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1087613 No. 1087613 ID: 46e818

Our work is done.
The raider's camp is broken.

Finesse, Tislomer, Ashedel and I traveled again to the villages of the Timore Woodlands, bringing with us the abducted children we recovered from their captivity.

Finesse's old village, Ihnesh-Nayevh, was presentable, but still recovering from the previous chaos. With their stolen children reunited, and the blessings of the Seer reaffirmed in symbol, they pledged themselves without hesitation to our cause.

Still, we chose to give them the time and distance to recover themselves, and I vowed to send an emissary in the coming days to establish a more foundational agreement.
185 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 1089204 ID: 273c18

It's fine just be normal
No. 1089205 ID: bb6579

I know you probably don't need any advice on this one, but keep your hands to yourself for now. And uh, don't poke the bear, or gnoll, on this one.
No. 1089206 ID: 8f9bc4

So what books are you interested in reading?
No. 1089240 ID: 2f41db

Im not going to tell you to do anything.
I figure you'll have had enough of orders from disembodied entities.
What do you want to do now?

Oh, and dont worry about her though, shes sweet.
No. 1089245 ID: eb0a9c

Talk about bunnies.
No. 1089247 ID: 7493dd

Maybe you can tell her about the hot ogre ladies in the area that want to meet her brother.
No. 1089258 ID: fdd26b

I suppose we need you to re-introduce yourself entirely, we don't know what, exactly, was demon and what was you... do YOU remember?
No. 1089261 ID: 861ceb

>I didn't realize these were mixed baths
pretty sure they're not. I just think that one doesn't care.
No. 1089265 ID: 46e818
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Couldn't hurt to be friendly, if I'm going to be working around these people.

"Hello. I don't think we've had a chance to speak."
>"Way I hear you haven't really spoken to anyone."
"Well, mostly true, yes.'
>"So you don't have a demon in you anymore, huh?"
"It appears not. I'm in control of my own thoughts, words, and deeds once more."
>"Yeah I'm still tryin' to control myself, too."
"Well, here's to that."
No. 1089266 ID: 047965

Uh, miss Erisol? Everything good?
No. 1089267 ID: ce619a

...Ona didn't stick him in the ladies' bath, did she?

I mean, Erisol was diving around in the bath with the guys earlier oogling dongs so I'm not sure why she'd be put off by Pendle being here.
Unless she's afraid of spiders or missing limbs.
No. 1089302 ID: 2f41db

Toldja she was sweet.
Hey, new person behind you to greet.
No. 1089316 ID: 7b65e9

I mean, in a sense Geppa struggled with a "demon" of her own, you can certainly both talk about that and support each other.
If you're comfortable with it, Geppa. Of course.
No. 1089335 ID: 7493dd

Finally a new Onsen Episode, sweet!
No. 1089342 ID: 46e818
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>"Hey, look who's out of his cocoon."
"Ah -- um, excuse me. Princess Erisol."
>"Hey! You called me Princess! Wow, someone here knows how to be polite."
>"If he's such a gentleman what's he doing in the woman's bath?"
>"Hey yeah, what kinda gentleman jumps in the bath with a bunch of naked ladies??"
"Wh-- there's only one bath! And I was here first!"
>"He's right, Princess. You did just hop in, like just now."
>"Everyone's calling me Princess today! This is great!"
No. 1089344 ID: ce619a

Try very very hard not to get an erection
No. 1089346 ID: 70ad7b

Stop thinking about sex!!;
No. 1089347 ID: 2f41db

Barely a day out and about and you're nude bathing with two ladies.
Good gods man, you're a gigolo.
No. 1089348 ID: d3d640

Let's not tease too much, any kind of liaison with these two would not be good for any party.

Erisol is pretty childish, I don't even think we know her age. I'd also rather not have Geppa relapse or go through anything related to trauma. And needless to say Pendle also might have some trauma related to stuff the demon made him do to women.

Let's steer the conversation towards something a little more productive. Erisol, what was life like under the Czar? Let's know our enemy a little more.
No. 1089361 ID: 8f9bc4

Princess Erisol unfortunately doesn't remember anything before The Spritenning. Have any thoughts on how everyone in the Czar's city is a sprite, Pendle? Almost seemed unintentional, like they were hastily scrambling to hide it. Also I forget Geppa, do you have a hyena's... y'know?
No. 1089362 ID: 273c18

Great, alone with the two most unhinged female members in the base.

