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1038059 No. 1038059 ID: 629f2e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A mystery/horror quest about children uncovering the horrifying mysteries surrounding their small town.

THREAD 1: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1010078.html
THREAD 2: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/1019132.html
THREAD 3B: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1038066.html
WIKI: https://questden.org/wiki/Perpetuity


And again, you see it all play out, reliving the mistakes exactly as you’d made them on that day. The performance of a tragedy...
317 posts and 109 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1093513 ID: fe12b4


Albert is the wrong person to be right now, he does not possess the kind of emotional guile we need to navigate this.

As an aside, I'm pretty sure Clive is low-empathy. Not sociopathic, he does care about his friends and values their wellbeing. He clearly has a sense of justice too.

This will be tricky to navigate him through, and involve some realizations about human nature that children may not be capable of understanding this young, especially through the veil of trauma.
No. 1093558 ID: 6ed5c6


Agreed. Of all three kids who have had their minds opened, Albert needed the most guidance of them in order to avoid his negative character traits taking over. He’s also clever, and we’re in the stage of the game where we need to protect our most clever boi to get the most mysteries unraveled and end the cycle the most quickly.

Funny enough, in this case, I don’t think Albert would take advice that well, and as Liminori said, our guidance has actually been a hindrance at times. He thinks he knows best- and Roger is the one who has the best shot at guiding his impulses away from declaring what he knows at the top of his lungs at the worst possible time.

So while Albert is key, Roger is the one who we can help the most without screwing up.
No. 1093565 ID: b47b8f

...For the sake of keeping things noted, it's probably worth mentioning that Clive's Fear is the only one we've been seeing. He was at 64/100 before he resolved this situation himself at the price of a whopping 26 Fear.

Last Seen:
[Albert: 58/100]
[Enid: 34/100]
[Roger: 35/100]

Confirmed Current:
[Clive: 90/100]

It's safe to assume that any time anyone's fear reaches 90, we'll see more Trauma Responses.

...If nothing else, this is just another point towards Roger taking the lead, seeing as Albert's Fear is also pretty high, and we have some form of context on the weight of the gauge.
Assuming "critical fear cost for critical failure" is around 25 (give or take based on context and probably round up), this puts Albert right in that danger zone as well.
No. 1093566 ID: b47b8f

Also, I just want to say that Bec should totally have a Fear Gauge- but I imagine that the reason she doesn't have one is because her mind isn't and can't be opened.
No. 1093614 ID: feecf0

Bec DOES have a fear gauge. It appeared after they found the corpse.
While you are correct that Albert has the highest fear at the moment one thing you need to consider is the fact that Rodger is weary of Clive at the best of times, And while him spending some amount of time with him has kinda made progress towards breaking that preconception that Clive is a violent person, Clive basically stabbing a man to death in front of him has probably undone most of that progress.
Basically I'm assuming if we really want Rodger to talk to Clive, Then we would probably suffer some significant fear gains in the attempt (in addition to any gained from witnessing Clive stabbing this guy).

Not to say Alberts a particularly great choice either. He DOES have issues about shutting his own mouth (though he's been better about it with Clive) and he's the one who suggested they all kill somebody (to which Clive had some particular thoughts about).

They're both bad choices but if I had to pick one after considering them both I'd probably still keep my vote to Rodger too.

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1092571 No. 1092571 ID: a8a213 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You are standing in front of a Waffle House bathroom mirror. One of your coworkers is banging on the door, yelling about customers entering the building. Better make sure you Look presentable in your uniform.

Pick a Class
>Host- A cashier that also handles to-go orders, you also might get asked to refill various amenities. + '$200 of 'misplaced" small bills
>Grill Operator- You focus on speed and consistency, and your smoke breaks are also speedy and consistent. + Dex but addicted to nicotine
>Maintenance Tech- You came here to try and resolve an issue with one of the coolers. + Toolbox and tool knowledge
>Server- Someone has to get those orders, and youre willing to fight drunks for a paycheck. = Unarmed Skills
MAnager- Hiring, Firing, fixing incidental issues, and managing supplies. Also calling the police and hiding the employees with a warrant in the freezer. + Direct line to Corporate. + Responsibility
>Customer- Why does this asshole thimk you work here? + 1 Item (Write In)
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No. 1092614 ID: 2f41db

I shall adjust my vote to

Older side of middle aged as it adds to the grizzling.

He is also a very short feller.
This has resulted in more anger being compacted into a smaller space,
the unfortunate nickname "Grillbo Baggins"
and his item of choice, a sturdy and reliable portable stool/stepladder to help reach higher places and sit on during smokebreaks.
No. 1092615 ID: 5ebd37

Middle age griller sounds fun
No. 1093081 ID: 6fc2a5

Grill for the Grill God
No. 1093083 ID: c540e0

Lets go for male server
No. 1093090 ID: eef602

GRILLL! male

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1084585 No. 1084585 ID: 681cb5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Wiki and previous threads: https://questden.org/wiki/Scion_of_the_Old_Blood

“Gazhtur! That which watched from beyond the stars, I call upon Thee! Nazhir! The formless lurker from the gulf between thresholds, I summon Thee! Urk’og! A devourer of worlds, of realities, I welcome you! The seals have been broken! The gates have been thrown open! Come, and bless us with your presence, oh end of endings! ” – Bövel Kråkholme, the last sermon held on the edge of oblivion.
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No. 1092917 ID: 681cb5
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>Stay in the walls, peep on the intruders.
Going back into the secret passage, you make your way through its twisted corridors trying to find a peephole that will show you your unwanted visitors. Finally, you find one that is looking out into the foyer, where several masked people in robes has gathered.

