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1096080 No. 1096080 ID: 08229c

Previous Threads: https://questden.org/wiki/Audit_Quest
Support the author: https://ko-fi.com/calalen

This is a NSFW chapter!

My name is Mary.

I own a dungeon.

Not by choice, mind you. I was forced into this when the previous owner placed a curse on me after I tried to audit him. Now I'm the ruler of this place.

I am currently very sick...

This was also not by choice. As I drift into a fevered dream there is but one thing on my mind...

Boobs. Literally. I can't breath.

Is this how I die....?
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No. 1096081 ID: 08229c
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"... We're not making nearly enough gold as we should. And everything just goes back into the dungeon... When do we start making a profit on things?"

"Weelllll, boss lady~ You know a lotta dungeon masters run some 'special' dungeons at night. We got lots of cute ladies here. It'd be a hit! We'd be SWIMMING in gold!"
No. 1096082 ID: 08229c
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"... Alright, yeah. Let's do it."

No. 1096084 ID: 08229c
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Let us draw back the veil a bit to lay down the rules.

Mary can create and add dungeons to the dungeon as she pleases for THIS CHAPTER only.

She has 40 runes to play with for this chapter. Rooms can be altered but major rooms can not be added, you have to use what's available for the most part.

All adventurers who enter are very much aware of the dungeons theme and agree to be participants.

No. 1096086 ID: b54958

Smug is a good look for the slime.
No. 1096087 ID: 08229c
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Mary pulls out the current slimecrown map and hums over it.

"We won't use the hamlet for this run. While it's a good area I want to limit the scope for now. It would also have us not spread too thin."

"Holy shit are we reall-"

"I think there are some obvious swaps. I don't want this to just be a sex dungeon so we're going to keep aspects of it the same. The princesses and the lore are vital. Maybe we can play around a corruption theme? Something like the runes of the monster below are infecting our monsters?"

"This is the greatest day of my life."

"We have quite a few runes stockpiled too... Let me see what the crown thinks."

What are your thoughts on my ideas? We have a strong foundation so this could allow people who are already familiar with the dungeon to want to see this new experience.

I'm fond of our lore so I want to make this as compliant to it as possible.

And remember, the goal here is to make as MUCH gold as possible.
No. 1096089 ID: 5b2941

First things first.
Bring back Mara.
No. 1096090 ID: b54958

Im so happy your finally letting us have fun!

As for the lore, while the "corruption" aspect could be handled, I think another fun idea could be a sort of Fertility festival. The giant milf queen is basically made for that, after all. I imagine that a fertility festival could give us ample excuse to get as lewd as possible!
No. 1096091 ID: e7c4f5

Only one princess can become the Queen, they need a powerful spouse to break the deadlock. Genital doesn't really matter, slimes are flexible like that.

And by that I mean they can grow dicks.
No. 1096092 ID: b2738a

I'm going to start typing this before the 5/5 lands so I can get my ideas out right away. There should be two main dungeons we're working on, here:

>Sex as reward.
In this dungeon, accomplishments within the chambers reward the adventurers with fun times. Success leads to encounters with willing and ready denizens, tools to mess with encounters in fun ways, and potions of enhancements and buffs. Save the princess, lay the princess, lay the dragon, and so on.

>Sex as "Punishment".
In this dungeon, failure leads to loss of clothing, control, inhibition, and possibly even form. Potions are risky, gear is cursed, denizens are very aggressive and only stop from a safe word. Players might even be genderswapped or mind controlled (with a stopgap of some form to "say" a safeword) and could even be affected until after they leave.
No. 1096093 ID: 7142b8

We clearly need the Lewd Rune for this. Could use it in a Water+Dark+Magic+Lewd setup for a Slimecubus to be the cause of the corruption!
No. 1096094 ID: 1effd3

ehh not sure this fits well.
this however does feel like a better fit. perhaps also have it where you can romance other monsters like Gazer, Lagianna, and Gummy Wyrm(who is suddenly a girl, how did that happen?)
No. 1096095 ID: b54958

To lead into the sex as punishment, maybe the citadel has a lewd incense that makes the slimes (and eventually people?) act much more lewd then they otherwise would be.
No. 1096096 ID: e7c4f5

And after they bang the entire fertility festival... CHILD SUPPORT!

No. 1096097 ID: b54958

Well of course, and if you want to get with a princess or even the queen herself, you gotta get fancy courting gifts as well, which we will clearly be selling on mark up! Maybe even a guessing game, which princess (or sexy knight) likes which gift? Dare you try and figure out what Curi would want for a lewd afternoon?
No. 1096098 ID: 1effd3

this also good idea
No. 1096099 ID: b2738a

Of course, parting adventurers from their equipment could be permanent. Gear could then be sold. Adventurers could be converted to temporary workers, saving on labor costs. Entry fees or fees to go deeper or fees within the dungeon to lift certain conditions are also viable.
No. 1096100 ID: eb0a9c

There's only one difference between synthetic-thaumaturgic lactation sacs and the fluidity of pure shapeshifting:
Congealing Powder~~~

This dungeon's theme is fetish gratification!
The premise is that your slimes will now willfully contort themselves into humiliating, pulsating shapes for the whimsical desires of the invading adventurers - but they refuse to stay in those shapes, taunting the adventurers with fantasies denied! Unless, the adventurers spray some Congealing Powder onto them, temporarily forcing them into a semi-hardened shape and opening them to sexual styles!
1) Adventurer fights the dungeon like normal
2) Adventurer returns to the Shop
3) Adventurer barters their hard-earned loot for Congealing Powder
4) Adventurer sprays a particular slime they like when they match a specific form, and they will offer sex as long as the Congealing Powder is in effect
Now, the catch is that each slime will periodically shift between a limited number of forms each run. The Adventurer must keep those slimes alive if they want to get those specific forms; the other slimes will not shapeshift to the adventurer's requests on demand. This adds the challenge of preserving an attacking monster long enough to 'capture' them. And it only gets harder if the adventurer wants to sex multiple fantasies at the same time.
As a more permanent reward, performing a specific 'sex' encounter will gift them a sex card, which will give them a permanent discount on sexual encounters of that specific shape in non-dungeon encounters if the slime is consenting during after-hours. If not, then they have a sex card and can try to date the slime like a normal person.
(Mary's Dungeon is not liable for any deaths and loot lost if Congealing Powder loses its effect during sexual intercourse - especially if they wanted it.)
You swear not to release recordings of sexual encounters on pain of being sued. You're not that sick.
You are, however, sick enough to view the recordings for personal use forever.
No. 1096101 ID: a10c74

Time for a slime vore pit trap in everyroom
So many slime tentacles
No bootyhole leaves slimecrown in a marriageble state
No. 1096102 ID: 421554

How much do we want this to be 'scripted lewd stuff' versus 'allowing our denizen a chance to get laid'?
If it's the latter, it might be good to relax the restrictions on who resides in which room, so they can find someone who suits their preferences in a larger area, then drag them off to a side room once they want to start getting steamier.
Oh! And no matter which scenario we go with, you probably wanna have a room off to the side where you put the less, uh, complex members of the dungeon, the one or two rune slimes and the like. Maybe you can set it up as a daycare kind of thing, so that dungeon-delvers with kids can attend without having to worry about hiring a sitter? I'm sure Ruth and Bloops wouldn't mind helping supervise all that!
Unless they wanna get laid too, which... I mean, they are some of the older monsters in the dungeon, so they can go for it I guess?
No. 1096104 ID: a7a180

-Have a royal chamber where all the princesses are holding court, to be courted. (Or host a valentine-themed party in the courtyard where they hang out.) Curie has declared it's time the kingdom found some consorts. Adventurers can take them back to their towers for some private time if they can buy them a big enough gift.
-Not everyone's into corruption. Add Luci as an option to the court but don't make it the only story path.
-Upgrade Explodey to a princess too for the occasion. This tested well with focus groups, for some reason.
-And don't forget Slimon! Hidden bonus path - you have to charm Rosalyn too before she'll let you near her charge. She demands tests of strength and purity, possibly using herself as the yardstick.
-More comfy slimes. Comfy slimes everywhere to pamper on demand. Maybe we raise the prices on cleric plant healing but give the comfy slimes a 'free' alternative which raises adventurers' libido and is slower. Or we charge extra to add the comfy slimes to every room, while leaving the comfy pit cuddle pile where it is at the start of the dungeon, while raising the pit and lowering its lethality.
No. 1096105 ID: b54958

Ruth is to busy swinging her stick to care about sex.

Bloop on the otherhand...
No. 1096106 ID: b54958

....a place to put the less lewd and the literal child is a good idea though. Put them under lock and key and give them Wii sports.
No. 1096107 ID: 9d2115

Alright, first order of business. Bring back Mara. Everyone loves Mara.
Second order of business, Big Boob Shortstacks.
No. 1096108 ID: 9d2115

Oh right, also give Metal Slime something to do. Metal Slime is awesome.
No. 1096109 ID: b54958

Bloops was a big boobed shortstack the whole time. Hidden lore.
No. 1096110 ID: 7142b8


Adding onto this suggestion, with the slimecubus leading the corruption, she could be spreading a curse of lust around, splitting Slimecrown into two factions that the adventurers could shift the balance of. They could try to save those fallen to lust, or try to spread it themselves.

Also, on the topic of gear, a station where people could opt to change out to more risque versions of their usual gear to be on theme could be good. Something for like the front room of the citadel, perhaps?
No. 1096111 ID: b54958

Clearly Slimecubus needs the adventurer's to help blow off some of the Citadels steam. All this talk of darkness and seals and power... The princess's (and prince) (and queen) (and knights) (and maid/butlers) need to get some.
No. 1096112 ID: b2738a

If you want to have fun with it, make it so:
>There's no changing rooms
>The lewd gear is very powerful
>they have the option to permanently purchase it

>Offer a buff of some form for simply going naked.
No. 1096113 ID: b54958

The buff of course is a slime shibari ;p
No. 1096114 ID: 7a9ab1

Beach section. Upgrade Light Slime to give a buff that scales with sunlight on skin. There's swimsuit rental. Dark Slime is corrupted. Also add tentacles.
No. 1096116 ID: deb35c

I don't think leveraging the existing corruption lore is a good fit here. If we're keeping it plausibly in line with established lore, the corruption does some pretty wicked stuff that, while potentially sexy to the right audience, isn't overtly sexual. Something more like the courtship festival idea. Pick a slime to support. Let them vie to win your favor. Challenge the others to a pants off dance off in the final boss arena.
No. 1096117 ID: b54958

so you think you can slime has a LOT of potential. Maybe you gotta tongue wrestle with Curi...
No. 1096118 ID: 7142b8


I think the idea is that it is a different sort of corruption to the usual one for our storyline. A lewd corruption this time rather than The Corruption of the mainline story. One of feverish desire and shattered inhibitions rather than the morass of darkness and terror.
No. 1096119 ID: 08229c
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"Okay, I think I've got it handled... So, here's the lore. The Slimecrown is gone... Curi has left the throne for reasons unknown. Because of this, the seal on the creature below has begun to weaken. Its power has leaked into certain items and even some denizens within the dungeon.

The only way to fix this? To reestablish the crown and elevate one of the princesses to queen. During the dungeon run the players must eventually align themselves with one of the princesses and take them to defeat the Final Boss (To Be Decided).