Talk to Dompag before attempting any romance with Geppa, and... well, Erisol's just kindof... weird, so you can use your own judgement there.
No. 1089375 ID: 3f3d5c

Totally don't think about sexy nude girls hanging out in the bath with you while you are also naked. Totally, totally don't do that.
... In fact, why don't we think about something completely different while you're naked in the bath? Why not think about...


For absolutely no reason whatsoever.
No. 1089383 ID: eb0a9c

Pretend it's your sixth appendage.

Ask about Inzare Citta. How do sprites... make product?
No. 1089389 ID: 82e021

Actually a good question, if not in the sense you intended. Ask how the city keeps functioning when everyone has been sprited. Surely there must be some kind of issues we could exploit.
No. 1089402 ID: debc82


Two whole braincells and a whole lotta love. The Princess gets it.

Anyway, let's just chat, see how things have gone since we've been ... away.
No. 1089404 ID: 46e818
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I always believed I had something of a dirty mind, prone to fantasy and lewdness. I frequently sought courtesans and other forms of pleasure for hire when I lived a bit more regally, before my time with Sun.
But I've been clean and sober here for not a half hour and I'm beset on all sides by innuendo. My doctor is trying to set me up with the man I nearly fought to the death. And the new voices in my head have a particular focus.

>"Hey quit blushin', we're just teasing. I'm not tryin' to make you uncomfortable. You know it's just funnin'!"
"Ha ha, yes, obviously." oh my dear me
No. 1089406 ID: 46e818
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"Princess Erisol, ah... can you tell me about Tela Cruz? What was it like to have--"
>"Hey now, that's not you asking. If the voices want to ask me they can do it on their own time, not while we're trying to relax. You're not the middleman for us.
>Let's talk about you, instead! We barely even know the real you."
"Ah... well, yes, very well. What shall I talk about?"
No. 1089407 ID: bc7d04

Let's hear about your childhood. You were a spider folk living on the Red Mesas were most people were more insect-type. Were you a stand out at all or are there others like you?
No. 1089408 ID: 5d083d

Let's make Geppa laugh so she'll inhale sharply through her nose. It'll be funny.
Or get Erisol to show us some REAL bubbles using that magic of hers.
No. 1089409 ID: ce619a

Let's talk about all the "courtesans and other forms of pleasure for hire" you were thinking about a second ago. That'll surely lighten the mood :D
No. 1089410 ID: ea9c0a

What is your favorite story?
No. 1089411 ID: 8f9bc4

Well that's not very nice of her, implying you're just parroting what we say like a puppet. But on the inconceivable chance you don't know this Pendle: you don't actually have to do what we say. Only talk about Tela Cruz if you yourself are interested in it.

But eh... this seems like Erisol is being evasive here. She's probably not comfortable talking about Tela Cruz (since she's a spy) and trying to deflect suspicion on us. So don't confront her on it or anything. Plenty of less personally impactful things to talk about.

Or do confront her, because again, you don't have to do anything we say!
No. 1089414 ID: 8e4f60

What kind of women do you like? Short ones? Wild ones? Strange ones? Tell us more about your true self!
No. 1089419 ID: 3f3d5c

I mean, I'd love to ask questions on our own time, but the tuning on this thing is shit. I guarantee if we try to hop over we'll land in like five different people first, two of which are the Boss.

Honestly, I got nothing, though.
Pendle, surely there's something you'd like to ask, right? You're a scholar, you haven't gotten to ask your own questions in a long time. Isn't there anything you'd like to know or talk about?
About Erisol? About... us?
Let it all out, buddy. We're all friends here.
No. 1089424 ID: 7bd404

I told you guys, no horny. Now look what you've done.
No. 1089427 ID: 2f41db

You know what P, the princess is right.
We wanna hear about what YOU want to talk about.
The shots are yours to call now.
If you're feeling a little choice paralysis, hum, whaddabout telling us what the most amazing thing you've ever seen was.
No. 1089443 ID: eb0a9c

What the hell was up with the Demon, anyway? Why those specific women?
No. 1089444 ID: 273c18

>the man I nearly fought to the death
He doesn't hold it against you. He's a good man.

