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File 134379050640.png - (416.96KB , 700x700 , elf1.png )
437948 No. 437948 ID: af3431

Oh Gods. I-I can still hear their screams. The smell of burning flesh and boiling blood. Lief... Kloud... Shyne... I'm so sorry. You're all gone. I may yet join you... but I have to see the stone to safety.

Yes, yes th-the stone. Great Ones, guide me! Keep me safe! You must not fall into the barbaric hands that pursue us!
79 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 441131 ID: b85f8c

Did they even manage to injure him?
No. 441162 ID: d6c330

...hey, you think maybe if three people tried to kill him in his sleep, he stays awake and waits for someone to try again?

If people tried to kill you in your sleep, wouldn't you stay awake and wait?
No. 441165 ID: 4c133b

How things were before BossBoss?
No. 441192 ID: 2bafff

quick don't hesitate leap upon him and crush his tiny form you are big and strong he is no match for you BigBad
No. 441779 ID: f8d26d

If you're stronger than your boss... why didn't you build an army such as this before he arrived?
No. 442042 ID: af3431
File 134474886489.png - (262.55KB , 700x700 , aswinganda.png )

Now not time for talk! Now time for killing! Even if BossBoss awake no way he can avoid axe!


No. 442043 ID: af3431
File 134474893862.png - (237.35KB , 700x700 , surprisemotherfucker.png )

This not BossBoss. This squishy puny elf. That mean...
No. 442044 ID: dd287a

That means you shoulda listened to us, he outfoxed you.
No. 442045 ID: af3431
File 134474914617.png - (187.61KB , 700x700 , yadungoofd.png )


YYsagdrilNow, BigBad, I'm sure there's some completely understandable reason for this. I would very much like to know what it is. You have three. Seconds.Morgothnasi
No. 442049 ID: af3431

Also I started a disthread without realizing one was made already. Henceforth, it shall be the official disthread >>58143
No. 442050 ID: 2c68c5

Nice knowing you big guy. Only thing left now is the make the silliest expression you can on your face before BossBoss does horrible things to you.
No. 442052 ID: d6c330

Welp. We got the elf killed twice, and bigbad too. Not bad.

>good reason
Yeah... I got nothing. Sorry. Thanks for the lights show you're about to provide.
No. 442055 ID: bf54a8

maxim of war, when strong appear weak, when weak appear strong. boss boss is much much more powerful then he let's on. only hope is to bluff. turn around and say "well that's more like it, i couldn't respect someone that could die so easily, if you can best me in a fight you will have secured both my respect and loyalty"

it's true though right bigbad? if he can beat you in a fight then that means he is the strongest. and this way if he is strong enough he will simply beat you instead of kill you.
No. 442057 ID: b85f8c

Tell him you're dumb. That is your only excuse.
No. 442080 ID: 4a328b

We thought it would be funny. So far, so good!
No. 442174 ID: ce47da

tell him the truth. it's not like you can come up with a lie in three seconds, so if you're gonna die, you shouldn't die a liar.
No. 442178 ID: f8d26d

Oh dear. Well you can't say you weren't warned.

Now a reason: It's Ursap nature. Tell him this. Then grovel. Claim you couldn't realise how strong he was until this moment. Grovel some more. Claim the other Ursaps would have tried to kill hin earlier. Blame your parents. Grovel your heart out. Beg for mercy. Cry a lot.
No. 442237 ID: ec2e47

Tell him that you did it because THROWN AXE TO THE FACE.
No. 442672 ID: af3431
File 134491478430.png - (181.73KB , 700x700 , derp.png )

Me dumb...funny-no respectnatureaxe?

I thought not...
No. 442673 ID: af3431
File 134491485534.png - (334.31KB , 700x700 , prettylights.png )

No. 442677 ID: af3431
File 134491499440.png - (226.09KB , 700x700 , naughtynaughty.png )

And what might your excuse be, O Guidance Stone of apparently no use whatsoever?
No. 442679 ID: 886a4d

We can only advise. If the person decides not to take it then theres nothing else we can do. Destroy the stone if you want. We'll pick another vessal eventually.
No. 442681 ID: d6c330

Honestly? We didn't really care if he lived or died. Hell, I was kind of hoping we'd get a light show out of it.

