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File 172518181381.png - (18.61KB , 451x498 , TITLE.png )
1096749 No. 1096749 ID: 4591f8

[NSFW possibly]

You seem to be in a quest.
Expand all images
No. 1096750 ID: 4591f8
File 172518186351.png - (9.89KB , 487x478 , 1.png )

How fun! You've heard so many good things from being in a quest! How lucky you are that you are real and in this story!

Because if you're not in a story, you don't exist. And that would be terrible...

You don't know what NSFW stands for (you've never had work) but you're sure it's exciting!*

You know what every quest needs? An objective.

No. 1096751 ID: 4591f8
File 172518188023.png - (12.62KB , 451x498 , 2.png )

Hmmm. Before you can start your quest, you should figure out how to escape this hawk's nest.
No. 1096752 ID: 4591f8
File 172518217217.png - (10.83KB , 487x478 , 3.png )

These eggs are... about to hatch. The impression is that the hawk left you as a little snack for the babies.

They might kill you.

And you can't do a quest if you're dead. Which is terrible.
No. 1096753 ID: 925a42

Simply reset and reroll
Ask an ai for 200 random places, then roll 1D200 to find out where you start.
No. 1096754 ID: 4591f8
File 172518366862.png - (11.18KB , 487x478 , 4.png )

> Reset and reroll

Of course! Just be somewhere else! It's been so obvious.

You wish REALLY hard that you were somewhere else.

You wish with all your heart that you are somewhere. Anywhere but here.
No. 1096755 ID: 4591f8
File 172518368895.png - (4.34KB , 487x478 , 5.png )

You imagine yourself in...

An active volcano???
No. 1096756 ID: 4591f8
File 172518370946.png - (12.77KB , 487x478 , 6.png )

No. 1096757 ID: 4591f8
File 172518378027.png - (8.17KB , 487x478 , 7.png )

Thank goodness that was naught but an anxious thought.

On the upside, you do appreciate being in a hawk's nest with carnivorous babies, as opposed to being on the precipice of an erupting volcano.

Your... eyes were leaking during this experience. Something that is expressly a defense mechanism and NOT a show of vulnerability and/or stress.
No. 1096758 ID: 4591f8
File 172518380976.png - (17.11KB , 487x478 , 8.png )

That does bring to attention that you have been cry-- leaking... no... activating? um... you've been leaving a trail while the hawk carried you.

This serves as a convenient line of breadcrumbs home.

Then, once you get there, you might finally be able to start your quest.
No. 1096759 ID: 925a42

Activating? Have you remembered to activate your almonds?

Follow the blue railroad to arrive at the next update!
No. 1096760 ID: 26801d

check for leaks
No. 1096761 ID: 861ceb

climbing down would probably be your first step
No. 1096762 ID: bf1766

Did the hawk line its nest with any feathers? Quickly fashion yourself a hang glider or Icarus Cape or some such, steal the bird's flight and fly to freedom!
No. 1096764 ID: a7a180

Roll the babies out of the nest so you have room to stretch your legs.
No. 1096771 ID: 0b7e05

Do you have any noteworthy skills?
No. 1096776 ID: 273c18

Are there any branches you can reach to climb down?
No. 1096780 ID: 63709c

You just need to show the hawks that you would make a better nest mate than a meal. Clean up and get rid of bugs. Try to lure in a snake you can then protect the eggs from.
No. 1096783 ID: e46b34

Just grab the trunk of the tree and slide down, easy-peasy.
No. 1096801 ID: 4591f8
File 172524389643.png - (9.25KB , 509x457 , 9.png )

> Roll the babies out of the nest

The eggs are too heavy to push around. Try as you might, these babies simply aren't moving.
No. 1096802 ID: 4591f8
File 172524389860.png - (13.69KB , 509x457 , 10.png )

> Show the hawks that you would make a better nest mate than a meal.

Well, plan B is to keep things nice and tidy so that the hawk may spare your life and raise you, kind of like a common cuckoo.

