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1093054 No. 1093054 ID: 9ea24b

Anime is real.

Discussion: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/135483.html

Setting enforced SFW. Will update every other day with at least two pictures and vague colors based on the outcome of a unanimous patron poll.
292 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 1095904 ID: 7c0da2

Belief Feedback Loop :
Requires a target that believes in you and that you also believe in. You bolster your beliefs with theirs, and theirs with yours, causing a violent surge of fighting spirit.
Side effects may include spontaneous matter generation, clothing alteration, uplifting music and reduced life expectancy.

Linguistic Precognition :
Allows you to perfectly predict your opponent's next line. Disrupts speech and monologue-based techniques, creates a moment of confusion, annoys people.

One-Shot Instant Printer :
The gacha sphere contains a small printer. Upon activation it instantly prints a very large amount of whatever type of object you requested, each different. The printer consumes itself entirely by doing so, and can't be reused.
The requested category must be somewhat broad, "weapons", "chairs" or "cooking supplies" would work, but "Mushi's bedroom key" would be interpreted as "keys". There might be a key that's identical to Mushi's in the resulting mess, but good luck finding it.

Golden Hair Dye :
Phosphorescent dye in a pressurized container. It's meant for hair, but will work on pretty much anything. Makes your hair yellow and bright. Bright as in luminous, you won't be needing a flashlight any time soon. It's the same kind of dye you're filled with, which makes sense but is also a bit gross. Edible, presumably for safety reasons.
No. 1095911 ID: 2f41db

Super action battlebot galvamech! (Leg)

A small, brightly decorated plastic wristwatch that allows the user to tell the time!
It also deploys a long aerial and can be used to communicate over shortwave radio signals.

It can also summon forth the associated battlebot!
The battle bot in question has two forms, one of which is its component of the combined mega form, the other its standard battlebeast form.

The fully combined battlebot requires five users with different battlebot(torso, two legs two arms) and stands around two times the height of the average homonculus.
In its normal individual battlebeast form stands around two-thirds of the height of the average homonculus and is capable of following verbal commands yelled into the wristwatch.

There have been many series of super action battlebot galvamech, each with its own thematic style for the team of bots.
The set in this specific gacha are based on the series : "coastal guardians"
(Leg, beastform: seagull)
No. 1095916 ID: 2f41db

Soul explosive!

A one off move of varying power levels.
Fueled by the belief of the user and augmented by the belief of observers.

User raises arms above their head and begins channeling their own energy into a single point suspended between their hands.
The more they channel, the larger the point grows in size and effective power level.
Observers who chose to lend their power must adopt the same stance and pour their faith into the wielder.
While it is not necessary, yelling does have a beneficial effect and can strengthen the effect more quickly.

Comes with a free, legally distinct scouting device for measuring your power levels.
No. 1095939 ID: 9ea24b
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>23 total spells after splitting the battle bot into five parts
>You pull: Fusion! (can combine with another homunculi to form a new, stronger entity, but you have to stay in emotional sync)
>Pinch won’t tell you what she pulled
>Mushi pulls: Dramatic pause (with cherry blossoms)
>A wiki listing the spells and known power rankings has been created: https://questden.org/wiki/Shonen_Quest
Hm, you’re not the happiest with the fusion spell since you’re not very feelings oriented but at least it’s more useful than what Mushi got.

As you meander back to your table, Gun runs up and taps you on the shoulder.

Gun: Hey, now that you have some spells let’s have a fighting tournament! Your monster friends can replace the people who are injured so that we have an even eight.

You: Sorry Gun, I don’t think now’s the best time for recreational battles. The situation is pretty serious.

Gun: Okay what if we just fought then. Like for real. I want to fight and school is cool and all but I want to prove I’m the strongest and you’ve just been messing around for ages.

You: Messing around? What???
No. 1095940 ID: 9ea24b
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>Kage escape check: Success
You’re saved from having to deescalate Gun with facts and logic when the door to the school slams open and a familiar purple girl charges in. Kage looks haggard, bits of blue dye on her robe and sword missing. At least she has all of her limbs and survived her mysterious experience.

You: Kage, what happened?

Kage: There’s another town out there just like this one except it’s horrible! It’s full of girls and they beat me up and–and took my sword and asked me a lot of questions and said I looked weird! They tried to tie me up but I barely got away.

Her three pupils are wobbly, a sign of her distress. You hurry to rub her back as she blubbers and leans against the table.

Kage: They were mean to me…

Wallace: Oh brave Kage, at least you found the hole in the sky! It may not have taken you to the exit this time but we can keep trying.

Pinch: You must’ve been strong if you escaped but it’s bad that there’s more witnesses. We’ll get revenge, for sure!

Kage accepts a hug from Pinch which hurts your feelings a bit. Kage barely met Pinch and you’ve been her pal for ages.

You: So you know where the hole is now, right? We can get your sword back.

Kage: Yeah…I don’t want to go there again though. You don’t need me to fly, I think you could jump to it if you tried.

Another monster will be spawning soon and Hatani should be back on his feet. What do you do? Pinch and Wallace will go with you.
A. Gather the lads and commence the fighting tournament!
B. Infiltrate the other town
C. Intercept the monster
No. 1095944 ID: 0902f3

C. Keep building that monster army!
No. 1095945 ID: 674c8a

That just means you need someone else CALCULATING or COOL to sync with.

It sounds like blue town is full of jerks. Gun might get the fight he's after sooner rather than later. RED vs BLU here we go.

I wonder if this giant isn't the only Creator. Maybe the giants are having a contest to see who can create the best homunculus society.

C. And we should see if Craw will come with. He's pretty in the loop on this whole business now, we need to update him on BLU Team and it'll be good to have backup if things go sour and Pinch tries something.
No. 1095949 ID: a7a180

C. Let's show Craw we can handle this.
Share a blade with Kage to replace her sword - we promise we'll go get it back!
No. 1095952 ID: 1effd3

probably C, just so that we have more time to KICK SOME BLU ASS and Kage's sword back
No. 1095953 ID: 1effd3

also correct me if im wrong, but *everyone* in town has been a dude (besides Kage) right? and she found a town of all girls? might be an important detail to remember... aka bring the hottest homunculus we've got to swoon then
No. 1095957 ID: fa3034

C with the intent to start training the defense squad. Hopefully we can form an away party to get Kage's sword back. It's too dangerous to leave out of our control.
No. 1095960 ID: 2f41db

Hey now.
Fusion is perfect for you.
You may not be feeling orientated but you can remain cool, know when its best to let your partner take the lead and sync with them.
Knowing what your partner is going to do is key to fusion and being the kind of person who can predict others actions has gotta be important.


