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File 129651241151.gif - (6.29KB , 800x600 , OriQuest000.gif )
276830 No. 276830 ID: 6bf918

My name is Ori, and for these past twenty-three years I've wandered the land, offering my skills as a healer to any who would accept them. I walked through battlefields, the skies above me black with birds of carrion, I endured the scorching heat of plague pyres piled high with corpses, and I placed stillborns into tiny coffins, assembled hastily by grim-faced joiners. I've learned to treasure success and accept failure. I've learned when to persevere, and when to give up.
215 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 299477 ID: 6bf918
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I do believe it's a dwarven elevator. The platform appears to be parked on this level.


Moving now. But where to next? There's a stairway just across the hall, leading both up and down. The hallway itself seems to end in a T-intersection some distance away. And, of course, there's the elevator.
No. 299482 ID: 7d8cf7

Look in the elevator first to see if it tells you which floor you're on. Hopefully it will, but if it doesn't, don't try to escape using it.
No. 299522 ID: 1854db

The advantage of the elevator is you can peek over the door to see what's in the floor before opening the door.

So let's do that. Check the next level up.
No. 299524 ID: 35a02e

Riding the elevator might be risky, however, see if there's any signs of what floor you're on that we could understand. At the very least so we know if we should go up, or down..
No. 299598 ID: 3d7a30

first things first. Close the door behind you. Then see what's in that cage next to you - the one with the tarpaulin over it
No. 299946 ID: 6bf918
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I don't think I have enough strength to make that huge door move, and I don't want to waste time trying.


"Wait here and yell if you see anyone, alright?"


Huh. This... this isn't quite what I expected to see.
No. 299962 ID: 8c73c8

okay grab her, get it. and set it to the top.
No. 300001 ID: 7d8cf7

I think we should search that cage in the hall before we do anything else.
No. 300033 ID: 276edd

The top is not necessarily the 'ground floor' since this fort could be built into the side of a mountain.

.. then again for that matter this could be the ground floor.

Closer look at the symbols?
No. 300104 ID: 6bf918
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>The top is not necessarily the 'ground floor' since this fort could be built into the side of a mountain.

The state of my body suggests that I've spent two, perhaps three weeks unconscious. Assuming I was transported by wagon, or pack animal, I can think of three known dwarven strongholds that would be within reach of where I was captured. One of them is known to be a warren-like structure dug under the ruins of a human city, while the other two are in mountainous regions.

So... that isn't of any help with establishing a reference point for the elevator. Neither can I read dwarven script. I do, however, have some passing knowledge of their numbering system. Let's see here...


Either I'm reading it wrong, or this doesn't make any sense. There are a total of twenty-nine floors marked, but they're divided into three sequences. From top to bottom, they're marked 25 to 17, then 14 to 3, then 33 to 26.

It seems the elevator is currently on floor 10 of the second sequence.

I confess, I feel even more lost than before.
No. 300105 ID: 07416a
File 130407565323.png - (11.41KB , 635x637 , elevator.png )

The higher levels are the top of a mountain. There are a number of levels which they didn't bother to connect to the elevator. The bottommost levels are probably magma forges or aquifer pumping stations. The number goes up again because they're negative numbers. Either go to the very top and hope there is an exit that way- probably easier, but you may not survive exposure on the way down the mountain, or go to 3, which probably has much higher security but is a much better exit.
No. 300106 ID: 07416a

Wait, shit. From 33 to 26? I thought it was the other way around... Hell, I dunno.
No. 300110 ID: 1854db

I think we'll have to experiment a little to know for sure what's going on, but it could be that the floor numbers don't correspond to height, exactly. They expanded up first, so they numbered up, but didn't connect all the floors to the elevator. Then they dug further down, and added in more floor numbers, but didn't want to use negative numbers so they just kept counting up.

Right now, we need food, I think. ...wait. Maybe we can eat the dwarf after he dies. Do you eat meat? If not I guess we'd want to find a storeroom. Ask your friend if she knows anything about the layout of the fortress, in that case.
No. 300333 ID: 6bf918
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>Hell, I dunno.

