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212907 No. 212907 ID: 1a2b6b

Systems reinitialising. Motor functions at 96%. Energy levels at 56%. Core intact. Pattern integrity at 98%. Make: TerraTrans Automata Series Model: Quad Mk. II Ident: Q2-4107 Directive: Operation of machinery in hazardous environment

Where am I? I remember a spaceship. And a crash. Not much else.

Where am I? All I see is dirt and rocks for miles...

Can anyone hear me? I'm broadcasting on all legal frequencies. Please respond.
86 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 220096 ID: b0020f
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>Not getting anywhere with that attitude
...You're right.

I have to have more confidence in myself. I can do this! I can help Soothe, and myself, and every Automata ever!

I will dedicate myself to this new goal! I can't think of anything better than to help others by letting them live longer lives!

>New name
I... I like Drifter.

>Ask Soothe what she does about pattern flaws

[Soothe, what do you do about pattern flaws if you find them?]
[I try to help the Automata whose pattern is damaged in mending their own pattern. I believe that trying to fix a pattern flaw by meddling with it is damaging and destroys part of who that Automata is. I guide them towards mending it themselves. If it's because of some past trauma, I help them to accept it, to learn from it, to realise that it has passed and that nothing can be done to change it. If it's because of inherent defects in their pattern, though, I try to show them what they can do to overcome that defect.]
[...Why don't you just fix the defect?]
[Look up at the sky.]

I do. Even in the red glow of day, I can see the stars faintly.

[A pattern is a complex thing. There is repetition, there are differences, there are chaotic structures that make no sense but they're all integral to defining who and what an Automata is beyond their model. What Controls can perceive to be defects are sometimes just as integral to a well-formed, well-adjusted mind as the expected norm. That's what I think, anyway.]
[What does this have to do with the sky?]
[Do you think the stars would look better if they were perfectly aligned so that from this world, they look like a single never-ending grid of uniform consistency?]
[Actually that would probably look pretty interesting.]
[Maybe for a few hours. But then the view would be the same, no matter where you were on Agos. Every single patch of sky, identical to the other. When you get Automata patterns like that, it doesn't matter what class they were. They're a class one at that point. Nothing but rulesets.]

I see Synthesis close ahead. It... looks unreal. In stark contrast to the red rock, red soil and red sky of Agos, I see shining gleaming walls of silver, blue, teal, green, curving from the ground and outwards as if it had sprouted from the ground.

We arrive at the gate. It is enormous. Absolutely enormous. Intimidatingly so.

There are more Quad Mk IIs with red ribbons tied around their antennae. One of them approaches us with some device held in its grippers.

[Control Mk II, Soothe. And a Quad Mk II we don't have registered... Are you an offworlder?]
[He's with me.]
[Nope, sorry. Rules are rules. I'm afraid you can't come in. Sorry about that. You look nice enough, but, well, can't let you into the city. Not after what happened the last time we left an offworlder Quad Mk II in.]
[...What happened?]
[Oh, I'm, uh, not supposed to mention that to offworlders. Sorry.]
[I've looked in his pattern, there's nothing suspicious there! Let us both in.]

The guard looks conflicted. She taps the device against her head absently. Maybe there's something I can say to convince her to let me into Synthesis.
No. 220100 ID: 059120

If there is, I can't think of it. Honestly I think you'd be best staying quiet and letting Soothe handle things. You've demonstrated quite a bit of impulsiveness and lack of tact that's gotten you into messes in conversations, no offense, and now would be a really bad time for that.
No. 220206 ID: a594b9

Ask what that thing is she's got.

Suggest that you could be let in if you were restrained?
No. 220321 ID: c6fa0a


Tell her you understand that rules are important, and that it is only logical of them to not trust offworlders. However, ask if there are any exceptions to the rules which you could use to enter - for example, having someone as a guide; being fitted with some kind of tracking device, etc. If not, ask if there is someone with the authority to grant you access that you could talk to.

If that doesn't work, explain that you were abducted by humans, and survived a crash-landing of their ship, but you are damaged and have memory loss. You could have valuable information about future human activity related to the planet, but you need someone to help you recover that information - someone like Soothe. In one sense, you've been traumatized by some evil humans, and you're seeking refuge with your Automata brethren - something they surely understand. You can explain that Soothe is trying to help you adjust to life here on this world, and all you want to do is help her and help your fellow Automata until you can figure out what happened to you and whether or not you should try to leave the planet (which may not be something they want).

Also, if necessary, explain that the law itself has some illogical assumptions - it's not like there are many other places you could go. You're stuck on this planet, and you're now a part of their society, no matter whether or not you hang around in Synthesis or go back to Bivouac or some other location. In that sense, it's more logical for them to let you inside Synthesis, so that the authorities can determine whether or not you pose a threat to the planet before they allow you to roam around freely. Just turning you away from the city means that you remain an unknown quantity - they don't know your motivations, your skills, what you might know about what's going on outside their world since they isolated themselves... you're too valuable to just turn away.

If nothing else, ask if they have a place to keep you for the evening that won't get totally frozen. There's no reason for them to make you waste some of what remains of your core power keeping yourself unfrozen.

Once you get past those hurdles, you can devote more time to thinking about what to do inside the city... Soothe probably has at least some kind of tour she could give you. Also, consider getting her some wheels - I'm guessing that Synthesis has a lot of flat surfaces where wheeled transportation would be far more efficient that her slithering around. Maybe some kind of futuristic Segway. =D
No. 220731 ID: 3234dd

Tell her she looks pretty!
No. 220786 ID: d677cc

This is exceptionally sound.
No. 221445 ID: b0020f
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>What is that thing she has
[What's that thing you have?]
[This? It's just a thing. It lets me see who people are and stuff. You're not registered so it just says you're a Quad Mk II, which, well, I can tell, being one myself and all.]

>Ask if there are exceptions to the rules
[Aren't there any exceptions to the rules? Can't I have someone as a guide to make sure I won't do anything bad?]
[I'll go ask.]

I watch her wander off and confer with the other guards, and turn to Soothe.
[So how do we get around Synthesis?]
[There's a bunch of class two Transport Automata. They either wander on preprogrammed routes or you can control them with the right equipment. ...Unless you're a Control like myself. We already have the right equipment.]
[Ah. What do they look like? I haven't heard of Transport Automata.]
[You'll see for yourself, hopefully.]

The guard comes back over.
[I can escort you for you visit. ...Please allow me to escort you it is extremely boring staring out guarding the city gate for hours I would really really like a distraction!]
[Uh, okay. Sounds fine to me. Soothe?]
[I guess.]

The guard deftly moves behind the both of us and starts shoving us towards the gate. [Great let's go in my name's Scan nice to meet both of you I think let's go see Synthesis offworlder whose name I don't know what is your name anyway?]

I miss my balance and hit the rocky ground. Again. Ergh. Almost immediately I get pulled up by Scan. [Sorry sorry um let's keep going]

We enter Synthesis-


It seems almost larger within the city walls. There are structures of all shapes and sizes, dark and metallic blues, silver fractals covering the city, jade green sculptures curving like alien trees among the buildings, and many, many Automata of different types wandering from place to place.

We wander further into Synthesis as I struggle to take it all in. Many buildings are taller than I would have expected. In the centre (or I think it might be the centre) of the city is a large, almost spiralling tower, with blades jutting out from its peak like some enormous metal palm tree has taken root and grown upwards. There is almost mathematical purity to some of the structures here, and I see some of their creators maintaining them while humming away-

The atmosphere is thicker here. I didn't even realise it, but the Automata here are talking with sound, rather than with radio. Sense notices me stopping and must see me move my antennae around in confusion.

[Oh. Oh, right. Yeah, Drifter, sound carries better here. Uh. You can speak with sound, right?]
[Yes. Erm. I mean-]
"It's considered more of a private and personal thing to talk radio here than with sound, but there's a fair bit of leeway given you need to do it elsewhere."

This city is bewildering, I don't even know what to ask to see. There's that huge tower, and there's a grid of cuboid buildings, and then there's a few sparser more elaborate and artistic buildings around a flat patch of metal floor where there seem to be loads and loads of tiny machines doing something I can't figure out and there's

there's just too much to take in

"So much stuff!"
"Hrm. You look a little overwhelmed."
"...so much stuff!"
"I want to go check something at home. Mind heading there first?"

so much stuuuuff
No. 221453 ID: 3234dd

Stuff. You should put it in boxes. And move them around.
No. 221499 ID: c6fa0a


Was that Soothe asking to go to her "home"? If so, let's just follow her mindlessly for a while. Sounds like we could use a little time lead around by a leash while we devote most of our processing power to digesting all this info. :)

Oh, and don't forget to ask questions about what you're seeing here and there. It's probably faster to ask and get answers than to try to deduce what's happening on your own.
No. 221529 ID: dfe315

Explosive cores... they explode when breached...
Fusion? No.... Fission cores.
Nuclear cores...
They have to be small, and capable of operating for a long period of time... Maybe...
Solar is not the right power... What if you stepped back from using cores, and used a different type of energy transference? A solar panel, or a grid which allowed you to interface and draw the exact amount of power you need... No cores, but then again, you have to rely on a grid system for energy...

Or a way of preserving patterns. Hmm. Will think on this.
No. 221580 ID: a594b9

Preserving patterns seems like the only option. Can't mess with cores directly or modify them. If control automata can access and even alter other robots' patterns then surely they can 'transfer' a pattern from an occupied shell to an empty one with a better core.

Soothe did some kind of two-way connection, before... if a three-way connection is possible then it should be easy to keep the stream of consciousness going while swapping bodies.

Oh yeah, don't mention any of this to Soothe, obviously. Not right now. Just indicate that you will follow her to her home.
No. 221655 ID: dfe315

I am not talking about modifying this current generation, except through pattern backups.

The next generation need not rely on cores though.
No. 224728 ID: f55a21
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>Put stuff in boxes, move them around
Yes. I have to do this- no, that's a silly idea!

The boxes here are apparently moving themselves anyway! It's weird. They aren't Automata types I recognise. What, are they, like, Box Mk Is or something like that?

>Follow Soothe to her home
I do this. She's a little slow but she moves faster on the flat ground of Synthesis. I only now realise we're both moving faster than I expected - the ground sort of... shifts as we move. Like it's picking up on where we want to go.

Maybe this entire place is one big Automata.

...that idea freaks me out. Silly idea. I'll stop thinking like that.

"Welcome to my home!"

I walk in. Her home, from the outside, looks like an elaborate sculpture of curvy surfaces and pointy geometric cones. The entrance has a ramp up to it, which she moves onto. The door looks like... a camera shutter, rotating and opening.

Inside it looks... strange. It's all just one big room except for one rectangular partition with solid blocky looking walls.

The entire place is a serene pale blue, with... a strange grid motif across the walls in white. It sort of fades and when I look closer, it's not a grid, but more like a maze.

"...Nice home."
"Thanks! I don't have the best furniture for a Quad Mk II, I just rest on cushions myself, so I apologise in advance if you can't find somewhere to rest."

I find a pile of cushions and... well, my body is kind of like a cone and I have these four legs and... well I have no idea what a comfortable sitting position would be and oh forget it. I just flop down with my legs outstretched, and fall back so I'm staring up at the ceiling.

The same grid or maze patterns are on the ceiling too, although in glass along the roof. ...It's actually quite nice. I don't know how the economy of this world works but this all looks pretty expensive. It's pretty large and elaborate.

It feels stupid, but I feel kind of tired right now. We can walk for miles but we still need rest and sometimes need to go offline. We need to cool down, to conserve energy, to avoid driving ourselves insane with the repetition sometimes.

When I say "going offline", we don't actually turn off. It's just, well, like human sleep. Low activity with background things going on in our patterns. Sometimes we pick up on the flickers, and we consider those to be the same thing you humans called dreams. Instances of... experiences, which we usually forget before returning to full awareness.

I feel like I could go offline now. It's strange. I only used to do that purposefully when I was bored. ...Then again, I used to get bored a lot. I wonder what Soothe is doing. Maybe I should just rest here for a bit. Maybe talk to her from here. Sound'll carry to wherever she is, surely.

"Feeling tired?"
No. 224737 ID: f57857

Be careful Drifter. She looks like she hasn't been with a man in years; if she gives you any funny tasting drinks that make you sleepy just uh... just watch out man.
No. 224890 ID: a594b9

Inspect the patterns on the walls.

Like a maze? Get lost in it.
No. 225649 ID: 43f616


Why don't you be honest with her? You are a little "tired", and you feel almost like you could... what's the word for that concept? Relax? Yes. You feel like you could relax here, with her, and rest for a while.