All gear and items in the dungeon carry a certain risk while also being vastly more powerful. Gear from outside of the dungeon may have a slight debuff on them to encourage them to visit the store to obtain items or to wear the gear we have. The gear can be permanently obtained by paying us at the end of the dungeon run for them.

Obviously this gear will be sexy.

At the end, the princess and the winner can... Celebrate their victory. With sex."

"Holy shit Mary I think you are the best boss?"

No. 1096120 ID: 5b2941

>Final Boss (To Be Decided)
Curi, who went into hiding cause her daughters were depending too much on her. Any adventurers that reach her with a princess will have to prove they have what it takes to woo one.
No. 1096121 ID: 08229c
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>I think the idea is that it is a different sort of corruption to the usual one for our storyline.

Indeed, what I'm going for is more of a... Well, the slimes are without a matriarch and are trying to find one. So, horomones are activated and they're REALLY trying to find a mate to help stabilize things and lead the place. The thing's energy seeping through should affect just the items to inflict a sort of... Lewd debuff perhaps? Or just being lewd leaning in general.

There are a few logistical issues to handle first.

Mary summons the denizens of the dungeon and orders them to wait outside of the room. She lets them in one by one and explains the new script.

"-Should about cover what I have planned. Are you okay with that?"

"... So I can use rose whips and tie people up with vines and stuff?"


"Sure, I'm perfectly fine with this."

Dungeoneer has a heart attack.

The rest of the dungeon monsters that Mary ask similarly agree. Some are -very- interested in the idea.

No. 1096122 ID: 9d2115

So what I'm hearing is there's the default Princess Route. Are there alternate routes?
Elevate Metal Slime to True Metal King Route?
Return of the Sexiest Battle Bloops?
Ruth's Home Run Challenge?
No. 1096123 ID: 660f7a

Give the slimes big tiddies and cute penises. The treasury will grow fat on its own.
No. 1096124 ID: b54958

Counterpoint: Curi is taking a vacation and Olivia is the true lewd final boss, she's got a lot of runes in her, and I think she's the second highest boss we have after Curi as well?
No. 1096126 ID: 5b2941

she's the real first in line for the crown and she's the one who does the oil massages in the regular dungeon... yes, I can see how that makes sense
No. 1096127 ID: 7142b8

I can see Oilivia helping adventurers relieve stress in a more controlled fashion during the run, though doing too much and Oilivia moght just take the adventirers for a ride instead.
No. 1096128 ID: 08229c
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>So what I'm hearing is there's the default Princess Route. Are there alternat routes Elevate Metal Slime to True Metal King Route? Return of the Sexiest Battle Bloops? Ruth's Home Run Challenge?

That could be a fun idea. Nothing says they can't nominate someone else to be their chosen one at the end. It would be a funny upset.

>....a place to put the less lewd and the literal child is a good idea though.

Iz is already sleeping but I'll throw some of the slimes and creatures that are incapable of agreeing in the slime daycare. I don't think them agreeing is actually needed to run this type of dungeon, but... Well, I'm not a monster.

Another thing to note is that any who attempt this dungeon will know what's going on, so... Go wild with ideas.

>We clearly need the Lewd Rune for this.

We could use a few. Let's see if the guild has them.

Mary calls up the Glass Spinner.

"Spinner, sorry for bothering you at such a late hour."

"It's fine, Mary. What's up?"

"I was wondering if you had a few runes that I could borrow? I will repay you, of course, I simply need to have them on record."

"Oh. Sure, yeah. What'd you need."

Mary tells her the runes she needs.

"... Uh... You uh... Alright there, Mary?"

"It's for profit."

"... Yeah, that tracks I guess. Alright, I'll send them your way. Don't worry about paying me back, have fun with them."

"Thank you."
No. 1096129 ID: b54958

Glass spinner should come visit when its all set up.

For reasons.
No. 1096131 ID: 9d2115

Spinner just sitting there like "Man, why doesn't she just find a good puzzle?"
No. 1096132 ID: 08229c
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Mary has (fake) obtained the following runes:

Mary has 45 runes to play with.

I think this should be more than enough, right? Anything else and we can get creative.

"Those are runes I said we should have been using this whole time!" Dungeoneer complains
No. 1096133 ID: 08229c
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"Do you want me to use one on you?"

"Dfdhsufhdsfsd!??!?" Dungeoneer dies.

Alright. That is enough for that... We could try and create something right now but I'm leaning towards using these to augment gear for people or crafting monsters as we need them. It would be a shame to make a new monster and they don't get to make their debut.

I think the more important question right now is, what sort of teams do we want to run the dungeon? Are we looking for a raid sized group, three, two?

Oh, and maybe an advertising banner for the whole event.
No. 1096134 ID: 7142b8


Slimecubus: Water+Dark+Magic+Lewd

Can spread Lewd to other creatures and curse people with Heart Eyes for a big lust increase and other sexy spells.
No. 1096135 ID: a7a180

How about two? Two protagonists is enough for an intimate encounter.
You should get the princesses to do pinup poses and cycle through them for the ad banner. "The Queen's away... Won't you come play?"
(Also, use Knockers on Explodey. And Rosalyn. And any monster/staff who walks through those doors in the next five minutes!)
No. 1096136 ID: 7142b8


Three would be good, I think. Gives a chance for a variety of people, and Warrior, who will probably be first in line to try a major dungeon thing as she usually is.
No. 1096137 ID: b54958

Two or three I think would be good, and I can only imagine where we're gonna spread those runes out to...
No. 1096138 ID: 1effd3

2-3 seems good, allows people to split off with thier desired partner and whatnot if wanted.

Lewd rune to gummy wyrm so they can be romancable. Titty rune to Lagianna. Also titty rune on Dungeoneer.

for gear, definately use the new runes for them when people get in, like for example, Titty gear for those not blessed by the booba.
No. 1096139 ID: 9d2115

What was it Dungeoneer used to make Mara? Wood + Chaos + Dark? We could replace the Wood with Donger and get a more authentic Mara, maybe even add a fourth rune. It could show up randomly and chase people with it's Chariot and if they fight it, it summons Mara Slimes.
Let's bring back Mara, Mary. Horrific Penis Monster riding a Chariot is perfect for this.
No. 1096140 ID: b54958

Gummy dragon girl is good, true.
No. 1096141 ID: 7142b8


Should see of any of our major slime gals has an upgrade preference.

Also, could upgrade Alex's armor with a lewd rune for some proper mithril bikini armor.
No. 1096143 ID: 5fee00

I approve of this idea, but with a name like that the slimcubus would basically have to be a gelatinus cube. Wing wings and tits, maybe.

So the sexiest possible thing, is what I'm saying.
No. 1096144 ID: a10c74

Upgrade the knight slimes with Dong runes
And or Strap-on's, have them drop "Knightly Codpiece" it's exactly what you think it is, gives a buff to the wearer's sense of confidence
Holy and Boob runes to make a biblically accurate set of tits, grants the viewer a temporary buff "Divine Inspiration (Bonus to horny based rolls)"
No. 1096145 ID: a10c74

So a big ole Gatcha Banner for slimeCrown afterdark in whatever we use to advertise to adventures with Oilivia shadowed out and some cryptic text about SlimeCrown's royalty finally being free'd from the chains of Morality or something
Advertise as a uniquely slimey adventure for groups of two
No. 1096146 ID: 45298c

Can we fuse a Titty + Water rune for Milk(presumed)?
And then Milk + Donger for 'Milk'(presumed)?

And then add some items that allow the wearer to produce healing liquids for free via said presumed runes?
Also milk slimes of course.
No. 1096157 ID: dc4bad

clearly we should enhance your DM outfit with a lewd rune and have you make a cameo :3

ah but for real a good new creature huh, gotta check our rune inventory.

how about Titty, Thigh and Fist to create a Mamazon!
tap into all the muscle mommy enjoyers with big stronk lady enemy. maybe add a fancy or villain rune for some kind of champion/leader miniboss variant.

dang we have so many options actually, maybe the corruption lewdness will need some counterbalancing pure lewdness? some nuns from the cleric plant clergy, holy plant and lewd. secretly into degeneracy like handholding.
No. 1096159 ID: 1effd3

>clearly we should enhance your DM outfit with a lewd rune and have you make a cameo :3
what are you talking about? she's already got that sexy office lady getup going for her
No. 1096161 ID: dc4bad

true but that's her personal attire, the DM outfit is her work clothes and probably easier for her to compartmentalize mentally
No. 1096168 ID: 1effd3

all she has to do is open her blouse lol
No. 1096176 ID: 16f6eb

Get dungeoneer to get her bar set back up. Give it romantic ambiance. Perfect for dates. Of course they have to pay for the drinks. Liquid courage becomes liquid profits!
No. 1096178 ID: 7142b8


With continuing commentary like that, Dungeoneer might need a new spot, like her face between your thighs, Mary.

We could set up some of our basic 2 runes slimes with each of the new runes. It could let us fuel some larger things, like applying a mix to the comfy slime pit to make it the comfiest way to get fucked silly.
No. 1096179 ID: 5b2941

We're forgetting the basics, aren't we? Make a simple Lewd Slime first. Well, second, after you bring back Mara.
No. 1096189 ID: ea2a63

This is just gonna be the "the pornography has already breached our defenses" meme, huh. Weeelll, lets get to cooking. I recomend creating diverse kinds of teams to cater to every kind of client, for maximum profit. Also, create the femboy rune. Trust me, this one's a guaranteed money maker.
No. 1096191 ID: 2e93dd

No. 1096205 ID: 660f7a


Titty+Titty+Milk for a Cowgirlslime (Cowslimegirl?)
Booty+Thigh+Donger for a Femboyslime
Donger+Donger+Donger+Donger+Donger for a Mara slime
No. 1096206 ID: 660f7a

Should also think of converting the baths into a unissex sauna or something, with eager slimes visiting the heroes.
No. 1096220 ID: deb35c

I'm thinking back to that big group we had that did the pvp run, and thinking splitting the adventurers and their chosen slimes into teams would have some fun dynamics.
No. 1096262 ID: b54958

Im wondering if Lily will even be a option, she's already in a committed relationship! (maybe the fusion will be up for some fun stuff...)
No. 1096263 ID: deb35c

oh yeah Lily is a good option for an opposing team or final boss kinda deal
No. 1096272 ID: 08229c
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Suggestion cut off, please wait warmly
No. 1096286 ID: 08229c
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>Clearly we should enhance your DM outfit with a lewd rune and have you make a cameo.

And risk being subject to lewd behavior? I... Hrm.


Maybe. I'll consider it.

Like I said, we'll save some new monsters for when and if they're needed since we're allowed to do that. For now, let's try that other idea. Let's get some augmentations to our guys.

Mary makes an offer to those who already agreed to be in the dungeon, if they would like to augment themselves with one of the new runes for the experience. These runes are under special rules for this run. They will fade when the run is over and do not count to the rune limit of runes. For example, if a monster is given a rune to augment them for THIS dungeon run that puts them at 5 runes, they don't have to be in a boss room.

How convenient!

A small group of monsters signs up.

Explodey, Gummywyrm, and Metal Slime take the new runes and immediately change, though the wyrm has the greatest change of them.

"I have new bombs!" Explodey says with delight. She jiggles them to show off. Sparks come out.

The Gummywyrm seems generally pleased with what's going on. But it's hard to tell.