Talk about your time in the courts! What was your job like before you got possessed?
No. 1089462 ID: 7493dd

If you want sexy time, we got you.
If you want comfy time, we got you too.

All you need to do is tell.
No. 1089470 ID: 46e818
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Yes, me. Let's see.
I was born Leonid Travask, as you now know. Born to a minor court, only child of two permissive but inattentive parents of lesser nobility. With privilege and little guidance, I confess I was a bit of a terror in my youth.

What started as a rebellious desire to provoke eventually grew into an obsession with the strange, the forgotten, and the arcane. In young adulthood, my studies on military tactics and logistics consumed me, but I pursued, in my free time, a passion for studying more arcane occult things.

It was in this way I eventually took notice of the notorious demonologist Kivas Sun. I left home to seek out Sun's tutelage.
No. 1089472 ID: 46e818
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Sun and I traveled and even participated in the excavation and exploration -- with a team of more physically competent explorers of course -- of a small number of forgotten sites in the southern deserts. We recovered and studied artifacts and relics and tablets and records, a wondrous plethora of a world that passed before we were ever born. It fascinated me, and under expert guidance, I was led deeper and deeper, never hesitating, always trusting.

Of course, it was this same obsession that drove us to attempt to commune with occult forces directly. It never occurred to me we were truly in danger, not once suspecting Sun had taken us well out of our depths.
Only once the demon broke free did I realize the magnitude of our error, and -- well, you see how that all ended.
No. 1089473 ID: ce619a

So uh... did you actually say any of that to Erisol or did you just think it?
Because as interesting to us as all that is, she was the one that wanted to know more about you.
No. 1089483 ID: 05fc82

Maybe we can reconnect you with an old acquaintance?
No. 1089487 ID: a044b5

If you're referring to Kivas Sun, she's more than likely dead, sorry.

But yeah, you should relate this to the two of them, just maybe use small words.
No. 1089491 ID: 861ceb

any idea what happened to your old teacher after everything went pear shaped?
No. 1089492 ID: eef602

i think you should just do some small talk with erisol, talk about random stuff that pops in your mind
No. 1089495 ID: 273c18

Broke free, you say? Was the demon imprisoned in a jar or something, or did you mean you bound it after summoning it?
No. 1089510 ID: 2f41db


Thankyou for sharing.
I hope your bathmates heard a version too.

It sounds like youd be hard pressed to pick a single amazing thing out of all of that.
No. 1089618 ID: 46e818
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Yes, "broke free". Sun tried to perform a rite that would bind the demon to our service, but it fought back unexpectedly, and our runes of containment couldn't hold it.

It took over Sun, first, but it made me an offer:
It would leave Sun unharmed and take me instead.
I was desperate, confused, panicked in the moment. I accepted. Of course, it was a deception. My mentor did not survive.

And so began my lost year.
My long nightmare, from which I only now begin to wake.
No. 1089619 ID: 46e818
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>"Hey. Excuse me. Hi."
No. 1089620 ID: 46e818
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>"Hi. Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. But uh...
>I can't hear you. You gotta talk out loud. With your mouth."

"Oh. Ha ha. Yes, right -- it's been so long since I was able to have a conversation that wasn't in my head. I suppose I have to re-learn a few things. My apologies.
Well, I was born Leonid Travask..."
No. 1089621 ID: ce619a

>it's been so long since I was able to have a conversation that wasn't in my head
So, you were able to talk to the demon while it was possessing you? Did it have anything interesting to say or was it all generic mustache-twirling villain taunts and threats?
No. 1089635 ID: 8f9bc4

We should visit someone else. Pendle doesn't need us distracting him while he's reconnecting with his new friends.
No. 1089636 ID: 2f41db

Lets leave him be fragments.

He's talking, smiling and maybe healing a little too.

The things he may have heard during his year are important but not urgent compared to his recovery.

