing to get worked up over. You're doing fine.

as for the guy behind you, just say you need some quiet time to yourself to calm down, and to keep their distance please.

After you calmed down, realize that whatever that spill is is fruity, and could actually be juice, her favorite juice. the best thing we can do is get something to wipe if off with, like a white cloth or napkin, and see what color it is (unless you can figure out what color the liquid on the newspaper is, in which case, that'll be much easier.)

from there, we can narrow down what juice it is based off the color.
No. 1067842 ID: f36708

This dude isn't Basilio and he isn't wearing any red so he's more trustworthy.
Answer honestly (While maybe leaving the stuff about the TV out) That your doing about as well as you've always been (This IS usual isn't it?).
Also yeah the newspaper is obviously stained in juice.
No. 1067870 ID: 273c18

Sniff the newspaper, see if you can identify the mystery liquid. That's probably the answer.
No. 1067905 ID: 15a025

Maybe if you ask them to smell the newspaper they can tell what kinda flavor the drink was?
No. 1068583 ID: 9f77c8
File 169000936049.png - (104.79KB , 439x359 , nosocomephobia22.png )

Of course! the fruity scent must be juice-

You sniff the newspaper, you can't quite smell anything- sometimes when your mom burns breakfast you can't even smell it burning- you don't think about scents a lot, they're not like tastes or sights, they are just... there- you take it closer to your face and you can just discern there's something fruity, sugary to it, but not much more... do you even know how most fruits smell? you're not sure-

You could see what color it is and maybe go from that- however given how smudged everything is, the colors of the letters might have tainted the color, but still it should be the principal color should you scoop up enough of it: you lift it up lightly- sadly there's not enough below the table to discern it... maybe if you scoop it up with... let's see a white cloth.. a napkin? hmm well Basilio offered you one back then, in exchange for changing the channel- well. you're not even sure you'd want to touch that even if you had it.

Your sweater is salmon colored, salmon is tasty and of a color very different than red; your jeans are grey the table-

The table itself is brown, brown is a mixture of colors, it has the 3 primary colors, it has the combinations of said primary colors, the fluid looks transparent from here, does it mean it's brown

You take a break, the guy behind you can just give you some time, some distance, it's good that they're all the way back there and not in your face, not in your arms-

He kneels, to your side, but still keeping distance, he seems to still be staring at the computer screen, nothing has changed in it, he seems to be thinking of something- should you be worried about this?

No: This “dude” isn't Basilio and he isn't wearing any red so he's more trustworthy.

His shirt is different, his voice, you're pretty sure if he had any hair it would be different than Basilio's, maybe you can strike a conversation, maybe he can help somehow.

You avoid turning to look at him, he's not looking at you either.

"Daley told me to guard the door but... that guy- erhm.. Basilio asked me to get the remote-" You decide to leave out what you saw on tv

"He pulled on my arm and took the remote, i don't want to be near him so i have been trying to focus on this"

Not Basilio: Oh yeah that guy- that dude seriously creeps me out, i saw the whole thing, i though he was your friend or something, good thing he's quiet now- i prefer it that way

Not Basilio: He's been here like... 3 times a week? for months now, but he never goes in- he stopped coming a little while ago and came back with that cast on his arm, i miss that silence and freedom choosing channels-

How does this person know that? you see just part of his face from your peripheral vision, he remains unblinking

Not Basilio: I see you are trying to login onto that hunk-of-junk; i've tried for years, it's the second-best pastime in here; i used to keep a notebook around with combinations i tried but i lost it a while back-


It appears Not-Basilio shares your conundrum; it could be wise to offer what you've figured so far

You ask Not Basilio to smell the newspaper, he grabs it

Not Basilio: There isn't a single day Daley doesn't make a fucking mess, doesn't she?


Not Basilio: This... is not juice, def a soda or a carbonated drink- i hate sodas they don't make any that i like anymore i miss crystal cherries... you know that ones that had an actual dried cherry at the bottom? why did they pull them off the market? maybe they killed someone, i think I've heard something about that-

After a short silence, Not Basilio gives an awkward smile, his jaw points lightly towards you

Not Basilio: So, can I. have my chair back? I'd lend it to you but I have a back problem, I shouldn’t kneel like this.
No. 1068587 ID: 273c18

Okay, two more guesses then.
B8 sounds similar to V8. That would be "vegetable" juice.
It could also be... well... semen. Ball juice.
No. 1068590 ID: 273c18

>gator wants her seat back
Uh, aren't you sitting at the desk? Isn't it Daley's chair you're sitting on?
No. 1068655 ID: e51896


He said he's kneeling.

Yeah, give him back the chair. He's at least friendly enough to trust.

And don't worry, if nobody had been able to figure out the password for so long, you shouldn't have to worry if you're getting it wrong.

Looks like if we want to get the password, we'll need to find that notebook he lost so that we can have an easier time with eliminating possibilities.

Anyways, ask if this is his desk because you thought it was Daleys, ask this if the second best pastime, then what's the first? also ask how Basilio is looking, you're a bit too nervous of him to look, and you fear he may have gotten hurt somehow.

more importantly, ask his name.
No. 1068669 ID: 273c18

I was talking to Birdie, who is sitting at the desk. There's nothing about taking a chair from the waiting area, and it makes no sense for there to be that limited number of chairs to begin with so I think this is a hallucination. The gator looks female to me, and I think Birdie latched onto the suggestions using the wrong pronouns.
No. 1068731 ID: 15a025

Sure, hand him the chair back. Be nice and exchange names as well.
No. 1068912 ID: 53e233
File 169032523896.png - (619.72KB , 1355x1178 , Nosocomephobia23.png )

Looks like if we want to get the password, we'll need to find that notebook he lost...

"Is this your desk? i though it was Daley's"

Not Basilio: Well. technically the desk is mine during my hours i think- Daley works from morning till noon, and i work from noon until night


Not Basilio: But it might as well be hers, when the hospital got computers, she was the one trained, and then in turn was to train me-
but nope she just clocks out as soon as possible and she doesn't even give me the password so i can't even figure how to even use it even if i tried-
i don't mind much i think computers are just a passing trend- i prefer to keep things in notebooks and sticky notes

I just wish she didn't hog all the deskspace, she keeps "accidentally" throwing my sticky notes into the trash

Not Basilio takes out a bunch of sticky notes and begins placing them on the desk, he seems to struggle lightly in getting them to paste well but eventually they all do

"What is the best pastime in here?"

Not Basilio: Well that would be throwing things off the balcony, who knows where they land? its kinda cool to see chips and cans disappearing into the darkness, now if Daley left her things here? Whew I'd have a field daythe marvels of being so high up right?

You didn't know this hospital had a balcony... do hospitals tend to have balconies? sounds like a hazard- you didn't see it on the way to this consulting room

"Where is this balcony?"

Not Basilio: I think every floor has one except the top floor, balconies are where people go smoke since they banned doing that in the waiting areas, they're just beyond the bathrooms

You already know this person is not Basilio, but who are they?

"I'm Erin, i came to an appointment with Dr Rosa, what's your name?"

Astrid: I'm Astrid, pleased to meet you-

He smiles, Astrid looks friendly

You give Astrid back his chair, he stands up and moves places a hand on his back, as if standing up had hurt him

Astrid is nice- he takes out a notebook and starts flipping the pages- and then back, he stops at one and points his finger to something- it's not the last written page

Astrid: "Ah Nocla’s- I mean... yes i wrote it down, appointment with Dr Rosa"

Above your “name” there's a few names you don't recognize but- they sound strangely familiar, there doesn't seem to be anyone after you- did Rosa really had the entire afternoon free? Basilio's name is nowhere to be found in the page
No. 1068913 ID: 53e233
File 169032524809.png - (816.78KB , 1218x1229 , Nosocomephobia24.png )

Speaking of... you get the idea to ask him how Basilio is doing, you don't want to look at him, but still, it would give you a sense of peace-

Astrid raises his eyebrows

Astrid: Uh.. well, i mean- i can check i suppose-

Astrid slowly rises again, grunting; maybe he shouldn't be working today if his back gives him too much pain to even move... his face rises above the desk, you can only see his back, tail and the back of his neck, there appears to be something on his neck: a black cloth collar

Astrid: Huh...


Astrid: I think he left- even turned off the tv, how kind of him.

You notice Astrid is strangely tall, even taller than you though, it appears he had been hunched over all this time

Astrid: There's only that guy sleeping in the corner, i take you don't know them either?

Thinking back, the little you saw before secluding yourself behind the desk, was Basilio, who you assume was Astrid, and someone else

“No I don’t think so”


There is silence, Astrid just lays looking forward towards beyond your point of view, he doesn't say anything


No response, his tail is wagging lightly


His tail continues wagging idly.
No. 1068918 ID: 273c18

Why are you so sure this is a "he"? Astrid is wearing a dress, has boobs, and you don't know them well enough to be aware they're going by an opposing pronoun.

>strangely still and unresponsive
Go see what they're looking at I guess.
No. 1068923 ID: 5ca692

Read the sticky notes. Maybe whatever is going on with Astrid is related to something Astrid had to be reminded of.
No. 1068948 ID: f36708

suppose it is a lady. Thought it was a goth gator wearing a tank top.
She's probably looking at the people currently in the labby. Let's have a look ourselves since we've yet to get a good look at them.
No. 1068959 ID: 614d4c
File 169035003543.png - (842.28KB , 1830x1344 , Nosocomephobia25.png )

You take a closer look at the sticky notes
No. 1068960 ID: 273c18

Ok, pull her back down. She must be looking at "It". Ask her what she saw.
No. 1068964 ID: f36708

Astrid? Please look over here. Thank you.
Be kind be gentle. Be the guiding hand she needs.
No. 1068965 ID: f36708

By guiding hand I mean GENTLY pull her down.
No. 1068972 ID: e51896

Gently pull her back down to her seat, DON'T tell her to look away from whatever she is looking at as you do so, or look anywhere else, as the sticky note warned not to look away if "It" happens again. If we say something, Tell her to please sit down, and thanks once she is seated.
No. 1068973 ID: 273c18

...huh, these are all Astrid's notes. Why would she have one telling her not to trust you? You've never met before!
Ask her if there's someone else called "Birdie", or if you've done something to offend her.
No. 1068976 ID: f36708

Birdie is not us. It's what the doctor called us as she was having a seizure (as well as every other name that was suggested for Erin I realize).
No. 1068977 ID: 273c18

>"Erin; i want you to feel safe in here; we can go as slow, or as fast as you'd like; i can even call you Birdie, thats how you go by right?, did you know that's how they used to call your mom?"
That was not during a seizure.
No. 1068978 ID: f36708

It was preceding the seizure then. Point is our characters name is not Birdie, Birdie is someone else. (Presumably >>1067250 )
No. 1068980 ID: 273c18

There is no indication that Birdie is someone else. No one else has been given that name in-quest. The button on the remote labeled Birdie was "him" trying to get Erin to push that button. Erin's mom used to be called Birdie, too, that's the only established evidence towards the name referring to someone else.

Also, on discord the author refers to Erin as Birdie.
No. 1068988 ID: 0b62b7

For all intents and purposes, lets just call ourselves Erin and not mention ourselves being also known as Birdie. For all we know, that sticky note may be referring to Erin's mother, not Erin herself.
No. 1068990 ID: 68506c

I wonder what your mom did to become untrustworthy.

Look at other written material native to this place to see what's wrong with it.
No. 1069002 ID: 2194e4

Ah yeah, when you gently pull her down to her chair, dont look at what she is looking at as per the notes warnings.

