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1087613 No. 1087613 ID: 46e818

Our work is done.
The raider's camp is broken.

Finesse, Tislomer, Ashedel and I traveled again to the villages of the Timore Woodlands, bringing with us the abducted children we recovered from their captivity.

Finesse's old village, Ihnesh-Nayevh, was presentable, but still recovering from the previous chaos. With their stolen children reunited, and the blessings of the Seer reaffirmed in symbol, they pledged themselves without hesitation to our cause.

Still, we chose to give them the time and distance to recover themselves, and I vowed to send an emissary in the coming days to establish a more foundational agreement.
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No. 1091778 ID: eb0a9c

Carve up a Masochistic Mock Sinner - an entity which takes specific curses and symbolically absorbs them as blessings due to their unique mindset.
No. 1091780 ID: 3f3d5c

... I feel sorry for it.
That sounds strange, since it's an inanimate object. There's definitely some totemism in that thought. Some form of magical thinking. But hey, we've already met a god, so.
Whatever curses were going to be sent towards Red Fang weren't going to blocked by this. Red Fang's sins were entirely his own. We ourselves saw to it that he was punished.

I say we put it outside somewhere, so that it can be free.
Or, if we want to do something less sentimental, just burn the damn thing. Cremation would be a form of freeing it, also. Either way, we're starting afresh and I kindof don't want this reminder of Red Fang's deeds hanging around the base, y'know?
No. 1091784 ID: 2f41db

Any way to tell if its done its job?

You could be holding on to the equivalent of divine toxic waste if it did.
...which could also be quite a nasty weapon too.
No. 1091790 ID: 8f9bc4

...attune the monster portal to it.
No. 1091814 ID: b915da

Yeet it into the portal!
No. 1091816 ID: 7493dd

Second the motion, and on top of that I may add to try each idol in portal too and see if they react.
No. 1091828 ID: 46e818
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"Well... you're my two most knowledgeable officers on the topics here. What are your thoughts?"
>"The Seer suggested they were angry with him, and despite his worship, 'would set in motion the wheels of his death', and that Red Fang felt this.
>It's impossible for me to guess how long this turning of the wheel took. The mock sinner could have been carved days or even years before his defeat at your hands.
>The smashing of the idol could mean many things. Did he suppose this god is the one who turned against him, specifically? Was it a threat to the other gods that he'd withdraw his potent worship? Just an impulsive gesture of desperate anger? I couldn't imagine."

>"As for this place... it's creepy, but I don't think there's anything cursed or magical about it. I think there's a sad energy to it all, but that's just because an evil man came here day after day begging to avoid his fate.
>Which is bleak in a lot of ways, but like... not magic. Not a curse.
>And the circle of sacrifice is meant to empower sacrifices, it's not like it's gonna sacrifice you itself if you step into it."

>"I agree with Ms. Openda's assessment. This place is strange and melancholic, but I don't deem it a danger to the Vault or anyone in it."
No. 1091829 ID: 46e818
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"Okay, and what if I put this in the monster portal?"
No. 1091830 ID: 46e818
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No. 1091831 ID: 8f9bc4

No objections? Great!
No. 1091832 ID: 46e818
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>"Uh, that's... why."

>"I don't think that's-- that is to say--"

>"Uh, mannikins are made in a variety of ways, so I guess the desperate and devoted energy that would've been channeled into or at least around this thing could have given it a... sort of falloff of psychic energy."

>"I don't... have any reason to think that would enable its functionality as a mannikin, but... the focal energies of a monster portal can be very unpredictable, and I suppose there's always a possibility that--"
>"But more than that, like... boss. Come on. Even if that did make something, do you really wanna see what comes out of it? This place isn't magic but there's so much negative emotion that's been poured out in here for months, even years, plus whatever sacrifice..."
>"Do you really think it's wise to risk making this place's latent energies actually tangible?"
No. 1091833 ID: eb0a9c

Voting to summon Toothpick with the effigy.
No. 1091836 ID: b8a40c

We already killed a demon, so if something hostile comes from it I'm sure we can handle it??????????????
Maybe mess with the seer's idol, see if we can contact him and ask if this is a good idea. And more relevantly, ask if he'd like a temple/ritual room dedicated to him here. We could fine-tune that sacrifice circle and have Tislomer sacrifice some candy to him.

Speaking of, do either of our experts see a problem with getting rid of all the other idols? Because we definitely do not want anything to do with most of those other guys.
No. 1091838 ID: 273c18

So, it might work, but will probably summon something nasty. How about we don't cause our own disasters and leave it alone?
No. 1091841 ID: aad029

The more you look at it the more it's kinda cute. Poor little guy, made to take another's sins. I wanna give it some new clothes and a warm drink.

