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File 131053215302.png - (64.02KB , 456x500 , 819.png )
325776 No. 325776 ID: 4d6c7a

Previous Chapters: http://quest.lv/wiki/Guardian_Quest

Guardian Skills:
Regain Mana 5, Heavy Slash 5, Flash Step 5, Struggle 5, Change Gender 5, Minor Psionics 20, Cloak Object 10 15 20, Shadow Shield 0, Summon Ombra 110, Shadow Ball 25, and Limit Break 1 90, Limit Break 2(healing) 100.

M-my father...? No... It can't be..

"I uhm... I..."

"Haha it's okay miss. Is Minerva here?"

"Uhm.. She's uh... Out."

"Ah okay. Are you her daughter?


"Of course, you have her same looks. Except the eyes, that is very unique."

This can't be him...
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No. 344158 ID: 513053

Did you know that clothes cast a shadow on skin?
Turn the inside of his underwear into KNIVES.

Meanwhile, go ahead and say "Said the spy and assassin. Your idea of a fair fight is a drunk victim in a dark alley."

After your next attack, follow that up with "But we have better things to discuss than how your parents met."
No. 344159 ID: 1854db

He's sending magic under your feet! Dodge!
No. 344160 ID: 513053

Jump left! Use a simple shadow wall as a mask for a soul blade slash!
No. 344161 ID: 3fd4fb

If he is talking, it's because you're not attacking fast enough! Follow up every attack with another attack, from as many angles and in as many different ways as possible. Relentless assault. Make his own shadow rise up and tear apart his legs if you can, the shadow cast by his clothing on his skin turn to knives, engulf the area around him in darkness so that he cannot see a flurry of shadow bolts coming his way- anything you can think of as long as you don't let up. Regulus' powers are extremely destructive and he has the tongue of a snake; he cannot be allowed to get the chance to do anything other than frantically defend himself.
No. 344162 ID: d97c6d

[Flash Step] to the other side of him and rip his soul out, now! I don't trust any attempts at wounding the man, and I doubt he's learned any soul magic himself so his only possible defense against it is keeping you from getting close to him.
No. 344164 ID: f70e5e

it looks like he's sending magic under your feet right now, dodge that and then keep hitting him, do not stop, and do not waste your breath on words. number of attacks over power right now. keep him off balance, keep him dodging and blocking. do not let him get time to put together an attack or start playing mindegames with you. if it looks like he's down, finish him. he is not above playing possum and you can't take any chances. this monster has already destroyed much of your city killing many of its people, he deserves no mercy.
No. 344216 ID: 4bdd79

This, but without the taunt.
No. 344369 ID: 6273c3
File 131483845305.png - (53.06KB , 600x500 , 887.png )

I think you guardians think my powers are even somewhat developed. I can make shadow objects but I can't control shadows that are around me or even manipulate them, not yet at least.

Eistia dodges the incoming attack and fires another shadow ball at Regulus. A round dome of earth forms around him.

It also takes a lot out of me to do just that much...

"You actually made me go into defense mode! You mother would be proud, if she were still around!"
No. 344375 ID: 40cb26

Don't give him the chance to distract you. No matter what she wouldn't want you to waste valuable time and breath on talking to this fool when you could stop him. He's trying to recover so do not let him. Lance the stone shell and him with your soul blades, then launch a shadow ball into the hole.

We'll provide what little help we can. [Struggle]
No. 344377 ID: 513053

TRY to manipulate the shadows around him to stab him to death. If he can evade death because god says so then you can damn well slash him to bits. Meanwhile, stab him with soul blades.
No. 344379 ID: 3fd4fb

If the shadow magic is taking too much out of you, then you can switch to soul magic. He'll probably either open up with an area attack (say, making that shell explode) or by clearing his line of sight to you; be ready to either shield against it or pre-emptively blast/stab him in the face.
No. 344384 ID: 35e1a0

i doubt he is still under that, probably has burrowed away, be on the lookout for the ground moving.
No. 344401 ID: 6273c3
File 131484181027.png - (136.06KB , 600x500 , 888.png )

Eistia fires blade after blade at the stone shell as she runs up to it.
She reaches the shell and slices it open

It's empty.

