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1085368 No. 1085368 ID: 4591f8

Jury Summons with Hannah Dummons
Warnings: SFW. Death likely. Gore maybe.

“In a world of animals that would tear each other to shreds for a dime, there is one force that can maintain the good in the world.”


“Justice isn’t a clean blade. However, today, it is in your hands.”
25 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 1085469 ID: dd3fe0

Life. There's something rotten in the state of Denmark.
No. 1085470 ID: c6a8cd

While it's a tie, gotta say this. We had the biggest questions dodged. We know he plead guilty but with almost no context at all. With such little detail we don't have the ability to judge. So as previously stated I refuse to vote and I suggest you all do the same or at the very least maintain the tie. Let's see what happens if the people behind this don't get what they're looking to get out of this.
No. 1085471 ID: dd3fe0


Alternatively, what happens if there is, consistently, no death in an entire show? Several shows in a row? A whole season? Two?
No. 1085472 ID: fbe529

Do you want to die?
No. 1085474 ID: 184595

I vote to spare.

The more I think about it, the more I appreciate this guy's honesty. He's facing immediate death, and he's still not just giving the "right" answers. I'm gonna guess that this experience is gonna be harrowing enough that he'll be tempted away from any similar crime of curiosity and convenience. His principled nature has convinced me that he's not one to repeat an offense because he couldn't control himself.
No. 1085475 ID: 2f41db

Looks like we dont get much time.

Kinda sounds like theyre diverting prisoners in transit.

I abstain.
Lets hope they dont take the phrase hung jury literally.
No. 1085476 ID: 883f25

Death. Guy had it coming, and it'd like to see how exactly the execution happens.
No. 1085487 ID: e5d873

Yaaas! Kill!
No. 1085488 ID: 56db77

As fucked up as this system is the gact remains this guy commited murder on a simple whim, so given that our options are "remove him from life" or "return him to society" I say we make the world a safer place.
No. 1085490 ID: 37587f

Death. This guy killed another guy for absolutely no reason except curiosity. No hatred nor regret. Just because. Reminds me of the L'Étranger novel by Albert Camus. I would not feel safe if he kept walking in the streets without a single ounce of redemption of the self. So let's get this over with. Also, this judiciary system is the most fucked up thing ever in the world. Imagine if our next victim-guest ends up confessing because he's live on tv. What the hell is going on with the government and public of the people who designed this thing? Is this legal? Even if we allowed the criminals to live, will they actually live or is the whole door at the back a scam, since the cameras don't go over there? Who built this? Who is responsbile for all of this? Is the penalty of death what the state assigned to Mortimer, or did something bogus messed up the process? How reliable are the informations that we are given? Who is Hannah Dummons? Why are there sapient animals with ruling the world? Where are the humans? Does justice exist or are we really just entertainment? And who are the jury? Are the jury a fabrication as well? Are we metaphysical disembodied entities summoned for this very purpose?
Are we reliable? Should we trust ourselves? Should we trust... Anything at all?
Tldr: Vote for death, but I question the sketchiness of everything about this.
No. 1085494 ID: 8f9bc4

If there is nothing more to this, it's simple insanity, he'd be no danger if we kept him away from people's drinks, and the underlying problems with him and his environment might be addressed. If there is something more to this, we are not aware, and cannot make the decision to kill this fellow.

Life, either way.
No. 1085497 ID: 5ebd37

Life, what happens in the event of a tie?
No. 1085544 ID: 2f41db

Hung jury.
Like i said, hope they dont take it literally.
No. 1085550 ID: eb0a9c

I'm going to abstain. I agree that this man is a threat, seeing as he willfully confessed to murdering another person because he felt like it... but there's too little context, and not enough evidence to conlcude the case. We cannot disprove that he had no ulterior motives, nor that this murder was purely of his own design. Killing him will not bring closure, it will only bury whatever truth is behind this case.

But if a decision has to be made, then make one.
No. 1085555 ID: 4819de


Sorry bud, but acts on a whim are reserved for bad haircuts and bulk buying online only. Not actual murder.
No. 1085557 ID: 779609

No. 1085559 ID: 4591f8
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Hannah: “Let’s taaaaally the votes! Life or death! Life or death!”


