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469150 No. 469150 ID: 14a1d0

"Sire, we have an issue that requires your attention. The city population is growing at rapid pace and we're running out of room."
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No. 471423 ID: 886a4d

Heres an order for Drek while he sits in the dark. Dig deep, deep into the earth and unleash hell upon those who cosigned you to the abyss!
No. 471458 ID: dc4a44

Come on. at least feed him while you consigned him to mineshaft digging.
No. 471837 ID: 14a1d0
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Coming back for revenge? Not likely. Fuck weird looking bastard. Fuck them right to hell.
No. 471838 ID: beeca1

Your futile attempts only fuel his erection.
No. 471839 ID: dcd676

Fuck the dumb bastard, let's get back to digging.
No. 471844 ID: 90a93c

Revenge? No, he will return in our hour of need.

That's how undead ogresgoblins work right?
No. 471856 ID: 0b214d


Okay, seriously, knock it off! You are going back there and helping that guy back out. Enough wasting man goblinpower that could be used to further help set up this outpost and grow it into a full-fledged city, with maybe becoming the capital of a new Goblin nation in some very distant future.
No. 471857 ID: ad199c

it's not wasting goblin power cause he's not a fucking goblin. I mean, look at him.
No. 471861 ID: 0b214d



The point is, he's has capable body to be used in our efforts to build up this outpost, and this bitch just trapped him in a pit, thus having us lose one activity slot we could have.

Resource wasting is bad thing!
No. 471863 ID: 9718f3

But... dude's creepy. We had to murder him.
No. 471864 ID: 0b214d


I'm finding it creepy all you people are just willing to leave a guy to die just because he 'looks creepy' and such. Regardless, creepiness doesn't matter as long as Drek works for us and doesn't do anything hostile.
No. 471865 ID: 14a1d0
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Making glass is apparently harder than just melting a wad of sand into a blob of molten crap.
Oh well. Someone will figure it out eventually.

Mining continues, no end of the cave system in sight yet.
No. 471869 ID: a68e3e

Do you have no one who can research ways to make glass?
No. 471874 ID: 82d77c

Do we even need glass?
Make weapons instead and send someone out to find animals you can breed and keep around for labor and meat.
No. 471875 ID: bf54a8

oh well, let's try making a farm so we can have less dudes going out for food.
No. 471876 ID: 5bf190

See if you can get someone to domesticate those ants.

Someone who doesn't need all their limbs.
No. 471891 ID: f2c20c

Fukkit. Use the forge for making wea- wait do we even have an anvil? I guess we gotta make an anvil before we start smithing stuff.
No. 471893 ID: ab3218

I think you need ash and lime and stuff. man we need some eggheads in here. in the meantime, build a proper smithy you can craft weapons and armor in. also keep on working on the palisade.
No. 471894 ID: 67ba4b

instead of using glass, make some small clay pots for potions instead
No. 471896 ID: 82d77c

Would a flat rock work for that?
No. 471916 ID: 92c81e

It might, I think, but it would probably have to be a pretty hard rock. Otherwise it'll probably just shatter under hammer blows.
No. 472046 ID: d1cb07

granite would be the best
No. 472638 ID: 14a1d0
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Alright. Glass is put off until we have some bitchin' weapons.

This sword of the highest craftsgoblinship will be dubbed "Fuckstabber".
No. 472641 ID: 92c81e

Woa, watch where you're swinging that. I fear it may be too powerful for mortal hands. You must seal it away, where it cannot fall into the wrong hands.
No. 472643 ID: ecfcdc

Ah yeah. Time to go stab some fucks.

Are there even any fucks near here?
No. 472644 ID: bf54a8

find some fuck to stab
No. 472646 ID: dcd676

Go hunting for something to use Fuckstabber on. We must test its combat readiness.
No. 472674 ID: 660874

Do you think you can stab some ants with that?
Actually, check on everyone else's well-being for now. Inform them that Drek had a very unfortunate accident and is no longer with us.