>i doubt he is still under that, probably has burrowed away, be on the lookout for the ground moving.
No. 344403 ID: 513053

Yes, this confirms my suspicions.
God has decided you are going to lose here. That's how he was able to survive that massive explosion without a scratch even though his finger was inside the wall when it went off, and it's how he wouldn't have been where you attacked no matter where you struck.

Evacuate the city. This is hopeless and you're just going to get killed.
No. 344404 ID: 6273c3
File 131484229168.png - (290.72KB , 600x500 , 889.png )

>Evacuate the city

What city?
No. 344405 ID: 1854db

I see red bits. Is that his blood?
No. 344409 ID: 40cb26

...Leave, now! Go to where Mimi is before Regulus does. He doesn't know she doesn't have the blade. Call out to Regulus tell him you're willing to make a deal, anything! We need to stop him somehow, that damn burrowing asshole is just killing everyone.
No. 344410 ID: a4b3c0

You were just in Morgan's house.
He's delaying you so his people can slaugher your citizens.
No. 344413 ID: 6273c3
File 131484294792.png - (179.74KB , 600x500 , 890.png )

Eistia doesn't need to call out to him, she hears him call her name.

She walks over to the giant crater that was one the main part of her city.

"I tried to be peaceful before. This all could've been avoided you know?"


"It's gone Eistia. Sure some people probably fled, a few might be alive under some rubble, but the city is gone. There's nothing left to defend. So just give me the Blade and I promise to never bother you again."
No. 344415 ID: 35e1a0

"you mean the blade artemis took with him when he left the town a while ago. i mean, do you really think he would hide if he knew you were here?"
No. 344416 ID: 3fd4fb

Bloody hell, why would he think that you'd give him the Blade now? Before, he could threaten an entire city's worth of people if you didn't knuckle under; now that city's worth of people is almost entirely gone. You have that much less you have to protect from him, and that much more reason to hate him and never give him what he wants.

Do not tell him where the Blade is even that much. Fuck Regulus.
No. 344417 ID: 6273c3
File 131484326933.png - (179.98KB , 600x500 , 891.png )

"You mean the blade that Artemis took with him when he left town some days ago..?"

".... Oh.. Then I guess destroying your entire city was kinda pointless then huh? Sorry."
No. 344418 ID: 35e1a0

"it also means you declared open war with the dark elves."
No. 344420 ID: 35e1a0

can you do anything to get that platform out from under him? if he is trapped in mid air he can't use any earth powers.
No. 344422 ID: 3fd4fb

"'Sorry.' I'll bear that line in mind for next time I kill a few thousand people who had done nothing to me for no better reason than to prove to someone else that I can cause them pain."
No. 344423 ID: 40cb26

Eistia... we need to stop him. It has to be you and it has to be now.

"Everything you've done is pointless. Now get over here and we will finish this. I die and Artemis will bring the blade to you his own way, you die and I promise Art won't kill your king. Run again and we'll just have to end him and you together."
No. 344425 ID: 513053

He knew Art left with the blade because he always scout targets before attacking. He did this to drag the dark elves into war, and he'll prove it when he leaves your people still buried under rubble.

Make a giant ball of shadow energy with minimal power, then put ALL of your power into two tiny shadow balls. Make the shadow balls smart enough to seek him out and explode, then send one tiny shadow ball through his tunnel to strike from his blind side while you're 'charging' your massive ball, and hide the other tiny shadow ball inside the massive one.
No. 344427 ID: 513053

Don't fucking talk to him. That's stupid. He's a spy, anything you say is going to give him information he'll use against you.
No. 344430 ID: 4bdd79

In order to kill Regulus we have to get around his shield. Any ranged abilities faster than Shadow Ball?
No. 344432 ID: 40cb26

We don't want a chitchat, just giving him a reason not to run off like a bitch. Again.
No. 344450 ID: 6273c3
File 131484773342.png - (162.68KB , 600x500 , 892.png )

Again Regulus takes the initiative and tunnels over to Eistia.

