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1088718 No. 1088718 ID: 7a1a17

This will be a NSFW quest! Expect nudity, violence, gore, sexual intercourse, confusing story lore, cryptic bullshit, borked updates, and stupid names
Discussion - https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/129715.html
Wiki - https://questden.org/wiki/The_Family_Business (I swear I'll actually do something to this page. Someday...)

Pain. Dizziness. Nausea. Loss of Appetite. A typical morning for me.
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No. 1097563 ID: 64faaa

I'm not sure exactly how you two should subdue Naqzamti. Maybe you should distract her, and have Loquui surprise her & tie her up. Or maybe Loquui knows where they keep some of those drugs, & you two can figure out a way to get those drugs into Naqzamti.

Either way, when you do figure out a way, Loquui can keep her position in the Nakumu by riding Naqzamti's face & otherwise helping keep her under control. Like, have her act as your muscle while you dom them both?
No. 1097578 ID: 19ea25

To sum up what she's saying.. She basically wants you to breed them too, but she at the same time wants to be known as your highest breeding consort too. So she wants to have a high status amongst them while making them your figurative bitches.
No. 1097582 ID: dd3fe0

That word is a specific type of harem with it's own behavioral expectations and obligations amongst all involved.

Okay, so she is confused at the idea of you leaving. That leaves (for now) her suggestion -- a power grab within the tribe.

Which is fine for now, but that shouldn't be your long term goal. The society here is very... brittle. It does not lend itself to the long term thriving of you and your inevitable progeny.
No. 1097583 ID: dd3fe0

And the personality destroying drugs thing is a 'this permanently and irrevocably changes who you are at the deepest level, and frighteningly quickly'.
No. 1098041 ID: 7a1a17
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Oh. Well that is very interesting. Nakumu sounds like the Rezan method of marriage. Complete with all the taboos of marrying slaves rolled into it! I like it. You have NO idea who many bonded back home I've had affairs with that died because of the whole bonded situation. Well if Loquui wants that so bad, I'm not going to stop her.

"You still smell nice..."

The drug on the other hand, that doesn't sound as good as I thought. Like a brute force soul karving that strips everything away. Rather than cutting out their rebellious nature, you rip everything out. It defeats half the purpose of slaves! You lose their ingenuity formed from their foreign perspective. But I know plenty of people back home who would love to get their hands on that. If it hit Rezo-low, it would start a disaster.

Now as for subduing Naqzamti, that animal looks rather big, and she's hauling it off by herself. And Loquui told me she is not the strongest. Maybe these drug makers could do with a taste of their own medicine.

No. 1098042 ID: 7a1a17
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:iagn2:"Hey Loquuui. Stop eating my ear."

"But it is pointy and it tickles my tongue."

:iagn2:"Stop it and tell me, do you have any uh...what's the word...medicine for your nonperson to make half-person?"

"What are you? Oh! Tuglavu! You want the tuglavu...wait. You know what Tuglavu is?!"

:iagn2:"I am the Consort. Yes."

"That is true! Oh I was right!"

:iagn2:"Loquuui, the tug-glag-vug. Where is it?"

"We didn't manage to take much before we had to leave. Everything would be with Shokzali. We have enough for healing. Or to fix a nonperson. But only one! And that is why Shokzali said to not use it that way, and why she holds onto it."

Their leader? This may complicate things. Should I-

>Steal the tuglavu drug from Shokzali and use it on Naqzamti
>Steal it and use it on Shokzali
>Use the tuglavu on melon tits
>I dunno, gorod-rush Naqqy?
No. 1098049 ID: dd3fe0

I would consider bringing Tuglavu into the picture for personality alteration as an escalation. You do NOT want to escalate your tactics prematurely and without cause. Letting that cat out of the bag early just makes things complex and leads to scheming and counter-reprisal. Also she's talking about low, limited, non-repeated, controlled doses being used for healing purposes, which IS a useful use of the stuff.
No. 1098082 ID: 0db8d3

Hmm... Tuglavu brainwashing is usually a multi day process consisting near constant sex... It addicts the victim first to pleasure, then to it, then to you.

Normally using it against Gormoamhi would be a bad idea, as they are somewhat less affected by it than you are, but you're in a unique situation...
It's a bit more effective on females than males, the females are in heat, and the Tuglavu that this clan makes is EXTRA powerful.

Melon tits is currently suspicious of you (she caught you in an escape attempt), and Shok should not be underestimated.
So, Steal the Tuglavu and use it in Naqzamati.

