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File 172533475333.png - (135.47KB , 700x700 , HUMAN01.png )
1096847 No. 1096847 ID: e1a09b

In the Age Of Man, Y-O-A 304, humanity at large mastered the skies, and the world beyond. With the finest magical minds of the generation, we conquered the Void. By wrapping a vessel - a Shell - in magic and steel we were able to catapult out of a Chamber to distant worlds, and with proper preparation retrieve the Shells back to their Chambers with teleportation magic. While the costs were extreme, the resources and knowledge retrieved from such missions was incalculably valuable. Entire new worlds sat at our feet, untouched by the Spell Withering, and the Mana there was plentiful and fresh.

We entered the Void Age.
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No. 1096848 ID: e1a09b
File 172533481239.jpg - (123.54KB , 3000x3000 , HUMAN02.jpg )

As more distant launches and communications spellwork advanced, we ceased sending Voidwalkers to the stars, and commanded Voidslaves instead. Great constructions of steel, wood, and crystal, these lumbering beasts of mechanical and magical engineering were our bodies in worlds beyond. Piloting them became a career of note and prestige, when someone says "pilot" they mean a master of a Voidslave. To go out - to secure great wealth and Mana in the name of your nation - to return your voidslave intact - became not just a work of great value to humanity, but also the work of celebrity and entertainment.

At first these worlds were small compared to ours, plundered quickly and just as quickly discarded. But we eventually - in the YOA 354 - discovered the greatest, most dangerous, most mana-rich world of all. It became the target of all nations. We all sought the riches...
No. 1096849 ID: e1a09b
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No. 1096850 ID: e1a09b
File 172533494040.jpg - (166.12KB , 3000x3000 , HUMAN04.jpg )

Alright, Beryl.

Everything is set to go. It's time to drop. This quadrant is documented, but only barely touched. It should be perfect for a rookie like me with a new-print Voidslave. I'm ready to go!

>Wait, wait! Go over equipment one last time.
>Go big, jump with style!
>Stay safe and steady. Need to be ready when we land.
>Take a running start and go hard. No holding back for the first run.
No. 1096851 ID: 99ca7b

Inspect Inventory
No. 1096852 ID: 462d8c

Jump with style
No. 1096854 ID: 355e44

make sure you're not forgetting something.
No. 1096855 ID: eb0a9c

Check your equipment, then dash out the airdrop and flip the bird while you digistruct your ride to causally catch you while it forms
No. 1096858 ID: e00f12

Do A Flip!
No. 1096860 ID: bf1766

Double check; I'm assuming these things are pretty expensive. You can get complacent once you have a few runs under your belt. :P
No. 1096942 ID: 3ee96b

Don't forget to form a deep bond with your Voidslave in order to work together perfectly while piloting.

Pat your Voidslave in the head to get started. In other words, pat yourself in the head.
No. 1097034 ID: 812e4b

It's not jumping, it's falling... with style.
No. 1097214 ID: 6bd709

So do we know where we're going to land?
No. 1104436 ID: 43a954

>>1096850>Wait, wait! Go over equipment one last time.

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