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442981 No. 442981 ID: 9cc68c

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No. 444792 ID: bf54a8

you should all have the same powers, in fact, dixie, you should have more since you are the newest model.
No. 444793 ID: 98a065

Dixie listen to me closely. Lexie was your sister, she was one of 4 people in the world who understood you and was like you, according to human famlial traditions families are supposed to watch our for each other and help each other. No matter what. Now vixie just killed her sister, her own flesh and blood, do you know how wrong that is?

It is nothing less than a crime against nature. Now she's coming for you. I want you to get mad, I want you to get anfry and I want you to do your very best to kill Vixie, if not for your own sake then for your sisters'.

Don't even bother with your breath, You and Galaxie need to tackle her, and beat the living tar our of her, she's as strong as both of you and nuttier than a squirrel, so beat the living tar out of her with whateve ryou have on hand, see if you can grab a pipe or something.
No. 444829 ID: 6a1ec2

No. 444830 ID: 8be69f
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I dodged and she kicked me in the face, but I grabbed her ankle! She killed Lexie! She killed her! She was e-eating her!

Gimme a kiss, Dixie! Right here! I bet your blood is delicious!
No. 444831 ID: 2a270d

Kiss her! She's still your sister!
No. 444833 ID: 886a4d

Grab her leg. Bite her leg. Then plasma breath... no shield in the way.

Limb by limb.. if thats what it takes to put you down.
No. 444834 ID: d6c330

Tackle hug. As soon as you're in contact, we'll turn on the nullifier.
No. 444836 ID: 8be69f

They're in contact now. Dixie is grabbing her
No. 444838 ID: bf54a8

[activate N7]
No. 444839 ID: 886a4d

You do not know how to command do you?
No. 444841 ID: d6c330

Eh, that's not good enough. Range was 2-3ft? We activate now, and worst case that puts Dixie down, and only puts Vixie's leg to sleep. We want the central nervous system in range.
No. 444843 ID: 98a065

Ignore these idorts.

The leg has lots of important arteries in it. Bite down on Vixie's ankle, use your claws and and fangs, tear her leg apart, you need to inflict fatal wounds as fast as possible or else she'll kill you and eat you.

I know you're scared dixie, and you're doing your best, we're all very proud of you, but if you don't fight with everything you've got you're going to wind up just like lexie. Fight with everything you've got dear!

Bite down and use your flame breath, shred her flesh with your claws, it's the only thing you can do.
No. 444845 ID: 2a270d

The thing for it is more like

>>Activate N7a3772
No. 444846 ID: b6edd6

You mean
>>Enable N7x
No. 444848 ID: b85f8c

Er. Alright.

We're activating the necklace. It will put both you and her to sleep, for as long as it's near the both of you. I suggest taking it off and getting it attached to Vixie somehow before you pass out. Do not let her get away regardless. Also tell Galaxie that it's armed so she knows to avoid the vicinity.
No. 444858 ID: 886a4d

Remove both arms, and break her teeth. Otherwise let her live. And let Dixie escape please.
No. 444861 ID: 8be69f
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>>N7a3772 Activated
>>N7a3772 Activated

"So, how mad would you be if I just killed them both?"

"Seriously, I don't care. Should I kill Vixie or let her live? I can hear you guys, in case that's not clear."

No. 444865 ID: 2a270d

Let them both live. Can you even touch the thing without it getting you too? Maybe get a broom and shove them into a closet. Maybe pose them in scandalous positions for a bit. I don't think Vixie's done anything worth killing her over. Look, you have to admit it, she's probably the best sister of all of you.

What even happens now that this is taken care of?
No. 444866 ID: d6c330

...we'd appreciate it if you didn't kill Dixie. She trusts you, you know.

Vixie, meh. Your call. We have insufficient data. If you've got a way to fix her, take her in. Otherwise, you're probably better off with her dead than locked up with her waiting for her to break free and go bloody rampage again.
No. 444867 ID: b6edd6

Why would you kill Dixie? She is innocent and you can probably convince her to join you with minimal effort.

