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File 172350991755.png - (10.48KB , 500x400 , MH 0001.png )
1095743 No. 1095743 ID: 3ded2c

You are Special Agent Benjamin Cole.

You were entering the town of Misty Hollow, West Virginia when your car broke down. This is an inconvenience, but the walk along the road gives you time to reflect.

You are here to solve a horrible crime.

But first, what did you have for lunch today?
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No. 1095745 ID: 462d8c

A pastrami sandwich with potato fritters fro the side. You also had a slice of blueberry pie. You really shouldn't have, but it was really tasty looking.
No. 1095746 ID: 3ded2c


Pastrami is the lunch of a hardworking man. Beef, pressed and brined, served on toasted rye with mustard and almost always accompanied by a pickle.

You stopped at the Dew Drop Inn just up the road aways. Nice place. Nice people. Affordable. You make a mental note to mention that in your expense report next time you use your handy dandy Dictaphone. The fritters hit the spot too.

But the pie. The pie was the star of the show. You know you shouldn't. You know you're not getting any younger. But what would life be if you couldn't stop to have a piece of pie? At least, that's what you always say.


But it's still a long walk to town.

What was your last case? Were you able to solve it?

Status: Healthy
Eccentric 3/7 Detective
Inventory (1/10)
No. 1095749 ID: b57fea

Last case? Clearly you were on the juvenile crime squad. The case? A vandalism epidemic in the suburbs. You caught most of the scamps, but the ringleader's alibi was airtight. The station calls the case solved, but it still bothers you at night.
No. 1095751 ID: 26801d

You had a bitchin’ Reuben sandwich with all the fixin’s, a side of potato salad, and a big glass of root beer
No. 1095757 ID: 56db77

Your last case was a series of thefts at an aquarium. Exotic expensive fish were going missing almost every night and noone could even spot the crimminal(s). You solved the case but it was pure luck, you just happened to decide to do one more patrol around the aquarium when you spotted one of the octopuses escape its tank and sneak into another to eat the fish.
No. 1095758 ID: eb0a9c

Some crazy trust-fund teenager paid you $10,000 up front to look for... one moment, please... "a nuclear weapon made of gelatin that was stolen by anime characters".

You didn't even try. You just took the money, made a cursory guide to the local city and its landmarks, mailed it to your client, and skipped town.
No. 1095759 ID: 3ded2c


The Case of the 8 Armed Man. That's one for the history books. Folks almost didn't believe you, but fortunately you always carry a camera to capture evidence. Apprehending the criminal, that was a real tangle for the aquarium staff.

You still keep a memento of the occasion.

Town is just a bit more up the road. You'll be there soon.

Remember the last time you were forced to solve a problem with violence. How did you fight? Did you win?

Status Healthy
Eccentric 3/7 Detective
Skills: Surveillance
Inventory (2/10)
-Aquarium Key Chain (petty)
No. 1095763 ID: 462d8c

Technically the last time you solved a problem with violence is when you smacked the vending machine when it didn't give you your chips. You lost that fight when it fell on you.
No. 1095788 ID: 3ded2c
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It's hard to say you lost the fight. It's true. it's just hard to say. You've always prided yourself on your ability to engage in fisticuffs, but your foe was no mere man.


Finally, you arrive at the edge of town. The only thing here is a lonely gas station with a single pump. They must not get a lot of traffic through here. You eye the vending machine on the corner carefully.

It's late afternoon and the sun will soon sink behind the mountains.

Status: Healthy
Eccentric 4/6 Detective
Skills: Fisticuffs, Surveillance
-Aquarium Key Chain (petty)
No. 1095805 ID: 355e44

Use your surveillance skills to peep through the dirty front window. Wouldn't want to walk into an ambush.
No. 1096328 ID: 15a025

Anything oddly useful hiding in the vending machine that you'd normally wouldn't see in one?
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