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File 171393897216.png - (208.16KB , 329x327 , hundredkingdomsthousandmiles.png )
1089578 No. 1089578 ID: 521475

Despite some of you being complete strangers, you've all been seated together at a restaurant in Nexus, due to the law against dining alone after sundown. Some guy tried to sell you a memory crystal containing a treasure map.
A pretty lady at another table (who turned out to be dragon-blooded) bought him a drink (which turned out to contain yozi venom) and then, while he was dying, grabbed the crystal and ran off. Might want to be out of town before her employer realizes that one of you actually managed to boot it up first, and got a pretty good look at the map.
Site's over a thousand miles away, but most of that would be river travel, and there's an underground manse, so it should be easy enough to zero in on with geomantic surveying tools even if the map, or your memory or navigational skills, end up a few miles off-target.
If somebody's willing to pay for yozi venom (which is not cheap!) to cover it up, gotta be something seriously valuable out there.

Destination is ~800 mi southeast of Nexus as the crow flies, and half that far north-northeast of the ruins of Denandsor, right in the middle of rocky uplands between the headwaters of the Rolling River and a minor tributary of the Grey River.
So, you could take a more direct route up the Grey, but then face a longer trek overland,
or start by going up the Yellow past Great Forks and then turn south along the Rolling.
Or try something more complicated, to take advantage of esoteric travel options and/or throw off potential pursuit.

Houserule hub: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10VAUEYEqWYWcQ9gz4bk9uok8OkAIYl1cy50KEw2y75o
Expand all images
No. 1089595 ID: 4f80d6
File 171396799013.jpg - (55.83KB , 664x1540 , Cold.jpg )

The young man who has spent the early evening putting on the airs of a Prince of the Earth leans back in his chair that creaks under his shifting weight. His granite eyes flick to cooling corpse & the others at his table, his hand is never far from the hilt of the oversized sword in a battered, brass tipped, leather scabbard.

"Anyone else get a good look at that map?"

While his words are clearly spoken in Riverspeak, the heavy accent of High Realm is unmistakable. He raises an eyebrow as he sips his still steaming cup of tea.

"I will surely need assistance if I am to beat... whoever it was that funded that lady's services, to the prize."
No. 1089598 ID: 4f80d6

No. 1089599 ID: ee10ae
File 171396993283.jpg - (2.26MB , 1500x2200 , __fu_hua_and_fu_hua_honkai_and_1_more_drawn_by_zha.jpg )


Ten Thousand Maws was once an aspiring martial artist - a pupil of the Golden Janissary style, not so much for any real desire to become a hero who fights the creatures of darkness; but to hold in the veneer of one to grant herself undeserved authority among other mortals, a cheap way to importance among her peers that did not require to be born in a privileged position. For years, she abused her position as a protector of the people, but when she finally had to confront a demon, despite it being within her power... she fled. She told valiant stories about how she had been the only one to walk away from the fight to drive the demon away, and none remained to contradict her - until the demon returned. Instead of the end she expected to meet, she was given the power she'd always desired. Without having to work for it - power. Without having to be born into it - status. Without having to earn it - wealth. She is not a fighter, and certainly never will be, coward as she is. Maws was wisely chosen as something that suits her more; the voice of subversion, a Fiend.

Her mind reshaped by exaltation, in the years since, she has lived with a new sense of purpose. Indulgent, but now driven, she has magnified her riches working in and around Nexus, gathered followers, and applied herself to tasks in ways she never had before. Truly, knowing one's place in life changes you. Her superiority - her inferiority - her knowledge of who she is and what she was, with no questions, lead her not to waste her time dreaming of more, but also to take pleasure in what she has. Though she has undoubtedly become a 'better' person by her exaltation, that far from makes her a 'good' person - quite the opposite, for as an Infernal, she is a Villain, and she revels in that fact.

"Oh, quite the good look indeed." The woman known as Thousand Maws gives a razor-toothed grin as she approaches. "With such an expense taken to defend their ill-gotten gains, this absolutely reeks of profit." Her cold red eyes scan the others around them. "Anyone else think they have what it takes to oppose that Prince of the Earth and claim the riches that await?" She offers, seeing if anyone moves to accept.
No. 1089605 ID: 43fe43

rolled 5, 4, 1, 1, 4, 5, 6, 5, 9, 3, 6, 4, 8, 8, 10, 4, 3, 5, 10, 10, 8, 4, 5, 4, 1, 10, 10, 7, 1, 2, 9, 9, 8, 10, 3, 6, 5, 1, 6, 6, 10, 3, 3, 4, 8, 2, 4, 4, 4, 7 = 275

The burning Champion is a young enough woman wearing extravagant red clothing and a temper short enough to match her height. The oldest daughter of a Naval officer in Wavecrest who stole a ship to run off to the opposite side of the world to pursue her own fortune as far away from any accusations of Nepotism as she possibly can.


The Champ would take one look at the situation that befell the man, poisoned as he was after she was trying loudly (and in vain) to haggle the treasure map down from the price he was charging to something much more reasonable to a down on her luck would be bandit.

"Sure, I got about as good a look at the map as you probably can get, but I'm going to get that map back regardless. Finder's Keepers, and we had our eyes on it first."

With that, she would break off in hot pursuit of the fleeing Exalt, not willing to so easily let this lead go.
No. 1089610 ID: 094811
File 171399559447.jpg - (126.66KB , 600x847 , E83C01C2-3222-47D7-8077-EDEA6A33A55D.jpg )

*The woman laid back in her chair was…well rather beautiful, to say the least. Her long blonde hair was tied back in a ponytail, and her cyan eyes glistened in the light. Her clothes were a kimono of sorts, but she wore it differently. The sleeves were currently hanging behind her, and the skirt was shorter than others, only hanging to about her knees. She was just laid back in her chair, smiling at the sight of the exalt running away.*

“Well then, seems we’ve all taken a look. And we all want the prize. But well…I want the map. Can’t exactly let someone else have all the chase.”

