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291080 No. 291080 ID: 230559

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Chapter 3.5: http://www1.tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/272793.html
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No. 492024 ID: 6aef5b

experiment with them for the plague, unless you need all 100 subjects to be experimented on simultaneously, in which case keep these ones alive at all costs until the remaining 80 are captured.

we should contact Gulch again.

also, we need to build up our fleet a lot if we're to free those slimy aliens from their breaker guards. uh, I'm assuming the guards are breakers.
No. 494221 ID: bf45bb
File 136123613218.png - (556.91KB , 2800x2836 , Base Report 14.png )

News of the victory reaches back home, causing a large boost in morale, at least temporarily.


The MASSIVE ORBITAL FACTORY finishes next turn.

((The income has been fixed. I don't think the factory exists though, searching through the threads don't give me anything.))

This Build Order is followed for the turn. The buildings finish in 3 turns, and the Freighter VESUVIUS is ferrying from HOTHOUSE, THOTH 1742 unemployed WORKERS to CRESCENT CITY, CONRIX.

Cite a specific amount of SC to send to the Galts and a ship to carry it to them.

The Breaker ships were quickly stripped of whatever looked like it had some SC in it. A total of 41 SC has been reclaimed.

Unfortunately the ships are too big to stuff into our own ships' cargo bays, and the ships can't drag stuff around outside of their hulls while they're warping.

The ships' communications arrays have been disabled or destroyed, but it looks like any message the Breakers wanted to send have already been relayed.

The Galts have been advised to form colonies as quickly as they can. They accept the advice, but it will take some time before they can become spaceborne, and even longer to set up something of a reasonable size. The Galts will offer some BP or METAL if the guns you want to get rid of are shipped to them.

The news of the Splinter victory has been delivered to the Galt. The Splinter Diplomat made sure to let the Galt know how handily the Breakers were defeated.
Galt Diplomat: "This is excellent news! The memory of the Breaker's ultimatum is already dying away. We still all greatly fear what a war with an interstellar civilization will mean for us as a species, but at least now there is hope that you can protect us. We have faith in you."

The 2 ESCORT class ships pulled away from GULCH when the Splinter forces arrived. There are no remaining enemies near GULCH.

The plans for the Orbital Factory has been offered to the Galts. In return, they will offer 4000 more BP of production to us, bringing it up to a total of 14000 BP. Reminder: This is only BP they are offering, the resources must be supplied to them and they cannot fabricate starships just yet.

The CONTEMNO is returning to CONRIX.

Vice Admiral Dwight: "We've got a signature on the long range scanners, and it looks quite bad. The lone Breaker scout ship that appeared here 8 months ago has finally brought its friends. Scanners report a fleet of mass equal to approximately 12 DESTROYERS. They will arrive in 2 to 3 turns. The information is classified, so the civilians and low-ranked military personnel don't know about this yet."
No. 494223 ID: 5d98c3

Well this is goo-


Well shit.

Uhhh, we best put a rush on those infantry gas weapons, new ships, and helping the Galt build those Warpslug Turrets.
No. 494227 ID: bf54a8

get all combat capable ships together for intercept. have science dudes look over breaker ship and maybe give us a +1 to shield penetration or something.
No. 494231 ID: bf45bb
File 136123814636.png - (206.71KB , 1154x2480 , Tech tree.png )

<<UNNAMED ALIEN>> research has been concluded. The strange species encountered by the CONTEMNO is a hivemind-like entity, referring to itself as a single entity known as the 'Individual'. The Individual is a hierarchy of intelligences, with a central brain (The 'Individual' itself) on their homeworld giving general orders to mostly autonomous planetary superintelligences (called "Philosophers"), which are in turn made up of single semi-sentient entities (called "Delegates") that each span several square miles. The 'hands' of the Individual are the "Custodians", the strange flying creatures that tend to the sessile biomasses and run the industries.

Individual technology places great emphasis on electronic systems and directly interfacing it with its own biology. It uses the countless variety of implants it has to increase it's own intelligence, operate terraforming tools and protect itself from internal and external threats. The starships of the 'Individual' are controlled by placing Custodians or Delegates in organic crystals and hooking them up to the ship hulls.

The Individual has little sense of culture or tradition in the human sense of the word, but still seems to appreciate what it calls "graceful patterns" or "harmony". Things that it considers "graceful" or "harmonious" includes living beings, technological equipment and documentation of science and history.

