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1096080 No. 1096080 ID: 08229c

Previous Threads: https://questden.org/wiki/Audit_Quest
Support the author: https://ko-fi.com/calalen

This is a NSFW chapter!

My name is Mary.

I own a dungeon.

Not by choice, mind you. I was forced into this when the previous owner placed a curse on me after I tried to audit him. Now I'm the ruler of this place.

I am currently very sick...

This was also not by choice. As I drift into a fevered dream there is but one thing on my mind...

Boobs. Literally. I can't breath.

Is this how I die....?
205 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1097307 ID: 08229c
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"I have always been fond of the natural world. Mushrooms, moreso than other aspects. I find them fascinating."

"I can tell. But, I'm curious, please forgive me if I'm being rude but... I can tell that mushrooms have taken root on you? I've never seen anything like that with a living being... It's not an injury, either. It's as if they are meant to be."

Mycologist frowns. Not because he is upset but because this is simply the first time someone has actually paid any amount of attention to his craft, it's a new sensation to him.

"Well, that is because I grafted them onto myself years ago. They allow me to communicate effortlessly with other myconids. It's a great boon when dealing with their civilization."

"Can I feel it? The mushrooms, I mean."

"... I suppose."

Ashley reaches out and moves the Mycologist's hair aside, tucking it behind one of his pointed ears. They run their finger across his skin. The texture is slightly different and Ashley can feel the pulse of two lives. No, millions. The Mycologist's vitality thrums but beneath it are millions and millions of other plants, thriving and working alongside him.

"You're... Amazing."

No. 1097308 ID: 08229c
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"I have more," Mycologist says, his face flushed, "Mushrooms. That is. Would you like to see?"

He wasn't sure if it was the atmosphere or the alcohol making him feel more open. Or maybe it was just the sheer joy of finding someone who didn't mind what he had done to himself. Who found similar beauty in nature.

"I would love to," Ashley says.

The Mycologist disrobes, still keeping a long skirt on. Ashley can see the extensive modifications he's made to himself. his entire right arm, while not gone, has been seemingly consumed by mushrooms. Or maybe fused?

"The arm uh... It allows me to manipulate mushrooms better. I can communicate with them and handle myconid weapons. It's a fairly rare trait." He explains, before kicking himself mentally for bragging.

"I've never seen anything like this." Ashley says, "Oh-"
No. 1097310 ID: 08229c
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"Is there another mushroom in there," Ashley says in a teasing tone.

The Mycologist goes bright red and frowns heavily.

"It's... It's not like that, I simply-"

"It's fine, truly. I don't mind. It's kind of flattering."

"Really? It's... I've never really-"
No. 1097312 ID: 08229c
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"What the hell!?" Mycologist snaps out of the seeming trance he was in, "I wasn't going to do anything!"

"So you like plants..?" Warrior asks, "That's kinda cute hehe..."

"I don't-! I mean I do, but-!"

"Hey, it's cool Myc." DM nods, "You two are hitting it off. We'll scout ahead and give you privacy."

"There's really no need-!"

"I said it's cool. You two have fun~, we'll see if we can take care of one of the fire girl."


Dungeon Master elbows Warrior and the two of them head off.

They're approaching Mirelle's domain.

Hm. I didn't expect the party to split. I suppose I should have considered that they may want to uh...

Have fun

In different areas.

What are we doing for Mirelle's area? The Dungeon Master has the token for her.
No. 1097314 ID: 660f7a

I don't know about Mirelle, but Myco should gain a small sapling from Ashley with a minor healing perfume or berries. It's a weak healing, but is stronger in the After Dark dungeon and/or in areas good for plants.

It's said it has a secret effect that will only manifest if planted somewhere suitable and tended to with care by its owner~

How he receives the sapling? It can just appear next to him if he and Ashley pollinate each other, or be a gift from Personal Gift (unique item) from Ashley.
No. 1097315 ID: 4beab8


Gravity Slime fights per normal, but the militia, hearing the ruckus out in the Gate House, moves to investigate (possibly with Mirelle). The badge can then be presented so that they stand down, avoiding a secondary fight.