(Potentially, i think Birdie might be that monster we saw on the remote, and we did see Erin becoming monsterous in appearnce from time to time. Maybe birdie is erin's monster form? But also a name her mom goes by? Like i said, lets stick to the name Erin)
No. 1069010 ID: 614d4c
File 169040278031.png - (1.29MB , 1077x1083 , JamaisVu.png )

Birdie-, Birdie!,Birdie? why do you keep hearing that name in your head?, why do you see that name? why do people call you Birdie? You've never called yourself Birdie, you're Erin: Erin Nocla- your mom is Barbara Nocla
Rosa, she called you Birdie... but she also called you Sandrah, you're not Birdie or Sandrah, you have seen that name too, where is Rosa anyways? where is Daley?
You are sure you recognize the name, did your mom tell Rosa to call you Birdie, did your mom tell everyone around you to call you Birdie? you didn't have any nicknames growing up

We don't know if the note refers to you, to your mom, or to someone else- Rosa knows your mom well, but you don't know Rosa, you don't know if your mom has any nicknames, she has always been "Mom", "Barbara" or "Ms Nocla"
For all intents and purposes we can call ourselves Erin, but you've grown so accostumed to the name you'd respond to Birdie, you decide to not mention that specific detail to Astrid whenever possible

Jamais Vu: "Birdie"
No. 1069011 ID: 614d4c
File 169040281280.png - (1.29MB , 2000x1044 , ItemswithWords.png )

Written material native to this place...

Medical degree:
Let's see- there was Rosa's medical degree on her wall; it said "University of the State of Sclalan" that's the state you are in, your mom has a degree like that somewhere in your house, but in nursing. You've never been to this university except during a short trip back in highschool, nothing particularly important happened that day, there doesn't seem to be something wrong about the university itself.
But the degree had a logo... do different careers have different logos? you can count in one hand the times you have seen your mom's degree, you can recall it has a symbol, or emblem in there, but you aren't sure what it is
It also had... writting below that, you couldn't make up, it was too far away from you at the time

The TV remote was... wrong, in many ways, Daley had it, then you had it and then Basilio had it... you don't know where the remote is right now

Does this count as something with writting on it? there are no logos on the tv, but you did see Closed Captions-

Daley's Computer:
Same deal as the TV, nothing physically written onto it, but it does display words- you haven't seen anything... wrong on this computer atleast

Sticky notes:
Are they native to this place? no: Astrid took them out of her notebook, she claims Daley keeps throwing away her things

You're not sure on this, it was so smudged the only thing you could see was the crossword
No. 1069012 ID: 614d4c
File 169040284957.png - (442.26KB , 785x859 , Nosocomephobia26.png )

"Astrid? Please don't look away Thank you"
No response, her tail keeps wagging

You try pulling her back down
...How do you even do this? you place your arms around Astrid's shoulders, but you can't properly reach, pulling someone's tail is rude
You place your arms around Astrid's hips, her scaly skin feels cold, even through the dress
You slowly, but steadily are pulling Astrid back down, there doesn't seem to be much effort, you don't think you could lift her up, but it seems rather, easy

Eventually, Astrid is sitting back at the chair, she lays unmoving
"-Thank you?"

Astrid blinks
Astrid: "Why.. did you do that?"

You remove your hands- Astrid seems flustered

Astrid: "My back hurts but i can sit back just fine- thank you i guess"


"What did you see?"

Astrid blinks again, she seems confused

Astrid: "I just told you, there's someone sleeping in the couch and Basilio is gone, i don't see the remote... good thing that's not my job"

Astrid fumbles with her notebook, you see she pulls out a small object

It's a compact there is a single "R" on the lid, opening it reveals the mirror inside, it appears to be out of makeup only specks remain, not enough for anything really, she holds it up behind her, it shows the reflection of what lies beyond the desk: the door to the halls, and the door to Rosa's office and-
Indeed there appears to be someone, sleeping in the sofa, they look tranquil, you don't recognize them
But you recognize that crucifix, it's just like the one you have, times 4, your teacher had one too, and you're pretty sure you've seen other people with them, they're not something unique, altough wearing so many of them looks... strange


Astrid closes the mirror

Astrid: You could just... look in there if you want, or does your back hurt too?-
Astrid hands you over the compact
Astrid: Meh it ran out of powder, you can have it if you want

You obtained: Compact Mirror

Astrid goes back to focusing on the notebook, at times grunting and placing a hand on her side, she doesn't seem to notice the sticky notes.
No. 1069013 ID: f36708

A mirror huh? That's bound to have an interesting effect here. Test it on Astrid, See how she looks in it.
Speaking of Astrid, since She's here that means we don't need to stand guard at the door.
I suppose we could go look for Rosa since we haven't really done our session
No. 1069014 ID: 435f13

Ask Astrid about the sticky notes
No. 1069017 ID: f36708

What an utterly bizarre thing to stop playing over. Like first of all how are you so sure she IS Birdie? She could be but the only evidence we have at this point is that people keep calling her that.
Secondly even if we are wrong. So what? This format is all about choosing how you want the narrative to go even if it's not ideal (Which doesn't mean it can't go that way somepoint in the future). I don't really understand your issue here
No. 1069026 ID: 037fd6

She wrote her name was Erin in the Patient intake form here: >>1067266 so her name had always been Erin

The first mention of Birdie was when Rosa was offering to call Erin Birdie here: >>1067290
No. 1069058 ID: e3ec5f

Do not forget to thank Astrid for the mirror, as the sticky note says you should.
No. 1069064 ID: 614d4c
File 169043563811.gif - (337.28KB , 785x859 , Nosocomephobia27.gif )

Well... it's not your job to guard the door, but Daley had you do it- you suposse now that Astrid is here it's not your responsibility
A mirror huh? you don't tend to use makeup, you've never owned one of these before, but it sorta feels right in your palm

You test in on Astrid

We just need to tilt it lightly down and-
No. 1069065 ID: 614d4c
File 169043565808.png - (909.85KB , 1382x916 , Nosocomephobia28.png )


In the shock you close the mirror


Astrid looks at you

Astrid: "You're welcome, those are pretty cheap you know- also i can hear you just fine"

You decide to ask Astrid about the sticky notes

Astrid: "Hmm.. you want one? these are like... you know the paper of the tickets at restaurants and businesses? well it's just like that, you can write on it with a nail, something sharp, or you know, a pen

You point towards the sticky notes on her desk, she blinks

Astrid: Oh that's how i remind myself of things i need to do during the day, i can't afford a beeper or one of those fancy digital agendas, hey.. wait

Astrid squints, getting closer to one of them and picking it up

Astrid: "Do not... trust Daley, she is tampering with your things"

Astrid looks at you

Astrid: "Pfff tell me something i don't know- you can trust Daley as far as you can throw her"
Astrid looks at the rest of the notes

Astrid: "Do not.. look at it... Say please.. say thanks... Do not let anyone into Rosa's..."
Astrid: "Huh..."

Astrid looks confused

Astrid: "Did.. you write this? what should i not look at?"
No. 1069066 ID: 8f9bc4

She has not bitten your face off in the past 3 seconds, so the mirror must be wrong, or your understanding of it must be wrong. But Astrid is fine. She is nice. Are reflections in mirrors a kind of writing?

IT was over by the guy sleeping in the corner. You do not know what IT is, only that people must be pulled back from looking at IT, and they cannot remember looking at IT.

You did not write the notes. You thought that Astrid did. Maybe she forgot she did, when she looked at IT.

You know why not to let anyone in to Rosa's office
No. 1069067 ID: e51896

agreed. Astrid seems nice. Just in case, just remember to stay polite like you have been.

Tell her what happened to Rosa, and how Daley had you guard the door until she can find Rosa, so you think Daley wrote that one. You think maybe you're appointment is cancelled for now.

And you're not sure what she isn't supposed to look at, or what "it" is. but let her know she was in a trance earlier when looking over the waiting room, and you thought to gently pull her back to her seat when she did that as per the sticky note message.
No. 1069068 ID: f36708

Well a mirrors a reverse so that was probably a reverse of what she actually is like.
As for what not to look at? Probably Basilo's Neck Brace? That'd be something most can agree not to look at.
By the way is Birdie referring to our mom or someone else?
No. 1069076 ID: 2c059f

Try to leave the hospital to get some fresh air
No. 1069086 ID: e13cf9
File 169049899518.png - (10.06KB , 900x900 , TheWaitingRoom.png )

You did not write the notes, you though Astrid did, but either she didn't or doesn't seem to remember: you didn't even have a writting utensil back then, or knew that you could write on them with something sharp, let alone that doesn't look like your handwritting, your handwritting is barely legible at times

Astrid is nice... she has never hurt you,she has not bitten your face, you are seeing her right now, whatever you saw in the mirror must be wrong- however the sticky notes didn't say anything about reflections, and as far as you know Astrid doesn't have anything "written" on her

You think back to what Daley told you: "make sure no one enters the room; we can get in trouble."

Did Daley know about the notes? then why would she let you go in in the first place? another note says to not trust Daley...

You tell Astrid about what happened to Rosa, she seems shocked, a bit scared, but ultimately reassures you

Astrid: "This is a hospital, if there was an emergency... well atleast this is the right place to have it, i'm sure she's fine- right?"

Astrid claims she only saw what she described, and after a while you pulled her back down; Astrid reassures you that, just in case she won't let anyone enter Rosa's office: Note or no notes, she wouldn't let anyone enter the office without an appointment, or well.. with Rosa missing she wouldn't let anyone in at all.

Finally you start moving away from Astrid, despite everything she seems to be busy reading her notebook; and writing.

You stand in this room, for the first time in hours it looks.. tranquil, the TV is off, Basilio is gone, the only people here are Astrid, and someone sleeping peacefully in the sofa.

There doesn't appear to be anything wrong in this room, this room feels.. safe.

To think there was a time you gagged just thinking of this room- you feel accomplished, you even think you've made a friend.

Let's see:
You are in a hospital, in a floor high up

There is something wrong in this hospital, but it appears people don't seem to notice, or forget it

There is something wrong with items that have things written on them native to this "place"

You have a compact mirror that Astrid gave you

You are Erin Nocla, there appears to be someone that responds to Birdie; the name "Birdie" shows up in your thoughs often, you came to respond to it and accept it until you thought about it: the only person that has spoken the name was Rosa; Rosa also called you Sandrah; according to Astrid's notebook there was a "Stone Cold" a "Rina" and a "Sandrah" that went into the office before you did, you don't know any of these people.

At times you experience halucinations, multiple senses seem to be affected

Dr Rosa is missing, Daley went to look for her but she never came back, Astrid seems to distrust Daley; Astrid told you Daley tends to throw away Astrid things, including sticky notes

Basilio is obnoxious and went missing at some point; he "had" the remote last time you checked, there aren't any buttons on the TV meaning you can't turn it on without the remote, if you even want to turn it on again

You don't know how to get home: your mom was going to pick you up after the appointment, Daley was supossed to call her; you know your home's number, but you haven't seen any phones at all

There is a note warning that "It" shouldn't get out of the hospital; you are not sure what "It" is

Daley's computer is locked behind a password, the hint is that it appears to be her favorite juice; Daley refused to give the password to Astrid; it's a work computer, Astrid has been trying for a long time; and has a notebook where she noted her attempts; the notebook is missing.
No. 1069089 ID: e13cf9
File 169049903772.png - (585.36KB , 1190x1000 , Nosocomephobia29.png )

You step outside, you know at any time you could just go back inside this... room; maybe some fresh air will help you think what to do

Outside there's the halls, to the right is where you came from: The stairs and The elevator, when you came here you took the elevator.