Anyway though yeah probably don't put it in the portal. Assure your followers that you're just asking questions, you trust their judgement. They're the experts here! All you can show is your curiosity in their fields of expertise. So, is there anything useful to be done with this chamber besides leaving the idols of the gods where they are, maybe try show them a little respect with some cleaning and little offerings now and then? Should we get rid of that circle, maybe replace it with something that could do something for us? Not that we want to be the sacrifice types, but why not, right?

Oh yeah there's not chance that like Red Fang's soul got sucked into the sinner thing after he died is there? Just seems like that'd be the kind of prank a god might play on someone they were annoyed with who tried to cheat their curse. Asking in knowledge of ignorance again, ha ha!
No. 1091842 ID: 5d083d

Ignore them. Do it.
In fact, beeline for the portal before anyone can stop you.
No. 1091844 ID: c2a27a

look I understand that there are plenty of good reasons not to do this but the instant it became even slightly possible is the instant I was going to do it
No. 1091845 ID: 05fc82

We are either getting a new best friend or haunted and I am all for it
No. 1091846 ID: 6f9444

oh I don't think we ever imagined it wasn't a bad idea. Could end in giving us insight into whatever the fuck happened here though, and that's good enough for me!
No. 1091847 ID: b66942

This is a terrible idea. You should do it, but feel guilty about it the whole time.
No. 1091853 ID: 2f41db

The muschio of the past would love to have a cursed sin golem to guard his lair.
Does the muschio of now want it?
Mmm. I dont know.
I am really curious though
No. 1091861 ID: 4399ef

Perhaps it would be wise... were we to teleport whatever it made directly to the czar's palace.
No. 1091863 ID: 3c0677

Yeet. It. Into. The. Portal.
No. 1091865 ID: 046d8a

Only one way to know what will happen…
No. 1091867 ID: 8f9bc4

I vote for getting it a fluffy blanket and some hot cocoa.
No. 1091868 ID: 8b1abb

make it happy first and then chuck it in the portal
No. 1091874 ID: 8512dd

"honestly? I think it'll be fun,yeah"
No. 1091875 ID: 53560f

On the topic of divinity and magic, if Red Fang was right about magic and Divinity being interchangeable or one and the same, that might imply that magic only functions according to structured rules only because enough people agreed that it works like that. It could mean that true magic is totemic and can be wielded by almost anyone with strong enough belief or magical amplification though I’m not sure how we’d test this.

Also through that little guy in the portal and be ready to give him a hug as he comes out. He might need it.
No. 1091876 ID: b3eab7

Follow the advice of your experts. Don't do it.
No. 1091897 ID: 46e818
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"Yes, you're right. I should defer to the experience of my experts: It would be dangerous and irresponsible to attempt such a thing, anyway."
No. 1091898 ID: 46e818
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>"Master are you absolutely sure this is a wise decision?"
"No! That's why I asked Dompag to be here. He'll help with handling whatever may come out."
No. 1091900 ID: 047965

Fuck it, we ball.
No. 1091903 ID: 5d083d

It might be a good idea to do this somewhere safer, like the jail cell.
Just tie it to a stick and prod it against the portal through the bars.
And if everything goes pear-shaped It'll be distracted by Vittima long enough for Dompag to jump into action.
No. 1091904 ID: 273c18

Maybe you should have more than just Dompag, then? Erisol maybe?
No. 1091908 ID: b8a40c

Yes, this>>1091904
Having a caster here to zap it or at least teleport it away would be a good idea.

But let's not be hasty and assume if something comes of this that it will be hostile. Give this theoretical monster the benefit of the doubt and be nice to it if it doesn't come out swinging.
No. 1091914 ID: 8f9bc4

It's a MONSTER portal, Tislomer. Not a sweet fluffy bunny portal. Monsters are supposed to come out of it!
No. 1091919 ID: 2f41db

Personifying this thing is not the smartest move.
But neither was, well, lots of things so far and they turned out okay.
So, smart be damned, i want our sad lil sin golem.
No. 1091922 ID: 3f3d5c

I just want to point out that this is a horrible idea. Just the absolute worst.
The absolute worst idea.

However, I will support it for the sake of science, and because I really want to see what happens.
No. 1091923 ID: eb0a9c

Finesse, we've chosen this brash and foolish course of action because it's a high-risk option that has a slim chance of saving our daughter from eternal torment.