You're going to need to apply it to her tits, inside of her sex, inside of her butt, and have her drink some. You're going to be exposed to it too, so you want to maximize her exposure so she breaks before you do.
No. 1098160 ID: dd3fe0


This is risky! And is there even enough present for this course of action?
No. 1098236 ID: 0db8d3

When dealing with Gormoamhi it's fuck or get fucked!
No. 1098631 ID: 7a1a17
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Hey hey! Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I still need to get the stuff. And right now I don't think Loquui's going to help much. She's all clingy and keeps muttering to herself. I'm starting to think there's a reason the other girls pick on her.

She just grabbed me and crawled into some dank tunnel. Why am I even up here?

"See? Down there, down there. She is down there!"

No. 1098632 ID: 7a1a17
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And there's the fearsome Shokzali. Talking to herself and swinging her spear around. Did I just stumble on the most insane bunch of Gormoamhi in the entire world?

:iagn2:"What am I looking for?"

"She hides it under her [color=#ff0000](shoulder guard). She takes it out when she spars with us. She beats us, and thrashes us. Only then she takes out tuglavu to give us pleasant feelings while our broken bodies heal."[/color]

Well that's great. Not on a table or a rock I can snatch it from. Just how the hell will I get it away from her?

:iagn2:"Does she ever sleep?"

"I don't know! She doesn't sleep when we sleep. She is awake before us to kick us out of our dreams! Shokzali is a [color=#ff0000](monster) with cinder for blood!"[/color]

:iagn2:"You sound like you admire Shokzali"

"She is amazing! I hate her..."

>Well now what?
No. 1098650 ID: eb0a9c

Your civilization is about three cuckoos crazier... Note that half-Rezan Gormoamhi exist in these camps.

>What do
Loquui should try to seduce her while you find a way to smash her pauldron, forcing the liquid to seep into her shoulder.
No. 1098654 ID: 26801d

Is she the type of person your slave could seduce? We should probably try to gather more Intel if possible
No. 1098661 ID: dd3fe0

Yea, who is at this place? How many? Where? What are their habits, their roles? Where can you go that wouldn't get you in immediate trouble?
No. 1098869 ID: 0db8d3

You two could just fuck until she retires. She [/b]must[/b] sleep, eventually.

Plus there's a distinct possibility that she already knows your there. If that's the case that would put her more at ease, strangely.

Alternatively, Loquuui could attempt to steal it herself. When she inevitably fails, have her tell Shokzali that she needs it to "Train" a slave. When she is inevitably told no, she can then ask to "prove" that she's worthy/capable of doing so.
Loquuui will then be subjected to some flavor of torment. If she can endure to the end, she will be given the tuglavu.

Personally I think she's crazy enough to do it.
No. 1099092 ID: 855371
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I don't think we're that crazy. Rokofs sure, Gamin maybe, but not a Makag. I dunno about fooling around. I am always up for another romp or two, but an all day thing? I'm going to need a lot more Alua-weed and kafei before I'm ready for something like that. And I currently have...none. I have no weed or kafei. So other decisions.

Loquui seducing her? Well let's see what she thinks.

:iagn2:"Hey Loquui. Do you think you can uh...do they even have a word for seduce? Wait I think they have-trick her into playing with you?"


:iagn2:"Yes. Play like you and me."

"No. Oh no no noooooo. I cannot play with her. She is a woman. And a mean one. Don't ask me to do impossible things."

I don't think she's up for it. Even if I reword it, I think she's just gonna say no again. Let's try the fake stealing thing.

:iagn2:"What if you spar again? I can take the tuglavu then."

"But she would hurt me."

:iagn2:"I can help you feel better."

"...really? If you will help me...then I will do it Consort. But what if she sees you?"

:iagn2:"She won't because-"

>You will fight so hard she won't pay attention.
>You will pretend to kick it over here by mistake
>I can sneak in and use the tuglavu on her.
No. 1099095 ID: eb0a9c

Some classic misdirection should work on a honed tribeswoman.
Loquui fights, pretends to steal the tuglav bottle (go find a spare bottle somewhere) and throws it in a random direction, meanwhile you sneak up from behind while she's distracted and smash her pauldron.
No. 1099096 ID: 4e436a

A staple of classic heroes is conquering their challenges through wit and cunning. Time to practice that stealth, hero >:)
No. 1099116 ID: a7a180

You'll sneak in, because you are so good at that.
No. 1099567 ID: 7a1a17
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Hrmmm, but as Jumago Makag once said "Why be a hero when I have people willing to be heroes for me?"