It also has created its own set of morals made up both by observing other races and its own introspection. The Individual tries its best to cooperate with other sentient races and abhors the unnecessary destruction of sentient lifeforms. It finds races with individual intelligences and free will very fragile and chaotic, but it gladly tolerates their presence and seems to enjoy greatly the company of other alien races, the exception being the Breakers who have defeated and subdued it, mostly because they refuse to constructively communicate with it.

Thanks to the cultural transaction that has taken place, communication between the Splinter and the Individual has been made easier now.

2 techs have been unlocked.
DEEP SCAN allows us to have an additional 2 parsecs to our scan range, and allows us to detect stealth a bit better.

NEURAL NEXUS is derived from Individual physiology and technology. Basically it will allow us to emulate a much more subtle and smaller version of the Individual's hivemind between neurally implanted citizens. This could provide a variety of bonuses, ranging from communication to increasing combat coordination. Abusing this technology might lead to significant morale penalties, however, as humans are still as individualistic as they ever were.

There are some unknown technologies unlocked as well. One requiring Bioceramic and the "Individual" Culture techs, and one requiring the Deep Scan tech.
No. 494232 ID: 5d98c3

The Individual seems like a total bro. Let's be best friends forever.

I suggest if we study the Neural Nexus that we apply it to squads of NADIR Operatives on a trial basis, to study its' effects. The upside of this is that any morale penalties should be muted, since NADIR is so damn scary.

Can we collaborate with The Individual, maybe get some help building ships to repel this next Breaker fleet?
No. 494235 ID: 361ea3

The Individual is such a cool entity, let's be friends, for eternity, though I am slightly worried that it has only a single major brain on it's homeworld, is it capable of regrowing this brain if absolutely necessary or would it's destruction result in the Death of the creature at large?

Also, has bioceramics been completed yet? My memory is a little foggy, but a fusion of biomorphs and conventional building practices would produce some pretty hardy and adaptive ships, the armor would repair itself, the weapons would produce their own ammo, all backed up by easily-repairable conventional systems.
No. 494236 ID: bf54a8

neural nexus is too damn expensive for now. get integrated tactical would be better. but don't want to get any more implant tech until we get a biotronic facility up and research gen engineering 5 to get rid of rejection chance.

for now i suggest getting some massive scale buildings researched.

also they probably still suffer from
No. 494246 ID: f2c20c

Thankfully we have that defense platform on the moon, and a shitload of Diplomats.

Get all our military vessels within 3 turns to Conrix and get every slot available filled with Diplomats. We actually have more Diplomats than we need at the moment! Start installing 9 Naval Shells on the Infractus. More Shells will be constructed this turn to get a complete set of 12.

Advance 1 turn, so we can get a visual on what we're dealing with. Our military on the ground at Conrix should start packing things up to prepare for possible evac, and make a quick estimation of how fast we can get everyone off the planet and into the Carrier. I'm not concerned at this point about reclaiming metal or stripping down buildings at all. All we need to do resource-wise is pack in our surplus of SC, and make sure all our advanced research is unobtainable. Also, put two squads of Power Infantry in the Infractus wielding spaceship-appropriate weapons (don't want to cause any hull breaches), and give half of our Light Infantry squads in the Infractus chemical weapons with anti-Breaker gas. In fact, double the normal compliment of Light Infantry in the Infractus.

Speaking of the Carrier, its population storage vs resource storage ratio has not yet been revisited. It can store 20k resource and 10k civilian while other ships can store twice as much civ as they can resource. It's backwards! We should start prepping the Carrier for more comfortable mass civilian transport immediately. Like, start setting up tents and stuff in its apparently massive warehouse space.

1-turn Build Order:
We don't have enough Workers to staff all our Derricks along with the new Factories. Shut down 1 L Metal Derrick, that'll free up enough until the new shipment of Workers arrives.
No new buildings.
234 BP avail (270-36)
6 Naval Shells, 210 BP
I dunno what to do with the extra 24 BP. Can it be held until the next turn? Like, start making a seventh Naval Shell with it, I guess?
No. 494247 ID: f2c20c

I agree with continuing our planned research line, and get Tactical Implants next.