I suppose I could ride a few floors this way, or that. I-I'll think about it. Let's just grab Kira, maybe check that cage out in the corridor-


There's one less kobold here than there was a minute ago.
No. 300335 ID: 07416a

...On one hand, her mental state makes her a definite liability. On the other hand you might need her fighting prowess. They sorta cancel each other out, so up to you: Do you feel responsible for her safety?
No. 300401 ID: 3d7a30

maybe she's doing something horrible to the dwarf. Or maybe she's gone up those steps - better check and see.
No. 300403 ID: 1854db

Check in the room, then the cage.
No. 300467 ID: 6bf918
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>Do you feel responsible for her safety?

I’m the one who decided to include her in this escape attempt, and the one who coaxed her out of the cage. That I bear at least some responsibility for her is a foregone conclusion. I suppose the real ques-

...what in Mara’s name?
No. 300481 ID: 1854db

She's adding on another kill to her tally. Also I guess she stabbed him in the eye.
No. 300498 ID: 868a23

eat the dorf
No. 300508 ID: 7d8cf7

No, that was the one we just escaped from. Call out to her to ask what she's doing.
No. 300509 ID: 3d7a30


my guess is, she's eating the dwarf's eyes since they are an excellent source of moisture (or so it says in the SAS survival manual)
No. 300550 ID: d833e0

oh crap. those cuts on her forearm.. they're self inflicted.

They're her kill count.
No. 300595 ID: 6bf918
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>eat the dwarf

I'm not that desperate.

>Call out to her

“Uh, Kira?”

She turns to look at me. Her expression is calm, but her eyes look unusually bright.

I realize I don’t really know what to say. Up until now, most of my experiences with people cradling corpses involved mothers with dead children, and there were always family or friends on hand to console the aggrieved.

>She's adding on another kill to her tally

Should I berate her for self-mutilation with a disease vector then?
No. 300598 ID: 8c73c8

say that we need to keep open wounds to a minimum so we don't accidentally leave blood around, they could track us. and that you'll make sure to remember the count she needs to add for later.
No. 300599 ID: 1854db

Ask her what she's doing with the corpse.

Also tell her if she wants to avoid catching diseases from her kills she should clean the tool before cutting herself with it, yeah.
No. 300700 ID: 6bf918
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“If you’re going to, uh, mark yourself like that, at least clean the knife beforehand. Otherwise you risk infection, or catching whatever diseases he had.”

She keeps looking at me in silence.

“What are you doing with the body anyway?” I ask eventually.
“Then why is it… like that?”
“It’s how he fell.”
“So why didn’t you-“ I sigh and give up. “Could you just get out from under him then? You’ll end up tracking blood everywhere, and that’ll make it easier to tell which way we’ve gone.”

So I should check the cage in the hall before we leave. Anything else? It’s highly improbable we’ll ever see this place again.

At least I sincerely hope we won’t.
No. 300766 ID: 3d7a30

yes, check the cage
No. 300770 ID: 1854db

Hmm, you said you needed something to bind the wound. Can you find any clean cloth on the dwarf or on the cloth draped over the cages?

Search the dwarf regardless. Is his cleaver too heavy to lift? Also, get that chest open with... whatever key opens it.
No. 300965 ID: 6bf918
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>search the dwarf

I ask Kira to do it, while I check the cage. She responds to simple requests, and I'm acutely aware that it's only a matter of time before another dwarf wanders past this stretch of hallway.

>check the cage

I kneel down and lift the tarp slightly. A low sound comes from within, a long, quiet, hissing growl.

My eyes need time to readjust to darkness, but I don't need to see the creature to understand its message. Stay away.

Maybe it'd be wise to listen?
No. 300966 ID: 07416a

Wait till Kira is done, then open the cage and move to the other side.
No. 300970 ID: 46a366

if its a animal, leave it be unless you think you can eat it.

try calling to it, say you are escaping. the more hands the merrierer.
No. 300971 ID: 1854db

...a drake? That's quite a catch. You could release it for a distraction.

