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1086981 No. 1086981 ID: 681cb5

[Super NSFW]
May contain breeding, vore, transformation etc…

”Prurient Passage”
A Lascivious Labyrinth side story.

Wiki and previous threads: https://tezakia.net/wiki/Lascivious_Labyrinth

Somewhere deep in the most tenebrous wilderness, far from civilization and decency, it is said that a grand temple of the demi-god Wjares lays hidden. In those ancient rumor-shadowed halls, acts of unbridled hedonism and profane rituals were indulged in wild abandon, all to please the demi-god the structure was dedicated too. It is a place where instinct and impulse is acted up- huh? You’ve already heard this before? Alright, fine…

Welcome to the Prurient Passage! Hope you enjoy your stay…
Expand all images
No. 1086982 ID: 681cb5
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You have been the victim of a terrible curse! Each day, you will stub your toe (or hoof) in a really painful manner! Oh, why did you have to insult that witch!? But there is one way to break the curse! Why, all you have to do is to make ten predators bear your child within a week. Not a simple task, but a quest you’re still willing to undertake… and where else do you find many horny predators, but the shrine to the predator goddess Wjares herself? Nothing venture, nothing gained, as they say…

Now, create the one bearing the curse!

Please chose a species:
Ratling (Rodent) –Currently unavailable-
Varkian (avian)
Tharan (Frog/Newt)
Rhinothran (Rhino)
Thumparum (Rabbit)
Zalbian (Zebra) –Currently unavailable-
Myrin (Ant) –Currently unavailable-
Issla (Ferret) –Currently unavailable-
Hjoreth (Deer)
Kossur (Bovine)
Getten (Goat)
Laxal (Fish)

Please chose a gender. You will be a male.

Describe their body type: Twink, Lean, Short, Muscular, Dadbod, something else?

And finally, if you wish, you may describe your creature with a single word or two. (Ex: Brave, Timid, Glasses, Muscular, Piercings etc.)

We hope you will not get eaten before you break the curse… eh, who are we kidding. Good luck!
No. 1086983 ID: a7a180

Lanky hare Thumparum. You really shouldn't have much trouble doing this.
No. 1086984 ID: 7c55ad

No. 1086985 ID: f1ac62

Fish! Twink! Fish! Twink!
No. 1086986 ID: 37587f

Lanky chill thumparum. You aren't a fool: You're here to breed, not to get eaten.
No. 1086987 ID: 4af6ac

This! We need an old hat grumpy goat doing one last job. Or just a boomer in general
No. 1086988 ID: 795471

laxal, lean or twink body type, with a downright hypnotic ass
No. 1086989 ID: 5ebd37

Old goat!
No. 1086994 ID: 365de0

Dadbod Getten
Not grumpy, kindly.
No. 1087000 ID: 795471

feeeesh twink with hyno ass
No. 1087001 ID: 795471

feeeesh twink with hyno ass
No. 1087006 ID: eb0a9c

Psst! You forgot to add 'Thread 2'!

Trevor (GTAV)
No. 1087012 ID: 29a339

> Rhinothran
> Big dick twink
> You've always suspected you have a thumparum ancestor cause while you lack the usual stature of your species you more than make up for it with libedo and energy.
No. 1087013 ID: 2bd980

Could we do a Laxal twink and his Getten daddy?
No. 1087029 ID: 340fd5

i was gonna say speedy bunny

but boomer goat is funny and the ability to give give no fucks, nay, negative fucks
would be a great asset in this hell
No. 1087181 ID: 9d3b39

Hjoreth, tall and lean with glasses and piercings
No. 1087233 ID: f2320a

No. 1087240 ID: 4f77f8

Getten twink, Happy go lucky!
No. 1087271 ID: 681cb5
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An old Getten , far beyond his prime, someone who’d rather stay at home and take a nap then deal with this nonsense. As someone who has already has sired over a dozen children, and half of those children have sired a dozen grandkids each at least, he isn’t someone that is looking to make even more kids. Yet, he just had to tell that old witch that the soup she had made for him didn’t have enough salt, and thus he was cursed to suffer the worst of agonies forever! Or until he’s fucked at least ten predator’s silly in less of a week, whichever comes first. Welp, time for one last breeding job…

Preparing for his journey, he retrieves his old gear that’s been lying untouched for years, the gear of a…

Marauder, who uses brute force and all kinds of ropes, knots and ball gags to subdue their targets.
Wizard, who have mastered the art of divination, transmutation and summoning.
Druid, who bends the very nature around us to their will.

