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File 132738065456.jpg - (383.43KB , 1000x750 , BigShitGoesDownInSpace20XX.jpg )
381797 No. 381797 ID: 16a987

In the year 20XX of the small planet Kerth. Three pilots name Bill, Bob and Jebediah of the S.S.lolfail broke exit velocity... This is their story
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No. 404742 ID: 61e7f9

Close the doors. Activate self defense mode if available. Preferably non-lethal.
No. 404987 ID: b9e291

Oh this is rich. Now we get to support a wolf baby.
No. 405094 ID: 8aa1e4
File 133549873634.jpg - (118.37KB , 800x600 , Mahogany freacks out because of supports wild vibr.jpg )

>Support shuts the doors to the kitchen just as Mahogany's about to escape slamming his puppy head into the door.

>Dazed by the slam to the door, the baby wolf's pray begins vibrating intensely! Panicked he drops the pulsating cube.

[Maho]-Arf! Arf~arf! YipYip~BaWooo!

>As the fox tries to grasp the cube again it let's off a small shock.


[Bill]-There there Mahogany... You need a time out.

>Bill grabs the pup bu the neck skin and hauls him away.
No. 405098 ID: fa9f7e

So, what do you plan to eat now?
No. 405099 ID: 8aa1e4
File 133549924234.jpg - (256.32KB , 1329x997 , Spanners getting horny again better but her to wor.jpg )

>Spanner picks support back up and puts them in her cleavage for safe keeping.

[Span]-I see why we need a necklace for you guys. Say *Cough~cough* I D-didn't know you guys could *Cough~wees* Could do that... I suppose we should get back to work, or you could... H-help me control my urges with a L-little L-loving~

◄Work ~ Play►
No. 405100 ID: fa9f7e

Well, nobody's complained about starvation, so playtime it is!
No. 405101 ID: 7c31d2

Gotta vote for playtime
No. 405103 ID: ed57e8

should do cooking first. also not sure home much power that uses.
No. 405104 ID: 9ced11

wait a freaking second! did that wolf just came because of pain or did he piss on the floor?
No. 405105 ID: 8aa1e4

That be dust yo. to help guide the movement.
No. 405130 ID: 369d34

Mmm-hm... A little playtime before work to clear the mind sounds excellent. We may even be able to turn our tazer all the way down and work in some electro-stimulation to go with the vibration. Uh, test that somewhere less sensitive first, OK. Oh, and check with Bill or Bob on how sturdy and waterproof our cube is first. There's only four, and breaking one using it in a manner such as what I imagine you have in mind would be... embarrassing, to say the least.
No. 405143 ID: 622e4f

What? I don't care what the animes have told you, electricity and ladyparts don't mix.
No. 405146 ID: 9718f3

Nah, it's a real thing. It is however, done with specifically designed implements that deliver electricity as more of a tingle than a shock. Outside of fetishism, I guess.

Anyway, point is, this cube is not suited for the task. Oh, and Play. Not fair to keep her distracted when she doesn't need to be.
No. 405147 ID: 61e7f9

She means the vibrating, not the shocking, jeeze, you pervs. What's wrong with you?
No. 405148 ID: b7169d

Just clean us off afterwords. *play*
No. 405162 ID: 61e7f9

No. 405168 ID: bccf7b


Hmm... vibrations and a few shocks? That's new!

Let us test the extents of these features. I vote "Play►"

And once the fan service is over, we'll all be able to focus on making an awesome meal of ... something.
No. 405210 ID: b9e291


Make me a sandwich bitch
No. 405553 ID: 8aa1e4
File 133565872813.jpg - (179.72KB , 800x600 , just checking.jpg )

>Spanner peeks her head in the study.

[Span]-Hey Bob, About the support cubes... How fragile are they?

[Bob]-FUCKING indestructible.

[Span]-What about the battery?

[Bob]-Runs for eight hours, charged by induction from the ship so it'll work for ages in here.