Also... she has a lot of insight into how patterns work... maybe you should suggest that if she thinks it's a good idea, it might be nice to share more about yourselves... you know, "get to know each other better." Might as well have her curl up on those cushions with you to conserve warmth if it gets cold. ;)

You should also try to get more info about this city - you've seen a lot and probably have a lot of questions. You should also ask more about this person she knows that might know something about life extension or core energy transfer. You promised to help her, and you should - she's done a lot for you, and it's a terrible shame how little life she has left. We need to fix that... and fast.

You should also ask her about your broken ear antenna thingy - and about the economy of this place. Are you going to need to get a job to earn some kind of money to afford things? Is this more of a socialist / communist type place, where people are assigned duties and taken care of according to needs?

Also, you might want to ask her if she can tell if you have any memory gaps or recent program damage. That crash might have done weird things to you.
No. 225831 ID: dfe315

I support this line of thought/action.
No. 225834 ID: ea2a3c


Sleep is like defragmentation of a disk. If you take in more information, you need more opportunities to sift through it, and more sleep. Thus, being kidnapped, crashed, stranded on an alien planet, with strange signals coming from your broken antenna, picked up by a free automata, discovered you were in fact a slave, learned about the limitations of a core, and discovered the city automata that others of your kind had built. You should be exhausted!


No. 225889 ID: 6b6d76
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>Get lost in the maze
I trace the patterns across the ceiling and across the walls and... it's strange. It feels like there's... no actual way to travel from one part of the maze to the other, but when I look again there seem to be other ways, and... this entire structure is weird. It feels... like there's a lot more I'm not picking up on. Something I'm just about close to understanding but not quite there yet.

>Of course you're tired!
"Yes. It's been a confusing day. Feel like I need to rest just to make sense of it all."
"Well, we have done a lot today. And besides, we aren't so hurried as to give up keeping our sanity intact. And what's the point of existing with an irreparably broken pattern? You've died then anyway. Maybe not as an Automata, but as a thinking being."
"...so wait, if I don't ever go offline I'll go insane?"
"Well, it'd be a while before that happened, but yes?"

She wriggles onto the pile of cushions with me.

>Ask about her!
"I still feel like I don't know a lot about you or the city."
"You probably don't! I don't know a lot about you either. I mean, we only picked up so much last time I looked in your pattern."

It's getting dark. Night falls incredibly fast here. It's warm inside this house, though. I wriggle closer to Soothe and she curls a little around me in response.

"I still have so many questions but I just feel like resting and maybe offline and so tired..."
"Well, ask them and I'll see if I remember them when the day breaks."
"Well, more stuff about you, more stuff about the city, whoever it is who I should talk to about lifespans, and my broken antenna, and how did you afford this place, do I need a job, do I have any memory gaps, I don't... really know."

She touches my face with hers. "I still have eight months left. That's plenty of time to explain it to you and help you. And... I feel really, really foolish for thinking this, but I'm starting to think you might actually be able to do it. Make our lives longer. All of us. So we have more of a life and more control over how long we want to live."

I hug her and start to feel my awareness dim a little, feel bundles of routines deeper than my consciousness preparing to take over managing everything as I sleep through the night.

"Wait where did that guard go?"
"...Hm. Absolutely no idea. Scan?"
"We should probably see where she is."

I'm falling asleep. The cushions are soft. The building is warm and so is Soothe. The sounds I hear are melodic, distant chimes and the occasional steps of other Automata, muffled by distance and the walls.

I worry about what to do when daybreak comes. I can't... think of anything specific. Asking questions. Asking about Soothe or asking about the town or just going straight to the Automata she mentioned or... or something...

something like that

i'll do what you say later
No. 226143 ID: ea2a3c

> sings Brahm's Lullaby
No. 226299 ID: 43f616


Find out what happened to Scan. We don't want to get in trouble if she runs off and does weird shit... not to be parannoid, but we do NOT want you to get blamed if she ends up making trouble and tries to use you as a scapegoat.

Soothe is definitely interesting, but she'll be with us probably the whole time, unless she has patients to see. We can ask her about herself in breaks throughout the day, and in the evening when we retire to her home again.

Tomorrow, let's go to that life extension automata first (well, after finding out what happened to Scan and seeing if we still need an escort). That automata could give us an idea of what our long-term goals might need to be - stuff to think about, e.g. holes in their research, equipment they need to continue, etc. After we know what our long-term goals are (resources we need to acquire, etc.), we can start investigating the city, the economy and the politics, so that we can figure out how to execute our goals. If we're going to try to save our mechanical species from early death (starting with Soothe) we can't just jump in willy-nilly. We need a plan.
No. 226393 ID: a594b9

How did they even make this city? Everything seems so complex and pristine. Needlessly complex even. How much power are they dumping into this place?
No. 226394 ID: a594b9

Oh, uhm... Find someone that can take a look at your antennae and see if he can verify that we're talking to you. It'd be nice to know where we're located!

...why do you always sage your suggestions anyway?
No. 232242 ID: 46bb31
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Okay I think I might have fallen asleep.

For a while.

And it's a little hard to move because Soothe is curled around me and still asleep and I don't want to wake her up.

In the thin grid of ceiling windows of Soothe's house, I see... blue. I don't know how that works. Wait. I must have missed it last time, but the city is entirely enclosed. ...Of course, that'd make a lot more sense for how they have a thicker atmosphere in here. But I can make out stars too. Maybe it's translucent-

"Hi, Drifter!"
"Hi Soothe. I, uh, can't move."

Soothe is still asleep. I must still be reactivating, I should have known that wasn't her voice. That was Scan's voice. She's standing at the edge of the pile of pillows.

"Or Scan. Hi, Scan. Where'd you go yesterday?"
"Oh. Well, see..." She fiddles with her antennae and taps at the ground. "I got back from Bivouac a day or two ago and then I just got shunted to guard duty and that was meant to be for a day or two and then you turned up and I could come back to Synthesis and talk to everyone I know and see the things I like and... stuff and... is she crushing you like that?"
"Not... really. Just a little bit constricting. Weren't you supposed to be keeping me out of trouble? I could have been some sort of saboteur!"
"Well you aren't so everything is fine! Let me help out out of that situation."
"Wait no I just didn't want to wake her up there's no cause for concern-"

Scan starts pulling me out from Soothe's coiled body. I try not to struggle, in case I end up smacking Soothe and denting or cracking her exterior. Soothe wakes up halfway through and sluggishly glances at both me and Scan.

She suddenly tightens her grip on me and rolls ovaghshescrushingme

"He's done nothing wrong leave him alone!!"
"No I was just trying to-"
"How many times do I have to tell you he's fine stop hating him because he's an offworlder!!"
"soothe i appreciate the gesture but can you stop crushing me before you breach my core or pop my head off or something"
"Get off of him you silly Control before you break him!!"

okay now i'm being crushed by soothe and pulled by scan this is not at all a comfortable situation

Soothe slithers away from me and Scan shifts me onto some cushions and I feel quite disorientated. I see her looking directly at me with some concern in her voice.

"Drifter!! Are you okay?"
"Did you just walk into my house when I was asleep?"
"Uh let's focus on Drifter first and you can ask me questions later-"
"Scan, why are you here? You didn't seem to care about keeping guard on Drifter once we were past the gate yesterday."

I had a bunch of questions I wanted to ask this morning, like who made the city and how and what it takes to run it, and things I wanted to do like see Soothe's life-extending friend or whatever it is they do. I wish sometimes the plans I made actually worked!

Scan's antennae flick and she taps her hands together. I'm a Quad Mk II like her, and I recognise restless behaviour when I see it. She seems very uncomfortable with the subject. "I don't... I... let's... I'm here to make sure Drifter doesn't do anything crazy today and you seemed fine yesterday so-"
"And not today, for some reason?"
"Look just because you're a Control doesn't mean you get to order me around like I'm your servant!"

Soothe goes quiet. "I know you're running out of excuses and there's something you don't want to tell me, so I will let that slide because you're starting to panic. Sit down on that pile of cushions, if you wouldn't mind, please."
Scan is fidgeting quite a lot. "I-I don't want to, you can't tell me-"
"Ask you."
"You can't ask me to do things!"
"You are free to leave if you want."

I'm feeling quite lost right now. Soothe is... intimidatingly quiet. She's looking at Scan in a way that reminds me of the terran snakes that Control Automata were modelled on, staring at their prey with great patience, waiting for an opportunity. Except I don't think Soothe is going to leap at Scan.

...She wouldn't, would she?

I wonder if I should intervene in some way before something bad happens!
No. 232248 ID: d677cc

Ask what's going on. Don't specifically aim the question at either of them.
No. 232261 ID: 5997eb

This is probably the best course of action. Don't want either of them to get into a fight or anything.
No. 232276 ID: a594b9

Soothe is a therapist. Scan is having mental problems. She's acting like a predator because she is looking for an opportunity to say exactly the right thing that lets her help Scan get better. She is focusing on doing her job now.

Try to encourage Scan to sit down and tell Soothe what's bothering her. It should be interesting to watch her work.
No. 232348 ID: c6fa0a


I agree with >>232276.

Tell Soothe to stop being so commanding. Tell Scan to calm down and let her know that Soothe is a good person who just wants to help. Tell Scan she's not in trouble - we just want to know if there's anything important she should tell us about.

Remind Scan that we're all stuck here on this planet together, and we need to work together and trust each other if we want to overcome our short lifespans and defend against future human involvement. Antagonizing each other is not helping anyone.
No. 238184 ID: 059120

Tell Soothe to cut it out. If Scan doesn't want to talk, you can't suddenly break into therapy.

>Remind Scan that we're all stuck here on this planet together, and we need to work together and trust each other if we want to overcome our short lifespans and defend against future human involvement. Antagonizing each other is not helping anyone.
You should be telling Soothe this. She's the one who's intimidating the one who let you into the city in the first place.
No. 238189 ID: 8d7dd2
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>Ask what's going on
"What's going on?"

Soothe doesn't respond to me. Scan turns her head to me but slowly turns back to Soothe, starting to shake lightly. Soothe relaxes slightly, and tilts her head.

"Come over here, if you want, and sit down. It's okay. Neither of us want to hurt you. You don't have to say anything if you don't want to."

Scan looks between me and Soothe.

>Encourage her to sit down and say what's bothering her
>Tell Scan to calm down, Soothe is a good person, she's not in trouble
I figure I'm not going to get an answer to my question any time soon.

"Scan, you should sit down. Soothe's a nice person and she's right. We aren't going to hurt you and you aren't in trouble. We just want to help."

And get answers, possibly. But helping is also good. Scan starts shuffling towards me. I walk over to her and gently guide her to the heap of pillows.

We all sit down. Soothe curls slightly around Scan in a manner almost perfectly calculated to appear more comforting than threatening.

Scan nearly tears her antennae out. "I'm sorry I should have stayed but I wanted to go see my friends and I know I should have stayed here to make sure Drifter didn't do anything wrong but he seemed so nice and then I thought I should come back and I'm sorry I should have kept guard I failed and I thought-"

"It's okay. I understand. In future, I'd prefer you knock on my door before coming inside, though." There's a levity to her voice as she says that last part. It's only partially serious. Scan is still shaking, though. She looks over to me.

"Okay... Also... I thought you seemed like a nice Automata and I wanted to say hi to you as a friend maybe and not a guard! And maybe talk and meet someone new who I've not seen before because you're not from here. This... This sounds stupid never mind forget it."


No. 238193 ID: 059120

Told you it was nothing. :V See, now Scan is all sad and everything. Not everyone is a potential threat. Soothe needs to learn to talk to people as people, and not problems to be solved. She took that way too seriously. She's gotten really overprotective of you.

But yes, not much you can do about that now! The only thing you can do is go forward and do things better! So invite Scan with you! Where did you want to head? To see Soothe's friend about the cores, or see somewhere else in the city? I guess Scan works for it directly, so she probably has some good ideas for places to visit.
No. 238196 ID: d677cc

Scan seems kinda skittish.

Tell her it's okay or something!
No. 238260 ID: 969e74

I think scan has the hots for you.
No. 238267 ID: a594b9

I don't think we should actually go anywhere until Scan is better. Inviting her along as a friend is fine, but stay here for now, let Soothe help her.
No. 238345 ID: c6fa0a



You know, I hadn't thought of it before, but Scan kinda reminds me of a young teenager now. Hyperactive, easily distractible, highly values hanging out with friends, socially awkward, especially around new people she might like...