And with that, the woman got out of her chair, joining the champ in pursuit.
No. 1089611 ID: 094811

No. 1089612 ID: 094811

dice 50d10
No. 1089613 ID: 094811

rolled 7, 9, 2, 1, 4, 5, 7, 1, 2, 9, 3, 2, 8, 2, 10, 1, 2, 7, 7, 4, 6, 10, 1, 1, 6, 5, 1, 6, 6, 7, 8, 3, 1, 2, 9, 5, 2, 3, 10, 2, 10, 5, 9, 3, 5, 4, 1, 6, 7, 8 = 245

No. 1089617 ID: 37a599
File 171400002203.png - (1.79MB , 1024x1024 , Seeker of Wind and Woe.png )

Yet another woman is also at the table, half-sitting, half-squatting the wrong way on a chair: a Westerner with dark skin and hair, and a long green cloak that matches her eyes. Like Kisasa, she's very beautiful, but in a rougher, more unrefined manner. Humming, her eyes start shining, and her lips curl around her teeth into a crooked smile. Her eyes flash between the two members of the table giving chase, the newly-dead body, and the others remaining behind.


She leans over the table lazily, propping her chin up with her palms and elbows, and addresses the ones who remain in a too-high, uncouth tone of voice: "Do you think those two jokers will actually catch that woman? Never mind - I didn't memorize the map, so I guess I'm with you now, Serious Mr. Dynast and Greedy Ms. Greed."

She cocks her head, and her eyes grow thinner as her smile grows wider.

"Name's Woe."

No. 1089640 ID: 5cdee5

The stone prince places his tea upon the table, returning his hand to inside his pocket.

"Greetings to you, Woe. I am travelling under the moniker of Cold Blooded, it tends to keep others from bothering me for trivialities."

《Activating Flawless Pickpocketing Technique to go through the pockets of the poisoned man, cost: 3m personal》
No. 1089649 ID: 37a599

As Cold Blooded goes for the corpse, Woe dextrously twists in her chair, spinning it away from the corpse, and activating Sacred Kamilla's Inhalation (dissolves a corpse into the wind as you move away from it, leaving all of its possessions behind) and drawing its breath into her body. Then she taps her temple a few times, nodding at her new companion.

"Think, Cold Blooded, think. That guy obviously got his map from somewhere... And if it's worth killing HIM for, then it's worth killing US for. Better that no trace of him exist at all, except what's useful for us."

She motions toward the items the body would have left behind.

[Spent 1m on Sacred Kamilla's Inhalation]
No. 1089651 ID: ee10ae

"Woe. Please, call me Thousand Maws. I am a merchant, not 'Greedy Ms. Greed." The woman corrects her, gently, the first time. And only the first time.

Her eyes had followed the beautiful woman who had run off, but once she was gone her attention turned back to Woe's serious lack of respect.
No. 1089657 ID: 521475

rolled 7, 7, 9, 1, 3, 2, 7, 3, 2, 8, 3, 10, 3, 7, 8, 4, 6, 4, 4, 1, 1, 9, 5, 2, 1, 4, 10, 9 = 140

Rolling for the dragon-blood's getaway - hopping across oily flotsam in a canal, which her blazing footprints ignite, then up a wall and along the pulley-car line like a tightrope.
No. 1089658 ID: 521475

rolled 5, 1, 4, 10, 5, 10, 2, 2, 1, 10, 5, 4, 8, 7 = 74

rolling for her stealth on turn two of the chase, with four bonus successes from Dragon Shroud Technique, and two more specifically against the champ thanks to Distracting Breeze Meditation, while the champ is at -8 dice to notice due to distance
No. 1089659 ID: fbc9ce

Woe's eyes slide back to Thousand Maws, and she smiles, revealing a set of perfectly white teeth.

"Alright, Thousand Maws," she says, nodding. "I didn't mean it disrespectfully... Well, maybe a little. But I apologize. I shouldn't have assumed."

She offers a hand to shake.

"Let's start over. In fact, let's be best friends."
No. 1089661 ID: ee10ae

She returns the gesture - a nice, firm handshake. "To a prosperous partnership." Thousand Maws grins, the razor-like teeth clearly noticeable at this distance. "Can I leave it to you to let me know if they recover the map? I have some... people to gather, for such an expedition."

With that, she leaves the address of her workplace behind for Woe, and moves to start gathering up her entourage from across the city.
No. 1089667 ID: 094811

*And trudging back to the table, looking annoyed, was Kisara, her silver tail drooped as if in sadness.*

“They got away…..well, at least we saw the map. Dunno where the champ is, I lost her in the chase.”

*She sat back down, putting her hands behind her head.*
No. 1089669 ID: 43fe43

rolled 5, 9, 4, 3, 6, 10, 5, 9, 1, 5, 3, 4, 8, 3, 7, 8, 5, 8, 8, 9, 2, 7, 6, 3, 2, 4, 6, 5, 1, 1, 6, 9, 6, 7, 1, 4, 1, 8, 7, 5, 1, 2, 8, 9, 7, 6, 8, 4, 6, 9 = 271

It is after no small amount of time of searching for her, following that artful escape, that the Champ would come back to the bar, still glowing with a dangerous green anima bright enough to cast the whole room into the light of Hell, caste mark glowing brightly and with thick scales and wings to pick up where she left off, the seat audibly straining as she sat back down.

"Turns out, she was really stealthy, which is frustrating. Also she set a river on fire, so it was a good thing I flew instead. Gonna steal her boots if we find her again, they seemed pretty cool."