No. 405554 ID: 8aa1e4
File 133565916824.jpg - (152.27KB , 800x600 , Spanner has sex with Support.jpg )

>The horny Gremlin scampers through the halls of the shuttle looking for a place to fuck. She falls on a room filled with pillows and sheets.

[Span]-Must be a storage room. Teehee~ It'll do.

>Span jumps on the pile and strips her apron.

[Span]-Mmn... Support, I'm really exited. I really want you~

>Tenderly Grinding the vibrating cube against her wet naughty bits, her legs twitches and convulses periodically...

[Span]-Ooh... S-support... So Goood...

>The naughty girl slowly pushes her precious cube deeper inter her Cunny.

[Span]-Mmn... I need this so bad!
No. 405556 ID: 6e44d2

No. 405557 ID: c4a1fc

No. 405558 ID: c4a1fc

More is not always better, mmkay? There's such a thing as too much vibration with a sharp-edged and cornered cube near delicate mucous membranes, etc.
No. 405560 ID: ed57e8

[steadily increase vibrational lvl, starting as light]
No. 405562 ID: c4a1fc

Oh, and ask if she's ever done anal.
No. 405563 ID: 7c31d2

[Activate moderate vibration]
No. 405574 ID: 369d34

Whoa! Not too deep! We might get stuck in a painful position. Go slow, alright?

[Set vibration to: Minimum]
We're going to ramp up the vibration. Say when to stop.
[Gradually increase vibration level to find Span's maximum]
[Oscillate between 25% and 75% of Span's maximum]
No. 405578 ID: 57f548

No. 405583 ID: bccf7b


Checking over these specs, it looks like there was a plan to give these cubes a matter subassembler. I think it's time we see how fast we can get that "operational" ifyouknowwhatimean.

Bullshitting ftw. Our win. Together.
No. 405588 ID: b9e291

This is going to be so awkward to explain at the gremlin hospital emergency room.
No. 405692 ID: 0d7a83

Better than that one time with Jeb and the lightbulb.
No. 405711 ID: 6e44d2

Yeah, okay, this.
No. 405742 ID: 6f4add


No. 405745 ID: fa9f7e

I'm guessing either semen or making ourselves into an actual dildo or such.
No. 406250 ID: d60dbf

time for some light shocks
No. 406397 ID: 8aa1e4
File 133585519659.jpg - (122.89KB , 800x600 , Spanner\'s all yours.jpg )

[Span] An-anal... I *pant* Anything you want... Support...

>You slowly increase in vibration growing faster and faster... Her hips gently buck as you pulsate inside her.

[Span]-Nnmmm... You're amazing Su-support... You're...

>Her back arches over as her legs stiffen up... You slow down and wave between speeds.

[Span]~Oh *Pant~pant* Mmnn... *Moan*

>Carefully, you zap her tender insides...

[Span]-Ah!.. *Pant* M-more... Please... *Pant* god support... F-fuck... Me...
No. 406408 ID: b9e291

I wonder if we can take a picture of her cervix as long as we're in here.

You know, for medical reasons.
No. 406434 ID: 369d34

Span, we're going ramp things up. Shout "stop" if it gets to be too much.
[Set bio-sensors to record and analyze]
[Gradually vary vibration oscillation minimum, maximum and frequency of electro-stimulation]
[Determine operations for optimal orgasmic results, and apply]
We'll keep this up for as long as you want, Span.

Lets go one better; Record video and audio. Do we have a light source on our cube? How about a remote camera in this room? The guys are going to want to see this later... For purely medical reasons, of course.
No. 406681 ID: 61e7f9

You are horrible and I love you and I ssecond all of this.
No. 406687 ID: c4a1fc

Is that nosebleed normal?
No. 406705 ID: c4a1fc

Also we should paint ourselves like the Companion Cube
No. 406733 ID: 4c13fa

We have four cubes, we should see if we can get some new colors for each of our cubes.
No. 406763 ID: 8aa1e4
File 133592931121.jpg - (168.68KB , 800x600 , spanners done.jpg )


>The metal cube Vibrates intensively, bouncing between highs and lows. The lusty girl moans and whimpers as she fidgets and shakes, the young gremlin bucks and stiffens with every shock, her eye rolled back and filled with lust.

