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File 127527349060.png - (11.26KB , 640x480 , FiveSongs.png )
185579 No. 185579 ID: e31d52

This is the story of a world forged and fueled by Song. A land of magic and mysticism and wonder. But every story has a beginning, and every story has an end. So we shall start with a story about both. The Tale of Five Songs.

In the beginning, there were five spirits of living music.
Nysta, the beatific and happy.
Hrya, the melancholy and loving.
Oosa, the fun and joyous.
Farnle, the angry and loud.
and Sorfan, the Conductor.

Together they played in the void, happy to weave a song that went nowhere. But one day, Oosa made a suggestion.

"We have no audience for which to play. Our melodies go unrecorded and are fleeting. We should make an audience to play for, one that will dance and play and revel in our song!"
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No. 190808 ID: a594b9

Hmm. That kind of shape looks similar to that stranger that offered us power, before... but there's no way they're allied with the Shadow Cult. It's more likely they just have a similar power.

What's the Terra Incognita? Sounds like a hidden continent or something.
No. 190868 ID: e31d52


>What's the Terra Incognita? Sounds like a hidden continent or something.

It roughly means "The Hidden Ground", and is a dungeon that sits below this very mountain. Some say that at the bottom lies a book that can grant someone a great knowledge of the Arcane.
That's what we're after: The Methulseldex. Some 100 meters below the ground.
No. 190874 ID: e31d52
File 127607281087.png - (8.48KB , 640x480 , Methulsedex.png )

No. 190899 ID: 701a19

@Flora: Testing. Can you hear us?
No. 190900 ID: a594b9

Sounds like a very dangerous job. I'm glad we have you on the team; you sound like you could practically bust through on your own.
No. 190918 ID: 6a5a08

I notice you're taking our presence rather well. Mordecai thought we were a hangover and Farah thought we were trying to take over her mind or something. Have you had head voices before, perhaps?
No. 191126 ID: a594b9

influence check
No. 191383 ID: e31d52
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>you sound like you could practically bust through on your own.

Naw. Anyone with skill could best me easily. I'm just good at... Well, fixing things. People, buildings, instruments...

I find it's best to not take things too strongly. If you try to compel me, though, I'll freeze up because of the spell on my spine, so.... yeah, don't do that.
No. 191391 ID: e31d52

No. 191412 ID: 6a5a08

Don't worry, we usually only compel enemies. We just advise you.
We did help Mordecai sleep that one time, but that was more of a comfort thing, not a life and death thing.
No. 191422 ID: a594b9

Ok, we'll keep that in mind. Hmm, would any psionic abilities trigger that? We do have this 'vigor' thing we can do to give our host a boost. It's not a compulsion, but would that still count?
No. 191426 ID: 1ac39d

that didin't really count ether as we asked if we could do it beforehand.
No. 191802 ID: e31d52
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It detects impulses in my mind not generated by my own thought and reacts to them. It does not discriminate.
There was a bit of trouble with it and autonomous functions of the body, but I've since worked those out.

Besides, while I don't wholeheartedly trust you, you haven't really done anything to harm me, so... Well, I don't mind you here. Company's company.

Well, maybe you can help me out. I have two blank wands here. Wands can store five charges of a spell. I know four wand-compatable spells.

1Fire Orb: A one-foot wide, tall, and deep orb of fire is launched from the tip of the wand in a perfectly straight line. The orb can start fires, but is not explosive, nor does it carry any force.

2:Stop Poison: This spell delays the effects of any poison for four days, and is activated upon touching the tip of the wand to one thus affected.

3:Knock: Unlocks a door and throws it open with a large amount of force. Works similar to Fire Orb.