Hannah: “Wow! A tie! A hung jury! We got 6 votes for life and 6 votes for death! You know what that means!”


Hannah: “You know what that means!!!! That… means…!!!!!!!”

Hannah begins pacing around the stage and muttering to herself.
No. 1085560 ID: 4591f8
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No. 1085561 ID: 4591f8
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Hannah: “That’s it!”
No. 1085562 ID: 4591f8
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Hannah: “A tiebreaker! Heads means ‘OFF WITH HIS HEAD!’ Tails means ‘HIGHTAIL IT OUTTA HERE!’”

Mortimer: “This seems arbitrary-”

Hannah: “HAHAHA! Flip!”
No. 1085563 ID: 4591f8
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1 = Heads
2 = Tails
No. 1085564 ID: 4591f8

rolled 2 = 2

No. 1085565 ID: 4591f8
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2 = Tails = Freedom
No. 1085566 ID: 4591f8
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Hannah: “Tails! Tails! Tails it is! You didn’t beg--maybe you prayed--but you get to see the light of day! Tell me Mortimer, how do you feel knowing you live to see tomorrow?”

Mortimer: “I’m going to leave now. And I’m not coming back to answer your question.”

Hannah: “That’s what I like to hear! The vote was far from unanimous but you are lucky you have some lucky luck on your side! You’ve got honesty. Hold that close to your heart! Dasvidaniya!”
No. 1085567 ID: 4591f8
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No. 1085568 ID: 4591f8
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You are Devan Jack Shayne, a fox, and, through your prison bars, you have been listening to the ramblings of your warden, who you believe to be the single craziest person you’ve ever had the pleasure of listening to.
No. 1085569 ID: 4591f8
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A few statements of the crazy warden irk you.

“In a world of animals that would tear each other to shreds for a dime.”

‘No, that’s just you, Dummons,’ you think. The day before you got arrested a barista rounded a nickel up my order because you were short.

“Heads means ‘OFF WITH HIS HEAD!’ Tails means ‘HIGHTAIL IT OUTTA HERE!”

I don’t need to say anything about this.

Even with the morbid scenario, You feel a little dreadful that Mortimer got off scot-free. He killed a “fox with a yellow coat?” That could have been you!

Something is wrong with this whole facility. You haven’t seen any personnel other than Hannah and her “stagehands.” You ponder the possibility that it’s just wrong enough that you can make a break for it. There aren’t that many toys you can play with right now, though. All you can do is brainstorm. Even then, there’s not much you know past your cell.

Special Skill–
“Lock, Stock And Barrel”: You’ve made guns out of the strangest materials. The possibilities of things you can slap together and have fire at least one accurate bullet are endless.
No. 1085570 ID: 8280e8

Hey Devan! Probably now's a good time for us to freely ask you some questions about yourself before that clown of a "warden" makes us during your trial.

What are you in for? How exactly were you transferred here? You have the briefest idea about the layout of the place? Anything little thing helps...
No. 1085571 ID: 2f41db

Like the other one says, time to answer questions while you can.
They dont give you long out there.

These stage hands.
We havent seen one yet.
Anything worth knowing about them?
What did you do to get arrested?
Any mitigating circumstances?

Its in your best interest to be completely honest.
As you've already pointed out, your hosts are nucking futs and theres no guarantee the freedom door leads to anything morevthan a bullet in the back of the head and a shallow grave.
No. 1085578 ID: 5e900e

Hey, given the level of professionalism we've seen so far... is the cell door locked?