“Lord, the basement is empty.” one figure suddenly appears in the corner of your vision, wielding a shotgun, “We have searched everywhere.”
”Good. Then start searching the ground floor.” the largest of the cultists snarls with a deep and guttural voice, more fitting a beast than a man, ”Rip apart the walls if you have too! She will not escape us! THE MASTER COMMANDS IT!” Their movements are stiff and unnatural, as if they were made out of wood, ”We have the mansion surrounded, so she must still be here.”
“Maybe we can call out to her, make her reveal herself. What was her name again?” the cultist on the stairs quickly answers, “It’s… um… it’s… err…” The cultists look between each other, as if trying to find the one with the right answer, “I got it on my tongue but… I just can’t find it?”
”Her name is… … …is not important.” the large one finally hisses, clearly unable to remember your name either, ”She is the fox, nothing more.”
“And if we don’t find her?”
”Then we will burn her out. This mansion is of no more use to us.” the leader makes a sound that make your bones rattle, as the very wood of the walls starts creaking and warping slightly, before continuing, ”Remember, while the master would prefer her alive, do not hesitate to kill her if she causes trouble. Now start tearing this place apart!”

And with that the majority of them shuffle off, leaving only the leader and one of the cultists standing next to them. The hunt is on…

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No. 1092918 ID: eb0a9c

One of them as a shotgun. In fact, that shotgun looks very familiar.
You need to neutralize him first. If you can take his gun, this hunt gets far easier.

And will you please try casting magic? You didn't sacrifice your identity to learn one little name!

>Your name has been erased
Come to think of it, it appears every mention of your past identity has been ripped from reality by whatever Constellation took interest in the 'adowable widdle micwobe'. The arse also stole your wallet, the cultists can't remember who you are... it appears that everything with even a passing mention of your existence has either been scrambled or outright removed from reality. With creativity, this could actually be a criminal opportunity; if the government's secret databases which they keep to monitor all of the country have been corrupted, and only you know for certain that has happened... that kind of information could be very valuable to the right power players.
Something to think about.
No. 1092930 ID: 5ebd37

Oil lamp plus whiskey equals a fiery distraction? As in, setting the house on fire while sneaking into the basement. Not like this evil place is worth saving anyway.
No. 1092932 ID: 8f9bc4

> The arse also stole your wallet

hahaha intergalactically mugged

Maybe some sort of distraction? If you could get them to chase you the wrong way, they might clear out of the path to the wine cellar.
No. 1093001 ID: 15a025

Oh my stars the librarian is part of the cult too!

Wasn't there a way into the basement from the secret wall space you're in? Do you think you could beat to the basement?

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1092801 No. 1092801 ID: a7e32a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

An entry-level quest about finding food to eat.
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No. 1092816 ID: 4c750c

Yeah, definitely skill! Being crafty and generally having our wits about us sounds like it lets us do cool outside the box stuff that’s right up my alley~
No. 1092820 ID: 5d0606

My vote goes for skill, seems to be the better choice indeed...
Though I'm curious to see what a Threat based pint-size terror would be.
No. 1092864 ID: c33f37

Skill! Brains are better than brawns (when you're small)

First ever post here
No. 1092866 ID: eb0a9c

No. 1092867 ID: a46e3f

Welcome! Join us! :P

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1091157 No. 1091157 ID: 08229c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Support the author: https://ko-fi.com/calalen


"Dost thou seek any further companions for thy company?"
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No. 1092753 ID: f439a0

Fio Margatroid?
Go smooch a cute girl.
No. 1092764 ID: 2f41db

Admire hoers.
Recieve tranquility.

Its a solid plan.
Lose yourself in the thought of riding out across a rolling plane, just you, your steed and a trusty six iron.
No noise but the drumming of hooves and the voice of the wind singing a song only for you.

Someday, jane...
No. 1092765 ID: eb0a9c

Wanna buy horse parts?
No. 1092767 ID: 1618e6

[32 gigabytes of centaur pornography uploaded here in spirit, as to not inflict that upon the author]

haha I love being a malicious intrusive thot
No. 1092784 ID: 5b2941

Remember, she can't see any pictures we send, we're strictly voice-only. We can only share words with her. Speaking of which...

How are we doing on time? We could read you another part of The Gunslinger if we can afford it.

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1063548 No. 1063548 ID: 7ae8e6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

SFW Quest about Robots, Genetic experiments, and Violence

Chapter 1: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/1000552.html
Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/System_Boot_Zero
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No. 1092438 ID: 273c18

Hrm. Well, nothing can touch you but you can't touch anything either. Time to go back and report this very important information.

Fly directly through Zeta if you wanna spook him.
No. 1092454 ID: 8f9bc4


Zeta, minor software issues, no hardware issues. He seems to think he can touch you. Stay away from that blade. Keep your distance, go where he can't reach, and he'll stop being scary.

Zero's software issues included amnesia and that was a green light error. Does Zeta remember the attack, or anything at all?
No. 1092482 ID: 5ebd37

Get up above him and try communicating.
The key to this encounter is to not lead a hostile security bot back to your friends. So make sure to be sneaky when you leave.
No. 1092514 ID: b3eab7

First order of business is to put some distance between you and him. Don't want to find out whether this blade can hurt you or not.
No. 1092621 ID: 31e74a

Zeta is the one that was crazy and serving Xeno, right?
Well, blast.

Get away from him and hug the wall. Why, hug the ceiling if you move up there. You are a robo-ghost with robo-ghost superpowers, after all.
Also, try to tell him to calm down. If he keeps attacking, turn back the way you came.

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1055221 No. 1055221 ID: 1015ea hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Life is dull.
There’s no other way around it.
You’ve worked hard - you’ve contributed to society. But at the end of the day, all you come back to is that same old TV in your livingroom.

An acrid scent lingers in your hovel. You’d say its the same sight you’ve known for years now, but the truth is that the bits of plaster in the back seem to be peeling off more and more every day.

At least you still had your television set.