Go open the chest first.
No. 301010 ID: 6bf918
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>...a drake?

A cavern drake at that, judging by its coloration. From what I know, dwarves are the only ones that know how to train them. You could buy a small estate for what a tame drake costs in a human city.

This one doesn't look very tame, though. I'll leave it alone for now.
No. 301011 ID: 6bf918
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I head back into the room to see what Kira found. This is it.

The pouch has two straps in the rear for threading a belt through. It's empty now - all it contained was the key and the pipe implements.

There's also the tooth (which she's holding onto rather possessively) and the cleaver, which I can barely lift, much less swing around.
No. 301012 ID: 1854db

What's in the flask? If it's water, ask if she's thirsty. If it's beer or something, hold onto it until we have something to bind her hand with, so we can clean it beforehand.

Definitely take all the keys, as well as the pipeweed and flint/steel. You could start a fire with that stuff. Put everything you can manage into the pouch, thread the belt through it, then sling it over your shoulder.

Also open the chest! One of these keys must fit it.
No. 301038 ID: 653ea0

Belt+pouch, flint+steel, flask and gold key look good. I don't think it's worth the time testing the grey keys, you know what they're probably for.
No. 301047 ID: 6bf918
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>What's in the flask?

Something that makes my sinuses scream for mercy the moment I pull out the stopper.

I put it back in immediately.

>Also open the chest! One of these keys must fit it.

The one the dwarf had doesn't. Neither does the large one. The other small gray one does, however.

The chest contains:

- a violently green sock
- a blue gemstone (cut)
- a steel-tipped crossbow bolt
- a roll of bandages
No. 301048 ID: 1854db

BANDAGES! You will want to clean her hand and bandage it.

The flask is some manner of drinkable alcohol. Think you can use it to clean her hand? The sock might make a good container, but it's a bit small. Using the beltpouch would be a better idea... The arrow might be a weapon in a pinch. We can't carry all this though.

If you do use the flask to clean her wound, warn her that it will hurt, a lot.
No. 301049 ID: 28e94e

If that gemstone isn't a counterfeit, then it should be many times harder than iron or stone. You can use it to cut metal in a pinch. Also take the bandages.
No. 301052 ID: 46a366

pretty much its time to bind wounds. palm the gem to take later, maybe even hide it in the flask if you think you will need the flash.

give her the crossbow bolt. im sure she can weaponize it anyway.

and wear pouch like a man would.
No. 301081 ID: 07416a

With the relative sizes you can loop the belt over the shoulder and use the pouch as a backpack or messenger bag.
No. 301153 ID: 3d7a30

great. Use the alcohol to disinfect Kira's wounds and then bind them. Then release the drake to go on its merry way and create all sorts of distraction while you sneak away.
No. 301183 ID: 6bf918
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I'll... I'll get right on that.
No. 301190 ID: 85c12f

oh boy. subnutured much?

ill redo a old suggestion of mine, take it as needed:

you need sustance and water. drink the dwarf's blood and see what you can gut of him to eat.

as a serious suggestion. put the remainings of the dwarf for the drake to eat, and leave its cage open. when it finishes it should stir trouble up.
No. 301191 ID: 1854db

What's wrong?
No. 301244 ID: 6bf918
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>What's wrong?

Nothing unexpected. I entered a fight, my body responded by giving me the necessary energy. Now there’s no more energy left to give, and in my condition this means no energy, period.

I need to sit down for a moment. Wait for my legs to stop shaking, and my vision to clear.

