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95162 No. 95162 ID: fb5d8e

272 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 96396 ID: a3b36a

Get to know him again. Let him know what you're up to these days. You two have a lot of catching up to do.
No. 96411 ID: fb5d8e
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Get to know him again?! Ask him what he's up to?!
This isn't just my best friend! This is the last remaining heir of lord Malto! Prince Muschio Malto!

"I'm just relaxing, the same as you, Sir Ridder. My god, I haven't seen you since the break of the Revolution. It's such a relief to see you alive! I worried about you, old friend. Has time treated you well?"
"Prince! Prince, we have to get you to safety! If the revolutionaries find you..!"
No. 96413 ID: c0f3bf

God damnit, we told you NOT to!
No. 96414 ID: 34470e

No. 96415 ID: c50a92

Get a hold of yourself, man! Don't you think it's been long enough? And, hell, even if they were still looking for him, don't you think he'd be smart enough to avoid them?

Please, Ridder, you're making yourself look like an ass, and in front of Muschio Malto, no less. Just continue talking with the man; you two must have a lot to catch up on.
No. 96416 ID: 5d5878

Ridder, calm the fuck down! He's lasted this long, I think he's fine for now. Chill out before you scare him too much.
No. 96417 ID: 476456

I think at the very least you're sort of frightening him.

Keep in mind he spent all this time without getting caught, he didnt spend it running around like a bumbling fool in the open
No. 96418 ID: 632862

Try not to break his wrist, Ridder.
No. 96420 ID: dfafbc

Great. Now you went completely bonkers. You're in some hot springs hidden by fog in the middle of nowhere, relax.
No. 96421 ID: c747c2

He looks kind of hard done by, huh? It can't be easy, being a fallen prince.
No. 96423 ID: e024d0

He has survived till now has he not, well poorly but still, he's alive... most of him.
No. 96454 ID: c0f3bf

Stop it right now, sit back and relax. If you make a big deal about him people that wouldn't look twice might figure something out. You can drag him out of there calmly, but don't make a scene.
No. 96474 ID: badf27

Now is not the time to get upset. The only thing you'll end up doing is calling attention to yourself, and more importantly, calling attention to Muschio. You should casually finish your bath as though nothing has happened, then go to a secure place along with Iesgip and talk with Muschio. Do not panic now.
No. 96508 ID: 8ce2bf

Quickly grab him and pick him up. Run into the woman's bath and get Iesgip so you guys can get out of there to save Muschio!
No. 96536 ID: e0499d

... no
No. 96560 ID: 96dac0

Sit down, Ridder. Muschio has been away for you for some time and no harm has come to him. Thus he is clearly capable of keeping himself from harm.
No. 96636 ID: 1f75b0

Calm down, talk about your quest.
(the fangs, sticks encounter, etc...)
No. 100843 ID: 6547ec

Don't really want to bump this before it starts back up for real, but.

Ridder. Chill a second. You could very well have been lured here. You already know full well how easily the senses can be fooled, and Muschio hasn't done anything to show that he's really the prince. This smells like trap to me.
No. 108255 ID: c16184
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How can I relax? This situation can not just be ignored!
Muschio remains calm and unphased. Am I not getting through to him?

"Revolutionaries? My dear friend, do you think we're still children? The revolutionaries have long since abandoned their hunt for me. So come, tell me of your travels! Do the women still throw themselves at your feet whenever you pass? Ha ha, what a grand birthday party that was!"
I admit that I have been quite popular with the women at the court...
"I do undergo a number of advances, yes-- No, listen, I have seen these revolutionaries near Iniziare Citta, they are still very hostile towards Malto loyalists. Prince, please understand that you are the last in the bloodline. Your safety is of the essence. Where do you stay now?"
No. 108258 ID: 8ce2bf

Oh my god look at him he's emaciated you need to stuff food into his face.
No. 108261 ID: c16184
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"Come now, Ridder! I live under my own authority, and I've managed quite well for myself all this time, haven't I? The new government is hardly concerned with me. Now tell me, what ever became of that bandit girl you apprehended on your earlier hunts? You know, the one with those freckles and the ears...? I heard rumor you two were going to elope, you know!"
Ah, what a memory. There I was, young and bold, my first time heading into the king's hunting grounds...
"Really now? I wonder how those rumors got around. I mean we--"
..Wait, that's not--
"No, prince, PLEASE! Who do you stay with now? Is it a noble house that has taken you into their protection? Prince, your situation is dire!"
No. 108262 ID: c0f3bf