Oh… and what’s his name again?
No. 1087272 ID: 19ea25

Marazhan the druid. You've sown your oats plenty between the soil and those under you
No. 1087273 ID: a7a180

Gotherd the wizard.
No. 1087274 ID: 365de0

Marauder, because who doesn't want a big daddy goat to manhandle them into submission?
No. 1087275 ID: 4af6ac

Caine the Wizard, cause a summon will be easier on the back and body of a horny old goat, and magic just gets better with age.
No. 1087276 ID: 26801d

jimmy dean the marauder
No. 1087280 ID: 5ebd37

Bahravus the marauder, he may be old but he's still got it.
No. 1087281 ID: 9f1a6c

Druid, gotta give him the ol' walking cane
No. 1087282 ID: 795471

love me tf stuff, so, WIZARD also smoll possibility of dragon tiddy so, VOTE WIZARD DAMN IT!
No. 1087283 ID: 795471

love me tf stuff, so, WIZARD also smoll possibility of dragon tiddy so, VOTE WIZARD DAMN IT!
No. 1087291 ID: cb001e

Wizard! Not a lot of nature guaranteed down there, and those old bones can't rely on brute force. There's only one reliable old bone here! Heehe heh ehehh

As for a name, how about Gerthicus?
No. 1087294 ID: a8fe14

For name, i support Bahravus

Because goats goes "ba-a-a-a." Makes for good pun.
No. 1087296 ID: 9d3b39

I'm bad at names so I'll stay out of that but definitely voting wizard for class.
No. 1087297 ID: 273c18

No. 1087300 ID: e5e504

Marauder, while not ideal tells a great story from someone who relied on pure strengh in his youth, but has to compensate the frailty of age with cunning and experience.
So, Marauder.
Name: Richard Bock
No. 1087301 ID: 907fe0

Baarakus the wizard.

Because pervy old wizard is a time honored trope
No. 1087303 ID: 37587f

Marauder Bahravus is reporting for duty and ready get this shit done with.
No. 1087309 ID: 7b156c

Im changing vote from druid to wizard. We can have fun body modification spells this way
No. 1087311 ID: 19ea25

Pity. Druid would've gotten us plant tentaaacles and fellowship with the plant race.
No. 1087312 ID: 3f89df

Wizard cause cute boobie lizard is included with the class
No. 1087326 ID: 681cb5
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Your name is Bahravus the vigorous, a once… well, you wouldn’t say great, but maybe decent, wizard of the arts of Divination, Transmutation and summoning. With the power of divination you can see beyond your normal eyes, into places that’s far away, hidden or hasn’t yet happened. Transmutation, meanwhile, means you can change one object to another, or change its properties. You never did figure out how to de-age someone, though. Finally, summoning. In the past you were able to call on the aid of powerful demons and other outsiders, but now… well, now only your imp Maz answers to your calls.

Maz: ”I am known as Mazharahanzallanazhen, mortal!” the small imp on your shoulders bellows out in a surprisingly deep voice for his stature, “In the forbidden tongue, ‘The one who consume worlds and fucks gods’, a title fitting my many deeds.”
Bahravus: “Of course it is.” you roll your eyes, “And I’ve told you to stop reading my mind, Maz.”
Maz: ”Then stop thinking so loud, mortal.” the imp flexes his wings, making them flap slowly in the air, “Kehehehe! I do not demand you to stop hearing, do I?”

Maz might not be anything more than a small imp, but he’s been a loyal friend since you summoned him in your youth... not to mention, he’s surprisingly helpful if you can get past his lust for sex… and gluttony… and pride, envy, laziness, anger problems and greed. He is a demon, after all…

Maz: ”And not just any fiend, mortal. Kehehe!” he gives you a wicked, tooth filled smile, “But one that has sired children with the very gods!”
Bahravus: ”Uh huh…” you shake your head, “I’m sure you have, Maz.”
Maz: ”What do you desire? Proof? Kehehe! I do not speak falsehoods, mortal!”

What you actually want right now is to sit down in your favorite armchair with a good book, a nice glass of wine and some cheese, but instead you’re forced on another adventure all because a witch couldn’t take some criticism. But that is in the past… and you can only change the future.

Focusing your energy into your crystal orb, you throw your sight across the nearby hills in front of you…
No. 1087327 ID: 681cb5
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…and find the entrance you seek on the other side. Barely a hundred meters away, the way into the temple of the Vore Goddess awaits... and there only seems to be one guard there, who’s currently asleep.

Maz: ”Oh look! A cute Sakkilian gal!” Maz whispers into your ear in a sultry tone, licking his lips as he does so, “Kehehe, let’s fuck her before eating her!”
Bahravus: ”That’s clearly a man, Maz.”
Maz: ”Oh look! A cute Sakkilian guy!” Maz whispers into your ear in a sultry tone, licking his lips as he does so, “Let’s fuck him before eating him!”
Bahravus: *Sigh*

Some part of you is still optimistic enough to think you’re lucky, to find this place so unguarded… but your experience tells you something is off. Is it a trap? Or are they really that incompetent?

Remember, your goal here is to make ten predators bear your child, nothing more. Any gold, jewels or magical trinkets can be ignored.