I'd like to get Deep Scan very soon, though. It will prove invaluable in the war against the Breakers.
No. 494250 ID: 5d98c3

What's the protocol for developing new weapons again? I'm thinking some kind of gas grenade launcher for infantry, or some form of boarding torpedo. Or combine the two, make a missile that punches through enemy hulls and emits an arseload of CHIRON gas into their ship.

Oh, and can we develop a nonfatal strain of CHIRON? We could use it in combination with infantry weapons to get ALL the prisoners. The only real problem is we'd only be able to destroy a Breaker fleet with these ONCE before they came up with a counter.
No. 494265 ID: 328fa0

I would suggest that we build some JUROKO mines and start creating a mine field to protect the planet. They are rather cheap and having multiple weapons platforms for our Diplomats that can stay behind while we fight would be a good idea.
No. 494278 ID: 370c40

I estimate based on our previous battle that 12 Destroyer class ships could be disabled/eliminated by 90 Diplomats fired. Escorts have that dumb missile defense though, they might be a little trickier to deal with. Still, 3x57 diplomats is 171 launches, we have the missiles. We don't quite have enough platforms to launch that many at once, though, although with bombers and some additional Juroko platforms we would. I think we can handle this. As long as there isn't ANOTHER fleet just behind it.

I don't think we have 270 BP a turn. We have 3 factories, and 2 under construction. Otherwise no issue with the build, need 3 Naval Shells for the carrier.

How does Warp 3 work? We just finished that too but didn't get any info about bonuses/costs/etc.
No. 494315 ID: f2c20c

The 2 factories under construction just completed.

We have 2 L Metal Derricks, 6 L SC Derricks, 5 L Ground Factories at our disposal. We can't staff all of them and we have a surplus of metal at the moment so just turning one of the Metal Derricks off allows us to staff the rest.

We already have gas grenade launchers. I like the idea of gas-breaching torpedos but they'd only be useful when enemy shields are down... and it might take a while before the enemy ship is incapacitated so that's risky for big enemy ships.

JUROKO mines? I forgot about those. In fact, they aren't on my spreadsheet! Hmmm... yes, we could make a ton of those and deploy them, using our excess Diplomats to arm them. I still want to fully shield our Carrier but we can use the rest of the BP after that task to make Jurokos and Diplomats to just completely rip this incoming wave to shreds!

Revised 1-turn Build Order
234 BP available
105 BP: 3x Naval Shell
129 BP: 43x JUROKO

We have a lot of spare Diplomats right now so this first turn should be used to set up the mine field and arm it.

Oh, and JUST IN CASE, fill up one freighter at Conrix with nonworkers and ship them to Hothouse. Wait, wasn't a shipment supposed to be sent over there anyway? The education there isn't at max capacity like it should be! Put 600 of the nonworkers already there into Worker training immediately.
BUILD: 3x Residential District in HOTHOUSE to house the incoming civs and give us more of a buffer there.
No. 494452 ID: d6c877

perhaps we should hand over some instructions and blueprints to the Galts on how to build space mines.

I find the idea of using breaching torpedoes to be kind of silly considering our enemies have Mass Effect-style shields. if we must upgrade our space guns, I'd much rather we just give them bigger booms instead.

the Neural Nexus thing is appealing. my suggestion would be to research it right after the tactical implants because they seem like things that might sync together.

and since open conflict has begun, perhaps we ought to stop building buildings and invest all BP into building weaponry and more ships to carry them. like bigass shielded battleships with guns covering their walls.
No. 494483 ID: f2c20c

Buildings don't cost BP though. Just resources.
No. 494572 ID: 370c40

2 of those Factories are still under construction for 3 turns, along with another 5 Derricks. We only have 162 BP a turn at the moment. Here's a 1 turn build order using what we DO have, though.

Turn 1 Conrix:
162 BP -36= 126 BP

3x Naval Shell, 7x Juroko mines

127 SC, 126 BP used, 36 to orbital assist.

We should send 350 SC on the Fannie May to the Galt, along with having it pick up whatever nonworkers it can carry and fuel/food for them in case we need to evacuate and it isn't there with the rest of our fleet.
No. 494573 ID: bf54a8

evacuate where? we can't let even the idea that we may need to leave again appear at all until it is already happening in order to keep moral up.
No. 494574 ID: f2c20c

There's an error in the current status screen. We already had 3 L factories. Now we have 5.
No. 494575 ID: 370c40

We had two factories and a third one just finished construction this turn.
No. 494578 ID: f2c20c

Oh. You're right. My spreadsheet must've been ahead of itself, again, as I had us marked down for 3 factories already. Hey, at least this means we're not short on workers!

