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File 172356143637.jpg - (4.41MB , 1964x3089 , Monster queen165.jpg )
1095767 No. 1095767 ID: e25c20

This is the continuation of the second chapter of the Chasing Shadows and Hunting Rats.

Chapter 1


Chapter 2 part 1


Discussion Thread

77 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1097473 ID: df64c0
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Possible answers to the question that was asked for the first one:

A) Nasty can you put me down?

B) Thank you for carrying me.

C) Can you switch the way how you carry me?

D) Other suggestions.

Possible answers to the question that was asked for the second one:

A) I will take the basket.

B) The Archer, should keep the basket.

C) Worm Work, should keep the basket.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1097482 ID: 5de8cd

Let her carry you and take the basket, simple as that
No. 1097484 ID: c5529d

C. this carrying position seems a bit too romantic for my tastes, and Bobbie seems uncomfy about it (don't tell your reasons why you want to be switched) Ask for a piggyback ride instead (by that, I mean ride on her shoulders) that way we can get a view and better vantage point from up high!

I think archer should take the basket so that he can feel more responsible, and to show we trust him. Also We don't need the worms removed from the apple.

though I'm fine with bringing the basket with us too.
No. 1097486 ID: 355e44

Archer should keep the basket, as Bobbie seems she will be rather harried for a while.
Guard it well, especially against creeps in masks.
No. 1097549 ID: ec26e4

We'd prefer to walk ourselves. Our archer gets basket since he's loyal and is aware of who to avoid.
No. 1097558 ID: 4b8fae
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Possible answers to the question that was asked for the first one:

A) Drink the whole alcohol glass.

B) Drink half of the alcohol glass.

C) Don't drink alcohol.

D) Other suggestions.

Possible answers to the question that was asked for the second one:

A) Talk about funny stories.

B) Talk about serious topics.

C) Talk about your and her dreams.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1097559 ID: 335de3

For drinking, A. To earn their respect, you gotta drink drink drink. Its part of their culture.
No. 1097565 ID: 355e44

Second question A) to get a feel for their culture but in a casual way.
No. 1097571 ID: 89950d

Just sip. Look like you're savoring. So what's life like as chief's kid? High expectations? Follow up - if it's okay with her that is - so why aren't you hunting too? Just prefer drinks?
No. 1097579 ID: 27fceb

Drink the whole thing, that will surely impress her. As for the topic go with first with a funny stories, later we can switch to a more serious topic.
No. 1097605 ID: 1160c4
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Tell the truth about your brother.

B) Don't talk about your brother.

C) Offer the executioner as somebody who would be interested in interacting with her

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1097615 ID: c5529d

D. Don't go into detail about your brother. Just say that you have/had one, but you have no idea where or what he's up to.
No. 1097616 ID: 355e44

B) that's in the past, lets talk about the future.
No. 1097623 ID: 27fceb

If the brother is still alive just mention it but don't go into more details about it.
No. 1097624 ID: 865177

Will back Polt on this. Hunting goblins perhaps? Like a crude Romeo/Juliet thing?
No. 1097657 ID: 1160c4
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Don't make her talk more about her brother.

B) Ask her more about her brother.

C) Change the subject.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1097682 ID: 355e44

C) yeah, down with brothers! You can commiserate on how annoying goblins are instead.
No. 1097722 ID: 5de8cd

Ask her if there is something that she is afraid of.
No. 1097747 ID: c5529d

C. Ask what she herself does to make her father happy. This feels like a good transition from talking about her brother to a new topic.

I'd leave out the annoying goblins topic part personally, if she talks about what we said to goblins to goblins, it might hurt our relationships with goblins.
No. 1097896 ID: b529cb
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) I didn't fuck any goblin in my castle.

B) I would like to help you with the hunt for that forest creature.

C) Let's change the subject.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1097901 ID: c5529d

D. tell her that even if it feels like she's not making her father happy, the fact that he is terrified that the deer might kill her shows that he still loves her.