She was about as nonchalant with that proclamation as she could be, visible frustration and impossible confidence on her face.

"Anyway, I'm going to head out to the treasure when I'm done eating. Anyone interested, or are you going to get left in the dust?"
No. 1089670 ID: 4f80d6

Cold Blooded in the Blaze of the Sun looks to the returning lady in the kimono.

"Well, Thousand Maws has left to gather some people for the expedition. I take it you would like to hunt for the prize as well?"

He offers a chair at the table for her.

"I am Cold Blooded in the Blaze of the Sun," He motions to the lady from the far east. "and this is Woe. If we are to quest together, we should greet each other properly, if not formally get to know one anothers skill set."

He sits back in his chair, having collected his tea cup once more.

"For example, I am a trader in curios & a seeker of things lost & forgotten."

He smiles broadly, awaiting a reply from the others.
No. 1089677 ID: fbc9ce

"Sure, sure," Woe says, as Thousand Maws makes her exit.


(When the others return)

"Heheh... Champion of Being Seen, maybe." Woe clicks her tongue. "Well, our friend and her buddies'll know about you at least for sure, now. Better hope they don't know how to prepare for Malfeas."

(When Cold Blooded does the introductions)

"I'm a treasure hunter and a freedom fighter--sorry, those are the same things." Woe smiles toothily. "Nothing makes me prouder than freeing innocent people of the chains that bind them unjustly. I'm an expert in every field that's ever existed, and unbearably beautiful, to boot."

Woe brushes a few fingers through her hair, and snickers.

No. 1089679 ID: 094811

“I’m interested in the prize as well, as I’ve stated already. Kisara Moonfire. Princess, badass, friend. Unless you’re trying to kill me…please don’t try and kill me.”

She chuckles to herself a bit, her ears perking up as she does, before holding out her hands to Cold Blooded and Woe.
No. 1089681 ID: 3afa72

rolled 2, 2, 9, 4, 8, 5, 4, 10, 4, 9, 1, 1, 8, 9, 8, 8, 6, 7, 2, 1, 3, 7, 8, 1, 2, 4, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 9, 1, 9, 6, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 8, 6, 1, 4, 9, 5 = 243

> Some guy tried to sell you a memory crystal containing a treasure map.
> A pretty lady at another table (who turned out to be dragon-blooded) bought him a drink (which turned out to contain yozi venom) and then, while he was dying, grabbed the crystal and ran off.
As the would-be salesman collapses, a southern woman in robes who had previously been listening politely, shoots up abruptly, shoving past the opportune vultures crowding her patient, and pulling out her medical kit.

"Let me through, I'm a healer! Hands to yourself, he's not dead yet, and you can't check vitals in his pockets."

Rolling to attempt emergency intervention! (Perception 4 + Medicine 5) and Flawless Diagnosis Technique for diagnosis (unless we already know it's Yozi venom from the prompt). (Intelligence 5 + Medicine 5) for the treatment, bolstered with Instant Treatment Methodology to make intervention possible before the poison runs its course, Body-Purifying Admonitions to make the attempt supernatural (if this works like tracking, I assume non-supernatural healing would fail regardless in the face of a supernatural poison?) and Contagion-Curing Touch (she's still applying her normal paraphernalia and tools, despite not actually having Yozi antivemon on hand). Surprisingly, some current of air(?) Essence seems to be active in his body, which facilitates the dissolution and seamless extraction of damaged tissues. Willing to burn motes on a full Excellency activation, if needed.

No. 1089682 ID: 521475

>(Perception 4 + Medicine 5) and Flawless Diagnosis Technique
>rolled 2, 2, 9, 4, 8, 5, 4, 10, 4,
Four successes is enough to ID the poison...
>(Intelligence 5 + Medicine 5)
>full Excellency activation
>Instant Treatment Methodology
>Body-Purifying Admonitions
>and Contagion-Curing Touch
>rolled 9, 1, 1, 8, 9, 8, 8, 6, 7, 2, 1, 3,
...and then eleven successes is more than enough to extract the poison, saving the map-seller's life (for now), though he's still down by two aggravated health levels.
Also, you spent 25 motes in the process. How much of that was peripheral?
No. 1089683 ID: 43fe43

rolled 5, 7, 8, 3, 6, 5, 10, 8, 4, 3, 4, 1, 2, 9, 6, 1, 6, 10, 8, 6, 7, 8, 5, 10, 5, 3, 1, 9, 2, 3, 9, 7, 8, 2, 5, 10, 7, 10, 8, 4, 1, 5, 9, 5, 10, 7, 3, 2, 8, 4 = 289

"Yeah, of course I'm the best at being seen. What's the point in having power if nobody knows you have it?" She shrugs her shoulders as if that was an obvious thing. "Anyway, I'm the champion. A weird eye came up, offered a way off my island if I become a bandit lord, I figure that's basically like a land pirate, and now I'm here.

"Treasure's basically on a parallel line to a river bend, so the faster we get on a boat the better. I kind of doubt that she can keep up that pace for the whole trip, and I just happen to know how to take a boat most of the way there."

She would quickly scarf down the entirety of her remaining food and down a bottle of wine, swirling it to chug faster than if it was a straight pour.

"And now I'm good to go ahead and head off. I'll go size up a boat real quick, how many people are joining up?"
No. 1089684 ID: 094811

“If you’re talking about just us, no idea if anyone else is joining us apart from us, so prep for more, I’d say. And if we’re including entourages….Hundred at least, depending on how many troops I can round up. But at most a hundred. They’re eager, I can promise that.”
No. 1089688 ID: ee10ae

Thousand Maws arrives back onto the scene with her trademark sharp grin, eyes scanning the assembled group, and Kisara especially.