For the fight, Gravity Slime employs the bricks making up the gatehouse and the various items strewn without, rearranging them into projectiles, barricades, bindings, and cages. It won't be impossible for Warrior to deal with these things using the club and brute strength.

I'm not sure we need a lewd edge to this. Just make it a fun fight where Warrior is in her element.
No. 1097316 ID: 66a0f2

Yeah, give the warrior a W, she deserves it.
No. 1097317 ID: 660f7a

We can have cheerleaders in the back, or warrior slimes flexing.
No. 1097318 ID: 4beab8


For Myco, assuming he succeeds in impressing Ashley in the first round or two, they'll offer him something to increase his stamina (among other things) so that he can last a bit longer.

> Elder Tree Sap: Roots of the ancient tree run far and deep through Slimecrown, an unending battle of attrition waged over centuries speaking of a subtle but unmistakable tenacity as they have drunk deep of the power and memories of this place.

"The Light Imperishable": The imbiber seems to gain some measure of the tree's quiet fortitude, if only for a night. They tire less easily within Slimecrown, and are damaged less by its denizens.

"One with Nature": The memory of growing things floods the consumer's consciousness, giving them an unmistakable and effortless rapport with plant creatures.

"Sap Production" (Curse?): An arguably unfortunate side effect for elves is that such potent natural essence suffusing their being fills more than just their primary limbs with the vigor of life. Increase base lust and note that if the glowing fluids last more than 24 hours, seek a medical professional IMMEDIATELY.
No. 1097319 ID: b54958

Clearly the dungoneer has to get smothered in some firey boobage.
No. 1097322 ID: a7a180

Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer, Mary. Lest you forget, she’s the first DM. She literally makes the rules.

In her wing, Mirelle is burning with rage! Curie is missing and nobody knows what to do about it. She should be in charge, but the other princesses won’t listen! She’s taking it out on the castle, and anyone else in lava chunk throwing distance. Even standing near her can cause heatstroke.
But, Mirelle’s coin lets you parley! The bearer is entitled to one Fiery Favor - Mirelle will fulfill any request as long as it’s a word starting with the letter F.
For later wings, Sophie’s token earns her trust! She will grant you one Muddy Memento, which can be any word starting with the letter M.
Rosa’s token catches her eye. She’s up for one Risqué Rosy Request, which can be any word starting with the letter R.
No. 1097323 ID: 0d1cef

Mating Press.

Mirelle is war games. Mating press or be pressed. With the advent of the new leader, Mirelle has decided to take the throne by combat, but as the slime are her kin, actual violence is forbidden, the only safe way to establish dominance is to mating press. Beware the trained slimes.

However, if one were a friend of Mirelle with a token the slimes in her domain will instead take the party to her and unless they screw it up, she will take them in as trusted confidents and generals in her forces, where perhaps her conquest can be tempered with reason.
No. 1097325 ID: 4beab8


Mirelle has the thigh rune added onto her. So, maybe give her a chance to use it. Upon seeing that OGDM has clearly geared herself up for a fight, Mirelle will take that as a challenge and offer to fight her, hand-to-hand (since OGDM doesn't carry a weapon). This gives her an opportunity to get up close and personal, throwing out hands, feet, and most importantly, wrestling moves.

OGDM is really strong and virtually immune to fire. I don't know if she got serious if Mirelle could actually put up a compelling fight. Since I think OGDM is a bit of a fight-sexual and might enjoy a physical challenge, we can give our princess a pair of Power + Fist bracers, something a bit subtle that lets her really turn up the heat.
No. 1097335 ID: 4beab8


Also, per the ancient traditions of wrestling, both of them will need to be oiled up. You know, for tradition's sake.
No. 1097336 ID: dc4bad

heck yeah, nigh-fire immunity would allow for some fun grappling shenanigans

a time-honoured tradition, not sure though if it would dampen or feed fire. either would be cool though
No. 1097337 ID: 5b2941

depends on the oil you use. My vote's on "feed": both of them are immune to flames to it's not like it's really tilting the balance, and it makes for great spectacle
No. 1097338 ID: 5b2941

this is all well and good, but wouldn't it be cute if Ashley ended up with a little mushroom too? to make it less one-sided
No. 1097344 ID: 4beab8


If Myco gives something in exchange, I'd say that's kind of up to him. It couldn't hurt if Ashley specifically asked for a memento to remember him by, though.
No. 1097561 ID: 660f7a

Myconid can give Ashley a buttbaby!
No. 1097562 ID: 0bd4f4

Weren't you able to do split screen or picture in picture before? You only need to watch the events in the central room, not control anything there.
No. 1098163 ID: 1795ad
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>Weren't you able to do split screen or picture in picture before? You only need to watch the events in the central room, not control anything there.