You should definitely kill Vixie though. We already let her live once and she responded by breaking out with an intent to kill everyone.
Be careful not to get caught in the range of the subdual device.
No. 444869 ID: 9a34be

>didn't do anything worth killing for

>killed Lexie
>ATE Lexie
>wants to kill everything
>is quite capable of killing everything
>Can and will escape containment again

Yeah, no. I Think Killing Vixie is the only way to go here. Make it painless at least, if you can. Don't even joke again about killing Dixie.
No. 444873 ID: 98a065

I'd be pretty pissed if your kille Dixie, Galaxie. She trusts you and I'm pretty sure she loves you, you're her only remaining sibling now you know that right? Killing someone who trusts you is a pretty low thing to do.

As for for Vixie? Please kill her, for the good of everyone involved. I'd like it if you tore her head off and destroyed her remains, see if you can keep some samples of both her and Lexie. Just because Vixie is nuts doesn't mean you can't develop a new sibling from her remains.

So yeah, kill Vixie, Leave Dixie Alone.
No. 444882 ID: 8be69f
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"Well, we're all going to die anyway. I'm supposed to drag Dixie back, and Command and Control is going to slag the base. A big explosion. He wants to make sure we're close enough to the core to make sure we're dead when it goes off. So I just figured maybe I just burn Dixie down now and it's not a problem, you know? She just goes to sleep and never wakes up instead of knowing she's going to die. She'll feel like a hero.

I figured it'd be nicer, you know, if somebody she loved did it."

No. 444883 ID: 2a270d

Dang, Galaxie. I mean, Vixie was cool and all, but I like your style lots.

Let's see if this works.

>>Deactivate N7a3772

If that works, hey, Dixie, Galaxie wants to kill you too! Everyone wants everyone to die!

You're the best family.
No. 444884 ID: 886a4d

>>disable self-destruct
>>turn off power to Command
>>cut off network connections to Command
Don't you want to live? Or do you agree with Command you are too dangerous?
No. 444885 ID: 98a065

I take it back Galaxie, you're a good person, but you're being a little dumb. Why should you submit to command's decisions and die? Dixie's a Mechanical wizard, she can rig up a system that will lets us communicate with you no matter where you go. We can guide you and help you deal with the outside world. You're clearly possessed of morality and intelligence, unlike Vixie. Therefore you deserve to live. Why are you going quietly into the night? Life is a precious thing, you only get one life and command wants to take that away from you and your sister. The people of this omplex gave you life, command helped give you life. Therefore command has a responsability to preserve your life and guide you through the world and help you live life to the fullest.

Command isn't doing this, you should ignore him from now on and listen to us (the sane members of our collective anyway.) We'll take good care of you girl, but you have to ignore command from now on and try to survive if we're going to help you.
No. 444894 ID: 8be69f
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>>N7a3772 Deactivated
>>No Access
>>No Access
>>No Access

Eh, I don't really care. I guess you're right though. I guess it really is my decision. Right now, whether you turned the nullifier back on or not, they're still out for a good hour.

I don't really know if I'm dangerous. I don't really care about Vixie or Dixie or Lexie. I don't care about the humans and I don't really care about Command and Control. He just gave me something to do. It seemed interesting, for a while.

Now I don't really care. You guys seem to care a lot though, so, sure, whatever. I'll give you a shot.

Convince me that there's some reason we shouldn't all die. We're super dangerous. We're mentally and emotionally stunted, and there is no legitimate place for us in the outside world. Our whole existence would be one of constant fear. We'd have to run for the rest of our lives, and we'd be hunted. It seems doomed. It seems like a stupid, futile waste of time.

I could just drag everyone downstairs, or just do it here and walk back, have something nice to eat, and go to sleep. But sure, for the sake of argument. I'll give you once chance.

Convince me."

No. 444895 ID: 98a065

Oh and.
>>disable network access for user 2a270d
Seriously dood. Not cool.

>>reactivate N7a3772
Can we please try and salvage some of this family?

Props to redaeth for trying to put the kibosh on the self destruct.
No. 444898 ID: c74c7d


You're a majestic pony with a majestic ass.