>treat Kira

Well, that, at least, I don’t need to stand up for. I'll just ca-

What is she doing now?
No. 301245 ID: 1854db

Looks like... praying for the dead? Could be anything, really, considering her mental condition. Wait for her to stop whatever she's doing before you call her over.
No. 301248 ID: 8c73c8

looks like dwarf meat it is.
No. 301334 ID: 1db69d

we may need to face the fact she has a serious case of Mary Sueitis.

her background page may have more that 3 sheets together. her father may be a ninja, naruto, a pirate, sephiroth, sonic, a demigod or all of the above at once while not necessarily the same being. she may or may not own a kingdom, wich was taken from her when she was imposed a exile by her mother that she hated for no apparent reason in a attempt to either redeem herself in the sight of her child or to take the kingdom from her. there may or may not be involved several romantic interests around the mary sue that inexplainabely likes her even tho they shouldnt even exist by the setting used or describe her has a horrible/ugly person, and whoever trheatens the mary sue may resemble villains out of textbooks, bullies from the author's real life or be related somehow to her romantic interest, wich will never fail to save her.

approach carefully as contact with mary sue may grant one or more of the following symptoms before becoming a mary sue yourself:

-strange increase in the use of colors in the character sheet

-appearance and complete mastery of absolutely unobtainable weapons, material, tecnology, body parts or gadgets

-cliches forming around you everywhere for no apparent reasons

-poor writing in any form, wich may include plot points appearing, becoming irrelevant or disappearing at her will.

and remember: only trained Exalted can handle mary sues. never engage her if not with the purpose to be defeated.

now its time to butcher a dwarf. and try to collect his blood for drinking.

i couldnt resist myself. ignore as pleased.
No. 301401 ID: 653ea0

I wish I could, but your post is huge. And stupid.
No. 301521 ID: 6bf918
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>Wait for her to stop

By the time she’s done with her… thing, I don’t feel all that much better, but at least I can see straight. I call her over, telling her to bring the flask along.

“I found some bandages, so we can get your wounds covered up,” I explain. “However, we first have to clean them, and all we have for that, is alcohol strong enough to strip paint.”

“It’s going to hurt. A lot,” I continue, after she doesn’t respond. “So I’d appreciate you not stabbing me in retaliation. I’m doing this to prevent infection, alright?”
“Good. Try not to breathe,” I pull out the stopper and soak a piece of bandage in the contents, half-expecting to see it dissolve. “The hand, please.”

She flinches when the alcohol comes in contact with exposed flesh, then holds still.

Ask if she knows anything about the layout of the fortress

“I don’t suppose you know what’s the fastest way to the exit?” I try to distract her from the pain. “Or where we could find food and water and, preferably, no dwarves?”
“I don’t know.”
“Do you at least know where this place is? Under the plains, or in the mountains?”
“Yes,” she frowns, “mountains…”

That’s something, I suppose.
No. 301522 ID: 07416a

Well, at least now you can feel better about drinking the water yourself.
No. 301523 ID: 8c73c8

meaning this middle area would have the front door but you don't want the front door. ask about eating the dwarf. you need SOMETHING to eat or you may pass out.
No. 301526 ID: 1854db

Bandage her hand. Ask how long she's been here. If she has any family. How old she is.

Then... reflect briefly that a man just died, and you were partly responsible for his death. You're a doctor, and you killed someone.
No. 301622 ID: 8c73c8

it was him or us. and he wouldn't listen to reason.
No. 301714 ID: 3d7a30


briefly reflect that a man just died, and realise it was an unavoidable act of self defence
No. 301715 ID: 6bf918
File 130463756318.jpg - (86.30KB , 800x600 , OriQuest093.jpg )

For the last time, I will not engage in cannibalism. Not until my only other choice is gnawing off my own foot.

However, water remains a primary concern. I need it to keep Kira’s wounds clean, and I need it for myself – far more than I need food, I suspect.

I’d say she’s a couple years older than me – about forty, or so.

“Any idea how long you’ve been a prisoner here?”
“I don’t know. Long.”

Not an unexpected answer. Even a healthy person could easily lose track of time in captivity.

“Any family out there? Or in here, I suppose,” I add. “Should we check every cage we run into for your husband?”
“No husband… I… I don’t know.”
“Let’s just focus on finding an exit then. And done,” I tie off the bandage on her arm. I still have half of the original roll left. “Keep this away from dirt, fluids, or anything at all, really, alright?”
“And now we really have to get going."