Maz: ”Speak for yourself, mortal.” with a wide grin, the imp continues, “I am here to collect that of value. That is the contract we agreed on.”
No. 1087332 ID: a7a180

Be on your guard, but for now it looks like you could bypass the one guard easily. Just be aware of snares and tripwires set up to alert him.
No. 1087333 ID: feca34

Well, how about you transmute his clothes into bonds to keep him still, and Maz can fuck his mouth to keep him quiet while you investigate the rest of the area more closely? Hm. So, transmuting objects... no living transmutations, then? As for summoning... only Maz, huh. Is that just full summoning? I wonder if you could open small temporary holes for other demons to at least stick something through for a moment... or having something stuck through to them...
No. 1087334 ID: 4af6ac

Aside from the obvious bait of whatever pots and rugs are laying about (perhaps someone is redecorating, or this Sakkilian is engaging in trade with the residents), that vent could be cover for someone. Most importantly, there is some sort of trap just behind the teeth, on the tongue.
Don't suppose you can turn a guy into a gal? He's a predator, and every pred counts, bonus points if made smaller. How well does your future sight work? Can't just predict every trap you'll stumble across?
No. 1087335 ID: 365de0

Offer to pound the living daylights out of him.
No. 1087339 ID: 795471

hmm, if we can transmute living things, shrink him and get rid of his limbs, instant fleshlight, if we can't, clothes to bindings is probably a good call, also what's the effect of using transmutation on the brain?
No. 1087349 ID: 5ebd37

How's your dom game? You could use a guide, and this guy would look good tied up in ropes transmuted from the rug.
No. 1087381 ID: 56db77

Just what are the limits of our trnsmutatuin? If we can swap this guys sex we could potentially knock up a predator before we even go into the temple.
No. 1087429 ID: 681cb5
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>I wonder if you could open small temporary holes for other demons to at least stick something through for a moment... or having something stuck through to them.
…you haven’t actually considered that at all. In your youth, you were able to temp them to enter this world completely with ease, but now? They might be a lot more agreeable if they don’t need to cross over properly… and surely they wouldn’t deny some quick fun, would they?
>How well does your future sight work? Can't just predict every trap you'll stumble across?
As the teaching of Chronomancer Melchior states, the more you know of the future the harder it is to change. Thus, you try to gaze into it as little as possible, only trying to grasp the small details that will aid you to steer it properly.

>No living transmutations, then?
Oh, you can transmute living things as well, if time and the subject allow it. The more the one getting changed resist said change, the harder it is to achieve. Thus, it is easy to say, make your own cock huge momentarily, but very difficult to shrink a dick on someone that really don’t want a tiny member.
>what's the effect of using transmutation on the brain?
Don’t. That’s it.
>Don't suppose you can turn a guy into a gal?
It would be possible if you had a bit of time as well as a willing soon to be gal. You don’t think you have it in you anymore to forcefully change someone.
>If we can transmute living things, shrink him and get rid of his limbs, instant fleshlight.
While shrinking is easy enough, even when he fights back, but removing limbs? Eh, you probably need a better way to do it. Still, this robe doesn’t keep the cold out as it used to do and you wouldn’t say no to a proper cock warmer right now, especially one as cute as this lizard twink.

>You could use a guide, and this guy would look good tied up in ropes transmuted from the rug.
While it’s easy to change the fabric of the rug into the shape of a rope, actually tying it around him without him waking up is another matter. Luckily, you have Maz for that, as the imp is small, light and quiet. Carrying one end of the rope, the little imp flies around the torso of the sleeping guard and let the cable entwine the twink. Of course, as you neither have the knowhow or the finesse to tie a proper knot, you simply cut off and fuse the thread with itself, creating small hoops that are keeping the Sakkilian tied down. As the guard finally awakes, he tries to groggily stand up before falling flat on his face.

Maz: ”Why, it looks like I’ve caught myself a mortal twink…” the imp proclaims as he sits down on the poor Sakkilian’s snout, “A fine snack for an little Imp like myself, Kehehe!”
Bahravus: ”Don’t tease the poor boy, servant.”
Maz: ”Oh, you’re no fun, Master. I like playing with my food, after all.” rubbing his belly sensually, he continues, “Did you hear that? You’re going to end up in this little imp belly soon enough.” He pats his stomach, “Just imagine, your large form getting force into my tight, warm little gut, hmm?”
Bahravus: ”Maz, stop fooling around and-” Suddenly, you hear something rustle behind you, “Wait, what was that?”
No. 1087430 ID: 681cb5
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Turning around, you suddenly find yourself surrounded by two tall and muscular Sakkilian ladies, both armed with wicked looking spears. The one without a helmet gives you a tooth filled smile, knowing full well that you’ve walked right into their trap.

Sakkilian Lady: ”See, I told you.” the left one snickers, “Our little brother makes great bait.”
Helmeted Sakkilian: ”But what did we catch, sister?” her voice echoes inside her helmet, “An old man that’s barely able to stand, let alone be of use.”
Sakkilian Lady: ”You’re right. This one is not fit to be a thrall of burden.” looking you up and down, she continue, “And he’s probably leathery and sinewy. I’ve never liked eating mossbacks like him.”
Helmeted Sakkilian: ”Not to mention, even if anyone would want to breed with this old geezer, he probably can’t even get his cock hard.” Pointing towards Maz, she asks, “But what is that small flying pest he has with him?”
Maz: ”Hey!” the imp yells back, clearly offended, “I’m not just some little pest, I’m the great MA-”
Sakkilian Lady: ”I believe that’s an imp. A minor demon.” the leftmost warrior interrupts, not even acknowledging the imp, “They are not from this world.”
Helmeted Sakkilian: ”I’ve never had imp before…” you can hear her tummy rumble, “Maybe this wasn’t such a waste of time after all, sister.”
Sakkilian Lady: ”You there, old man.” she points at you with her spear, “Give us the imp and you will be allowed to leave.”
Maz: ”What!? Master can’t do that!”
Sakkilian Lady: ”But if you refuse, then… well…” the Sakkilian smile widens, “We’ll slice and dice yah…”
Helmeted Sakkilian: ”Before feeding you to the first Ratling or slime we find, gramps.” With a crack of her whip, she turns towards Maz, “Hand over the imp now!”