"Any luck recovering the map? I have someone on gathering a small entourage of people for me, now." She closes the distance with the Lunar, one hand twitching slightly. "I don't believe we've yet been introduced. Thousand Maws, at your service. If there's anything you need for this... mission, I'm sure I can supply it."
No. 1089689 ID: 094811

“Kisara. Nice to meet you!”

She smiled, ears perking up again as she shook Thousand Maws’s hand.

“That might be useful, but I think I can scrounge some supplies for us as well when I grab up the troops. It won’t take long travelling east to gather them. My tribe, I mean. There’ll be people who’ll want in on this, and the more the merrier, right?”
No. 1089692 ID: ee10ae

Thousand Maws tries her best to not slip into her signature look of superiority when she mentions a *tribe*. Didn't give the look of one from such a group of barbarians, but all kinds are in Nexus, it seems. Still, she'd rather be on the good side of a beautiful woman (for now), barbarian or no.

"Ah, yes. It's always good to have more." More cannon fodder, that is.
No. 1089693 ID: 43fe43

rolled 2, 4, 7, 2, 1, 4, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 3, 2, 4, 2, 9, 2, 8, 4, 1, 2, 5, 4, 7, 6, 5, 8, 10, 7, 7, 6, 6, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 8, 8, 9, 8, 2, 10, 8, 5, 7, 6, 7, 2, 8 = 263

"Alright, so a ship that can house... Say 120 people? That sound about right for retinue stuff? Alright, I will go look for a ship, and everyone should be prepared to row because I am sure that Port Authority will be in hot pursuit if we steal a ship that big."

And as she said that she was counting something on her fingers as she started making for the doorx clearly in no less of a rush than she ever had been, but not fast enough to deny people a chance to interject before breaking into a dead sprint outside to go to the port and look for a ship
No. 1089696 ID: ee10ae

Maws moves to hold her up. "Wait, I'll be taking about two dozen of my own retinue as well."
No. 1089697 ID: fbc9ce

rolled 7, 2, 5, 7, 5, 8, 5, 6, 7, 10, 2, 7, 5, 5, 9, 9 = 99

Woe watches the healer do her work, vaguely interested in what's happening. When the man starts breathing again, Woe jumps over to him, impressed that the doctor actually pulled it off.

"Not bad, lady! You actually saved someone from demon poison."

Woe will activate Tragic Love Amusement on this map salesman guy, giving herself an intimacy of "sincere love" toward him. Eyes large and watering, she raises her hands underneath her chin.

"It's so lucky you survived, Guy! If you hadn't, I don't know what I would've done!" She passes her arm over her forehead, almost fainting. "Imagine what horrors await you if the would-be killer's friends learn you survived..." Woe pauses. "So, tell us where you got that map, and who else knows about it. And then maybe thank what's-her-name for saving you."

[Rolling a persuasion check to make him spill anything he knows, supplemented by 6 dice from First Adorjan Excellency (Woe threatens him with the *catastrophes* that *inevitably* await if he doesn't tell them, her appearance over him was *sudden*, and her instant and inexplicable love for him is somewhat *whimsical*)]
No. 1089698 ID: a9be28

Yet another woman joins them. Unbeknownst to all but Kisara, it is Brilliant Garnet, the most beautiful, talented, and charming thief in all of Nexus.
"Kisara," she says, strolling up to the table. "How's the drink in this-" she pauses. "Venus weeps, you made a lot of friends. Anyone I otta care about? "
No. 1089699 ID: 094811


Her ears perking up yet again, she gets up, hugging Garnet.

“Eh, a couple. Some sap got poisoned, tried to sell us a map. We all looked at it though, so we’re going on a treasure hunt. I’m going to send a message to my tribe, get some troops.”
No. 1089700 ID: a9be28

She returns the hug. Kisara dwarfs her wiry form; her kimono a strange contrast to Garnet's raggedy red dress.

"Sounds fun, what'r we getting?"
She leans closer to Kisara to covertly whisper in her ear: "An' anything we can take off of them?"
No. 1089701 ID: 094811

And Kisara giggles, whispering back to Garnet.

“Probably, but eyes on the prize at the end of it all, Garnet. Wouldn’t do to annoy the people who are actually getting us there.”

And she dropped her whisper now.

“Don’t know what we’re getting, all I know is if it’s something to poison someone over, it’s probably intriguing.”
No. 1089703 ID: d02655

"That is an impressive display of healing prowess, but perhaps we should move somewhere less frought with Anathema? Some might begin to think we are somehow involved in this excitement"

He looks over at the glowing members, noting the green light emanating from Burning Champion.

"Soon, speed will be of utmost priority, not just to reach the prize first, but to keep ahead of Immaculate fanatics too."
No. 1089706 ID: 85c2a3
File 171409065708.jpg - (87.08KB , 1080x1528 , 7d7dd3f2c23c37f43938d37f3ae2646c.jpg )


Ash used Loom-snarling Deception to appear as an old Thaumaturge for the purpose of interacting with people in Nexus.

Surprisingly, the old man did not seem particularly perturbed by the sudden death, noting the poisoning with almost idle interest before taking another sip from his cup of tea.

"Oh dear, it seems we are not the only ones interested in the map."

Looking to cold blooded the infernal in the disguise of an old man offered a polite smile before talking to him in notably accentless Riverspeak.

"Seeing as you are planning to pursue this map I would offer my assistance, I am sure you could use a man of my skillset on this journey."
No. 1089707 ID: d02655

Cold moves in his seat to view the elder.

"Well, a lot depends on what your skill set is. This may well be quite the dangerous venture. But I have no issue with another joining us. Please note, I suspect there will not be enough to sufficiently reward all who journey with us."
No. 1089711 ID: 85c2a3

The man stroked his beard and chuckled.

"If I only wished to be wealthy I could ply my trade to the rich and be set for life, I am rather more interested in esoteric knowledge and arts which is incidentally where my skills lie."

