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1094701 No. 1094701 ID: 46e818

Expand all images
No. 1094702 ID: 46e818
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>"How's it come to this."
No. 1094703 ID: 53f237

What’s the situation, boss? Never seen you wearing armor before.
No. 1094704 ID: b8a40c

This is somebody else. Our boy's got a crook on the top of his nose.
You know, unless he got some plastic surgery while we were gone.
No. 1094707 ID: ebed03

Evenin'. You got a name or are you some sort of vaguely mysterious knight fella?
No. 1094709 ID: c8fdbe

Damn, boy. What that nose do?
No. 1094710 ID: 8e4f60

Hello there - are you a relative of Prince Muschio by any chance? Where are we and what's with all those boxes?
No. 1094712 ID: 987147

"Who the fuck are you?"
No. 1094713 ID: 818210

hmm, that emblem on his chest looks kinda like a sun. Paladin?
No. 1094721 ID: eb0a9c

...It's simple.
You rejected the engine.
The labor of the people is not your birthright. Everyone who works deserves to get paid, not just in resources but in respect. And even the strongest and smartest may not have special skills - and perspectives - that a little guy might happen to have. It's all one big complex machine, and if you stress or neglect any part, you risk the whole thing becoming a dysfunctional mess.
When you and your cohorts refused to pay every non-Volto what you know deep down was their fair share, you screwed yourselves over. They won't work nearly as well or as hard as you know they could have, not when their reward is to be looked at like a butcher looks at cattle. Your kingdom's economy grinds to a halt.
And here you are.
No. 1094737 ID: 861ceb

ah fuck we've been kidnapped boys
No. 1094740 ID: 987147

Who eats who first?
No. 1094746 ID: 2f41db

Go to be honest with you buddy, not a lot for me to work on towards that answer.
Ill take a blind guess at "poor life choices and questionable diet"
No. 1094747 ID: 817ea0

Well since we can hear you, you've most likely touched something you shouldn't have. Congratulations, we're here forever!
No. 1094749 ID: dc4bad

oi, where are we? what year is this!?

also has a slight similarity to the flayed demon's symbol
No. 1094759 ID: 46e818
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>"Four months of bloodshed. Murders on the road. That's how."

>"But this."

>"They forced our hand."

>"We started this."

>"And tonight we finish it. How many lives are we saving?"
No. 1094760 ID: 46e818
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>"I know your heart is heavy. War is ugly.
>But by morning, we'll have peace again."
No. 1094761 ID: 53f237

Maybe, soldier, maybe. But what will the total cost be? At the end of the day, the cost is almost never worth it.
No. 1094762 ID: b8a40c

Going to war with the forest tribes?
Looks like the demon's kills are being attributed to them now, if that's what this is about.
No. 1094763 ID: 8f9bc4

The only thing worse than a bloodthirsty villain is someone who feels obligated to kill.
No. 1094765 ID: 987147

Peace...? What's Peace?
No. 1094786 ID: 2f41db

Think we are observing a dreaming memory here.
Muschios father maybe?
If our usual whisperings in the id and ego can have any effect, itd be interesting to see what.
No. 1094788 ID: 861ceb

this is starting to sound a lot like one of those "we'll be home in time for Christmas" type of deals. you know, where the war actually goes on for another 3 to 5 years.
No. 1094794 ID: df8990

i can't help but feel by morning we will not have peace again
No. 1094795 ID: eb0a9c

You may have the resolve to do what needs to be done, but are you sure this is necessary?
How many negotiations have failed or were betrayed? How many non-combatants are you targeting with artillery? Who profits from this situation, and are you sure they don't have influence on the order?
Are you sure there is no other sane option?
No. 1094797 ID: 8b1abb

Oh good, I love it when a protagonist is unambiguously the good guy, our normal nose guy is an evil mastermind.
Lets save some lives.
No. 1094805 ID: debc82


Elves, huh? How long have we been allied with them, and who is it we're fighting?
No. 1094820 ID: 46e818
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>"I hurt a child."

>"Not a child. Just one of those things that hasn't had a chance to kill yet. We wouldn't have found this place without you."

>"It sure screamed like a child."

>"Fuck's sake."
No. 1094821 ID: 46e818
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>"Whatever crisis of faith you're having, I need you here, now. Assist me this night, and then we will together sort through your soul's torment.
>I tell you this not as your brother in arms, but as your friend: What we do is just. This place will be better when we're done. The earth will be pure again. People will walk the roads safely. Children will play in the fields."

>"Just not their children."

>"God will forgive us, Ysir."
No. 1094822 ID: 53f237

What this man speaks of is not what any god would want, and he knows that. If this man is willing to kill a child to get what he wants and still find justification in it, then this man is too dangerous to ally with. Leave now, and save your conscience and what ever honor you have.
No. 1094825 ID: faf90f

If these woods are where I think they are and the time is as far back as I think it is the God inside them will not forgive you. Your suffering would be the stuff of legends, were it not for the fact none would survive to tell the tale. I doubt you can hear us or that we can change the outcome any. I personally hope the dark thing in the rotten petals and black muck takes Its time with you.
No. 1094826 ID: b8a40c


We got a name... or maybe an exotic honorific.
Still don't know if this is a vision of the past or an outside perspective of the present.
No. 1094827 ID: 818210

Sounds a lot like paladin talk to me.
I hope their sapper butterfingers the one of the charges as they're preparing it back there.
No. 1094828 ID: eb0a9c

If we're talking about the greater good, you need to ask yourself one question.
Which voice is stronger: the one telling you how many people you are protecting, or the one admonishing the people you have stolen from?

I don't know if the creature you killed had anything left inside them. But if they did, maybe this giant-ass army could have captured them alive. Found a solution, given them a mind, and refined the process so that future generations could deal with future monsters in a non-violent and productive fashion.

Because if you are teaching future generations to perform the same actions that personally cause you grief and doubt, are you really doing the right thing?
No. 1094832 ID: c712f8

seems to me like a god who would forgive child murder isnt much of a worthwhile god at all
No. 1094833 ID: 52d320

Definitely the past. Quite possibly further back than Baron Malto's time.
No. 1094834 ID: 861ceb

ah, the old "let god sort them out" technic. Got to say it would go along very well with those explosives you have in the background.
No. 1094838 ID: e03b66

I'm inclined to believe forgiveness is possible for anything - but also that to be completely forgiven, you need to understand that what you did was wrong, and have changed, and usually have made restitution where possible. It sounds like that may be really difficult, here, and may involve e.g. trying to restore the current inhabitants back to their land. (Also, that doing a thing thinking "I'll just beg forgiveness later" is worse.) And if you're going to need forgiveness, that means what you did was wrong, which means you both already KNOW what the correct answer is, don't you?
No. 1094840 ID: 2f41db

Would that be a sour gift to recieve.