How's your case? Think you'll be able to get the jury's sympathies?
No. 1085582 ID: 8f9bc4

No one said he got off scot free. The jury actually has no idea what it means to HIGHTAIL IT OUTTA HERE. As a matter of fact, who is the jury? Did you get a look at them?
No. 1085583 ID: dd3fe0

Can you give us some context? I think I might have been drugged or have a traunatic head injury. Does civilization still exist? Is there a totalitarian dystopia of some sort out there? Does there being a reality tv public execution show actually make sense and pass the sniff test in your context? Or have you probably been kidnapped by a madwoman who has non functional tv cameras? Or if they are functional and broadcasting, you should expect to be rescued by some nation-states amphibious assault infantry if you live long enough?
No. 1085685 ID: e5d873

Demand a last meal or something before your show trial.
No. 1085755 ID: 184595

No need to be rash, even though you're pressed for time. If your special talent is making guns, then you should take stock of the materials that are available to you. Did they leave anything on your person? Is there anything you could repurpose in the cell? Could you get any ammunition?
No. 1085826 ID: dd3fe0

TBH, you don't need a gun.

You need a cannon. Or IEDs would work too, I suppose. How big and broadly destructive and violent can you get a single device to be, generally, if left alone in (say) a stocked commercial kitchen?
No. 1085955 ID: 15a025

How sturdy are the jail cell bars?
No. 1085989 ID: dd3fe0


Forget that, how resistant to picking or bumping is the lock? Or is it one of the newer type of electronically controlled remote locks? Is this a modern jail or is this on site at some sort of primitive historic jail?
No. 1086056 ID: ab4bb7

The way the hostess was hyping up the tie-breaker sounded like she was stalling for an idea, implying this is the first time a tie has occurred, and she or the producers hadn't thought through what to do in that case. It also implies she has a lot of creative authority here, despite people's lives being on the line. This reeks of a negotiated compromise between her and some group she has power over, and I get the feeling this "program" only started recently between this being her first-ever tie and the jury's questioning of her premise.

The fact that you have the ability to make a gun from implausible materials, actually makes the corvid's story about making a cyanide concoction seem more plausible, especially given that almonds are a common bar-snack, maraschino cherries might've been produced in-house, and there might've been some amaro or amaretto to work with. Makes you think... is this specifically a death-row facility for folks with unusual abilities or inexplicable feats like the two of yours? Were you therefore deemed too much of a risk to consign to a "normal" death-row, and the hope for amnesty is a last-ditch effort to stop such exceptional individuals from making a last-minute escape attempt with those abilities?

But yeah, I say go for it. Make that gun. Try to fight. If you fail, you can just tell the jury this whole thing stinks of bullshit; they probably already started believing it before they ever saw you.
No. 1086585 ID: 4591f8
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> Are these bars as unstable as the show?

You gnaw on them but they don’t budge a bit. Zero give. The gate is locked by an electronic lock. You are not proficient in electronics. You’ve only seen the stagehands operate them. Hannah’s crazy but she’s not stupid. Actually, you can’t be sure of that either. Either way, these cells have been secure, forwards, backwards, and upside down.

Some other prisoners are locked a little up the hall from a transfer bus that arrived shortly after yours. You haven’t seen or heard from them that much, but you know they are there. You were transferred on the same bus as the crow, who wasn’t much for conversation.
No. 1086586 ID: 4591f8
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> Who are you? What are you in for? Also, stagehands?

You are in for shooting someone with a homemade shotgun. It was a single-use wooden shotgun made for one shot. It was a self-motivated assassination. Certainly more noble than “I felt like poisoning somebody.” You knew the risk was high of spending the rest of your life behind bars. The person you shot was a former war profiteer and still manufactured death machines. He deserved to die. It’s a shame the shot didn’t kill the company.

You would be lying if you said you didn’t regret your actions at least a little. Two weeks of crushing rocks to sand gave you enough time to meditate on the costs of your actions. You were supposed to serve life in prison, not death, which makes this situation all the more perplexing.

You hear beeps and the whirring of motors. You hear the drumbeat of rattling steel on concrete. That must be the stagehands. Cycloptic robots built for keeping civilians in line. Disgusting. Fucked. This is exactly why-

(Gruff Voice): “Erm… What are you in for?”
No. 1086587 ID: 4591f8
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(Gruff Voice): “Hello….?”

(Mellow Voice): “I don’t want to talk about it. You’ll hear it on the radio anyways, won’t you?”