To the right: You don't know, but according to Astrid there is a balcony on each floor except the top floor, past the bathrooms; since you didn't saw any bathrooms on the right, you figure they must also be on this side; presumably other consulting rooms are also this way

There is... a sign displaying the names of each Doctor on this floor, and their respective consulting rooms
Your mom's name is also there; she works here but she doesn't have her own office, she's a nurse, she goes around the hospital doing nurse things wherever she is needed

There is someone else here: a janitor
The janitor appears to be listening to music while working
There is a keyring, with several keys in their belt; and also one of those tape players

The janitor doesn't even seem to notice you or the sign, they are just mopping...
But not cleaning: the contrary of cleaning, the janitor appears to be spreading a blueish liquid; at first you thought it was something being cleaned up; but the liquid seeps from the bucket, whenever the janitor wets the mop it gets more of that substance in it

It smells awful; you may not have a good sense of smell but the noxious scent of musty hay fills the air, seemingly coming from the bucket itself- you cover your nose with your sweater; it seems to work in covering it up atleast.
No. 1069127 ID: f36708

Before doing anything use the mirror on the text.
I suppose were looking for a phone to call mom since Rosa isn't able to do that right now. They'd probably be around where the stairs and elevators are. So let's go there.
No. 1069129 ID: 435f13

Why does it refer to Rosa in the past tense??

Get tense about the past.

Also go up the stairs but don't use the elevator because claustrophobia is the last thing we need to deal with.
No. 1069293 ID: 15a025

Agreed, see what the mirror does to it.
No. 1069455 ID: 4f3e79
File 169083234382.png - (363.76KB , 785x859 , Nosocomephobia30.png )

Tense about the past... how do you get tense about the past? the present is tense enough

Nothing particularly important happened today before coming here: You woke up from a sleep paralysis, which is common for you

You had breakfast, you dreaded coming here, you pretended to be busy before coming here; you caved in, your mom drove you here and finally you took the elevator and you got into the waiting room for Rosa’s consulting room.

You take out the mirror and check the text on the sign; first you turn 180 degrees- you open the compact; your hands shake lightly from the last experience you had with it

As you open it you see letters, inverted letters, the part with your mom’s name is completely missing in the reflection; there is only one thing that stands out

Letters, these aren’t inverted, they look handwritten unlike the printed letters on the sign; and an arrow pointing towards your right.

Given you are now facing towards consulting room; it means to your left there’s the area with the elevator; and the stairs leading up and down

And to your right there’s the janitor, and where you think the bathroom and balconies are.

When you turned and used the mirror you stopped using your sweater to cover your nose; you where about to use it again before you notice that horrid smell is gone.
No. 1069462 ID: 435f13

Follow the arrow to "Please Help Me."
No. 1069495 ID: f36708

To the bathroom and the balcony huh?
Let's go. Hopefully whoever needs help will be grateful.
No. 1069506 ID: 5760bf
File 169087441777.png - (885.94KB , 1424x1196 , Nosocomephobia31.png )

Someone... needs help, the janitor is that way-
No, the janitor is on your way; you move past the janitor; the janitor clearly doesn't need any help cleaning
You follow where the arrow points: You pass the janitor and continue onto the halls, the sounds of mopping become quiet as you continue walking
You pass doors with numbers on them: 701 and 705; there are glass panes that let you see inside: darkness, looks like it's not consulting hours for the other doctors
That's when you see it, by the end of the halls to the right there is a door that reads "WASHROOM" and past that, to the left the hallway continues: you see a glass pane- you can see the outside; one of the balconies-

?: "Excuse me"

You are stopped, something is pulling your hand

?: "Have you seen my son?"

Something is pulling hard at your arm, twisting it lightly; it feels hard, cold to the touch, like placing your arms through slow moving gears

?: "About your height- red hair, blue eyes... a very kind young man yes, has a shirt with his... what does he call it? his "brand name" yes? im his mom, i'm very worried"

There is weight, melancholy in this bear trap's eyes; the ensnarer looks sad, lost, you can perfectly make out the cataracts, you wonder if those eyes can even see you at all

You cannot move forward while you are being pulled back.
No. 1069528 ID: 9fe016

Ah, the plea for help message on the wall was probably referring to her.

"Astrid told me Basilio usually comes to the waiting room. He's not there now, but if you please go to the waiting room and wait for him there, I'm sure you'll reunite with him when he returns. I'll send him to you if I find him".
No. 1069531 ID: 72d2d7

Ask what the son looks like and keep an eye out for him
No. 1069543 ID: f36708

Ah now it makes sense. The whole reason Basilio never went into Rosa's office for an appointment was because he's not coming here for HIS appointment. But his moms. (and was likely only in there for the TV)
If she's going blind it's likely he has to drive her here. Which also explains why he wasn't here for a bit as a result of whatever accident happened to him.
Question now is. Is SHE the person asking for help the message was talking about? If she is I don't think we can just leave her alone. (even if something strange wasn't going on) She's blind and could trip and fall (on a slippery floor).
I'd say let's lead her back to Rosa's office.
No. 1069544 ID: 8f9bc4

> horse
> pretty horse
> unbreakable grip
> needs your help

welp, hope you can hold your breath a long time underwater
No. 1069646 ID: 5760bf
File 169104281199.png - (698.73KB , 1071x1027 , nosocomephobia32.png )

What does the son looks like?

About your height- red hair, blue eyes... a very kind young man yes- Basilio was anything but kind, but other than that he fits the bill

Ensnarer: His name is Malcolm St MacArthur , but goes around telling people that name this... “Basilio” name, he says its for his radio show, and building a brand, I don’t know why he doesn’t use his real name it’s a very good name I chose it myself.

The ensnarer continues holding onto your arm, the red is touching you, there is red in her hair, there is red in her hooves, there is red in her hat; you feel your arm growing weak, it hurts; is this the blood rushing out of your arms somewhere else it won't be touched by red?

When Basilio pulled your arm, you felt a dull pain; she's not actively pulling yet you still feel it

"Astrid told me Basilio usually comes to the waiting room. He's not there now, but if you please go to the waiting room and wait for him there"

Ensnarer: “Oh the waiting room? i haven't seen any- oh dear, i came here for my eye treatments with Doctor Emerson, but it looks like there isn't anyone in there, ; i think we scheduled wrong or the Doctor couldn’t come...”

Basilio has been coming here for months, but never has appointments with Rosa; people don't go to hospitals for no reason

If she's going blind, it's likely he has to drive her here. Which also explains why he wasn't here for a bit as a result of whatever accident happened to him.

Strange things or not... She's blind and could trip and fall on the slippery floor back there

You decide to walk her to Rosa's office

She holds onto your arm as you would hold onto bus handles during a rocky trip, she's slow... frail

The red is touching you, her red... but she can't see farther than her nose; she's not an ensnarer, but someone lost and confused

Her grip: is not strong, at least compared to you, should you fall she'd fall she holds you not out of malice but out of need; you pass slowly through the wet floor area and enter the room

Basilio's Mom: Why thank you, that was very kind; i couldn't find my son or- well anyone really

"I'm sure you'll reunite with him when he returns. I'll send him to you if I find him"

She let's go, as you help her sit by the waiting area, alongside the sleeping deer, she smiles

You feel warmth in your heart

Your Erythrophobia has now lowered significantly, you feel like you can bring yourself to touch and let go of red things

Yet that question remains: Was the person that needed help from the message you saw in the mirror?

What will you do now?
No. 1069655 ID: 709d11

Go to the balcony and get some fresh air
No. 1069664 ID: 5760bf
File 169108719522.png - (702.96KB , 1282x915 , Nosocomephobia33.png )

You go to the balcony to get some fresh air

You move past the janitor, the halls, and walk past the bathrooms; there is a glass pane on the way; you open the glass door and there it is...

St Ives, Sclalan. you where born here, you have spent all your life here; you were just in time to see the sun setting on the horizon

St Ives is surrounded by a coast, sadly the water is too cold 10 months a year to go for a swim; the beaches are rocky, the older part of the city surrounds the coast: small fishing settlements, you live farther from the sea than the hospital, meaning you can't see you and your mom's appartment from here.

The fresh sea-breeze fills your lungs, soothing you, despite all you have seen today; the world on the outside looks tranquil; you know it will be waiting for you.

On the balcony there is also an ashtray with 3 cigarette stubs, on the floor there is what appears to be a pack of cigarettes... you don't smoke, however your mom does; you don't like the smell of tobacco smoke.
To the right there is something stuck on the hand rails, looks like a couple of papers.
No. 1069671 ID: f36708

It's obvious at this point that some of the things we've seen are typical. So much so that it doesn't even need to be said.
But a question to ask is "has anyone ever been able to interact with the things we see before?" the thing with the TV seemed odd even for us.
And then there's the question of the lack of doctors. And the one doctor we do see conveniently has a seizure not five minutes into our session with her. One is bad luck, two is inconvenient, But three?

Pick up the cigarette pack. Even if we don't smoke we might come across someone who does. Smoking is supposed to calm those people down even if it's not good for them.
No. 1069672 ID: 709d11

Take papers

Examine papers

No. 1069704 ID: e77304
File 169113283934.png - (216.05KB , 952x811 , Nosocomephobia34.png )

You pick up the cigarette pack; it's a standard Santa brand cigarette box, it looks exactly like the ones your mom smokes

It says 12 pack, however it's missing 3 cigarettes, probably the stubs left on the ashtray, there’s nothing more in the ashtray other than stubs and some cigarette ash

You pick up the paper stuck on the handrail; it's a folded note:

"D. i am sure that you have read the emails; but-
-i found broken pens again
to open a pen you need to twist and pull from the top side-
if you try to force it without twisting it will spill everywhere-
or in worst cases break please, i'm just looking out for you after all, we look out for each other
thank you :)"

There's no signatures, or anything on the back of the paper

There is also something tucked into the note, it looks and feels like some sort of film, instant camera film, it's black with a small white edge, you take that too

Let's see now we have: The cigarette box, the compact mirror Astrid gave us, the folded note and the film, you didn't have anything with you by the time you got to the consulting room.
No. 1069705 ID: e77304
File 169113285452.png - (285.75KB , 437x769 , Nosocomephobia35.png )

"has anyone ever been able to interact with the things we see before?"

Daley- Daley heard the CLICK the door makes when closed or opened, she then went in and found the consulting room empty; she came out with Rosa's clothes from the waist up, she said she's look for her, she hasn't returned...

Basilio- Basilio grew frustrated as you tried to change the channel with the strange remote, he snapped it from your hands and hurt you on the process, then he tried to change the channel and then-
His face and neck were impaled... no, no that can't be right, right? you were very distressed at the time

Astrid- Astrid saw the weird notes too, even read them out loud, you then asked Astrid to check on Basilio and then she froze- you pulled her back down, she claims she didn't saw anything

Basilio's Mom: She says her doctor is missing too; however, she is blind, even if something wrong happened around her she wouldn't have seen it, she was just lost and confused looking for Basilio or someone that could direct him to her

The wind blows... there's papers far away blowing in the wind; they're far beyond reach and the wind only blows them further away, eventually you lose sight of them.
No. 1069721 ID: a4eacb

I suposse we could:

1.- Check the bathrooms
2.- Check the right hall, with the elevator and stairs
3.- Check the other consulting rooms in this floor, Basilio's mom claims they're empty though
4.- Talk to someone: We have seen The Janitor, Astrid, Basilios Mom, The sleeping deer
If we talk to someone we should have a topic first
5.- Try something else
No. 1069730 ID: f36708

I'd say asking Astrid about where another TV on this floor is.
"Hey Astrid do you know where another TV floor on this floor is? Basilios mom is here on account of her appointment with Dr. Isaac being canceled. Also Basilios real name is Malcolm."
No. 1069811 ID: 15a025

Good idea. Basilio could have just went to find a different TV to watch.
No. 1069899 ID: 8f2693
File 169139262347.png - (666.39KB , 1178x963 , Nosocomephobia36.png )

You go over behind the counter, as soon as you see Astrid and that brush you get the scent of nail polish

It appears to be clear nail polish

Astrid: Oh hey...

Astrid stops talking for a second, but continues painting her nails

Astrid: Erin, right? what's up, who's your friend?

"Hey Basilios mom is here on account of her appointment with Dr. Isaac being canceled. Also Basilios real name is Malcolm."

Astrid: Oh alright, i'll keep an eye ou-

Astrid: Malcolm? She snickers

Astrid: That's gold, i have been trying to find some nicknames for that boob, that will make things easier

Astrid posture is terrible ; completely and utterly missing the backrest

"Astrid do you know where another TV floor on this floor is?"

