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File 172001181527.png - (58.38KB , 700x700 , hi guys you ready for another quest.png )
1093728 No. 1093728 ID: 127310

An experimental philosophical debate (combat) simulator with RPG elements. Will likely contain blood and gore. Will introduce more mechanics as time goes on.

Provide feedback at https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/142424.html
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No. 1093784 ID: d3521c

Do these beings speak our language? Because if they do, we could probably make our argument to retrieve the Minister and leave immedeatedly without them accosting us.

At any rate, pick a corner out of view where we can see without being seen.
No. 1093896 ID: 127310
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>Do these beings speak our language? Because if they do, we could probably make our argument to retrieve the Minister and leave immedeatedly without them accosting us.

All testing so far has indicated that they don’t. If they do, they are very good at pretending not to. Negotiated agreement is probably not an option with these guys.

>Lurk in wait to see if anyone comes in this chamber that you can pick off.
>At any rate, pick a corner out of view where we can see without being seen.

The other Mole People come shuffle into the main chamber single-file. There must be about six or seven of them. You recede further into the loop so that there’s even less chance of them seeing you.
No. 1093897 ID: 127310
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Oh dear! It looks like a Mole Person has stumbled into this tunnel and is about to realise that you are not where you should be! You can definitely run away from it, and you could also run around it, but by then it will put two and two together and alert its buddies.

If you stay and fight, it will not alert any other Mole People.
No. 1093898 ID: 5ebd37

You have the initiative. Roundhouse kick!
No. 1093903 ID: 273c18

Fight it!
No. 1093911 ID: 4c750c

Yeah, stealth is key here. The more mole people we alert, the more we risk potentially having no choice but to kill at least one. Imagine the paperwork for more than one Mole Person Murder… I shudder at even the thought! Better to fight this one here and now where it’s easier to be non-lethal about things.
No. 1093967 ID: ef62c1

Wait! Maybe this is a trick. This might be a philisophical quandary regarding the measure we value our objective over the well-being of this creature. Maybe we will later leave a trail of corpses and the realización we were the true villains all along.

We should likely broaden our philosophical horizons and base our next course of action on Kant's postulation that all people are good.

With this in mind, the decition is clear: we will hug the mole man!
No. 1094044 ID: 1e982e
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>Wait! Maybe this is a trick. This might be a philisophical quandary regarding the measure we value our objective over the well-being of this creature. Maybe we will later leave a trail of corpses and the realización we were the true villains all along.

Thankfully, your training has prevented you from needing to have thoughts like this. Besides, you won’t kill the Mole Person, that I promise. Hugging the Mole Person would also end poorly for you.

>You have the initiative. Roundhouse kick!
>Fight it!
>Better to fight this one here and now where it’s easier to be non-lethal about things.

You initiate with a kick! You catch the Mole Person with your shin, dealing 1 damage.

Alright, now I have to tell you about memetic philosophy. Basically, your opponent opens with their Thesis and comes up with new Arguments each turn to try to support their thesis.

If you want to avoid damage, you should try to logically reject their arguments. You must then also provide your own arguments to attack their thesis. If your opponent cannot reject your arguments, you may damage them. You don’t usually have to disprove an opponent’s thesis, you just need to deplete their health. Theses and arguments don’t necessarily relate to what’s happening at the very moment, some can get very abstract.

Think of it as using your psychic powers to break your opponent’s stance and open them for an attack.

Lots of enemies will also have Passive Abilities that will complicate the fight. I’ll provide a link to a google doc where you can read the passive abilities. Make sure to stay on top of them!
No. 1094046 ID: 1e982e
File 172059351274.png - (27.23KB , 700x700 , u6p2.png )

Battle against Mole Person

Turn 1

You [20/20hp]

Opponent: Mole Person α [4/5hp]
Protected https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gEJkxaTXmFsiHQ2f43KKy0jS5DrTCnQO2wMtecQU2HM/edit#bookmark=id.qn1mggc71iip

You should not be here.

You do not look like me, therefore you should not be here.