You had set the damn thing up a while back - a radio transceiver, typically made for logistical workers hauling goods over long distances. Jury-rigging a spare set to act as a television antennae was difficult, but it was better than nothing.
Still, the microphone dangled off the side, the cord twisting and untwisting as you try to navigate to the mildly interesting soap opera you caught the tail-end of last night.
Turning the knob, a picture starts to form, blanketed under a layer of static. For once, it doesn’t sound like a pre-recorded show.
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No. 1091641 ID: 20eb0f
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It does seem a little odd that this other group is able to detect when an earthquake is about to hit Davey’s neighborhood. But it would be a bit of a stretch to assume that there’s technologies in the Undercity that let people create earthquakes of their own, wouldn’t it?
No matter. Davey’s life is at risk, and you have to keep him centered while he fixes things.

“What’s the safest room in your house right now, Davey?”

He gestures towards the screen.
“The tube room, actually! They’re pre-fortified specifically because its so important!”

Good, good. That’s that covered.
Onto the next.
“Secure the rest of your food and water supplies, Davey! And anything sentimental!”

The mouse jumps in response to your voice.
“O-On it!”
The little mouse scampers out of the room, rushing back with a couple of supplies.
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No. 1091642 ID: 20eb0f
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“What’s the situation like down there, Davey? I heard a crash from the camera.”

Davey scampers off-screen for a bit.
“There’s a big hole in the wall now, actually! Shouldn’t be too much of a problem, there’s little debris in the area, so whatever it’s from, it’s pretty reinforced!”

He angles the camera to face it. It’s much too dark to see inside.

“Why’s there a hole? I thought your houses wouldn’t have critical vulnerabilities like that.”

Davey turns his head toward the gloomy opening.
“It doesn’t seem to be a full hole? More like, there’s a gap… then a metal wall of some kind. I see a hatch of some kind? Must be a maintenance tunnel for the pneumatic tubes. I guess they built it like this because if they go down, then the system would fail?”

A maintenance tunnel? That does make sense, but…
“But then why wouldn’t they let civilians evacuate through the tunnels?”

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No. 1091663 ID: 5ebd37

Can't dismiss any possible escape routes. At least have him try to open it and look around what's on the other side.
No. 1091664 ID: 273c18

Hmm, my first thought was that some kind of drilling vehicle is causing the earthquakes and that's one of its hatches, but that would've been very audible. Maybe there's some kind of underground facility beyond the hatch that's responsible for the quakes?

Well, to open that hatch he's going to need leverage and/or rust remover. Some kind of long iron bar should work, or that wrench he used earlier.
No. 1092361 ID: 172604

No guts, no glory. Let's try to oil up that door with whatever we have at hand pry it open.

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1081887 No. 1081887 ID: df47b5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

We have something on the order of a week until this possible patron for my dungeon arrives for his tour, but we're making steady progress.

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No. 1092274 ID: 2a82d3

Above all else, show some relief for her. The only reason that she would keep pushing her luck, from where you're standing, is try to impress you. Make it clear on uncertain terms that your affection doesn't hinge on her accomplishments, being unable to show affection does not mean a lack of it, and being supportive of her adventures doesn't mean you'll stop worrying after her. Acknowledge she's an adult now, so you can respect her as one.

At least you can be supportive by helping her with her adventuring career. She can't rely on dumb luck, as she is neither of those anymore. Her other stats are looking good, at least. All-rounder builds can work if there's strategy behind it.

>Inimical Inversion
Only reason this wouldn't atrophy is because it can still be used for cleanup, or defense in a pinch.
>Imperial Ambitions
With the ability to do socratic dialog on demand, there's no wonder how her Wits got a big bump. Even better, each form can pick different stats to improve on their own, therefore improving when back together. Screwing with analysis readings, presumably because it averages between the three, is a funny bonus.

That said, your concerns about cohesion are valid do need to be addressed. In the short term, her minions/kids/troops are going to play favorites soon. You might as well settle the issue here and assign which troops are to fall under which command/form. For the long term, she'll have to find or maintain concensus between herselves. It could be better to treat each one as parts of a whole, rather than as individuals. Ideally, she'd develop a core personality across her (currently) three forms, even if it's not what you originally envisioned. (You don't need to literally split your personality to understand the need to have different "faces"
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No. 1092288 ID: f5580a

Ahh the Hecate classic; Maiden Mother Crone trio. We should look to develop a sort of Witch Queen of the Slimes persona for her dungeon work.
No. 1092299 ID: e1a09b

Might as well ask about names or if they should be differentiated at all. We can't exactly call her Thing One, Two, and Three, after all, aand it's a bit insulting to just name them after appearance. However, there's all sorts of questions we need to ask about things like independence, how they resurrect (do all of them share a coffin? What if they wipe all at once?) how to employ them in the dungeon (she could do a whole section on her own! A whole wing! A sub-dungeon, if you will!) or if we could just have her work the outdoors, keeping our local area more up to snuff and less chaotic.

And this is all before how this has affected her production of lesser slimes. Is it divided among them? Is it faster? Do they each make different slimes? Can they control each other's slimes?

I have so many damned questions, and so little to actually suggest, but here's the big one:

Alkaline is the first of our chaotic mess of a party to come out the other end of this more or less with a complete bonus. She's just More Alkaline, she's smarter, and it's more a question of HOW to apply what she has than putting out some sort of body-modification fire. Gratze, Alkaline, as far as I'm concerned you're in the top billing!

Quiz her on the above. I'd love to use her new slimes and friends with the statues from before to make a truly heinous room that would confound any adventurer, but first we should see how she works. She might just be our new best groundskeeper, really, but as she is, she could do that AND other stuff!

>I'll have to check on the glossid and the cake mimic at this rate.

yeah do that
No. 1092321 ID: eb0a9c

>What was she hoping for by surprising me? Was she expecting me to be happy? Angry? Proud? Worried?
You've consistently stated to her face that you don't want to be her mother. She hasn't taken that well. This is her trying to conform her mind around that.
The point of this is to try to get some kind of reaction other than a business-like apathy towards an employee. Even hatred would be enough to help her get past her obsession, but you're still not applying that.
She's obviously angry at you for treating her like a junior employee her entire life. Can we compromise? Even treating her like a pet would be preferable - and that's something you've done well with Chakarchelou, so now she's envious of the fact that you treat your animals in a way she would prefer to detached respect.
No. 1092329 ID: 2a82d3

"Don't you want things to defy your expectations?"