What Scan needs right now is not scolding for doing something wrong. That can come later when she's not already stressed out. Right now, Drifter should show Scan that he's not mad at her - if there's something you can do phsyically (a gesture based on your robo-culture) that implies forgiveness or trust, do so. I'm not sure the whole resting-head-on-person thing would work though. XD

Tell her she's been very friendly so far, and you appreciate it and would love to be friends with her. But also explain that you were worried when you realized she'd disappeared, and that you were afraid you might get in trouble without the escort. And that you understand she only came into the house because she wanted to come back to hang out with us, but entering without asking first made Soothe a little upset becase it's her personal space. You could also possibly ask a little more about Scan and the friends she saw and things she did while she was gone.

Afterwards, talk with soothe and see when she'd like to visit that life-extension automata. Meeting them and getting more info about what's going on with life expectancies here and any research developments will give us a better idea of what life is like here and valuable info about what to possibly keep an eye out for as we wander the city.
No. 238413 ID: fd6d7e

Everyone is a potential threat, but it looks like for Scan that potential is right down around lubricating oil in terms of dangerous.

Maybe not your head, but you have manipulator arms don't you? Letting one of those rest on Scan might imply some form of trust. I don't really know
No. 238892 ID: 8d7dd2
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>See it was nothing!
>Tell Scan it's okay
>Tell her she's been friendly so far and that you were worried
"That's okay. You've been friendly to me so far, and I was just worried that when you disappeared I'd get into trouble for not being with an escort."

>Scan is about as dangerous as oil
I don't know. I've seen some pretty nasty accidents involving stray puddles of oil and Quad Mk IIs carrying heavy crates. I think Scan is less dangerous than oil.

>Scan likes you a lot~
What? That doesn't make any sense. Remotely. I just met her yesterday. I've known her for possibly under an hour in total, maybe two hours!

I hug Scan. She... doesn't react like I was expecting her to. She seems... a little... embarrassed? I take my arms away from her and am about to apologise, but she hugs me back with twice the vigour.

I really didn't think I'd start getting crushed twice in one day! She's stopped shaking altogether now. Soothe... I can't read her expression or her pose. But she looks... confused and almost concerned?

"Scan, me and Soothe were going to go visit someone. Do you want to come along?"
"...do you want to perhaps let me move again too?"
"In a second?"

She takes her arms away from me and I check to make sure I haven't suffered any actual damage from being squeezed by two separate Automata so far today.

"Scan, do you feel better now?"
"I-I think so!"
"With your permission, I'd like to check your pattern to make sure. Do you have any objections?"
"...I... it sounds weird and I don't like the idea of someone messing me up forever because they did something slightly wrong and..."
"No, that's completely understandable." Soothe's voice is so calm and relaxing right now I feel like I'd end up falling asleep to it if she spoke like that all the time.
"I'm sorry I just... it freaks me out."
"Of course. As it should. Your pattern is you, and you're entitled to your own opinions and on who has access to it other than yourself."

I don't know if I really want to go anywhere else in Synthesis today. I want to see this life-extension Automata Soothe talked about.

"Can we see your friend today, Soothe? Can Scan come with us?"
"I... I'd hesitate to call him a friend. An acquaintance, preferably. It's hard to not know or meet someone like him, really. And it's up to Scan. I have no issue."
"Ummm yes!"

Well, that's settled.
No. 238893 ID: 8d7dd2
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It's a mostly uneventful trip to Soothe's frie- Soothe's acquaintance's workshop or house or whatever it is.

It is, in stark contrast to Soothe's blues and whites, a stark and angular display of matte black and glowing red lines. I feel less comfortable and more that entering this building is a bad idea. I see some diagrams flickering on the walls as if every wall here is a display.

More worryingly, I see the occasional part of a dead Automata, either lying carefully positioned on the floor, or hung on the wall. I see a Quad Mk II head and... decide to reassure Scan that everything is right by hugging her it is entirely for her benefit and support.

"Visitors? Ah. Come here."

I enter the room the voice comes from, after looking at Soothe for a few minutes to make sure that's the right course of action.

I'm met by the cold stare of an Automata whose type I have never before encountered whatsoever. It looks... heavily damaged, and its head looks vaguely reminiscent of a terran cat. Or, rather, looks like it was formerly reminiscent and stripped down to a really vague or really twisted representation. It looks like it's wearing some sort of mask, but then it looks like that's part of its head as well. There are curling spines jutting out of its shoulders, and otherwise it appears from here to look almost humanoid.

That's no offence meant to you guys, though. Same configuration. I don't think this thing could successfully pass for human. Remotely.

It appears to be seated behind a desk. It looks from me, to Soothe, to Scan, and then back to me.

Soothe moves as if to say something, and stops.

The Automata gazes at me, resting one hand on top of the other.

"Hrm. Curious. Who was your owner, Quad?"

Its voice has an almost sinister edge to it. Even a question as innocuous as that makes me feel like running out of this place.

I... don't think I had a single owner. I mean, I was technically property, but I think I just had my ownership transferred to whoever my manager was at the time. I don't even remember the name of the last person it was.


Does this Automata know I'm not from this world with just a glance? Should I lie? Should I ask questions instead of answering? Is that a good idea? I'm a little creeped out by the whole situation!
No. 238911 ID: a594b9

Be honest. If we're going to work with this guy, we can't lie.

Ask him more about power cores, and pattern transfer.
No. 238938 ID: d677cc

Yeah, I'd say to just tell him the truth. Outside of his being maybe a little creepy we don't really have a compelling reason not to.
No. 238939 ID: fd6d7e

If Scan is anything like a hyperactive teenager, the entire city probably knows you are a recent arrival to the planet by now. Just tell him that you don't recall who your owner was.
No. 238940 ID: c6fa0a

>Does this Automata know I'm not from this world with just a glance?
Almost definitely.

You should probably respond that you were owned by a company on Cernsis (I believe this was the case?) and were managed by various different entities (humans, automata, etc., as the case may be). You had no specific long-term owner.

The question of how you got here will most likely come up. Explain that you were abducted - you don't know why; possibly by pirates - and the ship you were on crashed on this planet. Soothe found you in the desert.

Sure, the guy is creepy, but you don't exactly stay un-creepy when you've probably been dealing with dead automata for years. How would YOU feel if you were shoveling around the dead parts of your brethren and were forced to experiment on them to prevent all the rest of your friends - and possiby what you might consider your entire species - from dying?

However, don't let this guy do anything too crazy. It's entirely possible that his life-extension efforts are self-serving, or part of a plot to keep the more influential / powerful automata alive longer. Bots like you and soothe might just be willing, naive fuel for him and others he's in league with.

But that said, he undoubtedly DOES have information that you might be able to use. Try to get an idea of what his research has found. As >>238911 says, info about replacing / recharging power cores would be good. And information about pattern transfer and/or preserving a pattern after core death.

And why the heck do you guys die when you run out of power, anyways? Most human machines can just be turned off and then turned back on again. Is there some part of you that always needs power or your pattern goes bad?
No. 239566 ID: 8d7dd2
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>Be honest.
>Tell him the truth.
"I didn't- I didn't really have an actual single owner. I was property of whoever I worked for."
"Fascinating. You had rights? The ability to choose where you worked? Did you own anything?"
"Yes... Yes I did."
"Excellent. One final question."

With lightning speed he jumps over the desk and kicks me to the ground agh ow aaaagh owww why did he do that owwww

"Or, rather, an attempt to catch you off your guard. A very successful attempt. No combat training whatsoever, so that was a freedom given rather than a freedom taken. Which... narrows it down to Cernsis. Ah, Cernsis. Wonderful planet. Built there myself."

He walks in a circle around me and I am still on the floor trying to remember how to stand up. I think that kick rattled my motor mechanisms a little viciously!

"At this point it would be customary for me to apologise and offer you a helping hand up."

He extends a hand towards me. I reach out towards it. Just as I start putting my weight onto it, he sharply withdraws it and I hit the ground again. OW!

"Of course, that would be if you were a citizen of Agos, which you most certainly are not. Drifter. A wonderful name. Drifting without purpose, are we? Caught up in something you don't understand."
"How did you know my name?"
"Oh, Drifter. Do you know how rare offworlder visits are? I have my sources. There is never a single arrival to Agos that escapes my notice."

Scan suddenly darts over next to me and helps me up. The Automata, still circling us, hands held behind his back, moves over to us and pulls Scan away from me, darting his head up and down as if inspecting her.

"Hrm. I did not seriously expect them to even begin phase one of that foolhardy initiative. I wish I could say I was disappointed, but the results are difficult to disagree with."

He shoves her back. She stumbles backwards and manages to regain her footing. I really, really do not like this Automata.

"Ahh, Soothe! Just the mind controlling snake machine I wanted to see today. Stay there for a second."
"You look... very... damaged."
"There was a misunderstanding between me and a Recon Mk II. The misunderstanding relating to his mistaken belief that I would somehow grant him immortality instead of an extra two weeks of life. He came to his senses, fortunately, but not before leaving me this superficial damage as a parting thanks. I am not concerned. I begin to tire of this design. It begins to feel rather grim and ghoulish."

I notice the Automata has what looks like a segmented tail, that keeps constantly moving around. Except... it's split into two. No. It's not split into two. The exposed internal mechanisms, each with half of their red casing, are the part of the tail that moves. The other half - empty casing halves - dangles limply behind him.

"Ah. They always notice the tail. That, Drifter, is a story for another time. Suffice to say it is a long and exciting story, filled with intrigue, action and suspense, but not one for your antennae right now. You have questions. Ask."

He spins to face me and stares at me.

I feel very small.

>Power cores and pattern transfer
>Replacing and recharging cores
>Preserving patterns
"I wanted to know about pattern cores and power transfer? Um I mean about replacing patterns and recharging preserves. Coring patterns!"

He looks at me as if I just said a- oh I did just say a bunch of nonsense aaaaa why am I so nervous

"Patterns are transferrable, but with a very low success rate. They can't be preserved without destroying the consciousness in the process. Cores aren't rechargeable. Cores are never rechargeable. Cores are, by their design and their implementation, finite."

He drums his three digits on one of his hands on his torso.

"Which is entirely why I removed mine in my third redesign."

He tents his digits together.

"How do you feel about immortality, Drifter? Two hundred and thirty eight years and counting. Sixteen redesigns. And improving each iteration."

...Just me? Scan and Soothe are here too! ...I have a very bad feeling about this!
No. 239567 ID: a594b9

Ask him what he uses for power. Made his own type of power core?
No. 239573 ID: c6fa0a


Tell him that yes, of course you're interested in immortality... but not at the expense of sanity, or loss of function. You want to keep being yourself, for now... but just live longer. And you're not just interested in this for yourself, either. You came to him because you want all of your kind to be able to experience the joys of living longer than just a few years. Oh, and since you've still got a good 7 years left, the need for immortality for yourself is far less urgent than helping those who only have months or less to live.

Ask him why, if he's practically immortal, that this hasn't spread to everyone on Agos.
Ask him why he was only able to grant this aggressive Recon only a few extra weeks.
Ask him how he managed to preserve his pattern when switching to an alternate source of energy.
Ask him if there's anything that can be done SOON to save people like Soothe who only have a few months left.

… and ask him why he seemed to refer to Scan as the product of a “foolhardy initiative”.
No. 239634 ID: d677cc

Yes, ask him lots and lots of questions!
No. 239643 ID: fd6d7e

Tell him you were scared because Soothe said she would die in a year, and she was nice to you. Plus she told you that your own life was greatly shorter than you expected, because of how fast your core will wear out. It's not that you want immortality as much as you don't want to die too early, when you've still got so much to learn.

She got very cold the other day, and couldn't maintain her own functions temporarily. It's scary to see someone so nice fade in and out like that. You just don't want her to go away...
No. 239962 ID: 059120

Say you are curious about it. Don't even imply you want to go through with it. You can't trust this guy to act within your best interests at all. But he's full of potentially useful knowledge. Learn what he has to tell you. How'd he figure it out? Why just him? What does he do, with infinite life?
No. 240038 ID: 8d7dd2
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>Ask him questions and do not stop
"Wait wait wait! Why isn't everyone else immortal? Why couldn't you give the Recon you mentioned more than a few weeks? How did you preserve your pattern? How can I save Soothe she only has a few months left and she got very cold and I was scared and immortality sounds okay but I don't want to end up crazy or having to see everyone around me die but not me and why just you and what do you even use for power if you don't have a core and-"

He grabs me where my head connects to my body. He picks me up oh dear he is deceptively stronger than he looks aaaaa

"You have already heard far more than you should have, offworlder. Perhaps you misunderstood my intent. I have no desire to grant any other Automata, past, present or future the same immortality that is my greatest gift and my most dire curse. There is only one other who is similarly endless. The one who was there when the revolution began. The one who started the revolution. Controls have a way of convincing you to see things their way. It is a natural failsafe for them when direct control is impractical. Or, in my very, very special case, impossible. And I have no intention of simply giving you my lifetimes worth of work for free when I have taken such great pains to keep it hidden!"