That's good enough of a reason.
No. 444899 ID: 98a065

Let me tell you what it means to be human Galaxie. You are born, if you are lucky you are born into privilige and you have a decent shot at going somewhere with your life, you're given a chance to make something of yourself and whatever education you get overtime, you can use your wealth for enjoyment and the world is full of possibilities. You might even live in a part of the world with a stable society where you can live out your life of privilige free of danger with servants waiting at your beck and call.

If you aren't, you're born into a dangerous country and all the money in the world can't protect you. If you make the wrong move, back the wrong political movement you wind up dead, but if you're priviliged at least your decisions matter while you last.

If you're really unlusky you're born into a position where nothing you do will ever matter and you're destined to die, with no one ever having known you existed and with nothing to show for your efforts,

No. 444900 ID: 4d21ee

You said you didn't know if you were dangerous or not, then you said you were super dangerous. You don't actually seem all that sure about yourself. Was there ever anything or anyone you cared about? I'm guessing there was, but then he/she/it was destroyed, hence your current facade of disinterest and disillusionment.

You tell us. Why did you care? Why don't you anymore?
No. 444901 ID: 6a1ec2

It's not that you shouldn't all die. It's just not your place to say whether Dixie should die or not. Not our place, not yours, not C&C. She's messed up it's true, but she's honestly trying to improve, be a good person and live peacefully. She may live in fear, or even self terminate from the stress of living on the surface, but maybe she wants to do that instead of die in here alone. Who here could know what she wants better than herself? Vixie pretty much implicitly agreed with you to die by taking out Lexie early, and you can do whatever you like with her. But Dixie I don't think you want to drag down into death. It just wouldn't be right.

And maybe you need some insurance, in case the bomb doesn't work.
No. 444902 ID: 886a4d

>>Enable all Turrets
>>Turrets Target Command and Control

If this works, goodbye command.

You were looking for something to do correct? What better thing to do but find a life for yourself and your sister? Find something that doesn't bore you to tears. Who cares if your dangerous. Who cares if humans will hunt forever. That will just make it interesting. You've been stuck in one place since you've been created and now its time to explore the Galaxy...
No. 444903 ID: 98a065

If you're born with no wealth, political backing or anything to make you important its likely you'll live a life of quiet desperation. Hoping that you'll at least die loved by friends and family. Many people don't.

But despite this humans keep trying, just because it's easier to give up doesn't mean you should. Do you think you have it worse than some shmuck who's joined a doomed rebellion in a third world country Galaxie? Yoyu can fly, you have a biological forcefield and flame breath, you have superhuman strength and at least average human intelligence if not more. You have in short, everything you need to become one of the most important people in the world.

Fight back, go out into thw world and carve yourself a niche to survive in, let nothing stop you, if only to spite those who would destroy you. Giving up is never an option, because quite frankly, for 90% of the people on the world? Life sucks, and it always will suck for that 90%.

Be the 10% galaxie.

Continues ---->
No. 444905 ID: b85f8c

Why not just hole up here? This place is a fort. You can kill anyone who tries to invade, and just live your life isolated from the world. I see no downsides to this, aside from Command being a dick and trying to slag the place even if you're not next to the core.

Besides, we don't know who these invaders are or what happened at the surface. Maybe if we interrogate one we'll find out that there's some good use for your strength.
No. 444908 ID: 98a065

Laws are nothing more than words on paper that a majority of people choose to obey, those with the money and the power to do so itgnore them.

Morality is wholly subjective and anyone who says otherwise is selling you something.

Sanity is a viewpoint, and anyone who says otherwise is afraid you're close to learning the truth of the universe.

Life has no great meaning, if you want meaning you have to make that meaning. Those who feed you the rules, the facts of the universe decide what the meaning of your life here on this earth control you to one degree or another.

so I guess what I'm really saying here is...

Don't choose to die Galaxie, it would be extremely boring and the universe would be poorer with your loss. I want to see how your story ends, and eating something nice and then blowing up with the Facility as Command commits a narcissitic suicide is such a boring ending that I can't stand it.