Worry about the sword later.
Head off the problem before it becomes one
No. 1096009 ID: 9ea24b
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>C, best to address this first and then make a plan to take back the sword
You: Let’s recruit the new monster and then form the ultimate defense squad to attack those evil girls. Hear that Gun? We’ll get revenge for Kage and you can help kick some ass!

Kage: Hooray!

Gun: Cool! I’ll go tell everyone.

You squint at the boy’s tower of green hair as he darts between the tables to the exit. Does ‘everyone’ include Raito? While you were watching over Mushi in the dorms, Gun was chatting with Raito for a long time, maybe long enough to become friends?

>Loan Kage a weapon
You gave Pinch’s other pincer to Craw, so Kage will have to stay unarmed for now. Between Wallace’s scythe and the collection of sheer aura in your squad, it should be fine.

You stand tall and lead Kage, Wallace, and Pinch out of the school, checking over your shoulder to make sure Craw is paying attention. If you do a good job, it’ll bolster your reputation and give your plan more credence! The bird meets your eye for a moment before returning focus to his worksheet, which makes you feel a mix of fluttery and anxious. Is this how Kage feels about Craw all the time? Maybe you have a use for the fusion spell after all.

From the high ground at the top of the park, you look for any incoming monsters. You can’t stay long before Kage gets restless and you’re forced to walk into the shadows. Ears on a swivel, you gradually pick up a raspy mutter. Two raspy mutters, in fact, and the sound of something dragging along the floor.

You drop into a crouch and gesture at your troops to be stealthy on the approach.
No. 1096011 ID: 9ea24b
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???: There was a smell of blood, a cold table, and the male feline–

???: No, I think the feline was female.

???: What? Are you sure?

???: Well no I’m not sure, I guess they could have been male.

???: I remember the sofa…It wasn’t very comfortable to sleep there.

You see a pair of bodies connected by a thick cord stumbling around in the dark. They’re naked and fleshy, with protruding black teeth, a departure from the imitations creeping behind you. Each voice sounds identical to the other, and you’re not sure if it’s two minds in one body or a very scatterbrained individual. Either way they don’t seem to have sharp senses, since they don’t notice you.

???: The fathers hated us.

???: Yes, yes it’s starting to come back. Wretched miserable creature. Easy to defeat.

You’re one good leap away from the monster and since you want to recruit them and they still haven’t noticed anything, you raise your voice.

You: Hello friend, it’s the other rogue homunculi here: Kentaro, Kage, Wallace, and Pinch.

???: Eeek! Oh yes, erm, hello.

???: By now you should have found the exit and dispatched the native homunculi, correct? All that is left is to defeat our captor. I was created to research their weaknesses from what the printer found in its data after Pinch was born, together we can overpower the giant even if they’re very large.

What’s your recruitment tactic this time?
No. 1096013 ID: a7a180

Don't underestimate a cat at this size.
You seem to share a Calculating nature, so share your plans and progress so far. Use FACTS and LOGIC to impress on them the easiest path of escape inflicts a minimum of violence.
Can their sharp teeth dig through the ground? Perhaps you have a new angle for approaching things.
No. 1096015 ID: 562afe

The exit is not an exit. It leads to another homunculi city on the floor above us. The printer's plan was never going to work.
We've been befriending the native homunculi. You must admit that, if the giant proves hostile, we may need their combined strength to escape.

Right now, our objective is to learn more information. If there is another printer on the floor above where the girls are, it may possess information our printer doesn't have. But we also need to find a way to communicate with the printers.
No. 1096051 ID: 355e44

Researching their weaknesses is a good plan, but it will take time. For now, we have a truce with the locals, and are looking for more information. The exit isn't as straightforward as we thought, so we are on an expedition to explore it further, if they'd like to join.
No. 1096193 ID: 9ea24b
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You like this new monster already. It helps that they didn’t try to nibble you with their big teeth and despite not having Pinch’s looks they do possess a kind of grotesque cuteness. You put a hand on their nearest shoulder.

You: The situation is more complicated than the printer is aware of, and we’ve had to alter the plan somewhat. It turns out the other homunculi are mostly nice people! Even though they don’t feel pain, violence should still be avoided.

???: Um, okay.

You: And right now we’re still learning more about this place. You can be a big help! The Creator, that’s the giant, is still very mysterious. At our size, we shouldn’t underestimate them.

???: They’re made of meat though, meat isn’t that strong.

You: How do you know that?

???: It’s in these memories that I’m trying to understand, the giant comes from a meat world. Everyone there is big and smelly.

???: Lots of dirt, lots of people.

You haven’t taken the pet/childcare class so the concept is foreign and a little disturbing. Of course you understand what meat is, just like you have an innate understanding of most concepts, but a person made of the stuff would be very…biological.
No. 1096194 ID: 9ea24b
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You: While you work on that, we’re going to find out more about the exit. Right now there seem to be multiple connections from this area to others, including a town which should have another printer. I’d really like to find a way to communicate with our printer. There might be a spell or something but you can’t choose which one you get.

Pinch: Hey, I’ve been thinking ‘bout that. What if we just broke the gacha machine open and took all the orbs?

You: Uh…

Kage: That’s a good point, s’not like Punt said we couldn’t do that.

???: There are meat people that would do it. We wouldn’t.

???: No, the giant wouldn’t. That’s not us even though our basis for existence comes from their experiences.

???: That’s right, sorry. It’s confusing with all of this information.

Wallace: I like what Kage and Pinch like. Let’s smash that machine!

Give the new monster a name, decide whether you want to plunder the gacha machine, and choose your strike team for girltown.
No. 1096197 ID: a7a180

Smiles "Tail" Prowler.
Plundering the gacha machine would be appealing if we knew we were escaping. It's not harming any homunculi and something the giants could easily fix. But since we plan on returning here, I'd say don't do that.
Take at least Pinch and Craw with you. Can Wallace jump that high too?
No. 1096198 ID: 4da287

I like Smiles and Prowler.
>Gacha machine
I think an avenue we're not considering is breaking girltown's gacha machine and stealing all their gacha orbs. They stole Kage's super special awesome unique sword, so it's even stevens!