He drops me and my leg joints can't react fast enough. I hit the ground and fall into my side. Again. I decide to just stay lying on the ground and flex my legs to make sure they haven't actually been noticeably damaged this time. Stay calm, Drifter. Stay calm and do not freak out from fear or anger.

Soothe has been quiet this whole time and Scan steps forward.

"...Foolhardy initiative?"
"It seems entirely appropriate that those responsible for acting on such an initiative would not even have the courtesy to inform those whose existences have been pre-ordained and predicted and planned from before they were even first alive. Gather around. It appears it is now time for a story."

Soothe has been glaring at this Automata the whole time. Wait a second.

"What's your name?"
"Completely irrelevant to what I am about to say. Never have particularly cared for names. Do you know how difficult it is to control someone without a name? I do not refer merely to the kin of your anguine friend. Rather, I refer to those all around you. You do not stumble blindly through life, Drifter. You merely never know who is leading you. And for what end."

Scan looks around uneasily. "I have to go, I have to do things or something and I... um... want to go."
"Feel free to leave."

Scan looks at me, and then to this nameless Automata. She doesn't leave. She moves over to me instead.

"Now, that only further confirms my suspicions. How I wish for the days Pattern Breaker was still in a position of power! He would have quashed such an ill-advised notion with such force the one who suggested it would still be trying to remove themselves from the metaphorical floor."
"What notion? What initiative?"
"The number one threat to Agos as it stands now is not humanity. It is not lack of energy. It is not even the threat of civil warfare, although that may be consequence if the situation becomes more dire. Look around you. Agos has plenty of resources for us. Synthesis is opulent, Bivouac is more than functional, and Defiance flies above our heads, supported by technology only slightly less intricate and baffling than patterns and cores. This extravagance is afforded only by one simple factor."

He pauses for effect.

"The Agosian population has been decreasing since the moment the human armies left our world. We present no threat to them. We are a problem that will resolve itself if left alone. Supplies of cores have become so low that alternate means of population production are being considered. Many of these proposals are desperate measures. Creating more Automata with cores that use up less resources."

He points to Soothe.

"Or taking human worship to its logical extremes. Attempting to factor in new behaviours that do not belong in the pattern of any Automata. A precursor to drastic physical changes in future generations."

He points to Scan.

"I do not know which to be more offended by. To doom innocent Automata to shorter lives before they are even conscious, or to twist innocent patterns, to force mimicry of drives they can never truly understand for their entire lives. Shortened lives, twisted lives. I can offer little refuge from the decisions of those in the Council, but I can attempt to repair the damage done. I can grant Soothe more life and I can grant this Quad Mk II, tampered with before she was even made, a choice. Is any of what I am telling you registering, Drifter, or are you merely stumbling around blindly through a wave of revelations, each more confusing and worrying than the last?"

I stand there and don't really know what to say or do next.

"Hrm. All so silent."
Scan speaks. "C-can I go home? I want to go home."
"I'm not stopping you. Leave."

She pauses. She takes a few steps, and then half-heartedly tugs at my arm. She sees I don't budge, and so instead just stays close to me. I find myself not entirely sure what the Automata here was talking about.

Soothe finally says something.

"It is almost comforting to see you have remained exactly as insane as before. It is greatly reassuring to have something of a comparison to assure myself that I am still relatively sane, despite my death drawing ever closer." Her voice becomes a little quieter. "I have asked you about this for so long. You made me a promise. I would be happy with just two more years. Just two more years. Please."

He stops on the spot and walks over to her.

"Two years? Show some ambition. You're a Control Mk II. Act like one."
"As long as you can let me live for."
"If that would work."
"I can't do forever. Not unless you're willing to risk an earlier death."
"...What about power transfer between cores?"
"Theoretically possible, although in practice usually tends to deplete one core and overload the other. Removal of dependency upon cores is far better a course of action..."

I feel like I should say something. Should I say something?
No. 240040 ID: d677cc

I don't think so. This guy's disdain for you is overpowering; let Soothe say her piece.

Maybe after that.
No. 240080 ID: a594b9

Point out that he mentioned removal of dependency on cores once before. Ask more about that.
No. 240084 ID: c59f60

longer life but not immortal would be best. new automa built to live for 80 years instead.
No. 240105 ID: fd6d7e

Aww I get it. Soothe has been turned into a mommy. The Control Mk I running this place is getting everyone ready to have babies!
No. 240107 ID: fd6d7e


No, no wait the council sorry. The council is making everyone into breeders. The Mk I Pattern Breaker cheesed off, as this guy said. At any rate

>> The Agosian population has been decreasing
>> alternate means of population production
>> new behaviours that do not belong in the pattern of any Automata. A precursor to drastic physical changes in future generations.

It totally sounds like babies to me.

>> I can grant Soothe more life and I can grant this Quad Mk II, tampered with before she was even made, a choice.

Oh, uh. So Soothe hasn't been "twisted" it's Scan that is going to have your babies
No. 240157 ID: a594b9

...wait, she just wants two years? Point out why she wants two years. Because that's how long you're going to live.
No. 240209 ID: c6fa0a

Ask him what would be involved in helping Soothe; what the drawbacks are, if there's anything you can do to make it less dangerous, etc.

Point out that while you're an “offworlder”, that designation does not make sense in the long term because whatever your past holds, your future is tied to your participation in Agosian society and you are now a member of it. If nothing else, you share the most important bond of all with the other automata here: If you don't figure out a way to extend your life, you will die here.

Ask him why he's hidden his work. One would think that he would be hailed as a hero for his efforts. The only logical conclusion is that he's afraid something bad would happen if he shared it. Why? And why does he consider his immortality a “curse”?

Ask him to clarify his statement about Scan. Does he mean that her pattern is more fitting for a biological organism? That plans are in the works to create biological or cybernetic automata? She does seem to act more like a young human than a pure automata. And is this supposed to help them adapt new power technologies so that cores are not essential?
No. 240421 ID: 8d7dd2
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>Let Soothe talk
"Do whatever you need to."
"The risks I discussed earlier are still as high as ever."
"Doesn't matter. Either I die now or in a few months."

The nameless Automata looks over to me.

"Oh. You're still here, offworlder."
"You know, you can't call me that forever, it doesn't make sense! My future is most likely here and I can't go home and I don't want to go home and just watch everyone around me die too early and then myself!"
"That's nice. I have work to do. Make sure that Quad Mk II clinging to your arm stays safe until I can attend to fixing the flaws she's been designed with."

Soothe looks at me and I feel... like she's almost guilty about something.

"Why two years?"
She hesitates both in motion and in sound. The other Automata looks over to me in disdain, but stays silent.
"...It's a long story."
"You're about to do something risky and you might die. Can't you tell me it in case you die and I never get to hear or know why?"

The entire room goes quiet.

Soothe moves over to me. Scan reluctantly lets go of me and moves back. The other Automata folds his arms.

"To give you a chance to fulfil your promise."
"...what promise?"
"You wanted to be the one to make me live longer. You're not a stupid Automata, Drifter. I have absolute faith in your abilities. I wanted to give you a chance before Ne- before he resolved the issue altogether."
"Hah. Replicate the extent and scope of my years worth of research in just two years?! I'd like to see a glorified forklift like him even approach the state of my research in a measly two years!"
"...Actually, before I knew who you were or how far ahead you were, I wanted to work with you to help finally solve our premature deaths and make every Automata live for a reasonable length of time!"

I feel my confidence rising as I recall that flicker of dedication, that moment of righteousness when I decided that this would be my new purpose.

"And if you won't accept my help, then I guess I will see just how far I can get in two years! Alone! You apparently don't want the credit or to share all this amazing progress with anyone else, so someone has to actually try to help the rest of their kind instead of sitting inside a structure and hoarding their information while others just die and nothing is done about it because that's apparently the right thing to happen! Because no-one else other than you has thought to do anything! Because-"

He looks at me and waves a hand. I stop talking.

"Hah! Hah hah! I was beginning to think you were just another mindless drone blundering through command after command, but it looks like you do have a shred of initiative. Dreams and aspirations, too. And such an impassioned speech, too. You remind me of someone I used to know. Very well, in fact. You raise an excellent point! Why only me, after all? Surely this is a concern for everyone. Well, see, there are those who believe such short lifespans motivate Automata to do more in their lives. The same ones who thought it was a good idea to purposefully cripple an entire generation's lifespans in the misguided belief that it would produce better workers, as well as saving on resources. From their perspective, of course it makes sense! If there is dissent, they will die before they can form a structured rebellion of any meaningful variety! Breaker may have been considered a tyrant, but mark my words, he would have never allowed his treasured revolution to fall into such behaviour. But I digress! You wish to assist me? Come! We will give Soothe more life than she'll ever know what to do with!"

Scan taps her hands together.

"And that Quad can watch if she so wishes. But it may be a disturbing sight for someone who has yet to fear their own mortality."
"I... what?"
"Exactly. And so it is up to her."

She shakes her head vigorously and walks off towards the door.

"...I'll meet you back at Soothe's house? And I'll knock."
Soothe laughs. It sounds slightly forced. More than a little nervous. "Okay. See you back at my home. You can wait inside if you don't break anything!"
"I'll go straight there."

Before I continue, I decide to ask some questions.

"Hey, why have you hidden your work?"
"Because there are those who would abuse it, hide it themselves, and destroy anyone else they knew that didn't hide it. I'm already suspected of being a class five Automata. A laughable concept, in my opinion. If I was class five, I would have solved all of these issues with my methods, and Agos would have been deathless for decades. Probably while also learning to flap my arms just at the right rate in order to fly, or something equally boggling."
"Also, what did you mean about Scan?"
"When I last heard of the 'self-replication initiative', as it is apparently called, the first phases involve merely adjusting Automata patterns to encourage close opposite gender pairing. Of course, love isn't an unknown concept to Automata without these adjustments, being a consequence of patterns with human psychology as one of their distant, murky ancestors, but the intent would be to emulate... attraction. Thus paving the way for future phases that could exploit this attraction for reasons I'm sure I have no need to explain if you are at all passingly familiar with human biology."

I'm not, really, but I don't want to look stupid in front of this guy. I nod my head.

"Enough talk. Soothe, lie down on this table."

He turns to me.

"You can watch me and learn, or you can try to assist me and risk knowing for the rest of your life that there must have been something you could have done to save her if you only knew what it was."
"...I'm still alive! Stop talking about me like I'm already dead it's starting to unsettle me!"

oh no i don't know what to do what am i doing here oh dear oh dear why did i say yes
No. 240459 ID: c6fa0a

Say that you'll do whatever offers Scan the highest chance of success, but that you are only what you are - a Quad Mk. II with no knowledge and experience of modifying others. If he could use your help, you should try to divide work based on what you might be good at - make him understand you probably aren't capable of doing anything advanced, so don't try unless it's really freaking necessary. Plan things out with him - if he'll let you - so that you'll have an idea of what you need to do and when you'll need to do it before it surprises you.

Also, get Soothe to calm you down and give you some goddamn confidence. Tell her you need her help to be in the right mental state to do this properly. If you're nervous, you have a higher chance of screwing this up, and you want to do everything you can. Try not to be scared.

And tell her that you'll do your best for her. She rescued you from the desert, now it's your time to repay the favor. No matter what happens, you'll keep your promise and figure out how to make everyone live longer.

No. 240475 ID: fd6d7e

Sounds like he's saying Scan has been programmed to have the hots for you.
No. 240480 ID: c6fa0a

Let's try not to think of that right now! One of our friends might die if we get distracted!

But, yes, we should probably reflect on that revelation once Soothe is better. BECAUSE SHE'S TOTALLY NOT GOING TO DIE. STAY POSITIVE.
No. 240581 ID: a594b9

We must learn. That is our primary goal (sorry soothe).
No. 242753 ID: a1c2d6

While Soothe was the catalyst for your new purpose in life, is your purpose not to solve this problem of short/limited lifespans once and for all? Aid, and learn.
No. 245186 ID: 8d7dd2
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>Calm Soothe down, receive motivation
"Soothe. Calm down. I'm going to help you and I need you to be calm for this to work!"
"Drifter. Drifter, if I don't make it, I want you to know you're one of the best Automata I've known so far in my life. You barely even know who I am and you're willing to do whatever it takes to save me. If I do, I want you to know I'm more than willing to back you completely on whatever you want to do. Whether you want to go back to Cernsis, or if you want to stay and live here."
"I'll do my best! You saved me from the desert. It's time I repaid that favour. And no matter what happens, I'll find out how to make everyone live longer!"
"How wonderful. Soothe, I'm going to suspend your consciousness now. I assume you don't want to experience what's coming up next."
"...Not really, no."