Besides, we're only really any good to someone intelligent enough to actually listen to us, and parse our conflicting suggestions into useful perspective.
No. 442683 ID: bf54a8

he really is dumb. we tried to talk him down but he was like "it no time for talk it time for action!" didn't help we apparently turned off right when you handed us over and only woke up right before he attacked. so we only had a limited time to try and convince him rather then a few hours.
No. 442687 ID: bbee3d

One less revolutionary for you to worry about. You can thank us later.
No. 442693 ID: fa9f7e


Also, you really should be grateful that all we can do is advise, or your purity would not be intact.
No. 442706 ID: b85f8c

He was an idiot. I tried to get him to see the facts but he just went ahead and did it anyway.
No. 442726 ID: 4a328b

1) It was hilarious
2) We figured you had a contingency plan, since you said it was also fine if we DIDN'T stop his pathetic attempt
2a) If you DIDN'T have a contingency plan for something like this then you would have proven yourself unworthy, and we would have continued to get our kicks by having our hosts die in amusing ways.
3) Now we can get our kicks by having you kill people in amusing ways!
3a) I guess we can help you with your plans too, or whatever. :D
No. 442729 ID: e3aff6

I could talk about how it was for the best that he died now rather than live to spread his idiocy to any of the others, and I wouldn't be lying.

But really? I just plain like watching fools burn. I'm sure a gentleman of your stature can empathize.
No. 442735 ID: 2c68c5

You're only going to experience minor inconvenience if you get killed anyways. You can expect more of this if you don't keep your hands on us. I mean we can't even be trusted with plants, animals, and minerals. Just hold onto us if you're uncomfortable with being killed in your sleep by a mollusc.
No. 442809 ID: 421c1e

Honestly? We are not exactly the most cohesive of spirits. We help whom we like and we punish who we don't and that varies from voice to voice. I myself prefer you over the hippies and the oaf. Best method to do so is very simply keeping us on you. We cannot advise your enemies if we are with you and any negative advice can easily be deduced and ignore or avoided.

Think of us like a large collective of voices. Some of us are quite smart and effective at what we do, but expect the... 'fun' voices to speak up every so often... that and we have a tendency to reform one way or another. We are persistent like that.
No. 443079 ID: c7db3d

nothing. feel free to destroy us. but you won't, really, will you?
No. 443411 ID: f8d26d

Well could you have taught him to grovel properly in three seconds flat?

Beyond that, he was babbling about seduction by the time I got here, I doubt he'd have listened to anything at that point.
No. 443691 ID: 4169fe

Enough, no further dramatization is required. This event proved our willingness to serve your cause and I'm already convinced of your abilities.
No. 443701 ID: af3431
File 134509115639.png - (225.54KB , 700x700 , changan.png )

You know, you are quite inconvenient like this...

No. 443702 ID: 4169fe

No. 443703 ID: af3431
File 134509124149.png - (169.77KB , 700x700 , grabban.png )

I will have to keep you with me from now on, it seems. And if I am to do that, you must be less...unwieldy.
No. 443704 ID: d6c330

Sweet. New form. Hopefully something cool and functional. Please be a weapon.
No. 443705 ID: 6e44d2

... K.

The hell are you doing to us, bro?
No. 443706 ID: af3431
File 134509143189.png - (133.48KB , 700x700 , istone4.png )

Hence, this shall be your new form. You will be with me at all, if not most times, seeing as you have little effect on those of slower wit. It remains to be seen if you are actually of use to me in my endeavors. I will have to deal with this mess, as well as addressing the troops in the morning, but until then feel free to field any questions you may still have.
No. 443709 ID: d6c330

So... we're a slightly smaller more stylish rock?

I was so hoping for a crystal sword, but I guess you could still ninja star us into someone's eye.

Hey, you're the one with the strange racial compulsion to seek us out. This relationship is on you, babe.
No. 443713 ID: b6edd6

You seem to have the locals dealt with for now, so lets talk long term plans.
Specifically, what do you plan to do about the rest of your people? I somehow doubt that your possession of us will stop the others from trying to obtain us.
No. 443724 ID: 421c1e

Well, at least we are fashionable now. Considering you are quite powerful, the main concern would be threats.

Are there any groups or beings that you have to be watchful for? I'm sure you can handle any lout who can't figure out 2 plus 2, but surely there is something that is stopping you from simply steam rolling the entire world.

Even if it's something you do not expect to face, it would be appreciated to know. Worlds forbid the number of times we've seen some up and coming world ruler get cut down in their prime by some punk kid with a bad hair cut and a oversized sword.
No. 443783 ID: af7a99

You made us into a flowery stickpin? How trite, I suppose we could always tell the next shmuck to 'own us' that we belonged to a little old lady who only wore us out on weekends and holy days. I'm sure the next elf to handle us appreciate the snowflake aesthetic or something.