>Girltown Strike Team
Kentaro, naturally.
Gun, to satisfy his fighting urges so he doesn't cause problems.
Mushi, since he's been training with Gun. They probably know each other's fighting styles and can work well together.
Wallace, we should have someone with a black blade who can parry attacks from Kage's sword if they decide to use it. Ask Wallace to aim for limbs if he needs to use his blade, since we know how to reattach or stump those fairly reliably.
Pinch, so we can keep an eye on her and work on getting her used to teamwork through teamfights.

Leave Kage and Craw with Smiles and Prowler, to help acclimate them to the city and work on information consolidation. Also, let Kage know to keep an eye on Raito while we're gone. Maybe Dennis could help her with that and like, spy on Raito inconspicuously. Raito would never expect a mouthbreather to be outsmarting him.
No. 1096199 ID: 3d8568

"Rattus Rattus" he's rattus and the other one is also rattus, they *can* tell the difference when you say the other's name.
No. 1096200 ID: fa3034

That's of fair point. Let's loot it only when we know we found the exit. We can't show our hand to the creators yet. Girl town raid team should be volunteers willing to fight. See if Kage is willing to go now that she has back up. She would know the area the best. As for name, Rufus.
No. 1096246 ID: 1effd3

as sure as i am that would be very fun, theres likely a reason why it hasn't.
1. it'll delete the prizes before it breaks.
2. It's invincible.
3. It'll kick our ass.
4. Summon the Creator, then kick our ass.
No. 1096253 ID: 2f41db



I like this.
I was hoing with gnawbert but this is better.

As to the gacha.
My worry is that a broken gacha machine may interrupt the learning opportunitie.
Smash it and no more important skills.
Im not just saying that because learning is fun.
Also chance that breaking it would;
Trigger a gacha ball accidentally and cook off the whole batch.
Not work if the gacha are unprimed before earned.
Trigger a "refill gacha" light on the habitat kinda like an ink starved printer.

The latter may be known instinctually by the crew.
Their momma was a printer after all.
No. 1096305 ID: 7c0da2

I like Rattus Rattus.

By the way, do you think if we gave them the fusion power they could fuse with themselves and become some kind of Rattus Prime?

Breaking the Gacha Machine is more of a last ditch effort. And it's only good if we're sure we can get away with it. Assuming it's not tamper-proof, it would at the very least anger the other homonculi, and maybe alert the Creator. Right now, we don't have a need for more power that would justify taking those risks.

For our strike team...
We need Kage, she is the only one with any kind of intel on what girltown is like.
We should take Gun and Mushi, they're good fighters and Gun wants a fight.
We should take Wallace, we might need his blade.
We should offer Raito a spot on the team. It's probably better if we can keep an eye on him, and he might help with non violent options.

We should not take Craw. It's better if he stays here in case our printer produces another homonculi, and to ensure Hatani is safe. Warn him to keep Pinch away from the Gacha Machine.

The others can come with us or stay here as they prefer.
No. 1096324 ID: 9ea24b
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>Don’t break the gacha machine unless it’s a last resort
Even if there isn’t some automatic security measure, it would definitely piss off the other homunculi. You’ll only consider it once you’re sure you’re about to escape.

You: Everyone, we need to stay orderly and maintain our good reputation and that means no smashing. I want Craw to continue to like us and he cares a lot about educational integrity.

Kage: Aw man, I guess you’re right.

Wallace: I like what Kentaro likes. Let’s not do anything rash!

You worry that your party is a little lacking in the willpower department. At least it makes it easier to be the leader, and with your divine right to authority you turn your attention back to the new monster.

You: I’m going to call you Rattus Rattus.

Rattus: Okay.

Rattus: That’s a fine name.

You: Alright everyone, let’s take Rattus back to town and form our strike team. Kage, I know you don’t want to come but you should tell us everything you know about those girls.

Kage recalls a liberal amount of pink hair, a single bunny girl, and a goth chick who seemed the most proactive about capturing Kage. She didn’t see everything, but she thinks the structure of Girltown is identical to Boysville. The exit hole is in the sky between the dorm and the arena in both places.
No. 1096326 ID: 9ea24b
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>Assemble the team: You, Pinch, Wallace, Gun, and Mushi
Mushi is injured but he’s still a good fighter and more importantly a nice kid. If Gun has been compromised and Pinch is a wildcard, you want a majority of trustworthy individuals. You tell Rattus to stick with Craw in the school and Kage to keep an eye out for Raito since it’s been far too long since you’ve checked on him. You’ll try to be back before the next monster spawns.

You take the team to the top rim of the arena and jump first, aiming for a slight shimmer in the air.

>Team member travel to Girltown check (75% of success):
>You: Failure
>Pinch: Failure
>Wallace: Success
>Gun: Success
>Mushi: Success
Logically, you should come out of the same place in Girltown that you just exited in Boysville, but instead of landing on the paved path between bushes and fountains, you kind of just. Keep soaring through space?

Pinch: Ahhhhhh! What’s happening?

You twist to check behind you and see Pinch flailing midair, a sliver of blue sky getting smaller behind her. All around you is inky darkness.

No other homunculi come through the hole and you flail as you try to adjust your trajectory. Judging from the hole you think you’re moving down?

You yelp as you hit something firm and fuzzy, bouncing a few times to unreasonable heights before finally getting a grip on the strands of the carpet-like substance under your feet. Pinch takes this as her cue to crash into you, grabbing hold of your tail to stop herself from bouncing away.

What do you do?
No. 1096329 ID: a7a180

Look down. Is it carpet? Look up.
Pinch may assume we have actually escaped. You should confirm that before she scuttles off.
No. 1096341 ID: 355e44

Sounds like you escaped the homunculus habitat at least, but that probably puts you in the Creator's space. Or maybe you're in a utility space between them. Don't be too loud, you may be observed.
No. 1096342 ID: df60a9

We can still see each other, right?
Signal to Pinch to be quiet, and whisper that we should stay in view of each other or we might lose all sense of direction. Search for a wall. Some kind of reference point.
This could be the feline, or maybe a blanket on a bed.
No. 1096343 ID: df60a9

Also, be careful Pinch doesn't pinch her pincer from you in the chaos.
No. 1096358 ID: fa5cf6

Wince at the rough handle on your tail. Ask Pinch if she's okay. Get your bearings. Can you jump back?
No. 1096360 ID: 1effd3

stay quiet and figure out where you are
No. 1096364 ID: 2f41db

Ask pinch if shesnok.
Check on her.
Its a weird, new unexplored world and you two are gonna have to work together to get by.