Bah… younglings today… always complicating things.
No. 1087431 ID: a7a180

Shrinking these two seems much more important right now. They want this imp? He might be more monster than they can handle!
If you stay near their brother, they will have to be more careful with their weapons. ...Hopefully.
No. 1087434 ID: 365de0

How complicated would it be to transmute their clothing into bondage?
No. 1087435 ID: 5ebd37

How fast is transmutation? Could you just melt their weapons? While making an innuendo about how they can't keep it up?
No. 1087440 ID: 340fd5

heh theyll already wearing collars as it is, only have to do half the work.
hell yeah

although saving the weapon trick for later may be better
a spear isnt an easy weapon to cut yourself loos with and it makes a decent anchor for bindings.

whatever he does
let the mouthy imp act as a distraction while you get the spell of
you probably have time to do it anyway but there isnt a reason to tire yourself with flashy casting. leisure is the life for an old oat like you afterall.
No. 1087452 ID: b2d298

Two very breedable sakkilians there, act the shy flustered old man to buy time, gets their names.
Maz can hear your thoughts: direct him to fly over slowly and distract them by pretending to go through with the trade, and tempt them with his words and meat.
Three options to use or mix: helmet lady gets blinded and gagged while skirt lady gets her legs bound, choke them both out with the collars, or make their metal attire and weapons heavy as fuck. Helmet would take care of one and the other might come to her aid, giving time to restrain her better.
Living transmutation will take too long
No. 1087453 ID: 795471

I am morbidly curious now about brain transmutation, but I get the feeling it's not going to be a thing, so I'll just suggest clothing to bondage along with the others, but I'll also suggest a little experiment, you never managed to make yourself younger, but perhaps you could steal some vitality from these lizards, make em weak and bulliable, and get some of your youth back in the process
No. 1087454 ID: 795471

alright cursed thought, instead of just stealing their strength just turn them into cock mass
No. 1087455 ID: 795471

also maybe have mercy on the brother and take him under our wing... after a long stint as a cockwarmer, it's cold out here.
No. 1087459 ID: f2320a

Youth lifespan is important also clothing transmutation time we need more tools or servants
Also chop of limb then transmute with that parting like clay
No. 1087461 ID: 64faaa

Transmute their clothes or weapons to defeat them, use the imp as a distraction if necessary.

People who come here are always kinky, so make sure to belittle them like a good dom after they are captured, & imperiously explain your plans for them (If they know what kind of transmutation they are in-for, they are more likely to accept it. As mentioned, they are here, so we *know* they're kinky).

Then, whatever you decide on, make sure the family stays together.

I think there might be some body-envy between these siblings, so I suggest fusing them into one body with the best features of all three. And re-distrubute mass to enhance assets.
The sisters are probably tired of being strong & responsible, & the brother is probably tired of being bossed around by them. So Make sure the brother is in charge of the new body, & maybe put the sisters into a demeaning position in the new body. Maybe merge their faces into the breasts of the new body, or merge one of them into the cock-slit/sheath (so her lips are always wrapped around their member) & merge the other into the vagina so she has to taste & suck on whatever the brother decides to stick inside.

After all that, take the three of them (mainly the brother) on as servants/guards/apprentices. Of course, with the mass of 3 people in 1 body, they will be quite large, so make sure to transmute their armor into convenient piercings that can be used to control them if they get rowdy.
No. 1087462 ID: 19ea25

A gold mask with small eyeholes can easily be made into a mask that cannot see with transmutation.
No. 1087468 ID: 940726

That one on the left has a nice-looking belt. It would look even better with her wrist cuffs chained to it.

She seems smug and easily distracted. Take a peek into the future and look for one where she has her hands on her hips for a while. That'll let you give her a nice surprise for when she realizes she's not in control of this situation.

For the other one, you can use the grass to make some ropes around her feet and lock her wrist cuffs to her ankle cuffs when she bends down to untangle them, or make her top tickle her spine and lock her cuffs and collar together behind her back.

