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140583 No. 140583 ID: 995874

A discussion thread for Rotten Apple quest.

105 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 141642 ID: dc13c4
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I apologize for not understanding what you asked me. But at the same time, I gave you something else to think about.
No. 141643 ID: dc13c4
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As for your real question, well there won't be as much as secret skill checks as there were in the Long live the Queen game. But at the same time, there are going to be some things that your opponents will expect from you and will be able to counter your attempts.
No. 141659 ID: e51896
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Okay, my idea for a character.

A mysterious pig vampire showed up to this world, looking to set up a fast food restaurant chain called "BURGERVANIA" within the different kingdoms of the world. Apparently, the BURGERVANIA chain did not originate from this world, but from another world entirely, and they want to expand their burger empire throughout the different universes out there after making some kind of deal with a demon from another world to help them do it, and BURGERVANIA chose the world of rotten apple as one of the many worlds to expand their business.

This pig is name Vance, and while he isn't the true owner of BURGERVANIA, he was sent here by the head CEO to spread the business to this world, and act as this world's BURGERVANIA's CEO

He is neutral and will not pick sides, as he is willing to not only expand to Bobbie's kingdom, but to the other kingdoms, including her enemies' kingdoms. Perhaps he will try to work out a deal with Bobbie to allow him to purchase some places to set up some BURGERVANIA restaurants in her kingdom and villages.

Since he's a vampire, he can only be around during the night.

No, he does not personally know w2K and they are not related. They have never met before. He only knows her as a mascot, which they will probably use her image to try to help sell their food.
No. 141696 ID: c65153
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So since there was a parody of my characters in the quest and they described it as an anime in the story I decided to create the anime cover art of the parody.
No. 141709 ID: 55f601
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First of all, I want to thank everyone for sending their ideas for characters, it was fun thinking about how to implement them all in the story. Now about Vance, he is a clear connection to the other quest and I don't have a problem with that. But what I want to change a little bit is how he ended up in this world, instead of coming here it will be that he is stranded in this world and needs to create his food chain from scratch. I imagine him to act like Ray Kroc from the Founder movie.
No. 141770 ID: e7a0ae
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So worst or best typo?
No. 141785 ID: 72574f
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Absurdity DeVoid: "Oh how embarrassing for me to make such a silly mistake, yeah it was supposed to be sit instead of shit."
No. 141786 ID: 72574f
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Absurdity DeVoid: "But at the same time I find it really funny. Also, I have been thinking of making a comic of Rotten Apple characters singing songs how do you all feel about that idea."
No. 141790 ID: 9c23e7

Won't lie, see lots of typos but usually it's easy to know what it's supposed to be. Had to highlight that one for the humor value, though. Did consider leaving in Wormworks saying it's fine and naming the png "Wormworks_has_a_fetish.png" but it seemed funny enough as is since he's smiling. Per the comic do it if it's fun for you chief. We are but humble readers/suggestors. Ours is to positively criticize. We'd be very entitled if we tell you how to do fun things.
No. 141813 ID: e002ad
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Absurdity DeVoid: "What I can say for my defense is that I usually want to make the update as soon as possible, I work alone but things slip by me."
No. 141814 ID: e002ad
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Absurdity DeVoid: "Despite all my grammatical mistakes and unimpressive art I am glad that the story captivated you."
No. 141815 ID: 52a42d

Didn't mean to make ya feel bad. Just happen to notice typos in daily life. Were it a deal-breaker would probably never read words at all. Oh and while digital coloring and perhaps shading is not that tough, line art is my kryptonite. So however unimpressive you believe your art is, you're still better than like 80% of people who have no art skill at all. Plus most artists improve the more they draw. Especially if they criticize their own works. So chin up as they say in British derived dialects!
No. 141818 ID: 0f6712

It is alright, do you have a discord? We can talk there.
No. 141826 ID: bcde53

Short version: no. Long version: technological affinity has made me a technophobe because of privacy concerns. Little ironic eh? Still, while a level of tracking is very hard to avoid in this day and age, giving up and letting it be easy just seems foolish.