Metal Slime flits about, barely letting Mary get a good look at her before flying off again.

No. 1096288 ID: 08229c
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Light and Dark Slime pose. Well, mostly Dark Slime poses. Light Slime seems a bit abashed by the whole thing.

"Finally, I am who I was meant to be..." Dark Slime says.

"Well, it's fine to indulge in such silliness every once in a while, right?" Light Slime laughs
No. 1096289 ID: 08229c
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The princesses (save for Lily who claims she is perfect as is) take in some runes and change form. Mirelle clenches an obsidian fist and grins.

"This is gonna be great! I hope they pick me, I'd love to fight these guys powered up forms!"

"Remember," Rosa chimes in, "This is about giving the adventurer a good time too."

"... My clothes feel tighter.." Sophie says. She undoes a button or three to relieve the pressure.
No. 1096290 ID: 08229c
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Rosalyn and Simon are there as well, but the bodyguard convinces the prince that he is fine and doesn't need any of those runes.

She chooses to take one instead.

"What rune did you get, Rosalyn?" the Prince asks.

"... It matters not, I simply wanted more power to protect you, my prince." She states.

"Aw. Don't worry, I know you'll keep me safe-!"

No. 1096291 ID: 08229c
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To Mary's surprise, Alex approaches her, in the gear she wore when she first became a demon.

"You kept that?" Mary asks, eyebrow raised.

"I... Uhm... W-well, I thought it was uhm... Flattering to wear... I just figured... You know... Since tonight is the way it is... I'd uh... Always read about these uh... Adult Experiences and thought maybe-

F-forget it, I don't think this fits me. I must look so dumb like this..."

"Alex, you are a beautiful young woman, you look great, and you deserve to feel sexy. If you wanna back out, you can. I won't judge."

"I... O-okay, I can stay. Uh... I guess I'll wait in the central area or something..."

"Sounds good. I'll let you know if we need you elsewhere."


Good on her. I almost wish I'd done something like this when I was her age.


Now, let's see...

Okay, we can limit it to any amount we want, so I'm going to set it to three. I think that's a good round number. I guess now that we have everyone ready we'll just...

Open it u

Holy shit there were 50 applicants already.

Uh... Let me see...

Alright, there's three groups. A few returning people.

Group One: Marauder, Cleric, Android. (New Runes detected)
Group Two: Warrior, Dungeon Master, Mycologist (New Runes detected)
Group Three: Ninja, Hero, Geometry Mage (New Runes Detected)

No. 1096292 ID: 2b4438

Marauder, cleric and android.

Get that lewd shortstack.
No. 1096293 ID: f07afb

Dungeon Master? In my dungeon? It’s more likely than you think.
No. 1096294 ID: 559911

It’s gotta be group two.
No. 1096295 ID: 383733


Group 2, all the way
No. 1096296 ID: dc4bad

ooh, dang all those groups seem fun.
but just think of the cash (and runes) a fellow DM must have!
No. 1096298 ID: dbbc68

I think I gotta go with group 2 too, fungus and slime goes together too well for me not to.
No. 1096299 ID: 8af6cb

Group one baby
No. 1096300 ID: 1effd3

my vote is group 1
No. 1096301 ID: 660f7a

uuuuh, who are those adventurers again?
No. 1096302 ID: 80ce16

I vote group two, because Mycologist means mushrooms and lewd mushrooms means DICK
No. 1096303 ID: e7d461

Im stuck between 1 and 2. On one hand, lewd roboots are quite trending in the market, and we are somewhat familiar with two of the players, making this a certain pick of stable profits; on the other hand, the possibility of transmuting mush runes into conk could certainly open more options to attract additional penoor-attracted clients and allow us to branch into the singnificantly more niche and volatile yet profitable markets of fembooos and girldongerinos. Can we call our Calculator and check the current lewdstocks to accertain our next financial decision? After all, our first impression into the lood business must be quite firm and professional.
No. 1096307 ID: 9d2115

Mary, while these are awesome, none of these are Mara. What about Mara? She's been waiting to make her Dungeon Debut. You're going to make her cry.

Also Group 2.
No. 1096308 ID: b54958

Am I biased and want to see a lewd marauder? Maybe. But IM voting for group one... Kinda want to see which dungeon master wants to show up tho.
No. 1096310 ID: 9d2115

Oh right, Mary isn't Metal Slime male, or are the new runes doing weird stuff?
No. 1096311 ID: 9b43ca

Get that boobrauder in here, group 1.
No. 1096312 ID: 219e33

No. 1096313 ID: 5b2941

>Dungeon Master
gonna have to
No. 1096314 ID: 7142b8


A Dungeon Master checking out what we've done can't be passed on. Group 2 for sure.
No. 1096315 ID: 4beab8


Group 1 is my vote.
No. 1096316 ID: a7a180

Group 2. Mycologist sounds like a fun guy!
No. 1096317 ID: 4beab8


Thoughts on lore for the run:

As stated, Curi has abdicated the throne, leaving the power of the Slimecrown severely diminished. Her four potential heirs now have to vie for dominance, with whoever can secure a mate being able to at least match Lily, who is the final boss with her mate, Reggie for this run. Nobody wants her to be in charge.

The princess are open about wanting a suitor, but are picky. Slimon and Rosalyn are less inclined to seek the throne due to Slimon's soft nature and her protective tendencies, but they could be convinced. Any other slime is a candidate, but those are the main cast.

Mix into this Jeffrey's influence going unchecked. His will is animalistic, bordering on feral and has seeped into various items and monsters with the crown's influence wearing off. Wearing too many items infused with Jeffrey's corruption increases your innate desires and lowers your inhibitions about pursuing them.

The risk/reward mechanics are basically, do you want to have less self-control for more potential power to fight off the sometimes stronger monsters of the dungeon.
No. 1096318 ID: 4beab8


Innovative monster ideas:
> Rust Mites: Like lag mites, but worse in that they actively unravel things they touch: clothing armor, enchantments, etc.
> Holy Slime: Can provide protection from the effects of corruption by taking them on herself. Use her a sufficient number of times and there may be a price to pay.
> Demon Slime: She's currently acting as a vendor for cursed loot. She'll give you a special item if you fully corrupt Holy Slime.
> Psion Slime: She's been corrupted and is pushing out a maddening aura that entangles the minds of others, forcing them to share thoughts and senses with one another.
> String Slime: She wants everything to go back to normal and thinks tying everyone up until that happens may be the best idea.
> Germaine/Giselle: The final challenge in courting Rosa, wanting to personally test the candidate's suitability.
> Magnus/Flit: Driven mad by the urge to create, any equipment they provide or repair is corrupted.
> Scarecrows: Have abandoned their metaphorical and literal posts and are wanting to tie adventurers to them to take their place.
> Gazer: Generally just way to excited about all of this.
> Ghost Slime: She wants to feel alive again and isn't picky about the form she has to take to do it. Fallen adventurers may "resurrect" with a decided personality shift.
No. 1096319 ID: 4beab8


Proposed challenge for each main option:
> Mirelle
She wants Magnus' flame to power herself up, which granted he is currently mad may be difficult. Magnus will trade some of his flame for a captured metal slime, or you may have to fight him. Give him a temporary metal rune to control metallic objects if this is the case.

> Rosa
With mom away, she can finally delve into forbidden knowledge. She wants a tome in Gazer's possession to that end, but to be her paramour, you will still need her staff's approval.

> Sophie
She wants a king/queen who is kind, and asks that the party retrieve something from the gummy wyrm's layer without killing it.

> Slimon
He lacks confidence after a failed tilt at the gummy wyrm and won't attempt to fight Lily unless he can prove to himself that he's good enough. Tame/Slay/Lay, either way, the dragon has to go down.
No. 1096331 ID: 08229c
File 172437825751.png - (52.54KB , 450x450 , chaos.png )

Suggestion cut off- please wait warmly.
No. 1096359 ID: 4beab8


Oh, right. We're supposed to be making money with all this.
> Monk/Magic Slime: These two are manning the bar with a variety of fun alcoholic drinks and potions. Order the right round or combination of rounds and they might put on a performance.
> Oilivia: The spa area is offering special packages for the duration of the night. Deep tissue massages and a selection of carefully prepared teas and battering ram milk beverages (hot and cold) that will melt your troubles away.
> Mighty Mimic: A mimic that has been supercharged by corruption, it is larger than normal and rather quick when it gets moving. It's goal, increase its treasure stash by stealing items from adventurers it swallows. After getting your items stolen, you only have so long until they are digested and the mimic grows stronger.
> Demon Slime: She'll allow adventurers to gamble their hard earned coin and gear in the hopes of acquiring special prizes and cosmetics.
> Ashley: When dusk hits, their tree bursts into full bloom with beautiful, glowing flowers, supplementing the dimmed "natural" light of the chamber. If plied with the appropriate gifts, they'll discuss hidden Slimecrown Lore.
> Shopkeeps: With the Queen away and regulations not being heavily enforced, they can offer a limited time selection of high-end goods. An old key to an unknown door, an otherwise hard to get cosmetic item/pet, a useful tool that might just be the perfect solution to a pressing conflict? You never know what you'll find for sale (at an exorbitant price)
No. 1096481 ID: 08229c
File 172463735055.png - (438.49KB , 1300x1000 , 16.png )

Excellent ideas for the lore, crown. I think this is going to be a really interesting run.

Guys, I'm NOT going to bring back the dick chariot. No one wants that! Absolutely no one in the entirety of human history has EVER wanted that!

... Except Dungeoneer but you know how she is.

Regardless, let's go with group two. A familiar face and some new faces will be interesting. I suppose we can tackle each room as they come across them? Yeah, I think that would be better than trying to rebuild everything before the run starts.

But first...

Mary saves the current layout of the dungeon to a backup folder. She's not gonna let a moment of horny ruin all her hard work.

Alright, let's open it up.

The moment that Mary opens the dungeon the group appears before it. She sees the Warrior, someone new... And the First Dungeon Master.

"Woo! Slimecrown After Dark! Let's see what this place is doing different! I never expected there to be a NSFW version of THIS dungeon! It's my favorite and I've got a lot of experience here so just follow my lead, yeah?"

"Hehehe. Sure thing," The Dungeon Master says, "It's been a while since I actually ran in one. I had to dust off my old gear."

"I'm not terribly interested in lewdness," The Mycologist comments, "But slimes are a vital part of my work and I would like to harvest some. I'll be honest, I didn't actually expect to get chosen..."

"But you ARE down to fuck, right?" The Dungeon Master asks.

"I... I mean, I'm not -against- it but I would prefer if you two took the brunt of that..."

"Ooooh. You like to watch?" She says, elbowing the mage.

"I didn't say that-!"
No. 1096484 ID: 730a06

>Guys, I'm NOT going to bring back the dick chariot.
welp, that's it, I'm outta here
No. 1096485 ID: 08229c
File 172463790296.png - (307.02KB , 1300x1000 , 17.png )

That's... That's my boss, basically. Hell, not just my boss but perhaps one of the richest and most influential people of all shards?

I... This doesn't seem right.

I mean, I know she signed up willingly and all but...

Someone clears their throat behind Mary
No. 1096486 ID: 5b2941

Mary, I know you're new to this lewd stuff, but you can't let your personal preferences hold sway. Seriously, can you look at that impeccably mustachioed individual who clearly wants to remain anonymous and tell me that you really think they wouldn't love the hell out of Mara?
No. 1096487 ID: 08229c
File 172463838336.png - (324.97KB , 1300x1000 , 18.png )

Mary jumps and turns around

"W-who, how-!?"