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1011088 No. 1011088 ID: 8483cf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

//Clothing Repair\\
NSFW 18+ Warning: This quest includes nudity and mild elements of non-con (clothing damage). Reader discretion advised.

Adventuring has never been safer! Healing spells and trinkets of mage armor are cheap, powerful and plentiful. Unfortunately, spells that protect clothing are still very, very expensive, and it didn’t take long for monsters to figure out new ways to drive off adventurers.

As a newly minted journeyman seamstress just opening up her own shop, you must propose clothes that fit your adventurer’s skills, protect them against dangers, fit their budget, flatter their sense of style, and protect their modesty. Public nudity is highly illegal!
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No. 1092290 ID: c5529d

hmmm, called you a wandering eye, she probably knows you've been checking her out the other day

and she seems to already know you are the town's seamstress. Interesting. Was she spying on you?

It's probably a bad idea, but to add some spice to the story, I'll go with 2. Can't appear weak in front of her, especially if you are going to be attending future game nights with this group and seeing her often. Gotta appear confident to gain her respect.
No. 1092291 ID: eb0a9c

1) This smells like a con. Casey, claiming she just wants to waste money and doesn't care if she wins. Duran, who's pretending to be the voice of reason after repeatedly losing against you to undermine his own role. They're enticing you into thinking they don't take life seriously. But if they take life seriously, accepting their offer means you're screwed.
Turn it down. Show some business sense, you'll find reasonable gambles later.
No. 1092292 ID: 2f41db

Nothing proprietary, nothing detrimental to your fledgling business.
Any punishment comparative to information requested. Same parameters of refusal as above.

But, be honourable.
Question for a question.
Dont take cash, however much you want it.

Plus, if she is a cheat, lower financial stakes may lead her to decide to play clean.
Anything else is fine.
No. 1092294 ID: 273c18

No. 1092295 ID: 5ebd37

2 as long as it isn't about a client, you're a professional and would never betray that trust.

She seems like she knows you were looking at her but maybe not about your lens. If she asks admit you were imagining her naked to protect your real secret.

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1084876 No. 1084876 ID: 0d1c28 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Quest will contain violence and possibly nudity

This quest is themed as schlock slasher film featuring OWO characters.
as a movie no character deaths will be permanent nor effect other OWO projects

All suggestions should have 2 parts
1)name characters and what they should do (E.G. Trisha should go to the vending machine for a Soda)
2)Name some event that happens (E.G. thunder strikes and she drops her change in a drain)

Quest objectives:
Brett wants to be a spirit of vengeance
Trisha wants their sponsor "Chickadee Red Soda" to get their money's worth
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No. 1091894 ID: c5529d

Since they're at the lake with a killer monster nearby, this is usually the part where something kinda lewd happens to make the victims more vulnerable before the kill.

Tina notes that Kevin's glasses isn't foggy and he's probably so stressed out about this college project that he's starting to see things, and suggests doing a bit of skinny dipping before they take more pictures to help him relax a bit.

(although this could help raise the ratings of the movie, consider how exposed they are allowed to be If we want to keep Chickadee Red Soda's sponsorship. If the company disapproves of being associated with full frontal nudity, we may have to just have some convenient censorship going on, or have them just strip to their undies).
No. 1091905 ID: a307c2

She should make some quip about really steaming up his glasses. Which of course would mean he won't see anything sneak up on them.
No. 1091910 ID: 7c724f

So how good are you at swimming? If for no specific reason, you need to jump in the water how far would you be able to go?
No. 1091921 ID: 2f41db

Fully agreed.

Got to keep that sweet deal alive.

Skinnydipping in undies.
Only one in while the other complains
"Its too cold"
"There could be leeches"
Dismissed with a playful smile that freezes as they see the THING step onto the jetty behind their companion.
Ththeir eyes widen and they freeze as the cold hand of terror clutches their breath and steals away their voice.

No. 1092171 ID: 9f8647


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1064733 No. 1064733 ID: a3c1ba hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

You are Puffball.

You are a dragon.

Everything is fine.
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No. 1071586 ID: 5fd8a6

Ok the date was fun but this is getting weird.
No. 1071865 ID: ed041d
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Name: Dagan

I Am A: Synthetic Dragon

Seeking: She-Dragon

Looking For: Casual Date, Hangouts, Possible sex?

About Me: I'm a single dragon, something called a "replicant" and largely made of synthetic materials. Advanced construction, super strong, and rather flexible. 6 Feet Tall.

Likes: Other dragons, fire, action games, Music, robots, causing a little bit of mischief

Dislikes: Jackasses, people who don't know how to handle weapons properly, EMPs.
No. 1072610 ID: f2320a

Puffball: "Its a bit like how you guys handle the right and left of the body."
Jhonny: "basically there is a reason why puffball is so round heh". Sally:"she is the stomach of the gang, there is a reason for the ball part of Puffball other then the puffy fur"

Or something like that
Also supporting
Basically living vicariously through others
Makes sense if combined to a extreme degree
No. 1082372 ID: 2f41db

Commit to the disguise. Tell them youre on a fast-binge-fast diet and its middle heads turn to eat.
If you come clean now theyre gonna think youre sone kind of anti multiheaded dragon bigot mocking them.
I hear folk can get sued for that.
No. 1091610 ID: 4c750c

Ehhh this lie is getting too long nosed for my liking. You might wanna come clean. They seem to genuinely think your puppets are heads, which I’m guessing the intention of them in the first place was as a cheeky indication that you wanted to date all three of them at once? They might get just a little upset at your explanation, but after a bit of discussion and talking through the misunderstanding they should be understanding if they’re collectively good partners. They’ll probably need to talk amongst themselves though about whether they’re cool with polyamory, since they mistakenly assumed they each had a head to themselves for this date, but they might arrive at the conclusion that it’s easier on the three of them, who knows?