You pick up a feather and dust off some of the eggs, planting a delicate apologetic smooch on the egg you tried to push to doom.

> Do you have any noteworthy skills?

Um... Not... really...

That's sort of the reason why you want to start a quest. What a better way to see what you are made of than puzzling a perplexing prison? Or escaping a haunted hotel? Or hunting ghosts? Or traveling through space? The list goes on!...

No. 1096803 ID: 4591f8
File 172524390144.png - (15.98KB , 509x457 , 11.png )

...But you can't do any of that until you get down from this nest.

> Follow the blue railroad to arrive at the next update!
> climbing down would probably be your first step
> Are there any branches you can reach to climb down?
> Just grab the trunk of the tree and slide down, easy-peasy.

Woof... It did not cross your mind until now how high up you are. It's a good thing you didn't just hop off the nest willy-nilly and plunge to misfortune.

The first thing that comes to your mind is flapping these feathers like wings, but then you had the idea of climbing down carefully, which does sound like a much safer idea. After all, you never learned to fly.
No. 1096804 ID: 4591f8
File 172524390507.png - (15.03KB , 509x457 , 12.png )

No. 1096806 ID: 4591f8
File 172524396463.png - (14.21KB , 509x457 , 13.png )

You begin meticulously grabbing the nest's straw to climb down to a branch. Sticks thwack your face as you clumsily descend.

You hear something moving on the nest.
No. 1096808 ID: 273c18

No. 1096811 ID: 355e44

Don't birds imprint on the first thing they see? This could be an opportunity to get your first quest companion.
No. 1096814 ID: 861ceb

>You hear something moving on the nest.

No. 1096816 ID: 7c1f1c

Let's not bet on friendly chicks. If mama left us here as a snack, let's trust mama, and get out before we get et. Once you're clear of the nest, you shouldn't have to worry about newborns; keep your head and keep climbing down.
No. 1096817 ID: 42311e

Like the egg idea. As for the protagonist's well-being, take the straw from the nest and create armor from it. If worse comes to worst and you do fall out of the tree at least you will be able to tank some of the fall damage.
No. 1096818 ID: 273c18

Even if we befriended a baby eagle we couldn't leave with it. Baby chicks can't fly.
No. 1096828 ID: 812e4b

Hide under the nest.
No. 1096840 ID: 925a42

Do we have anything in our INVENTORY that can help?
No. 1096861 ID: 4591f8
File 172535825747.png - (27.07KB , 790x759 , 14.png )



The bark of the tree is too smooth to get a quick grip. You can't go any faster without slipping immediately.

Hasty steps approach your end of the nest.
No. 1096862 ID: 4591f8
File 172535826384.png - (18.33KB , 790x613 , 15.png )

An eggshell impacts your face.

You slip immediately.
No. 1096863 ID: 4591f8
File 172535828604.png - (26.80KB , 790x613 , 16.png )

> Do we have anything in our INVENTORY that can help?

[1 x Nothing]
[2 x Jack squat]

Other than that, you're still clasping onto the sticks that failed to hold you.

> Take the straw from the nest and create armor from it.

You're no scientist but you feel the time it takes to make armor is a lot longer than the time it takes to hit the ground.
No. 1096864 ID: 4591f8
File 172535829141.png - (11.19KB , 790x613 , 17.png )

No. 1096865 ID: 4591f8
File 172535829966.png - (15.34KB , 790x613 , 18.png )

You wake up, groggily, to the smell of hot soup and a warm bed.

Had it all been a dream? Have you awoken to a new dawn, at home? Ready to begin a quest? That can't be. At home, you don't have a bed... OR hot soup...
No. 1096866 ID: 4591f8
File 172535830339.png - (12.25KB , 790x613 , 19.png )

???: "You and your steed took quite the fall."


>Don't birds imprint on the first thing they see? This could be an opportunity to get your first quest companion.