[Span]-Mmn... oh... *Moan!* St... Sto... Please...

>At her command support eases up, gently vibrating still. She falls over onto her side.

[Span]-*Huff~puff* That... You're... Ah!.. Was so... Amazing...

>Spanner closes her eye and relaxes... She almost looks as though sleeping peacefully...

[Span]-Thank you support *Cough~cough* Thank you so much...

>She rubs her belly around where the cube is, you can feel her as she rubs.

[Span]-I'm feeling better now, thanks to you. *Sigh* I've been *Cough* I've *Cough~cough* *Wees* ... I Don't know for sure... I think I'm having special feelings for you support, And it's not just the sex... I feel comfortable with you... Ever since I heard your voice. I just... I feel safe... I'm probably crazy, having these feelings for a machine... *Sigh*

[Span]-That would be nice.

[Span]-But you're already my companion?

[Span]-Can't say it is... But then again I've never had sex that good~

>Spanner leans back and wipes the blood from her nose.

[Span]-If you don't mind support... I'd like you to be my master. Would you make me your sex slave? I... I Really trust you...
No. 406770 ID: 3ce5b2

well, there's three other cubes. I don't see any reason this one cube can't stay where it is indefinitely.
No. 406785 ID: 72d49b

>Would you make me your sex slave?
Yeah, that request seems convenient enough for us to fill.

That would obviate the need for a necklace and make us more difficult to steal. Would probably take some getting used to on her part, though.

Anyway for now I guess investigate the blood to make sure it's not serious, then return to work.
No. 406793 ID: f70e5e

slavery is something of a taboo, but we would be interested in a dom-sub relationship. its more or less the same thing except the sub can leave the relationship any time they wish, and the dom can't do anything to the sub without the sub's consent.
No. 406796 ID: a2fa74

Again, this is not up for discussion until your heat is over.
No. 406819 ID: 369d34

Uh... We're... flattered (sorta, kinda) you'd offer yourself so... wholly after only one time, but you're just not in a state to make that decision. Your brain has been marinating in heat hormones for days. We also suspect this has been your first sexual encounter with another being where you weren't filled with raging hatred towards them. That would cast us in a rather good light. We also consider genuine slavery abhorrent, but fake slavery for the purpose of dom-sub sex play is A-OK. The real deal is a no-go.
Anyway, Span, we'd be happy to offer you sexual release anytime you please, but we won't be your master. You're your own person, and we wouldn't have it any other way. ...Unless it's consensual sexy-fun time. Then you can be anything you want.

Jeez, that was a lot to say. OK, time to clean up; We both need a good wash. Grab the dirty linens, since the laundry is next to the showers. Uh, can you walk after all that? ...We were rather intense. You need some time to recover?

This idea is enticing, but wouldn't it be rather "distracting" for Span, even when we're not actively "distracting" her? There's also the question of how likely we'd fall out by accident if Span had to run, or even if she could run with us up in here. Perhaps some sturdy underwear to keep us in would work?
No. 406834 ID: 8aa1e4
File 133594267879.jpg - (128.08KB , 800x600 , Spanners happy.jpg )

[Span]-I like this idea... I really like this idea.

[Span]-Thanks support, I'm glad you're looking out for me... I really like you... So you'd be my Dom? You can... You can sex me anytime you want. Dominate me if you will... I can't quite feel my legs. I'm gonna rest for a while, then I'm gonna get cooking, You said there's showers? It's been nearly a month since I've gotten to take one~ Oh, but can I still call you master?