Ah, of course. I have to watch this vital moment. Surely there no ulterior motives here. None at all.

Fine. We can watch for a bit but I'm not going to try and divide my attention unless it's important. It's way harder to keep track of multiple groups.



"I swear, those two..." Mycologist sighs. "They're lucky they're both quite good at this."

He grumbles while Ashley just chuckles.
No. 1098164 ID: 1795ad
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The plantfolk reaches out and rubs at the still present bulge in the Mycologists outfit. It's a gentle but firm touch, and it has the intended effect of snapping him back to attention.

"Hey, don't worry about them. I'll close the petals a bit," They says, as the room gets a bit darker. "Is that better?"

"... Y-yes. I suppose so."

"Do you want to keep going?"

"....." The Mycologist pauses before nodding.
No. 1098165 ID: 1795ad
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Mycologist feels Ashley tug on his skirt, silently telling him that they would very much like for it to be off. With a pout and a sigh the Mycologist shuffles about. The enclosed bud of around him made movement a bit difficult but it wasn't too long before his lower clothes were removed. His hat came off with it and the man was bared. His length was already hard and twitched in the increasingly warm air.

"You look wonderful," Ashley said, smiling, "Ah, but I can't let you be the only one like this."

Mary watches with some interest as Ashley removes their clothes. Well... More like the petals that make up most of their outfit fall off and float in the air softly before touching the ground.

One petal, two, they fall off until the outfit is barely hanging on. Ashley was hard as well, but their setup was different than anything Mary was used to seeing. A single hard rod stuck out, looking as soft and flesh-like as the rest of Ashley's skin, if not a darker tone. Flanking it were two red petals that swept over what looked to be a vulva mound.

The Mycologist was staring himself, unable to break his eyes away from the show.

"So," Ashley said, "Do you want to be the pollinator or the pollinated?"

There was a humor to Ashley's voice. One that made the gruff Mycologist smile, brushing aside his nervousness.

"Uh... Well, pollinator, if you don't mind. Is that... Will we be compatible..?"

"Oh, I think you will find that we'll be -quite- compatible."

No. 1098166 ID: 1795ad
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No. 1098167 ID: 1795ad
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The Dungeon Master and Warrior are preparing to enter Mirelle's arena. Their token has allowed them to enter easily as they're shown to be a friend of the princess.

"You ready for this, Warrior!?"


"I'll take the front, you take the back!"


"Between the two of us she's gonna cum so hard!"

"Yeah! W-wait, wh-"
No. 1098168 ID: 1795ad
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A friend was entering the arena. The Archer slimes were not on high alert. Why should they be? A friend was coming.

But, Mirelle was not so lax.

She leaps from the back of the arena and slams her fists into the ground. The stone melts and fuses with her slime. When she pulls back she is wearing massive gauntlets.

"So! My sisters aren't with ya! That can only mean one thing... You've decided I ain't good enough, huh!? Well I know I'd be the best queen! So, I'm gonna beat the shit out of you and make you my consort! Then we're gonna rule this place and you have to take me on at least 5 dates a week!

Expensive ones!"

Mirelle seems to be going all out. I could tell her to dial things back a bit, but I'm worried that the DM has too much of an advantage on this fight...