Whatever he's done with himself, he obviously isn't doing it well. You've got to make sure he doesn't starve to death, this is ridiculous.
No. 108263 ID: cf41a7

He does look kind of I'll fed. But you can't be expected to keep up appearances all the time huh?
No. 108265 ID: c6f0c1

And possibly butter as well!
No. 108266 ID: 34470e

No. 108270 ID: c16184
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No. 108272 ID: 34470e

How often does he do this to you?
No. 108273 ID: cf41a7

wait, whut... laugh.
No. 108275 ID: 8ce2bf

Blush furiously and remember the last time he did that to you, and how you were wearing the same amount of clothes then.
No. 108278 ID: c0f3bf

That was uncalled for. You must retaliate, pinch his volto nose red!
No. 108290 ID: c16184
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The pinch. It seems an eternity ago.

>"Aaah! This hat makes me look respectful but it's too pompous! And this hat makes me look friendly but it looks so cheap! I hate hats-- Ouch!"[/b]
>"Muschio! Just go without a hat!"

A remnant of our childhood: Whenever the other got too upset or out of hand, this was our way of getting one another back to focus.
It's remarkable how much effect it still has - How calming the touch of my best friend.

"Sir Ridder! I'm a grown man. The assassins of the crown have long stopped seeking me, because I no longer have any connection to the crown. The dogs have been called off, and I live under my own power, under my own freedom. I appreciate your concern, and I know your intentions are sincere, I truly do. But you must believe me: I'm fine. I'm not in danger. No more than any man in these times."
He pauses to give me my time to settle down.
"I know you, Ridder. I know you will always honor your duties. But the time I needed an armed escort just to buy candy at the store is long since passed. Today, you are my dearest friend -- not simply my guardian."
I stay quiet for a moment as I search for words.
"I-- I apologize, prince. I should have known that you have grown into a capable man. Perhaps I have been stuck in the past as you have moved on to greener pastures, without a doubt leading your own followers now. It.. It is good to see, Muschio, my friend. How are you?"
No. 108295 ID: c0f3bf

Hug. It's been a long time hasn't it?
No. 108296 ID: bfbefc

Well, its not like you have no reason to have concern...

Tell him about Innitiare, how it was razed, how the rebels moved in, how oen of them was very willing of making sushi out of you... >.>;

Just in passing though, no need to go all 'must defend muschy'.
No. 108297 ID: 8ce2bf

Ask Muschio if he ever considered wearing more than one hat at a time as a solution to one hat not doing him justice.
No. 108299 ID: 34470e

Wait, didn't the same person who see that city ablaze corrupt that one kobold into doing evil?
No. 108300 ID: 34470e

Wait, What is Iesgip doing in here?
No. 108307 ID: c16184
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My old friend hesitates to answer. He leans back and grabs his head, sounding something between a grumble and a sigh.
"...It's as you say, Ridder. I've been trying to unite... some peoples under myself. But in my drive for power, in grasping for the shadows of what I had expected, I feel I've lost sight of the substance. And now I'm not even sure of what I'm doing, or where I'm going. And on top of everything, I feel I can't even trust my own men. These are my failings, through and through. But in all my training I never faced anything like this."
It is a poor and unfitting sight for a man of his background and destiny.
"I wonder if I'm even cut out to be a leader. Perhaps it was better when I was on my own."
"I can not believe that, Muschio."
I speak before thinking. My feelings burst out, ignited by this surreal shadow of a man I know is far too great to doubt himself.
"You are a strong and charismatic man. You always have been made to lead others, to help those without a dream find one and work together under a grand cause like your father used to do. Remember how we used to watch him sit with the soldiers while the nobles snorted? I have never pictured you to become any different, Muschio."
I pause to keep myself from stammering.
"Loving and beloved."
No. 108312 ID: c0f3bf

Okay, NOW hug him. That line is a perfect intro to a hug. Or at least, take his hand again and squeeze it.
No. 108313 ID: 34470e

Ridder, listen. Iesgip. Is. BEHIND YOU!
No. 108315 ID: e23d5d

The Prince seems to be deflecting your questions about his status somewhat, at least on details. I do not doubt that the strict interpretation of his word - that he's in no danger - is true, but I sense he'd rather not talk about specifics, if only so that you and he can relax and be just friends for a time. I would recommend being vague on your own situation: no need to increase any stress the Prince may be suffering by adding your own difficulties on his mind.