Do remember to check up on him in like, a week though. To make sure he's dying in there.
No. 472675 ID: a41970

No. 472701 ID: 62496e

Now make a few more, if you have the iron. The recruits get that one, you get the last one.
No. 472703 ID: beeca1

We could stab Drek. I'm pretty sure he counts as a fuck.
No. 472704 ID: 90a93c

You fool! He is immune to fuckstabbers, we would need a blade forged in a volcano or something to harm him.
No. 472731 ID: ca8307

everything above while laughing maniacally.
No. 472850 ID: 14a1d0
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Down in the mine, Whatshisname thinks he hears something through the wall. But, he's obviously all fucked up, so who knows if there's anything there.
No. 472851 ID: e3f578

Knock Dixie and see if it knocks it back
No. 472860 ID: bf54a8

break down the wall and stab any fucks that show up.
No. 472872 ID: 70c0f2

Upend a cup or bucket or something and use it to listen through the wall.
No. 472901 ID: ca8307

make sure it isn't Drek. then knock down the wall.
No. 472916 ID: 35a550

The mine is haunted. Drown it in water.
No. 472920 ID: f6cff9

How would water stop the haunting?
No. 472930 ID: a41970

better safe then sorry, drown the mine for a day
No. 472935 ID: f2c20c

What's it sound like?
No. 472957 ID: c78e8a

Do not drown the mine.
We can drain it again.
No. 472987 ID: 8e5181

Knock down the wall, if it's Drek stab the fuck out of him
No. 473103 ID: 8b9215

No. 473235 ID: ef526f

There's no way that could be Drek.

Try making a small hole in the wall so we can see what kind of outworldly abomination is about to rape you.
No. 473767 ID: e3f578


Don't mine that rock! It's water! You'll flood the mine!
No. 473772 ID: 997ce7

I bet Gnoll is going to have it be something else now.
No. 473778 ID: 14a1d0
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They dig through the wall toward the noise and HOLY SHIT WATER EVERYWHERE! It's flooding out everywhere and flows down into the mine.
No. 473780 ID: bf54a8

you mean the mine with the water pump in it? big deal, turn the pump back on.
No. 473789 ID: f962e8

Is that the same room as the waterpump?
If so, just drain it. If not, get everyone out of there (while hoping Drek can't swim his way out of the hole) and build another drainage pipe.

We ought to think about getting a well set up for clean drinking water soon, with all these underwater sources.
No. 473793 ID: 8a763d

No. 473796 ID: 8b9215

No. 473852 ID: 1e9d01

Guys it was probably just an underground lake full of monsters. We don't have to worry about Drek. Let's just outfit our strongest fighter with some iron weapons and armor and clear out the mine.
No. 473858 ID: f962e8

Drek probably wont get loose. Probably.
After you get all that worked out, work on building a shrine in the main camp.

You know, for the new religion of the Great and Spiteful Drek.
No. 473859 ID: e3f578

I hope Drek is a forgotten beast.
No. 473913 ID: 710329

Don't bother pumping it. It's a cave river.
No. 473921 ID: b46840

gtfo and observe results
No. 474832 ID: 6a13b9

Figures of Drek everywhere...always watching with those Drek eyes...
No. 475509 ID: 14a1d0
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Damn. Just a pocket of ground water or something. It just opens up a bit in here, but is otherwise just more stone and dirt.

That weird noise can still be heard occasionally. Sort of closer maybe? The mystery continues.
No. 475510 ID: bf54a8

keep digging around. and keep being ready to shank bitches.
No. 475515 ID: f2c20c

Follow the noise!
No. 475537 ID: 14a1d0
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Now that the water is drained away, digging can continue toward the source of the WARGHARBLBRAGL! OH GODS IT KEEPS HAPPENING!
No. 475538 ID: bf54a8

just... leave the pump ON for a while.
No. 475539 ID: dc4a44

Ignore it and dig moar.
No. 475541 ID: f2c20c

Free swimming lessons!
No. 475616 ID: 710329

Try not to drown
No. 475620 ID: 0fa5af

Drink all of the water.
No. 475625 ID: d90199

Zox does not look distressed.
No. 484297 ID: 14a1d0
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After the water subsides, Nikkel finds that the deluge originated from another pocket cave that ends in another dead end. At least there's more ore in here, dammit.
No. 484300 ID: bf54a8

damn. oh well, you can work on fuckstabber mk2 and hand the first one down to someone else.
No. 484302 ID: 29654e

