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108805 No. 108805 ID: c16184

339 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 110257 ID: c50a92
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I suddenly get the feeling that I've seen this human before.
No. 110259 ID: c16184
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"How is he doing? And who is that pinned to the tree?"
"S-sir.. I.. I was treating him when she attacked, and.. s-sir.. I'm so sorry.."

I see. Now I have to wonder if it was my fault. Perhaps his inability to follow the Fangs into the woods was a sign that this bounty was not his to take. He, nor the town, knew what kind of threat they were dealing with.
No. 110260 ID: 3416ec


Welp, color me dumbfounded.
No. 110261 ID: 5d5878

Oh. Well in that case, Iesgip should be commended.
No. 110262 ID: 8ce2bf

Have the bounty delivered to his family on his behalf.
No. 110264 ID: 632862

If he died that quickly I'm not sure there was much that Iesgip could've done to save him even uninterrupted.
No. 110265 ID: 2dd482

Give his family a bag of gold as reparations and/or arrange for his body to be transported back home with the loot from the fangs hideout.
No. 110266 ID: 5d5878

Just what I was going to say. It would likely be more respectful to deliver it and the news in person. Let Iesgip know it's not her fault, she did all she could.
No. 110267 ID: f44349

Reassure her.
She did all that she could.
No. 110268 ID: e9b708

Don't forget to get her to treat you hand.
No. 110269 ID: c593ec

It's likely the woman finished off the wounded ogre, considering him, not Iesgip, to be the more dangerous target.
No. 110270 ID: 4734c3


You did your best, Iesgip. Not everyone's perfect, and you had to choose between trying to save both of your lives or getting killed trying to save one of them.

Give her some means of affection - a pat on the head or something. For now, we need to get on the move. It would be prudent, polite, and respectful to bring Tchergat back to the town. We could find out where his family lives there, and give them the body for a proper burial.

Plus double the bounty, if we can. It's only fair.
No. 110271 ID: a8c432


Also, examine corpse pinned to tree.
No. 110272 ID: 632862

Ask what happened to her hand.
No. 110273 ID: cf41a7

so... he's dead now? If so.. his family must be compensated in some way. At least we know where they are.
No. 110274 ID: c50a92

Ridder, we're going to have to make a stop by a certain windmill to the north of Sepia. We owe him that much. For now, though, tell Iesgip that it wasn't her fault, and that she did all that she could. Examine her hand, as it appears to be hurt.

By the way, considering the length of the trip to his family, it looks like we'll have to give him a local burial.
No. 110275 ID: 67c611

Deliver his body, the bounty reward, and some extra money, in person, to his family. Offer them the oppurtunity to come live with you. Explain what all happened.
No. 110277 ID: 67c611

Loot Pincushion's corpse.
No. 110278 ID: ba41e5

All of those are good ideas, but I don't think we should have the family live with us. It isn't all that safe back at the base.
No. 110284 ID: 917cac

I was just thinking.
We might not get a bounty if they know we are keeping one of the Fangs. We would have to hide her and the gold before we tell anyone.
Not to mention we don't know what the prisoner who we let escape might tell people or the authorities.
No. 110288 ID: c16184
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Very well. I shall load his body onto the cart and deliver it back to his home. They may have burial traditions that I am unfamiliar with.
In addition, I will give them a lavish amount of gold.

The body looks to be of a human wearing a most eccentric outfit. Two curved blades of average quality lie by her side; One has blood on it.

I kneel by Iesgip to comfort her.

"It's alright, Iesgip. You did all that you could."

She gently leans into me and makes a soft squeaking noise.
No. 110290 ID: 3416ec

No. 110291 ID: 445c48

Kiss her on the forehead.
No. 110292 ID: 66c406


Or might do to the other prisoner should he decide to return...

Tell Iesgip to stay with the body. You need to go get a cart for his body.

We'll swing to his place, drop off his body and the gold, and then get back to the Fang lair for the prisoner.