How DID it come to this?
No. 1094856 ID: 46e818
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>"God will forgive us."
No. 1094857 ID: 46e818
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No. 1094858 ID: 46e818
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>"I wouldn't."
No. 1094859 ID: 047965

Then why fight, soldier? If your brothers in arms are also followed blindly by their devotion, then they’re not worth following.

Stage a coup, for your own sake, if not everyone else’s.
No. 1094860 ID: 123df0

War happens when negotiation fails and it is the last thing that those who are conscripted to fight want to occur. When the dust settles and when the fighting is over you are going to have two type of people, those who are on the winning side and the ones who are on the losing. Some will see you as a hero others will see you as a monster. Just hope that bout sides don't see you as latter, hope for the forgiveness from ones who survive because they will be the ones that you will share this world with and they will be the ones who will judge you for the actions that you make.
No. 1094861 ID: 8f9bc4

No. 1094865 ID: d1a2d2

Say, did you just here something break in that cage you were sitting on?
No. 1094866 ID: 123df0

Also, somebody is trying to escape that cage unless the person that we are following is the creature trapped in that prison. If that is the case why were you trapped?
No. 1094870 ID: 273c18

Wanna bet we're not attached to the Volto, but whoever's in the cage?
No. 1094873 ID: 46e818
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No. 1094875 ID: 123df0

Sooo, is this a good or a bad thing?
No. 1094876 ID: 46e818
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No. 1094877 ID: 46e818
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No. 1094878 ID: 46e818
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>"Master Muschio.
>I apologize for waking you, but our guest will be arriving sometime soon this morning.
>Would you like me to bring you your breakfast, or will you be coming to the dining table?"
No. 1094879 ID: b8a40c

Got any relatives named Ysir?
No. 1094887 ID: 123df0

Was that dream of a story which you heard? If I was to make an educated guess it would be something connected to your family history, during a difficult point in time.
No. 1094889 ID: 53560f

Have food brought this time, we need to freshen up for out guests.
No. 1094890 ID: 047965

Best we take it privately for now, if you have any idea of what you just saw in your dream, best discuss it now with us and your own thoughts
No. 1094891 ID: c712f8

Boss you've got to get some sort of dream magic person with which to figure out your crazy dreams
No. 1094906 ID: 3f3d5c

Well, that sure was something. You feeling alright there, boss? Well rested, I hope?

As much as I would genuinely love to hang out with our lieutenants and enjoy a meal together, I unfortunately have to agree that we should probably spend the time getting ourselves presentable. Don't want the guest to show up while we've still got bedhead after all. Perhaps we'll be able to catch a dinner with them later.
No. 1094909 ID: 2f41db

G'morning big m.

No more cheese binges before bedtime.
Or psychotropic mushrooms.
No. 1094912 ID: eb0a9c

Get breakfast yourself. I've got a spicy recipe for chicken curry you could try, and I'm sure the other voices have better ideas.
No. 1094916 ID: 5668a8

Nothing better for meeting a distinguished guest than smelling like curry, and dealing with the gastrointestinal consequences of eating spicy curry for breakfast. I second the motuon.
No. 1094917 ID: 818210

Did Ona install the sigil improperly or is the madly magic mountain just having unintended consequences.
How sweet of Finesse to offer breakfast in bed.
No. 1094922 ID: 46e818
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"Yes, I think I'll have my breakfast in my quarters this morning. Thank you."
>"Of course, Master. I'll be but a moment."

More strange dreams. Are they familial memories? Are they prophetic? What am I seeing -- why?
Or are they simply dreams?

I suppose I will have to consider this further when I have the time.
No. 1094923 ID: 46e818
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For now, I must make final preparations for the arrival of our guest, a man named Morphyl Rabas. I've not heard of him, but he professes himself, in his letter of introduction, to be a high class socialite.

Entertaining guests and making socially visible connections is a part of any good politicking. It should be expected.
Hopefully he will be an agreeable sort -- at least it says he is bringing gifts -- but even if he is a boor, it is my instinctive expectation to entertain him for a brief stay so as not to create trouble.

>"Here you are, Master. Babrakus caught the fish, Tislomer procured the local herbs, and Ona prepared the sauce and vegetables."
"Thank you."

I suppose we will see how the visit goes.
No. 1094924 ID: ccf208

Well eat first and then get ready to make yourself presentable, first interactions are of the utmost importance.
No. 1094925 ID: b8a40c

Well, some of your previous dreams were indeed visions of the past and of the past of your cohorts. That is something we can confirm.
The seer AND that demon also both did act like they recognized you, so you or some part of you might be a bigger deal than you realize. My bet's on you being some kind of avatar or herald for that god of outcasts that the amulet's made for.

Anyways, how's the new guy settling in? And has Ona spilled her spaghetti for him yet?
No. 1094943 ID: eb0a9c

Potato sauce.
So, what's on the agenda?
No. 1094954 ID: 0e1248

Be sure to finish your meal Boss. Its of utmost importance for to build your body with the same care you build your kingdom.

For what is the body if not a man's temple.

Of this guest, be ready for anything, after all you carry the weight of a dragon behind you nowadays.

Did we contacted our associate Moira?
is she aware of our latest shenanigans and this Rabas fellow?
No. 1094958 ID: 16d082

Express your appreciation with headpats
No. 1094960 ID: 53f237

I agree with this statement.

And what’s the overall plan to meet with Morphyl Rabas?
No. 1094962 ID: 46e818
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>"Do you mind if I advise you while you eat?
"As you like."

>"Very well. Here's this morning's rundown.
>Wes and Embraddeus have finished your new weapon. They're excited to present it to you.
>Pendle, meanwhile, has been working on research about the local gods and their worship."
No. 1094963 ID: 46e818
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>"Nearly a dozen workers have just arrived from Blue Trees and Ihnesh-Nayevh. Ashedel, Babrakus, and Geppa are currently directing them to help with the construction of the exterior barracks, where the troops will be housed as our forces expand -- now that we have soldiers."
"Will they need me?"
>"I believe they have the construction and its coordination under control."
"Very well."

>"Dompag is on guard duty, Erisol is -- around here somewhere. Ona and Tislomer are hard at work preparing a feast for lunch when our guest arrives.

>Everyone has something to do. Do you have any particular plans before when Mr. Rabas arrives, or for his visit?"
No. 1094964 ID: 88c7ec

To be an excellent host, which might mean wrangling Erisol so she doesn't cause chaos upon our guest's arrival.

How fares our newest addition? Is he adjusting well?
No. 1094965 ID: b8a40c

[godamnit, I meant erisol]

Do we have guest quarters fully constructed/furnished yet? If not, where do we plan on letting them stay if they do plan on staying for long?
No. 1094973 ID: b11d2d

>Everyone has something to do.