I've got a weird idea. Your goal is to impregnate ten predators. Does it have to be with your own cock? Would it still count if you transmuted someone else's cock to replace their sperm with yours? Because you've got a nice tied-up twink right there and I bet he'd love a chance to get back at his bossy sisters. Just make sure to get his own cum out of his system first so it doesn't mix. If he's too uppity to let you do that, we'll just need to give him a seamless chastity cage until he learns his new role.
No. 1087471 ID: 340fd5

update to my last answer
bondage seems to be the common element
but i think theyd be less likely to immediately notice the whips being merged with the cuffs than the cloth, they are already shaped like rope. so use em where the metal wouldnt be convenient.
closing the eye holes of the mask is a good idea
still use imp as distraction

i vote against debilitating body mods, the goal is to knock up some predators. if you mess em up here and theyll just get eaten.
No. 1087472 ID: 5a7a53

What about divination? Could you share a divination that showed you were virile enough to breed them?
No. 1087473 ID: 85a6e8

> ”Not to mention, even if anyone would want to breed with this old geezer, he probably can’t even get his cock hard.”
An insult you oughtn't take lying down, and an invitation to introduce a distraction.
No. 1088189 ID: 681cb5
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>Make all their clothes into bondage gear! Turn the grass into rope! Fuse them all into one body! Do it all by just looking at them!
Slow down, whippersnappers, you’re not some Arch-mage who can bend reality on a whim! There are limits to your powers!
>How fast is transmutation? Could you just melt their weapons? Maybe transmute their clothing into bondage?
It depends. There are a few rules you need to follow, the most important one being that you need to be in direct contact with whatever you want to change. As for time, it depends on what you’re trying to do. The further you wander from the original state of the material, the longer and harder it will be to achieve. Thus, fusing a pair of bronze wrist cuffs with a bronze belt only takes a second, while making a bronze chain out of grass would take years. The only exception is unmaking changes you’ve already done, as that is as simple as thinking about it, even at a distance.

>Two very breedable Sakkilians there.
Bahravus: ”Why, young lady...” you take a moment to look her up and down, taking special note of her bronze bracers and belt, “I’m certain we can come to a mutual beneficial bargain.”
Sakkilian Lady: “Bargain? Ha!” she laughs before giving you a wide grin, “No, there won’t be a bargain. Give us the imp.” Pointing towards her belly, she adds, “Or we’ll just eat you, even if you’re too stubborn to become fat at a decent pace.”
Maz: ”NahNah! Can’t catch me!” you hear Maz voice ring out, “You’re too slow, mortal!”
Helmeted Sakkilian: “Hey!” the other Sakkilian warrior throws herself towards the imp, but fails miserably at catching him, “Get over here, you little snack!”
Bahravus: ”I am Bahravus, an old and powerful wizard.” you tell her while shifting your weight, moving ever so slightly closer to her, “What shall I call you, mighty warrior?”
Sakkilian Lady: “Your grave, if you don’t give us the imp, gramps.” glancing over her shoulder, she continues, “And if you want to sign your final resting place before I gulp you down, be my guest. Otherwise I don’t care what you’re called, old man. After all, you’ll either digest or leave soon enough.”
Bahravus: ”You should care that I am a wizard, young lady.” once again, you shift your weight to your other leg, moving another foot closer, “After all, I can give our offspring magical abilities.”
Sakkilian Lady: “HA! Dream on, gray-haired goat!” with a tooth filled smile, she chuckles, ”Our virginities are destined to be broken by a powerful predator warrior!” and finally her hands rests near her hips, “not some fat elderly piece of meat.”
Maz: ”Maybe you should be quicker if you didn’t have such a fat ass!” you hear the imp taunt the other warrior, “FAT ASS!”
Helmeted Sakkilian: “Stop flying around, you little- off!” taking a kick to her snout, the helmet wearing Sakkilian stumbles back a bit, “Damn, that kick packed a punch!”
Sakkilian Lady: “Heh.” the lady in front of you smirks, getting distracted by what’s happening behind her, “What’s wrong, sister? Getting bested by a little imp?”

Leaning forward, you gently touch both of her bracers, quickly fusing them with her bronze belt. She didn’t even notice.
No. 1088190 ID: 681cb5
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With surprising speed, you slide past the warrior in front of you and grab the sides of the other ones helmet.

Sakkilian Lady: “What the-” the first Sakkilian finally notice her hands being stuck to her waist, “Why can’t- WHAT DID YOU JUST DO!?”
Helmeted Sakkilian: “Huh? Who did-” and before the other one can react, you’ve removed the singular eye hole she had, “GAH! MY EYE! I’M BLIND!”
Maz: ”Wow, nice tits!” seeing the opportunity, the small imp grabs the warriors top and pull it upwards, releasing her massive chest from its captivity, “Can’t wait to feel those two badonkers slide down my shaft.”
Helmeted Sakkilian: “GET OFF ME!” she yells, flailing blindly in the general direction of the imp, not even noticing you’re there, “Gah, get over here, you little imp!”

>What about divination? Could you share a divination that showed you were virile enough to breed them?
Finding a future you desire is near impossible and requires massive luck. No, divination is mostly useful to see the here and now or trying to figure out the consequences of your current actions. Besides, they clearly wouldn’t believe you anyway

>Perhaps you could steal some vitality from these lizards, make ‘em weak and bulliable.
That should be possible; though you need to make sure they can’t fight back while you do so.
>Instead of just stealing their strength just turn them into cock mass.
Now for that you don’t even need magic thanks to the blessing of the demi-gods. You just need them to want to become your cock just as much as you want to absorb them.
>I've got a weird idea. Your goal is to impregnate ten predators. Does it have to be with your own cock?
It needs to be your child, nothing more. In fact, nothing is stopping you from turning this little lizard twink into another dispenser of your seed.