Once injuries are checked for, look around. Find out about your terrain.
Cant run off blindly.
Youre too calculating for that.
No. 1096424 ID: 9ea24b
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It’s even darker than the gloom in the unlit regions of your home area and without your sharp eyes you don’t think you could see very well. You can’t even see the hole you emerged from, which is scary, and you wince as you lower yourself to the wooly ground. The base of your tail feels wet with dye from when Pinch yanked on it and you carefully reach your hand to anchor into her fluff.

You: Go easy on the tail, Pinch. Do you feel okay? Injured anywhere?

Pinch: I’m fine, ugh! Did we escape? Where’s Wallace?

You: I think Wallace and the other boys made it to Girltown like they were supposed to. This is…somewhere else? It seems like a holding space, but maybe we just can’t see what else is here in the dark. Let’s be really careful and quiet and try to explore.

You feel Pinch let go of your tail, which is a relief, and you bat away her hand when it starts patting at your pockets for her pincer.

You: Cut it out, we need to work together.

Pinch: Do we?

You: Yes! What if we get stuck here forever? Or at least until the Creator comes?

Pinch: Okay, so I should wait ‘till we find the exit to try anything.

You: At least you’re honest. Remember you’re supposed to be on your best behavior!
No. 1096426 ID: 9ea24b
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You decide to wield the pincer yourself, which means both your hands are full. Walking next to Pinch is doubly awkward because of her long limbs and the low gravity, which lifts you off the ground if you move too fast. As consolation, you’re frequently knocking shoulders with Pinch, which makes her blush.

Why would a place right next to your home have such radically different gravity? There’s no physics course in the school, sadly, but you’re smart enough that it seems weird.

Finally, you reach a wall, which curves around the room seamlessly. You don’t encounter any furniture or giant cats, which confirms your suspicion this is more utility area than living space. Your theory is that it could be a sort of hub that all of the subareas connect to.

There is no exit door, though you weren’t really expecting one. Things here seem to work via reality hole, and you’re very lucky you have a tool that can pry open those openings, like how Kage’s sword was used to make the path between Boysville and Girltown. If any of the others had gotten trapped here they might not be able to leave.

You: Okay, I think we need to start poking things with the pincer because there’s no other way out of here.

Pinch: Huh? Let’s just jump back to the hole we came in through. We should be able to get the height since things are so floaty here.

She bunches up her arms and legs and leaps before you can react, and you’re dragged into the air with only the least embarrassing of yelps. You do get close enough to see a sliver of blue sky through the darkness, though you’re still a ways below it and not on track to make the target anyway.

You: Don’t just jump without warning!

Pinch: You’re weighing me down! Let go!

You: Think things through for once, can you even make it up there?

Pinch: I’m not a nerd with puny legs like YOU.

Because of her vastly superior power ranking, Pinch can make the jump, but you can’t. You’re worried what she’ll do once she confirms this, not to mention you’ve been walking around for a while.

A. Ask Pinch to return to Boysville and get Kage to come help you (while you wait, you’ll explore with the pincer)
B. Use your spell to fuse with Pinch so you have the combined strength to escape (romance Pinch route)
C. Stab Pinch to stop her from leaving (and potentially attacking you)
No. 1096429 ID: a7a180

Also, if Kage made the hole in reality leading to Girltown, why don't you try making more holes and seeing where they lead? If this is a hub area then there should be many more possible destinations.
No. 1096434 ID: 1effd3

B, let us GATTAI
No. 1096439 ID: fa3034

Selling Pinch on the prospect of achieving new power and heights seems like an easy pitch
No. 1096440 ID: c5529d

A. I kinda wanna see what this place is all about.
No. 1096445 ID: 507e59

A because you are calculating and this will give you more information on this zone you can use later (which u def will need to) although B would be fun too bc dating cute monster
No. 1096448 ID: 2f9996

B. You'll need to synchronize your feelings to get enough power to reach the opening. As good an excuse as any to get Pinch to open up a little.
No. 1096453 ID: 2f41db

I am torn between a and b.

Im falling on a as knowledge is a reward we value greatly, but would suggest floating the idea to her regarding b so she can brace herself for the possibility.
No. 1096463 ID: 7c0da2

A. This place is interesting and poking holes in reality is fun. Also, the alternative is either romancing or being beaten up by Pinch and neither option sounds like a good time...
No. 1096472 ID: 60b9b9

B, I just want to pinch Pinch’s little cheeks.
No. 1096473 ID: 210aa5

If I can sell it to the edge cases:
We will have the opportunity to return and explore the void zone later. However, with A Pinch could run off and leave us, lie and say we're gone, or even if she does come back for us with Kage we could run out of time to help the boys who landed in Girltown.
With B, we definitely have the jumping power to reach Girltown, and with our fusion power we can help the boys kick butt. It's also the only time we'll have an excuse to talk Pinch into fusion, and mind melding is probably the best way we'll have to get her to open up.
No. 1096476 ID: 355e44

B with A as fallback if she rejects you.
No. 1096511 ID: 9ea24b
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>B, fast and hopefully effective
While your truth seeking side is dying to stay in the hub and explore, you’ll almost certainly miss the birth of the next monster and whatever’s happening to the lads in enemy territory. You need to sell this fusion thing to Pinch as well as confess your feelings without scaring her away to get both of you through that hole. Once that’s all settled you can return here and investigate!

You: Pinch, I want to talk to you about something serious when we land. After that I won’t stop you from leaving.

Pinch: Fine, whatever.

It’s easier to grab the floor and anchor yourself this time since you know what you’re doing. You sit and Pinch hesitates before folding up her limbs and crouching across from you.

You: Remember when I kissed you when we first met? It was partially to get you to stop sucking the dye out of me but I–I also thought you were beautiful.

Pinch: …Is this a trap?

You: I’m not trying to make you flustered or anything! I’m trying to be honest about my feelings in a situation where we’re not actively trying to fight each other, because, uh, I have an idea of how we could both get out of here and be extra strong when battling the girls too. We can use my fusion spell I got from the gacha machine and as long as we stay in sync we’ll be super powerful.

Pinch: You know, I was just trying to help the rogue homunculi when we met. That’s what I was made for. I’m not some kind of evil monster.

