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1098850 No. 1098850 ID: c1a22b

Henry the wolf and Jess the fox get married and settle into domestic life

Discussion thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/135483.html

NSFW, warning for anything that might happen in an abusive relationship. Will update every other day.
254 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1101318 ID: f1368b
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>Captured thief scenario
They practice with the shocks beforehand and work up to the point where Jess could bite her own tongue or lips by accident while bantering, which sets the limit for today. Then Henry grabs her from behind and lashes Jess to her own computer chair with his belt and wheels her to the interrogation corner in their bedroom.

Jess puts an angry, defensive look on her face and gets into character. “Let me go man! What the hell are you doing? It was an accident!”

“An accident?” Henry splutters. “You broke into my apartment! I saw you going through my wife’s things!”

“You’re crazy.” Jess sniffs. “Let me go right now and I won’t call the cops on you for kidnapping me over a simple mistake. It’s not a good look to have a woman tied up in your bedroom.”
No. 1101319 ID: f1368b
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Henry sighs and takes out the collar remote and waves it in the air. “See this? I’m going to shock you whenever you lie about what happened and we’ll see how long it takes for you to behave.”

Jess gives her captor a cheeky grin. “Oh I’m so scared. Next you’re gonna threaten to take all my clothes off. That won’t make your wife ask any questions at all.”

The collar plays a high tone before it zaps her, sending unbreakable muscle tension up her neck and across her shoulders. It’s sustained for a couple seconds and she hisses with relief when it stops.

“Maybe I should take your clothes off. Make sure you haven’t hidden anything valuable.” Henry puffs. He’s getting worked up, Jess can tell.

What’s her mid game roleplay strategy?
A. Continue to DARVO
B. Concede and try to negotiate via sexual favors
C. Other (suggest)
No. 1101328 ID: 253c2f

A, just a little bit more. If you piss yourself, all the more reason to get naked.
No. 1101336 ID: 23cf5d

B, If he's getting worked up, so are you, this is what you deserved after all.
No. 1101337 ID: d58817


This is a win-win. It's good for you; you push Henry's buttons, and make him rougher when he finally takes you, as well as getting to enjoy the feeling of the shocks building on each other, making your nerves and muscles sore in a new way. It also gives you the satisfaction of knowing you put up a good fight, and that you're not a total wimp. You're the captive in this situation, but that doesn't mean you can't still be as tough a guy as you can manage.
No. 1101338 ID: eb0a9c

If a cop or a strung-up wannabe hero (or, y'know, both) looked through your window, you'd draw violent attention.

You need to make the scenario more surreal. You're not practicing to be spies, you're trying to sex.

C) Get flustered and try to achieve a hands-free orgasm, or at least approach that so Henry can get grabby and set you off.
No. 1101339 ID: 6c233e

A) If you keep holding out this poor homeowner will get just so frustrated, there's no telling what he'll do to you~
No. 1101340 ID: 0db8d3

C: Escalate. Do your best to trick Henry to lean in close to you, then bite him. Hard.
Savor the taste of his blood. Talk mad shit. See if you can make him actually retaliate. Blur the lines between reality and roleplay until you forget yourselves.
No. 1101345 ID: b4cd2d

A. There wouldn't BE any thieves if you had voted for someone who'd solve the socio-economic divide, mister! This is your choices coming back to haunt you!
No. 1101377 ID: 23cf5d

Changing my previous B vote for this, let's see how far you can push his buttons.
No. 1101378 ID: 4b704a

Surely the way to go!
No. 1101380 ID: f1368b
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Played straight CNC here, skip this update if that’s not your thing

>A, stay combative
Yes, frustrate Henry enough and he’ll finally get aggressive! Play the tough guy, all testosterone and machismo, pick at her husband’s little insecurities about wanting to be a good person. This is her favorite level of realism for play, when her flesh is churning with adrenaline and pain in a way that’ll leave Jess sore tomorrow.

She sneers at Henry. “Is that all you got? You’re a bully, trying to control people with pain. Typical man. I bet your wife will leave you after she finds out what a piece of shit you are.”

The next jolt might have made Jess piss herself if she hadn’t used the bathroom beforehand, and Henry puts down the remote and reaches for her chest while she’s still processing the deep ache. She kicks at his shoulders, deliberately avoiding his face as he wrestles her against the back of the chair while he tries to rip off her top. Once he tears the shitty synthetic fabric Jess takes the opportunity to snap her jaws shut on the nearest piece of his forearm.

“Fuck!” Henry barks. The wolf gets his paw in her hair for leverage to pull himself free before Jess can get a secure grip. He follows up with a cuff across her snout before tugging on her shorts and panties. Jess gives him a little help by subtly lifting her hips, she likes those shorts and doesn’t want the elastic ruined.
No. 1101381 ID: f1368b
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”Oh great, a brute and a rapist.” she puffs, once she’s exposed and Henry’s trailing his fingers up and down her snatch.