Bahravus: ”You there, Sakkilian boy.” the young lad looks up at you, “Do you want the chance to get back at your bossy sisters?” He doesn’t answer, but his eyes light up when he hears your suggestion, “Help us take them down and I’ll let you breed one of them to your cock’s content.”
Sakkilian Lady: “Oh please.” the helmetless Sakkilian smirks, “He’s nothing by a weak coward. He knows if he does anything to piss me off he’ll spent another week on my tits. Isn’t that right, little bro?”
Bahravus: ”See, boy, are you really going to put up with this?” you say, as you turn towards the still bound warrior… but instead the only thing you can see is her wrist cuffs and shirt lying on the ground, “Wait, where did you-”
No. 1088191 ID: 681cb5
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Sakkilian Lady: “SURPRISE ASS ATTACK!”
Bahravus: ”BLUH!?”
No. 1088192 ID: 681cb5
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Before you can react, you suddenly find yourself under a rather large rear. While you wouldn’t mind it most of the time, you have a feeling this posterior doesn’t have your best interest in mind.

Sakkilian Lady: “Alright, let’s bargain old man.” she says while smothering you under her cheeks, “Tell your imp to feed himself to my sister, or I’ll suck you up into my rump.”
Helmeted Sakkilian: “Gah! I can’t get my helmet off!” you can hear the other Sakkilian yell, “Brother, stop being useless and help me!”
Lizard Twink: “I’m still tied down…” a high-pitched voice answers, “I’d love to help if someone FREED ME!”
Sakkilian Lady: “Nah, let that wimp be.” the one sitting on you says, “He deserves it for being so darn weak.” before she starts moving her hips side to side, pressing your snout even deeper into her ass, “Now, as for you…”
Bahravus: ”Mff?”
Sakkilian Lady: “You have your offer.” the warrior chuckles, making her rear rumble, “Feed us the imp or become rump fat!”
No. 1088193 ID: 7c55ad

lick lick
No. 1088196 ID: b27dbb

Transmute that tailplug into a much more distracting shape. Or shrink her to lighten the load, slowly so she doesn’t notice. Or both!
No. 1088198 ID: 2a82d3

In retrospect, a frontal assult wasn't a wise decision as a mage. What would happen if she did eat a demon? Could that negatively affect her in some way? If not, could you make a bluff as such to stall for time?

Before you accept her terms, it seems you're need to first teach them that magic is stronger than brute force, or more probably enforce your belief as such. Can you outmatch her vitality with your experience? Would they accept you as their stud then?

How good are you at self-transmutation? Being able to mold your tougue to her ideal shape would be real helpful right now. In fact, a dick where they wouldn't expect it is a great way to catch them off guard. (Being another way to impregnate would be a nice bonus.) That's the kind of kinky stuff you pick up in the company of demons, right?

>In fact, nothing is stopping you from turning this little lizard twink into another dispenser of your seed.
>He’s nothing by a weak coward.
You see the issue here, right? Remember the natural law of these lands. If he can or won't dominate, any child he conceives won't count as yours. On the other hand, that could make him a good conduit for your summons. He's used to it, after all.

Then again, he might instead want to be strong like his sister. You could help him with that. The catch is your magic would turn him to be "like his sister", if you catch my drift. As in a viable breeding partner for you.
No. 1088200 ID: eb0a9c

Transmute plug into artifact
Feces and Urine -> Battery Energy -> Activate Spikes
No. 1088202 ID: b40fdf

Transmute the plug in her butt to be smaller, then undo the transmutation.

Unbind the lizard boy.
No. 1088205 ID: 795471

if she wanted to absorb us she probably should have landed on our chest and out of range of our mouth... actually idea, transmute some of the moisture on her eyes into salt, and the rest into capsasian, that should be blinading and painful enough for you to escape, and the pain would probably make her willing to become a cock to escape the pain.
No. 1088207 ID: 795471

alternatively if we need to touch the eyes pure capsasian in the ass should suffice
No. 1088211 ID: 40ef3b

She has a Wjares buttplug in her ass. Would foresight allow you to see if you should be removing it (ie will it empower her to swallow you regardless/outside the temple), or keeping it in place without sealing your fate? Her egghole is virgin, so that shouldn't be swallowing you.
What an ass, spank it and lick that cunny, distract her and expand the plug, give it a handle for leverage.

If Maz can slip away and free the brother, they may be able to turn the tide on the blinded one together while you distract the one sister.

Serious question though, how can her sister eat our imp without removing her helmet? And could you not just unsummon and resummon him once you're in a better position?
No. 1088224 ID: 5ebd37

Use autotransmutation to give her a real tongue fucking, and that's one impregnation done.
No. 1088251 ID: 37587f

Cant we use auto transmutation to make our fur real bristly and stingy to give her a real ache if she tries any funny businness? Or use it to male us slippery and capable of getting out at any moment? Actuallly, what are the limits of our magical powers?
No. 1088294 ID: 64faaa

Any & all of these sound like a good way of distracting the one on Bahravus's face.
Shrinking her should be particularly useful.
No. 1088356 ID: 9d3b39