So the plan is to gather up everything useful I can carry, release the drake, hope it decides not to maul me, and take the elevator. Am I missing something?

> You're a doctor, and you killed someone.
>it was him or us

It was him, or my patient.
No. 301716 ID: 868a23

well in that case wonder around endlessly till you stumble upon a food stockpile or something
No. 301717 ID: 07416a

He was intending to butcher and eat you both. That implies that the kitchen may be somewhere on this level.

...Hmm. If you let the drake loose and it ate the corpse, that could disguise the fact that you yourself are loose.
No. 301725 ID: 8c73c8

good point, also means that the drake was on the butcher list. just unlock the darke cage but don't open it. then look around for the food stocks, be on the lookout for more dwarves.
No. 301731 ID: 07416a

Are drakes hunters only or are they opportunistic scavengers?
No. 301733 ID: 1854db

Optimally you would unlock the door to the drake's cage, open it, and then hide in one of the other cages until it's left. Following it at a far enough distance so you can hear when it encounters a dwarf may work out...

Another option is to unlock and open the cage, then get to the elevator and leave, going your separate ways.
No. 301888 ID: 6bf918
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>Put everything you can manage into the pouch, thread the belt through it, then sling it over your shoulder

It’s a bit of a struggle, mostly because of the flask, but a traveler like me does eventually pick up a thing or two about efficient packing. Even so, I’ll have to carry the bolt around in my hand for now.

I also discarded the used keys, the cleaver, the pipe, and the sock.
No. 301889 ID: 6bf918
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The drake isn’t acting any friendlier the second time around. If anything, its hissing is louder.

>Are drakes hunters only or are they opportunistic scavengers?
>If you let the drake loose and it ate the corpse

I don’t think they’d turn their nose up at a free meal, but they’re also about the size of a cat. I doubt this one could manage an entire dwarf just on its own.

>unlock and open the cage, then get to the elevator and leave

Huh. Looks like this cage is held closed with a sliding bolt instead of a lock. I was sure that the last key wa-

No. 301890 ID: 6bf918
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“Kira, stay there. Don’t move.”
“And keep quiet!”
No. 301909 ID: 1854db

He was just hauling a block. Also watch out that the drake doesn't bite you through the cage now.
No. 301930 ID: 8c73c8

yeah, looked like he was hualing a block.
No. 301969 ID: 6bf918
File 130472652161.jpg - (70.68KB , 800x600 , OriQuest097.jpg )

Wait, I think there's more.
No. 301970 ID: 6bf918
File 130472656804.jpg - (70.80KB , 800x600 , OriQuest098.jpg )

No. 301973 ID: 07416a

No. 301974 ID: 8c73c8

must be working on a mega project. this is good, they will be distracted.
No. 301989 ID: 1854db

...okay let's forget the drake. Just go to the elevator again, and hit floor 3.
No. 302138 ID: 61ba96

the good news is: they are focused in a single point on the fort, and we are likely to make a quick retreat sucessfuly.

the bad news is: either the arena is under repair because of forgotten beasts or theres a demon pit open.
No. 302177 ID: 6e44d2

Oh god! Demon pits are too much fun for us to handle!
No. 302369 ID: 6bf918
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>let's forget the drake

Maybe this is the wiser choice. If it did decide to pounce me in plain view of those dwarves...

I grab Kira and we make for the elevator.
No. 302373 ID: 6bf918
File 130481525831.jpg - (93.22KB , 800x600 , OriQuest100.jpg )

I don't think anyone noticed us. Damn, they're still going - there must really be something major going on. Hopefully this mean far less dwarves elsewhere in the fortress.



Or down?
No. 302374 ID: 1854db

If it's a mountain the exit is probably near the base of the mountain. So go to floor 3.
No. 302376 ID: 07416a

No. 302425 ID: f0e3ae

wait, before leaving... try talking to the drake. They are supposed to be sentient and like kobolds. If it doesn't respond then leave, but if it does then you might make a very awesome ally.