Alright, now’s your chance to use your Sick Rhetoric Skills.
No. 1094047 ID: 4c750c

Seems like we have a pretty easy start! Counter Argument: It is possible for me to not look like you and also belong here.
No. 1094048 ID: 4c750c

Also, this is a pretty nifty combat system! Love it!
No. 1094049 ID: 273c18

Mole People look different from one another, yet they belong here. Is he judging you on your appearance? RACIST!
No. 1094050 ID: 4c750c

This one gets it
No. 1094051 ID: 1e982e
File 172060036848.png - (27.76KB , 700x700 , u7p1.png )

>Also, this is a pretty nifty combat system! Love it!

Thank you! I hope you enjoy all the stuff I have planned for it.

Turn 1 (Continued)

>Mole People look different from one another, yet they belong here.

Conceded as a rejection of Mole Person α’s argument.

You do not look like me, therefore you should not be here.

>It is possible for me to not look like you and also belong here.

Conceded as an attack on Mole Person α’s thesis on the basis that it was never conceded that you have to look like a Mole Person to belong here. The opponent provides no counterargument.

You lunge forward and strike the Mole Person. It winces at you.
1 damage dealt.

Turn 2

You [20/20hp]

Opponent: Mole Person α [3/5hp]
Protected https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gEJkxaTXmFsiHQ2f43KKy0jS5DrTCnQO2wMtecQU2HM/edit#bookmark=id.qn1mggc71iip

You should not be here.

You have not been permitted in here.
You are attacking the people here, so you should not be here.

When responding to multiple arguments, please specify which of your counterarguments corresponds to which of the enemy’s arguments. Please also specify if you intend to directly attack the enemy’s thesis.
No. 1094052 ID: f8f340

Thesis: You should not be here.

Argument 1: You have not been permitted in here.
Counterargument: Permission to be in this area has been granted by the relevant authorities.

Argument 2: You are attacking the people here, so you should not be here.
Counterargument: The usage or application of force is unrelated to the concept of belonging.
No. 1094053 ID: 4c750c


No. 1094110 ID: 5ebd37

No. 1094152 ID: 1e982e
File 172075636497.png - (28.06KB , 700x700 , u8p1.png )

Turn 2 (Continued)

>Counterargument: Permission to be in this area has been granted by the relevant authorities.

Conceded. You follow up your lunge with a smack from left to right.
1 damage dealt.
No. 1094153 ID: 1e982e
File 172075636848.png - (36.25KB , 700x700 , u8p2.png )

>Counterargument: The usage or application of force is unrelated to the concept of belonging.

Conceded. The baton retraces its steps, injuring the Mole Person such that the bruises will be symmetrical.
1 damage dealt.

Turn 2 Summary:
Mole Person α [3/5hp] → [1/5hp]

Turn 3

You [20/20hp]

Opponent: Mole Person α [1/5hp]
Protected https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gEJkxaTXmFsiHQ2f43KKy0jS5DrTCnQO2wMtecQU2HM/edit#bookmark=id.qn1mggc71iip

You should not be here.

(Not acting this turn)


It doesn’t really matter right now, but in future you may want to come up with your own arguments. The Mole Person could have been defeated a turn earlier with just one more conceded argument. Future encounters will also try to rebut your arguments, so having multiple arguments will prove useful.
No. 1094163 ID: 4591f8

Violently sagacious fanfare! Win for rhetoric! We were here to find the minister right? If this mole person can talk after the fight, we should find out what they know.
No. 1094164 ID: 4591f8

Whoops shit early celebration. They still have a hit point remaining.

To attack the thesis directly, according to our own authority assigned to us, this is explicitly the location where your work requires to be. We act according to this authority. Thus, we are supposed to be here and we should be here.
No. 1094175 ID: ab47f3

Arguement: the mole person is not here in any official capacity and thus has no say on who should or should not be here.
No. 1095091 ID: 127310
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>To attack the thesis directly, according to our own authority assigned to us, this is explicitly the location where your work requires to be. We act according to this authority. Thus, we are supposed to be here and we should be here.
>Arguement: the mole person is not here in any official capacity and thus has no say on who should or should not be here.

Though some foes could construe these arguments as fallacious, the thoroughly battered Mole Person concedes this. 1 damage dealt.