What's on your itinerary, Finnie?
No. 1094980 ID: ebae20

Is the new weapon a sword? Something to wear to the lunch? While there is no need to be rude, there is also no reason to be stupid when a stranger is inside your house.
No. 1094981 ID: e1a09b

An 'ornamental' weapon that ties together a look is hardly an insult, though I have no idea what typical fashion for Muschio's people is like.
No. 1094983 ID: 047965

How can we best show our power while also being a gracious host?
No. 1094988 ID: c712f8

probably not actually the time for this but we should do something about the giant glowing sigil in your sleeping quarters at some point
No. 1094994 ID: 0e1248

Better to check or guest accommodations to see if everything is up to code, Boss.

If not we can be the big spoon.

Also any new info on about guest?
No. 1095000 ID: eb0a9c

Make a contingency plan in case your 'guest' unleashes firepower. You want emergency panic rooms within sprinting distance at all times, using the Vault's special ability to shift rooms to teleport survivors out of reach.
No. 1095032 ID: 46e818
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"And what of our new addition?"
>"Ah, Mock Fang. Yes, he has been very quiet. So far, he only seems to speak when spoken to, and very briefly. But he's offered no hostility or resistance and we've prepared a bedroll for him in the officer's barracks, for the time being."
"No signs for concern?"
>"None at the moment, at least beyond his physiology. He seems to--"
"Hold on. What is that?"
"You don't see that? There's-- it's like a distant--"
No. 1095033 ID: 46e818
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No. 1095034 ID: 53f237


Uh, hello. Good to meet you?
No. 1095035 ID: 6248e5

so is this the esteemed guest or more magic bullshit

or both
No. 1095037 ID: b8a40c

Oh hi, Kim.
No. 1095038 ID: dc4bad

Oi, this is (ostensibly) supposed to be a secure network.
We really need to get the bossman to call that witch for hex support.
No. 1095039 ID: 0e1248

Told ya Boss
A Weak body, feebles the mind. And once again we find ourselves drifting out of conscientiousness.

In the meantime, focus on a central point, like Finnie that happens to be in a huggable reach.
No. 1095040 ID: 829913

Mr. Rabas I presume?
No. 1095041 ID: 46e818
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No. 1095042 ID: b4dc7c

Don't you look at me like that!

No but really hi who are you
No. 1095043 ID: 53f237

Hello… You are Morphyl Rabas…?
No. 1095045 ID: 45c902

Why yes, you are going insane.
Must be those pesky space dragons with psionic powers. We better go eat some clay dirt and horse urine to get the brain worms out, then make a tin hat to keep the dragons from invading our minds again.
No. 1095046 ID: 52d320

nice glasses
No. 1095048 ID: 46e818
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"I don't see anything yet. But my mind is going a mile a minute. It may just be nerves.
There's a name in my head, though, that wasn't there before. I may just be imagining it.
'Morphyl Rabas', I think?"
No. 1095050 ID: 047965

Ah, so YOU are not Morphyl Rabas then. Apologies, allow us to clarify, these thoughts are not actually yours but rather fragments of another psyche talking through your mind. I’m not sure how we got here however.

Might we know who you are? And who you are talking to?
No. 1095051 ID: 451399

The target has become aware of our network, Czar.
Shall we eliminate them?
No. 1095053 ID: 273c18

That's not the Czar, the Czar is a cat dude.
No. 1095059 ID: 2f41db

...i was thinking about breakfast.
Is this a psionic intrusion?
I hope not, 'cause its way too early to enact our defensive strategy of all talking at the same time about different things like a wall of mental white noise made of total bollocks.
No. 1095061 ID: 1168ac

You get jabbed with any splinters of crystal or the like recently?
No. 1095065 ID: 3f3d5c

Yeah, you don't see anything. That's not how this works. You see what you see, and we see you, and you hear us.


Who are you?
No. 1095075 ID: 6248e5

oh wait is this one of orc lady whatsherface's subordinates or have we not actually gotten around to doing that yet
No. 1095076 ID: 6538af

...I can't tell if those are ears, or frog eyes. The glasses would suggest the former, though.
No. 1095079 ID: 8f9bc4


Muschio Muschio Muschio Muschio Muschio fraggle Muschio Muschio Lord Muschio
No. 1095081 ID: ebae20

You're not supposed to be here.
No. 1095082 ID: 273c18

We aren't your mind, we're someone else's mind.
No. 1095086 ID: eb0a9c

Hand over your blueprints, or we'll feed you to the Skull Queen!
No. 1095087 ID: dc4bad

oh, best not give away anything else away to the stranger.
Um, I mean, geez this is weird what even is the point of this all again? haha
No. 1095088 ID: 908099

Beep beep dipthong phooey, on my dolphin wigs? Porky plop plop suey, now we're eating twigs!
No. 1095090 ID: 88c7ec

"Someone tried to breach our neural network so we gave them ADHD until they fucked off"
No. 1095096 ID: 006510

No. 1095101 ID: 46e818
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"Wait. Is--
So this IS--???"
No. 1095102 ID: 46e818
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"Mistress! I've-- I think I've done it! I believe I've made contact!"
No. 1095103 ID: b05c00

knew it, its orcladywhatsherface's subordinate

well, if you know anything about our guest it would be nice to get a heads up
No. 1095104 ID: 4c2e24

testing testing do you hear us the voices of the guy who we are following
No. 1095105 ID: 46e818
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>"That was easy.
>Well? Go ahead, introduce yourself. You're going to be our liaison, he deserves to know who you are."
"Ah, y-yes Mistress!"
Ahem. Okay.
"My most sincere salutations, Prince Malto! I am Arna Roak, a devoted steward in the employ of Lady Moira Mondegreen, and I am here to establish communications with you and your settlement on behalf of my Lady, as per prior agreements. As this is our first exchange, I would like to express my deepest respect for you and your cause, and I hope I will be able to serve both you and my Lady to the best possible standard."
No. 1095106 ID: b8a40c

Ah, you're Mondegreen's boy.
Sorry about all the random jammering, we didn't know who you were and couldn't rule out a hostile presence suddenly gaining access.

So, what can we do for Mondegreen?
No. 1095107 ID: 047965

Pleasure to meet you Roak, good job on this with your Mistress. By any chance is she familiar with “Morphyl Rabas?” It’s someone coming to visit us later.
No. 1095109 ID: cbebbf

Oh! Hello, friend! :D
Unfortunately you've pulled us away in a moment where we're expecting an important visitor. Through no fault of your own-- you couldn't have known! All the same, though, we might like to keep this exchange brief, if possible.

Or not. Sometimes we get stuck.
No. 1095110 ID: debc82


Well, it could've been far more inconvenient, though whatever happened to just sending a letter? A nice basket of flowers? Maybe an emissary?
No. 1095111 ID: 4c2e24

No. 1095117 ID: b11d2d

Greetings, Mr. Roak.