I support that build order. It is really, really unfortunate that we can't build more Jurokos. We should be able to deploy a bunch next turn though.
No. 497591 ID: a611d6
File 136235758966.png - (154.31KB , 1154x2516 , Tech tree.png )

Forgot to put Breaker Navy as a new research as an option thanks to salvaging the Breaker starships(thanks poppyseed). This technology will give greater insight into how the Breaker starships operate, and allow us to make Breaker Naval Weapons. This technology, along with Plasma Weapons, leads to an unknown tech.

The Individual is able to relocate its primary intelligence to a Philosopher if the main brain is under attack, but it will take several months to accomplish, and the regenerated main brain will be severely weakened, considering how ancient and well established the original brain is.

Bioceramics is still not researched.

20 Power Troopers and 200 Light Infantry are stationed on board the Infractus, along with 200 Chemical Gassers.

As for your comment about the Carrier's cargo capacity, the bulk of the Carrier's cargo space is from it's massive vehicle bay. Still, you're right about the low population carrying capacity, it should be around 15k total populations. Spare cargo space can be used to carry people, with an exchange rate of 20 cargo space for 1 person.

Just make a recommendation about equipment you want to research and I'll give you an RP estimate. The more specific you are the better. For your recommendations:
Gas Grenade Launcher: Chemical Gassers already fulfill the same purpose.
Gas Torpedo: 15 RP. These would be fairly difficult to land compared to our current missiles though, and would be completely useless against their shields.
Knockout Gas: 35 RP and 15 Breaker Test Subjects.

Sorry I forgot to mention: Warp Tech III is more of a software upgrade compared to the other Warp Techs, so any ships with a Warp II engine automatically moves another square faster.

The build order here will be followed unless you want to make a change due to this new information. The workers on the freighter are still in transit, they have not yet reached their destination.

The current number of active Large Factories should be 3 now, there are 2 factories still under construction.
No. 497601 ID: 76b151

I think we should research Breaker Fleet now instead of later. The diplomats have been good enough of their smaller ships but I'm worried about larger ones. Especially fleets with a planet cracker.
No. 497603 ID: 9f5b78

Agreed, especially since it has such a low research value and leads to new research.
No. 497604 ID: f2c20c

I have to agree about hitting Breaker Navy right now, since it will take half a turn to do so and will give us valuable insight on their ships. It might even lead to some powerful weaponry. Maybe. Hard to imagine anything stronger than Diplomats and Warp Shells right now. Better would be stronger ship plating.

Oh, and the build order you linked is impossible- it assumes we have 5 L Factories running. This one here >>494572 actually works.
No. 497613 ID: f922dd

I still think we could benefit from the integrated tactical implant system and memory mod research. We want more research to catch up with the increasing research point cost of tech.

That said, a knowledge of their navy tech is worthwhile enough for me to agree with researching it first.
No. 497614 ID: 76b151

I have no objection to that.
No. 497620 ID: 370c40

Yeah, pretty much get Breaker Navy research done now. It's 25 RP, no reason not to.
No. 497621 ID: 48f625

knowing what to hit and how to disable their ships will be quite handy. Hell, for all we know, that secret tech may be the armor we wanted for so long. Certainly would be nice to increase ship survivability.
No. 497634 ID: 8184bd

yep, what everybody said.
No. 498467 ID: f2c20c

Wait a second what am I thinking?

We can get more BP out of our factories. Just stop supporting the Orbitals. We're in a short term crisis here, we need as much BP as we can get. Also why were we only assisting 36 BP?! That only fully assists two Large Orbitals, doesn't it?