4:Create Simple Mechanical Minion: My most advanced spell: Gears and springs and metal plates pour from the wand and form into a simple mechanical minion, about three feet tall and weighing about 150 pounds. The minion can excel at a single skill specified at creation: Fighting, Building, Unlocking, Disarming, or Carrying.
No. 191809 ID: 701a19

Knock and Stop Poison.
Fireball is easy for other people to cover, and being combat-centric means we will either use it early on and be left without it, or be stuck in the situation where we're sitting on a pile of fireballs throwing peas at a giant crab out of fear that there will be an even bigger giant crab just around the corner. All and all, a rather poor choice.

Stop Poison is essential. We have nobody who can cure poison. Considering how fast poisons can act, getting poisoned would be a death sentence without it. This is a vital tool.

Knock seems a bit specific up until you realize what you can do with it. Barred doors count as locked, giving us the option of wedging a door shut so we can blast everything on the other side. Even better, creating a collapsible door and frame allows us to create a concussive blast anywhere at any time. This is all in addition to letting us through locked doors with little care for traps or wards, which is helpful due to our lack of lock-picking, trap disarming, and dispelling skills.

Automatons are too limiting; anything they can do we can either do or learn to do, and judging when to use a charge would be very difficult.

Beyond that? Consider the consequences of somebody stealing a wand. Fireballs or Automatons would be very bad for our health, while knock is only a situational risk and stop poison is nearly harmless.
No. 191828 ID: 6a5a08

I agree with Seven. Knock and Stop Poison for reasons stated in his post.

Can we recharge the wands later on if they run out of juice? Also, can your shapeshifting (the whole claws thing from before for example) allow you to defend yourself if that does happen?

If not, it may be wise to become an Arcane Warrior.
No. 191844 ID: a594b9

Create Mechanical Minion can do unlocking, and also serve as a much more reliable source of combat strength than Knock. Take that and Stop Poison.
No. 191851 ID: 701a19

They won't help against trapped and/or warded doors, though, and the obvious combat utility is going to encourage us to use them for that. With knock, however, it's very situational and we'll be less inclined to waste charges.

Besides, the automatons only last for an hour; hardly worth bothering, really.
No. 191856 ID: a594b9

You would rather have 4 charges of a spell that busts down doors than 4 charges of Create Robot that can unlock doors OR fight things OR carry things OR build things?

Remember, he can choose what kind of robot we get when he summons it. If we wanted to we could reserve all 4 charges for opening doors and it would STILL be better, because each robot can open more than one door.
No. 192381 ID: e31d52
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>Knock and Stop poison.

Okay, I'll get these going for the night.

My current loadout then is:
1 wand of Knock (4 charges)
1 wand of Stop Poison (4 charges)
1 stone of Fire Orb (charged)
1 stone of Mechanical Minion (charged)
1 flask of magick ink
1 tattoo needle
(Hand Tattoo) Cat's Claws (charged)
(Head Tattoo) Calm of the Monk (Always) (Not pictured)
(Back Tattoo) Donkey's Stubbornness (Always) (Not Pictured)
(Chest Tattoo) Spider's Awareness (Always) (Not Pictured)
There. Everything's charged and ready to go again.

Tommorow we meet our fancy fightery person dude guy. I can hardly wait. I wonder what he'll be like?

Anyway, you guys need to go anywhere, or what?
No. 192387 ID: e31d52

(the wands carry 5 charges apeice. HERP)
No. 192389 ID: 1ac39d

well, we don't sleep, per-se, but we can kinda go into a low power state that is like sleeping.
No. 192390 ID: a594b9

Well, we don't know how we work exactly in this world. Just go to sleep and we'll see what happens.
No. 192422 ID: e31d52
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You guys have a fun time...

You have been ejected.

Dark. Panic. Fright. Noise.

Noise Everywhere.
No. 192426 ID: 1ac39d

focus on our voices, we will help you.
No. 192428 ID: 6a5a08

One of The Silent, perhaps? That'd explain the dislike of noise.
No. 192434 ID: e31d52
File 127631971739.png - (6.17KB , 640x480 , Thh.png )

Silent yes that is yes Silent. Voices notloud, voices soft, voices kind and chill and nice. Thh likevoices. Thh friend.
Thhlisten! Thhlisten!
HelpThh? Pleaseplease. Friendgone. Allgone. Friendstruggle, leave sticky. Nofriend.