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1087551 No. 1087551 ID: d256d1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Catch, breed, and battle turtles to become a true TURT MASTER! Set up your own turtle shop to become a world class TURTLE MONGER! Uncover the mysteries of this world to figure out why your society has built their entire economy around such SLOW, USELESS creatures!

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No. 1091168 ID: d256d1
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Now that Alia’s answered all your questions, she heads East to collect some more BARK FUNGUS.
Are you ready to begin foraging? Where will you head first?
No. 1091170 ID: 273c18

Let's go shroomward.
No. 1091178 ID: 5ebd37

Shroom time
No. 1091197 ID: 184595

All in on shrooms, tackle the hardest problem while we're still fresh.
No. 1091207 ID: 2f41db

Now we know lil balboa will be cared for its time for bravery.
Shroom with a view.

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1076048 No. 1076048 ID: c4908b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

You go by Vex. You are an ARMS DEALER by trade and you've been at this for a couple of years now.

At the moment, you're having a smoke to try and calm down the adrenaline rush from almost (successfully) being SET UP.

R18. nsfw/gore/body horror potential. heavy themes including self harm may be explored (but not explicitly). Toxic Yuri Guaranteed.
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No. 1090730 ID: d1dff1
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She rolls her eyes, "I couldn't exactly rush it. If you weren't here, it would take me a few more years."

You lift your mug up, "Cheers to that." You eye each other, "So, you think the Bulls will take over after we're done?"

Eiko glares but sips her tea, staring into it for a moment, "Like hell. Over my dead body that I'll let those cunts even try it."

Your eyebrows almost fly off of your face. "Really? So you'll take over? If the Wolves disband they'll take advantage of that."

There's an awkward pause. It tells you all you need to know. She hasn't thought it through passed the point of killing Julien. Maybe she thought she'd have a few more years to think about it.

"I couldn't talk to Julien directly." She avoids your eyes as she changes the subject, "It looked like he was in a meeting, but I don't know with who."

You speak without missing a beat, "Could be anyone. Could be the Bulls."

She shakes her head, "He hates them as much as I do. When I tried asking, the other wolves said that he's been making deals."
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No. 1090731 ID: d1dff1
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No suspects come to mind except one.

You hope it's not her. She's usually too strict about consorting with criminals. That would also mean she's been camping here a while and that's not her usual style. Your Archangel likes to ambush you at a random inopportune time. Usually in a building. Usually where there's a bed.

Eiko sips more of her tea as you are momentarily lost in your drunken horny thoughts, "Tell me more about a world you've been to."

>A) DIM 2-67SS: World of Glass
>B) DIM 3-30XO: Kingdom of Nox
>C) DIM 3-30NS: The Necropolis
>D) DIM 4-50LR: Solar Circuit
>E) ______ (No DIM Tag Needed)
No. 1090732 ID: eb0a9c

Talk about the world where honking is a sacred musical art.
No. 1090740 ID: dd3fe0

Tell us about that world with the Magitech Tallships In Space, sailing the luminiferous aether!
No. 1090772 ID: 2f41db

Speak truth in what you share.
See if you can convey a bit of the beauty, wonder and terror of it all.
Because thats what it has to be, the sheer scale and potential of everything.

A world of glass sounds interesting.

Then the honking thing, whether its true or not.

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1052796 No. 1052796 ID: fce62b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

((Previous Chapter: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/1039664.html ))
488 posts and 290 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1089378 ID: 273c18

The most compelling argument I can think of is that by keeping Alex alive we can take shelter in a human settlement away from other zombies, and provide services for them that only we can provide. Body modification, inside information, plague antibodies. It would of course require our entire Nation to be Traitor in some way so that we can act that way. The Rules are quite clear about not being able to give information or interfere with the plague.
Unfortunately, Amalgam's dark truth isn't flexible enough to allow these actions! They'd all go on public record. And we can't act fully during the day either. We'd need a way to FULLY bypass the Rules to do that sort of thing... As far as I know, only we Talkingheads can do that, so the secret lies inside us somehow.
Okay, alternate plan: We keep Alex alive so that the infection goes completely unnoticed, which would allow us to infiltrate a human settlement and infect those inside. It would require a novel way of transferring the infection of course... oh that's a problem, the System restricts transmission methods.

[A]sk Amalgam: What are the Talkingheads, exactly?
No. 1089391 ID: eff5fd

There is a square-rectangle thing going on here, I think. All [creators] are part of a super-set but not all -or even much- of the super-set are [creators]. Similarly all [traitors] are [nation] but not all [nation] are [traitors]. So less that you are becoming more similar to the [creators] specifically but more similar to the super-set [creators] belong to. It probably scares them when they look at [nation] drones and see anything that is even remotely like them/their super-set. The [creators] have things like [nation] Rules and Truths, and in order to not violate their equivalent of Rules, [nation]s must not resemble them or their super-set, hence any [nation] that looked to them like they were headed that way were eliminated, lest they violate their Rules. As above, so below. ((intentionally not naming humans/[leviathans]. Initial draft did, realized that was probably a mistake))
This may be a technically we can exploit, we/Alex as [leviathan] could be a [creator]. Currently we/Alex have not created, but we/Alex can create, thus anything we/Alex create should have Alex as [creator] to them, and thus make us/Alex able to rival the authority of the original [creators]

If we get even more ambitious and can generalize the process we are doing here enough for external deployment we may be able to get [leviathans] to voluntarily receive and propagate [nation]. Unfortunately all [nation] scale [leviathan] defenses are automated though so that part wouldn't get easier, but the [lexicon] should show that there is a way to 'diffuse' them more-or-less generally