You: I mean yeah, I get that. It’s like with Wallace, you both were doing what you thought was normal because you didn’t know any better.

Pinch: And then ya had to go and chop off my pincers! Way to show a girl you like her, asshole!

You: Well like I said, you can have them back once you’ve proved you deserve it. When we fuse it’ll be like you have one already.

Pinch: You don’t hafta butter me up, we can try it. You’re the leader, even if you’re not the only one with good ideas. Sometimes you’re cute too, I guess.
No. 1096512 ID: 9ea24b
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Thrilled, you take out the spell orb and squash it between your palms. It bursts into bright smoke, enveloping you and Pinch.

>Become Kench
The smoke clears and you get to your feet. Your magenta skin is bare except for a cool long coat, and you flex your double set of arms. The fangs in your mouth don’t pierce your skin, which is probably for the best.

Hahaha! Yes! This is the real power and mental stability you’ve been craving. Kentaro and Pinch have a good overlap in abilities, with both being risk averse and stealthy, and despite Pinch’s complaints, she wants this fusion to succeed for the good of the team. You’re stable at the moment with Kentaro at the mental helm, but if Kentaro chooses an option that Pinch doesn’t favor three times total, the fusion will break. It will also break if you’re injured to the point of unconsciousness.

In your new, fur-lined coat’s pockets are Kentaro’s sewing supplies, Pinch’s orb which is revealed to be spell #4 (Timewinder), and the pincer.

You carefully aim and leap for the entrance to Boysville, landing head on to emerge into the bright light on the stone path. Nobody’s nearby to question your unfamiliar look, so you immediately turn around and jump back toward the rift.

>Girltown travel check (75%): Success
That’s more like it. You can tell this is a different place by the conspicuous streak of red smeared along the ground. Your short, bat-like ears pick up a rustle in the nearest bushes, but no sounds of fighting.

A. See who’s hiding in the bushes (it could be your friends waiting for you or an enemy preparing to attack)

B. Follow the trail of dye (it seems to lead to the dorms)

C. Run around until you see someone (you’ll lose the stealth advantage but get a grasp of the situation fastest) PINCH UNFAVORED
No. 1096517 ID: 1effd3

Ooo Timewinder is good incase something messes up later.

I vote A, if its our friends, cool (hopefully wont attack us), and if it's an enemy, we are prepared, and we are kind strong and cool and stuff.
No. 1096519 ID: ab6a86

B. Our forces should have retreated if they were wounded. Someone was likely captured. This might be a rescue mission now.
No. 1096522 ID: cc5554

A. If it's an ally we can team up and get info, if it's an enemy we need to KO them before they give away our location or track us (NO WITNESSES) (nonlethal)
No. 1096525 ID: a7a180

A. Make sure you keep the upper hand - even allies won't recognize you in this condition!
No. 1096537 ID: 2940d0

A. What if its a cute little animal mascot character that can follow us around, and sell plushies to the viewers at home?
No. 1096538 ID: 2f41db

Cute little mascots are either perfect little buddies or amoral monsters with eldritch powers.
No overlap.
They are always marketable.

Seconded on that A
No. 1096539 ID: 355e44

Looking cool there Kench

A) sneak up on the rustler
No. 1096614 ID: 9ea24b
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>A, but stay on guard
Even your allies wouldn’t recognize you with your new, roguish charms. You carefully take out the pincer and sneak towards the guilty bush.

It rustles again, and you hear a few terrified, female whispers. Not your allies then, but also probably not the Girltown aggressors. Weighing the odds, you decide to speak up.

You: Psst, hey! Is someone in there? I might be a scary stranger but I’m here to help.

More whispers, and then two girls poke their heads out of the bush. One has pink hair, as Kage foretold, and the other is the bunny. Both look haunted, pupils wobbly as they take in your foreign form.

???: I’m Baitu and this is Yana. Are you related to the purple demon? Where did you come from?

You: I’m Kench and yeah, I know Kage. I’m looking for my friends that should have come through here, we’re trying to retrieve Kage’s sword.

Baitu: We met them while we were running from Mura, Mushi told us to hide here while they went ahead.

Yana: Mura’s the one who took the sword! She got real worked up about what we should do about the invader an’ there was a big argument and she sliced three out of the seven of us.

Baitu: She also broke the button to call the Creator so there’s nothing we can do, Doka was the only one besides us she didn’t cut and we only got out because we’re weak.
No. 1096615 ID: 9ea24b
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You: Whoa okay, so there’s four of you girls alive, my friends are here somewhere, and basically only one evil person to watch out for. Does Mura have any weaknesses?

Yana: She’s soft for Doka but I dunno what else. She’s really strong and stubborn.

Baitu: We saw Doka take all the bodies to the dorms to try and heal them, if you want and try to get her help.

What do you do?
A. Show them how to get to Boysville (immediate safety for the girls and you can go find Mura or Doka afterwards) PINCH UNFAVORED

B. Tell them to keep hiding while you search for Mura or Doka (delays the issue until you resolve the conflict, Mura might find them first)

C. Tell them to come with you while you search for Mura or Doka (they’ve implied they’re in the bottom two power rankings of the girls, but might still help in a fight)
No. 1096616 ID: a7a180

C. You know how to fix people, kinda! Look for Doka and then they'll be two extra hands to help with the stitching.
No. 1096623 ID: 494ef6

C. And go straight to searching for Mura. Mushi is going to go straight for her to protect the innocent, Gun is going to go straight for her for a fight, and Wallace is just going to go along with them. The two girls can just throw things to distract her in the fight and it'll probably be worth a few % of advantage.

We can help Doka patch up the wounded once the threat is stopped. It'll be a opportunity to test out our welding idea too.
No. 1096626 ID: 3d8568

I like C and showing them how to fix people up
No. 1096633 ID: 2f41db

Once we stop mura hurting people, then we can show you the magic of a fully passed textiles course and
No. 1096652 ID: fa3034

C, we're getting that sword back.
No. 1096708 ID: 9ea24b
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>C, go after Mura, you can help Doka sew people up later
You: Let’s stop Mura and get the sword back before she hurts anyone else. You two come with me, try to keep as quiet as possible.

Baitu: We can do that.

The girls emerge from the bush and you take their hands since you have arms to spare. The trail of dye leads to the school, where you pick up a new smear going down into the park.