You hear some neighbors up the hall. You can’t see them from your vantage point. You can’t poke your head too far out of your cell without risking getting it stuck–a lesson you’ve learned before–so you press your ear against the wall and listen. One neighbor has a gruff voice and another has a more mellow voice. The mellow one speaks bitterly while the gruff one sounds… almost nervous?

(Gruff Voice): “That’s okay… My name is Barbara. What’s your name?”

(Mellow Voice): “Leave me alone.”

Barbara: “Oh…”

There is a moment of silence. For a moment you feel like butting in.

Barbara: “Do you think they’ll let you out?”

(Mellow Voice): “I don’t know. I’ll understand if I don’t win.”

Barbara: “Why is everyone so… easy about this?”

(Mellow Voice): “We’re all death row inmates, aren’t we? Really, if we win it’s just a chance we don’t deserve.”

Barbara chuckles awkwardly and sighs.

Strange. Unless something changed without your knowledge, you were certainly NOT on death row.
No. 1086589 ID: 273c18

Don't worry bud, we won't execute you. Unless you just lied about all that, I guess.
No. 1086591 ID: 2f41db

Barbara seems like she needs someone to talk to.
So do you.
They may have seen more than you.
May see something from their cell.
May even know something.

Youre right though buddy, theres something odd here.
I mean odder than weve seen so far and its pretty damn weird already.
No. 1086593 ID: 8f9bc4

> killed a war profiteer
> who manufactured death machines
> now you're to be killed
> by death machines

I don't think there's any perlexivity at all here! You definitely need to make sure you kill the company, as well as its top goon, or you'll be shocked to discover injustice prevails. I bet ten to one your jury will be composed entirely of company executives. You cannot go to that trial!
No. 1086594 ID: e547b9

“I’m not.” “On death row, I mean. I could have sworn the judge sentenced me to prison for life for what I did - I’m the wooden shotgun assassin, by the way - which makes this all suspicious as hell even if we were to simply accept the government was capable of this bullshit. At best, this is all some compromise by the government to appease a madwoman who happens to have one hell of a bargaining chip. At worst, this group bribed and conned their way into a bunch of kidnappings, and both possible outcomes to our trials is just as illegal. I don’t care if you think you deserve death - what this bitch of a hostess is doing is wrong, no matter how you slice it. The only silver lining is that the audience is moral enough to give the real piece of work who arrived with me a hung jury. Honestly makes me curious what their story is.”
No. 1086595 ID: e9f9c5

Although… There is something that could potentially create a pattern in this lady’s (potential) victims. What if the crow refused to explain how he made his poison because he simply couldn’t explain it in a way that makes sense to a sane person? The trial briefing suggests no evidence of him making cyanide with a mundane method turned up. What if he salivates cyanide, and wasn’t certain that dude would die if he spat into his drink? Or maybe his gizzard can alter the chemical properties of any liquid. It sounds downright supernatural, but is it really so bizarre compared to your own ability to make a functioning gun and single round out of literally anything, even with no access to gunpowder?

“So, what inexplicable feats was the prosecution unable to explain at your trials? The cops kept asking me where my actual gun I used to shoot that weapons magnate went, because according to their so-called gun experts, the one I used couldn’t have worked even once. Judging by what we just overheard, it also isn’t hard to assume whatever method that Corvid dude used to make his poison didn’t exactly involve him having a suspicious taste for almonds or cherries.”
No. 1086651 ID: 184595

Any sort of ally in this place is strength. If you can hear them, then they should be able to hear you--try saying something to get their attention. It will be worth communicating that this is more than a gimmicky potential out for convicts who are destined to die. This all seems impromptu and bizarre--but if the world is really going to hell anyway, then maybe it's not so unusual for something weird like this to turn up out of the blue?
No. 1087007 ID: 15a025

How well do you think you can disassemble the bed and turn it into a bar breaking gun?
No. 1087009 ID: 273c18

I think the purpose of this show was meant to find out how willing we are to kill someone in the name of justice. We started out with pure scum, we were meant to sentence him to death easily. I imagine we were going to be given progressively more sympathetic criminals, and you might be the very bottom of the list- someone who wasn't meant to die at all.