Astrid: Oh we're the only place with a TV on this floor; so it's common for people waiting other doctors to come here, still haven't seen the remote

Astrid: Hmm i think they also have a tv in one of the consulting rooms aaaall the way in floor 4 or... was it 3? well one of those , there's also a shrink in there

Astrid: But there's lots of ways to kill time without TV: there's a radio on the floor just below this one; also, there's a doctor's lounge in the-

Astrid stops completely, then turns to look at you and then back at her nails as if she had just noticed you

Astrid: Erin, right? what's up, who's your friend?

Huh-? you just told her.
No. 1069904 ID: 934093

Astrid probably has a form of amnesia maybe. Hence the sticky notes.

Lets ask Astrid if we can please write her some sticky notes to remind her of Basilios' mom being here due to her appointment with Dr. Isaac being cancelled, and is waiting for her son.
No. 1069909 ID: f36708

"I suppose the sticky notes are for you huh?"

Honestly makes sense for the radio host to want to listen to radio instead of bad opinions on radio. So that's where he'd probably be.

Agree on leaving notes if she does have memory troubles.
No. 1069911 ID: f36708

In addition to a reminder about Basilios mom have Basilios real first name on the sticky note (not full name though , too much ammo)
No. 1069927 ID: 8f2693
File 169144714482.png - (975.29KB , 1830x1344 , Nosocomephobia37.png )

Maybe Astrid has some sort of short-term memory loss or amnesia; that could explain the large amount of notes and reminders, you point this out

Astrid: "Yeap you can never go wrong with things you write down, i had been using notebooks for this but i lost it- that or certain someone took it"
Astrid: "But i'm not going to forget how to breathe you know, started a few months ago, i know i should have it checked out but i keep forgetting teehe"

That sounds... concerning, but Astrid doesn't seem to mind

Looks like there are a few more since you went out:
Remember to use 3 coats!
Rosa went missing
Pick up your lumbar pillow on the way home
The takeout in the lounge's fridge is yours

"Astrid can you please write a reminder that Basilio's mom is here due her appointment being cancelled? she's waiting for her son, Malcolm"
Astrid: Oh so that's your friend sure! she doesn't look like she'd cause much trouble

Astrid sets the nail polish brush aside, and picks up a spare note, with the non-wet claws she writes it down the new reminder and sticks it with the rest:
Basilio's mom is here, her appointment with Dr Emerson was cancelled-
Basilio's real name is Malcolm

You thank her; she mutters something to herself as you move away

Astrid: where.. was that lounge? dammit-
No. 1069928 ID: 8f2693
File 169144716541.png - (882.94KB , 2917x1950 , Nosocomephobia38.png )

Hmmm true, Basilio does have really strong opinions on radio, and a very short temper let's check the right hall
You exit and move past the janitor and face the right hall, you see a radiator; it's kinda darker in here than in the other hall, it also feels warmer in here

To the left there's an elevator and a- bizarre warning sign
No. 1069929 ID: 8f2693
File 169144717119.png - (688.83KB , 1501x724 , Nosocomephobia39.png )

To the right there's the stairs going up and down, hey there's a small crack in there-
A pair of glasses on the floor.
No. 1069930 ID: 8f2693
File 169144718390.png - (217.90KB , 1000x1000 , FamiliarGlasses.png )

A familiar pair of glasses-, they're broken.

Where.. should we go?
No. 1069933 ID: f36708

Knowing our luck the elevators would turn out like the TV with it's buttons. No thank you.

Take the glasses and go down a floor. Basilio is likely there.
No. 1069938 ID: ae7cae

Take glasses. Examine crack.
No. 1069939 ID: ae7cae

Combine glasses with compact mirror to create mirrored glasses
No. 1069945 ID: e51896

The only person we know that wears round glasses so far around here is Daley.

I'm kinda tempted to suggest taking a peek through those glasses, to see the world through the eyes of whoever glasses those are...
No. 1069972 ID: 8f2693
File 169153793424.gif - (181.52KB , 1000x1000 , Nosocomephobia40.gif )

Avoid the elevators, that sounds- right; not only do they have buttons and things written on them, but there's that... sign next to them

Examine crack
Well, it's a crack on the wall, it wasn't here when you came here; it's too far up to see it closely, but there doesn't appear to be anything of note in it

The only person that we know that wears round glasses so far around here is Daley-
Of course! you knew there was something familiar about them, that's got to be it
Are these Daley's glasses? they do have that red brim on them...- also your mom doesn't wear glasses
You decide to pick them up.

You bend over the pick up the glasses-


You pricked yourself on the thumb with the broken glass; nothing serious
Instinctively you lick your wound, the bleeding stops immediatly, looks like it was very superficial

There is.. blood on the glasses now, on one of the lenses atleast, it is so little it's hard to see and it's almost dried up now, let's pick them out from the brim this time-
There are no markings or writing on the glasses, you wonder if you could use them like this- you continue examining the glasses.
No. 1069973 ID: 8f2693
File 169153795842.gif - (232.63KB , 400x506 , Nosocomephobia41.gif )


"No no no no no, why! please open please!"


No. 1069974 ID: 8f2693
File 169153798748.gif - (380.81KB , 559x754 , Nosocomephobia42.gif )

"Ugh... what?- my head- my- glasses"


"- who's there?"

"R-rosa? is that you-?"

No. 1069975 ID: 8f2693

The frame of the glasses falls off now it's just the brim
What was that?

Where did the lenses go? you try examining them again, you just looked deep into them and saw- that until the lenses fell off
That was clearly Daley but, who was- the other one?

You obtained: Glasses Frame
Mirrored glasses... wouldn't those just reflect your eyes back at you? huh-
Combine...?- you try this but the mirror is too big to fit even into a single one of the frames, let alone it would probably fall off instantly.
No. 1069976 ID: 8f2693
File 169153808450.png - (539.02KB , 1077x1188 , Nosocomephobia43.png )

You go down the stairs, you reach a wall, and turn to the left and then again; you see the floor below, you are facing the elevators- looks like there's some nurses talking in there, they haven't noticed you

Nurse 1: Yeah so i'm not sure if i should get horn reductions are they too.. pointy?
Nurse 2: Whaa no way! i'm jealous of your horns, i wish i had some
Nurse 2 takes an audible sip from the cup
Nurse 1: Kehehe if i could i'd give them to you,- also what you've got there?
Nurse 2: Oh it's mushroom cream, they ran out of veggie soup at the cafeteria and also there were no more bowls, forks, knives... weird day eh?- well good thing they still had cups
Nurse 1: You're.. downing cream like a drink?
Nurse 2: You don't?
No. 1069995 ID: f36708

That was... Definitely a vision.
And that thing we saw at the end of it looked a bit like us (which is impossible since the last time we saw her was after Rosa had a seizure).

Hope her glasses being there means that she ran away from whatever that was and not something worse. Better ask these people.

"Hey have either of you nurses seen a horse with a neck brace, A glasses less giraffe or a shirtless doctor? Things have been going weird for me in case you couldn't tell"
No. 1069998 ID: e51896

I think we're going to need a flashlight at some point, Daley looked to be in a dark area, and we wouldn't want to gain a fear of the dark. Janitor room might have one. Consider going there after we find the horse.

If we talk to the nurses, talk to nurse 2 more than 1, because she has no hooves.
No. 1069999 ID: 0f3f09

Ask the nurses if they've noticed anything strange going on
No. 1070039 ID: 8f2693
File 169171373240.png - (387.12KB , 870x1189 , Nosocomephobia44.png )

You saw Daley in a dark place- maybe finding a flashlight or a source of light at some point would be wise, you don't want to find yourself in the same situation without anything to see with right?

The nurses spot you as you move closer, they stop talking for a moment,

One of them gasps and clutches tightly to her chest, some of that hot mushroom cream gets onto the floor

Nurse 2: CHRIST- what the hell? what-
Nurse 1 laughs, Nurse 2 however looks clearly distressed
Nurse 2 : Did you see that?
Nurse 1: See what? Clarice you're just too easy to scare, i think you scared her too
Nurse 2: I.. i uh-

Clarice takes deep breaths, eventually she closes her eyes
Clarice: Oh sorry- i just... i though you were someone else , don't worry

After this Clarice stops looking at you, the other nurse is still laughing at the interaction
"Hey... have either of you have seen:"

They turn to look at you, still eating, you decide to focus on the second nurse, Clarice

"A horse with a neck brace?"

Nurse 1 frowns, and shows her teeth, you see it from your peripheral view, she sounds angry- you are glad you are not looking at her

Nurse 1: That creep with the weird shirt? why yes, he's only been hitting on me for the last few months, next time i see him I'd like to share a hot cup of coffee with him, right to his face

Clarice: Now don't get like that Farrah she's just asking a question

Clarice: I think his name is Basilio- he keeps mentioning that, he was following Farrah and me a while ago and trying to tune into a radio station with the radio down the hall - i paged Farrah to fake an emergency and we lost sight of him; went to the cafeteria and when we came back he was gone.

Farrah: He also had this tv remote, probably stole it.

You explain that you're not his friend. Whoever her mom who is blind asked you to look for him so they can go home.

The nurses look at each other, Clarice gives you a sympathetic look, they don't know where he is right now

It's weird to feel some kind of relief from knowing Basilio has been seen since you last saw him-

"A glasses-less giraffe"?

Clarice and Farrah laugh, Farrah spits her food back into that takeout box, you avoided another unpleasant sight.

Clarice: Well i'd say most giraffes are glasses-less, we see alot of giraffes, i think one works upstairs; she definitely wears glasses- haven't seen her today though

"A shirtless doctor?"

Farrah: You mean Clarice's bachelorette party?

Clarice blushes and shrinks on her shoulders, she hides her face behind one one her hands

Farrah: Kehe- but other than that no, i wish; would make things more interesting around here


"Noticed anything strange?"

The nurses look at each other

Farrah: Well, that- guy on the neck brace that follows me around whenever he's here, he's pretty strange i guess, but i've seen him many times before

Clarice: The cafeteria today is kinda weird, there was no new food, just yesterday's food- all the dishes and utensils were dirty - i found a clean cup though

Farrah: You know every day the food is reheated right?

Clarice: Yes but this time there was no one, i served and reheated it myself; and that doesn't explain the dishes, maybe whoever had cleaning duty didn't come today?

Farrah: I hate cafeteria food- i forgot my lunch today, luckily some dolt forgot this box of takeout in the lounge's fridge , saw it in the morning and saw it in the afternoon so that means it becomes public property

You tried interacting, and focusing more on Nurse 2; Clarice

You can manage a conversation, as well as being seen, you fear however being seen by multiple people- like back at the waiting room when you first got here.
No. 1070040 ID: 435f13

Who did she think you were??
No. 1070060 ID: f36708

Did... I remind you of my mom? Her names Barbara if you know it. Why is that scary?

Also if you see Daley or Rosa could you go and tell Astrid they're ok? She's the tall gator lady (who's lunch your eating right now) in the dress. I think she was worried about them a bit.
No. 1070177 ID: 15a025

Perhaps is Basilio is alright, hopefully that means Rosa is also alright.

Thanks the nurses for their time, and get back to searching for Basilio, it seems we're on the right track with things.
No. 1070520 ID: 4700ee
File 169273845403.png - (798.69KB , 790x1033 , Nosocomephobia45.png )

"Who did you think i was?"
Clarice: H-huh
The nurse looks distressed as she tries to remember; you didn't even jump out from the darkness, nor speak loudly
Farrah: Hmmm...
"Did i remind you of my mom? Her name is Barbara if you know it.
Farrah:"AH YES Barbara, Barbie, Babs! i knew it!- the head nurse's name it had slipped my mind, didn't know she had children"

You feel shivers down your spine

"Head nurse?"
Farrah: Yes- please don't tell her we where eating outside the cafeteria, gosh she has eyes everywhere doesn't she? also tell her i said hi

"She's not here today, i was actually hoping to call her to pick me up-, but why is that scary?"