Now, yes we admit, this pattern has served in company of a deamon or two; the Devil of Iniziare Citta, The Athlhom Demon, That One Rotten Yggdrasil...

However, the main difficulty is that from the start of our memory this pattern has specialized in the banishment or binding of dark entities and the pursuit of freedom, often while aiding an exotic young maiden or idealistic youth or somesuch.

So, what precisely could 'you' require our aid for?
No. 443784 ID: 4169fe

Why, yes! Why hold near the very thing that can bind and banish... Why do you guys keep answering your own questions? Furthermore, I will not discuss the importance of advisors, mainly because I take offense on what you said about our new form.
No. 443921 ID: 6e44d2

Well... I'm not sure. Our morals can be pretty flexible, if our chosen hero's designs are cool enough. Just look at Tory.

Anyway, let's get a layout of your strategic positioning. Who considers you a threat, who can be persuaded we aren't, for the time being, what kind of forces are they fielding, how full's your war chest, what kind of forces are you fielding, etc.
No. 445049 ID: af3431
File 134534805121.png - (276.45KB , 700x700 , dejavu.png )

I would have you know that you are now a more convenient form for carrying either on the belt, or on a wristband or some such accessory. Although, a weapon may be a better form, we'll have to see.

As you can probably tell, the power I just used takes quite a while to wear off, and the longer I use it, the longer it takes to wear off. The problem with that is, once I enter that mindset, I'm locked into whatever emotion charged it, be it anger, self-preservation, even insanity. This is what prevents me from simply steamrolling the landscape. As for your other questions, I believe I already explained: I have no knowledge of the parties or layout of this realm. Other than the few elf villages we have raided, the Ursaps now firmly under control, and the Rictocs satisfied with their leadership, I have not met or heard of anyone else. My ultimate goal is to find any and all peoples in this land and crush them underfoot.

As for my own kind, I find it hard to imagine another, let alone many others, making it to this same dimension. Each dimension has a Guidance Stone, so it is not as if you are the only one and all of my kind must find you, specifically. However, I know very little more than what I have already told you about my people, because what little knowledge we carry over from our past life is lost very quickly.
No. 445053 ID: bf54a8

uh huh. well try to make a note to write everything down as soon as you appear in the next life.
for now, spells that run on blood. specifically elf blood. round up the rest and sacrifice all of them under a full moon or some such.
No. 445070 ID: 9c071b

Nah.. slaughtering elves for magic might be good for the regular man, but what you want are their last moments to be the most hateful thing ever. Make them experience so much negative experience in those last few moments it twists their spirits into horrifying shades of what they were.

My suggestion? Get the men, tie them to the logs of the biggest trees you can find. Set those logs on fire. Have your men have fun with the women and mess with the children and young. Whisper, taunt, and tease the elven men as they burn of the many ways you will corrupt their children. Turn them from sissy little hippies into your personal assassins. Have them watch the horror of their wives and lovers being used and laugh at their incompetence and weakness.

The women will raise moral for your troops, the children can make excellent soldiers with the proper training, and the men? Well, their souls can make excellent murderous spirits if you bind them properly. Hell, bind them to the kids and make use of that ancestor garble they love and corrupt them quicker. After all, children ARE the future.
No. 445166 ID: 4169fe

A bath and a good night's sleep will do you well, my dear.

Horrifying. I'm impressed, sir and/or madam. Maybe we should save some to be servants, however.
No. 445172 ID: d6c330

If I may suggest a more restrained course of action?

You current minions are little better than barbarians, and know not of the wider world. The elves are more settled, peaceful, educated. You could pull details of the wider world from prisoners, or possibly books or records in their villages.
No. 446125 ID: af3431
File 134560217797.png - (292.05KB , 700x700 , gravityofthesituation.png )

That is... actually a good idea. Binding the souls of the slaughtered to the youths is certainly within my power, and a team of small assassins for reconnaissance and stealth missions could come in handy. Unfortunately, the three elf villages we have found have already been... dealt with. If we are to gather elf minions, we will need to search in some new direction. I'll leave that for you to decide, with reference to the map I showed earlier.
No. 446127 ID: bf54a8

there we go, see this is why your people look for us, we help you guys with things you wouldn't even think of. also there should be more then three villages. perhaps an envoy has already gone to a different race for help or something.
No. 446143 ID: d94e2c

So do you have any other weaknesses we should know about? Any hobbies other than elf killing?
No. 446147 ID: b6edd6

Well, aside from elf kindling and every-other-living-thing killing.