Unfortunately for Hannah, we rebelled immediately and rendered the dilemma moot, forcing her to choose instead of us. Maybe she has a new group in the decision process now?
No. 1087077 ID: 4591f8
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You clear your throat.

Devan: “I’m not.”

Devan: “I was NOT on death row.”

Barbara: “...Hello?”

Devan: “I’m Devan, just down the hall. In for killing someone with a wooden rifle. Judge said life in prison, not death in prison. You KNOW that this is fucked up right? It doesn’t matter who deserves to die–what that clown is doing is fucking wrong.”

Barbara: “Wait, maybe this is a misunderstanding?”

Devan: “Bullllllllshit. There’s something fishy going on here. Hannah must have some hell of a bargaining chip to pull a stunt like this. I’m in jail for killing a facilitator of death machines. What’s keeping us here? The stagehands. Those same death machines. There’s NO way that we are random pickings. Mortimer had a strange and powerful skill. I know I have a strange and powerful skill. No coincidence. I’m telling you, this whole thing reeks of bullshit.”
No. 1087078 ID: 4591f8
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(Mellow Voice): “So what are you going to do about it?”

You consider your surroundings. You could probably turn the metal on the bed into a gun, should you find a way to cut or melt it. If you managed to get your hands on a stagehand, you could 100% make a gun with one of those. A bazooka, maybe.

Devan: “I’ll figure something out. I’m sure of it. An ally right now is strength.”

Barbara: “That’s a nice sentiment. I will admit this does seem morbid. I’d ask what your plans are but I don’t know who might be listening.”

Devan: “Hmmm. For now, I think I want to get my hands on a–”
No. 1087079 ID: 4591f8
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Hannah (Speakers): “Stagehands!!! Please escort cell oh-two to the Box. Thanks!”

Barbara: “Uh oh.”

Devan: “Shit.”

Devan: “I didn’t catch my cell number, is that mine?”

Barbara: “No, it’s… hers…”

Stagehands make their way down the hall. Metronomic marching grows louder.

In moments, Four stagehands enter the hall. Bipedal surveillance robots repurposed for the show. Each wields a specialized gun with measures such that only a robot can fire a gun or a bullet. If only you had the “Hacker” special ability.


No. 1087080 ID: 4591f8
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No. 1087081 ID: 4591f8
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No. 1087082 ID: 4591f8
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Barbara: “I guess that means it’s just us.”


Devan: “What is that noise?”
No. 1087088 ID: 273c18

Let me guess. That prisoner just used an ability to destroy the stagehands. Ask if you can have some of the parts.
No. 1087089 ID: eb0a9c

Hey, have you ever tried using your power to make sonic guns out of loud noises?
No. 1087090 ID: f2320a

Either stage hand getting wrecked or they did not open fire but instead strangled them to death
No. 1087092 ID: 2f41db

Hope for her survival, plan for her absence.

You are right.
All of you have some talent.
Prison and aptitude are you commonalities.
Granted, not everyone may recognise their own talent.
For example, while you specialise bin guns, you also as a result know at least rudimentary explosive handling.

You need to find out barbaras story before its too late to make use of it.

Side note.
Remain ambivalent about Hannah.
Theres a chance shes as trapped in this as you are.
She had an air of desperation about her.
No. 1087102 ID: 8f9bc4

Admire your biceps. Take a look at those massive guns. Now you have two guns.
No. 1087111 ID: ab4bb7

“Well, if the pattern holds, and the drones weren’t lying about guns being their intended method of execution, I’d say our mutual acquaintance also possesses a bizarre talent the prosecution had a hell of a time trying to prove to a jury.”

“Yo, pass some parts to me, assuming anything’s left of those things.”