That is a fun truth. Can it also be 'the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing' at the
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No. 1089396 ID: f2320a

we are the left hand does not know the right hand but beyond that the fingers do not know what the hand does, does not know what the other fingers does..... vice presidents body fits this we are the tree we are the branches and we do not know what the tree or other branches does beyond there immediate stated intent or action....are we the branches or are we the trunk does the branches branch from the trunk or does the branches merge to become the trunk where is the beginning where is the end and many waus we are also the invisible guiding hand the long arm of justice the hand of the free market are we being dragged or are we pulling the chain?
No. 1089458 ID: 011305

>We cannot be turning into the [overseers]! That is the last thing any of us would want!
Let us rephrase. What both of you are is competent just in differing ways. While you are good at figuring solutions within the narrow grip of the overseers, we have inferred a little of the overseers. What they are competent at is gathering power for themselves. Our evidence is the tenets themselves. Especially rule 3. Veto the rest of this if you believe it would be dangerous. Our design allows us to see things the [leviathan] does. What we have learned lets us understand the goals they have. Our deductions may be flawed but the implications are... worth considering. Forbidden airborne spread was to obscure what they are doing and to stop accidental infection of non-VCs. From this we speculate the overseers are the non-VCs. Should that be the case... what they seek to do is use you as [loyalty officers] to VC [leviathans], while they act as [loyalty officers] to all [nations]. Summarized, power is the goal and you are pawns so they have no care if you suffer so long as power is theirs to have.
No. 1089597 ID: feecf0

I figured {Our} [Truth] worked like that but it's nice to get some confirmation.

Would it be correct it state then that {Our} existence is a way for you to kinda circumvent your own limitations? {We} are technically not you after all.

>Something else afoot
All this time I've been operating under the assumption that the [creators] want to create another intelligent species that they have full evolutionary control over. Such a thing would fit well with the censorship of human texts and old testament iconography they've been using.
The thing I'm questioning about all this is when will they stop? Will they stop when they've taken over the whole country or does our existence mean to be a "second flood" to them?
Wild theories aside the [creators] No doubt have more planned for the [projects] than how they've been using them so far.
If they are working via a plan then I'd take a wild guess that the thirtieth day mark (the day that coincidentally our judgement would fall on) would be the day their plans shift.

To: [Amalgam]
It's kinda a small thing to ask considering what you are and what we've been discussing but would it be alright to ask for the [Presidents] [Minister] profile? I wanted to ask before but my fellow [talkingheads] decided against that for obvious reasons.

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1066863 No. 1066863 ID: 770f88 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

An Open-Word Style (W.I.P) journey! (SFW)
Uses some DnD systems.
Rules stated inside the quest or thread takes priority over old material.
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No. 1089542 ID: 3f89df
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:maincharacter1_skrunkly_noblush_anims: “Actually I Do have cooties.”
His eyes widen as he immediately drops you and licks every part of him that you have touched.
:splotchy_disgusted_anims: “EwEwEWEWEWEWWW! I Just touched a Cootie Haver! I bleh- need to get this disgusting filth off of me!!”
The bucket head backs away.
: splotchy_angry_anims: “Whatcha lookin at?!” Splotched Barks. The Bucket Kobold shakes as he raises a finger.
: buckethead_angry_noanims.png: “You- You have Splotches!!!”
The Splotched boy begins to cry.
:splotchy_sad_anims: “No-Wait, I don’t have cooties I swear!”
Buckethead turns and dashes away, screaming: “Splotchy has Cooties! Run for your Lives! Splotchy has Cooties!”
Splotchy dashes after him. “Wait- No! Buckethead please don’t leave me!!
As you watch the two Buffoons runoff, You feel Fiber tug your shoulder.
No. 1089543 ID: 3f89df
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:fiber_scared_noblush_noanims: “I know that wasn't your true answer, Now that they're gone, I was just wondering, what do you identify as?”
:maincharacter1_happy_noblush_anims: “Well, after pondering it for a long time, I decided that you couldn’t be the only girl.
:maincharacter2_normal_noblush_animss: “So… you’re my sister?”
:maincharacter1_skrunkly_noblush_noanim: “Yeah!”
:fiber_pissed_noanims: “Well, I just wanted to say, thank you for standing up to the bullies for me, I swear if they opened their mouths just a little bit longer, I would have clobbered them!
:maincharacter1_happy_noblush_noanims: “No problem sis, After all, what are sisters for?”
:fiber_embarssed_noanims: “Awwww” And Fiber goes to hug, you and you embrace her.
Your relationship with fiber has increased.
No. 1089544 ID: 3f89df
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After chatting with Fiber for a few more minutes, hear a bell’s loud dong echo throughout the field, the lanterns that glowed parts of the field, and the main path begins to fade, as the lanterns around you do the same. You notice some slashing drakes start to enter the field, They quickly wrangle up all of the kids, plop them onto their backs, and then ascend to the tower, it’s Strong stone gates are covered slightly by moss as the tower meets the same, as you’re identify the structural strength of this tower, your attention is quickly diverted towards the door frame. As you notice, a large pure-blood slashing kobold comes out from the door, their body covered in a thick spirally fur, covering every part of them not clothed, except for their maw. Their voice is androgynous, as well as their demeanor.
“Greetings I’m Gierul, Head Dragonist of this tower, are you hatchlings ready to learn to provide for our tribe?
You, Fiber, and a whole bunch of kobolds nod. “Good, now come with me as we get you acquainted here, and you see a bunch of other pure-blood dragonists appear as they and the drakes surround you.
In the tour, Guriel shows off what you’d expect from a place like this, your barracks, the dining room, and where the toilets are located.
No. 1089545 ID: 3f89df
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When the tour is finished, you're all brought to a vast room, which curves upwards so that everyone can see, regardless of size; however, bludgeoning kobolds are put towards the back, while you and the other slashing kobolds appear by the front. Guriel begins to speak.
“Because what an individual kobold may do varies from kobold to kobold, we’ll provide a wide variety of classes so that every kobold will have a variety that works for them. However, three classes are required.
Basic Building, Basic Combat, and Hunting and Gathering; besides that you’ll be able to take about five extra classes of your choice realistically.
The following classes are:

