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400904 No. 400904 ID: 0d2bec

Hey. What's going on?
143 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 402217 ID: 0d2bec
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Garth and Bertha believe this to be the most intelligent course of action.

They're here too!
No. 402218 ID: fa9f7e

Well. Time for the Raid. Also, they do seem to just want you back at your posts, given their reactions. Perhaps your boss can possess them somehow.
No. 402219 ID: ed57e8

keep running.
No. 402220 ID: 431fa8

You guys... you made promises to them. Are you planning to break those promises? That might be unwise.

Initiate telepathy.
No. 402221 ID: 0d2bec
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While Garth maneuvers for the entryway door, Bertha attempts to communicate with the spiders via telepathy.
No. 402222 ID: 21d0e4

Fulfill your promises.

Right now, go together and do the bowl thingy with the water. Ask where the spiders who helped you out want it.
No. 402223 ID: 0d2bec
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An endless, chittering, broken hissing sound echoes inside of Bertha's mind as she extends her psychic presence. There are spiders everywhere. In the floorboards, in the ceiling, crawling between the wall's insulation...

And they're all hungry.

They want food, now.

Below the infinite, hungry chorus, Bertha can hear the very faint mental voices of other sentient creatures. However, the inky thought-mass of the spider horde drowns out any words or feelings that could otherwise be understood.


No. 402226 ID: 6e44d2

Boss really wasn't looking out for your best interests, huh. Get the fuck out of there. Time to seek new employment.
No. 402228 ID: ed57e8

SPIDAS! run! you should be able to handle a bite or too, you got some basalt in your system too.
No. 402230 ID: fa9f7e

Garth, how many can you kill with your gravity magic? Also, can you set something on fire, with or without magic? Kill them with fire. And run like fuck.
No. 402231 ID: b85f8c

Uh tell them you will get that sugarwater or fly attractant or SOMETHING set up right away if they back off.
No. 402242 ID: b6edd6

Don't they have a normal source of food? They can hardly just turn up out of nowhere.

If they insist on trying to eat you, remind them that that isn't very ICE of them. By which I mean shoot them with magic.
No. 402318 ID: 0d2bec
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Bertha, through a massive mental effort on her part, singles out the one among the teeming thousands that made the deal with her. It is not following the roiling conglomerate of spiders that are currently trying to converge on the two guards' positions.

It pleasantly asks when it will be receiving its flies. Bertha says as soon as she gets out of this particular mess, finds a bowl, and finds some sugar water. He says fine.

He asks what you're going to do about the other several thousand brothers and sisters currently hunting for their flesh.

She says she doesn't know, then asks if this kind of thing was regular with guardspeople in the Bossman's Compound.

He says yes. That's why you're the only two guards.


Garth has difficulty killing ANYTHING with gravity magic just yet. He can push or pull things with some effort. Trying something harder might push him to his limits and leave him vulnerable.

Bertha believes she can freeze a number of them, but not the entirety of the swarm. Where did it even come from?

Yeah. Seeking new employment sounds like a good idea.
No. 402324 ID: b85f8c

Time to run away, then.
No. 402325 ID: fa9f7e

Could the two of you quickly form a barrier to try and stop the spiders following? Garth moves stuff, Bertha freezes it into place?

If it'd take enough effort/concentration as to distract you, never mind.
No. 402339 ID: 6e44d2

Just leave. Open that door and run.
No. 402347 ID: b9e291

Yeah you're at the entrance. Your contract says nothing about getting devoured by spiders. Get the hell outta Dodge!
No. 402365 ID: a6e66f

Your contract *does* say nothing about being devoured by spiders, right? Because if it does, you really should have read it better.

Oh, and also, run.
No. 402367 ID: 0d2bec
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One step ahead of ya.
No. 402368 ID: 0d2bec
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No. 402370 ID: 0d2bec
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No. 402371 ID: 46c430

Close the door close the door CLOSE THE DOOR!
No. 402372 ID: 431fa8

Yank it closed at range with gravity powers, perhaps.
No. 402373 ID: 0d2bec
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"They're right on us!" Bertha wails, failing to close the door in her panic.