But at the same time… there’s a non-zero chance you’re being recruited for something, and the jury is just there to decide if having you as an asset is worth giving you a pardon in the process. Some real black-ops shit. We need to make our choice; try to escape, or trust that the Not Guilty verdict doesn’t lead to a more secret execution (which seems less likely)? Because if they were willing to give Mortimer a hung jury, your odds might actually be pretty good if you just play along.
No. 1087486 ID: 15a025

Hopefully her power was something to protect her from being shot. Anything on the ground from what just happened they could pass you?
No. 1087761 ID: 4591f8
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Sounds like the sounds of scrapping!

Devan: “Hey! If you’re scrapping some stagehands give me a piece!”
No. 1087762 ID: 4591f8

Whoops. Shit.
No. 1087763 ID: 4591f8
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Hannah: “Welcome back! Our last star was a spur-of-the-moment convict corvid. This next contestant may not be a bird, but she sure can hatch a plan. HAHAHA!
No. 1087764 ID: 4591f8
File 171204484287.png - (11.23KB , 572x477 , 3_1_4.png )

Hannah: “Let’s welcome our new resident of The Box. Give a round of applause to Shiela Bella!”


Shiela Bella leans on the side of The Box, collected.
No. 1087765 ID: 4591f8
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No. 1087766 ID: 4591f8

Hannah: “Hark! What’s that noise? Why that’s the shredder!”

Hannah: “You may be asking yourself, ‘now WHAT possible crime warrants a death shredder?’ Well, in this game, the way you earn a brutal execution is a brutal crime.”
No. 1087767 ID: 4591f8
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Hannah: “Sheila Bella is a 41-year-old poodle widow that lived in the suburbs of the city northwest of here. She was a professional party planner. Hell of a party you planned on one fateful day, huh? On the day of the incident, the victims, 30-year-old Brennan and 29-year-old Penn, had no idea what fate would befall them later in the evening. The brutality of the murder was NO laughing matter.

Hannah: “Dear Sheila shot them in the legs and taped and roped them to the wall of their own living room. Then, with a pair of PLIERS, she tore poor Brennan apart, bit by bit, while the other watched until the victim bled out to death. The remaining victim was stabbed in the heart. She covered her tracks amazingly well. She wasn’t even in the first pool of suspects, despite having carried out the crime personally. It was as if she wanted to be there. If you ask me? Twisted!”

Hannah: “The justice for tearing someone apart piece by piece is to be torn apart. Piece. By Piece.”
No. 1087768 ID: 4591f8
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Sheila: “That’s not the whole story.”

Hannah: “Oh? By all means, you’re welcome to elaborate!”

Hannah: “Now’s the Jury’s chance to ask some questions to dear Sheila.”
No. 1087770 ID: 50e7d6

Who were Brennan and Penn? Did you know them? Did they do anything to you?

Also, what was the occasion the party you had that day? Was it related to what you did?
No. 1087772 ID: 273c18

What did they do to deserve death?
How did you feel after killing them? How do you feel now?
How were you caught?
No. 1087774 ID: eb0a9c

... Look, at this point, the only outcome where I vote to acquit you is if you were mind-controlled into doing this.
I don't care if the N's were serial killing child rapists who destroyed your family, you permanently traumatized everyone at that party and made it clear you had an ego about it. There were smarter ways to go about getting your revenge, ways that could help society while neutralizing bad people, and you took the stupid, brutish option that's going to cause even more misery in the long run.
So, one question for the defendant: Were you ordered to do this ^&*(?
No. 1087777 ID: b3eab7

Well, for starters... did you do it?

And what would you like us to know?
No. 1087779 ID: 2f41db

Did you do it?
Why them?
What inspired the methodology.
How did you evade capture for somlong?
No. 1087783 ID: 5ebd37

Is Hannah exaggerating? Was it not as brutal as she says? Even if they deserved to die for something, what could justify such torture?
No. 1087804 ID: dd3fe0

In order to do that sort of thing, you'd need backing, resources, planning, organization. Spill, give us some context, let us know who else was involved, and we'll be prone to leniency.
No. 1087834 ID: fd7f7d