Clarice looks in the verge of tears, she avoids looking at you

You feel a cold tingling sensation on your back

Farrah: Well imagine if you found your boss on the day you are supossed not to see them, when you are not following instructions, if i had been paying attention i might have jumped too ha- ah and Clarice is just easy to scare, don't worry about that

Well, you work in a video rental store, most of the time you are watching movies when there's no one around, your boss doesn't show up often; but that's not important.

Clarice is shivering, she seems to try to look behind her at times; behind her there's only that... elevator.
No. 1070521 ID: 4700ee
File 169273853072.png - (445.53KB , 897x926 , Nosocomephobia46.png )

You think about mom
Dr Barbara Nocla- DNP (Doctor in Nursing Practice)

She is your mom, works in this hospital, but not today
You could call her if you find a phone somewhere; your home's phone number is: -44- 47 21 996
There is a clear resemblance: same fur, eye and hair color, however she is taller, and has longer hair, also she wears glasses- black frame, you've seen them up close and they have a writting with a brand; the glasses you found are defenitely not hers

Mom doesn't tell you much about what happens at work... why would she? unless she wanted to purpossefully upset you
Apparently she's strict regarding food contamination
She is Rosa's friend; and a "head nurse" there's nothing you find- particularly scary or wrong about your mom other than that she smokes like a chimney, she's the kind of person that doesn't get angry, just really dissapointed, atleast with you
Given she's the head nurse it's likely most nurses will atleast know her

You stop thinking about mom.
No. 1070522 ID: 4700ee
File 169273854078.png - (243.70KB , 1296x879 , Nosocomephobia47.png )

"If you see Daley or Rosa could you go and tell Astrid they're ok?"
Farrah: I know Rosa- she works upstairs, i don't know any Astrids or Daleys
"She's the tall gator lady in the dress, at Rosa's reception- who'se lunch you're eating right now- and Daley is the receptionist that works upstairs in the mornings"

Farrah: OH those! thooose girls... right- err
Farrah: They're kinda weird

Pointing out she's eating Astrid's lunch doesn't stop her from eating

Clarice: S-sure then-

You thank the nurses for their time; after all they are on their break, you don't think they exactly want to be talking about work, for the time being they go back to eating, you turn around

This floor seems to have a directory; the floor above only has a sign with the various doctors in the floor, of which you only know Rosa
Floor 7, where you came from appears to be "Outpatient clinics", you know outpatient clinics don't have wards or beds in them; only consulting rooms/equipment; outpatients are just meant to go for a consultation and then go home, like you

This floor appears to be Cardiology- one of the nurses said Basilio was here earlier, messing with a radio somewhere in this floor, the nurses aren't sure where he is right now, or if he is even on this floor; but since you just came from upstairs it's likely he didn't go back up

Behind you are the nurses, they appear to have stopped talking; presumably until you move away, you there's that disgusting slurping sound again

You feel a warm, horrid feeling just being near this sign; there is a dripping noise coming from somewhere near you

Where should we go?
No. 1070523 ID: 8c0e3f

Follow the signs to A Dark Place. Let's get this show on the road.
No. 1070524 ID: 8f9bc4

This is the Cardiology floor. The Dark Place floor is below and that's where you came from.

Do you have horns? That shadow has horns. Is it not your shadow?
No. 1070580 ID: f36708

I mean he's likely still somewhere on this floor right? No reason not to atleast check the radio down the hall. Maybe we could even find a flashlight somehow.
No. 1070669 ID: e781de
File 169286110303.gif - (841.86KB , 1296x879 , Nosocomephobia48.gif )

This is the cardiology floor, as it reads on the sign- and the Dark Place is somewhere below apparently, you're pretty sure when you came here you moved downstairs: you were on the 7th floor, and now you're on the 6th floor

Horns? no you don't have horns, nor grotesquely long arms

That can't be right- that must be the shadow from that gazelle nurse behind you- right?

Looks like you can't decide between: Following the signs to A Dark Place, or exploring this floor, you check your surroundings

The spaces between floors seem to be dark, but for the floor below but it's noticeably darker

Even getting close you cannot seem to see anything other than deep darkness, if we go there you wouldn't even be able to look where you are going to step.

No. 1070670 ID: e781de
File 169286112166.gif - (0.95MB , 1076x997 , Nosocomephobia49.gif )

On the other hand there's this floor: Cardiology

There are two connected doors that lead further into the hall, a large sign reading CARDIOLOGY and there's-

You're not sure what that... is, there is something in there; it sits in complete stillness ; there's a grotesque pulsing sound coming from it

No. 1070677 ID: f36708

Well that... Looks like a figure in a dress holding their hand to their hips. But all fleshy and stuff.
First things first. Mirror it and the cardiology sign if you can. Then move slowly in to examine it.
No. 1070686 ID: 8f9bc4

It's a heart. Or the heart, rather, since nothing has two hearts. You didn't know the hospital had even one heart though. Hospitals aren't people. Maybe it's some kind of heart machine. Hospitals can have machines.

Hearts are gross, but all they do is pump blood, so if you don't break it open, you should be fine. Anyway the two doors go to the same place. Is the radio there? Try going past the heart.

Don't go into the Dark Place without having a light.
No. 1070698 ID: e781de
File 169290567167.png - (407.39KB , 785x763 , Radial.png )

That thing- looks like some kind of fleshy humanoid figure; it appears there is a heart in there, as well as some letters in its body
"B" "A" "O" "AB"?

The letters seem to be pulsing as well, you're not sure if that makes a word
Is this the... heart of the hospital? is this the thing where that horrid red stuff you see around is coming from?
The pulses you hear must be the pumping of that creature; the dripping sound must also be coming from there

First you try the mirror on the sign, you turn around and point it to the CARDIOLOGY sign

It only reads CARDIOLOGY backwards, nothing else
You then point it at- the figure, and you see a closeup of whatever that is

Ram Sam Sam
Ram Sam Sam
Just try to take us apart~
Ram Sam Sam
Ram Sam Sam
There are 4 chambers to the heart!
"W-what?" that thing just spoke, it doesn't seem to have a visible mouth, yellow pustules form around it as it speaks

I can be your guardian angel
I can be your closest friend
Feed me nurses feed me horse
Feed me rabbit feed me coarse

Tell them to look at me.
I’ll rid of them, I'll let you be!
This... thing is not attacking you; it wants you to make the nurses turn towards it
You feel there is something wrong about this, however it claims it can be your "Guardian angel"
That doesn't look like an angel at all.

Seeing its reflection, you see something bleeding into the lower case of the mirror; it looks like a heart-
Hearts are gross.

Still that figure is not- blocking the entrance; nothing stops you from going past it, the doors are next to each other, right or left; they look like they go to the same place

1) Enter one of the doors? pick between Right or Left
2) "Feed" the nurses to Radial? apparently you can do this if you make them turn towards it, you're not sure what feeding entails
3) Try something else?

In your inventory you have: A pack of cigarettes, a compact mirror with a- "heart", "camera film" and broken glasses: no lenses
No. 1070703 ID: 8f9bc4

B A O and AB are different types of blood. They don't matter.

> is this the thing where that horrid red stuff you see around is coming from?

It wants the horse though, and both horses you have seen are already red. Perhaps this thing is where all the red is going, not where it's coming from. If it is a heart, then blood will be coming and going.

Anyway, you don't have the horse to feed it. She in the waiting room upstairs, and you don't know where her son is currently. You could feed it the rabbit nurse, but do you want that thing to be your closest friend? It is definitely very, very red.

What will it do if you leave it alone? You need to get past it at any rate.

> right or left

The left chambers of the heart are where the blood comes full of oxygen from the lungs, then goes to the rest of the body. The right chambers are where the empty blood comes from the rest of the body, and goes into the lungs. So if you are in the rest of the hospital, you probably need to go into the right door, and come out from the left.
No. 1070710 ID: a80609

Ward off the creature by holding up the pack of smokes like a crucifix. Smoking is really bad for your heart so it should be afraid.
No. 1070711 ID: a80609

I also agree with taking the right hand door.
No. 1070738 ID: f36708

Suppose this is the "it" that Astrid was reminding herself to not look at huh?
I mean it hasn't really given us any reason as to why we would care about it being our "guardian angel" now has it?
"Just try to take us apart~" Is this thing taunting us?
Honestly wish we had something to light the cigarettes with. Bet those'd deal with it right quick.

Atleast make an attempt to move past if only to see how it reacts.
No. 1070989 ID: 15a025

I almost wonder what would happen if it looked directly at it's own reflection.

Try to walk past it and go through the right door.
No. 1071244 ID: e781de
File 169338154485.png - (162.44KB , 1393x794 , Nosocomephobia50.png )

How very clever,
Hearts do not produce blood , they pump it through the body, but ultimately blood comes from the marrow
Assuming... this thing is a heart; it looks like a heart. It claims to be something else.

"It" made you an offer, but you don't seem to want to take it; you don't want to be near this thing; nor follow you around.
Could this be the "it" that Astrid was reminding herself not to look?
You can look at it; its presence unnerves you; but other than that, you don't feel any sort of danger just from gazing at it
You wonder what would happen if "it" looked directly at its own reflection
Pulling the mirror closer that thing doesn't seem to notice it

It dawns on you; this thing doesn't have any eyes ; how does it even know you are here? it has some sort of orifice; but it must be the mouth; when you move it doesn't seem to follow your gaze
The still figure looks fleshy, malformed, somewhat malnourished.
Perhaps this thing is.. incomplete in some manner; or starving.

Presenting the cigarettes, in the shape of a cross doesn't seem to make it move either
The "angel" is unmoving; as you move close it doesn't seem to impede your progress, still you keep a distance from it for safety
You can hear it, the beating, the dripping sounds; it knows you are here, but it doesn't seem to have any sort of manner to reach you

A part of you wants to hurt it, however you have nothing in your person that makes it have a reaction, you wish you had something to harm it...

Eventually you make it to the right door; why the right? well.

You seem to remember your biology classes very well; the right ventricle connects directly with the lungs
-Right? Why does it matter the doors are next to each other; does it really matter?

You feel a cold tingling sensation down your spine


This door is kind of heavy; it takes both hands to push it open; but it budges, you make it inside

The first thing you notice is the cold, an eroding, humid cold reminiscent of winter sea breeze

The floor seems to be... metallic; it's dark in here but not as dark as the darkness coming from downstairs; we should check somewhere else for a source of light-


What? the door closed behind you, you try to pull it open again, it's not budging

Without the light of the hallway this place is even darker, you can't see anything, you continue pulling, trying to find the handle; there is no handle, just a metallic wheel

You hear steps coming closer, you stop pulling the door

There is... someone in there
No. 1071245 ID: e781de
File 169338156296.png - (434.37KB , 1393x794 , Nosocomephobia51.png )

flick.. flick a metallic sound comes from the figure

The steps become closer, your back to the wall, you can't run anywhere else, the halls are narrow, you feel your heart racing as your face grows pale


A light... the flicking was coming from a lighter, you feel too tense to even scream

There is a man in a- sailor outfit standing before you, there's an “SC” embroidered to it, he looks at you

SC: Do you want to get us all killed?

"What? i just-"

SC: Shhhh-

SC points behind you and into the door you came from and hands you the lighter; placing it on your palm, you hold onto it, he goes to check the door: it looks like a water-tight door; with a valve and a foggy glass; you can't see beyond the glass

The "window" is pretty far up; SC places an ear to the door and seems to try to listen for something



SC: Safe, we got lucky; next time. maybe not so lucky, yes

SC snatches the lighter from your hands back and sits on the edge of the door; his legs are shaking, likely from the cold of this place, you find yourself rubbing your arms, you are glad you brought a sweater today

"Do- you work here? i was just looking for someone- have you seen a"

SC: Lady i haven't seen anyone in days , the radio is busted; i could fix it but i can't see a damn thing in there, i don't really want to risk pulling something and making a loud sound

"Days? risk? what are you talking about?"