"I'm the First Demonologist, and I'm the First Demonologist. Please forgive the intrusion of both myself and the First Dungeon Master. She seldom leaves the house, so I am hoping you will be willing to indulge her in this and show her a good time."

"I uh... Yeah? I guess. She does know what this is about, right?"

"Indeed. In fact, she was quite eager once she saw what you were working on. I can assure you, she is both willing and quite interested."

"... I... Yeah, okay. I guess."

Mary opens the dungeon to the group
No. 1096488 ID: 9d2115

Except we all want that Mary. Man, you do an after dark dungeon and won't even bring back Mara. That's super lame.
No. 1096489 ID: b54958

You heard the lady. Right now she isn't our boss, she's a girl that's down to fuck.
No. 1096490 ID: 08229c
File 172463926997.png - (289.87KB , 1300x1000 , 19.png )

>Mary, I know you're new to this lewd stuff, but you can't let your personal preferences hold sway. Seriously, can you look at that impeccably mustachioed individual who clearly wants to remain anonymous and tell me that you really think they wouldn't love the hell out of Mara?

I... Ugh. Yeah. You're right. It's not ALL about what I want. Fine. If there is, for some absurd reason, an exact moment where Mara would be a fit then I will add her.


Mary watches the group enter. The entrance room is basically unchanged.

"So you guys said you don't mind spoilers, right?" Warrior asks, "It's a pretty story heavy dungeon."

"No, by all means. This seems like the sort of experience that benefits from knowing the lore." Mycologist confirms.

"Hehe, yeah, it's pretty great," The DM comments.

"Alright, so! That is Ms. Bloops. She's a really old slime so you have to treat her nice. Or else. Also, who could want to harm her?"

The Mycologist approaches the fountain and kneels down until he is at Bloop's level. Mary could have sworn she sent that slime off to the daycare but she seems to have a habit of going where she pleases.

"Hello little one," The Mycologist says, "Forgive the intrusion, my companions and I are here to enjoy the dungeon. Is that okay?"

Ms Bloops responds in slimish "[Ah, though I shall not obstruct your path, I must forewarn you. The land beyond has been warped by malevolent and mysterious forces. Cast aside thy inhibitions and partake in the revelry, or succumb to the clutches of chaos.]"

"I think she said yes."

The group goes deeper

Looks like the comfy slime pit is next... What alterations shall we make?
No. 1096491 ID: 660f7a

Give them pillows and lingerie, turn it into a pillow fight zone.
No. 1096492 ID: 1effd3

let the comfys remain pure.

also give them pillows.
No. 1096493 ID: 9d2115

Okay, that's fair. I recind calling you Super Lame. For now.

Also, Lore Bloops is adorable.

As for the comfy pit, I kind of want to do something new, so it's not just the same puzzles with a bit of lewd. If there's corruption seeping in, we should try and bend that.
The corruption increases desires, right? What about theming it around Sloth. We can add a fog that causes hallucinations and the comfy slimes hug anyone effected.
Might even be able to pull it off with a super simple room if you can hit them with the hallucination fog super early.
No. 1096495 ID: 4beab8


At night, the drawbridge is drawn up and comfy slime sleeps. The pit is instead occupied by a modified version of the Ochre Jelly. Infused with comfy to mollify its otherwise extremely dangerous acid, its just strong enough to melt cloth and wood that gets too close.

You can lower the drawbridge by lighting the torches or otherwise traverse the moat's weak acid if you're clever or quick. If asked politely, Ms. Bloops will also have the jelly form a bridge for you.
No. 1096497 ID: a7a180


Uh, hope this isn't too awkward for our demonologist, or... The demonologist.

Pillow projectiles are a good idea, we should add a few to the regular version too. For the lewd version... either raise the floor so they simply have to walk through the heaping throngs of preoccupied pillow fighters, or...

Make the rope moan when you grab it and change nothing else.
No. 1096498 ID: b54958

Whenever someone that can understand pure slimish shows up, its gonna be like vaati vidya up in here, lore abound.

Also, I can only see the comfy slimes wanting to cop a few feels.
No. 1096499 ID: 4beab8


I think pillows might be a little too silly/rowdy for the comfy slimes, that are normally super relaxed. Maybe a music rune to the chamber or comfy slime to add ambiance to the room AND act as a lullaby.

Otherwise, if not making a pseudo acid moat, having the comfies basically trying to drag people in their chamber into a comforting sleep seems appropriate. It's late, and normal people should be sleeping and not assailing the citadel, after all.
No. 1096501 ID: 5fee00

Pillows means huge tits right.
No. 1096502 ID: 80ce16

High impact emotional pillowtalk from the comfy slimes that lures their victims into settling down in a committed relationship.

No. 1096506 ID: 9326be


You can cross the comfy moat by jumping on a series of night lotuses that burst into glowing bloom when hit. However, jumping on them causes them to release pollen that slowly builds into a feeling of euphoria and lust for the affected.
No. 1096507 ID: ebae20

Jiggle tantalizingly to entice them
No. 1096508 ID: 9326be


There is a glowing trinket in the bottom and center of the moat, a piece of Curi's attire if not the crown called the Starlight Signet. When slotted into an equipped item, the wielder gains the Starlight's Consort buff, which makes them immune to sleep effects and general fatigue. For a true queen must never tire, always watching over her subjects with a loving eye.
No. 1096509 ID: deb35c

redecorate to a harem boudoir. silks and curtains.
No. 1096513 ID: 1710fa


My only real addition to this is a lewd rune to whatever ends up in the moat if it is possible, a moat of comfort that snugglefucks you.
No. 1096524 ID: 59d978

Replace the rope with a bunch of floating pillow platforms. They start descending once someone steps on them. The comfy slimes start throwing pillows part way across.
No. 1096528 ID: ebae20

Should probably set some sort of safe word given the sort of dungeon run this is gonna be. No need to accidentally take things too far.
No. 1096535 ID: ebae20

Could have the slimes make tentacles as extra obstacles. They may or may not grope/tug at clothes.
No. 1096590 ID: 219e33

Basically just revert it to how it looked before we took over
No. 1096611 ID: 0bd4f4

We really should have gotten the inverse runes for our new lewd runes.
No. 1096612 ID: 08229c
File 172488842160.png - (413.50KB , 1300x1000 , 20.png )

I know what to do. Let's make a few changes, and...

Oh and uh... We'll make the safeword... Tacoswords. Let me just ping the runners and let them know that. Okay.


"Alright, guys! I know this dungeon like the back of my hand. The next room is pretty easy, you might have seen the guides. We just gotta swing across the pit and make it to the other side."

"Rope swinging? I'm in." The Dungeon Master gives a thumbsup.

"Seems simple enough."
No. 1096613 ID: 08229c
File 172488869106.png - (244.64KB , 1300x1000 , 21.png )

"Oh, huh, this is entirely different."

A thin film of ochre jelly coats the expanded pit. It is still but at the ready for any who dare to touch it. Pillows that slowly sink can carry someone across to safety at the other end.

At the very center, deep in the pit, is a single artifact that may help the adventurers ahead.

The comfy slimes wait below.

"I suppose we can toss aside the guide for this," The Mycologist says, stroking his chin, "Looks like a typical jumping puzzle. But what confuses me more are the bridge supports on either end and the blank space between... Is that story telling on how the bridge was destroyed, or is there some other-"

"I'M GOING FIRST." The Dungeon Master shouts.
No. 1096617 ID: 08229c
File 172488977274.png - (385.68KB , 1300x1000 , 22.png )

And she does just that, leaping onto the closest pillow. It bares her weight without issue and she simply hops to the next one.

"Hahaha, this is great! Hey, be careful cause they're a bit unstable! But it's like jumping on jelly, it's great!"

"Wow! She's so fearless!" Warrior exclaims.

"Or reckless.."

In only a few more jumps she's made it to the end of the room and waves them over.
No. 1096618 ID: 08229c
File 172489013396.png - (355.19KB , 1300x1000 , 23.png )

"I'll try next." Warrior says, and leaps out.

"I really thin-" Mycologist just closes his mouth. The jump is already done.

Warrior lands on the pillow with a hard THUMP.

"Made it!"
No. 1096620 ID: 08229c
File 172489034760.png - (268.91KB , 1300x1000 , 24.png )

"I'm sinking!?!?!"

"You're wearing full plate armor and that's a pillow on top of slime."
No. 1096621 ID: 08229c
File 172489112689.png - (449.97KB , 1300x1000 , 25.png )

The Warrior sinks like... Well, like a hunk of steel on a pool of jello. She tries to swim or move against the pull of gravity at all, but her armor is too heavy.

The ochre jelly is already at work, slithering around her and trying its best to dissolve the organic parts of her attire. There is little for them to grasp onto and they only manage to damage a few leather clasps.

Thankfully the comfy slimes are all too willing to help the Warrior get comfy. They grab onto the armor plates and, with their clasps dissolved, almost effortlessly begin to pull it off of her.

"My armor! The little slimes are stealing my armor! Mycologist, help! I'm useless without my armor!"

"I -tried- to help you earlier. Both of you. But you didn't listen. So, I think I'll save my mana and revive you at the revival station."

"Mycologist, I trusted you!"

"Not enough to heed me..."

Warrior is dragged deeper in.
No. 1096624 ID: 08229c
File 172489225226.png - (383.05KB , 1300x1000 , 26.png )

Deeper and deeper she goes. Her armor is stripped off of her piece by piece and the orche jelly takes care of whatever scraps are left. Before her head goes under she takes a deep deep breath.

She jerks against the pull of the slimes, her impressive strength almost letting her break free for a moment. Another hard shove. Some of the slime hands lose their grip.

She tries to do another but... Can't seem to build up the energy. The slimes begin to massage her and each place they touch seems to relax completely. She can barely bring up the energy to resist.

When they reach more delicate areas it gets worse. The slimes keep her in place, but not with much force. They don't have to at this point. She can feel tendrils of jelly rub against her entrance, but very slowly. Gently. As if encouraging her to just let go and enjoy the moment. Gentle but firm slime rubs her shoulders, her back, her breasts. And all the while she sinks deeper.

Even the brief moments where she works up the will and energy to pull against her captors they just redouble their efforts until she goes limp again. Her head feels light and some dim part of her is aware that breathing is a vital function to life. But it's so hard to care when everything is just so... Comfy...

"(N-no... Not again-! This room is the bane of my... Hn... It does feel good though... Maybe if I just... Close my eyes for...)"

No. 1096625 ID: 08229c
File 172489238324.png - (425.89KB , 1300x1000 , 27.png )

No. 1096627 ID: 08229c
File 172489271985.png - (281.39KB , 1300x1000 , 28.png )


That was uh...


That was interesting. Til she drowned at least.

... Should I really be watching these..?
No. 1096628 ID: 08229c
File 172489304902.png - (258.43KB , 1300x1000 , 29.png )

"Holy shit did she just get drown-fucked to death!? I wanna try it!"

"No-!" Mycologist screams from the back, "If you die and something happens to me we're gonna wipe! Just stay there!"

He begins to hop his way across without much difficulty, though he's not nearly as graceful as the Dungeon Master.

The DM pouts but otherwise just waits for him.