I'm feeling edgy. We need to get this done quickly. Something stinks about how simple that was. I don't know why.

Time to go.
No. 110293 ID: a8c432

Ask Iesgip if her hand is okay.
No. 110294 ID: c50a92

Just... stay with her until she's ready to move. Take a look at her hand while you're at it. We're not in a hurry.

And, Ridder, this may seem like an odd question to ask at the moment, but what, exactly, do you know about magic? How rare are mages, and how powerful can they become?

...does any sort of resurrection spell exist that you know of?
No. 110300 ID: 04bd7e

if you do intend on keeping that gold i would move it somewhere else and hide it. that dogman will probably be interrogated by the other bounty hunters and the lair will be found. i would do it quick too.
No. 110301 ID: c16184
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I stay with Iesgip until she backs off and nods, indicating she's okay.

I head back to town to purchase a cart and two mounts to pull it: The mounts I get aren't so much mounts as they are beasts of burden. They are far slower than the tall ones, but effortlessly pull incredible weights behind them.
Me and Iesgip work together to load the gold, the weapons, the corpse and the prisoner onto the cart, and after just over an hour we ride into the open fields again, leaving the deathridden mountains behind us.

During the ride Iesgip looks after my burned hand. She gently peels off my burned glove and applies a cool and soothing cream.
As you said, she appears to have a bandage on her own hand as well.

"What is wrong with your hand?"
"When the.. S-sir.. When that woman attacked.. I grabbed one of her blades, b-before I was able to grab my crossbow, to keep her from killing Tchergat.. but she had two blades.. s-sir.."
No. 110303 ID: c593ec

Those must have been the Knight Blades we've heard so much about.
No. 110305 ID: cf41a7

It is fortunate that she survived.
No. 110309 ID: 8ecfd4

Tell her that you're happy she made it.

When you get back to base you should probably start having mandatory arms classes. Nothing fancy but enough to make sure all of them can defend themselves a bit. Also make some time for extra classes for those who wish to get better.
No. 110321 ID: c16184
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"I'm happy you made it, Iesgip."
"Y-you too, sir."

"Please watch the cart."
"S-sir, yes, sir."
No. 110322 ID: 476456

be prepared for a grieving ogre wife body slam.
No. 110323 ID: 632862

note: Email field
No. 110337 ID: c16184
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"Can.. Can I help you?"
"Are you misses Tchergat?"
"I carry bad news. Perhaps you would like to sit down."
"..N.. No, tell me."
"..Tchergat has fallen in battle."
No. 110345 ID: c16184
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"I'm truly sorry for your loss."
"Did you get the bastards?"
"Yes, ma'am. Each of his assailants got theirs."
"Good... This was coming a long time.. He was just so dedicated to making the world a better place, bless his loveable soul."
"I have his body with me. Would you like to see it?"
"Yes.. Yes."
No. 110349 ID: 8ecfd4

Ask her if there is anything you can do to help.
No. 110350 ID: cf41a7

He wanted to make the world a better place, out of love for his family... they were his first... and final concern.
No. 110353 ID: 3416ec


"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Or family."
No. 110356 ID: c16184
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"Put him next to those white flowers.. He always loved those."
"Moooomm.. Mom, who's that?"
No. 110358 ID: a8c432

Oh ... god.
No. 110360 ID: cf41a7

This is going to hurt.
No. 110361 ID: 3416ec


I'm having Fullmetal Alchemist flashbacks...
No. 110366 ID: c16184
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"Hey! You two go play inside!"
"Whaaaat? But--"
"No butts! Inside, inside!"
No. 110374 ID: c16184
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Farewell, champion of good.
No. 110376 ID: f44349

Godspeed, Tchergat.
No. 110379 ID: a21a55

Good to see that Tchergat was tappin' summa dat human tail.
No. 110386 ID: 5d5878

No. 110412 ID: 9bab6d
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No. 110570 ID: 84297a
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