When not speaking to us in person, you will be dealing with a... sort of a multitude of voices. It's a long story, but it's all Lord Muschio.

Could you give us a quick rundown of your areas of expertise? Clerical, administration, diplomacy? Spycraft? Sorcery, maybe?
No. 1095118 ID: 818210

A psychic phonecall.
It'd be hard to give us a heads up given the distance but can we at least get a way to deny the call in the future?
And we certainly hope you can't use this to eavesdrop.
No. 1095145 ID: 3f3d5c

You're not talking directly to Prince Malto, per se. The Prince's mind is
Well it's just
I mean


Look, you'll get it eventually. The point is there's going to be a tiny bit of delay. But we'll make sure he gets the message and your well wishes in full. Just think of us as an extension of his ego. A shadow of the persona, if you will. I am thou and thou art I.

Speaking of, we were kind of in the middle of something? Not to be a rush, it's lovely to meet you, but is there anything we can do for you presently?
No. 1095167 ID: 8f9bc4

It's admirable, though somewhat worrying. We have had bad experiences recently with those able to pull us from our own mind, without our awareness. It is usually we, that is, Lord Muschio who decides which shard to speak through. Regardless, it's done, and we are all about honoring prior agreements.

Since we have a moment to speak to you, please inform Lady Mondegreen that the emergency that made Muschio depart in great haste has been dealt with. Were he physically here, he would extend a full apology for running out on you, but lives really were on the line.
No. 1095206 ID: 46e818
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"They say they're rather busy at the moment, and we've perhaps caught them at an inopportune time."
>"You mean he, I'm sure."
"Ah, well -- yes, Mister-- Prince Malto, but, these voices, they say they're only a part of him."
>"An aspect of the Prince should still be referred to as such."
Stupid. So fucking stupid. Idiot.
"Of course, Mistress. My apologies."
Messed it up again, good job.
No. 1095207 ID: 46e818
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>"Arna, will you please tell the Prince that I wish to catch up soon, when he has time to spare? Nothing urgent."
"Yes, he mentioned a guest visiting, but I think... I believe he may be able to hear us. To -- see us, even. Through my senses."
>"Is that so! Well, Prince, if you can hear me directly, please do contact me at your pleasure, through Ms. Roak, when you are more at ease and prepared to speak.
>For now, however, is there anything I can assist with this visit you've alluded to? Am I to presume the guest of honor you're hosting Master Rabas?"
No. 1095208 ID: 273c18

Nope, you were right. We should be referred to as "they".
No. 1095209 ID: 4c2e24

Can you tell bit more about Master Rabas?
No. 1095210 ID: b8a40c

Ok, you can try to save face and tell her this orb thing is kind of a gestalt consciousness of many voices loosely based on Muschio's mind.
Or something. Even we don't know how exactly this works. It's all very magical and vague, but we/he/whatever works for addressing the orb voices in your head.

But back to business: we would like to know about Morphyl Rabas. They're due to arrive soon and we'd like to know who we're dealing with.
No. 1095211 ID: dd3fe0

Eh, whether we are a they or are a sub-category of he is kind of a philosophical discussion, no? Even if WE feel we are a 'they', there is something to be said for the amount of authority the Prince has over us taking priority, as well as the dignity of his station and person? Like, 'we can want to be thought of as they, but Prince can veto that' kind of thing.
No. 1095212 ID: dc4bad

indeed, though we don't actually know anything of the man and are not in a good place to find out.

Until this moment anyway, do you know the name?
No. 1095213 ID: 3f3d5c
File 172263943607.jpg - (431.56KB , 640x620 , kvx6fqwei0771_jpg.jpg )

Nope, right the first time. I would rather not be referred to or thought of as Prince Malto in and of himself. That's a bit like referring to your kidneys as “yourself”. Your kidneys aren't you, right? They're just a very important part of you that helps filter and maintain your various bodily functions, but they aren't you in your totality.
I'm not sure gender even applies in this context, but since we are a great many voices we do usually go by "they", as in plural, because we are literally multiple voices.
She's probably not gonna get it because she's not plugged into the network, so don't worry about arguing about it. The important thing to remember is just there's a degree of separation here. Sometimes the boss doesn't even listen to us. He's his own guy. Please do not dismiss him as being merely the sum of our parts.
He deserves more respect than that.

Anyway, yeah, as for things you can do, any information you might have about our upcoming guest would be appreciated. We're going into this a little blind, and he's due to arrive any minute now.
No. 1095221 ID: 0e1248


All information you could provide about our guest would be much welcomed.

Also when the opportunity arises for my Lady and the Boss to speak directly. It would be for the best to wear the device/lenses personally.
No. 1095222 ID: eb0a9c

Good intel. Who is Rabas, and should we prepare knives under the table?
No. 1095245 ID: 2f41db

Dont be too hard on yourself new friend, youre doing a commendable job. Especially for a first timer.

and yes, that is who we are to host.

Kidneys are an excellent choice for the analogy.

We help process prince maltos intake of information.
....i guess we take the piss out of him too sometimes.
No. 1095248 ID: 53560f

Relax Arna, you’re doing fine, you can keep referring to us however you like while talking to us. It seems Moira is simply a stickler for technicalities.
Inform her that we are in fact hosting Morphyl Rabas very soon and that we’d appreciate what she’s willing to share regarding him.

On another note, welcome to the network of the orb of infinite psyche. You are connected not just to Muschio but all his most trusted allies too should you ever desire to meet or talk to them via us.
Also you may or may not be on the money regarding us, Muschio and Moira both insist that we’re an extension of him but we hold the theory that we might have diverged too far to strictly be considered a part of him now. Not that there’s any way to tell or any significant meaning to whether it is proven true or false.
No. 1095265 ID: 46e818
File 172271789442.png - (8.98KB , 800x600 , 2249.png )

"It is indeed."
>"Then you'll be fine. Master Rabas is a very charming and agreeable soul. A bit garrulous, at worst, but gregarious, energetic, generous -- even eager to please.
>He's a seasoned old gentleman. Tried a bit of everything. He's seen war and peace, hardship and prosperity, but he mostly loves food, simple pleasures, and the company of friends.
>I have no doubt you will do just fine entertaining so easygoing a guest.
>Oh, and as long as you can, please, give him my best. We've not spoken in an age.
>I hope to hear from you again soon, Prince."

"Mistress, I do believe your concerns were founded. It seems he can read my thoughts like this."
>"Well, then. Think safe thoughts, Ms. Roak."
No. 1095266 ID: 86b1b1

Ms. Roak you seem like a person who is constantly stressed out. Why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself?
No. 1095267 ID: 1168ac

Fair's fair, lady, this isn't going to be exactly the most filtered feed you get, either. Have a little understanding when something random or uncomfortable comes through to you and we'll offer you the same courtesy, hey?
No. 1095268 ID: 818210

I hope Moria isn't pulling our leg about Rabas for a laugh.
No. 1095270 ID: 76c8b1

What reason would she have to do so? Let’s not bad mouth Roak’s mistress and our ally.