Looks like they're taking the harder way to solve the room and ignoring the treasure. That's fine, I suppose.

But now they're heading to the central hub for the citadel. Are there any major changes we want to make there?

If we're going with the usual of having Ashley explain the dungeon lore, what should she say?
No. 1096629 ID: a7a180

Add lots of flowers in bloom. Hope nobody's allergic, or considers this lewd due to being plant-based.
Give them the spiel about the castle splintering along the lines of the different elemental slimes and each faction awaiting its champions to crown a new queen- or king, though nobody's expecting a king. Wink wink nudge nudge.
...And throw in a bit about the bridge being out, it got washed away by a flood of comfy slimes.
No. 1096630 ID: 4beab8
File 172489373519.png - (774.90KB , 924x926 , Slimecrown Courtyard_lr.png )


Time for some night time ambiance! I recommend the tree being in fluorescent bloom. Otherwise, so far as changes, I recommend having the night shop selling unique items we can debate on and the cafe in bar mode with Monk/Magic Slime manning the bar.

As far as Ashley: "Lovely though the night is, you've come at an interesting and somewhat uncertain time for Slimecrown, I'm afraid. Curi has vanished, you see, and now her children vie for the crown... among other things. Best they settle things quickly, whatever the case. The dark is not all there is to fear in this place with an empty throne."
No. 1096631 ID: eb0a9c

Add werebeast (-shaped slimes) rutting each other.
The catch is that none of them will react to being slaughtered by the Dungeon Master until she has a boner for one of them. In fact, if her lust score drops to zero, they go back to screwing each other.
No. 1096634 ID: 7142b8


I think an option for a free/cheaper rez, but it's at the cost of no armor and a baseline lust increase.
No. 1096635 ID: dd3fe0


Instead of 'no armor for cheaper rez', perhaps swap it instead to some lighter form of armor which fits your own preconceptions of what sensible light delving armor looks like? Like 'Gambeson with Jack Chains and a Sallet helm'.
No. 1096637 ID: baa53d

Get Ashley a nice lacy nightgown and a dick shaped candle
No. 1096645 ID: 80ce16

Don't worry, Mary. If you feel like you're getting excessively worked up and it's distracting you from your job, you can just pull Dungeoneer under the table and choke her with your thighs.
No. 1096648 ID: 1effd3

have her explain the thing about the princesses and suitors from before
No. 1096653 ID: b54958

Ditto, maybe something about how the lack of a queen has made basically everyone Randy, and not just the slimes! The pheromones' are everywhere!
No. 1096659 ID: 4beab8


For corruption rez, I think they should be pointed to Demon Slime, who I guess would be in the cafe/bar. She'll sell rez items for half the price Ashley would charge, but with the given side effects.

As for resurrecting Warrior without her armor, I feel that may be a little unfair, since she places such a high value on it. Maybe have it "degraded" with specs of rust or some sign of damage on it from the close call. That way, she has the choice to pay for repairs at Magnus' shop.

This would be an opportunity to show that something is wrong with the smith and his assistant, as the armor they hand back is slightly different/tainted.
No. 1096663 ID: ebae20

Could make rezzing require the "seed of life" from Ashley. Or a more expensive normal rez if they don't wanna.
No. 1096784 ID: 4beab8
File 172522738102.png - (935.05KB , 835x902 , Slimecrown Citadel_round.png )

I've been working on this project for a little bit, basically trying to make an actual tabletop map of Slimecrown Citadel to help me organize the spaces we currently have in play. Might as well post it here and get people's responses/feedback.

Note, this is a low res composite of 4 detailed high res maps.
No. 1096785 ID: 4beab8
File 172522744748.png - (969.04KB , 837x903 , Slimecrown Citadel_tear.png )


And this is a slightly earlier draft that had the citadel with a sort of tear and/or water rune shape.
No. 1096810 ID: b54958

that's awesome, and its a pretty good representation of what the citadel looks like.
No. 1096812 ID: 5b2941

love that maze
No. 1096813 ID: 1effd3

pretty neat.i liek the circular one most
No. 1096827 ID: 4beab8
File 172528381237.png - (2.19MB , 1600x2300 , Slimecrown Comfy Moat.png )

Here's an example of the smallest high res map that I made (the comfy moat). If there's a general interest in acquiring the higher definition maps for anyone's personal use, let me know, and I'll try to figure out a good way to share them.

Otherwise, feel free to let me know if there are things that I might tweak.
No. 1096881 ID: 4beab8
File 172540753406.png - (423.78KB , 1306x2082 , SlimeCrownMapWhite.png )

I think I'll move onto the hamlet next, and I'd welcome you all's inputs, since we kind of used a looser format for how you get from place to place. Are there any things we'll definitely want to include that maybe aren't well-represented at the moment? How much can I shift things around relative to how they appear on the map currently?
No. 1096890 ID: 08229c
File 172541404109.png - (289.33KB , 1300x1000 , 30.png )

The group steps into the next area and finds a darkened Slimecrown. The lights are dimmed and torches stand out brightly against the darkness. Ahead, Ashley's usual spot has grown significantly, with a giant tree dominating the area.

"According to the guide," Mycologist says, "This is the place to get revived and healed."

The pair approach.
No. 1096897 ID: 08229c
File 172541512373.png - (282.49KB , 1300x1000 , 31.png )

Ashely is perched atop a large flower at the base of the tree. Their attire has changed, just a bit.

"Greetings, adventurers. Lovely though the night is, you've come at an interesting and somewhat uncertain time for Slimecrown, I'm afraid. Our Queen, Curi, has vanished, you see, and now her children vie for the crown... Among other things.

They seek a partner, you see, and they aren't terribly picky about whom. Whoever can obtain one and claim the throne will be the rightful rule of the land..

Ah, I hope they settle things quickly. The dark is not all there is to fear in this place with an empty throne."

"Huh," Mycologist says, "I'm not used to this type of dungeon."

"It's great, huh?" The DM says, "I could watch every single run. It'd be like my favorite show."

"Forgive me, are you still able to revive our comrades? We lost one earlier."

"But of course," Ashley says, "For 300 gold I can resurrect them fully. But, once during this run, I can use the ambient magics in the air to restore their body for free. Every other time it will cost a mere 100 gold. This also doesn't restore armor..."

"So the first one's free?" Mycologist asks.

No. 1096900 ID: 08229c
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"Can the next one be free if we fuck you?" DM asks.

"W-what? Uh... N-no... That's... Not part of the deal, I think..."

"Can I fuck you anyway?"

Mycologist clears his throat.

"Our companion?"

"Oh, right. Uh... You wanna do the free one? How much gold you got on you?"

"I think we should just stick with the cheap ones. I get the feeling that the nature of the dungeon tonight would make keeping our armor... Infeasible. It would be best to just go around in our starter items."

"Cool, we can run around in loinclothes and junk. Let's go with the free for now."
No. 1096906 ID: 08229c
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The group use the free revive and bring back Warrior. She grins triumphantly and pumps a fist in the air.

Warrior has gained a Lewd Rune from the tainted revival magics.

"I'm back!" She shouts, "I knew you guys wouldn't fail that puzzle!"

"Ah." Mycologist clicks his tongue, "Right, should have seen that coming."

"Ooh, nice. Carpets match the drapes, huh?" DM asks.
No. 1096908 ID: 08229c
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No. 1096909 ID: 08229c
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". . ."
No. 1096910 ID: 9f8647

Oh no. She said it herself, she's useless without her armor!
No. 1096912 ID: 08229c
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The Warrior desperately tries to cover herself up.

"My armor!? What happened to my armor!? I need my armor!"

"Sorry, tis the price you pay for leaping before listening. Also it was a free revive."

"I think you look better without it, if that helps," The DM adds.

No. 1096913 ID: 08229c
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>Oh no. She said it herself, she's useless without her armor!

Then let us ammend this. Remember, everyone, today is about making as much money as possible.


And also showing these guys a good time. But, just for today, we're focusing on profits.
No. 1096915 ID: 08229c
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"Excuse me," Ashley speaks up, "While you may have lost some armor, might I direct you to our armory? It's not free, but the armor there will certainly help you and, to be honest, may be even -more- useful during tonight than normal armor would be."

"Please let's go get me some armor pls pls." Warrior practically begs.

"Sure, and a sword as well since you seem to have lost yours."


The group enters the Slimecrown armory


Alright, let's get creative. What kinda items should we offer these guys? We'll be using runes to craft them but don't worry about the runes, let's just focus on what kinda buffs (or debuffs) they give.
No. 1096916 ID: 1effd3

Hmm lets see... Mycologist uses a staff right? have about a staff that makes his staff more powerful?
We could give warrior a patent-pending slime swimsuit that uhhh... lubes her up.
For OGDM... honestly she'd be fine with anything probably. Maybe something that lets her change her size(boobs,butt,dick,body) or change someone elses size(boobs, butt, dick, body)?
No. 1096917 ID: 9d2115

Skadi-style bikini breastplate and loincloth combo with [Enhance Knockers] and [Enhance Butt] built in. Protects as well as normal armor, but makes you look like a Valero pin-up.

Pleasuresense Enchanted Vibro-Rod with three settings for enhanced magic. Gentle, Strong and Jackhammer.

Sweet-T Brand Dildobat.
No. 1096918 ID: 03c58a

Living slime armor. Just armor but has a slime girl in it that you can give them items from the dungeon to give bonus effects. Like a fire based item will give them fire resistance, metal will make them tougher, and so on and so forth. Down sides are once equipped it cannot be removed normally without paying a fee for the blacksmith to remove her and she’s a frisky one. Also if you die and the armor survives it will then become a mob and try to attach herself to another party member and will attacked if refused.
No. 1096919 ID: 80ce16

Living slime bodysuits! If you treat the slime well, they might even be inclined to give you some "relief" from the less physical dangers of the run
No. 1096922 ID: b54958

The obvious choices of Catgirl Bikini, Playboy bunny outfits, virgin killer sweaters... Chain bikini armor...
No. 1096923 ID: 4beab8


I'd like to play up a corruption angle on Magnus. Maybe have him frustrated with his inspiration failing him and nothing seeming to come out quite right. To fix this, he'll need Warrior to take on a number of mighty (and possibly sexy poses). That should sufficiently fluster her to where she won't quibble over whatever armor she does get.

I recommend the final thing being bikini mail, otherwise known as:

"Mimic Mail": Made from the body of a slain mimic, this durable armor seems to fit like a glove... in what areas it actually covers. A supple leather made from mimic tongue coats the interior with locks holding the metal trimmed exterior pieces together.

Curse: "Love Bitten"
The mimic crotch piece is actually still alive and refuses to be removed, digging deeper into its host if attempts are made to remove it. Should the wearer become aroused, the mimic will feed upon the arousal and begin lapping at it with its tongue, further increasing arousal.
No. 1096924 ID: a10c74

>Immodest Succubus Scalemail, layers of hardened leather and steel scales covering the wearer fully, except for heart shaped openings over the nipples and crotch, Provides the wearer with a prehensile tail that can weild small weapons, the tail can sometimes have a mind of its own.
Flavour text ~Now you can use the toilet without taking off your armour~
No. 1096925 ID: ef6def

Enchanted phallic codpiece
Pros: You can feel through it
Cons: you can feel through it
thankfully it does not come with matched coin purse.
No. 1096926 ID: 4beab8


For OGDM, her mustache reminds him of another mustachioed adventurer, a man of passion and unyielding will. She also seems like she's ready to get hands on with this dungeon.