Also, maybe check a few nearby rooms, releasing more prisoners, and show your friend where the femoral artery is on the dwarf corpse, as well as a few other good spots to slash.
No. 302427 ID: 1854db

You're thinking of dragons. Not drakes.
No. 302434 ID: 8c73c8

think we should go top floor, in a mountain it's the smallest, and work our way down.
No. 302534 ID: f0e3ae

Depending on story, drakes are either baby dragons or their non sentient cousins.
No. 302589 ID: 2563d4

Yup yup. Up is especially good if they have opened the glowing pit. :V
No. 304918 ID: 6bf918
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>talk to the drake

I did mention the need to train them, didn’t I? They’re certainly very clever, as well as stubborn, mean-spirited, and vengeful to the point where one would almost need a developed brain to explain those qualities… but nevertheless, they lack true sapience.


>check a few nearby rooms

I am not risking another trip out into the hall. There’s still dwarves crossing the intersection, and in order to reach the other rooms, I’d not only be moving closer to them, I’d also have to abandon the cover the cage gave us on the way to the elevator.

>go to floor 3

Alright, I’ll…

…realize that my arm isn’t quite long enough to reach the switch.
No. 304922 ID: 1854db

Lift Kira up and instruct her to use her good hand to move the lever to the right position.

She'll have to stow the knife to do this.
No. 304923 ID: 07416a

Hop. Hop like your life depends on it. PS, it does. If you have to go back and find something to stand upon... Release the drake!
No. 304929 ID: b84932

Poke it with whatever object you have that is best suited for poking.
No. 304932 ID: 2563d4

Get your ladyfriend to give you a boost, since you're the brains of this operation and probably best trusted with simple mechanisms.
No. 304933 ID: 6bf918
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I... probably should've thought of that myself.


It's stuck. I can feel the switch dip slightly under my weight, but it's like there's something blocking it from moving further.
No. 304934 ID: 35e1a0

ah, the lever is a brake then, not a engage switch. grab it.
No. 304948 ID: 88bbef

wait, this would take us down?

anyway once you sort things UP, have kira help you pull the brake.
No. 305018 ID: 6bf918
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>the lever is a brake then
>lift Kira up

She's only about half my weight, but my legs are already starting to shake.

"...no, no. First press these bent pieces of metal against the lever, then lean down on it."

Fortunately, she finally understands what I'm asking. The lever gives under her weight, there's a loud clang and the entire elevator shudders violently, dropping down an inch.

The only reason I don't fall over is that I tightly grip Kira's legs, and she keeps hold of the lever.

>wait, this would take us down?

...isn't that the idea? To go to down to floor 3 and hope it's near enough the base of the mountain that we'll find our way to an exit from there?

I'm confused now. Should I go UP, to floor 25 of the first sequence? DOWN to floor 3 of the second sequence? Even further DOWN, to one of the floors of the third sequence?

It's best if I made up my mind quickly, because if the answer is UP, I'll need Kira to throw the switch, and I really don't think I can hold her up much longer.
No. 305022 ID: b8e86f

Descend, for now.
Stay keen for scents and sensations that may tell you if you're going the right way.

Changes in the air pressure, and the smell of the air mainly.

Unless these dwarves breathe their own recycled farts they have some way of getting air deep into their home. Possibly a way that could be traced to the surface.
No. 305023 ID: 3d7a30

down to floor 3
No. 305132 ID: 1854db

Down to floor 3, as we have no idea exactly how far up we are or what floors have exits.
No. 305300 ID: 6bf918
File 130584293071.jpg - (103.84KB , 800x600 , OriQuest104.jpg )


Down it is.
No. 305302 ID: 6bf918
File 130584297307.jpg - (59.36KB , 800x600 , OriQuest105.jpg )

Hopefully it won't prove to have been a mistake.
No. 305370 ID: 0d7a83

naaah it'll be fine.
No. 305372 ID: 1800cf

thank you.

i just realized this may be the main shaft linking to the magma forges way below ground level.
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