Anyway, spend the 36 extra BP on:
12x Juroko.
No. 498470 ID: 370c40

Yeah, I was thinking about that and noticed that apparently we haven't been assisting our orbital factories fully for...I don't even know how long. With the massive orbital up next turn we can assist up to 108 BP between the four factories, or we can just produce some more Jurokos and make up the ship progress later, which at the moment seems a lot more sensible. So just pause construction on the ships for now.
No. 498473 ID: f2c20c

Well we don't need to pause construction- there is still some progress while unassisted.
No. 498478 ID: 47a120

Agreed about breaker fleet research, its cheap and useful.
After that I say we go back to the plan of tactical systems (elmiinate rejection from implants) and memory mods (8x faster training). Our biggest limitation is trained personnel and that will greatly alleviate it.
No. 501937 ID: 90368d
File 136406400354.png - (381.20KB , 2800x2836 , Base Report 15.png )

((Changed things so that population on ships don't count on the population on the cities tabs. Still have some problems I need to work out, hopefully will be done by the next new thread))

The MASSIVE ORBITAL FACTORY above Crescent City has finished. A reminder: The MASSIVE ORBITAL FACTORY can be equipped with 2 Naval Guns and 5 Naval Shield Generators

Build order followed. Each JUROKO mine holds 1 missile each and has the same firing range as a normal starship. Discuss how you want the minefields set up. If you want to be more specific, I can give you a hexagonal grid to use.

Production on the starships has been halted.

Breaker Fleet researched completed, and work has started on Integrated Tactical Implants System.

As the enemy fleet approaches, a better scan of its contents is acquired. It contains 4 GUARDIANS, 4 ESCORTS and one unknown ship, which intercepted communications seem to refer to as a PATRON.

The PATRON has the mass of approximately 6 destroyers, making it either a very small capital ship or a very large main-line combat ship. It appears to have no main guns, instead focusing all the ships' power into a huge device on its back. It's bulky appearance suggests it to have some cargo-carrying capacity.

The fleet is expected to arrive by the beginning of next turn.
No. 501942 ID: 90368d
File 136406470628.png - (156.53KB , 1154x2516 , Tech tree.png )

BREAKER NAVY has been researched.

From this development, we have discerned the best places to aim at on the ships, increasing accuracy by %5. We can also make BREAKER NAVAL WEAPONS, at a cost of 20 METAL, 10 SC and 10 BP. These are the same weapons used by the Breaker Fleets we are engaging right now. They are actually quite a bit weaker than the other naval weapons we have at our disposal, so it is recommended to stick to using Splinter tech.

Most of the valuable data has been wiped from the starship's drives by the ships' captain, but we still managed to glean small bits of information from it. We know that the Breaker Navy is truly enormous, with hundreds upon hundreds of ships at their command, and no small amount of those being capital ships. Despite this fact, a good bulk of the individual fleets we find are quite small due to the fact they are spread out across space, either watching over other civilizations or searching for any human remnants. Breaker ships travel between universes neither by using the Precursor gates we have found, nor by any systems on board their ship. It is quite likely they are being transported by this extra-dimensional force utilized by Totus, though there must be some limitation to this ability since the Breakers appear to still have much trouble moving their fleets around.

A new tech has been unlocked:
STABILIZED PLASMA FIELD: This technology uses some techniques used by the Breakers to better contain the plasma weapons we use, increasing their range by 1 hex. This applies to both ground and naval weapons.
No. 501943 ID: 76b151

Probably useless to speculate on the nature of the weapon the larger ship is carrying. Could be a large area shield. Could be a AOE weapon. Could be a planet destroyer.

The number of PD guns is worrying though, they'll work just as well on missiles as fighters.
No. 501944 ID: bf54a8

that just means we shoot it with guns, all he guns. and shoot the other ships with the missiles.
No. 501953 ID: f2c20c

We should deploy mines so that they are in the most likely place for the battle to commence. Have them spread out a bit but with overlapping fields of fire so that we have at least 5 available to shoot whatever target we desire.

Heck, we could just have them follow our fleet around, if that's possible. Having 19 Diplomat strikes at our disposal during the coming battle means we might not even need anything more than the Carrier. Optimally they would be out in front, as a sort of... extended range. I would like them to shoot down the Patron before it gets a chance to do anything, at the start of combat.

This turn, have shields installed on the Carrier, and make 54 more Jurokos with our 162 BP. Let's just swarm them with mines! Deploy that wave so that it surrounds any approaching fleet completely with at least 10 mines capable of firing at a time and leaving no possibility of retreat.

Or have I misunderstood how the mines work? If they fire automatically, and we can't tell them to delay firing or pick targets... have all but 10 of them deployed so that they trigger in groups of 5 as the enemy comes within range of our fleet. Then the enemy will just shit themselves as they encounter about 5x as many Diplomats as they were expecting. Just in case the unknown energy field is some sort of kinetic reversal field that shoots our missiles back at us, have those extra 10 set up to trigger one round of combat before they get within range of our ships.