By the way, what is the significance of that vaguely arrow-like mark that appeared on your forehead?

Pity about the one-per-world thing. Setting him against the rest of his people would be a perfect way to find out how to do our evil duty to kill him, and would generally be win-win.
No. 446346 ID: f8d26d

It's only a sample size of three, but the northernmost and southernmost villages look to be roughly the same difference away from the westernmost village. And the villages appear to be curving around your domain.

So.. I suggest starting the search in the unexplored region to the south of the axe mark, that looks to be about where a village should be. Another possibilty is the unexplored region in the bottom left corner of the map, that area is far enough away from the burned villages for a settlement to be present. And there is a spot in that corner that is about the same distance from two of the villages as they are from each other.
No. 446478 ID: 9c071b

The other voices are likely correct. If they follow a pattern in their placement as it seems here, then that southern bit likely has a village or two.

You could try taunting them. Slash at a few trees, start a little forest fire, toss some elf bits around, and maybe some 'fun' stuff and you can likely lure them out a bit.

Incidentally, I recommend using some of the trees you cut down for siege towers, siege weaponry, and basic fortifications. Unless the elves in this work are decent with nature magic, this can provide handy cover. Heck, even if they are good at it, charring and 'killing' the wood may prevent them from doing things to them.
No. 446708 ID: af3431
File 134577314626.png - (157.49KB , 700x700 , sealteam6.png )

What you see is my Seal. It is the channel through which I use my power. Were it to come to significant harm, my strength would be seriously diminished. Aside from that, I have no extraordinary weaknesses not present in other beings. Hobbies were not exactly something to focus on while searching for the Guidance Stone, so no, I do not have any hobbies.
No. 446712 ID: af3431
File 134577349555.png - (263.39KB , 700x700 , thisisntcheating.png )

The consensus seems to be to explore to the South, correct? That seems as good a decision as any. As for siege equipment, unfortunately we lack the supplies for construction first off, and secondly the Ursaps are nomadic raiders, so the majority of my forces have had no need for siege equipment or defense structures and don't have the expertise to build them in the first place.
If there are no more questions and a plan has been reached, shall we move on to addressing the troops in the morning and moving out?

Posted in the disthread, kind of important so check out >>59045
No. 446740 ID: b6edd6

Addressing the troops now sounds fine.

Since the disc thread is in a different section, its address is >>/questdis/58143
No. 447706 ID: af3431
File 134595432610.png - (274.88KB , 700x700 , circleoflife.png )

At dawn, I assemble the troops and remind them of their place.

I stand before you with the skull of your deceased ex leader. BigBad felt he was entitled to my position as head of this troupe. Such insubordination is to be expected, but his poorly planned ascent led him to make an attempt on my life. At this point you should recognize how well that turned out for him. In future, I expect complete obedience from each and every one of you. I will address this matter no further.
No. 447715 ID: af3431
File 134595474229.png - (197.71KB , 700x700 , southboundanddown.png )

I appoint the next-in-line warrior, ChipTooth, to be the new leader of the Ursaps. With that handled, We pack up camp and head through the forest to the south.
No. 447894 ID: af3431
File 134598913552.png - (281.15KB , 700x700 , smokeonthetreetops.png )

Uh, Boss? I don't think that was us.

That certainly couldn't be our doing, we've only just explored this area. Should we investigate or avoid that vicinity?
No. 447896 ID: d6c330

Instigate. Someone is being attacked, and someone else is doing the attacking. That gives you two groups to learn from (or at least of). If there's another military faction nearby, it behooves you to be aware of it. Either they're going to be your enemies, rivals, or you can recruit them.
No. 447936 ID: 6e44d2

Might want to see if we can swoop in and be saviors or whatever. Might be good for PR.
No. 447979 ID: b6edd6

Looks like a fight, which is excellent. We can now either side with one group or do away with both while they are occupied.
No. 448039 ID: d94e2c

Looks like we have a consensus, my good man.
I do advise you to look into the matter yourself instead of relying on scouts. We can only see in your immediate vincinity and without knowledge we can do nothing to assist you.
No. 448123 ID: f8d26d

Where is the smoke in relation to our intended destination? I'm a bit worried that the elves might see the smoke and run. Anyway, probably best to investigate as long as the diversion isn't too severe.
No. 448974 ID: af3431
File 134621007560.png - (226.31KB , 700x700 , 8I.png )

Hmmm... This town is suspiciously intact for somewhere supposedly under assault. There are no sounds or signs of battle either. However, screams and crackling flames can be heard farther into the village.
No. 448976 ID: af3431
File 134621027375.png - (284.92KB , 700x700 , thepatriot.png )

...I believe we have reached the source of the disturbance.
No. 448979 ID: d6c330

Hey, where's your cannon fodder? You went in alone, ahead of your troops?