After giving the other individuals around the table a somewhat dubious look he continued.

"I rather doubt that any of these fellows know too much about dealing with spirits, elementals and the like. But if you're concerned about us, don't worry, me and my manservant can handle ourselves quite well in the wilds."

He pointed towards an improbably broad man sitting at the next table who looked like he could carry the weight of an ox and seemed to peak up at the infernals mention.
No. 1089718 ID: 521475

Mr. Fleegman is immensely grateful for the rescue, and starts spilling everything he knows that's even remotely relevant. Unfortunately, he's still a bit loopy from the aftereffects of the poison, and even if he were having a good day, there seems to be an unfavorable ratio of paranoiac ranting to useful intel. Assuming you keep him alive, and keep listening, for at least the next few hours...

-Four main factions active around the site, two human and two beastfolk.
-One of the human factions, the "forest witches," has bound demons to prevent other outside groups from getting involved. Five so far:
a tomescu,
a spider with hallucinogenic venom,
something small (but only physically!), hides in people, trusted to wield a powerful artifact with limited charges for emergencies,
and two others whose types he doesn't know, beyond one being more active and the other dull, but were considered obvious given the nature of the task
-The forest witches build nothing, sustained as they are by the garden of flesh.
-One of the beastfolk factions have their own garden, lesser but more secure.
-The caverns are no more than two levels deep.
-Other human faction lacks capability of binding demons. Instead they do "something cool" to their armor.
-They're capable of banishing and/or slaying demons, though, which is why the bound guards will start ignoring anyone who gets close enough.
-Lookshy could easily crush all of them put together, and might feel obligated to if they knew what was up, but is choosing to remain ignorant.

Keep in mind he may be wrong about some of this.
No. 1089721 ID: ee10ae

"Ah, an enlightened elder." Thousand Maws grins her grin. "More for me, then. Welcome to my little group here."
No. 1089725 ID: fbc9ce

"Hm, hm, thanks, thanks. Some of that might be useful... but who knows."

Woe turns around, activating Freedom Lets Go, and terminating her momentarily-sincere love for the man. Then, she sits down to wait for the others to scrounge up a ship.
No. 1089726 ID: 094811

“New person? Name’s Kisara.”

She smiled, holding her hand out to the man.
No. 1089735 ID: d02655

The young Dynast apparent raises an eyebrow at Thousand Maws comments regarding ownership or leadership over the group, but smiles & looks away, keeping an eye on the door. He remembers his uncles saying, 'only a fool says the quiet part outloud'
No. 1089737 ID: ee10ae

Thousand Maws claps her hands together to get people's attention.

"Well! It seems we won't have much time since the Prince of the Earth was in such a hurry, so let's make sure to get any arrangements needed in place as fast as we can. Does anyone need any help with supplies for travel?"
No. 1089746 ID: fbc9ce

"Just some food'll be enough," Woe responds absently, flipping a piece of silverware through her fingers. "I'm fine, besides that."
No. 1089748 ID: 094811

“Eh, all I need to do is go send a messenger, tell my people to gather their stuff.”

And with that, she bounded off, to see one of the people she has in the city.
No. 1089829 ID: a9be28

"You heard of the Forest Witches?"
Brilliant Garnet grins at the group.

"I have. They're wicked sorcerors who rip out people's hearts. An' eat them. Or feed'em to demons, but all sorcerers do that."
No. 1089862 ID: 521475

What mundane equipment are you bringing for the expedition? Food and tools and so on.
No. 1089865 ID: 094811

Survival stuff. Food and water for a couple days, unless anyone thinks I should bring more.
No. 1089868 ID: 521475

A bit more specific detail than that, please. Encumbrance rules are here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10VAUEYEqWYWcQ9gz4bk9uok8OkAIYl1cy50KEw2y75o/edit#heading=h.q8d6c4rxemay Expedition into unfriendly territory means if there's something you forgot to bring, might not be able to go back for it.
No. 1089869 ID: 094811

Can’t access it.
No. 1089870 ID: 094811

Now I can.
No. 1089871 ID: fbc9ce

Woe will bring two weeks' worth of food and water, some climbing equipment, a lantern, and a sleeping bag. Who needs more than that?
No. 1089872 ID: 094811

How much can we bring? We’re using stormwind rider, right?
No. 1089874 ID: 094811

rolled 4, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8, 6, 4, 9, 3, 1, 1, 7, 2, 10, 5, 8, 6, 4, 10, 10, 7, 3, 8, 8, 4, 4, 4, 3, 6, 4, 7, 9, 6, 2, 8, 2, 4, 5, 5, 2, 9, 10, 3, 9, 9, 4, 4, 4, 8 = 288

No. 1089876 ID: 8db15b

Rolling to see if I know anything about the area on the map, geological details, animals, hazards, etcetera. And using intelligence and Survival, I guess? If that’s what’s meant by relevant traits.
No. 1089877 ID: 8db15b

Forgot to put my username in, sorry.
No. 1089881 ID: bdc80a

As Kisara goes over the map to plot the route, Woe will lean over her shoulder to look over her work.

“Don’t know much about navigation,” she’ll admit. “But I do know a little bit about the local legends and stories about the dangers outside of the city. Mortals love talking about that kinda stuff.”