:iagn2:"I have an idea. You steal the tuglavu from her! But you steal it by being sneaky!"

"But she'll beat me."

:iagn2:"No no, see if you act like you made a mistake and steal it while you bump into her, then she will not hit you. Because you do not punish a mistake with a beating."


I think there's a lesson in there, about simple languages making simple minds. Or maybe Loquui is just more likely to accept whatever I say as fact cause she thinks I'm her demigod lover or whatever. Whatever the reason, she makes the clumsiest attempt I've ever seen to fake an accident.

"Mistress I greet!"

"Loquui, what are you doing here?"

"Nothing Mistress! I am just walking."

"Walk back to your place little girl!

"Oopa! I trippped!"

"Clumsy girl! Watch where you stumble! You disturb my circle!"

"I am so sorry Mistress. This is a mistake! I tripped!"

"Get off me!"

This is so pathetic, I almost regret telling her to do it...

"Oopa! I keep tripping!"

"Get your hands off of me Loquui!"

"I am trying Mistress! I am so clumsy!"

"Then I will teach you to stand straight!"

Well the plan worked. Sort of. She threw the pauldrons off, and the tuglavu with it as she-yeah there's she goes. Beating the shit out of Loquui. Damn she was PISSED
No. 1099568 ID: 7a1a17
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Shokzali is winding back her fist and punching Loquui anywhere she isn't protecting. But good for me. She's so pissed she doesn't notice me sneaking over to-got it!

>Save Loquui and dose Shokzali
>Jump Shokzali and tell Loquui it's time to restrain her.
>Something else
No. 1099569 ID: eb0a9c

Stab the Tuglavu canister, then swing it at Shokzali and follow up with a lunge to try and poison her.
No. 1099579 ID: 3df1ab

Throw a rock into the opposite corridor to distract Shokzali.
No. 1099583 ID: f2320a

Like the mighty butter sock we will swing hard and splatter her
No. 1099590 ID: eb0a9c

Fuck I was drinking soup and almost choked on my laughter
No. 1099798 ID: 855371
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Oooh is that anything like the slime sock? I love doing that!

:iagn2:"SLIME SOCK!"

"What dAAAUGH!"

No. 1099799 ID: 855371
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:iagn2:"Come on Loquui we're not done yet."

"Ah-haha-heeem. Did Loquui do good?"

>Shokzali is blinded by Tuglavu
>Have Loquui restrain her!
>Go high while Loquii goes low!
No. 1099800 ID: a7a180

High and low!
No. 1099822 ID: 6a185e

Loquui do very good. Now go for the legs!
No. 1099833 ID: eb0a9c

Yes it is just like slime sock, in some ways it is slime sock

Grab her weapon and tell her she does not want to be blind forever, so she should surrender
Wait until she can see you through tuglavu-dosed eyes, then go for the stupid seduction
No. 1100199 ID: 7a1a17
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:iagn2:"Yeah Loquui did good. No trip her Loquui! Hold her down!"

Loquui squeals then grabs the fallen weapon and trips Shokzali. Before she's up, Loquui is already pressing it to Shokzali's heart. For being such a tall clumsy girl she is pretty damn good at fighting when she wants to. I think she just needs some extra encouragement is all.

:iagn2:"That's a good girl Loquui, you're so good at this."

"Heheee...Consort says I do good. Stupid Shokka, who is clumsy now?"

Shokzali is still blinking the green muck out of her eyes, but she still looks plenty pissed.

"Loquui, you took the ghostskin and made him your female? Is that it? Is this you trying to take authority? It is a stupid thing you do!"

:iagn2:"She made me nothing. I am leader of her. After all. I'm the Consort to the Mother Goddess."

Shokzali is blinking. So fast I swear her eyelids might fall off. Is this a thing Gorm women do when aroused?

"That's...that is stupid! This is all stupid! How do you speak? How does a nonperson know the Mother Goddess?! Loquui! You idiot girl! You-"

Loquui plants a foot on Shokzali's foot.

"You don't mock the Consort. He may want you for the Nakumu but I will not let you insult him! I will kill you if you speak bad again!"

"Agh...Loquuii...what did you do?!"

Two girls who could probably kill me now fighting over me. I have no idea why I find this so arousing.