Theres others to check in on or maybe warn Big M about his pending guest.
No. 1089650 ID: fdd26b

Alright who else to bug, any other bugs to bug?
No. 1089652 ID: eb0a9c

Aaand... scene change to our captured Princess!
No. 1089653 ID: eb0a9c

Aaand... scene change to our captured Princess!
No. 1089750 ID: 46e818
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Ah, what timing. Debriefing is finished and I was just about to open this courier mail we were sent.
No. 1089751 ID: 46e818
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Ah, that will do it.
No. 1089752 ID: 46e818
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Now let's see.

The writer of the missive introduces himself as Morphyl Rabas -- socialite, botanist, gourmet, among other things.
He has heard of me, and wishes to meet me personally. He is en route to the Vault -- with gifts, he says. He makes no direct demands, but clearly expects to be entertained as a guest.

Well, it is not uncommon to entertain important guests, I suppose. I have seen it done commonly enough in court.
No. 1089753 ID: 0db2a6

Ask cutie snooty if she's heard of Morphyl Rabas
then give her butt a soft pinch
No. 1089754 ID: 003778


Alrighty, back to the matter at hand. Does the name sound familiar at all? Sounds like we have a party to plan.
No. 1089755 ID: 3f3d5c

It's a pretty typical thing for nobility. He's probably coming to scope the place out, see what you're up to, and get in on the ground floor with someone who's clearly going places. Forging alliances, y'know.
He sounds pretty jovial. The fact he's bringing gifts reflects well on him. I'm not getting any danger signals on this end, but it'd be a good idea to treat him well regardless.

Do we have a guest room? We should probably make a place for him to stay while he's here, since we don't really know how long this'll go.
Who's the best cook on staff, for that matter? Would be good to prep a meal while we're at it.
No. 1089756 ID: eb0a9c

Dude, Ash has swords for feet, you're going to get Muschio stabbed.

I already don't trust that guy, but you should give him a chance. He seems to be of the same lifepath as you; building up a settlement into a nation within a lifetime. There might be a way to begin trading.
No. 1089761 ID: 7f8d92

Alas, Finesse got left out, what a shame.
No. 1089763 ID: 273c18

It's probably going to be a Sprite, sent as a spy.
No. 1089764 ID: ea9c0a

Uhhh boss you sure you want to get to business right away? Ash looks a little unimpressed. Like I'm sure you've seen to things satisfactorily but maybe she was expecting a little more non-physical attention. I know you're not a romantic sort but like a little comfortable fellowship maybe?

Anyway a guest! The first one after your refurbishing of the place! You need to get in some good furniture. Probably want to see to there being a guest room, too. Suitable supplies to show hospitality. The place is still a little heavy on functionality by the standards of this sort of thing, you know?
No. 1089765 ID: 7f8d92

True this, not very princely to just finish and walk away. Cuddle a little if she wants to.
No. 1089794 ID: 53560f

Does it say how long he’ll be staying? I hope we have room to house them. Important people usually have an entourage too so we’ll need to accomodate them too.
No. 1089822 ID: ebae20

Had to work off all that love, huh?
No. 1089826 ID: 2f41db

That was quite possibly the most erotic thing ive seen in my life.
No. 1089828 ID: 2f41db

Cutey snooty's ample booty?
No. 1089836 ID: 8f9bc4

Hopefully 'gourmet' doesn't include volto, kobold, goblin, or that latias you're sleeping with, on the menu. Regardless, not in a position to satisfy a fine diner's palette, so any guest accomodations should emphasize comfort over food, until we have some idea what to serve Mr. Rabas.

...if he's a dragon, he won't fit in the door. Which reminds me, how vehemently did you thank that dragoness for helping you er, defeat the demon?
No. 1089855 ID: 05fc82

I just had a brilliant idea! We can gift the remaining houndsgall to Rabas! As a botanist, he is sure to be delight at receiving a very rare plant. We just have to make sure we can trust him first, as we are giving him what is essentially super poison for our boss(also make sure he isn't a volto himself.)
No. 1089890 ID: 46e818
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Yes, you raise good points. A guest room and some aesthetic renovations to the Vault would be a welcome change. With the Odds empowered as they are, it should be simple enough to manage within a few days.