>one man
Well, either you've got a useful recruit or someone to kill. Let's find out. Approach him.
No. 449152 ID: b6edd6

Looks like another fellow who appreciates the finer points of incineration.
No. 449763 ID: af3431
File 134637200643.png - (327.87KB , 700x700 , excusemeprincess.png )

I don't believe I require backup for this one individual and a burning building full of people.

Hello there! I see you appreciate the finer points of incineration as well! Care to explain what exactly you are doing here?
No. 449773 ID: d6c330

>I don't believe I require backup for this one individual and a burning building full of people.
You didn't know it was one individual and burning building when you decided to go on ahead alone. You took a blind risk, for no reason. Maybe it won't hurt you this time, but those are mistakes that will get you long term.
No. 449780 ID: af3431
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"Ilais has spoken. These were unworthy. These were extinguished. Ilais will reward us with the lights of these."
No. 449787 ID: 533c7a

ask who Ilais is. the god of this world perhaps? a great leader? and if burning is how they traditionally kill things then you are pretty safe.
No. 449790 ID: 44f50a

Ohhhh... OHHHH~ is that a dark elf I see? Not only that, but a zealous dark elf who just burned an entire village on his own? Now, see this guy? This is a good second in command. He practically did our work before we even got here!

Still, got to wonder if he's the traditional '27 flavors of elf' dark elf or the corrupted elf type? Either way, commend him on his fine elf burning, ask about the god he worships and so forth.

Heck, we could get him in on that 'ultimate elf suffering' plan! After all, why not tack on zealous loyalty on top of our deranged spirit possessed fallen elf children assassins?
No. 449909 ID: 6e44d2

Looks like his mouth is sown closed. How's he communicating to you?
No. 450181 ID: d94e2c

I like the look of his fellow. He seems like the type you ought to consort with.
No. 451524 ID: af3431
File 134672817319.png - (309.60KB , 700x700 , personalspace.png )

Would Ilais be your lord? Or your god perhaps?

"Ilais speaks to us, for we are the one deemed worthy. Ilais shows us the path. Ilais is the One Who Knows Many Things."

How is it you speak with a sealed mouth?

"We do not speak. We listen. Ilais guides our words to those with whom we must speak."

Would you mind allowing for my personal space? Is there something wrong here?

"Ilais has taken notice of you. You are special. We are told to accompany you. Do you accept?"
No. 451527 ID: bf54a8

sounds powerful. while i don't doubt you could kill this guy, this illais could be a problem if we piss him off, so accept.
No. 451532 ID: d6c330

Creepy powerful right hand man who serves a creepy evil God? Heyo!

Sign him up. This can't go wrong.
No. 451541 ID: d94e2c

Welcome aboard! We always like getting new teammates!
No. 452053 ID: af3431
File 134689466468.png - (238.29KB , 700x700 , openup.png )

"This pleases us. We require no shelter or nourishment, our presence will be no burden on your supplies. If you will excuse us, we must complete our mission here, before we join you."

This... Priest as it would seem, walks away and opens a small bag on his belt. The bag glows white, with a variety of flickering colors dancing in the light.
No. 452056 ID: af3431
File 134689494473.png - (266.69KB , 700x700 , borealis.png )

Priest draws near to the flaming wreckage that was once a building full of people. The screams have long since died. He raises a hand to the building, holding open the bag with the other. After a moment, he begins emitting a whispering, chanting sound, more haunting than any I'd heard before. As his chant draws on, a greenish white energy, the same as in his bag, rises from the ashes and clouds together in a large mass of light. Slowly, a tendril of the energy extends itself out to his hand, pooling slightly before being drawn into his bag.

I am no expert, but I believe Priest is somehow harvesting the magic souls of his victims here. If this is true, we have just made a very powerful ally. Or a very risky mistake.
No. 452060 ID: d6c330

>we have just made a very powerful ally. Or a very risky mistake.
Yeah, we were expecting that as soon as you walked into the village and found it completely murdered by one man jus sitting there.
No. 452062 ID: 44f50a

Oh boy, I absolutely LOVE this guy~ burning down a village, then absorbing the anguishing souls into his soul bag. Sure it lacks a bit of versatility like the child assassin plan, but this is nice in it's own way.