Your downy bed appears to be a hatchling bird. You still can't say for sure whether it's friendly. You're not in its belly, which is good news.

???: "Clearly, a god saw that I made too much soup, and graced me with company."
No. 1096867 ID: bf1766

Yum, soup. What kind of soup?
No. 1096869 ID: 861ceb

Congratulations, you're now a mother.

Also I guess you should thank the stranger for the help and ask who they are as well as introduce yourself.
No. 1096870 ID: 42311e

Look at this little adorable guy who is cooking. Ask if he needs any help.
No. 1096874 ID: 355e44

Pet bird! as in, pet it, not it's your pet (yet).

Thank pointy hat for helping out. Hopefully there is enough soup to satisfy a hatchling, or you'll have to do some hunting to avoid getting nibbled.
No. 1096878 ID: 761612

Bird: Eat gnome.
No. 1096928 ID: 925a42

what kind of soup? and where are we!?
No. 1096948 ID: 8f9bc4

Not enough soup? That sounds like a quest! A quest for soup!
No. 1097026 ID: 4591f8
File 172560927252.png - (18.72KB , 578x566 , 20.png )

You're still kind of disoriented but the kindness is appreciated.

Your host seems to be a bird? Maybe? His head is narrow, as if he was flattened by the sides. The hat gives off gnome vibes. His house seems to be carved out of a tree stump.

>Yum, soup. What kind of soup?
>what kind of soup? and where are we!?
>Not enough soup? That sounds like a quest! A quest for soup!
>Look at this little adorable guy who is cooking. Ask if he needs any help.

"Soup?" you ask.

???: "A mulligan, I think. I forgot what I put in it. Sometimes if something tastes nice, but you don't want to eat the whole thing, it's good to keep it around, and throw it in a pot later.
"Kind of like stories."

You can smell the meaty stew from upon your beddage, and you must admit it does not smell half bad. You also ask if you can help with the soup.

???: "I want some nice spices, but you would be eaten by a bug or stepped on by a hoofed animal probably."

You try to argue, but as you explain, it does come to your mind that you found yourself in this predicament by being carried into a hawk's nest.

???: "I didn't know that; I just thought you looked small."

Well that's just plain rude.
No. 1097027 ID: 4591f8
File 172560927417.png - (12.26KB , 578x566 , 21.png )

???: "I want to try the soup as it is.
"If you don't trust me then I will drink it first.
"And if I die you can keep my corpse if you want"
No. 1097028 ID: 812e4b

Kill him. Free corpse!
No. 1097029 ID: 03c58a

Not sure why we wouldn’t trust his soup. I mean if he wanted to do something he has plenty of time to do between now and when you found you knocked out. Also wonder if the bird will like the soup since they’re probably hungry as well… or will be once they wake up.
No. 1097030 ID: a4b18e

Take his hat, we need to establish your dominance!
No. 1097033 ID: 273c18

At least share introductions before you gamble with your life on the unknown soup. There could be wild mushrooms in there!

Flip a coin to decide who drinks first.
No. 1097038 ID: 925a42

Drink the soup, there's no way we die four updates into a quest! We have plot armour
No. 1097044 ID: 355e44

Both drink at the same time. It's a soup adventure!
No. 1097080 ID: 4591f8

rolled 3 = 3

soup roll
No. 1097081 ID: 4591f8
File 172567824112.png - (8.61KB , 496x392 , 22.png )

> Not sure why we wouldn’t trust his soup.
> Drink the soup, there's no way we die four updates into a quest! We have plot armour
> Both drink at the same time. It's a soup adventure!

You offer to both drink the soup at the same time.

???: "It's too hot right now. You have to blow on it first."

> At least share introductions before you gamble with your life on the unknown soup. There could be wild mushrooms in there!

You ask your host who they are.

???: "I think I am a stock broker. Or maybe that was in another story? Am I a lawyer? I'm something. Or maybe I'm not."