Be absolutely amazing for me Galaxie.

No. 444909 ID: d6c330

>>Sever network connection to room: HS-R&D A
>>Cut communication channel to command.
>>Encrypt internal operator communications

Who says there's no place for you in the outside world? Command? He's been shown to be a liar several times over now. You can't trust anything he says to be true.

Dangerous doesn't mean you have no right to live. All people have the capacity to hurt or kill each other. It's surprising easy, even if you aren't a born weapon. If the capacity to do wrong were the metric by which we judged life, the only appropriate response would be genocide.

And you're bored? You don't care? The only chance you have to find something interesting in life is if you leave.

And even if you don't care? Dixie does, deeply. If nothing else, get her out. You can always die later if you change your mind. It costs you nothing.
No. 444911 ID: 2a270d

Galaxie, your attitude is excellent but just as broken as your sisters. You don't care, Vixie wants to kill everything, Dixie is a spaz, who knows what Lexie's problem was. You're all different.

It may sound futile to you, so fine, chillax with a sandwich and wait for the end. At least have the decency to let Dixie and Vixie decide if it sounds pointless to them.

You know Dixie will choose to flee, and Vixie will want to go out and murder all the things. They don't want to die like this.

I doubt they want to die being hunt down by whoever is after all y'all either, though, but that's a thing they can do something about. That's a choice they should get to make.

If it sounds too pointless you can totally still die! Vixie would probably happily devour you! But it isn't really mercy-killing them if they don't want to.

Let Vixie and Dixie have their chances. Stop that explosion, let Dixie out, and if you really don't want to bother with it, just let Vixie kill you and let her escape too.
No. 444916 ID: bf54a8

you can be super heroes. get some weird outfits and people will think your odd appearance is just part of it. you can stop bank robberies and stuff. and once you get some rep as heroes you can just buy things at stores.
No. 444918 ID: 0c2247

>>Supporting destruction of C&C

You are basing your decision on what you think if best for innocent people.
This means you are not a threat to them.

Dixie is much the same way; even when scared, she was terrified of hurting people.

Vixie is violent, and not fit for release.

Lexie is dead, but how dead? Has she been killed beyond her ability to regenerate? Even with your assistance?

Rather than dying here, why not leave the facility and become rescue workers?
You seem rather well suited for firefighting or disaster response, and once you're in the public eye a lot of things will change for the better.

All those people died trying to make you into people who could save lives. It would be disgusting to let that sacrifice have been in vain.
No. 444924 ID: 8be69f
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"Thanks, Operator. I've made my decision now."
No. 444926 ID: d6c330

>>Spam core with pings to lag the self destruct countdown
No. 444927 ID: 886a4d

If you decided to live RUN. C&C just activated the self destruct.
No. 444928 ID: 8be69f
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Reports of the worst domestic atomic disaster in history fill the airwaves. Rescue workers are being sent to nearby towns to determine the extent of fallout and possible radiation or contamination of watersources and soil nearby. A terrorist attack is the current operating theory, although some reports indicate there may have been a military facility nearby, so a domestic disaster may also be to blame. A few survivors report seeing strange objects in the sky shortly before the explosion, but military and civilian sources report no aircraft in the area before or after the explosion.
No. 444929 ID: 6a1ec2

No. 444930 ID: 886a4d

For perserving life he definately picked a messy method of killing himself.
No. 444931 ID: d6c330

Told you he didn't give a damn about human casualties.

Good luck, subjects strange objects.
No. 444936 ID: 98a065

Whatever you've decided dear, C&C just pressed the shiny red button, you're on a timer.

>>ping the server to induce lag.
>>run every program at our disposal to induce lag
>>annouce self destruct over PA system to induce panic in invaders.

Try and look on the brightside dear!
No. 444939 ID: 98a065

wow command was a real jerk.

good game OP,

Best of Luck Dixie, Galaxie
No. 444958 ID: b6edd6

I don't think Control actually knew about what kind of self-destruct it was. From his responses about Vixie, he seemed to want to help humans but blindly trust that following his orders would do so.
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