Well let's see. Seems Mortimer would have liked if Hannah responded to questions. However she'll likely evade as before. So let's see if indirect helps. "What is Hannah hiding from the jurors? Or if you can't tell us... what should we be asking?" Still advocating refusal to vote until we know what's going on with this. Only moral thing we can do as a jury... of... oh no. Jury of her peers. Peers as in killers? Jury has not changed since last one. Perhaps it's because killers are difficult to get or find?
No. 1087835 ID: 8f9bc4

Was he infected with space zombie parasites? The only way to kill them was to disable their command nodules with a pair of pliers piece by piece? Hate it when that happens.
No. 1087852 ID: 2f41db

Im still not sure how much hannah can answer, so other avenues to information would ve good.

There was desperation in her.
She could be trapped in this as much as the contestants.
No. 1087855 ID: ab4bb7

I already have an idea of what I'm voting given the implication that you ultimately turned yourself in or left an intentional mistake in, but let's hear them; your reason for doing it (betting it's better than Mortimer's, though that's not a high bar to clear), some context surrounding the day of the crime (i.e. the "party" you planned), the plot that made such a messy (and presumably public (unless it was a party of three people)) crime surprisingly hard to solve, and the likely hard-to-explain ability that made it all possible.

... Judging by the crunching sounds I heard on the other side of that door, I assume it has something to do with dismantling things where that normally isn't feasible.
No. 1088118 ID: 15a025

Well, what's the scoop then. Something you planned on your own volition? Some kind of weird hitmen request?
No. 1088729 ID: 4591f8
File 171308231741.png - (21.61KB , 520x451 , 3_2_1.png )

Hannah: “So-“

Sheila: “First of all, wasn’t a party. No fucking idea where you got that from. No way in hell I’m letting a single undeserving soul see that shit.”

Hannah: “Figure of speech. Just having a bit of fun!”

Sheila: “Of course, you, the clown, only think ‘oooh! party! heehee! fun!’ I see why the other inmates think you’re full of SHIT. There was NOBODY in that house but two MURDERERS and one ANGRY motherfucker.”

Hannah: “So-“

Sheila: “Also, it’s nothing like planning a party. Planning a party is just a little number crunching, Boogle searches, and knowing the client. Plotting a revenge like that? I have to know every cog that ticks in a ten mile vicinity.”

Hannah: “That-“

Sheila: “When I kill a murderer I get fucking shredded. When YOU kill a murderer, what do you get? Money? Some sick kicks? What are you hiding?”

Hannah: “…”

Sheila: “Answer the fucking question.”

Hannah: “I ask the questions here.”

Sheila: “Foxface was right. Bullllllshit.”
No. 1088730 ID: 4591f8
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Hannah looks stern.

Hannah: “Ahem… so, you murdered some murderers, you say. Care to elaborate?”

Sheila: “Fuckers killed my wife. There were 3 of them. Cops only got one. Detective Oinks is full of shit so I had to take sleuthing into my own hands.”

Hannah: “Wife?”
No. 1088731 ID: 4591f8
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Sheila: “(Sigh) The love of my life. Nara. Mugged. Wrong place at the wrong time. She was always too much of a fighter. I knew the gang that did it already, and its leader got arrested. That was enough for the city, but I wanted more. I wanted blood.”
No. 1088732 ID: 4591f8
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Hannah: “How did you get away with it for so long?”

Sheila: “Burned all identifiable evidence. Took extra care not to let a single strand of my own hair escape me. Red herrings. Chummy with Oinks. Also helped that I lived in a different city.”

Hannah: “And how did you get caught? Did you get caught on purpose?”

Sheila: “They took a closer look at my wife’s murder, then they connected some dots, and they happened to point to me. After the real villains were already dead, of course. I plead guilty.”
No. 1088733 ID: 4591f8
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Hannah: “Were you lucid during the event?”

Sheila: “I was angry. God was I angry. That, but I did what I thought was right. Given the same circumstances I’d do it again.”

Hannah: “Couple-a goofies the last two, huh. No regrets. Do you see yourself committing a similar crime again in the future?”