Woe will then relate any lore she’s heard about this subject, some of which I imagine might relate to dangerous hazards or animals or spirits.
No. 1089882 ID: 094811

Intelligence 3, and Survival 3.
No. 1089883 ID: bdc80a

Woe’s dice pool is 3 (Int 2 + Lore 1). No other relevant traits.
No. 1089886 ID: 521475

Four successes. Immediate area of interest is a jungle - warm and wet, far more so than the surrounding lowlands, even though you'd normally expect higher altitudes to be cooler and drier. Long suspected to be partly due to a dragon line coming from deep underground, but the associated volcanic vent or hot spring was never definitively located. Maybe you'll be the first outsiders to see it in hundreds of years.
"Other human faction" would presumably be the People of the Bronze-Veiled Skull, necrolatrist tribal culture notable for heavily armored warrior-aristocrats, believed to be descended from Shogunate-era Thracians.
In terms of dangerous wildlife, it's too humid for bears or burrow loks, and too far south for giant bats. Regular-size bats mostly just eat tiny flying insects or fruit, but could spread disease, or cause trouble in panicked self-defense if you bring sudden bright lights into caves where they're sleeping. Blade vines may be a concern, or leech hounds in standing water.
Unconfirmed rumors of some exceptionally stealthy predatory lizard the size of a large man or small horse. Maybe ought to avoid killing if such a thing is encountered, just in case it's sacred to Arilak the Unseen.
No. 1089894 ID: 4f80d6

dice 4d10
Int+Lore check to discern Cold's knowledge of the area

Cold Blooded in the Blaze of the Sun finishes his tea as he watches the others discuss logistical issues. He thinks back to what he has heard of that area, enjoying his moment out of the limelight.
No. 1089895 ID: 4f80d6

Dice 4d10
No. 1089898 ID: 4f80d6

Int+Lore check to discern Cold's knowledge of the area
No. 1089899 ID: 4f80d6

rolled 2, 3, 10, 2 = 17

Int+Lore check to discern Cold's knowledge of the area
No. 1089916 ID: 094811

From that knowledge, still bringing food and water for a few days, maybe a couple lanterns or torches to burn away the vines and scare the insects away. And I’ll also bring some stuff to help with the diseases. Antitoxins and such, so our medic has some extra supplies.
No. 1089965 ID: 2175dd

Cold clears his throat to advise he is ready to speak

"So, as time moves inexorably forwards, are we decided on how we are to continue? I see that we will be bringing a somewhat considerable amount of associates, so are we to obtain a small fleet of 3 or so rivercraft? I am able to carry a core group as an advance patrol, so the boats can catch up later, giving us a chance to scout put the path ahead a few days or even weeks in advance."
No. 1089972 ID: 5b58e7

Kisara returned quite quickly, sitting back down in her chair again.
“Message is sent. And I would agree. We scout ahead, the troops catch up on boats.”
No. 1090014 ID: 0b12aa

Woe waves her hand, absently.

"Leave the nobodies to catch up on their own. The actually useful people run ahead and get everything ready."
No. 1090032 ID: 7ce054
File 171445067822.png - (1.91MB , 816x1456 , a4bef83dcabfc0561265bf36190ba96d.png )

A blonde woman draped in a heavy cloak steps away from an adjacent table and approaches the small group where the man had been poisoned. "Please excuse me. I have been listening from nearby. If you would have one more, I would like to be there when this thief makes her move again."
No. 1090033 ID: 4f80d6

The young exalt turns to see the armoured blonde offer her support[i/]

"The more the merrier. I am called Cold Blooded in the Blaze of the Sun, I would best describe myself in interpretative dance, but in linguistically stated terms, my skill set is as a dabbler of things of an esoteric nature & procurer of lost things. How would you best describe your best interests?"

[i]Whilst speaking in Riverspeak, the tongue of this region of the Eastern Scavenger lands, his speech is heavily accented with High Realm intonations.

No. 1090038 ID: 521475

Teamwork bonus adds an extra die to the primary actor.
>rolled [...] 9
In addition to confirming some of what the others recalled, stony young man has heard there was a ruin of the prehuman Dragon Kings in that area. Supposedly already cleared out and repurposed during the Shogunate, but it is said they have long memories. Might be one of the "beastfolk" factions.
No. 1090040 ID: 7ce054

"It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Caitlyn, and I aspire to be advocate of peace. Well, I should get to gathering what supplies that I can. I have donated all of my money to charity since arriving in Nexus" She said a bit sheepishly. For someone who claimed to committed to peace, Caitlyn was heavily armed and prepared for war.
No. 1090045 ID: fbc9ce

"'Aspire to be an advocate for peace,'" Woe chuckles, listening in. "So in other words, you wanna be peaceful one day, but not anytime soon, eh?"
No. 1090061 ID: fbc9ce

Woe will brush off her clothes, and walk out of the restaurant.

"I'll be back later," she says, vaguely bored, and waves a hand without looking back. "I got somewhere to be before we go."

I'm going to call upon my Spies background in Nexus. My patron Yozi, Adorjan, should have a "spy network" active in this area, and I'd like to ask them if they know anything about the DB woman who ran off, about the map, anything the would-be seller told us, or where the DB might have gotten that poison from.
No. 1090063 ID: fbc9ce

rolled 6, 2, 8, 10, 1, 7, 4, 9, 2 = 49

Here's a roll to see the quality of spy or luck with spies I have in utilizing my contact. Assuming this is Perception + Socialize, but I can reroll if either is deemed inappropriate. I will apply 3m of Adorjan Excellency to my contacting the spy network by keeping in mind that, to Woe, the purpose of this expedition will involve *scouring* the area of the treasure others seek, and to *lay low the proud* Dragon-bloods who control the world.
No. 1090065 ID: 521475

Local spy-network contacts say subtle alchemical taggants in the yozi venom residue on Mr. Fleegman's cup indicate that it was purchased through the Cult of the Syrinx Prophet Executioner, an Adorjani Reclamation front organization operating in the Northeast, up near Bloody River or Ardeleth. They've got their own plans in progress for dealing with the main force of the Forest Witches, and would prefer that you not interfere at this time. Any operation south of the Yellow River should be fine, though.
Based on your description, the actual assassin was Sesus Rafara. Seems to be in the area on some other business, working with the Forest Witches on a short-term mercenary basis in exchange for other clandestine considerations to the benefit of the Vermillion Legion.
No. 1090068 ID: 7ce054

"In a way. I am simply willing to fight so that others might know the peace that was stolen from me. This world only understands force, so that is the language I will chastise it with."
No. 1090069 ID: 7ce054

character sheet
No. 1090074 ID: ee10ae

"I'll use some of my ships to bring anyone who wants to come." Thousand Maws generously offers - she is framing herself as the patron of this little expedition; she was the first one to step up to the plate, to organize an attempt to start finding it first. Such a position requires providing aid, after all.