Anyway, Roak this is a quick means of connecting us with you and your mistress but we will try not to be so intrusive. We can only read surface thoughts, nothing so deep as on the subconscious level.
No. 1095271 ID: b8a40c

By the way, before we go, how exactly are you using the orb shard right now?
Have you implanted it into yourself or, as another voice has postulated, has it been made into a device you're wearing?
No. 1095273 ID: 8f9bc4


Yes we won't hear a word, as long as you don't think about anything embarassing or compromising.
No. 1095281 ID: 7de2b4

Fortunately, we're rather forgiving towards the occasional awkwardness or gaffe; after all, we're reading people's minds all day, it's not like we can expect perfect deference and protocol 24/7.
No. 1095285 ID: 2f41db

Stop staring at her chest roak!
Thats your Lady!
Have you no shame?
No. 1095287 ID: eb0a9c

Roak: Stare at her obesity
Stare like your existence depends on it
No. 1095294 ID: 35b7ce

Rev up those fryers and break out the accordian, time for pierogis and polka! Nothing better in the world. Im sure Rabas will love it, thanks for the tip.
No. 1095299 ID: 46e818
File 172279200965.png - (15.10KB , 800x600 , 2250.png )

>"Master Rabas is a well-connected man, so I think your being on good terms with him would be quite beneficial to your cause. It's fortunate he's taken note of you.
>Best wishes, Little Prince.

>That's enough, Arna. Let him to his business."
"I'll-- yes, I think I can figure out how to do that."
This is so weird.
No. 1095300 ID: 46e818
File 172279217665.png - (18.91KB , 800x600 , 2251.png )

Ah, you're back. That was a bit of an experience. I wonder if the unusual transition is owed to the distance of our communication. I've certainly never had a shard-wearer so far away.

Well, all the same, I'm glad it was a successful connection and a fruitful conversation.
I've made morning preparations and our guest hasn't arrived yet, so there's still some time to catch up with the crew. Seems almost everyone wants my attention this morning.

While there's still time, who shall I check in on?
No. 1095302 ID: d45f8f

Dompag and Ashedel first to check our defenses, then Babrakus to ensure our guest facilities are in order for Rabas’s stay. Lastly, I assume Ona is going to be or cook for this, best make sure she has everything thing needs so we can coordinate that with Tislomer.
No. 1095303 ID: 818210

First order of business is to go for the kitchen and tell Ona to rein in Tislomer so she doesn't prepare four different shades of mint flavoured meals.
Then we can check on the weapon. Maybe check on Pendle as a courtesy but he doesn't seem the kind to need doting and is probably just as happy to simply enjoy his new freedom in and of itself.
No. 1095304 ID: b8a40c

Wait, you could tell what was going on?
Since when could you do that? Before, we've always had to relay info we gained while in others' minds.

Also, everything is still green looking. Is that residual from our link with Mondegreen and her servant or are they still somehow listening in right now? And how the hell did they hijack the orb focus like that? We usually have to willfully send it to others, but they just kind of took it from you.
No. 1095305 ID: fe12b4

this could be a benefit of someone else initiating the connection. Assuming the command was something broad like "connect my mind to Muschio's," it would make sense that it connected to both him and the Orb.

However, it may also mean that everyone with a shard got some insight into the conversation as well, something we should maybe test.
No. 1095307 ID: b11d2d

Locate Erisol and inquire if she would like to oversee Mock Fang's onboarding. Given his unusual nature, we want this process to go as smoothly as possible.
No. 1095330 ID: 2f41db

Erisol and mockfang induction sounds perfect.
They could do with a little supervising.

Then the food and halls where he will be entertained need checking.

I think you should ponder with finesse a selection of interesting and sociable inner circle members to greet and entertain our guest during his visit.
Have chambers been prepared in case he is considering requesting quarters for the visit?
No. 1095381 ID: 0e1248

Seems all we need to worry atn, is to procure fine meals and wine and been gracious hosts.
Maybe we could set a little play for our guest.
No. 1095387 ID: 46e818
File 172296872875.png - (16.62KB , 800x600 , 2252.png )

Very well, let's check on the chef.

"Ona, will everything be prepared in time for lunch? Our guest--
...that smell is divine."
>"Oh! Thanks! Yeah, everything's fine here, Tizzy's a big helping hand in the kitchen. Hope you're bringing an appetite!"

This smell brings me back to my days as a child. The meals prepared for royalty.
I knew her meals were good but she's clearly showing off the true extent of her culinary expertise today. Ms. Openda's talents are truly broad.
No. 1095388 ID: 46e818
File 172296878740.png - (15.34KB , 800x600 , 2253.png )

Not wanting to linger, I take a moment to stop by the forge.

"Mr. Fumo. I was told you have something for me."
>"Ah, y-y-y-yy-yes, p-please. Here, Emmy and I w-worked hard on this, come in."
No. 1095389 ID: 46e818
File 172296921143.png - (12.31KB , 800x600 , 2254.png )

>"This is some of my b-best work. Finesse told m-mm-me y-you were looking for a wweapon more suited to your exp-p-pertise.
>A rapier fit for a m-mm-master ffencer. I m-made it j-jj-ju-just a b-bit longer than I might otherwise. Full tang. Swept cup hilt. Engraved monogram. With F-f-fff-Finnie's help I e-even inset a bit of peregast crystal into the hilt.
>Let 'em know where you c-come from, right?"
No. 1095390 ID: e25c20

Can you make a katana?
No. 1095391 ID: 88c7ec

Absolutely beautiful work, Wes. And the addition of pereghast...

Boss, I've got an idea. Try and use your fire knack while holding your new blade.
No. 1095392 ID: b4b926

Call Wes "cutie snooty"
No. 1095393 ID: dc4bad

Well Boss you'll obviously have to test the feel of it, indulge in a flourish or two, but otherwise that seems splendid.

(also look how excited they are to present it, can't imagine it'll be anything less than masterful work)
No. 1095396 ID: 3f3d5c

Oh my word, it's gorgeous. Thankyou, Wes.
No. 1095403 ID: 047965

Brilliant work, Wes. We could not have asked for a finer blade. Do we have a training ground where we can practice our forms with it?

A good cutting and slicing weapon but the question is who here has the capacity to use it to maximize its effectiveness.
No. 1095404 ID: e25c20

Now you're asking the real questions!
No. 1095468 ID: 7de2b4

Jesus, I should hope it's full tang! Still, splendid work, thank you.

Let's give it a little flourish. Nice touch with the personalizing details.
No. 1095478 ID: eb0a9c

We already reserved that IP for Ash

Let's make guns.
For now, though, can you make some fine-tuned springs and gears?
No. 1095488 ID: debc82


Guns and even cannon would require a tremendous amount of chemical and metallurgic integrity, as well as help from Finesse, and likely leave our people exposed in the even of a siege.