Thh alone.

Butnot anymore! Softcold here! Softcold help Thh, yesyes?
No. 192440 ID: 1ac39d

yes, show us the problem and we will try our best to fix it.
No. 192443 ID: 6a5a08

Yeah, sure, we'll help. First thing first: loot the room to get everything we can to help you with.

Equip skull as helm to raise armor level and appear more intimidating. Inspect Bananas in corner.
No. 192444 ID: a594b9

What's there in the room you're in?
No. 192448 ID: e31d52
File 127632081663.png - (5.07KB , 640x480 , MoreThh.png )

Sticky. Lotsasticky. Skull, bone offriends. Miss friends.


Problemthere. Noisethere, notknow what else. Big come, take friend, drag back, shutlock door. Hurt to go neardoor.
No. 192456 ID: a594b9

[influence check]

Don't worry, buddy. We can help you. We can do bad things to the bad people.
No. 192457 ID: 1ac39d

is it just pain or does it leave wounds? if it just feels like pain then you must fight through it. it will be hard but you can do it.
No. 192466 ID: e31d52
File 127632248796.png - (6.53KB , 640x480 , noisenoisenoise.png )

Deep pain. Woundscan'tsee, butthere. Like bites. Tearaway, take away, hurt hurt hurt.

Thh not good at the Whispers. Thh notstrong. Thh little, Thh scared. So scared.

Dooropen noise noise noise NOISE NOISE
No. 192467 ID: 1ac39d

lay on floor, feign death.
No. 192470 ID: a594b9

Back away from him. Do you recognize that person?

What are the Whispers?
No. 192473 ID: e31d52
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Thisperson take Uff. Thisperson veryloud. So is otherperson. But they loud at eachother.

Helouds door walks in. Louds to room. Leaves.

Otherroom noisy.
No. 192481 ID: 1ac39d

since they think you have died they may lower their guard.
No. 192489 ID: a594b9

Who is that on the wall? Looks like a more... standard form Silent.
No. 192547 ID: 6a5a08

Poor Uff... butUff would want tomake Thh stronger. Even though Uffis dead, if Thh carry that skull, Uff's spirit is stillwith Thh! Thh must notgive up, for Uff'ssake and Thh's saketoo! Thh and Uff bothhave to escape, so Uff can havepeace!
No. 192588 ID: e31d52
File 127636334249.png - (6.55KB , 640x480 , Mean.png )

Dooropen again.

Mean otherguy comeout. Sticky... stickystuff surround meanguy, stickystuff fly to pointy he hold.

He noises at me.

Scared. Scared. Scared.
No. 192608 ID: a594b9

rolled 92 + 10 = 102

No. 192617 ID: e31d52
File 127636993011.png - (7.98KB , 640x480 , STOMP.png )

Stickystuff spatter again.

Man looks surprised, motions... it not move anymore.

He mad.
No. 192620 ID: 6a5a08

rolled 47 + 1 = 48

@Mean Otherguy:

No. 192624 ID: 1ac39d

rolled 64 + 40 = 104

a gift of power Vigor
No. 192625 ID: e31d52
File 127637108086.png - (4.88KB , 640x480 , ThhhashadENOUGH.png )

Thh is done being meek.

Thh is done being scared.

Thh is done watching friends go away.

No. 192627 ID: a594b9

Good luck, little buddy. We'll try to find you again later!
No. 192630 ID: e31d52
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End of Part 1
No. 192634 ID: 1ac39d

No. 192637 ID: 6a5a08

It's the legendary Blood Sword! It drains HP.
No. 192680 ID: a594b9

Well I don't know why it's red, but look at that hilt.

That's Mordecai's family seal. His mom has been... naaaaauuuughtyyyy.
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