You ask him, "Are you not sure?"

???: "No, I'm one-hundred percent certain that i might be a stock broker or a lawyer. Maybe."

What's up with the hat? Is he a gnome? You inquire.

???: "This hat keeps me tethered to this plane.
"I exist in every story--just past the margins. Even when I can't exist, I'm there. Beyond the margin of possibility.
"Surely you can only see me because you are not in a story. Your story hasn't begun yet."

That much is obvious. You haven't been able to start a quest since you got dropped into a hawk's nest. That being said, you would like to return home soon so that you can begin your quest...
After you finish your soup. The soup smells pretty good.
You ask what happens when he takes off the hat.

???: "Spacetime will tear, creating an implosion with the force of ten gigatons of trinitrotoluene."

You gasp. Really?

???: "I don't know. I haven't taken it off in recent memory."

He takes a sip first.

He seems to be taking it just fine, so you pull yourself by the bootstraps and brace.

[SOUP ROLL: 1d6 -> 3]

It's just okay.
No. 1097082 ID: 4591f8
File 172567824888.png - (7.99KB , 496x392 , 23.png )

> Take his hat, we need to establish your dominance!
No. 1097096 ID: 355e44

Brace for the repercussions of your actions.
No. 1097098 ID: 4591f8
File 172568042538.png - (7.22KB , 496x392 , 24.png )

???: "Can I please have my hat back?"

You give him his hat back.


You ask your host for his name.

???: "My name is Treachery. What's yours?"

No. 1097100 ID: 812e4b

No. 1097102 ID: b60ac5

Bowling Ball Head
No. 1097108 ID: 861ceb

maybe the hawk thing was some kind of devine irony. Oh and speaking of hawks, your child is awake it seems. Make sure they get some soup as well.
No. 1097120 ID: 6914c1

"Mom My but i have been called Little My as a nickname"
Moomin troll's for the win
No. 1097131 ID: 6311fb

Pigeon, Pidge for short
Since our adventure started in a hawk's nest, and we're built like a prey animal.
No. 1097132 ID: 355e44

No. 1097150 ID: d58817

No. 1097156 ID: 4591f8

rolled 1 = 1

1. Spite
2. Feather
3,4. Pidgin/Pidge
No. 1097157 ID: 4591f8
File 172578453797.png - (12.21KB , 648x563 , 25.png )

Truth be told, you had been saving up your name slot for when you start a quest, but if you are going to interact with Treachery, not having a name is going to be increasingly problematic.

So, you introduce yourself.

Spite (You): "My name is Spite."

Treachery: "Oh, of course. You're Spite. I'd recognize that name anywhere."

Spite (You): "I... uh... came up with it just now. Do you know someone else named spite?"

Treachery: "No."

The baby hawk is hungry. Maybe we could give it a name sometime.
No. 1097163 ID: 861ceb

bird wants soup
No. 1097165 ID: fffcb2

Give bird soup first, and a name later.
No. 1097166 ID: f2320a

its tradition to not name children before they are a year old in most cultures as its uncertain they will make it so SOUP FIRST even if you need to pour bowls into there mouth or spit it into there mouth like a mommy bird
No. 1097168 ID: 341e77

Can you feed her some worms?
No. 1097171 ID: 5e452b

Pour soup in birb
No. 1097180 ID: 925a42

Feed the bird before it eats us all!!
No. 1097184 ID: f2320a

same person again i realized Spite is just Spit with a E? do we spit soup in mouth as birb cant sip
No. 1097379 ID: 4591f8
File 172630142558.png - (11.96KB , 654x537 , 26.png )

> bird wants soup
> Give bird soup first, and a name later.
> SOUP FIRST even if you need to pour bowls into there mouth or spit it into there mouth like a mommy bird
> Pour soup in birb
> Feed the bird before it eats us all!!

The soup is technically immediately available but Treachery seems to be troubled by the notion of drinking it straight from the pot right now.