To think, we're prestigious and recognize enough to be attracting guests. This in the wake of our success in the Timore Woodlands, the exorcism of Mr. Khaneh... Not to mention a broad alliance of force and a promise of our own loyal troops! We'll have to hire more officers soon.

After so much hard work, it'll be nice to recoup for a while, get some well deserved rest, and calm down.
For the first time in a while, I have a good feeling about the days to come.
No. 1089891 ID: 46e818
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No. 1089893 ID: ce619a

Oh sure.
We've already had a demon, so why not the undead now, too.
I wonder what Muschio thinks about ghosts.
No. 1089918 ID: 7493dd

Optimism has never been your calling card Boss, Readiness will win us the day.
No. 1089921 ID: 033a6e

Yes, yes, calm down...now pay some attention to the lady, will ya?
No. 1089946 ID: 46e818
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"It seems a good priority would be to reorganize the base, introduce a new room or two, perhaps some halls."

>"Oh, don't forget about the y-axis."
"The what?"
>"What I mean is, the world is not a flat field. You could always build extra floors above and below."
"Ah, good point. Though there are certainly some areas I would like to avoid stairs where possible -- anything that would see frequent hauling and freight might as well be on the same floor, to avoid accidents, as well as probably not wanting stairs out of the baths, for slips."
No. 1089949 ID: 46e818
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Here... I believe this is a somewhat abstracted approximation of the Vault's current floorplan.

Bear in mind: The empowered nature of this mountain has allowed us to shuffle rooms about as through magic. Simply moving one room to another spot, or redrawing the passages between them, would only take a day or two, and not require re-carving the entire shape of it. Truly convenient.
I believe this is what happened when Ms. N'poa... took the initiative to build new indoor baths, now wedged between two other rooms. We'll want a better location for those at some point, as well as a guest room.

A basement level or second floor would be easily feasible too.

I was thinking some kind of antechamber might be nice, so we don't have the front door open up straight into our dining hall for anyone coming in. Especially as we don't have a war room yet and have to do most of our strategic planning in that room, too.

I also feel the current layout is perhaps too much about adjacent rooms with joining doors. There are almost no hallways to speak of! Very un-fortress-like. It might be easier to get around if you didn't have to pass through every single room to get to the next.

Well, if anyone has any ideas or experience designing fortresses, I would love to hear it. I feel this is a bit outside my proverbial wheelhouse at this scale.
No. 1089950 ID: 3cd5c3

Besides guest bedrooms for the upcoming visitor, make a connection between the Communal Barracks to the New Baths, a kitchen next to the Dining Hall for convenience and storing foods, also an emergency exit would be a great idea in case of attacks, a basement to store cursed and magic items, and finally a Training Room for the muscles of the Vault (Dompag and Ashedel)
No. 1089959 ID: fe12b4
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here's my suggestion for a reorganization and some minor additions. The big thing I wanna do is add some security, so the throne room and barracks both now have some extra gating.

Orange denotes "second floor" structures, I've removed the connection between the forge and dining hall in favor of a direct raised-hall that connects to the barracks. This is because freight can be just as easily be moved through the workshops, and I suspect we'll want to have a storage area connected to both eventually. I don't know how much more space we're gonna need yet, our needs aren't... fully clear? It's been a while. It also limits us to just one doorway to guard if someone tries to rob us of important tools or materials.

Of note: I've added a balcony to the dining hall, mostly for security but it WILL also add a nice sense of opulence. If we have any important guests, it'll be nice to have some high-ground, both for their sense of security and our own.

Similarly, I've added second-floor guest rooms to the barracks area, requiring them to pass through the entire barracks main while also having them up a staircase from everyone.

Also, a larder/food storage area connected directly to the dining hall. Sieges happen, we should be at least somewhat prepared for that.

I've also added a direct hallway to the baths since requiring everyone with some stink on 'em to pass through Ash's room seems somewhat silly, unless there was a reason for that I'm forgetting
No. 1089963 ID: eb0a9c

Muschio, we've seen things. You had memory problems at times, usually because the magical overloads caused your brain to shut down. But we saw, and we learned.