SC: The sound , the sound lady; it draws them.

SC: We are safe just talking, but the sounds of objects draws them to you .

SC points at one of the doors

SC: You see those doors right? they have a closing mechanism , no matter how slowly you open them, they will eventually close by themselves, and when they do they make a noise, i tried putting something to keep them open, but things either crack or slip, and you get a sudden noise.

No. 1071247 ID: e781de
File 169338195589.png - (342.02KB , 1114x869 , Nosocomephobia52.png )

"i- don't understand, draws who? Where are we?"

SC: We are in a deck that spans for roughly 3.92 kilometers, mostly watertight doors, hallways, empty cabins and various utility rooms.

I don't remember how i got here, but when i remember it being well lit, i found a radio and tried radioing for help; at first someone told me they were coming, gave the coordinates, tried everything on the manual-

Eventually they stopped responding.

That's when it started, the dripping.

I turned off the lights to save power, the dwindling meter was eating at me, i have come to regret it greatly, in the end it allowed roughly an extra day of heating

I started hearing noises, scurrying, gurgling, rattling... i though they were rats, i made sure to close every container tight

Until i saw one of them, i was just returning to my cabin after trying to fix the radio and i saw a figure standing in complete stillness, it looked like a rabbit, i used my flashlight but it didn't seem to notice.

I stepped closer and so did it.

And then again; i saw... i saw it's face, i knew there was something wrong with that person, it lurged at me, spilling it's guts out, I threw my flashlight at it and managed to stick a mop at the door valve to impede it’s path; then i rushed to my cabin and passed out
When i woke up i realized i would eventually need to find food, water; i moved slow, made it to the kitchen
The door i had blocked, was torn open.
Now i move from deck to deck; trying to open as little doors as possible, there are crawlspaces for that, whenever i hear that gurgling i know one is close
So far I have noticed there are at the very least 2 different ones: one of them has [b] grotesquely long ears, green eyes; the other has horns covered in red veins, yellow eyes.

I'm sure there's more than one; food is growing scarce, i don't plan to look for food for you; you can have my scraps after i eat

"... do you mean the nurses? i saw one of them just back then, also are we not in St Ives Hospital?"

SC laughs, refusing to look at you

SC: Nurses, hadn't thought of that, sure call them that, i don't care.
SC: I think you are confused; you don’t even know where you are right? Why don’t you take a look outside? Actually, scratch that you’d probably fall, or even worse, let in more cold.
SC: You got one thing right, this is a hospital, i think, there's plenty of hospital equipment.

SC: I think there is someone else in here; there's been a lot of noise coming from above, the sounds of hooves against the floor , you don't have those so i can discard you

You turn to look at the door where you came from

SC: Actually... now that you are here, i have an idea; you could hold my lighter while i fix the radio, you could even help me find some tools hmm.

SC seems to be thinking of something

SC: You don't mind crawlspaces, right? you're pretty light frame i bet you could fit into any crawlspace in here; even the one leading to the workshop

Crawlspaces... no you don't- you don't want to enter a crawlspace, let alone in this place

SC: Come on talk to me lady, i'll keep an ear out, but we need to keep moving or we'll sink, we can think of options.

SC is moving further down the halls, as he moves away you feel colder, that lighter must have been keeping you warm, on each door SC passes by, he stops to place an ear to it; before moving forward, he only seems to do it on the doors to the left , after checking each door he mutters “safe” before moving to the next, you still stand at the door you entered from; you can hear the sound of metal under pressure and rushing liquids to your sides.

You're not sure what's worse, the cold, the confusion or the fear.
No. 1071260 ID: 435f13

Light up a cigarette. If you're inside a monster's lungs you'll hurt it. If you're inside a hospital and just hallucinating maybe the smell of smoke will attract help.
No. 1071261 ID: 435f13

Don't smoke it though just wave it around.
No. 1071262 ID: 435f13

Also try to go back the way you came
No. 1071263 ID: f36708

I literally just came from the seventh floor of a hospital building. Where'd you come from and how did you get here?

Hooves? I think that might be Malcolm or his blind mother.

Also do you smoke? (while offering a cigarette).
No. 1071264 ID: f36708

Also yes hold the lighter. We need some form of light and this is probably as good as it'll get now. Examine it a bit too.
No. 1071266 ID: 435f13

I think I'm figuring out how this place works.

You are an empath. You see the world how the people around you experience it. When you're alone with someone it's stronger. Notice how the world is most "normal" when there's more than one person (because there's consensus).

Things like glasses and mirrors show the world how their owners perceive things (or in the case of the mirror, perhaps the opposite?).

Writing in the environment reflects the gestalt emotions of the hospital at large.

Your companion is probably feeling pretty severe anxiety related to his heart condition so the world around him is very dark and scary.

Offering him a smoke will probably calm him down momentarily, but smoking is probably what got him in here (he definitely smokes, hence the lighter).

If you can calm him down things will probably brighten up a bit.
No. 1071278 ID: 8f9bc4

You did take a look outside and you didn't fall. Why would you fall? There was a railing. There was a pretty sunset too.

It sounds like the people he was with started getting strange too. Tell him the nurses seemed safe. The one wanted to get less pointy horns and they were eating mushroom soup not people, but their boss is very strict, and might be dangerous. Don't tell him it was your mom, because your mom is not here; she's waiting for you to call her at home, so what the nurses saw must have been something else.

You need to enter a crawlspace, just to enter it. Then you climb out of it again, and enter it again. That's how to stop being afraid of crawlspaces, to test them for safety.

For now just hold his lighter for him. If he called for help with the radio, maybe you can call your mom to come pick you up.
No. 1071495 ID: 15a025

Light up a cigarette for a small bit of extra light. Introduce yourself to SC.
No. 1073883 ID: a09d40
File 169632605718.png - (1.31MB , 2000x1355 , Nosocomephobia53.png )

>yes hold the lighter
>for now hold the lighter

SC hands you back the lighter, he keeps pressing his face to one of the doors
You obtained: Lighter

>Examine it too
What a weird lighter, it's rather heavy and elongated; it's metallic but painted over in blue paint, you've never seen this brand before
There is something engraved on the bottom
"N 5 N?" "N S N?" "Z ∽ Z?" there is no other visible branding, it's a bit rusty, the flame is kinda small but the lighter seems functional
No. 1073884 ID: a09d40
File 169632607614.png - (957.09KB , 1488x2000 , Nosocomephobia54.png )

>Also try to go back the way you came

You turn around, SC doesn’t even seem to notice, he keeps pressing his face to doors and walking hugging the walls, muttering “safe” or “yes” before moving on
You reach the door you came from
Why is it like that? It has a handle but also some sort of wheel/valve, the valve doesn’t move left or right at all
You push the door, while holding to the handle, almost instinctively
It doesn’t budge at all- you try pulling
It feels so heavy- it opens a little before it comes back
It’s definitely not locked, but no matter how much you pull you can’t get it to open any more, you can’t even fit your fingers inside

There’s a window in there, it’s so dark, no matter from what angle you look at it, it stays like that, you try defogging it with your sleeve, it feels cold to the touch

>light up a cigarette
>don't smoke it
>light up a cigarette for more light

You light up a cigarrete it’s taking longer than expected to get lit, you blow on it until finally it’s lit, you raise it and wave it around
There it is!, the door closer SC mentioned, you couldn't see it in the dark
There is... something wrapped around the clamps of the closer, that must be what’s blocking the door, you can barely reach it if you tiptoe, it’s too strong to rip it off with your claws, that’s not rope
What the hell kind of knot is that? You try the usual: finding one of the ends, one of them seems to be metallic, the knot goes around and ends again inserted in the metallic part
That shouldn't have been there before, when you came in the door was heavy, how did you open it then?
There is a silence, you are standing in the darkness, as soon as you lit it up it has been strangely quiet, does it mean it’s working?
On the ceiling there are strange blue pipes; you can’t reach them

An idea, you take out an unlit cigarette and stick it in the small opening; that way you can identify the door should you come back here, you still have a burning cigarette in your hand, from time to time you feed the flame with the lighter effectively producing a stronger light and some warmth, however its now up to the filter, maybe you exposed it to too much flame... you discard it before it reaches your hand

Where did SC go? You can’t hear him muttering anymore, you can’t hear anything
No. 1073885 ID: a09d40
File 169632612544.png - (1.47MB , 953x1649 , Ommetaphobia.png )

>follow SC
>introduce yourself to SC

You can’t see where he went, but he was moving hugging the left wall, there are so many doors- they all look the same, good thing you marked your door
You move slowly with a hand to the left wall, after a while walking you see him kneeling over a door, looking at you
SC: There you are, i though you had died lassie.

SC smiles: I’m joking- i could see you all the way there, you noticed the doors are trapped right? also keep your distance
SC: don’t lose the doors, it’s a long way to go all the way around, some lead to empty halls, with no point of egress, that’s a trap if I’ve seen one
“Err, i’m Erin what is your name?”
SC stops moving, not looking at you, it takes long enough you feel like asking again
Enesen: Enesen
“Enesen can you open a door for me?”
Enesen: Opening doors is dangerous, which door?
You point to the door you came from “The one back there, it’s the ex-”
Enesen interrupts: Erin do you have any food?
Enesen: We need to find food first
He continues moving

> I literally just came from the seventh floor of a hospital building. Where'd you come from and how did you get here?
Enesen: You see, I was on a boat.
You wait, expecting him to elaborate, but after a while he continues moving hugging the wall

“...and what happened then?”

Enesen: Well I was just finishing fixing up a fuel pump and then someone hit me in the back of the head, I couldn’t see who was it
I was in a bed, my bed, I kept losing slipping in and out from consciousness, my head and chest were killing me from the pain, I have stitches on the back of my head
Then- at a moment I was able to stand up, no one was coming for me, but as soon as I went out of the door I got hit again and passed out
Woke up in this weird place, like I said it used to be well lit, it’s like a maze of doors and hallways, there’s a kitchen there’s room with various equipment-
There was someone here, someone horrible who kept trying to mess with my face and eyes, i couldn't see the face it was like looking up and only seeing a neck no matter how much you looked up; those monsters out there, i think they were sent by that person

Enesen appears to be extremely distressed by the idea of having his eyes "messed with" or touched

>Tell him the nurses seemed safe
Enesen: Nurses... why do you call them that?
“...I was just talking with them-”
Enesen: I think you’re mistaking them lassie, i don't think they can even speak, they just make a weird noise
Are you sure you didn’t fall to get here? I haven’t seen any stairs
“i didn’t fall from anywhere- err what happened to the lights, didn’t you said you turned them off?”

Enesen: Right we had this counter, that kept going down each day; I already was worrying about the food, that can’t be good, I can’t find what it’s connected to
This is not a ship, atleast not my ship, I recognize the movements, there is no air current in this place, the outside looks all messed up im not going there again
I'm not sure what we’re running out of other than food but running out of anything isn’t a good idea

There was a lass on the radio who has been helping me and telling me how to survive in this place, she said she was going to pick me up but I think something went wrong
She told me about the breaker; I simply pulled it down, and the lights have been out since
I think... it was a bad idea, why would she tell me that?
I can’t find the breaker again, have you seen a breaker?
“I haven’t seen any breakers”
Enesen continues moving

Enesen shivers at random times

“Where are we going?”

Enesen: Forward you will help me with the radio right?
No. 1073886 ID: a09d40
File 169632616383.png - (1.28MB , 1996x920 , Nosocomephobia55.png )

> If he called for help with the radio, maybe you can call your mom to come pick you up.

