Bright Sweety Breeze
>Eavesdrop on the soldiers to see if you can get any idea as to what they're doing here, then go around and follow the path.
>how can we determine if they are actually people (and not say souped-up mole-people)? Can we hear/understand what they are saying?
>try to sneak into earshot, see what they're talking about.
You spot two very conveniently positioned soldiers. At present, they’re seated facing you (approximately), but once you go around the camp and get close they’re pointed the exact opposite direction from you. They seem to be enjoying lunch. You seem to be arriving at the tail end of conversation.
“Regardless, I hope they sub us out soon.”
“What, you tired of galah and roo already? Our supplies can’t be too far off.”
“I suppose.”
“Look, I think we can get out of here. Nobody else wants to take that government guy down, so we’ll volunteer and then they’ll have to send us back home. Maybe the next well won’t be so bad.”
As the two ponder on what the next well (?) could possibly entail, another soldier blunders into camp, rushing straight past you without even realising.
He’s most certainly panicked, but delivers his message in an almost calm tone. “An Engelkind,” he says “has been spotted downstairs.”
The entire camp is on their feet with a weapon in every pair of hands in the blink of an eye. A great deal of commotion is burgeoning, soldiers are asking each other for the quartermaster, the pair that you eavesdropped on earlier are well and truly assimilated with the bubbling crowd.