No. 406854 ID: 369d34

[Play happy beep] Aw, Span, if we had a face, we'd totally be grinning; Of course you can call us "Master" if you wish. Now we just need a 'bot frame to tie the ropes and hold the riding crop. Heh, we'll send Bob a memo about that later.
We're going to check in on Jeb and Tetra while you do your thing. See you at dinner.
No. 406900 ID: 6e44d2

Wow, what a good little slave you are, Span!

Anyway, Jeb.
No. 406902 ID: b9e291

Bill. We haven't seen him for a while.
No. 407039 ID: b7169d

We're headin off to bill.
No. 407056 ID: 7c31d2

No. 407104 ID: 166adc

Bill. He is a mystery. A mystery that is prone to screaming in terror.
No. 407602 ID: 8aa1e4
File 133607274873.jpg - (128.90KB , 800x600 , Mahogany running again.jpg )

[Span]-Oh master, if you keep talking like that you'll get me going again. I'm gonna clean off, I'll be thinking of you~

>Mahogany's running as fast as he can!
No. 407603 ID: 8aa1e4
File 133607279635.jpg - (147.82KB , 800x600 , Bill running after mahogany.jpg )

[Bill]-Stupid dog! What is your fixation with my cubes?!
No. 407612 ID: 5029d1

dunno, something about the shape maybe? [use dog losing protocol]
No. 407617 ID: b6edd6

We have spare cubes and can track the location of each cube, right?
I think you should stop pursuit for now, then cautiously track him down when he has stopped.
No. 407619 ID: 12c19f

Bill! Where the hell are we!?

[Initiate low wattage shock to disengage cube from wolver]
No. 407620 ID: 3ce5b2


I mean, shake and electrocute again.
No. 407645 ID: b7169d

They seem to be on a mission to take us somewhere!
No. 407661 ID: 369d34

Hey, Bill! Keep up! We're going to see where Maho takes us! Remember, we're FUCKING indestructible!
[Disengage vibration and shock functions]

(Internal: The crew has the capability to track where our cubes are, right? Does the crew have other means to communicate long-distance than through us? Better ask Bob about that later.)
No. 407748 ID: 346453

wait, till we see where the doggle is taking us.
No. 407759 ID: 37aa84

Well Bill just be glad it's fixating on your cubes and not your balls.
No. 407760 ID: 252e1b

It is interested in his Platonic Solids!
No. 408049 ID: 8aa1e4
File 133617916066.jpg - (207.44KB , 800x600 , piddle.jpg )

[Bill]-Not far from the base, we can still see it from here.

[Bill]-The ship can trap you. I'll let you go on ahead, I Wont be very far.

>Mahogany flees through the forest until He looses Bill.

[Maho]-Arf~arf! *Growl*

>The fox looks around for predators... He digs a hole and stashes the cube.

No. 408050 ID: 8aa1e4
File 133617920009.jpg - (47.81KB , 800x600 , 2 feet under.jpg )

>The dog buries Support and scampers off
No. 408051 ID: 5c7a63

okay, can we electrocute it now?
No. 408052 ID: fa9f7e

First chance we get? We kill him.
No. 408058 ID: 7c31d2

No, we don't kill him. Death would be a mercy he doesn't deserve. We find him? We dress him up in embarrassing outfits
No. 408060 ID: fa9f7e

Ooo, idea! Replace his brain stem with us. We control his body, and his higher thought remains intact. We trap the little shit in his own skull.
No. 408066 ID: 369d34

What's that fire back there? The ship? Why is it still on fire?