It might be smarter to fortify our base and produce better arms for our people, while using the peregast to amplify the effects of any protective magics they can employ.
No. 1095489 ID: 8b12a6

Draw a Z in the air with the blade. Imagine flamenco music and you wearing a broad black hat, mask, and cape while doing so.
No. 1095503 ID: e25c20

Can you dual wield?
No. 1095504 ID: 46e818
File 172306567955.png - (9.58KB , 800x600 , 2255.png )

I step to the empty side of the room to test the new sword.
No. 1095506 ID: 46e818
File 172306569233.gif - (85.02KB , 800x600 , 2256.gif )

No. 1095507 ID: 7de2b4

Sexy. You know, you got some real dramatic hair, boss.
No. 1095508 ID: b11d2d

An elegant weapon for a civilized age.

Not one to pierce armor or deflect a two-hander, but it certainly emphasizes your noble status.
No. 1095509 ID: 1beecd

So? How's it feel? Because it certainly looks like it's got some sort of magic going on.
No. 1095511 ID: e25c20

Can you dual wield?
No. 1095512 ID: 047965

Feels good I assume?
No. 1095519 ID: 2f41db

That suits you.

Good work that smith.
Congratulate him.
Mr fumo has impressive talent.
No. 1095521 ID: b8a40c

>empty side of the room
That is rather odd that a room that should be so busy with arming our troops is so empty. Maybe at one point we should get Wes some racks, tables, bins and other assorted workshop adornments for the forge.
No. 1095545 ID: 0e1248

Excellent, Good show. So nice to see our people gearing for the betterment of the cause.
No. 1095546 ID: 3f3d5c

Absolutely gorgeous.
No. 1095551 ID: eb0a9c

Next up, build a mini-cannon for Muschio's arm-stump. I'd recommend a grappling hook, those are in fashion.
No. 1095558 ID: 553635

actually yeah who is specialized for what weapon? we need to make sure that someone who is actually good with a certain weapon actually has it before anything serious happens. But it also depends on the complexity and how hard it is for Wes and emmy to work on.
No. 1095563 ID: 46e818
File 172314843233.png - (14.19KB , 800x600 , 2256.png )

"This is a truly fine weapon. The balance and heft are almost without compare."
>"I'm g-glad you approve.
>H-here. I know you dd--d-didn't request it, but we m-made an ac--c-acc-accompanying ppiece.
>A parrying dagger to go wwith your style. F-Finesse and I have been t-trying to find a way to equip it c-comfortably t-t-tt-- for your off-hand."
No. 1095564 ID: e25c20

That can be our hidden blade
No. 1095565 ID: 0cb7b0

Is there an attachment as in we have to replace the whole hand or is the current false hand capable of gripping on to it?
No. 1095566 ID: 3f3d5c

>>1095511 >>1095503
Actual dual wielding is usually done with a smaller weapon, usually used for parrying or opportunistic strikes.
This dagger will serve us perfectly.
No. 1095568 ID: b11d2d

Wes went above and beyond duty. Even if he just enjoys making stuff, loyalty like that must be rewarded.

Ask if he would like something as a sign of gratitude. Well, perhaps after the current batch of equipment for our troops is finished.
No. 1095569 ID: 2f41db

It looks as sharp as the minds that envisaged it.
Theyll find a way, no doubt.

Big M.
Sudden inspiration.
The monster gate can create life from the unliving.
Would it be possible to use it to create some kind of... hand golem?

A thing that could hold onto your wrist and grasp objects on your behalf?
Perhaps with a shard within it the thing could be attuned to your mind to the point it could react to your instincts?
Worth considering, but would certainly need a better name than just calling it a thing.
No. 1095571 ID: 3f3d5c

Given LeoPendle and Ona's descriptions when we were cobbling together Mock Fang, it would require an object with some form of energy attachment on whatever object we stuck through, psychic or magical or somesuch. So we'd have to make something and then enchant it.
What's more, the forms that come out of the portal have never been under our control. We'd have to get very lucky to somehow make a personalized hand golem for our own use.

I do like the idea of making our own mannikins, though, regardless of how they turn out. It's something to keep on the backburner, for sure.
No. 1095600 ID: b3d75a

No. 1095601 ID: 5c1847

Boss, a buckler can be modelled for your missing hand. And the parrying dagger can be hidden inside the it.
No. 1095602 ID: e25c20


upgrades people upgrades
No. 1095726 ID: ebae20

Stick the hilt to your stump. Knifehand. Unbeatable.
No. 1095747 ID: c2abab

A hand-golem directly controlled via shards of the Orb of Infinite Psyche is one of the funniest things I've heard all day. Let's go for it.
No. 1095755 ID: e1a09b

we could give rude gestures! Point at things! tap out tunes! So many uses.
No. 1095756 ID: 273c18

Considering you need to draw your rapier to fight anyway, a simple mechanism to unsheathe the dagger would be fine, as your good hand will be near your missing one at the time.

Alternatively, we can do something fancy. Maybe an enchantment linked to your scabbard to automatically unsheathe the dagger when you draw your sword?
No. 1095773 ID: 46e818
File 172356461466.png - (16.64KB , 800x600 , 2257.png )

"Excellent. I wish for you and Finesse to find a way to attach it to my false hand with a trigger action. Something I can pull with my right hand, perhaps."
>"We'll try to f-f-figure something out. I think it s-should be ffeasible."
"Excellent work."

Well, this is a lovely development. It feels invigorating to finally have a weapon honed to my specific abilities. Too long I was burdened with broadswords and salvaged weapons, but this is a fine implement.

Well, our guest still seems yet to arrive, so who shall I visit next? Seems half the Vault is hoping for my attention.
No. 1095774 ID: b8a40c

Let's try to find Erisol.
It's a bit worrying her exact location is unknown. Mock fang has caught her attention and we don't know how loyal he is yet, so let's not risk another spider incident and find her soon.
No. 1095783 ID: 8d246b

We should probably check how Mock Fang is doing.
No. 1095784 ID: 37ae45

Let's check in with Mock Fang.
No. 1095796 ID: 3f3d5c

I'm gonna second checking in on Eri, just because I don't like not having at least a general idea of where she is.
I mean, I'm sure she's fine, but. Y'know.