We're fucking doing this.
You want to stop Muschio, go right ahead, but you are not convincing us to give up on Toothpick.
No. 1091925 ID: 46e818

>saving our daughter from eternal torment
Genuinely, do you just make up your own story in your head as you read or what
No. 1091926 ID: aad029

Dude Muschio come on you don't want to be that sorta boss do you? You want to be a good leader, right? You gotta take advice or people will stop bothering to give it. There's a time for overriding your people's misgivings but that time's not to mess with portals and sin magnets created by your enemies that you found in a creepy sacrificial prayer room.
No. 1091927 ID: e090ca

Just reiterating this... >>1091861
No. 1091928 ID: 9baf17

So we really doing this then? Fuggit. YEET!
No. 1091931 ID: 53560f

Sorry Finesse but we’ve already grown attached to it and are now more committed to this dangerous course of action than anything else we’ve ever done in our lives.
Dompag, be ready to hug or punch whatever comes out, possibly both but I’m betting it all on hugs.
No. 1091951 ID: b11d2d

Let's not summon anything with this.

This will absolutely bite us in the ass, and if we do summon this spirit, my only hope is that it will only bite us in the ass right now once and not come back to do that regularly.
No. 1091958 ID: 46e818
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You're right! Let's not be reckless.

I make sure Erisol is in attendance as well.
Here we go!
No. 1091959 ID: 46e818
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No. 1091960 ID: 46e818
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No. 1091961 ID: 46e818
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No. 1091962 ID: 46e818
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No. 1091963 ID: 46e818
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A tall, robed creature with skin like jet gemstone pours smoothly out of the portal as if it were made of liquid.
No. 1091964 ID: 60fc0b

Well looks like we have a new friend, introduce your self boss, and make it a good one!

Also try to get some info, Cause it's nice to know our new pals!
No. 1091965 ID: eb0a9c

Hi there, buddy.
No. 1091966 ID: 5d083d

It's mouth appears to be bound.
Would it be wise to ungag it or is it too late to be cautious.
No. 1091967 ID: d39f70

Greet it properly. Be polite, I get the feeling kindness will go a long way with this one.
No. 1091968 ID: b8a40c

>Erisol is no longer smiling
>The sprite that was so nonchalant about the czar's assassin lobbing spells at them, teleporting randomly into the unknown and being in the presence of a demon
This can only mean good things!

...it looks vaguely familiar.
No. 1091970 ID: 05fc82

It reminds me of the seer's true form. Not as off putting but still evokes a feeling of wrong.
No. 1091971 ID: 273c18

Oh cool it worked. Say hello.

Wait what the fuck is that Red Fang?
No. 1091978 ID: 2f41db

Well hello there!
Youre looking... disturbingly lessadorable than id imagined.

Say hi big m.
No. 1091980 ID: 9c30f4

well the polite thing to do is introduce yourself, muschio
No. 1091981 ID: debc82


Only mildly concerning.

Santiago, is that you ...?
No. 1091983 ID: eef602

so does erisol feel anything weird, magic wise or vibe wise
No. 1091984 ID: 8f9bc4

Have no fear, we have everything under control!
No. 1091987 ID: 3f3d5c

This is a very special minion(?), made by a very special mannikin(??). We should treat it with respect. Greet it warmly.

It's probably had enough of being blamed for things it didn't do. Perhaps some kindness would help?
No. 1092007 ID: 2ab1b2

Honestly i didn't think this far ahead. Dance party?
No. 1092010 ID: aad029

Hmm, since it was made by Red Fang, and infused with his psychic energy, I suppose that in a sense this being is his... son, daughter? A nibling for Geppa. Well, they are an aesthetic creature, aren't they? Welcome them and ask them how they feel.
No. 1092011 ID: e3eabd

They look like they could use a hug.
No. 1092012 ID: 53560f

This is one of those situations where faith should be prioritised over reason.
“Nice to meet you. I’m muschio. What is your name, friend?”
No. 1092019 ID: 861ceb

they seem neat, I like em.
No. 1092025 ID: 46e818
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"Greetings. I am Muschio Malto. Be welcomed here."

>"I am... Mock Fang."
No. 1092026 ID: 46e818
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>"Well, Mock Fang, allow my officers and me to show you around your new home. We'll have a bed made -- come with us and we'll discuss other personal effects to get you settled."
>"...very well."
No. 1092027 ID: 7f14ef

I don't think we've ever seen you look anything but happy, Princess. Is something the matter? We can't see anything wrong with Mock Fang yet, aside from the obviously disconcerting appearance. Do you see something we don't?
No. 1092029 ID: e3eabd

As we assumed, it seems the poor guy was made to be a spiritual decoy punching bag for Red Fang specifically. Wonder if they've retained any curses/ill will from their time as a totem. Also wonder if they'll approve or resent Red Fang's demise. Lastly there's the question of their abilities; are they still just a sentient spiritual/magical decoy? Rough existence if that's the case. Heck maybe they enjoy the punishment since that's the purpose they were made for.
No. 1092030 ID: b8a40c

Hey, switch us over to Erisol for a bit.
She's never been disturbed by anything before despite all the greatly disturbing things she's seen and been through, so this is a bit of a red flag. Let's have a private talk in her head and see what's up.