Passion's Embrace: This pair of light, mithril gauntlets covers only up to the first knuckle of each finger, granting some protection for punching while still allowing the wearer to feel everything. Strikes delivered with these gloves are swift and allow the blows struck to deliver the inner passion of the wielder to their target.

Curse: "Burning Passion"
Kissed by Flit as a final blessing, the passion contained in these gauntlets is a thing that burns through both the wielder and the target, a warmth budding inside of them as they join in the heat of battle. Increase lust of the target and the wielder as battle goes on.
No. 1096927 ID: 4beab8


For Mycologist, Magnus can't think of anything he might want. Armor doesn't really fit his aesthetic, and he probably doesn't use metal weapons. Thus, he's referred to the Shopkeepers over in the Night Shop. This gives us a chance to fill out the store with new wares that the group can pick from.

Of interest to Mycologist, though.

Extracting Spores: A bag of spores of a rare mushroom that grows in Slimecrown's forests. It is said to take on the virtue (and vice) most representative of its soil. When planted on a target with a strong elemental association or exceedingly high lust, the spores rapidly siphon away some of that essence from the target to grow a mushroom infused with it.

In short, it can be used as a curative for status ailments and grant him some cool, elementally infused reagents to work with.

Staff of Binding: A powerful (and expensive) item, the staff can render a foe immobile by binding them in radiant chains. The effort committed to do so is usually equivalent to the strength of the creature or its will. However, if the will of the caster is insufficient to match its opponent, the staff backfires, trapping them instead.
No. 1096930 ID: 812e4b

-Water cooled half plate: Similar protection to full plate but with more skin (well, skintight suit) showing. The layer of water circulating around the body manages heat and reduces the exhaustion from working up a sweat. Releases a steamy cloud when it comes off. (Buffs: stamina) An upgraded version replaces the water layer with a friendly slime who can act as hydraulic muscle and give you a full body hug. (Additional buffs: muscle/dodge, debuff: occasional stimulation)

-Flit's Ferrous Fittings: This collectible set is a little more expensive, but the protection offered by this enchanted replica of Flit's iron accents is up to par with standard kits and gives you a cosmetic flaming appearance (the intensity can be varied.) Our collector's insurance policy guarantees you will get to keep this armor even if you lose it again during the run! (Armor enchantments not guaranteed to retain function. Do not wear this armor if you have an allergy to coldiron or cats.) (buffs: looking cool, debuffs: modesty)

-Transparisteel Armor: It's like you're wearing nothing at all!
Has a chance to reflect spells but also to shatter on critical fails. (buffs magic defense, debuffs durability)

-Plumber's Armor: This set of plain looking overalls comes with a lettered cap and is designed for getting wet. Pro tip: Slimes are mostly water.
Supposedly, it has strange effects when exposed to mushrooms...
(Buffs: Waterproof, Mushrooms?, Debuffs: Armor class)
No. 1096937 ID: f58aeb

Damn, we really are going the booly the warrior route lmao.
(Tentacle armor when)
No. 1096940 ID: 4beab8
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Items from the Forge:
> Flameproof Piercings: Applied by Flit, this set of three piercings makes the user incredibly resistant to flame. The closer they are placed to the heart, the more potent their effect.
> Fleeting Flames: This set of high-heeled mithril boots makes the wearer very quick on their feet and leaves an impressive flaming trail, but requires a certain amount of personal grace to take advantage of.
> Ogre Bat: Said to have been wielded by a denizen of the dungeon that preceded Slimecrown, this size-changing cudgel has two modes, a lethal one with spikes and a non-lethal one where the spikes retract into small bumps.
> Singing Sword (Night): A sword with a fierce edge and a piercing voice. When wielded, it sings the song in the wielder's heart, whether the user wants those emotions hidden or not.
> Sacrificial Might: This set of spiked collar and thigh/wrist bands raises all of the user's other stats, but drastically reduces intelligence.
> Virtuous Defender: A flexible shield that affixes as a covering over an orifice. Useful for sealing portals or more personal entryways, it can only be removed via command word or great force.

Items for the Night Shop:
> Temporary Core: Roughly the size of a golf ball and coming in a variety of specific elements, this spherical gem allows the user to take on the form of a slime for a limited time. For those trouble swallowing the core, good news! It can also be taken as a suppository!
> Oath of Allegiance: A contract requiring trust, the signee stipulates a number of commands they cannot disobey from the contract holder. Once expired, the contract vanishes.
> Burglar's Hood: A face mask and hood combo, dark as midnight. When fully equipped, the user becomes incredibly stealthy, albeit at the cost of being silenced themselves. By mouthing the command word "Silence" and pointing to an opponent, the mask will unravel in trails of shadow and attach itself to the target, silencing them instead.
> Stone of Desire: This heart-shaped stone pulses when a hidden treasure is nearby. Very useful for treasure hunters that don't want to miss anything.
> Wayfarer's Token: A leaf with a rune reminiscent of the elder tree inscribed in gold. Allows one user to teleport back to the hub area once.

Special Key Items for Nightshop:
> Sewer Key: A simple key, well-worn and slightly stained. (Can be used in future updates to access the Slimecrown Sewers).
> Curi's Music Box: The queen is gone, but the echoes of her presence remain. (Use this in Curi's empty music hall to summon The Void Maiden special boss. It's Curi with either a soul or gravity rune added).
> Maiden's Token (Mirelle): Opens the gatehouse near Slimecrown Training Grounds, circumventing the usual guardian.
> Maiden's Token (Sophie): A necklace of smooth stone that rumbles slightly to indicate the direction one should take in the maze.
> Maiden's Token (Rosa): An invitation for late night tea that ensures the annal denizens do not start as hostile.
> Young Master's Missive: Summons Slimon and Rosalyn to the central hub area, beginning their questline.
> Mara's Whistle: This oddly shaped whistle summons a unique monster for one encounter.
> A Fine Vintage: A bottle of potent alcohol brewed from the sap of the elder tree, best when shared with a friend. (Opens new dialogue options with Cleric Plant).
> Luminescent Flask: A flask of sap from the elder tree. It glows with an inner light and innate power that can be unleashed when thrown.
No. 1096946 ID: e5e504

I love this one.
It could even make a sidestory possible, where this armor slime becomes queen.
No. 1096970 ID: b18efc

Just got here (should put a link in the old thread to here, honestly), and I probably can't really affect the plot at this point, but if we're doing a plot about Curi being absent from the dungeon and the adventuring group trying to find her, we could have the climax be that she ended up trapped in the Booby/Booty Rune storage pits and requires assistance getting out after she accidentally runed herself with all of them.
No. 1096971 ID: b18efc

Also, just realized, if dream Mary is becoming more lewd, than is dream Red Widow becoming more prude? Is there some sort of psychic link between them going on, or has some of Widow's employees dug a hole from their dungeon to ours to escape their awful boss, and Mary's hallucinating from breathing in too much of their succubus pheromones and peach scented body lotion?
No. 1096978 ID: 273c18

How about some acid-resistant armor?
No. 1096980 ID: 660f7a

Should add a gentlemen's club for relaxation or a sleazy sexy shop to work in for easy gold farming. Of course, it accrues corruption when working there.

Adventurers should be able to lewd the dungeon denizens, after completing quests, spending resources/gold or disabling/sacrificing normal services that would be provided.
No. 1096985 ID: 5b2941

hush, don't use the D-word. Wouldn't want Mary to realize she's sleeping and wake up, would we? Also, I doubt it; this is less Mary becoming lewder and more losing her inhibitions cause she doesn't have enough control to keep repressing herself while asleep.
No. 1096986 ID: ef6def

I like the gentleman's club idea. Why don't we turn "So You Think You Can Slime?" into a strip joint. The players can either enjoy the show and buy some minor health potions that cause a stacking alcohol debuff if imbibing too much too quickly or even a lap dance (perhaps even for some form of temp buff) or join in on a side quest pole dancing competition where they can get loot (or lewt) depending on how well they score.
No. 1096994 ID: 4beab8


We have the spa/cafe area. If Calculator felt like getting in on the fun, having her run some games of chance (maybe with a twist or two) could be fun. The spa could also offer special services for the right price. Just keep in mind that Mary said at the outset that she doesn't necessarily want this to be a straight up sex dungeon.
No. 1097005 ID: 0bd4f4

> Virtuous Defender: A flexible shield that affixes as a covering over an orifice. Useful for sealing portals or more personal entryways, it can only be removed via command word or great force.

Seems a bit too powerful and invalidating. Maybe make it a consumable instead so each one protects a single orifice once. Or you can only wear one at a time.
No. 1097170 ID: 4beab8
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Here's a quick update on the Slimecrown map project for those interested. I've gotten the woods, ruins, gummy wyrm lair, and farm area of the hamlet mapped. I'll probably take a crack at the east hamlet next. So, if you have inputs, let me know.
No. 1097188 ID: eda60f

looks great but I thought we're not using the hamlet now
No. 1097190 ID: 4beab8


We're not using it currently. We also aren't using the daytime map, but since I was able to knock out the citadel with some effort, I figured that I'd go ahead and do the rest of the map. Admittedly, it's a slightly larger project than I had anticipated, but it's still fun.
No. 1097284 ID: 4beab8
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So, this is the map that I've cobbled together. The only thing not featured is the secret hot springs, which is squirreled away just off the map's edge. Does anything need to be improved, added, etc.?
No. 1097285 ID: 5b2941

labels would be nice, I suck at understanding maps without them
No. 1097293 ID: 4beab8
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The map is chonky. So, I did it in two parts.
No. 1097294 ID: 4beab8
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I can also create a version with the roofs on. As is, I thought having the interiors showing would be more helpful.
No. 1097296 ID: 08229c
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Magnus eyes the group as they enter and sighs. When he speaks it's in Slimeish, but Flit is more than willing to translate.

"Greetings, adventurers," She says, "I'm sorry but you caught us at an uncertain time... We still have items for you, but, you see... My teacher is having a hard time crafting. The atmosphere affects even him and he doubts the efficiency of his armors... Would you, perhaps, be willing to assist? We would just need to see how the armors look on someone, perhaps their stats and opinions. In return we will offer you a weapon."

"Please, yes." Warrior says, "I'll try on whatever you've got."


The Catkini - Basic cloth armor, +2 CHA, +2 DEX, but basically no armor. Super cute.

"I... I'm not sure this is really armor? It's cute, I think, but I'm not sure I'm the one to pull it off..."

"All it needs is some kitty ears and a buttplug tail," The DM helpfully adds.

"B-buttplug!? Pass-!"


The Virgin Killer - Basic cloth armor, +2 CHA. Once per day dazzle someone with lower CHA.

"This one is worse somehow!"

"Actually the effect is decent," Mycologist says.



The Slimekini - Rare slime a-

No. 1097298 ID: 08229c
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Living Slime Armor - Rare Medium Slime Armor. +8 AC This armor has a slime girl in it, providing several buffs in certain situations and bonus effects for Slimecrown After Dark. Can not be removed without some difficulty and the slime gets everywhere.

"This is... Better?" Warrior frowns a bit and looks down, "Is... Is there a real living slime in there or..?"