Treachery is helplessly attempting to explain to the newborn bird that the potted soup is too hot to drink, as the chick remains shaking the house with its bustling chirps.

The chick is just going to have to wait for it to cool down like everyone else, though. When that time comes a ladder may need to be involved.

Trophallaxis, i.e. mouth-to-mouth feeding, comes to mind with such a young bird, but your mouth is ambiguously small for that.

Amongst the noise, you remember that you still have a dream to chase.
No. 1097380 ID: 4591f8
File 172630142810.png - (10.83KB , 654x537 , 27.png )

While that is happening, you take a peek outside.
No. 1097381 ID: 4591f8
File 172630143194.png - (25.96KB , 654x537 , 28.png )

Oh. There's the spot where you and the egg landed. And your tears. -You mean your 'special activated ability.' It's just past the door.

Beyond your crater, you can see your trail, though a few sparkles may have faintly faded. You might want to get going if you want any sense of where your home is.
No. 1097382 ID: 4591f8
File 172630143594.png - (11.49KB , 654x537 , 29.png )

Also, if all that stuff is all there, then that must mean...
No. 1097383 ID: 4591f8
File 172630143746.png - (22.21KB , 654x537 , 30.png )

...You're just down here.
No. 1097384 ID: 273c18

Maybe if you hug the bird for a bit it'll be quieter.
No. 1097386 ID: 861ceb

oh neat, it looks like the hawk is back.
No. 1097398 ID: 355e44

that baby needs to be fed or it's going to give away your position.
Do you want to follow the trial? If your house doesn't even have a bed it doesn't sound like you have much to go back to. Why not start a quest of parenting this chick?
No. 1097575 ID: 4591f8
File 172680774019.png - (11.31KB , 538x508 , 31.png )


The call of the bird shakes you to your core. She was bound to be back at some point.

You really, really want to get back home and start a quest. However, as much as it wrings your heart, there is a real possibility of a vengeful hawk reclaiming her chick and tearing you to shreds.

It is likely a safe bet to stay put for the night.

> that baby needs to be fed or it's going to give away your position.
> Do you want to follow the trial? If your house doesn't even have a bed it doesn't sound like you have much to go back to. Why not start a quest of parenting this chick?

It also appears that the feeding situation has been graciously handled by Treachery (ladder, soup bowl).

Just the past few minutes have been twisting your stomach about your lackluster home life, insofar that just a blanket and ladder have shown Treachery to be wealthier than you.

Maybe your quest can wait, and you can rear this chick in this safe little shelter.

Spite (You): "Um, Treachery?"

Treachery: "Hello."

Spite (You): "Is it alright if I stay here?"

Treachery: "Well, you are standing where you are. 'here,' perhaps. You tell me if that's alright."

Spite (You): "This is your house... right?"

Treachery: "Ownership is a social sense, like money, beauty, justice, trust, and gender."

Um. Alright.
No. 1097576 ID: 03c58a

You might want to help feed the bird so it imprints on you and not treachery
No. 1097589 ID: e1f2ed

Well if he doesn't own anything take his hat and don't return it.
No. 1097600 ID: 355e44

Well if this is everyone's house then he won't mind if you start decorating.
No. 1098078 ID: 4591f8
File 172777454604.png - (20.83KB , 591x537 , 32.png )

Night falls on the garden. You're going to have to wait until morning to decide to follow your trail.
No. 1098079 ID: 4591f8
File 172777454997.png - (12.37KB , 591x537 , 33.png )

You take Treachery's ambiguity as an invitation to make this house your own.

You notice a stockpile of boxes towards one end of the room. You make your way over and Treachery does not stop you.