>So...tell me about this thing you call stupid seduction.
No. 1100210 ID: eb0a9c

>Stupid seduction
Recall every moment in your entire, centuries-long life where a sleazebag would try to woo another person with uninspired, bland motions and rhetoric, only to be slapped in the face or worse.
Do all of that, stupid.
No. 1100264 ID: 7a1a17
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Oh that's all? I'm great at those! Well great in Rezanti. I dunno how good it translates over. But hey no time like now to give it a try!

"It's looking at me..."

:iagn2:"Are you on fire? Because you heat me up."

"What are you talking about?"

:iagn2:"I'm talking about you and me and all night long."

"Loquui did you teach it to speak our language?"

:iagn2:"I don't need help to know how to speak passion sweet dish."

"Did you call me sweet?"

:iagn2:"Because I want to taste you."

"Wait, wait...this is part of some plan. You are trying to act smarter than a gormoamhi man. You and Loquui think that because I had to spend days with this horn-stroking jazuyana(untranslatable. Closest approximation: colloquialism for sexually confused male/female) that I'd be in my own damned heat period? Or that by striking me with the tuglavu, you will break my concentration and make it so you will seduce me with poetic words?"

:iagn2:"Well it is working?"
No. 1100265 ID: 7a1a17
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"It is working. Keep talking."

>What the lady wants the lady gets
>"I think we talked enough..."
No. 1100277 ID: 3df1ab

Keep talking, but gets handsy too.
No. 1100290 ID: eb0a9c

Time to ramp it up. She's all about short-sighted superiority, so discuss the fundamental properties of the Golden Ratio while stroking her in sequences matching those proportions. Make her realize, subconsciously, "that you a smart - you a very very smart".
No. 1100339 ID: 4e436a

Keep talking, get handsy. Figure out if she wants to be dominated the same way Loquui was, and if not, we need to convince her that she actually does
No. 1100352 ID: 2a82d3

Do the Gormoamhi have an alphabet? You'll never have a better opportunity to put 'U' and 'I' together ;)
No. 1101036 ID: 7a1a17
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I don't think she even knows what math is. I start quoting that and it will be lost on her. I'll just recite what the whores used as poetry back in Rezo. If something like cheap seduction works on her, then the lewd poems scribbled in the bathroom walls should be enough for her.

And it seems to be working. I recite a Four Ballad Stanza someone wrote about the Blueberry Bush, I'll let you figure out how she got that name. Real easy words, stuff I know how to say in her language, and it still rhymes. Lucky me.

"Hrrrrngg! You sound so good. No man ever said such things about me. Or anyone ever!"

It's a very lewd poem. As she gets closer, my hands start caressing her body. I slide along her sides, squeezing the soft and tender orbs on her chest, the softness of her thighs, her butt, and her flanks. She is growling now, and saying all kinds of things I can't even catch! But she's licking me. And that's what Loquui was doing so I think this is their clan's way of saying 'more'.

"See? He is the Consort! What man controls words like him? No one! What man mates like him? No one!"

"Nnnrrrgh Loquui shut up!"
She's clearly more frustrated that Loquui reminded her she has an audience. Suddenly Shokzali is pushing me to the floor and climbing on top of me. I think she likes me cause she's deliberately blocking my view of Loquui. "A small ghostskin can speak amazing true, but comparing his ability to plow with the men?", she sounds pissed but she's rubbing herself against me so I don't think she means it. "You are a foolish little girl smitten by your first breeding."

"I am Nakumu! I know what I am saying!"

"I'm in this damned heat because of you! You don't get to speak!"

:iagn2:"Shokzali, calm down, let me show you what I can do."

"Yes you show me ghostskin, and if you do not please me I will rip your tongue out..."

Honestly not the worst threat that has happened to me.

>Action time!
No. 1101040 ID: 4e436a

better get to finger blasting that pussy; make her cum so she's weak, then you can push her over and assert your dominance and claim another female for your new harem
No. 1101041 ID: 25fb94

So do the sorts of sex that they aren't necessarily used to -- use your fingers and mouth all over her body, tease, draw things out, nibble, do all the foreplay stuff she likely never gets to experience!
No. 1101042 ID: eb0a9c

Fist her. She's too dumb to realize that's not your penis.
No. 1101154 ID: 7a1a17
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Now I'm not going to be cruel. I get a lot more out of the girls and boys back home using honey instead of salt. Get her shaky and she'll let me do whatever I want.

"What are-oh. Oh! MMnnghugh..."

She tastes different from Loquui. Loquui was salty when I was nibbling her. Shokzali? She's got that salt from whatever the hell amount of sweat these unwashed primitives coat themselves in. But under that, there's a buttery aftertaste.