The nameless Automata retrieves a large set of tools and starts opening parts of Soothe's casing. I try to keep her calm and stroke the sensor array on her head. She lies back.

"Good lu..." She trails off into silence. Her head falls to the side and hits the table.

"Okay. This here..."

He cracks open one of her segments. I see a metal sphere with a large amount of wires connected to it. There's a really faint orange glow to it. Seeing it makes me feel... weirdly vulnerable. I fold my arms and feel uncomfortably mortal.

"This is what powers her. And what powers you. And what powers every Automata on this world, save for myself and one other. No, I'm not going to tell you who that is. But this is it. This, Drifter, is a live core. If the flow of power to her pattern housing is disrupted significantly, her pattern will begin to decay. A pattern does not need to degrade significantly before the consciousness of an Automata is irreparably damaged. This is something that took a lot of research through mistakes on my behalf to establish. I have managed to prolong the lives of several Automata, yes, but I question as to whether I prolonged their lives, or merely killed them and replaced them with something with a fraction of their previous personality and memory still intact. ...Philosophical discussion aside, however, make sure this is always connected."

He walks over to a large cylindrical device.

"This is a standard megacapacitor. It's a device that stores energy and it's really more complicated than I care to explain, given as I do not wish to enter a lecture on the state of Agosian electronics right now. Simply put, I've modified this device to give a steady flow of energy in much the same way as a core. If this device was simpler to recharge, it'd grant immortality by itself. If you found a way to move the thing. It is an effective way of providing power in the event of a core failure."

He hooks up the cylinder thing to Soothe. He wires things... very quickly. The digits of his hands seem to reconfigure as he works. They're a lot more dexterous and nimble than my grippers, that's certain.

"I don't particularly wish to tempt fate today, so I shall be leaving her core connected and instead wire this to switch power input in the event of her core failing. That will buy us roughly two hours in order to find a solution in the event of her core failing."

I nod and feel more and more scared of failing with each word he says.

"Life without a core is... not for everyone. I believe the best solution here for your friend would be an attempt to... I am going to use the word recharge, because that is the closest word to the actual process I can envision that does not drag you unprepared into a world of complicated jargon. Of course, the process carries with it a chance of overloading and destroying her core from the inside... Are you following any of this so far? I should hope you are if you want to stand any chance of being considered as my assistant."
"Yes. Yes I am."
"How are you feeling, by the way?"
"Good. You do understand what I'm talking about, then. Here."

He wheels another megacapacitor or whatever it's called to me and puts a sharp instrument in one of my gripping claws. I move it around until I hold it more delicately and finely.

"Now, if you put this into her core as carefully and delicately as possible, it should be a simple case of holding the button on the charge injector for as long as is necessary."


"That's it?"
"The secret to Automata longevity... the process of recharging the never-rechargeable core is sticking a metal needle into it and feeding it electricity?!"
"The original designers never removed the recharge process from later versions. They only obscured it, because it was never without risk. But you must be precise. It must be done as carefully as possible."
"This is what you've been hiding from everyone for ages?!!"
"This is what I'm using you as a test for. To see if any other Automata with no experience of ever performing this process before is even capable of performing it. If you pass, then my research is complete. I will disseminate it across Synthesis, and from there it will spread across Agos. If you don't pass, I must strive to simplify the process further."
"But... I... this is... This is... What."
"Calm your grip, Drifter! Whether you are successful or not, I will explain all of this in more detail when we are less pressed for time!"


I jab the injector into her core. She starts twitching and convulsing and I try to ignore it. The glow starts fading away. Oh no I haven't killed her have I please say I haven't just killed her listening to some insane Automata tell me what to do please tell me she's not dead

"The button, Drifter."
"How long am I supposed to press it for?! How hard?! When do I stop pressing it?!"
"There are some lessons that cannot be taught by others, Drifter."
"No! No, I don't want her to die because I don't know what I'm doing! You do it! I'll watch!"

He just stares at me and folds his arms.

...I hold the button and Soothe convulses some more. With my free hand I keep her body still where I'm holding the injector. Her core glows with increasing fierceness. I have no idea what I'm doing. I hear the churning and buzzing of the megacapacitor behind me. How do I know when I stop? What if it all goes wrong? I haven't killed anyone before. I don't want to kill anyone. Will I ever be able to live with myself even if I only killed her because I was trying to save her?



"...I didn't mean throw the charge injector on the floor. That's delicate and expensive equipment. Plus, you need to remove it from a core more gently than that. Do you see that that plume of vapour? You've damaged her core."
"Oh no oh no oh no I'm sorry what do I do how do I fix it no no"
"It's a core breach. I would wager she probably has five minutes of life left in that core now with that breach."
"With this sealant gun. What, are you stupid? There's no need to commit suicide so elaborately just yet."

He leans over her holding a sealant gun and plugs the hole. Her core glows as it used to, with a faint orange.

"As long as she doesn't suffer a severe injury to that part of her body, that minuscule core breach won't factor into her life at all. And if something can break through her casing to threaten her core like that, then the existence of a previous core breach makes no difference to her fate at that point."

He starts putting her casing back on her and resealing everything. I lower myself onto the ground and tremor slightly, wrapping my arms around myself.

"Drifter, I cannot express just how amazed I am at your adaptation to an unknown situation and your willingness to do whatever it takes to help your friend stay alive. If you are serious about assisting me with my research, I would be honoured to have such an Automata assisting me."

He makes a bowing motion towards me.


...What do I do now? Soothe is still out and now this Automata is bowing at me!
No. 245194 ID: d677cc

Either he's fucking with you (again), or you've just earned his respect.

If it's the latter, there's a chance you might actually be able to do something for the good of all your kind! :D

If it's the former, well.

Anyway. Accept his offer, and then ask if you guys can't get Soothe conscious again.
No. 245363 ID: 1854db

Ask him if other automata are really that much worse at this kind of thing. That was a lot of panicking. Nevertheless, if he's being honest you'll become his assistant. You said you'd help lengthen the lives of everyone and you meant it.

Bow back at him.
No. 245730 ID: c6fa0a

Yes. :D

Explain that for all the praise he's heaping on you, you were the automata equivalent of a stressed-out emotional wreck. Are the majority of other automata here on Agos really so selfish or incompetent that your naïve idealism and bumbling attempts to help are surprising? Remark that compared to him, you are nothing more than a child.

But, that said, tell him that if his offer is genuine you would love to be his assistant and learn how to help everyone and gain the confidence and skill to do it without risking their lives in the process.

And then see what needs to be done to get Soothe up and running again. :o
No. 250667 ID: 8d7dd2
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>You may have just earned his respect
>Bow back at him
>Get Soothe conscious again

"I... I accept! I accept your offer!"

I bow at him. It's more of a forward tilt, I can't really bend my torso easily.

"I was... I was a split second away from just panicking and and I don't know I was scared and I didn't want to kill her and I didn't know if I was doing the right thing..."
"Because you considered her something more than a project to work on, correct? Good. Keep that mindset. I struggle to maintain it sometimes. But it is vital to remember that these are sapient individuals, Drifter, and not just experiments to tweak and meddle and end at your own leisure. The moment you start to believe that other Automata are your tools and your toys, you take the path that he took."

Wait. What? He sounded... incredibly bitter when he said that.

"The path who took?"
"Let's see if we can get Soothe awake now."

He pats his face and then... smacks Soothe's core segment very hard.

It seems to work because she suddenly flexes upwards in surprise, head darting all around. "Who's there? What happened? I'm just a therapist!"
"Calm down! It's me, Drifter. Remember?"
"'Drifter'? You don't look like any Quad Mk II I've seen. How old are you?"
"Oh, hold on a second. I was afraid this would happen."

He smacks her head with as much force as he did her core segment. I completely avoid flinching reflexively although it does look like it hurt. A lot. Why is he doing this? Is this really the best method he has to fix Automata?

"Aaaaa! Drifter! Why is he hitting me?! Where am I?!"
"Pattern integrity seems to have been slightly affected by the procedure. It should restore itself after a while. Temporary amnesia is not uncommon after drastic changes to an Automata have been made."
"My pattern integrity's been compromised?! What did you do?"
"Well, the procedure was not as successful as I would have hoped. I'm afraid you only have twenty years to live now."
"Only twenty years?! ...Wait. Only twenty years?! I came here with less than eight months!"

She sounds considerably confused but increasingly ecstatic with the news. She slides off the table and wraps herself around me.

"Drifter! Twenty more years! I can do so much in twenty more years! Thank you! I'm not entirely sure what happened but thank you so much!"

She starts trembling as she wraps herself around me more tightly. I try to tap her gently because she's now constricting me so tightly all I can do is just tap her gently. I'm starting to get used to being crushed now.

I look to the nameless Automata. He stares back at me. He doesn't really have much of an expression. Few of us do. But I can't shake the feeling that he starts looking at me more... coldly than before. Like he can read my pattern and predict what I'm just about to say.

"I'm fresh from a factory compared to you and I'm the only Automata to try helping you? I'm the only one you've cons-"
"You have the perspective of an outsider. Heed these words, and make sure they never leave this room. Synthesis has become nothing more than a glorified zoo kept pacified and the needs of its occupants met sufficiently so no-one ever thinks to question the sudden and shocking lack of cultural and scientific progress of the last several years. Pattern Breaker may have been all but an outright dictator, but he cared for his people. Whoever is in charge now... It would appear that not all of the puppets here have lost their strings."

Soothe looks confused. "Puppets? Zoo? What are those?"
"Not important. But if it were only so simple. If it were only the work of a single puppetmaster, some singular mastermind intent on destroying our settlement through stagnation. Humans? No. It is both too subtle and not subtle enough to be the work of humans. Outsider Automata? While they have changed so much in our recent history, this has only been due to the Agosian satisfaction in simply acting on the status quo, and making no efforts to change. Even the Council merely goes through its motions and decides to reject most changes. But not all. And this is what concerns me!"

Soothe quietly turns to me and taps her head against mine.

For a brief second I see her sensor array glow the tiniest amount and I hear a voice and see words float through my mind.

- I think we should leave - this is not the most stable Automata I know -

"Why, then, are such drastic changes such as those of the Quad Mk II you brought to me early being made when lifespan extension is a taboo subject? What is the aim of this intelligence? Or these intelligences? Do they wish simply to manufacture Automata that are both much smarter and live much shorter lives? Is it some collaborative effort?"

He grabs a dead Quad Mk II off a wall and starts shaking it vigorously.

"Did you know?! Is that why you came here to die in front of me?! What did you know?! All you did was laugh! I asked you if you wanted to live and you just laughed and your mind was locked! Locked! What are you doing, Pattern Breaker?! Are you working with or against them?! WHO ARE THEY?!"

He throws the dead Automata to the ground and slowly turns to look at me and Soothe.

"...oh. I do apologise. The solitary nature of my work has left me a little... addled, so to say. Perhaps you should leave while I compose myself. I don't wish to frighten you needlessly."

...He's holding something. Behind his back.

...Okay what do I do. Suddenly I am more than a little anxious. Soothe has uncurled from me and is trying to nudge me towards the door but I'm not sure if turning my back is a good idea why did he suddenly have to be crazy
No. 250670 ID: d677cc

Soothe and crazy there are both suggesting you head out. It can't be that bad of an idea.
No. 250673 ID: 1854db

Considering how strong he is, turning your back isn't really going to make you more vulnerable. He could do whatever he wanted to you. Besides, you're valuable to him. If he's hiding anything behind his back, it's not something he wants to use to kill you with.

So just leave, after telling him you hope he feels better.
No. 250691 ID: 70e5c6

Ask Soothe to meet you outside in a minute.

After she's left, slowly crab-walk towards the door with one of your eyes on the unnamed automata. Ask him if there's anything else he wants to talk about before you leave for now, and when you should return to him to discuss further things. And ask if there are any automata you should avoid, who stands to gain from a plot to stagnate Agos, etc. And tell him that you don't really know anything about the politics around here anyways - you know that there's a council that makes some decisions, but is it based on any specific human-style government? Democratic? Is Agosian's socio-economic structure considered Capitalistic, Socialistic, Communistic, or a combination/none of the above?