>Random injured lad: Gun
You don’t want to leave the cover of the buildings and from the bushes next to the shop you see that fluorescent red leads to a neatly bisected Gun. Hm. In your expert textiles opinion you’d consider this an extreme injury and even if you sewed him back together Gun would have to be very careful to avoid opening the wound.

It doesn’t take long to spot Wallace and Mushi hiding in a tree since the leaves aren’t dense enough to hide the monster’s slinky form. They aren’t moving from their defensive position.

>Stealth check (75%): Failure
>Random injured girl: Baitu
Your sharp senses alert you to movement from the top of the school and you dodge to the side, just in time to avoid the blade that cuts through the white rabbit, separating her arm at the shoulder and slicing the front of her dress.

You get your first good look at Mura, who has long black hair, dark tights, and a skirt. You’re noticing a trend with all of these schoolgirl outfits.

Since you were caught off guard, you don’t have time for a counterattack. Yana tugs on your hand and wails in fear.
No. 1096709 ID: 9ea24b
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>Fight 2: Kench, Yana, Wallace, and Mushi vs. Mura
You are armed with Pinch’s pincer and have the Timewinder spell. Wallace is armed with his deadly scythe and Mushi has the Dramatic pause spell. Yana has no weapons or spells.

As a reminder, the baseline chance of success is calculated by Chance of Success = 1 - (Strength Rank You - Strength Rank Enemy + 5) x 10%. Baseline chance of success can’t be lower than zero. Since you’re a fusion, your baseline chance will be Pinch’s plus Kentaro’s.

The scream has alerted Mushi and Wallace, but they don’t know you’re here. Suggest your battle strategies.
No. 1096711 ID: 1effd3

lets shut her down immediately, and Timewinder Kage's sword so that Mura no longer has it.
No. 1096715 ID: a7a180

If Timewinder only undoes one effect, we should save that for Gun's bisection.

Yana is panicked, toss her to safety.
Baitu's arm is technically indestructible aside from being cut, right? That gives you another weapon to wield in your extra hands. You could use it as a garrote, or to trip up a limb. Call for Wallace. Use your dagger to parry and line up a clean strike for him.
No. 1096717 ID: 2f41db

Let pinch take the wheel for fighting.
She has good reactions.
Kentaro can focus his attention on analysing her movements and predicting her tactics.

Plus kentaro can try psychological warefare during the engagement.
"Wow. Whose side are you on? That poor bunny girl."
No. 1096722 ID: 38c4e9

Good idea. Pinch can be Body in Charge, Kentaro will be Information in Charge. If she needs help with the second set of arms, we can jump in to improve the multi-tasking there.

We should definitely open up with a battle yell announcing loudly that you are Pinch or Kentaro, so that your allies know you are here, but do not call FOR them. That way they know you're here but Mura doesn't know they're here. Lets them get the drop on her.

The pincer isn't very deadly on its own, since it's designed more as a stealth weapon, but it can probably parry Kage's sword. Keep it focused on defense.

We could probably use the stretchy homunculus limb to tangle up her sword arm with our second set if we can get in close. We should try to set her up for a dis-arming by Wallace.
No. 1096797 ID: 9ea24b
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>Timewinder mechanics
To your understanding the spell targets one entity and restores it to its physical condition prior to some causal event in the past day. You’re not sure how much a day is in units of long times, but you don’t think the spell would teleport the sword back to Kage anyway. The best use of the spell would be for someone severely wounded.

>Best combined suggestion strategy: Let Pinch lead the fusion and use Baitu’s arm as a weapon while Kentaro analyzes Mura and yells to Wallace
>Baseline chance of success: 40%+0% = 40%
>Bonus chance with good strategy: 15% (Pinch’s part) +15% (Kentaro’s part)
>Fight win (70%): Success
You toss Yana behind you into the bushes and parry Mura’s first strike with your dagger, dark blade coming dangerously close to your fingers due to the lack of a hilt.

You: Give back Kage’s sword, Mura! Why would you hurt Baitu, whose side are you on? Also anyone in the vicinity should come help pleaaaaaaase–

With your bonus set of arms you pick up and fling the bunny’s dismembered limb toward Mura’s legs, tripping her. She doesn’t seem at all bothered by the moral quandary of mutilating her fellow girls but she does lower her guard enough that you quickly stab her face, creating a small, leaky wound.
No. 1096798 ID: 9ea24b
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>Make space for Wallace
You keep up the pressure, slicing Mura a few times with the tip of the dagger as she kicks away Baitu’s arm and tries to regain the advantage. It would be bad if she ran away, so you position yourself so that her back is to the park.

This sets up the perfect moment for Wallace, who you spot slinking up from behind Mura. He bunches up on his back two bodies as you parry another strike, then pounces forward and perfectly slices off Mura’s sword bearing limb at the elbow.

>Wallace safety check: Success
Mura tries to grab her blade with her remaining hand but passes out before she can retaliate. The goth flops onto her face in the grass and you snatch up the sword before anyone gets any ideas.

Mushi arrives to comfort Yana, his own eyes wide at all the carnage. You’re surrounded by dye and seriously injured homunculi. What do you do?

A. Take the sword and Gun’s body and leave immediately (Doka and Yana will be the only surviving girls)

B. Tend to the girls before leaving (risks them finding the exit hole) PINCH UNFAVORED
No. 1096799 ID: 1effd3

We're a protagonist, so unfortunately we gotta be nice and make sure that they don't dieeeeee...
Ok Mura we could probably let die.

Then we flee into the darkness!
No. 1096807 ID: fa3034

Lets bounce, but at least part the knowledge that getting everyone back to their beds and sewing them up could help save them. We should send a party back here to help with that. We should timewinder Gun before we jump, I think.
No. 1096815 ID: d9b49f

Good job, Wallace.

B. We can afford a bit of deviance. We still need to learn what printer these girls came from, and it's not like it matters they know where the hole is so long as we make sure Mura isn't getting back up.
No. 1096824 ID: b18f7c

B. Our escape is why they got hurt, we’re cleaning up this mess. Also, Baitu technically helped us out, with her arm.
No. 1096894 ID: 9ea24b
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Well okay, it’s not like the girls will actually die from the dye loss. They just won’t, uh, ever regain consciousness unless Yana and Doka figure out how to sew them together and that just doesn’t sit right with the Kentaro half of you. Dammit! Stupid guilty nerd feelings.

You: Wallace, pick up Gun, Mura, and Baitu so we can go to the dorms. It’ll be easier to sew everyone up in one place since there’s more bodies there.