:iagn2:"Mrmmm did you have pups?"

"Haaahhn...I had daughters. And a son. All left for-hffff-Clan Golsamwe."

No idea who that is. Still explains alot. Shokzali is a mature woman. Like the Gormies in Lower Rezo. I learned is they don't really care for guys that go in hard and fast. And they don't care about size. All the pleasure they feel is near the surface. I don't even need a fist, when fingers will-

"Aaaauoooo! Damn you Loquui! This heat! I c-can't even take a the touch of a nonperson!"

:iagn2:"What a beautiful voice you have. You sing so good for me."

"HRRRNFF! And he makes me want more with just words!"

These poor girls never got a chance to explore themselves properly like the whores back home. I let go of her teat, and slide down her belly. She doesn't resist me as I push her down. Her body twitches as I continue to slide my digits in and out of her, like she's on the verge of letting loose the next time I move. Why do I get the feeling they never experienced a tongue down there?
No. 1101155 ID: 7a1a17
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"No that's where pups come from, it's not for tasti-agh! What are you doing?! You are not mating! This is not plowing! This is-ooooh..."

Thought so. You'd think with all their licking, they'd try something like this. Shok never had anything like that. She's leaking her sweet honey across my face like a cracked dam. It's spilling down my face and-

"Like the playing we sisters do with each other when we cannot get a man." Loquui is there, and even though I barely understand their language I can hear the smugness in her tone. "His touch is better than a woman, his mating is better than the men. What do you think that makes him?"

"Con...sort? NNNNNNGH!"

Oh, poor thing climaxed already. She's got so much more life experience than Loquui, but knows nothing about her own body-



Ach-ka, I can barely breathe! This woman's claws are squeezing my skull!. I keep going but remind me how strong are these women again?!
No. 1101159 ID: ffe8b9

Strong enough.
If one fought a gorod alone and without magic, they'd have a non-zero chance of winning. An incredibly low chance, but a non-zero one unlike most other races. That alone should tell you something.
No. 1101179 ID: eb0a9c

"Alone, I am weak. But the goddess has many kinds of thralls and I draw strength from each of them. That is the Rezan way."

Use various sex techniques from different cultures to emphasize this.
No. 1101211 ID: 19ea25

Strong enough to break your skull if you don't retake control.
No. 1101262 ID: 4e436a

might be strong enough to crush your skull if she really wanted to. you should take control, you need to assert that you're the Consort and you need to claim her so she doesn't dominate you. while her guard is down, climb up and start rutting her, figure out the best position to get her to cum so she's drained of energy and more willing to submit to you. don't be afraid to play with her clit at first to get her off faster as you fuck her
No. 1101544 ID: 7a1a17
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Right. I don't think I'll survive foreplay if she keeps squeezing like this. I-


"Haaah-nye-haaah! Enough! I want more. MORE!" She pulls my head out from her thighs and pulls me into her breasts. I'm losing control of this-nope! None of that! I'm the consort here! I grab her leg. Shokzali doesn't fight it. No, she knows what's about to happen and she wants it.

"Wait Consort Yahn wait!" Now Loquui is interrupting! If this was a service, I'd be demanding my money back about now. "Shokzali, you were always calling Loquui stupid. Beating Loquui. Well Loquui is the first of Consort Yahn's nakumu! That means you need to beg me to join!"

Oh right, Loquui's whole inferiority thing. She hovers over Shokzali, pulling at the older woman's hair."I know you want Yahn to breed you Shokzali. You want a consort's pups! That's the only kind of man you think you deserve! So beg me!"

Shokzali's breathing is heavy, and she's still grinding against me. Still she manages to look proper pissed. "You disgusting ash-spawned pup..."

"Beg me."

:iagn2:"No. Shokzali begs me!"

"But Yahn!" Loquui gives me a pitiful expression. "That's not how nakumu-" I am so sick of this.

:iagn2:"I am consort! Goddess chooses me! So what I say will happen. Shokzali will beg me!"

"Yes!" Shokzali is wriggling into me. I can feel her muscles flexing under me as she presses ever so close. "Let me join your nakumu Yahn!" And that's good enough for me! "Yessss!"

She's like a damn vice. I can actually see her muscles rippling in time with my movements, trying to pull me in as I plunge into that angry Gormoamhi hole. Shokzali's yipping and barking now, no words. Just enjoying her consort. And damn is it good to be the consort! Loquui is glaring at me and looking all pouty. I get the feeling she's going to be a problem.
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