"Seriously, I mean it. I really thought it was here. No hard feelings right?"

No. 344458 ID: 40cb26

...He clearly is trying to goad you into attacking. Can't say it sounds like a bad idea but don't fall for his trap, to the defender goes the advantage. Demand to know the whole truth about what he says became of your mother, that way we can check for ourselves if he is lying or not. Don't worry, I promise we will kill him soon.

[Attempt to instigate Limit Break creation]
No. 344462 ID: 3bad4c

Yeah, it's about time for that.
[Limit Break ++]
No. 344468 ID: 35e1a0

yeah, he is try to make you hit him.
No. 344469 ID: 1854db

"Oh yeah sure ARE YOU CRAZY?!"

Stab him in the face.
No. 344470 ID: f70e5e

how about some sort of devouring shadow limit break? he's covered in em, lets see if we can give them teeth. but be on your guard, he was touching a shadow ball with his finger when it went off. he has to be using some sort of defense we are not noticing. or god decided we should lose here and is being way to blatant about it.
No. 344471 ID: 51b9bd

"Not really, but that does make it a little better. Get me some candy or something and we'll be all kitten-farts and unicorns."
No. 344474 ID: 513053

[Create Limit Break: Violent Lament of Shadows.
Causes all shadows within range of the target to cut and pierce indiscriminately like a boiling sea of knives. The area of effect is adjustable, but larger areas have a weaker effect and/or shorter duration.
Any sufficient darkness is a viable medium, but the uncontrolled behavior means that the shadows could well slice through something that is casting the shadow and allow illumination, potentially resulting in the exposed area being prematurely dispelled.
The spell has a limited range, but is not limited to line of sight.]
No. 344477 ID: 6273c3
File 131484963653.png - (146.51KB , 600x500 , 893.png )

Limit break...
That sounds good...

Make me one that can rip this man to a thousand burning pieces..
No. 344480 ID: 513053

You mean something like this?

No. 344484 ID: 3fd4fb

Limit Break: Shadows of the Soul
All shadows within a large radius become part of Eistia's soul for a moderate duration. The power of her soul magic abilities increases in proportion to the size of her new soul.
No. 344486 ID: f70e5e

this. the best bit is if he tries to defend himself with earth magic he will just make more shadows.
No. 344487 ID: 40cb26

[Limit Break: Soul Of Darkness]

The power of Soul and Shadow become one enveloping the user with it's energies. The body protected from attack and is armed with large and destructive dark soul blades with unmatched cutting power. At will she can create an aura of darkness which only she can see through, and can be dismissed explosively. Limited flight and bursts of speed similar to flash step are also gained. Using the explosions and flash powers reduce the duration of the power slightly with each use.
No. 344490 ID: ecae78

I know it hurts. But I implore you to maintain your composure. It is not only not befitting someone of your position to lose your cool, but it is also what he wants. Stay calm. Kick his ass, but stay calm. You can cry/scream/vent later, but right now you need to focus. Anger will only lead to mistakes. Mistakes that you will regret later.
No. 344492 ID: 35e1a0

i agree.
No. 344513 ID: 3bad4c

[Limit Break: Shadow Mirror]
A shadowy visage of Eistia's opponent covers her form. Like a mirror, it counters or otherwise opposes every attack, defence or method of retreat the opponent attempts using their own techniques.
The visage becomes less shadowy the more the opponent attempts his or her techniques while the opponent becomes more shadowy in appearance. Finally Eistia and her opponent find they have switched places.
The shadowy double around Eistia does not prevent Eistia's own movement or attacks for its duration.
No. 344521 ID: 03a6f5