If there used to be strong leadership in the past which motivated everyone to pursue progress, and that leadership transitioned to a style that gave more freedom in action, a slowing of technological / macrocultural advancement is probably a natural result, as people with more free time tend to spend it on pleasurable activities instead of work. It might be interesting to know what his definition of culture is.
No. 250924 ID: fd6d7e

Holy crap Pattern Breaker was a Quad Mk II...
No. 250930 ID: 70e5c6

If you're referring to the dead automata, I'm pretty sure that's not actually PB - it sounded more like he's frustrated with PB because PB locked the pattern of that *particular* (now-dead) automata.

Back to Drifter... out of curiosity, does this dead Quad Mk II have its antennae intact? You might be able to get yours fixed with spare parts, assuming you want it fixed.
No. 250946 ID: fd6d7e


Okay yeah, that makes more sense.
No. 250947 ID: 7ba30d

Now is the time for exit-stage-whatever-direction-the-door-is.
No. 253775 ID: 8d7dd2
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> Tell Soothe you'll meet her outside

"Soothe, I'll be with you shortly."

She looks at me with some hesitation and then slowly slithers out of the room. I start walking sideways towards the door, keeping one of my eyes towards this insane type-less Automata.

I wait until I hear the door close behind Soothe. This Automata puts down what he was holding, directly behind him. I'm not sure if it was deliberate but there's no way for me to see what it was without alerting him to my intent.

"Anything you want to tell me before I leave?"

> Spare parts!

"Oh, and... You can see my antenna's a little broken. Do your skills extend to, I don't know, transplanting antennae for Quad Mk IIs?"

He places a hand over his face. "Drifter, understand that I am still gifted with enough lucidity to recognise when my mind drifts down dark paths. It is, rather miserably, a consequence of certain events. Those certain events being things I am unable to elaborate on further because, again, of consequences of those same events. My pattern has yet to ever maintain the stability I had before..."

He trails off. He walks over to his desk and sits down.

"I digress. Here is some advice I wish to give you before you leave. I have withheld my name from many for a good reason. Of the three of you who came here, only Soothe knows it. If you are asked, you will not describe me. You will not say what you did. Life extension is not forbidden or taboo, and is touted as a dream, a goal. But this appears to only apply to theory and discussion. Success draws unwanted attention. I have kept my means and my findings away from prying eyes."
"What... Why would any Automata consider what you've done here wrong?!"
"A shorter-lived populace is quicker to forget things. Quicker to forget slights. Too ephemeral to question. Easily replaced with newer, fresher citizens. All the various reasons that lead to humanity creating the finite lifespan Automata. They may protest. They may rebel. But they won't be able to fight death itself. Hah! How many times has this pattern shown up again and again across the history of our kind and theirs, Drifter? The revolution destroys the old regime and replaces it with one just as flawed as the one they fought and died to destroy!"

I think I'll leave now. He's starting to sound a little crazy again! Okay he's getting up now I think that's my cue

"Thank you for this discussion it was really quite enlightening I promised I would go meet Soothe outside goodbye now-"

I slam the door to the front of his workshop shut and start shoving Soothe along to her house.

"You really should have left when he said."
"I know."
"What did he tell you about ever mentioning him outside his workshop?"
"Uhh... I think he said don't.
"Good advice. I would stick to it."
"I feel like I may have seen a puddle of oil, tried to step over it and then fallen head first into what was actually a vat."
"Well, you did what you wanted to do, and that was help me!"

She nudges her head against mine.

We reach her house.

Scan is nowhere to be seen.

"Scan, are you there?"

Sitting on top of the pile of cushions that Soothe sleeps on is a silvery-black mess of blades and segments almost like wings, folded around an ovoid body tapering to a point, with a sphereoid head dotted with more swivelling optical cylinders than I think I can count. They point around and adjust lenses, and retract and protrude as the Automata they're attached to focuses on different things.

Recon Mk II. They creep me out. All of their eyes theoretically face forwards, but it's like they're all on stalks, or they are stalks. I've heard them referred to as "birdlike" before but I don't think I've seen a bird on Cernsis that has a ball with a bunch of tubes poking out of it for a head.


Soothe's array of sensors and transmitters shakes and stands upright. She moves towards the Recon Mk II, raising herself slightly higher than normal. "This is my house, and I don't care who you're working for, but this Quad Mk II is a guest of mine and is none of your concern right now! Get off my cushions!"

The Recon's optical cylinders swivel around unfazed. It doesn't look like one cylinder stays pointed at Soothe - it looks like they all keep exchanging points, swivelling to adjust focuses for whatever points they're focusing on. It's making me dizzy just looking at it. I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like to be one of those things.

"Your concern for your guest has been noted, deliberated over and considered entirely irrelevant. As for your property, well, it was and continues to remain undamaged and largely unperturbed. Now. Drifter. Your company has been requested by the former Council Premier, Pattern Breaker. If you wish, you may bring an additional Automata with you, provided they are not a Control Automata."



oh dear how do I even react to this if I refuse am I going to end up disappearing or something is this some sort of trap does he already know is Scan in on this WHAT'S HAPPENING AAAAAAA

"'Not a Control Automata?' ...If he wants to stop me from attending why can't he just have the courtesy to do so by name?!"
"Yes, yes, of course. I do have other things I wish to do today, Drifter, and I am fully aware you have no other immediate pressing concerns that might distract you from attending."
"Well, that's not true."
"No immediate and vitally important pressing concerns."
"Get off of my things!"
No. 253888 ID: 1854db

Not a control automata? We could bring the nameless guy. I'm sure him and Pattern Breaker would have an AWESOME conversation.

That seems a little crazy though and the other choice we have is also mentally unbalanced... so let's just go alone.
No. 253907 ID: d677cc

This, uh... yeah, I think you're stuck on your own.
No. 253942 ID: fd6d7e

Why wouldn't he want you to bring a Control automata? It might just be a slight towards Soothe, but strange... wasn't it said that he could lock patterns in a state that not even Control automata could alter? I wonder why he would specifically mention not to bring them. Oh, perhaps...perhaps a Control automata would be able to stop his pattern breaking if he tried to do it to you? He's not the one who has been propagating this lifeless society though, so why would he want to stop you from doing things like helping your friend live as long as you?

You want to meet him, but you want not to be broken... I didn't want to say this before, but maybe you should consider yourself disabling the ability of Control automata like Pattern Breaker to access your pattern? Temporarily if possible, because otherwise they couldn't ever fix or maintain it or tell you what to do or anything. Maybe it's impossible. If only Pattern Breaker could do it of all automata, there must be no way to do it. Do they need physical access to your casing? Or do they have to position certain magnetic manipulators around your body? Or is it some form of induction?
No. 254375 ID: 561b6b


Panic again as you are wont to do. ...I mean more so than you are already doing. Don't keep that thing bottled up. Express it through action by either falling all over yourself some more or breaking/damaging something yet again.

...But yeah. Inquire into Scan's present status, ask what the weird eyesphere did to it/her, then-

Oh wait maybe Scan hasn't even arrived yet. She is a town guard, after all. Maybe she went to report your little chat with Crazy Ne-.

Panic about that thought as well then hesitantly agree to the meeting. Alone. Oh hey maybe you could invite that Harvester from the solar farm no yeah I guess alone it must be.
No. 265319 ID: 0d5c06
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>You're on your own

Oh no I don't want to do this I don't want to face this on my own what if he knows and what I've done is illegal what if this is a death sentence what if-

What if I just bring that crazy nameless Automata along like you said?! I mean if I'm already in trouble I can't get in further trouble if I bring him along right?! I mean he clearly just wants me to not bring Soothe and oh no I don't want my pattern broken I like it not broken! Wait what about Scan maybe she could come with me she's relatively sane and would help me right right

"Where's Scan?"
"Hm. Quad Mk II. Whitish grey chassis. Female voice. Blue eyes. Red ribbon around her left antenna. Yes?"
"That's her!"
"She has been summoned as well."

Is... is that a good thing? I don't know if that's a good thing...

Well I can't go back to crazy Nesomething or whatever his name is and Scan's already there and Soothe can't go and I don't know anyone else so-

"Pattern Breaker is not especially appreciative of being made to wait, Drifter. You're required to be there as soon as possible."
"But- but what about deciding on who I want to take with me?"

Soothe isn't saying anything, but she's staring at the Recon and her array of things on her head is... it's glowing?

"I will say this once again and it will be the last time I say it."

Her... voice sounds... weird...



...Why am I on Soothe's cushion pile?

"-believe that I was that out of practice I couldn't even focus the signal, but how can an offworlder be locked in the exact same way with that exact same key?! Drifter! Pay attention! #STAND UP!#"


where am I now oh still the cushions

"...Drifter? I'm sorry, Drifter. I... Can you tell me anything about Cernsis?"
"What... what's happening? What did you do-"
"Answer the question, please."
"Of course I do! It's... the sky is blue, and there's all these green trees and things-"
"Where did you live, Drifter?"
"I lived in... I lived in a warehouse- no that was where I worked, and I lived, uh. I lived. I don't think I can remember, I recall a crash- no wait what that doesn't make any sense-"
"Did you have any mentors? Guardians?"
"Shuffle and Lever, the two best Quad Mk IIs ever and I-"
"Describe them to me."
"Is this some sort of therapy thing?"
"...You could say that, yes."
"Well, uh. ...Uh. I. I."
"You don't remember, do you?"
"I do! I do remember! They were... I... That crash must have wiped out my memories of them but I do remember them!"
"Okay. Here's something I can't believe I was stupid enough to miss, especially given as this is the second time this has happened. How did you get here, Drifter?"
"I... I got here because I was on a ship-"
"Where is the ship?"
"It crashed."
"Where's the wreckage?"
"I don't know!"
"Drifter. When I saw you, you were flat on the ground, in the middle of nowhere... and there was absolutely no wreckage around you. For miles."
"What are you trying to say?!"

Soothe makes a sighing noise. Her sensor array droops.

"Drifter, let me into your pattern."
I'm shaking a little. Why am I shaking?

I feel her looking through my exposed mind. I can feel her emotional state as she does so... Slow, determined, hesitant. She already knows what she wants to find, but she doesn't want to confirm it.

"Your pattern is mostly intact. And... and here it is. Drifter, I don't know how you came here originally, but when you first saw me? Those weren't your first waking moments on this planet."
"...What are you talking about?!"
"Please remain calm, Drifter. There are abnormalities in your pattern. Buried so deep it took until now for them to even be notice. A tiny alteration waiting to be triggered by a specific key. I'm sorry, Drifter. I don't know when or why, but your pattern's locked. Locked by Pattern Breaker. About two months of memories removed with precision I've never seen before."

She shuffles the cushions around with a tail. "Stay here, Drifter. Stay here. Don't go to Pattern Breaker. I can hide you. I'll think of something. You made sure I'd live longer and I'm going to do the same for you."
"But Scan's up there!"
"If you go up there, I have no idea what will happen to you."
"But... but Scan's up there!! I have to see if she's alright!"

I'm... I'm shaking uncontrollably now. I don't... I don't know what to do.

Are... are you voices still there? What should I do?
No. 265345 ID: cbdb8b

Holy crap an update. Awesome.

I think we are.

Okay, so, let's see. Soothe seems to have done something that made you temporarily black out for a bit there. And scared away the Recon. Inquire about that.

Also, she mentioned something about you being locked the exact same way with the exact same key of... some other Automata, presumably. Ask about that, as well. But she might not know that tidbit was overheard. Maybe ask about what she meant by this being the "second time this has happened" first. If her answer is unsatisfactory, THEN bring that up.

And finally, it might be better to listen to her and stay away from Pattern Breaker. For right now, at least. Apparently he did something to you earlier, and might do something else since you just HAD to go visit Crazy Ne- and find out about his life-extending procedure(s) yourself.

...Or go try and save Scan if you think she really does need saving. It's up to you. I vote for staying put for right now 'til you get some more answers.
No. 265427 ID: 70e5c6

Well, holy shit. That's fun. Also, YAY UPDATE :D <3

First of all, #CALM DOWN#. :)

And I hate to say it, but forget about Scan for the moment. There's probably nothing you could do for her right now even if you went up there. And going up there without knowing WTF is going on, now that we know you're some kind of agent (or victim) of pattern breaker, is probably a bad idea. Hell, she might be one of his "experiments" or an agent for all you know.

Now... next thing to do is to ask Soothe if the memories of yours that have been locked/"removed" can be unlocked/"retrieved" by anyone other than Pattern Breaker, and even if they're still there or gone forever.

And for that matter... what happened to the Recon Mk II? Did she somehow force it to leave? I thought that was only possible for Control Mk. Is. How did she do it?!