"There is," Flit says, "She's part of the product! I think you'll like her, she's super friendly. No one quite knows where she came from but we found that anything she inhabits just becomes better. So, why not make her into armor!"

"Hm." Warrior holds up her new weapon, a brutal looking club, "W-well... Compared to the rest this is fine."

She pays for the armor, netting Mary 800 gold. She swings the club around and the armor does seem to make even her swings stronger. It pulls and pushes on her muscles in ways that let her swing the metal club with ease.

There's a smile on her face. In spite of the ever so subtle wriggles from the slime pressed against her skin she seems very satisfied with her purchase.

"Hey, guys, the armor guy says there's a shop nearby that has some stuff we can use."

"Oh, awesome! Wait, you speak slimish?"

"I speak several languages. Slimes have a lot of opinions about mold, you know."

"Like what?"

"Well, for starters, they think black mold is overrated. Too bitter, apparently."


There is the sound of bits of metal and material being haphazardly dropped about.

No. 1097300 ID: 08229c
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The Dungeon Master is wearing a pile of armor that she found in the box. Passion's Embrace, Flit's Ferrous Fittings, Flameproof Piercings. With all these items she gains a massive boost to her fire damage resistance, essentially making her immune to the element. She has also somehow acquired a codpiece that Mary doesn't recall asking for.

She has paid G2100 for the entire set.

"W-wow," Warrior says, "That's a... Really daring mix..."

"Right? The codpiece vibrates too! And I can turn on sensations for it. Pretty wild, right?"

"Aren't you worried that the whole thing leaves you a bit... Exposed?"

"That's the point my dude, that's the entire point."
No. 1097301 ID: 08229c
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Once geared up, the group leaves the armorer and enters the general shop. Along with the normal items the shop is stocked full of some special, limited edition, Slimecrown After Dark items. The words Limited Edition and Special seem to have an effect and the group is mostly ignoring the usual stuff.

"Hey there little guys!" Warrior says, delighted to see the shopkeeps, "Got any recommendations for us? I'm a little strapped for gold."

The Shopkeep holds up Curi's Music Box. For a low price of only G100, it has some hidden lore in the item description. Warrior reads it and nods, satisfied with her purchase.

Curi's Music Box - It tinkles with a song to a dance long since abandoned. It brings back memories of a happier time.

"Hey," DM speaks up, "We decide who we're going for? Cause these tokens look like they'll make our lives a lot easier if the desc is right?"

The Maiden Tokens - Mirelle/Sophie/Rosa's token. A sign of loyalty, a gift given to friends. Can be used to great benefit at the respective maidens' area.

"Oh?" Mycologist pours over them, "Hm. These might be handy. Expensive, though."

"Bah, don't worry about money," The DM says, "One of my class skills makes all items free for me."

"W-what!? That's... That's absurd! Buy all of them, then-!"

"It only works if I really want the thing and I only kinda sorta want these."

"You're... You're just lying, aren't you. That's not really an ability."

"Who knows~ So, who are we goin' for?" She asks the group again, "Cause I'm immune to Mirelle's fire I think. So if we go for her I am willing to sacrifice myself to the flame princess."

"That might also make it better to be against her," Mycologist points out.

"I say we try for Sophie?" Warrior says, "I think she's really cute and I wanna help her out."

"I got it-!" The DM nods, "We'll flip a coin!"

"That still only gives 50/50. We have three options." Mycologist points out.

"It's a triple sided coin," The DM says, producing a single coin.

"That's not possib-oh my god it has three sides. But, how..?"

"Class ability." She flips the coin. "Heads, Mirelle. Tails, Sophie. Titty, Rosa. Aaaaand... Tails!"

"Yay!" Warrior pumps her fist. Mycologist just shrugs.
No. 1097302 ID: 08229c
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"Hey, Myco!" The DM calls out to him.

"It's Mycologist. What is it?"

"So I was thinking, if I buy all three of the tokens and junk will you give this to the plant at the big tree?" She says, holding up a bottle of alcohol.

"A weird request... Why?"

"Because that makes it more fun for me and lets me activate my class ability. Remember the one I was just talking about? It's gotta be funny for me and I think this would be hilarious."

"Is that -truly- the way your abilities work?" He says, placing one hand on his hip.


"Ugh. Fine. Whatever."

The Dungeon Master buys all four items, and the Mara Whistle. Mary rakes in an extra G1,100. Satisfied, the group leaves.

If I had known it would be this easy from the start...
No. 1097303 ID: 1effd3

To be fair... its OGDM...
No. 1097304 ID: 5b2941

>and the Mara Whistle
No. 1097305 ID: 08229c
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The group returns to the central hub. With the bottle in hand, Mycologist approaches Ashley. He sighs, wondering if the samples he wants are worth all this hassle.

"Hey," He calls out to Ashley and holds up the bottle, "I wanted to uh... Give you this. As thanks. For the free heal."

"A vintage alcohol slime..?" Ashley seems a bit taken aback by the offer, "It's... It's quite alright, truly. You are trying to help the kingdom. It was the least I could do."

"I insist. It's already been purchased and I doubt we'll have time to drink during this dungeon run if we're gonna try and speed it."

"Ah. Well... Then will you share it with me..?"

"....." Mycologist can see Dungeon Master nodding aggressively. Warrior gives a thumbsup. "Very well."

He sits down beside Ashley and the two begin to share the bottle. The alcohol is oddly thick, like a watered down syrup, but it warms the throat and stomach. Mycologist can feel the heat blooming already. It was strong.

He passes the bottle along to Ashley who takes a small sip. The plant cleric shivers in delight, even the smallest of liquids had a strong effect. The two sit in silence, passing the bottle between themselves.

Ashley is the first to break the silence.

"I know you're only here for some materials," They say, "But... I do hope you can fix this land. It's my home. And... Even though I'm not a slime like the others, the Queen still allowed me to stay here. She even allowed me to be in the citadel itself. She counts me among family.

I've never experienced something like that. For someone to look beyond what they see on the surface, to allow... To allow me a chance."

"... Were you kicked out of your home or..?" The Mycologist asks, in spite of his feigned disinterest.

"Mm. I wasn't kicked out, but..." They laugh, "It will seem silly to someone like you but my petals are supposed to be red, just like my dress. It didn't really affect anything but.. It made things a bit harder for me. It was impossible for me to fit in, to find a mate, even. Plants can be picky, haha!

A-ah, I'm sorry. The alcohol has made me speak too much... I just... I wanted you to understand how much this place means to me. And I... I simply hope that you will do your best to save it."

The Mycologist frowns and takes another sip. He thinks in silence for a moment before responding.

"... Petals, huh." He nods, "... Very well. I had planned to just gain material but... Well, it's hard for me to say no to an earnest request.

Also... I think your petals are striking. The pink contrasts well against your skin."

"Really?" Ashley smiles, "I think your mushrooms are wonderful as well. Are you fond of nature?"

". . ."
No. 1097307 ID: 08229c
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"I have always been fond of the natural world. Mushrooms, moreso than other aspects. I find them fascinating."

"I can tell. But, I'm curious, please forgive me if I'm being rude but... I can tell that mushrooms have taken root on you? I've never seen anything like that with a living being... It's not an injury, either. It's as if they are meant to be."

Mycologist frowns. Not because he is upset but because this is simply the first time someone has actually paid any amount of attention to his craft, it's a new sensation to him.

"Well, that is because I grafted them onto myself years ago. They allow me to communicate effortlessly with other myconids. It's a great boon when dealing with their civilization."

"Can I feel it? The mushrooms, I mean."

"... I suppose."

Ashley reaches out and moves the Mycologist's hair aside, tucking it behind one of his pointed ears. They run their finger across his skin. The texture is slightly different and Ashley can feel the pulse of two lives. No, millions. The Mycologist's vitality thrums but beneath it are millions and millions of other plants, thriving and working alongside him.

"You're... Amazing."

No. 1097308 ID: 08229c
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"I have more," Mycologist says, his face flushed, "Mushrooms. That is. Would you like to see?"

He wasn't sure if it was the atmosphere or the alcohol making him feel more open. Or maybe it was just the sheer joy of finding someone who didn't mind what he had done to himself. Who found similar beauty in nature.

"I would love to," Ashley says.

The Mycologist disrobes, still keeping a long skirt on. Ashley can see the extensive modifications he's made to himself. his entire right arm, while not gone, has been seemingly consumed by mushrooms. Or maybe fused?

"The arm uh... It allows me to manipulate mushrooms better. I can communicate with them and handle myconid weapons. It's a fairly rare trait." He explains, before kicking himself mentally for bragging.

"I've never seen anything like this." Ashley says, "Oh-"
No. 1097310 ID: 08229c
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"Is there another mushroom in there," Ashley says in a teasing tone.

The Mycologist goes bright red and frowns heavily.

"It's... It's not like that, I simply-"

"It's fine, truly. I don't mind. It's kind of flattering."

"Really? It's... I've never really-"
No. 1097312 ID: 08229c
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"What the hell!?" Mycologist snaps out of the seeming trance he was in, "I wasn't going to do anything!"

"So you like plants..?" Warrior asks, "That's kinda cute hehe..."

"I don't-! I mean I do, but-!"

"Hey, it's cool Myc." DM nods, "You two are hitting it off. We'll scout ahead and give you privacy."

"There's really no need-!"

"I said it's cool. You two have fun~, we'll see if we can take care of one of the fire girl."


Dungeon Master elbows Warrior and the two of them head off.

They're approaching Mirelle's domain.

Hm. I didn't expect the party to split. I suppose I should have considered that they may want to uh...

Have fun

In different areas.

What are we doing for Mirelle's area? The Dungeon Master has the token for her.
No. 1097314 ID: 660f7a

I don't know about Mirelle, but Myco should gain a small sapling from Ashley with a minor healing perfume or berries. It's a weak healing, but is stronger in the After Dark dungeon and/or in areas good for plants.

It's said it has a secret effect that will only manifest if planted somewhere suitable and tended to with care by its owner~

How he receives the sapling? It can just appear next to him if he and Ashley pollinate each other, or be a gift from Personal Gift (unique item) from Ashley.
No. 1097315 ID: 4beab8


Gravity Slime fights per normal, but the militia, hearing the ruckus out in the Gate House, moves to investigate (possibly with Mirelle). The badge can then be presented so that they stand down, avoiding a secondary fight.

For the fight, Gravity Slime employs the bricks making up the gatehouse and the various items strewn without, rearranging them into projectiles, barricades, bindings, and cages. It won't be impossible for Warrior to deal with these things using the club and brute strength.

I'm not sure we need a lewd edge to this. Just make it a fun fight where Warrior is in her element.
No. 1097316 ID: 66a0f2

Yeah, give the warrior a W, she deserves it.
No. 1097317 ID: 660f7a

We can have cheerleaders in the back, or warrior slimes flexing.
No. 1097318 ID: 4beab8


For Myco, assuming he succeeds in impressing Ashley in the first round or two, they'll offer him something to increase his stamina (among other things) so that he can last a bit longer.

> Elder Tree Sap: Roots of the ancient tree run far and deep through Slimecrown, an unending battle of attrition waged over centuries speaking of a subtle but unmistakable tenacity as they have drunk deep of the power and memories of this place.

"The Light Imperishable": The imbiber seems to gain some measure of the tree's quiet fortitude, if only for a night. They tire less easily within Slimecrown, and are damaged less by its denizens.