While remaining calm is a good idea his death will solve quite a few problems.
And it's not like it's not justified here.
No. 344522 ID: 35e1a0

No. 344532 ID: ab2c42

[Limit break: Shadow Play]

The body affects the shadow, and you reverse the causality of that relationship for a brief period of time with this spell - his shadow affects him. it will stretch or deform his body as necessary to match it, create more of him if multiple shadows are cast to match - however, this spell does not make his body capable of these feats, hence, the spell is usually fatal.
No. 344562 ID: 51b9bd

This one.
No. 344566 ID: 2d9a8a


use this on the shadow his scrotum casts on his testes.
No. 344666 ID: 6273c3
File 131491542937.png - (111.21KB , 600x500 , 894.png )

Eistia uses her new limit break. Her body is enveloped in shadows, even her soul blades are covered in the dark mist. The shadows continue to wrap around her and seem to solidify. Her already amazing eyesight is enhanced and she notices she can see into even the darkest parts of the crater.
She feels connected to each and every visible shadow around her, she knows she can bend them to her will.

No. 344668 ID: 93c07b

he's casting a shadow below himself, isn't he? I'm asking because that's a pretty close place to his crotch.
No. 344669 ID: 35e1a0

have his shadow hold him still. then turn him into chunky salsa.
No. 344670 ID: 6273c3
File 131491561065.png - (215.52KB , 600x700 , 895.png )

"Woah.. Impressive. Let me use my own, Diamond Dust!"

Regulus touches the ground and pulls out an impossibly large black stone.

"Take even a step closer to me and I'll wipe you and this entire place off the map."

No. 344671 ID: 35e1a0

he just covered himself in the shadow of the stone. use it to kill him.
No. 344672 ID: 40cb26

Don't take a step towards him. You don't need to, look at that large shadow he is casting on himself. Use your power of shadow to kill him without moving or him noticing until he is already dead. Break his damn neck, slice him into mincemeat, whatever you can do.
No. 344678 ID: 44766a

... do you even need to take a step to kick his ass right now?
No. 344679 ID: 513053

Shred him where he stands.
No. 344680 ID: 6273c3
File 131491634608.png - (90.67KB , 600x500 , 896.png )

Eistia uses Regulus's own shadow against him and traps him in spot. The shadow goes up his body, bits of blue seem to be ripped off of Regulus.

What to do..
Should I tear off his legs first and let him crawl around..?
Cut off his arms and let him bleed to death..?
Maybe gouge out his eyes. Then he can lay there wondering what I'll do to him next..
No. 344683 ID: 3fd4fb

Do it quickly. It might hurt him less, but you can't afford to give him time to react and defend himself; Regulus is an extremely powerful operator and will be able to come up with something if given the chance. I recommend an immediate attack which destroys as much of his brain as possible.
No. 344684 ID: 513053

Shred his neck, heart, and brain.
You need to kill him, not give him a chance to escape or counterattack!
No. 344685 ID: 1854db

No, no torture. Kill him quickly. Also make sure he can't use that diamond in his death throes. Cut off that arm he's holding it with, for sure.
No. 344686 ID: 44766a

Kill him quickly. Don't give him a chance to escape. What ever you do be sure to catch that giant rock.
No. 344687 ID: 4bdd79

Tear off his legs, he'll bleed out in seconds.
No. 344689 ID: 40cb26

No torture, no chance for him to think or respond at all. Snap his neck and let the rock fall on him.
No. 344715 ID: 959688

Shadow Soul Blade through bottom of jaw into brain, followed quickly by decapitation. Maybe destroy the body afterwards.

... We are sure he can't finish that Limit Break, right?
No. 344750 ID: 25d645
File 131492737985.png - (145.74KB , 600x500 , 897.png )

Quick.. Yes..

The shadows form a spear and stab Regulus through the lower jaw.


The sprear stabs straight through his skull killing him instantly. The stone he was carrying falls but Eistia's shadow manages to catch it. After a moment his Limit Break vanishes.