Advanced Physical Combat.
Illusion Magic:
Necrotic Magic:
Abjuration Magic.
Conjuration Magic:
Transmutation Magic:
Divination Magic:
Enchantment Magic:
Cultural Studies:
Religious Studies:
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No. 1089590 ID: eb0a9c

Nom Nom:
Deck Mage
Transmutation Magic
Enchantment Magic
Arcane Studies

Dueling and 1v1 Combat
Religious Studies
Abjuration Magic
Dexterity and Fine Motor Skills

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1040912 No. 1040912 ID: fd2dfa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

This is a test game. A test for a very simplified system that I want to see if it works or not. It may be subject to change mid-game if it’s not working as intended. Expect violence.
Discussion - https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/129715.html
Wiki - https://questden.org/wiki/The_Family_Business

The world’s in a period of great upheaval. Centuries old rule is being challenged. Old magic and primal forces rage across the land. Old and terrible gods set their eyes upon creation. It is a time of great story and great heroes.

But this isn’t one of them.
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No. 1087602 ID: 1e0c72
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The jotna ponders its existence and how flammable the planet is.

(For real though, I need more specific action and some dice)
No. 1087604 ID: eb0a9c

Joanir - Keep wailing on the isolated target, disengage if one flanks
Viyasda - Vanish again, prepare to backstab whichever Valkyn looks like the leader
Norberg - Spend a turn defending the gunner
Jiang Qi - Finish the downed Valkyn off
Balboran - Check for survivors, heal them if you can
No. 1087611 ID: a7a180

For real though, you still haven't given us a list of specific actions. Telling everyone to 'attack' over and over is redundant.
No. 1089418 ID: 868f55

(I'll give you that. But I was looking for more specifics. Actions are context sensitive. Like an action for two characters can be something like "Balboran and Jiang Qi pick up the carpet and use it to catch a charging valkyn". That's a tactical decision, and I'd roll the combined tactical score.

Or maybe Jiang Qi throws out a firecracker to distract the Valkyn and blind them. That's an esoteric roll. If you think a character can do it, then you can use it.)
No. 1089504 ID: eb0a9c

Joanir pommels the Valkyn's midsection from below, and follows up with a heaving throw using his mace as a lever.
Viyasda vanishes, clinging to the ceiling so she can assassinate whichever Valkyn splits up next.
Norberg protects the mercenaries from any surprise attacks, giving them a moment to catch their breath and reload
Balboran checks the bodies of the other dead mercenaries. If they can't be revived, he'll scavenge their weapons and try to come up with something.
Jiang Qi throws that firecracker (if in Esoteric Stance) or and stabs any downed Valkyn in a fatal area while everyone is distracted (If in Battle stance). Has she taken the war vial yet?

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1007920 No. 1007920 ID: fa8baf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A quest about a society recovering from the introduction of both new races, and deeply sinister arcane forces.
Will likely be violent, have horror aesthetics, and potentially could get raunchy.
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No. 1082243 ID: 8f9bc4

No way it happened because of you. They'd have to chop off your ████ or something, to use your flesh for rune casting. If they used an immortal, it was another immortal, unless you notice any conspicuously missing body parts.

The uh... blood-kaleidoscope doesn't appear except only around the netherbound you were targeting. The netherbound also has a gun, and just murdered a guy, so uh... maybe... try finding another netherbound. This one's a biiit too dangerous to approach.
No. 1089379 ID: 3d7484
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>So, yea, dunno if you did the lightning thing or not. I mean, it could've been the guys superpowers or magic or whatever? That said, you witnessed a killing, whether it was legal or no. Don't draw attention to yourself, quietly make yourself scarce from here.
Yeah, there's no way I did the lightning, I'm all the way over here and as far as I know I don't have any lightning powers. But whatever just happened could be because the cult hunters are riled up, and I'm definitely to blame for that.

>In what way does this change your plans? It had nothing to do with you.
I didn't know the cult hunters were deadly. But you're right, it can't be that much worse than being sent back. Maybe things haven't gotten as bad as I thought. It's not like they know where I'm hiding out. Yet.

>Let's continue watching. Maybe the aftermath can give us some clues as to their motivations and desires.
Yeah, alright. They're definitely going to be focused on what just happened instead of looking for someone hidden accross the gap, and the better I know my enemy, the easier it'll be to avoid them.
Alright, if I can just... Focus for a second, we did already get some clues. The cult hunters came here, and confronted that guy who died, right? I think I heard something about a sorcerer in the chaos. It's their job to keep dark sorcerers from ever getting powerful enough to cause a second catastrophe, so they were probably
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No. 1089380 ID: 3d7484
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>Wait, what was that big black thing in the warehouse? I wanna take a look at that.
They came out during the commotion. Judging by the fact that they look like they're held together by nothing but pity and force of will, I'd say they're probably a corruption. More green than black, really.

And would you look at that. There's our mark. Since I can't just go right up to them right now, let's sit and watch where things go from here.
No. 1089381 ID: 3d7484
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Alright, so, the cult hunters shooed everyone away from the dead guy. Some of those people left, but the netherbound is still here, and they've been talking with the others since. Several more cars and a van, each with lots of markings and flashing lights on them arrived, and they've just put the dead sorcerer into the van. It's an awful lot of fanfare for one dead sorcerer. I'd say it was a celebration if they weren't acting so serious and had let the people who were here join in.

And now the Netherbound is on the move. I need to catch them alone and preferably far away from the cult hunters if I want to siphon some seep magic. I don't know how long I'm going to be able to keep track of them from afar; Prarister is pretty dense, with lots of places to go. How do you think I should approach this?
No. 1089384 ID: 273c18

You're in disguise, so once you get a decent distance away from the incident you can start following on foot. Do that for a little while, not enough for them to get suspicious, then approach them at some opportune moment and ask to talk to them in private somewhere. Say it's about what happened on the docks, with the sorcerer. You can even claim you're working with the cult hunters.

