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File 172780413065.jpg - (907.29KB , 1282x1181 , side quest 1.jpg )
1098087 No. 1098087 ID: 05f22f

This is a short festive story connected to the Rotten Apple quest. But this will work more like a spin-off to the main quest. When this is taking place, the future or the past, at the end of it, you will learn the answer to that question.
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No. 1098495 ID: 355e44

yes, and even if they do grab it, well its not really our hand anyway.
No. 1098522 ID: 2539d2
File 172874650185.jpg - (6.89MB , 3436x4630 , side quest 13.jpg )

A) Take the gift.

B) Attack Hollow Heart.
No. 1098525 ID: c5529d

Ah, thank you!

we'll hold on to it, but won't wear it, as this isn't really our hand, and if it originally belonged to a dead person, they could be revived, and I'm not really sure if we should revive them or not yet.

though I think soon we're going to have to find a bag to carry stuff with. we're holding both a ring and a knife at the same time.
No. 1098526 ID: 355e44

Hmm, whats the catch? What are you expecting in return for this gift?
No. 1098529 ID: c5529d

I think we already gave him something in return for that gift by freeing Hollow Heart out of that door
Oh yeah, most importantly, thank you bunches for the ring
No. 1098530 ID: c6b2a1

Would it be meta to see his name has a title? Prince? Either way best to have more allies and less enemies. So thanks for the ring.
No. 1098542 ID: 27fceb

So what is your title, do you have one or more?
No. 1098578 ID: aad9f1
File 172883989325.jpg - (4.40MB , 3508x4961 , side quest 14.jpg )

A) Go towards the open window.

B) Go down the path along the plaque, deeper into the darkness.
No. 1098579 ID: 79d888

B) time to take up metallurgy, it looks like
No. 1098583 ID: 87f492

Just take a peek outside the window since the plaque path *should* still be a thing to do. What's the harm in reconnaissance?
No. 1098586 ID: c5529d

Go into the darkness. We don't know how long until that door will hold until Lady Poodle and her guards break in. Gotta get some distance away from her in this fun game of tag.
No. 1098588 ID: 27fceb

Go for the window, maybe that can be a way for us to see the outside of this place and possibility escape route. A short check and then go down the original path.
No. 1098595 ID: f5efb0
File 172891419762.jpg - (4.94MB , 3508x4961 , side quest 15.jpg )

A) Eternal beauty.

B) Forever weak.
No. 1098596 ID: 579a1a

Really seems like she got both
No. 1098598 ID: a66806

Oh. Oh that's twisted. Pretty clever but twisted. Detective skills says we see a beautiful flower in a pot which is a clue. Plus with how that was phrased, she probably killed herself. Hence the "same age." Were she cremated and mixed with soil she could be in the pot we see. So she got her beauty in death as a flower sort of. Should the flower die just put in a fresh one.
No. 1098600 ID: c5529d

that sounds about right
No. 1098610 ID: 27fceb

Go with this
No. 1098612 ID: eb0a9c

If that's true, then she failed. Soil that hosts plants loses its nutrients. She is ugly, and is still aging.
If we have to choose, I'd say B is the correct answer.
No. 1098618 ID: 2fa6b6
File 172900923724.jpg - (7.31MB , 3033x4961 , side quest 16.jpg )

A) The little girl.

B) The Shadow.

C) The Reflection.
No. 1098621 ID: 355e44

C) one generally doesn't live as long after they feel old, although feeling old is subjective so perhaps it is the girl who lives longest after all.
No. 1098659 ID: 27fceb

I think that the reflection lived the longest, after everything is said and done the time that we have left is the one that outlasted the others. You know when you grow up, you know when you feel old but you don't know when you are going to die.
No. 1098660 ID: eb0a9c

>What do you believe in
None of your beeswax.

>Who lived the longest?
Well, ultimately, the Shadow and the Reflection were Constructs, homunculi dependent on the life force of the girl. When the girl implanted her life force in the Shadow it was technically born, just as the reflection was technically born when the shadow implemented the girl's life force in it in turn. So logically, they would all age at the same time, and in theory, they would drop dead at the same time. Therefore, as the original girl had lived before both the Shadow and Reflection, and all died at the same time, the conclusive answer would be (A).
No. 1098663 ID: 5d4a41
File 172909391325.jpg - (2.09MB , 1904x2001 , side quest 17.jpg )

A) The first one is about you.