The nurses and Astrid said there was a radio in this floor
But that’s right he said he was calling for help!, you can’t communicate or have a conversation on a radio unless it’s both a receiver and a transmitter

It’s strange you’d find something like that in here, but that sounds important, you would very much want to call mom
Enesen reaches a door, he looks at it for a moment
Enesen: Ninety-four it’s this one
He pulls the door open and waits for you to enter, you use the lighter to look forward

This looks like a cafeteria, a rundown cafeteria
“Alright where is the radio?”
Enesen: No no that isn’t here
Enesen: I’m starving I'm getting some food first, so your food would be second priority
“I'm not hungry-”

The door closes behind him as he enters
-This place is a mess, there are spoons and forks littering the floor, no knives in sight

-There is a bar with food in there! … well nevermind there’s only herbivore food in there, an assortment of grasses, hay, , and some empty trays
Grass is a good source of fiber you have heard, but a carnivore can’t get energy from that, same goes for hay- atleast as far as you have read, you have never tried it

-There are tables, chairs none of them are bolted to the ground

-A strange hole in the wall behind the “salad” bar you figure you could fit in there just barely
No. 1073887 ID: a09d40
File 169632619092.png - (295.62KB , 732x598 , Nosocomephobia56.png )

-There is a sink with a running faucet, that liquid whatever that is looks disgusting, more sludge

-Various cups in that cupboard, no plates in sight, there is also a bottle of “LYE” below the sink

-A microwave... it’s disconnected, the stickers on the buttons are all peeled off, there is nothing inside the microwave but the tray, above the microwave is a bottle of instant coffee

-Enesen is searching the trash, sticking his hands and moving it around

“I think there should be some dehydrated eggs around here, hmm no, no”
No. 1073888 ID: a09d40
File 169632626837.png - (1.68MB , 1527x1287 , Nosocomephobia57.png )

>Do you smoke?

>Offer him a smoke
The other cigarette you used for light got all used up, you take another one and light it up
Enesen: Where’d you get that? Doesn't matter why yes, I could use one actually

He picks up the cigarette and takes it to his mouth, taking a puff, the light clears up his face a little, and the area behind him
You can now see there is- something written behind him

Enesen: That’s better- what's the matter lassie why the long face?
You don’t comment
Enesen: No food in here but this will do, let me finish this and we’ll get to the workshop in no time

Enesen is now in the corner smoking that cigarette, he’s distracted

What should we do?
No. 1073893 ID: 6f5924

So Enesen probably got injured on a ship and then taken to the hospital while unconscious. The "long neck" monster he's describing is probably the giraffe nurse.

Enesen's name sounds like "Ensign," a Naval officer rank. However, he's wearing Crackerjacks like an enlisted sailor.

The blue pipes on the ceiling are evocative of veins. Veins carry deoxygenated blood back to the lungs to receive oxygen. If you follow them they'll probably take you somewhere important.

Ensen's head seems pretty fucked up so the empathetic world you're stuck in is also really fucked up.

First order of business while he's distracted: get that knife. You'll need it to defend yourself if he becomes violent.

If you can you might be able to use the knife to cut the knot keeping you trapped here.

Try to find anything that will help you make noise or signal the outside.
No. 1074060 ID: f36708

How about we don't antagonize the paranoid cat man. If we went for the knife that he hid he'd assume we meant to harm him. Take a fork. Less suspicious that way
"So you were a sailor before you got here? What was that like?"
Let's check out the hole with the lighter before we decide on anything involving it.
No. 1074296 ID: 15a025

Taking the knife is probably going to freak him out even more. He might even question how we knew it was there to begin with.

Use the light and check out the little hole.
No. 1074298 ID: 435f13

Take the knife when he's not looking obvs.
No. 1074313 ID: f36708

I doubt the dudes going to take his eyes off of the only person here. He seems too paranoid for that.
No. 1074316 ID: 435f13

Well if you do find yourself unsupervised, get the knife.
No. 1075014 ID: 9fbc97
File 169770804346.png - (552.93KB , 864x876 , Nosocomephobia58.png )

You decide to not reach below the table

You think of reaching for a fork at the floor, there are none immediately close to you, only spoons of which you don’t believe could be any use, where are the forks? You saw some when you entered

>Enesen's name sounds like "Ensign," a Naval officer rank. However, he's wearing Crackerjacks like an enlisted sailor.
>"So you were a sailor before you got here? What was that like?"

“So you’re a sailor? How is that like, are you enlisted?

Enesen: Enlisted in the Naval Secretariat yes, as a coast guard.
I'm what's called a "salty", that's coast guards assigned to boats, that live in-quarters, most of the day, we just read, wash dishes or play cards, if anything needs fixing im the one called, I don’t have a technical degree but ive learned from just reading manuals
Coast guards are to respond to missing persons, humanitarian aid after flood seasons, drug busts, setting up buoys, emergencies in the open sea or emergencies in other vessels, however the vessel im in is mostly used for patrolling areas prone to illegal fishing of shrimp during breeding season and protection of endangered Totoaba

"Es.. Cee" Sclalan Coast-guard? is that your tag means then?

Enesen: The what now lassie?

"The "S.C" in your uniform" you point to it, he looks down, and then back at you, he seems confused

Enesen: What the hell?

SC pinches his fingers and begins scratching that embroidered patch, it comes off relatively easy thanks to the claws

Enesen: That isn't mine, we can't put anything in our uniforms, gross- this thing is sticky

SC crumples that patch and places it on his pocket

Enesen: "Where did it come from?"

"You had it since i first saw you, i though you knew"

Enesen doesn't respond, he seems shocked then again he always looks that way
No. 1075015 ID: 9fbc97
File 169770807163.png - (193.49KB , 377x483 , Nosocomephobia59.png )

>Use light to check the hole

This hole is rectangular, the shape looks rather well done, it must be part of the room, some sort of vent or drain, it has a weird positioning, you have to move aside various utensils, again no knives, in order to kneel and take a look down, you pocket one of the utensils a fork

Enesen: “I don’t think you can stomach grass like that lassie, believe me I’ve tried”

Dammit, he noticed: but at least he took it lightly, you think

You reach down and peek inside, using the lighter you see a narrow passage, there is a small uphill section followed by a straight path, at least as far as you can see, there is a rather thin blue... cable? No wait it’s not connected to anything on this side, up close this looks more like a hose

>The blue pipes on the ceiling are evocative of veins. Veins carry deoxygenated blood back to the lungs to receive oxygen. If you follow them they'll probably take you somewhere important.

There’s, blue pipes on the ceiling but also on the floor here... the one in the floor seems very small, you can’t see what’s at the end of wherever this leads

Enesen: Mhm that's the workshop, i can't fit through there

"How do you know it's a workshop?"

Enesen: I used to have a flashlight, could see cables, the bottom of boxes, alligator clamps, either a workshop or an utility room I'd guess

Enesen: The radio is broken; the wires have been cut; if you do find something in there bring it over here, won’t you? I'll watch your back from this side

Should you go in there? at the very least it should lead to whatever these veins are connected to, Enesen is physically incapable of entering there

And if you do, what is the best possible way to not be overcome by claustrophobia? maybe you can think of a way to advance while keeping the fear at minimum
No. 1075027 ID: db0882

Definitely crawl in there.

Maybe crawl briefly in and out once to prove to yourself you won't get stuck. Then you won't be afraid of getting stuck later.

Alternatively, you could go in feet first so that you're always looking out of the hole and don't feel as confined
No. 1075202 ID: f36708

A weird thing to be disturbed over but knowing this place there's probably a decent reason for his shock.

Go in. But keep extra in mind what he said about watching your back. If you feel the need to get out you can always yell and he'd probably pull you back. There IS an escape IF you want it.
No. 1075230 ID: 8f9bc4

It might help to close your eyes. Feeling your way through a tunnel will make you more aware of its size, and reassure you of just where the tunnel walls are.
No. 1075239 ID: 15a025

I like the idea of crawling in and then back out. Get comfortable with the feeling of the tunnel, knowing you can easily back out any time if you need to. Once you feel safe, press on forward!
No. 1075609 ID: 9fbc97
File 169826838756.png - (144.62KB , 377x408 , Nosocomephobia60.png )

>Crawl in briefly in and out to prove you won't get stuck
>Feel the way through

You crawl, the only way you can fit in there is by both extending your arms and laying down on the floor: at all times your arms, back, abdomen are touching both sides of the walls, ceiling and floor respectively, you can’t even bend your shoulders lightly
Despite this you are able to move: you can’t lift your legs at all but you can push yourself further in, the metal feels cold to the touch, but luckily the only exposed part touching it is your tail and hands whenever you hold onto the walls
You confirmed, you can fit fully inside, but just barely, you move out

>You can always yell and he'd probably pull you back:
>Go feet in first, so that you are always looking out of the hole and don't feel so confined

Enesen might be able to pull you back but he can't go inside, at most he could reach his arm length, hmmm...
You decide to go feet in first: not only are you familiar with the environment you see as you move backwards, but coupled with the previous idea: you can use the hose as a lifeline!

You explain this plan to Enesen

Enesen: Alright lassie, I'm not sure how far of a crawl it is, but if I got to see the other end with a flashlight it can’t be too far
You grab onto the "hose", Enesen grabs the other end

Enesen: Got it, so if you get stuck and you need me to pull you back in, hold onto that and pull twice and ill reel you back slowly
Enesen: And if something goes wrong, and you need me to pull you in as hard as i can just pull thrice or more times, right?

You nod and start crawling in again, this time feet first

Enesen: What we need is something to fix the wires, something conductive, guess we could always peel up the microwave cable but we don’t have anything for that-

>Get comfortable with the feeling of the tunnel

You feel this tunnel, the floor, the walls pressing around you, and now also the "hose"
Now you lay down and crawl backwards, the sight of an ominous darkness is replaced by the sight of the cafeteria floor which you recognize, and of Enesen holding onto the rope
You move backward, rather squeeze backward, you can't lift your legs, you feel the "uphill" part, this is tiring, really tiring

You can no longer see Enesen, or the cafeteria, this is definitely longer than you though, you stop to rest for a moment before continuing
And on the next push you feel the wall pressing against your back, you hold onto the floor and try pushing yourself, you feel like using the “hose”

But you can feel it: your legs are now free, with one last push more and more of yourself is free, the moment your head is out you breath in, and sit down

You made it through, without fears becoming overwhelming, or getting stuck, you feel accomplished
No. 1075610 ID: 9fbc97
File 169826841787.png - (674.41KB , 1188x1148 , Nosocomephobia61.png )

Now to this room, there is no air current here either, Enesen was right, there's alot of random cables in here, upon closer examination they seem to be extension cords

One in particular is obscenely large, and all tangled up; why would anyone need something like this in here? And how do you allow it to tangle like that?
But you don’t need it, let alone you doubt you could pass that through the vent, atleast this tangled up, you check the other boxes in here, there’s so many of them

Hmm, more extension cords, more tangled cables...
You start finding boxes with toiletries: toothbrushes, toothpaste
Some have tampons, others have toilet paper, single-use shampoo bags

This is definitely not a “workshop” it’s a storeroom of sorts
Rummaging through one of the cable boxes you find something

A roll of electrical tape! This should be enough, you’ve handled this enough in your job to differentiate it from duct tape, duct tape isn’t a good conductor- but this is!

You obtained: Electrical Tape
You close the box you found it in, you find a nearby box of “gauze” it’s empty, not only that it’s been torn open
One of the boxes has a note labelled “femhyg 150” there’s just more menstrual hygiene products

But beside that note, there’s a note with a crude drawing, followed by more boxes with writing, there’s nothing inside these boxes but assorted toiletries

You have what you came for, you can go in again, you feel like you could crawl facing forward this time: you’ve went through this entire thing, as narrow as it is the hardest parts are near the end.
No. 1075611 ID: 9fbc97
Audio close.mp3 - (31.92KB )

No. 1075612 ID: 9fbc97
File 169826846374.png - (2.34MB , 2763x1338 , Nosocomephobia62.png )

Something fell over on the far corner of the room
It looks like there’s just more boxes and shelves in there-

But this makes you notice, the “hose” you are holding to, is coming from that part of the room, why was it going through the vent?