First up: Second floor as a maintenance area. You'll want to carve out the whole thing, and then we can place pipes and light machinery in the future. But it can be used for so much more. See, there's this branch of science that we discovered - we'll call it The Wired. Long story short, it can make or break empires - but that's a problem for your far-future descendants. What they will need, however, is a giant, well-ventilated, moisture-controlled room to put all their medium-weight 'artifacts' in. For now, you can use the maintenance area as a means of transporting water and air into rooms as needed; carve out evenly-spaced holes in a hexagonal format, and place grates on top. we can then place pipelines at will, or get the drop on anyone invading our fortress from the front gates. You can also place small, easily-managed turrets for archer defenses in the future. Have the staircase placed in the dining room for now, and we can work on building a proper Lobby later to act as the central hub of our operations.

You need to space out your sectors. The West Wing should be further left to prepare for future recruitment. You also need to swap the cells with your room, as it doesn't really make sense right now.

Lastly, add a Science/Arcana room. This will solidify the east wing as your R&D sector.
No. 1089964 ID: 2f41db

Remember the rule with stairs big m.
Spiral for aesthetics and defense.
Clockwise if youre defending vs ascenders
Counter clockwise if vs descenders.
Really fucks with right handed fighters.
Limits their ability to swing.
Unless your defenders are lefties then, well. Shit.
No. 1089968 ID: ce619a
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Well, first off, all your officers deserve their own private quarters should they desire so. The guest quarters can be a follow up; Our people should take priority after all. And at least 3 guest rooms for now in case our impending guest brings an entourage.
While we're at it, try to relocated Ona's sigil to the throne room. Might make a nice backdrop for the throne.

After that, we need a dedicated infirmary. Perhaps had we had one before Pendle wouldn't be in such rough shape. Best futureproof the base and make one now. Especially with a guest in route in case the worst happens.

After that everything else can wait, but it would be good to plan some other rooms we don't have: Like a kitchen, armory, treasury, library, rec room, corridors for future expansion, etc.
Another consideration is that some stairs could be substituted or supplemented with freight elevators to ease the burden of carrying supplies between floors.
(Also toilets? I don't know how far you want the logistics of the base to be planned out, but I'll throw those in here as well)

I think I got carried away lol
No. 1089973 ID: 53560f

Consider the following: a large central lift.
If it’s made primarily with rope, then we can put the non-defending personnel’s rooms, their workshops and valuable warehouses up on the highest floor and they may cut the lift to block off invaders reaching them too fast or even fire down on the lift as invaders come up.
Not saying to avoid stairs entirely, just that it would be a convenient infrastructure and defensive option.
No. 1089985 ID: a81eaa

it looks like all th' other voices have got structure covered perfectly well, so i'm here t' pipe in about those aesthetic changes!

might i recommend something more on the gothic side, to show off our grace yet dark and threatening nature? perhaps something similar to a cathedral- underground places of worship are not uncommon, i'm sure we can find a reference or two -t' fit with our theme of power and that whole "becoming th' devil" thing. maybe we wanna look at tall curved ceilings- as much as our mountain can contain, at least -with a surplus of columns, and some decorative carvings in the wall and fixtures? we don't really have an opportunity for grand windows or th' likes, so we've gotta make do.

we've gotta be wary of cave-ins too, hence my suggestion of pillars, and maybe reinforce th' ceilings?

we could also do with a theme colour- i'm thinkin' wine red, t' match with your coat and the regality thing, plus any blood that is shed would blend in pretty easily.

can't help but agree with th' others, particularly in terms of a proper infirmary and arcana room- maybe th' latter in a basement, to hopefully avoid any dangerous magic spills from getting t' the busy areas?

on a separate note, we haven't heard from wes in a while- how's our favourite leg-breaker faring?
No. 1089986 ID: a81eaa

it looks like all th' other voices have got structure covered perfectly well, so i'm here t' pipe in about those aesthetic changes!

might i recommend something more on the gothic side, to show off our grace yet dark and threatening nature? perhaps something similar to a cathedral- underground places of worship are not uncommon, i'm sure we can find a reference or two -t' fit with our theme of power and that whole "becoming th' devil" thing. maybe we wanna look at tall curved ceilings- as much as our mountain can contain, at least -with a surplus of columns, and some decorative carvings in the wall and fixtures? we don't really have an opportunity for grand windows or th' likes, so we've gotta make do.

