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98186 No. 98186 ID: 5696d4

"Why is everything so dark..."

I have established the following information, which shall be static all throughout:
You are a <UNKNOWN>
You are female.
Your name is Sanya.
Your age is 2,000 years old.

Please select your skin color.
178 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 99449 ID: c0f3bf

Go back to the village, stealthily. Check up on your dad, see if he's crazy still.
No. 99451 ID: f21281

An Orgasm is a series of muscular contractions that allows the delivery of sperm from the testicles through the urethra and out the penis. It is accompanied by a very pleasurable sensation. You can have orgasms too, it's just brought about in a different manner.

It's also how babies are made.

In other news, I have a sinking suspicion that your gaze is what triggered it. Get your goggles, they're probably magically enchanted to prevent your gaze from making people go "omg hawtness I want to bang you" at you.
No. 99454 ID: 34470e

Go to the dorf fortress. But get your goggles first.
No. 99455 ID: b082e5

Um, have you ever fondled your own sexual parts for an extended period of time? That's called masturbation. And it felt good for a while, slowly building up until the feeling surged like a sneeze? That surge is an orgasm.

So uh... Whatever this thing is that's causing people to go berserk is making them really want to experience an orgasm via your touch, and it appears to make them VERY sensitive.

Like I said before, if you go back to the clearing you were sleeping in you'll get ambushed. Don't go there.
No. 99457 ID: bd57bb

So sanya I heard you're pretty Tough. But just how tough are you?
No. 99461 ID: 5696d4
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> Go back to the village, stealthily.

Going to the village...
No. 99465 ID: c0f3bf

NO, STEALTHILY! Go into the trees before you get there so you aren't seen!
No. 99466 ID: b082e5

What, really? We're breaking the time loop? ...well maybe we'll get ambushed in the village now. Hmm.
No. 99470 ID: bd57bb

The time loop is already broken.
>ruins of Dorf Fortress
No. 99486 ID: 059c31

This doesn't seem to be a solid set is stone time loop... probably more flexible than that. I think of it more as an echo than a mirror, different, but still identifiably the same.

hmmm, this time we have to identify what causes 'us' to lose Lady Sanya's mind... and likely by effect all that time, hereditary madness is not exactly something we should be encouraging among our hosts... at least not when we loose 'so much' usable time (I mean, think of all we could have been up to then!)

hmmm, I wonder how much dragon blood is required for the longevity effect? Or if there is something else at work there I'm not seeing?
No. 99489 ID: b082e5

Murdelp is a pure kobold and is apparently over 2,000 years old. There's some mysterious power at work behind the scenes here. Possibly related to the repetition we're experiencing.
No. 99492 ID: bd57bb

>was even able to grant some wishes for herself.
No. 99506 ID: 5696d4
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Fine, fine! I don't think there's anything I should be hiding from, though... save for Nurzu and my own dad.

I'm back at the village. Father must be inside his hut.
No. 99508 ID: bd57bb

No. 99510 ID: b082e5

Grab goggles. Prepare for ambush.
No. 99511 ID: c0f3bf

As much as you want to nab those goggles, don't, it's a trap.

Instead, run and bowl over the tent, wrap up your dad and try not to hurt him TOO badly.
No. 99515 ID: b082e5

Wait a sec. How long has that rip been in that tent?
No. 99516 ID: af3e6d

Two thousand years. They sure don't make things like they used to.
No. 99517 ID: 34470e

If that is a rip in that tent, We remember doing that. We kinda wanted to get Murdelp hooked up with another kobold. It seems we failed, somehow. Essence of Courage will chew us out for this.
No. 99521 ID: 059c31

hmmm those goggles 'do' seem laid out a bit too obviously. As a great commander once said... "TSATRAP."

I am sorry if we seem a bit paranoid here, but we are trying to prevent you from having quite the same fate as your mother (mostly the going mad and causing an apocalypse part.)

Also... hey... 0____0
>rip in tent
Mere leather and cloth does not last 2 damn millinia! Something is 'very' wrong with the dates we are getting here... Like creapybadwrong...
No. 99528 ID: bd57bb

Personally I think Sanya just fell headfirst into a bucket of blue paint.
No. 99545 ID: 5696d4
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Sanya equipped GOGGLES.

I hear my dad inside our hut.
No. 99547 ID: af3e6d

No. 99548 ID: 51d0f5

This is getting quite suspicious.


Then kick over the teepee.
No. 99549 ID: c0f3bf

Indeed, let's hear what he's saying.
No. 99550 ID: 059c31

I suppose there 'is' a "convenient eavesdropping tear" in the side there.
No. 99566 ID: 5696d4
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> Let's hear what he's saying.

I try to eavesdrop. He seems to be muffled or gagged. Eitherway, someone must've broken into the hut!
No. 99569 ID: 34470e

Enter cautiously.
No. 99570 ID: c0f3bf

There's nobody around you, right? Bust in there!
No. 99573 ID: bd57bb

In before ambush.
No. 99580 ID: 5696d4
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> Enter cautiously.

I do so...

No. 99581 ID: bd57bb

Welp nice knowing you sanya.
No. 99583 ID: c0f3bf

You bumped into him didn't you?
No. 99595 ID: 5696d4
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"... Keep 'er comin', boys! This one's OUR SLAVE NOW!"

(NSFW, block-animated)
No. 99596 ID: bd57bb

No. 99597 ID: c0f3bf

Waterball the entire area. YOUR LIFE AND SEXUAL HONOR DEPENDS ON IT!!
No. 99599 ID: 51d0f5

im confus
No. 99600 ID: 059c31

No. 99601 ID: 059c31

No. 99603 ID: 5696d4
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No. 99604 ID: 34470e

No. 99606 ID: bd57bb

So I guess sanya is taking Amina's role now?
No. 99608 ID: 059c31

Some things man was not meant to know...
No. 99609 ID: 5696d4

For the record, this is a non-canon quest.
No. 99623 ID: bd57bb

Can we see Sanya the Second's statcard?
No. 99634 ID: 5696d4
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If you're really that interested.
No. 99635 ID: 5696d4
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How this relates to the original Sanya quest.
No. 99694 ID: bc3e5a


Oh, Genozzo :3 Never change, buddy.
No. 99778 ID: f78140

shoulda gone with doubletough.
No. 99901 ID: af3e6d

I knew it!
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