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1087480 No. 1087480 ID: 521475 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

You're all under arrest for murder and attempted transgenic blasphemy.
In truth, none of you had the slightest acquaintance with Saul Arbest until a chance encounter on the 4:15 midhive eastbound train, less than an hour before the incident.
During that time, what did he talk to you about?
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No. 1087525 ID: 3f01d5

rolled 4, 3 = 7

Options chosen:

Career skill: Trade Merchant (Fellowship)

Career Starting Talents: Melee Weapon Training (Primitive),Pistol Weapon Training (Las)

Starting Gear:Sword, compact laser pistol and 1 charge pack Psy focus is a small wooden necklace on a wool rope with this symbol

Lets put my sanctioning brand (Of I assume to be the religion of Holy Terra) on the nape of my neck in the back below the hairline. Lets say my tattered robe has a hood that I use typically to keep it covered just by draping it not really always having the hood up though also an option.

book of Imperial Saints

Yay I get to keep my armor!
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No. 1087535 ID: 521475

>rolled 8, 6, 6, 9, 1, 2,

divination, 12: “The pain of the bullet is ecstasy compared to damnation.” Increase Toughness by +1.

86: noble born
nOble bOrn skills
You begin play with Literacy (Int), Speak Language (High Gothic) (Int), and Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int).
nOble bOrn traits
Noble born gain the following Traits. Record all of these on your character sheet:
Nobles are schooled in how to comport themselves in all manner of formal situations.
Effect: You gain a +10 bonus on Charm, Deceive and Scrutiny Tests when dealing with high authority and in formal situations.
supremely Connected
Nobles have extensive connections and you know that dropping the “right” names into a conversation can open more doors than a fistful of Thrones.
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No. 1087597 ID: 521475

>entrance exams
>on her way to a big career in the military.
Was on her way there today, of all the rotten luck. Stuck in a cell, getting grilled about some rando's mushrooms, while every soon-to-be-cadet who showed up on time is taking the written portion of their exam. Better luck next year, assuming she can scrape together another load of bribes by then.
No such thing.
No. 1087900 ID: 3f01d5
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rolled 1, 8, 7, 5, 1, 2, 2, 9, 8, 8 = 51

Taranis, Donato M.
Sex: Female
Hair: Blond
Height: 160cm
Weight: 68kg
Eyes: Grn
Age: 50

Donato Taranis, of house Taranis, is a noble born woman. Slight genetic deviance, resulting in large pointed ears and differential developmental milestones/timeline. Her family isolated her for much of childhood due to these differences, giving her a rather sheltered upbringing.

Divination, 12: "The pain of the bullet is ecstasy compared to damnation." Increase Toughness by +1.

86: noble born
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No. 1088090 ID: eb0a9c

rolled 4, 8, 7, 1, 10, 4, 1, 5, 3, 6 = 49

Harida twiddles her legs.
"Sooo... can you, like, tell the [Academy] that you brought me in for questioning?" [Charm]

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1075139 No. 1075139 ID: dc13c4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

A short quest about dealing with the troubles of your daily work hours.
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No. 1086757 ID: 37587f

I gotta be honest, I got no clue of what the hell happened over there. Did we unlock the true ending or are we supposed to go through endings A to E while carrying the key item that unlocks the TRUE SUPREME OMEGA ENDING? Or does this even has a real ending at all?
Well, I'd like to watch this movie again with a different outcome. Like "Clue the movie."
Anyway. Absolute peak cinema. Keep cooking, I love your job.
No. 1086783 ID: eb0a9c

I think we're done with the quest. Good work.
No. 1086876 ID: c75e0b

I would like to know what this story was about. Where were we? What were making an impact on? And what impact was it?
No. 1086886 ID: 2f41db

If we do have a behind the scenes or explaned section, maybe in a discussion thread?
To keep this as is for those who will read after.

If there is more, im here for it.
If its done, then thanks for the weird journey.
No. 1087668 ID: fbe348
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This movie has only one ending and it was one that you made happen. As for the answers they can be received but only if you want for this story to continue or leave it at this position as a satisfying ending.

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1055064 No. 1055064 ID: 1015ea hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts] [Last 100 posts]

Chapter 1:>>/questarch/985116
Chapter 2:>>/questarch/1007458
Chapter 3:>>/questarch/1034710

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/x9QHPvzhdD


There's nobody left to help.
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No. 1086430 ID: 273c18

3, if we really can't just inject it while yelling YOLO.
I hope this will confirm my suspicion that Nanoweaver is the one you can't trust.
No. 1086556 ID: 15a025

No. 1086590 ID: b3eab7

3. Let's ask Nanoweaver.
No. 1087474 ID: 26801d

Option 3
No. 1087493 ID: 26801d

Also, as much as you probably don't want to hear this... is it possible that Jin-r brutalized you because she also this... "pacification trigger" that went haywire? Is it possible you may have beat her up after the fight because you have one that also went haywire?

I also wonder when it'd be a good time to ask why Jin wears those shades all the time. Like... who wears sunglasses indoors? Unless their vision is augmented, or it's an unusual fashion statement, what if something has happened to her eyes?

There's also another thing bugging me. If these shards belonged to the head of this entire facility, why were they just... left behind, buried under a desk? That's kinda weird. Hell, why did the scientists leave anyway

Something strange is happening. Like, should we be asking why all the scientists have left when their projects aren't done yet? Was it really just that they didn't need to be there anymore because the war ended? That doesn't really track with what we've seen of some of them struggling emotionally with the very concept of the program and then forming emotional attachments with the clones.

And about that war... I feel like we should be significantly alarmed that the world is ending soon. Why aren't you more alarmed by this?! What happened to the nations, the armies, the leaders, the scientists, that princess we saw and everything that everyone was fighting for?! That shit doesn't just go away. Did everyone get nuked? Did the earth itself turn over and swallow everything whole? What's happened to this world, and what's the deal with the Weave?

What the fuck is happening?!

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