Kobold, by the way...
No. 108317 ID: 632862

This is a cutscene. Email field, guys.
No. 108339 ID: c16184
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With my words his expression turns confident and proud, as I had always imagined him. I am slightly startled at how much effect I had.
"Maybe that's just it, Ridder. Maybe I've forgotten how to care for my constituents, my men and my soldiers. Maybe I've become so lost in this grab for power, my real problem is I've forgotten to care about my workers."
He speaks with much enthusiasm, occasionally pausing as if musing to himself.
"If I had ignored the men society called beneath me, then you and I would not be friends, Ridder. And now, perhaps more than ever, I'm thankful that we are."
I sigh with relief and smile. I never dreamed of seeing him again, but I always knew that if I did, our friendship would still be as strong as ever. The bond that we build lasted through years and judgement, to where it could withstand rebellion and exile.
He places his hands on my shoulders and looks me straight in the eye. He nods slightly as if confirming himself.
"You have a wise man's way about you, friend. I've always said it. You are so focused, so driven, so silent. It draws the women to you, no doubt. But a man of your ambitions could find a grand following from souls of all races, genders, and creeds. You may not be of noble blood, Ridder, but I have always believed you would make as capable of leader as any white-haired noble."
My smile quickly fades. I hadn't expected that. To be made a leader of more than an army goes far beyond what I've been trained for.
"S-surely not me, prince. I- I greatly appreciate your praise.. but I come from a line of mercenaries. My way is that of armies and war, cruel as they be. I.. could never guide a community to prosperity."
No. 108341 ID: 9891a9

No. 108342 ID: 34470e

You've been doing good so far.
No. 108344 ID: cf41a7

Really Rider.. you think that? look at what you have done. you have given honest work and a home to those that had none, a goal to those that were pathless, freedom to the imprisoned mind.

You cut yourself short Ridder.
No. 108345 ID: c0f3bf

Why not? There's nothing stopping you, is there?
No. 108347 ID: 6834bc

Hey Ridder, did the Prince just say "grab for power"?

I just wanna make sure I'm not mishearing things.
No. 108360 ID: c16184
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It saddens me to see Muschio's excitement falter at the sight of my own doubt, but instead of giving up he holds up his fist with vigor. He responds in a demanding tone.
"Ridder, listen to me, my friend. In my youth I saw many an ambitious young man who one day hoped to hold some legion beneath his command. I saw aspiring Kings-to-be and frizzle-haired Rulers in the making, but never once did I see as driven and powerful a young man as yourself."
He looks me over as if puzzled by my lack of confidence. I feel my own heart beat faster at his faith in me.
"You're a born leader, Ridder, and you can't keep living down simply because you view yourself a mercenary. You were built for grander stuff, my friend. I believe in your abilities, Ridder. And once you've arrived, there won't be a man in this world who can stand in your way."
He pauses to pat me on the shoulder and grins.
"Well, except for me of course!"
Of course I would not be able to defeat him, but for him to believe I could surpass anyone else is.. the greatest honor. Even if I do not believe in myself, I can not allow myself to do anything but aim high anymore - He expects it from me. He believes in me.
I confirm his feelings with a nod and grab his fist.

"Thank you. Thank you, Muschio, my dear friend. I.. I will not let your trust be in vain. May our followers march side by side one day."
No. 108363 ID: 476456

Suddenly become aware that there are only very few people on the island with a number of subordinates.
No. 108366 ID: 34470e

Hmm... There's your group, Muschio's, This "boss" person's, Coriander Salamander's, and possibly even The Fangs, if there are any left.
No. 108381 ID: c16184
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We hold hands for a moment. Feelings of nostalgia rush through my body, until I realize he may simply be holding my hand out of politeness. I break the silence with a whimsical invitation.
"Ah, perhaps-- Perhaps you can visit me."
"Yes, one day! I -- well, as I said, I'm in a bit of disarray right now, or I'd ask your support now. But ah, I'm sure someday we'll unite under a common banner once more."
I nod. I do not want to force myself onto him, as much as I would enjoy working with him. Perhaps when he is finished with his business we can ride out to fight the 'Boss' together... but again, insisting this would not be proper.
I reach for the paper and ink that lay with Muschio's belongings and draw out our location.

"Certainly. I have no intention to rush you: My aid will be available at a moment's notice. Let me draw out where my current base of operation is. You may visit when you find the time--"
I choke on my words. The mansion is still in an appaling state. I must have it cleaned and find uniforms for all my followers before his visit!
"But perhaps in about a week would be best. I confess that it is not the most presentable right now."
Luckily the prince finds this agreeable.
"Excellent! My friend, this was a most fortunate encounter. I'm so glad fate has crossed our paths again. And with this, I shall be sure to see you again, in short time."
No. 108387 ID: c16184
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"But now, I must be off. Your words have inspired me. I return at once to my men!"
The prince climbs out of the spring, wrapping himself in a towel. He gathers his belongings and heads towards the exit.
I wave and find myself smiling.

