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File 128039929136.png - (16.82KB , 512x512 , 001.png )
213500 No. 213500 ID: f80af7

Memory transferred, missing long-term and recent parts could not be recovered.

Starting the experimental HiveMind binary. Running in read-only mode. You should be awake by now, try responding.
176 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 218437 ID: 821d4a

that is worrying. hopefull while accurate it takes time to aim. and maybe it needs to maintain the beam for a while to work. regardless let's not get hit with it.

see any exits from this area?
No. 218443 ID: a594b9

Let's move in and scout the area. That machine thing was probably involved in sealing the door... or maybe there are some crazy machine soldiers stored in here! Won't that be fun?
No. 218447 ID: f80af7
File 128183608670.png - (148.38KB , 512x512 , 057.png )

It'd certainly be-

Oh hell. I don't like this. I don't like this at all. No, even I wouldn't bring this one door down.
And this is the only alternative to getting lost in oceans of rubble.

This must be one of the tunnels - they lead to separate sectors, as far as I remember. This must be an unused gate and an abandoned exit tunnel... but I'm more interested in the fact WHAT the flying monkey's last fuck just broke into there, and why?
No. 218452 ID: 821d4a

whoever is charge of this place, probably trying to get ... SOMETHING! who knows, but whatever it is they wanted is probably important, and taking it from them will probably help you do whatever.
No. 218453 ID: e31d52

Now is no time to get distracted. We need all the time we can get...
No. 218461 ID: a594b9

Uh, I can't see the door you're talking about. Well, ignoring visual difficulties... it sounds like your options are a door you can't break down and a sea of rubble. Take a closer look at the door, in that case.
No. 219189 ID: f80af7
File 128207997671.png - (57.63KB , 512x512 , 058.png )

There... thick, sturdy metal grating. Something ripped it open effortlessly, clearing an uncertain, yet the only path.
No. 219190 ID: 3b77b9

hmm, take it then. was probably a machine built for just the purpose of opening it.
No. 219192 ID: a594b9

Oh, I understand now. The door was already down and you were commenting that something huge must've broken it.

Very well, let's go in. We can always run away if need be.
No. 219195 ID: f80af7
File 128208123973.png - (96.77KB , 512x512 , 059.png )

Riel descends into the darkness.

Here we go again...
No. 219200 ID: a594b9

Once more into the breach! Our enemies quake in fear at our approach.

Okay maybe not, but that's only because they don't know what you're capable of! And also that they don't know you're coming.
No. 219202 ID: f80af7
File 128208315147.png - (75.96KB , 512x512 , 060.png )

Sure, whatever.
No. 219203 ID: f80af7
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No. 219208 ID: f80af7
File 128208390220.gif - (401.98KB , 512x512 , 062.gif )

No. 219210 ID: 3b77b9


something turned on after you went in. not sure how long after. things like that get time dilated. just be wary of back attacks.
No. 219214 ID: f80af7
File 128208836570.png - (70.64KB , 512x512 , 062.png )

Don't try to scare me, I'm already alert enough as it is. Besides, you couldn't have sensed something that I didn't.

Discovered new area: Entry Tunnel
CHECK the status screen for the map of rooms you've been to.

Exits: north

No. 219216 ID: e31d52

If you say so, we won't try to convince you. Just be prepared for an 'I told you so'.

Move forward, keep weapon drawn.
No. 219220 ID: 3b77b9

we have extra-sensory powers. can see around corners. and stuff. need a little finagling to do it right but we can.
stand against the door frame and we will try to look in. if for some reason it doesn't work then you peek in. rushing in always is a bad idea.
No. 219229 ID: f80af7
File 128209133039.png - (63.72KB , 512x512 , 063.png )

Your perception is no different from mine, I am afraid. I cannot sense any entity unless I'm in the same room.

Oh great. Sentient waste, primitive life forms that evolved just like any life - except that their natural habitat happened to be sewage and scrap. They try to absorb anything that can be turned into energy - and anything that moves. But thankfully, they're slow and fragile.
No. 219230 ID: 3b77b9

so you are seeing the back of your head?

anyway. just shank them and then check out that closed and possibly locked door.
No. 219250 ID: a594b9

Seems like a straightforward battle to me.