Way too far. How about we use Maho's irresistible attraction to our cube to train him. He caries us too far from the ship, the cube vibrates more and more, then we lightly shock him. Bit like those invisible fence systems for dogs. Maybe get a collar made for him that carries us. Anyway, lets get Bill over here to dig us up.
[Activate vibration: Set to maximum]
[Activate alarm siren: Turn up to 11]
[Activate sound system: Play bass-y music at maximum volume]
No. 408069 ID: fa9f7e

He's a pain in the ass, why not do it? It'll be a good test of our crew's expertise.
No. 408070 ID: 369d34

I don't think Span would agree, and Bob and Bill have better things to do than exact our revenge on a bad puppy. Plus, I don't want to add keeping Maho's body alive to our regular duties.

However, if you're so gung-ho about it, how about a cube socket and neural control shunt? When we're plugged in, we drive Maho's body, and sense what he senses. When we aren't, or don't want to, Maho has control.
No. 408071 ID: b9e291


No. 408073 ID: fa9f7e

That's more or less the idea, minus the possibility of Maho ever having control.
No. 408096 ID: b9d767

In a little blue sailor's outfit. Horrifying.
No. 408142 ID: 61e7f9

Straight up kill and eat him.

Play dubstep, send out radio signals, whatever we've got to draw attention.
No. 408269 ID: cf49fc

Hit it.
No. 408271 ID: 12c19f
File 133622719282.png - (2.26KB , 123x100 , Wolver Cap schematic.png )

No. 408272 ID: 617fe6

No. 408286 ID: 1b7fa2

A hat that we will muschio force to wear...
No. 408294 ID: a2fa74

Geeze, calm down you guys. He's still a wild animal. This is to be expected until he gets used to us.
No. 408346 ID: fa9f7e

We do not have *time* for that shit. Assume direct control.
No. 408387 ID: 0a783d

get used to us, huh?
if we get span to take the knot while we are inside, would it count as a threesome?
No. 408388 ID: 72d49b

Realistically speaking I don't think she could fit us and a full dick at once.
Well, maybe in separate holes.
No. 408392 ID: 166adc

This is why wild animals make poor pets.

We have a far superior pet now, anyway.
No. 408393 ID: 369d34

It's moot for now, anyway; Maho's still a pup. We'd have to wait until he's fully grown. Though, at that point, a neural cube socket that puts us in control of Maho's body would offer us some additional options for "interaction" with Span.
No. 408639 ID: f01641
File 133628154435.jpg - (77.70KB , 444x288 , csi1.jpg )

it would seem that the support cube ...
No. 408640 ID: f01641
File 133628155930.jpg - (11.37KB , 352x272 , csi2.jpg )

is pissed
No. 408643 ID: b7169d

No. 410137 ID: 8aa1e4
File 133661736948.jpg - (141.41KB , 800x600 , Bills starting to hate that dog.jpg )

>Light surges from above as Bill finds you thanks to the noise.

[Bill]-There you are... Good thing I found you, Stupid dog... Why the hell did he do that? oh well, back to the base?
No. 410138 ID: fa9f7e

So... looks like you hate him too? Mind replacing his brainstem with us?
No. 410139 ID: 8aa1e4
File 133661769441.jpg - (175.49KB , 800x600 , Bill the falling.jpg )

*Cr... CrrRR... Ccrraack!*

[Bill]-what the hell is that noise

>The sound of beams breaking and wires snapping surges out from under the earth.

[bill]-What the Woah!

>Bill's center of gravity is tossed out of control, the whole world swings sideways as he tries to stay upwards...
No. 410140 ID: 49d4d7

Hey, when you get back to base, get Span to clean us up. We feel dirty after what happened.
No. 410141 ID: e440a4

Shit! The ground is getting flipped over! Quick, try to run forward and leap onto the edge!
No. 410150 ID: 369d34

OHSHIT, this world block broke loose! Grab us! Run! Jump to the edge!
No. 410151 ID: 5029d1

get somewhere not here!
No. 410153 ID: 8aa1e4
File 133661960417.jpg - (128.08KB , 1000x750 , Chapter 1 End.jpg )

And then there was darkness

Chapter 1 ~End~
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