We can also double up and check in with Mock at the same time. She seemed pretty enamored with the poor guy, I'm sure it'd be a great opportunity to see them properly introduced to one another.
No. 1095803 ID: e25c20


I agree with your suggestion
No. 1095815 ID: f63e9f

Oh this is perfect. The Boss can fight someone with his newly made weapon to entertain the guest. A mock battle would help take off the rust. Only problem is who would be the opponent?
No. 1095847 ID: 46e818
File 172368362650.png - (11.63KB , 800x600 , 2258.png )

Very well. I'll continue to familiarize myself with the weapon while you go find Erisol and check in with her.
No. 1095848 ID: 46e818
File 172368366209.png - (17.55KB , 800x600 , 2259.png )

No. 1095849 ID: 46e818
File 172368379981.png - (16.05KB , 800x600 , 2260.png )

"Oh! Hello!"
"I'm just relaxing up here! There's a cool ledge up here outside the mountain that has a GREAT view!"
>"...I'm sorry, are you speaking to me?"
"Oh, no, I'm talking to the boss's voice!"
>"Ah. Of course."

"This place is great! Can you believe he got all the way up here even with a missing foot? He only needed me to help him a few times! That's incredible!"
>"Thank you."
"Oh, I was talking to the boss."
>"I know. But thank you, all the same."
"Oh! You're welcome!!"
No. 1095850 ID: e25c20

Hello, so what do you do?
No. 1095852 ID: 3d8d15

Glad to see you are settling in well, and that Pendle’s recovery is going well. So what are you two doing up here anyway?
No. 1095853 ID: 3f3d5c

Hi, Eri! Finnie said she didn't know where you were, so we were like, "We should probably check on her."
Nice to see you're just hanging out with Pendle.

... wow, this is a nice view.

She mostly blasts stuff with magic. Also she's fun.
No. 1095854 ID: b8a40c

The mountain has a ledge like this up here?
Very nice, this could be a great place to expand the base. Dragon guest aerie here we come!

Oh right, back to the check in: how are things going with you? Looks like you've got a great view of the barracks from here; anything going on down there that's caught your eye?
No. 1095856 ID: 273c18

What are you looking at? Can you SEE us? I didn't think we had anything to see; I thought we just had an arbitrary viewpoint.
No. 1095867 ID: 2f41db

You look like youve found an excellent spot to take a break.
I hope you are both doing well.
No. 1095881 ID: debc82


Erisol you precious goober ...
No. 1095883 ID: 8f9bc4

That is a great view!
No. 1095900 ID: 0e1248

Indeed what a great view.
Also any news in the western front, oh dear princess?
No. 1095902 ID: 006510

how’s mock-fang doing, you two?
(also, i wonder if we could possibly connect to multiple people’s brains at once? it would be pretty helpful to see things from both pendle and eri’s perspectives here, to make sure we aren’t missing anything)
No. 1095905 ID: 46e818
File 172382421048.png - (13.68KB , 800x600 , 22661.png )

"Oh I can see a lot from up here! It's mostly plains, so I can see people coming from a long way away.
The goblins and kobolds from the forest got here and they've been working all morning. The human guards we got here are keeping their distance.
And I can see a small caravan of two wagons approaching in the distance, might be our guest!"
No. 1095906 ID: 46e818
File 172382434645.png - (12.95KB , 800x600 , 2262.png )

"Me and Pendle have just been up here talking about magic and gods and stuff! He's got this theory about a magical-theological bridge that's really complicated and I don't understand it!"
>"Ah, I was just thinking out loud.
>I'm not really confident in anything enough yet to speak on it. I hope you'll be patient, Prince.
>Incidentally, while you're here, I'd like to request a new pair of pince-nez. It's a bit slow going in these old texts without my corrective lenses."
No. 1095907 ID: ee57bd

Are there other gods that would be willing to speak to us, help us or give us something? That is a topic worth looking more into.
No. 1095908 ID: debc82


So long as the old ones weren't shattered, it shouldn't be too hard to recreate the lenses, since Emmy would be a great help in getting the glass mixtures to a proper clarity.
No. 1095909 ID: b8a40c

What happened to his old glasses?
Looking back, he seemed to have lost them even before the demon revealed themselves.
No. 1095910 ID: 2f41db

Hell yes mister pendle.
Least we can do.
Any other lenses that might be of use?
Couple of hand held magnifiers.
Maybe even a multi lensed one on an armature for especially fragile documents or artifacts?

Say, erisol...
You seen mock fang lately?
Hows he doin?
No. 1095912 ID: 3d8d15

I’m sure we can make that happen, do you know where we can get some?
No. 1095989 ID: b8a40c

I suppose we should switch back to Muschio if our guest's arrival is imminent.
No. 1096019 ID: 46e818
File 172402829032.png - (17.97KB , 800x600 , 2263.png )

"Oh! Yeah! Mock Fang! He's uh...
Yeah he's really something huh? I mean woo. Tall dark and handsome, right? Pour some of that in a glass for me, right? Right.
Hey this is fine right? I mean you guys seem pretty okay with like, yknow, this sorta thing. Just I'm new here so I wanted to make sure I wasn't violating any sorta rule."


"Anyway, uh, how about you? What's going on this morning?
My brain feels a little different. There was like a mint flavor or something going on. Hard to describe. Was that you?"
No. 1096026 ID: ee57bd

Has your head been feeling different lately? If you do feel different in any way report it to others do not ignore it. We had experience dealing with demon possession and we probably killed the demon but you can never be sure with them. I mean you are standing next to a person who was the target of that possession. So ask him more about it, the symptoms of demonic presence if he can remember it.
No. 1096027 ID: b8a40c

Yeh. Mondegreen, that orc lady we met in the other mountain, kind of forced a shard connection to us... somehow... and that's where the "flavor" came from.
Extra weird that you'd be experiencing that from a shard convo you weren't involved in. That exchange continues to be increasingly odd.

Also, sure, go shoot your shot with mock. Nothing against romances around here so long as you're not pushing poisoned bottles of wine on anyone or the like. No creepy stalker shit.
No. 1096035 ID: eb0a9c

Rabbits can have mint-flavored thoughts? Interesting.

...Wait a minute.
>Red One is also the god of candy
Fudge. I think he ice creamed his victims' brains into edibles.
No. 1096038 ID: 3f3d5c

It is absolutely fine, Eri. No need to worry. Just as long as everyone treats each other with the respect they deserve. Love can bloom even on the battlefield.
Anyway, I'm rooting for you. Get some, girl.
No. 1096039 ID: 273c18

That was us establishing a new connection over a long distance. It was a little different than usual, probably just because of the distance.

I don't know of any rules forbidding co-workers from... mingling. Go for it. I've got no idea how romance works for summoned monsters though.
No. 1096046 ID: 553635

you know im curious, is there any personal effects in erisol's clothing? i wonder if there's a name written on there or something or such. makes a man wonder who she was before being a sprite, or if she has always been one
No. 1096055 ID: 0e1248

Better Mint than Licorice, I'm I right?