Also, this dude is absolutely the ghost of Red Fang or at the least some kind of echo of him. Got the same doofy nose and everything.
If it really is, that brings up a question of whether other mannikins are also made from dead people.
No. 1092031 ID: eb0a9c

We need to be very careful when introducing the newest Fang to Geppa.

Other than that, we should create some automated means of breaking up fights... or assassinations. Not just for the new hire, but because of what happened with Pendle. A few pillow golems with strict hard-coded orders to subdue and never kill.
No. 1092034 ID: 273c18

Huh, none of the others talked. Is that good or bad?
No. 1092042 ID: 05fc82

While we should check with the others to see how they feel about this new addition, I can't help but feel pity for Mock Fang. They were born to suffer for someone else's safety. If they had sentience before we gave them a functioning body, they could have a fountain of hate and anguish and curses waiting to flow. Let us treat them carefully and make sure they don't see fit to unleash any of that here
No. 1092043 ID: ba7ecd

Huh? What about the Odds? Weren't they summoned? Since they did give scouting summaries.
No. 1092045 ID: 273c18

Oh, they talk? My mistake.
No. 1092046 ID: 46e818

The Denlings have talked, the Odds have not.
Embraddeus is also a summon and she's talked.
No. 1092059 ID: 2f41db

You okay princess?
You look like youve just seen something that defies the laws of god, man and decency saunter across the room in profane defiance all reason.
You need a sit down?
No. 1092077 ID: b8a40c

>name field
Oh whoops, we have switched.
Hey Erisol, don't talk aloud about this guy around him, just think it and we can hear it or at least get out of earshot of him first. After that, tell us what you make of this guy? Like, what is he?
And have you ever heard about someone making a mannikin out of a mock sinner before?
No. 1092084 ID: 7493dd


Time to give a shard to our newest recruit.
Since he was meant as the scapegoat for RF sins, which already died. Then this means that MF is free of the load and should be open to a new kind of existence.

Now, on the other hand, it was stated.
"A Mannikin is a magic artifact, and it cannot be created in the mortal realm"
So how did RF pull this one-off?

"How it works is that a normal, mundane object is created which resembles an EXISTING creature from the otherside realm, whether the resemblance is literal or iconic. One cannot simply cobble together a random totem or figurine, it must be representative of an extant type of monster."

This would mean that MF was not created but instead that a Monster with similar signature(?), resonated with the "Mannikin" and came fort through the threshold.

Now what would be the personality of a Monster modeled after one that bears the blame for others?

Only time will tell.

In the meantime, we should call him Billy
No. 1092086 ID: 7493dd

Also asking the other monsters in our service about their takes on Billy.
No. 1092087 ID: 273c18

Why would we call him Billy? He's already got a name, Mock Fang.
No. 1092088 ID: eb0a9c

Geppa should name him.
No. 1092098 ID: debc82


Where IS our dear little reformed miscreant? How's she faring? It's been a while.
No. 1092104 ID: b491ec

Mock Fang... how exciting!
Now that I think of it, might not have just been a Totem of curses, could have been trying to become a god to avoid death, would have been a misunderstanding of gods, but still possible, and maybe, a failure of a success.
But I have NOT been following this story long enough to know
No. 1092108 ID: 7493dd

Billy as in Billy Goat
Like Nanny is for Nanny Goat
No. 1092110 ID: 7493dd

It could be Bill
for short
Like Nan
No. 1092112 ID: 46e818

She literally showed up IN THIS CHAPTER!
No. 1092113 ID: 46e818
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>"Come, I'll introduce you to the others."
No. 1092114 ID: 46e818
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"Oh, stuff.

He's hot."
No. 1092119 ID: b491ec

Requiescat In Pace
No. 1092126 ID: 273c18

Oh. Yeah, I get that.
No. 1092130 ID: aad029

You and Muschio both members of the big and long-faced fanclub, huh?
No. 1092202 ID: eb0a9c

Do you mean that sexually?
No. 1092207 ID: 8f9bc4

No. 1092237 ID: 945bea

Dawwww so it was THAT sort of nerves. Kind of cute to see this side of her
No. 1092244 ID: 7493dd

Another member for the long snoot club.
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