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File 171872160440.jpg - (195.72KB , 1600x1600 , Grimmdreams.jpg )
142330 No. 142330 ID: c540e0

Hi. Here is a space to discuss the quest, ask any questions you may have, art and behnind the scenes.

Yes this is a pretty basic horny quest, but I'm planning to take this in more interseting and complex places now I've found an artstyle and story style I like using.

So expect things to get interesting (and weird).
No. 142331 ID: b4ecfb

Enjoying this thicc linework!
No. 142332 ID: c540e0

much more to come.
No. 142339 ID: c540e0

I’ll try not to railroad the quest too much and once the first part of the raquelle saga is over Grim’s journey will be mostly in your hands.
No. 142342 ID: 2f41db

Nice artwork.
I like the style.

Might not be throw suggestions atm, but thats not a lack of engagement.
More that grimm has his hand on the booty and his face remains unslapped so he seems to be where he wants to be.
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