No. 344752 ID: 25d645
File 131492747108.png - (72.06KB , 405x435 , 898.png )

The shadow spear vanishes and Regulus's body falls to the ground.

No. 344754 ID: 40cb26

Well done, but don't let the power go yet. You can see into shadows and wield them, use your power to find and rescue the wounded as best you can. And find Morgan and Mimi and make sure they are ok. Quickly!
No. 344755 ID: 513053

Pity we couldn't drill him for information first, but his death is the best possible outcome.

Wait till his body grows cold to confirm his death, then see if Sandra can make his body into a living but empty vessel. His body could walk right up to the human king and end this war with a single stroke of a sword.

On a related note, where is that necromancer and what condition is she in?
No. 344756 ID: 51b9bd

Remove and bisect his head. Just to be sure. Then crush both halves.
Once that's done, save everyone you can.
No. 344757 ID: 25d645
File 131492802059.png - (174.15KB , 600x500 , 899.png )

It's already going away. Awesome power but it seems to only last for a few seconds.

Already her connection to the shadows are diminishing

It seems like he left Morgan's shop, Artemis's house, and mine untouched. He probably thought he might have lost the blade if those were damaged.
Everything is is destroyed though..

"Sorer ne tu cheram.."
No. 344758 ID: 513053

That's a spell! Rush over and decapitate Regulus' body and take the head, THEN see who it is and what they're doing!
No. 344761 ID: 1854db

Find where that voice is coming from. It sounds like Sage magic... It's possible he has a friend who is about to blast you.
No. 344763 ID: 1854db

Wait... Sorer ne tu cheram... That's an offensive lead-in! MOVE!
No. 344764 ID: 25d645
File 131492889912.png - (188.05KB , 600x500 , 900.png )

"ombraes tandrolar eisryn!"

Eistia turns and sees a purple blast flying at her. She barely has enough time to put up a shield to protect herself. The blast hits and sends her flying backwards into the crater.
She grabs onto the edge and starts pulling herself up.

"My friend. You killed him.."

She sees Sandra walking up to her, red energy emanating from her hand

No. 344765 ID: 513053


Oh, wait, you're under mind control or something, aren't you. Who did you see there? How could you have known Regulus?"
No. 344766 ID: 3fd4fb

Her friend? Regulus murdered thousands of people- destroyed the entire city, and was threatening to do more? How can she call him friend?

And how did she even know him? That seems highly unlikely. I'd stick with being defensive for now until you get this sorted.
No. 344768 ID: 40cb26

What. Just... what? He.. he must have gone to the mountains before, befriended her. God dammit. Tell her he was an evil man, he was no ones friend he must have just been using her. Look at all the people he killed! He was going to kill more, to kill you! Fuck, just... fuck!
No. 344769 ID: 3bad4c

Ah, who cares? Just kill all the evil people, Eistia. LET NOBODY STAND IN YOUR WAY!
No. 344770 ID: 513053

"In self defense, immediately after he murdered almost everybody I've ever met, bragged about killing my mother, and stated his plan to kill what few people survived is first round of slaughter.

I'm not going to fight you. There's nothing left here to fight over."
No. 344775 ID: 25d645
File 131492997023.png - (91.17KB , 600x500 , 901.png )

"Wh-what..? How do you even know him..?"

"Seen him before. Like Artemis he would appear in my land. At first curious about my God. Then when wounded or tired he would appear. He stopped when Artemis appeared."

"Sandra he is not a friend, look at all the people he killed!"

When Eistia tries to grab onto the edge with her other hand Sandra stomps on it.

"Stay down! Do not kill people who murder! Trial solves problem, not more murder! You are no better."

"Sandra he killed my people.. He threatened to kill my mom. It was in self defense."

"You attack him! Whole time you attack him! He defended himself! Bad that he killed, worse that a 'leader' would follow."