Sheila: “See, I have no more wives to lose, do I?”
No. 1088734 ID: 4591f8
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Hannah: “Um… Why pliers? Why did you plan such a brutal murder?”

Sheila: “I didn’t, first. I was going to use the kitchen knives I knew they had. I felt a rush in the moment and I saw a pair of pliers and two people I wanted to gut.”

Hannah: “How brutal.”
No. 1088735 ID: 4591f8
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Hannah takes a deep breath.

Hannah: “Let’s… give a round of applause for Sheila Bella! Now’s the moment! Flee or flay! Life or death!”
No. 1088736 ID: 184595

I will vote to spare her life.

It would be hypocritical to execute her as reaction to the crime of vengeance. If this were a real jury, in a real court, with real process, then I might be more inclined to restrict myself to assessing guilt for a murder—but this circus is cruel and unusual, as is the proposed method of execution. There's been no charge and no process. Different standards apply.
No. 1088737 ID: b3eab7

When you don't allow half-measures, better no punishment at all than a shredding for someone who took justice in ther own hands.

One last thing though, Sheila: Beware, since this place isn't appropriate to render fair judgement on you, you're on the track to end up severely underpunished. Perhaps your victims too had someone who loves them, and who might take justice in their own hands as well.
No. 1088738 ID: eb0a9c

I think she needs to be kept far away from society. She rationalized her murders, she will rationalize the next one. But I'm going to abstain; her obsession with torture - something is wrong. I don't think she had full control of her anger and I don't think it was purely her personal biology. Ultimately, I am not 100% certain that she was not manipulated into doing this, but I am 100% certain that she is capable of further murders.
No. 1088739 ID: 273c18

Let's not do a coin toss here, please? Sheila may be a murderous vigilante but justice was served. The only problem here is that it was done without the oversight of the legal system. I understand why she didn't, but I still wish she gave her evidence to the police so they could've gotten the culprits.

Also, Sheila... please get some therapy. You had your revenge but you're still so angry. You can get better. Maybe you can even find peace.

And yeah Hannah I know you're gonna call us hypocrites for (halfway) setting a murderer free and then empathizing with someone who killed murderers, but I sure didn't vote to let that guy go.
No. 1088746 ID: ab4bb7

She doesn't regret what she did, but there were extenuating circumstances that, while not justifying the brutality, do at least let us understand and sympathize with her motives. And it's doubtful she'd do it again, unless she finds another love of her life that just happens to get murdered by people who aren't punished, again. This is certainly a case where I think both "life" and "death" would be a bullshit outcome for this trial, but... Life. She isn't a danger to society at this point, I don't think. Personally, I think she was only given death in court because they were scared of whatever ability she had.
No. 1088758 ID: 2f41db

I have to agree.

She certainly killed more than the ones she was caught for.
Certainly has the will and ability to do it again.
Very unlikely to be motivated to do so though.

But, im saying LIFE.

It should be life, or at least a good portion of it, in custody. Full psychiatric treatment.
But because we have a binary choice here and i cant condone the corpse grinder.
so despite it being clear she is deserving of punishment the only option available is a poor fit for her circumstances and as such were left with freedom.

Whatever happens now, whatever she goes on to do, is the responsibilty of hannahs bosses for choosing an absolutist system.
No. 1088762 ID: dd3fe0

No. 1088781 ID: 5ebd37

Life, an understandable revenge. In a healthy society she would get psychiatric help, but then, in a healthy society she wouldn't have been pushed to murder in the first place.
No. 1088784 ID: ab46e9

Despite the fact that she killed brutally and had no remorse or clean behavior about it, I can't think of a single person who actually has a loved one that wouldn't try to enact vengeance if theirs was killed. Hell, we have countless 'revenge' movies on this subject where we're supposed to empathize with and cheer the person doing the revenge. A court (clearly) made for entertainment deserves a verdict made for entertainment.

Life it is. Just watch your back out there, miss.
No. 1088812 ID: 8f9bc4

Can we hire her? This place could use someone that skilled at tearing guilty people to pieces.
No. 1089292 ID: 15a025

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