“Big talk, you’re the one who’s making a mess. You’re soaked.”

“Yeah yeah, keep trying to make yourself feel better, rapist. You learn your moves from porn?”

This time Henry does look slightly, genuinely pained. Ah okay, time to ease up on the name-calling. She doesn’t have time to get a word in before he shocks her again, hard. Jess muffles a scream in her raw throat and jerks her bound hands against the hard plastic ridges of the chair in an attempt to flee.

“I’m going to shock you while I fuck you and I bet you’ll still get off you fucking whore.” Henry growls. “Let’s see you talk back after that.”

Henry unties and manhandles Jess so that her tear soaked cheeks are rubbing against the comforter with each forceful thrust from behind. He shocks her the moment she starts cumming and she feels herself clamp down on him through her delirium, fuzzy and soaring, vaguely aware when Henry goes soft and pulls himself out of her to collapse in the recently vacated chair.

What does Jess do for aftercare?
No. 1101382 ID: 807cfe

Sit put and probe him to see how he's feeling, and what he wants right now. Ask if you went too far, what parts he did or didn't like, and if he's feeling okay with how it all went. Figure out what he wants before getting up and doing anything.
No. 1101386 ID: cb76eb

Let's start with the thank yous and affirmations. A towel and some water would be appreciated. Maybe watch a Disney movie before bed?
No. 1101387 ID: eb0a9c

Ride him until your butt gives out
No. 1101388 ID: 6c233e

Can she do more than twitch in a heap?

Some massaging of stiff muscles and joints is probably in order.
No. 1101389 ID: 0db8d3

You don't get your moves from just *any* porn; You get them from that [I]good shit[/].
No. 1101392 ID: 7c1f1c

First, take the collar off. Let's not leave room for accidents, playtime is over.

Sit with him in the chair, and be close. Touch him gently, and offer kisses. I think some "thank you"s would help reinforce that he's done something good for you, and that you genuinely enjoy and want more of it--mention specific things he did that you found satisfying. I think it's best to ask if he wants anything before getting it for him; it'll help him feel more in control, and help signal that you're not being combative anymore. I would wait until after that to start breaking things down, and reviewing what you and he liked or didn't like. It's best to do that after you've recovered a little, and have some mental fortitude to spare.
No. 1101396 ID: 90c735

Be a dork and lick his fresh new arm holes.
No. 1101397 ID: 23cf5d

Bite wounds can be surprisingly dangerous if they become infected, time for some TLC, get the bandages and alcohol and don't forget to smooch the pain away, and remind him how much you appreciate him.
Also maybe ask him what he'd like to do next?
No. 1101428 ID: f1368b
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>Put herself back together
Her limbs twitch as Jess swims against the blankets until she’s mostly upright. She unlatches the shock collar and rubs at her wrists, groaning under her breath. The fur between her thighs is a wet, sticky mess. That was a fucking good one.

>See how Henry is doing and check the bite
Jess slides off the bed to lean against the side of her chair and observe the rise and fall of her husband’s fluffy chest. He doesn’t resist, eyes closed, as she leans down to examine his forearm. No blood or puncture wounds, but he might have a bruise. Terribly disappointing, but no one’s perfect. It’s always harder to pierce the skin when there’s a thick layer of fur on top.

She pets his head and scratches his ears until his breathing slows down. He looks over at her and leans in for several kisses.

>Talk to him
“How you doin’ honey? How’s your arm?”

“Great and good.” He yawns and stays in the chair, blinking peacefully. “How was it for you?”

“I loved it, I really felt immersed and the shocks were the right level of brain scrambly. Thanks for doing this with me, you just stay there and I’ll get water and a towel.”

After they’re both cleaned up, they lounge on the couch together while TV plays in the background until it’s time for bed.
No. 1101429 ID: f1368b
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>18 months after the wedding
Henry chews on the side of his right pointer finger, where he’s worn a rough callus under the patchy fur over the last few months, as he examines the printed pictures of carefully staged interiors laid out before him. They didn’t have any luck getting a house in summer and fall and he’s starting to get desperate. It’s the American dream! He wants a perfect grassy lawn and thick creampies in his fertile wife, dammit!

Ok, that last part may be because he’s had four orgasms in half a year. When Henry’s brain isn’t occupied he finds himself daydreaming about plump flesh. Great for adult writing fuel, bad for longterm sanity. God, he misses the pre-collar era, even though it’s been plenty fun playing with it on. He’s not ready to admit defeat quite yet though.