"I know, I know! Keep running!"
No. 402375 ID: ed57e8

garth make it close with gravity!
No. 402376 ID: 0d2bec
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Great call!

Garth is satisfied with the result at first. Spiders clearly don't have the appendages to open doors.

Unfortunately, something massive seems to be pushing up against the portal, struggling to outdo his gravity manipulation.

If he weren't completely sure it wasn't possible, he would have thought that a tsunami of chitin and spinnerets were shoving into the door frame.

"Keep running!" he yells to Bertha, who had paused momentarily to watch the display.
No. 402377 ID: 0d2bec
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Garth ramps up the GRAVITY JUICE, tapping deep into the adrenal glands and fear that drove him out of his guard post and onto this soft, trimmed grass carpet.

Fear motivates.

Fear drives.

And damn, is Garth driven.
No. 402378 ID: b85f8c

Idea: Collapse the whole entrance via gravity. Screw the door, just block it with ROCKS. Possibly squish all the spiders at the same time.
No. 402380 ID: b6edd6

I don't think we have enough gravity magic for that.
It would probably be best just to leave.
No. 402384 ID: fa9f7e

Yeah, all we can do is push/pull things. Bertha could use thermal stress or water erosion, but those take way too long.

In short, best option: Ollies outy, bitches.
No. 402387 ID: 0d2bec
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I've got this.

No. 402388 ID: b85f8c

No. 402389 ID: 0d2bec
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No. 402390 ID: fa9f7e

Hm. Fuck.
No. 402391 ID: b85f8c

You might want to try to catch Garth so he doesn't go over the edge.
No. 402393 ID: 0d2bec
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He was flung far, but not that far.

Oh god.

Oh god.
No. 402396 ID: b85f8c

What's with the purple stuff?
No. 402399 ID: b6edd6

It is somewhat risky to move injured people, but you might or might not have a horde of spiders trying to tunnel their way out towards you. Can you do a quick psy-scan for that?
No. 402400 ID: b85f8c

Wait, the entrance to the place isn't connected to anywhere else? It's just up on a cliff? How did you get up here?
No. 402401 ID: 0d2bec
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The spiders are gone.

He isn't.

We're still in deep trouble.


If I had to guess, it has something to do with that... Whatever he just did. That was more than impressive. That was absolutely nuts.
No. 402407 ID: b85f8c

Hmm. You may have to pick him up and get moving. What he did may cause a landslide. What's that stuff over the edge?
No. 402408 ID: 0d2bec
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"Here, I'll try to patch you up." I don't know a lot about medicine, but I make a makeshift tourniquet out of my sleeves.

"What happened?"

"I don't know. What hurts?"


There's a big problem, I don't know if Garth saw it.

See, I noticed this when we first got outside and there was only one place to run.

This isn't the place I walked into a couple days ago.

I don't know when. I don't know how.
No. 402410 ID: 0d2bec
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But we're flying.
No. 402435 ID: d53cf1

No. 402439 ID: 70783e

So would that be the "S.S Miyazaki" or the "Isle De Miyazaki" that they're on?
No. 402488 ID: 0d2bec


I haven't actually named it yet, but Castles in the Sky, the Feel Good Inc. music video, and Spirited Away were the primary influences in how I designed it.

I would have gone with Isle de Miyazaki out of those two, though.
No. 402501 ID: a2853b
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>not influenced by The Island of Dr. Brain
No. 402509 ID: 0d2bec

The last point and click game I played was the Homestuck one. Before that, it was probably Pajama Sam.

Humongous Entertainment taught me about point and clicks as a kid, but I never played Monkey Island or the Island of Doctor Brain.

or Myst.

Reported this thread, next chapter might be today.
No. 402521 ID: 46c430

Oh no, it's cave story all over again!
No. 402522 ID: 0d2bec


Yes! I love Cave Story! It completely slipped my mind when I was listing references.

Yeah, now that I think about it, a lot of the overall island scheme is very cave story-y.

next you're gonna find out that garth and bertha are robots also you need to find the polar star oh gosh
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