But most importantly, she *wants* it. She doesn't know what it is, but since somebody else wants it, *she wants it too*. It's an *impulse*, an *instinct*, a *hunger*. Spending some of her considerable resources to grease the wheels of this meal is hardly a problem to her.

Maws herself is already gathering a group of about twenty, a mix of her personal slaves and those who work under her who she thinks might be useful here, whether to carry things or because of a general familiarity with the area. Those attendants are, via her instructions she'd left earlier, to be divided in half as 'beasts of burden', across ten servants she has four high-quality sets of mountaineering gear so that her group can go in two pairs of two if climbing in the craggy highlands is needed, two slots of rations per porter, including more expensive meals that can be eaten on the go for herself, tents, changes of clothes sleeping bags for each member of the group, lanterns, a way to light them without resorting to magic, axes for firewood, some knives and cooking utensils like pans, and shovels. With them, there will be enough larger tents for them to sleep comfortably, including Maws' personal tent, and then a further, larger tent for meetings and collapsible furniture for that and her personal tent. They - and anyone else who wants to - will be transported downriver by one of Thousand Maws' personal ships that she uses for trade in the area.
No. 1090075 ID: 7ce054

Caitlyn turns to the woman offering portage "That is very generous of you, and I am pleased to accept. It would be my pleasure to take some of the burden from your servants as I can stow a large load within my cloak - I even keep a small camp fire stored in it." Caitlyn stated with deranged honesty, unconcerned about how odd her words sounded.
No. 1090076 ID: fbc9ce

I will ask the spies if they know Sesus Rafara's whereabouts, like what inn she might've been staying at, or anything about her in general.
No. 1090082 ID: fbc9ce

rolled 3, 3, 2, 4, 5 = 17

Whether or not the spies know anything about her, I'll also go out into the town to gather information about whatever might be known about her, either publicly or as rumors, etc. Particularly looking for where she might've been staying.

[Appearance + Investigation]
No. 1090108 ID: 965bce

rolled 5, 2, 5, 8, 10, 9, 2, 5, 5, 3, 6, 9, 4, 8, 10, 9, 2, 6, 8, 3 = 119

>Also, you spent 25 motes in the process. How much of that was peripheral?
16 personal, 9 peripheral, so anima banner is at the torch level of illumination.

Her patient stabilized, the woman once too-rushed to introduce herself finally turns her attention to the others around the crowded table. She bears no visible armaments nor wonders wrought of the magical materials, but the golden icon blazing on her brow, and the still-breathing victim of Yozi venom leave little doubt as to what she is.

"Spinel Caryatid, healer and Twilight Caste... as is regrettably obvious at this point." She spares an annoyed glance in the aptly-named Burning Champion's direction—how is it the aspiring bandit was shining brighter for having accomplished less? "I would be interested to see what wonders were worth attempted concealment by such an exorbitant poison, but I think we may need to relocate soon."

>"Not bad, lady! You actually saved someone from demon poison."
"It's what I do."

Spinel is going to encourage Mr. Fleegman to come with us: if someone was that determined to silence him, they're likely going to try again, no point leaving him behind to be robbed and murdered right after saving his life.
No. 1090127 ID: d060ab

Cold Blooded nods appreciatively to Spinel and their healing prowess.

"Welcome, and thank you for the curing of this man."

He turns to the others gathered around

"I intend to leave at dawns first light tomorrow morning. If you are able to join me, gather your supplies & meet at the waterside pavilion on the outskirts of town. Please note that I will be taking neither hordes of minions nor caravans of supplies with me, so pack lightly & make other arrangements if more cargo is required."

He then waves one of the serving staff over & orders another pitcher of wine & a platter of dried fruits, paying with local coinage of silver to cover his days refreshments.
it is obvious he has no pmans to be leaving withon the next half hour or so
No. 1090145 ID: fbc9ce

Assuming Woe's attempts at gathering more information fail, she'll return to the bar and kick in the door. Whomever is still there, she'll flex at and smile.

"Yo, losers and losettes! Using some of my amazing intelligence and daring-do, I was able to learn that the Deeb assassin lady who ran off was named Sesus Rafara, and she's been working with the Forest Witches. So, whoever knows about how to track people using their names or whatever, I leave that to you."

"Yeah, yeah, Fancypants, I'll be there. Though, you're gonna have competition for 'leader,' I'm afraid."

That said, she'll disappear for now, back into the city to prepare herself for the journey the next day.
No. 1090169 ID: cfc7cc

Original waitress is cowering somewhere. Several other customers have fled, overturning at least one table in the process. Grizzled bartender approaches with the dried fruit in a to-go bag (and an axe slung on his back), politely but firmly asking you all to pay your tabs and get out. Nothing personal, see, it's just that some of this place's regulars are Dynasts or Lookshyans, and they tend to tip generously. Got a reputation to think of.
No. 1090172 ID: 7ce054

"Sesus Rafara. Isnt that a realm name? Can we find out if this Sesus is working alone or under orders before we leave? I can go fetch some realm soldiers from their estates to question." Caitlyn offered in Riverspeak, completely serious in her intentions. "If we are going to do that then we better head out now - it could take a while to clean up."
No. 1090175 ID: 638be3

rolled 3, 5, 1, 1 = 10

"Naturally my good Barkeep, completely understandable. I apologise for my..." Cold Blooded gestures with his hand towards those on his vicinity"associates indiscretion."