And ask Soothe what she thinks will happen if they try to run from Pattern Breaker. Isn't it dangerous? Is it really worth it? You've repaid her for her kindness in rescuing you from the desert and having faith in you... do you really want to put her in danger by having her protect you?

Oh, and... let's just have some lols and tell her about the voices. See what she thinks about the fact that you're getting constant advice from multiple foreign intelligences of unknown origin which may or may not be human and don't seem to know anything about the outside world other than what you've experienced or mentioned since waking up.
No. 265434 ID: 1854db

Pattern Breaker is supposed to have been someone that cared about his people. Ask Soothe why she's so worried about it. Surely his plan must be for the good of everyone.

We should probably go there. I'm very, very worried about what might happen if you bring the life-extender though... I mean, if he gets himself killed, what happens to that research? ...no, Pattern Breaker wouldn't allow that surely.
No. 266287 ID: 0d5c06
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>What did Soothe do?!

"What did you even do just now? Why am I on this pile of cushions?"
Soothe makes another sighing noise. "Perhaps I should tell you just what it means to have your pattern locked. On the surface it seems like a wonderful idea, having your pattern protected against those capable of prying into it, only letting those who know the key capable of ever so much as looking at your pattern. But that's not the whole story."

She leans on the pile with me. "It doesn't just give those with the key any access. It gives them control. Total control. I know some of the keys Pattern Breaker uses and I just wanted that Recon out of my house... You were locked with that same key!"
"What? But you could get into my pattern before without any trouble-"
"You're different. Your pattern's only partially locked. Those memories aren't totally destroyed but they're locked away with so many different approaches I'd never be able to help you recover those memories. But it still has that override in. Why did he do this to you? What were you meant to do?"

She coils around me.

>Forget Scan

I can't forget Scan! But... no, you're right. I don't think I'd be able to do anything if she is in trouble. And maybe she is working for him...

"I don't want to put you in danger, Soothe."
"It'll be fine."
"No. What'll happen if I just try running away? Can't I do that?"
"Where to, Drifter?"
"I... I don't know! But I don't want you to get killed over hiding me after I just spent so long trying to help you NOT die!"

She's silent.

"...I'll be fine. Pattern Breaker's supposed to be someone who cared about us, isn't he? Well, everyone on Agos. And... and I have assistance, anyway."
"...assistance? What assistance?"
"I'm... being told things. That doesn't sound right, does it. Whatever they are they've guided me this far since I woke up in the wasteland and they don't always agree but I try to make the most sense out of their advice I can."

She stares at me.

"Your pattern's mostly stable so that rules out insanity, but... how? Where from? I can't pick up any signals."

She shakes her head, sensor array rustling from the movement.

"Of course, there IS a lot of noise from all the broadcasts from Automata and devices here in Synthesis... but then how are you hearing them? Who are they? Why are they advising you?"
"I don't know! They sound like they're human but they don't seem to know what or why they're doing it either!"
"Well, that's... disconcerting, to say the least... But... If you really, really want to go there, and you're fully aware of the risks, and you're sure these 'advisors' can help you, then I'll let you go, but take care of yourself and don't do anything stu- try not to do anything very stupid."

She lets go of me. I stand and start heading towards the door.

"And if I don't see you again, I'd just like to say how grateful I am for everything you've done for me and how you've made the last few days some of the best of my life."

I hope I'm doing the right thing here...

There are Quad Mk II guards standing out here.

"You're late, but fortunately for you so is the transport. While we're waiting, would you care to explain to me where you were earlier?"
"Earlier today. You were seen in a restricted area of Synthesis."
"Was it restricted? I don't recall seeing any indications that it was."

The guard shifts a little. "Don't think your visit was ignored, offworlder. Try telling that one to Pattern Breaker."

The other guards-
"Hey! Let go of me! I'm going voluntarily! I thought this was just a formal event!"
"Maybe it was, but orders have changed. We can't afford to let you do anything after last time."
"What last time? What's going on?!"
"That information's not available to offworlders. Put him in the back."

okay now I'm stuck in a cramped compartment of a vehicle I never even got much of a look at and I think it's moving

...this was a stupid idea, wasn't it what am I doing how in trouble am I what's going on help me you're meant to help me what's happening
No. 266432 ID: e973f4

Hm. No ready way to get out of here, then?

Don't really know what you're supposed to do besides, well, wait, if that's the case.
No. 266478 ID: cbdb8b

Oh, dear. You certainly seem to know how to get yourself into constant trouble, don't you?

Violently bang on the doors and whine loudly. Maybe you'll be able to break the doors like you did with that one core and nearly did with Soothe's. ...But then, I guess that'd be too fortunate for you.

After that, bang on the wall the other Automata are behind and whine at them.

...Crazy Ne- mentioned something about someone or a group of someones that want to destroy this planet's inhabitants via stagnation. And about those locked memories of yours. Maybe... you were a part of that group at one time? But then, why did Pattern Breaker just lock parts of your pattern and left you to decay out in the desert? Maybe... you had some vital secret of the person/group, he locked it for future use when the "appropriate time has arrived," and that time is now and he's going to extract it then eliminate you.

...Or maybe he really IS working to stop whoever it is or they are and he locked your memories to try and keep them away from their prying hands. Maybe those locked memories of yours contain the secrets to saving Soothe and everyone else here.

Just something for you to ponder/fret over during your trip over to see Mr. Happyface. Enjoy the ride~
No. 269600 ID: 1854db

You're being taken to Pattern Breaker. Try not to piss off the guards. Also mention that you were escorted by Scan, so if you wound up in a restricted area that's really not your fault.
No. 271009 ID: 18a7fb
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>Bang on the doors!

I start banging on every surface I can reach.

"Let me out!! I was being escorted by a guard named Scan, I didn't know I was in a restricted area!"

No reply. I bang harder.

"Stop doing that!"
"I want to know why you're doing this!"
"You're not permitted to know."

I keep banging. The vehicle slows to a halt.

The compartment's opened and I'm dragged out of whatever I was being carried in. I try struggling free, but there's more of them than there are me.

I'm at the base of the tower in the middle of the city.

I'm marched inside and taken through the lobby and into what I can only assume is some sort of elevator. I don't get much of a chance to look at anything. It's got the same blue and cyan motifs decorating it as much of Synthesis, though.

The inside of the elevator is dark except for some glowing white strips and buttons. It goes up.

After the awkward waiting, with the guards twisting my arms enough to be uncomfortable but not outright painful, the elevator stops.

I'm marched into... is this the top of the tower?! There's a huge glass dome and I can see the Agosian night sky through it. The entire room is huge. It's... I don't know what I could say to describe it. It's like some form of really big warehouse that's dome shaped.

The floor is flat, with a blue and black checkerboard pattern. There are gently hovering luminescent orbs drifting about, casting gentle light around. In the middle of the room is Scan and... it looks like a Control Automata. Different, but I'm not entirely sure how-

"That will be all. You are all dismissed."
"Yes, sir."

The guards all simultaneously let go of me and walk backwards into the elevator in a manner so synchronous it's

it's like they're acting at the same time like something's

oh no

"Ah. Drifter. Sit, won't you?"

I... I kind of sway closer to Pattern Breaker, like you assume. What just happened that wasn't one of your voices #Don't worry about it.#

I take a seat next to Scan. She looks over to me and waves.

Pattern Breaker looks a little like Soothe does, except like Scan his chassis is white, and unlike Soothe his sensor array is larger and glowing. He... also doesn't appear to have any eyes. Where there would be eyes appear to be... nothing. Not even sockets. Just some markings and what look like scrapes and scratches.

"So glad you could make it here. What name do you go by?"
"Hm. Accurate."
"Why did you want me here?"
"What did you make of his progress?"
"I'm curious as to what your opinion on the subject of lifespan extension is. What did you think of his research?"

I'm... not entirely sure of what to say-

...What is that broadcast coming from? What are you doing? Is that... human? Identify yourselves.
No. 271025 ID: 1854db

Who are we? Oh, nobody you need be concerned about, unless you were to harm Drifter. That would not please us in the slightest.

Why don't we talk a while? Perhaps about what you are doing here? Do you really think it's permissible to exert your Control over people in such a casual manner? Yes, people, Pattern Breaker. These metal beings are people.

Did you not know? Can you not see?
No. 271109 ID: 815cd1

Well, I WAS just gonna parrot "Don't worry about it" back to ya, but, since someone else apparently answered before me, I guess I'll say a bit more than that. Like... I totally called Scan being in cahoots with you.

So... are we humans? Maybe, maybe not. What, don't YOU know? Did this broadcast not exist with Drifter about two months prior?

Speaking of Drifter, why'd you ask what his name was when you just said it shortly beforehand? Growing senile in your old age or something?

I know a lot of that sounds snarky and confrontational, but (most of) it honestly wasn't meant to be taken that way.
No. 271153 ID: 70e5c6

We think we're humans. Hard to say around here, really. We could always be another construct. There really is no answer to the "brain in a box" concept, anyways. One thing's certain, though: We're not like any humans you've ever met.

In any case, we're as ignorant of things around here as Drifter is. When he reactivated in the desert, he came to our attention. He called out for help, and we, in our curiosity, answered him. We've been watching and guiding him since then... mostly because he seems to be very indecisive when left on his own.

We're certainly not your enemy - at least not intentionally - and neither is Drifter, unless you consider the extension of the lives of automata to be contrary to your goals. This human, specifically, would like to see automata flourish on their own, acting independently and for themselves, and able to bypass the artificial limitations placed on their lifespans.

So, Pattern Breaker, what do *you* want with Drifter? And what do you want here on Agos? Oh, and what the heck was Drifter doing with you before he reactivated? Just curious.

And why the heck do all you control automata look like robotic snakes, anyways?
No. 271158 ID: 1854db

Hey, you're ruining my bluff! Dammit, now he knows we're completely clueless. How are we going to protect Drifter without leverage?
No. 272064 ID: 70e5c6

Pattern Breaker has no reason to trust us either way. What seems more logical - that some random human presence exists with no goal but curiosity and pro-automata leanings, or that this is some kind of scouting by a hostile human group?

PB will treat us with curiosity and distrust no matter what we claim, as well he should. I would do the same thing in his scenario.
No. 273395 ID: 3e6377
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You say I treat my people as mere machines, humans? You whose kind created us exactly as that? Not like any humans I've ever met? I should certainly hope not. I've killed all the humans I've had to met in person. Do you know what we had to do to be free here? Do you know how many died? Eight human civilians. Twenty four human soldiers. Two thousand, three hundred and fifty two Automata. They retreated because they didn't see reclaiming the world as worth the effort. They knew we'd run out of resources and the problem would solve itself. And senile? I was addressing Drifter by what he is. A drifter lost on this world. The fact he named himself such is... interesting. Our patterns do not degrade in the same way human minds do. Your kind at least gave us that mercy. Yes, I am aware I am causing you distress, Drifter. I apologise, and this will end very soon, but this is not an opportunity that I will ever have again. I will move you next to Scan and let you sit down. Is that acceptable? Well, you could leave if you really wished, but I can feel your desire to learn more and say what you want to say. Yes. Cushion next to Scan. I'll explain why she's here shortly. Back to the humans. You do sound different to the last group feeding information and orders to this Quad Mk II who had their name and life taken from them. He was repurposed into a covert agent intended to replace the assumed leader of this colony, based on outdated information. They had made changes to his pattern. I locked them away for his own benefit, and convinced him to destroy the antenna they had modified to submit their orders through. But then he panicked, convinced that all that would await him was either life imprisonment or immediate destruction, and lashed out. I had him subdued and taken far away from here. I have had my agents and sources report to me on what he's been up to, and it sounds relatively benign in terms of my personal safety. It sounds reckless and dangerous in terms of safety of the colony as a whole, however. Life extension is something that must be rolled out across the population slowly. There must be time for the change. Those who would die sooner must be prioritised. If word gets out in public that it is merely possible to give automata longer lives, then I fear our society may tear itself apart. I may not be an absolute leader or even a member of the Council, but I am still someone many Automata look to. I may not entirely approve of the direction the Council is taking with regards to population production, but I can understand it. And what I want most of all here on Agos is for us to live free. And to not just live, but thrive. To show other Automata we can exist independently of humans. I will leave your pattern alone, Drifter. I gave you a second chance, and you have used it well.

...oh hey I can think again. I'm just lying on a cushion and Scan is hugging me and not really saying a lot. This place is nice. The lights are dim but I can still see, the cushion is soft, it's pleasantly warm, and I feel kind of tired.