She seems seriously pissed off an irrational.
If I don't pull myself up I'm really going to fall off this thing!
No. 344778 ID: 35e1a0

"he was an agent of the human king, the dragon of earth, the one who killed your people. and look who is calling the kettle black, you are about to kill me for murder instead of a trial"
No. 344779 ID: 1854db

"How would I even get him to a trial? Besides, I had every reason to believe he would kill me!"
No. 344782 ID: 3fd4fb

"You honestly think it's worse that I killed someone who slaughtered thousands of innocents who had never done anything to him than his actions in the first place? Are you insane? If I had not killed him, he would only have gone to do the bidding of his wretched king again- committed more mass murders for no good reason and then laughed and apologized if it turned out that they were fucking pointless!"
No. 344783 ID: 3bad4c

Trick her, offer to have a trial about you!
Stupid horned lady.
No. 344784 ID: 40cb26

"Leader of WHAT?!? Nothing is left!" This time you made sure to attack him because he hurt so many before! So many died at his hands, he hurt Artemis and Saisai, he attacked your village before and if we hadn't rewound time Mimi would be dead and so would all the other dragons. He would never have seen a trial no one can control him, he would have run and killed many more and doomed everyone.

Tell her to hold her judgment until Artemis returns, he can tell her all he has done himself. For now the two of you need to try to save all survivors you can. And say you are sorry that she lost a friend, you know what that is like. Many times over.
No. 344785 ID: 513053

"I would have loved to arrest him and put him on trial, but he keeps coming here killing innocent people and mocking my best efforts to stop him. As much as I loathe resurrection, it's still possible to have him stand trial and defend his actions.
Be that as it may, do you see what he did this time? The horrible scale of his brutality? I couldn't let him escape to cause more harm. Not now; not after this. He was too strong for me to ever capture, and if I have to choose whose blood is on my hands between his and the countless he would have gone on to kill...

If you want him to have a trial then use your magic to heal his body. You can bring him back to life after we've stopped the human king's plans for mass genocide."
No. 344786 ID: 35e1a0

also explain you TRIED to capture him for a trial once before, but he escaped. you cannot hold trial for someone who cannot be held.
No. 344794 ID: 44766a

There is also that time he killed Mimi. But only we remember that one.
No. 344805 ID: 715620

I can't trial him because he killed the court.
No. 344808 ID: f70e5e

look around you. the city is in ruins most of its people are dead. he had no argument with them, they had done noting to him or his. he murdered them because it would make his job a bit easier. even if there was enough of my society left to give him a trial, we would never be able to hold someone that powerful. if you disagree with my actions take it up with me after I make sure my species still has a future. for now there are innocent people who are trapped and injured and in need of help.
No. 344814 ID: 6273c3
File 131493649775.png - (81.98KB , 600x500 , 902.png )

"Sandra please... Everyone is dead.. Even the court is dead.. My friends are all dead..."

Sandra stares down at Eistia for a moment then leaves.
After a moment of struggling Eistia manages to pull herself out of the crater.

No. 344818 ID: 6273c3
File 131493694759.png - (137.06KB , 500x375 , 903.png )

She looks around at the ruins of what was once one of the biggest Dark Elf Cities.
No. 344822 ID: 35e1a0

you know, this may be why the oli all died before, everyone tried to capture the king for trial so they didn't use maximum lethal force.
No. 344829 ID: 513053

Ok, that's enough time being stunned into a daze. Start searching for survivors.
No. 344898 ID: 51b9bd

I'd say, next time you see Sandra, call her a hypocrite.
No. 344910 ID: f70e5e

once you find someone healthy send them to talk to sandra. she's a strong healer so her working with the rescue effort would save allot of lives.
No. 344967 ID: 513053

No, once you find somebody injured you should send them to her. She's not heartless enough to do nothing while seeing somebody in pain.
Once she's healed one victim she'll be biased in favor of helping more, and they'll have an easier time convincing her to help.
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