Anything I should do for the battle?
No. 1098173 ID: 80ce16

No. 1098174 ID: 80ce16

No. 1098176 ID: f3e0a0

Tell Mirelle to aim for the boob!
No. 1098178 ID: a7a180

Try to look like a competent DM by utilizing lair hazards. Open some volcanic fissures! Maybe any hard impact on the volatile ground does a repeat of Mirelle's landing and engulfs part of the lander in a splash of brittle quick-hardening magma to immobilize them. Then have Mirelle go for uppercuts and air combos.
No. 1098180 ID: 2b4438

Have her pause, look at the first dm, grin and then mirror first dm by growing an equally big stone hardon. Still normal fight but if she wins she gets to have fun her own way.
No. 1098182 ID: f40067

No. 1098185 ID: dc4bad

OGDM might have tons of fire resistance but that doesn't make her immune to being punched.

maybe engage in some hype, flashy pro-wrestling shenanigans that I bet OGDM would play along with and Warrior would probably enjoy engaging in. if the 2v1 is getting to be an issue, corner someone in a Magma Cage™ match

that said, I say Mirelle should primarily go for that most intimate form of hand to hand combat: grappling.
Bearhugs, armbars, scissor holds especially(put that thigh rune to work), various smothers and locks. Tie 'em into pretzels and turn up the heat~
No. 1098812 ID: 1795ad
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"But first," Mirelle says, a big grin on her face, "Let's get this place set up!"

She steps on the ground. The floor immediately begins to crack, boil, bubble. The solid layer of dirt and grass turn to liquid and sizzle away as molten rock begins to erupt. The very foundations of the land are ripped up by Mirelle's command. Slimes begin to duck for cover.

"Oh. My. Me!" The Dungeon Master shouts, "This is the coolest thing -ever-!"
No. 1098813 ID: 1795ad
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The molten stone cools off, leaving a flat arena for the group to fight in. Mirelle steps on with the Dungeon Master following her. Warrior stays back, but she is ready to get into the battle the moment she's called for.

Mirelle spreads her arms out.

"You ready!?"

"Yeah! I'm gonna kick your fiery ass!"
No. 1098816 ID: 1795ad
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Mirelle leaps into the air and when she comes down she lands with a massive -crack-. There is the briefest of pauses before another wave of sound and force strikes the Dungeon Master. The thigh runes she was given have greatly enhanced the ability of her legs, and the simple leap has had a tremendous effect.

The force shoots down and forwards, tearing up chunks of the arena as it snakes its way to the Dungeon Master. She laughs and leaps into the air just as stone spikes erupt beneath where she was standing. Had she taken the hit she would have been skewered.

"Hahaha! Oh man, this is great! I haven't had fun like this in-"
No. 1098817 ID: 1795ad
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Her words are cut off as Mirelle tackles her mid-air.
No. 1098818 ID: 1795ad
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Mirelle has the woman pinned down between her thighs. She squeezes them hard, their intense strength causing constant constriction damage. If it wasn't for the sheer amount of anti-fire defense that the Dungeon Master has she would have been burned by the attack.

Mirelle laughs and squeezes. Mary can see the Dungeon Master's life bar begin to dip.

"Haha! Take that! I knew you'd jump up! You can't dodge a strike in mid-air, can ya? Now, come on! Beg for mercy! Do it and I might consider letting you go!"


"What was that? Speak up!"

"I... Said....


". . ."

Mirelle has no idea what to do now.
No. 1098819 ID: 1effd3

*dial-up internet sounds*
No. 1098820 ID: 5b2941

...you heard the lady. Harder it is.
No. 1098821 ID: 4beab8


Warrior, now's your chance!
No. 1098822 ID: 2b4438

Go harder. Crush her with those thighs. Suffocate her with her magma slime pussy til she taps out. Suggestively have her work the totally not first DM's dildo. Or make totally not first dm choke on a magma cock instead. She's gotta dominate and be lewd about it. This is AFTER DARK after all.
No. 1098823 ID: 273c18

Go on.
No. 1098824 ID: a7a180

Start jackhammering her against the ground too with your hips. Really shake her up.
No. 1098825 ID: 2be447

Crush OGDM skull like OGDMelon. A warrior's death!
No. 1098826 ID: 7102e3

You heard the lady.
No. 1098827 ID: a10c74

Well something is going to pop
No. 1098828 ID: 273c18

Oh! Try out other submission grapples!
No. 1098829 ID: 80ce16

You heard the woman. Squeeze her harder. And grind your muff right up on her nose.
No. 1098830 ID: b2a866

Ay warrior. Reboot that thing that helps you think. Isn't that what you've been expecting? No need for hesitation. Get freaky. Magmarock. Magmacock. Its the show that counts, isn't it?
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