The day's labor weighs heavy on you. This is going to be the last thing you do before you take a nice (non-concussive) snooze.
No. 1098080 ID: 4591f8
File 172777455287.png - (25.46KB , 563x503 , 34.png )

Trudging through your host's belongings, you exhume a few things of note:

x510 Clubs
Treachery: "Those are Clubs. I figured out how to use these. You hand them to a person, then they decide it belongs to them. After that, they may treat you with a good or a service."
It's currency; you're familiar.
You've never had any but you reckon this is enough to buy, like, one good hat.

x1 Saw
Treachery: "I think that's a remnant from the construction of this fine abode."
And the stain on it?
Treachery: "I cook with what I have on hand."

x1 Orange
Treachery: "A little snack. I picked it yesterday and it looks fine so you may take it if you like. Here's a secret: I've heard good things about orangesauce. It's like applesauce but with oranges."

x1 Skin cream!
Treachery: "You can take that, I guess. I don't have skin. I'm made of pumice and something else."

x11 Birth Certificate
Treachery: "Oh, that's my collection. Sometimes I find them well-hidden, which probably means they're valuable."
No. 1098096 ID: 355e44

An orange to share and birth certificates to snoop through for funny names? Well that's just a fun evening in. Imagine where these people are now.

As for the skin cream, how is your skin? Any rough patches after falling out of a tree? Should check baby hawk too.
No. 1098724 ID: 4591f8
File 172924822161.png - (11.61KB , 557x566 , 35.png )

> An orange to share and birth certificates to snoop through for funny names? Well that's just a fun evening in. Imagine where these people are now.
> As for the skin cream, how is your skin? Any rough patches after falling out of a tree? Should check baby hawk too.

You apply the refreshing skin cream, for health.


You share a half of the orange with Treachery.

Treachery: "Tasty."

You hunker down, reading the birth certificates like a nightly story. You imagine fake scenarios each person might have been in.

There are some interesting characters here--

Guffaw McMallard. Olaf Pleather.
Them, they survived some awful weather.
Zeeby Zoob. Zooby Zeeb.
One's a newb, one's a dweeb.
Valery Smirnov. Jedgar Mantissa.

As you read the names you nod off to sleep.
No. 1098725 ID: 4591f8
File 172924823049.png - (13.86KB , 557x566 , 36.png )

You dream...

You dream of escaping a prison with meticulously crafted puzzles and riddles; of cleverly cobbling tools and trinkets to open contrived and absurd doors and rooms; of making your way out of the darkness and into the light.

You dream of lending a helping hand in the end times; of being a vagabond of the apocalypse; of being an angel--a beacon of hope for those in need.

You dream of being a swashbuckling pirate, plundering treasure with a peg-legged stride; of facing the rolling seas and giant monsters; of discovering legends of lands far beyond Carcosa; of becoming a legend yourself.

You dream of felling an evil overlord; of sharpened blades and epic clashes; of magic and power; of winning the good fight; of becoming the strongest there ever was.
No. 1098726 ID: 4591f8
File 172924823408.png - (76.10KB , 557x566 , 37.png )

You dream of the looming threat, The Hawk. That she took you so far from home. That every step outside could be your last before being torn to shreds.

You dream of your kind host, Treachery. That he keeps you here forever. That he's luring you away from your fulfilment. That you remain a maiden to the unnamed bird for the rest of time.

Oh god... Apron-clad and living in the service of this thing that was going to EAT you. ONE MILLION BEES APPEAR. BZZZZ!!! "Hmmm, yes i do think ogo bo gogo," says baby bird. BZZZZZ!!! "Buy my metronome!" says Zeeby Zoob. BZZZ BZZZ!!! OH FUCK OH SHIT. THEY'RE EVERYWHERE. They're in your EYES. They're in your EARS. AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Through it all, a bee in your ear whispers a question that cuts through all the busy buzzing: "Who the shit is Spite?"


No. 1098728 ID: 355e44

Gotta dream of the future
No. 1098737 ID: 1d580c

Dream of the past for a brighter future
No. 1098738 ID: f2320a

dream about the future and getting fat on pie
No. 1098740 ID: a7a180

The distant future!
No. 1098792 ID: 05a3b7

The Past!

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