(apparently that was not canonically something we saw. We're basically getting a feed via only what Riel senses- which is a lot)
No. 219254 ID: f80af7
File 128209507097.png - (64.57KB , 512x512 , 064.png )

Waste Ooze (left)
Body: 100%/36

Waste Ooze (right)
Body: 100%/36

No. 219257 ID: 3b77b9

while i doubt i need to tell you, aim for the cores. and take the one on the right first.
No. 219281 ID: f80af7
File 128209671934.png - (88.47KB , 512x512 , 065.png )

There's nothing to aim for actually, damaging their coating to spill them should be enough, like all slimes.

Waste Ooze (right) is destroyed.
No. 219284 ID: f80af7

I forgot to actually scale/move the background, resulting in bad sprite proportions. Epic fail.
No. 219285 ID: 3b77b9

see if you can follow up and smack the other before it tries to eat your leg.
No. 219295 ID: 117dce

Kill 2nd ooze
No. 219298 ID: a594b9

Use your superior reach to stay out of its range.
No. 219382 ID: f80af7
File 12821161435.png - (103.25KB , 512x512 , 066.png )

Using this voice's clever advice, I keep out of range of the ooze. It won't hit me before I can strike again.

Waste Ooze
Body: 100%/36

No. 219386 ID: 3b77b9

excellent. slay the bugger and check that closed, maybe locked door. and see if you can guess if it is kick down-able. if it is not then go through the opened door. if it is then lets check it first.
No. 219389 ID: a594b9

Yes, essentially. Kill the slime and move... whichever direction is possible.
No. 222885 ID: 03ccbb
File 128298496679.png - (114.10KB , 512x512 , 067.png )

Waste Ooze destroyed.

Slime-thing dispatched. The west door is sealed with some sort of clockwork access system I can't hope to hack, so I'm off through the northern doorway.
No. 222891 ID: 732129

Clockwork lock on the west door, you say? Is it a mechanical key, or combination, or something more exotic?
No. 222894 ID: 97cb33

yeah. unless it requires an item to bypass with can crack that thing in relatively no time
No. 222900 ID: 03ccbb
File 128298699974.png - (148.11KB , 512x512 , 068.png )

A mechanical lock in shape of a card slot, though so complex it's impossible to pick it. It proves that these tunnels are old, even from before they rediscovered the usage of electricity.

I proceed further into the tunnel. There's a gate here which is most likely an exit to the inner city. I'm not sure how it works, but it seems to be more modern than the previous one.
The tunnel continues east, and is blocked by rubble on the opposite.
No. 222901 ID: 97cb33

check the red panels closer. if they seem to do nothing but glow then let's just go east.
No. 222928 ID: a594b9

I wanna see what's in the rest of this corridor.
No. 231887 ID: bb385b
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I press a button on one of the panels. It turns green, and one of the two gates shifts aside, however it closes as soon as I let go.
No. 231888 ID: 175f4a

well dang... hmm, try jamming your sword into the ground and lean it's handle against the button, then you push the other one. if that fails to work then head east.
No. 231930 ID: a594b9

Hmm. Can you just open up the panel and maybe splice some wires to make it always 'pressed'? Or hack it directly?
No. 238216 ID: eeeaa3
File 128621009732.png - (3.56KB , 512x512 , 070.png )

Nope, it's electric. All I can do is draining power from it, which would destroy it beyond re-

What the fuck. I didn't do that, I swear. And what is this fourth wall you speak of?

No. 238217 ID: b5448b

uhhhhh, hmmmm..... *click 512x512*

wonder what this does.
No. 238220 ID: 135871

raise character quality to maximum
No. 238226 ID: eeeaa3
File 128621264251.png - (2.57KB , 256x256 , 071.png )

There. Is that all? I mean, resolution matters in 2D only, as to determine whether should I pixelfag or drawfag.
No. 238229 ID: b5448b

i don't know, kinda hard to decide what to pick without an example. could you bump your Dis thread or something with examples?

No. 238232 ID: 701a19

320x240, oh how I remember the days... Pixels as big as cats.
No. 238233 ID: eeeaa3

I HAVE a disthread?
No. 238238 ID: b5448b

Yes, and i just bumped it.
No. 238239 ID: 2563d4

I bet you don't since EGA/CGA are 320x200 with non-square pixels to get 4:3. 320x240 is a more modern mutation of it.
No. 238243 ID: eeeaa3
File 128621443855.png - (1.92KB , 512x512 , 072.png )

You bumped the wrong thread. Choose those fucking image settings in the actual disthread and let's stop shamelessly stealing 1st page without an update.
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