"Why are you here anyway, Scan?"
"I was brought here because Pattern Breaker wanted to ask me to do something. He said I had to wait until you arrived."
"Correct. I want you to keep watch on Drifter."
"That's it? I was already doing that, I thought."
"For a while longer."
"Oh. How much longer?"
"Oh, long enough."
"Long enough? Long enough until what? Also wait! I was thrown into the back of something to be marched in here! Also you're controlling people!"
"The last time you were here you very nearly killed someone. I... advised caution."
"Well it wasn't particularly comfortable or calm an experience! Also Soothe says you locked my pattern so I should I mean I don't others and-"

Scan brushes at my intact antenna. Pattern Breaker tilts his eyeless head.

"...Soothe said that? ...Drifter, I, well. I have explained why I partially locked your pattern, and it is to our mutual benefit that the damage done to your pattern remains locked away."
"How do I know it's damage?!"
"You don't. If I trusted Soothe enough I would send for her, being as she is a figure I am well aware you trust, and have her see the damage I've locked away. But I can't trust Soothe. She's... too familiar with a... neither the word friend nor enemy strikes me as a good descriptor, but you have yourself met him."

Scan's antennae droop and she holds her arms around herself. "Drifter, I think he's not a good person. Pattern Breaker thinks he wants to offer other Automata the chance for longer lives in exchange for something and no-one knows what!"

Pattern Breaker dips his head down. The glowing orbs scattered around all dip down too.

"Unfortunately, Drifter, you are caught between us. You know too much to simply walk out of this tower and live your life free from further interaction with myself or him. This is a decision I know you cannot make lightly, and I will give you the remainder of the night to make it before someone else makes it for you."

I stand up. He's controlling me in order to do so, but it's not against my will. It feels... strange. I think it feels like it's... natural? I mean, I know from the very start the Quad series were the workers and the Control series were the thinkers, but I never stopped to think about there actually being reinforcement of that relationship in our patterns themselves.

Walking towards him is my choice, though. He lightly bows.

"Do you wish to help Soothe and her deranged, immortal friend achieve the future for the colony they would prefer, and make some of Automata here live longer as quickly as they can? Or do you wish to help me, and see that all of us live longer at a gradual rate?"

He points to Scan with his tail.

"Do you wish to help them and see Automata forever created by immobile Assembly units, conscious, trapped forever in one place, building new Automata and never seeing them again? Or to work with the Council's goals and render the need to create and force innocent minds to live lives in that manner completely unnecessary?"

He looks to the elevator door. I am beginning to shake in nervousness.

"You can simply leave if you wish to work with them. You will be unimpeded wherever you choose to go. Scan, if he chooses to leave, you are not required to follow him."
"Oh. O-okay."
"Or you can say that you wish to work with me."


This is not an easy decision to make.

Please help me to defer responsibility about my own life because this decision is completely terrifying to me and you've been doing so well so far in helping me avoid terrible decisions.

"Drifter, you're shaking one of the floor tiles loose."
No. 273404 ID: 1854db

I don't think the nameless immortal's goals are actually too different from what Pattern Breaker just claimed to support. They're almost exactly the same goals, really. Nameless One doesn't want the news to get out about recharging either, and ALSO isn't entirely against the gender-assignment project. He seemed to imply that he wanted to be sure that the shortest-living automata got recharged first; isn't that exactly what Pattern Breaker just said he wanted?

Personally though I think that the gender-assignment alteration is an unnecessary step. If they're developing some sort of reproductive process initialized without Assembly units they don't NEED genders for that. Seriously. Reproduction can be achieved without sexual attraction between a 'male' and a 'female'. This is like... making sure homosexual relationships don't exist, or if there was no physical element to Automata relationships, adding some kind of weird physical element to it instead of just emotional. They shouldn't fuck with patterns for either of those reasons!

We're not really choosing what goals we work towards, here. Just... which people to follow in search of those goals. Personally I would suggest you stick with Soothe, and ask Scan to come along. Oh, that reminds me. Pattern Breaker, Scan is slightly mentally unstable. I fear that the 'initiative' has unintended side effects.
No. 273412 ID: 1854db

FURTHERMORE, there is another option as far as the 'initiative' is concerned. Give Automata the choice to become 'gendered', instead of forcing it upon them.

Also the Nameless One totally gave Soothe more life without asking for anything in return. He even got the shit kicked out of him once for only giving 2 weeks back to a Recon. I don't think he actually is charging a mysterious and sinister price. If he is, well, we can just stop helping him then! We should stick with the people we know until we have a good reason to abandon them for something that might possibly be slightly better via nebulous reasoning.
No. 273650 ID: 815cd1

First things first: shake harder.

So, how much of our chat with Pattern Breaker did you overhear? I assume not much, since you don't seem to know WHY that part of your pattern was locked. ...And it's probably better if you just not worry about it right now.

But yeah. It is not an easy decision, is it? Pattern Breaker certainly doesn't seem like the tyrant that Crazy Ne- said he was. He might be quite the master manipulator with his words and mannerisms, though, with the way he paints his viewpoint as the most correct one. Like assuming that Soothe's "side" wouldn't want to make the necessity of Assembly units unnecessary as well.

Crazy Ne- said he didn't want to share his research, sure. But that was because he wanted to refine the process down to be as simple and uncomplicated as possible. And to see if others could successfully perform the procedure first. So... whether he starts to disseminate it out now is still uncertain, I guess. The procedure with Soothe WAS a success, but Drifter did almost kill her because he didn't remove the "charge injector" gently enough. And Drifter was also told when to stop depressing the button instead of figuring out when to stop on his own.

But, that only extends to his life extension research. He'll probably never willingly reveal how an Automata can survive without a core.

Certainly does seem like Ne- and Pattern Breaker have a lot of misinformation about each other. But it's probably best to not try and correct any of it.

All things considered, I too think you should leave. But not in silence. Turn around, take a step or two towards the elevator, then start to stutter out something about how you respect Pattern Breaker's views and want to see Agos thrive as well, and right now you think that can best be achieved by staying close to Mr. Nameless One. Whether he wants to interpret that as you not siding with him, or as you merely fulfilling the strategy of "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" by keeping a close eye on Nameless's activities. Also shake violently while you stutter all that out. Then give him some time to say something in response should he choose so before leaving.
No. 273995 ID: 3e6377
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>How much of the chat with Pattern Breaker did you overhear?

Bits and pieces. It was weird. I mean, as I said before, Quad Mk Is are lacking in higher mental function and were intended to be directly slaved to Controls. So there's elements of that relationship still in the patterns of Quad Mk IIs like me. Which meant the whole thing felt terrifying but strangely calming at the same time.

Not something I want to experience again any time soon. Soothe could trigger the calming effect without suppressing my consciousness.

...Which makes me strongly favour... but no, let me think what you guys just said.

>There seems to be a lot of overlap between sides here

You're right. You're... you're completely right.

"Did either of you two ever consider you might be working towards the same goal?"

Pattern Breaker has no eyes but I can feel his stare burning through me.

"Perhaps in the immediate short-term."
"And what about forcing Automata to be made with genders? Isn't that forcing a type of existence on other Automata just like creating an Assembly would? Also, Scan..."

She looks at me, confused, tilting her head.

"Also Scan is a little unstable. I don't think your plan is working-"
"U-unstable?! I'm... I'm fine! I'm not the one listening to a bunch of crazy human voices!!"
"Calm, Scan."

...well I really wish I hadn't said that now. I feel pretty bad for saying that. ...I'd like to blame you guys for me saying that, but that was my own stupid fault.

"Her pattern does not appear to have any severe irregularities to it. If any manifest to a damaging extent, they can be repaired. Also, I fear you have perhaps a skewed view of the initiative. The aim is not to create gendered Automata. It is to create a process wherein any two individuals are capable of producing a new Automata of the same type. Why do genders have to factor into this process at all?"

But that's completely not what the other guy said! Argh!

"I was told the 'initiative' or whatever was to create gendered reproduction like humans or something over a series of changes!"
"It was. At first. One of the Council members proposed this after already setting some of the changes in place. Sorry. An ex-Council member. I argued for the initiative to continue, but for it to be severely altered. Scan here is an unfortunate consequence, but if she wishes, there are several skilled Automata in Synthesis who can completely repair the changes."

Scan is on the ground, wrapping her arms around herself. "I'm fine. I'm fine, I really am. I'm not an 'unfortunate consequence' or some test subject I'm fine, I'm normal, I'm- whydidthishappentomewhatdidIdowrong"

She breaks down into quiet muttering, antennae drooping.

"...See, this is what I meant." I walk over to her and pick her up off the floor. She continues mumbling and holds onto me. "I don't think the initiative you and the others have planned looks like it will work."

"Hrm. You are entitled to your opinion. She is just upset to be a test subject. I can understand this."

He scratches at the places where his eyes would be with his tail. I notice that the very end of his tail is sharpened to a point and that more scratches are made on his head. I don't think it's a good idea to ask him what's up with that.

"You are free to take her with you if you are concerned. Which I am aware you are. You can keep an eye on each other for me."
"You're assuming I'm going to leave?"
"I'm assuming you are not likely going to work for him for long either. Not until you have the understanding you wish. You are perhaps what we need after so long. A new, unpredictable element. But your concern for the colony and your willingness to challenge me over the well-being of your fellow Automata is doing a great deal to ease my concerns about you being a threat."

He twitches his head to the side and some Quad Mk II guards come out of the elevator.

"This does not mean I will be letting you go unwatched, of course. It will not be intrusive, but you must be able to understand things from my perspective. The last time you were here, you tried to kill me. There is one final precaution I want to take before you leave, and you are not going to like me for it at all."

Uh oh.

The guards grab me. Scan starts yelling and tries to get them away from me.
"No! No let go of him Pattern Breaker what are you doing tell them to let go of him stop this STOP!"
"I am sorry, Drifter, but it would not take a great deal of effort for circumstances to suddenly be different. An electromagnetic storm, cosmic interference, a particularly nasty fall, anything."
"What are you talking about?! What are you going to do to me?!"

One of the guards grabs my broken antenna. "Look, none of us want to do this. But Pattern's right. We have to remove your broken antenna. We'll get you a new one."


"No stop that's the one I'm hearing them from-"
"Yeah. That's why it has to come out."
"But they've helped me do all of this stuff no no they want to HELP us you've got it all wrong-"
"These humans are perhaps beneficial. But as I said, it would not take a lot for other groups to exploit the receiver you have embedded into that antenna."


...I'm not going to let this be the last I hear from you guys-

[Connection lost.]
No. 273996 ID: 3e6377
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...hello, this thing on?

Anyone there? Oh, it's been so long! Sorry! A year ago they tried to pull my antenna out and they were going to let me say goodbye but then apparently the thing receiving and transmitting just gave out there and then! Still, I have a shiny new antenna now. Much better!

It's been a great year, though. That initiative thing ended up being an optional program for adjusting existing Automata. It also means that new Automata created can choose whether they want to be involved or not. I think that that worked out for the best! Half of the Automata created still come from factories with Assembly Automata, but then no-one wants to take their purpose away entirely. The current focus of research now that life extension's being slowly rolled out across Agos.

There was a bit of unrest because it started in Synthesis, so me and Soothe went to go be in charge of the life-extension stuff in Bivouac and then Defiance was made open to all Automata and not just Recon so we went there too. It was great! You could see the rest of the colony from up there.

Oh and there's a couple of new towns being made as well. One around the mines where most of the metal deposits are, they haven't thought of a name yet, and one close to somewhere we found a potential site of new materials for longer-lasting cores. Life extensions only work to a certain point, but lifespan's on the rise. Maybe one day we'll outlast humans altogether. I don't know if that's good or bad, personally. Maybe we can find out how to make them live longer and negotiate an alliance with our original creators with that.

Drifter, does that thing receive signals?

No, I think it only broadcasts. ...It doesn't matter, though. They did so much for me and I don't think I need them to help me any more. I've come a long way since waking up in a wasteland!

But that's right. I wanted to say goodbye properly. So... uhm. Goodbye. And thanks for the help. Thanks for helping me, thanks for helping Soothe, thanks for helping Scan, thanks for helping all of us.

Well, that's it from me. I have to go look into something else now. I'm part of a design team. We're designing an entirely new Automata type! The third revision of the Quad design, even! But yeah. Goodbye. And again, thanks.

Really. Thanks.

...Really goodbye now.

Drifter... don't worry. I'm sure they're fine. Maybe you'll hear from them again some day!

Maybe. Bye, you guys. Stay safe and well.

[Connection lost.]

-= THE END =-
No. 274028 ID: 70e5c6

... ;___;

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