He graciously accepts the offered bottle & bundle of dried fruits, collects his things & heads towards the front door, pondering what the name Sesus is associated with.
(Rolling Lore + Int to see what Cold knows about the Dynast families relevant to this Sesus character)

moves towards the front door, pondering the origin of the name Sesus[
No. 1090177 ID: cfc7cc

>rolled 3, 5, 1
You think House Sesus is primarily fire-aspected, and militarily weak, especially after their recent crushing defeat up north at the Battle of Futile Blood, but traditionally more than makes up for it with various forms of soft power. Their main allies within the Scarlet Dynasty are Tepet (Air-aspected, mostly a bunch of nerds but occasionally stack up enough esoteric tricks to produce a terrifying powerhouse like that Windtamer guy) and Nellens (Water-aspected, obnoxiously hardcore immaculate believers with a stranglehold on commercial sea traffic). Unless... maybe you've got those mixed up somehow?
>rolled 1
No, you're pretty sure that's right.
No. 1090286 ID: 4f80d6

Cold looks to Caitlin with a shake of his head, speaking confidently

"Don't worry about House Sesus, they are militarily weak & beneath our concern, particularly after their display at the battle of Futile Blood. No, I am sure they will be preoccupied with keeping out of our way & beneath our notice."
No. 1090293 ID: 7ce054
File 171484544873.png - (1.91MB , 816x1456 , a4bef83dcabfc0561265bf36190ba96d.png )

She laid her hand on the pommel of her sword for just a moment, contemplating his words. "Well it "It would be nice to learn of their intentions before leaving, but breaking the peace would be unfortunate." Caitlyn then relaxed to a neutral position "Lets go store up on hot fresh meals and cold drinks. They will be refreshing out in the field wherever we are going."
No. 1090307 ID: 094811

“Agreed…let’s get out of here.”

Kisara got up, placed her money on the table in front of the bartender, and headed outside.
No. 1090339 ID: 7ce054

"It may be difficult to find supplies in bulk at this hour, but we could buy lots of street food. Ramen, soups, pot stickers, pork buns. There are lots of great food that we can store and keep hot in elsewhere and this will let us get a variety of meals so we wont get bored. Naturally we will want some jugs of beer, sake, and clean water. I never did find one of the Everclean Necklaces, so I better buy some soap. Maybe some rope and tackle? Anything else?"
No. 1090364 ID: 45d138

The old man gave cold blooded a nod before leaving the restaurant.

"We will meet when this group departs, for now I still have some business to attend to."

After leaving the infernal would send her henchman to acquire two weeks worth of food and supplies for the both of them and thaumaturgical supplies for her rituals.

The Infernal herself would retire to her own acommodations rented during her stay in Nexus to summon a demonic bodyguard in preparation for struggles to come.

(Going for summoning a Sesselja with knowledge of the victorious concession style as discussed previously - spending 20m, 10 base, 10 to lower it's resistance pool by two @strange.)
No. 1090398 ID: 965bce

rolled 6, 10, 6, 9, 3, 5, 2, 10, 8, 9, 2, 10, 7, 1, 6, 6, 4, 9, 10, 6 = 129

At the meeting in the bar, Spinel is carrying her Physician’s Kit, a limited selection of tools, and writing supplies, all of which fits in a single pack. She's not currently carrying rations, because she wasn't planning on needing to leave Nexus in a hurry. Her current level of illumination seems like it would make shopping unwise, however. She's going to trust on other members of the expedition to see to provisioning, and focus instead on getting out-of-sight.

>politely but firmly asking you all to pay your tabs and get out.
The Twilight Caste does so, escorting her still somewhat loopy patient.

"Travel by sorcery and by ship were both mentioned. Are we headed for the docks, or to the nearest open place we can assemble? ...or someplace to lay low while those who can secure out exit?"
No. 1090409 ID: fbc9ce

rolled 2, 10, 4, 4, 5, 2 = 27

Someone suggested this in the Discord, so I'll try it.


Woe, who has the power to not flare her anima banner thanks to her caste, will disappear into the shadows near the bar, and wait. She's going to follow the anima-flaring people at a distance, watching out for anyone ELSE who is following, both in terms of the people who might be associated with the assassin, and anyone else who might hate Anathema.

(Don't know if you'd want a Stealth or Awareness roll; I can only do one at a time, so here's a Perception + Awareness check. I can do an additional Stealth check if you'd like)
No. 1090425 ID: cfc7cc

> I can only do one at a time
When there are multiple rolled actions you want to specify with a single post, just roll 50+ dice and I'll figure out which ones go to which dice pool. Erring on the side of too many dice also saves hassle if there are bonuses you overlooked, such as stunts, or the +1 circumstantial bonus die to Perception + Awareness for being fully focused on guard duty.
Figuring out exact dice pools before rolling is more important on discord, because the dice bot there sorts the results from lowest to highest rather than reporting them in the order they were rolled.
No. 1090443 ID: 37a599

rolled 5, 9, 3, 7, 8, 10, 9, 10, 7, 6, 10, 6, 8, 3 = 101

Oh okay, here's an additional [Stealth + Manipulation] roll. I'll just throw 5 extra dice into it in case you decide something I don't expect, but I expect 9 dice here from the ability and attribute.
No. 1090561 ID: 094811

“I may have a suggestion on where to meet. My people are stationed in barracks out on the edge of nexus. It would save moving a bunch of troops if we meet there, and it’ll be good in case we need any last minute prep. Any objections?”

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