Turn 3 Summary:
Mole Person α [1/5hp] → [0/5hp] (Unconscious)

Since the Mole Person was [Protected], they fell unconscious, and you won the battle.

You gained 5 TP. Your current TP count is 5.
No. 1095092 ID: 127310
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I don’t want to alarm you, but the other Mole People in the corridor seem to be sticking together. You may want to avoid them. Unless, of course, you think you can handle a group?

>We were here to find the minister right?

Yes, the Minister for Spatiotemporal Anomalies is your VIP.

>If this mole person can talk after the fight, we should find out what they know.

Even if this Mole Person was awake, it’s generally accepted that Mole People don’t have the capacity for speech, and may perhaps only respond to basic commands after some training.

You may do well to seek a more… human interlocutor.
No. 1095164 ID: 44c167

How is mole person eyesight? Could you sneak around the edge of the room to the next doorway?
No. 1095586 ID: 127310
File 172321176614.png - (17.49KB , 700x700 , u10p1.png )

>How is mole person eyesight? Could you sneak around the edge of the room to the next doorway?

Mole people can see well in the dark but are such lumbering brutes that it doesn’t really matter. Considering the next doorway is more of a raised vent, sneaking into it will be a bit tricky.

Let me put it like this. I will roll a d20. 10 or above will get you through, 15 or above will get you through without alerting the mole people.

The mole people in the hall stop meaninglessly chattering to each other, and for a moment, you think you can hear muffled human speech coming through the vent.
No. 1095596 ID: 63709c

Your sneakiest parkour into the vent then
No. 1095605 ID: 4c750c

That’s definitely where we need to go then! Let’s roll those dice and see how well our vent sneak goes!
No. 1096153 ID: 127310
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>Your sneakiest parkour into the vent then
>That’s definitely where we need to go then! Let’s roll those dice and see how well our vent sneak goes!

Best of luck!

D20 rolls 20. Critical Success!

You effortlessly jump from your doorway to the coffin thing, to the vent, and slip in like letters into a mailbox. The Mole People in the corridor don’t even know there’s anyone here.
No. 1096154 ID: 127310
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The smell in here is not lost on you. Thankfully, the high ceiling of this room probably helps contain it, or something, since it hasn’t spread beyond it as far as you know.

The centre of the room is home to many a carelessly discarded bone. Most small. Some larger.
There are also some other seemingly meaningless odds and ends here.

A Mole Person shuffles towards this room. You can hear it.
No. 1096155 ID: 4c750c

Hmm, could we hide around the corner? We might not be able to sneak past him, but we can at least get the jump on him if he misses us on the way in.
No. 1096156 ID: 355e44

Hide, they'll probably just carelessly discard a bone and then leave.
No. 1096355 ID: 127310
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>Hmm, could we hide around the corner? We might not be able to sneak past him, but we can at least get the jump on him if he misses us on the way in.
>Hide, they'll probably just carelessly discard a bone and then leave.

No. 1096356 ID: 127310
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You sock the hapless mole person directly in the side of the face and it crumbles to the ground. In a very non-lethal way, of course. Your record continues to stay clean.
No. 1096357 ID: 127310
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Before you struck the mole person, it was carrying a length of green fabric. A tie. Not unlike the ties mandatorily worn by those who sit in the Lower House. Exactly like those, actually.
No. 1096384 ID: 4c750c

Confirmation we’re on the right track. Excellent~ Is there any way to track where that thing came from? I can only assume more twists and turns lie ahead, so the further we can get without guesswork, the better.
No. 1096401 ID: 355e44

Hmm, none of the bones on the floor look ministerial, right?
No. 1096552 ID: 127310
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>Hmm, none of the bones on the floor look ministerial, right?

You’ve never seen the inside of a minister before. Your experiences tell you that some of these bones are human, or close to human, however.

The tie still looks mostly clean, which it wouldn’t be if it was handled by too many mole people. It must have been removed recently.

>Is there any way to track where that thing came from? I can only assume more twists and turns lie ahead, so the further we can get without guesswork, the better.

You burst boldly into the next room, since that’s obviously the most recent place the tie came from.

The most immediately noticeable features of this room are the mole people along the floor. Asleep, about as deeply as the fella you knocked out. There’s room enough to get to every exit without stepping on a potential hostile.