Nikkel should... ehrm... turn around. In order to survey the damage of course.
No. 484304 ID: f2c20c

We need to go deeper. Start digging some stairs down. Or just like, a big shaft with a ladder in it, if you want gobbos to occasionally fall and die.
No. 484306 ID: 8042f4

Make a mold for the sword so all you have to do is add ore.
No. 484316 ID: a19d72

turn around and see if the other goblins survived that flood
No. 484323 ID: be7fd9

Where did all the water you released go? Did the lake level rise? Or is the camp just flooded?
No. 484324 ID: 639e01


pull top back up.
No. 484325 ID: 60c5da

Keep following the noise! We must go deeper!
No. 484365 ID: 521153

Keep following the noise.
No. 484389 ID: 1f8505


This. Let's show some gobbo class.
No. 484393 ID: 027156

keep on digging towards the noise. noting can go wrong.
No. 484419 ID: 472280

yep, turn around, we have to see if there are survivor
No. 484448 ID: 14a1d0
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>see if the other goblins survived that flood
They're fine. Fine to keep working. Get back to work!

>keep on digging towards the noise
>Keep following the noise! We must go deeper!
Hrbrblgarbl! This is just getting silly at this point! IT KEEPS HAPPENING!
No. 484451 ID: bf54a8

rage so hard the water boils away
No. 484453 ID: 3e2b13

Invent scuba gear.
No. 484473 ID: b74c5e

Yes, if they dig deep enough they'll start hitting Lava instead of Rivers.
No. 484486 ID: 14a1d0
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Well, they really did it this time. The water rushes by non-stop for a prolonged period of time with no end in sight. It's probably safe to assume the bottom of the mine is going to completely flood.
No. 484488 ID: bf54a8

get an air-bladder and start building a better pump
No. 484491 ID: 695191

Huh. Are there any species of aquatic goblin we can recruit? Seems like it'd be easier.
No. 484492 ID: 78c6ea

Maybe if you give birth underwater they'll come out aquatic?
No. 484494 ID: f2c20c

I bet you broke into an underground lake. I suggest going over land and then digging down about where you poked the hole into, so you can see how far up the water level is, and so you can maybe find the source of that noise.

Meanwhile someone should scout out a new mine.
No. 484642 ID: 62496e

>exit and reload to auto-settle the water
We'll need to dig around to locate the source. If it's the pond, we'll have to seal it off from the outside.
No. 484783 ID: 1bb66d

now you have a swimming pool! wheeee
No. 484800 ID: 05fc82


If it keeps going forever, you can build a secret underground waterwheel! Use it to power stuff topside and other people will be all man, where does all this moving stuff get its moving from? It must be magic! And then you will have respect.

And bread.
No. 500990 ID: 593f45
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The cave fills with water, but not too much to trap them. They can still swim out. There's just enough water to flood the tunnel and the entire lower mine.
So that's going to be hard to access for a while.
No. 500993 ID: f2c20c

Please tell me we revealed something worthwhile in the most recent drained chamber.

Also do not dig any further in that direction. We don't need more water.
No. 501005 ID: f59095

just mine whatever hasn't been submerged and craft stuff with it. stuff like the continuation of the glorious weapons series started with the fuckstabber. I'm thinking of a shitslasher and an asscrusher next.
No. 501008 ID: 759d37

Assign Blame.
Obviously somebody (besides you) made a huge mistake that caused that flood. Its your responsibility and privelage to take out your irritation over this setback on some deserving bastard. Even if they don't exactly deserve it for what went wrong.
No. 501013 ID: 772c81

No. 501018 ID: 9ddf68

well the mine is fucked for now so I say we work on maybe building a few new buildings or something around the stone structure we have going on, or at least add a little bit more on to it. I mean one building and a fuck ton of goblins, that place has got to be getting cramped. and we have more of those fuck nuggets coming over at some point right? might as well get this done now before it bites us in the ass later. And well your minions do that maybe you can explore a bit more. I mean all we know that is around is the stone building, a small lake, and a mine that some ass hat we still need to blame keeps on flooding it, what else do we got around here. and it's not like something can hurt you right, you got the Fuckstabber.
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