Mystic Magic Rose
Ah, no, that's... no, of course. I understand, it was a brief conversation. This investigation isn't the most immediate concern. Still, it would be worth chasing any leads we can find, once we have a chance. Our most formidable and dedicated foe is focused on this symbology, so it follows we should understand it.
I imagine you might also want to ask her about that royal seal you found in the slaver's tent. Find out who the royal patron is behind these attacks, as they're a direct threat to your kingdom.
As for gods... well, I'm working on some theories, but it's largely untested research. Not something you can easily verify in a tome.
And I have no great desire to meet with the Red One, or the Seer, or whatever that entity goes by. The stories of the returning party were quite enough, and I've had my fill of super-natural beings.