Anyway, he needs to focus. They toured this house for the second time earlier today and they both like it. It’s about 2,000 sq ft and needs some work but they have the money for the down payment and interest rates could be worse. It’s in the burbs closer to Victor so Henry’s commute will be more annoying but it’s a decent location overall.

A. Buy this house before someone else does!
B. Wait for something better
No. 1101431 ID: 807cfe

If you and your wife both like it, and there are no major issues to stop you, then buy it!
No. 1101433 ID: cb76eb

You can always find a closer job.
No. 1101437 ID: f2320a

C) need to actually see the house so you are not being fucked over being sold a white elephant.
Also if the cooming need has been that bad perhaps wife should do something
No. 1101442 ID: d58817


It sounds like this is the opportunity you've been waiting for. It's a bit of a risk if you don't have much back, but if you're confident in your job stability, then take the opportunity. Fat creampies, big, fat ones.

What's the training like? It sounds like she's got you good if you're not even trying to sneak anything on the sly.
No. 1101451 ID: 9290f9

I'd say wait.
"Needs some work" means "There are twice as many hidden issues that you can't see."

At the very least get a private home inspector to give it a look over.
No. 1101457 ID: 23cf5d

Seconding this, impulsively buying something is doomed to end up creating more issues in the long run, and if you don't have enough to buy the perfect house, you definitely don't have enough to pay for repairs.
No. 1101476 ID: f2320a

its what they dont mention is the kidder like the oil pump axle my dad brought that supposed to be like a flat head screw but is sort of drilled in the middle except for some passing mention to avoid legal trouble
No. 1101510 ID: f1368b
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>Tie, default to B
Henry doesn’t feel comfortable buying this house. If he’s already seen a few issues, there’s bound to be a ton of problems the owner isn’t telling them about, and he can’t get a proper professional inspection done until they’ve made an offer. He’d regret this impulsive decision for the rest of his life if it turned out badly! Better to wait for something better.

He sighs and collects the papers into a pile on the corner of his desk before going to find Jess in her office.

>What’s training been like?
Nothing too different from the usual day to day. Jess taught him some all-fours poses to hold when she gives the signal, he’s been eating pussy like a champ, and he finished a big chunk of his video game backlog. He wears the collar when he’s home and only gets shocked hard when he really messes up, like by coming or being rebellious.
No. 1101511 ID: f1368b
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He kneels on the rug next to Jess and waits for her to finish the email she’s working on.

“What’s up?”

“I don’t think I want to make an offer on the house. It’s nice on the outside but there’s too many problems.”

He watches her trace her snout with a dark blue painted claw. “Anything in particular?”

“It’s my strong masculine instincts.” Henry explains. “I could smell the asbestos they were hiding in the attic.”

Jess laughs. “I mean, it was an older house, so who knows. We’ll keep looking.”
He stays by her feet, waiting for a dismissal. Instead, Jess checks her phone and suddenly sits up straight.

“Oh, Becca wants to come over to hang out today. I’ve been meaning to ask, you want to fuck her, right? We can have a threesome if we convince her that it won’t magically turn her into a bad person. You’d get special orgasm privileges if it happens.”

A. Yes! All according to plan.
B. Compelling idea, dear wife, but Becca is just a hot, platonic friend.
No. 1101516 ID: 0db8d3

Careful though, "Yes" is loaded. Reply In an affirmative that does not acknowledge her entire statement.

Something like...
I would very much enjoy such a threesome. You spoil me, my most beautiful and intelligent wife.
*Tense up your body so you start to vibrate, begin to foam at the mouth, and then, shooting up into a dramatic standing position with your arms and head raised high scream:*
No. 1101518 ID: eb0a9c

A) But only if Jess has been plowing her.
No. 1101519 ID: cb76eb

No. 1101523 ID: 807cfe

It's gotta be A, sounds too fun to deny the idea.
No. 1101524 ID: 6c233e

A) As long as Jess has a plan to play it off as a joke if Becca doesn't go for it.
No. 1101531 ID: 23cf5d

Is Jess asking you about having funtime with your soft best friend slash past love you respectfully still steal glances at to this day, consensually with your kinky wife on board in a mutual agreement?
Someone needs to pinch you, because this is a christmas miracle!
No. 1101560 ID: b8457b


Yes, you want to fuck her, she's always been a fun lay. If you're too excited about it, though, you might get shocked. It should be Jess's idea, though; I assume they have the rapport at this point, and Becca will be more receptive to the idea if it comes from her. It might even pay to play up a sense of disinterest the moment of; "Really? Me? Well, if you're sure..."

Uunless, of course, you want to do something crazy, like blindfold Becca and tell her that it's Jess using a toy when it's actually Henry.
No. 1101578 ID: f1368b
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>A, but don’t show too much excitement
“Sounds fun.”