Wallace: Who’re you again?

You: Oh right, I’m Kench, a fusion of Kentaro and Pinch! I have all the powers of mental stability and punching and kicking and biting.

Wallace: Wow! We didn’t know what was wrong when you didn’t land here with the rest of us, and then we got chased by this scary lady. I’m glad you made it.

You: Me too, we got what we came for and now we can repair everyone. Mushi, I’ll need your sewing skills.

Mushi: R-right. Now’s not the time to be upset, as long as we sew these girls together it’ll be like nothing bad happened.

You sling Mura over your shoulder and tuck her arm into your pocket before leading your merry troupe along the dye smear to the dorms.

Inside you find a mess of dye and butchered bodies, with a girl who must be Doka sitting amongst them, eyes hollow, wearing a cute pink dress splattered with red.
No. 1096895 ID: 9ea24b
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You don’t want to linger, so you explain things as simply as possible, promising not to return unless absolutely necessary. Mushi doesn’t take the hint from your angry squint and sews up Mura alongside the others. Eh, without the sword she shouldn’t be a threat.

Doka still seems dazed even after you have everyone safely in bed, which matches Yana’s blank expression. Uh, hopefully that’ll sort itself out. Homunculi don’t get traumatized, do they?

>Hole stealth check: Failure
After polite goodbyes you leave the dorm of Girltown, eager to return home. You bring up the rear of the lads and wince when Wallace has an awkward take-off, flopping around the hole and dangling half-disappeared before heaving himself into Boysville. Doka’s pink hair pops up in the nearest dorm window and you have a sinking suspicion that she saw.

Ah, the lovely untarnished grass and gray paths of Boysville. Between the time you spent in the hub room and how long it took to sew everyone back together, the next monster should be due to arrive.

A. Go to the school (you’ll give Kage the sword and the sheath)

B. Head toward the monster with Wallace (why do we always have to bother the monsters, huh?) PINCH UNFAVORED

C. Take Gun to the dorms with Mushi (you could use the show of goodwill)
No. 1096904 ID: 1effd3

Probably C, and also probably use Timewinder to help our friend who is nearly cut inhalf?
No. 1096911 ID: 457d3e

A, let's heat up part of the sword with the cooking equipment and see if hot black blades can melt homunculi polymer. That way we can test welding Gun back together, and if that works better than stitching we can weld Mushi's hand back on.
If not, then we're going to need to go back to the drawing board.

We can let Wallace to go meet the new monster, I suppose. Seems like that's where he plans to go himself, which is good. Wallace is a good boy and reasonably capable in a fight if things go poorly.

IF we do C, don't blow Timewinder on Gun, just give him the stitch job. He's kind of unhinged, and he's an ally of Raito. Save Timewinder for if someone we actually care about is mortally injured. Or us!
No. 1096931 ID: 812e4b

A, we're going to fulfill our promise! (And surely, our promise to prevent the monsters harming anyone, soonish.)
Definitely use the Timewinder to heal our bifurcated buddy.
No. 1096934 ID: d0fe53

Pinch is uneager to stealthy scout and possibly ambush? Perhaps this'll be less fun than expected. Go with option 3 since 1 is not time sensitive.
No. 1096963 ID: 07d2bb

A, just be mindful that you look like a new rouge armed with two dangerous weapons. Stow 'em.
No. 1096964 ID: 2f41db

Heated black metal...
Its worth a shot.
The only thing better would be a roll of flex tape.

Maybe try on something less important than the sword first though.
No. 1096977 ID: 369911

My initial thought was to use one of the pincers, but we kind of promised to return that to Pinch. And the only other blades are currently attached to Wallace and the Rattuses.

At least with The Sword, we can use the back of the blade. It seems like a single edged sword, so as long as we don't mess up that edge it should be okay.
No. 1097046 ID: 9ea24b
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>A, but bring Gun to be repaired and test the hot metal trick
You: Hey Mushi, let’s take Gun to the school and sew him up there first. We can give Kage your sheath, I’m sure she’ll be very grateful. Wallace, you go meet with the new monster and catch them up on what we’re doing to escape. I trust you to handle it.

Both lads nod and Wallace scurries away while you and Mushi enter the school. Inside you see Rattus, Kage, and Raito all sitting at the same table. Raito is in the middle of laughing at something Rattus said, but stops to dramatically gasp in horror at the sight of Gun’s two halves.

Raito: What happened to my dear friend Gun? And who is this strange pink demon?

You: Kentaro and Pinch fusion, call me Kench. Those ladies in Girltown were serious business and one of them sliced Gun, but we had a successful mission overall.

Kage: Yay, you got my sword back! Yako and Craw just left to check for a new monster cause they were worried that you guys weren’t back yet and it’d been a long time.

Raito gets up and makes a big show of fussing around Mushi, who’s holding the butchered boy. You give Kage her sword and the sheath and she straps it to her waist.

Kage: I’ve been watching Raito like you told me to, he hasn’t done anything except hang out with us, and we’ve been listening to Rattus talk about the dirt world. There’s a lot of people there and it’s big. Bigger than we could even imagine, with all kinds of people and jobs outside of home economics, and weird meat magic!

You: That sounds cool. I need to test something on Gun before I sew him up.
No. 1097047 ID: 9ea24b
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There’s plenty of metal pans and utensils in the cooking course that you can heat up without needing to use the special black weapon material. If you really wanted to you could make direct contact between the burner and homunculi flesh. After a quick test with the back of a ladle, you find that heat softens the surface layer of skin enough that a normal metal needle can poke through it. Before you can try your soon to be patented hand on stove technique, Raito speaks up.

Raito: Kench, do you know what you’re doing?

You: Well, kinda. I’m testing a hypothesis to use heat to seal wounds so we don’t have to only rely on sewing them.

Raito: But why are you testing it on poor, helpless Gun? Don’t you have plenty of minions? Even experimenting on yourself would make more sense.

Raito: And why is it that the only people who have been injured so far have been normal homunculi?

Mushi: He’s right, Kench. Even if you haven’t meant for it to happen, it’s only us who’ve been getting hurt.