B) The second one is about you.
No. 1098665 ID: 6711ed

Well it's pretty vain and childish to expect strangers to be able to answer such a personal question about you, so (A)
No. 1098666 ID: c5529d

I think B. But honestly, we just met, hard to come to a conclusion by the cover itself if we haven't had a read on you yet.
No. 1098671 ID: e090ca

Hate to be crass but given the boobs you don't seem to be a young child who never grew.
No. 1098672 ID: 27fceb

Both stories have similarities but they go in different directions. Why do I get the feeling that the first story was what you wanted to get and the second one is what you got.
No. 1098682 ID: eb0a9c

You tell lies aplenty. If either of those stories described you, great. But I expect you to have an entirely different backstory.
And you sound like a creepy pedophile masquerading as a teenage girl.
No. 1098689 ID: 266419
File 172915668694.jpg - (1.65MB , 1880x1964 , side quest 18.jpg )

A) Is this your sex dungeon?

B) Is this somebody else's sex dungeon?
No. 1098699 ID: c5529d

One thing I know for sure, this is a kingdom.
No. 1098705 ID: 721934

From what we found out about this place is that original it was not supposed to have doors. So maybe this location was changed from what originally looked.
No. 1098707 ID: 355e44

Didn't that guy say it was a place between places?
No. 1098709 ID: 3d2536

Whatever it is I ain't getting paid enough to deal with this place.
No. 1098729 ID: 1d580c
File 172926146751.jpg - (633.32KB , 1976x992 , side quest 19.jpg )

A) God of War.

B) God of Love.
No. 1098732 ID: 99204e

God of War is me so can't be that one. Jokes aside... Hard to say for sure. Since our senses have been messed with and all, evidence is limited. Haven't seen much love though.
No. 1098735 ID: 63709c

Given the tenor of your little stories, I suppose love
No. 1098742 ID: 27fceb

Is this a corpse of the god of corses?
No. 1098743 ID: eb0a9c

I doubt you've portrayed that god's values.
No. 1098752 ID: c5529d

explorers are never really ready when they explore a new place.

god of love. it's subjective.

speaking of god of love, You seem very very interested in us, are you in love?
No. 1098758 ID: 1d580c
File 172933724982.jpg - (1.02MB , 2058x1593 , side quest 20.jpg )

A) It was my fantasy to live in someone's stomach.

B) I rather have somebody else live in my stomach.
No. 1098762 ID: 355e44

Eh, there's worse insides to be inside of. just a little dusty.
No. 1098764 ID: c5529d

hmmm... can you point us to the direction of where this dead god's hands are please?
No. 1098766 ID: 27fceb

I am just happy not needing to eat anything, on that topic what do you eat?
No. 1098767 ID: b3b0e2

Predator is a title that suits me well. Prey not at all. Great Devourer sounds like a fine addition to my collection of titles. Even if this means nothing you guys are seriously gonna tell a cultist of eating you're fine with getting ate?
No. 1098793 ID: 05aa5e
File 172941750220.jpg - (2.97MB , 2482x2606 , side quest 21.jpg )

A) Bobbie and her brother.

B) Abdle and his brothers.
No. 1098794 ID: eb0a9c

It shall be about Yerma, the wolf who strongarmed them into her army of the Durmned.
No. 1098796 ID: d78115

We don't have enough info. We know little of Bobbie's sibling. We know Abdle and Eldba but both fit what you describe. Eldba is strong in both. While Abdle may have sought strength of self (and still has that ego) he sought out Bobbie and listens to us. Perhaps it could be argued Bobbie *had* to seek the aid of others but it's a limited case. Her curse only happened once she teamed up with Abdle. So before that we also lack info.
No. 1098799 ID: c5529d

Gonna have to say A. I think I remember Abdle's sister working with others before, even if it's for her own benefit.
No. 1098811 ID: b42ebd

Both Abdle and Bobbie have to rely on others. I don't recall, what do we even know about her brother?
No. 1098845 ID: 27fceb

I would like to retract my previous question that I asked about your food preferences
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