we've gotta be wary of cave-ins too, hence my suggestion of pillars, and maybe reinforce th' ceilings?

we could also do with a theme colour- i'm thinkin' wine red, t' match with your coat and the regality thing, plus any blood that is shed would blend in pretty easily.

can't help but agree with th' others, particularly in terms of a proper infirmary and arcana room- maybe th' latter in a basement, to hopefully avoid any dangerous magic spills from getting t' the busy areas?

on a separate note, we haven't heard from wes in a while- how's our favourite leg-breaker faring?
No. 1090006 ID: 5d083d
File 171441118674.png - (81.16KB , 800x600 , layout.png )

All in all I think it's nicer to preserve the communal layout of the rooms and such. It makes for cozier living. But here are my two cents.

Above, in red.
A room above the gate and guardhouses with a few murder holes you can drop nasty things from. A chimney in the ceiling of the grand entrance so you can vent smoke if you decide to burn something in there to drive off attackers. And from there, a long corridor that runs parallel with the outer face of the mountain with some discreet peepholes so you're not blind in there.

Main floor, in black.
Some storage for the workshops with a separate access hallway so you don't have to barge past Babrakus, Tislomer or Wes to load it up.
A kitchen and larder.
No idea what those things on the left are.

Below, in blue.
A secret exit to get out of dodge if you have. Hide the hatch under a rug and put something that will make a loud, distinct noise if toppled on top of that rug so you'll hear and know if someone tries to sneak in using it
No. 1090007 ID: eb0a9c

+1 but don't forget a sub-level for ventilation shafts
No. 1090028 ID: 3f3f77

Ensure ventilation shafts are designed in a way to prevent people using them as a secret passage around the base.
No. 1090034 ID: f63e9f

We need a trap door that leads to the torture chamber….we’re also going to need a torture chamber.
No. 1090037 ID: 7493dd

We really must take advantage of our location. It's a mountain, after all. Lets built that lift to the top!

Excellent lay out, We really need to consider our *ahem* future honored guests.

We need to consider building a hangar in order to build large vehicles, maybe our own zeppelin/airship.
No. 1090050 ID: 64faaa

Sounds good, but maybe make it so that the officer or barracks rooms are between your room & the entrance or guest rooms. Or at the very least, have them closer than the entrance or quest rooms.

I think the hallway with peep-holes, & murder-hole & chimney on the entrance hall make sense. Make sure the peep-holes aren't too easy for people to turn into entrances, or smoke you out with.
Also, the secret exit is a great idea. In addition to hiding/trapping the near end of it, you also wanna hide the far end of it so people can't lay an ambush.
No. 1090052 ID: ce619a

>but maybe make it so that the officer or barracks rooms are between your room & the entrance or guest rooms.
It's not a great idea to have sleeping areas as a shield as that will mean unnecessary losses if we get suddenly invaded again. Sleeping minions are not great guards.
Once we get an influx of troops we can have some stationed in/around the entrance. The barracks are also close enough for the bulk of our forces to quickly respond to threats.
No. 1090053 ID: 3f3d5c

As hilarious as the idea of this is, I think I'm gonna do a veto on putting one of the peepholes in the baths.
No. 1090056 ID: ea9c0a

Dungeons downstairs to make it harder to escape, places you want to be defensible upstairs so it's harder for invaders to go up. Bedrooms and such. You probably want to add some proper kitchens and a supply room both to have food for staff and guests close to hand and take advantage of the cool conditions inside, and to have a reserve in case of siege. Think about where you want your water to be stored and where it flows, for a basic form of plumbing. Maybe think of making one really tall spiral staircase somewhere to come out somewhere high on the mountain, as a viewing spot and/or secret escape passage? Would also help as ventilation.
No. 1090060 ID: eb0a9c

We have a magic-saturated mountain. Let's pre-program the Vault to automatically set the secret exit to a random location every week! Disguised exit will be about two feet of solid dirt that has to be manually removed via shovels in the exit room.
No. 1090091 ID: 5d083d

It just occurred to me that this whole discussion might have been more suited for the discussion thread.
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