Speaking of exits, not counting the one you just emerged through, there are four in total.

The leftmost has sounds like you’ve never heard coming from it. There’s also a trail of detritus and lesser rot trailing from that one to the one you’re standing in.

The next is silent, but you can make out a peculiar and pungent smell coming from it.

The next is silent, and has no identifiable odour. It’s definitely darker in there than any of the other rooms, though.
No. 1096553 ID: 127310
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The final exit, directly across from the one you’re standing in, has a draught coming through it. The first echo of fresh air you’ve felt in a while, actually. You can also hear the occasional murmur.

Wiped prints of dirt track from where you’re standing to this exit.
No. 1096554 ID: 355e44

Check out one of the rooms that would connect guy with the tie to here. Investigate the tracks in dirt door first.
No. 1096558 ID: 273c18

Whoa that looks spookier than the other openings. Let's check it out.
No. 1096800 ID: 171efe

The rot trail clearly leads to their charnel pit. If the Minister is there, we don't have much time before they kill him. Best to prioritize it.

Also, in all likelihood, the dark, odorous passageway is their dumping grounds. Ulikely to find him in there, unless he really, really favours hiding tactics over hygiene.
No. 1096829 ID: 127310
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>The rot trail clearly leads to their charnel pit. If the Minister is there, we don't have much time before they kill him. Best to prioritize it.

Perhaps, but what does that make the other room you were in before? The other voices have spoken, I’m afraid, but you’ll leave a mental bookmark on that opening.

You hope that if the Minister is in there, he’ll be able to hold his own until you show up.

>Investigate the tracks in dirt door first.
>Whoa that looks spookier than the other openings. Let's check it out.

Alright. You head through the spooky opening.

Intersecting the corridor you now walk through is another tunnel, full of mole people on both sides. You quickly head beyond that so that the mole people don’t realise you’re there.

Now you come to a fork. Noise emanates from both tunnels ahead of you.

On the left, the cacophonous shuffling of what you can only assume to be mole people. The occasional vocalisation you’ve been hearing before too.

On the right, a cheerful humming. You’ve never heard a mole person hum before.

You must choose a path. Unless you choose to go back and investigate something else instead.
No. 1096830 ID: 842163

The humming seems ominous. Well, admittedly both seem ominous, but I somehow find it hard to believe that the Minister, in his predicament, would be cheerfully humming.

Either way, it seems better than lunging into a den of Mole People for now. Head right, and pray that it's the Minister.
No. 1096845 ID: 355e44

If it's not the minister then it should at least be someone you can question. stalk the hummer.
No. 1097039 ID: 127310
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>Head right, and pray that it's the Minister.
>If it's not the minister then it should at least be someone you can question. stalk the hummer.

You head carefully into the room on the right.

In this room is the hummer, a lady musing over some marks on the wall and making a cheerful noise while doing so.

Her black and red attire tells you that she works for the Hazard Association, which is like this organisation dedicated to categorising and ranking different hazards. Although it’s not officially affiliated with the government, it is generally respected by the government and community alike.
No. 1097040 ID: 127310
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“Oh, hey.” she says “I was wondering when you’d get here.”

You ask her your burning question.

“No, no, I haven’t seen the Minister. He’s actually why I’m here though. Since he disappeared, we need to re-evaluate the catacombs’ hazard level.”

You can see that she’s carrying a clipboard with some notes scribbled on it.

“I still haven’t seen everything here yet, so I can help you look if you want. Reckon the Association would get that kind of thing done faster than the pollies anyway.”
No. 1097041 ID: 127310
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You look at the wall she was inspecting before. The marks actually seem to be drawings. You didn’t know that mole people had it in them to draw. You didn’t think that they knew about most of the things they’ve drawn here.
No. 1097043 ID: 355e44

Compare notes, what has she seen out of the ordinary so far. And what does she make of this diagram.
No. 1097051 ID: 4c750c

An ally! Yay! Do we get to learn her name? Or shall she remain a nameless HA member in our eyes? As for game plans, we should definitely catch each other up on what we know. Being on the same page information-wise is the first step to successful collaboration~
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