A. Use the Timewinder spell to heal Gun (as a show of goodwill)

B. Put your hand on the stove (to see what happens before you do it to Gun) PINCH UNFAVORED

C. Rebuke Raito and Mushi (you’re trying your best here!)
No. 1097048 ID: 812e4b

C. It’s not all normal homunculi, it’s Gun specifically because he lives a high risk lifestyle! Kentaro’s been hurt too.
No. 1097053 ID: 09fccc

We would like to point out that both halves of ourself have been hurt. Kage got jumped too. Just because Ratio hasn't seen you bleed doesn't mean you haven't for them.
No. 1097057 ID: 1effd3

I've got to go with C, with A as the backup plan. In our defense, NO ONE expected the monsters to show up, and we were woefully unprepared for it. It's best to test this method on someone who is already injured. If it doesn't work, we have Timewinder to fix the initial damage(remind them its a one use on the same day spell). If they really dont want us to test on our bisected friend, we can test the method on someone who is slightly less bisected.
No. 1097058 ID: 355e44

C) hold out Pinch's fang and remind them that one of you had her teeth cut off and the other got stabbed.
Assure them that you'll be very careful.
No. 1097066 ID: 2f41db

C, but gently.
Tell them how since youve got here every action youve taken has been focused on putting right the damage caused.
You did the textiles course with the sole goal of being able to heal the most heavily injured.
Not for fun.
Not for the prize.
To fix people.
Trying this on anyone is the last thing you want to do, but if it can result in cleaner healed wounds everyone benefits. Even long after you and the others have left this place.
They know gun better than you, but even you could tell if he was given the choice between a more solid healing or the best stitching you could do, hed take the risk.
Not just for himself, but for the others who will benefit.
Let it be known that the time turner is held in reserve so if anything goes wrong it can be reversed.
No. 1097095 ID: f52a0b

Well, if Pinch doesn't want to take the risk, we can't just do B without her consent. I'd jump straight into the hand on stove technique if it was just us, but it's her body too.

But Timewinder is too existentially valuable to use in anything but an emergency. Luckily no one actually knows about it either, since Pinch is a sneaky devil about it. Let's not mention it at all.

C. I wouldn't completely dismiss their claims that normal homunculi have been the ones getting hurt, but Kentaro has also been the one testing and pioneering ways to repair the damage.

And they're not wrong to be worried about their friend. If something goes wrong, we could ruin Gun's torso and compromise his body permanently. We should at least stitch him conscious and get his informed consent before attempt any procedure.

If Mushi wanted, we could also test with an attempt to reattach his hand. There's still a risk of losing it, so don't pressure him.
No. 1097097 ID: f52a0b

Even better, one of 'us' had their teeth cut off after biting the other on the face. Now we worked together and stopped a deranged serial killer from another town. It's a hell of a best we're doing here.
No. 1097118 ID: 9ea24b
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>Strong C
You don’t want to wait until after Gun wakes up to ask for his permission because that’ll take a long time and you likewise won’t be able to remove any side effects with Timewinder because you’re pretty sure a long time is more than a day. Since you’ve decided not to use the spell, you’ll keep the fact that you have it a secret.

You: Both Pinch and Kentaro have gotten hurt, remember? Pinch stuck Kentaro with her pincers and then got them cut off in retaliation. No one expected all of this to happen, especially not for there to be weapons that caused catastrophic injuries. I’ve been trying to minimize damage and help fix people this whole time! Everyone benefits if I do this experiment, and I’ll be super careful.

Mushi: Okay, that’s all true, but those injuries aren’t on the same scale as ours and even if you have been trying to help it doesn’t give you permission to experiment on us. If you’re not willing to test the stove on yourself first, I’m going to ask for Gun back so I can sew him together and put him to bed.

You: What? C’mon Mushi, you know Gun would take the risk if it meant he could fight again.

Mushi: Maybe, but he can’t tell us right now, can he? Doing something like this would just be wrong. Give me Gun or I’ll push the button and call the Creator here to fix everything.

Even Raito looks surprised at this ultimatum and Kage gets up from the chair to block Mushi’s path to the button. The green-haired boy puts up his fists.

Raito: Everyone calm down, let’s not fight. Kench, it’d be best if you gave us Gun.

Mushi: Um, but please prep him for sewing with your pincer before you hand him over.
No. 1097119 ID: 9ea24b
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You scowl at Raito and prepare to tell him and Mushi to fuck off, but you’re interrupted.

Rattus: Kench, they think–

Rattus: We think–

Rattus: I think that you should listen to my friend Raito.

You: Your friend?!

Rattus: Yes, he has been a good audience to my stories and helped me understand the Creator better. He’s an intelligent young fellow.

Rattus: I like him!

Raito: Oh thank you Rattus, I’m honored you consider me a friend. I know you’re a very responsible and moral individual, just like our Creator.

You: What are you planning, Raito? I know you have a grudge against me and Kage.

Raito: A grudge against you? No no, I’m just here to witness the moment when Craw realizes I was right all along and we should have reported abnormalities like we were told to. I’ve already achieved inner peace by focusing on the important things in life, such as making friends and keeping them safe from nefarious influence. I trust that the Creator, who really sounds like a very nice person, will come to set things right even if you decide to continue down the path of evil.

You’ve discovered Raito’s scheme to…live a fulfilling, happy life? He said it in an awfully annoying way though, and it’s at least somewhat out of spite. Curses, you might not have many normal homunculi allies left if he’s been talking to them.

A. Apologize and try to salvage the situation (hand over Gun’s body) PINCH UNFAVORED
B. Tell Raito and Mushi to scram (you’ll heat test Gun’s body)
C. Go full villain and tell Kage to slash the button (you have proof this works from Girlstown)
No. 1097123 ID: 3d8568

A, and by apologize, I mean punch him in the face and walk away. So you're giving them the body back, but also letting them figure it out.
No. 1097124 ID: 1effd3

D. "Fuck you."
Burns hand on the stove.
No. 1097129 ID: a747b5

D. But not our hand. We could suggest reattaching one of Pinch's pincers to test the hypothesis, if our Pinch half is willing. We promised to do it if she proved herself, and I think she has by willingly fusing. Will it remain attached after we de-fuse? Maybe we'd both get a black fang. I dunno. Seems like the best middle-ground.

If that's not an option, then A. And we can prep Gun for Mushi's stitches, no reason not to. If we tried to withhold it Craw could just do it with the other pincer, and we'd lose trust with both Mushi and Craw.
No. 1097133 ID: 355e44

D: Hey wait a minute, it wouldn't make sense to test on Kench as they aren't injured. But Mushi, you've got a cut on your hand. Would you let us test on you? We'd owe you big time.
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