So how exactly would the imp even be eaten by the sister considering her helmet is stuck and won't let the imp through to her mouth? (Yes I know there's ub and av but she said feed which implies eating.)
No. 1088361 ID: 340fd5

well getting some distance with the imp wouldv been ideal but not much to be done about that now.
if you can telepathically link with the imp have him free the brother

magic may be hard from here but maybe her tail and/or that plug could do with a pull.
be a dirty old man and stick your thumb in there along side it.
No. 1089143 ID: 681cb5
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>What would happen if she did eat a demon? Could that negatively affect her in some way?
Her? No. But Maz would be reborn as mortal again, which he doesn’t want. Demons can’t multiply with each other, instead needing a mortal host to breed to create demon young… or they can corrupt a mortal by eating and digesting them, making their meal come back as a demon. The opposite is also true, as eating a demon will purify it and make its soul mortal again. So if you want Maz the imp to remain an imp, don’t let him get nommed.
>Unbind the lizard boy.
You focus for a second on his binds and return them to their natural state… which is just a bunch of carpet parts. Now, let’s see what he does…

>Would foresight allow you to see if removing the buttplug is a good idea?
The buttplug being removed will end with you taking a guided tour through her digestive system, unless you can ensure she’s “beaten” beforehand.
>Can’t we use auto transmutation to make our fur real bristly and stingy to give her a real ache if she tries any funny business?
Sure, you would become quite the pain in her ass if you really wanted too… but that would be rude, not to mention unsexy.

Grabbing two handfuls of that ass, you begin to greedily lap at the virgin pussy in front of you, sticking your tongue deep into her strawberry flavored folds.

Sakkilian Lady: “Ngg… that’s good…” she moans while moving her hips to give you a better angle, “But not good enough, gramps. I have enough toys back- AH!?” and then you hit her with one of your old tricks, the massive vibrating tongue! “OH WJARES, THAT TONGUE!?”

For a second you consider pulling your seed from you sack into your tongue, but you rather not change yourself that much. Besides, you want her to beg you to breed her, not secretly knocking her up when she isn’t looking. That’s for weaklings and rogues. Instead, you start to focus on her form… and making her smaller…
No. 1089144 ID: 681cb5
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Her body starts to slowly shrink, as her mind is too distracted by the tongue kissing her lower lips and massaging her clit. In fact, she doesn’t even notice getting smaller at all…

Sakkilian Lady: “Ffffuck…” arcing her back, she moans, “I’m definitely keeping you, old man… t-this is the best… tongue…” Bucking her hips against your snout, you feel her whole body shiver as an orgasm washes over her, “Ever… ah…”

But even then you don’t give her a moment to breathe. In fact, you double your feast on her loins, changing the shape of your tongue so that it doesn’t just go deep, but also rub against both her g-spot and clit at the same time.

Sakkilian Lady: “Ngg… if you’ll g-give me boys with a tongue like this…” her breath is quick, her body shaking, “I m-might even l-let you breed me… ah…”
No. 1089145 ID: 681cb5
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And suddenly she finds herself slipping into your maw, as she’s now about the size of your imp.

Sakkilian Lady: “Huh?” she finally notice what you’ve been doing, “When did you get so big!?”

Usually, you just eat your prey at this point, but you’re here to impregnate gals, not turn them into goat fat. Besides, you’re sure Maz will need help with the other warrior anyway…
No. 1089146 ID: a7a180

Since you're not wearing pants, just keep her tucked away like a bit of chewing gum until you finish taming her sister. Maybe you'll end up using your tongue again, and she'll be stuck between your mouth and a soft place.
No. 1089150 ID: eb0a9c

Stick her in her sister
No. 1089154 ID: 365de0

Wear her like a condom.
No. 1089157 ID: 64faaa

This for now

this & this for later.

Need to help out your imp before he stops being an imp. Can you make him bigger?
Or maybe as mentioned here, open some holes as a quick distraction. Offer up other demons, to save the one that's actually "loyal" to you. It's a trick on your part (unless she actually manages to eat some of them, in which case that's totally what you meant to do.)
No. 1089158 ID: 37587f

Ayo, imp's in trouble. Can you turn the clothes on the active siblings into bindings? Or make the imp taste real bad?
No. 1089162 ID: 2a82d3

Both of you are have basically have hostages now. There's no way to make that sexy...

... unless you know how to do a hostage swap via kissing. How good are you at sucking face? Is there a way to have the kid help? Could you mould her helmet (thrown nearby) into something you could use to your advantage?
No. 1089164 ID: 5ebd37

Ooh yes, swap spit and hostages.
No. 1089170 ID: 340fd5

i repeat backup is about to go by-by
seems like you can only transform things by touching them
can you open a portal-o-demon dick right into her?
she seems the sort that would just make quicker work of a meal if you tried just enticing her.
youd have to be clear about it. yell "oi thats my imp." or something
and hey youved lived through a few scrapes, and advice come to mind? maybe something the imp could do to slow her down even if you cant?