Still, I'm not saying she should give up on hunting that deer. Tell her that if this is about proving to her father that she isn't weak, having a goal to kill the deer and protect the citizens from it is a goal she can strive for. But if she wants to show her father she strong enough and capable to take on the deer like he is, she has to first put in the effort to gain the strength, experience, and courage to gain her father's approval to go after the deer.

For example, ask what animals and monsters she had hunted and mounted on the walls, or used as a rug as trophies to show for her expertise in hunting? How many of them did she hunt herself without much help? And how dangerous were those creatures she hunted? a good way to gain her father's approval to hunt the deer and to gain the courage to go after the deer is to set short term goals to continue growing her collection of trophies of mounted heads of dangerous animals, starting small with coyotes, wolves, mountain lions, then going after more progressively ferocious animals like bears, and then monsters. After taking the time and effort, and growing her collection of trophies, she can in this way show her father she has gained the strength, knowledge, and the courage to go after the deer.
No. 1097932 ID: 355e44

sound advice
No. 1097949 ID: 27fceb

I am getting a bad feeling from that deer thing. Ask her if she has a hunting team in order to take it down for good and if she does ask if she would like us to join her.
No. 1098032 ID: 8fd6c0

We don't do that with goblins. So anyway Polt has the general idea but Bass hits on a crucial thing as well. She has to have a team she trusts and can rely on to help. So while improving herself she can also improve her team's strength, tactics, and cohesiveness. Probably social bonds as a bonus.
No. 1098089 ID: 05f22f
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Change the subject.

B) Lie that you won't tell her father what she is trying to do.

C) Confront the daughter about her plan.

D) Other suggestions.

Because it is October first there is something special planned for all of you.

No. 1098099 ID: 27fceb

Tell Nasty that you will inform her father about her plan, because she is being unreasonable. She will only get herself killed if she goes alone.
No. 1098103 ID: 355e44

C) keep being a belligerent drunk, run through her plan with you playing the roll of the deer.
No. 1098109 ID: c5529d

Agreed. Something tells me she is going to go after that deer, no matter what we say. Make it clear you won't stop her, but you would like to listen in to what her plan is, go through scenarios, and give our thoughts and ideas.

I will say, she doesn't have to do this alone. I'm sure there are plenty of strong people who wants to take down that deer too, and building a party can be beneficial. Doing it with a team isn't cowardly, it's just as viable as say, using a weapon. Plenty of monsters out there can't be taken down with just a single strong warrior, no matter how strong they are.

We might have to consider sending our top goblin warrior, and/or the archer to go into the forest and secretly search and protect Nasty if she decides to sneak away later today to hunt the deer.
No. 1098134 ID: c5529d

(to clarify, I mean if Nasty decides to sneak off, we send one of our members to secretly search and keep an eye on Nasty without her knowing)
No. 1098136 ID: 47c854

Hey I do love the gumption but do you have a plan at all? Was a princess once and I saw a lotta guys who only had bravery go off by themselves. Do some quest or stuff. Lot of 'em disappeared. Folks who had a team and a plan were usually the ones who got back alive. Successful too. So this ain't no parental concerns. Or fear or none of that stuff. Just what I seen of things. Like, how is you going off and getting killed my problem at all? Seriously ain't my issue. What is my issue is that fear your tribe has. Like, pragmatically as a ruler you succeeding just gives me one less headache to deal with. So I'm just attemptin' to tilt the odds. Otherwise I'd hafta send my gobbos to kill the thing. Havin' stuff like that in my backyard is just gonna get a bunch o' my gobbos dead. Got enough problems without a bunch of gobbo corpses.
No. 1098191 ID: c5529d

this sounds like a fun response too
No. 1098280 ID: b93ba2
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Ask her if you would like to join her on the hunt.

B) Ask her if she would like you to create your hunting team to kill that deer.

C) Tell her that her plan will only get her killed.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1098288 ID: 355e44

B) although, a cool hunter like her probably has her own cool people to bring. Ask about that, and if she doesn't have a party in mind then offer some of your people's services.
No. 1098294 ID: c5529d

D. As she said before, she wants to do this by herself alone, so she'll most likely refuse any offer for allies, and telling her the plan will get her killed will just get her angry. Instead, I propose we get more information on her plan, ask her to wait so we can build her some weapons or armor later, and decide among ourself whether to secretly send someone to help her.