However if retro works, just joined IRC at #tgchan on irc.rizon.net even if it's semi-dead.
No. 141828 ID: 711344

I completely understand your approach to interacting with technology, in today's day and age anything that you say or do on the internet it will be recorded and monitored. I will respect your decision and not ask you anymore about Discord.
No. 141966 ID: fbe348
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Bobbie: "Well for today's celebration put in all the jokes that you liked or would like to see in this quest."

Abdle: "Are you sure that is going to be such a good idea, you do realize what people on this site find funny."
No. 141967 ID: fbe348
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Bobbie: "Oh I am fully aware and in a way am accepting of it."
No. 141972 ID: 27fceb

I like the joke of Bobbie being tired of everybody's nonsense.
No. 141976 ID: 5ebd37

Abdle's little toy friend is a good joke
No. 141977 ID: 5ebd37
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a travel poster for the castle
No. 141989 ID: 7c55ad

I like Bobbie's small silly moments especially when it contrasts with her personality (like that cringey dab she did)
No. 141994 ID: 9c049c
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Bobbie: "I asked for your favorite joke and now you just created a joke that I really like. you definitely outplayed me during this celebration, I can assure you that this travel poster will become a part of the quest."
No. 141995 ID: 9c049c
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Bobbie: "As for your other suggestion all of them will be taken into consideration and it will be sprinkled them here and there in the quest. Not trying to overdo it."
No. 141996 ID: 9c049c
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Bobbie: "And yes this also includes Abdle's little toy friend joke as well."

Abdle: "Oh joy..."
No. 142050 ID: 27fceb

So what's up with the heart point that we just got?
No. 142053 ID: 4c9b0e
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It is a reference to relationships standing with other characters. The more points you have the more they will see you in a favorable light, there will be all sorts of them as the quest goes along. I will give you some for the characters that you already know exist.

1. belongs to the Archer.

2. belongs to Worm Works.

3. belongs to the whole Farm Knights Gang.
No. 142090 ID: 0a3525
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Just something for later. I was asked to help make a special monster by Absurdity, so this is what I came up with. Don't read if you don't want spoilers.

They are an Oblex, a special type of Ooze that can change its appearance based on the memories of people it's eaten. As such, they are something of a scholar and librarian but everything they do is an imitation of actual feelings. There is always something just slightly off about them, and when they get too stressed out, panicked, etc, they return to their slime form.
No. 142094 ID: d37872
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Harbard Grim is the one who picked which one of these 5 character is the Oblex and it will be up to you all to figure out who that is.
No. 142162 ID: c5529d

I think at this moment, the reason why I'm thinking we shouldn't take the gift is because I believe the demon kid when he said that he didn't use any illusions to trick us. So if it isn't him, it's one of the others. And right now, I'm thinking it's probably Scarecrow Kid who tried to mess with us, considering he was likely staring directly at one of the lesser demons, which isn't normal. I might be a bit too paranoid, but right now, I think that gift might actually be something that could mess with us later down the line if we accept it, especially if he was the one who was causing illusions on the demon kid's arms to mess with us earlier.
No. 142163 ID: c5529d

Also posted this here in case Scarecrow Kid can hear us. If he can see us, he can probably hear us too.
No. 142164 ID: 27fceb

What if not taking his gift may just anger him.
No. 142165 ID: c5529d

Perhaps. But it's better than just breaking it in front of him as the other other option. Pretty much why in my decision, I made it a polite decline to not hurt his feelings by saying it's too valuable to just accept, and to keep it with him for later. Can't forget that one of them is the Oblex after all >>142094
No. 142172 ID: 20a211
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Fan Art for the House Cadvere quest which was made by Nalthar

No. 142253 ID: 7c724f
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No. 142363 ID: 5ebd37