"One with Nature": The memory of growing things floods the consumer's consciousness, giving them an unmistakable and effortless rapport with plant creatures.

"Sap Production" (Curse?): An arguably unfortunate side effect for elves is that such potent natural essence suffusing their being fills more than just their primary limbs with the vigor of life. Increase base lust and note that if the glowing fluids last more than 24 hours, seek a medical professional IMMEDIATELY.
No. 1097319 ID: b54958

Clearly the dungoneer has to get smothered in some firey boobage.
No. 1097322 ID: a7a180

Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer, Mary. Lest you forget, she’s the first DM. She literally makes the rules.

In her wing, Mirelle is burning with rage! Curie is missing and nobody knows what to do about it. She should be in charge, but the other princesses won’t listen! She’s taking it out on the castle, and anyone else in lava chunk throwing distance. Even standing near her can cause heatstroke.
But, Mirelle’s coin lets you parley! The bearer is entitled to one Fiery Favor - Mirelle will fulfill any request as long as it’s a word starting with the letter F.
For later wings, Sophie’s token earns her trust! She will grant you one Muddy Memento, which can be any word starting with the letter M.
Rosa’s token catches her eye. She’s up for one Risqué Rosy Request, which can be any word starting with the letter R.
No. 1097323 ID: 0d1cef

Mating Press.

Mirelle is war games. Mating press or be pressed. With the advent of the new leader, Mirelle has decided to take the throne by combat, but as the slime are her kin, actual violence is forbidden, the only safe way to establish dominance is to mating press. Beware the trained slimes.

However, if one were a friend of Mirelle with a token the slimes in her domain will instead take the party to her and unless they screw it up, she will take them in as trusted confidents and generals in her forces, where perhaps her conquest can be tempered with reason.
No. 1097325 ID: 4beab8


Mirelle has the thigh rune added onto her. So, maybe give her a chance to use it. Upon seeing that OGDM has clearly geared herself up for a fight, Mirelle will take that as a challenge and offer to fight her, hand-to-hand (since OGDM doesn't carry a weapon). This gives her an opportunity to get up close and personal, throwing out hands, feet, and most importantly, wrestling moves.

OGDM is really strong and virtually immune to fire. I don't know if she got serious if Mirelle could actually put up a compelling fight. Since I think OGDM is a bit of a fight-sexual and might enjoy a physical challenge, we can give our princess a pair of Power + Fist bracers, something a bit subtle that lets her really turn up the heat.
No. 1097335 ID: 4beab8


Also, per the ancient traditions of wrestling, both of them will need to be oiled up. You know, for tradition's sake.
No. 1097336 ID: dc4bad

heck yeah, nigh-fire immunity would allow for some fun grappling shenanigans

a time-honoured tradition, not sure though if it would dampen or feed fire. either would be cool though
No. 1097337 ID: 5b2941

depends on the oil you use. My vote's on "feed": both of them are immune to flames to it's not like it's really tilting the balance, and it makes for great spectacle
No. 1097338 ID: 5b2941

this is all well and good, but wouldn't it be cute if Ashley ended up with a little mushroom too? to make it less one-sided
No. 1097344 ID: 4beab8


If Myco gives something in exchange, I'd say that's kind of up to him. It couldn't hurt if Ashley specifically asked for a memento to remember him by, though.
No. 1097561 ID: 660f7a

Myconid can give Ashley a buttbaby!
No. 1097562 ID: 0bd4f4

Weren't you able to do split screen or picture in picture before? You only need to watch the events in the central room, not control anything there.
No. 1098163 ID: 1795ad
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>Weren't you able to do split screen or picture in picture before? You only need to watch the events in the central room, not control anything there.

Ah, of course. I have to watch this vital moment. Surely there no ulterior motives here. None at all.

Fine. We can watch for a bit but I'm not going to try and divide my attention unless it's important. It's way harder to keep track of multiple groups.



"I swear, those two..." Mycologist sighs. "They're lucky they're both quite good at this."

He grumbles while Ashley just chuckles.
No. 1098164 ID: 1795ad
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The plantfolk reaches out and rubs at the still present bulge in the Mycologists outfit. It's a gentle but firm touch, and it has the intended effect of snapping him back to attention.

"Hey, don't worry about them. I'll close the petals a bit," They says, as the room gets a bit darker. "Is that better?"

"... Y-yes. I suppose so."

"Do you want to keep going?"

"....." The Mycologist pauses before nodding.
No. 1098165 ID: 1795ad
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Mycologist feels Ashley tug on his skirt, silently telling him that they would very much like for it to be off. With a pout and a sigh the Mycologist shuffles about. The enclosed bud of around him made movement a bit difficult but it wasn't too long before his lower clothes were removed. His hat came off with it and the man was bared. His length was already hard and twitched in the increasingly warm air.

"You look wonderful," Ashley said, smiling, "Ah, but I can't let you be the only one like this."

Mary watches with some interest as Ashley removes their clothes. Well... More like the petals that make up most of their outfit fall off and float in the air softly before touching the ground.

One petal, two, they fall off until the outfit is barely hanging on. Ashley was hard as well, but their setup was different than anything Mary was used to seeing. A single hard rod stuck out, looking as soft and flesh-like as the rest of Ashley's skin, if not a darker tone. Flanking it were two red petals that swept over what looked to be a vulva mound.

The Mycologist was staring himself, unable to break his eyes away from the show.

"So," Ashley said, "Do you want to be the pollinator or the pollinated?"

There was a humor to Ashley's voice. One that made the gruff Mycologist smile, brushing aside his nervousness.

"Uh... Well, pollinator, if you don't mind. Is that... Will we be compatible..?"

"Oh, I think you will find that we'll be -quite- compatible."

No. 1098166 ID: 1795ad
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No. 1098167 ID: 1795ad
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The Dungeon Master and Warrior are preparing to enter Mirelle's arena. Their token has allowed them to enter easily as they're shown to be a friend of the princess.

"You ready for this, Warrior!?"


"I'll take the front, you take the back!"


"Between the two of us she's gonna cum so hard!"

"Yeah! W-wait, wh-"
No. 1098168 ID: 1795ad
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A friend was entering the arena. The Archer slimes were not on high alert. Why should they be? A friend was coming.

But, Mirelle was not so lax.

She leaps from the back of the arena and slams her fists into the ground. The stone melts and fuses with her slime. When she pulls back she is wearing massive gauntlets.

"So! My sisters aren't with ya! That can only mean one thing... You've decided I ain't good enough, huh!? Well I know I'd be the best queen! So, I'm gonna beat the shit out of you and make you my consort! Then we're gonna rule this place and you have to take me on at least 5 dates a week!

Expensive ones!"

Mirelle seems to be going all out. I could tell her to dial things back a bit, but I'm worried that the DM has too much of an advantage on this fight...

Anything I should do for the battle?
No. 1098173 ID: 80ce16

No. 1098174 ID: 80ce16

No. 1098176 ID: f3e0a0

Tell Mirelle to aim for the boob!
No. 1098178 ID: a7a180

Try to look like a competent DM by utilizing lair hazards. Open some volcanic fissures! Maybe any hard impact on the volatile ground does a repeat of Mirelle's landing and engulfs part of the lander in a splash of brittle quick-hardening magma to immobilize them. Then have Mirelle go for uppercuts and air combos.
No. 1098180 ID: 2b4438

Have her pause, look at the first dm, grin and then mirror first dm by growing an equally big stone hardon. Still normal fight but if she wins she gets to have fun her own way.
No. 1098182 ID: f40067

No. 1098185 ID: dc4bad

OGDM might have tons of fire resistance but that doesn't make her immune to being punched.

maybe engage in some hype, flashy pro-wrestling shenanigans that I bet OGDM would play along with and Warrior would probably enjoy engaging in. if the 2v1 is getting to be an issue, corner someone in a Magma Cage™ match

that said, I say Mirelle should primarily go for that most intimate form of hand to hand combat: grappling.
Bearhugs, armbars, scissor holds especially(put that thigh rune to work), various smothers and locks. Tie 'em into pretzels and turn up the heat~
No. 1098812 ID: 1795ad
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"But first," Mirelle says, a big grin on her face, "Let's get this place set up!"

She steps on the ground. The floor immediately begins to crack, boil, bubble. The solid layer of dirt and grass turn to liquid and sizzle away as molten rock begins to erupt. The very foundations of the land are ripped up by Mirelle's command. Slimes begin to duck for cover.

"Oh. My. Me!" The Dungeon Master shouts, "This is the coolest thing -ever-!"
No. 1098813 ID: 1795ad
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The molten stone cools off, leaving a flat arena for the group to fight in. Mirelle steps on with the Dungeon Master following her. Warrior stays back, but she is ready to get into the battle the moment she's called for.

Mirelle spreads her arms out.

"You ready!?"

"Yeah! I'm gonna kick your fiery ass!"
No. 1098816 ID: 1795ad
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Mirelle leaps into the air and when she comes down she lands with a massive -crack-. There is the briefest of pauses before another wave of sound and force strikes the Dungeon Master. The thigh runes she was given have greatly enhanced the ability of her legs, and the simple leap has had a tremendous effect.

The force shoots down and forwards, tearing up chunks of the arena as it snakes its way to the Dungeon Master. She laughs and leaps into the air just as stone spikes erupt beneath where she was standing. Had she taken the hit she would have been skewered.

"Hahaha! Oh man, this is great! I haven't had fun like this in-"
No. 1098817 ID: 1795ad
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Her words are cut off as Mirelle tackles her mid-air.
No. 1098818 ID: 1795ad
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Mirelle has the woman pinned down between her thighs. She squeezes them hard, their intense strength causing constant constriction damage. If it wasn't for the sheer amount of anti-fire defense that the Dungeon Master has she would have been burned by the attack.

Mirelle laughs and squeezes. Mary can see the Dungeon Master's life bar begin to dip.

"Haha! Take that! I knew you'd jump up! You can't dodge a strike in mid-air, can ya? Now, come on! Beg for mercy! Do it and I might consider letting you go!"


"What was that? Speak up!"

"I... Said....


". . ."

Mirelle has no idea what to do now.
No. 1098819 ID: 1effd3

*dial-up internet sounds*
No. 1098820 ID: 5b2941

...you heard the lady. Harder it is.
No. 1098821 ID: 4beab8


Warrior, now's your chance!
No. 1098822 ID: 2b4438

Go harder. Crush her with those thighs. Suffocate her with her magma slime pussy til she taps out. Suggestively have her work the totally not first DM's dildo. Or make totally not first dm choke on a magma cock instead. She's gotta dominate and be lewd about it. This is AFTER DARK after all.
No. 1098823 ID: 273c18

Go on.
No. 1098824 ID: a7a180

Start jackhammering her against the ground too with your hips. Really shake her up.
No. 1098825 ID: 2be447

Crush OGDM skull like OGDMelon. A warrior's death!
No. 1098826 ID: 7102e3

You heard the lady.
No. 1098827 ID: a10c74

Well something is going to pop
No. 1098828 ID: 273c18

Oh! Try out other submission grapples!
No. 1098829 ID: 80ce16

You heard the woman. Squeeze her harder. And grind your muff right up on her nose.
No. 1098830 ID: b2a866

Ay warrior. Reboot that thing that helps you think. Isn't that what you've been expecting? No need for hesitation. Get freaky. Magmarock. Magmacock. Its the show that counts, isn't it?

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