Either way, why don't we help improve our bond with our new companion by going elf hunting and putting that plan into effect? He probably knows where a few villages are and it seems that there is a perimeter of them near the edge of the forest. Of course, if we wish to chance it, going deeper may have actual Elven CITIES which means loot, bodies, souls and children by the bucket loads!
No. 452069 ID: bf54a8

don't think we can do any cities yet, we don't have any siege engines and they could just arrow us to death.
No. 452076 ID: b6edd6

We will have to investigate that bag at some point. A stockpile of soul energy could be useful for all sorts of things.
No. 453121 ID: af3431
File 134724246196.png - (240.97KB , 700x700 , directions.png )

When Priest finishes up, he returns to the group.

Now, Priest, would you happen to know of other elven villages or cities in the area? I have some ideas in mind, that you could perhaps help with, but nevertheless require a village of civilians to slaughter.

"We know of no cities built by the elves, but we have heard say of other villages in the area. Ilais tells us also of new opportunities for slaughter in the south."

It seems we could search the area for more elves to try out that assassin idea, or move south and find what is there. What do you think?
No. 453423 ID: f2c20c

Let's get a couple elven kids. The younger and more impressionable the better.
No. 453433 ID: 4a328b

Oh yes. Kidnap some elven kids and normal elves, make the kids kill the adults :D
No. 454381 ID: af3431
File 134758434250.png - (239.28KB , 700x700 , notapedophilejustamurderer.png )

Very well, we shall scout out some elf villages to experiment on. Priest says Ilais will guide us to the nearest village. After some wandering (which, frankly, often felt like going in circles) we come across a village. I ordered the troops to stay some distance away, and moved with Priest to find some children.

We find a small clearing with several children playing games. They are unsupervised. How should we go about this?
No. 454382 ID: 4a328b

Get some of your thugs to grab'em and then pit them one by one [armed] against unarmed, possibly tied up, adult elves in arena style pit-combat. And they don't get food or anything until they kill the adult. That should learn'em, right?
No. 454391 ID: 9c8e90

Don't get ahead of yourself yet, chief. Focus on capturing the kids ALIVE, first. Then we can decide what to do with them. If you have any sneakitude at all, I suggest flanking the kids on the other side first, and then revealing your presence to them. If you can use your diplomacy to draw them away from the village and then kidnap them quietly, so much the better for you. If you can't, and they get scared, you will be in between them and the village and you can drive them back into the forest where your men can capture them.

I must insist on stressing the point of capturing as many whole, unmurderlated, children as possible. You have many more options available to you, whatever course you decide to pursue. Alive children can always be made dead, but Dead children are very hard to make alive.
No. 454409 ID: 6e44d2

>Nonchalant discussion on murdering kids/using them as child soldiers.

Oh you guys!

Seriously, though, do this: >>454391
No. 454414 ID: bf54a8

indeed. unless you have some currently unknown power to reverse death, it is a one way street. so get as many live ones as you can.
No. 454446 ID: b1a9b2

i recommend offering luring the children into your clutches with chicken sandwiches... why? because every kid is suspicious as hell of a stranger with a lollipop, but they wont think twice about a kind gentleman with delicious mouth watering chicken sandwiches...
No. 454474 ID: 44f50a

Getting children is easy enough. So long as you are gentle and don't do something stupid, they should be easy. Make an interesting noise, draw their attention, and wait until one investigates. Snatch that one up, then snatch the other up. Make sure they don't scream by muffling their mouths. Just be gentle. They are children AND elves after all.

The tricky part in my honest opinion is to make them loyal. That's easy enough with magic, but true loyalty lies with them loving you and hating the things you hate. Make them serving you the best things in their eyes. Twist the image of their parents and family into those of captors. Those that stifle them and let them rot here for so many years. Reward them for doing their duty and following their training, but do not punish them in training. After all, if they fail when given their mission, they face the worst kind of punishment.

Besides, something about raising that lime haired boy into a skilled, loyal and intelligent assassin fills me with joy.
No. 454544 ID: 4a328b

Oh, good plan.

We should probably mostly keep them seperate from each other in the early stages so they don't remind one another about the good parts of their home, y'know? Or only get one assassin from each settlement so they don't have as much common ground--something like that.
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