1 Turn Build Order

Affix Naval Shells to the Infractus.

162 BP: Juroko x54
No. 501957 ID: bf54a8

try to disguise the mines as space rocks. with luck some will get in point blank before they are activated. use small single use instant com receivers. basically when the correct signal is sent the com breaks and activates them. this prevents jamming. the reason being if the big thing IS a shield emitter then when it turns the shield on we will have mines INSIDE the shield. and with all power directed to the field a missile to the system should cause a SPECTACULAR failure as everything goes to hell.
No. 501972 ID: f31e57

Hey, don't forget guys, we can equip weapons on the massive orbital. A set of warp slugs should help us a bit when it comes to fighting these guys. Either way, we may want to layer it so they don't go off at once. The patron seems like it could be a defense unit. Designed simply to tank hits and waste weapons. Remember, in the end these are MINES. They will likely activate when the enemy is in range so keep them out of our ships path and layer them so they do NOT fire at once.

Luckily, we will have the lunar cannon and the rest of our fleet arriving the same time the enemy does. This is going to be one helluva fight.
No. 501977 ID: f2c20c

Maybe we should get our civilians off the ground for this fight, or at least in bunkers so that if the enemy tries to shell the surface somehow instead of fighting us, we won't take many casualties?
No. 502090 ID: a869cb

+1 range for 150 RP? a steal. cram that into the schedule.

the mines are there to defend Conrix.
No. 502214 ID: ecd0ab

Well, that Patron ship class may be a planet cracker, so it might not particularly help to have civilians in bunkers. We know they have a planet cracker of some kind, and we don't know what that thing does, so it's worth considering. I'd like to capture it if possible, but we should probably avoid sending bombers directly against it since it's loaded with antifighter guns, and also those can probably shoot down some of the diplomats they would fire anyways. Not necessarily very many of them, but still.

Also it might be some kind of offensive weapon instead of a defensive one, in which case not directing any shots at it would be a REALLY BAD decision.
No. 502216 ID: f2c20c

I don't think it's a planet cracker. Splinter knows what that looks like, due to the destruction of Earth.
No. 502217 ID: ecd0ab

I'm pretty sure we don't. We know it doesn't look like their other weapons, and this doesn't look like their other weapons.
No. 502222 ID: bf54a8

there is no way it could have the POWER to do that much damage. i think the "didn't look like the others" means it didn't have the same design details. meaning it was a ship made by totus rather then the breakers.
No. 502227 ID: f31e57

Look, no matter what it is, the end effect is the same. We need that thing gone asap. Either it's a giant shield/jammer/what have you, or a big ass cannon. Either of those two things makes it a priority target to both end and to disable so we can reverse engineer it.

However, we need to think LOGICALLY about this. The diplomats are going to be handy and the sheer numbers may just end the fight in a moment. HOWEVER, we cannot forget that we have more than just Diplomats and mines. Warp slugs and plasma will help, both for getting pass the anti-fighter guns and the shields. Not only that, but we have the massive orbital we can set up with more warp slugs AND the Lunar Cannon.

My suggestion? Get the orbital set up and the Lunar cannon primed. Moment they warp in, FIRE that bugger RIGHT at the Patron. It should have the longest range of all our weapons, possibly more so than the diplomats. As such, we fire a shot, see what happens and move from there. If the Patron starts to charge, we bring it down hard and fast.
No. 502247 ID: ecd0ab

Totus provides the power for his magical stuff directly. It's entirely possible they just have some device in there whose only purpose is to get the attention of the magic delivering thing so it can blow up a planet for them.

I'm not sure the lunar cannon is that dramatically better than diplomats. It's good, but it's the equivalent of a large building.
No. 502254 ID: f31e57

Never underestimate what we can do with untested weapons. Remember, it wasn't that long ago that we were running away, thinking our guns were worthless against their ships. We won. Handily.

This is a large gun that uses our latest tech and had to be carried on the Infractus, our carrier, because it was so big. It might not be a one hit killer, but the sheer range and the fact it will be able to avoid the anti-air guns is it's main plus. Even if it doesn't do major damage, we need to plink them as much as we can before they get in range of us AND the planet. Remember, at the end of the day, our major advantage is attacking from long range and if I recall correctly, the lunar can fire and hit anything in the solar system. That's damn good range.
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