I think we can use the cat's cleverness against her

Step one: Bobbie carries decoy toy around in place of the real Abdle, with a good but not perfect disguise. Shadow Taker will see through this deception and know Abdle is hidden somewhere, but she will think that we think we fooled her.
Step two: Abdle is hidden in a chamber that is rigged as a trap. Something where when the thief enters she will get dropped in a pit or a cage falls on her. Better yet, have the hallway leading to the room be trapped, so when she opens the door at one end the other end gets sealed shut. She may be tricky, but I bet she isn't carrying a big drill or bomb able to get through a solid stone dungeon.
Bonus deception: Abdle isn't even in the trap room, but a set of arranged mirror's make it look like he is. Something like one of those boxy periscopes. This way even if ST tries to yoink him with a trick bolt he'll be quite unreachable. or at least give him time to escape hatch if she has something we didn't anticipate.
No. 142555 ID: e25c20

Thank you for following the quest so far we reached the half-point of the second chapter so it is a good point for a short survey. How do you like the story so far, is there something more that you would like to see and if you have to add some constructive criticism I will consider it.
No. 142558 ID: c5529d

>How do you like the story so far
it's engaging. I like the comedic moments

>is there something more that you would like to see
I'm interested in seeing how the characters develop in the story

>if you have to add some constructive criticism I will consider it.
There's spelling errors from time to time, but I think it still gets the message across regardless. If you want, you can probably write out the script in a word document for it to correct any errors before writing it in the picture if that helps.
No. 142918 ID: 27fceb

I have a question, the afterworld which Abdle and his sister come from. Does it still exist?
No. 142919 ID: 05aa5e


No, the place where they came from no longer exists.
No. 142994 ID: 14ca5c

Well since you asked... Was sorta indecisive. Each choice had upsides and downsides. Option 1 would mean losing Bobbie. Perhaps we'd get a better person though Bobbie is not so bad. Perhaps we'd get worse. Would have been hilarious if archer took the mantle of his lost love. Option 2 has high stakes. On one hand if we choose a game death is unfamiliar with we'd have a meta advantage. Even so we may lose. Plus we'd have to figure out what death is unfamiliar with (which we should do now). Or possibly pick a game rigged in our favor by designing one. Lot easier if we make the rules. Option 3 has pitfalls. Each rez would challenge our ruling mandate. How much would our followers put up with? What if they decide whatever good we do would not outweigh the deaths? Lastly option 4 was a roll of the dice. Hard to say if it's good or bad if the upsides and downsides elude us. Still, sort of did make a decision by not choosing. Quite simply the best option is to avoid the situation by keeping them alive. Overly optimistic perhaps but it's a positive goal.
No. 142996 ID: e02d92
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No. 142998 ID: e090ca

Have two. First would be a curse of decrepitness which would addle the bodies and minds of them with every death. Lots of deaths would leave them so demented and crippled that it'd be worse than dying. Do like the second one more though. One hour ritual that reverses one death within 24 hours. Once 24 hours passes its protection is gone. While the ritual can be done several times in a day the limit on each is unchanged. Say you did it at 4:00 and 14:00. Once 4:00 passes you can only die once safely not twice. Sure you could have a lot but you would get little done for the day. Perhaps not even sleep. Even then a skilled enemy could kill you 20+ times should they outmatch you that bad. Plus if the ritual is disrupted while ongoing it fails. Would be hard to pull off during an active siege with catapults banging on the walls (unless you're deep underground). Or if there is an emergency our people would have to decide if such news would be worth disrupting a ritual.
No. 142999 ID: 65be43
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Thank you for giving me that answer, as for your suggestion of the Archer becoming the next Monster King. Here is how it would look.
No. 143000 ID: 65be43
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And this is how it would look if you picked the third option.
No. 143006 ID: 65be43
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Here is how it would look if you picked the fourth option.
No. 143015 ID: e902cb

Maaaaan, seeing this made me wish we chose the new character option even more. Potential ghost Bobbie would of be so cool.
No. 143199 ID: 9246cb
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Here is your gift bass you crazy ass.
No. 143200 ID: 9246cb
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Nalthar your gift will be a drawing of how Lisel would look in my quest.
No. 143201 ID: 9246cb
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Will-O'-Liquid your gift will be also how some of your characters would look in my quest.
No. 143202 ID: 9246cb
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Last but not least Grand Marshal your gift is a one free ask me to draw what you want coupon use it before this year ends.
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