She's going to do this alone, yes, but what exactly will she be doing? Like is she going to be setting traps (Perhaps she can take those hooves with her as bait)? how will she be camping and protecting the campsite? just exploring the forest until she spots it? What armor or weapon does she need, cause our spider can probably build some strong armor and weapon for her if she is patient a bit more. We should let her know once we get things situated, we can offer her different kinds of armor, some of which are magical like silver that protect against ghosts, which the deer might probably be. We'll need moneys first

Most importantly, speaking of waiting, if she doesn't want to wait for our spider to smith some stuff for her, I want to know when she is planning on hunting.

Because once we know when she is leaving assuming we can't have her wait for us to make her armor and weapons, from there, we could set a deadline for when to craft her some weapons, and decide whether we can send some goblin warrior like Gramlera and/or the archer to secretly follow her without her and the deer knowing so that if Nasty gets into shit, they can distract the deer and rescue Nasty if she gets into danger.

another option could be we could probably go ourself too, that way, us spirits can give Nasty advice if Bobbie is nearby. Gotta have Nasty as an ally first. But our castle probably needs us.
No. 1098299 ID: 1181ab

Hardly a plan at all. Like ya gotta flush it out by like, setting up a forest fire. Don't just let it set how the fight goes. Why it could just wait for you to sleep, since ya gotta once enough time passes. Plus there's the whole mist thing. What if it flees? Gonna need flammable gas plus a torch or a way to freeze the misty stuff. Or some such thing. Don't play it's game but set up a game so that it only loses. Gotta use both brains and brawn to win this. Still say a team would help too.
No. 1098300 ID: 27fceb

Why do I get the feeling that this is also a way for you to protect the other people from the tribe by going to the hunt alone.
No. 1098368 ID: b93ba2
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) I want to go with you to the hunt.

B) I want to give you some of my people to help you in the hunt.

C) I want to give you some equipment.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1098379 ID: 355e44

B) don't get carried away, you know you would be unhelpful on a hunt Bobbie. What with the unable to do damage thing. But you have a lot of competent folk in your service.
No. 1098382 ID: 27fceb

Oh no Bobbie is drunk!
No. 1098392 ID: d8e647

I like C most. We need our goblins and fighters, and we have potential to make some pretty unique armor and weapons if Nasty is willing to wait for it.
No. 1098404 ID: d0e338

Also reason why I am choosing to give armor and weapon over sending our goblins, if we send our troops and her father finds out, he will not be happy with us. At least with armor and weapon, it'll be harder to trace the source to us.
No. 1098515 ID: dab87a

>>1098404 Eh, still could be traced but that's easily dealt with. "Oh yeah, she bought armor from us. We didn't ask why since you guys are warriors. Just figured she needed a good set since our smiths just do superlative jobs." Perhaps Gram could give advice while she's fitted.
No. 1098611 ID: 2fa6b6
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Drink the potion.

B)Refuse it.

C) Take it but don't drink it.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1098614 ID: eb853d

Will trust Wormworks on this one. Doubt he'd get much out of botched negotiations.
No. 1098617 ID: c5529d

Yeah drink it. After all, if we don't drink it, the tribe members will get suspicious of him
No. 1098619 ID: 355e44

It would look odd for Bobbie to just take something from a supposed stranger, and this state of drunkenness can be used to cast suspicion on WW. Ask Nasty if you should trust this fellow, who hides behind a mask.
No. 1098640 ID: 27fceb

No matter how much it would be funny to see Bobbie drunk during the negotiations, it would be for the best if we avoid that scenario. Take the drink
No. 1098840 ID: 05aa5e
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Possible answers to the question that was asked:

A) Introduce yourself.

B) Shake his hand.

C) Spit in his face.

D) Other suggestions.
No. 1098846 ID: 27fceb

Go with the A
No. 1098861 ID: 355e44

A) unless you heard of any other customs of theirs you should be doing.
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