"The very best of luck, my friend. May we meet again very, very soon!"
He returns the wave with a nod and disappears into the evening fog.

"Sir, was.. was he an old ally, sir?"
"Yes, he--"
No. 108388 ID: c16184
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"--IESGIP-- WHAT--?!"
No. 108391 ID: 34470e

I warned you.
No. 108393 ID: f21281

Gain an erection at the most inappropriate time.
No. 108394 ID: 632862

"Why aren't you in the women's bath?"
No. 108395 ID: cf41a7

Bad news may I presume.
No. 108397 ID: c0f3bf

Tell her it is vary inappropriate to spy on naked men!
No. 108406 ID: 8ce2bf

Quickly cover your crotch and nipples she is seeing you naked!!
No. 108409 ID: c16184
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Yes, that seems like the appropiate first question ask!
"Iesgip! Why aren't you in the women's bath?"
She seems to have some trouble with my angry expression.
"I.. S-sir, I just.. I thought I could give you a massage.. s-sir.."
She gets up and holds out a small leafwrapped package.
"I-I have this cream I made. It's very good for weary muscles.. s-sir.."
No. 108411 ID: 6834bc

Compliment Iesgip on how ripped she is.
Try not to stare at her tits.
No. 108413 ID: c0f3bf

Oh that's nice of her, you should accept and offer to give her a massage afterwards as well.
No. 108414 ID: 9891a9

Well why not? You have been getting rather worked up over Muschio, time to relax.
No. 108415 ID: 8ce2bf

Well you did come here to relax maybe you should let her do her thing mang.
No. 108416 ID: cf41a7

This is awkward, I'm not sure if it's really... appropriate either?
No. 108419 ID: 2dd482

go for it boss, you could really use a nice relaxing massage
No. 108421 ID: e3f578

Well, Ridder man, you know what... screw thinking hard about this stuff, sit back, and let this happen.

Women have fawned over you before. Let us remain manly and stoic. Accept the massage in a proud manner. You don't have to do anything dishonorable.
No. 108422 ID: f21281

You know what. We need a 180. You're always shirking from stuff like this. Prove Muschio right, that you're not an underling who simply follows orders, but rather a leader who makes his own.

Calm down, relax, and talk civilly with her. No embarrassment, and accept the massage. You take care of your people, and they'll take care of you, you know what I mean?
No. 108424 ID: 6547ec

Some herbological hilarity sounds perfect right about now. Go for it.
No. 108425 ID: 18b9f0

If you really wanna show you can take charge you should make sure she's walking funny for a week
No. 108427 ID: e23d5d

No, this seems inappropriate. Be understand, boss - they probably don't have these sorts of gender segregation customs where she comes from. Remain calm, explain the situation and have her on her way.

And, um. Remember the Prince reminiscing on your magnetism? It may be in effect. Perhaps try to drop a very tactful hint about Sticks at some point.
No. 108429 ID: 632862

Make sure she knows that you're with Sticks right now and she's going to have to wait for anything intimate until you're available again.
No. 108430 ID: cf41a7

Also THIS, we've have some BAD experiences and choices with all things HERBALOGICAL...
No. 108436 ID: e0499d

she's not trying for anything intimate. She honest to god just wants to massage you. Just let her. If it gets unnerving, let her know.
No. 108438 ID: cb1a80

Tits? What tits? They're more like pecs.
No. 108441 ID: 5d5878

You know what, why the hell not. Though it's kind of awkward (including the fact that she can likely break you without effort), I don't see any reason to decline.
No. 108442 ID: cf41a7



The only herbal supplier we know that 'she' know deals in some very... "shady goods." Goods we have already sampled!
No. 108443 ID: 426169

Now you've gone and scared her. Is that how a gentleman behaves? Is it?

Apologize to her for your outburst, then tell her she is welcome to give you a massage if she wishes to do so.
No. 108444 ID: c0f3bf

Intimacy does not equal romance/sexiness.
No. 108450 ID: c16184
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Yes, it could go either way. Perhaps she simply wishes to give me a massage as a friendly gesture, or perhaps she is attracted to me.
Muschio's constant talk of how women fall at my feet.. has made me slightly self-conscious.
But I should agree, as not to hurt her feeling.