No. 1089179 ID: 7c55ad

yeet the Sakkilian Lady at the other Sakkilian Lady eating your imp
No. 1089992 ID: 681cb5
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>Can you open a portal-o-demon dick right into her?
You need a flat surface you can touch to make a portal, something like a wall or the backside of that buttplug one of the Sakkilian had. Then you can just shove it right into her.
>Wear her like a condom.
The whole point is knocking gals up, not to have safe sex! Still, she would make a good cock warmer later…

>Swap spit and hostages.
Running up towards her, you take her by surprise. Not expecting such an aggressive action from some elderly goat, all she has time to do is turn towards you to say something. You expect she was trying to threaten to swallow Maz, but as soon as she opens her maw you shove your own snout into it, kissing her deeply. While you’ve never been a good kisser, you’re good enough to grab the imp with your tongue and pull him out from her mouth, especially as she’s still stumped by your action.

After all, who expect the wizard to charge you with a kiss?
No. 1089993 ID: 681cb5
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It isn’t until you pull away you notice your blunder. Maz didn’t let the other Sakkilian get swapped, instead opting to grab her and start breeding her while still in your mouth, her massive ass hanging out from your jaw as the imp starts pounding it, both of them too big to fit inside at the same time.
No. 1089994 ID: 681cb5
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Scared Sakkilian: “Alright, enough foreplay, old man!” the normal sized Sakkilian barks out as she kicks the spear on the ground up into her grip, “I challenge you to a proper duel of ownership! Let see of those ancient bones can keep up!”
Bahravus: ”Mfff?” you try to ask her what she means, but you almost swallow your friend instead, “Mff…”
Scared Sakkilian: “Oh, you don’t know the code?” giving you a big, toothy smile, she explains, “It’s simple. A duel between just the two of us, so no annoying imp, useless sister or annoying brother, and whoever loses all their clothes first is made a thrall for the winner.” She swing her weapon in the air, which suddenly have a lot of torn clothing on it, “So get ready to serve under my fat ass for all eternity, dork, and you better pass on some of that magic to our clutches.”

It isn’t until you feel the breeze that you notice what she did… all of your clothes below the waist is suddenly gone, belt and all.

Scared Sakkilian: “Oh, and by the way…” she gives you a coy smile as she readies her spear for another attack, “Nice cock.”

She bigger, better, faster and stronger than you by a large margin, so there’s no way you can win an even fight. Then again… serving under a big, muscular rump like that wouldn’t be that bad…
No. 1089996 ID: ea9c0a

Bah! You can win! Just turn what clothes you have left into something really tough! Don't underestimate her strength, either, something REALLY tough. She only has one piece of clothing left on her. Get in close where her weapon will be hard to use, and when she grabs or claws your clothes, use the moment where she's surprised by how tough they are to make your own play. You'll have a hard time pulling it off her legs, so just sever the sides.

Spit out that traitorous imp if you can. You're the one with a curse to lift, here! Unless you can poke his balls to swap your seed in for his, or something.
No. 1090003 ID: b83802

Hot as the scenario is, if that imp knocks up the sister, he will be making up for that womb, one way or another. Let your opponent get a good view of her sister being bred and your dick. Win or lose, your spawn will be legendary.

She may be quicker, but you can know her next move: Use divination to see how she will attack, catch and put a portal on the flat of her blade (assuming touch is necessary), then nab her panties while tentacles/an eager demon dick goes for her face.

For your clothes, you can either make them denser, ie tougher and smaller and more predictable to defend, or multiple unconnected pierces, straps that cannot be removed in one swoop.

The brother may try something sneaky, so be aware of him as well.
No. 1090005 ID: 365de0

She's already broken the rules of her own duel. She tore off your bottoms while your mouth is stuffed by her sister and the imp. If she's going to fight dirty, you should, too.
No. 1090013 ID: 2a82d3

"You fool! That was you plan all along! Noone catches a divination wizard by surprise!" That perfect quip is what you would say if your mouth wasn't too full.

Or did you forget use the makeout sesh as an opportunity turn her spear to that of a pool noodle? Two can play slight of hand, after all. If you didn't, did you (and can you) delay the effect to catch her by surprise. If so, it should kick in right about now. Enough time to spit and get ready to cast.

Wait a minute. Where did the boy go? Is he sneaking up on her, or us?
No. 1090023 ID: a7a180

...Can you turn her sister into something to wear?
I've half a mind to swallow that fool familiar and summon him again after he's learned his lesson.
No. 1090031 ID: 5ebd37

If you can grab the spear right behind the head it should be a simple transmutation to snap it off. Then you not only disarm her, you now have a weapon.
No. 1090042 ID: 340fd5

if we cant do this ^

then there is at least the fact she went after us before we accepted her challenge so she cant call us a bad sport for
doing a divination now pulling the imp out just as he nuts so she gets the blast in her face
spit her sister out
casually saying "i accept" tossing the imp aside and snatching her last precious article of clothes.
No. 1090048 ID: 5a7a53

Swallow the gal in your mouth. it would be nice to knock up the first ten predators you find but this is Wjares' turf. If your imp happens to end up in your belly too, well.. you can probably breed him into someone. Maybe he'll appreciate being larger.
No. 1090051 ID: f72b35

>If your imp happens to end up in your belly too, well.. you can probably breed him into someone. Maybe he'll appreciate being larger.
We were given very specific reasons on why the imp should not get eaten: >>1089143

So it might be best if we don't nom the imp.

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