Anyway, have you been able to tune up with the magical minerals in the mountain? ´cause we're looking forward to the great feats of magic you could be able to accomplish.
No. 1096066 ID: d1a285

I have a better idea Pwndle! Magic surgery. We'll make it so you don't need glasses. And if that fails and melts your eyeballs? We'll make magic replacement eyes out of gems or something! And if that fails, we'll invent braille. It's fool proof. Trust us.
No. 1096073 ID: 818210

The mint might be Tislomer. She likes it. A lot.

Fighting words.
No. 1096077 ID: 2f41db

No rules that i know of.
You be nice to him.
Hes kinda new to, uh.

oh yeah.
Guy talking to us. Long distance.
May have something to fo with point of origin.
Maybe some way he does it.
Maybe he really, really wanted a breathmint.
For all i know his psychic brainwaves flew through a humbug factory chimney.
Kinda weird but interesting.
Good to know youre alert to it.
Keep being awesome princess.
No. 1104828 ID: 46e818
File 174175168349.png - (17.87KB , 800x600 , 2264.png )

"Ah, so it was the big party girl sending brain-letters, huh? Next time you talk to her, tell her I said thanks for the great party, and I'm sorry we had to leave so abruptly.
Those little creampuffs they had at the table with all the food... oh, my. I could eat those all day. I'd give them every accolade."

>"Oh? You spoke with Lady Mondegreen? Excellent! I'm at a bit of a crossroads with my research.
>Tell me, please, did she have any insight on 'The Shield of Comose'? 'Odo Rumux'? Does she have any leads for us on the Czar's interest in Totem Gods?"
No. 1104829 ID: 933858

Sorry to say we have not. In fact to even speak with Mondregreen we have to go through her liaison, a man named Roak.
No. 1104833 ID: b8a40c

We'll let her know.
All that aside, what is that caravan you saw up to? Any changes? If not, swap us over to Pendle so we can talk shop with him.
No. 1104851 ID: 46e818
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Hello? Yes, is this how-- yes, yes I can hear you! Sorry, still getting used to communicating, both here and in person.

So, yes, please! You spoke to Lady Mondegreen!
Tell me what did she say about our investigation in these Totem Gods? Did she have any leads for us? Did any of those other names yield anything?
I'm deep in my research but I could really use a limb to grab.
No. 1104853 ID: b8a40c

Sorry, the conversation never touched on any of that. It was mostly about getting used to shard communication with a servant of her's named Ms. Roak.
However, have you given anymore thought or done more research on mortals becoming gods through totemic means or otherwise directly harnessing such power with totems? It might explain how we were able to kill a demon if we've been unwittingly doing that.
Or at the least, have you found out what the smashed idol in that ritual room used to look like? We might want to rebuild it at one point.
No. 1104864 ID: d30887

Mondegreen was a politician through and through. But she and the other orc nobles have a firm grip on reality... and a mean left hook. She didn't have any info.

But I think we have something to start with.
The Red One. He's a tulpa-based god. Built from the worship, fear, and ideology of the woodland tribes. The closest you'll get to a knowable god. But he's hiding secrets, and I expect many of them are tied to the pantheon somehow.
No. 1104867 ID: 2f41db

Sorry pendle.
Shes as much a force of nature in conversation as inmlife. Im not sure we had much directional control in our chat but well do our collective best to remember next tine.

I wonder if youd be interested in taking a journey to meet the delightful mister lollipop?
He may have insights.
Dont worry.
Hes not as scary as his name implies.
Or a lollipop.
But if anyone has lived in knowledge about totemic entities it'd be him

I just gotta say though.
An impass you may be at, but you look quite happy in yourself.
Its nice to see.
Glad for you P.
Real glad.
No. 1104897 ID: 8f9bc4

You'd better speak with Morphyl Rabas. Lady Mondegreen said he was a seasoned old gentleman who's seen a bit of everything, and is very well-connected, so he might have run into totem gods some time or another.

If we speak with her again, we'll definitely forward your questions. Hard to do so after the fact. Morphyl Rabas was the only thing we spoke about.
No. 1104899 ID: 46e818
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Ah, no, that's... no, of course. I understand, it was a brief conversation. This investigation isn't the most immediate concern. Still, it would be worth chasing any leads we can find, once we have a chance. Our most formidable and dedicated foe is focused on this symbology, so it follows we should understand it.

I imagine you might also want to ask her about that royal seal you found in the slaver's tent. Find out who the royal patron is behind these attacks, as they're a direct threat to your kingdom.

As for gods... well, I'm working on some theories, but it's largely untested research. Not something you can easily verify in a tome.
And I have no great desire to meet with the Red One, or the Seer, or whatever that entity goes by. The stories of the returning party were quite enough, and I've had my fill of super-natural beings.
No. 1104907 ID: b8a40c

>I'm working on some theories, but it's largely untested research

Care to share?

Oh, and by the way, what's your take on Mock Fang so far? Before being interrupted by Ms. Mondegreen, Finesse was apparently going to tell us of a possible concern about his physiology.
No. 1104913 ID: edbca3

Great idea for how to identify the royal seal! Now that we have established a connection to Mondegreen, we can inquire about its owner and their motives for the area!

As for the pantheon we discovered, maybe we can ask Mock Fang for some insight? He was, evidently, a means of defense against retribution from the gods before gaining his current form. If every scar has a story, than he might have a few to tell about the gods and their wrath. Reveal the identity of the god removed from the worship room perhaps?
No. 1104922 ID: 46e818
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I'm sorry, I--
I shouldn't speculate baselessly, especially on such important issues. I'll tell you more when I have something actionable.

Morphyl Rabas will be here momentarily, if that is indeed his caravan arriving.
I'll let you get back to any remaining preparations. If you don't mind me being seen by company in this condition, I'll be down presently, as well.
No. 1104930 ID: d30887

What do they look like?
No. 1104931 ID: b8a40c

>If you don't mind me being seen by company in this condition, I'll be down presently, as well.
Oh we absolutely want you there. If this guy is the font of knowledge he's been hyped up to be we'll want you there to get answers for your research.
No. 1104940 ID: fe12b4

If anything, I think you being a bit ragged here will be a boon, there's a certain association disability has with the top levels of academia. I understand if you'd rather not play into such a stereotype, but the option is there.
No. 1104941 ID: 273c18

>Mock Fang was the forgotten diety
Nnno, that's not how it works. The creatures we get out of the portal are like, denizens of the other side that cross over in exchange for the tribute we're throwing through. Or maybe they're being created as reflections of the concepts attached to the items? Whichever the case, they're not things of this world.
No. 1104943 ID: 2f41db

Oh hell.
Yeah, sorry about the meet up suggestion.
Can imagine you're wanting to stay strictly in the theoretical branch of diefic metaphysics these days P.
My apologies.

But hey, come and meet the guest.
Proud to have you at our sides no matter the circumstances.
No. 1104946 ID: ac9879

Your condition probably isn't as obvious as you think it is. I mean, if people routinely payed that much attention to the number of limbs someone has, things would have shaped up a little differently, right?

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