Jess raises an eyebrow. “Just fun?”

“Sounds like a Christmas miracle to have two gorgeous, beloved women at the same time. You spoil me, my most esteemed wife.” Henry says regally. “But my friendship with Becca is of utmost importance and I hope you have a plan for if things go awry.”

“Well let’s see, I think she’s picked up on my flirting so she shouldn’t be surprised at the proposal–if sex happens there’s potential post coital regret, catching feelings, you could knock her up by accident and then fall into delusions of a harmonious hypothetical polycule, we could be too rough for her taste, who knows.”

“I’m not that sentimental.” Henry grumbles, and then jumps when the shock tone plays, though there isn’t any actual followup.

“Best to be prepared for the worst, darlin’. She’ll be here in a couple hours and we’re going to make cookies, all three of us. We should act normal, so take some time without the collar.”
No. 1101580 ID: f1368b
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Henry does as he’s told. After securing the shock collar in its box he puts on some real clothes instead of just wearing his bathrobe over boxers and makes sure his fur is presentable.

Ah Becca, soft, sweet, morally upstanding Becca. Though he’d like to think he’s above sentimentality, he can see himself fooling around with her a lot more than once, with Jess present and consenting, of course. It wouldn’t work as his sole relationship because of their kink differences, but God is that dog hot.

And while he doesn’t want Jess to be in a masculine role normally, there’s also the appeal of his wife topping another woman. Corrupting her with pleasure and all that. No strap-ons allowed on his watch though! Any girl on girl action is going to be hand and mouth powered.

Jess texts him the recipes and Henry memorizes them as he paces the living room until there’s a timid knock on the door. How does he seduce Becca?
No. 1101583 ID: 6c233e

Charm, looking good in a sweater, and innuendos. Is the kneady girl ready to heat things up in the kitchen?
No. 1101602 ID: 82546d

How did he seduce her in the first place actually? His good boy thats baaadd energy perhaps that subtle fix me allure
No. 1101609 ID: 7b91f1

Wear the shock to showcase your solidarity towards dogs and their brutal oppression.

Reasure her you'd never own a dog. Unprompted.
Adressing the issue before she even asks will prove her your sincerity.
No. 1101615 ID: cb76eb

Time to bust out some of that old knowledge. Favorite foods, favorite drinks and such. Lots of sincere attention and goofy smiles that won her over the first time.
No. 1101616 ID: eb0a9c

Wear fake boobs
No. 1101629 ID: f1368b
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>Wear fake boobs
>Compare Becca to a pet dog
Sadly, this is not the time for crossdressing or bringing up the fantasy of keeping a sex slave.

>Wear the collar
Henry is under direct orders from Jess not to wear the collar, which he fully supports since he doesn’t want Becca and therefore Victor and Mahan getting on his ass about it.

>Charm with that good boy who’s bad energy
>Bust out the college nostalgia
>Be attentive and warm
That’s the stuff! Henry knows he’s rocking his sweater, and nursing hasn’t worn down his great physique and cute face yet. And ah, those stressful school years crushed under the same heavy workload, he and Becca bonded over late night instant ramen and study parties plenty of times until they ended up in each other’s pants.
No. 1101630 ID: f1368b
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Henry gets the door and welcomes Becca into the kitchen after the pooch takes off her slushy boots. She’s wearing a lumpy wool sweater, possibly handmade, and Henry asks her questions about it while he gets all of the ingredients on the counter. A quick wife check shows Jess is hanging back and letting him lead, and Henry keeps the stream of conversation flowing naturally until the first batch of cookies is assembled and they’re just waiting for the oven to preheat.

Henry decides to bring up the sex question now since the vibe seems good. “Hey Becca, you know us, we’re kind of big perverts. Me and Jess have talked about it and we want to extend a formal invitation to you to have a threeway, but only if you feel comfortable with the idea.”

As expected, Becca blushes pink and fiddles with her sweater. “Oh! Um, I don’t know, I think you’re both attractive but I don’t want to get between your marriage or make things awkward between us.”

Jess comes from behind with the interception, putting her hands on Becca’s hips. Henry’s surprised at how well Becca takes the touch, have they been this handsy before? “We don’t want that either, honey. We don’t have to go all the way, you can see how you’re feeling after some cuddling and you can even take the lead and tell us what to do.”

Becca looks up at Henry, who gives her a kind smile, and then nods. “Let’s finish the cookies then we can see.” she says, voice firm.

A. Volunteer to cuddle with Becca first
B. Let Jess and Becca get even more touchy feely
No. 1101631 ID: c9fd77

A) Cuddles and feeding her cookies
No. 1101632 ID: ab1d98

Let her get comfortable with familiar territory. Then Jess can work in tandem with you to work this dog over.
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