"Very well, thank you, Iesgip. Thank you very much. How would you have me sit?"
"T-turn around please, sir."
I hear her unwrap the package and soon feel the cold cream rubbed onto my back and shoulders. It quickly warms up in the moist spring air.
"As much as I appreciate this you should know that it is inappropiate in these kind of establishments for men and women to mix. That is why you had a seperate bath."
"Oh.. I- I see. I'm s-sorry, sir."
"It is alright this time. There is no one around."
I feel her whiskers brush against my back as she nods.
She rubs my back with powerful strokes. After a while I begin to feel that she is edging closer to me.

"Sir, when those.. when those bandits attacked us.. you shielded me with your own body.."
She goes silent again.
I clear my throat.

"Iesgip, please don't take this the wrong way, but I just want this to be clear to avoid any heart ache. I am in a relationship with Sticks."
She stops rubbing.
"..I.. I know, s-sir. She brags about it a-alot. ..But.. but I will still treasure this moment."
She presses herself against my back. I feel the contours of her firm muscled chest and abs slide along the herbal cream.
"Does.. Does that make me a bad person.. s-sir?"
No. 108452 ID: 2dd482

Awh, poor Iesgip, look how heartbroken she is already. Console her with a gentle gesture.. like a kiss on the forehead
No. 108457 ID: cf41a7

We all have our duties to preform, our parts to play. Sometime we chose our parts, sometimes... we are not so... free.
No. 108462 ID: 0248f1

A relationship between a mentor and a student deeply improves the link between them.
Say "No. Lust is completely normal and natural."
Then turn your head around and smile, you schizoid fuck.
No. 108463 ID: 426169

"No, it doesn't. If things were differently, I wouldn't hesitate to... but it's not to be. Forgive me."
No. 108464 ID: 34bfdb

I don't think that's wise. Lets be more blunt here. It would be better for her if she tried her best to get over this crush. This isn't going to happen, and it'd be better if she just let it go: leave her heart open to other loves in the future rather then day-dreaming about one that won't.
No. 108465 ID: f21281

"Not at all. It is an inherent nature of every person to desire personal contact with others, you should not be ashamed of this. While I myself do not believe that I am the best choice to grant you such a...ah, intimate, I will do my best to grant you it nonetheless. No one deserves to be denied happiness, Iesgip. That is one truth that Lord Malto did well to teach me, though be it not in personal instruction, but rather his deeds."
No. 108466 ID: 0248f1

Yes, this is a better idea. Still, tell her it's natural. But talk to her about Nakraska and how cool he is.
No. 108471 ID: 2dd482

Nekraska is too laid back for Iesgip, she said as much when we talked to her earlier. She needs some one driven, like Ridder (or Babraskus, hitnhint).
No. 108472 ID: 632862

"I treasure each and every one of my companions, Iesgip. It would break my heart to lose any of you, or see you suffer."
No. 108475 ID: 2dd482

this, then make sweet passionate love to her.
No. 108477 ID: cf41a7


That would not be very knightly behavior of us.
No. 108478 ID: e0499d

move her interest to Nakraska.

Plus, saving people tends to create this kind of reaction. You'll need to learn to deal with this, cause if you plan on being a savior, this is gonna happen a lot.

Anyway, if she wants to hold you, let it be. Just go apeshit if she comes near your pole...
No. 108488 ID: c16184
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I distance myself and turn around to face her. She looks up expectantly, a warm glow on her face.
"Iesgip.. That you feel love makes you a very good person. Treasure this warmth that you feel. Let it make you happy. But don't cling on to a dream that will never be. When you are able to feel the same warmth again... follow it. You will always mean a lot to me as my companion and friend."
She nods.
"Th-thank you.. s-sir."
No. 108489 ID: 0248f1

No. 108490 ID: c0f3bf

Now give her a massage.
No. 108493 ID: 2dd482

we haven't had the obligitory oh lawdy yet.

oh lawdy bold boobs

Also leans in close and give her a kiss on the forehead~ she deserves it
No. 108494 ID: b8388b

continue with the massage
you need all the rest you can get
maybe a little female comfort too
sticks doesnt need to know :3
No. 108495 ID: cf41a7

It's sad sometimes, when one can't do everything, to please everyone.

I somehow don't think a hug appropriate given your unclothed state.. but >>108493 could do.
No. 108497 ID: c16184
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I gently hold her head and lean over to give her a kiss on her head.
She puts her hands on my arms. We stay like that for a moment.

"Let's do our best together tomorrow."
"Y-yes, sir."
No. 108498 ID: b8388b

make sexy tiem
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