This room is odd.. Unless you are missing something, either this room has no door or it’s somewhere on the far end
But the way it’s positioned, then it wouldn’t lead to the hall if that’s the case...

Pick up something besides the tape? Things in here don’t seem to have much use, though, and:

A) Go back to Enesen, with the tape
B) Go towards the source of the noise
C) Try to find and use the exit of this room
D) Try something else

Fork, Mirror, Electrical Tape, Carton of Cigarettes, Broken Glasses, Film

On hands: “Hose”, Lighter
No. 1075624 ID: 435f13

Investigate the noise. Maybe it was just a mouse. Finding out the noise came from something not scary will help you to feel more confident.

Also, try to use the exit to this room. Maybe getting some distance from Ensign will clear the environment you're in to something less scary.

Also why is "hose" in quotes? Is it a hose or not?
No. 1075625 ID: f36708

It's not a hose. It's another extension Cord. Just blue. There's even some above the shelving. This ones probably just obscenely long too.
I'd say A. Enesen hasn't REALLY given us any reason to distrust him outside of being a bit paranoid.
No. 1075628 ID: 8f9bc4

Can you go back to Enesen? I thought he was through the vent. Why isn't the "hose" going through the vent? Do you follow the vent back to Enesen, or do you follow the "hose?"
No. 1075828 ID: 15a025

Investigate the noise.
No. 1076937 ID: 7f90d5
File 169960916805.png - (903.98KB , 2000x1564 , Nosocomephobia63.png )

>Also why is "hose" in quotes? Is it a hose or not?

Is it a hose? you ask yourself, hoses you're familiar with are certainly thicker, if this is a cable then it was missing the connector part back at the start, you've also come to mention this is reminiscent of arteries, is it an artery?

Enesen called this place a "workshop" why? you can figure a possible answer can be that the little he saw through the vent was cables, and he figured it must have been a workshop

You however, who is inside this place figure it's closer to what seems to be a storage, there's just assorted items like toiletries and hygiene products in bulk, and of course boxes and cables

You’re not sure what other descriptors you could give to this thing that you are holding, it’s flexible, rubbery, blue, characteristics that can be found on a hose, a cable, an artery, among other things

>Can you go back to Enesen? I thought he was through the vent. Why isn't the "hose" going through the vent? Do you follow the vent back to Enesen, or do you follow the "hose?"

Certainly you can right?, you remember moving like this:

First there were 2 doors leading to "CARDIOLOGY", and you entered the door on the right, leading into a dark hallway, you followed Enesen through a door he called "Ninety-Four", this is a large hospital, but you find hard to believe it having at the very least 94 different rooms in a single floor, then again it looks like he has been going around this place for a while.

The room lead to the cafeteria, where you found a vent, crawling through it you reached this place, meaning it connects the cafeteria, where Enesen is and this- storage

You first found this hose on the cafeteria floor, one of the ends is still there, and the other should be somewhere in here

So yes, the hose is still going through the vent, but also the rest of it leads deeper into this room; it's rather large for whatever this is

>Investigate the noise
>Also, try to use the exit to this room

You move towards where the noise came from, it's still dark in here, you move carefully as to not step or trip on anything on the floor and you find something: an empty bottle of

"Hoof Putty"
What the hell is hoof putty? You find the name oddly funny for some reason, the bottle is empty but smells a bit like mint
There's a knocked over, metallic shelf and there's a door!
That should have made a loud noise when it fell, so it probably was like that before you got in here, and it's blocking the door
You figure: the shelf probably fell at some point, blocking the entrance, and this bottle of
"Hoof Putty" here probably fell over from some box or this shelf, and was the source of the noise, despite the weird writing you find it came from a reasonable place, you feel calm

You think you can move this shelf: it will take some time and physical effort, but you can pull it enough to open the door behind, perhaps this door leads back to the hallways
No. 1076938 ID: 7f90d5
File 169960917925.png - (945.51KB , 2000x2000 , Nosocomephobia64.png )

What else is in here?

More boxes of toiletries, nothing you hadn't seen before, toothbrushes, toothpaste, sanitary products, hmm no wet wipes

There's a large box in here, the other end, aww- there's some dolls in here, of various species: Fennec, Cat, Giraffe, Horse, Alligator-

And that one kinda looks like Rosa, it even has a coat

This... seems too strange, that looks like Malcolm's neck brace, that's way too specific for a doll, or are you looking too much into it? and that one on the left looks like

You...?- no no that can't be right, maybe it's not you, it might as well be your mom; yet it doesn't have a bun, the clothes and accessories seem on point, save for the Cat, the cat is wearing a long, white patient’s gown

The box is labelled "Belongings: Rina Birdwright"

You come closer, there doesn't seem to be anything strange about them, they're just dolls, the rest of this box only has shredded papers and tangled up cables

Well... you could try to untangle that obscenely large mass to find out what it's connected to, you're not sure if this would lead to any finding, you've digged through the box and there's nothing but cables, dolls and shredded paper, you follow the end and see the other end is connected to-

Itself? You follow through it again, it’s hard to see in the dark, but it seems at a point it enters some sort of loop wherein you can’t follow back into the end you’re holding

Maybe it’s the darkness playing tricks, with the mass you continue exploring the room
No. 1076939 ID: 7f90d5
File 169960921514.gif - (552.21KB , 1500x1500 , HouseofLove.gif )

There's a table in here, and a note:

"The house of love"

In this room and in these chambers
I have gathered all my friends
Some may deeply hate each other
Some are better kept away

The rooms are all connected
From the ceiling to the floor
Notice which are disconnected
Foes and friends don't get along

Someone awful in the middle
None of them have come to hate
Keep them locked to solve this riddle
And above i lie in wait
No. 1076940 ID: 7f90d5
File 169960923463.png - (572.16KB , 1500x1500 , NosocomephobiaHouseOfLove.png )

There's some sort of map taped to this table, it shows the layout of what seems to be a building with 4 rooms that connect through hallways
And one room in the middle, disconnected from the rest of it

What... this is a piece of paper taped onto a table, there's nothing below this table, there's nothing seemingly wrong with these dolls other than what they look like

You don't see how placing these in a certain position on this map would change anything in this room or give you any amount of information- you could even escape through the door by moving the shelf, or go back into the vent to the cafeteria with Enesen

You assign numbers to these rooms, and the room in the center

You could still try to place these dolls in these rooms

Try a combination? Which?

You could also try going out the door in this room, aside from the shelf nothing is stopping you, other than it will take some time to move, and will probably be tiring
You can still go back to Enesen by going through the vent
Or you can try something else
No. 1076958 ID: 8f9bc4

It would be inaccurate to say you hated Basilio, but he certainly was an unpleasant fellow, very rude. So "you" and "malcom" should probably not be placed on adajcent rooms in the map.

Astrid and Daley do not get along, since Astrid does not trust Daley, nor appreciate her messes. Does that count as "hatred?" Best to keep the alligator and the giraffe separate too.

There is the Horse, and "Malcom" which must be him and his mother, who do not hate each other, so those dolls can be adjacent. Similarly Daley cared about Rosa being hurt, so the Giraffe and "Rosa" can be adjacent. "You" can probably be adjacent to any, except perhaps Basilio, and you also shouldn't be adjacent to a Rabbit doll since Clarice is scared of you because she's scared of your mother. There is no Rabbit doll, so it's only "Basilio" your doll must be kept away from.

Who is the Fennec? You haven't met a Fennec yet, have you? Perhaps they're the awful one who none of you have yet come to "hate."
No. 1076960 ID: 7f90d5

You agree that Basilio/Malcolm is certainly very unpleasant to be around, you've wouldn't want that jerk to be anywhere close to you, maybe you don't hate him, that's your choice, but he also seems to have a poor opinion on you, and he seems to be a complete jerk to the nurses back there

Hmm true Astrid has really strong opinions on Daley, she claims she keeps messing with her belongings, and that "you can trust her as far as you can throw her" also Daley refuses to give her the password or teach her how to use the work computer, it clearly doesn't belong to her,
You're unsure if this is just one party acting up: you haven't heard Daley's side of the story yet but certainly they don't get along at all

As for a Fennec, well Rosa is a Fox, you didn't see her for a long time but, she does look like a fennec fox, it also has black hair and ear fluff and a labcoat; and yes it seems Daley cares for Rosa as she personally went out to look for her

No there doesn't seem to be a rabit doll you're right, but if there was you'd certainly kept it away from Malcolm, there is only one horse in here and it has a neck brace

So what you have seems to be:

Alligator: Astrid
Giraffe: Daley
Horse with Neck Brace: Malcolm
Fennec Fox, Grey eyes: Rosa
Cat: You, or your mom
No. 1076964 ID: 8f9bc4


Oh I thought the Fennec and "Rosa" were separate puppets. And um, the Horse and "Malcom". Thanks.
No. 1076979 ID: 8f9bc4

Try in order of the numbers in the 4 corners "Malcom," Giraffe, "Rosa," and Alligator, with "You" in the middle.
No. 1076981 ID: 8f9bc4

Alternatively, swap "Rosa" and "You." If that doesn't work, I don't know.
No. 1078243 ID: 435f13

Take the Hoof Putty and add it to your inventory. Then try moving the metal shelf and going through the door.
No. 1080322 ID: deecc8

1Rosa 2Daley 3Astrid 4Malcolm, Cat in the middle. Are you sure you don't have antlers, maybe check in the mirror.
Looking back there sure has been a lot of people going missing, silent etc. wonder if they are still alive.
No. 1098454 ID: 1fcfb1
File 172862123696.png - (808.68KB , 1371x1338 , Nosocomephobia65.png )

This works!
You lay the dolls in this position over the blueprint

Nothing happens.
This should be it, you don't see anything wrong with this position.
>Switching your doll here with Rosa also seems to “work”
But nothing happens

These are dolls, and this is a blueprint, you're not sure if something is supposed to happen, maybe it’s not something to solve but rather something it’s telling you?

Whoever wrote this, either did it before that shelf blocking the way collapsed, or is around your flexibility and size to get through that vent
More than that, it seems to call either you, or whoever this cat doll is supposed to be or Rosa awful
This seems familiar
Who says Rosa an awful person?
There was a writing on the wall, on the floor above that also seems to agree
If your theory that what's written on the walls are things people said in the given location

Who would say that?
No. 1098455 ID: 1fcfb1
File 172862125904.png - (700.41KB , 1027x1011 , Nosocomephobia66.png )

Antlers? Cats shouldn't have any antlers, you check yourself using the mirror, even moving aside your hair, there doesn't seem anything resembling that

You pocket the can of Hoof Putty, whatever that is, maybe a nurse would know or anyone with hooves
Your current inventory:
Lighter, Pocket Mirror, Can of "Hoof Putty", Fork, Cigarettes, Piece of film, Broken Glasses, Electrical Tape

You move aside the shelf

With the shelf that had been blocking the exit moved, you have a direct route into the hallway
You are still holding to that cable and Enesen is still waiting
You got the Electrical Tape, which seems to be what Enesen can use to fix that Radio; no signs of any food in here either
And also you have his Lighter, meaning if you exit through here, he'd have little to no visibility to navigate the hallways, take that as you will

Go back (through the vent) with Enesen?


Go into the hallways without him?
No. 1098483 ID: 462d8c

Go back
No. 1098552 ID: b6ea64

"And above I lie in wait." has me thinking we might not find out if we've solved this probably unless we managed to find a way up to another floor. Either that or something above us will fall down.

Might be good to head back with the electrical tape for now. If we have to come back and rearrange the dolls later, maybe we'll have better insight on things when we come back.
No. 1098593 ID: 355e44

Can't leave the poor man in the dark.
No. 1098607 ID: 4c92cd

Go back to Enesen, tell him you unblocked the door and give him the stuff he wants.

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